I am unvaxxed, but experienced a noticeable disruption of my cycle right after my husband was vaxxed. I have heard similar from other women. I don't think it's out of bounds to wonder if there could be fertility effects from the vaxes even on people who did not receive the shots.
(reposted on request as a top-level comment. Leaving original in place below)
A very original and extremely interesting thought! Time will tell, obviously, we need a research institute to arrive at a definitive answer, but it is a great idea. Pinning
I noticed it because I use symptothermal charting, and have detailed records of my cycles going back fifteen years. There are a lot of other women out there keeping the same kind of records. A lot of it is already conveniently entered into electronic databases via fertility apps, and websites like Fertility Friend. That data is BEGGING to be examined for signals in the vax-rollout period. It's out there. It just needs to be looked at!
There was a news story several months ago on the concerned rabbis in a Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, concerned because they have to know when the women are have their periods for all kinds of reasons. And the nasty shots disrupt that. I just can't remember where I saw that article!
Just the one weird cycle for me, then things went back to normal. So it could be coincidence. But hearing about similar events from other ladies makes me think it is not coincidental, and I've seen more than one account of longer-lasting effects.
I'm extremely curious about it: does the effect vary with the number of shots? The degree of closeness in the exposure? The manufacturer of the shot? Were there significant differences between effects experienced by women who received the shots vs. women who were exposed secondhand? Is anyone collecting data on it?
A major challenge is that most folks have no idea what was in their vaccine, since lots seem to vary. People assume the shots were uniform but I believe the levels of mRNA varied. Maybe other ingredients did too. I was told under an EUA that big pharma can vary ingredients but I haven't seen a definitive confirmation of that.
Craig Pardekooper has investigated how much the batches apparently varied and where they went. I think he set up a website 'how bad is your batch'.
Dr. Mike Yeadon and others also commented on this. Dr. Yeadon seems to think pharma always has perfect quality control and that this was conspiracy not cockup.
TBF I know three people who admit to bad side-effects from the vac. but I know six people who had COVID badly, on a par with bad flu (from Feb. 2020 to April 2022). One of them died of it (March 2020).
You can be sure they are using these apps to gather the data. Apple will definitely be doing so. Just in the same way as they now have a covid tracking app as a feature. I am sure they are also using health apps to track general health too.
A lot of trad Catholics and other devout religious use the charting system as well as ladies who for whatever reason can't/won't use hormonal contraceptives, or who have reproductive health issues they want to keep track of. The charts are extremely accurate, and able to track not just length of cycle, but date of ovulation, whether you ovulated or not, and the length of the ovulatory and luteal phases, which have a direct bearing on ability to conceive.
What I experienced after my husband was vaxxed was a cycle with an uncharacteristically short luteal phase. If we had been trying to conceive, the likely result of that cycle would have been a fertilized embryo, followed by a miscarriage so early we would not have known about it.
I can't help but extrapolate that out to the population level... what if something like that happened to a whole lot of women around the same time? I think we'd see a drop in births ~9 months later, even if the effect were only temporary.
That symptothermal method worked great for us. No need for artificial birth prevention, but then, we were married and ready to take what came. And glad of it.
The charting system is accurate only for those, whose periods are accurate to begin with. However, even they are not a 100% "safe," because many factors can alter the outcome.
However, it might be time for ladies to realize that they are not living in movies and making love always carries the "risk" of pregnancy.
Consequently, making love is only for responsible couples, who actually care for each other. Life is not a game.
I was not evangelizing for FAM (Fertility Awareness Method). But you seem to have some misconceptions about it (pun intended). I highly recommend reading Toni Weschler's classic text on the subject, and updating your knowledge base before giving advice. We are not talking about the rhythm method or guessing based on biological averages here. FAM can be extremely accurate, and a lot of people use it *because* of irregular and unpredictable cycles. Yes, it works even if cycles are irregular-- it doesn't matter, most users can still pinpoint ovulation to within 24 hours.
... if true, I'd expect the effects to be more dramatic for women who *did* get the shots, but also, if exposure to a vaxxed person is enough to cause disruptions, then the event that matters most is when vaccines were rolled out, full stop, not necessarily just for women-of-childbearing-age. So there should be a decline in birth rates starting ~9mos from the beginning of vax rollouts *even if it was just to old people*, possibly followed by an even larger decline ~9mos after rollout to women of childbearing age.
So... if we had the data, we could start looking for the effect 9mos after December 2020(?) in most places... September 2021, possibly followed by a sharper effect a few months later.
Now, who's got five years of birth stats that include Q4 of 2021?
So, yes, very few pregnant or young women vaxxed early in 2021 in the UK. But a lot would have got it in the summer of that year, and topped up at Christmas. In the UK, if this is a jab effect, the drop will become more dramatic.
You guys might want to check-out this pre-print published a few months back.
Shedding is real.
It's hard to tell if the authors are Covidian zealots or they say this to get published, but this is what they say in the abstract: "The data we show provides evidence for a new mechanism by which herd immunity may be manifested, the aerosol transfer of antibodies between immune and non-immune hosts."
It remains to be seen if the Covid-specific antibodies pick-up in the unvacinnated kid's nose got stuck as aerosol, or if they are endegenous (if you can vaccinate someone else with your shedding), but at the very least, shedding is real.
Evidence for Aerosol Transfer of SARS-CoV2-specific Humoral Immunity
I too had disruptions, and continue to do so after intimacy, a year after partner’s injections. I try to stay as healthy as possible, and I am luckily past having my children, but it worries me about other young women.
Oh, yikes! If you don't mind sharing, which shot did he get and how many? My husband got the J&J and no boosters, and the cycle disruption happened in the first full cycle following that. No visible disruptions after that.
We will need to find out what is happening to the ovaries of women who's partners took the jab when they did not. This looks like a self-propigating vaccine to me.....at least for the ovaries.
The lipid nanoparticles and spike protien seem to have an affinity for that location as if it was the target all along.
given the destruction of our food supply chain in netherlands, canada,germany , and other places we will not be around in 5 or ten years to find out anything.
It was part of my argument with my husband over his possibly accepting the mRNA shots: that I'd be getting who knows what indirectly. He decided not to get vaxxed.
The most beautiful women I've ever seen, my very favorites, are the ones who look around and see people are starting to get hungry, then get out in the kitchen and do something about it. They come in all ages, and every kind of background, they may be beat after a long day at work or watching the kids, but they won't let people go hungry.
The handsomest men to me are the ones who pull their beat up pickup truck over and help someone with a flat tire, or intervene when some moron is forcing his attentions on a girl, or eat mediocre fare without complaining when an exhausted wife puts it on the table at the end of a day.
Thanks Yarrow- here are 2 posts i made elsewhere re 'shedding' and graphene- a bit long sorry-
I am leaning towards the idea that these whackscenes are actually the self spreading ones they currently 'predict' will be 'soon'. They are always simply foreshadowing the next play it seems. This is from a personal experience of shedding I had, and a resultant nightmare, (simply that had been jabbed, in my sleep, and woke up with a bandaid in the nightmare), after sleeping next to a double jabbed person and cohabitating with them. (and I never remember dreams, sleep heavy). Then I really woke up and realized it had been a nightmare, but could no longer bring myself to sleep near that person, ever again. Yep. Nope. So, the idea of there being purebloods or unwhackscnened has become one I do not think is viable, though perhaps in degrees of exposure or shedding. I am seeking some way to assess whether I have 'graphene or stuff' in me from multiple sources, as I did have one Covid test done in 2020 and may have been contaminated at that time (as well?). And of course dental procedures. Just when I think I get it....it gets ickier and ickier, and more electric.
Power to the peasants, we are the U.E. and we will eat you from inside out, WEFers. With my last breath, I pray those who seek to control and dominate shall come to deep reckoning. I recently learned that the injectables probably contain much, even mostly, graphene, and not mNRA or biological elements that should be there. (see https://www.bitchute.com/video/5BeKMWZLgyZo/) I am beginning to understand that the 5G and microwaves are an end goal wrt killing, reacting with the graphene. Also that graphene is being put into us through dental procedures and even foods, nasal sprays. So in the midst of this struggle I am pivoting towards what I think will be the control mechanisms they will use on us soon, electrical stimulus reacting with the graphene thats been put in our bodies. Ridding ourselves of grapene, or 5G and microwave towers, will become the new diet craze, after the deaths play out. (though my crystal ball is hazy). I think they dropped those cows to scare us actually, and for me it worked. Dropped where they stand. My guess there is they used microwaves after feeding them graphene laced foods. We should be testing all meat for graphene. Finally, there is a new docu about the sky spraying chemtrails that is good and scary too; https://rumble.com/v18aocz-the-dimming-documentary-exposing-the-global-climate-engineering-cover-up.html
that means alot Cairn...it has been crappy, but of course there were rifts before all this, so like many of the injuries, a fracture under combined load....best from OR j
I'm totally with you on much of this...I have nightmares also about getting jabbed, and about any of my 3 kids getting jabbed without my consent. I cannot imagine what I would do if my husband had wanted to; thank God we think the same on this topic. And I also agree that the end game seems to involve graphene, which will probably be used to connect people's bodies to the IoT or some other grid. In the meantime, it's a waiting game.
Thanks Julia, you are the first person to say the jab nightmare happened to you too. Hard to sort out the paranoia vs. appropriate fear; I feel like my body is trying to protect me, cellular wisdom. Praying for everybody, but especially for us who see the ruse(s) and the reality of it. Best from OR
Went to 2 stores here in portland oregon, a safeway and a new seasons market....no magnetic meat seemed to be there, tested beef and pork, hamburger....will try again in a week or so. Would be better to be able to look for graphene, which is not magnetic in some cases, it would seem. Pencil lead is not magetic either, right?
I'd like to emphasize that it must be a neodymium magnet for it to work. A regular old fridge magnet doesn't do the trick. I discovered these videos online soon after the videos of the newly jabbed becoming magnetic became known (which I of course had to test for myself - and roughly 5 out of about 7or 8 actually had my neodymium magnet stick).
I had a little bit of trouble finding meat for my magnet to stick at first. Then I realized there was interference from some of the wrapping. May I suggest trying the fat portion? That's where I first had success. And then meat that is near the bone. Also I've had success with deli meat. You know the packaged luncheon meats?
I am aware that this is hard to believe, which is why I had to try it for myself. It's been awhile since I did this, but I clearly recall a package of breakfast sausage that the magnet stuck to very strongly.
I admit I don't know why this is happening. But like you I suspect it has something to do with graphene. La Quinta Columna has claimed that the graphene oxide or dioxide has magnetic properties. I suspect that the livestock has been injected with what is being called vaccines. But I don't know.
After reading your comment I remembered that I had done the magnet experiment myself and decided to share this info with you.
Remember to get a neodymium magnet if you aren't already.
Shedding was talked about early on. Is is one of those ideas too horrible to really investigate. Transhumanism is top one. Yikes... I don't want to go into a bunker
Shedding will affect the faucis, gates, windsors and so on of this world. Probability of it to be true close to zero. The psychopaths will never launch a real pandemic unless people are chasing them with ropes and knives and they decide going for the bunkers and releasing Armageddon is their best bet.
If your question was serious, it is obvious that those who share beds are faccinated by proxy. If both were, then they got an extra dose each.
If others were in close proximity to freshly jabbed people for a some time, they would probably be as well. That is why I avoid people. I would ask when was their last jab. If it was recent I would stay away. DON'T care if I offend any feelings by doing so.
"We don't see much of each other, but we go back."
Do a D-DIMER test for micro-clots. There are other tests.
If you are healthy, perhaps it is BEST not to know - and hope for the best.
And DON'T worry - if you can help - as stress is a good friend of c19 and faccines.
Avoid being in close proximity with people in unventilated space for too long. Keep your distance - or space! Since now it is a thing people won't be offended. People, unintentionally, avoided me even outdoors - which was to my benefit.
I notice that home visitors quite often stay outdoors.
Taking several (I had to travel, for work, within Europe, so it was mandated, to take an "officially recognized test", up the accuracy of the overall result: Meaning, chances are higher that my body, in the month(s) preceding did not see any reason to produce antibodies.
When my daughter went back to university after the lock down Off campuis), she was around ALL newly vaxxed young people. She texted me to tell me how unusually heavy her period was. Light and regular for years and then that. Please, God, let there be no permanent effects.
It is also relevant to mention- NAC, (or foods containing it, like meats and cheese), DMSO, and HCQ (just simmer organic citrus peels covered in water for 20 min and drink with honey or not). (ignore online ref to the effect that you cannot make HCQ, that is bunk). Also, there will be lots of orphans now, and lots of kids will need adopting after this cull. Best from OR
I keep hearing stories like this from people. Let's hope the shedding gives way less exposure to spike protein than the shots and that young healthy bodies can prevail
I'm an unvaxxed chad. I workout everyday. When I come in from working out sweat glistens as it drops off of my massive pecs. Your can come live with me. The only noticeable disruption you'll see with your cycle is when you become pregnant with my mini chad son.
Transfection, ie shedding. I do not think there are gonna be any purebloods unless you isolate 24-7. They knew this was a self spreading vaccine, now, and not next year. No Purebloods, wish there were, this is a nightmare.
However, there is some HOPE. There was an experiment where they pumped C19 up the nostrils of healthy volunteers and only about 50% caught it! Since those people were impervious to C19, let's hope they did not faccinated and won't be transfected.
Thanks Barry, Ooh i would be prayin that is so, and I can envision that perhaps the jabs are worse. I worry about preg women who are really trying hard to avoid exposures, almost impossible.
There are two female Aussie hacks who were faccine pushers - one had perio after the second one, she said she will be fine for her booster! She was curt in our private emails. She specifically answered she was fine down there in response to my question. I had to tell her that any damage to a heart cell can NEVER be fully healed; it can only be mitigated.
Both are on maternity leave. Of course, I hope and wish the best for them. I am keeping tab on them in the back of my mind....
Thank you Barry O'Kenyan.... had a similar exchage with a man I used to buy my house insurance from; he is in bodybuilding, and months ago I tried to say the jabs are not 'very good at all' or such. Sent an article about a lifter. He could not even entertain the possibility. Wonder if he has seen more bodybuilders/sportsters with troubles from the jabs by now...I was just trying to keep folks from boosters, by then......honestly, one person saying 'you were right' would be quite keen, but I can't expect I know. Esp since most of the jabbed seem not to be doing to good mentally either, like new ideas are not easy for them now. (ie prion jizz) Noticing this wrt the RoeVWade screamers.
This has been researched and studied by Dr. Sherry Tenpenny and Dr. Larry Pavlesky and even more recently by Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough. Yes, shedding is real - especially between spouses where intimate contact is likely. And yes, if you are intimate, or even just in prolonged close contact with your spouse, the effect is the same as if you yourself had been vaxxed. Same goes for children to vaxxed parents. It’s exactly why the Pfizer’s own Fact Sheets on the injections recommended avoiding exposure to vaxxed persons for pregnant women or women of child-bearing age, because of the KNOWN side effect of sterility and/or miscarriage.
More studies are not required, though I’m sure they would be helpful; rather releasing the studies Pfizer has already conducted and the FDA, CDC, and NIH are aware of is the most urgent thing.
I was hoping 'shedding' wasn't = transfection, but I guess not. I am still really glad I did not get injected, but this is probably why they all have had that 'i know something you don't know' wicked grin....it would follow, then, that all the higher ups in the know would be deeply avoiding exposure to the vaxxed, and I do not see that this is the case, so that element is a bit confusing if one like myself thinks they were aware of what they were unleashing. Thanks Julie Belzeski from OR
I have seen some de-tox protocols but honestly, I think going back to the basics of supplying your body with what it needs - basic minerals/vitamins/hydration/activity/rest while avoiding what harms it - sugar, negative stress/worry and irregular sleep, poor nutrition - is the best course of action for restoring balance and function to our bodies. The trick is being consistent in the face of all the challenges we face daily. All my best to you. 🙏🏼
I am unvaxxed, but experienced a noticeable disruption of my cycle right after my husband was vaxxed. I have heard similar from other women. I don't think it's out of bounds to wonder if there could be fertility effects from the vaxes even on people who did not receive the shots.
(reposted on request as a top-level comment. Leaving original in place below)
A very original and extremely interesting thought! Time will tell, obviously, we need a research institute to arrive at a definitive answer, but it is a great idea. Pinning
I noticed it because I use symptothermal charting, and have detailed records of my cycles going back fifteen years. There are a lot of other women out there keeping the same kind of records. A lot of it is already conveniently entered into electronic databases via fertility apps, and websites like Fertility Friend. That data is BEGGING to be examined for signals in the vax-rollout period. It's out there. It just needs to be looked at!
Wow that's a great idea! I bet the Hasidic rabbis are already on it.
IKR? I wish I knew some so I could ask about it...
There was a news story several months ago on the concerned rabbis in a Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, concerned because they have to know when the women are have their periods for all kinds of reasons. And the nasty shots disrupt that. I just can't remember where I saw that article!
I went looking for it, and it seems the search engines have nixed it.
Dr. Robert Malone has mentioned this during a few of his various podcast/show interviews
I remember reading about this exact thing a while ago also, although I have no idea where or how to look for it. No, you didn't hallucinate it.
there is already a lot of information about vaccines that can be passed to others , like a virus. You just need to search.
Wow! This needs to be explored.
Already was. In Israel.
Sorry if this is too personal but how long did the disruption last?
Just the one weird cycle for me, then things went back to normal. So it could be coincidence. But hearing about similar events from other ladies makes me think it is not coincidental, and I've seen more than one account of longer-lasting effects.
I'm extremely curious about it: does the effect vary with the number of shots? The degree of closeness in the exposure? The manufacturer of the shot? Were there significant differences between effects experienced by women who received the shots vs. women who were exposed secondhand? Is anyone collecting data on it?
Inquiring minds want to know!
A major challenge is that most folks have no idea what was in their vaccine, since lots seem to vary. People assume the shots were uniform but I believe the levels of mRNA varied. Maybe other ingredients did too. I was told under an EUA that big pharma can vary ingredients but I haven't seen a definitive confirmation of that.
You don't need to know what's in it. All you need is the lot # so they can be compared.
Craig Pardekooper has investigated how much the batches apparently varied and where they went. I think he set up a website 'how bad is your batch'.
Dr. Mike Yeadon and others also commented on this. Dr. Yeadon seems to think pharma always has perfect quality control and that this was conspiracy not cockup.
TBF I know three people who admit to bad side-effects from the vac. but I know six people who had COVID badly, on a par with bad flu (from Feb. 2020 to April 2022). One of them died of it (March 2020).
You can be sure they are using these apps to gather the data. Apple will definitely be doing so. Just in the same way as they now have a covid tracking app as a feature. I am sure they are also using health apps to track general health too.
A lot of trad Catholics and other devout religious use the charting system as well as ladies who for whatever reason can't/won't use hormonal contraceptives, or who have reproductive health issues they want to keep track of. The charts are extremely accurate, and able to track not just length of cycle, but date of ovulation, whether you ovulated or not, and the length of the ovulatory and luteal phases, which have a direct bearing on ability to conceive.
What I experienced after my husband was vaxxed was a cycle with an uncharacteristically short luteal phase. If we had been trying to conceive, the likely result of that cycle would have been a fertilized embryo, followed by a miscarriage so early we would not have known about it.
I can't help but extrapolate that out to the population level... what if something like that happened to a whole lot of women around the same time? I think we'd see a drop in births ~9 months later, even if the effect were only temporary.
And how temporary would it be if you were vaxxed 2x/year for years on end? And if you started as a young child? Obvious disaster.
Yeah. I think we're gonna find out the answer to that. But it may take 20 years.
That's why we aren't supposed to release new drugs to the general public without extensive testing. But here we are...
That symptothermal method worked great for us. No need for artificial birth prevention, but then, we were married and ready to take what came. And glad of it.
The charting system is accurate only for those, whose periods are accurate to begin with. However, even they are not a 100% "safe," because many factors can alter the outcome.
However, it might be time for ladies to realize that they are not living in movies and making love always carries the "risk" of pregnancy.
Consequently, making love is only for responsible couples, who actually care for each other. Life is not a game.
I was not evangelizing for FAM (Fertility Awareness Method). But you seem to have some misconceptions about it (pun intended). I highly recommend reading Toni Weschler's classic text on the subject, and updating your knowledge base before giving advice. We are not talking about the rhythm method or guessing based on biological averages here. FAM can be extremely accurate, and a lot of people use it *because* of irregular and unpredictable cycles. Yes, it works even if cycles are irregular-- it doesn't matter, most users can still pinpoint ovulation to within 24 hours.
Muslim women too. You aren't supposed to be praying and fasting during the cycles.
... if true, I'd expect the effects to be more dramatic for women who *did* get the shots, but also, if exposure to a vaxxed person is enough to cause disruptions, then the event that matters most is when vaccines were rolled out, full stop, not necessarily just for women-of-childbearing-age. So there should be a decline in birth rates starting ~9mos from the beginning of vax rollouts *even if it was just to old people*, possibly followed by an even larger decline ~9mos after rollout to women of childbearing age.
So... if we had the data, we could start looking for the effect 9mos after December 2020(?) in most places... September 2021, possibly followed by a sharper effect a few months later.
Now, who's got five years of birth stats that include Q4 of 2021?
So, yes, very few pregnant or young women vaxxed early in 2021 in the UK. But a lot would have got it in the summer of that year, and topped up at Christmas. In the UK, if this is a jab effect, the drop will become more dramatic.
You guys might want to check-out this pre-print published a few months back.
Shedding is real.
It's hard to tell if the authors are Covidian zealots or they say this to get published, but this is what they say in the abstract: "The data we show provides evidence for a new mechanism by which herd immunity may be manifested, the aerosol transfer of antibodies between immune and non-immune hosts."
It remains to be seen if the Covid-specific antibodies pick-up in the unvacinnated kid's nose got stuck as aerosol, or if they are endegenous (if you can vaccinate someone else with your shedding), but at the very least, shedding is real.
Evidence for Aerosol Transfer of SARS-CoV2-specific Humoral Immunity
there is already a lot of information about vaccines that can be passed to others , like a virus. You just need to search.
I too had disruptions, and continue to do so after intimacy, a year after partner’s injections. I try to stay as healthy as possible, and I am luckily past having my children, but it worries me about other young women.
Scary. When did the last injection happen?
Around March 2021.
Might things be different if men had taken ivermectin after being vaccinated to "mop up" some of the spike protein and reduce shedding?
Oh, yikes! If you don't mind sharing, which shot did he get and how many? My husband got the J&J and no boosters, and the cycle disruption happened in the first full cycle following that. No visible disruptions after that.
We will need to find out what is happening to the ovaries of women who's partners took the jab when they did not. This looks like a self-propigating vaccine to me.....at least for the ovaries.
The lipid nanoparticles and spike protien seem to have an affinity for that location as if it was the target all along.
Pfizer, 2 injections early 2021.
The worries may be more numerous than the disruption of fertility patterns.
Yeah, I expect we'll learn a lot about it over the next five, ten, twenty years.
A shame they couldn't, you know, *test it* first.
given the destruction of our food supply chain in netherlands, canada,germany , and other places we will not be around in 5 or ten years to find out anything.
there is already a lot of information about vaccines that can be passed to others , like a virus. You just need to search.
You’re right, and these last 2 years have opened my eyes.
It was part of my argument with my husband over his possibly accepting the mRNA shots: that I'd be getting who knows what indirectly. He decided not to get vaxxed.
Regarding your editing...
I thought you were a man . Makes me feel better about your editing. Real men don't proofread.
Real men don't proofread. Maybe what you mean is, real men don't nitpick. Women are really good at it.
No, you're cool in my book. Different.
It's ok..OK...
It put OK twice, I ain't fixing.
How do you know you're a man,
Uou open fridge and blank stare for 7 min...
We'd be lost without women
The most beautiful women I've ever seen, my very favorites, are the ones who look around and see people are starting to get hungry, then get out in the kitchen and do something about it. They come in all ages, and every kind of background, they may be beat after a long day at work or watching the kids, but they won't let people go hungry.
The handsomest men to me are the ones who pull their beat up pickup truck over and help someone with a flat tire, or intervene when some moron is forcing his attentions on a girl, or eat mediocre fare without complaining when an exhausted wife puts it on the table at the end of a day.
We'd be lost without men, for sure.
Women who have given me food.... Saints!
(John, you mis-spelt You, it's not Uou. LOL. Aren't you glad that someone pointed it out.)
Cairn, it makes me smile 😃. 😃 I won't change.
Although... a couple horror stories, due to sloppiness of writings...
It's part of this whole trans thing isn't it; we like to know if we are dealing with a man or a woman.
They're starting pronoun nonsense at work...
If they demand me to tell them what to call me: Willie Mays.
Link in 30 sec
No white privelege here!
like u knew, i think our bodies are waaaaay smarter than we are, currently. Best and glad 4 u
Thanks Yarrow- here are 2 posts i made elsewhere re 'shedding' and graphene- a bit long sorry-
I am leaning towards the idea that these whackscenes are actually the self spreading ones they currently 'predict' will be 'soon'. They are always simply foreshadowing the next play it seems. This is from a personal experience of shedding I had, and a resultant nightmare, (simply that had been jabbed, in my sleep, and woke up with a bandaid in the nightmare), after sleeping next to a double jabbed person and cohabitating with them. (and I never remember dreams, sleep heavy). Then I really woke up and realized it had been a nightmare, but could no longer bring myself to sleep near that person, ever again. Yep. Nope. So, the idea of there being purebloods or unwhackscnened has become one I do not think is viable, though perhaps in degrees of exposure or shedding. I am seeking some way to assess whether I have 'graphene or stuff' in me from multiple sources, as I did have one Covid test done in 2020 and may have been contaminated at that time (as well?). And of course dental procedures. Just when I think I get it....it gets ickier and ickier, and more electric.
Power to the peasants, we are the U.E. and we will eat you from inside out, WEFers. With my last breath, I pray those who seek to control and dominate shall come to deep reckoning. I recently learned that the injectables probably contain much, even mostly, graphene, and not mNRA or biological elements that should be there. (see https://www.bitchute.com/video/5BeKMWZLgyZo/) I am beginning to understand that the 5G and microwaves are an end goal wrt killing, reacting with the graphene. Also that graphene is being put into us through dental procedures and even foods, nasal sprays. So in the midst of this struggle I am pivoting towards what I think will be the control mechanisms they will use on us soon, electrical stimulus reacting with the graphene thats been put in our bodies. Ridding ourselves of grapene, or 5G and microwave towers, will become the new diet craze, after the deaths play out. (though my crystal ball is hazy). I think they dropped those cows to scare us actually, and for me it worked. Dropped where they stand. My guess there is they used microwaves after feeding them graphene laced foods. We should be testing all meat for graphene. Finally, there is a new docu about the sky spraying chemtrails that is good and scary too; https://rumble.com/v18aocz-the-dimming-documentary-exposing-the-global-climate-engineering-cover-up.html
What a horror story JS. I'm still recovering from it over an hour after reading it.
These Cultists have wrecked your love life too.
that means alot Cairn...it has been crappy, but of course there were rifts before all this, so like many of the injuries, a fracture under combined load....best from OR j
I'm totally with you on much of this...I have nightmares also about getting jabbed, and about any of my 3 kids getting jabbed without my consent. I cannot imagine what I would do if my husband had wanted to; thank God we think the same on this topic. And I also agree that the end game seems to involve graphene, which will probably be used to connect people's bodies to the IoT or some other grid. In the meantime, it's a waiting game.
Thanks Julia, you are the first person to say the jab nightmare happened to you too. Hard to sort out the paranoia vs. appropriate fear; I feel like my body is trying to protect me, cellular wisdom. Praying for everybody, but especially for us who see the ruse(s) and the reality of it. Best from OR
Search 'magnetic meat' on Odysee or Bitchute. There are many videos. I tried it at Safeway. My neo-magnet stuck!
Went to 2 stores here in portland oregon, a safeway and a new seasons market....no magnetic meat seemed to be there, tested beef and pork, hamburger....will try again in a week or so. Would be better to be able to look for graphene, which is not magnetic in some cases, it would seem. Pencil lead is not magetic either, right?
I'd like to emphasize that it must be a neodymium magnet for it to work. A regular old fridge magnet doesn't do the trick. I discovered these videos online soon after the videos of the newly jabbed becoming magnetic became known (which I of course had to test for myself - and roughly 5 out of about 7or 8 actually had my neodymium magnet stick).
I had a little bit of trouble finding meat for my magnet to stick at first. Then I realized there was interference from some of the wrapping. May I suggest trying the fat portion? That's where I first had success. And then meat that is near the bone. Also I've had success with deli meat. You know the packaged luncheon meats?
I am aware that this is hard to believe, which is why I had to try it for myself. It's been awhile since I did this, but I clearly recall a package of breakfast sausage that the magnet stuck to very strongly.
I admit I don't know why this is happening. But like you I suspect it has something to do with graphene. La Quinta Columna has claimed that the graphene oxide or dioxide has magnetic properties. I suspect that the livestock has been injected with what is being called vaccines. But I don't know.
After reading your comment I remembered that I had done the magnet experiment myself and decided to share this info with you.
Remember to get a neodymium magnet if you aren't already.
May God bless you and I wish you all the best.
Dr. Jessica Rose just wrote a Substack on self amplifying mRNA vaccines.
Yes, I am Running not walking away...best
Maybe Billy Boy finally realized his dream of self-spreading anti-fertility vaxxines.😒
And he's working on his dream of blocking out the sun too. With MIT.
One does wonder...
Wouldn't those be very difficult to control?
I imagine having something that spreads like wildfire would be a hard sell at Davos.
Not when you know and have the antidote.
An antidote to Spike (GP-120 GAG) would be amazing.
Very concerning. And to think that the vaccinated are afraid to be around the "unclean" (unvaccinated). Maybe you can get a d-dimer test to see?
yes actually found some when i searched 'home d-dimer test', who knew, thanks Pamela
"And to think that the vaccinated are afraid to be around the "unclean" (unvaccinated)."
They did us a service.
Everything about this has been carefully planned. Especially the message that a part of the masses were brainwashed with.
Seperating participants and non-participants seems an integral part.
Of course there's "Divide et Impera" but I think control freaks need to keep that control.
there is already a lot of information about vaccines that can be passed to others , like a virus. You just need to search.
Shedding was talked about early on. Is is one of those ideas too horrible to really investigate. Transhumanism is top one. Yikes... I don't want to go into a bunker
Shedding will affect the faucis, gates, windsors and so on of this world. Probability of it to be true close to zero. The psychopaths will never launch a real pandemic unless people are chasing them with ropes and knives and they decide going for the bunkers and releasing Armageddon is their best bet.
Not when you know and have the antidote.
If you have been faccinated by proxy, then you have been effectively faccinated.
What % of unvaxxed have neen vaxxed by proxy?
Cheer me up
If your question was serious, it is obvious that those who share beds are faccinated by proxy. If both were, then they got an extra dose each.
If others were in close proximity to freshly jabbed people for a some time, they would probably be as well. That is why I avoid people. I would ask when was their last jab. If it was recent I would stay away. DON'T care if I offend any feelings by doing so.
Deadly serious question. We don't see much of each other, but we go back.
I'm very worried about all this.
Thank you for information.
Avoiding folks might be way to go.
How would I know if I have been vaxxed by proxy? 5 Siblings got it, mom. Others I know.
People warned about this early on
"We don't see much of each other, but we go back."
Do a D-DIMER test for micro-clots. There are other tests.
If you are healthy, perhaps it is BEST not to know - and hope for the best.
And DON'T worry - if you can help - as stress is a good friend of c19 and faccines.
Avoid being in close proximity with people in unventilated space for too long. Keep your distance - or space! Since now it is a thing people won't be offended. People, unintentionally, avoided me even outdoors - which was to my benefit.
I notice that home visitors quite often stay outdoors.
"People warned about this early on"
Damn, so much.
Don't worry is great advice.
You're the legend, ty.
I believe you are Australian?
Tell Dan Andrews he is garbage
Same. I've avoided it, though the shedding can't be more than a small amount.
I'm not afraid. I'm counting on my body not allowing this crap in.
I've been very careful to keep in the best condition possible. Tested negative every time. No antibodies means no Spike of significant quantity.
Being afraid lowers the immune response, this has been extensively proven.
Being careful, weary even, is a different response. Panic is bad, folks.
Careful around those tests, too. I don't trust them.
To clarify: I took several "Rapid Antigen Tests". Those are more reliable than the (obviously compromized) PCR tests.
I am aware that these also have limited usefulness.
Taking several (I had to travel, for work, within Europe, so it was mandated, to take an "officially recognized test", up the accuracy of the overall result: Meaning, chances are higher that my body, in the month(s) preceding did not see any reason to produce antibodies.
danger acc/ good dr is 2 weeks after jab
Can you explain what Hubby was thinking? His thought process? Does he know of your concerns?
None of my business and I apologize if it's too personal.
Works in healthcare. Wanted to keep his job.
When my daughter went back to university after the lock down Off campuis), she was around ALL newly vaxxed young people. She texted me to tell me how unusually heavy her period was. Light and regular for years and then that. Please, God, let there be no permanent effects.
It is also relevant to mention- NAC, (or foods containing it, like meats and cheese), DMSO, and HCQ (just simmer organic citrus peels covered in water for 20 min and drink with honey or not). (ignore online ref to the effect that you cannot make HCQ, that is bunk). Also, there will be lots of orphans now, and lots of kids will need adopting after this cull. Best from OR
Yes, please God, let there be no permanent effects.
Here are some interviews that are good to share....
I keep hearing stories like this from people. Let's hope the shedding gives way less exposure to spike protein than the shots and that young healthy bodies can prevail
I'm an unvaxxed chad. I workout everyday. When I come in from working out sweat glistens as it drops off of my massive pecs. Your can come live with me. The only noticeable disruption you'll see with your cycle is when you become pregnant with my mini chad son.
Transfection, ie shedding. I do not think there are gonna be any purebloods unless you isolate 24-7. They knew this was a self spreading vaccine, now, and not next year. No Purebloods, wish there were, this is a nightmare.
Neh. I think you're overreacting. Jumping to conclusions.
Practically: You're ignoring the body's immune system.
It just doesn't let foreign proteine in, like that. Do a rapid antigen test. Negative = no Spike!
However, there is some HOPE. There was an experiment where they pumped C19 up the nostrils of healthy volunteers and only about 50% caught it! Since those people were impervious to C19, let's hope they did not faccinated and won't be transfected.
Thanks Barry, Ooh i would be prayin that is so, and I can envision that perhaps the jabs are worse. I worry about preg women who are really trying hard to avoid exposures, almost impossible.
T H O S E E F F I N G B A S T U R D S !
There are two female Aussie hacks who were faccine pushers - one had perio after the second one, she said she will be fine for her booster! She was curt in our private emails. She specifically answered she was fine down there in response to my question. I had to tell her that any damage to a heart cell can NEVER be fully healed; it can only be mitigated.
Both are on maternity leave. Of course, I hope and wish the best for them. I am keeping tab on them in the back of my mind....
Thank you Barry O'Kenyan.... had a similar exchage with a man I used to buy my house insurance from; he is in bodybuilding, and months ago I tried to say the jabs are not 'very good at all' or such. Sent an article about a lifter. He could not even entertain the possibility. Wonder if he has seen more bodybuilders/sportsters with troubles from the jabs by now...I was just trying to keep folks from boosters, by then......honestly, one person saying 'you were right' would be quite keen, but I can't expect I know. Esp since most of the jabbed seem not to be doing to good mentally either, like new ideas are not easy for them now. (ie prion jizz) Noticing this wrt the RoeVWade screamers.
You are an UvL - and believe it so. Of course, avoided crowded spaces, even outdoors, where you can.
We do what we can to help ourselves and leave the rest to our Divine Doctor.
Barry UvL
I suspect you might correct. Thus for the UvLs (unvaccinated legends), it is best NOT to know and hope for the best. The placebo effect is real.
This has been researched and studied by Dr. Sherry Tenpenny and Dr. Larry Pavlesky and even more recently by Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough. Yes, shedding is real - especially between spouses where intimate contact is likely. And yes, if you are intimate, or even just in prolonged close contact with your spouse, the effect is the same as if you yourself had been vaxxed. Same goes for children to vaxxed parents. It’s exactly why the Pfizer’s own Fact Sheets on the injections recommended avoiding exposure to vaxxed persons for pregnant women or women of child-bearing age, because of the KNOWN side effect of sterility and/or miscarriage.
More studies are not required, though I’m sure they would be helpful; rather releasing the studies Pfizer has already conducted and the FDA, CDC, and NIH are aware of is the most urgent thing.
I was hoping 'shedding' wasn't = transfection, but I guess not. I am still really glad I did not get injected, but this is probably why they all have had that 'i know something you don't know' wicked grin....it would follow, then, that all the higher ups in the know would be deeply avoiding exposure to the vaxxed, and I do not see that this is the case, so that element is a bit confusing if one like myself thinks they were aware of what they were unleashing. Thanks Julie Belzeski from OR
I have seen some de-tox protocols but honestly, I think going back to the basics of supplying your body with what it needs - basic minerals/vitamins/hydration/activity/rest while avoiding what harms it - sugar, negative stress/worry and irregular sleep, poor nutrition - is the best course of action for restoring balance and function to our bodies. The trick is being consistent in the face of all the challenges we face daily. All my best to you. 🙏🏼