Odd that mice of incest were not affected. Gee, does this support reports of genetic bloodlines who engage in incest to preserve their ancestry?

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Worse. I was born Hungarian and Karikó (one of the Nobel Prize receivers) was too.

The bitch took up the covert name "Zsolt Lengyel" (Zsolt is a male name in Hungary) back in the 70s, and worked as a government secret agent, at the counter-espionage department.

The bitch is no more doctor, than I am (and I'm just a translator).

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May I suggest that MRNA is fake? They have never made it work ever.

What people are finding is all the extra junk the manufacturers put in there ( besides the known toxins and cancer-causing chemicals). It is their special sauce to make you sick and a perpetual pharma client, trying to remedy the damage they caused.

Profit motive maybe.

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Hi Igor. This is scary stuff indeed. I thought you explained the frame shifting really well. I’ve read about this finding several times and you’ve presented it the best, you made it easy to understand. Thanks 😊

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Decades ago when I wrote code to process serial data, if uC missed the framing header data the program would always toss that frame because I knew it was junk. The body sadly doesn’t do CRC checking.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Oh my God! This is criminal!

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Can these mutations be classed as prions?

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

My twins have a frameshift mutation after a few childhood vaccines. A gene that makes a protein now makes those junk proteins you talk about. They have uncontrollable seizures, vision issues, global developmental delays. It’s a nightmare. It’s not just the Covid shot they are putting this garbage in.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Can you imagine being told you have "random junk proteins" coursing through your body?

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

This is an excellent article, Igor.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The Nobel was given for swapping out the uridine in mRNA, not for the invention of pseudouridine. To be more accurate.

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Is it 25% of people, or actually 25% of transfected cells ? If cells, then virtually everyone jabbed will be making rogue proteins. (I heard the Telegraph missed the nuance of this).

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I know/knew so many people with illnesses and sudden deaths since summer 2021. Just heard of a neighbor whose houseguest last week became so ill, they called an ambulance. Houseguest turned out to suddenly have late-stage liver cancer. No prior issues. Sudden onset of terminal disease! Neighbors are liberal covid cultists, so I assume the same jabbed state of their houseguest.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Nobel lobectomies wear useless masks, cowardly, greedy scientists everywhere sit on their couch,.. and not ‘billions of years of evolution’. Rather God created the immune system intricacies and powerful workings.

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Regulatory checking for frame shifts in GM crops is mostly about seeing whether the unintended frameshifted proteins might have homology with eptiopes of known food allergens or toxins. They don't concern themselves over whether the proteins will be produced, but whether they could be dangerous in food or to agricultural workers or food producers. The good thing about food compared to direct injection is that there's stomach acid, processing and a mucosal barrier.

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