Ironically the (then new) anthrax vaccine made a lot of people infertile. So I’m not surprised lol

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After the DNA plasmid contamination news, I'd be less concerned about "fertility" and more concerned about the potential for serious genetic damage being inheritable. Also, heard some ugly stories from women who were unvaxxed having trouble after sex with their vaxxed husbands, not sure if I want a turkey baster of that stuff going inside me.

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The perpetrators of the hoax continue to deny the truth.

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But, but, but, they said that the Trump/Biden/Fauci Death Jabs really were safe and effective!! Did they lie to us?!?!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It isn't just sperm, it's blood and organs too.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Yea, It is true and I am just one but when you consider how this is playing out across the entire planet, that is really disturbing and an image I don't like to dwell on too much. I am not about to sugar coat anything for anyone, honesty is what is needed, truth is a bitter pill and there are plenty of pills to be handed out in the circles I move in. Some accept it and others well, good luck to em when they roll the sleeve up again and again.......

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Maybe it’s not fertility, maybe the women don’t want to be infected with the mRNA and spike protein - heard that can be transmitted through sex..

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Given nearly ninety percent of western countries populations accepted the jab, I doubt every woman who wants a child is running round asking if a bloke is un-vaxxed as the odds of finding the right one are greatly diminished. Besides, any bloke worth his salt will go out of their way and lie through their teeth to get a shag. So if the conversation came to "I wont shag vaxxed men" the first thing coming out of my mouth is "I would not touch a vaxxed woman, so we are good to go" whether I was vaxxed or not.

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Tests can be done to see if one received the jab.

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Depending on where you live, in Australia you can only be diagnosed with Covid by RAT or PCR if you are not hospitalised. It is only when hospitalised will they do a blood assay for it. As for being tested to see if you are vaxxed, Not in Australia mate.

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Love your honesty!!! :-D

It's terrible, but it's true!

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Penile penetration is NOT required! Just a sterile cup to ejaculate into and a turkey baster is all that is required to get the semen where it needs to go! The tip of the baster can be worked past the mucous plug in the cervix to make sure as many sperm cells can swim their way towards the fallopian tubes for fertilizing the egg.

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Looks like the Sperminator has some serious competition, Logician! :)

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Yeah, but I'm pretty sure a guy would rather penetrate a woman than a cup! :-D

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Yes, of course! Now check this out. A man spends the first nine months of his life inside of a woman, and then most of his life trying to get back into one!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I used to think the vaxx affected fertiliity but now I'm not too sure. I have a niece who is in her late 20s and had 2 kids since she was double vaxxed in Dec 2021 (she's a nurse) and there has been zero ill effects experienced by her or her kids or husband. I know it's anecdotal but there it is.

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From the statistics about 25% of the receivers are sterile now. Your niece was just part of the 75% who got placebos. Have you not seen the statistics? I don’t understand why you could come to the conclusion that the vaccines didn’t sterilise just because your niece didn’t get sterilised. You know it would be too obvious if everyone was sterilised all at once. The goal of elimination of your family will be achieved in gradually as they import their replacement.

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Batches of vax were different, everywhere, many places had bad batches, others caused no problems short term for people. We dont know the long term. Some batches have been responsiblle for the strings of "Turbo cancers" others for memory and cognitive damage, others for various conditions like the bloke I work with who;s knees have gone to crap after his second shot. One only has to look at the birth rates and how fast they are dropping. Now consider this, there have been periods in time where there is a baby boom, one of the most famous was the big blackout in America a few decades back, the power was lost, no tv, radio or lights, so nine months later there was a massive spike in births, the conception dates all fell in the black out period. So after nearly six months of continuous lockdown globally, it stand to reason we should be seeing a massive spike in childbirth, esepecially in 2020, never happened. The birth rate dropped and continues to drop, so much so the authorities are scared.

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It's tiny percentages who were crippled or killed so most will do just fine..... as long as they STOP playing pharma roulette.

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That’s the problem. They are “just fine” and are not willing to hear the alternatives.

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The killing of flu patients in hospitals is very effective in a relative short time .Unlike many injected fools ,who have to often wait for the deadly effect of their treatment ,days ,month or years .In a hospital my brother was murdered in six days ,with isolation ,sedation ,remdesivir ,ventilators and brutal prisoner like treatment .I must add here that some victims of shots faced a tough dilemma .It was and in some cases still is the injection and keeping the job ,or without the shot the highway ..The same or worse goes on in education .Since the murder of my brother in the hospital I did a lot of surging and there is lots of evidence that the death rate [ MURDER ] in hospitals if treated for flu is close to 100 % .they are rewarded with a large money bounty PAYOUT .

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Joe - very, VERY sorry about your brother.

This to me is the defining thing about covid - the medical profession has outed itself as stone cold killers.

One brother-in-law of mine is an ER doc and he actually said to me he delights putting the unvaxxed on ventilators because, "Our refusal to be vaxxed is causing the pandemic." He also stated Remdesivir doesn't work but nothing about its toxicity.

His son is getting the new booster + flu shot any day now on his father's recommendation. And his wife (my sister) asked this: "Why would these shots be bad - they wouldn't want to do harm to their own family, would they?"

If anyone has an answer to that in one easy sound-bite the the normies could comprehend, please let me know.

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The only education and information they have is from the ones who will murder them .

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So sorry about the loss of your brother.

The best thing we can do at this point is to stay away from hospitals.

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I agree ,it is the scariest and most dangerous place one can enter .

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We are truly on our own.... And will be better for it in the long run.

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Given the way the spike protein has affected menstruation and how it has been found that the spike protein is hanging out in testes and ovaries, think about this: How do we know that the babies, as they formed in utero, did not have spike proteins settled in THEIR sex organs? How do we know THEY won’t be infertile when their time comes in 20-30 years? The answer is we don’t know, because these shots were never tested for such things. Guess we will know in the next few decades how successful the depopulation program has really been.

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The poison shot not only effects some parts of the body ,but it is harmful to all parts of the body ,because the immune system is made much less effective ,leaving us exposed to any illness ,the immune system can't fight off .We hear about turbo cancer and heart problems ,sudden death for athletes and the young .

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And that's it. Yes, there are SOME problems now (OK, a lot of problems...) but the vast majority of those jabbed are still walking and talking - and breeding. So of course they won't see that there's a problem - until perhaps 20% of the next generation can't have kids...and then perhaps 50% of the following generation can't have kids. By which time the originally jabbed ones will be dead and buried and people will be left wondering 'why can't we have kids?'...and drawing a blank! Of course by then, there may be some contraceptive that they want women to take that stops their periods completely...thereby removing knowledge that some women get regular periods, whilst many others do not. Contraceptives are a fad. I've observed it as a health professional. It's not about what's best for the body or the woman - it's about what's the going thing (ie what's being pushed by Big Pharma).

This is a waiting game in many ways. Humans are much tougher than they're given credit for. Plenty of multiple-jabbed people WILL survive. For decades. But...will their offspring be fertile? THAT is the trillion dollar question.

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Noting your comments, I would suggest that given the birth rate is falling fast, that question as to why I cant have kids should already be getting asked. Did you notice in the last twelve months the increase in "IVF" advertising on TV. Cue the twilight zone theme song.

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Yes, the Q should be getting asked. But we are paying attention to it. For those NOT paying attention to it, and not looking to use IVF, it is meaningless. It's all about what relevant to someone, I guess.

In the end, though, I think everyone (who's left on earth) will come to rue the day they ever took those 'safe and effective!' jabs...

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True, the masses are still running round thinking all is good in their world, the one's who are starting to struggle to get pregnant will not do the math and work out that 2+2 =4 not 3. As for the rest, most of those I know are starting to have buyer regret. The number of injured and dead in my circle is astounding. The first died the week after his first "Safe and efective" then it was a litany of injured in my workplace and circles of friends, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, mass shingles, turbo cancer of the lungs, reproductive system. cognitive damage, stroke. It is the unwanted gift that keeps on giving.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

...and are smuggly holding it over those of us without that option. But your stance has had exactly the same effect as mine: nada, zero zilch. Well, go in peace, enjoy your false sense of superiority. We've chatted enough....

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Mass roll-out of untested mRNA injections + decline in birthrates in all countries that rolled out jabs = no problem!

Igor, I think that you are imagining something. There's nothing to see here!

(Sorry, just trying to be light about the whole depressing subject matter)

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Yeah I agree on keeping it light

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

They are essentially manufacturing their own walking dead with bioweapons made in labs patented as viruses / vaccines.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

So, women are looking for unvaxed sperm donors. I guess that points encouragingly to a certain awareness of the toxicity of the injections.

But these two postings, if representative of attitudes towards procreation, are chilling. Ordering a sibling, designating delivery time, demanding future deliveries, (for “both of us will carry”) as if a human being is just a thing, like any other thing one might desire (or discard).

The commentariat say the COVID regime brought about our dystopia.

Our dystopia was well advanced.

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I think that couple who both will carry are probably lesbians. It’s not enough they choose this lifestyle that is counterproductive to procreation. Now they want to procreate and experience pregnancy without the father and without the union of love from heterosexual procreation.

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If only that was all it did. Just look at the devastation it has done to people’s hearts and nervous systems. And we still don’t have any idea of the full long term issues.

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Such as neurodegenerative disease caused by the lipid nanoparticle crossing the blood/brain barrier and effectively “seeding” the brain with prions (misfolded proteins) leading to the formation of amyloids.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification-19 is a code name and not a disease, 19 is the first and ninth letters, therefore AI.

CORONA is coded satanic number 666 and VIRUS originally means POISON!

They claim that the illuminati have been ruling us from behind for at least 100 years and this mafia is in every country. All major rich people are members of this 666 mob and they sank the Titanic, financed WW1, WW2 and assassinated JFK and many others. No one was on the moon and Hitler's Nazis came to NASA, which is coded 666 and has a snake tongue logo. There is a high probability that the earth is not a sphere and we have been living in lies since birth. They are building a world satanic government for the surviving slaves through their united nations which is "ein volk" in my opinion. Even the UN Rockefeller buildings are set in the shape of the very famous WTC 911 number and their police 911 phone number. The three double long barcode lines on the products are their coded number 666 and we pay them everything.

If you are in America, find out how many cancer patients there are due to radioactive dust from the nuclear collapse of the WTC.

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Yep, that sounds correct. One other thing, I'm sick of them spraying their chem trails full of metals, toxins and viruses all over us, manipulating the weather. If you mention chem trails you are a "crazy"; within the year I bet the news will be talking about how they can save the planet by manipulating the weather. Every time people start to talk about what they are doing to us, they spin it on the news as this great new scientific discovery to save everyone, ughhhh. We all need to start manifesting what we want the world to be like and stop focusing on what it is, I truly believe we have the power to change it all with our thoughts. Everyone spend the first 5 minutes of your day "thoughtless" as you gaze at the rising sun early morning, then the next 5 minutes focusing on the world as it should be, clean air & water, love, humanity loving one another, joy, as if it all ready IS and FEEL those emotions. See what happens after a week, it can't hurt!

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we shouldn't expect a harmless development after the RAT-Injection-show. The Pathology specialists have a very different opinion about. We could calculate: If you had shot= no sperm, if you had a test=no sperm, if you was wearing a FFP-mask=no sperm, if you using a smart-phone=no sperm or all of the third generation kids suffering Autism, and if you facing the Lyme-borelliosis without treatment: your sperms will be contaminated. All of this are BIO-weapons, which causing synergic effects. I myself are not among these groups. With 71 years my sperm has still about 5 upto 10 Million parts per cm³. I thank god to receive all of the information to protect myselve.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

"Right ladies; roll up, roll up - this weekend only (?), the sale is on...

2 for the price of 1 on a real, organic pleasure event and product delivered in a truly personal and unjabbed manner". !.

Prices are as listed with the lowest being chips and pie and for the standard "cheers love; done now and am going to sleep" right through to the executive 4 mins (including breathing break), 10 second back rub and even a quick chat; at the knockdown price of fish and chips and a nice bottle of wine.

Disclaimer - No refunds shall be given if unjabbed and superior product misses the required point of delivery.

PS Too much ?

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