If you want evidence for a global conspiracy, look what happened in Sweden in the fall of 2021. There had been no lockdown and no mask mandates and things were going really well. Then all of a sudden, the then PM announced his resignation, which made no sense whatsoever because it was a year before the end of his term and he simply could have announced not to run for re-election. Then in November 2021, the new PM, who has ties to the WEF, took office, and one of the very first things she did was decree vaxxiine passports for domestic use, despite abundant evidence that the vaxxiines had already been failing, not to mention that this move was grossly unethical and probably illegal.

This wasn't incompetence or coincidence or group think. The conspirators let Sweden do its own thing for a while because the country is too small and too unimportant for their agenda, but then they decided they couldn't have an outlier anymore, so they "installed" one of their puppets as PM to get everyone in line.

At least that's what I think happened. What another explanation could there be?

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amazing reply, pinning for now

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And Billy Gates ain't stopping. His next power move is to herd you into one of mega "smart" cities https://mycovidbubble.substack.com/p/bill-gates-smart-cities-are-here

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"How It Will Go Down" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PizJih4JTbs&t=47s

"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."

-- George Carlin

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The people of Oxford, England care and are meeting this Thursday evening. They will somehow stop their 15 minute prison from being created. All commissioners were invited, but appears they will not attend! As James O’Keefe famously says over and over - DO SOMETHING! Good luck people of Oxford!! The world looks to you.

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It's really very simple Annette, James Corbett of "Corbett Reports" revealed it a couple years back:


That's all we have to do. Trouble is of course, getting the Morons to grasp it.

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You are absolutely correct. With the soon to be WHO /UN potential disaster looming - will we as a nation, and even more disastrously, as nations around the world, Nations of People’s, simply walk into this one like cows to a slaughter?

As for the great state of TENNESSEE, unfortunately where I don’t reside, a Representative has entered an Act to amend TN Code Annotated, Title 3 and Title 4 relative to nullification

Restoring state sovereignty. All states must follow asap.

TN HOUSE BILL 726. (by Hulsey)

TN SENATE BILL 1092. (by Bowling)

Strong and definitely not dumb men!

I originally found on substack.Bailiwick. The bill itself reads excellently for these times!

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Did y’all see Trump speech where he says he wants to build ten new cities with flying cars? First thing that came to my mind is... will republicans buy what he’s selling? Sounds like central planning. Sounds like what the communist do. Sounds like he wants to build new smart cities. He got folks to take the jab 🤷‍♀️

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What astounds me is how many millions of people still think that Donald is their personal saviour, that he's going to single-handedly -- even now -- lead us out of this mess... 😳

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He needs to focus on getting his breast reduction. The man has huge hooters.

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Let's all get those smart cities on our radars pronto. That and digital currencies.

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You are spot on. Also, remember there were several African leaders who died suddenly of "Covid" during the vaccine rollout and were quickly replaced with leaders who welcomed the vaccines. I believe it was the Presidents of Tanzania, Ivory Coast, and Burundi. They all opposed the vaccine. Then there was Moise of Haiti. He also opposed the vax rollout and was murdered.

Interesting how that worked out, eh?

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Kary Mullis death in August, 2019 was also quite the coincidence. It would not have been helpful to have the Nobel-Prize-winning inventor of PCR trash the very policies that revolved around PCR testing. https://youtu.be/5aISPlTLbJo

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And Luc Montagnier who discovered Fauci's favorite virus HIV died suddenly in early 2022 after he had come out publicly and said the virus was man made in a lab. One month before his death he said the "unvaccinated will be the guardians of humanity"


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I'm still trying to find out if -- according to Br. Alexis Bugnolo amongst others -- Montagnier really said that everyone who takes The Lethal Injection will die within two years.

"A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/

OTOH the death rates and "vaccidents" are starting to get a little alarming.

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I personally don't believe he said that as that quote started circulating on Twitter from some very suspect accounts that aren't trustworthy. Also, Montagnier was a genius and a dedicated scientist. I can't imagine he would make a blanket statement like that without any sort of proof.

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Now I wonder where that spurious quote originated.. 🙄

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And what about Professor Luc Montagnier (RIP) who has suggested covid has been manipulated by inserting hiv into the furin cleavage? Dr. Raoult in France researching early Tx of covid with repurposed drugs, silenced by the powers that be in France. Did Jacinda, sturgeon, take their backhanders and run? Looks like it. Who is next?

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You possibly forgot Shinzo Abe of Japan? He wasn't too keen on the anti-covid measures either.

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Yes, his death is highly suspect.

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And then, in South America, Brazil got Lula for president.

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Lula was the selected ONE. It was unbearably heartbreaking watching the millions crying out in the streets for months - until finally Lula put out the harshest of crackdowns imaginable. All is quiet there now.

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It's truly sad and awful. Every country is being conquered one by one.

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The evidence is obvious - there is a massive global conspiracy.

Yet many leading substackers are insisting not....

I have just been banned for asking why if there are no masterminds --- did medical authorities recommend giving Midazolam to people dying from respiratory diseases?


Substack is infiltrated by false actors -- anyone who insists the death and destruction is not orchestrated rather is a product of https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-banality-of-evil is YOUR ENEMY.

Anyone who claims that this is mass psychosis and that there are no forces manipulating this insanity ... is YOUR ENEMY.

Consider the fact that Substack even exists... from day one no censorship ... odd that.

Every person who has visited an anti vax author on SS is logged... you are in The Database. You are monitored.... they want to keep an eye on everyone so people don't get it in their heads to unhinge and turn to violence.

They allow you to visit SS and rant and rave ... all good ... but if you go beyond that... they'll know .. and they'll send the anti terrorist squads to your door.

This is the greatest psyop in the history of the world ... thorough ... brilliant ...

Resistance is Futile.

I recommend popcorn and a comfy chair ... sit back and wait for the end game.

And keep in mind .. Fast Eddy nailed this early on ... we are being exterminated ... out of necessity (feel free to disagree but you will be wrong)


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I think there is both mass psychosis and forces manipulating this insanity: inducing mass psychosis is just one of the tools used by these forces to manipulate the public. Calling resistance futile, however, is not necessarily true... and could be part of the psyop to discourage resistance, right?

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“ and could be part of the psyop to discourage resistance, right?”

Correct, as could be calling to “resistance” as MI governor’s plot, Ray Epps & other J6 examples show.

“KGB” is in control 😢

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I could be ... but then why would I expose the end game and why.... although one could say I could give you the truth and you'd reject it so there is that


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I have heard we have reached peak oil for 40 years, yet it is still flowing. Have you read about abiogenic petroleum? It is constantly produced in the mantle et percolates up into the crust. Yes the COVID crisis is a cover to deal with the financial crisis, which is the result of their insatiable greed. So is Ukraine.

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Marc, there's no peak oil or gas. In present discoveries alone there's enough for another century at current usage.

William Engdahl "Oil, Where Is Thy Peak?"


Oil & gas are natural products of the earth & wherever we dig deep enough-- like at the ocean floor-- we run into oil & gas. Here's jst a few bits from my file:

http://journal-neo.org/2015/03/29/putin-s-new-mediterranean-strategy/ Engdahl. Cyprus recently confirmed huge deposits of offshore oil and especially natural gas.

12/13 Syrian government signed a 25-year deal with the Russian SoyuzNefteGaz company to explore for oil in the Middle Eastern country's territorial waters off the Mediterranean coast, southward off Tartus. estimated to be oil and gas reserves comparable to one or more new Saudi Arabia-size regions . SoyuzNefteGaz main shareholder is RCB.

3/6/12 http://www.voltairenet.org/article173018.html Maps & facts. The discovery in late 2010 of the huge natural gas bonanza off Israel’s Mediterranean shores triggered other neighboring countries to look more closely at their own waters. The results revealed that the entire eastern Mediterranean is swimming in huge untapped oil and gas reserves. Preliminary exploration has confirmed similarly impressive reserves of gas and oil in the waters off Greece, Turkey, Cyprus.

Israel: Leviathan field 16 trillion cubic feet of gas—making it the world’s biggest deep-water gas find in a decade. Tamar field 8.3 trillion. map.

N. Africa Rub Al Khali Basin 426 trillion cu ft gas

Russia West Siberian Basin alone: 643 tcf of gas

[I have more.]

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That there is no peak oil is basically what I was saying, we have all the renewable abiogenic petroleum at our disposal.

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You seem to not understand that cost is a factor...


The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

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“For climate change, there are many scientific organizations that study the climate. These alphabet soup of organizations include NASA, NOAA, JMA, WMO, NSIDC, IPCC, UK Met Office, and others. Click on the names for links to their climate-related sites. There are also climate research organizations associated with universities. These are all legitimate scientific sources.

If you have to dismiss all of these scientific organizations to reach your opinion, then you are by definition denying the science. If you have to believe that all of these organizations, and all of the climate scientists around the world, and all of the hundred thousand published research papers, and physics, are all somehow part of a global, multigenerational conspiracy to defraud the people, then you are, again, a denier by definition. 

So if you deny all the above scientific organizations there are a lot of un-scientific web sites out there that pretend to be science. Many of these are run by lobbyists (e.g.., Climate Depot, run by a libertarian political lobbyist, CFACT), or supported by lobbyists (e.g., JoannaNova, WUWT, both of whom have received funding and otherwise substantial support by lobbying organizations like the Heartland Institute), or are actually paid by lobbyists to write Op-Eds and other blog posts that intentionally misrepresent the science.”


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'Most' 'economic thinking' is 'short run' and 'redundant'? 'It' ignores the 'supply side'?

'Growth' {and 'civilisation'} depends upon 'cheap' F.F. - those so called 'halcyon days' are 'over'. ?

"The crisis now unfolding, however, is entirely different to the 1970s in one crucial respect… The 1970s crisis was largely artificial. When all is said and done, the oil shock was nothing more than the emerging OPEC cartel asserting its newfound leverage following the peak of continental US oil production. There was no shortage of oil any more than the three-day-week had been caused by coal shortages. What they did, perhaps, give us a glimpse of was what might happen in the event that our economies depleted our fossil fuel reserves before we had found a more versatile and energy-dense alternative. . . . That system has been on the life-support of quantitative easing and near zero interest rates ever since. Indeed, so perilous a state has the system been in since 2008, it was essential that the people who claim to be our leaders avoid doing anything so foolish as to lockdown the economy or launch an undeclared economic war on one of the world’s biggest commodity exporters . . .

And this is why the crisis we are beginning to experience will make the 1970s look like a golden age of peace and tranquility. . . . The sad reality though, is that our leaders – at least within the western empire – have bought into a vision of the future which cannot work without some new and yet-to-be-discovered high-density energy source (which rules out all of the so-called green technologies whose main purpose is to concentrate relatively weak and diffuse energy sources). . . . Even as we struggle to reimagine the 1970s in an attempt to understand the current situation, the only people on Earth today who can even begin to imagine the economic and social horrors that await western populations are the survivors of the 1980s famine in Ethiopia, the hyperinflation in 1990s Zimbabwe, or, ironically, the Russians who survived the collapse of the Soviet Union."


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Of course i've heard of abiotic oil -- but I can never mind mention of oil fields refilling in the annual reports of oil majors...

Oh and we are steaming oil out of sand cuz?

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deletedMar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023
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deletedMar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023
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You're mostly right. Not sure about the smart and witty aspects though...

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Well I did win the spelling B a few times in grade 3... did I mention that?

Oil is infinite ... it grows like trees... only different

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There is definitely some heavy psyop going on with SS with all of this focus on Breggin/Malone as well as shifting the narrative/discussion to "china accidentally released it you all were right". It is becoming more and more obvious that some of the larger SS are intentionally pushing specific narratives and their commenters are backing it up along with deliberately starting arguments to keep readers constantly confused and unfocused and divided.

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That's the thing...

You are playing chess against a team of grand master world champions ... who cheat.

You cannot win.

I might be a grand master champion here to sow confusion ...

I might not even be aware of it

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I might be a grand master champion here to sow confusion ...

I might not even be aware of it

Now THAT is deep thoughts ;)

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Not the 4th dimensional chess again!

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

I do disagree about the "necessity" part. To refer to extermination as a necessity only demonstrates a tacit acceptance of the pseudo-reality laid out by the so-called elite. Nope and nope.

The problem facing our planetary survival is greed. Those who enjoy the current arrangements maintain this by keeping the plebeians busy fighting each other, with a constant undercurrent of "there are too many people, so oh well..."

Meanwhile they stay busy, working hard to create the very problems they are pretending to fix. Hunger, pollution, energy, food production. It goes on and on.

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Resistance is futile, you say? What cowardice. I'm ashamed of you. We've a moral duty to resist.

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6 billion have been injected.. including babies.

Where is the resistance? Driving farm vehicles around Holland? Clattering away on substack complaining?

They are at war with you... and that's all the resistance you can mount?

They are laughing at you as they run the lot of you around by the nose. They have not even had to unsheathe their fangs...

But I do not recommend turning to violence... rebelling ... oh no ... the fangs will come out ... and you'll end up dead or in a gulag... and your neighbours will applaud

But feel free to take action -- I'll watch for your on CNNBBC.

Of course you won't do that... that would require bravery and sacrifice

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I thought about this. Not sure I agree, though you could be 💯% correct.

It seems, “they” would have much easier time with no SS, MSM controlling minds and hearts and no “support” voices for the opposition finding each other. Soviet style, you know?

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"And keep in mind .. Fast Eddy nailed this early on ... we are being exterminated ... out of necessity (feel free to disagree but you will be wrong)"

Did you ever see this episode of The Simpsons?


Homer: Oh, what does it matter? We're doomed!

Ned: (Sees a seagull) Wrong, we're saved! Seagulls always stay near land! They only go out to sea to die!

(The seagull squawks as it lands in the water and dies.)

Homer: Woo-hoo! See that, boy?! Your old man was right, not Flanders! We are doomed! (Points to Ned) In your face, Flanders!

Claiming credit for being right that the world really is burning? I have a rule - any time you re-enact a joke from a sitcom, you should conduct a review of your behaviour.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

It would be nice if an investigative journalist interviewed the PM and the staff.

I recall my surprise when I learned that Sweden gave up its “controlled group” status. Made no sense.

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Yes! that is what happened! Cases were totally under control, we had the same low amount of deaths from covid that we had during the summer months (I checked the statistics every day), the vaccinated were also getting sick so we started to see that they were not a protected group and boom! The PM suddenly quit with a weird excuse, and Magdalena Andersson got the job and installed vaccine passports first thing! And she said on national tv that you should not hug the unvaccinated and the health minister said they wanted to track down the unvaccinated and find out were they lived. Everything got weird and agressive so quick.

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And shortly after that, Sweden abandoned a decades-old policy and applied for membership in NATO.

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There were also numerous hit pieces in the media about Sweden's approach (eg, "The Inside Story of How Sweden Botched Its Coronavirus Response" appearing in Foreign Affairs in Dec 2020, etc.)

Another interesting thing was Anders Tegnell claiming that it was vaccines that made the difference. I don't know if he genuinely believes that or was it all part of the same turnaround you mentioned.

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The Fauci Feign - eliminate the control group.

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So much is unexplained. The biggest reason COVID became such as disaster was the premature ending of debate. Yet, this German commenter takes it upon himself to shut down conspiracy talk.

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In the first video, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya: There was never a scientific consensus on almost any of the topics. (0:45)

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The whole idea of a scientific consensus being meaningful is itself unscientific.

“Why 100? If I were wrong, one would have been enough." ---Einstein [In response to the book "Hundred Authors Against Einstein"]

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We need a decentralized safe haven for whistleblowers. Like this:


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We need a decentralized safe haven for everyone. All living things.

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(1) The injections were NEVER created to stop Covid.

It was the reverse:

(2) Covid was created so they could launch the injection program.

The public health authorities were never "mistaken." No, they've been LYING TO US from the start over 3 years ago.

So, yes, it's time now to focus on the many career criminals and their crimes. Time to stop sugar coating crimes against humanity at W.H.O., DOD, FDA, NIH, NIAID, UNC Chapel Hill (Ralph Baric's lab), and CDC as mere "errors" and "corruption."

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And this Whatsapp leak is most likely a limited hangout to distract from the bigger crimes:

1) Pre-planned hospital & care home deaths all over the Western world

2) Jab deaths, sterility (why else are they pushed onto pregnant women & children?) & other unresolved observations ie. self-assembly of materials inside the vials

3) Connection to global digital IDs - ongoing, food shortages inbound during '23 & '24

4) Social unrest from above --> Identify a stooge for pressure relief

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How is it possible for that former UK minister to be still at large? How much more evidence does one need to put this guy behind bars for life? This creature is responsible for massive suffering - old people dying alone, kids missing out on being kids, lives destroyed and so many lives lost.

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Miko, when the dust settles he'll be knighted by King Charles and will probably live out his days in the Greek Islands.

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Very likely, especially as Charles is a despicable creature. Unless the UK folk demand accountability, this will probably end up live on the BBC.

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Gets even better. He is going to give a knighthood to his own father (population reduction) Stanley...


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I have stayed up all last night wondering the exact same thing. Why hasn’t he been brought to court and sent to prison?

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One hundred percent... The longer this continues as it does, the more this scenario seems spot on

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> self-assembly of materials inside the vials

This sounds interesting. Any pointers to where we can learn more?

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What is really in the jabs? Suggest reading here & searching further. There are many sources around the globe that have reported similar findings.

1) https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/self-assembly-microtechnology-pfizer

2) https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/the-term-mrna-vaccines-is-a-sham

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Any crime detective must ask the whys, "what is the motive of the crime?", "what is there to gain and who and how is going to gain it?": here's where most fail, even you, Eugyppius and Politico.

You can't understand what's going on when there is no money trail to link the international coordination.

Conspiracy litmus test

15 Feb 2022. Christofer Cole, FDA Executive Officer of Countermeasures Initiative: “The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies.... so they pay us hundreds of millions dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their product.” “If they can get every person required to get an annual vaccine that is a recurring return of money going into their company.”1 By focusing on one tree (money), people miss the way out of the woods. Any crime detective must ask the whys, "what is there to gain and who and how is going to gain it?", “what’s the real motivation when there’s nothing to gain”? And here’s where most fail: they can’t explain the motive behind international coordination without the money trail. Some even fail to acknowledge it even if it’s in their face because it implies changing their world model upside-down.

How was it possible that mainstream media in different countries would cover news with the same scripted template, being the only difference the inclusion of local comments from the same pre-approved pool each time?

How was it possible that all dissident scientific and medical voices were ignored, censored and prosecuted by all levels of power, even universities and medical associations?

Is there a pandemic of a very contagious stupidity virus? Or is it a lunacy pathogen?

Is there a pre-requirement of being a sociopath or a psycho-path to occupy any level of authority?

Why do secret societies of satanists and luciferian masons need secrecy and impose obedience on their members under the threat of losing their easy jobs, easy money, livelihoods or lives?

What do they have to hide in secret?

Why are they freely allowed to benefit fellow accomplices with power seats, especially within Government, infiltrating all places of power?

Why are they allowed to act as one man in controlling central banks, supposedly opposing political parties, supreme courts, listed corporations, supposedly antagonist media, etc.?

Occam’s razor leaves only one logical answer: the global coup is run by masons.

When there's a confession of a crime, you need no more proofs. They expose their devious plans out loud and they put their money where their mouth is. The money trail proves they walk their talk with billions.

Yet, when there’s no money trail/profits, what else than freemasonry could explain precise coordination in 100+ countries (government agencies, politicians, judges, corporations, media, military, police, secret services)?:

• Why did the freemason President of France and freemason Fauci fund gain-of-function in Wuhan, supposedly being China THE enemy?

• Considering they control almost all listed corporations, they lost trillions with the lockdowns (they don’t care, they forge money).

• Unlike previous PLANdemics, it wasn't about selling billion$ of snake oil to governments, but about shoving it through your veins. This was most obvious with child and pregnancy haccination:

The PLANdemic wasn’t about the rich getting richer but about a global power grab. Only freemasonry can explain infiltration and coordination of all positions of power, especially, where there was no money trail. Why else do they need to be a secret society?

The more you study, the more smoke you can find from the smoking gun, not gun, cannons. Conspiracy-skeptics and cabal-deniers can't explain why those powers are spending billions in de-carbonisation, injected Bluetooth nano-routers, 5G, chemtrails, toxics, war-on-meat, gender ideology, paedophilia, robot-philia, human rights for the non-human persons (animals, AI robots), etc. Even if they admit the de-population progrom, they can’t explain the push for in-vitro fertilization, which contradicts depopulation.2

If they just took time to read, they’d find it is proven beyond any doubt that the satanic digi-tatoship wants to murder 95% of mankind while there's no democracy when all parties are under freemasonic orders and pockets (n.b. democrats and RINOs).

A school mate confessed: “Your argument looks all right but if I go that way, I won’t be able to enjoy life.” Some are unwilling to enter the rabbit's hole because they know that they won’t find wonderland at the other end, just nightmare-land, THE end of our world. Just as Cypher in Matrix movie, they’d rather forget all of it and live the good life (good lie) rather than join the resistance in a painful David-Goliath war “doomed to be lost”, as if being in denial would prevent their own extermination: better be a happy self-uninformed skeptic, than a responsible realist.

WARNING ! The next threats and the solution:


I'm about to post about something huge I found, which isn’t written anywhere else.

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I worked in hospice and chronic care, have 2 out of 3 vaxx injured adult kids from 1 DPT and 1 dtap shot. Im vaxx injured from small pox shot in 1965. Im an artist & hypnotherapist. I dont trust any govt or agency AT ALL. Everything is in inverted tyforyour comments. None of my kids or husbamd are injected. They call me nuts but know what im saying is correct.

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So sorry. What kind of injuries? My kids are both due for these boosters. I have resisted…..

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The safest decision for your kids is no more vaccines for anything! I also had an adverse reaction to the small pox vaccine when I was ten years old. I had a reaction to the flu shot a few years ago but didn’t fully wise up and do a deep dive into vaccines until two grandchildren and several friends had speech delayed grandkids. If I could go back and unvaccinate myself and my grandkids I would. One grandchild’s speech development has caught up. The other is still speech delayed and I’m praying he doesn’t end up with an autism label... There were 72 jabs on the cdc childhood vaccination schedule from birth to age 18. And that was before Covid made the childhood schedule. Also, why in the world does a perfect newborn baby need a hepatitis vaccine that is for a sexually transmitted disease or shared needles drug use?

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It’s very disturbing, I said no to the hep b vaxxes at birth, but gave them later because they were required by school. My daughter had speech issues also and still has trouble with fine motor skills…she also has other learning challenges like dyslexia (though that runs in the family). I am concerned some of her issues could be connected. 😢😢😢 I am haunted by the idea that the vaxxes might have caused these and impacted her brain. My son has significant health issues as well. Not caused directly by vaxxes but I do wonder if those played any role in his immune system being compromised. I am terrified my state is going to require these for schooling.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

I'm not sure what state you are in but many say they are required but aren't actually required. In Michigan, I had to go to the health department and listen to them tell me what a horrible parent I was for risking my children's health and then sign a form that I understood the risks. Then I gave a copy of the form to the school district and that was the end of it.

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Dont be terrified. Refuse to comply. Do whatever you must. I moved to another state.

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I would not put a vax in an animal, let alone a human. For the former, try here: https://darbyshaw.substack.com/p/are-pet-vaccines-safe-and-effective

Analogies can be drawn easily.

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My eldest , 4 months at time of dpt injection in 1988 , got encephalitis. Screamed all night ( dpt scream). His IQ tested later at 95. My IQ is 150. His father's was 140. He lost probably 30-40 points. Dxd withtourettesat age 7. My second child, daughter , unvaxxed and healthy until age 7. Dtap injected. I was assured by DO dyap was MUCH safer. Within 6 months she got severe RA. Shes 30 and in agony. On SSDI. I warned people for 35 years.

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there are plenty of money trails..."brought to you by Pfizer", BMGF, CIA kept Moderna alive for 10 years when it had 0 products, Fauci distributed 5 billion a year in research grants, social media paid directly by US government for censorship, etc etc

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Yep. Bill Gates bought Biontech stock in the fall of 2019. He clearly had foreknowledge. And Moderna disclosed they paid a $400,000 kickback to NIAID in December. I'd love to know how much of that went to Fauci on his way out the door.

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Wait, Fauci is the head of NIAID!

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He was till the end of the 2022.

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There's bigger fry than Freemasonry. I find it easier to simply refer to "The Cult", for while they wear many faces, Masonry being but ONE of the faces, they all ultimately serve the same master.

Highly recommend you read the blog, Svalispeaksagain. She was an insider to this evil - Jesuit-trained illuminati.

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I found their blog. https://svalispeaksagain.wordpress.com/

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I should have written a warning as Svali talks about very evil things rather candidly, because she lived through them.

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Yes! ALL under The Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy!

Besides developing Christianity in The Third Century A.D.,

it also started Islam in The Sixth Century A.D., Communism

and Fascism in The Twentieth Century A.D., and now COVIDS

and its quackcines that may lead to Vaccidents and Vaccemetaries!



A helpful site is EarthClinic.com with personal testimonies.


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Not knowing a lot about freemasonry, I can gather (from a newbie perspective) these plans have existed for some time, I only recently discovered about Trilateral Xommission, Institute of Royal Affairs, club of Rome and if course bleeding into the WEF, WHO and UN...

But what you've stated above is sharp and accurate, I'll read the article you linked to...

The longer this all goes on (especially trying to usurp your right to refuse gene therapy by the WHO Pandemic treaty)... The more this looks like Jaques Attali's plan to get rid of populations by making them line up for a lethal injection under the premise of a pandemic (of course it was meant to kill us all slowly over the next ten years, these immediate effects of excess may have put a flu in their ointment)

Thanks for all that info... I look forward to reading up on this

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There are many disinfo experts working hard on Substack and on social media to steer everyone away from this truth. The biggest one is the now admittance of the lab leak theory from the mainstream media. The msm is throwing the masses a bone (as in you all were right, it did come from a lab...well done) in order to make everyone think they have received some sort of win. Meanwhile, the real perps still walk free and worse, are in the process of preparing for their next pandemic.

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2020 was a US Presidential election year and the hive mind of government, academia, big tech, media, and public health knew what it had to do. Now they pretend any grudgingly-admitted-mistakes were made in good faith.

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That's a bingo!

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

With regards to:

(1) The injections were NEVER created to stop Covid.

This turned out to be true but they sure as hell were advertised as such, despite the recent gaslighting claiming they were never meant to stop transmission.

Safe & Effective turned out to be False & Misleading.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

‘Public service announcements’ ie big pharma ads still to this day say protect yourself and others by getting your Covid vaccines.

So the lies still continue.

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I’m wondered how they get away with this in Australia where it is illegal to advertise pharmaceuticals. I found my answer on the TGA site, they basically have an exemption.


Not sure it exempts them from truth in advertising laws as well but I doubt anyone would take action based on a complaint.

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And citizen's rights were trampled all over the planet on that very premise (a false claim). That's not in dispute. It happened.

No idea what point your trying to make.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

No idea about the point you’re trying to make in reply.

Edit: I can see how you may have misread my comment due to the logical double negatives. I’m actually agreeing with statement (1) i.e. (1) is true. Being advertised as stopping transmission and now claiming this was never said is gaslighting. They’re not safe & effective. Saying that they are safe & effective is false & misleading.

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Thankfully more "ordinary people" starting to wake up from the mass-media-induced myopia nflicted upon us over the last three three years.

It was refreshing to see so many Daily Sceptic readers taking Toby Young to task for running a Eugyppius Substack article seeking to persuabe us that the carefully plotted and orchestrated shamdemic and bioweapons (Oops! Sorry, vaccines) rollout was the product of political incompetents like the glutinous Matt Hancock.

You can fool some of the people all of the time and all the people some of the time, etc. . .

One begins to wonder whether it is just a matter of time before today's "rebel" social media keyboard warriors are suborned into the same kind of servile allegiance to the official narrative as the presstitutes of the MSM.

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But it wasn't only the drive for Vaxx - the whole scamdemic was designed to shut down economies so the Fed et al could issue trillions of dollars directly into main street. In Sept 2019 the global financial system was on the edge of another meltdown and Larry Fink at BlackRock advised 'going direct'. I summarised the sorry tale: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/a-perfect-storm-the-money-crisis?s=w

Always follow the money.

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I agree with you, "Don't drink the Kool-Aid" (if I understand you correctly). These decisions are not driven by greed, corruption, or honest mistakes. Those human frailties are the lubricants, but they are not the driving force. The driving force is national security. The international system is a creation of the US, and that includes Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and other creepy entities who are tacitly working with US national security. The economic issues like the digital dollar and aging populations are national security concerns - especially with the challenge from China.

Using the words "criminals" and "crimes" is the only part of your comment that I dispute. We are in a low intensity war with China, and the Western national security entities are willing to sacrifice our Western culture and citizenry to "win".

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> The international system is a creation of the US,

I think the proper term is "US corporation". :) The constitutional United States is different.

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The 1986 action of deeming Vaccines as "unavoidably unsafe" by Law provided an "ARC OF THE COVENENT" power launch to pHARMA like never before in history of product liability.

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I’m unfamiliar with that Act of Parliament in the UK.

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It was the voted upon USA legality version of allowing the Pharma's product liability to be shrouded in protection for injury or death of Vaccines. Other nations and crap agencies like the Captured WHO, hummed along with the same wretched narrative tune as did US media. American influence to this disaster in horribly criminal by every single pandemic action. All is not well. Trust in .GOV is not a remedy to SARS-COV2-WIV release.

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So not a UK law. Thanks.

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Said perfectly... Every word

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The best thing about the scamdemic is that it opened my eyes to the dangers of vaccination in general and prevented me from vaccinating my babies. No allergies, auto-immune diseases or autism in my household.

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The only thing I learned from the Plandemic is the gut wrenching reality that the entirety of government is beyond corrupt, has zero conscience, has long discarded the Constitution, despises “ We The People” and has no regard for life, whether human, animal or vegetation. We are disposable.

The few brave and honorable who dare to speak out are cancelled. Whether by censorship, threat, financial and personal ruin, imprisonment, disappearance , grievous injury or conveniently timed death. In our “ shining beacon of a democratic republic, a Constitution and Bill Of Rights promising government for and by the people,equal justice under the law, free speech, health, happiness and the pursuit of happiness”.

So why am I reduced to hopelessness ?, Because it’s all been an illusion.

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Never despair.

We will win this.

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Will we?

I don't see how. We are indeed many and they are indeed few (to paraphrase Shelley) but inbetween them and us are billions who don't actually care. All the people who swallowed the whole It's A Pandemic! We're All Going To Die! story sat at home with their masks getting paid magic money to leave their kids uneducated, their parents dying alone, their businesses withering. They then all rolled up to take untested injections which they had no idea were safe but they merrily believed a rolling story of what they were for. They now see people dying suddenly, developing sudden severe diseases, failing to get pregnant and they think it's all fine because they can go on holiday again. They will move seamlessly into giving up their cars, restricting their movements around town, going vegan, getting rid of their gas cookers whilst blaming Putin and Historical White People. They don't want to wake up. There are more of them than us.

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We will. Coz pretty much all the effetes jabbed. Yes, really.. they were that stupid. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm privy to enough such toplevel chatgroups and know enough folks, they are pretty much ALL jabbed. Do your own logical extrpolation and plan accordingly.

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You are correct. This is sadly the state of most people these days. Many will never wake up. This is why I believe that developing parallel societies is our only choice. We aren't going to win this by voting or challenging a corrupt legal system.

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Not to be a doomer but I don't think we will. The mechanisms were put in place a long time ago while we were asleep. Every single agency has been infiltrated and corrupted. How do we win when we no longer a military, the courts or even our vote? There's no one left to save us.

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I disagree. The military and police will turn on their masters when they too realize that they have been royally f*cked!

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We need to save ourselves.

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I dropped out of a blue pill dream throughout all of this too... Disappointed to see all we thought was real, has been theatre, especially human rights... Watching the corruption on display (especially when we knew there was a problem, and under normal circumstances the dangerous genetic potion SHOULD have been immediately stopped) was sickening, like I'd fallen into a bad sci fi movie... and the leaders and bureaucracy lying through their teeth... Yep, I know exactly what you're saying! It's taken away a foundation of security you thought was guaranteed.

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As a veteran and former patriot, I - sadly - agree with your well written comment, Gail. Most don't realize that war was declared on freedom in 2020, and continues to this day (WHO pandemic treaty?! WTF?!) I only hold out hope that some states will move rapidly toward "independence", using the 10th amendment to steadily detach from the failing empire that the US has become, and give their residents protection and cover from the encroaching tyranny.

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Good luck to those states and the 10th Amendment. Meanwhile The Lost up here in "The Democratic People's Republic of Canuckistan" remain up Shit Creek without a paddle...

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

I'm there with you. There is no going back to what we were as a nation.

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Mesus n Burden " Strength in Numbers" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8NCYOH-LIo

give it a listen.

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I have felt the same way, and realised how little influence people can have. But to keep sane and stop from feeling helpless I have started to try and work out ways I can live the best life I can and get as far from the evilness, it is only by being human and enjoying friendship and being part of a small community, but I have a daughter and it breaks me what she will have to face in to and endure.

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I feel the same. Also, as an American I always thought my country was one of the good guys. Now I know differently.

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And no vaccination for pets too!

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I stopped vaccinating my pets after my two cats raised from kittenhood on human grade raw meat & organ diets BOTH got Chronic Kidney Disease around age 14. My current rescued ferals get NO vaccines, eat a diet of human grade raw meats & organs, and raw whole milk kefir. They are flourishing despite their rough beginnings.

To paraphrase a hippie meme from the anti-Vietnam War era: "Vaccines are not healthy for children and other living things."

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Absolutely agree.

My cat, rescued as a kitten, has had no vaccines and is still going strong at age 20.

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It's been whispered for decades that feline leukemia is an inside job, if you know what I mean.

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I stopped vaccinating my pets, too.

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We also have stopped jabbing our little dog.

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My son insisted on vaxxing his cats, but at least the holistic vet who does not push vaxxines, called every day for a week to check and make sure the cats had no swelling at the point of injection which is apparently a precursor of cancer or other problems down the road.

I’m foregoing vaxxines for my dog. It does mean she can never be boarded or groomed, but hey that’s what I’m for:-)

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Everything from rare zoo animals to million dollar racehorses is falling over dead these days. Attempts to vaccinate food animals are resulting is a lot of dead food animals, but I highly doubt that prevents them from entering the food supply. Apparently, there is less and less difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood, but there is still interest in punishing noncompliance.

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Yes, the only good thing to come out of covid debacle is that it will make more and more suspicious of all vaccines.

And, if you want some science showing how and why orthodox vaccines are harmful, :-


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The single benefit gleaned from this despicable betrayal is the emergence of independent citizen journalists who bucked the partisan narrative, instead exposing truth.

If a few years ago anybody opined that Glenn Beck and Kim Iversen would cohost a podcast, exchanging personal ideology respectfully, I’d wait for a punchline. Naomi Wolf a regular on Steve Bannon’s War Room. Mark Steyn and Naomi Wolf . Matt Taibbi and Ben Shapiro. Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald, Bret Weinstein, Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew YangNaomi Wolf, Jimmy Dore, Alex Berenson, Jordan Schactel AND JD Vance, Larry Elder,James Woodson, Jair Bolsinaro,Carol Swain, Russell Brand, Jordan Petersen, Bill Maher, Gutfeldthe “ banned” medical experts, Ami Horowitz, David Horowitz, Ian Miles Cheong, Andy Ngo, Open The Books, Steve Kirsch, Joe Rogan, Epoch Times, Asra Nomani, Walter Kern, Jeffrey Tucke… Putting aside differences , realizing we have been betrayed, purposely divided and if we cannot at least fing common issues, we will all be finished

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Woke me up to the dangers of medicine in general. I will never see doctors, nurses, hospitals, the same again. They are now entities that can no longer be trusted to keep us well as I no longer believe that is the goal of the overall agenda.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I also believe that the frontline is stupid (Hancock, Cuomo, Whitmer), but smarter, more evil ones stand behind them calling the shots(Gates, WEF and some are still unknown to us). But something happened that they didn’t plan on- a big segment of the population now knows who they are, hate vaccines, hate politicians, hate media and now we won’t listen to anything they have to say. What will they do now about that? I’m worried they will double down on their attempt to control us.

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I agree

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I don't think they counted on their narrative not working, as the elite WEF key speaker Yuval Noah Harari assured them (the elites) that humans can be controlled via the narrative, via fiction, as long as everyone believes the same story, we all co-operate (even in lining up for poison). Yuval talking about the above reference here:


So who wouldn't believe their story? They silenced opposition, controlled the narrative, everyone seemed on board. But everyone can pick a hole in a lie if they listen closely enough... and slowly but surely a lot of us did... Due to studying biology the mere suggestion of mRNA was a big WTF? Banning ivermectin in Australia was a huge WTF?? That day I knew something big and super strange was going down... I can't quite convey just how scary that day was for me, with the news suddenly blaring horse dewormer, such obvious propaganda... Felt like the country had been invaded...

I was fully onboard with the whole covid story, until radical genetic engineering was put forward as the "only" solution, then the friendly coercion (win money etc) then the hard stick, take it or lose your job etc. I could go on, but I think most people here witnessed this heavy enforcement of experimental, obviously deadly and dangerous stuff that you simply MUST take (although if you're injured it was your choice)... As I said sci fi movie... People died, but no talk of immediately suspending its use, even worse they kept saying "safe and effective" over and over like robots, when it was obviously not safe and effective... I fricking red pilled right then...

I think, if it's indeed more than bad medicine and stupidity, and more like depopulation... With what I knew about the delicate subtleties of mRNA, that in 5 to 7 years we'd see an explosion of death / cancer / autoimmunity / bodily systematic collapse / a multitude of unknown and unknowable ills ... I think (if it's depopulation they were after) they thought the same as me... and like me, are stunned a lot of the death and incapacitation has been immediate and so BIG they do not know what to do, so they are currently ignoring it, working on a narrative shift to explain it all you can bet.

Their plan has come slightly undone ... They thought they could dupe the world, so you'd all be begging for their "cure", and we'd all die a few years down the track, at staggered intervals, of so many various ills, they would have plausible deniability... but so many have seen the injuries and deaths (and personally know someone, as we know VAERS, DAEN, UK Yellow Card etc are just the tip of the iceberg) that now, the refuses are glad they stood strong, the coerced are angry, and even the willing feel duped... A few are still in the daydream, but if they get the info we've seen... They will be furious too...

Let's hope we are close to a watershed moment

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I remember when Sutton said Ivermectin was a horse dewormer on tv, and although already well into the shit-fuckery research and fully convinced we were in a palace coup de tat, I became a bit freaked out too. I already had tubes of horse paste in my bedroom and tabs on the way from India too but the fact our major public health official was weaponised politically against health and for death was stunning.

I feel you bro. I'm off-grid in the Ozzie bush hoping to ride this shit out with a calm mind and a big heart - we are in for a ride my friend

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Mate the bush is the BEST place to be, good move... Good luck, we'll need it to avoid their next plan I'm sure

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This is a wonderful, thoughtful comment Steve. Thank you. I'm saving it to my journal.

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You are correct. I also think that they didn't plan for almost everyone who took the shots to have some kind of major side effect leading them to say "no more". Just look at the uptake #'s of the boosters. Virtually nil.

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I hope a watershed moment on the pandemic, covid front.......but having begun to recognise the enormity and complexity of what has occurred , my question is what next? And more importantly what else is already occurring....climate change controls....perhaps climate change ..A hugely complex system is not as straightforward as a single factor co2. But what I am already seeing are the controls and a narrative....but a little research has already shown me way more.....so maybe this is already the what next, but what else? Sometimes a walk in nature is needed to just give a curious brain a break 🙂

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You nailed it re climate, and many scientists have said the same... Planetary forces much bigger than CO2 govern climate, solar radiation, orbit around the sun, axial tilting, ocean currents etc... Unfortunately the media has used imagery to conflate pollution with climate change... Don't get me wrong, pollution is bad, poisons a local environment with toxins, causing environmental damage... But causing climate change on a global scale is at best unproven... Many cancelled climate scientists have demonstrated no correlation between atmospheric carbon and climate...


If the argument for man made climate change is so nuanced, how can we be so sure? How does it justify locking people down and making them a prisoner? How does it justify controlling all food? How does extra carbon tax on everything "save" the planet from climate change? It doesn't, but this is the narrative pushed ... For control... A climate change believer (and I m respect his point of view) even protested at the WEF because he could see it's about control.


In a way it's akin to paying the king some of your gold in tax, so he can use his powers to make sure the sun rises, it costs you more to live, but fortunately the king makes the sun rise, so the cost is worth it. Because without paying the king, he might not have enough gold to keep you safe from the sun not rising.

In other words, the climate does evolve and change, and does go through cycles of more rain, more cold, more heat etc. Putting a taxation control system in place to make vast sums of money to stop the "climate changing" is crazy. What's wrong with climate change? If it's a natural phenomenon anyway, humans have been dealing with it a long time... Verbal Aboriginal tales here in Australia recount the Great Australian Bight area as an escarpment looking over plains, and geologic paleo archeological research suggests it was so, before the oceans rose due to global warming more than 7,000 years ago. The climate change that wrought did not wipe human out ...


I suspect similarly climate change is no more a disaster now than it ever was, and human kind cannot stop it.

I'm much more worried about plans to spray gunk into the atmosphere for global cooling, much the same as messing with people's mRNA, WTF?? !! Unintended consequences on steroids.


Neil Oliver nails it on what we all know


And this looked great, but I only got half way, it's on my "to watch" list


Unfortunately I think covid was a trial run for this...

Yep, while I can I'm going to tune out... Find peace in between it all... But it is like trying to ignore a stranger in your front yard...!!

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Interesting observations - many I too have seen. But I don't have your background in biology - so is it possible the event Gates mentioned as due in 2025 "that everyone will notice" is referring to the beginning of the planned outcome of the jabs?

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I think you are right - the groundswell of people who now know of just Blackrock and Vanguard is huge. There are alot of independent info soldiers they didn't count on. I think the psyops was not as easy as they expected as well.

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This is why they are passing the buck over to the WHO via the treaty. Whitmer, Biden and the rest of them won't be calling the shots any longer so they won't look like the bad guys the next time we get locked down or forced vaxxed. It will the WHO's fault and our dear leaders will just be following orders.

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revolving front entities, but still the plan pushes forward.

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The politicians are not very bright and are so easy to control and/or buy off, then throw under the bus (as they are doing now) to deflect attention from the real criminals. However, I also think there's another level beyond Schwab, Gates, et al, who've protected their identities very well, and those are the ones we have to out or we will never be safe.

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Yeah. Now it's a choice to be part of this GENOCIDE KILLING

OF THEV WILLING. Probably sooner rather than later it


I will still just say, "NO!" Will YOU?


freely on MeWe. A helpful healing site is EarthClinic.com.


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If it was just incompetence, we would have seen differences in the policies from country to country, state to state, city to city. The lack of variance we witnessed requires extreme competence. Since the public leadership, nearly everywhere, has proven itself incompetent, there must be a higher level controlling them. Your logic is sound and the receipts are everywhere.

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It was all in lockstep which means it was highly planned and coordinated. There's no other way.

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Yes, exactly, world wide... Not a single difference... Your comment made me think about the "Pandemic treaty" what a load of rubbish... (We know it's about forced vaxs and control but...) Like you said ALL the countries were EXACTLY the same... Why under their rationale do we need a treaty, for a more co-ordinated response? Couldn't be much more co-ordinated than it was could it? Brilliant point you brought up... Therefore the treaty is only their to take away your bodily autonomy, only there to trample the US Constitution and only there to bring in a centralised government, that will declare a permanent emergency, no more countries... Within a generation, no-one will know any different either... The world is theirs...

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They were so lazy that they used the same script - horsepaste - to tar the you-know-what - even in countries that didn't rear horses! In a way, it was very 'instructive' to watch the pretty much the same PR talking points being rolled out in multiple countries in the same day. It's like, can't everyone else see what's going on?

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Xtly. Every single 'leader' parroting Build Back Better

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With the benefit of hindsight. There was a clear and deliberate effort to link the idea of opening up to the vaccine. All the harsh brutality of the lockdowns and the wall-to-wall fear propaganda is impossible to separate from the vaccination campaign when looking back. Where people get stuck is that they think their governments necessarily have to be read into every detail of "the real plan" to be complicit.

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Government and institutional bureaucrats are tools, evil tools no doubt, but tools nonetheless. In the end, they will no longer hold the reins of power and influence, thrown away when their purpose is accomplished by those who are deftly pulling their strings.

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And how will "those who are deftly pulling their strings" maintain their power after they throw away the "tools" with which they achieved their power?

Serious question.

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The tools I speak of are simply a bridge between resistance and compliance. Once the masses are cowed, complacent, and compliant, there will be a different form of government, a police state of some sort, wielded by those who receive their marching orders directly from the globalists who are the power behind much of what is happening today. And many of these are not shadowy figures, but have written and stated these things publicly. The transcripts and documents are there for those who care to look, but few do.

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it was planned. by creepy conspiratorial globalists.

i think it’s an old plan.

and i don’t think the plan is over.

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thank you, I was going to make the same observation. They already had another tabletop exercise called Catastrophic Contagion for a respiratory enterovirus pandemic starting in Brazil in 2025. Before that, Gates said the next pandemic would make people sit up and take notice. He must get off on the fear porn........

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We need to find a way to get Gates out of the driver's seat! And soon!

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Mother Nature or a steady hand with a rifle.

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The plan is shifting to climate change lockdowns and control.

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support for that was set up in the covid lockdowns. remember ‘the dolphins are returning to the Venetian canals’ and ‘the ozone layer spontaneously repaired’ and ‘the oceans are cleaner’ or whatever eco nonsense narrative was promoted about nature returning to neighbourhoods because of lockdowns.

which was all very doubtful to me.

but it bought support for lockdowns=good! human freedom=bad!

the same friends who bought into ‘i stand with Ukraine’ shared the photoshopped dolphins in Venice photos and got on waiting lists for the fastest vax in the West and lined up 6 feet apart for their children to get jabbed...

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It's hard to not scratch a Canadian institution that played its part in the COVID hysteria and not find Bill Gates' fingerprints all over it.

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Bill needs a breast reduction. He should worry about shrinking his udders before deciding to take over the world. Priortities...priorities 🤣

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Hey Johnny D ... do u think that’s why the wife left him ?

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"Bill, your, erm, breasts are bigger than mine. Plus Epstein. And vaccines that kill. I'm leaving you."


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Or maybe I should be asking Blair? 🤣

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I think you are 100% correct. I too read the eugyppius article this morning and was quite shocked. I thought a lot of it was right but was surprised that he didn’t mention Event 201 etc. i didn’t repost because of this. Glad you have written this piece.

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Thank you!

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U nailed it Igor🤗

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Agree 💯%.

I was shocked eugyppius arrived at this conclusion.

When I saw all countries marching in lock-step in March 2020, I knew we'd been taken over; an inside job, a coup. So-called "national" or "provincial" leaders, elected by constituents, now work for foreign entities. They were not elected on this platform of transferred allegiance. No, they are traitors and should be arrested.




One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason.

One who violates his allegiance and betrays his country; one who is guilty of treason. See treason.

One who betrays any trust; a person guilty of perfidy or treachery; one who violates confidence reposed in him.




The betrayal of allegiance toward one's own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts.

The betrayal of someone's trust or confidence.

A betraying; treachery; breach of faith.

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Let’s hope egyppius reads these comments!

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There's a ton of disinfo happening right now when it comes to who to blame for Covid/vaccines etc....I see it everywhere. I hope eugyppius is not part of this agenda but his post makes me wonder.

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As usual in these potential divisive "debates," the question is misframed as either/or. Let's acknowledge the merits of both/and (as you rightly have already).

I find both your post and eugyppius's outstanding, and complementary toward a full understanding and sharing of responsibility.

That goes for the gullible public too, as per Matthias Desmet... (target of yet another needless controversy).

To your credit, your answer to eugyppius is respectful and adds to his post, rather than attacking it.

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Thank you, we are both on the side of good, and strive for understanding

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

You nailed it. It was (and is) a nefarious globalist attempt to subjugate the world and get rid of as many people as possible. We must realize that, refuse to comply, and fight back. Thank for stating the truth.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Seems to me the whole thing is represented well by an onion metaphor; depending on which layer of the onion a person belonged to, their behaviors could be described by what typified that particular layer. The useful idiots in the general public were one layer. The useful idiots in the medical and administrative positions were another layer. The machinators with billions to throw around were another layer. The media taking payoffs were another layer. These layers interlinked and communicated in various complex ways in the setting of a fractured, collapsing and ideologically divided society.

What are the practical ramifications of knowing exactly whether the idiot layer or the machinator layer of this rotten onion was the “real cause”? What if there isn’t A real cause, but a flowering from a whole bunch of different awful seeds?

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good onion model

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and plausible deniability woven in at different levels, easier to achieve when the people, as eugyppius writes, really are officious, petty. tyrannical and low IQ .-Good metaphor, like one of those rotting GMO onions that gets really slimey and reeks when kept in the dark lol

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plausible_deniability Glad you wrote this Igor.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

My daughter just got into Harvard.


They are demanding proof of bivalent boosters for all students.


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But also scary, wishing your daughter the best of health!

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Oh, she doesn't want to do that.

We don't want her to do that.

Maybe she won't go.

For people that consider themselves so smart, they sure are really dumb.

It's not like she hasn't already gotten covid and doesn't have immunity and the risk in that age group isn't completely negligible.

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They will likely cancel the mandate soon.

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That's what I am hoping. And praying.

Sorry for highjacking the thread.

It is very frustrating at this point.

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My youngest son 24, unvaxxed , born at home gave up his entire acting career . He started since age 11, left his apt in NYC after graduating from a top acting conservatory. Nothing would convince my family to comply. Nothing

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Not to worry. The unvaxed will be in high demand soon.

I am friends of a family who lost their son last month to the shot. He died in his sleep. He was becoming a successful actor in Hollywood.

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I completely understand. We too have children that have dreams that may be derailed due to these injection mandates, if they remain.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

Your daughter was accepted to Harvard. Nothing can take that fact away!. She need not attend ANY institution that mandates this garbage. She need only submit her letter of acceptance as proof of her integrity and explain that her intelligence prevented her from attending. Even if the jab mandate is lifted she should never attend an institution that saw fit to pull this crap.

She'll be in high demand in whatever endeavor she pursues. She is in a position to demonstrate her principles by NOT attending Harvard.

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We have to stop placing undue value on institutions that predicate obtaining an education on unsafe, unscientific, totalitarian policies. Any institution that would force me to put my life at risk for an already known to be false premise is not worthy of spending my money on or educating me.

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It's absolutely insane. It's probably the biggest sign of all that Harvard wants OBEDIENT students. Most of the highest performing students are in fact rather obedient (doing what their parents, teachers etc encouraged through their lives).

But I don't think you'd want your daughter being OBEDIENT to the current forces. I'd find an elightened university for her.

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Blind obedience as John Bradshaw discusses in many of his books and audio programs. The child molester ALWAYS seeks out the most obedient children and because they have been taught to obey adults. They are the perfect victims.

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There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom just like we see a big difference between stupidity and ignorance. A stupid person cannot help it that the have perhaps a learning or reading disability or maybe they just cannot comprehend complex ideas, formulas or structures.

On the other hand somebody who’s ignorant is driven by their ego pretending they know everything but when they are challenged they refuse to even look at the proof of their folly. Haven’t we seen a tad bit too much of this condition over the last 36 months?

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Your daughter just learned the most important lesson Harvard could ever teach her, and she never had to set foot on campus.

The most obvious demonstration of her intelligence would be to now find a different school to attend.

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Perhaps you could try sending this to the Dean of Students, with request for exemption:


This is the assessment published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) assessment in December. The key line:

"Booster mandates in young adults are expected to cause a net harm: per COVID-19 hospitalisation prevented, we anticipate at least 18.5 serious adverse events from mRNA vaccines..."

18.5 serious adverse events to prevent just 1 hospitalisation from Covid ffs! NET HARM.

BMJ is a prestige journal, and there it is in black and white that, in their assessment, the mandates are unethical due to the risk / reward profile for the college age group. This report is specific to college campus mandates, so they cannot argue it's not relevant, or is being misinterpreted. The line above is literally in the opening para.

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Please don't do it.

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Religious exemption or forget Harvard. NOTHING is worth it. From a parent of 2 vaxx injured adult kuds from the late 80s

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Can never get your health back

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Get a fake vaxx port if you must.

Do you really want her to go to a school that mandates Harmacide?

A lot of the doc tors got fake vaxxx cards from the administrators

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Fake vax cards just cover up the problem and don't solve it. You can't get fake vax cards forever. The only way to stop this is to stop complying even if that means not going to college there.

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Agree 100%. And that was always imho the problem with religious exemptions, medical exemptions, etc, or agreeing to weekly Covid testing in lieu of vaxxines. Those don’t solve the bigger problem.

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Exactly. It's the same as taking a pharma drug you don't need instead of altering your lifestyle.

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Tgey don't require the old staff get the boosters.

Only the young students.

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please don't let her get the shot. harvard used to let you defer for a year.

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Once you realize that schools have been brainwashing institutions ever since John Dewey, the medically useless / harmful vaccine mandate makes complete sense.

[N.B.: I have both a JD and an MD; I am not anti-education per se]

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Your well crafted words are enough.

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Harvard is not what is used to be. None of the Ivy League unis are. If you want to see world class indoctrination, these so-called elite unis are in a class of their own. I know someone from Cornell and I cannot believe that what has happened to that place in such a short period of time.

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Getting the shot is an act of subservience; it preselects those most susceptible to being indoctrinated.

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That’s crazy shame on all universities for poisoning their students!

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Maybe they get a kick back from dead students, just like the hospitals got from putting people on ventilator

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That could be true. Make money of the victims.

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Don’t comply with Harvard’s jab demands! Think of how healthy your daughter is. Her youthful health could be severely compromised for the rest of her life or even ended early. Also, her fertility may be ruined. I vote for health!

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Take a gap year. Perform service that does not require the shotz. It should blow over by then. And attend Harvard with yet another distinguishing hallmark on her record.

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Is she already vaxed, or previously covid infected ?

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She, like basically everyone, got covid a while ago.

Harvard, in their infinite wisdom, seems to have forgotten about natural immunity.

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This is absolutely criminal. I pray she doesn't get the shots. They will never stop forcing kids to get these shots unless people stand up.

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Healthy young adults don’t need a mRNA shot! No one does! This ain’t about health.

Stop the shot.

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Proof of sterility.

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Guys, in US can't you just buy the vaccination proof from an open-minded doctor? In Romania a lot of people did this. It costed 2-300 euros a certificate. I was prepared to buy the certificates, too - one for me, one for my wife, but fortunately Putin started the war and everything went crumbling. So I kept the money :)

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Why don't you quiz her with a basic intelligence test before letting her go? :) That is, a rational conversation about the V.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Lab-leaked? Which Lab??

I feel that people have been very quick to move on from the known "Safety Violations" at the Fort Detrick, MD Bioweapons Lab and the abrupt shut-down and suspension of all research activities that took place in July 2019.

New York Times Archive:


Despite what many people believe, I believe that Covid was IN CIRCULATION in the United States in the Fall of 2019 -- well before Covid was announced, as confirmed by several ER Physicians.

Further, I propose that Covid wasn't just being transmitted person-to-person, but was actually airborne -- not just from human breath -- but ambiently and environmentally airborne -- OUTDOORS -- in aerosol form and it came in waves.

The exclusive talk about China, may actually be a massive smoke-screen, for the fact that Covid may have actually broken out in the United States, as a result of lab leaks from Ft. Detrick, MD and the U.S. Military personnel that were sent to the Military Games in Wuhan, may have actually BROUGHT Covid with them...(accidentally or purposefully.)

How can we all so quickly move on from the possibility that Covid actually emerged from our own Biolabs?

The lab-leak theory is now more popular -- but questions as to WHICH lab seem to be non-existent.

Please look into this:

**Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at Army Lab Over Safety Concerns**

Problems with disposal of dangerous materials led the government to suspend research at the military’s leading biodefense center.


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The US funded EcoHealth Alliance's work in Wuhan.

Obviously, the US also funded Ft. Detrick. And also UNC. And Rocky Mountain Labs.

The next question to be answered is, was the "lab leak" unintentional?

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I'm with you...would like to know the answer to that!

* Did Rogue actors leak pathogens?

* Was there a coincidental simultaneous release on multiple continents?

* Did our people accidentally carry it to China?

* Did China deliberately spread it around (as was suggested in early videos of people smearing germs on elevator buttons, park benches, etc.)

* Did WE deliberately spread it around?

* Was it broadly spread via aerosols, mists, "chemtrails", etc?

So many questions...!

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I saw a video of the park benches.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

This was apparently in China. It originally was circulated as having been done in the U.S.

Not sure:

People Spreading Germs on Elevator Buttons:


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I completely agree with you about the possibility of Ft. Detrick being involved in all this. There are theories that the "Spanish flu" in 1916 actually originated in Ft. Riley in Kansas. The US is good at redirecting culpability. No matter where the actual leak came from, it seems undeniable that the US government was involved in some way, shape or form.....

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I was unware of the theories connection Ft. Riley to Spanish Flu. Thank you.

The Ft. Detrick thing looms in my mind, because there has been virtual radio silence around it. If all stones were unturned, I'd expect at least 100 Journalists to have publicly asked officials about it.

"Dr. Fauci, there were reports of the Biowarfare Lab in Ft. Detrick, MD being shut down due to safety concerns about leaked pathogens. Have Covid like viruses ever been studied in the United States? At any time did the lab at Ft. Detrick have access to such pathogens? What steps has the U.S. Government taken to be 100% sure that Covid and other pathogens did not leak (or were released) from stocks in our very own labs? Where were the US Military Personnel stationed prior to being shipped off to the Wuhan Military Games....Wasn't there a strange respiratory disease outbreak in a Nursing Home/LTC Facility quite near that Ft. Detrick Lab?"

See...ALL those questions could be dead ends -- but I'm quite surprised by the fact that no one seems to have been asking them.

The FBI recently came out and said something along the lines that there is a high likelihood that it leaked/originated from a Lab -- I was a bit surprised to see that they didn't say WHICH LAB. Seemed like one heck of an omission.

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I agree and the odd “respiratory outbreak” in the summer of 2019 at Greenspring Retirement facility that killed three residents and sickened tens of staff is another clue. This facility is about 60 miles from Ft. Detrick. And the story did appear on the news (you can still google and find it) and they were all perplexed why a respiratory pathogen would have sickened so many people in June and July of 2019, which is not typically the time we see massive respiratory pathogen spread. I do believe the virus was here in the USA long before the official start of the pandemic and the FBI director Wray is doing what FBI directors have long done- obfuscate, confuse, and outright lie to form their preferred narrative. The USA is culpable. It’s not a reflection on our people, it’s a reflection on our leadership, intelligence agencies, and public health agency corruption.

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Thank you so much for this!

I couldn't remember the name of that facility, but just alluded to it and found your comment.

I was surprised to see the FBI somewhat confirm the lab-leak or lab-origin hypothesis and was quick to note that they never said WHICH lab....seemed like a somewhat cagey omission.

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I couldn't agree more with everything you said!

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I and the friend with whom I share a house in Silver Spring MD both had bad colds in late October 2019. We live about half a mile from the Daniel Inouye Building in the Forest Glen Annex of Ft. Detrick.

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Thank you for your testimony. I believe that ER / Urgent Care / Health Insurance and Primary Doctor visit data would affirm this.

I know several ER Doctors that have personally attested to the fact that Covid was absolutely going around in Fall 2019.

Glad you are better! ;)

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I have two family members who became ill in November 2019. I still wonder...

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

I say Fall 2019, but I'm pretty sure it was also November and while people are reluctant to believe this, I believe I got it when I was outside alone -- in a large open field -- on a day with very, very low cloud cover/fog and there was a very peculiar smell in the air.

When I "got" it, I knew immediately -- it felt like little shards of glass entered my nostrils.

Was the most severe respiratory illness I've ever had, but I was long conditioned to "natural methods" and I managed to knock it out after weeks of effort.

Even so, it took months to get my energy back and I'm not really sure I'm truly the same. (But I have some confounding variables happening health-wise).

Thanks again for the messages.

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Ah, the blessed Fort Detrick. What's not to like - a ready supply of human lab rats aka soldiers - to "Protect".

Inoculation of 3 million soldiers in WW1 contributed to/arguably caused the Spanish flu pandemic.

And what, I wonder was its contribution to Gulf War Syndrome - probably disabled/killed more soldiers than Iraq ever could.

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There's also the strange saga of the Winnipeg Level 4 lab, from which a Chinese husband and wife research team for Wuhan were ousted and deported with no explanation in the Summer of 2019. Trudeau ducked an inquiry for a long time, then finally one was held and just as he was about to be forced to release info about what happened, he called a snap election which disbanded the inquiry. The election call made no sense. Polls indicated he'd be lucky to maintain his minority government and indeed he lost seats. Strangely the opposition has not asked for the inquiry to be re-started but I've always wondered.....

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Not to mention the death of Dr. Frank Plummer, head of the lab, in Feb 2020.

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Mysterious Dominican Republic tourists deaths (strange pneumonia).

EVALI's meteoric rise and disappearance.

Fort Detrick closure.

The case of the mayor of Bellevile, NJ. Etc.

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All of it, yes.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

We live in a world that wants us dead. Pure and simple. Now please pass the mashed potatoes...

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It seems to me that governments around the world and media were "captured" and bought-out by Bill Gates, Big-Pharma, and friends. I suspect that the ultimate goal was to reduce the global population by 10-15%, as Bill Gates said in his speech. https://mellano.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/bill-gates.mp4

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

While I don't trust Bill Gates for a second, I do believe that wildly circulated quote is badly misrepresented by "our side".

The concept was that many parents in under-developed countries have many, many children, because infant and childhood mortality is so high, they are afraid they will DIE.

So, they have EXTRA children to compensate for future losses.

I believe what Bill Gates was saying is that if vaccines and other strategies were deployed to REDUCE mortality in Children, parents would NOT be as inclined to have SO MANY Children -- and thus Global Population could be reduced by 10%-15%. It wasn't by KILLING people, it was by preventing so many deaths -- so that Parents would not feel the need to procreate so defensively.

This said -- I don't trust Bill Gates one bit and am well aware of the many vaccine scandals he is accused of being a part of.

I'm just nit-picking this quote, because it is just not accurately represented by our team. ;)

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Perhaps that is the case, but I suspect that another possibility is that it could have been a Freudian slip on Gate's part, and that he didn't actually mean to include vaccines into that statement, but instead planned on saying something like...if we do a great job with reproductive health, condoms, and birth control we can reduce that by 10-15%. I think that it is within the realm of possibilities that vaccines are one of the mechanisms that Gates wants to use to reduce the population.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

Melinda had actually written an article about this on the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation Website which I later found -- which put his spoken comments in better context.

See Point #5: https://www.gatesnotes.com/2018-Annual-Letter

He meant to include vaccines, but not as "death jabs", but as a means by which to LOWER infant and Child Mortality -- with the "dividend" being that Parents would be less likely to have so many children, if they didn't fear them all dying.

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That must be why they peddled a tetanus vax containing hcg that sterilized a half million women in Africa. They meant to lower infant existence.

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Yes...I also noted this.

We're on the same team on that one.

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or test drugs on them. Anyone remember the movie "The Constant Gardener" (2005). Weisz and Fiennes.

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That was early tests of methods to sterilise. Obviously with that busted, they knew we would look for HCG. Plus Gates could not overtly use his planned chip to switch fertility on/off. So instead they designed the jabs spike protein to mimic placental proteins. Far more subtle. Seems it also damages the testes too, plus everything else that dares produce it, display it or encounter it. Amyloidous too and seemingly prior, although we have yet to see prion style brain diseases in any large numbers yet. Give it time. It is quite the synthetic protein bio-weapon, as there is no covid.

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It could be they have an RNA version of the HCG vaccine. Without sequencing a sample of RNA molecules in jabs from across the world we will never know.


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Bill Gates is a eugenicist as was his father before him- the former President of Planned Parenthood for many years. Something they have in common with the man who paid to erect the GA Guidestones, with the stated goal of reducing population of the earth to 500 million in perpetuity. Other written plans say 1 billion, with half coming from China and Japan because of their social conformity and work ethic. Whites are the smallest group on the planet now, but they have the highest death rates from covid and the jab; the injections were concentrated in western nations.

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I wouldn't doubt it, but that particular Bill Gates quote has been passed around repeatedly and it just doesn't seem to say what he actually said.

Perhaps he just needed a cover story to conceal nefarious intent, but I think his logic was transparently reasonable on that level.

That said, pretty sure I heard RFK, Jr. claiming Bill Gates related outfits were sterilizing children with vaccines in Africa and India, perhaps, so if so...all bets are off.

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you can google the hcg in the tetanus vax, it is well known, investigated by Catholic health clinics in Africa, they sent vials to independent labs in different countries.

The lipid nano particles in the covid vax accumulate in ovaries #1, and the lipid is nearly impossible to degrade inside the body. 84 of 85 pregnancies during the trial were lost.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

I'm aware of it...I actually brought it up in my 1st reply to you, but our comments crossed.

RFK, JR. spoke quite a bit about it.

I believe there are lawsuits and maybe even arrest warrants for Gates over this and similar instances.

Truly diabolical stuff.

Thank you for your passion.

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I love the way you argue your points! You are insistent in presenting your point of view, but you don't resort to personal attacks or insults. I find that very refreshing (not like on Twitter) and feel that it is actually a much more effective way to be convincing, although I have to admit, not too many people are open to changing their opinions.

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Here's a quote you can consider: https://archive.is/NRfCk

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

I would tend to think he would mean "create sterilizing immunity" to Covid-19, as opposed to sterilization, as in, making all infertile, but I can't know from the link itself.

I think that "Sterilizing Immunity" is a term of art with respect to vaccine design.

He was wrong obviously on that front anyway, but I'm not sure I can glean that he is actually talking about fertility - vs Covid transmission.

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I concur with Truth is Love on this point 100%. There is no doubt at all whatsoever that this guy meant sterilizing immunity when he said that it will sterilize 60-70% of the population. Sadly he was off by about 60-70%, because it has closer to 0% sterilizing immunity. Acutally, if we look at the Cleveland study it might even have negative efficacy as it relates to preventing infection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMAkFKprzRQ

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Yeah it was genuine slip up by the guy, that has been mis-interpreted widely. He merely meant inoculate/immunise against Covid and not Fertility Sterilisation. You are bang on that the jabs have Zero efficacy. In fact its in the minus 400%+ range, as reverse transcription errors seem to make the jabbed body into variant factories, of the jabs spike protein instructions. It appears to look like ADE, except there is likely nothing real outhere to catch, or enhance. It's all internal from the shots themselves. So the jabbed are a literal walking plague factory of mutating spikes to themselves, or others via shedding. Without the jabs, there was no pandemic, just fraud and murders and then genocide once the jabs rolled out.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

I agree with Truth is Love. That is how I’ve always interpreted the ‘sterilizing’ term…but I could be wrong.

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I used to believe that. Not anymore

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

Please elaborate.

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I used to give people including Gates the benefit of the doubt. Based on the totality of their statements . And the sum of their actions i deduce tge truth IMO Gates

meant exactly what people think ge meant :depopulation. Not just from birth control

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

I initially gave him the benefit of the doubt on that quote, but now I am not so sure. How much is he pushing female education and empowerment in third world countries? compared to how much is he pushing injections?

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Let's say he has ignoble intentions.

Surely not everything he says would necessarily tie to them.

So, that particular quote could still be "innocent" while his overarching intentions might not be.

You posted good questions to ponder, either way.

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