As a health care provider seeing new "long hauler" patients to the tune of 2 to 4 new patients every month, I'd be hard pressed to question that it exists.
In my 20 years as a primary care physician, I've rarely seen folks come to harm after the flu/colds. Not saying never, but definitely more on the rare side.
Since the pandemic however, I've been seeing a regular population of patients - some who never tested positive for the rona, but most that did. They all share many similar symptoms - the most common being brain fog and fatigue/exhaustion.
Personally, I'm going to trust my patients over any study such as this. Remember, the conventional medical establishment has a LOOONG history of gas lighting all sorts of health complaints, notably chronic fatigue/fibroymalgia, vax injuries and the like.
I also have some issues with the study. Firstly, using using the pcr covid test to stratify who had covid and who didn't does not inspire confidence ( I can’t find any mention of what they used for testing, but I’m assuming it’s the PCR). That's putting far too much faith in the PCR for my taste. In addition, NOT including jab status is another clear confounder. Finally, the conflicts of interest stated in the study are quite significant and numerous.
I am NOT a study design expert, but I'd say they would do better to have the study done with folks who have zero conflict of interest, stratify the groups better including jab status as a variable, and lastly either use antibody testing, T cell testing or some other more definitive testing to separate the covid positive from the negative.
Call me a quack, but I tend to side with my patients. This study, for the reasons above, don't really change my take on long haulers to any great degree. My responsibility to my patients is still such that they need to be taken seriously, treated effectively & supported regardless of "official" opinions.
Many of the long haulers I've treated are patients I've been seeing for years. They are NOT malingers or given to hyperbole - their suffering is real. None the less, I'm not going to jump up on a pedestal and say I know they are or are not suffering sequelae from having had covid - that's more a moot point.
The main point is these patients DEFINITELY exist, are NOT rare, and deserve to be taken seriously and get effective treatment.
Thankfully, the spike injured CAN definitely recover. This is true for both camps; the covid injured and the jab injured.
The covid injured (long haulers) definitely tend to recover quicker. They also on the whole have less symptoms and tend to be markedly less gravely harmed. I'm definitely seeing more jab injured be full on disabled. In addition, they tend to have a stunning array of brandy new very bad symptoms.
The jab injured also recover, but it's slower - especially in the jab disabled folks. On the whole, I'm glad someone is studying these folks. But we really need to be vigorously studying both cohorts (covid AND the jab injured).
The other issue is I'm seeing some patients who appear to be suffering from both. Also there are no shortage of "mystery" patients who it's pretty near impossible to determine an etiology. Some you can’t tell if their often bizarre and brand new symptoms are from the jab, the infection itself, a combo of both, or some other entirely unrelated etiology.
In addition, it's WAY more important to do studies that stratify what treatments are getting good replicable outcomes with both groups of patients. This is a WAY more important need - getting them help. To my mind, our job as providers is to provide answers for sure, not get caught in trying to decide if our patients issues are real. More important by far, is to provide relief - and really full on recovery is the goal. That's my priority, and I hope the research community will begin to simply focus on what works to help these folks.
It's intersting that you mention patients who are suffering long term consequences from both COVID and vaccination. I only know of two long COVID sufferers in my circles, one who experienced hair loss and took time to get her breath back and one who, as stated above, suffered from both COVID and the jab. The latter sufferer contracted COVID in early 2020 and ended up with MCAS, a life-changing affliction. Doctors gaslit her for the longest time. Then, in early 2021, still suffering from MCAS, she got her 1st Pfizer jab. She immediately went into anaphylactic shock and the EMTs that arrived on scene had to administer three epipens to stabilize her. She then lost the use of her limbs for several weeks and her MCAS symptoms got worse. She was interviewed by Public Health Canada and her case was recorded but she received no special care. Strangely, her doctor decided she should have her 2nd dose, albeit split in two. Each time she felt terrible after. To this day, she suffers from MCAS and is hypersensitive to an ever increasing list of triggers. Sadly, there seems to be no real recourse for MCAS, which is devastating for a person whose health was previously near amateur athlete status (antihistamines help). So it seems both COVID and the jab can do a number on people. It would be helpful to understand the mechanism of action.
I know someone who got the jab, was immediately hospitalized for 4-5 days, and later got the 2nd shot on the advice of his doctor.
It’s bizarre to me that someone who got so sick from the first shot would allow himself to be jabbed a second time...... and that a doctor would encourage it.
I sometimes wonder if there is a mechanism for mind control in the shots.
Not totally silly. Everyone I know (and I mean everyone) who got the jabs had some kind major side effect, ranging from autoimmune, suppressed immunity, difficulty breathing, heart attack (3 people I know), stroke, shingles, bell's palsy, rapid onset cancer (3 neighbors dead), neuropathy, rapid onset alzheimer's (2 family), severe syncope, thyroid inflammation, infertility (zero sperm count), the list goes on and on. I have seen it all and I don't have a wide net of friends. The craziest part is that nearly all of these people went on to get all their boosters (5) and then vaccinated their babies.
from those that told me only 3 had serious side effects. But I have now an uncle dead at 74 from stroke, and dad has his second severe cold (?) in a year. The first lasted 5 weeks. This one he caught in hospital after a bad fall. He hadn't had a cold in at least 15 years. Several had covid right after the injection. Dad had 5 jabs so far, I don't know about the rest. No one tells me anymore.
The easiest explanation (apart from my more crazy ones) I can give is that they are so convinced that catching covid (or catching it again if they’ve had it) is simply so awful that it must be avoided at any cost. Therefore, any symptom from the jab, however, awful, pales in comparison. I have simply given up trying to understand them but the bit about them still jabbing their babies really shocks.
What I didn’t include in my post was that I know at least 5 other probable vax injured, one with cancer in remission (and a clear cat scan in 2019) who was diagnosed with two brain tumors a few months ago. He had surgery, came home for a few day, and had to go back in for multiple blood clots. He got home a few days ago.
I’ve been baffled as to the reasoning behind ANY physician INSISTING their patient get a shot that previously caused an anaphylactic reaction. This has never happened before in my recollection except in a long term de-sensitization therapy. In fact you can be accused of murder for giving a peanut allergic child a treat with nuts or sued if you dispense amoxicillin to a penicillin allergic patient so why in gods name would a DOCTOR think it’s a good idea to give a patient with hx of anaphylactic reaction to a shot another shot? Or refuse to give them an exemption? I’ve had a patient who had thrombosis post first shot come in and want the second (I happened to still be there I leave before the “shooting” starts thank god) and when I said no way they insisted saying their cardiologist has “cleared” them to get it and they want it. 🤷♀️. I told the pharmacist who would be giving it to call that person’s doctor first or risk a potential law suit but doubt it happened.
Good for you for knowing this foundation and sticking to it. If you haven't done so already, I would be happy to see you get back in there so that you're in a position to protect people and observe what's going on.
I read the official health agency rules for contraindications for these shots before they were launched: There were no contraindications. Every substance has contraindications. Even Ibuprofen and grapefruit juice have contraindications. The gov guidelines, written before this totally experimental substance was even launched, explicitly covered groups of patients who should have had exemptions and said they were not exempt. If patients had a known anaphylactic reaction to one of the ingredients in the past, they were expected to travel to one of very very few allergy specialist departments (and for anyone who has had to find and wait on a specialist appointment, you know what this means), be tested in the presence of one of those specialists to confirm their reaction. However then Boston put out a paper saying that most anaphylactic reactions resolved within 15 minutes, so just give it to the people and watch it happen....
Yeah never in life has that been an acceptable answer. The only exception I could even come up with was the allergy de-sensitization scenario or maybe if an allergy to a life saving drug giving pre-therapy course of steroid and Benadryl over a 12 h before tx (eg allergy to contrast dye but need the dye for serious issue) but even these simple steps weren’t offered---just get in there and get your shot we have a crash cart standing by! What a great idea sign me up! As for contraindications allergy to any excipients is ALWAYS a contraindication---UNLESS of course it’s to anything found in this particular vaccine then oops! Sorry! You’ll be fine. It’s for the greater good! Don’t wanna kill grandma (before we get a chance to inject her first!).
I'll add to AJ's mention with a couple studies that give us pictures to see what's going on. If you follow the studies and know cell biology, it is clear that longterm effects of Covid-with-Spike and Spike-without-Covid are an issue:
1. "Pulmonary Dysfunction after Pediatric COVID-19." This looks at the lungs of children, the most resilient of humans, 1 year after "recovering" from Covid, and finds that massive regions are failing to function in oxygen delivery. (Here's our answer for why RSV is such a problem now: both conditions melt lung cells together into globs [syncytia, as in Respiratory Syncytial Virus], and anyone with previously damaged lungs has less capacity to make it through the next normal sickness).
2. "Highly Efficient SARS-CoV-2 Infection of Human Cardiomyocytes: Spike Protein-Mediated Cell Fusion and Its Inhibition." Fig 4 is especially nice - it shows heart cells covered in the spike protein. They show how Spike basically makes groups of cells melt together, thus losing function.
This is one of many studies that is coming out using only the Spike, not the whole Sars-Cov-2 to do its tests. What does that tell us? The shots are based on Spike - therefore these studies are valid to the pathogenic sequences in spike-via-shot and spike-via-covid.
Other readers have pointed out that a major flaw in this study that Igor covers, is not distinguishing between people post-covid and post-vax - both poisoned by Spike. What Igor didn't mention, is his previous articles talking about immune suppression and destruction of the immune system: it may be that the fewer symptoms reported by study participants who had Covid and probably also had the vax -- they might have broken immune systems, thus the chemical mediators that are responsible for chronic syndromes were fewer. Continue further down this spectrum until there's no more living cells and those people will have even fewer symptoms.
Here's a new mechanism for Long-Spike-Inflammation that Dr. Jesse Santiano (excellent blog you can sign up for) just covered, in a pre-print study by Krawczyk et al.. This applies to Igor's writings about HIV / VAIDS acquired immunodeficiency. It also echoes what many people here are pointing out - comparing "post-Covid" with "post-Flu" makes no sense without distinguishing Vaxxed vs. not. It also addresses a question that many of us ask - when is the Spike ever erased from the body?
mRNA has a "poly-A tail" ( A-A-A-A) that keeps it from being degraded for a presumed 'short' amount of time. The A's are supposed to get shorter with time, and when that tail is gone, the protein will be degraded by the cell. The vax's have ~100 A's.
Described by Dr. Santiano quoting them, this research team checked what happened after it's injected: "'To our surprise, a substantial fraction of mRNA-1273 reads had increased poly(A) length, reaching up to 150-200As.The mean poly(A) length returned to the initial ~100As 72 h after transfection.' The elongation was made possible by the polymerase enzyme TENT5A. Consequently, the mRNA does not get degraded and continues to provide transcripts to make more SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins. 'Cellular mRNA re-adenylation also happens in other cells and tissues, like the T helper one and T follicular helper cells, and follicular dendritic cells in the lymph nodes, where the mRNA goes.' ... The re-adenylation allows the macrophages containing TENT5A to process more antigens, increase the spike protein output, and further enhance the immune response."
Described simply, the A-A-A-A-A tail keeps the mRNA alive to produce Spike protein. Rather than getting shorter as should happen, the vax mRNA was seen growing a longer tail ......
Sorry for the late reply. Alex Jones had first mentioned it back in March 2021. At the time, I didn't believe it either but after some online searches, I did find a vaccine handout from the CT dept of health and it actually did list impending doom as a possible side effect.
Less than one week later, Rochelle Walensky gives her 'impending doom' speech and after that, I couldn't find it again since all the search engines listed her speech instead. I also did not bookmark it or have my history turned on.
That is how Eric Clapton fared, too. The first jab made him sick for a few days. He had taken it because his doctor urged him. Then he wanted to refuse a second but his doc told him the second would not cause this reaction. In fact, he ended up way worse, and thought he might never be able to paly guitar again. The above mentioned aunt who got the virus early on, got the jab and ended up very sick from it. (It goes beyond me why she risked that)
At least Clapton came up with a good song afterwards. I also believe his children played a part in his getting jabbed, so his rationality was under pressure.
I also know someone who was hospitalized with severe illness from covid in late 2020. As soon as they recovered enough to get out of the hospital their doctor insisted they had to get vaccinated. The first shot put them back into the hospital. Once they recovered enough to be released their doctor insisted they needed to get the second shot for full protection from "covid". After the second shot they were hospitalized a third time and are now permanently disabled, confined to a wheelchair, and have a multitude of chronic conditions. One can only repeat WTF at the stupidity of both patients and doctors in such cases.
but that trust is eroding- and fast. 99% of docs recommend the shots, but only 15- 20% of us have acquiesced to the boosters. Could there be a more blatant, in-your-face repudiation? The power and respect we have placed in doctors rests in their ability to heal us. How do they heal? By either cutting ( ie surgeons removing the offending pathology) or prescribing. When 80% of society tells the prescribers " we don't trust what you're recommending", medicine's power and status evaporates. They know and that's why they're frantic.
as they should be ! those that propagate jabs of any kind did not do their homework. It is known ever since vaccinations began that they don't work. Plenty of books about it. It is known how many side effects most drugs have. They better all start studying herbs and homeopathics and they are way behind me LOL. Been doing it for 40 years. Former doc first asked me what I already had tried ! (European docs were more open to alternatives than American ones)
I have wondered this as well - the bit about mind control. I have friends who present all the arguments against having the next booster, one of which is that they just don’t feel well each time, then duly turn up and get it. It seems as if the compunction to get it is just too strong for them to fight against. Knowing what I think of the powers that be, I wouldn’t put anything past them.
I also suffer from MCAS. I never took the jab, but I did get covid without worsening symptoms. In fact, there are treatments that can help to stabilize MCAS, although avoidance is always no. 1 an essential even with medications.
I too suffer MCAS, EHS, multiple food allergies, multiple chemical allergies in fact l am allergic to almost everything! This all started approximately 10 years ago when out walking with my dogs a “spray arm” swung over me - l was walking in a low footpath - doused me with Glyphosates. Killed one of my dogs immediately and almost me. Now, at the time l was living in a home with an air source heat pump. A Cell mast within half a mile and was using a WiFi hub. I went on to develop serious respiratory issues, extreme fatigue, a heart condition, unbearable aches and pains in joints, liver and kidney issues .. my neighbour who like myself, had been an extremely healthy person suddenly had multiple organ failure .. we were both hospitalised at the same time. We were out in side wards away from other patients and we were both told - “there is a bug going about and other significant factors which you may have been subjected to, you are going to have to learn to live with it, it’s not going away, we don’t think it would be useful to discuss this with other people in your neighbourhood”
This was shocking. However, this is what initiated me to start researching, researching and researching peer reviewed papers and anyone credible who was willing to “talk” The symptoms that l suffered were those of LONG COVID absolutely identical .. strangely, my symptoms were also symptomatic of radiation poisoning .. if you overlaid my symptoms onto the symptoms of Long Covid and then Radiation poisoning there was a perfect “fit” .. l have never been vaccinated but was treated on several occasions in hospital with Piperacillin Tazobactum, Magnesium Sulphate by IV and oxygen .. each time l became WELL! Then returning to my environment following a period of seven days l became bedridden again ..
What is my personal (and not scientific) opinion is that “an incident occurred” which left me with far reaching and long standing health issues. It is my personal belief that Long Covid is indeed a result of being exposed knowingly or unknowingly to a variety of factors .. l will park that there!
I have had chronic fatigue for 40+ years. I was slightly concerned that covid might set back the progress I have made. I had it very mildly (took the forbidden I drug) and no worsening of the fatigue/lack of stamina. I can just imagine how I would have felt if I’d allowed myself to be convinced to be jabbed in case covid might have worsened my CFS symptoms.
I had to Google to see what MCAS is - Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Then I remembered seeing a video in the last week or so on Tess Lawrie's substack about how people with existing MCAS may be the ones prone to adverse vax reactions and poor covid outcomes. Have you seen it?
I will check it out. In the case of my acquaintance, she had a clean bill of health her whole life and only developed MCAS after a bad bout of COVID. The shot then made the syndrome even worse.
I had a bad reaction to a flu shot about 2008, and I may have had some MCAS, many mystery symptoms and saw derm, neuro, rheum specialists. My DO had me take a test called an ALCAT, that identifies dietary, drug, and environmental sensitivities. I had so many positive that I had to completely revamp my diet. When I fully embraced these restrictions, my symptoms almost entirely disappeared within a week. It took a bit longer for all the erythema to disappear.
That’s interesting. My SIL got the covid vaccine and several months later came down with something that sounds similar to MCAS. She’s on antihistamines all the time now, and is never sure what her triggers are. I’m not sure if she was ever formally diagnosed (she won’t speak to us because of our unvaccinated status), but I’ve always wondered if it was related.
One can only speculate. Perhaps persistent long-term vaccinal spike production could have eventually triggered an autoimmune response leading to MCAS. I wouldn't be qualified to say but perhaps it is plausible. Sorry to hear that your SIL won't talk to you because of your vax status. I find it very very sad and, although we are all accountable for our own decisions, govt and media really helped stoke this senseless division. Hoping it will change in time for you and for all.
Coronavirus, any coronavirus, and hair loss? Funny that, discuss. Known causes of of hair loss: radiation; heavy metal poisoning (lead). What gives, then?
Good point about using vax status in the study. I am betting with the conflicts of interest that the study was funded to show that vaccinated don’t get long Covid. Would be good propaganda. But with a negative result they purged that data set. It’s so easy to collect this detail. Why was it omitted from the result? Smells like how they refused to test the 3000+ symptomatic people in the original Pfizer trial while everyone was tested for daily life. It’s like they didn’t want to show positive cases in the vax group. Anyone who read the sars1 vax development papers would have known that it would not have prevented transmission. Propaganda everywhere in science
You could be right. Seems like most of the pandemic, though, establishment has a pattern of just not asking questions they don't want to know the answer to.
reminds me of when my husband was working on a Masters degree in Nursing Science, and he said you can design clinical studies to predetermine any result you want. Part of peer review is to look at exactly those study designs. I fear even that has been corrupted politically.
A little something to think about. I do not think "long covid" is covid at all. I think it is damage from co-infection (like I had)....As an asthmatic child I had bacterial Pneumonia a couple of times and was hospitalized in an O2 tent. When I had Covid I tested positive and then a couple of days later I tested negative and was feeling fime. I was about to go back to work when bacterial Pneumonia hit me hard and I was out for almost two months (long covid?). They would not treat people for Pneumonia during covid, but they would gladly put you on a vent and pump in the remdesivir, I was in a very dangerous situation. A nebulizer and hydrogen peroxide probably saved my life.
I have a nebulizer and hydrogen peroxide (and povidone iodine) just in case. I hink covid will be a factor in long anything after covid but you are right that with immune system struggling other infections will gain a hold.
In my opinion, covid is not at all what is killing people. I think the co[infections are far worse. Untreated Pneumonia is the main killer, and if you treat Pneumonia with the covid protocols you will kill them. Why do you think they referred to it as covid pneumonia?
I didn't go to the Dr when I got pneumonia after having covid (assumed covid, but others sick same time had tested positive, I just never tested). I was afraid too, and my Dr I trusted retired in 2018. I had a RN friend who had just gone through what I went through, and she got help from a retired Dr. She passed on many of the meds, got new ones for me (things like budesonide, albuterol, prednisone) and I keep a "pharmacy" of other stuff here to treat humans and animals alike as needed (I always end up throwing more meds out than I use, but I look it like insurance, and just buy fresh to keep on hand just in case!), so I used my doxycycline for 10 days when my friend said my lungs sounded like I had pneumonia (plus I had sort of gotten better then got sicker and fever came back). So no Dr or hospital protocols messed me up, but my girlfriend did all this to help me stay out of the hospital, for fear of a bad outcome! I credit her with helping save my life... ivermectin is the other wonder drug that is still saving me!
That's worth more than 2 cents! It stuck me how often in the past post viral illness has been dismissed as minor or psychosomatic. Listen to the patient should be number 1 rule of diagnosis, you have my admiration. Now I guess we are gearing up for patented medications to treat whatever. However, my main gripe is that post viral illness is because the virus in its replication destroys cells, there is tissue damage in many places including brain I assume. Therefore, reducing the viral load of the infection is crucial: less virus, less damage, less illness. We know stuff that helps with this starting with immune response that needs vitamin D and magnesium (I take D3/K2/Mg to keep serum 25(OH)D at >50 ng/mL) and as soon as illness presents an antiviral, hydroxychloroquine + zinc, ivermectin etc - just those things that were suppressed. I have had scarcely a sniffle for many years after getting serum D right.
Good on you! I’m a believer on D3. Same here. My d serum level is consistently between 70 and 90. Been as high as 109 but I’m outside a lot in summer and supplement. Low carb, plenty of animal products and veg. No grains and exercise vigorously. I’m never sick. No flu shots. I have taken K with the D and been on quercitin since before CV. I got Covid right before the shots and it was a runny nose a few days plus taste and smell issues for awhile. I was 72 at the time. I work very hard at keeping healthy and active. From the beginning no way was I going to be a lab rat for anyone. Period. Lol.
Yep, near same here. I'm 73, your description of things could be mine! I thought things didn't add up from the very beginning, which is when I started reading my brains out. By the time the jabs were unleashed, I was a firm no!
I am a firm believer of Vit D too... but it didn't help me this time around... and wish I had ivermectin right away when I got sick, and HCQ, I did get it then, but damage had been done... I am keeping all those things in my medical "bag" for all future illnesses... and made sure my adult kids have it for their families! I think keeping the viral load down makes such a difference!
I keep some “paste” on hand. I wanted to order IVM from India but all I got was never ending spam. I’ll stick with the Tractor Supply brand. Lol. Hope you are fully well. all bodies are different. I wish my family would listen but they told me to shut up. Sad.
I would not do that... it's hard to get a perfect dose, no to mention you are absorbing/ingesting other chemicals other than ivermectin. I get mine from, very reliable. No spam.
I have some very detailed information on that. Millions have used this. I’ll take my chances. I have had no reason to use it as I had a slight cold Covid January 2021 before shots. And not a single sniffle nor even a headache since then. I’m 74. . And exceedingly vigilant on keeping my health with all the natural methods and supplements, lifestyle etc is very important for me—for decades. I was raised on a farm. I live rural. I’m not new to this rodeo. I’ve known the falsity of modern medicine for decades.
Cigars are usually easy to get. I am thinking of trying it but making an drink with 30 grams sounds a bit wild. Maybe I will try with 5 grams although even that seems a lot. I tried a pinch in my coffee and it seemed quite powerful. I suppose boiling is too hot.
Oh my D levels are great... I learned that 20 years ago that I was having low D levels, and since then I take 3,000-5,000 IU daily. When I was sick I was taking 10,000 IU.. didn't seem to make much difference. Though who knows how bad it would have been had I been deficient!
I'm going to throw out something that most people can't wrap their heads around in regards to vitamin D. Normal supplementation levels are good for minimizing effects of a virus, but they don't usually stop it dead in its' tracks. Years ago, in the old David Williams Alternatives health newsletter, he referenced a university study regarding vitamin D and the flu. It said that 50,000 units per day, for 1 to 3 days, taken at the first sign of flu, would greatly reduce symptoms. I supplement vitamin D at 10,000 units per day for nine months of the year. I still caught cold viruses until I started taking the 50,000 units booster, 1 to 3 days, at the first sign of a virus, For me, that's usually a tickle in the throat. It was the first thing I ever tried that would make it go away after a sign of it being present. It's been my magic bullet for over 10 years now. No colds, no flu, no covid. For the record, David Williams current recommendation for viruses is to bump vitamin D up to 1,000 units per pound of body weight, per day, for up to a week. I haven't had to go that high, but that's his advice on the topic. Most people have trouble with the thought of using that level, even for a short period. They're missing out on a good thing. Try it.
I tried supplement when I had a persistant cold and it didn't work. Bottle said to take 2000 iu but I think I tried more and it still didn't help. Sunbathing was what worked. Even in winter I find I get good effect. Uvb levels might be low on average but I am not concerned about average but my chosen time. UVB is measured on a flat surface but I am facing the sun so catch much more.
Thank you Tim. All diseases and all pharmaceuticals have side effects - long short and in-between. Covid the bioweapon disease leads to certain symptoms ranging from common cold to blood clots. The covid shots bioweapon leads to the same covid disease symptoms, PLUS a multitude of other symptoms from the toxic sludge. As you say, getting the covid disease bioweapon naturally, the body recovers easier with less grave symptoms. Continuing on with the covid shots bioweapon over and over, leads to a chemotherapy effect, where the body is slowly poisoned to death. The brain fog and fatigue/exhaustion are the main side effects of chemotherapy. It's important to remember that the covid shots bioweapons were invented as a "cancer treatment" to replace chemotherapy.
Great answer. I hope I find a doc like you in my new town. Agreed that long covid does exist. From everything I’ve heard and read, which is a lot from a ton of different sources, I believe the spike is what causes long Covid and it can affect different people in different ways. It seems to me that the vaccine-induced long covid is worse in most cases. FLCCC protocols seem to help a lot of LC sufferers.
I had a post viral episode that started at age 18 and lingered on for several years. It started with a mono-like illness that was prolly EBV. It took me into my 30s before I got back to full strength. At that point I decided to get in shape and lose about 30 lbs that I had accumulated during the post viral years. From about 35 to 60 were the best years for me health-wise.
At about 60 I came down with a virus that mimicked the original infection I had at 18. After lots of tests at MIT Medical and Mass General the conclusion was that I prolly had a re-activation of the EBV that I had as a teen. Some of my symptoms fit CFS and some don't. I do get PEM if I overdue the exercise. I am now 75 and relatively healthy. I take no prescription meds. When covid came along, my PCP advised me not to get the vax. We both felt that I already had autoimmune issues and did not want to take the risk. I've never had a flu shot either. BTW, my doc and his doctor wife are un-jabbed. Thank god I found this doc before covid. Living in the Free State of Florida is also a big plus.
Covid bioweapon shot side effects are worst because of the chemo effect. More shots, more side effects - cumulative effect of poison on the body. Why would anybody ask for the bioweapon covid spike protein over and over again in the shots? It boggles my mind.
If you are not following him yet, may I suggest Walter M Chesnut's substack? He is researching not only harms of the spike protein but also potential therapeutics. He has some very interesting theories.
RT-PCR is useless for the application because it could never tell you WHAT you had. RT-PCR only tells you the swab picked up a bit of RNA. Also, you can make anything positive with enough test cycles due the amplification doubling of the initial sample. HUGE difference between 25Ct and 40Ct.
Thank you for testifying. You are one to know because you are among patients. I only trust those doctors and nurses that kept taking care of patients, no matter what the govt said.
I have a boosted client with heavy head for months and she got better with natural therapy and their supplements, recovery plateaued so she came to us, we got her to do TCM acupuncture she cut out caffeine at the same time too, she was symptom free last week, will see how she is next time
May be of interest: I had covid-1984 last August (high summer; make of it what you will). For the whole month, I did not feel like drinking coffee at all.
I think the two key points here is the PCR test and the lack of who had taken the bio-weapon shots and who had not. We really don't have all the data needed to understand what this "long covid" actually is. We also need to account for human nature and all that might suggest.
I for one am not going to believe the folks that keep trying to put a bio-weapon shot in every arm.
As a doctor, would you recognize that lifestyle is important? Would you consider that the environment and lifestyles in the past 2.5 years were very different from the previous 20 years, so you can't make comparisons with your previous experience? Did you get many patients sick with post-flu symptoms in winter 2019-2020, when covid was already here but prior to the lockdowns? Do people now get more respiratory infections, so more people get complications after, statistically?
I have a hypothesis that the amount of misery and physical abuse imposed on people in the past 2.5 years hugely impacted their health. Including those "mystery" patients. Duh. "Most tested positive" means they bothered to perform the test worried about rona. Why would anyone bother to do this bs "testing" at all? People anxious about rona are prone to health-destructive behavior - constant worry, self-isolation, wearing masks and taking booster after booster. I don't know a single person who lived their life normally, didn't worry about covid and got complications after a respiratory infection of whatever kind. As a popular meme says "covid doesn't affect those who don't give sh1t".
I am an odd duck. Yes, I'm a licensed primary care physician in the state of Washington. However, I am NOT an MD. I'm licensed as a Naturopathic Physician. I'm really a double odd duck because of my chosen treatment modality; homeopathy. This is NOT a common specialty in Naturopathic Medicine.
The clinic I work for ( 2 acupuncturists, several body workers, a nutritionist & 7 Naturopathic docs. In this clinic, my practice has slowly filled with all manner of intractable diseases whereas now that is the majority of my patient base. This includes all manner of childhood issues - violent children/teenagers, nightmares, ADHD, Autistic spectrum, etc. I see many of the same issues in my adult patients but also they include folks with Panic attacks, depression, all manner of autoimmune disease etc.
Of late, my practice is beginning to slowly fill with the spike injured - both flavors + hybrids. I mean to say the long covid folks, the jab injured and folks that appear to be a combo of both. But I see a very broad array of chronic intractable complaints. To address virtually all these health complaints, I use an unusual form of homeopathy called Polarity Analysis. It is highly evidence based and particularly suited for a busy clinical practice. I typically see anywhere from 10 to 20 patients/day. A tiny number compared to a conventional doctor, but a relatively large number compared to many of my naturopathic colleagues.
I'm an odd duck because for an ND, I recommend close to zero supplements. In addition, though I do counsel patients on all manner of diet and lifestyle, that is not my most prominent intervention.
Diet and lifestyle are the bedrock of good healthcare in my opinion. However, unfortunately it's unrealistic to think that even the most strident diet and lifestyle, ketogenic, intermittent fasting magic cures all disease. Diet and lifestyle is a starting point, but in complex chronic disease, it is limited in it’s utility.
However, many of my spike injured for instance, are already doing ALL the supplements and diet and lifestyle quite well. Unfortunately, despite those interventions along with supplements and off label drugs, many spike injured continue to get worse. I believe this simply reflects the cellular toxicity induced by the spike.
In the spike injured I see, most are seeing steady recovery by adding in this unique form of homeopathy. I'm seeing this treatment regime help folks that have been resistant to all manner of conventional and alternative approaches.
In the next few months I'll be writing up some case studies to share with other providers. I sincerely hope that some day we begin to allocate appropriate funding to stratify which spike protein interventions are showing the best outcomes in the real world. Without such studies, we are largely flying blind.
I say this because heaps of spike injured patients are NOT responding - and certainly not nearing recovery - by many methods suggested on the internet. Of course, some are. But there are many I'm seeing now who have earnestly tried many of these interventions with little to show for it.
That's why I say we MUST have well designed large scaled studies to vet the best and most reliable treatment options. Given how frequent these patients are randomly showing up in my practice, I suspect there are likely millions of these patients. They deserve better than "management." They all deserve to fully recover. From what I'm seeing, this is possible for most.
I'll do my part in publishing case studies. However, I'm not a researcher, I'm a clinician. We need folks who are smart in developing good research protocols. Then we need funding. As individuals, we can only do so much. But if we work together, we can find approaches that are the most reliable in recovering our spike injured. They deserve it, we all deserve it.
Sorry for my overly long diatribe, I just wanted to chime in a bit about your great comment about diet and lifestyle - which plays a role for sure. I just wanted to add a bit of detail as to why I believe diet and lifestyle are simply not adequate for many of the spike injured. This is especially true for the spike disabled.
Of course, some have used fasting. It appears fasting and intermittent fasting serve as an adjunct in the healing process. But unfortunately, many are suffering from cachexia. This tends to be more the case in the jab disabled. In these patients fasting is inappropriate as it merely weakens them.
Again, fasting like diet and lifestyle can help, but for many, it's not enough. In my experience, many of the spike injured need treatments that direct the entire terrain of homeostatic and allostatic mechanisms towards self correction.
There's a MUCH bigger discussion around all this. But this is why I say we need clinical research to ratify those interventions most likely to recover patients in the shortest time.
Dr Morse has a video where he says to go on fruit, berries and melons together with botanicals. He is not big on homeopathy preferring bigger doses of the herbs. He doesn't recommend keto diets at all. Maybe a bit of dry fasting but that kind of goes againt the idea of hydrating. He was critical of Dr Mercola saying the Ketogenic/Paleo/Atkins Diet Destroys Health:
One way to increase exposure to radiation is to tell people to stay home watching netflix, chatting on their cellphones etc. Normally people would be moving to different locations and if at home neighbours would be out so not such concentrated levels continuously. Some symptoms of microwave illness are brainfog and fatigue but there are others listed here e.g. microwave sensitivity that could explain 'long covid'. After high exposure during lockdown they became more sensitive to it and so even when things went back to more normal they still have too much exposure:
I tried the BT Inspector app to see how much Bluetooth signal is around me. I stopped it after it got past 170 devices. I personally have no Bluetooth active but that is in homes around me.
Igor you don't know me and I don't know you but while running the risk of sounding like a fanboy I have to express my gratitude for your continual data centred analysis of this aberration in human history. It was voices like yours that spoke to my serious misgivings about the political narrative and gave me courage to walk the path I chose. Even now I still look forward to your updates and hope that this message finds you in good health.
Thank you! This post was an attempt to bring up new research, but also hear people out on long covid and long flu stories that they can share.
I cannot shake off the feeling that at least a couple of long covid sufferers on Twitter are attention seekers -- and yet I acknowledge that some people really suffered real damage.
Can it be possible that long Covid is caused also by the massive aerosols being rained on us, at warp speed? Then there’s also 5G 6G growing exponentially. Mix in fear with your body’s attempt to detox and bam, it feels chronic. 🤷♀️
That’s also in the aerosols..aka chemtrails..along with a whole slew of toxic nano metals and likely nano smart tech parasites infesting all life. Even unvaxxed are infested.
I am waiting for them to just rip off the duct tape bandage real fast, ... and start putting chemtrail goop in grocery store produce sprayers. lol Yeah, that's a crrrrrazy idea, the Gov would never do that. Hmmmmm, maybe I should collect a sample !! lol
me too. I got sick Nov 2019 and didn't get better until mid 2022, with supplements and lots of effort. no jab. people should not claim it's not real because it is
btw, doctors were no help, kept telling me to get vaxxed, I thought they're crazy, no way. they thought I was the crazy one; I believe that if I'd gotten the jab, I would not be here to type this today. medical profession, along with others have lost many's trust
Same. I had been plugged into alternative health for many years and using what I learned to achieve excellent results and health. I turned off MSM April of 2020 and it’s still gone for good. This alone might have saved my life at 71 yo in 2020. the steadily rising chorus of MSM lies has now done an even better job of “infecting” people than Coof ever will.
Did you have to take any prescriptions? I would be interested in learning your supplements. We have zinc, C, D, calcium, quercetin, and magnesium.
I worked for a Rheumatologist in the 1980's for five years. We prescribed Plaquenil all the time for cell management in Rheumatoid Arthritis. No one contraindicated it's use, but one used caution. Ivermectin has been safely effective for 25 years. Please let me know if I have missed anything important.
DoorlessCarp's substack is THE go-to for what supplements to take for long Covid. I attribute my getting rid of my Covid symptoms (I'm unvaxxed) rather quickly to the supplements I was taking per his substack, although my loss of the sense of taste and smell for over a week was disturbing.
I took a course of ivermectin, plus all of the supplements you mention above, plus pycnogenol, coq10, fish oil and turmeric. Pretty much just stay on them now.
I was a healthy and fit person, and the debilitating symptoms made no sense to me until I saw my experience being described and called long covid. After many months of me being in someone else's body and no help from the medical professionals I researched and started my vit D and Zinc, etc. Many, many symptoms, including numb hands and feet, I don't want to be boring and list them all. I had to have carpal tunnel surgery as my right hand became useless, for example. I do recommend the flccc protocol
I did treat my covid from Delta variant early on which I contracted in Nov. of 21. My taste and smell did not return until mid summer. Even now at times is still very weak. I take all the recommended supplements including ivermectin. I contracted covid again in late Aug. and again I am still struggling to feel back to normal.
Alleged long covid is covering for Vax injuries, illnesses sometimes have lingering effects but to blame all symptoms of illness on long covid is just a way to dismiss vaccine side effects.
No it's not, or well, at least is wasn't because I got long Covid after having Covid in March 2020 which is well before there was a vaccine. Post viral fatigue is a known medical condition. Now, I would say the majority is vaccine injury because Omicron is less likely to cause long term problems. But long Covid exists. 2 things can simultaneously be true.
I had supposed covid in Jan of 2020, at least I believe it was in hindsight, given I never get sick and was pretty miserable for 2 days and it seemed to linger for weeks. But that can be the case with a severe flu. I wonder who made up the term? How long is long? Yes I agree both can be true but I am starting to be of the opinion that the term long covid is now a universal excuse for vaccine side effects and injury to be more clear on my comment, Thankyou for the response.
I don't think anyone is saying long Covid in the unvaxxed doesn't exist. I had altered smell for a month and got Epstein Barr after having Mono. It's more like the media, CDC etc...are using it to cover up the millions of severe vax injuries and they are pushing it hard. None of the long Covid studies separate out the vaxxed and unvaxxed by design.
As a health care provider seeing new "long hauler" patients to the tune of 2 to 4 new patients every month, I'd be hard pressed to question that it exists.
In my 20 years as a primary care physician, I've rarely seen folks come to harm after the flu/colds. Not saying never, but definitely more on the rare side.
Since the pandemic however, I've been seeing a regular population of patients - some who never tested positive for the rona, but most that did. They all share many similar symptoms - the most common being brain fog and fatigue/exhaustion.
Personally, I'm going to trust my patients over any study such as this. Remember, the conventional medical establishment has a LOOONG history of gas lighting all sorts of health complaints, notably chronic fatigue/fibroymalgia, vax injuries and the like.
I also have some issues with the study. Firstly, using using the pcr covid test to stratify who had covid and who didn't does not inspire confidence ( I can’t find any mention of what they used for testing, but I’m assuming it’s the PCR). That's putting far too much faith in the PCR for my taste. In addition, NOT including jab status is another clear confounder. Finally, the conflicts of interest stated in the study are quite significant and numerous.
I am NOT a study design expert, but I'd say they would do better to have the study done with folks who have zero conflict of interest, stratify the groups better including jab status as a variable, and lastly either use antibody testing, T cell testing or some other more definitive testing to separate the covid positive from the negative.
Call me a quack, but I tend to side with my patients. This study, for the reasons above, don't really change my take on long haulers to any great degree. My responsibility to my patients is still such that they need to be taken seriously, treated effectively & supported regardless of "official" opinions.
Many of the long haulers I've treated are patients I've been seeing for years. They are NOT malingers or given to hyperbole - their suffering is real. None the less, I'm not going to jump up on a pedestal and say I know they are or are not suffering sequelae from having had covid - that's more a moot point.
The main point is these patients DEFINITELY exist, are NOT rare, and deserve to be taken seriously and get effective treatment.
Thankfully, the spike injured CAN definitely recover. This is true for both camps; the covid injured and the jab injured.
The covid injured (long haulers) definitely tend to recover quicker. They also on the whole have less symptoms and tend to be markedly less gravely harmed. I'm definitely seeing more jab injured be full on disabled. In addition, they tend to have a stunning array of brandy new very bad symptoms.
The jab injured also recover, but it's slower - especially in the jab disabled folks. On the whole, I'm glad someone is studying these folks. But we really need to be vigorously studying both cohorts (covid AND the jab injured).
The other issue is I'm seeing some patients who appear to be suffering from both. Also there are no shortage of "mystery" patients who it's pretty near impossible to determine an etiology. Some you can’t tell if their often bizarre and brand new symptoms are from the jab, the infection itself, a combo of both, or some other entirely unrelated etiology.
In addition, it's WAY more important to do studies that stratify what treatments are getting good replicable outcomes with both groups of patients. This is a WAY more important need - getting them help. To my mind, our job as providers is to provide answers for sure, not get caught in trying to decide if our patients issues are real. More important by far, is to provide relief - and really full on recovery is the goal. That's my priority, and I hope the research community will begin to simply focus on what works to help these folks.
Anyways, that's my 2 cents.
I am going to pin your reply for now -- very many great points -- my post was meant to start a debate and provoke responses such as yours. Thanks!
Great stuff Igor .. your posts keep my brain cells alive and active everyday!
Good blood circulation for anti viral antibodies
It's intersting that you mention patients who are suffering long term consequences from both COVID and vaccination. I only know of two long COVID sufferers in my circles, one who experienced hair loss and took time to get her breath back and one who, as stated above, suffered from both COVID and the jab. The latter sufferer contracted COVID in early 2020 and ended up with MCAS, a life-changing affliction. Doctors gaslit her for the longest time. Then, in early 2021, still suffering from MCAS, she got her 1st Pfizer jab. She immediately went into anaphylactic shock and the EMTs that arrived on scene had to administer three epipens to stabilize her. She then lost the use of her limbs for several weeks and her MCAS symptoms got worse. She was interviewed by Public Health Canada and her case was recorded but she received no special care. Strangely, her doctor decided she should have her 2nd dose, albeit split in two. Each time she felt terrible after. To this day, she suffers from MCAS and is hypersensitive to an ever increasing list of triggers. Sadly, there seems to be no real recourse for MCAS, which is devastating for a person whose health was previously near amateur athlete status (antihistamines help). So it seems both COVID and the jab can do a number on people. It would be helpful to understand the mechanism of action.
I know someone who got the jab, was immediately hospitalized for 4-5 days, and later got the 2nd shot on the advice of his doctor.
It’s bizarre to me that someone who got so sick from the first shot would allow himself to be jabbed a second time...... and that a doctor would encourage it.
I sometimes wonder if there is a mechanism for mind control in the shots.
Silly idea, right??
Not totally silly. Everyone I know (and I mean everyone) who got the jabs had some kind major side effect, ranging from autoimmune, suppressed immunity, difficulty breathing, heart attack (3 people I know), stroke, shingles, bell's palsy, rapid onset cancer (3 neighbors dead), neuropathy, rapid onset alzheimer's (2 family), severe syncope, thyroid inflammation, infertility (zero sperm count), the list goes on and on. I have seen it all and I don't have a wide net of friends. The craziest part is that nearly all of these people went on to get all their boosters (5) and then vaccinated their babies.
I can't explain it. Baffling.
Once the jabs are in, the real Psy Op begins.
Like a Sunken Cost Fallacy.
from those that told me only 3 had serious side effects. But I have now an uncle dead at 74 from stroke, and dad has his second severe cold (?) in a year. The first lasted 5 weeks. This one he caught in hospital after a bad fall. He hadn't had a cold in at least 15 years. Several had covid right after the injection. Dad had 5 jabs so far, I don't know about the rest. No one tells me anymore.
The easiest explanation (apart from my more crazy ones) I can give is that they are so convinced that catching covid (or catching it again if they’ve had it) is simply so awful that it must be avoided at any cost. Therefore, any symptom from the jab, however, awful, pales in comparison. I have simply given up trying to understand them but the bit about them still jabbing their babies really shocks.
That's the way their brains are working now. The software has been hijacked! It's all a self-fulfilling prophecy from now on.
Your list is horrible.
What I didn’t include in my post was that I know at least 5 other probable vax injured, one with cancer in remission (and a clear cat scan in 2019) who was diagnosed with two brain tumors a few months ago. He had surgery, came home for a few day, and had to go back in for multiple blood clots. He got home a few days ago.
Your list is worse..... I m sorry.
I’ve been baffled as to the reasoning behind ANY physician INSISTING their patient get a shot that previously caused an anaphylactic reaction. This has never happened before in my recollection except in a long term de-sensitization therapy. In fact you can be accused of murder for giving a peanut allergic child a treat with nuts or sued if you dispense amoxicillin to a penicillin allergic patient so why in gods name would a DOCTOR think it’s a good idea to give a patient with hx of anaphylactic reaction to a shot another shot? Or refuse to give them an exemption? I’ve had a patient who had thrombosis post first shot come in and want the second (I happened to still be there I leave before the “shooting” starts thank god) and when I said no way they insisted saying their cardiologist has “cleared” them to get it and they want it. 🤷♀️. I told the pharmacist who would be giving it to call that person’s doctor first or risk a potential law suit but doubt it happened.
Good for you for knowing this foundation and sticking to it. If you haven't done so already, I would be happy to see you get back in there so that you're in a position to protect people and observe what's going on.
I read the official health agency rules for contraindications for these shots before they were launched: There were no contraindications. Every substance has contraindications. Even Ibuprofen and grapefruit juice have contraindications. The gov guidelines, written before this totally experimental substance was even launched, explicitly covered groups of patients who should have had exemptions and said they were not exempt. If patients had a known anaphylactic reaction to one of the ingredients in the past, they were expected to travel to one of very very few allergy specialist departments (and for anyone who has had to find and wait on a specialist appointment, you know what this means), be tested in the presence of one of those specialists to confirm their reaction. However then Boston put out a paper saying that most anaphylactic reactions resolved within 15 minutes, so just give it to the people and watch it happen....
Yeah never in life has that been an acceptable answer. The only exception I could even come up with was the allergy de-sensitization scenario or maybe if an allergy to a life saving drug giving pre-therapy course of steroid and Benadryl over a 12 h before tx (eg allergy to contrast dye but need the dye for serious issue) but even these simple steps weren’t offered---just get in there and get your shot we have a crash cart standing by! What a great idea sign me up! As for contraindications allergy to any excipients is ALWAYS a contraindication---UNLESS of course it’s to anything found in this particular vaccine then oops! Sorry! You’ll be fine. It’s for the greater good! Don’t wanna kill grandma (before we get a chance to inject her first!).
Dr Bhakdi explained a mechanism for this, microclots in the frontal lobes found on autopsy of 90+% of the jabbed.
I'll add to AJ's mention with a couple studies that give us pictures to see what's going on. If you follow the studies and know cell biology, it is clear that longterm effects of Covid-with-Spike and Spike-without-Covid are an issue:
1. "Pulmonary Dysfunction after Pediatric COVID-19." This looks at the lungs of children, the most resilient of humans, 1 year after "recovering" from Covid, and finds that massive regions are failing to function in oxygen delivery. (Here's our answer for why RSV is such a problem now: both conditions melt lung cells together into globs [syncytia, as in Respiratory Syncytial Virus], and anyone with previously damaged lungs has less capacity to make it through the next normal sickness)., Heiss et al. 2022,
Brian Mowrey covered this good study on his post,
2. "Highly Efficient SARS-CoV-2 Infection of Human Cardiomyocytes: Spike Protein-Mediated Cell Fusion and Its Inhibition." Fig 4 is especially nice - it shows heart cells covered in the spike protein. They show how Spike basically makes groups of cells melt together, thus losing function.
This is one of many studies that is coming out using only the Spike, not the whole Sars-Cov-2 to do its tests. What does that tell us? The shots are based on Spike - therefore these studies are valid to the pathogenic sequences in spike-via-shot and spike-via-covid.
Navaratnarajah et al. 2021,
Other readers have pointed out that a major flaw in this study that Igor covers, is not distinguishing between people post-covid and post-vax - both poisoned by Spike. What Igor didn't mention, is his previous articles talking about immune suppression and destruction of the immune system: it may be that the fewer symptoms reported by study participants who had Covid and probably also had the vax -- they might have broken immune systems, thus the chemical mediators that are responsible for chronic syndromes were fewer. Continue further down this spectrum until there's no more living cells and those people will have even fewer symptoms.
Here's a new mechanism for Long-Spike-Inflammation that Dr. Jesse Santiano (excellent blog you can sign up for) just covered, in a pre-print study by Krawczyk et al.. This applies to Igor's writings about HIV / VAIDS acquired immunodeficiency. It also echoes what many people here are pointing out - comparing "post-Covid" with "post-Flu" makes no sense without distinguishing Vaxxed vs. not. It also addresses a question that many of us ask - when is the Spike ever erased from the body?
mRNA has a "poly-A tail" ( A-A-A-A) that keeps it from being degraded for a presumed 'short' amount of time. The A's are supposed to get shorter with time, and when that tail is gone, the protein will be degraded by the cell. The vax's have ~100 A's.
Described by Dr. Santiano quoting them, this research team checked what happened after it's injected: "'To our surprise, a substantial fraction of mRNA-1273 reads had increased poly(A) length, reaching up to 150-200As.The mean poly(A) length returned to the initial ~100As 72 h after transfection.' The elongation was made possible by the polymerase enzyme TENT5A. Consequently, the mRNA does not get degraded and continues to provide transcripts to make more SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins. 'Cellular mRNA re-adenylation also happens in other cells and tissues, like the T helper one and T follicular helper cells, and follicular dendritic cells in the lymph nodes, where the mRNA goes.' ... The re-adenylation allows the macrophages containing TENT5A to process more antigens, increase the spike protein output, and further enhance the immune response."
Described simply, the A-A-A-A-A tail keeps the mRNA alive to produce Spike protein. Rather than getting shorter as should happen, the vax mRNA was seen growing a longer tail ......
Study: Krawczyk et al. 2022. SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine is re-adenylated in vivo, enhancing antigen production and immune response.
The Connecticut dept of health initially said a feeling of impending doom could happen within the first 30 minutes of the jab.
I mean, I believe you, but -- that's rather impressive. Is this up anywhere publicly?
Sorry for the late reply. Alex Jones had first mentioned it back in March 2021. At the time, I didn't believe it either but after some online searches, I did find a vaccine handout from the CT dept of health and it actually did list impending doom as a possible side effect.
Less than one week later, Rochelle Walensky gives her 'impending doom' speech and after that, I couldn't find it again since all the search engines listed her speech instead. I also did not bookmark it or have my history turned on.
as in "omg-what have I done?"
That is how Eric Clapton fared, too. The first jab made him sick for a few days. He had taken it because his doctor urged him. Then he wanted to refuse a second but his doc told him the second would not cause this reaction. In fact, he ended up way worse, and thought he might never be able to paly guitar again. The above mentioned aunt who got the virus early on, got the jab and ended up very sick from it. (It goes beyond me why she risked that)
At least Clapton came up with a good song afterwards. I also believe his children played a part in his getting jabbed, so his rationality was under pressure.
I also know someone who was hospitalized with severe illness from covid in late 2020. As soon as they recovered enough to get out of the hospital their doctor insisted they had to get vaccinated. The first shot put them back into the hospital. Once they recovered enough to be released their doctor insisted they needed to get the second shot for full protection from "covid". After the second shot they were hospitalized a third time and are now permanently disabled, confined to a wheelchair, and have a multitude of chronic conditions. One can only repeat WTF at the stupidity of both patients and doctors in such cases.
Probably stating the obvious, but the mind control mechanism is the media.
Would sure explain a lot, wouldn't it?;)
and way too many people who trust their doctors
but that trust is eroding- and fast. 99% of docs recommend the shots, but only 15- 20% of us have acquiesced to the boosters. Could there be a more blatant, in-your-face repudiation? The power and respect we have placed in doctors rests in their ability to heal us. How do they heal? By either cutting ( ie surgeons removing the offending pathology) or prescribing. When 80% of society tells the prescribers " we don't trust what you're recommending", medicine's power and status evaporates. They know and that's why they're frantic.
as they should be ! those that propagate jabs of any kind did not do their homework. It is known ever since vaccinations began that they don't work. Plenty of books about it. It is known how many side effects most drugs have. They better all start studying herbs and homeopathics and they are way behind me LOL. Been doing it for 40 years. Former doc first asked me what I already had tried ! (European docs were more open to alternatives than American ones)
I have wondered this as well - the bit about mind control. I have friends who present all the arguments against having the next booster, one of which is that they just don’t feel well each time, then duly turn up and get it. It seems as if the compunction to get it is just too strong for them to fight against. Knowing what I think of the powers that be, I wouldn’t put anything past them.
I also suffer from MCAS. I never took the jab, but I did get covid without worsening symptoms. In fact, there are treatments that can help to stabilize MCAS, although avoidance is always no. 1 an essential even with medications.
I too suffer MCAS, EHS, multiple food allergies, multiple chemical allergies in fact l am allergic to almost everything! This all started approximately 10 years ago when out walking with my dogs a “spray arm” swung over me - l was walking in a low footpath - doused me with Glyphosates. Killed one of my dogs immediately and almost me. Now, at the time l was living in a home with an air source heat pump. A Cell mast within half a mile and was using a WiFi hub. I went on to develop serious respiratory issues, extreme fatigue, a heart condition, unbearable aches and pains in joints, liver and kidney issues .. my neighbour who like myself, had been an extremely healthy person suddenly had multiple organ failure .. we were both hospitalised at the same time. We were out in side wards away from other patients and we were both told - “there is a bug going about and other significant factors which you may have been subjected to, you are going to have to learn to live with it, it’s not going away, we don’t think it would be useful to discuss this with other people in your neighbourhood”
This was shocking. However, this is what initiated me to start researching, researching and researching peer reviewed papers and anyone credible who was willing to “talk” The symptoms that l suffered were those of LONG COVID absolutely identical .. strangely, my symptoms were also symptomatic of radiation poisoning .. if you overlaid my symptoms onto the symptoms of Long Covid and then Radiation poisoning there was a perfect “fit” .. l have never been vaccinated but was treated on several occasions in hospital with Piperacillin Tazobactum, Magnesium Sulphate by IV and oxygen .. each time l became WELL! Then returning to my environment following a period of seven days l became bedridden again ..
What is my personal (and not scientific) opinion is that “an incident occurred” which left me with far reaching and long standing health issues. It is my personal belief that Long Covid is indeed a result of being exposed knowingly or unknowingly to a variety of factors .. l will park that there!
A bug and other factors, sure.
Interested to know more about MCAS treatments. Do they involve therapeutics?
I have had chronic fatigue for 40+ years. I was slightly concerned that covid might set back the progress I have made. I had it very mildly (took the forbidden I drug) and no worsening of the fatigue/lack of stamina. I can just imagine how I would have felt if I’d allowed myself to be convinced to be jabbed in case covid might have worsened my CFS symptoms.
I had to Google to see what MCAS is - Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Then I remembered seeing a video in the last week or so on Tess Lawrie's substack about how people with existing MCAS may be the ones prone to adverse vax reactions and poor covid outcomes. Have you seen it?
I will check it out. In the case of my acquaintance, she had a clean bill of health her whole life and only developed MCAS after a bad bout of COVID. The shot then made the syndrome even worse.
there are people working on this:
I had a bad reaction to a flu shot about 2008, and I may have had some MCAS, many mystery symptoms and saw derm, neuro, rheum specialists. My DO had me take a test called an ALCAT, that identifies dietary, drug, and environmental sensitivities. I had so many positive that I had to completely revamp my diet. When I fully embraced these restrictions, my symptoms almost entirely disappeared within a week. It took a bit longer for all the erythema to disappear.
That’s interesting. My SIL got the covid vaccine and several months later came down with something that sounds similar to MCAS. She’s on antihistamines all the time now, and is never sure what her triggers are. I’m not sure if she was ever formally diagnosed (she won’t speak to us because of our unvaccinated status), but I’ve always wondered if it was related.
One can only speculate. Perhaps persistent long-term vaccinal spike production could have eventually triggered an autoimmune response leading to MCAS. I wouldn't be qualified to say but perhaps it is plausible. Sorry to hear that your SIL won't talk to you because of your vax status. I find it very very sad and, although we are all accountable for our own decisions, govt and media really helped stoke this senseless division. Hoping it will change in time for you and for all.
Coronavirus, any coronavirus, and hair loss? Funny that, discuss. Known causes of of hair loss: radiation; heavy metal poisoning (lead). What gives, then?
Good point about using vax status in the study. I am betting with the conflicts of interest that the study was funded to show that vaccinated don’t get long Covid. Would be good propaganda. But with a negative result they purged that data set. It’s so easy to collect this detail. Why was it omitted from the result? Smells like how they refused to test the 3000+ symptomatic people in the original Pfizer trial while everyone was tested for daily life. It’s like they didn’t want to show positive cases in the vax group. Anyone who read the sars1 vax development papers would have known that it would not have prevented transmission. Propaganda everywhere in science
You could be right. Seems like most of the pandemic, though, establishment has a pattern of just not asking questions they don't want to know the answer to.
reminds me of when my husband was working on a Masters degree in Nursing Science, and he said you can design clinical studies to predetermine any result you want. Part of peer review is to look at exactly those study designs. I fear even that has been corrupted politically.
A little something to think about. I do not think "long covid" is covid at all. I think it is damage from co-infection (like I had)....As an asthmatic child I had bacterial Pneumonia a couple of times and was hospitalized in an O2 tent. When I had Covid I tested positive and then a couple of days later I tested negative and was feeling fime. I was about to go back to work when bacterial Pneumonia hit me hard and I was out for almost two months (long covid?). They would not treat people for Pneumonia during covid, but they would gladly put you on a vent and pump in the remdesivir, I was in a very dangerous situation. A nebulizer and hydrogen peroxide probably saved my life.
I have a nebulizer and hydrogen peroxide (and povidone iodine) just in case. I hink covid will be a factor in long anything after covid but you are right that with immune system struggling other infections will gain a hold.
In my opinion, covid is not at all what is killing people. I think the co[infections are far worse. Untreated Pneumonia is the main killer, and if you treat Pneumonia with the covid protocols you will kill them. Why do you think they referred to it as covid pneumonia?
I didn't go to the Dr when I got pneumonia after having covid (assumed covid, but others sick same time had tested positive, I just never tested). I was afraid too, and my Dr I trusted retired in 2018. I had a RN friend who had just gone through what I went through, and she got help from a retired Dr. She passed on many of the meds, got new ones for me (things like budesonide, albuterol, prednisone) and I keep a "pharmacy" of other stuff here to treat humans and animals alike as needed (I always end up throwing more meds out than I use, but I look it like insurance, and just buy fresh to keep on hand just in case!), so I used my doxycycline for 10 days when my friend said my lungs sounded like I had pneumonia (plus I had sort of gotten better then got sicker and fever came back). So no Dr or hospital protocols messed me up, but my girlfriend did all this to help me stay out of the hospital, for fear of a bad outcome! I credit her with helping save my life... ivermectin is the other wonder drug that is still saving me!
Mycoplasma would be an item of interest in the context of bioweapons.
Thanks so much for this response and for being a rare non-gaslighting doctor.
That's worth more than 2 cents! It stuck me how often in the past post viral illness has been dismissed as minor or psychosomatic. Listen to the patient should be number 1 rule of diagnosis, you have my admiration. Now I guess we are gearing up for patented medications to treat whatever. However, my main gripe is that post viral illness is because the virus in its replication destroys cells, there is tissue damage in many places including brain I assume. Therefore, reducing the viral load of the infection is crucial: less virus, less damage, less illness. We know stuff that helps with this starting with immune response that needs vitamin D and magnesium (I take D3/K2/Mg to keep serum 25(OH)D at >50 ng/mL) and as soon as illness presents an antiviral, hydroxychloroquine + zinc, ivermectin etc - just those things that were suppressed. I have had scarcely a sniffle for many years after getting serum D right.
Good on you! I’m a believer on D3. Same here. My d serum level is consistently between 70 and 90. Been as high as 109 but I’m outside a lot in summer and supplement. Low carb, plenty of animal products and veg. No grains and exercise vigorously. I’m never sick. No flu shots. I have taken K with the D and been on quercitin since before CV. I got Covid right before the shots and it was a runny nose a few days plus taste and smell issues for awhile. I was 72 at the time. I work very hard at keeping healthy and active. From the beginning no way was I going to be a lab rat for anyone. Period. Lol.
Yep, near same here. I'm 73, your description of things could be mine! I thought things didn't add up from the very beginning, which is when I started reading my brains out. By the time the jabs were unleashed, I was a firm no!
I am a firm believer of Vit D too... but it didn't help me this time around... and wish I had ivermectin right away when I got sick, and HCQ, I did get it then, but damage had been done... I am keeping all those things in my medical "bag" for all future illnesses... and made sure my adult kids have it for their families! I think keeping the viral load down makes such a difference!
I keep some “paste” on hand. I wanted to order IVM from India but all I got was never ending spam. I’ll stick with the Tractor Supply brand. Lol. Hope you are fully well. all bodies are different. I wish my family would listen but they told me to shut up. Sad.
I would not do that... it's hard to get a perfect dose, no to mention you are absorbing/ingesting other chemicals other than ivermectin. I get mine from, very reliable. No spam.
I have some very detailed information on that. Millions have used this. I’ll take my chances. I have had no reason to use it as I had a slight cold Covid January 2021 before shots. And not a single sniffle nor even a headache since then. I’m 74. . And exceedingly vigilant on keeping my health with all the natural methods and supplements, lifestyle etc is very important for me—for decades. I was raised on a farm. I live rural. I’m not new to this rodeo. I’ve known the falsity of modern medicine for decades.
That is where I got my Ivermectin and HCQ also.
Cigars are usually easy to get. I am thinking of trying it but making an drink with 30 grams sounds a bit wild. Maybe I will try with 5 grams although even that seems a lot. I tried a pinch in my coffee and it seemed quite powerful. I suppose boiling is too hot.
You need adequate magnesium too to work with the vitamin D. You should check the serum level from time to time.
Oh, and the magnesium... I take 400mg of magnesium glycinate, daily, and Biocleanse from Plexus every other day... so they are good too!
Oh my D levels are great... I learned that 20 years ago that I was having low D levels, and since then I take 3,000-5,000 IU daily. When I was sick I was taking 10,000 IU.. didn't seem to make much difference. Though who knows how bad it would have been had I been deficient!
I'm going to throw out something that most people can't wrap their heads around in regards to vitamin D. Normal supplementation levels are good for minimizing effects of a virus, but they don't usually stop it dead in its' tracks. Years ago, in the old David Williams Alternatives health newsletter, he referenced a university study regarding vitamin D and the flu. It said that 50,000 units per day, for 1 to 3 days, taken at the first sign of flu, would greatly reduce symptoms. I supplement vitamin D at 10,000 units per day for nine months of the year. I still caught cold viruses until I started taking the 50,000 units booster, 1 to 3 days, at the first sign of a virus, For me, that's usually a tickle in the throat. It was the first thing I ever tried that would make it go away after a sign of it being present. It's been my magic bullet for over 10 years now. No colds, no flu, no covid. For the record, David Williams current recommendation for viruses is to bump vitamin D up to 1,000 units per pound of body weight, per day, for up to a week. I haven't had to go that high, but that's his advice on the topic. Most people have trouble with the thought of using that level, even for a short period. They're missing out on a good thing. Try it.
I tried supplement when I had a persistant cold and it didn't work. Bottle said to take 2000 iu but I think I tried more and it still didn't help. Sunbathing was what worked. Even in winter I find I get good effect. Uvb levels might be low on average but I am not concerned about average but my chosen time. UVB is measured on a flat surface but I am facing the sun so catch much more.
You don't sound anything like a quack to me. Congratulations, you sound like a real doctor.
Thank you Tim. All diseases and all pharmaceuticals have side effects - long short and in-between. Covid the bioweapon disease leads to certain symptoms ranging from common cold to blood clots. The covid shots bioweapon leads to the same covid disease symptoms, PLUS a multitude of other symptoms from the toxic sludge. As you say, getting the covid disease bioweapon naturally, the body recovers easier with less grave symptoms. Continuing on with the covid shots bioweapon over and over, leads to a chemotherapy effect, where the body is slowly poisoned to death. The brain fog and fatigue/exhaustion are the main side effects of chemotherapy. It's important to remember that the covid shots bioweapons were invented as a "cancer treatment" to replace chemotherapy.
Great answer. I hope I find a doc like you in my new town. Agreed that long covid does exist. From everything I’ve heard and read, which is a lot from a ton of different sources, I believe the spike is what causes long Covid and it can affect different people in different ways. It seems to me that the vaccine-induced long covid is worse in most cases. FLCCC protocols seem to help a lot of LC sufferers.
I had a post viral episode that started at age 18 and lingered on for several years. It started with a mono-like illness that was prolly EBV. It took me into my 30s before I got back to full strength. At that point I decided to get in shape and lose about 30 lbs that I had accumulated during the post viral years. From about 35 to 60 were the best years for me health-wise.
At about 60 I came down with a virus that mimicked the original infection I had at 18. After lots of tests at MIT Medical and Mass General the conclusion was that I prolly had a re-activation of the EBV that I had as a teen. Some of my symptoms fit CFS and some don't. I do get PEM if I overdue the exercise. I am now 75 and relatively healthy. I take no prescription meds. When covid came along, my PCP advised me not to get the vax. We both felt that I already had autoimmune issues and did not want to take the risk. I've never had a flu shot either. BTW, my doc and his doctor wife are un-jabbed. Thank god I found this doc before covid. Living in the Free State of Florida is also a big plus.
Covid bioweapon shot side effects are worst because of the chemo effect. More shots, more side effects - cumulative effect of poison on the body. Why would anybody ask for the bioweapon covid spike protein over and over again in the shots? It boggles my mind.
If you are not following him yet, may I suggest Walter M Chesnut's substack? He is researching not only harms of the spike protein but also potential therapeutics. He has some very interesting theories.
thanks for the tip
RT-PCR is useless for the application because it could never tell you WHAT you had. RT-PCR only tells you the swab picked up a bit of RNA. Also, you can make anything positive with enough test cycles due the amplification doubling of the initial sample. HUGE difference between 25Ct and 40Ct.
Thank you for testifying. You are one to know because you are among patients. I only trust those doctors and nurses that kept taking care of patients, no matter what the govt said.
I have a boosted client with heavy head for months and she got better with natural therapy and their supplements, recovery plateaued so she came to us, we got her to do TCM acupuncture she cut out caffeine at the same time too, she was symptom free last week, will see how she is next time
May be of interest: I had covid-1984 last August (high summer; make of it what you will). For the whole month, I did not feel like drinking coffee at all.
I think the two key points here is the PCR test and the lack of who had taken the bio-weapon shots and who had not. We really don't have all the data needed to understand what this "long covid" actually is. We also need to account for human nature and all that might suggest.
I for one am not going to believe the folks that keep trying to put a bio-weapon shot in every arm.
It's like that Lucy with the football thing.
As a doctor, would you recognize that lifestyle is important? Would you consider that the environment and lifestyles in the past 2.5 years were very different from the previous 20 years, so you can't make comparisons with your previous experience? Did you get many patients sick with post-flu symptoms in winter 2019-2020, when covid was already here but prior to the lockdowns? Do people now get more respiratory infections, so more people get complications after, statistically?
I have a hypothesis that the amount of misery and physical abuse imposed on people in the past 2.5 years hugely impacted their health. Including those "mystery" patients. Duh. "Most tested positive" means they bothered to perform the test worried about rona. Why would anyone bother to do this bs "testing" at all? People anxious about rona are prone to health-destructive behavior - constant worry, self-isolation, wearing masks and taking booster after booster. I don't know a single person who lived their life normally, didn't worry about covid and got complications after a respiratory infection of whatever kind. As a popular meme says "covid doesn't affect those who don't give sh1t".
I am an odd duck. Yes, I'm a licensed primary care physician in the state of Washington. However, I am NOT an MD. I'm licensed as a Naturopathic Physician. I'm really a double odd duck because of my chosen treatment modality; homeopathy. This is NOT a common specialty in Naturopathic Medicine.
The clinic I work for ( 2 acupuncturists, several body workers, a nutritionist & 7 Naturopathic docs. In this clinic, my practice has slowly filled with all manner of intractable diseases whereas now that is the majority of my patient base. This includes all manner of childhood issues - violent children/teenagers, nightmares, ADHD, Autistic spectrum, etc. I see many of the same issues in my adult patients but also they include folks with Panic attacks, depression, all manner of autoimmune disease etc.
Of late, my practice is beginning to slowly fill with the spike injured - both flavors + hybrids. I mean to say the long covid folks, the jab injured and folks that appear to be a combo of both. But I see a very broad array of chronic intractable complaints. To address virtually all these health complaints, I use an unusual form of homeopathy called Polarity Analysis. It is highly evidence based and particularly suited for a busy clinical practice. I typically see anywhere from 10 to 20 patients/day. A tiny number compared to a conventional doctor, but a relatively large number compared to many of my naturopathic colleagues.
I'm an odd duck because for an ND, I recommend close to zero supplements. In addition, though I do counsel patients on all manner of diet and lifestyle, that is not my most prominent intervention.
Diet and lifestyle are the bedrock of good healthcare in my opinion. However, unfortunately it's unrealistic to think that even the most strident diet and lifestyle, ketogenic, intermittent fasting magic cures all disease. Diet and lifestyle is a starting point, but in complex chronic disease, it is limited in it’s utility.
However, many of my spike injured for instance, are already doing ALL the supplements and diet and lifestyle quite well. Unfortunately, despite those interventions along with supplements and off label drugs, many spike injured continue to get worse. I believe this simply reflects the cellular toxicity induced by the spike.
In the spike injured I see, most are seeing steady recovery by adding in this unique form of homeopathy. I'm seeing this treatment regime help folks that have been resistant to all manner of conventional and alternative approaches.
In the next few months I'll be writing up some case studies to share with other providers. I sincerely hope that some day we begin to allocate appropriate funding to stratify which spike protein interventions are showing the best outcomes in the real world. Without such studies, we are largely flying blind.
I say this because heaps of spike injured patients are NOT responding - and certainly not nearing recovery - by many methods suggested on the internet. Of course, some are. But there are many I'm seeing now who have earnestly tried many of these interventions with little to show for it.
That's why I say we MUST have well designed large scaled studies to vet the best and most reliable treatment options. Given how frequent these patients are randomly showing up in my practice, I suspect there are likely millions of these patients. They deserve better than "management." They all deserve to fully recover. From what I'm seeing, this is possible for most.
I'll do my part in publishing case studies. However, I'm not a researcher, I'm a clinician. We need folks who are smart in developing good research protocols. Then we need funding. As individuals, we can only do so much. But if we work together, we can find approaches that are the most reliable in recovering our spike injured. They deserve it, we all deserve it.
Sorry for my overly long diatribe, I just wanted to chime in a bit about your great comment about diet and lifestyle - which plays a role for sure. I just wanted to add a bit of detail as to why I believe diet and lifestyle are simply not adequate for many of the spike injured. This is especially true for the spike disabled.
Have any of them tried fasting?
Of course, some have used fasting. It appears fasting and intermittent fasting serve as an adjunct in the healing process. But unfortunately, many are suffering from cachexia. This tends to be more the case in the jab disabled. In these patients fasting is inappropriate as it merely weakens them.
Again, fasting like diet and lifestyle can help, but for many, it's not enough. In my experience, many of the spike injured need treatments that direct the entire terrain of homeostatic and allostatic mechanisms towards self correction.
There's a MUCH bigger discussion around all this. But this is why I say we need clinical research to ratify those interventions most likely to recover patients in the shortest time.
Dr Morse has a video where he says to go on fruit, berries and melons together with botanicals. He is not big on homeopathy preferring bigger doses of the herbs. He doesn't recommend keto diets at all. Maybe a bit of dry fasting but that kind of goes againt the idea of hydrating. He was critical of Dr Mercola saying the Ketogenic/Paleo/Atkins Diet Destroys Health:
In anycase here is the link concerning the 'vaccine' incase you wish to watch:
One way to increase exposure to radiation is to tell people to stay home watching netflix, chatting on their cellphones etc. Normally people would be moving to different locations and if at home neighbours would be out so not such concentrated levels continuously. Some symptoms of microwave illness are brainfog and fatigue but there are others listed here e.g. microwave sensitivity that could explain 'long covid'. After high exposure during lockdown they became more sensitive to it and so even when things went back to more normal they still have too much exposure:
I tried the BT Inspector app to see how much Bluetooth signal is around me. I stopped it after it got past 170 devices. I personally have no Bluetooth active but that is in homes around me.
I think long stupid is a bigger problem.
I blame Big Stupid
Very good
Igor you don't know me and I don't know you but while running the risk of sounding like a fanboy I have to express my gratitude for your continual data centred analysis of this aberration in human history. It was voices like yours that spoke to my serious misgivings about the political narrative and gave me courage to walk the path I chose. Even now I still look forward to your updates and hope that this message finds you in good health.
Thank you! This post was an attempt to bring up new research, but also hear people out on long covid and long flu stories that they can share.
I cannot shake off the feeling that at least a couple of long covid sufferers on Twitter are attention seekers -- and yet I acknowledge that some people really suffered real damage.
Can it be possible that long Covid is caused also by the massive aerosols being rained on us, at warp speed? Then there’s also 5G 6G growing exponentially. Mix in fear with your body’s attempt to detox and bam, it feels chronic. 🤷♀️
Don't forget the Graphene that is now in and on everything
That’s also in the aerosols..aka chemtrails..along with a whole slew of toxic nano metals and likely nano smart tech parasites infesting all life. Even unvaxxed are infested.
Yes, that's how it gets "on" things.
I am waiting for them to just rip off the duct tape bandage real fast, ... and start putting chemtrail goop in grocery store produce sprayers. lol Yeah, that's a crrrrrazy idea, the Gov would never do that. Hmmmmm, maybe I should collect a sample !! lol
Well, they’re growing “vaccine”-infused produce now.
Could you elaborate on that? What do you mean by “everything “?
Yes, I did from getting Covid early on. See my longer comment.
me too. I got sick Nov 2019 and didn't get better until mid 2022, with supplements and lots of effort. no jab. people should not claim it's not real because it is
btw, doctors were no help, kept telling me to get vaxxed, I thought they're crazy, no way. they thought I was the crazy one; I believe that if I'd gotten the jab, I would not be here to type this today. medical profession, along with others have lost many's trust
Me too. I did a lot of research on what supplements to take.
Same. I had been plugged into alternative health for many years and using what I learned to achieve excellent results and health. I turned off MSM April of 2020 and it’s still gone for good. This alone might have saved my life at 71 yo in 2020. the steadily rising chorus of MSM lies has now done an even better job of “infecting” people than Coof ever will.
Did you have to take any prescriptions? I would be interested in learning your supplements. We have zinc, C, D, calcium, quercetin, and magnesium.
I worked for a Rheumatologist in the 1980's for five years. We prescribed Plaquenil all the time for cell management in Rheumatoid Arthritis. No one contraindicated it's use, but one used caution. Ivermectin has been safely effective for 25 years. Please let me know if I have missed anything important.
Thank you.
DoorlessCarp's substack is THE go-to for what supplements to take for long Covid. I attribute my getting rid of my Covid symptoms (I'm unvaxxed) rather quickly to the supplements I was taking per his substack, although my loss of the sense of taste and smell for over a week was disturbing.
I took a course of ivermectin, plus all of the supplements you mention above, plus pycnogenol, coq10, fish oil and turmeric. Pretty much just stay on them now.
Hi always curious, Were you treating your symptoms as soon as your illness began?
Not many doctors were recommending early treatment, so things got out of hand.
I believe that we need to arrest the damage before it sets in. Hope you are 100%.
I was a healthy and fit person, and the debilitating symptoms made no sense to me until I saw my experience being described and called long covid. After many months of me being in someone else's body and no help from the medical professionals I researched and started my vit D and Zinc, etc. Many, many symptoms, including numb hands and feet, I don't want to be boring and list them all. I had to have carpal tunnel surgery as my right hand became useless, for example. I do recommend the flccc protocol
Check out DoorlessCarp's substack for what to take for long Covid symptoms --
I did treat my covid from Delta variant early on which I contracted in Nov. of 21. My taste and smell did not return until mid summer. Even now at times is still very weak. I take all the recommended supplements including ivermectin. I contracted covid again in late Aug. and again I am still struggling to feel back to normal.
Awe, isn’t that beautiful!!!
Alleged long covid is covering for Vax injuries, illnesses sometimes have lingering effects but to blame all symptoms of illness on long covid is just a way to dismiss vaccine side effects.
No it's not, or well, at least is wasn't because I got long Covid after having Covid in March 2020 which is well before there was a vaccine. Post viral fatigue is a known medical condition. Now, I would say the majority is vaccine injury because Omicron is less likely to cause long term problems. But long Covid exists. 2 things can simultaneously be true.
I had supposed covid in Jan of 2020, at least I believe it was in hindsight, given I never get sick and was pretty miserable for 2 days and it seemed to linger for weeks. But that can be the case with a severe flu. I wonder who made up the term? How long is long? Yes I agree both can be true but I am starting to be of the opinion that the term long covid is now a universal excuse for vaccine side effects and injury to be more clear on my comment, Thankyou for the response.
I don't think anyone is saying long Covid in the unvaxxed doesn't exist. I had altered smell for a month and got Epstein Barr after having Mono. It's more like the media, CDC etc...are using it to cover up the millions of severe vax injuries and they are pushing it hard. None of the long Covid studies separate out the vaxxed and unvaxxed by design.