Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sounds like somebody’s been doing homework on all cause mortality and/or getting ready for litigation.

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And looks like people in charge need at least 2.5 years to realize that the train is running on the wrong rail.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

AND, these are those rapacious OVER-EDUCATED socio/philanthropathic Predators now the Totalitarian Technocrats in charge? Celebrate Denmark only taking 2.5 years necessary to reach FORMAL SANITY from perception of patterns and statistics indicating the Serums POISONOUS when a High School Drop-Out only needed 5 days after having chest pains.

Dr. Moreau's Island is up 'For Sale' somewhere in the world where the Totalitarian Technocrats can experiment on humanity to destroy one another and themselves. Better to go the direct route where they eat ONLY one another alive as the evil ALWAYS do. Would be far more efficient than using money, food, shelter, isolation, banishment or any number of other torments to MANIPULATE or FORCE others to die and destroy others for them...As rapacious Predators have done throughout history.

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Not sure which predators are you thinking about, but Bill Gates is very uneducated!

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REALLY? Mr. Monopoly?

Don't tell him that...

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

It would surely be unethical to pay taxes or insurance towards such pseudo medicine. It would be a crime of sponsoring terrorism.


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This will trickle over to the US. But just as with fashion, we're going to be about 2 years late.

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By design. But that's ok--we have a much bigger population--more to kill and easier to hide.

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No refunds!

Once you sign that dotted line, that's it.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Stop boosting everyone! Old people are the most at risk for harm because their immune systems already suck. The jab only makes immunity worse. Just because it's more obvious there's a problem when younger people die after jab doesn't mean the jab isn't also killing older people. It is absolutely killing old people. Their lives are worthwhile too. So, stop jabbing and boosting EVERYONE!

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There is definitely a "throw-away" attitude, among some, wrt the elderly. It’s frightening. I managed my dad’s care for several years and agree w/ your reasoning. I live in CA and he lived in AZ; I made it clear to EACH care provider that he was NOT to be vacc’ed, for exactly that reason. His NP did not agree w/ the reason but agreed to my "request." He was 97 when the virus hit, mentally competent and in good health but homebound. He was 99 when he died.

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My dad just turned 90. He had 3 jabs despite my own Truhuman views. THEN he got covid and had to go to hospital and THEN he got Pancreatic cancer...

In hospital, whilst he was laying in his Expensive, Private Hospital Medical Insurance bed, as they thought him dozing, he overheard the Ward Doctor SAY ALOUD "just send him home, he's old..." 🤜🧑‍⚕️🤛 Doctors & Nurses, off to the Concentration Camps you go! BETRAYERS of your Duty. ENABLERS OF ATROCITY. Bigpharma must DIE. Every CEO, COO, The Board. I carry the Fury of The People.

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Wow am so sorry but I believe you - they are the ones who went down first in 1947 in Nuremberg

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

Terrain theory tho. Surely the enablers are the people paying taxes and insurance towards this pseudo medicine. They need to be prosecuted if we are going to make a big impact. Sponsoring terrorism is a serious crime. Very, very serious.


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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

I am sorry about your loss.

My dad was 91 when the virus hit, but all onboard with whatever his VA doc said. So he lined up for the vax no questions asked. He then lost feeling on one side of his body and went to the hospital. They never found the cause. That was around July 2021. He recovered, and in Oct 2021 was in the hospital more than not. Nursing home and declining mental capacity in March 2022. And he got Covid in in the nursing home in April, despite the vaxxes, testing, and masking. And they were on quarantine for months. I got to see him in March, and that was it. And he passed in August. I wonder how he would be without the vaxxes, but with IVM or HCQ. Guess we will never know, and that is how They want it.

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There was no 'virus' that hit.


This was propaganda used to hit people with the real weapons:' lockdown', 'masks', 'vaccines', tests', 'social distancing', midazolam, morphin, respirators etc.


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I am so sorry for this. It breaks my heart to not be able to get through to people. My father as well has major mental decline and possible Parkinson’s after his three shots. It was rapid, one niece just had a baby with a cleft pallet, a nephew suddenly has a blockage in his bladder and needs surgery, and sister who got rheumatoid arthritis right after. We have never had health issues in my family before and no one is connecting the dots. Both my sisters disowned me because our family didn’t take the shots. Crazy world.

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At least you still have a few relatives who didn't buy into it... Most (not all) of mine so far are relatively ok- except most all the fully vacc'd ones caught Covid!!...

Various friends are not so lucky!.. One acquaintance of mine literally Dropped Dead from Heart-related problems shortly after his Moderna Booster. awful!..

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That is horrible. I am so sorry for your family, for the health issues and for not realizing what may be causing them. It's so frustrating! Sometimes I just want to scream.

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So sorry- I have been SO worried for Veterans!!.. But, family & they CAN say: "NO!!"..

You CAN say, "NO, thanks" to anything at VA. But, it's much harder when very elderly, possibly impaired or disabled. (Also, very sadly, most of their caretakers were force-vaccinated or tricked, but VA still has one of the highest rates of vaccine Exemptions granted, & vaccine retirements in all of the U.S. Federal agencies!!)....

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So saddened to hear your father was denied the comfort of having you near at his time of transitioning. And, we DO know what -- at the very least -- contributed to his decline. Blessings to you and your family.

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That's so sad. God bless all of you.

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Most of the younger generations hate their parents. I don't know why, just disrespect maybe. They gave the kids everything they ever wanted and catered to their every whim. What's to respect there? Then to the even older generations, everything ever done, created, built is all their "fault." They were not brought up to appreciate anything from before them, so it all needs to go. Including the people. So, yeah, "throw them away." They are waste.

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

Maybe because their parents weren't around much? Both working, tired when home... No data, just observation. I see kids with stay-at-home moms (or dads) closer as a family in the teen years than families where both parents work, and family members have no connection when there is no common hobby that they do together.

As long as kids can "connect" with their parents on some level, all is good. I was close with my dad thru high school cuz we ran together. My mom and I had a bad relationship because we didnt see eye-to-eye on anything after 7th grade.

I dunno, but hating parents in teen years is not "normal." We need to get back the Family Unit, respect our elders, listen to what they have to say, help them when they are old and ailing.... Where did our humanity go?

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I have two boys and they are great kids with excellent manners. My oldest is currently a Marine Embassy Guard in Africa. He could have had anything but he chose to serve his country. He wanted to accomplish what it took to become a Marine. He speaks four languages and was raised in The Netherlands for many years. My 14 year old is so nice even as a teen. He plays football and is just starting a weekend job at the grocery store. It is hard to raise kids in America because it is too over scheduled. We raise our boys as they do in Europe with dinners at the table and we are there for them and respect their individual personalities. One other thing we did when my younger sons manners were going down the tubes we had an exchange student one year older then him come live with us from Spain. It challenges him and now he is off the video games and doing more sports and his manners are back up. Long post but all it takes is to think outside the box.

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Exactly. If the kids feels they are acknowledged, seen, and loved, all is good.

I don't think that all parents who work have kids that aren't respectful. I think it takes a little more work and like you said, thinking outside the box, for parents to parent if they work... if that makes sense.

I see lots of parents just let the schools parent the kids because the parents are busy doing other stuff.

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

I do wonder how all these old people 'vaccinated' their kids and have been finacing this criminal pseudo medical system all these years. There was a huge disaster in the 70s with the DPT 'vaccine' and then there was the MMR. It was all over the news so how is it exactly they have now been roaming around with masks pretending to be oh so innocent?


A generation of criminals aiding and abetting in vaccinicide who have left a huge disaster in the wake of their incompetance. You better pull your socks up.


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Because, of course, there were unlimited sources, like today, for the past generations to find all this info to know the ramifications of their decisions. Plus, all the younger generations, aren't giving THEIR kids the massive amounts of vaccinations, are they? That's why 1 in 30 kids is autistic, plus all the other vaccine injuries they have inflicted on THEIR children. IMO, you are a far-left, pompous ass, who resents it's parents for not buying it the newest thing as a child.

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Sorry for your loss and that was a good choice and he lived a full life for sure ❤️

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Plus we have (and always had) repurposed meds to save most people. But Shhh! Biden said he doesn't want that secret out else his overlords will be upset with him.

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It’s so very sad. Making it against the law to prescribe repurposed drugs. Systematic denial of early treatment of symptoms. Threatening doctors w/ loss of license.

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The problem is, once people take the first one, their immune system is at a disadvantage (negative efficacy or antibody dependent enhancement). So now, dammed if they do, dammed if they don’t.

Clearly I would stop all of them because as you said, they are dangerous to all ages, but these people now depend on the vaccines for any kind of immune response to covid. It’s going to be bad whatever policy they go with. The damage is done. And keeps going long after. And builds with each booster. So scary for those who blindly trusted.

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I totally agree - no one should take this garbage - proven over and over again it DOES NOT WORK for the good of humanity

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

As you might know, our (adolescent) Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau decided to go on public television recently to give -- what many perceive -- as a threat to citizens, explaining that if a ridiculously high % of people get their boosters (80-90%, if I remember correctly), there won’t be need for restrictions. His health minister compared the immune system to a cell phone that needs to be recharged. What planet are these politicians living on? While even the worst countries (NZ and Australia) in terms of c19 measures & restrictions have woken up, Canada is doubling down. Hopefully people will not comply.

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Trudeau has significant financial investments in one or another aspects of the vaccine (I forget exactly which).

It is Canada's duty to die for his bank account. 🤷

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There is much speculation that the Trudeau Foundation holds 40% ownership of Acuitas Therapeutics, which manufactures the lipid nanoparticles used by Pfizer in their COVID-19 mRNA injections.

Acuitas and Arbutus Biopharma are listed as the inventors of the lipid nanoparticles licensed to inject the COVID-19 mRNA injections into every recipient. The original research was done at the University of British Columbia: https://lsi.ubc.ca/2021/06/13/dr-pieter-cullis-talks-lipid-nanoparticles-and-vaccines-of-the-future-on-cbc-radios-quirks-quarks/.

However, there does not seem to be any evidence to support the speculation.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

He learned well from his pervyy father, Pierre, & ol’ Schwaabbb

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And from his real father, Castro.

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BioNTech I believe.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"Two weeks to flatten the curve"

"Two jabs to get back to normal"


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Two weeks to discredit any repurposed meds.

Two weeks to shoot Fauci to infamy.

Two weeks to justify a mask contract with China.

Two weeks to make billionaires of the millionaires.

Two weeks to Reset the World.

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Since there’s Paxlovid, which officially “works” (to make more profits for Pfizer) the EUA should be invalidated since it’s based on there being no other treatment (so they had to smear early treatment).

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"I take two boosters in time of peace.

I take two boosters in time of war.

I take two boosters before I take two boosters.

Then I take two more."

Sung to the tune of "I smoke two joints" by The Toyes


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If only all the anti-vaxxesr got vaxxed we wouldn't need a booster to get to normal. Really it's the anti-vaxxers fault the vaxxes didn't work.

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OMG - you need to wake up as the vax doesn’t work to stop a virus - it is depleting your own natural immunity and it is the vaxed who are repeatedly getting sick - ask yourself why and turn off the TV of crap

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I am a double-juiced Canadian (under coercion), I AM DONE WITH THIS BULLSHIT. F🍁CK TRUDEAU

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I think FLCCC's I-Recover protocol will be helpful for you now. from Japan

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Following it as close as I can. Things like NAC and IVM are super hard to get here... At least, I couldn't find them. Healthy diet, exercises, vit D&C, Zinc, K2, melatonin, etc, etc. The pain in my left arm is finally gone (after of almost 1 year of it)

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In Japan, amateurs can't get it, so I personally import it from India and use it as a preventive measure when I go to crowded places.My sister lives in Washington State.

I introduced the FLCCC Protocols as advice to her.

I found a store in the United States where she could buy it.


It seems that they sell it without prescriptin, so please check.

Ivermectol(It is a different product name for each company of Ivermectin)

12mg * 30 tablets 57.5$ to 60 tablets 108$ to 120 tablets 216$

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You can get NAC at any natural food store and buy horse dewormer at tackle & feed stores in BC.

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It’s easy to buy online via India, or I used Seven Cells compounding pharmacy in Florida, no rx from outside dr needed, just online form, shipped quickly

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I’d add quercetin, a zinc ionophore. It’s difficult for zinc to enter cells; an ionophore specific to zinc "opens" the door.

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#holdtheline 🇨🇦

#truckfraudeau 🤡 🚛

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It rubs the lotion on its skin

or else it gets the hose again .

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😂😂😂 It puts the lotion in the basket..

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Trudeau is a despicable tyrant just like his dad Fidel Castro.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The chain of tyranny has been recently slackened but not dissolved, in order to produce and maintain the public anxiety--which pleads for "government solutions".

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I heard this cell phone battery being recharged analogy as an advertisement for boosters...I think this must be Pharma produced analogies...they need to think o a better analogy...like taking more boosters is a test of your intelligence and street skills...we are keeping a database of uneducated lemmings to the sea!

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You can bet they're tracking each individual propaganda campaign to identify highest success rates.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The differing policies might hint at what is actually driving the vaccine program. The US has always seemed to me to be leading the pandemic policies. Canada is probably the closest US ally.

Maybe the declining prestige of the US due to the natural gas shortages has made all but the closest US allies take a fresh look at the vaccine policies?

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Interesting perspective

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When all those Canadians die, who’s going to be left to support this huge country with their taxes? Do these idiots not understand they’re killing their tax base? What will happen to these countries as their economies crumble…where will the elites get their luxuries if no one is around to produce them?!

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Canada admits over 400,000 immigrants per year, and that doesn't include temporary workers or international students. On a per-capita basis that's something like TEN TIMES the number the USA admits (illegals are a different story there though).

So the gov't doesn't really care if it kills the existing tax base because they just import 1M+ new people every 3 years anyway. And of course anyone who dares question all this gets immediately tagged as racist, xenophobe, anti-immigrant, etc.

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I've been thinking about the urgency with which heavily WEF penetrated countries are pursuing mass immigration, including 'illegals' coming over the open southern border in the US - I feel it is tied to aiding the destruction of cultural and national values, traditions, community strength. Easier to control a people with a loss of identity, social cohesion???

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

I live in Texas, not too far from the border. We’d be happy to send Canada, or anyone, the FIVE MILLION that have flooded in along our, and other states, southern borders in the last 2 years! Hell, we sent about 10k to liberal northern cities & they’re having hysteria & declaring states of emergency! In our case, none of these 2million are tax payers…they’re tax burdens. Only 1 way to make them tax payers…Biden will give them amnesty and make them citizens. Many of these illegals are coming here to escape socialist (or worse) societies…boy are they in for a surprise!

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The guys around here who came over that border are ALL anti-socialist and laugh that the democrats all assume that they love the democrats! "That's what we had to escape!"

The left in this country have gone insane.

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And all this over a damn Cold. I thought Canadians could handle that up there-??!!...

It's a pesky Cold-- that's all it is, esp. with these weakening variants!!-

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I've heard their plan is to replace humans with trans-humanist slaves, AI / Robotics.....what a morbid plan

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I’ve heard that too, and it may be their plan, but I have faith that we can defeat this. They are making serious mistakes and people all over Europe and the world are protesting, and rising up. More and more people are being made aware of the globalist WEF/NWO agenda and they don’t like it!

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I feel it too - a lot is going wrong for them in their haste and there seems to be panic in their messaging. In the context of the US I guess there is nervousness that a political shift to Republican will bring actual investigations into the crimes committed thus far. I remember listening to Catherine Austin Fitts saying that they will fail but they will make a hell of a mess trying to realize their insane agenda.

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I think you’re spot on. And we need to expect the “panic in their messaging” take on a massive frenzy before they lose in the midterm elections in November! They will not give up their gains over the last 2 years without throwing everything they have against us!

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I've saw a video of Klaus's sidekick who wants to genetically engineer humans. Like literally choose the blonde hair over the brown hair, be physically strong instead of weak, and who knows what else. This all stems from genetically engineering out any "mutations" that would lead to disease or weakness, then where do they go from there?

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That is why they are building up their cash now - up until 2040 when no one is left and they have total control to serve themselves

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Ooppss 2030

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Truly heartbreaking. Only citizens will be able to stop this.

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NOT COMPLYING is the only way.

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

At CVS, they announced that just like sunscreen has to be used regularly, covid jabs need to be taken regularly.

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A booster a day keeps the FBI away

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True. The whole 6 ft distancing deep in the ground inside a casket is a great barrier.

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Unfortunately for the sunscreen makers, they have not adopted the vaccine ideology. Had they done so, they'd be selling even more SPF than now. Imagine this... "Remember! You'd better use your Coppertone every day or Granny might get melanoma at worst or a sunburn at least".

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Your little Castro dictator progeny is truly evil....

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Justin is following The Science™.

Don't question The Science™.

Bad things will happen if you don't adhere to The Science™.

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It's all quite understandable. First he legalized marijuana. Then he reinvigourated legislation on medically assisted assistance in dying (MAiD). Perfect! We're all high and then we all line up for MAiD. There goes the opposition and he keeps getting elected. Wow. He's not as stupid as we'd thought!

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Yes. Trudeau is so out of touch, it's frightening. I think he just takes orders from someone at WEF. We are the current experiment vis a vis how far they can push things, but still pushing vaccines when so much negative information s available is malicious.

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It's the same in the UK...for now.

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Awesome news! But the vaccines are still offered, right?

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I guess so, if you really want it, I'm sure you can find a way but anyone who wants to be vaccinated will have been vaccinated by now. It will just be boosters this Winter.

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022Author

Anyway, many countries are slowly coming to their senses... Except for the USA, then want to vaccinate 6 months olds and boost 5 year olds

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Don't forget Canada. Like good little sheep, Health Canada approved the same awful toddler shots as the FDA, and recently recommended boosters for kids all the way down to 5 years. At least one university is pushing ahead with a booster mandate for all of its students as well.

Also, our prime minister recently said aloud that if "80, 90%" of people get "up to date" then there will be "less need" for the kind of restrictions we had last year. AKA getting ready to haul out the big stick. And Canada STILL has not dropped its 14-day quarantine requirement on unvaccinated persons crossing the border, nor has it backed down on requiring all persons crossing the border to use a smartphone app to upload proof of vaccination upon penalty of thousands of dollars in fines plus the 14-day quarantine.

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Don't you realize that the Science is different in Canada? You sound like one of those extremists who don’t believe in science, they’re often misogynists, also often racists....

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Science in Germany is also quite different. Here the jabs are still safe and effective, even if taken every 3M. Masks are also super effective as well.

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What if you don't have a smartphone?

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You're expected / required to get on a computer, get on a govt website, upload your proof of vaccination, your date to cross the border, etc. then get a printout of a QR code and bring that with you when you cross. Again, under penalty of $$$$ fines and possible quarantine order.

There have been stories of Canadians entering Canada without complying and not getting fined, but a lot depends on the particular border agent you get. Some won't push the matter. Some will get very aggressive. Some, in airports, will take your passport and hand it directly to a public health officer to all but force you to comply, a process which I've heard referred to as an "illegal referral" by some Twitter people but I've not seen a specific law cited to support that.

Also there are plenty of stories of Canadians getting their fines canceled by the courts, often without even having to go to court. Some provinces have no legal authority to enforce or collect the fines on behalf of federal public health so in those provinces it seems like it may be an easy out.

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I think the US is moving forward with vaccinating the young so they can eventually add the injection to the childhood vaccination schedule to avoid liability for the shots.

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The US is already pushing that this will be a yearly shot.

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I think that they are now marketing it as "get yer C0VID booster and your flu shot at the same time."

But... didn't we hear that those that had the flu shot got sicker when they got C0VID?

/oh, right. They want us de@d

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Most definitely!!..

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Germany is still in extermination mode...

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I have and her message resonates. Sadist Lauterbach, the new Hitler of Germany, should actually listen to this holocaust survivor, but would he? Naw, he's power drunk and very happy to continue his extermination agenda and pit the dying and injured vaxxed against the smart and surviving unvaxxed.

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They can't exactly come out and say, "Oops. We got this one wrong. Sorry."

When first you aim to deceive .... you HAVE to continue to aim to deceive.

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Our governor wants to be part of the Washington elite, this is how you do it. https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/resources/covid-19-vaccine/kids-covid-vaccine

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Bride of Satan

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She’s at the Detroit auto show today with Biden right before the election…all political propaganda.

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Well he better get in line bc Psycho Gov Inslee in WA truly believes he's gunning for higher office. As if one failed attempt at pres wasn't enough... he's bragging on low covid death rates a id he really had anything to do with the fact that we don't have alot of old people here.. so so gross

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Ah, yes...attempt to kill off all future constituents. That'll be sure to help get her there...

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It's ok of the majority of people in MI die. They have Cheat by Voting perfected, so she'll be elected. No matter what.

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And Canada.

#holdtheline 🇨🇦

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Just boosters !

and just lead arsenate in your Cheerios ?

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Link please

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Thank you and also for all your hard work.

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Trouble with the govt guide is that it normalises the whole vaccination thing. People over 50 will get their invite along with their flu jab invite and assume it's as safe as houses. People don't read the bit about side effects - why would they when their doctor's surgery sends them an invite for a jab? So the Covid jabs just drift into the normal jabbing of people who are happy to be jabbed (of which there are many). All the old people I know are happy to be jabbed or take tablets for absolutely anything - doesn't cost them anything and they trust their doctor.

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Not the old people I know, of which I am one. None of us want the jab nor trust doctors.

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I'm moving into the old person bracket and I wouldn't dream of getting jabbed with anything or taking any prescribed medication unless I had done my research first! But the old folks (and many not so old) just seem to enjoy having a "condition" and popping pills for it. They often say the flu jab doesn't seem to work and generally gives them flu but they still take it. They totally believe the NHS and Chris Whitty etc have their best interests at heart. They even think Pfizer does! They were easy to scare, wore masks and visors, sanitised their shopping, refused to see their kids and grandkids. They think I'm wacky or kooky! They seem to have moved on from the fear - they've been jabbed so, although they have all had covid several times (not to mention shingles) they believe they are safe from hospitalization and death. Fingers crossed they don't get their masks back out this winter! (and I know the jabs aren't vaccines in any way at all!)

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Old people do not necessarily become wise with age!

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I know exactly what you mean...they trust everything their Dr says or prescribes. Not every older person I know--but the majority, do.

They won't look into alternative treatments or naturopath Drs either. Only what their Dr tells them without question.

It makes me sick because they only get worse it seems to me

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You and your friends are in the minority. At least in Canada, where fear and mass formation psychosis is still prevalent.

Older folks are targeted, daily, on television, by the mainstream media here.

Everyone younger, at the very least has access to alternative data, albeit censored.

My mother is 90 and still only uses a landline. No internet...

Watches fearporn news and the weather channel 14 hours per day.

She hasn't left the property since March of 2020 except for medical reasons...

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Wow. How sad. I can't imagine. I try to keep up with what's happening in the world. I have so many interests and read a lot of books on many varied topics hoping to keep sharp and active. Most of the folks in my community do the same. But then, at 74, I am much younger than your mother. I just pray I will still have all my marbles and critical thinking skills when I am your mothers age, if I live that long.

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Calling it a jab or a vaccine is exactly what Pfizer, Moderna, CDC, FDA, NIH, etc. are doing in their cunning propaganda.

If you make an effort to understand the mechanism, you will understand that it is gene therapy itself.

Let's call it gene therapy from now on.

With this, the general public will start to worry to some extent.

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I won't use "therapy" though, gene modification perhaps, even if it is only temporarily.

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But, when you're in the world of Genetic Code modification-- it AIN'T Temporary!!!....

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In my area of the South US most of the older people get annual flu or pneumonia shots, shingle shots, etc.. My parents always have, but I never have.

The last time I took a flu shot was in 1993. I came down with double pneumonia a few days after. Never again..

I don't think that many people in my small town got covid shots. My whole family did, but I don't think the younger people did.

When this new bi-valent shot came out, my mom called all the drug stores to see if any of them had it in yet (she has a death wish sadly).. Surprisingly, none of the pharmacies had it.

They all said they didn't know when-- or IF they'd have it anytime soon because no one was asking for the covid shots much.

My mom wouldn't rest until she found a place that had them, and went to a health department to get it. She's had #5 of these mrna shots now. Very, very sad..

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"the combination vaccines include a half-dose of the previous vaccine combined with a half-dose of a vaccine against the Omicron variant." from the UK gov site.

Are they mixing it up in the back room?

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It's an attempt to muddy things up so no one can track the damage they're doing with shots.

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It’s interesting on this Uk guide to booster they don’t list death as a side effect!! Also they still recommend getting a shot even after getting sick with covid but wait 4 weeks. Haven’t we got enough info on natural immunity at this point that they should be saying don’t get it if you had covid?

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From guide:

"If you have not yet had either of your first 2 doses of the vaccine (or a third dose for those with a weakened immune system) you should have them as soon as possible."

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yes but in reality, anyone who wants to have been vaccinated will have been vaccinated by now. This winter will just be boosters.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I guess they are back to the original plan of killing just old people

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Then they don't need to keep paying out social security/medicare, etc. There aren't enough people to pay in anymore to support all the boomers.

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US-UK were culling >65 before the Scamdemic

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I am a boomer and am actually supporting myself with all the many years I was forced to pay into Medicare and the ponzi scheme called Social Security. Do you think I wanted to pay into it? I would have much rather invested my own money instead of the government squandering it. But since I was forced to I will now gladly take my monthly check. I would suggest you start saving as much as you can. You're going to need it.

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Maybe they're feeling really good about hyperthermia and starvation culling this masses this winter?

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Well...thry got a good start on all the other age ranges. Now to just settle in and wait. 😡

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They are killing "useless eaters" who live on government subsidies, government pensions, and who require, and use, the "free medical system" in Canada, far in excess of young people.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I, for one, don't have a gnat memory. I remember the scare. I remember them telling us it would STOP covid in its tracks.

No amount of lying (NOW) can redress their intentional harm shots.

They all need to hang.

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They absolutely did say that, despite the studies, few as they were, which said no such thing

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They sure did. Just before the summer break, I played over 20 videos of heath and political officials saying the vaccine would stop covid, that you would not get it nor spread it if you got the shot to my class of medical students. They were shocked.

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What planet have they been living on?! That’s EXACTLY what all the health officials said. AND the former vice president of the US, Mr. Biden.

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Japan. In their defense, there are plenty of Stateside folk that have tried to convince me that they always were only mitigation measures. Talk about gaslighting.

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Make sure you download them. You don't want to lose them. They are scrubbing the net

as we speak.

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That would be a wonderful companion to the compilation video of Fauxi spouting efficacy stats that are decreasing with each pronouncement

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I do not know how make a compilation of videos. I found a lot of such videos on YouTube, saved them and then changed the file names to the number in which order I wanted to show them under the different categories. Still have them saved, along with ones I could not use due to time constraints. Not sure how to save the list and post it, but am willing to try with guidance if anyone is interested in these.

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For your collection / Softball Pfizer Vaccine Rollout Interview Goes Horribly Wrong https://youtu.be/LMAZJtOdYNI

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While I have seen at least some of the documents featured, I obviously have had time to view the entire video, I had not seen this video. Thanks!!

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What happened to the video where his neck moved like a lizard??? I mean, it was freaky!!

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Oh please! Download first from Youtube. Or make a list if you can of the file names if they are still on youtube, and maybe Igor will let you post to his stack, so we can all try and keep them. They will be scrubbed if they are not already...

BTW if you have the file names (not the numbers) and have them saved already, that would be great...what is that thing people use? Oh yes , dropbox or a google document?

Anyone with a better suggestion? (I am sure you could also upload them to Bitchute or rumble with no problem too and tell us what name you use?)

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I have them all “downloaded” but to my YouTube account. I do not know how to save them to a device. I test saved one video to Dropbox. It is only a link back to YouTube.

I know how to copy and paste the embed codes for YouTube videos, but I believe these too are just path ways back to YouTube. If any one knows how to save these to a device, please let me know.

I just took screen shots of the videos as listed on YouTube. Not surprisingly, at least one has already been deleted, but not many…yet.

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Peter Doshi BMJ wrote an opinion piece in the nytimes Sept 2020.


"Pfizer, AZ, Moderna vaccine's benchmark for success was if it lowered the risk of mild Covid-19, but was never shown to reduce moderate or severe forms of the disease, or the risk of hospitalization, admissions to the intensive care unit or death."


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There's another man who is a quiet hero.

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Eric Topol! Guess they paid him off after that and he took it. Doshi is principled.

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And yet when I told this to someone-- a RINO for the record-- he was very quiet and said "I believe you, but I don't remember them saying that it would stop C0VID." And I believe he was being honest. I think it's a mental block with some people.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm over 50 (living in the USA) and there's no circumstance where I want that poison. I had the bug and got over it like any other cold/flu. No big deal. Certainly not worth the risks of the experimental poison. Funny how the narrative is now talking about "offer", "offering", "offered". Just an offering not like it was presented as a life-destroying mandate or anything like that. No, just a suggestion and an opportunity. 🙄

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Just another 'phase' of this ongoing physiological op (gaslighting). Rockefeller Foundation is spending million$ studying how to Nudge people to get the jabs.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"The purpose of vaccination is NOT to prevent infection with COVID-19..."

The entire justification for giving these to people who were never at risk from covid was to "protect others" by stopping the spread.

So what this statement really means is "we are stopping vaccination because this product does not stop infection or spread, unlike all other vaccines."

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Actually, not ALL “other” vaxxxcenes are so great either - but, that’s a deep dive for another day ;)

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Indeed, but stopping infection is the pre-2020 definition of the word "vaccine".

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Just change the established meanings of "pandemic, vaccine, herd immunity, recession, etc."


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Good point

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Just finished reading Dissolving Illusions😬😬

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

There is nothing new about this. The same thing happened with the original 'vaccines'.

"As vaccination failed to afford the protection originally guaranteed, various explanations were devised to enable those who had talked too loftily to eat humble pie with­out painful observation. One of the commonest excuses was that if vaccination did not prevent smallpox it made it milder; and inasmuch as no one knew, or could know, how severe any attack of smallpox would have been with­out vaccination, it was an assertion as indisputable as the reverse—namely, that vaccination not only made small­pox severer, but frequently induced the disease. "


'Vaccination' was an offshoot of 'variolation' where the idea was to 'infect' people at a convenient time i.e. the oppositie of administering a 'vaccine' to the elderly or those in hospital:

"Vaccination was the successor of Inoculation (or, more precisely, Variolation), entering into a possession already acquired in the human mind.

It had been observed from of old that some forms of disease rarely recur in the same person in a lifetime; and thus when scarlet fever, or measles, or smallpox broke out in a family, it was considered prudent to let the dis­ease have its course, and thereby obtain immunity from fear of future infection.

It was this confidence, that smallpox once undergone was finally disposed of, that was the justification of the practice of inoculating the disease when introduced from the East in the first quarter of last century. Inasmuch, it was argued, as none can have smallpox more than once, why not induce it artificially, and pass through the illness at a convenient season ? But Nature, though com­pliant, does not always accept the course we ingeniously prescribe for her. Smallpox as naturally developed (so to speak) is a crisis of impurity in the blood, and if the requisite conditions are absent, it cannot be adequately exited. Hence variolation was an uncertain and hazardous operation. It took with some and was indistinguishable from an attack of ordinary smallpox; it took partially, or not at all with others; and the operation was frequently followed by malaise, disorders of the skin, and grave constitutional derangements. Nor were the variolated secure from smallpox. They occasionally had smallpox with their neighbours, and then it was said, "There must have been some mistake about the "inoculation; for it is impossible that anyone can be successfully inoculated and have smallpox." Further, the variolated, while labouring under the induced malady, conveyed the disease to their attendants and visitors; and thus smallpox was propagated by the means intended to avert it.


At the close of last century, variolation had become the custom of the upper and middle classes of England. The trouble and the peril were disliked, but were accepted in the name of duty. The variolation of their children was an anxiety that weighed like lead on the hearts of affectionate parents; and glad and grateful they were when the operation was accomplished without serious mishap. Patients designed for variolation were dieted, purged, and bled; and smallpox from sufferers of sound constitution was diligently inquired for. Mild smallpox was in great demand and was propagated from arm to arm. "


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Many people question "the purpose of (the COVID) vaccination." William Whitten posted an article on September 11, 2022 from Odysee.com: The article showed strange geometric structures that grow inside the "vaccine" which some believe are causing illness and others believe are the first steps towards transhumanism.

On September 14, any attempt to find these pictures or any article alleging there is something wrong with the vax is rewarded with page after page of articles by the FDA and the CDC.

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As the carrier evaporates something precipitates as crystalline structures. They would say, I guess, that once injected the component can't saturate and deposit, though I suspect the ph of the receiving tissue could exacerbate crystallization. It requires study and I think some labs are conducting it. Maybe some day we will know the full truth.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well, the notice does recommend that relatives of ‘at risk’ people get the vaccine. So the Danish authorities are clearly still - oddly, given the evidence otherwise- working on the basis that the vaccines prevent infection and/or transmission.

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After saying in the first paragraph that they do NOT prevent transmission

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's always been a grandeur wish-fulfillment to "bring peace on earth" without any clue of what really ails humanity. No internal self-sacrifice, but one forced on by the tyrants.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The jabs kill you before you can get "infected or transmit," so they're "akshually" not wrong."

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor - thank you for your articles! Blessings to you & yours

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think we would all say that the information that we are already familiar with is more than enough to drive this decision.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

In "Who will be offered vaccination against covid-19?", I note the following: "In addition, we recommend that relatives of persons at particularly higher risk accept the offer of vaccination TO PROTECT THEIR RELATIVES WHO ARE AT PARTICULARLY HIGHER RISK."

Thus, the idea that getting vaccinated prevents you from spreading the disease to your at-risk relatives is still not completely dead.

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After they state that the vaccine does not protect against transmission.

Turn up the gas lights again.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I always felt that all the scandanavian countries knew the scam from day one. But, historically they are nations of six million or less surrounded by Germany, Russia, and now primarily the USA.

They know they have to do what is politically viable. They know the US military/industrial complex function as one unit, and open non compliance usually means a group of commandos do regime change-recently in Haiti, and Burundi, and historically a long list of Latin American countries, the Phillipines, etc. There is really only one country that has that kind of military, and it is the USA. In addition if any other third party nation attempted regime change, they know they would be bombed into smithereens by…the USA. So Scandanavia followed what they knew to be baloney to

try to get this finished. Now they are changing because CDC has signaled the direction, and possibly because they see that if they keep vaccinating rather than their already low populations will be down to…?

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The Scandinavian countries did not know the scam from day one. Norway bought into it completely until they noticed that their older folk were dying off as soon as they got the shots...they slowly woke up to the truth and backed off the shots but not till after a lot of damage was done. Sweden may have got it right at the beginning but once the shots came out they bought into that hook, line, and sinker! We may not have masked here like other countries but I'm actually seeing more people with masks on now then I was even a year ago!

They were giving out the shots like candy to kids at the High Schools and you didn't even need to have your parents with you to receive them. They are still pushing them in the ads at the grocery stores and in the newspapers...I don't watch TV here so I can't say if they are pushing them there as well. They did say that they were not allowing them for kids younger than 12 though at least just a few weeks ago...

The irony is, they must've known that the shots could be deadly b/c they told any teenager receiving the shot that they needed to wait a week after receiving the shot to resume any athletic activity that they were participating in...

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To combine what Joe is saying here (< 6 million population) with what Igor asks, "Just curious: does Denmark have some information about these boosters that it is not sharing with us, that made it decide against vaccinating and boosting young people?"

One crucial difference in government policy decisions may be,

that Denmark actually likes its people and wants them to stay alive. According to Wikipedia, current population is 5.9 million, 86% of which are not recent immigrants. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Denmark). The number of ethnic Danes is smaller than half of the population of Los Angeles, and they already have one of the world's lowest birth rates. Combine this with generally being on their best behavior and being needed to pay into the socialist retirement fund.

Another difference in government policy decisions is that Denmark actually has a functional government -- [has information / applies it wisely].

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Only one power stands in the way of the USA's global takeover plans--and yes that is Russia, a nationalist, non globalist country whom Obama went on the subtle rampage to destroy because Putin did not believe in the primacy of homosexuality.

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Good post, thanks. We have identified so many inconsistencies and lies we get lost in them. Thankfully there are those who can keep a clear head and continue to identify them.

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The Danish health authority have accepted the truth. This is the way to have sensible policy without admitting mistakes.

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Far from accepting the truth, they have just represented the lie to accommodate the data.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

this higher risk thing seems to be backwards, unless you are trying to kill these groups off

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