Anecdotally this is what we're seeing. The unjabbed are now overworked because they are constantly having to fill in for the people coming down with their third and fourth round of covid. Not looking forward to this fall and winter.
The real concern is the coming (we know they are preparing) next wave of Plandemic X with repeat masking, vaxxxing, and isolation mandates. These psychopaths are not done with their anti-Human activities. Be prepared!
It is clear that if your company/school/organization mandates you take a vaxx, you should run, not walk, away. I understand people need to feed their families, but if you are made sick or injured, or DIE, who will provide for them then? While you are alive and healthy, you have a chance for a future…
Yes, but follow the process to the letter to request a religious or medical exemption from the employer. In particular regarding a religious exemption, read everything you can from prior case law and the EEOC regarding religious accommodation.
If they demand a letter from a religious leader insist they put it in writing and decline in writing and point to the relevant case law that says this cannot be required. If they try to make you take some sort of logic test (e.g. do you take other medicines?) again decline in writing and point to the relevant case law. You do not have to prove your beliefs are logical, consistent, approved by the pope, or any other such nonsense, just that they are sincere.
I know people don't like to play the game but you have to do it to protect your ability to sue them if they fire you. Insist on everything in writing. Also put in writing that you understand the law (facts, not emotional grandstanding) and that you expect your accommodation to be granted under the relevant legislation (CRA of 1964 or ADA of 1990). Last off, if it comes down to it don't quit but force them to fire or suspend you.
One of the first things a judge will consider in a lawsuit is did you follow the relevant process? If you refused and threw a fit instead it will be held against you in legal action. Stand up for your rights, but be smart about it.
Exactly correct. Best to beat them at their own game! I should have been more succinct. I meant simply to point out that succumbing to their mandates is clearly not the only option! You gave great advice and people should take note of it!
Yep, and all it takes is a small percent - say 5% or even less - to refuse and the whole house of cards falls apart. I'm convinced the Supreme Court overturned Biden's mandates in part because people in the private sector were flat-out refusing to take the vaccine, come hell or high water.
In the Fall of 2021, my employer (a large super-regional Bank) started down this path by first asking employees to state whether they had been injected.
My first instinct was not to answer. However the more I thought about it, the more sure I was that I wasn't the only one, so I answered "not injected"... Mysteriously, not another word was ever spoken about it.
Oh yeah, my company folded as soon as the mandate was overturned in the courts. I had already gotten my religious exemption anyway but ppl were hopping mad at my company all through last fall. I'm sure our clueless leadership didn't realize how unpopular the mandates would be. And they didn't want to have to fire 20% of their workforce. So they backed off as soon they got air cover from the courts.
Yes Judy, I agree 100%. And they are planning "self spreading" vaccines. So they only need to vaccinate 5% of the people and then the vaccine will spread like a virus. Words can not express how unethical this approach is. As soon as they roll out such vaccines, you really have to RUN even faster than now.
I do not know if there are politicians etc. who said they took the vaccine although they did not take them. I think they are brainwashed. If a self spreading vaccine is rolled out, they will think this is great, they will say this is the science and we will follow the science.
Run strait to your lawyer and sue the pants off your employer or whomever made you take the jab. This is the only way to stop this. Hold their pocket books accountable for all vaccine injuries within 30 days is a good start. We need a fresh new congress who will rescind big pharmas legal liability protection from their product causing harm.
Sue them for what? They've created airtight laws stating that in the event the HHS or WHO declares a pandemic emergency, all citizens not only lose all rights but can be forcibly experimented on, even if it requires the military to do so.
See bailiwicknews substack. Apr 28, 2022 titled American Domestic Bioterrorism Program.
How can simply refusing hold any weight when they've murdered thousands in hospitals and nursing homes and many of these were filmed and exposed to the public and yet no one has been charged? It's because the law specifically says it was allowed (even encouraged).
It's because Trump passed laws allowing this. They've been passing laws since at least 1900 so it's been a long time coming.
I'm not against you our anyone on here. What I'm saying is that posting that they can't do this or that without specific knowledge that that's true is counterproductive and leaves everyone who believes it worse off.
Look at all these anti-narrative experts. They get on Rumble or into documentaries and talk about studies and how unsafe the jabs are. But it doesn't mean anything. I think these people are paid to distract us. Just like the FBI raid on Trump means nothing. There will be a million hours of programming created to talk about that and hundreds of millions of hours of people watching it. But Trump is not only in bed with them but did more than any other person to make the plandemic happen.
He hired Robert Kadlec to release the virus and hired Azar to customize preexisting regulations for the Covid plandemic.
Since I discovered Kathering Watt at bailiwicknews I finally understand why all these videos were circulating that tied most of our "heros", even RFK jr of all people, to an occult sect of the United Nations.
We are so screwed! And I'm Canadian and my constitution never got ratified. Brian Peckford suing the government under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is most likely also just a distraction. Peckford aught to know the constitution wasn't ratified. These rights never came into effect and even if they did all rights are suspended due to the emergency.
And this has applied to the entire world. Even though Russia and China never allowed mRNA jabs into their countries, they did do the idiot lockdown and mask measures and did create their own vaccines, but used the same technology as the J&J jabs. Still gene therapy.
So is the Ukraine war fake too. I mean, it's really happening, but are the opposing sides in bed with one another in secret, on a higher level.
Let's try to move away from claiming viruses don't exist or the elites didn't get the jab or issues raised by these lunatic lawyers that are supposedly on our side but who are preaching pie in the sky and behaving unlike any lawyer I've ever witnessed. Let's stop debating endlessly about all this minutiae, and face the fundamental truth. They've built a legal fortress around this stuff that is impregnable. We are royally screwed from a legal perspective.
Maybe this will collapse if enough people fail to comply. I don't know what the solution is or how this will play out. But I've wasted several thousand hours reading the last few years and 3 days ago found out it didn't add up to squat. I'm surrounded, in my life, by compliant nincompoops I can't talk sense to. Only about 3% are anti-narrative and most of those think the moon is hollow and Hitler's living under Antarctica. And don't even try to talk to them about it. Being right about the plandemic is likely the only right thought of their lives.
While all these distractions are going on, governments in Canada, US, Australia are getting the digital ID programmes ready to roll out; it might start with digital ID at birth, digtal driver licenses, travelers ID, etc. to which other info. can be added later, e.g. bank details, medical info.
Dr. Malone wrote today that he found evidence of the coming Flu/Covid Combo Vax already in clinical testing. They will roll that out right after the midterms in the U.S., is my guess.
I hope the military doesn't require it - a family member is in the Army and already had to take the booster, even though she didn't want it. Since they require flu and covid shots, I assume this one will be forced on them also.
I'd trust Malone as far as I could throw him. That weasel is on the inside and knows a million times more than he's saying. Pay attention to his weird body language.
I could be wrong. I'm crossing people off my list and he was off it a long time ago.
Hopefully not but if so, what is missing in their planning sessions is the acknowledgement of minimal staffing in critical areas, not just healthcare.
How many fully-trained workers are minimally required to safely run a Nuclear power plant? How long does it take to acquire the necessary knowledge?
How many lineman are needed to repair infrastructure following bad weather? How many power companies are already sweating bad weather due to in adequate staffing?
If you have a serious disruption to power, many things can disappear, either temporarily or permanently. How many billionaires realize that their wealth is intricately tied to power? If no power, no reading electronic financial records.
How many job openings in <insert industry> before the business is not able to provide service/product which directly impacts the global connected system?
Keep wondering if people have already calculated these "critical numbers" but the facts aren't making it into mainstream narratives.
The absence of enough workers to fill jobs is very perplexing. It is certainly NOT because a few $s were thrown at the peasants by DJT and Unk Joe (while literally trillions were shoveled into the pockets of MIC and BigPharma) or because people are lazy. My reluctant conclusion is that the actual death rates in this country are through the roof and there are actually no bodies to fill the positions. We shall see... Should become apparent very soon.
It is perplexing. However, the excess death numbers are a very small fraction of the total workforce and can't explain the widespread disruptions. Total deaths is about the only statistic that can't be faked unless people think they are hiding corpses somewhere (I don't).
I think a lot of people cashed out 401k's and home equity at the top after 13 years of relentless growth and left the job market. I also think work-from-home has devastated white-collar productivity, people are goofing off and nothing is getting done. Add to that higher than average sick rates (from the vaxxed catching covid chronically) and elevated disability rates (from vax injuries). The excess deaths also play a role to some minor extent but I don't think they are the driver.
I know i'm trying to find alternate income streams because of the lack of PT work- employers seem to be covering the lack of workers by making all jobs 40-hrs week, I've seen 12 hour shifts popping up in industrial jobs locally. I have a life, garden, chickens, other responsibility for my family, I don't want to be always working or in transit, it's not fair to them.
"to April 2022, there have been 2,800,000 additional individuals [in the US according to the St. Louis Fed's survey] who became “disabled”, or 1.37% of the eligible population"
Speaking of healthcare staffing, within the last week, every single member of the nursing team in our department, and the kitchen staff, disappeared batch by batch with Covid.
The unvaccinated patient that they were making snide comments about, meanwhile, is out playing ping pong in the garden.
This... I keep telling( screaming) to anyone who will listen. My husband is a 35 year auto tech. The young ones are always sick. Customers will have nobody to fix cars/ trucks, ect. By the way.. Who's gonna fix all these EV's??? Nobody. Nobody wants to learn or work. This bill is horseshit!!!
I'm also a 42 year auto tech. Same story here....all the vaxxed keep getting sick. Now....we unvaxxed also get sick here and there, but not to the extent that the vaxxed do. And yes, the young ones are fairly useless when push comes to shove. But than again, when I was young....the older techs always told us how lazy we were.....kind of a generational thing.
They are basing an entirely new massive REVENUE STREAMS based on these dangerous and ineffective shots. This is scary, scary stuff.. Seems that NOTHING can or will stop them. Once they get them in the children's vaccine schedule its OVER.
While the use of this new technology for other virus vectors is now the next great thing, Malone out of all understands the risk. The selected mRNA does not expire via normal immune system cleaning functions. The lipids used may also have unknown long term effects on immune function.
His work over 20 years and his watching others work over another 20 suggest the issues are really difficult. He may be miffed that his difficulties were overcome or they remain and we haven't tested enough. I think the testing has been inadequate.
There is an easy way to stop this. People just have to STOP enrolling in these studies.
Of course, they can just move studies to things like "prisons" and "military personnel" but we can make it hard for them. Don't. Take. Part. In. Their. Trials.
I am not worried. I have concerns about a few things, but their greedily ramping up for plandemic 2 holds no sway over my emotional life. They will do what they will do. Likewise, you and I and everyone else will do what we will do. You resisted round 1, you think you will fall for round 2? I think there is zero chance of that. I think we are stronger for enduring round 1. Especially the folks in CA or MI or HI or Kittens in PR!
Hand wringing over what villains will do is a waste of time.
A happy side note:
I saw the CEO of Moderna is bemoaning the fact that they had to destroy vast amounts of their vaccine. Why? Nobody but the diehards want it anymore. Maybe people are sorting it out.
There is the possibility that a great unraveling will commence this fall with increased sickness, decreased productivity due to after-effects.
The Ponzi scheme of just-in-time, intricately linked commerce will unravel when there are thousands of mini crises that slowly, at first, starts grinding everything to a halt.
Surely though if you have natural immunity you should be able to ride out the waves of reinfections until the jabbed eventually develop natural immunity after their 4th or 5th round? It doesn't look like there will be as big of an uptake for the new 'updated' vaccines either
Speculation here, but each injection damages the innate immune system, so with time a recipient's own defenses are destroyed and the only thing that will save them is MORE injections of vaxxx that may giver temporary immune function - until the next strain... The model is the same as Microsoft Windows (hence Gates fascination with and involvement in this insanity - a never-ending revenue stream) - constant updates (injections) needed to deal with new "viruses".
My fear is mandatory jab, held down by the military, foreign UN military. Aside from the depopulation speculation, there has to be another agenda to get the mRNA jab into every arm.
single vax>double vax> vax plus b00ster> vax plus 2 b00sters.
I don't think there are any real numbers out there. But my guess is overall, it's over 50% completely unvaxxed in the US. However, when you get to certain age groups, like over 55, it's much higher.
This might be more like when your brother intentionally changes out the salt for the sugar, and then lies about it, then tells you salt is better than sugar on cereal anyways, and eventually blames the dog for everything.
Fry pancetta or guanciale (which is what the original recipe calls for) and chopped onion (optional). Chefs won't necessarily use olive oil preferring to let the fat of the guanciale to serve as oil. I do both. If I use pancetta I use a little olive oil.
I use fresh eggs and whisk it into a cream in a bowl. The trick is to whisk the egg with a lot of pecorino (which is creamier than parmigiano) and pepper in a bowl while adding pasta water. Once you reach your desired creaminess you pour that sucker into a pan with the spaghetti (i know people use all sorts of other pasta but let's keep to the classic here) and keep stirring it (you don't want to have turn into scrambled eggs) while also adding pasta water which helps to emulsify.
You can add still more cheese all along.
I love pepper so I stack it on. Some think you should pack it on. I've had it in Rome where they don't put so much.
NO GARLIC OR CREAM. Don't make me hear any of you do that or I'll take the wooden spoon and spank you.
I'm also partial to real Alfredo. Cream, butter garlic, salt, white pepper parm, No effing milk, flour, roux, etc ( all just tricks to keep it standing in a steam table).
My first introduction to Alfredo and Carbonara were at an Italian restaurant I was bussing at early in my career. I was from the midwest and up to that point had pretty much only eaten overcooked food and thought white sauces looked weird. I finally tried them and I swear, it was like angels came out and were singing on my tongue. It inspired me to cook, which I did for over 30 years.
I took a call from a manager this morning asking me to do something for him later this week. No problem, says I, he'd already given me a heads-up that it was possible. He then proceeded to tell me he'd received his "second booster dose" and a couple days later started having Covid symptoms, and sure enough tested positive.
I've never considered him a stupid man, but he's clearly 100% blue pilled on this. I didn't even bother to say anything to him about what he's done to himself. His kids are about grown now (late teenage years I think) so if he fouls up his health beyond recovery jabbing himself over & over, then at least his kids got their childhood with him.
I work in a nursing home and we have been chronically short staffed for 2 years. I’m beyond burnt out! It seems I’m the only one at my work aware of the doom we are heading towards this fall/winter. Everyone is happy with the loosening noose and they honestly think Covid is over…never mind the n95 masks, constant testing and isolation of asymptomatic positives….and don’t forget the constant Pfizer sponsored vaccine push!
You are right Sasha, I am hearing this from pureblood friends of mine in the UK, in all walks of life, who are having to cover repeatedly for sick jabbed friends. Have a listen to this British doctor, Dr. David Cartland, talking about what is going on:
If I were a business owner I would be concerned. As an employee I wouldn't give two F's. Work the hours you always have. If not, businesses are begging for workers. All levels. You, Sasha, are the master of your work'o'verse.
The unfortunate thing was this company never mandated it and never even brought it up when Biden said he was going to force OSHA to do it. These dummies when and got it on their own.
Yet, I am guessing you didn't. What the company does is up to them. What people do (unless they are in jail and things are forced on them) is up to them. There are terrible predicaments a lot of good people have been forced to face these last 2.5 yrs, but in the end we all decide for ourselves what we will do (for now). It is indeed unfortunate.
Be strong, courageous and look ahead. If you see something coming that could threaten you or your family, you will have a plan. If you live in a restrictive, commie state and can move - - consider it. I did. Thank God it was well before the plandemic. My sweet neighbors in WA have been on house arrest for 2 years. I live in a state where the civilians basically ignored it after 3 months. People don't realize there are states where your family can live without as much governmental stranglehold. Or stay and fix it. Probably the more courageous choice.
Just fire the malingering vaxxed. Give them unemployment or disability if they were truly forced to get jabbed, and take it out of the funds of the corporations, institutions, and administrators who forced them.
Just an FYI to those out there considering them because you had your cholesterol tested and it is high. If you exercise vigorously within 3 days of your test it will be elevated. If you are untrained and exercise it is even higher.
My husband is an athlete at trains hard. He got cholesterol test and it was high. They recommended statins and were MAD that he said, no. He did some reasearch and found out about the exercise effect. He reported it to the doctor. He didn't know and I think he will not take it into account with other patients. Pill mills.
If we take the increased all cause mortality found in psychiatric drug studies. Take that increase with the percentage of people taking them we find that psychiatric drugs are killing roughly 500,000 people every year.
Is there a reason why NO ONE will do a real study comparing the reinfection frequency of those who have received 1, 2 or 3+ shots vs UNVACCINATED control group? It is MIND BOGGLING that no one will touch this study with a ten foot pole. We ALL know anecdotally that the vaccinated/booster were catching Omicron WAY MORE than those of us who are unvaccinated. We were around a bunch of people all summer long who were infected with Omicron while we were with them, yet we unvaxed didn't have so much as a sniffle. WHERE IS THIS STUDY?
Igor, couldn't you get funding from like Steve Kirsch or some rich awaken donor? Those study result would be EPIC and would go a long way towards waking the sleeping COVIDIAN masses.
The CEO of Pfizer is on record that the first 2 shots do nothing and that a third is somewhat effective. Most jabbed people have taken 2 shots and then lined up for boosters as well. A normal thinking being would have understood that something is horribly wrong after the first 2 shots but not this lot. In short, you give the Covidian cultists too much credit. They clearly lack even the most basic level of intelligence (I wore T-shirt with a higher IQ) and no amount of evidence will sway them. They are more likely to believe that the study has been manipulated rather than break their faith in the jabs.
As always, look at the studies and investigations that do not happen. If they don't want to confirm something (that would be embarrassing to them, or prove their complicity), they simply don't investigate it. If you don't investigate something, you can't "confirm" it. It's a surprisingly simple SOP.
Also recall those scientists with hundreds of published papers who could not get their mask study published simply because it found no benefits.
Also recall the Oregon doctor who had his medical licenses revoked because he authored a study showing kids who are not vaccinated had better health outcomes.
Indirect censorship is far more effective than banning books.
Their mission is "To collect the long-term health data of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-free from every country, so we can provide the missing control group to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated; thus enabling independent and transparent, comparative analysis of the mass vaccination policy."
Participant info is anonymized and free to researchers.
See my post on Quebec Canada's statistics provided by a Newspaper. Clear. LeDevoir covid. It's in French but you'll figure it out. Check figure 2 and figure 5 (hospitalisations and infections). Click to your right to see numbers in each category. They have stopped reporting in July: the comparison because I suspect it was too embarrassing. It's not about re-infection, but nevertheless it's very obvious something wrong is going on.
Anecdotally this is what we're seeing. The unjabbed are now overworked because they are constantly having to fill in for the people coming down with their third and fourth round of covid. Not looking forward to this fall and winter.
I am also "not looking forward" and very worried
The real concern is the coming (we know they are preparing) next wave of Plandemic X with repeat masking, vaxxxing, and isolation mandates. These psychopaths are not done with their anti-Human activities. Be prepared!
It is clear that if your company/school/organization mandates you take a vaxx, you should run, not walk, away. I understand people need to feed their families, but if you are made sick or injured, or DIE, who will provide for them then? While you are alive and healthy, you have a chance for a future…
Yes, but follow the process to the letter to request a religious or medical exemption from the employer. In particular regarding a religious exemption, read everything you can from prior case law and the EEOC regarding religious accommodation.
If they demand a letter from a religious leader insist they put it in writing and decline in writing and point to the relevant case law that says this cannot be required. If they try to make you take some sort of logic test (e.g. do you take other medicines?) again decline in writing and point to the relevant case law. You do not have to prove your beliefs are logical, consistent, approved by the pope, or any other such nonsense, just that they are sincere.
I know people don't like to play the game but you have to do it to protect your ability to sue them if they fire you. Insist on everything in writing. Also put in writing that you understand the law (facts, not emotional grandstanding) and that you expect your accommodation to be granted under the relevant legislation (CRA of 1964 or ADA of 1990). Last off, if it comes down to it don't quit but force them to fire or suspend you.
One of the first things a judge will consider in a lawsuit is did you follow the relevant process? If you refused and threw a fit instead it will be held against you in legal action. Stand up for your rights, but be smart about it.
This is EXCELLENT advice! Thanks for sharing it for anyone put in this position.
Exactly correct. Best to beat them at their own game! I should have been more succinct. I meant simply to point out that succumbing to their mandates is clearly not the only option! You gave great advice and people should take note of it!
When Boeing stood up to Biden, and was not going to require vaccines, he had to back down
Excellent advice!
Yep, and all it takes is a small percent - say 5% or even less - to refuse and the whole house of cards falls apart. I'm convinced the Supreme Court overturned Biden's mandates in part because people in the private sector were flat-out refusing to take the vaccine, come hell or high water.
I believe this too! 100%!
In the Fall of 2021, my employer (a large super-regional Bank) started down this path by first asking employees to state whether they had been injected.
My first instinct was not to answer. However the more I thought about it, the more sure I was that I wasn't the only one, so I answered "not injected"... Mysteriously, not another word was ever spoken about it.
Stand strong! You are not alone!
Oh yeah, my company folded as soon as the mandate was overturned in the courts. I had already gotten my religious exemption anyway but ppl were hopping mad at my company all through last fall. I'm sure our clueless leadership didn't realize how unpopular the mandates would be. And they didn't want to have to fire 20% of their workforce. So they backed off as soon they got air cover from the courts.
Yes Judy, I agree 100%. And they are planning "self spreading" vaccines. So they only need to vaccinate 5% of the people and then the vaccine will spread like a virus. Words can not express how unethical this approach is. As soon as they roll out such vaccines, you really have to RUN even faster than now.
Have read about this previously but how will "they" then remain safe? As you know damn well none of "them" ever took these injections!
I do not know if there are politicians etc. who said they took the vaccine although they did not take them. I think they are brainwashed. If a self spreading vaccine is rolled out, they will think this is great, they will say this is the science and we will follow the science.
How do you know that? What proof is there?
That makes me laugh - all the folks who got them just so they go go to concerts and bars! We use to joke and say not if you're dead and/or injured!
Run strait to your lawyer and sue the pants off your employer or whomever made you take the jab. This is the only way to stop this. Hold their pocket books accountable for all vaccine injuries within 30 days is a good start. We need a fresh new congress who will rescind big pharmas legal liability protection from their product causing harm.
Sue them for what? They've created airtight laws stating that in the event the HHS or WHO declares a pandemic emergency, all citizens not only lose all rights but can be forcibly experimented on, even if it requires the military to do so.
See bailiwicknews substack. Apr 28, 2022 titled American Domestic Bioterrorism Program.
How can simply refusing hold any weight when they've murdered thousands in hospitals and nursing homes and many of these were filmed and exposed to the public and yet no one has been charged? It's because the law specifically says it was allowed (even encouraged).
It's because Trump passed laws allowing this. They've been passing laws since at least 1900 so it's been a long time coming.
I'm not against you our anyone on here. What I'm saying is that posting that they can't do this or that without specific knowledge that that's true is counterproductive and leaves everyone who believes it worse off.
Look at all these anti-narrative experts. They get on Rumble or into documentaries and talk about studies and how unsafe the jabs are. But it doesn't mean anything. I think these people are paid to distract us. Just like the FBI raid on Trump means nothing. There will be a million hours of programming created to talk about that and hundreds of millions of hours of people watching it. But Trump is not only in bed with them but did more than any other person to make the plandemic happen.
He hired Robert Kadlec to release the virus and hired Azar to customize preexisting regulations for the Covid plandemic.
Since I discovered Kathering Watt at bailiwicknews I finally understand why all these videos were circulating that tied most of our "heros", even RFK jr of all people, to an occult sect of the United Nations.
We are so screwed! And I'm Canadian and my constitution never got ratified. Brian Peckford suing the government under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is most likely also just a distraction. Peckford aught to know the constitution wasn't ratified. These rights never came into effect and even if they did all rights are suspended due to the emergency.
And this has applied to the entire world. Even though Russia and China never allowed mRNA jabs into their countries, they did do the idiot lockdown and mask measures and did create their own vaccines, but used the same technology as the J&J jabs. Still gene therapy.
So is the Ukraine war fake too. I mean, it's really happening, but are the opposing sides in bed with one another in secret, on a higher level.
Let's try to move away from claiming viruses don't exist or the elites didn't get the jab or issues raised by these lunatic lawyers that are supposedly on our side but who are preaching pie in the sky and behaving unlike any lawyer I've ever witnessed. Let's stop debating endlessly about all this minutiae, and face the fundamental truth. They've built a legal fortress around this stuff that is impregnable. We are royally screwed from a legal perspective.
Maybe this will collapse if enough people fail to comply. I don't know what the solution is or how this will play out. But I've wasted several thousand hours reading the last few years and 3 days ago found out it didn't add up to squat. I'm surrounded, in my life, by compliant nincompoops I can't talk sense to. Only about 3% are anti-narrative and most of those think the moon is hollow and Hitler's living under Antarctica. And don't even try to talk to them about it. Being right about the plandemic is likely the only right thought of their lives.
While all these distractions are going on, governments in Canada, US, Australia are getting the digital ID programmes ready to roll out; it might start with digital ID at birth, digtal driver licenses, travelers ID, etc. to which other info. can be added later, e.g. bank details, medical info.
Masking was just a way to give us the mRNA poison. When the poison was given, masks became unnecessary.
Dr. Malone wrote today that he found evidence of the coming Flu/Covid Combo Vax already in clinical testing. They will roll that out right after the midterms in the U.S., is my guess.
Yes! Beyond dangerous.
Hypothesis based on VAERS data, these will all share the same adverse events at very similar frequencies.
I hope the military doesn't require it - a family member is in the Army and already had to take the booster, even though she didn't want it. Since they require flu and covid shots, I assume this one will be forced on them also.
I don't know about a flu/covid combo vaxx, by my friend who manages clinical trials for Pfizer is overseeing mRNA flu, pneumonia and shingles trials.
The only good news is that these are not on an accelerated timeline and will take the normal 7 to 10 years.
I'd trust Malone as far as I could throw him. That weasel is on the inside and knows a million times more than he's saying. Pay attention to his weird body language.
I could be wrong. I'm crossing people off my list and he was off it a long time ago.
I have mixed feelings about Malone. He says the right thing... but still. I just don't know. Like you, I hope I'm wrong.
Hopefully not but if so, what is missing in their planning sessions is the acknowledgement of minimal staffing in critical areas, not just healthcare.
How many fully-trained workers are minimally required to safely run a Nuclear power plant? How long does it take to acquire the necessary knowledge?
How many lineman are needed to repair infrastructure following bad weather? How many power companies are already sweating bad weather due to in adequate staffing?
If you have a serious disruption to power, many things can disappear, either temporarily or permanently. How many billionaires realize that their wealth is intricately tied to power? If no power, no reading electronic financial records.
How many job openings in <insert industry> before the business is not able to provide service/product which directly impacts the global connected system?
Keep wondering if people have already calculated these "critical numbers" but the facts aren't making it into mainstream narratives.
The absence of enough workers to fill jobs is very perplexing. It is certainly NOT because a few $s were thrown at the peasants by DJT and Unk Joe (while literally trillions were shoveled into the pockets of MIC and BigPharma) or because people are lazy. My reluctant conclusion is that the actual death rates in this country are through the roof and there are actually no bodies to fill the positions. We shall see... Should become apparent very soon.
It is perplexing. However, the excess death numbers are a very small fraction of the total workforce and can't explain the widespread disruptions. Total deaths is about the only statistic that can't be faked unless people think they are hiding corpses somewhere (I don't).
I think a lot of people cashed out 401k's and home equity at the top after 13 years of relentless growth and left the job market. I also think work-from-home has devastated white-collar productivity, people are goofing off and nothing is getting done. Add to that higher than average sick rates (from the vaxxed catching covid chronically) and elevated disability rates (from vax injuries). The excess deaths also play a role to some minor extent but I don't think they are the driver.
Anyways, just my opinion.
I know i'm trying to find alternate income streams because of the lack of PT work- employers seem to be covering the lack of workers by making all jobs 40-hrs week, I've seen 12 hour shifts popping up in industrial jobs locally. I have a life, garden, chickens, other responsibility for my family, I don't want to be always working or in transit, it's not fair to them.
Makes sense, but one still wonders about this picture!
Well, Ethical Skeptic on Twitter has done some number crunching and claims 331,000 working men have died in the last 15 months.
Shouldn't demand also go through the floor in that case?
This is what I fear is happening. We shall see.
1.37% of the population (so far) doesn't sound like much, but it sure does tighten job markets up.
"to April 2022, there have been 2,800,000 additional individuals [in the US according to the St. Louis Fed's survey] who became “disabled”, or 1.37% of the eligible population"
Yes, This mat be where a lot of the "bodies" are... Not dead yet, but on the way...
Yes. And this is where I think the blindness of the "great planners" may find themselves in a pickle that they are unable to extricate themselves.
It's akin to the butterfly flapping her wings analogy.
They seem to be low paying service jobs that are unfilled. I just assumed that many "migrants" went back to their home countries to ride this out.
Speaking of healthcare staffing, within the last week, every single member of the nursing team in our department, and the kitchen staff, disappeared batch by batch with Covid.
The unvaccinated patient that they were making snide comments about, meanwhile, is out playing ping pong in the garden.
Love it. Karma is rough,
This... I keep telling( screaming) to anyone who will listen. My husband is a 35 year auto tech. The young ones are always sick. Customers will have nobody to fix cars/ trucks, ect. By the way.. Who's gonna fix all these EV's??? Nobody. Nobody wants to learn or work. This bill is horseshit!!!
I'm also a 42 year auto tech. Same story here....all the vaxxed keep getting sick. Now....we unvaxxed also get sick here and there, but not to the extent that the vaxxed do. And yes, the young ones are fairly useless when push comes to shove. But than again, when I was young....the older techs always told us how lazy we were.....kind of a generational thing.
Thanks for this. I appreciate you.
This just in from Dr, Malone:
As I predicted. TPTB are gearing up to eliminate us!
They are basing an entirely new massive REVENUE STREAMS based on these dangerous and ineffective shots. This is scary, scary stuff.. Seems that NOTHING can or will stop them. Once they get them in the children's vaccine schedule its OVER.
While the use of this new technology for other virus vectors is now the next great thing, Malone out of all understands the risk. The selected mRNA does not expire via normal immune system cleaning functions. The lipids used may also have unknown long term effects on immune function.
His work over 20 years and his watching others work over another 20 suggest the issues are really difficult. He may be miffed that his difficulties were overcome or they remain and we haven't tested enough. I think the testing has been inadequate.
I just posted about the implications of these materials for the brain:
I hope this gets a boost.
Holy crap.
There is an easy way to stop this. People just have to STOP enrolling in these studies.
Of course, they can just move studies to things like "prisons" and "military personnel" but we can make it hard for them. Don't. Take. Part. In. Their. Trials.
Just say ' NO'! Make that a HELL NO!!!!!!!
Agree. We must remain vigilant.
The people will do it all over again.
The second time around is what we should all fear the most.
I am not worried. I have concerns about a few things, but their greedily ramping up for plandemic 2 holds no sway over my emotional life. They will do what they will do. Likewise, you and I and everyone else will do what we will do. You resisted round 1, you think you will fall for round 2? I think there is zero chance of that. I think we are stronger for enduring round 1. Especially the folks in CA or MI or HI or Kittens in PR!
Hand wringing over what villains will do is a waste of time.
A happy side note:
I saw the CEO of Moderna is bemoaning the fact that they had to destroy vast amounts of their vaccine. Why? Nobody but the diehards want it anymore. Maybe people are sorting it out.
Let's ROLL Raptor!
There is the possibility that a great unraveling will commence this fall with increased sickness, decreased productivity due to after-effects.
The Ponzi scheme of just-in-time, intricately linked commerce will unravel when there are thousands of mini crises that slowly, at first, starts grinding everything to a halt.
The normal person will do it all over again. I'll stand by that statement.
These "leaders" are still leading society ... so what do we think is going to happen in the future?
Surely though if you have natural immunity you should be able to ride out the waves of reinfections until the jabbed eventually develop natural immunity after their 4th or 5th round? It doesn't look like there will be as big of an uptake for the new 'updated' vaccines either
Not so sure one can develop natural immunity after injections...?
Speculation here, but each injection damages the innate immune system, so with time a recipient's own defenses are destroyed and the only thing that will save them is MORE injections of vaxxx that may giver temporary immune function - until the next strain... The model is the same as Microsoft Windows (hence Gates fascination with and involvement in this insanity - a never-ending revenue stream) - constant updates (injections) needed to deal with new "viruses".
In fairness, even Gates himself has admitted that vaccine passports and mandates are now pointless as the vaccines only provide temporary protection:
I'm hoping they do as family and friends have all been jabbed and have to work alongside them in a shitty unventilated office
My fear is mandatory jab, held down by the military, foreign UN military. Aside from the depopulation speculation, there has to be another agenda to get the mRNA jab into every arm.
Dr. Chudov, about what percent of the American adult population have not been injected? It seems to be so small...?
Not as small as you think.
My guess is it goes like this:
single vax>double vax> vax plus b00ster> vax plus 2 b00sters.
I don't think there are any real numbers out there. But my guess is overall, it's over 50% completely unvaxxed in the US. However, when you get to certain age groups, like over 55, it's much higher.
It's going to be hell.
Like watching someone put cream in the spaghetti alla carbonara.
Or like mistaking salt for sugar on you're favorite cereal...and then having to eat it the rest of your life...whoops
This might be more like when your brother intentionally changes out the salt for the sugar, and then lies about it, then tells you salt is better than sugar on cereal anyways, and eventually blames the dog for everything.
I've done worse.
You're not a Brit then,
Eva is gonna hunt you down if you do that.
Are you willing to share your recipe? Do you put tons of black pepper in? My recipe uses raw egg.
*My* recipe is the Roman way. When in Rome....
Fry pancetta or guanciale (which is what the original recipe calls for) and chopped onion (optional). Chefs won't necessarily use olive oil preferring to let the fat of the guanciale to serve as oil. I do both. If I use pancetta I use a little olive oil.
I use fresh eggs and whisk it into a cream in a bowl. The trick is to whisk the egg with a lot of pecorino (which is creamier than parmigiano) and pepper in a bowl while adding pasta water. Once you reach your desired creaminess you pour that sucker into a pan with the spaghetti (i know people use all sorts of other pasta but let's keep to the classic here) and keep stirring it (you don't want to have turn into scrambled eggs) while also adding pasta water which helps to emulsify.
You can add still more cheese all along.
I love pepper so I stack it on. Some think you should pack it on. I've had it in Rome where they don't put so much.
NO GARLIC OR CREAM. Don't make me hear any of you do that or I'll take the wooden spoon and spank you.
Yup. The way I learned in the restaurant. One of the greatest dishes ever.
It really is. My daughter's favourite pasta dish since I first made it for her when she was this high.
I'm also partial to real Alfredo. Cream, butter garlic, salt, white pepper parm, No effing milk, flour, roux, etc ( all just tricks to keep it standing in a steam table).
My first introduction to Alfredo and Carbonara were at an Italian restaurant I was bussing at early in my career. I was from the midwest and up to that point had pretty much only eaten overcooked food and thought white sauces looked weird. I finally tried them and I swear, it was like angels came out and were singing on my tongue. It inspired me to cook, which I did for over 30 years.
I took a call from a manager this morning asking me to do something for him later this week. No problem, says I, he'd already given me a heads-up that it was possible. He then proceeded to tell me he'd received his "second booster dose" and a couple days later started having Covid symptoms, and sure enough tested positive.
I've never considered him a stupid man, but he's clearly 100% blue pilled on this. I didn't even bother to say anything to him about what he's done to himself. His kids are about grown now (late teenage years I think) so if he fouls up his health beyond recovery jabbing himself over & over, then at least his kids got their childhood with him.
I work in a nursing home and we have been chronically short staffed for 2 years. I’m beyond burnt out! It seems I’m the only one at my work aware of the doom we are heading towards this fall/winter. Everyone is happy with the loosening noose and they honestly think Covid is over…never mind the n95 masks, constant testing and isolation of asymptomatic positives….and don’t forget the constant Pfizer sponsored vaccine push!
The most barbaric form of job security.
So there's that.
So sad. Sorry you have to deal with it.
You are right Sasha, I am hearing this from pureblood friends of mine in the UK, in all walks of life, who are having to cover repeatedly for sick jabbed friends. Have a listen to this British doctor, Dr. David Cartland, talking about what is going on:
I wish I could overwork. I'm about to lose my job and is hard to find work anywhere because many companies require the shot.
Me too. But I lost my job last Nov. Seems employers have enough compliant workers to go around.
If I were a business owner I would be concerned. As an employee I wouldn't give two F's. Work the hours you always have. If not, businesses are begging for workers. All levels. You, Sasha, are the master of your work'o'verse.
The unfortunate thing was this company never mandated it and never even brought it up when Biden said he was going to force OSHA to do it. These dummies when and got it on their own.
Yet, I am guessing you didn't. What the company does is up to them. What people do (unless they are in jail and things are forced on them) is up to them. There are terrible predicaments a lot of good people have been forced to face these last 2.5 yrs, but in the end we all decide for ourselves what we will do (for now). It is indeed unfortunate.
Be strong, courageous and look ahead. If you see something coming that could threaten you or your family, you will have a plan. If you live in a restrictive, commie state and can move - - consider it. I did. Thank God it was well before the plandemic. My sweet neighbors in WA have been on house arrest for 2 years. I live in a state where the civilians basically ignored it after 3 months. People don't realize there are states where your family can live without as much governmental stranglehold. Or stay and fix it. Probably the more courageous choice.
Not concerned about the "rounds" of covid. What is really concerning are the next boosters and what damage they will do?
Just fire the malingering vaxxed. Give them unemployment or disability if they were truly forced to get jabbed, and take it out of the funds of the corporations, institutions, and administrators who forced them.
I hate eugenics programs!
::Morpheus' voice::
What if I told you that everything in medicine is an eugenics program?
SSRI's, benzos, the big cholesterol con, antibiotics, birth control pills, screening for cancer, chemo...
The only thing that is not about eugenics is the postmortem analysis.
(I may (or may not) exaggerate a little for comic effect)
I'd add statins.
Just an FYI to those out there considering them because you had your cholesterol tested and it is high. If you exercise vigorously within 3 days of your test it will be elevated. If you are untrained and exercise it is even higher.
My husband is an athlete at trains hard. He got cholesterol test and it was high. They recommended statins and were MAD that he said, no. He did some reasearch and found out about the exercise effect. He reported it to the doctor. He didn't know and I think he will not take it into account with other patients. Pill mills.
Also -
Your glucose goes up as well. FYI.
I'd add that testing oxidized LDL is more useful to discern whether cholesterol is a problem.
I’d try Niacin before I’d take a statin. In fact, I’d probably never take a statin now, after all this.
If we take the increased all cause mortality found in psychiatric drug studies. Take that increase with the percentage of people taking them we find that psychiatric drugs are killing roughly 500,000 people every year.
We are sorry to inform you, but your job application at the BMGF was rejected...
In our opinion, you lack motivation.
I heard that if you say the name of BG three times in front of a mirror he will appear and start selling you stuff you don't need.
Is there a reason why NO ONE will do a real study comparing the reinfection frequency of those who have received 1, 2 or 3+ shots vs UNVACCINATED control group? It is MIND BOGGLING that no one will touch this study with a ten foot pole. We ALL know anecdotally that the vaccinated/booster were catching Omicron WAY MORE than those of us who are unvaccinated. We were around a bunch of people all summer long who were infected with Omicron while we were with them, yet we unvaxed didn't have so much as a sniffle. WHERE IS THIS STUDY?
It is NOT ALLOWED by grant givers
Igor, couldn't you get funding from like Steve Kirsch or some rich awaken donor? Those study result would be EPIC and would go a long way towards waking the sleeping COVIDIAN masses.
Then you do not get access to the data
> Those study result would be EPIC and would go a long way towards waking the sleeping COVIDIAN masses.
It's possible you underestimate stupidity in Covidiots. :D
100% agreed. In fact I honestly to do not think that their stupidity can be measured because it looks to be infinite.
The CEO of Pfizer is on record that the first 2 shots do nothing and that a third is somewhat effective. Most jabbed people have taken 2 shots and then lined up for boosters as well. A normal thinking being would have understood that something is horribly wrong after the first 2 shots but not this lot. In short, you give the Covidian cultists too much credit. They clearly lack even the most basic level of intelligence (I wore T-shirt with a higher IQ) and no amount of evidence will sway them. They are more likely to believe that the study has been manipulated rather than break their faith in the jabs.
As always, look at the studies and investigations that do not happen. If they don't want to confirm something (that would be embarrassing to them, or prove their complicity), they simply don't investigate it. If you don't investigate something, you can't "confirm" it. It's a surprisingly simple SOP.
Also recall those scientists with hundreds of published papers who could not get their mask study published simply because it found no benefits.
Also recall the Oregon doctor who had his medical licenses revoked because he authored a study showing kids who are not vaccinated had better health outcomes.
Indirect censorship is far more effective than banning books.
I would volunteer to be in the control group for this :)
There is a UK group soliciting the never-vaccinated to act as a control group.
You can read about it here:
You can join the control group at:
Their mission is "To collect the long-term health data of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-free from every country, so we can provide the missing control group to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated; thus enabling independent and transparent, comparative analysis of the mass vaccination policy."
Participant info is anonymized and free to researchers.
See Horizons comment below. Please join this group. I am a member and I think it will be important to continue to document health of the unjabbed.
See my post on Quebec Canada's statistics provided by a Newspaper. Clear. LeDevoir covid. It's in French but you'll figure it out. Check figure 2 and figure 5 (hospitalisations and infections). Click to your right to see numbers in each category. They have stopped reporting in July: the comparison because I suspect it was too embarrassing. It's not about re-infection, but nevertheless it's very obvious something wrong is going on.
Hi, Sophie.
I'm in Montreal. My French isn't all that good, though.
Hi D.K! I'm in Montreal too! My English sucks but thank you for putting up with my "Frenglish"!! LOL!!