I, too, did not know just how bad childhood vaccines were. My step-sister's baby, aged 1 year and 2 weeks, died of a fatal brain seizure after having the chicken pox vaccination. It was new on the market at the time. The whole family was shocked. How could a vaccine do this? After doing some research, we found others who had seizures after this particular vaccine. I remember reading an article in Good Housekeeping magazine that 1 in 1,000 people ended up with seizures after this shot. I wish I had kept this article, as nobody today believes me. My step-sister did receive compensation from the vaccine injury board, which shows they agreed it was that shot that killed her baby, but of course no amount of money would ever bring him back. Because of this issue, I spread out all the vaccines my kids received. I just thought maybe it was the number of shots kids got all at once that were so bad. I had no idea still that it was the shots themselves. My kids had horrific ear and sinus issues growing up. I completely believe it was due to their shots. But I can't undo what I did to them. I can only go from here. I can say for sure my child will be pulled out of school if this shot gets added to the required immunization schedule, as no way no how will my child get this one. Sadly I live where absolutely no exemptions are allowed-medical or religious. So there is no way out. I don't know how this will affect college in the future, either. My heart is heavy.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The world of vaccines is so corrupted and fraudulent, it's no longer possible to even have a reasonable conversation or expectations of good faith.

Best to stay completely away from those toxic products. It's becoming a matter of life vs death.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

At this point, we are so far past the point of no return it's hard to determine even where we are any longer. The only option is to completely dismantle them. The original mission they were tasked with has rotted and fallen away. Any shred of objectivity and goodwill they had with the public already went out the window when they approved the boosters for infants. At this point, it's hard to even remotely wrap my brain around how any sane person could trust a single thing they say.

My daughter was born just before covid, although I did decline some vaccines that I found frivolous and dangerous (like rotavirus and varicella), she mostly stuck to the schedule though we spread them out only getting one per appointment.

I now have a 3-month-old son, he will not get a single vaccine. No one in my family will ever get another vaccine as long as we live.

Mind you, I am a ICU nurse. I firmly believe in medicine and using knowledge and technology to help people. But once I started digging into the risk benefit analysis of the current pediatric vaccination schedule, it made me sick.

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Which part of - "They want us all dead." - did any of us miss this past year?

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, FDA and CDC should be eliminated. But make sure every person responsible for this debacle is quadruple jabbed plus the new mouse jab!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This also tells me that they fear nothing. They know no matter how many they kill or maim they will never face any consequences.

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I feel some sort of mom guilt, but I haven’t done any vaccination for my baby and I have not picked a doctor for well child visits because I don’t want the pressure of fighting with them about a vaccination schedule.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They are evil because they know it doesn’t work and it’s dangerous. I just hope parents will not comply.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Considering that there is less than a 3% uptake in eligible 6 month to 5 year olds, I'm pretty sure adding this as mandatory to any childhood schedule will literally rip this country apart. I am confident the fight to prevent it as mandatory, at this stage due to people like yourself Igor, will be biblical and not a scenario where they simply roll over an unsuspecting public like they are hoping for...

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

To start with, liquidated, audited by forensic teams, senior managers to wear ankle monitors and have their passports confiscated, trials for them to commence in keeping with Constitutional provisions, bank accounts frozen and random colonoscopies to make sure they're not hiding evidence.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Liquidated entirely and built from the ground up with rules prohibiting big pharma any kind of influence

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"Should FDA and CDC be reformed, or should they be liquidated entirely?" I am gravely offended that this list does not include CIA, DOE, DOJ, FBI, IRS, NEA, NEH, NIH, NPR, PBS, and the like.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

How can this possibly be happening at the same time other countries are out and out banning these shots?

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

“Should the FDA and the CDC be Liquidated?” YES! YES! YES! ABSOLUTELY! 100% YES! YES! YES!

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If true some good lawyers need to immediately demand a temporary injunction citing procedural errors as a reason...what's Steve Kirsch doing?

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It is my abject fear that Australia will do just this. They can’t let all of those jabs go to waste and want to be seen as obedient disciples to the demonic BIGPHARMA /elite/WEF cabal.

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