We need to make new systems that we the people control, plugging them into the current systems through representatives willing to decentralize their leadership into citizens assemblies or swarms, then using new and improved and decentralized and transparent versions of Human Swarm Intelligence to govern.
If you never heard of swarming we implore everyone to read this and consider the implications for all of humanity:
Nice idea, but you're completely ignoring human nature as well as the fact that you will never get consensus except on the most banal and uncontentious policies.
To say that I think you've got a complete non-starter on your hands is an understatement.
When you have decisions that are binary and you have differing opinions then you also have a problem. If you have one lot that want to "support City" and another lot that want to "support United" that's tough enough, but then along comes another lot that want to "support Arsenal", then you've gone into a death spiral of intransigence and obfuscation.
Where is your swarm then that is somehow going to create a consensus out of thin air? By suggesting that everyone supports Liverpool instead? Good luck with that, you're going to need it.
Great in principle, but utterly unworkable in practice.
Human nature is your biggest problem... when I was running a small to medium sized business, 150 employees, not once did I ask for someone's opinion. I would ask for their thoughts instead. If you ask for an opinion and then reject it you're going to get resistance as opinions will ALWAYS be defended and/or justified and that leads inexorably to resentment and "if you don't want my opinion, don't ask for it!"
When I asked for thoughts, I would get discussion and elimination of obstacles because people weren't afraid to amend their thoughts... but opinions would be defended to the death.
If you can get to that stage then you've got a half chance... but it's still going to mean a leader has to make decision based on the thoughts and discussions, but you don't want any leaders so what happens then?
Alan Banner is a hierarchist and, probably, a Zionist. I have previously proved all his assertions to be wrong. These can be read in the historical novel "The Lost Track", available free as a PDF through tonyryan43@gmail.com
It’s hard to think of anything more apposite than to say you’re deluded and dishonest.
Where are your proofs? Buried in your deluded mind?
Hierarchist and Zionist? I suppose those were picked out of thin air… especially Zionist which is clearly intended to be an insult. Shame you have no idea why I would be one or even why it’s relevant !
As for “Hierarchist” is that piece of psychobabble actually anything real?!
A limited vocabulary seems also to be one of your problems.
Apparently, intelligence is also an issue. "Proofs". This is not a court of law but the real world wherein logic and evidence rule.. Your words condemn you; a matter entirely under your control. I merely read what you say and draw the inescapable conclusions. Perhaps with a bit of clear forethought and sage advice, you could say things differntly.
I'd love to know what you've proven wrong... this is the first time I've seen your name in here or anywhere else and certainly the first time you've commented on anything I've written so you are basically lying.
Hmm, more drivel and 5 lines that say absolutely nothing but to make a poor show at being intelligent..
You're the one throwing around ridiculous notions that belong in the back half of Vodka Drinkers Weekly.
You did nothing to address any of the points I made, the inevitable conclusion being that you're utterly incapable of dealing with them... apparently that means I'm a zionist!
You're clearly out of ideas, which has to mean that you've copied and pasted that junk from somewhere else and haven't got a clue what any of it means.
Thank you Charlotte, the thing is, those people are dead serious about "detoxifying discourse" and moving beyond "party politics" - we do not even have much time and most likely their plans WILL be implemented
Well that is extremely alarming- how do they plan on circumventing our normal elections? By emergency powers? Another faux coup/war/pandemic? with which powers, because I don’t think an executive mandate would be able to do that ... at least I hope it would lead to the Supreme Court immediately. I think we are at a very very weird juncture in politics where even the Democrats/Obama et al, want Biden out and to install Newsom/Rice. And obviously the Republicans fully supports the charges against Trump as he now will be hell bent on getting rid of a lot of them and he has totally outed the malfeasance of people like McConnell, McCarthy, McDaniels and many other Senators. It is a dangerous time and I have no idea what they have planned next, but I assume it will be the plan of Obama/Mcconnell/Pelosi/CIA/FBI and DoD.
Not only are we at a weird juncture in politics but a weird place in history.
I'm a history buff and believe if we don't understand and know our history then we have learned nothing and have no idea where we are going.
Sadly at this time history is being rewritten or removed entirely from most learning institutions and from the public eye.
Democracy is a relatively knew concept historically speaking. We have taken it for granted in the so called Western Civilizations.
We are now in danger of losing it.
We live in a society, by design, that encourages the masses to be slaves to consummerism, to be constantly connected to our phones to read daily propaganda, to watch 3rd rate television programmes and get the news, for a majority of people, from the MSM.
We have become compliant and docile and are an easy target for the prevailing agenda.
I turned 73 this year and to be honest I have very little hope for the majority of humanity as we move forward in our history.
"Trump as he now will be hell bent on getting rid of a lot of them and he has totally outed the malfeasance of people like McConnell, McCarthy, McDaniels and many other Senators."
What are you smoking? He had 4 years to do it before. Trump's greatest achievement was not starting any wars, which is no mean thing, but he did not go nuclear against the enemies of the state coiled around all three branches.
"how do they plan on circumventing our normal elections?"
Like, they nakedly falsified the presidential election and do the same to state elections. What other power do you think they lack at this point?
Zelensky indefinitely postponed elections in Ukraine, until the war is over. If the neocons have their way, that means Pres for life. If enough disruption can be created in the US, martial law can be declared, suspend the writ of habeas corpus. The Dems would do it, they're insane.
Nobody has elections while they’re getting the crap bombed out of them!
It’s an absolute given that you can’t organise elections when you can’t communicate properly and you certainly don’t want people queuing to vote and give the genocidal bastards in the Kremlin the chance to murder people en masse.
Don’t forget also that nobody in Eastern Ukraine would be allowed to vote!
My guess? Use "Operation Cyber Polygon" or Klaus Schwab's cyber pandemic to shut down the internet just a week or two before our 2024 elections. These will still be held but with a lot of doubts and questions and threats of charges of domestic terrorism from the DC scumbags. The Dominion Machines will play a key role in questions of legitimacy. A lot of people hate or love Trump so much they'll start a civil war over him. Leading to the collapse of everything including our currency. Then the Great Reset.
Great post. Thank you. Hard to digest Sergey Brin sucked in by Klaus, even in the comfort of his hoodie. And, gee, how did Adam Grant slip onto the NYT pages given its crack team of editorial writers, multiple layers of reviewers, and objective critics. Are there any true journalists remaining in main stream media?
I'm thinking that there's going to be increasing fear from these folks, and that they have connections to help them hide.
I'm just wondering out loud here, but if someone were to take a drone apart, and slip it into an emulator that lets the drone "fly all over the world", where would the drone refuse to fly? You might find some interesting stuff in non-obvious places. Maybe even some hidden bunkers in New Zealand or elsewhere that super-rich people don't want folks to know about.
And maybe post that on the web... I wonder who would start insisting the site comes down, or starts DDOS'ing it.
I'm wondering if that would even be possible, as I'm aware that all GPS chips have a disabling function in them to keep them from being used by ballistic missiles. It won't allow dx/dt to be have very large distances (dx) over a small time (dt).
I, for one, think that we put the best from each side in a cage, weld the lid and doors shut and show each contestant where the bell is. As in the marines, can’t take it one more nano second...
RING THE BELL. NOW, in my cage, just getting close to the bell can be insurmountable
I have spent almost a lifetime studying democracy; which was also studied and transcribed by the Irish Monks (3rd to 7th centuries), by Thomas Paine (The Rights of Man), Abraham Lincoln, and Lord Johannes Acton. The oldest surviving democracy is practriced by Australian Aborigines who ensure every man, woman, and child has their say in all decision-making through the application of consensus protocols, encapsulated in the term 'Garma'.
Ancient cultures, Kung and Inuit also had their own versions of Garma; and the Irish Monks wrote about the Finnish Kings who presided over their own version in which the people, collectively, made the decisions, excluding the kings, who then implemented and administered these decisions.
However, the Greeks at no point practiced democracy. I don't know when this gem of historical revisionism inserted itself into our ancient genesis but I suspect it happened relatively recently. As an item of hierarchical control intervention, it was provided with a very professional core of truth inasmuch as the words ''demos' and 'cracy' are Greek sure enough, and voting did indeed take place, as Thucydides reminds us. However, only 19% of Greeks enjoyed a vote,,, those men whose both parents were proven Athenian-born. All others: women, aliens, freeman, and slaves, had no such vote.
This was an ethnic autocracy that favoured the plutoctracy and the military. But we may note that recent history is sprinkled liberally with dissparaging comments about 'democracy' being the best of a bad deal. Typical was Winston Churchill's conclusion that democracy was better than any horrid alternatives. In fact, this man was a psychopathic Zionist who was incapable of uttering humanistic wisdoms. Some historians claim his witticisms were bestowed after the event; Winstin himself being invariably blind drunk.
What we refer to as democracy has been restructured and redefined by the Zionist investment bankers. Genuine democracy was defined lyrically by Abraham Lincoln as "Government of the people, by the people and for the people" in direct response to the banker's proselytising of representationalism. As it happens, he was so successful in countering their propaganda that they had him killed. It was an easy decision considering he had also denied them their federal reserve and civil war bank loans. Outraged American desciples kept his definition alive with their Populist Movement, which survived another twenty years. We may note that considerable attention is still accorded this word 'populist' by the Zionist media to imply some kind of popular albeit misguided impost by the ignorant majority. They do not want the true definition of democracy to resurface.
So what is actual democracy in contemporary parlance? Essentially it is not much different to what is now claimed to be anarchy. It is anti-state and anti-hierarchy. It means every human being has the right to determine his or her own future and, furthermore, the vast majority of us share the same basic values and when confronted by the same satruration level of information, draw identical conclusions. In 1985, an experiment in Australia showed that 97% of people conclude likewise.
As the Aboriginese learned eons ago, there are rules to achieving such consensus. It does not matter the form it takes, as long as it ensures everybody has access to the information and access to the formation of consensus.
What is excluded is the hierarchy and, as Acton observed, when we elect somebody else to do our thinking for us, we pass to him our power to determine our own future. Power, he said, corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
By 'power', he was waxing bibically in Victorian fashion, but the new words to describe what he meant were sociopathy and psychopathy. Power drives men mad, he said. Glancing at our world today, we can see exactly what he means. We are ruled by self=-appointed psychopaths. But even if we elected our leaders, it still turns them mad. This explains the common observation that politicians put themselves forward with the best of intentions, but are then somehow destroyed. Hierarchy does this.
All cultures that embraced hierarchy implemented oppression, hegemony, incaceration, slavery, torture, and war. All flat power cultures (bereft of the power pyramid) enjoyed peace and prosperity There are no democracies today and the most recent survived for two hundred years in what is now Indonesia; completely destroyed by the Dutch invaders. ironically, and perhaps significantly, it was Chinese in makeup.
So, democracy can be achieved today with citizen-initiated referenda. The process needs to be flexible, enabling citizens to contribute according to their means and inclination: nothing, or just basic direction, or details to suit an individual knowledge base, through to those who wish to contribute entire tomes. That is democracy. The role of government is essentially the public service, who implements the policies decided by the people. Experience has shown consensus to be simple rather than complex.
Hierarchists will stagger in circles, seeking the officials, the politicians, the media pundits and gurus, the glorious parliaments, the weight of pomp and ceremony. These are the theatre props of hierarchism. They do not exist in a democracy.
If we go down the road to democracy, we will need to restructure our education system, our families, and all our media. Monopolies must be outlawed and freedom of information extolled and protected. Obviously, the first step must be to rid the world of the seven Zionist families who control all media. and their lead strategist, Rupert Murdoch. We need first to wake up and realise Murdoch is not just some gumpy old man who has retired. He was appointed successor to the David Rockefeller regime in 1973 and asumed the dynastic mantle on David's death in 2017. Murdoch orchestrated the entire scamdeemic and democide and is coordinating the followup.
To free humanity from invisible chains restricting every man, woman, child, except the rulers of course, each of us is asked to examine our own beliefs. There is one big lie most people still believe that keeps them and all others enslaved. https://discernreport.com/the-biggest-lie-most-people-still-believe/
They just said the quiet part out loud. Without elections, there can be no democracy or anything even close to it, so they just admitted that they oppose democracy and support dictatorship.
By the way ladies and gentlemen, my previous post made it to Infowars and Zerohedge.
I will also let this thread run in "top" mode for 1-2 hours and then will switch to "new".
Bring back grand juries or we are doomed…
Congratulations, Igor!
I was just reading over at Zerohedge. Someone referred to the jab as the "Jim Jones juice poke."
Cracked me up...
What is the road out of this mess?
And most importantly SWARMING.
We need to make new systems that we the people control, plugging them into the current systems through representatives willing to decentralize their leadership into citizens assemblies or swarms, then using new and improved and decentralized and transparent versions of Human Swarm Intelligence to govern.
If you never heard of swarming we implore everyone to read this and consider the implications for all of humanity:
Talk about reinventing the wheel. That is actual democracy.
Nice idea, but you're completely ignoring human nature as well as the fact that you will never get consensus except on the most banal and uncontentious policies.
To say that I think you've got a complete non-starter on your hands is an understatement.
When you have decisions that are binary and you have differing opinions then you also have a problem. If you have one lot that want to "support City" and another lot that want to "support United" that's tough enough, but then along comes another lot that want to "support Arsenal", then you've gone into a death spiral of intransigence and obfuscation.
Where is your swarm then that is somehow going to create a consensus out of thin air? By suggesting that everyone supports Liverpool instead? Good luck with that, you're going to need it.
Great in principle, but utterly unworkable in practice.
Human nature is your biggest problem... when I was running a small to medium sized business, 150 employees, not once did I ask for someone's opinion. I would ask for their thoughts instead. If you ask for an opinion and then reject it you're going to get resistance as opinions will ALWAYS be defended and/or justified and that leads inexorably to resentment and "if you don't want my opinion, don't ask for it!"
When I asked for thoughts, I would get discussion and elimination of obstacles because people weren't afraid to amend their thoughts... but opinions would be defended to the death.
If you can get to that stage then you've got a half chance... but it's still going to mean a leader has to make decision based on the thoughts and discussions, but you don't want any leaders so what happens then?
Alan Banner is a hierarchist and, probably, a Zionist. I have previously proved all his assertions to be wrong. These can be read in the historical novel "The Lost Track", available free as a PDF through tonyryan43@gmail.com
It’s hard to think of anything more apposite than to say you’re deluded and dishonest.
Where are your proofs? Buried in your deluded mind?
Hierarchist and Zionist? I suppose those were picked out of thin air… especially Zionist which is clearly intended to be an insult. Shame you have no idea why I would be one or even why it’s relevant !
As for “Hierarchist” is that piece of psychobabble actually anything real?!
A limited vocabulary seems also to be one of your problems.
Apparently, intelligence is also an issue. "Proofs". This is not a court of law but the real world wherein logic and evidence rule.. Your words condemn you; a matter entirely under your control. I merely read what you say and draw the inescapable conclusions. Perhaps with a bit of clear forethought and sage advice, you could say things differntly.
I'd love to know what you've proven wrong... this is the first time I've seen your name in here or anywhere else and certainly the first time you've commented on anything I've written so you are basically lying.
Hmm, more drivel and 5 lines that say absolutely nothing but to make a poor show at being intelligent..
You're the one throwing around ridiculous notions that belong in the back half of Vodka Drinkers Weekly.
You did nothing to address any of the points I made, the inevitable conclusion being that you're utterly incapable of dealing with them... apparently that means I'm a zionist!
You're clearly out of ideas, which has to mean that you've copied and pasted that junk from somewhere else and haven't got a clue what any of it means.
there's always that movie line, "we're not going to make it, are we?"
Well deserved! Awesome to see actual investigative journalism getting traction!
Because you are a truth teller and intelligent. Glad you have received recognition.
Yeah, I saw that!
You deserve it, good to see your assistant’s red pen all over the Info Wars posts.
He deserves a big 🦴
I saw that! Congratulations! I hope you get some monies- not like X will be giving you anything!
Thank you Charlotte, the thing is, those people are dead serious about "detoxifying discourse" and moving beyond "party politics" - we do not even have much time and most likely their plans WILL be implemented
Well that is extremely alarming- how do they plan on circumventing our normal elections? By emergency powers? Another faux coup/war/pandemic? with which powers, because I don’t think an executive mandate would be able to do that ... at least I hope it would lead to the Supreme Court immediately. I think we are at a very very weird juncture in politics where even the Democrats/Obama et al, want Biden out and to install Newsom/Rice. And obviously the Republicans fully supports the charges against Trump as he now will be hell bent on getting rid of a lot of them and he has totally outed the malfeasance of people like McConnell, McCarthy, McDaniels and many other Senators. It is a dangerous time and I have no idea what they have planned next, but I assume it will be the plan of Obama/Mcconnell/Pelosi/CIA/FBI and DoD.
They already control the Dominion voting machines that determine the winner
Not only are we at a weird juncture in politics but a weird place in history.
I'm a history buff and believe if we don't understand and know our history then we have learned nothing and have no idea where we are going.
Sadly at this time history is being rewritten or removed entirely from most learning institutions and from the public eye.
Democracy is a relatively knew concept historically speaking. We have taken it for granted in the so called Western Civilizations.
We are now in danger of losing it.
We live in a society, by design, that encourages the masses to be slaves to consummerism, to be constantly connected to our phones to read daily propaganda, to watch 3rd rate television programmes and get the news, for a majority of people, from the MSM.
We have become compliant and docile and are an easy target for the prevailing agenda.
I turned 73 this year and to be honest I have very little hope for the majority of humanity as we move forward in our history.
"Trump as he now will be hell bent on getting rid of a lot of them and he has totally outed the malfeasance of people like McConnell, McCarthy, McDaniels and many other Senators."
What are you smoking? He had 4 years to do it before. Trump's greatest achievement was not starting any wars, which is no mean thing, but he did not go nuclear against the enemies of the state coiled around all three branches.
"how do they plan on circumventing our normal elections?"
Like, they nakedly falsified the presidential election and do the same to state elections. What other power do you think they lack at this point?
Zelensky indefinitely postponed elections in Ukraine, until the war is over. If the neocons have their way, that means Pres for life. If enough disruption can be created in the US, martial law can be declared, suspend the writ of habeas corpus. The Dems would do it, they're insane.
Nobody has elections while they’re getting the crap bombed out of them!
It’s an absolute given that you can’t organise elections when you can’t communicate properly and you certainly don’t want people queuing to vote and give the genocidal bastards in the Kremlin the chance to murder people en masse.
Don’t forget also that nobody in Eastern Ukraine would be allowed to vote!
My guess? Use "Operation Cyber Polygon" or Klaus Schwab's cyber pandemic to shut down the internet just a week or two before our 2024 elections. These will still be held but with a lot of doubts and questions and threats of charges of domestic terrorism from the DC scumbags. The Dominion Machines will play a key role in questions of legitimacy. A lot of people hate or love Trump so much they'll start a civil war over him. Leading to the collapse of everything including our currency. Then the Great Reset.
Great post. Thank you. Hard to digest Sergey Brin sucked in by Klaus, even in the comfort of his hoodie. And, gee, how did Adam Grant slip onto the NYT pages given its crack team of editorial writers, multiple layers of reviewers, and objective critics. Are there any true journalists remaining in main stream media?
I'm thinking that there's going to be increasing fear from these folks, and that they have connections to help them hide.
I'm just wondering out loud here, but if someone were to take a drone apart, and slip it into an emulator that lets the drone "fly all over the world", where would the drone refuse to fly? You might find some interesting stuff in non-obvious places. Maybe even some hidden bunkers in New Zealand or elsewhere that super-rich people don't want folks to know about.
And maybe post that on the web... I wonder who would start insisting the site comes down, or starts DDOS'ing it.
I'm wondering if that would even be possible, as I'm aware that all GPS chips have a disabling function in them to keep them from being used by ballistic missiles. It won't allow dx/dt to be have very large distances (dx) over a small time (dt).
I, for one, think that we put the best from each side in a cage, weld the lid and doors shut and show each contestant where the bell is. As in the marines, can’t take it one more nano second...
RING THE BELL. NOW, in my cage, just getting close to the bell can be insurmountable
That's hilarious!
You tell me that you've PROVEN everything I've said to be wrong, yet you've said nothing anywhere!
I wrote a long post above and you simply write rubbish.
Basically, you're full of crap
I have spent almost a lifetime studying democracy; which was also studied and transcribed by the Irish Monks (3rd to 7th centuries), by Thomas Paine (The Rights of Man), Abraham Lincoln, and Lord Johannes Acton. The oldest surviving democracy is practriced by Australian Aborigines who ensure every man, woman, and child has their say in all decision-making through the application of consensus protocols, encapsulated in the term 'Garma'.
Ancient cultures, Kung and Inuit also had their own versions of Garma; and the Irish Monks wrote about the Finnish Kings who presided over their own version in which the people, collectively, made the decisions, excluding the kings, who then implemented and administered these decisions.
However, the Greeks at no point practiced democracy. I don't know when this gem of historical revisionism inserted itself into our ancient genesis but I suspect it happened relatively recently. As an item of hierarchical control intervention, it was provided with a very professional core of truth inasmuch as the words ''demos' and 'cracy' are Greek sure enough, and voting did indeed take place, as Thucydides reminds us. However, only 19% of Greeks enjoyed a vote,,, those men whose both parents were proven Athenian-born. All others: women, aliens, freeman, and slaves, had no such vote.
This was an ethnic autocracy that favoured the plutoctracy and the military. But we may note that recent history is sprinkled liberally with dissparaging comments about 'democracy' being the best of a bad deal. Typical was Winston Churchill's conclusion that democracy was better than any horrid alternatives. In fact, this man was a psychopathic Zionist who was incapable of uttering humanistic wisdoms. Some historians claim his witticisms were bestowed after the event; Winstin himself being invariably blind drunk.
What we refer to as democracy has been restructured and redefined by the Zionist investment bankers. Genuine democracy was defined lyrically by Abraham Lincoln as "Government of the people, by the people and for the people" in direct response to the banker's proselytising of representationalism. As it happens, he was so successful in countering their propaganda that they had him killed. It was an easy decision considering he had also denied them their federal reserve and civil war bank loans. Outraged American desciples kept his definition alive with their Populist Movement, which survived another twenty years. We may note that considerable attention is still accorded this word 'populist' by the Zionist media to imply some kind of popular albeit misguided impost by the ignorant majority. They do not want the true definition of democracy to resurface.
So what is actual democracy in contemporary parlance? Essentially it is not much different to what is now claimed to be anarchy. It is anti-state and anti-hierarchy. It means every human being has the right to determine his or her own future and, furthermore, the vast majority of us share the same basic values and when confronted by the same satruration level of information, draw identical conclusions. In 1985, an experiment in Australia showed that 97% of people conclude likewise.
As the Aboriginese learned eons ago, there are rules to achieving such consensus. It does not matter the form it takes, as long as it ensures everybody has access to the information and access to the formation of consensus.
What is excluded is the hierarchy and, as Acton observed, when we elect somebody else to do our thinking for us, we pass to him our power to determine our own future. Power, he said, corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
By 'power', he was waxing bibically in Victorian fashion, but the new words to describe what he meant were sociopathy and psychopathy. Power drives men mad, he said. Glancing at our world today, we can see exactly what he means. We are ruled by self=-appointed psychopaths. But even if we elected our leaders, it still turns them mad. This explains the common observation that politicians put themselves forward with the best of intentions, but are then somehow destroyed. Hierarchy does this.
All cultures that embraced hierarchy implemented oppression, hegemony, incaceration, slavery, torture, and war. All flat power cultures (bereft of the power pyramid) enjoyed peace and prosperity There are no democracies today and the most recent survived for two hundred years in what is now Indonesia; completely destroyed by the Dutch invaders. ironically, and perhaps significantly, it was Chinese in makeup.
So, democracy can be achieved today with citizen-initiated referenda. The process needs to be flexible, enabling citizens to contribute according to their means and inclination: nothing, or just basic direction, or details to suit an individual knowledge base, through to those who wish to contribute entire tomes. That is democracy. The role of government is essentially the public service, who implements the policies decided by the people. Experience has shown consensus to be simple rather than complex.
Hierarchists will stagger in circles, seeking the officials, the politicians, the media pundits and gurus, the glorious parliaments, the weight of pomp and ceremony. These are the theatre props of hierarchism. They do not exist in a democracy.
If we go down the road to democracy, we will need to restructure our education system, our families, and all our media. Monopolies must be outlawed and freedom of information extolled and protected. Obviously, the first step must be to rid the world of the seven Zionist families who control all media. and their lead strategist, Rupert Murdoch. We need first to wake up and realise Murdoch is not just some gumpy old man who has retired. He was appointed successor to the David Rockefeller regime in 1973 and asumed the dynastic mantle on David's death in 2017. Murdoch orchestrated the entire scamdeemic and democide and is coordinating the followup.
What is Billy Boy wearing or is it a Photoshop meme.
I would rather said rhe new democracy is bad for voting ha ha.
Who hatches these people or beings maybe a better term?
they may not be people as the term is understood. they may not even have a soul.
To free humanity from invisible chains restricting every man, woman, child, except the rulers of course, each of us is asked to examine our own beliefs. There is one big lie most people still believe that keeps them and all others enslaved. https://discernreport.com/the-biggest-lie-most-people-still-believe/
Why are these WEF dudes so ugly?
Being ugly is a handicap that has to be overcome by determination to succeed, no matter what it takes, or who gets in the way of their machinations.
Adam Grant is a member of the same group creating all the problems.
They just said the quiet part out loud. Without elections, there can be no democracy or anything even close to it, so they just admitted that they oppose democracy and support dictatorship.
Unbelievable. These people are so evil and power mad!