Igor Thank you for all the effort, skill, knowledge, attention to detail you put into every single article you publish. Your thinking & consistency in adhering to the principles of critical thinking as well as clarity in which you present and approach the themes you cover is exemplary. Your work is perfect in so many ways and should be used to teach critical thinking & Big Data Analysis in schools and/or on the job learning. Public Service in Australia, every policy department is lacking adequate Data Analysis skills. Thank you for the outstanding articles that are well researched, analysed, presented, easy to understand and accessible.

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Ah, thanks, it takes a lot of work too and I edit and re-edit things endlessly -- still leaving stupid mistakes from time to time, of course. I also drop a lot of ideas if they do not feel right or true. I appreciate your compliment.

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The effort shows. It sticks. Do not worry about leaving stupid mistakes from time to time. We all do.

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There were multiple mouse-adapted (gain of function) studies, not just MA10. All of them used either pre-B.1.1 isolates or in the UNC case, a house-grown clone of the Wuhan strain, and none of them "reproduced" the B.1 mutation signature (including D614G). That includes MA / MA10 (the latter is the subject of the patent, see the mutation list in Fig 1 of https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7510428/ - no D614G).

So if Omicron (BA.1 / BA.2) has the B.1 mutation signature, it didn't come from any published mouse study. This was extensively considered in my own review of the evidence. It had to be from a non-published lab "experiment" (i.e. intentional gain of function using a B.1 template) https://unglossed.substack.com/p/omicron-origins-part-2

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This is absolutely possible -- that someone else retraced Baric's steps with a different starting point.

Maybe even without permission of the patent holder!

Let me know if you find any mistakes in my article, thanks

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I'm not aware of anyone besides Baric's team that works with home-grown, from-scratch SARS clones. But this element isn't really important in the results.

Like I said there are plenty of other published mouse serial passage papers, including one from U of Iowa in 2021 that pre-edited a N501Y mutation, which is one Omicron actually has (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8077574/ ). But once again this was a pre-B.1 isolate and did not include the B.1 mutation signature, and so is not the origin of Omicron. So anyway the description that "UNC the only organization with a legal monopoly on creating murine/human variants of Sars-Cov-2" isn't correct. The patent is just for the assemblage of cDNA that now clones for MA10. Anyone can still purchase an early-2020 isolate and put it into some mice to make their own mouse-SARS.

Additionally, I'm not clear how the Washington isolate that you discuss ties into Baric's teams' work.

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They mention this specific isolate in the Nature article. I will somewhat re-word my patent related verbiage. But a patent exists for a reason, to create a legal monopoly on what is in the patent.

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Ok, now I see where it comes in. This was the sequence fed into their spike / ACE2 interaction modeler. But the virus, as far as I can tell from the text, was a home grown clone spliced together from gene segments. Maybe from the same sequence; it's impossible to be sure because all they say is "from an infectious clone" and then cite their own previous methods for MERS - so who knows what the source sequence for this clone was.

B.1 doesn't appear outside of a single sequence in China until February 20 in Italy.

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Their wording about "sars-2, Sars and MERS" linguistically sounds like they created all three, but I am sure that it is unintended, so I did not press on it.

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The thing is though, in reality Baric's team did create those three viruses.

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Baric mentioned to an interviewer not too long ago that anything developed in his labs has a unique genetic signature added. It sure would be good to know what that is.

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time to reign in the egos in science, who are only interested in stroking their egos with Frankenstein experiments with all humans paying Billions in costs and millions loses their lives

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I red this post and spent time on reading the transcriptions but it looks that Baric the serial killer or just the criminal gang hand, started in 1999 to play with bio weapons, and it looks that David Martin 9 months ago got all the dots together thanks to his corporate knowledge and data. He's not a biologist or a virus expert but he follows the money...


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Baric is as dirty as Fauci, Gates, Soros, Klaus, Yuval ,Wyss on and on

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Mar 30, 2022
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The fact these psychopaths aren’t hanging w heads on pikes……

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“The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,

Gang aft agley.

An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,

For promis'd joy!

― Robert Burns, Collected Poems of Robert Burns

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Jolly good indeed. Grief, pain and fear. Our story together now takes an even darker turn...

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Also, what adds another dimension to your articles is that you do make a Point. You create Meaning. Anything can be analysed into the oblivion without any meaningful purpose/outcome. The way you scope your articles is meaningful. It empowers the understanding in ways that matter, not just for the individuals reading them but to the society & scientific community as well.

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Apparently the Intelligence State Ruling America already started WWIII…

…first major attack was a bioweapon

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WW3 was kicked off at the very first Bilderberg meeting in 1954, themed "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars". There is an interesting document that has been leaked on the internet, perhaps on purpose because it has been there for a long time. One quote:

"Welcome Aboard

This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the "Quiet

War", being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with "silent weapons".

This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its


May 1979 #74-1120"


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“Now listen, we need to be quiet as mice. No, quieter than that. As quiet as . . . as . . .”

“Dead mice?” Reynie suggested.

“Perfect,” said Kate with an approving nod. “As quiet as dead mice.”

― Trenton Lee Stewart, The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma

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Why is this man not in prison let alone still doing GOF experiments in a lab?

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Let's not get judgmental too quick, it is time to ask questions, not to pass hard judgments

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Igor have you seen the ProPublica article “Near misses at UNC”.? Basically, between 2014-16 they had 5 or 6 researchers exposed to SARS like coVs either via infected mice or accidents when cleaning out their cages. Funny thing is UNC/CDC/NIH won’t comment on what specific viruses were involved.

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very interesting

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He was definitely involved in precursor GOF experiments. We have been asking questions for two years. The scientists involved have lied and covered up their complicity and still remain on the world stage as experts and heroes. I am OK with asking questions as long AS IT IS IN FRONT OF A JURY.

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He's doing us a favour?

Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/320d09cb-8f51-4103-87d7-0dd164e1fd25

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Let me get this straight. Without question, they've continued gain-of-function research on covid even during the pandemic and have likely produced a 'contagious vaccine'. I'm neither ' skilled in the art' or have the time at the moment to delve deeper, but this paper lists which persons did what...https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7510428/

"S.R.L. and K.H.D. designed and conducted in vitro and animal experiments, analyzed data, generated figures, and wrote the manuscript. A.S. conducted in vitro and animal experiments and edited the manuscript. L.V.T. conducted in vitro experiments and neutralization assays and analyzed data. C.E.E. generated VRP vaccine and conducted in vitro experiments. K.O. conducted in vitro experiments and imaged and analyzed data. Y.J.H. and E.J.F. conducted in vitro experiments. W.S. performed and analyzed sequencing. S.A.M. imaged and analyzed histology. A.W., K.L.G., and A.J.B. assisted with animal experiments. T.S. assisted with in vitro experiments. T.P.S. wrote manuscript. L.E.G. conducted animal experiments and edited manuscript. N.J.M. analyzed data. R.C.B. analyzed data and edited the manuscript. R.S.B. supervised the project, assisted in experimental design, and wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the manuscript." Each of these persons, full names at the top of the article, need to be approached for comment.

And the funding, including NIH and NAID..."This project was supported by the North Carolina Policy Collaboratory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with funding from the North Carolina Coronavirus Relief Fund established and appropriated by the North Carolina General Assembly. Animal histopathology service was performed by Dawud Hilliard, Lily Wai, Ling Wang, and Mia Evangelista in the Animal Histopathology and Laboratory Medicine Core at the University of North Carolina, which is supported in part by an NCI Center Core Support Grant (5P30CA016086-41) to the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. This project was funded in part by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services award 1U19 AI142759 (Antiviral Drug Discovery and Development Center awarded to R.S.B), 5R01AI132178 (partnership grant awarded to T.P.S. and R.S.B), AI100625, and AI108197 to R.S.B. as well as an animal models contract from the NIH (HHSN272201700036I 75N93020F00001) and U54CA260543 sponsored by NCI. K.H.D. was funded by T32AI142759."

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Who knows what kind of experiments Baric is doing on MERS as we type. Freaky.

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To further support your post.

It didn’t just pop out of the WuHan lab. This has been a deadly evil plan long in the making……. It is a RICO case …


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NOT TRUE! "any such murine SARS-Cov-2 work done legally ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, would need to have UNC’s permission due to patent protection". US patent protection only applies in the US. A researcher in Ukraine, Canada, China, or anywhere else could practice their evil free of any constraints. The US patent only applies if they attempted to produce, sell or use their virus in the United States.

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You might be right, I am not a patent lawyer, I edited my article to avoid making this point

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I smell a rat

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I smell a mouse

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