_Computer code gets computer viruses (whether accidentally or intentionally) and it makes sense that genetic code should be prone to getting biological viruses in a similar way.

_I got into studying natural health in 1977 via Natural Hygiene, which was promoted mostly by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton and later by Dr. Virginia Vetrano and T.C. Fry. I continued to follow Natural Hygiene until 1996, when my health deteriorated on a vegan diet, which they promoted. T.C. Fry had argued that virus theory is absurd because he compared it to a flea on an elephant taking over the elephant to duplicate a mountain of more fleas out of the elephant's body. I never completely bought that position, but it seemed plausible.


_Starting in 1997 I red books by Dr. Leonard Horowitz about AIDS, Ebola, CJD, prions etc and I gathered that viruses are real.

_On Bitchute.com just a couple months ago I saw a short video interview of Dr. Tom Cowan in which he discussed Dr. Harold Hillman's findings that microbiology is erroneous because stains, centrifugation, electron microscopy etc produce artificial formations in cells and tissues that are not natural parts of living tissues. Viruses are imaged with electron microscopes, but they heat specimens with bombardment of electrons, which fries them, so they are bound to be greatly distorted, maybe comparable to the difference between a live human body and a corpse that's been around for a while.

_I made a post on this matter, called Is Microbiology Sound, at https://ilki.substack.com/p/is-microbiology-real . It includes links to some of Dr. Hillman's videos and his papers and to an MIT news article from 2009 about the damaging effects of electron microscopy.

_Dr. Cowan used Dr. Hillman's findings to support his view that viruses are not real, but I continue to think viruses are real for the reason I stated at the beginning as well as because of the great amount of info that seems to be known about viruses & diseases. I think viruses are generally only dangerous when our nutrition is lacking or our genome is damaged. However, it seems plausible that viruses could evolve or be weaponized to become severely parasitic or predatory, killing their hosts. There seems to be good evidence that AIDS viruses, Ebola etc are weaponized and Covid seems to be a less severe weaponized virus.

_One of the smartest people I know of, James Sloane, says cancer is caused mostly by viruses. He also says ozone therapy from a cold corona ozone generator is the best treatment for most cancers, but he also says the herb chaparral is very good for cancer. Also, Pau d'Arco etc. Dr. Eric Berg in some Youtube videos says cancer is usually caused by damage to mitochondria. So there's lots of food for thought.

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Attention Scientists!

I've not received any answers for this question I posted on Igor's last article.

hCG is the hormone that women begin to produce in large quantities after becoming pregnant. This is the particle that pregnancy tests detect.

So which particle is bigger? The hCG hormone? Or COVID19 Virus?

(Hint: It’s a 50 to 1 size ratio, and the COVID particle is the fat one.)

We can isolate, purify, and then re-inject hCG in repeatable experiments to satisfy Koch’s postulates.

I've provided evidence with links in this article about the hCG isolation process.


Are there any scientists out there on Igor’s blog who do hCG isolation for a living?

Or can anyone else refute the evidence I’ve provided about the isolation and purification of hCG from my previous article?

Where am I going wrong?

Why can’t we do this with a virus when it's 50 times bigger?

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Well, Lanka has been trying for almost 30 years to get other scientists to answer the glaring questions, and he's still not received one sincere reply. The inescapable conclusion is that the corruption has progressed to such a degree that there's virtually no genuine scientists. Everyone in academia, corporate medicine, and government are paid not to be scientists, but to say and produce what benefits their employers. This outcome was sealed when we allowed the Rockefeller cabal to completely take over and monopolize medicine.

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

"This outcome was sealed when we allowed the Rockefeller cabal to completely take over and monopolize medicine."

The Rockefellar cabal do not practice medicine. The choice to call something medicine which is not medicine is something you are doing and have power to change. Medicine is not monopolized but open to all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2ndU6EtokQ


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Just for the formality.

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_Boost., I'm not an expert. Are you? I'm interested in the answer to your question, but I don't know of any experts who may be willing to give the answer, if they know it. I think so-called "germ" theory and virus theory are likely correct in general. I don't think "germs" are the main cause of disease. I think malnourishment is the main cause. Another cause for some people is genetic defects.

_We all believe in parasites and predators, don't we? Predators can attack us, kill us and even eat us if they're interested. Parasites can invade our bodies in various ways and can cause disease or even fatality. I guess you'd agree that parasites can cause dysentery. I see no reason to think that some bacteria can't be parasites. Like H. pylori in the stomach, causing ulcers. Bacteria cause tooth decay and they can invade the circulatory system and end up about anywhere in the body, as well as the lungs, causing inflammation etc. Fungus can surely be parasitical as well. Toenail fungus. Candida can get into genitals and into the intestines. Most bacteria are friendly and harmless. Those in the intestines are vital to our survival. Some in the colon can be deadly if they get into our digestive systems.

_Virus can be defined as DNA or RNA fragments. By that definition, nearly everyone would agree that they exist, since cells often get damaged and the cell contents, including genetic material, can obviously get damaged in the process. But the question would be, can these fragments cause disease. Can the fragments be toxic? Anything can be toxic if it's in too great a quantity in cells or tissues. It can cause the death of cells and can even cause an entire organ to weaken or die. Can these viruses as genetic fragments cause disease by replicating? I think that's a more important question. I think the answer is yes, because genetic code is known to replicate, so it seems likely that some genetic fragments, i.e. viruses, should be capable of replicating under certain conditions. That's what I'm trying to get detailed answers to at https://ilki.substack.com/p/vax-questions-for-experts and https://ilki.substack.com/p/is-microbiology-real

I red' recently that the air everywhere even up to mountain tops contains thousands of viruses as proven in an experiment. The large majority of viruses are harmless, because they don't have the right genetic code to replicate, I think. So this is an example of my thinking that leads me to expect that viruses are real and can cause disease either by being toxic like any other toxin, or by replicating within susceptible cells, if they contain the right genetic code. Such viruses contain at least 20 thousand base "pairs" (nucleotides), so that may be enough for replication, I suppose. Some viruses may well not exist, like the rabies virus, according to Dr. Sam Bailey's video, which someone linked to earlier.

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Len, I'm thrilled you're not an "expert". Because the "experts'" track record has been pretty abysmal for the last 2 years! We're all "experts" at this point as far as I'm concerned. Logic, data, repeatable experiments, open debate, and the pursuit of truth are the only things I value. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

But to answer your question directly, I'm not a virologist, scientist, or doctor. Boostershots is an eclectic group of anonymous free thinking individuals who are "experts" in undisclosed fields of study.

"We all believe in parasites and predators, don't we?"


"Predators can attack us, kill us and even eat us if they're interested."

Yes, but as far as "predators" go for us humans this is very rare, it happens in isolated incidents when the "predator" is starving, malnourished, or confused. And this doesn't include being "threatened", (like if you get too close to mama bear's cubs). We don't have the same worries that a mouse does.

"Parasites can invade our bodies in various ways and can cause disease or even fatality."

This is where we start to begin to have conflicting understandings. I do not think of parasites as little "mini predators". Here's an analogy that makes sense to me with regards to "parasites":

There are always roaches in all large apartment complexes. Roaches are always present, waiting for an opportunity, but they're not stalking you or "attacking" you like a "predator" would. They will not "invade" you apartment unless they can "take advantage" of the opportunity. You have to "invite them." If you have lots of cracks in your floors and walls, unsealed pipes, and most importantly, if you leave food/garbage out everywhere, then roaches will just waltz on in, (to your body)! These "parasites" are NEVER any match for a HEALTHY body, (a well kept apartment).

Even if your x2 adjacent neighbors live in filth with tons of roaches infesting every corner of THEIR apartments, those roaches won't ever "take over" YOUR body, (apartment), because YOU are healthy, (you seal all your wall cracks, you have sealed pipes, you never leave food out, and you clean your floors often). Your communal hallways have roaches, (not as bad as your nasty neighbors), but still not great. But YOUR Apartment is fine. At worse, you'll have a straggler roach run across your living room, but "your body" will swiftly go into action, and will take care of the roach with a newspaper, (hopefully not RAID or some other harmful chemical that your "body" doesn't like!) To put it simply, there's no way in hell that your neighbors "roaches" could ever "take down" your healthy apartment.

A group of boyscouts had an active day playing outside in the woods. Some of the boys even had a few major cuts and scrapes! Then all the boys jump in the lake to cool off. The lake is filled with quadrillions of dead things and bacteria and parasites and brain eating paramecia. But all the boys are happy, healthy, active, splashing water into each others faces, wrestling, ingesting huge gulps of lake water while doing so? But how? Why? How are the boys not all dead?! Open wounds in a lake of parasites?! How is this possible?

Because the boys are all very healthy. None of them are vitamin deficient. Just like for the roaches/apartment analogy, all the "roaches" of the "lake" were no match for the healthy boys, even with cuts and scraps. Vitamins are analogous the the apartments drywall, pipe sealant, vacuum cleaner, etc. In addition to "leaving food all over your apartment floor", i.e. (polluting your body with toxic food and chemicals), if your apartment, (body), is lacking things like caulk sealant, a vaccuum cleaner, trash bags, etc, it's hard to keep your apartment clean. Lacking Vitamin C, you get scurvey. Lacking pipe sealent? You get leaky rusty pipes".

 "Bacteria cause tooth decay and they can invade the circulatory system"

It's not the bacteria that's "attacking" your tooth or your blood. The bacteria is not even "parasitic", it's a level below, it is a true scavenger. It only consumes byproducts/wsateproducts you ate, and sometimes it is taking a toxic crap on you tooth because you polluted your body with bad sugary food that the bacteria eats as well.

In summary: Parsites, bacteria, fungus are all real, but NONE of them are "pathenogenic" like a "predatory" and certainly not "contagious" Viruses are completely made up fake unicorns to begin with.

"Virus can be defined as DNA or RNA fragments."

Naw dawg! What if you reversed it. Now think about this.

"DNA or RNA fragments can be defined as Viruses".

Really? We've got billions of cells dying inside of us all the time. It's totally normal. Or Body's are littered with dead cell debris, (including trillions of left over broken strands of DNA and RNA fragments from dead cells). Bacteria love to eat these organic pieces of baby food up. All bacteria are scavengers. Not a single species will ever "attack" you. Like a vulture, they will wait until you are dead before they start to eat you.

Leaky gut syndrome is another misunderstood and downright censored thing. We've got tons of bacteria in our gut which help us. But if they enter the bloodstream then they can cause problems. This only happens when the gut walls are damaged enough to allow the bacteria to leak into the blood.

"Can the fragments be toxic? Anything can be toxic if it's in too great a quantity in cells or tissues."

Natural dead cell debris is not "toxic". What can be toxic is the waste product of a small percentage of bacteria when they are forced to exists in a toxic environment. Like tetanus. Our bodies our littered with teens. It's fine...unless it's in an anaerobic condition, and then it mutates to rod form and THEN it "takes a toxic crap in you" which causes the serverve symptoms.

"Can these viruses as genetic fragments cause disease by replicating?"

Genetic fragments are waste products. They can't replaicte any more than a dead body can "replicate". Like frankenstein. It's fiction.

"Some viruses may well not exist, like the rabies virus, according to Dr. Sam Bailey's video, which someone linked to earlier."

Rabbies is a great rabbit hole to explore. Rabbles is nothing more than vitamin deficiency in dogs during the winter time. If dog's don't get the vitamins necessary to stay healthy and fend off the parasites that they normally can fend off, (or if the pipes in the apartment don't have sealent and are leaking and rusty), then that's why the dog appears to be "mad", when in fact the animal is just being agitated by the parasites and constantly nipping and salavatiing.

The "rabbid" dog lamented, If only there was some grass to eat under all this snow then I'd have my vitamins and be healthy!"

(Dogs naturally eat a bit of grass for nutrients).

You seem like a free thinker Len. Whether I challenged you to keep searching for more information or not, I'm glad you entered the open debate. DOnt' trust anything I say.

If you want to learn more, I recommend the first video in this article. I, as well as a lot of other "virus deniers", happen to think this is one of the best and most captivating for people who are just getting interested in the germ theory debate.


Hope I answered most of your concerns. Please let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to give my opinion on if I missed something.

Keep searching for truth brother.

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https://www.onmanorama.com/news/kerala/2022/09/05/massive-rise-in-rabies-cases-kerala.html : "Stray dog menace has increased drastically in the state. Children and the poor are the most common victims of stray dog attacks. Deaths occur despite people taking rabies vaccination..."

Jabbed people, dog reservoirs of Covid. But rabies is real. A virus.

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No. It isn't. Viruses have NEVER been isolated, purified, shown to be contagious, or sequenced. They have NEVER fulfilled Kochs postulates.

They are created "in silico" (artificially, in a computer)

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if your so called viruses actually existed the human race would have become extinct thousands of years ago...from the book of common sense

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well because "viruses" are "deadly" right? and we know humans have been on the planet for tens of thousands of years right? with no "anti-biotics" or "life saving" vaccines to stop the "spread" of the deadly viruses right?...so with all these deadly viruses mutating and spreading...like viruses do...the human population would have died off from the plethora of all those deadly viruses.... that's why

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Provided there is no such thing as natural immunity, which we all learned does not exist, in the last 2 years.

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So the fact that the human race is still alive means that there are no viruses, that viruses are not 'deadly' or both?

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Humans were on Earth for millions of years, actually... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001678781730113X#fig0030

Or is it 8,000 years? I'm confused.

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I agree. Another control mechanism for population growth. Started way way back. Lack of vitamin c and D would manifest weak cell structures for viruses to get in to the cells.

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

" I think so-called "germ" theory and virus theory are likely correct in general. I don't think "germs" are the main cause of disease. "

There is no virus theory. There is a hypothesis that has no evidence to support it. If you are arguing that germs are NOT the main cause when the hypothesis is that they ARE the main cause then you are trying to have it both ways. Claim there is viruses by shifting the goal posts only to help support criminal activities of poisoning. This is not something that is unimportant because there is actual deaths involved and if you are using fallacious arguments then it could be that you are a party to a crime. If you want to defend the existance of viruses and thus vaccines it needs to be more than oh I feel like computers have viruses or oh but they are not the main cause. This shows you are treating this like a joke or trying to muddy the water. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AQIm4fEJUM

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So it's only allowed for people to have one of two views: either they can think germs cause disease or that terrain causes disease. Is that it? We're not allowed to think that both might cause disease? And if we do, we're scheming?

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Booster - Thanks mucho for all your thought, analyses and writing on this subject. As a doctor of Natural Hygiene, I have been working with patients for >40 years. Have pretty much seen everything under the sun. Bottom line: Disease is a No Show in anyone who is well-nourished, well-rested, reasonably fit and balanced in mind and emotions. Always has been that way and always will be.

That said, as of today I'd say that the reality is 99.9% terrain theory and 0.1% germ theory. Your immune system is certainly incredibly effective in the work it does. Your immune system is the result of a billion years of natural evolution, during which time immune systems across all life forms have seen and dealt with everything imaginable... NATURALLY imaginable. And therein lies the key, I think.

All forms of life, existing in their NATURAL ideal state, are well equipped to handle everything they may encounter. As such, immune systems are primed to effectively and efficiently deal with all toxins and 'pathogens' they may encounter. But this only applies to life in its natural environment, as normally constituted. A natural, balanced ecosystem generates very few if any novel 'pathogens.'

So, if an immune system is suddenly exposed to a toxin or 'pathogen' that is completely off the charts of expected challenges, what happens?

99.9/100 times the immune system handles it, more or less. Your immune system IS finite, after all. Also, when exposed to novel irritants, there is a time lag btw first encounter and eventual effective disabling/elimination of the irritant, as the immune system quickly learns all the permutations of dealing with it. During that time lag, strange and possible destructive things can happen.

So, from my POV, there are the small and abnormally quirky situations where a healthy immune system may not be able to cope with a new/novel irritant/pathogen. At least theoretically, that's how I see it.

So where are potential new/novel 'pathogens/bacteria/viruses' coming from?

From radically imbalanced ecosystems, subsequently diseased animals and people, and an environment filled with all manner of abnormal, severely toxic substances. Now we add in the output of mad scientists who are blindly and ignorantly tinkering with the building blocks of life, creating VERY unnatural frankenmicrobes.

Even in this deranged case, all of Life continues desperately trying to right the wrongs as best it can. With some significant fraction of people, their immune systems cannot cope, and PART of the degenerative process can be attributed to the damage caused by toxic insult of the many novel forms of toxic detritus around and inside them.

Medicine, of course, focuses primarily on that PART, to the exclusion of real causes. Along with constantly playing on fear of invisible monsters. After all, fearfully focusing on that PART is where the money is.

BTW - Very good article that I think you'll find interesting. The number and variety of microbes is staggering... WAY beyond what I previously thought. The author is firmly of pro-virus persuasion. His info is fascinating: https://megasociety.org/noesis/200.pdf

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Mitichondria are master controllers of the cell, as well as producers of 36/38 of its energy. A fascinating experiment was conducted a while back where healthy/normal ("non-cancerous") nuclei were transplanted into cancer cells after removing their damaged nuclei. All the healthy nuclei also became damaged as in typical cancer cells. Then they reversed the experiment and transplanted damaged, cancerous nuclei into healthy cells, and voilá, the chromosomes were repaired and the "cancer" nuclei became healthy! The difference? The cancerous cells had damaged, poorly functioning mitochondria, and the healthy cells had strong, healthy mitochondria. The cancerous state had nothing to do with the nuclei and everything to do with the health and functionality of the mitochondria. Healthy mitochondria repair damaged chromosomes in cancerous nuclei OR initiate apoptosis to kill the cell if the nuclear damage is beyond repair. Moral to the story? Cancer is all about cellular energy and healthy mitichondria, not bad DNA! Billions of cancer research dollars have been wasted "barking up the wrong tree" of DNA damage instead of studying the real cause of cancer: cellular energy deficit.

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Very interesting. I have quite an interest in cancer treatment and have a major problem with the current cut, burn and poison regimes that have not changed since the early 1900's. This covid fiasco has put a spotlight on the useless medical industry, especially cancer treatment.

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Yes and governments won’t let mds practice holistic and functional medicine without threatening their license, so whoever wants good medicine has to be able to pay a lot. Very sad note to wake up to.

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Unfortunately, the "useless medical industry" is not useless! It is VERY useful for the transfer of obscene amounts of wealth from the population to the High Priests of Medicine who are part of the Globalist network that's infesting human society.

It is also very effective at population reduction and at making and keeping the majority of the citizens of industrialized nations chronically ill since healthy people are not profitable. Healthy people also can live a long time and overstress the Social Security retirement system (and Medicare) and pension funds. People with chronic diseases typically die in a more timely manner, and since the medical system merely "treats" the symptoms of chronic conditions instead of curing them (by addressing and correcting the root cause[s]), "vulturine" Big Medicine continues to feed off of patients before finally killing them.

Also, it fools people into believing:

(1) that the allopathic Big Pharma-controlled medical system is the "go to" solution for all health concerns.

(2) that they "have" a medical condition (that is actually a collection of symptoms given an official name). That is, they "own it" or internalize it, programming the subconscious mind for illness via the "nocebo effect" (the opposite of placebo).

(3) that doctors "know best" and must be idolized and deferred to ("white lab coat syndrome").

(4) that the treatment recommended by their doctor must be the best possible solution to their problem because doctors are really smart and stay abreast of the latest medical research/knowledge.

(5) that pharmaceutical drugs cure illnesses and it is in the patient’s best interests to take whatever their doctor prescribes, no matter how many or for how long.

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Weird I click like and it unregistered the like.

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A reference for that?

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.....as to MY insight, Andreas: Professor Gerald Pollack at the University (authored two VITALLY-important books, 'Gel, Cells & The Engines Of Life' as well as MORE so, 'The Fourth Phase Of Water') demonstrated that significant thrust, charge could be provided by SYNTHETIC microtubing in them (through catalyst by infrared radiation playing a PIVOTAL part in supporting cohered organic systems / 'life' through regulation of collagen, telomeric conditions) and presentation videos he did; had FORGOTTEN what Nassim & Theresa Rauscher's novel scaling law had mathematically revealed.....THIS, is the primary focus of work I've been doing this past year (and how an imminent geomagnetic reversal, unprecedented expansion of artificial EMFs & the CV-19 jabs, will / HAVE affected it)......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6fKV9M0ymY

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Sorry. You will have do do a search, but it shouldn't be hard to find because I've seen multiple other sources reference it. I come across so much interesting information, I can't keep track of the sources. Could have been in one of my books about mitochondria. Or mabe it was a journal article itself.

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.....my STRONG suspicion is they may be targeting associated MICROTUBULES, which are LIKELY how lifeforms mitigate excess electrical charge, magnetic fields, radiation - as these ARE the MOST bioelectrically reactive concoctions EVER produced, they present an IMMEDIATE instrument for metabolic-process corruption, electron-transport chain efficacy (as Firstenberg HAS noted, is CRITICAL to subjective health.....)

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Yes. I think too that weakened cells are defective looking to a virus packet, so it goes in to correct things and signals defensive mechanisms in the body, so inflammation turns on, pain , signaling more defense. It’s worth taking extra C and D and zinc to avoid this.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

I doubt that viruses are trying to do anything except deliver their genetic payload to hijack cellular protein synthesis machinery to make more copies of themselves. Doing that sets up the cell for destruction, so it certainly isn't trying to "correct things"!

And yes, extra vitamins C and D, and zinc, are important, but supplementing isn't a simple issue. You also need magnesium and vitamin A and other things for the vitamin D to work, and you need a balanced dose of vitamin K2 also. The zinc needs to be balanced with copper or you will make a (very common) copper deficiency worse. But magnesium blocks zinc absorption and so should not be taken at the same time, and only a limited amount of zinc can be absorbed at one time, so high doses must be divided. Same with vitamin C =take in frequent smaller doses. And the body requires other antioxidants such as vitamin E to "recharge" the depleted vitamin C after it does its job as an antioxidant, but must be taken as mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols, NEVER as the common cheap synthetic commercial form of E by itself: alpha tocopherol!

And few adults (except for pregnant or lactating women) need supplemental calcium, which is usually adequate in the diet, and calcium competes with magnesium for absorption, so taking calcium tends to create a magnesium deficiency (and CONTRIBUTE to poor bone health!). Etc. Etc.!!! And yet, modern commercial foods are nearly universally deficient in essential nutrients, so supplementation is required by nearly everyone!

Get the picture? 😊

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

Electron-transport chain efficacy is CRITICAL to OBjective health, too!

Are you talking about the cytoplasmic microtubules as in the ones utilized by the cellular Transport Molecules?

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Indeed I am, Faith.....not sure if you've seen the documentary 'Black Whole' but, they have a role only JUST recognized by Nassim Haramein this past decade-plus; it is absolutely AMAZING.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB3Z0SD_Xiw

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No, I hadn't seen it. Thanks! I watched the first few minutes . . . will catch the rest later today.

(This is so cool—there are SO many smart people in the "Substack Community" knowledgeable about so many good resources!)

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Faith, very interesting. Maybe that's where Dr. Eric Berg on Youtube got the idea that damaged mitochondria cause cancer.

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I don't know that we can say that damaged mitochondria "cause" cancer as much as that they just can't STOP cancer. Probably cellular damage from toxins, radiation, viruses, free radicals, nutrient deficiencies and so forth can be considered the "causes".

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Sorry, but your representation of Cowan's message on virology isn't even remotely accurate. You completely ignore his central, critical point, which is that no so-called human virus has ever been isolated. Considering there's no virus to begin with, talking about supposed problems with looking at a "virus" with an electron microscope is ridiculous.

Your argument that viruses are real because computers get viruses, and "because of the great amount of info that seems to be known about viruses and diseases" is fine if you're satisfied with that, but it's sharing faith and belief, not science.

Interesting that you pinned this comment to the top, Igor. It seems there's an agenda. Too bad you can't see that if what passes for scientific truth progresses further toward becoming a matter of popular approval, science and reason cease to exist, and we're headed much deeper into darkness as a civilization.

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A lot of players WISH that viruses cause cancer in fact there is a whole industry built around it.

Find the musings of https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/ (I can't find the article link itself) on this very topic which includes the history of how people have been convinced that HPV causes cervical cancer.

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The poison shots for HPV are the biggest grift I've ever seen. Never give them to your children and never take them yourself.

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HPV... another big pharma scam...a very dangerous one at that

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Greatly informative. Thank you.

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You too. I'm learning a lot from people's comments here.

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Your first paragraph makes no sense. A computer does not get a virus. They call it that as a metaphor. This is used because we are all familiar with the term. The term has been ubiquitous. So it was adopted for computers. But it’s simply an analogy; it can’t then be used to draw other conclusions about it.

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Eric Berg is a scientologist. His son seems to think he is cashing in on selling supplements and calls his incredibly selfish and devoid of empathy:


Dr Leo discusses some of his views and says they don't make sense and has no idea where these ideas came from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pnix75yLXqE

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

By the way, if Dr. Leo "has no idea where these ideas came from", he certainly doesn't study much about nutrition!

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

Okay, you got me started, so here goes!:

I watched both of these videos.

First comment: did you notice the attitudes of the presenters? Hardly "scientific". One must be cautious when someone is not merely presenting information but is condescending, snarky, and profusely using an ad hominem attack strategy. What is their agenda? Cui bono?

Secondly, I am not a regular follower of Dr. Berg's work, and I know nothing about him personally. I have come across his videos at times. Regarding the claims he is into Scentology, if true that does make me suspicious of his judgement, but following a cult doesn't mean a person cannot also study a subject and be knowledgeable about it.

Many years ago, out of curiosity I looked into Scientology after encountering some Scientologists. The developer, L.Ron Hubbard, was best known as a science fiction writer, and to me his ideas that form the basis of Scientology are pure science fiction. I tried reading his book, "Dianetics" once, and didn't get very far. I found it to be "unreadable" because it appeared to me to be completely made-up out of "thin air" nonsense. I later heard (and I don't remember where) that he admitted that he just made it all up. I guess that shouldn't be surprising coming from a writer of science fiction.

I don't know who "Dr. Leo" is, but I'm guessing he is a vegan who has bought into the "Religion of Veganism", judging from his misinformation about meat. This is, of course, the "religion" adopted by the Globalists to justify their anti-human Global Warming "climate change" agenda to make humans unhealthy, incapable of producing healthy children, and dumbed down to make them easier to control and exterminate.

Much of "science" these days is agenda-driven and is, frankly, "junk science". We have certainly seen that surrounding COVID and the "vaccines"! One has to look at who's funding the research. Who is making claims such as "scientific concensus"? (There really is no such thing.) What opposing views are being censored? (THOSE are most likely to be "the truth"!) And what scientists or dictors are being attacked and demonized for their views? Again, most often the ones disseminating "the truth". (I put "the truth" in quotes because science is never "settled", and our knowledge base is constantly expanding as new research modifies or replaces older ideas.)

I could spend many hours throughly dissecting Leo's arguments, but there is certainly no room here, nor will I take the time. However, I will say that much of what he is presenting are very outdated and thoroughly disproven ideas. He is also "cherry picking" out partial "truths" to try to support his position. For instance, there has been a widely disseminated idea that saturated fat is unhealthy. This was based on junk "research" funded by Big Ag to promote the use of corn oil (cheap, plentiful byproduct that needed a profitable use) and other cheap industrial seed oils. A researcher named Ancel Keys was funded by industry to conduct research "proving" that animal fat is unhealthy and causes heart disease. The entire enterprise was fraudulent, but it formed the basis for the demonization of animal fats (and later, animal products in general —a key position of the Globalists). It was the entire basis for the push to get people to believe in, and consume, polyunsaturated seed oils, promoted as healthy-sounding "vegetable oils", probably the single worst dietary change in history and responsible for untold millions of deaths and disabilities! It is a "toss up" whether the worst thing you can eat is sugar or seed oils, but probably the winner in the "worst" category would be the oils. The most dangerous thing about a junk food diet is the high quantities of oils in all forms, including hydrogenated versions.

There is zero valid evidence that saturated fats from healthy grass fed animals eating the way they were intended, and not full of antibiotics and hormones, is harmful. IF saturated fat actually caused heart disease WE WOULD ALL BE DEAD because guess what kind of fat predominantly exists in our bodies? Saturated! It HAS to be, because it is stiffer and STABLE, necessary qualities to make up most of our cell membranes and stored energy in adipose tissue. Every time someone loses weight, or just burns some of their stored fat for energy, they are using primarily saturated fat, just as if they had just eaten and digested it!

There are SO many misconceptions out there. Propaganda, really. Fat and heart disease? "Clogged" arteries? Arteries are not water pipes like the plumbing in your house. They don't "clog up" with deposits filling them up like hard water mineral deposits in pipes! And they definitely don't clog up with "cholesterol deposits"! If you still believe that, you are very badly misinformed. Cholesterol does NOT "cause" heart disease! (And carbon dioxide is NOT a "pollutant" that "causes" global warming!) Very bad people are promoting a huge amount of nonsense to push through very destructive agendas!

Cholesterol is not bad! It is an extremely important molecule that makes up a significant portion of our brains, and is a critical component of all cell membranes, the precursor molecule for many of our hormones including vitamin D, a detoxifier, and is very important for immune system function. And guess what? The people in the quartile with the highest cholesterol LIVE THE LONGEST!!!!

Eggs? Probably the most complete single food. Very healthy, except possibly for a slightly higher than ideal level of arachidonic acid, but even that is not the bad actor that some sources try to make out that it is! Nutrition and biochemistry are SOOOO complex!

These are just a few examples of how off base is Dr. Leo, and that what he is espousing is mostly soundly disproven by recent advances in nutritional research! Conversely, almost everything that Dr. Berg presented in those video excerpts was the most up to date science. But again, knowledge is constantly being added to. Current ideas will be expanded upon in the future, and some will be supplanted. But that is what science all about, not personal attacks and snarky attitudes! And why is he picking on chiropractors, anyway? They sometimes do a lot more good for people than traditional M.D.s, those drug-pushing flunkeys for Big Pharma who mostly know almost nothing about nutrition OR health, just disease diagnosis and maintenance! Yes, I can have "an attitude" too!

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

"This is, of course, the "religion" adopted by the Globalists."

The allocation of most all land and vast sums of subsidies to put cheap flesh on peoples plates says otherwise. You are making an argument that is the exact oppositite of the reality of the food being pushed on people. Why do you think youtube would be sending Berg so many viewers if they wanted to promote veganism? Reality is that flesh eating has been pushed for thousands of years and is now being pushed to the even greater extremes of keto and the carnivore diet. Take Paul for example who told Christians to eat what ever they found in the market without raising any concerns.

" what scientists or dictors are being attacked and demonized for their views? Again, most often the ones disseminating "the truth"."

T Colin Campbell was misrepresented by the BBC for example but there is also lots of people calling vegans "soy boys" etc. which I would say is demonization:


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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

Flesh eating is not "being pushed for thousands of years". It has been the NORMAL DIET of humans for hundreds of thousands of years. Not agricultural products. Not grains. Not soybeans. Certainly not seed oils and sugar.

"The allocation of most all land". Not true. Worldwide almost all grazing is done on land unsuitable for crop production. Much of the planet cannot be farmed because of topgraphy, shallow or poor soils, salinity, drought, or other problems. Most cropping systems as currently practiced are unsustainable because of soil degradation and erosion, irrigation that adds salinity to the soil, the drawing down and destruction of aquifers via very deep wells harvesting ancient and non-replaceable water, loss of biodiversity, use of pesticides, runoff of toxins and fertilizers destroying aquatic habitats, etc. Animal agricultural allows the most nutritious foods for humans to be produced from cellulosic plant matetials unusable/undigestible by us from land that is otherwise unusable.

The Globalist plan is to kill off the rest of us with ultra-processed utterly fake "foods" made from grain, soybeans, seed oils, and insects. A recipe for rampant disease and suffering, lowered intelligence, and Mass Depopulation.

T. Colin Campbell manipulated the data to supoort the Globalist agenda . . . and, of course it was in China, with the help of the Communist Chinese. Gee, what a surprise!

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Not only is youtube pushing this scientologist but one of the silicon valley elite says all this same stuff about grass fed beef. A dude called Dave Asprey who has them all putting butter in their coffee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwfzNo6d2H4

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

And cholestetol STILL doesn't cause heart disease! And testosterone is STILL made from cholesterol.

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Another video by someone who loves ad hominem attacks and is clueless about real science. You need to do better than this, John.

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They aren't just "putting butter" in their coffee, they are putting high MCT oil grassfed butter in their coffee. BIG difference!

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

Most of that crop land is used to produce animal feeds not vegetable oils. Keto isn't eating a sunday roast like people used to do but a diet of mostly animal fats. It is completely ridiculous. If it was so healthy how come the red states were getting 'covid' more than the blue ones? The keto is what is making people sick not any insects. If they didn't get you with 'the vaccine' they had the keto diet to pick up the stragglers. It is like chemo and was being promoted by the likes of Mercola: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=em02bdh0QRE

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

What makes you think Red states are Keto and Blue states are high carb?

And where is your evidence that Keto is "making people sick"?

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lemme just paste this here ;-)

i can see what the problem is here : if you look at this cdc linked paper on the methods of "isolation" https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/6/20-0516_article : - and i quote : "Cell Culture, Limiting Dilution, and Virus Isolation

We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage. We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in Dulbecco minimal essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (5% or 10%) and antibiotics/antimycotics (GIBCO, https://www.thermofisher.comExternal Link). We used both NP and OP swab specimens for virus isolation. For isolation, limiting dilution, and passage 1 of the virus, we pipetted 50 μL of serum-free DMEM into columns 2–12 of a 96-well tissue culture plate, then pipetted 100 μL of clinical specimens into column 1 and serially diluted 2-fold across the plate. We then trypsinized and resuspended Vero cells in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 2× penicillin/streptomycin, 2× antibiotics/antimycotics, and 2× amphotericin B at a concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells/mL. We added 100 μL of cell suspension directly to the clinical specimen dilutions and mixed gently by pipetting. We then grew the inoculated cultures in a humidified 37°C incubator in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and observed for cytopathic effects (CPEs) daily. We used standard plaque assays for SARS-CoV-2, which were based on SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) protocol"

- do you see how many antobiotics and chemicals they use? how can you be sure what comes out is an isolated virus? instead of some toxic crap, or even some mutated rna?

to be honest i do not know christine, but if you really want you should seek out Dr Andrew kaufman : he will be willing to debate on video. and that should be fascinating to be honest. give him a call.

- here is a teaser on his position from april 2020 : https://youtu.be/K3uFmriAQ0Y

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What comes out is not an isolated virus. It is decaying material. The same experiment can be conducted without adding any swab specimens. No supposedly infected samples added and it still produces the same decaying material. These control experiments should have been done before anyone claimed they showed a virus: https://odysee.com/@OurFreeSociety:2/CPE---Control-Experiment---21-April-2021---English-version:0

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I used to think viruses exist because that's what I was taught and experience seems to confirm it. I've seen the same sickness travel through my family on many occasions. But I'll admit the "no such thing as a virus" people have some good points. I think there is some kind of dance between terrain and pathogen that we don't fully understand yet and more study is needed. Kind of a weasel opinion, I know, but I feel like that's where we are.

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Good, so you are an open minded person in search of evidence

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Absolutely. Not so open minded that I don't have any settled opinions, but I'm willing to listen.

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Poor hygiene at the social level, like in some slums with open sewers, like from the Middle Ages onward to the 1800s. Or when groups of people simply don't shower enough, wash their clothes enough, etc.

There are several possible causes for this which I wont' get into.

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no they don't have good points. I have listen very patiently to their points and they make no sense. they refuse to go on camera with me for even 5 minutes.

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That's because there is no point in more debate. What we need are real scientific experiments done with transparency and without agenda.

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They've been done thousands of times over. The sum of the results only has one coherent explanation, and the 'no-virusers' haven't come up with an alternative one that holds-together.

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I don’t need to solve a problem better than your solution. All I have to do is show how yours is wrong.

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There is a much easier experiment. Get a few no-virus types. They are absolutely certain in their views. Get them to volunteer to go to an Ebola infected African region. Prove their beliefs and treat & supply care to Ebola victims, but unlike any of the other staff, no gloves, no moon suit. Should be easy, it is largely a virus that transmits through bodily fluids, so it should be no problem. Just think what a heroic deed. All these Africans who run for their lives when they see an Ebola infected person wandering the streets. All for nada. Just get this fellow ie_berger to show them the truth. "There is no virus folks, relax, don't worry. I'll grab this Ebola infected person, tell him he's fine, he just needs supplements, fresh water, fresh air. Cured."

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That’s ridiculous. People do get sick and die. From various things. No one disputes that. People are disputing the idea of viruses existing when none have ever been isolated. Yes, people die from Ebola. Is it really a virus?

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I personally know alternative medicine professionals who “cured” Ebola with nano silver. Then nano silver was banned by leaders in Africa. (Can we say “ivermectin” anyone?) Ebola is probably a toxin - like snake venom in the water. The symptoms match.

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Silver might help with Ebola because it is an antiviral. But how is it an antivenom?

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"crisis actors" and their "handlers", yikes. The only debate is whether you are delusional or a paid shill. $30T spent. Shills are a dime a dozen.

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Experiments have already been done. Knowledge is out there. We just need to go gather it up.

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Your experiment is positing nonsense as a standard for verification.

It is the biological equivalent of 'show me the vacuum tubes in your cell phone'.

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Nothing of consequence to add, but just wanted to tell you the phrase 'the best a mouse could know' has delighted me. Thetans, viruses, morgellons, ect...it's 'maybe' from me, dawgs.

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They refuse to go on camera with you because you're trying to arrange a set-up. All one need do to understand that is read the comments here. The comments that essentially say "I know there's a virus because people get sick." are overwhelmingly popular, because the familiar belief is far more comfortable than something foreign and belief-disruptive. You and they already know that you win the popularity contest, because you have the more conventional, comfortable view. There is no space for science in that arena, and I think you know that. You're revealing yourself to be just another soldier in the war against science.

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Thanks. Yep, I follow Jon and read all his stuff. Good man.

I'm not gonna try to analyze Steve. Yeah, he appears to be unable to muster the courage to open his mind and admit that he's missed something big, but he's stuck in a powerful belief system along with everyone else, and maybe he'll wake up one morning and suddenly decide to 'wake up'.

I learned a long time ago, from my father, that the self-promoting smartest guy in the room is only that because the guy who's far smarter walked out the moment he saw the talker and his groupies coming. The really, really smart people tend to detest politics and the superficialities of social norms, and don't talk much. You have to earn their respect before they'll say anything. In this age of runaway superficiality, people laugh at the most enlightened and rally around the most vain and materialistic. Tough times to be advocating detestable things like science and truth...

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I’m not saying SK is this, but I l know a few super fast, but not super great intellects, who because they process really quickly think they are smarter than they actually are. Some are volatile but good in business. I’d be curious if Steve has psoriasis. A number of these super fast ones have psoriasis. That sounds odd I bet.

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You have abused us. Me, in particular. You said my work is ridiculous and you sneered at my low numbers of subscribers when I had been de-platformed from all social media and only just started writing on Substack. THEN you banned me from your account for 100 years. You have been far from patient. You have been offensive and denying us an opportunity to debate.

Now you whine that we won't go on camera with you?

You do not merit our attention.

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I have told you all he said to me. He said my work is ridiculous and he could see why I had so few subscribers. There was no other communication.

I had tried to draw his attention to my email exchange with UK MHRA as shown in this article:


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You appear to have been misunderstanding me. I was answering Kirsch and referring to Kirsch's mistreatment of me. Igor has always been tolerant and polite.

If you don't believe me I can show you a screenshot within this article:


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Have seen some nasty messages to you. I'm sorry. People have gone mad.

Here is a video by Dr. Trozzi and he does a good job deflating the "no virus" hypothesis.


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He does a "good job" because he says what you want to hear?

I watched the video, and he completely ignores the central point made by the virology challengers whom Steve has ridiculed. Part of his explanation is accurate, but his critical omission is that the previous SARS genomes that he says Cov-2 is similar to are also all computer simulations, with not one of them ever isolated or sequenced. If you cared to follow the trail backward, there's not one virus ever that's been isolated or sequenced. The propagandistic photos they show don't change that fact. Every 'virus' genome in the Genebank is a computer simulation of a theoretical 'virus'. So his argument boils down to using previous fictitious virus genomes to supposedly prove that the newest fictional genome is something real. And he adds emphasis with 'these sequencing machines are really high-tech and amazing so you should have faith in what I'm saying...'.

The video may be impressive to those who haven't put in the work to understand the science issues, but he says nothing credible to refute the fact that no human virus has ever been isolated or sequenced, and therefore has not been proven to exist.

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Really well put — when I learned all virus sequencing was done in silica using modeling algorithms, I decided the whole field was smoke and mirrors. Another iteration of NASA.

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Thanks. Indeed, it just takes some basic reasoning skills. Every person doesn't have to learn virology jargon and read all of the published research to realize it's a con.

When I first learned that all of the sequencing was in-silica (the virology term for 'in a computer', for the newbies), and that the alleged 'virus' particles are never found in sick people, only in the lab cultures of dying cells (usually monkey kidney cells), it was obvious to me that the whole field of virology is fraud. If they could find real virus particles in sick people, they would isolate and sequence them directly, and computer simulations would be useless.

It was many years later that I decided I must know 100%, and I painstakingly learned the jargon and then followed the published research backward. Of course, that confirmed what the obvious, basic facts already indicated.

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Yes — the computer modeling part is the deal breaker. If you can’t isolate, image, and show replication in sick people, all you have is fantasy. As valid as gender identity. BTW, I believe Dr Cowan (sp?) et al have convinced Michael Yeadon that viruses are a fiction — that’s a meaningful convert!

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"It is one of the risk factors for covid-19". err no covid 19 is defined as being caused by sars-cov2. There is no room for any other factors in the definition.

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these are the same arguments atheists use to prove God doesn't exist.

much of what we call science is derivative. it does not offer us the direct experience of truth or proof.

however not understanding something does not mean it does not exist.

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Irrelevant analogy, Matt. Anyone who claims they can prove anything does NOT exist isn't using reason. And that's not the virology challengers' argument.

Indeed, most of modern science is derivative, or deductive. The obvious problem with that is that if one layer in the foundation is fallacy, then the entire structure above is fallacy. And that's why we have massive cons like virology that people insist is 'scientific'.

For the above reason, the deductive or derivative process isn't actually reasoning. It introduces a fatal amount of faith. At any point in history, scientists and philosophers are responsible for fact-checking the whole structure they're standing on, or they're not practicing reason or the scientific process. As virology demonstrates, the whole 'scientific' establishment is refusing that responsibility, because it's inconvenient.

When the rare person like Stefan Lanka comes along and takes that responsibility seriously, and does some investigating to make sure the foundation he learned at the university is sound, he's stunned to find out that the whole thing is built on BS.

What the virology challengers ARE saying is that no virus has ever been proven to exist, since none have ever been isolated and sequenced from a sick person. It's deceptive to twist that and claim we're saying viruses have been proven to NOT exist.

When someone makes a claim that something invisible exists and is making everyone sick, and then forms a global monopoly in partnership with militant governments to take over people's lives under the guise of controlling this claimed thing, they'd damn well better be able to prove scientifically that their claims are real. They have not.

And it's stunning to see 99% of the population lining up to defend the Rockefeller/government monopoly, instead of joining those demanding the scientific proof.

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I appreciate the thoughtfulness of your response. I share your distain of the medical/pharma cartel and agree that the world has never been closer to a totaltarian takeover of human sovereignty. We must be our own advocates and fight for our health freedom. I can understand why many people think the "whole system" is BS. However, I agree with Steve Kirsch in that it is unproductive to oversimplify science and make counterclaims that are so unreasonable (and just as unproven as conventional claims) that they taint the well and make fools of those in a movement that is desperatly seeking health freedom.

It is completely unhelpful to see discussuions all over the web littered with bold statements like COVID IS NOT REAL, THE VIRUS HAS NOT BEEN ISOLATED!!!. It paints the movement with tin-foil hattery and I often wonder if Big-Pharma itself is not paying trolls to push this nonsense.

It is true that we do not have the technology to view a virus in-situ. It is true that PCR does not identify a virus. But, to conclude that SARS-COV2 does not exist based on empirical limitations is a weak argument at best. As, I keep on saying... to unseat one hypothesis in science you have to have an alternative to replace it. We know NIH, Ralph Barric, DARPA and Fauci were in a mad race to create bioweapons and the vaccine cure for them... for both national defence and insane profit. We know that the epicenter of the phenomenon of COVID started at Wuhan China, only a few hundred yards from where this research was being carried out. From there "it" spread from human to human contact all over the world. To deny the contagious aspect of COVID19 or the contagious aspect of numerous world pandemics throughout history is preposterous.

If we want justice for the crimes commited by the State and Pharma companies we have to direct our energy at the right problem and not make fools of ourselves.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Steve, please note my comment near the beginning:

"I'm in the "have no idea" category. I made a comment in Karen Bracken's substack a few days ago where she posted comments by Poornima Wagh (who claims there is no virus). I suggested she (Karen) reconsider her position and read Steve Kirsch's substack where he said he tried to phone Poornima several times and she never called him back. Karen came back to me with: 'Steve Kirsch did not try multiple times to get an interview with Poornima. She called him 3 times and he never called her back. Understand she is exposing the criminals and we all should know by now when someone doesn’t stick to the script then go after that person to erase them and to destroy them. Someone posts a hit piece and then the rest of the click baiters post it on their sites. Believe what you want.' So, we have a he said/she said! Maybe Steve can show his phone log to prove his attempts to reach her. I have no inside to Steve. Can anyone do that? I think it would be interesting, so we know who is telling the truth on that tit for tat. I'd be inclined to settle on the truth teller for my information. Thanks for your persistence and countless hours of analysis."

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Aren't you the guy who peddled the vax until you didn't? Or am I confusing you with someone else?

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Absolutely agree!

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I would be more inclined to believe the no-virus types are CIA shills. A typical CIA "poisoning the well" strategy. If there is no virus then of course the CIA did not have Covid-19 engineered and deliberately spread it around the World, so the $trillionaires can get even more wealthy and powerful as they did, enormously more.

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The "no-virus" types have been around as long as the Rockefeller-created fiction of viruses. Obviously you don't pay attention.

So supposing the population turns off the entertainment and learns about virology instead, figures out that it's a con, and the global Rockefeller medical/pharma cartel collapses, that makes them more wealthy & powerful? Wow, genius.

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That is an offensive accusation. We genuinely believe that virology is mistaken after careful research.


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I still think that's weaseling out. It makes me think they don't want to go on video because they don't want to be questioned and challenged. In writing, they can ramble on indefinitely without being challenged. Nope, it needs to be a video. Submit written supporting materials if you want but also appear on video.

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I think the video is less convincing. Good weaselly facile speaker people can twist words and never answer anything. Two people write good clear arguments. Post them simultaneously. Then each gets to rebut the other. Then everyone votes. I don’t see how that cannot be the best.

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Bingo. Have you noticed how the "written is better" camp derides the spontaneous and live debate (video) as if they were for the "unwashed masses"?

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Blah blah blah he's making a lot of excuses. I could nitpick all his excuses but ultimately, he's being a snob at best. Go on video and also publish your paper.

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No one will read any of it. People will watch a video.

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Actually no. I can read faster than people speak so I prefer to read. Unless I am driving or something at the same time, in which case audio is the best format.

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I think he's trying to target a wider audience.

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Maybe. But I think a written debate is a good format - you need time to consider and respond to each point when it comes to science. It's not politics.

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Outstanding comment, Sophocles. We're rapidly becoming a non-reading society in which all information has to be conveyed by instagram, tik-tok, or bitchute video. Information presented through sound can only be processed sequentially, whereas texts can be scanned and skimmed at far greater speed. The repercussions of this trend are going to be profound.

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I would read . Frankly I believe most people seriously curious about this debate at all would read it.

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We are all here, aren’t we? We are reading

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I'd read that. I'm sure many people will. There's still lots of people that can read on this planet. I like video discussions as well, but writing allows one to thoughtfully consider the other's claims and respond more calmly and precisely. Video tends to encourage demagoguery and emotional appeals.

That's not to say Steve would engage in that kind of rhetoric, but it may be the reason why Lanka and others preferred to write, and I don't see why that shouldn't be accepted. Traditionally, when someone throws the glove, the other side gets to choose the weapon ;-)

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Video does have the advantage as a medium for rapid dissemination of the latest info from sources such as the frequent interviews with Drs. Peter McCullough and Robert Malone that would be much more time consuming for them to present as written articles instead. It takes a long time to WRITE an hour-long article!

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The babblers can't begin to see why their positions are incoherent and contradictory, so explaining why doesn't work on them.

It's playing chess with pigeons. I've done it many times and it's poor sport.

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Do you mean the babblers who support viral theory or the babbles who deny it?

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

If a written debate is nessecary to get this debate off the ground, then we'll start there. Than a video can be made later. I know I would read, I did not dive into the topic, I think terrain theory is abundantly clear, but also infectiveness!

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Everyone is different. Given the option of reading a transcript or watching a video, I will always choose the written transcript.

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Yes. I use highlighters and such. Always been a note taker.

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I prefer reading. I can concentrate more than the videos. Audio and reading works better for me.

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Yeah with reading you can naturally pause to consider something without needing to click a screen... And you can go back a paragraph or a page to re-read something without needing to start fishing for it on the time bar.

With audio, I get a lot of dishes clean while listening! Or get a lot of information in while cleaning.

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Exactly what I do!

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The person interviewed could also *claim* their responses were forged.

Instead of on camera, perhaps a podcast debate?

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I agree with this. While "we" might read it , the masses would not. Video would reach more people - like comparing YouTube to Substack.

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I guess I was just trying to guess why Steve wanted a video debate - to have the broadest reach.

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Steve's science person found no mRNA remains in the 4 vials that were tested, just PEG lipid nanoparticles. So if most of the vials were like that, then hopefully most people will survive okay. But I hope they will learn better natural healthcare.

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we , here , are obviously reader-centric. we can’t tho dismiss a key point of a live debate, you can’t quite as easily fudge your way thru , seems much harder to fool a camera

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Me too. I’ve been sent important videos that the first five minutes was spent organizing mic levels. Give me a logical rational paper I can read any day.

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The proposal is a live debate. Not prerecorded.

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Words can be easily edited to change the meaning. Pretty hard to do with a video taken with just one camera.

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Would a discussion on this with Dr Richard Fleming, and / or Dr Byram Bridle / Geert Vanden Bossche be possible? (Or the doctors treating covid)?

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I don't trust Geert, since he worked for Gates.

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How about this? Dead cellular debris can be toxic, when expelled from a toxic Ill person. And maybe sick cell material can be inhaled by a healthy person. It can’t get into a cell and replicate but it can cause the receiver to lose whichever cell it touches. This then causes the receiver a need to expel the original toxic material plus his own now dead cell. And so he coughs or sneezes. More like an allergic reaction to a sick person rather than transmitting a disease.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't these particles usually coated with a protein shell? That gives them safe passage out of the body.

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Steve got awful quiet in a hurry, didn't he?

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I thought you were making a Peter Sellers reference, but I had to check.

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We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

Health and sickness is a topic much more complex than a study of particles.

Just read the Bible.

It is not a weasel opinion, it is realistic.

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Then there's the issue of bio-resonance. Being within a sick person's energy field (said to extend a minimum of six feet from the body) can influence your own health in profound ways. The longer the contact, the greater the "entrainment" to achieve a more balanced rhythm/sympathetic resonance between the two bodies. Interesting number, that 6. Wasn't that the suggested social distancing standard during "the evil COVID pandemic"? Did "they" not want us to be in close contact because "they" know this resonance phenomenon operates equally well when one is in the presence of healthy people? Just sayin'...

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The size of auric fields allegedly varies greatly. Some people have huge fields, but I can "pick up on" peoples' energy from quite a distance regardless.

The 6 feet antisocial distance was made up out of thin air. Supposedly it was as far as they thought they could get away with imposing, without people balking at it too much, and as far as was feasible to implement inside of buildings. Real "scientific", huh? Like ALL of Fauci’s fake "science".

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That too.

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Smellofields are the real truth and next frontier. I know to avoid people with certain smells.

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Can you get herpes from being within six feet of someone's energy field? I didn't realize that herpes was just a "vibe."

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Herpes could be a blood parasite. Of course THEY are transmissable.

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My son suffered from herpes simplex for many years. Since returning to live with me he has taken to using bicarbonate of soda to maintain oral hygiene and an alkaline digestion rinse every few days. He remarked recently that he has not had a recurrence of the lip blisters he previously experienced and wonders if dealing with herpes was just a matter of restoring an alkaline balance.

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I think you need a better alternative hypothesis for herpes than, "it just happens."

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There will always be those who deny the effects of faith on disease. I once took a class called Mental Hygeine and the professor stated that primitive people who believe in witch doctors or shamans do about as well as those who believe in Allopathic medicine. Similarly, many people scoff at the efficacy of homeopathic medicine. Yet it is my personal experience that, after suffering from airborne allergies for 73 years, I discovered a homeopathic remedy that made the mucus disappear. Placebo effect? Who cares.

As a CPS Worker, I often found my mind behaving oddly when I was forced to interact with paranoid schizophrenics. Was it my fear or was it the auras of these sick individuals that caused mental feedback in my brain?

We live in a spiritual universe disguised as physical. Just as quantum physics has proven that nothing makes sense at a micro level, we must accept the fact that very little makes sense at the macro level.

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Homeopathy is based on energy and is in the same healing genre as qi gung or acupuncture.

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I am happy to do so. The product is called Mucus-Clear and it is sold by NativeRemedies.com. It is a nearly tasteless tincture. I add a dropper-full to a glass of water three times a day & I almost never have to use a saline sinus rinse. Before I started using this (and after having useless allergy shots prescribed by three different doctors), I would get congested the moment I lay down at night. That is now just an unpleasant memory. I've been using this homeopathic product for more than a year and it's still working great.

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Video shows droplets expelled from sneezes traveling as far as 23 feet, but viral particles are much tinier than droplets and float nearly indefinitely on air currents indoors, making the 6 feet distance useless and absurd.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

There is no such thing as "physical" matter. Everything is energy and we currently have part of our consciousness focused into this gigantic holographic illusion. We are spiritual beings having a spiritual experience in an illusion of physicality. The Bible is an illusion. Lol!

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Haha quite. This is a simulation based universe.

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Technically, yes. But it also would spoil the purpose of bothering to enter into a physical body in the first place. But there is "no such thing as death" since YOU, the CONSCIOUSNESS existed before entry into a physical body, and continues to exist after going back out. Consciousness does not arise from "unconscious" atoms and molecules. (Even though the consciousness of the Quantum Field permeates and affects all matter.)

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Some people claim that the Defense Department or some Black Ops programs have technology "light years" ahead of anything the public knows about. Some people claim to have witnessed extraordinary alien technology that would be too "disruptive" to release. Who knows?

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Physicists have been conducting experiments for well over a century that come up with pretty unexplainable results from the perspective of Newtonian Physics. It just keeps getting more baffling for them, maybe BECAUSE nothing actually exists besides consciousness, so yes, things can be quite maleable and "squirrelly" and not follow what they think "makes sense". But I maintain that NOTHING makes sense! That what DOES make "sense" would be that nothing existed, anywhere, ever, and that the entire universe was one big, empty, dark, cold NOTHING! How can there be consciousness? How can a universe exist? How is it that we are able to experience anything, including that we do exist? THAT is what makes no fundamental sense. And THAT means that nothing else HAS TO make sense, either, because you can't construct "sense" on a foundation or premise of senselessness.

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Bible says to reject the quacks (pushers pharmakea).

It's a good default position to hold, even today after we have accumulated so much knowledge of biology.

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That's also false. Maybe you just type feelings instead of thoughts.

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You made the claim it's worst in history.

Maybe the appropriate term here histrionic?


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I'm lost. Does the Bible refer to things like viruses and bacterias specifically?

Since you mention it, I will ask my three book religion friends to see what their religious takes are. (I'm not into organised religion).

I see the mantra we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, quoted over and over. Then in effect, any experience can be spiritual, no ? So I guess, having a discussion about viruses could be spiritual as well as doing domestic chores....

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Bible advises to reject pharmakea - which is folks selling quack cures.

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I think we are derailing from the main theme of this discussion - the viruses exist or not.

Also if the medicine doesn't work for you, why should you wish to take it ? Do we need to consult the Bible for that ?

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

The Christian bible, correctly translated, is a tome of a way of life. Part of that wisdom is to reject -- as a default position -- people who want to push novel drugs, medicines, tinctures, herbs, compounds, treatments... etc on you.

If you are in a sufficiently diseased state and after due diligence are convinced that some product or therapy actually does treat your dis-ease then go ahead make an exception to the rule.

As for 'viruses don't exist' debates, you'll need to put in the hours to understand the basic biology to even understand the arguments. Here some proofs that the 'no virus' misleaders Cowen and Kauffman are selling horsefeathers:


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Those who believe it, it exists. Those who don't, it doesnt exist.

And I see the variation of interpretations of the bible and applications by different branches (I see Vatican seems ok about foetus ingredients in these jabs. ) I am not into organised religion . Sorry....

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I was mainly referring to Yeshua's healing ministry.

If you had an OBE, as I did, or an NDE, as many people did, you make the first-hand experience of the ... mantra, as you called it.

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I see. i know people who had the mantra experiences without an OBE or a NDE. Why are people so attached to 'forms'?

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The Bible was just meant as an example - you yourself refer to Hinduism (!) - by the way a religion very close to my heart.

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Religions are like traces left behind after a living spiritual Teacher imparted spiritual experience to his followers via exposure directly to his high vibrational energy. Spiritual experience cannot be transmitted in any book or by any religion any more than a cookbook feeds you food. All that religions can do is give people hints that there is a higher experience possible that they should persue, and hopefully find the teacher to foster the connection.

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Can you give an example of the unnamed state? I'm unclear what you are referencing. Thanks you.

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Viruses are in a sense a parasite that uses the host's own cells for reproduction, via the same mechanism that we produce our own proteins. It's a very mechanical process and (reasonably) understood

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But they’re not alive. How can they ‘do’ anything? Also as Photons says no virus has ever been properly isolated. If they exist why can’t anyone find one?

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It's a mechanical/chemical process, in the same kind of way your cells produce energy.

We can find them, study them and even created new functions with them, which is what created this mess in the first place!

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I NO LONGER BELIEVE IN VIRAL THEORY OF DISEASE. I came to this conclusion on my own after years of research and before it became a popular topic of discussion. I focused more on proper nutrition and as a result came to understand what the primary underlying cause is.

As far as illnesses traveling through families, as a mother who raised 4 children, I can tell you that isn’t always true in most cases. It does happen, but let me explain below.

What leads to illness and disease is nutritional deficiencies that make us susceptible to developing something or “catching” something. For instance, I always ate and fed my children, all (mostly) healthy adults now. Because my children were rarely nutrient deficient, they didn’t get sick a lot, but it did happen. I rarely got sick when they were and could trace my illness back to either eating poorly, failing to supplement adequately or lack of proper sleep, sunshine or exercise.

Mostly, but not always, nutritional deficiencies travel through families, often bcz families tend to have the same dietary habits or patterns. Long standing nutritional deficiencies often lead to “genetically inherited diseases” run in families. It can take several generations to repair a severe nutritional deficiency in a family line.

Families and communities also tend to get exposed to toxins in groups, so that can lead to illness or disease. Foods are largely seasonal, sun exposure is seasonal depending on where one lives. We all should know by now how nutrient deficient foods are today, particularly those grown from commercial farming practices. Even organic non gmo foods are not as nutrient dense as 4-5 decades ago. Essentially, we are all nutrient deficient today in some form or fashion.

I used to develop symptoms of depression and low energy in the winter months when I lived up north. It is known as SADD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. However, having moved back to Florida 10 years ago, I do not have this issue as long as I spend time in the sunshine regularly. I learned several years after moving up north that if I kept my vitamin D levels high by taking about 30,000iu daily of D3 w K2 and/or going tanning 2-3 times a week, I could prevent developing symptoms of SAD. It never did not work. It has also worked for everyone who I’ve shared this information with and who does the same.

Another factor is the toxic exposures we have. Vaccines are a huge problem. They’re not only highly toxic, they cause severe and rapid depletion of nutrients in the body that further exacerbate susceptibility to and development of illness and disease. Toxic assaults cause the body to go into overdrive to correct the problems as rapidly as possible to return us to good health. When the nutrients aren’t available, the body can’t do its job to make that happen. With children, they’re under constant assault from regular vaccine visits (aka well child visits) to the pediatricians office. They’re also largely fed crap diets at home and at school. Little wonder they get sick so much. Unvaccinated, homeschooled children generally have robust good health.

The body is an amazing machine. It is built using nutrients. It certainly isn’t built using toxic chemical food and drugs. Our bodies always strive to keep us in good health. It can only do that properly when it has adequate nutrients.

Deficiencies and toxins drive disease. Parasites and molds can also drive disease. We really need to stop parroting the narrative of the pharmaceutical and medical industries. The longer we continue to carry water for these criminals, the longer we will continue to fund our own demise.

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You just explained terrain theory. I agree with that.

But how do you explain that groups of people getting are getting the same disease that seems infectious? And that it "goes around"? That doctors can say, yeah there is a nasty flu going around that produces your specific symptoms.

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Great question! Did you know that we really don't know how, specifically, atoms work or even what they look like? We have the model that we were all taught in Chemistry with all the little electrons orbiting around the ball of protons and neutrons, but most physicists are pretty sure that model is way too simplistic--it's much more complex than that.

But working from a flawed model doesn't mean that we can't do effective chemistry, its just that there is a black box we don't really fully understand where our inputs go and expected outcomes happen, but we really don't know what's happening in there. We've got lots of similar models regarding things like health, too.

Science works from models all the time and periodically somebody comes along and points out that the model isn't working anymore. Happened to Newton's basic laws. Newer observations come along (like Particle Physics) that start to question what had been accepted science for many years. Einstein was reportedly deeply disturbed by the ramifications of quantum mechanics ("God doesn't play dice with the universe") but wishing something to be true doesn't mean it is.

Now this line of reasoning might suggest to some that I'm arguing in support of Germ Theory. But actually I've moved to the camp that says there are some fundamental flaws in the Germ model. Turns out the model we all have been taught has some glaring holes in it. Something else is going on that is far more integrative than the simplistic "get a shot every year and you'll be fine" model. In fact, it's becoming glaringly obvious that the commercial ramifications associated with Germ Theory are driving "solutions" that are much more harmful than we have accepted for years. We've reached a tipping point, both in terms of money and individual health, that suggests this approach is no longer sustainable. It never was, actually, but now the mound of evidence has risen to a level where we can begin to see that problems, and COVID, for many of us, was the straw that broke the camel's back. Something is REALLY wrong with the favored model.

The terrain theory proponents are actually offering a much more integrated and elegant solution that, when applied, leads AWAY from commerce and side-effects and toxicity and back toward what we all, in our heart, have known: Health and well-being doesn't (yea, CAN'T) come from a hypodermic needle. Dis-ease is more about what we've done to ourselves than any "germ." THEY are not the villians here, WE are.

Look around you on the street everyday. You don't have to be a doctor to see that people, as a whole, are profoundly unwell. Obesity is rampant along with stressed lifestyles that we all know in our heart are toxic to human wellness. Money and greed are huge drivers of our sickness, but so is ego and ruthless pursuit of What I Want, the rest be damned. Relationships are in tatters--we fight and scream and accuse each other instead of working on what we know is Wrong With Me. Can you look in the mirror and honestly say that you are well?

And then we run to the altar of Medicine. Make us well, priest! Fix our problems with pills, injections and therapies. But NEVER tell ME to do something like change my diet or daily habits!

Terrain theory, as I understand it, is attempting to address the root causes of human suffering.

Hint: It's us.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

Right on!

Couldn't have said it better myself!

Now the evidence is coming out "fast and furious" that vaccinations are accompanied by a whole host of immunological problems like antigenic priming and overstressing the immune system.

All biologic processes require energy and resources, and if the body expends its resources creating useless, "out-of-date" antibodies, it has less ability to make newer "models" when challenged with a new or mutated pathogen. And then you have the extremely harmful COVID bioweapon "vaccines" that cause production of bioweapon spikes that actually damage the immune system and destroy T-cells and Toll-like Receptors that are crucial to protection from pathogens and cancers. Can we say, "CRAZY"?

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Do you know how the spike protein causes replication of itself? I don't understand how organisms can survive if they go around replicating harmful proteins. I can understand replicating a few to show to immune cells, but why would they just keep replicating them with wild abandon?

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

The spike proteins can't replicate themselves. They are not viruses. Viruses are packets of genetic material (either RNA or DNA) that is wrapped up in an envelope that contains a mechanism for getting it inside of cells. As soon as it injects its genetic material, those get picked up by the cell because it can't tell the difference between instructions coming from a virus and its own cell's "blueprint". The material then gets taken to the protein-assembling "factory", the ribosomes, where the complete viral package is built.

The "vaccines" do something different. They are packages of genetic material that only codes for a slightly modified version of the viral spike protein. It is carried inside of lipid (fatty) envelopes, which are able to directly penetrate through the fat-based membranes of cells.

In the case of the Pfizer and Moderna shots, the "lipid nanoparticles" go into the cells and deliver their RNA payloads, which get taken up and replicated like for any RNA blueprint, but with a "twist". The RNA in the "vaccines" is not real RNA that would normally instruct the cell to make ONE copy and then self-destruct, reminiscent of the "Mission Impossible" T.V. show's recorded instructions. Instead, the synthetic RNA contains a different chemical that prevents the RNA from being stopped after just one copy is made, and it tricks the cell into churning out an endless stream of spikes that then exit the cells, some intact and some chopped up by the cell's defense mechanism that identifies foreign particles.

This is the huge problem with the "vaccines": there is no "off switch". The shots trigger an unknowable amount of spikes to be produced for an unknowable length of time. And when they are first injected, there is no telling where they will end up, because they can readily cross the blood brain barrier and cause severe neurological damage; they can go to the ovaries in high amounts and cause hormonal disruptions, sterility, and/or ovarian cancer; and they or the spikes they cause to be made, attach to blood vessels and cause clots, heart muscle cells and cause myocarditis, nerve cells and cause paralysis or other problems, and all kinds of other destruction! And wherever the "vaccine" lipid nanoparticles "land" they can keep turning out spikes for months, maybe even years, until that cell dies or is terminated. Also, some of the RNA from the shots writes itself into the DNA  master coding of cells to permanently change the genetic blueprint.


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Brilliant analysis of what is totally wrong with "The Science"/aka modern medicine.

I have no clue as to what is right re health - but I'm sure Bigpharma ain't the answer.

Wake up you bloody morons.

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Terrain theory is the simplier explanation. I think ' they' try to make us believe what they want with alot of mumbo jumbo.

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Just as computer code can get a virus, it's plausible that genetic code can get a virus.

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Resonate frequencies, not viruses. We are all electromagnetic beings.

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thats a STRAWMAN...try another one

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It's not a strawman. It's very analagous. Computer code can be damaged and cause problems in computer communication and calculation etc and Genetic code can similarly be damaged and cause problems with protein & nucleotide formation etc.

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Vibrational resonance. We all effect each other. We are not islands until ourselves. The same way you can walk into a room feel the energetic vibration of peoples moods on a cognizant level, the body picks up on energetic vibrations, exposure to toxic levels of EMF’s and will react to it.

Low vibrational feelings and emotions like anger, fear, anxiety all breed lower vibrational levels that are measurable in the same way that higher levels of positive feelings and emotions cause people to feel good. The entire earth and all in, on, and above it vibrate. Everything is resonate frequencies.

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You are right. A detoxing person sends the impetus to others. It is a beautiful thing.

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And are "colds" just made up? (Well, they ARE pretty much "all in the head"! Lol!)

SOMETHING is contageous and gets transmitted from person to person!

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I think she did explain it. Look at our chemicals in land, sea and air. All the spraying in our air leads to poor nutrition. Also most are vaccinated and have been as a child. That doesn't just go away. I believe all our health problems start there, dirty electricity, chemicals and EMF's to name a few.

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

Yes I agree on that too.

But that does not explain the typical infectiveness that can be seen and are attributed to virusses. And why are symptoms in a certain time period the same for people that have completely different toxin exposures? And a few months later, some other infection goes around and then people get different symptoms? Are all these people exposed to the same toxin in the same time period? I can not imagine that. How would that happen?

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We are being bombarded with chemicals in the land sea and air across the whole country. Some areas more than others. Watch geoengineering.org. it is a threat and explains a lot. We all, glycophate. GMO's, plastics!! Our soil is polluted. Eat food, laced with this stuff. Not to mention the vaccines, all !!

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If that bombardment is the cause of disease, how do you explain the infection like behavior? How is it possible, that two persons, while being 100's of km living apart from each other, can develop the same symptoms, just because they met on one occasion? Was it in the drink they drank together? Was it sprayed in the air in the bar they went to?

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My doc will say "X (something non-infectious) is bad this year". It's not just germs that "get around". Allergies, myalgias, still point to terrain...just as non-vaccine preventable diseases diminished along with "vaccine-preventable" in the early years of the 20th century do

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Those examples are not infectious diseases.

Allergies are a good example of terrain and "problematic" substance. Both are needed to explain real world observations.

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That they are non-infectious was my point. They come and go, ebb and flow, in the population, too.

Just because something seems to be going around, doesn't automatically mean it's due to contagion

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I agree with the point you make but I also think how does one explain that some people similarly exposed, don't fall ill at all, ever?

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It's not all or nothing people. The no-virus crowd thinks that EVERYONE needs to get sick from exposure or a virus isn't real. That's faulty logic. People are more susceptible to viruses for a variety of reasons, including what was written above, but just because some people may be stronger than others, it does not follow that viruses aren't real.

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I agree with you completely here. I am my own N of 1 study In this regard and at 55 and no longer on any meds and eating properly etc… with my head screwed on straight all my former maladies are gone .I’ve not become sick in years. When I start to feel funky I immediately assess: food? Sun? Stress? Belief? I’m always able to balance the scales back to health.

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High vitamin D keeps me from getting the flu and most colds, but it sure didn't keep me from getting COVID!

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Were your Covid symptoms worse than normal flu? MejBCart seems to be finding that the weaponized Covid virus can cause depletion of several amino acids, if I understand her right. I'm trying to learn how the vaxes increase the risk for getting Covid. And I'm not sure if the amino acids depletion can be fixed simply by devouring more complete proteins.

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I accidently hit the "post" link before I finished my reply, so look at it again if the whole thing didn't get emailed to you.

About the amino acid question, I don't understand what he/she means by "depletion". Inability to absorb them maybe? There can be gastrointestinal involvement with COVID as viral particles are shed from the nasal cavity and swallowed, which may account for the nausea/vomiting and diarrhea that can be present. Amino acids couldn't really be depleated from the body as a whole except through the mechanism of muscle wasting and catabolism of other tissues. They don't just leak out on their own or whatever. And it's possible to cause loss of amino acids from the blood through kidney damage and abnormal excretion of protein through the kidneys.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

My first go-round with COVID was August 2020 when the original Wuhan strain might have still been circulating, or variants close to it like Alpha. There have been hundreds, at least, of slight variations to the original strain. The earlier ones were pretty bad and seem to have caused more lower respiratory involvement. I pre-loaded for four months on very high-dose D and then took a bunch of different supplements during it, plus Ivermectin. I had no apparent clotting issue, as both Vitamins C and D are pretty effective at preventing them, since my oxygen saturation never dropped. But the main thing (besides a cough) was a drastic "hit" to my energy production capacity that persisted into a "long COVID"-type situation but with no symptoms associated with clots such as headaches and "brain fog" or cardiac or lung impairment. It took me quite a while to come to the conclusion, by a process of elimination, that my mitochondria/ATP productionchad been quite impaired. It was only fairly recently that I learned that the viral spikes damage mitochondria and that can put them all into an energy shut-down mode (the "cell danger response"). So I started working on my mitochondria and now they are doing pretty well again.

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I’m of the same logic, was taught the existence of viruses...so now I’m in that phase that I don’t believe much of what we were told. So no viruses for me.

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I don't think that qualifies as logic :-).

Now you have realized that we are taught many things that are not true, I think you can reasonably shift to a "not sure" state, but I do not think you can *logically* shift to a "sure not" state.

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I have been wondering as well. I read about exosomes and cellular debris. Maybe there is something we just don’t quite get. Perhaps we have a simple answer, virus, for a far more complex question or maybe the opposite, a complex answer for a simple question. I find this fascinating. I work with deep sea bacteria, as deep as 10,000 meters. It was believed that “life” couldn’t exist under those conditions. Life or artifact? Well, it replicated, it had specific DNA sequences. Interesting.

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I am not sure if this directed to me or what the intention was. I didn’t say I agree or disagree; just wondering. What a thing to say.

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Sorry. No, in fact my comment was directed at someone who had commented with unerring certainty that viruses do not exist, and that no one had ever succeeded in demonstrating person-to-person transmission. I don't know why my comment appears directed at you, so my apologies.

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why dont you kiss someone whos intelligent and see if you get smarter?...if viruses" existed and "caused disease" the human race wouldve been extinct long ago... from the book of common sense

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I agree with you Don. When we were kids (I'm 66 now) our parents arranged for us to have a day out with our cousins or friends when they had childhood diseases that we hadn't had yet. It took a day or two and we were infected. I did the same with my children. Now whether it is terrain or pathogen I can't say but if I had to take a guess I would say just like fleas jump from one host to the next, there is something in sick persons that do the same.

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And they jump with very similar symptoms

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Have you ever had chickenpox, herpes zoster, measles, mumps, mononucleosis?

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

"I've seen the same sickness travel through my family on many occasions."

I've seen 3 people bump into eachother in a crowded event wearing the same t shirt. Statistically it is hightly likely that you can flip dice with 10 heads in a row if you flip dice for long enough. If you are only paying attention to the times you saw someone with the same t shirt or when they had a cold then you are not counting all the other times that they didn't have the same t shirt or 'catch a cold'. That is a bias based on the belief in contagion when it is statistically likely to happen on occasion especially if there is cold weather or other factors increasing the odds at certain times. Perhaps the belief itself can increase the odds since there will be a conviction that they are highly likely to get sick. Something called a nocebo effect.

Derren Brown - 10 Heads in a Row (explanation):


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I don't think that's correct. Those of us, and there are many, paying attention, do notice a relationship because it actually is happening. None of what I observe behaves like any toxin. Anyone who thinks it's all about toxins don't know what toxic exposure looks like.

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

How do you explain 'faith healing'?

Derren Brown " explained how the "personal psychological experience that people are going through" results in people believing they've been healed during his performance. Many in the audience would voluntarily come to the front of the theatre shows and testify to being healed."


If the belief in healing can be so powerful why not the belief that you are around 'infected' family members and bound to get sick?


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First, we have no idea if Brown is correct,. Second, you don't start your life knowing anything about infection or contagion, you learn over time from the observation after it happens.

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Sep 13, 2022·edited Sep 13, 2022

There is lots of research into the placebo and nocebo effect. people going around claiming someone is going to "catch a disease" from coming in contact with other people is nothing more than a curse. It is black magic. You don't learn from observation but indoctrination. Most people never even thought like this until 2020 when they were given this brainwashing.

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And does this go for kids too young to comprehend placebo effects or know what a virus or toxin is or understand language yet? And assume adults don't tell them everyday they are going to get sick so they all oblige at the same time.

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Terrain has always been important regardless of the pathogen.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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This is a key point. Virus or no virus, a healthy, well nourished body and a calm mind protects a person from disease which is what we all want. Reliance on vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs is going down the wrong path and they should be used very sparingly.

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That shows how two questions are mixed - do viruses exist and the disease that they (do or don't) cause.

And how to treat (or manage or prevent) a disease is a third question (even if it can be inked to the previous questions).

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Exactly! Even if viruses had never been grown in cells and never been seen in electron microscopy, the diseases are real, and they spread AS IF by contageous pathogens.

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I’m not sure they have been though. From what I’m reading from credible sources is no virus has ever been properly isolated. The way they claim to isolate one is literally ludicrous. I did not know this. I didn’t believe it when I read it, but I do now. If true then the entire narrative is brought into question. But pathogens transmitting from person to person happens. Whether it is a virus though might not be correct. Open skin to open skin though might be true and air borne upper respiratory might not be.

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So, if I understand you, in a perfect world no one should be sick.

All they have to do is to lead 'a healthy life' (what ever that is).

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COVID is NOT the flu!

"Dead men drive no cars" reminds me of the strike a number of years ago in Los Angeles by all the illegal aliens who were feeling underappreciated (and underpaid?) So they picked a day and most of them stayed home instead of going to work. It was a miracle!!! You could actually DRIVE AROUND on the wide open L. A. freeways that day! (Probably for the last time!)

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The moment you included “mind” you opened a completely new conversation, in which viruses may or may not have a roll. Maybe a calm mind IS the doing of certain viruses, allowing our bodies to not be susceptible to the harms of other viruses. I think it’s obvious that these packets of DNA exist. But the question is whether or not they cause the diseases we attribute to them…

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I personally think that viruses are what “evolution” looks like. These packets *ARE* the manifestation of evolutionary direction.

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SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus, not a DNA virus.

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2 minute websearch


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Tetanus is not a virus but bacteria and vaccin is not really needed if you take proper care of your wounds. At least that is what I've read about tetanus.

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

le_berger_des_photons asked for some evidence that vaccines are of any use and I linked to some. Viral or not it is evidence of a vaccine working.

We still await an informed refutation of the linked study. Up to this point le_berger has simply asserted the study is 'misinformation' without being able to support that in any way.

It would be of low utility and poor sport to repeat this embarassment process in the current thread, but le_berger should be advised that more will follow if he or she continues flooding science threads with hysterical projections of fantastic conjecture.

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The problems with the current vaccine products and politics are too large. In my estimation the harms significantly outweigh benefits. I would not raise a child where 40+ jabs were mandatory.

Particularly, given that since the mid-1980s manufacturers and dispensers have practically no legal liability for harms, I won't take any again until the situation changes, dramatically.

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Are you saying there is no such thing as any sort of transmission at all? Virus or not? Bacterial or not? My experience of catching things tells me I catch nothing unless I’m run down. Colds and flus are certainly not easily transmissible, if they are at all. Many many times family members have been hacking and sneezing and I or my wife and I haven’t caught anything. I have had an alternative health practice for decades. I was for about 15 years full time at it seeing as many as 40 people a week. Many sick people. I NEVER caught anything! Why? However the Herpes things seems to be transmissible. OTOH....apparently 90+% of the population tests positive for having come into contact with Herpes. 1. We know the tests are meaningless. 2. If it is true 90+% have come into contact with it why don’t 90+% have it? It is possible skin to skin, open sore etc can transmit a pathogen. It might not be a virus though.

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Heeee Hawww Heidi Heil Right on 🎯

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There is no misconception that I'm aware of.

It is entirely possible for someone to fully embrace germ theory AND terrain theory simultaneously. This would be an extreme and unlikely example, but still possible.

Such a person would adhere to the notion that chemicals, EMF, psychological stress, diet, etc are all critically important to the safety of our health, just like any terrain theory supporter would agree with, yet this person would ALSO fully adhere to the notion that all of the "viruses" and other imaginary biological "pathogens" are "real" and harmful, in addition.

A mouse in the wildness must worry about foxes, hawks, and wolves, pollution, diet, stress, weather, etc, but the mouse never has to worry about "deadly unicorns who also eat mice", or "contagious" "viruses" for that matter.

The Virus Deniers are NOT claiming, "the germ believers never think about EMF and stress, diet etc, all they think about is the fake unicorn viruses!"

Believing in both terrain and germ theory simultaneously only causes more confusion and fear. One might think, "I've been poisoned from 60 different vaccines, I live in a place with lots of smog, I eat bad food, drink too much, stress too much, etc. Because my body, (terrain), is so unhealthy, I am now very susceptible to an imaginary "virus" or "pathogen" because my immune system is weak".

The VirusDenier's like myself disagree very strongly with this last statement. There's nothing to "catch" in the first place. This is the key to understanding. There is nothing to be afraid of. You can have the much needed close nurturing contact with any human family member who appears to be super contagious when in fact they are simply "deathly ill" from whatever terrain related issue they were afflicted with, be it a multitude of vaccines, antibiotics, chemicals, diet, etc. There's nothing to "catch" from them.

Your recent Substack post to Dr Michael Yeadon was very moving. I would also like to hear more from him about his change of stance. I can't imagine what you are going through as a loving and caring parent who is searching for understanding. You are wonderful for speaking your mind and supporting this open debate.

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Well stated again, Heidi.

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

A good rail network can get you from A to B but that doesn't mean people who believe in railways don't believe flying saucers can also take you from A to B. Just because rail networks exist doesn't mean that aeroplanes and flying saucers don't. Alien abduction is real coz you can fly to New York in comfort and style.

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What if you think of it as an "interaction" with a cell instead of an "infection". Say a protein is floating around in the air, when it comes in contact with your cells, your cells react to it. That thing wouldn't need "food" to create energy, it wouldn't need "energy" at all. And maybe humans have evolved with these things around us, and this is just how we deal with these proteins, maybe some benefit us, maybe some waste our energy on their reproduction. Just a thought.

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Perhaps, these proteins contain genetic information which is useful for the cell?

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Similar to my understanding:

1. Viral particles float around

2. Passively enter the human body - say through the respiratory/alimentary system

3. Passively attach to receptors in the cells - put geometric locking aided by electrochemistry

4. The electrochemical environment at the site make the viral proteins to fold or transform enabling it to inject some particles into the cell - infection.

No need for self contained energy metabolism and use.

However it is news to me that virus particles have never been seen under a electron microscope! Is that for real?

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I am not sure anyone is saying virus particles cannot be seen under a microscope. There are some that argue what that is we are seeing. Some say that we are seeing some protein the body produces or is waste product of some reaction. The argument is - are those proteins the cause or the result of the sickness.

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Nothing is "seen" in the classical sense with an electron microscope/.x-ray crystallography. A computer programme constructs the image. Precisely how it does that is in the gift of the experts who initially write the computer code in the first place.

Does that in fact ever give an entirely accurate image of what is purportedly being "looked at".

You may as well ask Mystic Meg - because at that level ie trying to "see" atoms- you're into the realms of quantum theory.

And nobody understands that, nor is likely to, ever.

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You can't have an effect before the cause. If the COVID vaxx causes COVID, WHAT caused it before the shots were manufactured and mass-disseminated?

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They call everything COVID. COVID has every symptom. I think, not sure, but I think everyone who gets Herpes has the same Symptom. I don’t believe the vax sick are getting COVID. They are sick. Their bodies are beginning to malfunction. So they don’t clear dead cellular material as they should. Because of their immune systems failing. So they get ‘sick’ to clear the toxic dead material. Which is then called ‘Long COVID’. We forget the symptom is an immune system that is expelling something, burning something up, or otherwise righting the body. We keep trying to cure ourselves of symptoms. When we should be strengthening our immune system and keeping ourselves clean, in and out.

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Not all bacteria can move, only ones with flagella or cillia.

Virions don't need energy because they aren't alive. They are more like nano-size machines. Machines that have mechanical devices to latch onto structures on the surfaces of cells and, sort of like being "spring loaded", deploy their genetic material contents into the cell. The cell machinery then is fooled into treating the foreign genetic material like its own and sets about following the foreign coding to replicate new complete viral packages and spew them out.

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Aren't sperm and ova also classed as "germinal cells"? Meaning that they begin the growth/life of something? As in "germinate"?

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How do sperm move their tails if they have no mitochondria to generate energy?

Viruses do not "move" themselves to infect a cell. They float around, and when they bump into a cell, something about them burrows into the cell via molecular interaction, and then the virus reaches the nucleus where it releases its DNA to coopt the cellular machinery. There is no self-locomotion of a virus.

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Better analogy is in chemistry; chemical reactions require some activation energy, but this can be provided through thermal (brownian motion). Protein binding happens at temps above absolute zero and so molecules and macromolecules are constantly 'bumping' against each other.

The physics of docking that happens when spike protein bumps up to a cell is a science in itself.


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I agree. Bill Gates did a short 2 min video wherein he praised the spike protein as the means to help mRNA communicate with DNA. "This is the coronavirus [show model in hand]. In this peak [shows the spike protein] on its outside, is called the spike protein. It grabs onto the cells in your body, that have a particular receptor [mRNA] to get that cell to make millions of copies of this virus. The first time you're exposed to this virus it takes merely days for your immune system to realize that it's a bad thing. So how do we get the immune system to go faster? The idea of a vaccine is to give you an exposure to something that looks like this [shows pic], so you're getting your body to make a lot of antibodies that can take these viruses & actually kill them. There's over hundred different efforts making many different types of coronavirus vaccines. So, how do you make a vaccine? Usually you're injecting at least a part of the shape of the virus. Sometimes you do the whole virus but it's attenuated so it doesn't multiply too much. Sometimes you take a virus & you kill it. You won't get sick because they're not duplicating. What's typically done is you just take either a piece of the virus or just the spike, that thing on the surface, and you put it on something else, so there's no risk at all of causing a disease. One final way that's new & promising is called the RNA vaccine with RNA & DNA & instead of putting that shape in it [shows strand of DNA], the instructions in the code can make that shape" Seems Gates is less interested in the virus and more in changing our DNA.

"Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine alters Human DNA" -


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"Spermatozoa utilize energy on motility, which is primarily in the form of intracellular ATP generated by oxidation of substrates, fructose, glucose, sorbitol, lactate, or pyruvate (Misro & Ramya, 2012) ."

Sperm do not contain mitochondria. ALL of the mitochondria in the embryo comes from the mother's ovum. Each human ovum contains about 100,000 mitochondria, the most in any human cell. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to develop an embryo, and each of the rapidly-dividing new cells needs an ample supply.

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A magnet sticks to your refrigerator without an energy source.

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What does magnetism have to do with any of this? In fact there is an electric charge that is moving that causes magnets to stick (or repel) to your refrigerator. We do know electrons do exist :)

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Magnetic force is not electrons. It is the "magnetic" part of electromagnetic, not the "electro" part.

Moving magnetic fields push electrons ("creating" electricity), and moving electrons create a magnetic field, but they are distinct.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Disregarding the INvalidity of your idea that magnetisim requires flowing electrons, that doesn't refute that there's there's no battery or other energy source in magnets. Yet there is a force at work.

Here's another one - how do chemical reactions work without an external energy source?

I'll stop teasing. Proteins can interact with each other due to molecular forces, without a little motor driving the reaction. This is how viruses unlock cells and inject RNA or DNA.

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Who said there needs to be a "little motor"? This is what happens in these discussions - people who think they are smart (usually they aren't) start attacking points that were never made because they think they are going to say something clever and get some likes.

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Why would chocolate-eating insects "isolate" the M&Ms instead just eat them/make them disappear?

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If they make an insect that reproduces chocolate then that is worth a Nobel prize.

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Well, no of course not. We can’t function around CO2. We need to invent an anti carbon dioxidant. Oh wait, we have one. Called plants.

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What do you think would be the "control" for a culture of viruses on cells? The same line of cells with no viral particles added? THAT is what happens EVERY TIME those cells are incubated/grown without the added virus!

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Viruses DO exist. Those who deny their existence can put their knowledge and faith to the test by allowing themselves to be bitten by an animal known to be rabid. Case closed. And the coffin too.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Author

do not attempt at home

do not attempt even if you got the "rabies vaccine"

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If you are bitten by a rabid dog and become ill- you don't pass the illnesses on to another person or animal, so it is not caused by an infectious or transmissible particle.

The observations are consistent with a neurotoxin produced by bacteria being present in the mouth of a malnourished and/or maltreated dog that are 'injected' into a person by the teeth of the dog.

All the symptoms of rabies are consistent with neurotoxic poisoning.

There is no evidence that a rabies virus exists, they have never found one, and rabies is not transmissible once bitten, but it would be very silly to allow myself to be bitten by a 'rabid' dog.


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Lovely and logical. The same point I have made about herpes carriers who infect others that end up not being carriers. Hence herpes cannot be tranismisible by a non carrier.

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Thank you intuitive thinker


find me here https://georgiedonny.substack.com

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Yeah, that's a good point about Herpes. We're on a roll. Let's write a health encyclopedia.

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Spot on, as Pasteur's own unethical 'experiments' to develop a rabies vaccine showed.

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No - you are assuming all are transmitted through the air, and they are not. Rabies is not.

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there is no evidence that rabies is transmitted by a virus

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Can you explain what you think rabies is and how you think it's transmitted?

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Do you have evidence that Antarctica exists?

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I was never so shocked in my life to learn people didn't believe in viruses. Like believing the moon landing was faked. Very disheartening. They always have an outrageous reason to explain away animal studies done proving something is transmissible, or electron micrographs. This is more of a religion.

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What is being transmitted?

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a neurotoxin https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/What-About-Rabies:a

which is why rabies is not passed on after a bite

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Well, it is not an airborne / airway infective virus. You have to be bitten first to get it.

If the person with rabies would bite another person, would the infection than be spread?

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So the 'virus' infects all your cells, multiplies inside, bursts out of the cells, escapes somehow back into the airways or GI tract and then leaves the host though it can only exist inside cells, and can only infect someone else by breaking their skin. I think we are so far down the virus rabbit hole we can't think straight. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/were-so-far-down-the-rabbit-hole

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great article...just subscribed

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I did not say it infects all your cells. What I learned of virusses is that they can only get into the cell with certain transporters that must be exposed in the cell lining. So no transporter, no infection. Rabies is not a lung / airway infection right? Or do you get a cough? I think it needs to be that to be able to spread trough the air.

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Rabies is spread through saliva. Thus the "foaming at the mouth." So yes, humans can spread it potentially, but rabies is not airborne like a respiratory virus.

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through saliva that has to directly enter the blood stream via sharp teeth. I'm not sure a humans teeth would be do the job, unless you were a vampire, so not human

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I guess that's what Dr. Shelton was talking about years ago. Thanks for clarifying. Do you know where to find more info on the neurotoxins involved?

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They could be similar to tetrodotoxins produced by bacteria in puffer fish, these produce the exact same symptoms as rabies; hypersalivation, weakness, restlessness, paralysis, tremor, dysphasia (swallowing problems) and coma. It can also inhibit sodium channels and may lead to death.

I'm not sure there is any money in studying it, as everyone wants us to think there's a virus.


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Bacteria don't exist. Why would we take them for granted if we question viruses?

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For goodness sake. Because we can see them using light microscopy and when they grow in colonies we can smell them, isolate them (all one thing together) and then break them down into their constituent proteins etc.

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What produces the neurotoxin?

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Bacteria. They seem to belong to the Vibrio, Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Shewanella and Alteromonas genera


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Can you be more specific?

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It that's what you choose to believe, be my guest. Each to his/her own.

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It's not a question of choice, it's a question of evidence. You need to look at the argument. Have you watched Sam Bailey's video? What have you read that denies rabies as an infectious disease has ever been properly identified?

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Petra, where I live never, ever, had rabies, despite many wild and feral dogs roaming around.

This disease just wasn't here, though it has been in our neighboring country for decades. Just before covid, we had a few cases close to the border, now there are many cases. Did malnourishment/maltreatment of dogs, cats and bats somehow stay confined for all these decades and recently get across the border? Seems... unlikely.

But a virus getting established here fits everything we know.

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What are cases? Are they positives for RNA sequences never shown to come from a pathogenic transmissible entity? Or are they collections of common symptoms never shown to belong to one single disease?


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Possibly but without the scientific demonstration we don't know. Other hypotheses could also fit.

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Can you share the evidence?

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The evidence is an analysis of the scientific method used to "prove" the existence of the so-called illness rabies spread by a virus exposing it as unscientific.


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It's not what I choose to believe.

Show me the evidence that anything is caused by a virus

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What about warts?

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they seem to be a result of trauma and effects of toxins which may be being expelled. they is certainly no evidence that they are caused by viruses https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/What-We-Weren't-Taught-About-Herpes:3

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And don’t try to treat a rabid dog bite with St. John’s Wort and anti-oxidants....

Sorry, had to do it......delete if you must😎

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That would be absurd. For that you need colloidal silver.

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And the “Best in Class” award for 9/06/2022 goes to Mystic William....

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I just choked on my drink🫡

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

LOL!!! Agreed.

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Igor, you are a pisser, as funny as me.... almost.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It would appear that rabies is a real condition. What is the evidence that it is what is termed a virus?

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Good question. Great place to make a difference by making an insightful comment

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

The Rabies virus travels up nerves from the bite site to the salivary glands and the brain. Bigger things like bacteria can't do that.

And the farther away from the brain is the location of the bite, the longer it takes for central nervous system symptoms to develop. For instance, if you get bitten on the head or neck, you will become symptomatic much sooner than if you get bitten on the foot.

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Exactly. But sadly, nothing we say or demonstrate can convince the cult of virus-deniers that these things are real. They've made up their minds and they're sticking to their guns. It's truly a cult-like thinking.

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I believe this may be the kind of accusatory rhetoric that is unhelpful here. And I'm not on the "no virus" side. But folks are trying to make their point respectfully, why accuse them of being in a cult? I haven't seen cult-like arguments from them on this thread, anyway.

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It's a cult because no matter what evidence you show them, including actual pictures of viruses, they will come up with an excuse as to why that evidence doesn't actually prove the existence of viruses. Nice people can be a part of a cult, BTW.

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WHAT TYPE of proof, then, would or could possibly suffice for the virus deniers? What type of proof would suffice to convince the flat-earthers that our planet is essentially a globe? This type of thinking eventually leads to an infinite regression.

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Also, what kind of proof would convince you that viruses do not cause disease?

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Oh my God, I just typed an incredibly long and thoughtful reply on my smartphone that got erased just like that. Too tired to start over!

Tl;dr - challenging germ theory and the claim that viruses are infectious agents of disease is a legitimate position. I don't think "virus deniers", as you call them, are necessarily flat earthers. I am certainly not a flat earther and not a fan of that belief system, nor of Holocaust denial. But I am open to the possibility that viruses are just some sort of exosome and that they do not cause disease.

The issue could be settled through careful experimentation, if there was good will and honesty on both sides.

Yes, this is much shorter than the other thing I wrote.

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There aren't just virus deniers. There are also virus skeptics and anti-virus skeptics and maybe others. They're not all of the same mind.

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I agree. I am not either. It’s an interesting question.

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Which material that claims viruses have not been proven to exist have you consulted? You do need to immerse yourself in the argument and really come to terms with it before knee-jerking with "cult-like" thinking. Of course, the virus deniers can equally apply the term "cult-like" thinking to those who believe in viruses. Stay away from those sorts of epithets and stick to the argument.

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This must be the same person driving in their car with a mask on, yelling at people on the street to get vaccinated :) How about we just stay open minded and start from a position that just because other people don't agree with you, doesn't mean they are a "cult" or "deniers" of any kind. This is a tactic of the left and it usually doesn't end up well.

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Interesting, but her very strong bias introduces the possibility that she is cherry-picking her "evidence". She is certainly "slanting" her conclusions. This does not constitute a scientific presentation on the subject. Very reminiscent of so much of the COVID propaganda. Is her assumption correct? How much evidence FOR the existence of a Rabies virus did she NOT present? She sounds like she is from Australia (or New Zealand), countries that she admits have almost no Rabies, which means there is a very high probability that she has never even encountered the disease. So why the interest? Because of its rairity it maks a good subject for promoting a "virus denier" position? Disease with the symptoms of Rabies has been observed in many different mammals. If it were something else, say a prion disease, would it be more specific in its hosts?

Are Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease in humans, Mad Cow disease in cattle, Scrappies in sheep and goats, Chronic Wasting Disease in the deer family, and the "prion"-configuration in the COVID shots' spikes all caused by the same mis-folded prion material or is it usually species-specific?

Lots of questions, few answers, especially since everyone seems to have an agenda to promote.

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Faith, can you tell us more about the prion configuration in Covid vax spike protein? I read long ago that prions can be possibly very contagious and deadly, as they can cause proteins to fold improperly as in CJD etc. I hadn't heard that the Covid vax spike protein (mRNA) is a prion or contains prions. That's scary. But hopefully few if any vaxes actually contain/ed mRNA.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

I've read so much, and seen so many videos by now of doctors and researchers talking about the spike protein, I'm not sure offhand who was discussing a segment of the spike that appears to be similar to the Mad Cow disease prions. I've saved hundreds of links to them, so given enough time I might be able to locate that specific reference.

Also, there was an article fairly recently about an unusual increase in cases of Cruetzfeldt-Jacob disease after COVID shots, with people succumbing rather quickly from it, like within about four months. Weird.

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Your description of the journey of rabies “virus” sounds like the same pathology as snake or spider bite - it’s a toxin - not necessarily a “virus”. Actually the word VIRUS means “toxin” so maybe we’re all saying the same thing here! 😄

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Snake and spider toxins start acting almost immediately. I've experienced both.

Rabies has to replicate, as pathogens do, before anything happens.

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Also, in the 1990s, rabies among wild foxes in Germany (and probably they did that elsewhere in Europe, too) was severely reduced by regularly dumping oral vaccine bait thingies (no idea what it's called in English) the foxes pick up.

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That's pretty wild!

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Faith, how does the virus travel through nerves?

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Good question, but they do! The Chicken Pox virus that causes Shingles does it and migrates through an entire nerve "tree" to the skin, typically over a section of the chest or abdomen; plus other herpes viruses, and measels-type viruses like the one that causes Canine Distemper all hide out in nerves where the immune system can't get to them with macrophages to eat them. Bell's Palsey is from viruses getting inside the Facial nerve, one of the "cranial nerves" that come directly from the brain, and they cause swelling and pressure that cuts off nerve transmission to that side of the face, usually temporarily.

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Wouldn’t the fact that it can travel through an electrical pathway indicate that the “virus” can take the form of an electrical/energetic signal rather than a particulate dna/rna package?

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

Nerves are not electric wires. Fluid in the nerves, an aqueous electrolyte solution, conducts electricity just as any non-pure water can, only optimally (distilled water with zero minerals is actually a poor conductor). So it is the cytoplasm contents of the nerve cells that provides a hospitable environment for viruses, just as any cellular contents would. But nerve cells can be really long, counting the long extensions that the electrical signals move along— the axon and dendrites, like in the sciatic nerve that stretches from the lower spinal cord all the way to the foot.

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We can measure the presence of organisms we call viruses. When it is present, the host gets sick. When it's absent, they don't.

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Which came first, the virus or the sickness? Is a virus the cause of the sickness or is the presence of viral particles merely a symptom of feeling unwell? Are many, if not all, viruses simply the products of cellular detoxification (aka exosomes) which accumulate in extracellular fluids and make us feel bad? If so, what caused the systemic detox reaction to occur in the first place? The human genome seems filled with "viral" sequences, but what are they really? "Junk DNA"? Absurd! What are their actual functions, and why did Nature's evolutionary mechanisms and pressures ensure that they were accumulated and assiduously retained for succeeding generations?

These are questions virologists have done a miserable job of answering... recently, to the point of ignoring the questions entirely. The field of virology appears to me to be more cultish scientism at this point than pure scientific empiricism. As scientific disciplines go, virology is still in its infancy and will fail to mature into a respectable field of inquiry until it can be rescued from the vested monetary interests which have held it hostage for the past few decades.

I look forward to that day, as I'm an old, retired, marine microbiologist/medical researcher who still believes that one should gather facts and allow them to take you where they will. Only by allowing the light of truth to guide our path forward, can we ever hope to mutually build a brighter future for all of the lifeforms which share this magnificent little planet...

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Doesn't matter. All that matters is people are getting sick and governments are forcing therapies that not only don't work and are destructive. Therapies that do work, like ivermectin (an anviviral) are forbidden. Government is our worst pathogen, whether you call them administrators or rulers or tyrants, the result is the same -- bad outcomes for those who comply. Better to focus on issues that matter. Be ungovernable.

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I couldn't agree more. The older I get, the more of an anarchist I become. Government has always been the bane of human civilization. That's why we were warned that "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty". How vigilant were we here in America while FEDGOV was slowly captured by forces hostile to human freedom? Ultimately, it's our fault.

I remain hopeful though that things are about to take a dramatic turn for the better. The entire planet is undergoing an unprecedented healing crisis. It's painful but necessary.

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Why do you mix up the issues - do viruses exist, and what is their connection to diseases?

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Why do you obsess over trivia? People get sick. People devise therapies. People study the illnesses and the cures to better understand. Current state of the art says of course viruses exist and cause physiological reactions we perceive as sickness. Sars2, for example, being a fairly simple organism is easier to understand than the more complex human reactions. Doesn't really matter what you call the agents causing the body to initiate those reactions, or why the body reacts badly, only that we can expedite the recovery. If you want to deny viruses, go for it. It won't affect your outcome. Health is not a function of what you believe, but what you do.

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🍃🌺🍃 Beautifully stated, Phil Welsh!

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“Vested monetary interests”. In a nutshell. I prefer to stay open minded about this. I found Cowans book and thoughts intriguing and it tickled a few thoughts concerning my faith and whom my faith rests on--The mystery of the human body we will never completely unravel. Likewise all life. We are electric beings.

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Do you have anything to support your theory? I would be interested to see it

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Though I generally don't recommend Wikipedia, its treatment of endo- and exosomes is a good staring point. You can then use an alternative search engine such as Freespoke and type in "exosomes vs viruses". If your interest is sufficient, you could be reading for weeks. The jury is still deliberating about this subject and much remains to be discovered. Initial premises regarding viral etiology of disease are in need of reexamination but that's difficult to do when the scientific reputations of so many are on the line.

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I just want to be sure that I'm looking at the same evidence that you are.

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Thanks for mentioning another search engine. I hadn't heard of it, Freespoke that is. I just tried doing a search there now on "vaccine deaths". There are 500 pages of results, which is much better than other search engines. But at least the first few pages are biased toward the mainstream BS. I can tell by the website names and by some of the titles. I also searched on "scamdemic" and that gets less biased results, I think. "Plandemic" gets very mainstream results though. We need a search engine for alternative views for a change. Damn it.

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You do understand that until CDC changed the definition of a vaccine and how they are made it always meant a "killed" or attenuated virus. Until you can collect virus particles you can't "kill" or attenuate them.

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What is being called "viruses" are universally acknowledged to be non-living things, so they cannot be "killed". Attenuation refers to the process of inactivating or weakening these things, whatever they are. This is claimed to prevent replication inside host cells. So the question remains: What is it that's actually being collected and purified (from eggs or from cell culture lysates and supernates), which needs to then be treated so as not to create the very disease it's designed to protect against - exosomes or real, infective, viral particles?

Let's look at the flu. Why do many people who receive flu shots still develop flu-like symptoms each year? I've never had a flu jab and I haven't had so much as a mild head or chest cold for over 50 years now. Either the shots are woefully ineffective or the "viruses", whatever they really are, have acquired a reputation that they don't deserve. The seasonal flu comes along each year when Vitamin D levels drop because everyone is wearing cold weather clothing and remaining largely indoors. The immune system has a critical need for D and it wanes in competence as a result of chronic D deficiency. For some as yet unexplained reason, our bodies respond by initiating a natural detoxification cycle. Our cells dump wastes (packaged in exosomes) into the extra-cellular fluids and that creates all of the symptoms associated with what we've come to call the "flu".

Pennies a day of Vitamin D3/K2 alone will prevent a multitude of human ills...

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Phil, it's not just lack of sunlight in the winter that leads to the tendency to get colds and flu. It's also the low humidity that allows viruses to remain in the air longer, whereas humidity causes them to fall to the ground in water droplets.

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Vitamin D is a metabolite essential for immune function to protect against invading pathogens, like virises. Which is good evidence for the existence of viruses. Maintain your immune health and the nature of the pathogen doesn't matter. It's handled automatically.

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That’s why I put “killed” in quotes. He idea being conveyed is that a “killed” virus is no longer capable of infecting someone.

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I agree viruses exist however your statement does not account for complexities of the immune system. A virus can be present and not cause illness because the immune system neutralizes it. An example would be a family living together where the parents are symptomatic with covid but the kids are not. Clearly the kids have daily constant exposure to the virus yet not sick.

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The rabies virus is one of the most lethal. Only a handful of people have ever survived a rabies infection without immediate treatment.

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You are correct that rabies is a unique virus unlike most others. Maybe we could agree that all virus are not the same and the treatment of them should vary.

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It’s ugly to see if no treatment.

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do you not see the blatant contradiction in your statement? why havent any of the millions of household pets in America got Covid? easy... they dont watch TV....https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/

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My husband and I haven’t been ill in nearly two decades. However, we visited many shops and ate dinner at a restaurant in the Redmond/ Totem Lake area of Washington state in early March of 2020. We both came down with what we think was covid, but there was no testing for our age group back then. Shortly afterwards our cat also became ill for a week with coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, lethargy etc. While he didn’t go shopping with us, nor dine at the restaurant, he does sit face-to-face on my husband’s chest every single morning after breakfast. Also, we don’t own a television. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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WOW...your cat was coughing sneezing had watery eyes and was lethargic?...well I apologize you just proved beyond a shadow of a doubt your cat got covid...thankfully it didnt die from that deadly virus...you should write a scientific paper to document your experience that obviously proves there's a deadly virus blowing around...keep me updated on your progress...oh and warn the neighbors animals to stay clear of kitty so they dont catch the covid too...they might not be as lucky

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So they tell us ... but has the scientific work been done to prove presence and absence and causing illness?


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And no "scientific work" has been done to prove parachutes work. But there's enough evidence to convince normal folks.

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that's crazy - a huge amount of 'scientific' work went into it - ie observing something with large surface area descending slowly- testing the hypothesis that humans might be able to jump out of planes and not die with mock ups of different sizes of parachute and weight. extensive testing of materials. and finally with volunteers.

what an odd thing to say

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Of course, but no "proper" studies. Likewise, lots of evidence of ivermectin, but the argument was that no studies was excuse for prohibition.

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That’s nonsense.

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If you have trouble understanding, you could ask more coherent questions. Likewise, every time someone is saved by ivermectin, it passes the test. Millions have done so, and it's the way real science has always been done. The modern fetish of formal trials is just job security for medical bureaucrats and political frauds.

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This is in reference to the parachute remark. Every time someone used a parachute they test it, and it passes the test.

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I didn't mean to imply no scientific work has been done, the question I'm asking is has the required scientific work been done.

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The real question is what work is "required." The recent obsession with formal trials indicates a fetish or fraud. If this virus is truly dangerous, randomized control groups would be unethical. The history of science has relied mostly on observation and deduction, not formal proofs which take so much longer. To suddenly assert that's no longer valid is contrary to common sense, as well as dangerous in a crisis.

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bullshit...NO virus has ever been isolated...fake pictures of dead cells they call viruses dont count...https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/

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this only proves a technology for observing viruses is lacking... not that viruses to not exist.

not having proof of something is not proof something doesn't exist

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the burden of proof lies with those claiming something exists...not vice versa...do you believe in ghosts because no one has ever proven they don't exist?

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No. The burden of proof lies with any statement of fact in the negative or positive. Science (or our current understanding of it) is very limited in what it can and can't determine as empirical truth. A true statement of fact in this debate would be there is not enough empirical evidence to proove absolutely that the phenomena ascribed to "viruses" causes x, y, z disease. You cannot "prove" that viruses do not cause Chicken Pox, unless you have an alternative hypothesis that withstands the same level of scrutiny for proof that you expect from the conventionally accepted hypothesis. This is how Science works. Sometimes the truth is that we just don't know with our current level of technology. But again, you cannot unseat a conventionally accepted hypotheses without proof of a replacement. This is what is driving Steve Kirsch crazy. This is why virus naysayers do not want to debate him, they have no alternative explanations grounded in empirical data.

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Those who rely on repeating things they read from anonymous internet posters, repeating them verbatim like religious liturgy, are at a survival disadvantage. Normal people realize the semantics don't matter, and focus on solutions that work. We have a choice of waiting for pathogens to be "isolated" or can figure out what works and leave the superstitions out of it. Antivirals work. Healthy immune systems work. Superstitions don't work.

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those relying on the government or big pharma to tell them what to believe are the dumbest of the dumb... if "viruses" actually existed and caused disease the human race would already be extinct.,.grow a damn brain

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Do anti virals work? The HIV sufferers I know that have survived live very very clean lives. And they take a massive amount of drugs. Including vitamins and antibiotics.

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HIV is distinctive in that it mutates very quickly, faster than SARS. Developing antivirals is pretty easy. Developing antivirals for the next strain is harder. In general, RNA viruses mutate quicker due to the lack of error checking in RNA replication. More stable viruses like smallpox and polio are easier.

We're still vaccinating for 2 year old strains of covid, almost eliminated, thus the ineffectiveness of the vax.

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all your questions about the 'joker card' rabies answered here please watch https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/What-About-Rabies:a


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There is the vaccine developed by Louis Pasteur in the late 19th century.


There is phylogenetic analysis and reconstruction of rabies and other lyssaviruses providing a chronology for the evolution of the rabies virus


There are the electron microscopy studies of the rabies virus.


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Pasteur is a known FRAUD...and using any "goverment" information to verify anything is ridiculous...just like Pasteur they are known liars....https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Pasteur admitted late in life (some claim it was a deathbed confession) that his germ theory of disease wasn't incorrect, but it WAS incomplete. We now know that the TERRAIN is far more important than the microbe. Pathogens are opportunistic and will proliferate if conditions are suitable for doing so.

Focus on immune system health and it will keep you healthy. Address chronic nutritional deficiencies, maintain your internal chemistry in an alkaline state by eating more alkaline-forming foods and beverages, and employ natural, gentle, detoxing regimens on a routine basis. We live in an increasingly toxic world, so it's critically important that you perform intestinal cleanses/fasts and liver/gall bladder/kidney/lymphatic flushes. They're easy and inexpensive but require two things which seem to be in short supply in today's world... commitment and discipline.

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Again, be my guest and put it to the test with a bite from a rabid animal.

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bite a "rabid" animal? is that your proof of a virus? very scientific...now heres a question for the virus cult...with all these deadly viruses floating about forever...why hasn't humanity already become extinct thousands of years ago? take your time

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Yep, I would just love to see you with your healthy immune system smear a little Ebola virus on a cut in your arm and we'll see how long you last. You see the CIA and their deadly bioweapons, don't need to fear them, just be healthy and they won't affect you.

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Do you have anything so support your statement about Pasteur?

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If you change your alkalinity you will be very dead very quickly.

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Yep. 'Béchamp or Pasteur' by Ethel Hume.

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Peter, I think viruses exist, but I think there's much less known about them and about living cells than the establishment claims. Dr. Hillman said most means of observing cell & tissue contents etc damage them and therefore distort them. I'm trying to gather knowledge on this at https://ilki.substack.com/p/is-microbiology-real and https://ilki.substack.com/p/vax-questions-for-experts/comments and I hope to get expert input.

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The "experts" are infamous for overstating the extent of their knowledge. That much is certain.

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At least the mainstream experts are.

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All "experts". Mainstream and otherwise.

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The rabies virus structure allows it to be genetically modified with a fluorescent protein. It can then be tracked and observed doing its virusy stuff. I did see something explaining this in plain English a while ago but can only find this at the moment. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC525074/

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It is not caused by the Fed's increased interest rates or chocolate pudding, so there are two you can eliminate from your check list of possible pathogens.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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Well stated, Heidi.

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Boom 💥 Heidi

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U have more energy than me, my mitochondria get tired 😴

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Ps I like your new picture !

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Dr. Hillman said electron microscopes destroy living cells. They apparently distort and damage the contents. So he said there are many misconceptions in microbiology. I'm writing about this at https://ilki.substack.com/p/is-microbiology-real

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Electron microscopy destroys the thing it's looking at AFTER the image is taken. You see the thing as it was just before you destroyed it by looking at it.

Think of pool: you start with balls arranged in a triangle and you shoot one ball at it. The one ball returns to you, evidencing that it hit something. But the thing it hit no longer exists; the triangle is scattered.

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What's your evidence or proof? Are you a better authority than Dr. Hillman was?

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Proof would be university-level late 19th / early 20th century physics.

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Antibiotics do work, but against bacteria, not viruses.

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I've been bitten by dogs... all have died. None from rabies.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Note to self: don't bite John Raymond

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I told my brother... I don't want my wife spending 5 minutes in jail if she takes a butcher knife to me.

I freaking deserve it

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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This has been done. Tried very hard to do something similar in 1919. Results - couldn't get it to transfer. Also I'm sure it's been done since.

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Then clearly all the animals / humans who succumbed to rabies in the most painful manner were all delusional. It was just in their thinking.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I believe viruses exist and I also think they can cause disease but come on Rabbies is the fakest illness ever created.

Oh that dog is afraid of water! A well known symptom of Rabies! Ehh excuse me? How the hell does that happen?

Oh I'm sure we can trust Pasteur! He's not a fraud or anything.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm not letting any animal bite me lol whether they have rabies or not :p

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smart thinking

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sorry for being so angry in my comment but I blame Pasteur for Raw Milk being illegal in my country so I really dislike him for a personal reason lol.

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I was raised on raw milk. From the bucket to the pitcher in the fridge. Cream half an inch on the top. Sunshine and fresh eggs, meat garden produce. Healthy as small horses. I would love some raw milk but it’s difficult to get around me.

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Haha. I'm into yoga and ayurveda where raw milk is prized, I wish I could get some. Plus traditionally you'd give it a quick boil as well so no need for industrial pasteurization anyway. What a shame.

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I was bitten by the bug of viral skepticism during the HIV=AIDS hoax. I'm still a carrier and doing everything possible to infect others. Fortunately, it's not a deadly condition, the symptoms are rather mild, and occasionally they are even rather pleasant and uplifting.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

You might try getting on the 9/11 bandwagon . . . that can be even more fun! Try asking people how come that reporter announced that Building 7 had just collapsed when it was still clearly standing behind her!—a building that was never touched by the planes, and with a major CIA center with lots of incriminating records they wanted destroyed. Or how both towers started "pancaking" from the TOP many stories above the fire (as in planned demolition), when the bulk of the fuel would have flowed DOWNWARDS, and they did not buckle where the fires were. They SHOULD HAVE collapsed and just fallen over sideways from the point of damage if they were to fall on their own. There is NO WAY that every vertical support beam would have magically failed around the entire perimeter of each building at the exact same time like they did just from a fire in one part of each building!


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I've been bitten by some strange critters! Even a mongoose! Lol! Haven't died yet!

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I got bit by mossies, they dropped off dead.

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They aren't "afraid of water" in any normal sense. The virus destroys the brain and in the process the animal loses control of its tongue and swallowing reflex and is unable to drink, and is very hyper-excitable and will behave very bizarrely because of all the damage, struggling and biting at things. This is why they are so dangerous to get anywhere near. Some countries still have high levels of rabies. Mexico does or did, at least until fairly recently. Rabies is no joke. Even cattle and horses catch it. Any mammal can catch it but not necesarrily transmit it Some small animals will die before the virus migrates to the salivery glands which would make them able to spread it. Pet ferrets cannot give you rabies from a bite because research has shown that they invariable die first. But bats, foxes, racoons, dogs, and yes, even horses, can give it to you if it is in their saliva. Rabies is not caused by some imaginary toxin!

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If it has such a high IFR then how could it spread? Seems like Rabies is punishing its host by causing it to die so quickly.

It seems especially dumb for a virus to get its host to stop drinking. I mean what does it gain from that? Surely the Rabies virus that didn't do that would spread while the other strain die out.

I've never seen a pet nor an animal in the wild with rabies. You would think I would see 50, 100. I mean the rabid animal would be easy to spot.

I remember seeing a video of a man who couldn't drink as he was biten by a rabid dog. I dunno what to say it looked fake. Especially since the guy finally managed to take a sip before going into a panic.

I now fear of food can be due to a B1 ded. It makes sense that something similar is at play here.

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They don't die quickly enough to break the chain of transmission. The virus gets into the salivary glands, and into the brain to trigger crazy biting behavior, so it spreads. Quite "brilliant", actually.

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Wouldn't it be quite simple to take the neurons of an infected animal, implant them into healthy subjects and observe the development of rabies?

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That's what they do by injecting brain tissue extract from suspected sick animals into test animals to definitively diagnose it.

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Right, so that seems fairly conclusive that it isn't just toxins from the bite.

I wonder whether the "rabies isn't real" guys know about this and if so what their explanation is

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You went for the strongest argument right out of the gate! Point awarded to you there.

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You can transfer a lot more than viruses, though.

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But is the animal really known to be rabid?


I'd argue rather than viruses don't exist that viruses haven't been shown to exist which is not quite the same. It may well be that there are tiny pathogens causing illness but it seems they haven't been identified. What doctors such as Sam and Mark Bailey do is go through the scientific papers that allegedly show the isolation of a virus and its infectious nature and show that the authors of the papers have not followed the scientific method.

This is a video on the subject just published in the last couple of days.


To argue for the existence of viruses it is necessary to look at the argument against their proven existence. Have you done that? Primary rule of critical thinking: aim to prove your hypothesis wrong and that means looking at all the argument that disagrees with yours and seeing if you can defend your belief against it.

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I just watched this video and I want to make some clarifications just as a point of argument. My understanding on viruses is that in theory they act as dead matter until they come into contact with the tissue or whatever. They can't be separated out because they won't do anything if they are. The baileys also argued that germs are inert. Taking this out to bacteria is going to far. My challenge there is to eat raw chicken that's been out in the hot sun for 7 days or the lick your fingers after cleaning your cat's litterbox with your bare hands...

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Or Dengue fever, Amy

One million children injected in the Philippines who'll be vulnerable for Dengue for the rest of their lives.

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

No I haven't done that and frankly I have no intention to. The current virology model suffices fully for my lay understanding. I'm far more concerned about the propagation of lies promoting the death jabs. Also, the foundations of virology are not mine as I'm no biochemist, so in this case I'd prefer to accept the general consensus of millions of specialists who have continued to work on the basis of the reality of viruses. My own personal experience with viruses has offered me enough convincing evidence of their existence.

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Please provide ONE study that shows where a virus has been isolated and purified. I’ll wait.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Viruses are cultivated in cell cultures and isolated all the time. There are photos taken of them using electron microscopes and their genomes have been mapped since the 1980’s. Experiments show animals infected with a virus can transmit it to other animals. Not everything is a conspiracy. Please, take off your tinfoil hat and put down the crack pipe.

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Well, there is the research of Dr. Li-Meng Yan, which argues laboratory construct for the virus.


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Ask the Wuhan Institute of Virology, however, this name is probably conspiracy feary.

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Yes because the Chinese don’t “LIE and STEAL”.

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We as humans like simple definitions of everything. Sure these proteins exist and are all around us, but maybe, it's just not as simple as you get it, you get sick because it's a virus. For example a lot of people think your brain is like a hard drive storing things like memories, but that is not at all the case, there is no storage, and no "memory" as we think of it (all we can compare to is a computer), yet for us to make sense of the world, we have to have the simple (low resolution) explanation or we'd all go nuts trying to live day to day. I bet proteins we call viruses are a lot more complicated and their interactions with our cells are a lot more complicated than we understand (even the "scientists"). I'd like to hear more of these "alternative" thoughts, they are very interesting to me at lease.

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Virology / germ theory does not preclude terrain theory.

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Correct, and it can very much be a combination of both. However to the people that say it's "terrain theory" only (it seems this is not you) - I have a question - how to a lot of people all over the world have similar symptoms for what seems to be the same disease? Sounds like there has to be an external agent. I think the argument on here is what do you call that agent.

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

it took the allopaths hundreds of years to concede that scurvy was not a contagioous disease. Their logic was that they had seen 'it' spread around ships when actually all they had seen was a ship load of vitamin C deficient sailors.

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What false rhetoric to try and argue a point.

Can you prove a virus exists?

Is Covid-19 a virus?

Where is the isolated evidence.

Covid-19 is an engineered biological weapon. Made by US and CCP lab Monkeys Baric and the bat lady.

Is it virus or bio weapons. The jabs make people sick.

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COVID-19 is defined as the disease caused by infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


Labeling it a biological weapon does not mean it's not a virus. Biological weapons are, by their very nature, infectious pathogens. Throughout history, infectious pathogens which pre-exist in nature have been used as weapons. Part of the rationale for bringing bioweapons into the Nunn-Lugar "threat reduction" fold was to put the bioweapons researchers of the former Soviet Union to "peaceful" work.


While the overwhelming body of evidence indicates SARS-CoV-2 (CCPVirus) was developed within China's biolabs in Wuhan, that same evidence also establishes the virus' proximal origins from pre-existing bat coronaviruses.


"Bioweapon" and "virus" are not mutually exclusive terms.

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COVID-19 is a disease but it's debatable as to what causes it. The jabs do indeed make people sick.

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Also, this is the one time you really do need to get the vaccine. If you do not, you have like a 99% chance of dying.

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Who told you this? via CDC? WHO? Bill & Melinda Foundation?

Or how did you arrive at this conclusion?

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You know, not everything Western medicine does is an evil conspiracy, as much as I'm critical of it in general.

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Well stated once again!

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Very high-dose intavenious sodium ascorbate (vitamin C) will supposedly cure any viral infection, even rabies. Cures most Polio within 72 hours.

I certainly wouldn't choose to get bitten by a rabid aninal, though. Funny thing happened about four years ago— I heard a strange flapping noise when I was outside after dark— I turned my flashlight towards the sound and a bat flew straight up at me and bounced off my forehead!!! Bats aren't supposed to DO that, so I'm guessing it may have been rabid. Didn't break the skin, fortunately. VERY weird!!!

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I got mononucleosis at 17. Mom put me on small doses of rose-hips vit-c every 1/2 hour with b-supplments, kept me under hot blankets constantly. Cleared symptoms within 10 days. C is a very interesting vitamin. Makes for a nice tart additive to ice tea and homemade sugar-free drinks, for sipping while work working.

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So where are the studies showing IV C will cure acute rabies? And let's say it does work, great, but *where* will you get the treatment? Rabies is one of those things I wouldn't mess with. The people who die from it now are the ones who refuse the vaccine treatment, and the treatment needs to be administered quickly and on a schedule.

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Are there reliable studies on rabies vaccines? How do they work? Do they contain the virus?

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That's easy enough to find, and while rabies vaccines do have some unpleasant side effects, people don't randomly drop dead from rabies vaccines, unlike mRNA vaccines. Most of the rare deaths after rabies shots are due to the rabies (the shots have to be given quickly and if someone is bitten deeply in an area close to the CNS or brain then the shot might not work fast enough). Rabies shots are inactivated virus.

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I have been thinking about what you said on your stack about

rabies vaccines as an emergency treatment for rabies. I

don't know enough either way, but it seems if a vaccine is

going to be effective, it needs to be against a blood-borne

illness, not a respiratory illness.

I guess my question would be: you just got bitten and

infected with live rabies virus. These viruses are then

too strong for your antibody-creating cells to deal with?

An attenuated virus vaccine on the other hand will get

your antibodies up-and-running quickly enough?

I suppose this is supported by real world evidence or you

wouldn't say this.

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Check out the great interview with Dr. Pierre Kory, where he explains the great discovery of IV VitC as early treatment for Sepsis. Pretty cool. https://youtu.be/9J9fu3KOTR8

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A study was done with mice that they injected diluted and filtered feces into their abdominal cavities to cause severe sepsis. Half the animals were injected with ascorbate intraperitoneally (in the abdomin) one hour later. They sacrificed the animals in a few days and every one without the vitamin C had their lungs massively full of fluid, inflammation, and were riddled with huge numbers of microclots. The animals given the vitamin C had perfect lungs except ONE mouse had ONE micro clot visible in the lung section under the microscope. That's pretty darn impressive, and probably quite relevant to COVID. I took a lot of vitamin C when I had the original (nasty!) strain of COVID in 2020, and my oxygen saturation never dropped at all, so I'm pretty sure my lungs stayed clear of clots, too!

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Nice one. But as he points out in the Interview Vitamin C orallyhas nearly no impact in infection cases. I was disappointed myself,since I was sure I staved colds of with it.

But iv vitC makes more sense.

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That man is a practical genius. Very creative, agile mind.

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Congrats. You batted a 1000 that night...

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Hey, I've made it this far . . .


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No you don't, and if you do or not, your chance of dying is always 100%.

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Not so sure about that, Stephanie. That's what they tell us.


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The comments here are quite alarming. I wrote up an article on the danger of rabies. https://wholistic.substack.com/p/rabies-get-vaccinated-or-prepare

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This is something completely different. You get that when you get bitten. This conversation is not about that at all.

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Wonderful assessments, Stephanie! Your comments are spot-on, so I just subscribed to your substack. Excellent! Keep up the sane, enlightening work.

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I don't know about viruses . But if I got bit by unknown dog id get rabies shot.

We vaccinate our dogs for rabies.

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le_berger, I don't see anything on rabies there at http://whale.to/

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Mr. Weihan, I have a question. Have you ever questioned the existence of pathogenic viruses, or you are like me and believed the high school biology textbook as totally true?

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No, I believe in viruses because I've suffered from their concrete effects. Herpes zoster is a prime example. The anti-viral medication I received immediately solved the problem.

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Dr. Herbert Shelton used to say that rabies is a myth, that it occurs in the early spring when animals are coming out of hibernation and may be malnourished or starving.

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Ridiculous. It was not spring when this woman was attacked by a rabid fox a few weeks ago and the fox is clearly healthy enough to attack her relentlessly. https://www.pennlive.com/nation-world/2022/08/rabid-fox-attacks-woman-at-her-new-york-home-video.html

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A virus denier made a comment at https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/debate-viruses-do-not-exist-or-do/comment/8852250 suggesting that it's a neurotoxin, not a virus. Is that plausible? I see there are images of rabies viruses online. But I have a paper at https://ilki.substack.com/p/is-microbiology-real asking if Microbiology is sound, since Dr Harold Hillman showed good evidence that there are some serious errors, due to distortion of specimens via imaging techniques etc. I also have a post at https://ilki.substack.com/p/vax-questions-for-experts/comments trying to get experts to share their info explaining Covid & vaxes in considerable detail.

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PS, Shelton also said syphillis is a myth. He had a book called Syphillis, Werewolf of Medicine.

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What we call rabies virus may actually be a venomous substance secreted by the immune system of a sick dog similar to the way some sick people secrete what we call herpes virus which become infectious to others who do not secrete the substance like herpes carriers

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"venomous substance secreted by the immune system of a sick dog"....you mean...a VIRUS.

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I have no idea what either group is saying. Remj8of Baptism of desire argument

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Wrong. Please point to One Study where the rabies virus has been isolated and purified.

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Point to a study where an electron was isolated and purified.

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Always wanted to horsewhip author who had Old Yellow murdered. He wasn't showing any signs.

Piss on his grave

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

To me it’s a non-issue whether viruses exist or not. It’s like debating whether “climate change” is man-made or natural. Both “sides” ignore self and collective responsibility for getting consistent, long term, wholistic positive results. In the case of climate, that would mean minimizing pollution, reducing waste from all sources and changing manufacturing practices to cradle to cradle systems and creating more efficient, less toxic ways to produce needed goods and services or possibly rethink what we actually need and where we are simply doing things out of habit or from someone else’s profit motive without considering the total costs of our ”way of life”.

As regards “viruses”, “exosomes” or what have you, it doesn’t matter when you comprehend that optimal health is the best possible balance of toxin avoidance and removal and nutritional repletion. This includes not just diet, but one’s total environment, internal and external such as thoughts, emotions, trauma and its resolution, sunlight, hydration, mineral status, movement, exercise, breathing, air and water quality, frequency, rest, sleep, relaxation, meditative or contemplative habits, past and present relationships, etc. In other words, neither illness or health exist in a vacuum with singular causes and effects. Taking the time to figure this out for myself and continue to learn and apply has led to me not having even a sniffle in over thirty years and not requiring any medical attention in over forty. Kept doing what I know works throughout this prolonged period of upheaval and didn’t do any of the things so many insisted were necessary with the result that I am stronger and healthier than ever (and I was already off the high end of the charts for health and fitness) and no one I know who practiced all the “mandated things” can truly state that, if they are still even alive. I don’t believe in viruses or no viruses. I know what actually creates the results I seek. Somehow everyone wants to argue, but no one cares about demonstrable results. That’s all I care about. If your results are better than mine, I want to listen to you. If they are not, maybe you should listen to me…

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Author

I appreciate you taking an effort and posting your thoughts expressed in more than a few sentences!!!

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Yours is my favorite comment on the thread. 👍

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Both are bringing about far reaching legislation. Both these must be fought tooth and nail. Your common sense approach is fine. I can’t argue with it. But that isn’t the situation we are in. If viruses have never been found in isolation, and this can be proved, then their whole medical edifice falls. We can take away a giant weapon they are currently using against us. Same with climate change. It isn’t true. That is abundantly clear now. But my skies are constantly being sprayed with a crosshatching of something. A neighbour’s nephew is in enviro studies at U Vic. He is thrilled they are seeding the skies to reflect light away from the earth. He says they are learning this in his science program. Yet, they aren’t telling us, the public, about it. It is ludicrous to monkey wrench with nature like this. It has never worked. Ever. So, it does matter how we treat these two issues. Because they are lying to bring about some sort of end.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It isn't known at this time. Let scientists keep working on it. The real question is, why is this question dividing people who are being genocided? Who started the silly food fight that keeps our attention off the people trying to kill us? My personal opinion: I have caught many colds, and often I know who I caught it from. It wasn't because I was unhealthy or had emotional problems, but because someone who had a cold was near me. Maybe terrain has an effect too, since I don't always catch colds from people who have them and are near me. But when I do, it doesn't seem random, it looks like causation. So I usually avoid people who are sneezing, I guess I do believe in viruses. But so what, the government is trying to kill me, and getting involved in a scientific feud is silly.

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Your colds example is fantastic

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Maybe it's both? You are exposed to a pathogen AND it's related to the environment. Nearly every time I get a cold, I can trace it to being either physically run down or emotionally distraught 1 or 2 weeks prior.

But yes - we should primarily focus on those who are trying to kill ( or make infertile) as many people as possible!

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Sure, there's exposure and then there's susceptibility. So the outcome is an interplay of the two.

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"It wasn't because I was unhealthy or had emotional problems, but because someone who had a cold was near me. "

How do you know you were healthy? Many people think they are healthy but are they really?

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

Sometimes I drive past a motorbike and need to go to the gas station to fill up. Othertimes I see a motorbike and still have plenty of fuel. In anycase it still seems like motorbikes drain my resources. The government is blaming motorbikes but I don't want to get involved in defending them and would rather accuse them of being to blame using anonymous anecdotal strories in the comments.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Excellent book, THE MOTH IN THE IRON LUNG, makes a great case that nearly all cases of polio were NOT caused by the polio virus. Most were caused by environmental poison! And studies showed that only about one quarter of patients who were paralyzed tested positive for the polio virus. Turns out there are many other viruses that can paralyze. FDR showed symptoms inconsistent with polio and was most likely poisoned by summertime fruit that had been sprayed.

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Very interesting

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Toxins, pollution, what you put in your own body are the other side of the coin. That these are causing the problems.

Just a question, if viruses existed would not vaccines work? In if fact there's no evidence of the second should we stop assuming the first?

I find the story of Pasteur and Beauchamp quite interesting. Seems like Fauci vs Kary Mullis.

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The chickenpox vaccine seems to have worked. Reasonable people may disagree over the net benefit, but it’s pretty clear that countries that have adopted that vaccine have had massive drops in cases, whereas kids in those without those vaccines all get infected. (I’ve lived in both).

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Chkn pox vax correlates w/ increases in shingles. "The universal chickenpox vaccination program is neither effective nor cost-effective and caused a dramatic rise in shingles: "From 2000 to 2001, reported HZ cases aged 20 years and older increased 18% in the AV-VASP (Fig. 1) [39] and this compares to the 22.5% annual increase reported in Massachusetts by Yih et al. from 1999 to 2003 [62]. A large 34% increase in HZ reports to AV-VASP was noted from 2001 to 2002 when an HMO (Kaiser) began reporting to the AV-VASP. This may have contributed to the high mean increase in HZ reports of approximately 28%/year among adults 20 years and older from 2000 to 2002 [39]. However, the AV-VASP reported a similar increase of 28% during 2006–2007 among adults aged 50 years and older as well as a larger 38% increase in HZ incidence among adults aged 50–59 years [63]. From 2000 to 2006, the incidence among those aged 10–19 years approximately doubled [63]." " https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X12007761?via%3Dihub

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It may be the case that shingles cases have increased, but that's irrelevant to the question "does the chickenpox vaccine prevent chickenpox".

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Allegedly, shingles is caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV), the same virus that allegedly causes chickenpox. So it's quite relevant. If it truly is a virus, vaccine effect would show that immunity to the virus is not happening, its just altering the manifestation of the illness.

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Vaccines all came in on the tails of disease. And many believe chicken pox to be the outcome of a vaccine, I can't remember which one.

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I lived quite isolated on a farm until age 6 when I first attended school. That year I got chicken pox, measles, mumps, tonsillitis. The ONLY vaccine I had was smallpox. So if chicken pox is the outcome of a vaccine, it could only be a result of smallpox. And what about measles and mumps?

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Newly vaccinated children (with live viruses) can spread the disease. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24585562/

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A couple of things:

Yes, a lot of vaccines were introduced as incidences of infections (and especially deaths from those diseases) were already massively reduced. That is not the case with chickenpox. Up until the vaccine was introduced, basically the entire population got the disease as children.

Now, in countries that have adopted the chickenpox vaccine, cases of chickenpox are extremely rare. But in countries that are equally rich, well-fed, healthy and hygenic, but don't use that vaccine, all the kids still get chickenpox.

Also, chickenpox has been around for longer than vaccines, so that doesn't seem like a realistic explanation.

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That's just correlation, doesn't mean cause. Here's a few studies, opinions on it.


All Mike Stone Chickenpox Studies (I've no idea who he is, just came up as a document that i'd saved)


And JB Classen has also done work on it.

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How are you measuring the drop in cases?

How does the chickenpox vaccine (or any vaccine) stop wild infection? Does the manufacturer ever make that claim? Has that claim ever been attempted to be validated with some sort of double-blind study against a placebo (that was not another vaccine)?

And what exactly does a "case" of chickenpox mean? Is it like a "case" of covid-19?

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

I'm measuring the drop in cases by observation. I have extensive networks in vax and non-vax countries. In the vax countries, none of the kids have had chickenpox. Parents in those countries are often surprised to hear that the disease still exists in other parts of the world. In the non-vax countries, all kids get it eventually.

A "case" of chickenpox comes with unique water-filled pustules that are highly unlike any other common disease. I.e. it is diagnosed via very unique symptoms, not a PCR test or some nebulous thing like "coughing". It has a tendency to sweep through neighborhoods, schools and daycares every few years, as a critical mass of previously uninfected children is reached. Those previously infected do not get reinfected.

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1) shouldnt this observation be published in such a way as to promote accountability?

2) Why arent drug/vaccine manufacturers/distributors citing similar credible observations? Especially if such observations would promote the "effectiveness" of the contents of their chickenpox jab?

3) "... Those previously infected do not get reinfected."

That seems to support those crazy naturopaths that suggest that you should "get it" (chickenpox or whatever dis-ease) so that you develop a PROPER Natural immunity to it, instead of injecting undisclosed or unknown substances into the bloodstream in the hopes that it might temporarily thwart some symptoms.

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Not enough time, campaign to get organized properly. Maybe I'll come back to it. If you're asking the q of me.

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Yes, I observed it this summer in our neighborhood, wherein a total of 7 cases occurred, with clear temporal and local links between cases. Kid 1 got sick, kid 2 played there, got sick, then kid 2's siblings got it, etc. Chickenpox parties are still a thing here, and they work to transmit the disease. And those who have already been infected don't get it.

What, then, would be your basis for stating that it is NOT an infection?

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There is also speculation that what FDR actually contracted was Guillian-Barre rather than polio.

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For some reason the *like* button does not work with your comment (which means that I did try).

My view exactly.

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Off-topic (maybe); but the citizens of Chile just refused to approve the new Constitution created by their government. We may be seeing the end of the WOKE virus.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Excellent book - more people need to learn about Forrest Maready

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I just finished reading Turtles All The Way Down, and they devote a long section to polio specifically. The environmental poison theory makes so much sense. I was dumbfounded because my whole life, oh yes vaccine vaccine polio Salk vaccine! But maybe not...!

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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The vaccination schedule for the young has swelled over the years almost as much as the DSM for mental disorders... and for precisely the same reason: the acquisition and retention of steady customers.

The etymology of words held important clues before the Rockefeller/Carnegie families declared war on natural health modalities with the issuance of their Flexner Report in 1910. My pre-PC 1828 edition of Noah Webster's "American Dictionary of the English Language" includes the following entries:

1) pharmaceutical - From the Greek "pharmacopaeia", to practice witchcraft or use medicine; poison or medicine.

2) witchcraft - The presence of witches; sorcery; enchantments; intercourse with the devil.

Yikes! Clearly, the worst plagues circulating in today's world are BigPharma's and BigBiotech's products, folks! Our telescreens are saturated with urgent messages to "take your medicine", "ask your doctor about ___", "get your jabs!", etc. etc.

Caveat emptor...

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Love this comment. It's All true!

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Viruses don't exist (by Dr Thomas Cowan and others, allegedly via Rudolf Steiner) - Viral sickness is a cyclical detox that can be triggered by seasons in conjunction with cellular necessity. Proximity to a tribesman in detox signals a safe time for the rest of the tribe to also detox. Also the things we call viruses are a detox assistant machine created by our cells.

The irony of the Steiner theory is that detox is transmissible like a virus, almost like the Greek miasma (contagious darkness of the soul). The detox machine theory also invokes behavior comparable to a virus. Even the notion of a "DNA upgrade" for detoxing that is sharable but kills some people begs the question of quarantine.

Do viruses exist? Is the wrong question perhaps because both theories "agree" on some parts. The important part is why are viruses inconsequential for some and not others? Are viruses a crucial part of the organism or something to be eliminated? And are lab made viruses breaking the natural paradigm?

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How does "proximity detox" signal, and thus spread? I'm quite confused by this concept.

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Through "exosomes" which is one theory I read about. Basically they can't explain how the same symptoms spread from person to person, but it is definitely "NOT" a virus...

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Love it.

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Those are some very good questions.

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I don't think the question is whether or not viruses exist, but whether or not they are contagions. People have clearly identified particles under microscopes that were called virions.

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Spot on, and this is a far more difficult issue to adjudicate than either side of the issue may admit. Let us not forget Koch’s first postulate that has been all but abandoned with Typhoid Mary and the existence of the asymptotic carrier, “the microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.”

This does not undo viral theory on its own but reminds us that we are outside the realm of pure cause and effect relationships. Health is a complicated matter, of which I think we greatly underplay the importance of mindset (look no further than the placebo effect), and we are constantly looking at correlations at best. This is to say nothing of the alleged controversial discoveries of folks like Bechamp and Rife, which recent history should give us all pause to summarily dismiss them as cranks.

I personally think there is room for viruses being both a reaction of the immune system and a toxifying agent that can be spread. And potentially a non-concern if your faith, so to speak, is high enough. In order to study physical phenomena, we must discount the role of consciousness impacting what we are observing. This is a rational approach, but rationalism and objectivity are ultimately only a philosophy and there are no guarantees that reality (whatever that is) has to play by those rules.

Sorry if this went a bit too “woo” but I think it’s hard to avoid if we want to be completely honest on what we think we know.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Remember, there was a time when the experts of the time were sure that Scurvy and Pellegra were caused by a virus or something contagious. People on the same ship get those diseases so they must spread it to one another! B12 def caused by virus! Iron def? Virus! Beriberi disease?! Must be a virus

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The contagious/infectious nature of viruses predates their visualization under electron microscopy.


The first viruses to be isolated were confirmed as contagions by the isolation tests themselves.

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That one leads with smallpox, so I'm going to assume it has some wrong information.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Viruses don't exist on the flat Earth.

It is our misfortune that we are somewhere else.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Author

I agree that we are not on flat Earth. But do viruses exist on the round Earth? If so, what is the evidence in support of that?

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The point is, he is calling anyone who does not BELIEVE in Viruses a Flat Earther. I'm out of here.

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Great answer, and I saw the length you went to, to explain your perspective on the F.E. subject. But conversing with him is pointless. He is simply a covertly hostile, smug, arrogant, troll. I don't feed trolls.

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A wonderful reply. Thanks. And you are correct that the troll is too committed to his/her belief to be able to let go. We do it for the open minded. but that is a smaller and smaller subset by the day. Our constant indoctrination/education systems are creating drones of the State at an increasing brisk pace.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

What's in a name? That which we call a virus / By any other name would make us as sick

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We can categorically say there is no evidence that viruses exist or that they cause disease (which is hard if they don't exist!)

In order to observe tiny particles, such as viruses, a sample from a patient with the disease is placed in a sucrose density gradient and centrifugation is performed. Viruses are thought to have a density of around 1.16g/cm3 so they should gather in this band.

Viruses could not be visualised in this band using samples from Covid patients. So how did they know that what couldn’t be seen was causing the disease?

please see my short run down of the evidence



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You may well be right in regards to *COVID* issue, which is dodgy-sketchy to say the least.

But I thought this discussion was more general than that.

In fact, the specific notion that viruses collect in the 1.16g/cm3 density band would be most curious if viruses don't exist as such—why 1.16, why not 0.03 or 501 for that matter since ANY random number would be equally (dis)qualified?

Otherwise I may as well claim that angel dust can be caught in 3.88g/cm3 region and demand a Nobel (in presumably new category).

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Ps. Thank you so much for reading!

I've summarised the main points about how 'HIV' cannot be the cause of Aids here, if you don't want to read the superb but long article by the Perth Group https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-importance-of-intellectual-freedom



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Thanks, got it. Just as I suspected all along—you won't catch me smoking Remdesivir.

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The viruses I am referring to are the ones of virologists own definition of being proteinaceous coated particles, sometimes with characteristic 'fringes', with RNA or DNA inside them, and with similar sizes and shapes. There have different types that they refer to, for example HIV is claimed to be type C shape, however these are not lentiviruses, which are the ones with the characteristics that HIV is meant to have. So even by their own definitions they can't find them or agree what they should look like.

For a thorough explanation of this please see http://www.theperthgroup.com/HIV/TPGVirusLikeNoOther.pdf

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Further on I posted example of a virus so big that anyone can see it through a beginner's microscope, bigger than most bacteria and answering all the requirements to qualify as a virus (retrovirus, I believe). If someone who struts his open-mindedness refuses to engage in debate and prefers ad-hominem/ad nauseam, so be it, no skin off my nose.

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Giant 'viruses' in the sea exist, so do bacteriaphage. They cannot be demonstrated to be 'viruses' ie pathogenic transmissible, please show the evidence if you have it. They seem to be more like spores, produced under stress containing genetic material of the organism to ensure survival.

How do you know they retroviruses ? if it's because they contain reverse transcriptase, this has been shown to be present in nearly all cells.


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Look, g&d, first of all, I am not a life scientist and don't have the tools to enter into a technical discussion on any biological topic.

Secondly, the big guy I mentioned attacks amoebas, enters their cell nucleus, replicates rapidly until the host explodes and hundreds of replicas of the 'virus' (since you put it under quotes, I follow suit given my limited understanding) and that is a good enough definition of 'virus' for my money. In other words, the 'virus' is not viable as a self-replicating organism outside the host's cellular machinery.

I will leave it at that, and try to maintain my physiological health by avoiding such beasts and y mental health by not pursuing the subject down the rabbit holes reserved for specialist rabbits.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have to admit, that I would even delete this kind of condescending commentary. We should not engage in ridicule. It is not productive especially for this honest invitation for both sides to discuss their arguments.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

But it was funny.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Except for the fact that there is a very large movement of those who are self proclaimed ‘Flat Earthers’. They have their own evidence to prove it.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think flat earthers, the 9/11 hologram plane people, and the "nobody was involved in JFK except the mob" are essentially CIA / Cass Sunstein astroturf-type "conspiracy theories" that are used to silence anyone with far more legitimate, evidence based questions and skepticism. If you want people to distrust criticism of covid-19 vaccines, claim they make you magnetic, makes the whole community look nuts, right? Whether the "germ theory isn't real" people fit into this or not I do not know. Clearly PCR results have been massively misinterpreted.

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Good point

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Absolutely this. And I say this to everyone since years. These far fetched conspiracy theories are sure to be spread by agencies to make everyone look like a loony if they come up with valid points.

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watch and learn why the virus theory is a hoax...https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/

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I think they were planes. The thing about the hologram claims is that there are many eyewitness videos -- even of the first plane -- in which the noise of the plane is plainly audible (sometimes very loud). It's clearly being heard by people on the ground because they're reacting to the sound even before their eyes can find the plane.

The way the planes disappear into the buildings is striking to see, but the body of an airplane is a lightweight, rather fragile structure. (The engines are obviously not, but the engines have a lot of mass and incredible force at that speed.) The speed, at sea level, was so fast it was approaching the point where the plane could begin to fall apart. (This has a technical term, this max velocity, but I don't recall it; but they were close to that).

I think all theories should be considered, but don't find holograms to be credible.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

But if they get in a ship and sail off the edge of the Earth, they can’t come back to certify that it isn't round! And BTW, what keeps all the ocean water from running off the egde, too?

Hey, people I have FLOWN all the way around the Earth. Believe me, IT IS ROUND!

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But where's the EVIDENCE? The pilot just told you it was around the earth.

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(a) You can SEE the curve of the Earth very clearly from that altitude.

(b) I flew halfway around the Earth one time GOING EAST, and the second time to the SAME destination GOING WEST.

How did I end up on the exact opposite side of the planet by going both directions if it isn't round????

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Obviously the magnetic field lines of the flat earth curve around and make pilots think they are flying in a straight line.

My response here is meant to be illustrative of the rhetorical tactics of the no-virus leaders.

Out of your explanation vs. my explanation, a reader should be able to choose the one that makes more sense.

My favorite question to a flat earther is "would you try calling someone on another continent and asking where the sun is standing in the sky?"

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Your are entirely correct. Maybe viruses do exist on flat Earth and I am just guessing.

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Who knows what to believe anymore. It is strange that the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the International Maritime Organization, and the Young Global Leaders Network all use a Flat Earth map in their logo.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Visible geometric horizons don’t exist on globe earth either, but that’s beyond the scope of today’s discussion.

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Actually they do, go to a top of a mountain or a big hill near the ocean.

I experienced that when I was perhaps 10 and I was very impressed to see that the earth is round.

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If that’s good enough for you, that’s fine by me. But there’s a lot more related to optics involved with creating a horizon than one may initially think. Most people involved in the shape of the earth discussion, even those who ardently back the globe, concede that we do not see the actual geometric horizon basically ever, because there is refraction and other elements at play. And this has to be the case for the globe model because the distance to the geometric horizon is 1.22 times the square root of the observer’s height in feet and there are a plethora of observations that exceed this by 10x or greater.

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No, you couldn't see it, unless you were on top of the Everest. And even NASA now admits you need to as high as 65,000 ft to see it, not 35,000.


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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

That, sir, is a veiled attack on those who do not fall for the Virology Hoax. I thought he asked us to not use personal attacks.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

A few remarks are warranted here:

• Repurposing your logic means that your reply is a veiled attack on those who believe that the Earth is flat (and in fact I know such a person and have all kinds of respect for him),

• How would you classify the Ebola patients—victims of autosuggestion and/or superstition?

• All those dozens of Pentagon-funded biological weapon labs surrounding Russia, collecting DNA samples of (take note) <b>strictly Russian ethnics—NOT Ukrainian</b> (documents captured by Russian forces in Mariupol and elsewhere)—what was their purpose if not virological ... or are they that daft?

• I have also referenced actual, physical photos of (big) viruses, visible under a dime store microscope—feel free to relabel it as mystery meat, I am slow to take offense,

• On the final note, my apologies if your feelings are hurt, such was not my intention.

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See my middle finger? Kindly repurpose that. I don't need to be Red Herringed by your ilk.

If that hurt your feelings, it was my intention.

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I don't see your middle finger, so I will leave it to you for endless viewing and admiration.

Don't be discouraged easily by fatigue, just lean your nose onto it while you gather your strength.

My feelings are nowhere near as hyper-touchy-feely as yours, maybe will reach that point when-if I hit the male menopause but I do get bored by people with nothing but vitriol to contribute—dime a dozen in any crowd.

Keep up screeching and shaking the branches, I will not waste a second more checking your precious input.

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You are the one who has added nothing informative to this discussion. And with that said, good day to you as well.

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I fully agree here. And on top of it, how can we observe other spherical objects like planets and moons in the sky, but dismiss the same possibility for our habitat?

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Changed my mind from do not know.... to more hopelessly confused than before.

Analogous to fierce sedevacantist argument... how will we get a true pope: very imperfect conclave? Traitor apostate false cardinals miraculously converting to Catholic faith? Direct intervention of God.

All of it... I am very limited, but Gates with a needle 🪡 in his hand grinning AIN'T A COMFORTING LOOK.

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I have a BS in Biology from a major Big Ten college and I have seen viruses under a microscope. Not your average $300 microscope, but I have seen them move and some "vibrate." They are extremely small, which why masks were quite ineffective. Viruses could march fifty wide through a mask and never touch a fiber of the mask.

I'm 69 and my wife is 68. She was an OB RN for 44 years and I was a paramedic for 12 years and an Emergency Room RN for 27 years.

I have seen active bacteria under a microscope and active viruses under a special microscopes.

Thank you for the chance to weigh in here.

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Thank you for your great comment

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That "vibration" is called Brownian Motion. Small particles are colliding with other molecules.

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What kind of "special microscope" enabled you to view "viruses" moving and vibrating? To my knowledge, what are termed viruses are only visible under an electron microscope, for which the process of preparation necessarily means that what is viewed is not even close to its natural state, and in fact it must be dead.

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Thanks God, we have a person who have seen viruses by naked eye! Something wrong happened with microscopes in the 21 century... I would like to know what a microscope is a source of truth for Dr. Sam Bailey ))))) Anyway, Sr, you are the best here!

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have heard both sides of the argument. Both have points. I have come to the conclusion that they DO exist. I think the immune system is real and if it is depleted it cannot keep viruses at bay.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Same for me, listened to both, but finally expierencal and observational knowledge made me also decide for virus exists.

But....before Plandemic I laughed and ridiculed friends of mine who went down the flat earth rabbit hole, but COVIDtimes humbled me, and I try to never again make condescending prejudicial judgements. I sat down and honestly tried to listen to their arguments. They are definitely not all stupid, they sometimes have actually interesting points, which i have no studied answer to. They could not convince me, but at least they dive in and research and questions things.

Being ridiculed and laughed at as a stupid antivaxxer (who has all essential shots, plus last year's rabies shot) made me much more empathic to other people's opinions.

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100% on board with your last paragraph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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by that statement I can assume you've never done real research on vaccines...start here...please watch before replying then we can discuss...thanks...https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/

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I became definitely more suspicious after the COVID scam, and will probably never take any new untested vaccine again. But not fully convinced that all vaccines have no benefit.

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the only benefit of vaccines is to make billions for big pharma...ALL vaccines are not only worthless but contain all kinds of toxins...the current "vaccine" being the worst of all...this documentary explains the virus scam and the vaccine scam...watch and share.... https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/

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I agree. They will all be new MRNA with no long term safety data and tests only on mice!

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so you got all the ESSENTIAL shots?...do you even know all the toxic shit they put in vaccines? vaccines are just a big pharma money grabbing scam that are more harmful than any so called virus you have....this is obvious to anyone whos done real research on the vaccine hoax....https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/

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Hell yeah!!!!😉

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

How does the immune system get depleted? By accumulating toxins and/or deficiencies, right? That might actually explain the development of symptoms better than anything else...

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I don't think this alone can be an explanation, although it surely is a factor. How can toxins/deficiencies explain the existence of various childhood diseases that only get caught once and then confer lifelong immunity?

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Toxins can lead to immunity, it's not just a virus thing. You can build immunity to cyanide--definitely not a virus.

Some adults develop symptoms of those developmental diseases too, and it's possible--though rare--to experience them more than once. Also, isn't shingles the adult version of chicken pox for people with depleted immune systems?

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But how can a toxin spread from one person to another? If I ingest cyanide, it's not going to produce a chain of identical symptoms in the people around me and their contacts. My observation of chickenpox is that there is a clear temporal and local correlation in the chain of infection.

I realize that there are rare reinfection cases, but nothing in nature is truly 100% (not even biological sex, which is about as binary as it gets). I can't spend all my time on the various caveats and corner cases. If something is true 95%+ of the time, I think we can both agree that it's the norm, and then just keep in the back of our minds that things get fuzzy at the extreme margins.

As regards shingles, the official hypothesis is this: the chickenpox virus lies latent in the nerve system and can end up getting reactivated through a combination of waning immunity to that specific virus, plus a general weakened immune system. This produces the sickness known as shingles. But shingles as a disease is not contagious (i.e. we don't see shingles outbreaks following a typical infection pattern), because it is dependent on the person having both prior immunity AND a currently weakened immune system. However, exposure to a person with shingles can actually give you chickenpox if you're not already immune. For a person who has already had chickenpox, being around others who currently have it can give the immune system a natural "booster". This is why there has been a marked increase in the number of incidences of shingles cases since the chickenpox vaccine became common, and older folks don't get to be around those with chickenpox. But most children and young people in America today get neither chickenpox nor shingles, due to the vaccines.

This seems like a very logical and internally consistent explanation to me. If I saw a different hypothesis that explained it better, I would certainly consider it, but so far I haven't seen anything.

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You're convinced chicken pox symptoms are "caught" and I no longer share that conviction. I think they can be triggered in other ways. But I'm not a doctor or a scientist, I just trust my intuition. Here's two doctors' unconventional take on chicken pox in case you're interested: https://www.bitchute.com/video/koT9yJoVz8vt/

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I believe viruses do exist because I've seen a variety of sicknesses start with one family member then spread through the rest of us!!! Chicken pox parties would be a good example as well seems like those existed 🙃

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OK, but does contagion equate to virus-exists? Admittedly something is contagious, but what?

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Well, virus is just a name that was given to a pathogen that causes illness and is contagious. So based on the definition of the word I think yes it is fair to say its a virus. You could say its a contagious pathogen instead but again virus is just a word with a definition and there are many things we name but don't fully understand

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UNSURE but lean towards VIRUSES existing. Here is why.

I worked as a medic in an army camp (Actually quite a few over the years) but this one in particular was the first port of call for the recruits and officer cadets in training. So we had large numbers of young men coming in and out all year round. Usually in the hundreds at a time.

Anyway, can you imagine what happens when you get hundreds of young men and women and put them together in a few closely connected barracks?

You get outbreaks. And I saw quite a number of these over the years.

I saw scabies outbreaks. Which is a parasite not a virus

I saw noravirus/gastro outbreaks. Quite frequently. Who knows could be bacteria or a toxin and not a virus. We tested for bacterial infections but those routinely came back negative.

I also saw what was allegedly swine flu too going back to 2008/9ish

All outbreaks were primarily dealt to with quarantine and decontamination. Tis the army way.

Scabies for example. Was to remove the obviously infected and put them in another smaller barracks until they didn't show symptoms (quarantine). Prophylactically treated the rest of the barracks with permethrin. Then strip and decontaminate the barracks and all clothing and linen was hot washed.

Norovirus was similar. Those sick were put in the small ward at the treatment center and were treated as needed, most of them just needed to rest and be warm for a couple of days. A couple needed IV saline and other treatments. The barracks and toilets/ablutions were thoroughly decontaminated. No other treatment beyond corrective retraining in field hygiene practices for all the others. Lucky them.

The swine flu outbreak we had actually occured in a senior NCO course which was smaller (50ish) and had older more experienced soldiers. They were housed/quarantined in their own barracks separate from those who were not sick (quarantine) and as a medic I delivered their meals and took periodic observations and handed out basic medicines as needed. Most were fine. A couple had nasty fevers. All recovered.

All scenarios eventually ended. Removing the sick individuals from the majority into quarantine worked. It didn't continue or spread throughout the rest of the camp. If this is not viral contagion... How? What else made this work?

Also the similarity in the environmental conditions and food eaten. I just don't see how terrain theory alone explains this

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NO "toxins" behave the same way viral outbreaks do!!!

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Toxins from where? Why some and not all? Why the appearance of contagion?

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Were the diagnoses made based on symptoms or tests?

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Scabies: Can see them/tracking. No test needed.

Norovirus: Assumed. Fecal samples were collected and tested for bacterial infections and routinely came back negative. No viral test from my knowledge. All symptomatic.

Swine flu: Assumed too I think. So based on symptoms. This I had little to do with beyond carrying out orders which came from doctors and officers up the line. I was a lowly private at the time.

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Hmm. I was hoping you'd say that ;)

Did anyone notice that the young women's menstrual cycles also started syncing as a result of being in "closely connected barracks"? I'd argue it's pretty much the same process, yet no one's blaming it on a virus. Those symptoms can develop without being "caught" and individual isolation can make them stop too...

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Interesting. So you think this is a bio-syncronizing phenomena?

Other than the scabies. That's pretty apparent a little mite/parasite

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That's my current belief, yes. I do think our bodies are electro-magnetic devices made of meat, and symptoms of any kind have frequencies that can be matched via our energy fields...

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I can't say that isn't possible. Eg we never really had a case zero.

Sometimes outbreaks were mid recruit training so where did it come from? Family visit day?

It would usually start with several from a platoon getting the shits. Then a day or two later several from another. Once there were about 20 cases we would go full quarantine/decon mode.

Interesting thoughts

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I believe menstrual symptoms are supposed to sync up because of pheromones . . . heard somebody talking about it recently in an online "Summit".

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Perhaps it’s so women can all get pregnant at once? If there are many women living together, it suggests a lack of men. If a few men passing by at once (who would likely be welcomed—that was certainly the case in my dorm at a women’s college!), one of them would likely hit the peak time, with the most “virile” becoming a dominant, nomadic Romeo.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

That's an interesting thought. It would also make sense for women who live together to raise children of the same age together as a community, and even to share breast milk and/or breastfeeding duties if one of them gets Covid ;)

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I know, that was also the explanation I got (and believed) until I recently found out it's based on zero scientific evidence ;)

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Viruses definitely do exist. This leads to a grave concern of mine throughout the whole pandemic: not only those who deny the existence of covid, but virii entirely. I'm not sure where the idea began that no one had isolated the covid virus, but it began somewhere and many seemed to latch onto it for some reason, in what appeared to me to be a rationalization towards it being engineered by humans.. But then if its engineered and not a virus, what is it? Just a toxin? That catch all pseodoscience phrase in league with holistic mumbo jumbo...

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Maybe it was because Fauci said the virus was isolated in China and that's what they used to make the Moderna vaccine in two days. A year later, China said they never isolated the virus. Where's the proof the virus was *properly* isolated and by WHOM? People are still waiting.

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JJ Couey of gigaohmbiological makes a good case that sars cov-2 was released (deliberately/accidenatlly) on a background of a whole (and constantly circulating) swarm of such viruses. Until sars, coronoviruses had been notoriously difficult to culture (hence why there was little tinkering with coronaviruses until sars). There was also already a background of cross-immunity from other c-viruses but this lineage just has a particularly nasty spike. PCR testing has complicated things because originally they were tracking the spike but now they are not anymore. Given c-viruses recombine readily with each other it's hard to say what is or is not happening. Coronaviruses such as OC43 kill people regularly (mostly elderly) every year but since they do not culture them they are classified as PLI (pneumonia like illness).

Anyway, he makes a very good case for the existence of viruses but the covid situation is mighty murky, complex and full of shenanigans which sets up the no-virus position quite well, although he disputes it's biological foundation.

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if "viruses: actually existed mankind would have gone extinct long ago...https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/

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I'm not convinced by that video but honestly it doesn't bother me that others believe such things because as long as I'm not enforcing medical interventions upon others (and vice versa) then it's kind of moot.

People can believe whatever they want. Have at it. I will act accordingly.

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Did you actually watch all 2+ hours? If so, what questions do you still have that need further clarification?

If not... figures.

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I do not care to as I'm not interested in convincing you or anyone else that viruses do or don't exist. I choose to think they do but I have neither the time nor the energy to engage in every possible iteration of existence. That's not a diss. It is just irrelevant to me. I'm not real. I don't even exist.

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its because of the "virus" myth that they are able to push their plandemics...lockdowns...and mandated vaccines....that is why you should give a shit...the plandemics will continue forever...see monkey pox and the resurgence of the "polio" hoax as two recent examples...the documentary provides all the stubborn FACTS exposing the scam...so yeah I will have at it and yes you should act accordingly...start by getting another booster

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One doesn't need to deny the existence of viruses to stop 'the scam.' It's more likely that the majority of people would just call you a 'virus denier' and ignore you right off the bat. Plus, a documentary isn't gonna cut it when there are decades of biological foundation that offer a plausible explanation. A proper debate between people with sufficient data and knowledge would be more useful if we really want that. Not everything has to be a conspiracy or a lie. Heck, one can spend one's entire life going down rabbit holes because existence is one big rabbit hole. But I think you have missed my bigger point: We don't have to agree on the non- existence of viruses to simultaneously oppose these authoritarian measures.

The simple fact is that you believe things but why do you feel the need to believe anything at all? I don't. I just have thoughts and I choose to act on certain ones, knowing that I have to take responsibility for the choices I make. For example, I chose not to get vaxxed. I got sick and I recovered. That's it.

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viruses definitely do exist? why because you were told they do?...holistic mumbo jumbo? is that like vaccine mumbo jumbo pseudoscience? I take it you got the jab to protect you from the deadly virus that mysteriously doesnt kill any of the millions of household pets in America.....explain that shit....https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Very tiny things have been captured by electron microscopy, much smaller than bacteria. These have further been characterized to contain DNA or RNA as their primary constituent, along with an enclosure. Note that these are not living organisms, by accepted conventions, but more like biological ‘information packets’.

There have been estimates that there are some 10^31 such things in the air we breathe, another 10^31 in the soil, and another similarly sized quantity in the waters. That’s 30 decillion (I think that’s what you call it—big numbers like this are not so familiar to name). It’s an incredible number. This is many many many orders of magnitude beyond all of the leaves on earth, more than the estimated number of stars in all the known universe!

Whatever one calls these things, they are found everywhere, even inside bacteria. We are literally walking and swimming through a stew of them, constantly. We breathe them in with every breath. They are on and within the food we consume, in the water we drink. Completely unavoidable.

These things are so ubiquitous, exposure to them cannot be fully controlled, not just because of their size, but also by virtue of the sheer quantity. Further, these things appear to have ancient origins, and constantly changing, evolving. More likely than anything, we must have evolved to live in a form of balance with them, at least to some degree. Much like bacteria and the microbiome, our own biology is vastly outnumbered. We depend on these tiny things for health, we exist in a continuum with these microscopic things, and have evolved alongside them.

There are even parts of their DNA integrated into the human genome. These things are so fundamental to our evolution, that placental birth (read: all mammals) would not be possible without the integration of these ‘information packets’ into our genome. That’s worth pausing to consider.

Now, it is a very good question to ask if these things can be held responsible for disease.

It’s important to note that there have certainly been several times in not-so-recent history where it appears that disease was misattributed to these things. And it is absolutely worth noting that these occasions have been characterized by highly suspect pronouncements, dubious science, and even propaganda.

And, it’s also evident that the health of human beings is highly dependent on the state of biological systems, psychological health, and emotional health, not to mention nutrition and hygiene.

However, given the sheer quantity of these things in the soup that surrounds us, common observation tells us they cannot be the sole causation of disease.

Consider measurements of periodic seasonality. There are times when certain varieties of these things are more ubiquitous in the environment, and other times when these numbers fall to lower levels. And yet, despite the periodic increase in quantities measured, not everyone displays symptoms of an ‘infection’. There are even times—not uncommon—when people sharing the same living spaces will not all fall ill with the same condition. Clearly there are other dynamics at play.

The parents out there will know by experience that there are many times that their children have become ill with something, yet the parents will not show any sign of sickness, despite living and breathing alongside them. How many of us have had this experience—not falling sick, even while sharing workspaces with someone who is coughing or sneezing, clearly showing symptoms? And yet there are other times when we, ourselves, might have fallen ill while others around us did not. Other dynamics at play.

Yet, despite all this, the reality of the 10^31 little things around us is all too real.

The models used to describe what these things are, and how they interact with us, are likely not accurate, and based on an incomplete understanding. Such is the reality of the limited understanding of human beings. We don’t know everything—we’re like children wandering through the largest library imaginable.

But—that doesn’t mean these little tiny things don’t exist.

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Great thoughts!

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I'm in the MAY EXIST camp too. This knowledge is in it's infancy so pretending that it is all solid science, and the subsequent creation of "safe and effective" pharmacoligical agents is very dangerous stuff. It's all just experimental work in the hope that getting the right medicine to work proves the theory. Lipid Nanoparticle delivery of mRNA strands to entice normal living cells to produce foreign proteins is very dangerous and unpredictible.

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To be clear, I think it’s quite plain that these little things exist. I don’t think that’s in question.

How medicine looks at this is something distinct. The LPN mRNA is a glaring example of hubris, hacking a system that is only vaguely understood. It’s on par with splitting atoms…”because we can” is a poor excuse. But as with that example, there are/were other motivations at play, and not all of them benevolent.

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