Do you know what is more powerful that billionaires, the media, and even more powerful than armies? You got it - free speech! Free speech is how we can hang the boullionaires out to dry. Who decides what is "misinformation"? So far the CDC and the media has been bombarding us with just that. How do we know what is "misinformation"? By hearing all aspects, all perspectives, all sides. So if someone wants to inhibit information, look askance at them. If they are saying they will decide for YOU what is information for your eyes then know you are dealing with a sociopath.
I don't know that the controllers give anyone much chance to refute "misinformation". And yes they want to censor truth because they don't want it getting out what they're really up to. All censorship is egregious. If the truth hurts someone, the lie hurts a whole lot more.
THEIR misinformation/disinformation can be refuted. That's what we've been doing. Very effectively. It's highly embarrassing and damaging to them. That's why they absolutely need to censor what we're saying.
That is so right. They need censorship. And this is why it is of the utmost importance that we ordinary folk don't censor each other. Blocking is also censorship by another name. If we do it to each other, then that implies consent for it to be done to us. If we are truly for free speech we need to make sure we uphold it in our lives. That requires a bit of spine because you might have to hear things you don't want to hear. One of course can always walk away but to stop someone from expressing themselves because their words are not liked that is another level. We really need to have long talks about free speech. It is the only safeguard (ie weapon) we peacelovers have against tyrants, thugs, and even armies. With free speech we can always defend ourselves if we are falsely accused. With censorship we can't do that.
There lies the issue of tolerance. We once could disagree among ourselves and then let it go. Too many now are so intolerant of others they try to get people cancelled completely. Naming and shaming because of difference of opinion is simply wrong.
Tolerance yes and even simple curiosity and consideration. This is also done amongst us - "the people" - it happens to me almost every day. I don't verbally attack people but the truth makes them feel attacked and they respond with uncompromising dismissal. It's like they can't hold a thought in their head that goes counter to their belief system. It's like if they hear you they'll turn into marshmallow or something. They treat their fellows the way the government treats them!
It could be a real show if facebook and google adjust their algorythms. How about some sort of ranking penalty for these covidians with their dangerous disinformation?
If anyone would have told me 5 years ago that widespread censorship would be a thing in “democratic” societies, I would have laughed. If someone would have told me that the Democrats/leftists/“liberals” would be charging the way with the censorship, I would have laughed even harder. How can people not see how ridiculous and totalitarian this is? I don’t get it. It’s so absurd that it feels like we are on candid camera or something.
I can understand my liberal friends clamoring for censorship. They just want factual information. Of course, those in power want to censor to control the narrative. But who cannot see the extent of the problem we have now? The other day, I saw a video of Bourla confessing to something and it was done so expertly, I sent it off to a tech geek to show me its flaws. I really couldn't see them. And people STILL believe Luc Montaignier said everyone who got vaxxed would be dead in 2 years. I don't know who is doing these things, but it truly is warfare. I'm kind of gritting my teeth over Musk and his free speech battle. On the one hand, I figure since those who want to control the narrative are so upset, it must be for real and a real threat to them. Yea! But...I can see the hounds of hell unleashed with the kind of "misinformation" like the examples above so that he's forced to censor. But how? How can these without bounds attacks on factual information be fought?
The thing is, almost every single thing the government has said has been false. So why would people think big tech, who is working with government officials, is going to do a good job being the arbiter of truth? Yes, there’s lots of fake information everywhere but free speech helps to parch out fact from fiction far better than partisan censorship. I think it’s pretty obvious that the vast majority of fake information is coming from the “ministry of truth”.
Agreed. But the fakery is not only getting so good, but obviously so well funded, something needs to be done. It's being used to direct the mob. Remember how the obsession with "hate speech" seemed to come from nowhere? That had to have been subterfuge by either foreign or domestic intelligence. (Maybe both) I'm constantly reminded of Griffin's interview with the KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov on ideological subversion. And how now, despite the Fed essentially robbing people of their purchasing power through inflation, and destroying the incentive to save, Congress keeps attempting to put through a wealth tax - because they feel for the plight of the little guy. /s The CBDC will take away the remaining ability to choose how to spend and the wealth tax will take away every molecule of privacy. Free speech is essential, but seems so outgunned. Education is essential - but how to protect that from simply becoming indoctrination (as brought out by the Yuri interviews).
I know what you are saying. The chances that we are going to get out of this are slim. AI algorithms can build a virtual information jail-like cell around peoples’ minds if they allow it. People just want to worry about their jobs, their families, their entertainment and they want to be able to trust what they hear is true. The problem is, trusting what people hear or read to be true, combined with the fear that was instilled into people from the “pandemic” made them even more susceptible to being controlled. As you mentioned the Fed is stealing from us and CBDCs will mean complete human slavery. And most people think that these ideas are quackery.
Well, I’m not sure if free speech can solve it but censoring is certainly far worse, as evidence by the fact that instead of people being exposed to the idea that they would surely die within two years of getting the covid “vaccine”, all they got to hear was that the covid “vaccine” was completely safe and over 90% effective. Which fake message would they have been better off with? Or better yet, If there had been no censorship, perhaps people would have been exposed to reasonable voices instead of the two extremes. No guarantees of course. Getting to the truth is a commitment and many people do not want to research or do not have time or energy to do so.
My theory is that people need to find alternative independent news sources and listen/read a variety of news sources to keep a balanced and skeptical view of things. And watching corporate news should be viewed as a peek into government propaganda. Sounds simple but the brainwashing is strong so many people will not do this. My parents are die-hard Fox News watchers and cannot be persuaded otherwise. I have friends that rely on NPR, CNN, Q Annon etc. They are all powerful and hypnotic.
Through censorship, big tech (and corporate media) has essentially become a single source of narrative - the government, which is obviously run by pharmaceutical companies and other powerful financial investors. I do not understand how anyone thinks that’s a good idea. But people support it and that’s why we are in this mess. They’ve been told to support it because that makes them educated, “nice”, righteous, compassionate, part of the collective, unselfish etc.
I don’t know if I have seen the interview that you reference but it sounds familiar. I’ll see if I can find it. Thanks
I once thought CNN was a decent source but have fully gravitated to Fox. I do watch Cooper on CNN because he does try to not force answers. I enjoy some of CBS reporting knowing their bias. I once enjoyed Cobert but now find all the late night "comics" no longer any relief at all. No wonder Gutfeld is popular in poking fun at everybody.
BTW the Yuri Bezmenov interview from 30+ years ago is trending. He seems even more real in today's environment.
After I discovered TV's skill at hypnotizing me, I stopped watching. With the internet, I now have no need for a talking head (and corporation behind him) telling me what other people are doing or saying. Now we can get information directly from the source(s). I was going to say without curation, but curation on the internet may be just as bad. I remember how exciting it was that Trump could address people without the media inserting itself and interpreting the message. Then he opened his mouth - and then he was censored. And the internet facilitates echo chambers, too, so nothing is perfect. I'm still looking for a news source online beyond citizen free press and zero hedge. Other than that, I stick with substack.
I used to watch Fox until I realized that it was just as controlled as CNN - it was just the conservative flavor of controlled information. If I had to choose one Corporate news source today, it would probably be Fox but I would not think of it as a balanced and true view of the issues. Watching them slavishly support Trump (and subsequently the “vaccine“), my view of corporate news being controlled by the globalists and the pharmaceutical companies was confirmed.
I still need to check out that interview. Thanks for the reminder!
I used to have this "mood" ball that you held in your palm, meditated and then the color should turn from black to green or blue, I can't remember which. When I was going through a particularly unpleasant master's degree, it stayed at solid black - except when I sat down to watch a TV show called MacGyver. Within a minute it would go straight to green. I talked with other members of the class and found they were ALL doing the same thing! Going home and watching that show.
Ever since then, I started looking into hypnotism and the zombie like state people get into when they watch TV. In my opinion one can keep from getting hypnotized if you stay skeptical and reject it - but when you go to watch TV, it's almost like you unknowingly consent and once you get sucked in, you're kind of stuck. I stopped watching.
Anyway, back in the '50s they caught the film industry sneaking in subliminal frames of popcorn at drive in theaters when they found it increased concession stand sales. It was made illegal - but so was airing propaganda to the American audience - which is now legal. What else are we being subjected to?
I agree free speech is better than censorship and think censorship should never be allowed (with tight constraints already spelled out by law). But my personal feeling is this is a one way trip down unless people who spread false information for nefarious purposes suffer serious consequences. First, it should be illegal even for "defense" or political purposes and second, individuals should pay personally for it. Parody should probably have some kind of disclaimer attached. I have no idea how it could be accomplished - how do you prove intent - or even who the actual perpetrator is? I haven't a clue. But without penalty and accountability, what's the downside for intelligence agencies, media and bureaucrats?
It’s such a complex problem with no easy answers. Bottom line is this- whatever laws are put into place to try and keep people honest and truthful are seen as merely hurdles or obstacles by those with nefarious intent. I don’t think there is a way to stop it. We just have to be discerning and educated and try to help others do the same. It’s honestly probably too little too late but I hope I’m wrong.
Yes, the tv is powerful. We got rid of TV about 5 years ago otherwise I might have had a very different reaction to the fraud that took place. I’m grateful for that but at the same time, it has been emotional torture to watch the public fall for all the nonsense. I’m sure many people on this thread can relate to that sentiment.
I think his understanding is almost the same as DR.GeertVandenBossche. Dr. Hiroshi Arakawa, a Japanese cancer researcher living in Italy, has the same idea as Dr. Luc.
The problem is that money and politics surround the truth, the facts, and try to profit from them.
Those who lack mentality of independence and those who do not think for themselves are likely to become unhealthy or die prematurely.
Except for those who happened to receive Puracebo.
The "die within two years" was not an exaggeration. Montaigner gave a long interview that was in French where he voiced his opposition to the vaccines. All of the quotes taken from that interview were extremely accurate - except the two year thing. It was tacked on at the end of the other quotes from that interview and a pure fabrication. I figure they knew almost no one would listen to the entire interview in French to uncover the deception. It infuriates me because they have successfully smeared a scientist who now cannot clear his name.
Likewise, if someone would have told me that Nazi Germany (21st Century style) was in actuality a CONTINUATION of the genocide of 1930's-40's and that the nation had never overcome that evil mind-set, I would have thought it nuts. But waaay too many evidences have surfaced now to be overlooked or scoffed at.
And I get the feeling that Nazi Germany was probably not the genesis of these ideas. What we are experiencing feels very timeless - like a battle that is never truly won, but continually fought against.
I'm sure that the plans for the metaverse chip in the head is still on the table. I'm suspecting that it will play a role in a digital prison type setting. Besides the forced or voluntary use of mind altering drugs. I'm not aware of any other ways that people can be happy and own nothing. Except to perpetually exist in a fake reality.
how many of the European govt have you voted for ? Did you vote for VonDerLeyen? I think the European parliament is not there by vote is it? I might be wrong, have not followed up in 20 years !
You are wrong. All countries within the EU have elections for European MPs who sit at the Parliament in Strasbourg. It is the Commision of which UVL is head that is unelected. If you cannot inform yourself correctly as to how the E U works you should not endorse an incorrect comment made by someone who admits they have not educated themselves about it for 20 years. Having said that the elected Parliament has less power than the unelected Commision.
The whole EU voting system was dodgy from the start. I remember several member nations having to repeat the vote until they got it right! I think the whole thing should be abolished and sovereign nation states restored each with their own currency unless the union implodes under its own weight, in which case, no need to interfere.
That was for a referendum not elections for MEP s. As for dodgy voting systems many people would think the system of electoral college as used in the US presidendial election was dodgy - far less straightforward than a simple vote.
This reply got lost in the ether so reposting again here.
You're right. Thanks for the reminder. I just remember feeling like I was voting for something but I wasn't sure exactly what and neither did I care too much. But that's just me. The whole electronic voting machine thing (not sure if they used them for referendums in EU) and mail-in voting etc needs to be addressed but at the end of the day... I don't think it makes one jot of difference since it's my belief that the whole concept of democracy is a sham to convince the masses that they have a say in grown up things (obviously sometimes we're able to tip the cart but people need to get whipped up about something and it's usually a controlled op). I despise the farce that is party politics and and all carreer politicians - especially after the last three years.
The US Republic requires acceptance of the sovereignty of each member state no matter the size. That affords people the opportunity to vote with their feet. At least in the US there is a common language making that easy although many in the EU are accomplished in multiple languages. The US Founders were quite fearful of the tyranny of the majority and sought to avoid a pure democracy where history defines frequent failures. So the electoral college was invented along with each state legislators nominating two Senators. Those are now elected by the public as well and often don't reflect the will of a state. So indeed, a bit convoluted but testimony to a constitution affirmed as the longest government structure in history. It may not survive all of the redefinitions that time has produced.
Difficult to explain. We vote for the parliament members. But it is like a second order election, a lot of people don’t vote. Once in the parliament they vote for things that you would never expect, like conservatives pro abortion. But somehow they are disconnected from us. We vote the parties mostly for what they do in the country, what they do in the EU is different and it is difficult to realize. Probably they just hide it (for example debates in the EU are rarely seen in the different countries, we just see the local parliaments). And this vonderleyen bitch, do not know where she comes from, no election at all for her.
The we have the European Commission, not there by vote. I don’t know what they do. Just fuck us
No. Here it is different. That thing you say happens within the country. With the “local” governments. And that happens probably in every country in the world.
But the EU is a different thing. It is like voting is just a masquerade (wrong spelling?). They have the highest power and the lowest accountability or control.
same crap everywhere, but in different ways. Here in US you got all kind of 3 and more letter commissions who seem to think they are the law. But in Europe they just seem to chose between themselves. That was already the impression I had when I lived there (you voted for party A which gained the election, then party B and C went together and had more votes together so you never had those you voted for)
"Unbeknownst to most Americans, this has in fact occurred and their 1st Amendment rights are being vitiated, namely, by the European Union. There is a financial gun pointed at Twitter. But it is not the Biden administration, but rather the European Commission, under the leadership of Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, that has its finger on the trigger.
The law in question is the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA), which was passed by the European Parliament last July 5 amidst almost total indifference – in Europe as much as in the United States – despite its momentous and disastrous implications for freedom of speech worldwide."
Yes there are obviously many sick souls that think torturing children and eating live embryos and sucking blood is ok, More than we thought......why are they being protected? I don’t believe their dna comes from the same universe .....they are completely foreign. I do believe using the magnetic flux substrate, in frequency and sounds ie: magic that they can take over other souls and run their 3rd dimension lives. That explains the sudden change in personality and beliefs. We really need to rid the universe of these pariah. That’s why we have to be more in tune with ourselves, happier more content people so we vibrate at a higher frequency which they cannot take over. Be healthy, do what you believe is right, every day get up be content and motivated .
Twitter would still be usable by VPN, so while EU users would decline by a lot, it would also teach millions of people how to use VPN to get around their governments. Like they do in China. Not a bad skill for people to learn!
Don't bet on VPN forever remaining an unassailable solution. Major internet companies made experiments last or this year with throtteling VPNs, detecting them, presumably, by packet inspection.
Rob Braxman complained about that in a YT vid - his own VPN customers were impacted by it.
It would be futile. But I suppose they'd start by shutting down all the VPN businesses within EU jurisdiction. Then maybe putting up something like China's "Great Firewall" and playing whack-a-mole with IP ban lists. I think it actually works pretty well in China, for most of the population, most of the time. It would be a very big move, though.
YO Europe!! Put your big boy and big girl Lederhosen on and say “ NEIN!” If shutting down Twitter is not a draconian fire alarm, I don’t know what is!!! Madness!!!
They want to shut the farms to build super cities. They’ll need people to fill the cities and they don’t be Dutch. They whole country should be up in arms.
I agree. Americans generally have done exactly nothing in the way of protesting against the shock of government stripping away our free speech and other 1st amendment rights. Europeans are out in the streets a lot! Just because US media doesn’t cover their protests does not mean it’s not happening. Europeans are not lazy. Americans, unfortunately, love their couches, football, Cheezits, and tater chips too much. (I am an American, but feel more like a European).
Yes, you are right! We have an iron fist clamping down on anyone too who dares pass on information. The media blackout prevents the world from understanding “the hot-bed of freedom fighting” in Europe ..
Americans face the lack of a social safety net combined with a brutal criminal justice system, both the legacy of slavery, combined with a completely hollowed out economy dependent on the military and its contractors, and all this very definitely affects all races here. Europe may lack some constitutional protections that Americans have, but those protections are eroded if they are not defended.
Whilst you may well be right in the main .. there are millions of us active dissidents in Europe who are still fighting and will continue to fight. Yes, we are hammered by globalist propaganda, psyops, fear, new laws daily but this will not hinder us .. so please Mauro STOP for a minute and think of those of us who are fighting hard 24/7 - many prepared to pay the ultimate sacrifice for their belief in Freedom. I have had death threats along with many of my compatriots - we know what the detention centres currently being built are for - we know what the mass crematoria are here for .. and it’s not just the sick and dying sheep or headless chicken! So please spare a moment and think of those who continue to fight! Thank you.
It was revealed today Google provided location data illegally to their pals at the FBI (across the hall) for the January 6 PSYOP. You think American and European nationalists might be able to organize to put Google and Apple out of business? We just need some organization.
Where's the free speech zone where you dare take it out to make and return calls? VPN for phone? Like that'll fool tower geolocation, though might work if over WiFi.
Geofencing is a very dangerous threat to individual freedom. Not sure if you saw this article about the FBI using the practice on January 6. They even scooped up IDs of just regular people who happened to be in the area.
You can bet all countries around the world are using the dragnet.
Burner phone won't help geofencing other than they might not know whose phone it is. All countries with cellular service, you mean. (I wonder if geofencing satellite phones has been accomplished.)
If you must take a cellular phone (smart or not) to a politically provocative event (or even just happen to pass near such a thing), keep it (even if a burner phone) in a Faraday cage except for outright emergency use. I heard wrapping in 2 layers of potato chip bags required if you use them as Ersatz Faraday cages.
It wasn’t just Google. The FBI had agents and assets in the crowd. May have organized the whole thing. Remember the Whitmer Fed-napping. There was also an J6 like protest at the MI Capitol. Just nobody went inside so it failed in its purpose. Wonder if that’s why the had Agents in the crowd…or did they contract it out….just wondering.
It was the same agent in charge of the fednapping that was the agent in charge in DC when Jan 6 happened! Same tactics same does make you wonder!
Those EU guys are busy banning lots of stuff right now.
Twitter, natural gas, heat, power, industrialization, farmland, power plants, seems like the list is pretty much anything and everything that makes modern society.
not sure if Europeans will protest or not, they seem to be so lame ! I hope they get out on the streets, may be this will be a wake up call for the youth.
While I agree with you Igor, the constitution and bill of rights has been trampled for decades. And Dave, not so sure we're going to be able to keep it. Far too many seem to be asleep. 🙁
to find likeminded people & so easy to share research/articles semi-anonymously w/out having to concern myself w/ the feelings of certain relatives. I’ve learned a great deal, too.
Do you know what is more powerful that billionaires, the media, and even more powerful than armies? You got it - free speech! Free speech is how we can hang the boullionaires out to dry. Who decides what is "misinformation"? So far the CDC and the media has been bombarding us with just that. How do we know what is "misinformation"? By hearing all aspects, all perspectives, all sides. So if someone wants to inhibit information, look askance at them. If they are saying they will decide for YOU what is information for your eyes then know you are dealing with a sociopath.
Misinformation/disinformation can be refuted; only the truth needs to be censored.
I don't know that the controllers give anyone much chance to refute "misinformation". And yes they want to censor truth because they don't want it getting out what they're really up to. All censorship is egregious. If the truth hurts someone, the lie hurts a whole lot more.
THEIR misinformation/disinformation can be refuted. That's what we've been doing. Very effectively. It's highly embarrassing and damaging to them. That's why they absolutely need to censor what we're saying.
That is so right. They need censorship. And this is why it is of the utmost importance that we ordinary folk don't censor each other. Blocking is also censorship by another name. If we do it to each other, then that implies consent for it to be done to us. If we are truly for free speech we need to make sure we uphold it in our lives. That requires a bit of spine because you might have to hear things you don't want to hear. One of course can always walk away but to stop someone from expressing themselves because their words are not liked that is another level. We really need to have long talks about free speech. It is the only safeguard (ie weapon) we peacelovers have against tyrants, thugs, and even armies. With free speech we can always defend ourselves if we are falsely accused. With censorship we can't do that.
There lies the issue of tolerance. We once could disagree among ourselves and then let it go. Too many now are so intolerant of others they try to get people cancelled completely. Naming and shaming because of difference of opinion is simply wrong.
Tolerance yes and even simple curiosity and consideration. This is also done amongst us - "the people" - it happens to me almost every day. I don't verbally attack people but the truth makes them feel attacked and they respond with uncompromising dismissal. It's like they can't hold a thought in their head that goes counter to their belief system. It's like if they hear you they'll turn into marshmallow or something. They treat their fellows the way the government treats them!
And so they are going to push the lie that those who disagree with them are mentally ill: and
Dr. Breggin here:
Very hard truths.
We need to ignore them wholesale. And get on with talking about what we are going to do now that we know we are under siege.
We're gonna need a lot more doctors to wake up.
To steal a phrase, I think it more appropriate to say: "The clot thickens". You can smell their fear now.
A great book by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick... he's no fan of covid vaccines.
Haha, I'm not the only one saying that!!!
" The Clot Thickens" is great and I hope you don't mind me plagiarizing you.
Not a problem. As I say, I stole it from someone else, I think it was a doctor whose name I can't remember.
Dr. Ryan Cole said it the other day too, on the Dr. Drew podcast. 😉
We haven't dodged the GLoT shot yet. Heh.
It could be a real show if facebook and google adjust their algorythms. How about some sort of ranking penalty for these covidians with their dangerous disinformation?
Put that on Twitter!
If anyone would have told me 5 years ago that widespread censorship would be a thing in “democratic” societies, I would have laughed. If someone would have told me that the Democrats/leftists/“liberals” would be charging the way with the censorship, I would have laughed even harder. How can people not see how ridiculous and totalitarian this is? I don’t get it. It’s so absurd that it feels like we are on candid camera or something.
I can understand my liberal friends clamoring for censorship. They just want factual information. Of course, those in power want to censor to control the narrative. But who cannot see the extent of the problem we have now? The other day, I saw a video of Bourla confessing to something and it was done so expertly, I sent it off to a tech geek to show me its flaws. I really couldn't see them. And people STILL believe Luc Montaignier said everyone who got vaxxed would be dead in 2 years. I don't know who is doing these things, but it truly is warfare. I'm kind of gritting my teeth over Musk and his free speech battle. On the one hand, I figure since those who want to control the narrative are so upset, it must be for real and a real threat to them. Yea! But...I can see the hounds of hell unleashed with the kind of "misinformation" like the examples above so that he's forced to censor. But how? How can these without bounds attacks on factual information be fought?
The thing is, almost every single thing the government has said has been false. So why would people think big tech, who is working with government officials, is going to do a good job being the arbiter of truth? Yes, there’s lots of fake information everywhere but free speech helps to parch out fact from fiction far better than partisan censorship. I think it’s pretty obvious that the vast majority of fake information is coming from the “ministry of truth”.
Agreed. But the fakery is not only getting so good, but obviously so well funded, something needs to be done. It's being used to direct the mob. Remember how the obsession with "hate speech" seemed to come from nowhere? That had to have been subterfuge by either foreign or domestic intelligence. (Maybe both) I'm constantly reminded of Griffin's interview with the KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov on ideological subversion. And how now, despite the Fed essentially robbing people of their purchasing power through inflation, and destroying the incentive to save, Congress keeps attempting to put through a wealth tax - because they feel for the plight of the little guy. /s The CBDC will take away the remaining ability to choose how to spend and the wealth tax will take away every molecule of privacy. Free speech is essential, but seems so outgunned. Education is essential - but how to protect that from simply becoming indoctrination (as brought out by the Yuri interviews).
I know what you are saying. The chances that we are going to get out of this are slim. AI algorithms can build a virtual information jail-like cell around peoples’ minds if they allow it. People just want to worry about their jobs, their families, their entertainment and they want to be able to trust what they hear is true. The problem is, trusting what people hear or read to be true, combined with the fear that was instilled into people from the “pandemic” made them even more susceptible to being controlled. As you mentioned the Fed is stealing from us and CBDCs will mean complete human slavery. And most people think that these ideas are quackery.
Well, I’m not sure if free speech can solve it but censoring is certainly far worse, as evidence by the fact that instead of people being exposed to the idea that they would surely die within two years of getting the covid “vaccine”, all they got to hear was that the covid “vaccine” was completely safe and over 90% effective. Which fake message would they have been better off with? Or better yet, If there had been no censorship, perhaps people would have been exposed to reasonable voices instead of the two extremes. No guarantees of course. Getting to the truth is a commitment and many people do not want to research or do not have time or energy to do so.
My theory is that people need to find alternative independent news sources and listen/read a variety of news sources to keep a balanced and skeptical view of things. And watching corporate news should be viewed as a peek into government propaganda. Sounds simple but the brainwashing is strong so many people will not do this. My parents are die-hard Fox News watchers and cannot be persuaded otherwise. I have friends that rely on NPR, CNN, Q Annon etc. They are all powerful and hypnotic.
Through censorship, big tech (and corporate media) has essentially become a single source of narrative - the government, which is obviously run by pharmaceutical companies and other powerful financial investors. I do not understand how anyone thinks that’s a good idea. But people support it and that’s why we are in this mess. They’ve been told to support it because that makes them educated, “nice”, righteous, compassionate, part of the collective, unselfish etc.
I don’t know if I have seen the interview that you reference but it sounds familiar. I’ll see if I can find it. Thanks
I once thought CNN was a decent source but have fully gravitated to Fox. I do watch Cooper on CNN because he does try to not force answers. I enjoy some of CBS reporting knowing their bias. I once enjoyed Cobert but now find all the late night "comics" no longer any relief at all. No wonder Gutfeld is popular in poking fun at everybody.
BTW the Yuri Bezmenov interview from 30+ years ago is trending. He seems even more real in today's environment.
After I discovered TV's skill at hypnotizing me, I stopped watching. With the internet, I now have no need for a talking head (and corporation behind him) telling me what other people are doing or saying. Now we can get information directly from the source(s). I was going to say without curation, but curation on the internet may be just as bad. I remember how exciting it was that Trump could address people without the media inserting itself and interpreting the message. Then he opened his mouth - and then he was censored. And the internet facilitates echo chambers, too, so nothing is perfect. I'm still looking for a news source online beyond citizen free press and zero hedge. Other than that, I stick with substack.
I used to watch Fox until I realized that it was just as controlled as CNN - it was just the conservative flavor of controlled information. If I had to choose one Corporate news source today, it would probably be Fox but I would not think of it as a balanced and true view of the issues. Watching them slavishly support Trump (and subsequently the “vaccine“), my view of corporate news being controlled by the globalists and the pharmaceutical companies was confirmed.
I still need to check out that interview. Thanks for the reminder!
I used to have this "mood" ball that you held in your palm, meditated and then the color should turn from black to green or blue, I can't remember which. When I was going through a particularly unpleasant master's degree, it stayed at solid black - except when I sat down to watch a TV show called MacGyver. Within a minute it would go straight to green. I talked with other members of the class and found they were ALL doing the same thing! Going home and watching that show.
Ever since then, I started looking into hypnotism and the zombie like state people get into when they watch TV. In my opinion one can keep from getting hypnotized if you stay skeptical and reject it - but when you go to watch TV, it's almost like you unknowingly consent and once you get sucked in, you're kind of stuck. I stopped watching.
Anyway, back in the '50s they caught the film industry sneaking in subliminal frames of popcorn at drive in theaters when they found it increased concession stand sales. It was made illegal - but so was airing propaganda to the American audience - which is now legal. What else are we being subjected to?
I agree free speech is better than censorship and think censorship should never be allowed (with tight constraints already spelled out by law). But my personal feeling is this is a one way trip down unless people who spread false information for nefarious purposes suffer serious consequences. First, it should be illegal even for "defense" or political purposes and second, individuals should pay personally for it. Parody should probably have some kind of disclaimer attached. I have no idea how it could be accomplished - how do you prove intent - or even who the actual perpetrator is? I haven't a clue. But without penalty and accountability, what's the downside for intelligence agencies, media and bureaucrats?
It’s such a complex problem with no easy answers. Bottom line is this- whatever laws are put into place to try and keep people honest and truthful are seen as merely hurdles or obstacles by those with nefarious intent. I don’t think there is a way to stop it. We just have to be discerning and educated and try to help others do the same. It’s honestly probably too little too late but I hope I’m wrong.
Yes, the tv is powerful. We got rid of TV about 5 years ago otherwise I might have had a very different reaction to the fraud that took place. I’m grateful for that but at the same time, it has been emotional torture to watch the public fall for all the nonsense. I’m sure many people on this thread can relate to that sentiment.
"All will die within two years" seems to be an exaggeration by the mass media for their Proft.
But I think what DR.Luc said is broadly correct.
I think his understanding is almost the same as DR.GeertVandenBossche. Dr. Hiroshi Arakawa, a Japanese cancer researcher living in Italy, has the same idea as Dr. Luc.
The problem is that money and politics surround the truth, the facts, and try to profit from them.
Those who lack mentality of independence and those who do not think for themselves are likely to become unhealthy or die prematurely.
Except for those who happened to receive Puracebo.
The "die within two years" was not an exaggeration. Montaigner gave a long interview that was in French where he voiced his opposition to the vaccines. All of the quotes taken from that interview were extremely accurate - except the two year thing. It was tacked on at the end of the other quotes from that interview and a pure fabrication. I figure they knew almost no one would listen to the entire interview in French to uncover the deception. It infuriates me because they have successfully smeared a scientist who now cannot clear his name.
The fraud has been limitless. It’s horrific what has been done.
Likewise, if someone would have told me that Nazi Germany (21st Century style) was in actuality a CONTINUATION of the genocide of 1930's-40's and that the nation had never overcome that evil mind-set, I would have thought it nuts. But waaay too many evidences have surfaced now to be overlooked or scoffed at.
And I get the feeling that Nazi Germany was probably not the genesis of these ideas. What we are experiencing feels very timeless - like a battle that is never truly won, but continually fought against.
he's also a rothschild puppet along with macron
Aren't they all...
when will you return on twitter? it's fun again now that the "fact checking" socialists are out of jobs (if you can call what they did 'work').
I'm sure that the plans for the metaverse chip in the head is still on the table. I'm suspecting that it will play a role in a digital prison type setting. Besides the forced or voluntary use of mind altering drugs. I'm not aware of any other ways that people can be happy and own nothing. Except to perpetually exist in a fake reality.
As a European citizen I don’t know who this guy is, I haven’t had the opportunity to vote for or against him. Why can he stop me from using Twitter?
how many of the European govt have you voted for ? Did you vote for VonDerLeyen? I think the European parliament is not there by vote is it? I might be wrong, have not followed up in 20 years !
you nailed it
You are wrong. All countries within the EU have elections for European MPs who sit at the Parliament in Strasbourg. It is the Commision of which UVL is head that is unelected. If you cannot inform yourself correctly as to how the E U works you should not endorse an incorrect comment made by someone who admits they have not educated themselves about it for 20 years. Having said that the elected Parliament has less power than the unelected Commision.
The whole EU voting system was dodgy from the start. I remember several member nations having to repeat the vote until they got it right! I think the whole thing should be abolished and sovereign nation states restored each with their own currency unless the union implodes under its own weight, in which case, no need to interfere.
That was for a referendum not elections for MEP s. As for dodgy voting systems many people would think the system of electoral college as used in the US presidendial election was dodgy - far less straightforward than a simple vote.
This reply got lost in the ether so reposting again here.
You're right. Thanks for the reminder. I just remember feeling like I was voting for something but I wasn't sure exactly what and neither did I care too much. But that's just me. The whole electronic voting machine thing (not sure if they used them for referendums in EU) and mail-in voting etc needs to be addressed but at the end of the day... I don't think it makes one jot of difference since it's my belief that the whole concept of democracy is a sham to convince the masses that they have a say in grown up things (obviously sometimes we're able to tip the cart but people need to get whipped up about something and it's usually a controlled op). I despise the farce that is party politics and and all carreer politicians - especially after the last three years.
The US Republic requires acceptance of the sovereignty of each member state no matter the size. That affords people the opportunity to vote with their feet. At least in the US there is a common language making that easy although many in the EU are accomplished in multiple languages. The US Founders were quite fearful of the tyranny of the majority and sought to avoid a pure democracy where history defines frequent failures. So the electoral college was invented along with each state legislators nominating two Senators. Those are now elected by the public as well and often don't reflect the will of a state. So indeed, a bit convoluted but testimony to a constitution affirmed as the longest government structure in history. It may not survive all of the redefinitions that time has produced.
Difficult to explain. We vote for the parliament members. But it is like a second order election, a lot of people don’t vote. Once in the parliament they vote for things that you would never expect, like conservatives pro abortion. But somehow they are disconnected from us. We vote the parties mostly for what they do in the country, what they do in the EU is different and it is difficult to realize. Probably they just hide it (for example debates in the EU are rarely seen in the different countries, we just see the local parliaments). And this vonderleyen bitch, do not know where she comes from, no election at all for her.
The we have the European Commission, not there by vote. I don’t know what they do. Just fuck us
it is like that here in the US
We vote for people that do nothing for the people they represent.
As Oblamer famously said "words just words" I think he pinched that line from some other bloviator
No. Here it is different. That thing you say happens within the country. With the “local” governments. And that happens probably in every country in the world.
But the EU is a different thing. It is like voting is just a masquerade (wrong spelling?). They have the highest power and the lowest accountability or control.
The EU is Leviathan writ large.
Sure miss that itsy bitsy baby Leviathan. Ol' Hobbes didn't know how humane his monarchy really was
same crap everywhere, but in different ways. Here in US you got all kind of 3 and more letter commissions who seem to think they are the law. But in Europe they just seem to chose between themselves. That was already the impression I had when I lived there (you voted for party A which gained the election, then party B and C went together and had more votes together so you never had those you voted for)
Same crap everywhere.
I call her "von der Lying."
Fond of lying.
Found her lying.
If not there by vote then truthfully........they are not there.
that being said, ... who's votes count anyway?
We can say the very same for everything the EU pushes on us..true story
"Unbeknownst to most Americans, this has in fact occurred and their 1st Amendment rights are being vitiated, namely, by the European Union. There is a financial gun pointed at Twitter. But it is not the Biden administration, but rather the European Commission, under the leadership of Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, that has its finger on the trigger.
The law in question is the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA), which was passed by the European Parliament last July 5 amidst almost total indifference – in Europe as much as in the United States – despite its momentous and disastrous implications for freedom of speech worldwide."
They’re mad Elon shut down the kid diddling.
Just like they went after Alex Jones for exposing Epsteins island…er I mean sandy hook.
Yes there are obviously many sick souls that think torturing children and eating live embryos and sucking blood is ok, More than we thought......why are they being protected? I don’t believe their dna comes from the same universe .....they are completely foreign. I do believe using the magnetic flux substrate, in frequency and sounds ie: magic that they can take over other souls and run their 3rd dimension lives. That explains the sudden change in personality and beliefs. We really need to rid the universe of these pariah. That’s why we have to be more in tune with ourselves, happier more content people so we vibrate at a higher frequency which they cannot take over. Be healthy, do what you believe is right, every day get up be content and motivated .
Twitter would still be usable by VPN, so while EU users would decline by a lot, it would also teach millions of people how to use VPN to get around their governments. Like they do in China. Not a bad skill for people to learn!
Don't bet on VPN forever remaining an unassailable solution. Major internet companies made experiments last or this year with throtteling VPNs, detecting them, presumably, by packet inspection.
Rob Braxman complained about that in a YT vid - his own VPN customers were impacted by it.
The countermove is IP steganography. It's always an arms race.
And then, somebody like Thierry might outlaw VPNs altogether. That's when it would really get interesting.
How would they do that, if they've not managed it in China? Actually asking.
It would be futile. But I suppose they'd start by shutting down all the VPN businesses within EU jurisdiction. Then maybe putting up something like China's "Great Firewall" and playing whack-a-mole with IP ban lists. I think it actually works pretty well in China, for most of the population, most of the time. It would be a very big move, though.
Doubt the Netherlands would comply. They host an extraordinary number of VPN services along with web servers. Many of their VPNs keep no logs as well.
Amen to that my friend!
YO Europe!! Put your big boy and big girl Lederhosen on and say “ NEIN!” If shutting down Twitter is not a draconian fire alarm, I don’t know what is!!! Madness!!!
Wow. You say you want a revolution. Well you know....
I see a nexus between Netherlands farmers and Twitter Europe users.
Love those farmers in the Netherlands.
They want to shut the farms to build super cities. They’ll need people to fill the cities and they don’t be Dutch. They whole country should be up in arms.
Exactly- banning Twitter will make that less fluid.
Europeans won’t do anything unfortunately because after decades of globalist indoctrination they are weak, demoralised, compliant and complacent.
I agree and that is SAD
I think we protest more than the American people. Big demonstrations in Europe are common.
I agree. Americans generally have done exactly nothing in the way of protesting against the shock of government stripping away our free speech and other 1st amendment rights. Europeans are out in the streets a lot! Just because US media doesn’t cover their protests does not mean it’s not happening. Europeans are not lazy. Americans, unfortunately, love their couches, football, Cheezits, and tater chips too much. (I am an American, but feel more like a European).
Yes, you are right! We have an iron fist clamping down on anyone too who dares pass on information. The media blackout prevents the world from understanding “the hot-bed of freedom fighting” in Europe ..
Americans are lulled into a false sense of security because we have the 2nd Amendment.
Yes, but then your elections are rigged and no gun shows up. On the other hand, you have an amazing constitution.
Yes, our elections are rigged. And no, the guns don't show up.
Americans face the lack of a social safety net combined with a brutal criminal justice system, both the legacy of slavery, combined with a completely hollowed out economy dependent on the military and its contractors, and all this very definitely affects all races here. Europe may lack some constitutional protections that Americans have, but those protections are eroded if they are not defended.
European people need to protest HARDER!!
They can bring a country to a complete standstill with their strikes.
Whilst you may well be right in the main .. there are millions of us active dissidents in Europe who are still fighting and will continue to fight. Yes, we are hammered by globalist propaganda, psyops, fear, new laws daily but this will not hinder us .. so please Mauro STOP for a minute and think of those of us who are fighting hard 24/7 - many prepared to pay the ultimate sacrifice for their belief in Freedom. I have had death threats along with many of my compatriots - we know what the detention centres currently being built are for - we know what the mass crematoria are here for .. and it’s not just the sick and dying sheep or headless chicken! So please spare a moment and think of those who continue to fight! Thank you.
The Poles and the Hungarians are rabble-rousers.
It was revealed today Google provided location data illegally to their pals at the FBI (across the hall) for the January 6 PSYOP. You think American and European nationalists might be able to organize to put Google and Apple out of business? We just need some organization.
Keep the smartphone in a Faraday cage.
Don't need one, can think without a phone. Cheers
I don't have a smartphone.
It always amuses me how people carry them in their left or right hand as if they are some medical support device.
SOME people use the term "exobrain" without the barest whiff of irony. They're in one particular corner of the smart-vs-wise state space, tho
Where's the free speech zone where you dare take it out to make and return calls? VPN for phone? Like that'll fool tower geolocation, though might work if over WiFi.
Maybe a burner phone?
Geofencing is a very dangerous threat to individual freedom. Not sure if you saw this article about the FBI using the practice on January 6. They even scooped up IDs of just regular people who happened to be in the area.
You can bet all countries around the world are using the dragnet.
Burner phone won't help geofencing other than they might not know whose phone it is. All countries with cellular service, you mean. (I wonder if geofencing satellite phones has been accomplished.)
If you must take a cellular phone (smart or not) to a politically provocative event (or even just happen to pass near such a thing), keep it (even if a burner phone) in a Faraday cage except for outright emergency use. I heard wrapping in 2 layers of potato chip bags required if you use them as Ersatz Faraday cages.
I think satellite phones might be OK, but I would have to do more research.
It wasn’t just Google. The FBI had agents and assets in the crowd. May have organized the whole thing. Remember the Whitmer Fed-napping. There was also an J6 like protest at the MI Capitol. Just nobody went inside so it failed in its purpose. Wonder if that’s why the had Agents in the crowd…or did they contract it out….just wondering.
It was the same agent in charge of the fednapping that was the agent in charge in DC when Jan 6 happened! Same tactics same does make you wonder!
Those EU guys are busy banning lots of stuff right now.
Twitter, natural gas, heat, power, industrialization, farmland, power plants, seems like the list is pretty much anything and everything that makes modern society.
Somebody may need to
have another “ahem* TEA PARTY?
We need to ban the WEF. We can figure out how to live without them. They are allergic to freedom and self reliance.
What do they do for society? Honest question.
Nitrogen (which essentially equals food)
It will be interesting when twitter gets flooded with previously banned content .... from currently banned locations.
not sure if Europeans will protest or not, they seem to be so lame ! I hope they get out on the streets, may be this will be a wake up call for the youth.
I agree -- so glad to live in the USA with its first and Second amendment
“A republic, if you can keep it.”
I guess that part from Franklin is in play now
another coincidence i suppose ...
While I agree with you Igor, the constitution and bill of rights has been trampled for decades. And Dave, not so sure we're going to be able to keep it. Far too many seem to be asleep. 🙁
On twitter, people cheer on the Totalitarianism, it is bananas. I just hope those people can keep getting as many boosters as they desire.
I’ve been LOVING twitter lately! It’s SO easy
to find likeminded people & so easy to share research/articles semi-anonymously w/out having to concern myself w/ the feelings of certain relatives. I’ve learned a great deal, too.