I, too, did not know just how bad childhood vaccines were. My step-sister's baby, aged 1 year and 2 weeks, died of a fatal brain seizure after having the chicken pox vaccination. It was new on the market at the time. The whole family was shocked. How could a vaccine do this? After doing some research, we found others who had seizures after this particular vaccine. I remember reading an article in Good Housekeeping magazine that 1 in 1,000 people ended up with seizures after this shot. I wish I had kept this article, as nobody today believes me. My step-sister did receive compensation from the vaccine injury board, which shows they agreed it was that shot that killed her baby, but of course no amount of money would ever bring him back. Because of this issue, I spread out all the vaccines my kids received. I just thought maybe it was the number of shots kids got all at once that were so bad. I had no idea still that it was the shots themselves. My kids had horrific ear and sinus issues growing up. I completely believe it was due to their shots. But I can't undo what I did to them. I can only go from here. I can say for sure my child will be pulled out of school if this shot gets added to the required immunization schedule, as no way no how will my child get this one. Sadly I live where absolutely no exemptions are allowed-medical or religious. So there is no way out. I don't know how this will affect college in the future, either. My heart is heavy.

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So very sorry. Pinning

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m so sorry for your loss. My daughter lives everyday with a vaccine injury (HPV) - she has a serious autoimmune disorder called MCAS that developed after her 2nd in the series - I put the two together and didn’t get her third. I hate that I literally didn’t even read about it before I let them coerce me by saying “you don’t want her to get cancer do you?”. It’s sickening. I won’t ever forgive myself. It took 15 years for a paper to come out that made the correlation. She cried - because all along the road doctors (and she’s a nurse) made her think she was crazy.

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I had autoimmune issues after booster shots for work in autistic classroom, early 30’s. The dr’s pushed antidepressants all the time! After almost 20 years of neglect, I finally found an integrative medicine doctor not a slave to insurance dictates . I have improved my quality of life and have hope again. I’m 56 .

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That’s wonderful!

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That's good to hear! xo xo

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I am so sorry about your daughter. It is so insane. The drs tried giving it to my son. I said the day he grows a cervix then you can talk to me. Until then, just keep your mouth shut about it. They haven't really even approached it with me for my daughter, thankfully. But I would still say no.

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Can't' heart you, but I applaud you for your wisdom and courage!

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I’m sorry for your daughter. My cousin works for Merk and never discussed why she forbid her daughters from taking Gardasil.

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Not discussing it makes her just as culpable, IMHO.

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Exactly! Sold her soul and looked down on me for being poor and on disability.

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What a nasty bitch!

Not you, your cousin I mean.

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She sold her soul.

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I am so sorry for your daughter. That is awful. Doctors have lost all credibility when it comes to vaccines. My gynecologist tried to talk me into getting the HPV vaccine at 45 years old. At the time, I had been married for 15 years and it made no sense considering HPV is sexually transmitted and I was in a monogamous marriage. I had never had an abnormal pap in my lifetime either. I told the doctor this and he said, well, you can still get cancer and the vaccine is the only way to prevent it. I told him to shove it.

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Wow, that was a pretty clueless answer from him. We need an overhaul of the education of our doctors.

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Their entire education system was designed to indoctrinate them into this thinking and behavior. Alopathy was created by the same globalists who owned/own the pharmaceutical industry, and they worked very hard to discredit and eliminate homeopathy from the stage so that they could monopolize and take over the collective consciousness. Doctors are part of a massive cult, and the majority of them are incable of being rehabilitated from the iron-clad conditioning they have been receiving since they first walked in the door of their medical colleges.

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Indeed! And my mom is a retired RN who is also quite indoctrinated. She can't get past the idea that vaccines are GOOD for us... sigh.

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Yes, bigtime! Very few think independently.

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They are monitored, brainwashed, and threatened. Still... cowards, it seems, a lot of them.

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I'm telling you, doctors are going to have terrible trouble walking their image back from what it's become: overpaid pharma stooges who don't give a rat's patoot about their patients.

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I've worked in cytology and path for years, it's only in the last 2 that I've been looking into the evidence. 70% of women have evidence of so called HPV at some point in our lives. Very few of us have cervical cancer.

I already know the vaccine categorically is not shown prevent cancer. They can certainly shove it!

I'm going to look into hpv as I did with heliocobacter and ulcer recently but I'm pretty sure I know what I'll find x

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Sounds familiar... sounds like HIV and a whole bunch of other "diseases" we all seem to carry around without being sick...

I'd be interested to hear what you come up with, too.

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What an ignorant person that doctor was. Ridiculous.

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They get kickbacks for everything they "sell."

Welcome to the Pharmafia.

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There are doctors who only care about money, in every country.

Therefore, everyone should consider it a tax to spend time studying about illness to some extent.

Also, take a good look at the doctor's personality, and get rumors if possible.

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No offence but a few years too late.

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The consequences of vaccination from what I've been reading so far, are completely unpredictable and occasionally truly terrifying. My twin sister was very health conscious, ate healthily, exercised regularly, hardly ever drank alcohol.. Grew up with a host of allergies and eczema -- But I on the other hand, was okay physically. Emotionally was another matter: Decades of severe depression, uncontrollable temper.. I surmise but I can't prove, that vaccinations may have left me "Minimally Brain Damaged"... But I digress, slightly:

October 30, 2009 I got a call from her and her husband; she woke up puking that morning, went to emergency, she was medivacc'd from SaltSpring Island to Victoria General Hospital: Stage IV colon cancer, literally out of the blue, prognosis? 3 years to live. She was gone August 2011. What else could it have been but childhood vaccinations and possibly Gardasil?

Some material for your attention:

"Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality" by Harris L. Coulter; it's rare and very expensive. That's where I leaned about "Minimal Brain Damage" courtesy of vaccinations.

"The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Fully half if not two thirds of the book are annotations. Get a copy, read it.

"Turtles All the Way Down" by Anonymous. The annotations to this one are only available online, would probably add another 750 to its already 516 pages.

Also courtesy of a comment from "Musicman" via "The Second Smartest Guy in the World": (https://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/government-reports-prove-covid-vaccination/comments#comment-9788088)

• "The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations" https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

• "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History" https://a.co/d/coVuit4

• "The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results" by George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, 1886

• "History and Pathology of Vaccination" by Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

• "Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History" by Charles Creighton, 1889

Notice the years of publication of those books: Over 130 years ago, warning of the dangers of vaccination! Medicine, the Academy and the Media have all done a miraculous job keeping the lid on this pressure cooker.. 🤔🙄💩

PS Don't be too hard on yourself: Like everyone else, you were raised to trust, and civilization would collapse in an instant without it. It's not your fault Big Pharma and Orthodox Medicine are in the control of truly evil individuals, have been for well over a century...

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Thank you for taking the time to share these extremely important publications.

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So sorry about your sister. xo

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Forgive yourself, but NEVER forgive them, or allow them to forget.

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Thank you and I will Never.

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But forgiveness is something that helps YOU. In time, perhaps, you will change your mind. It doesn't mean that what they did was okay! xo xo xo

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I don’t let it eat me up - trust me - it’s the one thing (forgiveness) I am constantly working on!

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I do trust you. I so relate. I am also constantly working on my own stuff, very similar... I DO let it eat me up, and then I calm down, and it's a real struggle...

I imagine there are millions of us in the same boat. But I wanted to reach out, because social media can be so cold... Typed words, and no real contact... We need real contact, so this is the best I can do... Hugs. ^_^

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Some doctors are awful.

I broke my back in a suicide attempt in 2009.

I managed to piece my life back together due to having painkillers (codeine) (I know but they genuinely meant I could do things).

Few weeks into the first lockdwon GP stopped them, apparently I am not in pain because "research shows".

Been a virtual prisoner in my own home ever since.

So fucking depressing.

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Find another doctor for heaven's sakes!

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I can't.

You are only allowed to register within a catchment from your home and tyhis is the only one.

Thank you anyway.

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Guess the only other ideas I have are visit a Chiropractor or a Naturopath, see what they can do for you.. or possibly investigate something like cannabis oil. Someone with your degree of need shouldn't have to accept this kind of garbage.

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Thank you Roy.

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If you can speak about it, you can help others. I'm so sorry for your suffering and guilt, and for your daughter's injury, it's hard to take it in, so many people needlessly harmed by... greed. Almost unbelievable.

I see my brothers taking these "vaccines" and hating me for NOT taking them, and it's just all so incredibly evil... Hang in there. xo xo xo

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Thank you. I do speak about it. I even gave a presentation at work - you should have seen the jaws dropping on zoom - I won't be silent. I send information to people. My speaking out started because of this: I was a prenatal genetic counselor for 16 years. We used a database called Reprotox for exposures.... medications, vaccines, occupational exposures, etc.... that keeps track of all studies related to pregnancy, birth defects and various exposures. If someone came in and they had an exposure - we would call them and they would send us the studies and recommendations and almost always .... they would have a risk/benefit discussion and inevitably say that "nothing is known to be safe in pregnancy" even if there had been 20 years of experience associated with it. So, in spring 2020 when they started recommending the vaccine to pregnant women saying it was safe and effective and then the various professional groups starting signing on - I thought "what"? So, I paid for a monthly membership for Reprotox and went in and couldn't find one thing in the database, so I called. They said "we have no studies or data"(which I knew) but then he said "but I personally recommend the vaccine as do the professional societies". I thought that it was the most absurd thing I ever heard. At the beginning of April that month, he emailed me a study from the NEJM - yep, one little study (that has since been changed and you cannot find the original - fascinating - but I have the PDF). So, that was the beginning of my journey. My daughter's college made a mandate around the same time for the following school year. I started fighting that day and haven't stopped. I've even had my social media deleted for posting studies. I need to start writing on substack!

You hang in there too. Thank you!

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Yes, start writing on Substack!

I'll sign up! ^_^

I have to go, but can we keep in touch? I have a page...

Anyway, CHEERS, and hugs to ya.

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Just followed you! :)

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Has she tried removing aluminium, I can't guarantee it would help but It has helped some people injured by the Gardasil shot.


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Thank you Cassandra - yes, she has - she's actually "allergic to aluminum" - my personal belief is that people are born with a genetic predisposition to autoimmune disorders and then some environmental insult triggers it - I do know that there are various things that can help and she has worked on all of them, she is better than she used to be! Thank you so much :)

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I did a heavy metal detox from Metagenics. It was painful ( I could feel my fillings leach) . I had my dr help. My leaky gut made it tricky to make sure I swept it all out with food, so it wasn’t reabsorbed. I felt much higher functioning after. Less achy and clearer thinking, a little more energy.

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I did mine 5?years ago for mold biotoxin illness ( lots of heavy metal overload, from a simple blood tests.

)and parasite overload .

When I used to ask my insurance dictated doctors about parasites, they’d offer antidepressants instead of a test. So humiliating. They mock people with autoimmune issues.

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They mock us for practically anything. I have so many examples I could write a book.

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How long does that feeling last? Last time I did a detox I was miserable, it does hurt and there are not enough bathrooms for someone else to clean afterwards. (I wish).

I am not sure if I am brave enough to do it twice.

Will you?!

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I did it for ten days, I didn’t have too much problems in the bathroom. Metagenics brand prescription detox. They gave me a list of food to eat & didn’t have to run to the bathroom much. My body hurt during the process. It got my parasite & heavy metal loads back to almost normal

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I would have to think that everyone is "allergic" to aluminum...

I understand that it's very difficult to chelate it from the body, but we will find out how eventually.

There are MANY ways to detox. I take a teaspoon of baking soda in water every three days, and I also take silicon dioxide (kind of like dirt!) regularly, but not daily. It's safe, they feed it to farm animals, it cleans you out. It might help with many of these things in the "vaccines."

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Aluminum is one of our worst exposures and banned in many Countries.

"Aluminium (Al) is frequently accessible to animal and human populations to the extent that intoxications may occur. Intake of Al is by inhalation of aerosols or particles, ingestion of food, water and medicaments, skin contact, vaccination, dialysis and infusions. Toxic actions of Al induce oxidative stress, immunologic alterations, genotoxicity, pro-inflammatory effect, peptide denaturation or transformation, enzymatic dysfunction, metabolic derangement, amyloidogenesis, membrane perturbation, iron dyshomeostasis, apoptosis, necrosis and dysplasia. The pathological conditions associated with Al toxicosis are desquamative interstitial pneumonia, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, granulomas, granulomatosis and fibrosis, toxic myocarditis, thrombosis and ischemic stroke, granulomatous enteritis, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, anemia, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, sclerosis, autism, macrophagic myofasciitis, osteomalacia, oligospermia and infertility, hepatorenal disease, breast cancer and cyst, pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis and diabetes mellitus. The review provides a broad overview of Al toxicosis as a background for sustained investigations of the toxicology of Al compounds of public health importance". No joke and it is everywhere.

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That's an amazing explanation! Thanks, and I'm sure everyone who sees it will be glad of your comment!!!

And I was aware of it, in a more general way, yes! It's like a REAL plague, not a fake one...

So, thanks! ^_^

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Right?! But she even reacts when it touches her skin. I love your detox ideas. Do you drink pine needle tea?

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No, but I've heard of it and want to try it. What's her name? I'll add her to my Prayer List.

And - Thanks! I think we need to get rid of pHarma and go back to Nature...

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That has to be one of the saddest things I've ever heard. I'm so very sorry for your family. That baby is with God now but I know your hearts are still broken.

I took a conscientious objection to the Varivax shot for chicken pox, for our two sons, because the stuff is made using cell lines from aborted babies. Where I live that was accepted (Maryland). And that c.o. helped our eldest son and then my husband obtain religious exemption from the covid toxic shots for work. But it was pure dumb luck that I found out how it was made.

The tragedy is that chicken pox is so survivable. Everyone got it when I was a child. It meant a week home from school in quarantine. Now everyone's getting shingles and I suspect the shots are causing that.

Our kids' pediatrician told me the reason Varivax was so widely accepted is that working mothers couldn't afford the week at home with their children if they got the pox.

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That's exactly right about why they made the chicken pox shot. I saw (and it was on the internet so who knows if it's authentic) a letter about a study that talked about how working parents will be able to work if the child doesnt need to stay home with chicken pox, which will add "x" dollars to the GDP.

It's all about the money. These days it has nothing to do with health. I'd like to believe at one point creating vaccines was about saving humans, but I am so jaded now that I dont know if I believe that anymore.







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I have NO faith in vaccines. These past nearly three years have made me pretty vehemently against ANY of them. Our immune systems are thousands of years in the making, and greedy men aren't going to outdo NATURE, not now, not EVER.

I have such anger, sometimes I just want to find all these people and inject THEM with their own killer toxic slime... Lethal injection, anyone? Poetic justice?

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I remember when the chix pox shot first was launched. I was a teenager, and the reason that I remember it so well is because my brother, sister and I had just spent a glorious week home from school due to having the pox. The only annoying part of the entire experience was a bit of itching (and it was literally the last rash I have ever had in my life.) My parents were discussing the whole thing, and how convenient it would be for those with young children not to have to miss work time. Convenience. Over time, the advertising for the chix pox shot changed, becoming more and more urgent. Nowadays, young parents are convinced that chicken pox is life threatening; this is completely due to the propaganda that has been peddled by the media and the disease industry. The older generations completely failed to speak out and call bullshite on that.....we knew better, but we figured it didn't affect us. Doctors have been utterly complicit in pushing the lie, as they continue to be complicit today in the crimes against humanity that they are participating in.

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i'm convinced that the uptick in shingles is due to the lack of natural chicken pox as a child. they tell you that shingles is an age thing but the only person i ever met who had shingles was Martha Graham and she was at least 90 then. a decade or so later, i met three people in a year- all in their early 20's!- who had shingles. how would a shingles vaccine have helped them?

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Yep, right.

And adults no longer get natural immunity boosts from exposure to kids w chicken pox. So that’s a problem as well.

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Totally agree that it’s from not having had the pox naturally, the chic pox vaxine AND from the shingles vaxine. I know so, so many people who keep getting shingles…..they are all true believers in the pharmaceutical religious cult.

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The last vaccine I had was like, 40 years ago... tetanus. I wonder what that did to me...

But I think I'm pretty healthy!

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We don't have the chicken pox vaccine in the UK.

I mean you can probably get it privately somehow but it is not the done thing.

Apparently part of the reason is it wears off in around 10-15 years leaving men more susceptible to getting chickenpox from their own kids.

Chickenpox as an adult is bad apparently so they recommend getting it as a child is better.

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Hear, hear. And, Word. And, Truthiness.

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That right there seems to me a good enough reason for REVOLUTION. Good grief.

What the HELL.

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my PhD vet friend (see my comment above) said that the chicken pox vaccine was put on the schedule to make money for Merck

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Of course. All vaccines are money makers. You can't prove they kept you from getting sick either. You can only say for sure when they fail. But keeping working moms at work instead of quarantined at home with kids is the sales pitch.

I'll never take another vaccine. Ever.

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My children don't get any and we're in Maine where they require all 52-which are combo shots, and thus 72 vaccines in total. The more they added the sicker the population got. The neurological damage, the 'ingredients-' that you would never inject into a human being-and in amounts far in excess of any known safety limits, the implications for cancer....all obscene. How about that package insert that's bigger than your kitchen table-that lays out how all of this is happening....they don't tend to hand these out, but they are available. Check out the 'law' LD 798 in Marxist Maine. Then consider the fact that they made homeschooling ten times more punitive and difficult.....it's all about forcing and getting $$. For public schools that are absolute junk.

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You nailed it right on down. NAILED.

It's almost like they want to KILL US... :P (they do)

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They're very clear. We emit too much carbon. The only real solution is depopulation. I'm always amazed how few people think of this as WE ARE CARBON BASED LIFE FORMS!

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I hope you're just saying what THEY think and not what YOU think... !!

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Sorry that wasn't clear. I was saying why they think they need fewer of us. I'm just AMAZED how all the " climate alarmists" haven't figured out that driving that new Tesla doesn't solve this problem. Stopping breathing solves the problem.

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Yeah, I tried that, didn't work out too well...

What I find to be the best problem solution for the climate is getting the actual FACTS, and since that means putting MORE CO2 into the atmosphere, maybe... oh, uh... stop spraying the gd chem trails? Ooooh, yeah!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am so sorry. May our Lord grant you peace in your pain.

I am forever grateful that my wife worked for a non traditional health care provider when we had children. We had access to all of the work that Barbara Loe Fischer did and does at the NVIC.

One of our children was born at 1lb. 3oz. and the Neonatal Dr. wanted to expose that tiny child with the normal vaccination schedule. That child should have been in my wife’s womb and they wanted to inject! We declined.

After 114 days we went home with a beautiful healthy baby. Only one visit to the pediatrician because they won’t follow a child who isn’t on the vaccination schedule. Guess what, God didn’t forget about immunity when he fashioned us in His image.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Fearfully and wonderfully made! Knit together! Created in the image of God!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Amen. Amen. Amen. 🥰

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Amen. More than ever, our weapons are forged by the Holy Spirit— and every time and everyone and every where we offer praise and worship for our Mighty Creator and THE Owner of the Universe Who IS Victory and Splendor and LOVE Itself — we punch the dark deceivers in the nose — we fight a war in the 4th dimension as much as the 3rd and our strength to do so flows from our celebration of His Glory! God is great! God is great! God is great! And WE are made in His Image.

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Are you saying that a children's doctor won't see your child because they haven't been totally vaccinated?

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Black Hills Pediatrics, L.L.P.

Vaccine Policy Statement

The physicians and allied health professionals of Black Hills Pediatrics, L.L.P. believe in the safety and effectiveness of vaccines to prevent illness and save lives.

We believe that our patients should receive all of the vaccines according to the schedule recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics. The recommended vaccines and their scheduling are the result of years of study by the most knowledgeable physicians and scientists in the fields of pediatric and adult infectious disease. These recommendations are reviewed annually and sometimes revised based on the most current information available.

We believe, based on all available scientific evidence, that vaccines do not cause autism.

We believe that vaccination is the single most important aspect of preventive care we offer as healthcare providers and that you perform as parents.

Vaccines have been overwhelmingly successful in decreasing the incidence of many diseases throughout the world and have the potential to eliminate certain diseases entirely, such as has happened with small pox. Unfortunately, this success has resulted in complacency regarding the importance of immunization, and in some groups, outright opposition to vaccines. These factors have recently lead to increasing numbers of children and adults contracting vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles and whooping cough, both in the U.S. and other developed countries.

We also believe that parents who choose not to vaccinate are taking unnecessary risks with their child’s health and are endangering other children in the community who may be too young to receive vaccines or are unable to be immunized due to medical conditions. Thus it is the policy of our clinic not to provide services for children whose parents make the decision to not vaccinate.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Very few people knew or even pondered that vaccines on the whole were dangerous. Take heart. Even Professor of epidemiology at Yale, Dr. Harvey Risch took it for granted all the childhood vaccines (with the exception of this CoVID thing) were safe. He now says they're all suspect and wouldn't go near them.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Agreed - this whole jab thing has opened my eyes to the horror that is childhood vaccines. So fortunate our daughter made it out the other end in good shape, unlike so many others. Parents didn't do this to their children, the gov't did.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you for bearing witness to the truth. Always they try to suppress the witnesses and always it is this ordinary human testimony that saves the world. 💜

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hell I do believe you! Don't even doubt you too!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Check this out. Explains why the vaccines CANT work.


Check out this thread at Thread Reader App. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1580662628434661376?refresh=1666114819

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This is heartbreaking and so maddening. I am so very sorry. I've watched so many of my friend's children who received every vaccine they were told to go on to have severe chronic allergies. I never put two and two together regarding the fact that were being give 30, 40, 50 vaccines in their childhood but it all makes sense now.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am so sorry

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I am terribly sorry that this world has hurt us so much. Recognition should be redemptive but sometimes it is just painful.

Your ability to learn and see clearly now is timely as it seems that the new mRNA vaccines may be the most insidious so far.

Best to you and your family.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Homeschool. Many colleges happily accept homeschooled students, and you can make your own transcripts. That is, if you can find a college that won’t indoctrinate your kids with leftist talking points or require the covid shots.

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I will homeschool if it comes to that. I am concerned about students in college who may be partway through and can't finish due to needing the shot to do so. I would imagine many would cave.

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Unfortunately many have. My 22-year old niece did, to finish her elementary education degree... I worry now about her ability to have healthy children. She has always wanted a big family, and her mother who also took the shots has always wanted to be a grandmother.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The ear and sinus problems started with the firsy polio so called vaccines, which are still impacting us all and have as they profited from the delusional spell they cast through propaganda and coercion under the guise of medicine. Add the newly implemented "genetic software program" they have again forced and propagandized us with and we are seeing illness and genocide genetically targeyed now. It stops when the 90% say it does only. Do we have the will to survive as real humans without the tampering of these poisons and use real medicines from nature as God intended? These Corporations of pharmakia are plotting a new way to cure the damage they caused intentionally with a new crspr 3 approach, claiming they can turn off the genes causing the harm they implemented in these experiments. There was no way for normal people to find out the depth of the conspiracy done to us without deep research and to whit, most was hidden from us to begin with.

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We were doing FINE with Nature, and now we're off-track, sick, poisoned, and being exterminated. Time to put a stop to the Death March and take back our actual LIVES...

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I'm so sorry. xo xo xo xo xo

Sending up prayers for you and yours.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

At this point, we are so far past the point of no return it's hard to determine even where we are any longer. The only option is to completely dismantle them. The original mission they were tasked with has rotted and fallen away. Any shred of objectivity and goodwill they had with the public already went out the window when they approved the boosters for infants. At this point, it's hard to even remotely wrap my brain around how any sane person could trust a single thing they say.

My daughter was born just before covid, although I did decline some vaccines that I found frivolous and dangerous (like rotavirus and varicella), she mostly stuck to the schedule though we spread them out only getting one per appointment.

I now have a 3-month-old son, he will not get a single vaccine. No one in my family will ever get another vaccine as long as we live.

Mind you, I am a ICU nurse. I firmly believe in medicine and using knowledge and technology to help people. But once I started digging into the risk benefit analysis of the current pediatric vaccination schedule, it made me sick.

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When I hear "dismantle" or "liquidate" or other such suggestions for collective, organizational justice I realize that I won't be satisfied until I see individuals held accountable for their individual actions in this grand crime.

De-funding and de-chartering the CDC isn't enough. I want to see many careers ended, a sizable handful of people serving long jail sentences, and frankly the death penalty isn't unreasonable for the inner circles. We're talking about mass murder!

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I don't think there's a mechanism in place that would allow for justice against the evil plutocrats, since they own all governments. They would just do like the Nuremberg trials did for the Nazis after WW2. They faked the deaths of some of them and put the others in jail for a couple years, then let them all go when the public wasn't looking and had lost interest. Actually, the holocaust was exaggerated too, IMO. The war in the Pacific was apparently fake as recently found at http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html so the same is probably true of much of the war in the European theatre. The ruling class puts on these shows to scare the public and manipulate us for their own profit. They engage in plenty of murder and atrocity in the process, but apparently not as much as claimed. They pretend that their governments are opposed to each other, but the fact that nearly all governments cooperated in alarmism over the Covid virus and mandating vaxes proves they're actually conspire together. The Ukraine war is another fake event to distract us from the Covid vax genocide. Nukes are likely fake too, since the ruling class wouldn't want weapons to be available that could endanger themselves. The above site has info on that too.

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Nothing shy about that, Shy Boy!

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I agree 100%.

The FDA and the CDC are irredeemably compromised and I believe can never be reformed. They must be dissolved completely. They operate on their own accord and have zero accountability to the people, congress, or the courts. They are effectively an unelected governing body that openly and brazenly bypasses all ethics, actual science, and the Constitution along with the entire legislative process itself and they laugh in our faces as they do it.

At first, I was convinced that these agencies were simply controlled by big pharma dollars and they are but I now believe it's much larger than that. There's a much higher entity at the helm and it's not just Fauci and pharma. The WEF, globalists, and possibly even China must have a hand in the decision making because nothing the CDC or FDA does anymore resembles the agency's original stated purpose and design. These agencies are actively working against America's children and the goal is clear-- get as many shots into the arms of our children and do it by any means necessary.

The "good" people at the CDC have been purged and are long gone. What's left are agents/employees of this higher entity that's in control. They will approve the Covid vaccine for the Childhood Schedule and I expect it will be unanimous as it is clear that there is no longer room for discussion or dissent. The New Normal at the CDC/FDA will be based on this current method of approval which exists like a kangaroo court designed to gaslight the American public into believing there is some sort of actual process that leads to approval when this de facto no longer exists.

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The oligarchs behind the oligarchs behind the curtain... "City of London," the "Venetians," the people who've been running everything for hundreds, thousands of years...

Gotta run now, but THIS IS GENOCIDE and they are behind it, and I want them out of the shadows and sitting in a cold cell... forever.

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It made me sick, furious and very determined to ensure that my kids will not get another jab. Also my local MP cannot hide anymore - she has not replied to my Hepatitis B jab letter and if she thinks that is the end of it, she will learn that angry parents are not to be ignored.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

That definitely seems to be the plan of attack. They think if they just ignore conversation it will go away, which is incorrect, because it only serves to reinforce that they have something to hide and cannot back up their position.

It's definitely something to see people throw around science as an absolute. The entire premise behind science is a constant, evolving understanding of that which we thought we knew. When people hide from healthy debate, it does not "settle the science."

It's unfortunate, but people need to be very active as their own advocate, and for their children. We fired our pediatrician after continually being pressured with our daughter about flu vaccines. When she suggested she should really get a covid shot, that was absolute last straw, I very calmly asked her to explain why. Gave her my opinion on the matter, and when she became belligerent, I told her that I appreciated her time but that we are done here and will not be back to her office.

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Oh and I forgot to add, daughter HAD COVID a few months prior. Mild fever and irritable for 24 hours, no I'll effects whatsoever beyond that. So made no sense what perceived benefits she would get from the shot.

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M.D. in Oregon had his medical license suspended for saying Covid-19 similar to common cold. That was in 2020.

We let Covid-19 run amuck instead of nipping it in the bud. If someone would tell me why I could move on. Until then I do not trust the medical community, which sucks because I am 100% disabled and so is my husband. Damn.

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Exactly, any benefits any jab MIGHT bring are only valid if they benefit that patient.

People were frothing at the mouth at youngsters not wanting jabs because of the elderly.

No offence but why should a kid risk any harm "for the elderly"?

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Thank you for making a difference, everyone needs to pay attention and not comply.

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I am proud of your flexibility and will to learn and to do what's right!;-)

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Good for you!!!!!!!!!! I totally back your thinking...

My mom is a retired nurse, 88 years old, and has dementia... Some days she thinks vaccines are good, and some days she sounds like you. xo xo xo

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Which part of - "They want us all dead." - did any of us miss this past year?

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People seem to have a VERY difficult time with that concept.

So I keep reminding them... Let's keep it up!

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I guess all of it. I don't want anybody to die, not even when I consider a person the biggest arsehole on earth. You probably think like I do, and so is everybody helse here, I think.

That what you would not ever wanted to do, you cannot possibly imagine that some other person would like to do so, like killing people. It is also very far away of all I, and probably all of you, stand for in this life. The opposite to be exact. If we see somebody in trouble, my first thought, or in case of less time, action, is to help this person out.

If another person is not in trouble, I am the last one to bring him into trouble.

Think a about that for a while. And try to imagine...it is NOT possible. And let this last example being exactly what is those people are doing to all the people in the world right now, and if not, they are very busy to do so as soon as the possibly can.

If you could imagine and worse understand why a person should do this or want this, go see a shrink as soon as possible, and when I advise this, I absolutely don't see any other solution at all not ever being present to slove this enormous problem

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Yes. Evil is REAL. And it seeks and obtains POWER all o the time. The idea that powerful people are never evil and never kill other people is the idea that is INSANE.

Our founding father's knew this. And this is why we have a 2nd Amendment.

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3 hr ago

I guess all of it, because am sane (I think) and therefore I don't want anybody to die.

This is the reason healthy thinking people aren't able to imagine that somebody else would like to kill somebody. Healthy thinking people stand for the opposite in this life: surviving and helping others to survive.

And try to imagine you want to kill somebody...is NOT possible. END THIS IS ACTUALLY THE REASON FOR PEOPLE THINKING THE KILLINGS AREN'T THERE, OR AT LEAST MOST PEOPLE cannot think of the lots of deaths were actually planned killings, or at least incalculated collateral damage at best! So at the moment people murdering us, can continue to do so, because of this phenomenon! And that is a healty way of thinking, and normal etc, but our governments are in fact killing us, and in my opinion they all must have serious defects in their brain at least....

If you really could imagine and understand why people want to kill other people , go see a shrink as soon as possible, and when I advise this, I absolutely don't see any other solution at all not ever being present to slove this enormous proble So the message is: you can LEARN only by the facts in for example statistics that people are killing us, but understanding it is only possible when your brain has a certain defect of what kind I don't know, but I do know it must be present in the brains of governmental people pushing people to be injected with deathly gen treatments, which doesn't work for to get rid of an illnes which is no longer serious nor deadly. The statistics proof the so called vaccines are deathly and at least harmful

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Your long comment was very difficult to follow... Yes there are plenty of people who do not care if you live or die, many in fact, want you to die. You seem to be oblivious to this fact and so are many others!!! Evil exists, it is here, and denying it like you are is not helping any of us to survive their plans... This virus was created, the proof is everywhere...they had a vax that was worse than the virus and has probably now killed more people than the virus. Now they are claiming a new lab created death virus with death rate of 80%. Wake up. No shrink is needed.

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Shrink is needed for the person(s) creating a virus with 80 % death rate...and first putted the dangerous biohazardous lunatic(s) away in jail please!

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This makes more sense but I would suggest a much more permanent punishment for the people who unleashed this on the world and plan to create yet another chimera.

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I am so sorry my english is very bad and also in my own native dutch language writing down my toughts is not always succesfull either. It is difficult for me too, because I like to be understood ofcourse!

About my long and obscure comment, I can tell you that I do completely agree on what you are saying, and I am not denying anything at all! On the contrary!

What I did was very stupidly writing, I can clearly understand that is fact when reading your answer. I am very sorry about that! What I am going to do is correct it, and reply on your comment again, and I hope that will take away the unclearness and if not, feel free to coorect me again please

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Hey no worries! I thought maybe there was a language barrier there but was not sure.

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That is the biggest compliment I can get I guess... I am proud as a monkey with seven eh... tails! Thank you so much!!

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I am English and I thought maybe you typed in a hurry not that you were writing in a foreign language.

You are doing just fine!

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Thank you very much, that feels good;-))

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Don't worry about it. How else are you going to learn something "new"?

Keep commenting. I've enjoyed other comments you've made before.

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Thank you.. How nice of you to mention you've enjoyed some of my comments!

Kind of a 'liferule' to me is that I don't stop doing things because I am not good at it nor when I am afraid to do when I like doing those things, or I think it should be fun. It is not always a very easy way of living, but I guess I won't miss no fun anymore..;-)

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For 60 years I hated and AVOIDED conflict.

My attitude and comfort level changed when I succeeded in understanding boundaries. Think of the one thing in your life that you would protect no matter what. That feeling or belief that you are experiencing is a boundary. A belief that sits so deeply in yourself that no one could convince you to think otherwise. That is a boundary! They can be applied to anything that you believe in. Boundaries are strength, clear sighted, trustworthy.

Those who sit on the fence, waiting to see what irons out are not being diplomatic. No one trusts them because they can go either way. I believe that many of us do not know how to develop boundaries so we feel untethered, not understanding why people don't trust us. If you feel something that you believe in, try to take it a step further. See if it is worth keeping, settling in your bones to defend every time it is threatened. That is a boundary. A best friend that you would do anything for, accept that your best friend is inside of you. Children are excellent for learning boundaries. The way that you protect them, and the way that they protect themselves if we let them.

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Excellent thoughts and well-written. Thank you for your insights. Boundaries, yes. And which ones would we die to defend? The ones where the enemy clearly seeks to murder us;-)

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Thank you. My intent exactly. How to make the fearful fearless.

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Then you have had the same problem as I had, and I guess you recognised so. I didn't had a childhood I needed because my parents couldn't give one, because they were still living on their pain of their childhood and not willing or able to change that. Otherwise I would have known all my live what I felt and that I was allowed to guard my boundaries.

I think you were in the same nowhere land as I was, and it is really hard discovering that nowhere land was just the world everybody was living in, including me, and my problem was the fact that I was convinced, really deep and far far away in my heart and soul, of me didn't belong here and that I wasn't worth nothing, and at the same time in full denial of it. And that is a garantee to a very hard life, and I do make some progress from time to time, but easy living is not yet ready for me, and it doesn't have to be either, but is remains my goal anyhow

I hope for you things have worked out very well, I enormously appreciate your comment, because it is a view to what is important for you and me too, from an angle I didn't know, and it is a very meaningful angle too for me!

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Hi Mig,

I am sorry that you know it and yes, so do I.

It is impossible to understand adult issues when we are children, but most issues belong to adults. It is the manipulation, lies and drug/alcohol induced selfishness that confuses us as children.

After we turn 18 it is up to us, but we are still desperately trying to love the same people that confused us in the first place.

You have guessed at your worth and here is a secret. No one but you can show you your worth. The crappy things that were said and done towards us were not about you or I. The good things that we do is, and that is what makes us who we are. Our self acceptance depends on ourselves, so only do things that you can live with.

Try to remember that most of the negative words that we heard when we were young are really about the self hatred of the speaker.

I love you.

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All bad things said about you by another person are very meaningfull about lots of things, but you are NOT one of them...

I know a helpfull secret too! When I person is hurting you, before ever reacting to that person, imagine yourself in the position of that person, and that person takes your place. Then acting the same way again... what happens then is really like magic or something...you are able to see what the behaviour towards you really means, mostly by starting to realise that you would never ever treat not even a criminal the way you were treaten, and that the only goal of it is nothing more or less than to make you feel small or miserable or whatever, and the message with it was something that is for your own good for example...well of course you knew immedeately that was a lie... but why and what exactly and what to do that's good for you and to your development (!)... you can learn all by this simple 'mindgame'... hope it brings you more of what you need!

I love you too

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, FDA and CDC should be eliminated. But make sure every person responsible for this debacle is quadruple jabbed plus the new mouse jab!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And put away in jail. Otherwise they multiple again in other, or the same, they don't care, governmental institutes or of some other kind where they can do what they seem to need as much as breathing: doing harm to other people

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This also tells me that they fear nothing. They know no matter how many they kill or maim they will never face any consequences.

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At present, they have a point - I do not see the corpse doing anything about it. However, things change, often very quickly. If Senator Ron Johnson gets back in office (he should), he needs to keep going after this filth 24/7.

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Indeed, this is what I am so worried about all the time. Well said!

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I feel some sort of mom guilt, but I haven’t done any vaccination for my baby and I have not picked a doctor for well child visits because I don’t want the pressure of fighting with them about a vaccination schedule.

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You don’t have to do any if you don’t want to. Please get educated first, take your time. You can’t undo a vaccine. Circleofmamas.com/start-here/

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Marley, please have no guilt my oldest 3 had the start of the vax way back in the 80’s., but I didn’t follow through and get them up to date. When my youngest was born in the 90’s I was smarter and did NOTHING. All my kids are healthy, but the youngest is truly the healthiest person I know. He really doesn’t get sick. No colds, no flu, nothing. You are doing the best thing you can for your baby. MOM KNOW BEST!

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The only thing to feel guilt over would be to go against your instincts and have your baby injected with poison.

Dig around in your area and you’ll find other parents who have protected their children and know which doctors don’t push it. The shots are the primary reason for so many “well visits” anyway- really what happens is bringing in a well baby and leaving with one shot up with toxins.

It’s becoming a less quiet secret that there are plenty of us with kids running around who have never received any of these injections, who are often pictures of radiant health. Funny that when you don’t pump your kids full of poison, you tend to have much less need for doctors anyway.

Your baby is lucky you’ve protected him this long. There’s no reason to stop now.

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I can't 'like' your comment with pushing the 'heart' button... so I like to compliment you on your very well explained beautiful comment!

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As others here suggest, do your research.

Some medical professionals suggest their healthiest pediatric patients are the UNjabbed.

Don't let guilt interfere with the euphoria of weighing options and making the best possible decisions for your child's health.

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The guilt has its origin in other people disqualifing you, and your origin to keep on reflecting your own choices, a very necessary feature of really good moms. And because of this reflecting, bad people can give a guilty feeling, because some way or another, I don't, they need to destroy everthing and the better they are to good healthy thinking people, the more they like to destroy it. I don't understand that, I just see it happens all the time.

When feeling guilty, ask yourself the question why you shouldn't be good enough, and what YOU should DO to make it better... on your way investigating this, you will see that it is not you, but some influence from outside, wanted you to change something... and wonder if the change would be good to you and or your children, or would it be good for them wanting you to change?

How often do you want to change another person for your own sake? I don't think you ever do! People who do prefer this, are the reason you are feeling guilty, so from now on, you feeling guilty is a good thing;-)

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They are evil because they know it doesn’t work and it’s dangerous. I just hope parents will not comply.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Won't those parents who decide against having their children inoculated with the current poison have to choose another manner of schooling when these are added to the Childhood Vaccine Schedule? Seems I remember public schools require proof of vaccination. I am afraid only a minority will reject this insanity, and most will go along with the CDC dictate - if only to keep their kids out of their hair and in the government school system.

It is so very distressing to only be able to watch, powerless, as those in charge push humanity closer to the cliff.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

School boards and states must be willing to disobey and do without federal funds.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yep - my daughter already talked to me about homeschooling.

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Clever girl!

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The only way out is mass non-compliance. Do we have the national character to make this happen? Courage is calling. Will we answer, or watch the gigantic slow motion car wreck of our nation?

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My whole nuclear family is non-compliant - 3 of us had to fight for exemptions - I didn’t get mine so I’m forced to work at home - my badge was shut off because I’m a danger even with natural immunity- but I watch my siblings and parents just comply with whatever they are told and they think we are crazy. So - I agree - but how do we keep everyone else from getting into the car 😩

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Your badge was shut off? What does that mean? What country?

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A US University - yep- USA - they requested 4 pages of personal medical information for an exemption - signed by my doctor - so I said that goes against the Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act for an employer to request that information for any reason. They said they would get back to me and “probably just have me file for a religious exemption” and until they do for me not to come to campus (at the time just about everyone was working from home). That was a little over a year ago - and when I went to campus last month because now there are no restrictions because “98% of the students and staff have complied with the vaccine and booster mandate” - my badge didn’t get me into the building nor my office - so I had someone let me in / I got what I needed and I work from home. Waiting to be contacted. The irony? I am the director of research operations for human genetics research and it’s my job to do all of the compliance paperwork and make sure research participants are not coerced and all of our t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted. I still supervise my team because everything is on zoom now.

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What you need to do here, RB, is to sweetly call up the tech team that handle badges and door locks, and just casually ask for a replacement badge because somehow yours isn't working. That might softly solve it. If they notice that you've been turned off in the system, just be slightly confused and complain how things these days never work right.

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Irony to beat all irony!

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

I have no hope. My son’s tutor just canceled his lesson because she got the newest booster and was too sick to teach. The tutor’s own son (in his mid-20s) got chest pains after every shot (had to go to the hospital twice), and the whole family is still going for it. Both the tutor and her husband have advanced math degrees, so…

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What people don’t realize is there are exemptions available to vaccines in EVERY state.

We stopped vaccinating when my son and I were injured and my kids went through school with an exemption on file. My youngest had 0 record of anything in his files and his brother nothing past age 7. (Coincidentally, we no longer needed continuous “sick visits.”)

There are many state groups that helps people with this (I work with one in NC) but National Vaccine Information Center is a wealth of knowledge. https://www.nvic.org/law-policy-state

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There was a time, prior to 2021, when automatic vaccine exemptions were standard fare in light of certain conditions or previous adverse reaction to vaccines. I used to collect data for managed care health insurance companies, and when looking for vaccine information in a patient's chart, considering listed diagnoses was the first place we checked when vaccines were not given - ie, auto-immune disorders, infectious disease, cancer, chemotherapy/radiation, blood disorders, pregnancy, previous documentation of the disease, allergy to eggs. Over the years they added another option "Refused by patient/guardian" because there were enough refusals to make a difference in the statistics and the doctors didn't want the blame.

As medicine and it's practitioners came to be owned by corporations dependent upon money from third parties (insurance and government), care was scripted and doctors who dared veer off the path were corrected financially - and now threatened with loss of licensure. It's been a predictable decline - saw it coming in the early 90s when the push was on for electronic records. Sad.

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Oh, and I bet in the last 2 years you wish you could be collecting data!

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I would like to be collecting data on all the post-injection injuries going unrecognized and unreported.

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It is so very very sad.

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I worry that blue states will simply pass laws making exemptions impossible or so difficult it's just not worth it and parents will just give in.

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WA state is trying to do away with all exemptions.

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In NY they removed religious exemptions and it's not easy to find a physician who is willing to write a medical exemption. We did it, but it's tough and I can imagine for someone without my background and resources available it could be very tough or next to impossible.

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My state has exemptions.

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I live in England and we don't have this (yet) but it can't be easy if parents HAVE to work to afford to live or if the parents themselves aren't all that bright.

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Unvaxxed children must be schooled isolated from the poor (that really hurts when writing this) vaxxed children untill research has proven shedding does no harm, or how to deal with it savely

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I believe you are right. The schools will mandate the vaccine and who knows if certain schools will do away with religious exemptions? Most parents will just give in and comply because they aren't able to pull their kids out of school and Big Pharma knows this. I sadly don't see much resistance in the making.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Considering that there is less than a 3% uptake in eligible 6 month to 5 year olds, I'm pretty sure adding this as mandatory to any childhood schedule will literally rip this country apart. I am confident the fight to prevent it as mandatory, at this stage due to people like yourself Igor, will be biblical and not a scenario where they simply roll over an unsuspecting public like they are hoping for...

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I pray you are correct!

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It’s convenient right now not to get them for your children as it is not mandatory. Once it’s mandatory, non-compliance will not be convenient. We’ll soon see which we love more - our convenience or our children.

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I don't know what parents can do about this. Many can't home school.

My only hope is that if this comes to pass, enough parents yank their kids out of school to impact teachers and their unions. If the teachers unions start making a fuss, something might happen.

And perhaps that's the key; perhaps parents should contact their local teachers union and let them know if this passes, they're taking their kids out of school and their union members will lose their jobs.

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IDK if parents will go against it.

There is a percentage of parents who don't want this and are informed.

There is another subset of parents who don't want this and are not informed.

If it's passed, well, it will be slipped in quietly.

"Johnny is 3 now, it's time for his MMRCV vaccine."

Parents will comply because they don't know any better.

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I hope you are right but I worry that once it becomes, "give your child this shot or home school him" too many parents will just give in because for the majority of people, homeschooling is just not possible. Of course, the powers that be know this and are banking on it. I suspect red states will get laws on the books protecting children but people living in blue states like California will be in deep trouble.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

To start with, liquidated, audited by forensic teams, senior managers to wear ankle monitors and have their passports confiscated, trials for them to commence in keeping with Constitutional provisions, bank accounts frozen and random colonoscopies to make sure they're not hiding evidence.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Liquidated entirely and built from the ground up with rules prohibiting big pharma any kind of influence

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don’t disagree but wonder if they are even relevant. Anyone?

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Well, in theory at least, some entity has to decide whether a drug is safe or not.

Who should that be? IDK.

Big Pharma rigs tests and pays people off. I really don't know how this could be done without Big Pharma taking control of any new body with this task.

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"Should FDA and CDC be reformed, or should they be liquidated entirely?" I am gravely offended that this list does not include CIA, DOE, DOJ, FBI, IRS, NEA, NEH, NIH, NPR, PBS, and the like.

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.....you FORGOT the FCC.....

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

How can this possibly be happening at the same time other countries are out and out banning these shots?

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Because our gov’t is utterly corrupt, bought and paid for.

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Some countries are doing this but not all. Oz is still recommending the jabs while at the same time offering to pay the funeral of those that die from the magic shots. You really cannot make up stuff like this. In Oz, it is definitely corruption. In the US, I would argue it is very political as well - the democrats have used the emergency powers to stay in power and punish their opposition.

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It's the New World Order.....kill as many as possible......they've financially bankrupted the world and to kill us is their only way out, form one government, and rule forever over the SLAVES remaining.

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Because America has been hijacked and is being destroyed from within.

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That is a really really good question! Our prime minister always says this, and never gets back on the matter again...like all governments don't do that anymore because...they are getting away with it anyway! Other countries that used to be a democracy aren't either explaining to the people they once promised they should serve, starting with explaining what they are doing. But when governments of other countries starting a bit like acting in the way they should and as they once promised...or started to use their brains a bit because very young people dying makes them extremely impopular to their electorat, than is that their choice, this leaders of this country are still far better off by killing, even when their electorat is going to despise them. We know that because off their choice on this one. And with this choice maybe they, for example, found a way to get rid of those stupid elections?

The question is, when you want to know something about the motivation of murderers, not 'why did they do it' but...

...'why are they so convinced of the fact they should be allowed to do this harm????!'

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

“Should the FDA and the CDC be Liquidated?” YES! YES! YES! ABSOLUTELY! 100% YES! YES! YES!

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Better yesterday than tomorrow

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If true some good lawyers need to immediately demand a temporary injunction citing procedural errors as a reason...what's Steve Kirsch doing?

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

He's on it, but he's only one man! I'm wondering and assuming that Naomi Wolf and Robert Kennedy (CHD) are all over this right now too!!!!

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It is my abject fear that Australia will do just this. They can’t let all of those jabs go to waste and want to be seen as obedient disciples to the demonic BIGPHARMA /elite/WEF cabal.

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Agreed. Both the Liberals and Labor are in complete agreement with the garbage.

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I do fear with you...

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I never agreed with mandatory vaccination during the COVID years (let alone any vaccination with a gene based therapy Bioweapon) but Australia has long been at it with the no jab no play Federal childhood immunisation policy since 2016.

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I guess now the moment has come the 'no-jab community' really start organising everything themselves to which access is being denied when you don't abused your child first with harmful jabs. That is a hell of a job, and a big problem, but permitting in getting your child jabbed with poison is a no go anyway I suppose

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We will never subject our kids to the murder shot...private schools and co-ops will thrive. Stand up people, this is the hill to die on.

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This 100% is the hill to die on

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