Mar 28, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Is there anything these people do that doesn't result in absolute failure?

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they make pretty good money for themselves so not all they do is failure

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......... which thereby generates POWER - for themselves. Another thing they're good at.

Power for us?

" Who cares." is what they say.

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absolutely - idiots who fight against learning, science, or moving ahead with the rest of the world made their decisions. No one can help you, you can only help yourself. If staying dumb is what you chose, that's your choice - but the outcomes and consequences are yours also.

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That is sad.

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In my opinion, that is the DEFINITION of failure.

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Hell has no climate change or peak energy limit.

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What evidence do you have that Dante was more documentary than polemic?

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The failure is the products. Their sales pitches are the success. Though, to be fair, they aren't really selling it to the taxpayer. That's just whose footing the bill...

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Deserves a million likes. Well said.

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All they do is make our lives a misery

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And enjoy doing so. It's one of their favorite hobbies.

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Just remember Newtons 1st law of liberalism:

Each and every liberal action has an equal and opposite result! That's why it's called a mental disorder!!!

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Capitalism of the american flavor has reached the point in its lifecycle where it necessitates unfathomable stupidity to create the next dollar. That is one reason CA and NY will press on. Covid science was one such stupidity, and there are many more to come. “Do not comply” haha.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

I was just thinking that. USA flunked the “too big to fail” smell test since 2001 IMHO. I will not comply.

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Capitalism of the American flavor is not Capitalism. It is fascism - collectivist central planning by parasites. True Capitalism requires nothing more than property rights. It is what free people do voluntarily. It does not need to be imposed on anyone. Trading comes naturally to everyone - except parasites.

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Capitalism of the American flavor was murdered by Alexander Hamilton in the early 19th century.

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Well when you hire people according to how they look and who they have sex with you get what you get.

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Grifting. They are 1,000,000,000% successful at grifting. They never fail.

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The only evil thing they have failed to do is to kill us all off. But they sure as Hell are working on it. 🇨🇦

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

Nuclear fission is the most efficient for bulk power generation, and can be made safer and possibly more efficient, so most bulk electrical power should be made this way, until a better bulk power generation method is found and proven.

Chemical fuels, especially hydrocarbons, will always be the easiest to utilise energy source, because:

* They are energy dense, so their storage vessel will always be far smaller and cheaper than, than far lower energy density and complex, thus far more expensive and larger, Li-ion battery banks.

* They are generally easy to store and transport, with best to worst, being solids, liquids, to gases, with only gasses needing a slightly more expensive pressure tank and other fittings.

* Refuelling will always be magnitudes faster for chemical fuels, than fully-charging any current commercial battery pack.

* Chemical fuels generally need air, and an ignition source, before they catch fire and such fires can generally be managed using foam and sand, whereas, Li-ion batteries can spontaneous short-out causing intense heat, which can ignite the contained Lithium, so become unmanageable, with dangerous toxic, fires; toxic Fluorine and Dioxin gases/vapours will be released.

Sensible places now ban the parking of any EV inside a building, including multi-story car-parks, because if they ignite, they can write off a building, because the fire can't be managed. Even just a Li-ion battery scooter can write off a house or flat, so they should be banned from storage/charging in buildings too! Bulk power Li-ion batteries should only be allowed to be installed inside dedicated battery buildings, and banned from installation inside any building where people normally are.

A disaster I see, just waiting to happen, are multiple EV charging bays, at a petrol ("gas") and diesel refuelling station, near to a wood, across the road, then about 1/2 Km away from my house, hmm!

I suggest that everyone be wary of EV charging parking-places, especially near to buildings, or other risky places, and certainly don't park near to EVs.

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Gosh, what an eye opener. I had no idea. Thanks.

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Thanks for the explanation. I presume the same for electric bikes too, I keep the battery inside because they say they lose charge if kept outside so should I keep it outside in the garage with the bike but then that’s a problem

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Hmmm! That might require about 75 years of research to find even ONE thing.

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Yes, they grow more powerful and steal more wealth. They are very successful at what they do. The absolute failures are their victims, who mainly watch TV, overeat, and then go vote for the next crew of parasites.

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For those victims, should we not make allowances for daring to trust the government? And what of those who know better, yet still choose to vote? Is there another way to remove democrats from power?

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I don't think it's daring to be foolish. For Americans, the very first priority should be to get rid of the voting machines. Democrats are always whining about minorities. I suspect they are one.

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I'm not using daring in that context. I just feel sorry for a lot of old timers who are old school enough to cling to the false belief that our government actual does things with our best interests at heart. It shouldn't be foolish for daring to expect our govt to make decisions that are good for our country. But most of us know that is foolish. How do we get rid of an entire party that is clearly an enemy of the state?

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failure?? the white hating communists control everything. sports military LE all the alphabet govt agencies media tv movies colleges all schools etc

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True, but they are also all failing or failed.

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not buying things from idiot trumpanzees, seems pretty successful at that! But seriously, you celebrating your stupidity is your business, but we're laughing at you as the world leaves you further and further behind - and that outcome is yours, you own it, you created it - it's not someone else's fault.

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No! Evil people are inherently stupid! Only really ignorant and stupid people would ever even want to do evil things!

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Where's the hook?

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Clown World.

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Nothing, for you. Okay, maybe a straight jacket. Some clowns are "funny," all right ;-).

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👍🏻.. 🤣. highly processed cat kibble is the give-a-way in the cat turd department. My tabby loved it. Kept him from eating my face while I was sleeping. He had a bit of big cat in him though. 23 pound Maine Coon that was sent home twice because he was ungroomable with the claws he had.

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My lion has gone to that grass savanna in the sky.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't think it is possible to write a computer program that can forecast the temperature in 100 years. I think that notion is absurd. We should do what we have always done - and has already created a cleaner and more prosperous world than 50 years ago - which is to make ever more efficient use of the resources at hand. It is inevitable that new energy sources will be required - but it won't be wind or solar. While we pursue those dead ends, we are both making ourselves weaker and less able to find solutions that will work.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Who Knew?

Low-Mileage EVs Often Scrapped Over Minor Battery Damage

March 21, 2023

A lack of accessible data on EV batteries and the high cost of replacing one is causing a substantial number of them to end up in scrap yards after minor collisions.


Toxic waste forever, expect the owner of car to pay the environmental fee, today $1,000's of USD, tomorrow $10's of thousands; Like Nuclear waste where do you store this crap that can explode, when vast amounts of these dead EV batterys are dumped and they go up, its a toxic plume bomb, you don't want to live anywhere near where EV batterys are being dumped;

Toxic nightmare from hell; OHIO on steroids, Chernobyl&3mile-island near U

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Scary. Not to mention the 10 year lifetime of solar panels and the quantity every household will need for less than sufficient power AND the environmental costs to replace them....

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Those are only the very best solar panels, and I think that company already went BK

My Chinese solar panels all have a one year warranty.

Yes, solar panels are made from toxic materials, and they cannot be repaired, only replaced, the aluminum frames can be reused but that is like 1% of the product cost;

Worst part of solar panels is the lead-acid deep cycle batters only have a 3 yr life, where do you dump them

All of EV is BULLSHIT, 100% worse that what we already have, just selling new shit,

If calif hadn't had a loan program to provide free install the entire racket would not have took off, but like all things if you get GOV money to pay for stupid shit, then it happens.

Once these people's stuff quits working, then it rusts and will never be repaired

The life on all this shit is short, but who cares all EV CEOS are already cashed-out and retired.

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Have you ever heard of nickel iron batteries?

They have 80% usable capacity and a 30 year life span.

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Ok, I went back and looked, I really wish you people wouldn't call this shit nickle-iron, I would call it a caustic-soda battery using nickel/iron (anode/cathode)

It's nickle(iii) and Iron immersed is 100M caustic Potassium Hydroxide, which is ordinary LYE ( sodium hydroxide ) on steroids

Yes, I have played with this shit, its fucking dangerous and hardly green;

The nickel–iron battery (NiFe battery) is a rechargeable battery having nickel(III) oxide-hydroxide positive plates and iron negative plates, ...

Energy density: 30 Wh/l‎

Nominal cell voltage: 1.2 V

Specific power: 100 W/kg

Charge/discharge efficiency: <65%

Seriously what is even the point of talking about this kind of dinosaur shit?

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That is what it is called by the company that makes them, which is named after their inventor, Edison.

Maybe you should read all about them at wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickel–iron_battery before you continue to make a fool of yourself in your ignorance.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

I have heard of them, I haven't made one, I make batterys for a hobby;

Have you heard of electrical potential difference at the atom level??

There is a reason that LIPO works lithium EPD is huge

We always hear about free energy technology, but where are they? When you hear about something, grab some materials and test it your self, like years ago cold-fusion, sounded like a great idea, but it didn't work, nobody could duplicate it, that's a giveaway

Have you heard of the Uranium Battery? All you need is a critical-mass and it self-stimulates

LIPO (lithium) or lead-acid can be easily duplicated, just like lemon-juice battery's

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They are used when weight and size not an issue. They are used as the batteries of choice in telephone company central offices and data center emergency power. Fukushima wouldn't be a historic nuclear power plant failure if they'd had enough batteries to keep the pumps running until the water had run back out to sea, when the generators (which should have been sealed us) could be started without risk of being swamped.

Electric potential is all about chemistry.

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10 years? Solar often outlasts the 25-year projected lifespan. If we're going to discuss this, let's keep it real.

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Keep it real on what planet? Where I live everybody uses cheap chinese solar panel that last about two rain seasons and quit working

Sure maybe in EUROPE you got super great sealed panels with glass covering the semiconductors, ...

I think 90% of the world only gets the cheap chinese shit

Works great in the store and first years, the solder joints components are all made for indoor use which is problematic for being outdoors

Keep it real? What planet you living??

All outdoor lighting now is solar cheap COBB LED's arrays, cheap panels, cheap battery's 2-3 years TRASH & BUY new'

Panel's are expensive, large and need to be maintained, and most places you can't buy the good german stuff;

The flexible solar panels on boat come to mind, but are also VERY EXPENSIVE;

Most use of solar is in 3rd world far from power-lines, so kids can do homework night and people can find their way to the outhouse in the dark without a flashlight;

This article is about numb-nutz and their teslas in unicorn lala land

Even on boats the problem isn't that the panel only lasts 3-5 years ( salt water is a bitch) its the deep-cycle lead acid battery that have to be replaced, which gets back to the issue, if you want to sail around the world you take no electronics, because it all 100% always fails.

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That is simply not the reality in Europe or NA, and we're talking about land-based and home-based solar.

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ZOG EU & NA? Where in the hell is stuff made these days?

+20 years ago seimens panels were super quality, and super expensive, now all panels are cheap chinese shit,nobody can compete with china, not even the SV VC firms

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Solar cells' 50% output doesn't last 25 years.

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Lot's of people hear are either marketing, or never played with the shit

Some 30 years ago I setup a portable house with solar panels learned all about how to keep the system running, same on a sailboat, run EV for a few years learn something;

The shit that people have installed on their house is turn-key and sell back excess to Utility, most of the shit fails in 5 years becomes a boat anchor on a roof, needs to be hauled to junk yard, but nobody wants it

IMHO the only solar that works is micro projects and expect to replace your deep-cycle batterys every 2-3 years, expect to clean & maintain the panels, and take care of all the wiring in the charge-controllers; Very maintenance intensive process

The new self contained solar light's sold by Chinese, all plastic, never last more than a year the entire thing fails

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Everything I have ever heard about it indicates that it is a secondary business to install solar on customer's houses that never remotely pays for itself, the utilities not wanting distributed sources of input to disrupt their network management. Small scale wind or hydro is always cheaper and more productive than any solar.

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And knowing all of this, we still let the government pass these insane, doomed to fail bills and even mandates! Who's crazy now? The crazies or those who allow the crazies to run amok?

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Nothing we can do if the judicial system has been hijacked. Three years back already fuellmich started with his "people's" courtcases, because he couldn't follow the normal procedures, as if all doors have been closed... this will apply to the climate change hoax as well. If he can't do it, what are we to do? Tell me, or tell us. What should we, the fodder, do if a guy who took VW and Deutsche Bank to court and won, cannot get results (or fast results?)... with thousands of expert lawyers on his side. Maybe he will get his luck, who knows. The governments of the world has been hijacked/coup d'tat wirh money.

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I was speaking more to those people who have the power and official positions and know these people are insane, yet they allow this madness to go on. Surely there must be more people like Fuellmich who have the courage and integrity and the credibility (and his experience in international law really helps) to oppose these monsters. Didn't I hear something about the EU backing out of the all EV cars by 2030?

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If nothing shows on mainstream, apparently nothing has happened. Maybe it is fear that depicts all action not taken. I live in a house where hubby is spiked twice and i am never to talk about these things, because he is in total belief the vax is good, and gov are fairies who only loves us all, and big pharma is good. It is kind of difficult for him to understand how criminal these institutions are and always have been. Etc etc.

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Yes, we have always found ways to use resources more efficiently, we'll find ways to innovate around any changes in the climate that affect us. Same as we've done since we've been doing anything. It could be argued that many core advancements in human history have to do with overcoming climate conditions we are trying to live in. It is as though we are arguing about something that we already have proven we know, or will invent, ways to solve.

I'm much more concerned about paying attention to emerging technologies, such as LLM systems, as well as social issues such as declining birth rates and education standards. I guess it is easier to argue about what may or may not happen in 100 years as opposed to the hard work of fixing real problems right in front of us.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

All problems that only a trust-fund baby would worry about;

99% of the earth worry's about sheltering and feeding their own close-knit family;

Then you have a few 1,000's ( aka WEF ppl) western elite that want to cull the earth or control all human behavior.


Here's rhetoric question, go travel in Africa or Asia, or MENA and ask people what they worry about, and its getting money , taking care of their family, ask them if they ever worry about lack of affordable sex-reassignments in North-America? Nobody gives a fuck

Children in the west, and most 'western based' education worldwide get homework daily that say's "Climate Change is humanitys most pressing problem", I see that I look at the child and say, What about the War in Ukraine? Is that not a pressing problem? Or genocide in Yemen? No they say they never heard of Ukraine, but if I can get my family to quit burning gas, an buy a EV, then I can do my part to solve our most pressing problem - Little fucking robot mushrooms filled with shit

Here is our most pressing problem, take all the "Global Warming" & "Climate Change" people out to a large field excavated by bulldozers, shoot them cover them with lime, then cover them with soil and grow some beautiful green plants;

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Cheap portable energy, high-density fuel source will eventually be gone; Then humans will have to revert to burning home-grown fuels like plant materials;

All mining of all toxic exotic materials all cost more for fossil fuels to extract the toxic materials. So all synthetic solutions cost more than fossil fuels, but eventually cheap fossil fuel will be depleted; Well 100's of years for petroleum, and 1,000's of years for coal;

Me thinks that in 1,000's of year most likely human will be most likely extinct, they have a terrible habit of destroying their habitat; This is not a global warming, or weather problem, this is a greed and garbage disposal problem.

Western societys don't even know how to compose, in Africa there is no such thing as 'garbage' even bottle caps and pull tabs are pounded into knives or tools.

The problem is that western civilization is the most polluting in human history, and they want to tell the rest of the world how to live, or they want to export their consumerism worldwide.

Like the fucking EV, they want everybody to drive an EV, never thinking about where the electricity is made or how, or where the toxic dead EV will be stored at end of life;

When I was younger being a Physics person I used to think that humans would create an energy source, now I don't think so, all mining seems to require some kind of GOV subsidy.

Like MUSK says, if we don't go to MAR's right now we will never go, because in the future we will have consumed all sources of portable energy that make space travel possible.

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Apart from your 'Musk going to Mars' which I think is nothing other than CGI, I concur with everything else you've said.

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I think Musk believes it to be so, I can see his point;

So you don't think we went to the moon, you think there is a radiation zone around the earth that vaporizes life? Certainly that might have been so in 1960's, but I think now we can shield stuff fairly well;

The biggest problem is that six months in space totally atrophes the human body, even the people on the space shuttle have to be athletes before they go, and work out 8 hrs a day, just to prevent bone-loss which is permanent,

Then again like 2001, which was made in 1969 they understood that you had to have revolving space ships to create gravity, so that problem too can be resolved.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

No I don't think we went to the moon. I think if anybody watched the footage without first being primed that 'this footage was taken on the moon', you would find it comical. Watching Musk's rockets return to Earth and land on a buoy in the sea looks ridiculous........well no, it looks like I'm possibly watching film that has been reversed. I think perception works in the same way that we hear 'ghost voices' within the noise of static. You must have seen the films where there seems to be nothing but white noise, then someone suggests that 'my dog is walking down the road' is said within the static, and for some strange reason we can then hear it. I think it's all possibly similar to optical illusions..........and it makes me think nothing is real, in fact it is just our perception bringing things into focus creating the illusion of consciousness.

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Holy shit you are on too many psychedelics. The planet is not flat.

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Yeah, but those in power are trying to point the finger at us, when their corporations and factories are far and away the biggest polluters. They knew about clean alternatives to petroleum based energy decades ago, but they were making too much money, pollution be damned. NOW they want to make an effort? No, of course not. This green nonsense is just another proponent of their get rich quick climate crisis fraud. They're psychopaths. Everything they do, they do for themselves.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

"I don't think it is possible to write a computer program that can forecast the temperature in 100 years"

You are correct.

No less an authority than the IPCC agrees with you.

"In sum, a strategy must recognise what is possible. In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible."

So stated the IPCC’s Working Group I: The Scientific Basis, Third Assessment Report (TAR), Chapter 14 (final para.,, p774.

Anyone who claims that a computer game - sorry, climate simulation - of an effectively infinitely large open-ended non-linear feedback-driven (where we don’t know all the feedbacks, and even the ones we do know, we are unsure of the signs of some critical ones) chaotic system – hence subject to inter alia extreme sensitivity to initial conditions, strange attractors and bifurcation – is capable of making meaningful predictions over any significant time period is either a charlatan or a computer salesman.

Ironically, the first person to point this out was Edward Lorenz – a climate scientist.

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Well said

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Very correct resume and very clever written! Bravo! This is the only intelligent way into our future. Of course we will not burn fossile fuel till the end of mankind. We drive on petrol since 150 Years. It will never be the next 150 years. But we have to explore meaningful alternatives and not stuck on that stupid toy-like battery cars.

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Or we have already perfected transportation on mtn trails with our pedal bikes

The problem is high-speed transportation requires a square in energy burning, which is non-sustainable, but sustainable transportation like sailing, walking biking are already here,

Why can't human just stop and smell the flowers?

Like the man in the power boat versus sailboat one is moving for free albiet 10km/hr, the power boat is spending $500/hr on fuel and gets their in a few minutes but beats his wife, and hates his kids and drinks himself to death;

Most of the world the poor world are quite happy to ride pedal bikes and walk and farm, eat, raise a family, party at night with friends, and get old and die, only in the west are the hamster in the cage insane.

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Nice fantasy. You would have to murder 90% of the World's population to achieve your goal. You volunteering to be culled? And there is no such thing as sustainable. Everything depends on the technology and human requirements at that point in history. Everything changes, always have. Saying something is sustainable is to claim you have a crystal ball and can see into the future.

And even before you manage to massacre the World population, warlords will take over and we will be back to an impoverished, oppressed feudal society. Until the one industrialized nation, could be North Korea, decides to rule the World. And their tanks would roll over your little ecotopian community in about 2 hrs.

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I never thought about that! Their plan will only work if they can get rid of 90% of us by 2030. Perhaps they're still optimistic about attaining this goal, but they can't just come out and say that, now can they? 😆😆😆

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Quite literally their entire schtick is to create or worsen an existing problem and then point and say that we need to give up something to "fix" it.

Immigration, bank failures, guns, taxes, you name it, they fucked it up and want us to give something up to fix it. I'd say a good place to start with is giving up leftists. Throwing them into volcanoes to appease the God of CO2 has a nice ring to it for being utterly barbaric, plus it has a much better chance of actually fixing the problem since we will be getting rid of the creators of said problems.

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It is called “Order out of Chaos” and it all a part of the globalist agenda. Create the chaos and then provide the solution. Exactly what they did with 9/11.

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Unfortunately for the globalists (and fortunately for us) creating the chaos is much easier than getting people to accept their proposed solution. The best laid plans of mice and men do often go awry. I vote for sacrificing them in the volcano to appease the climate gods.

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Hegelian Dialect. Problem, reaction, solution.

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And selectively reducing useless eaters who need to be exterminated for the common good. Volcanoes happy. Villagers happy. Most of our manufactured crisis solved.

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True to make it so expensive that normal people cannot afford to leave the house, sort of like 'lockdown by design'

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They ain't "leftists". There are a lot of left wing populists like Jimmy Dore, Russel Brand, Glenn Greenwald. They are NEOLIBERALS also called ShitLibs or Illiberals. They are just the political sycophants of the ruling Bankster Overlords. The only issues they care about are ones that benefit the ruling class. Could care less if they are "left" or "right".

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The atmosphere is roughly .04% carbon dioxide. Although I agree that spewing tons of it into the atmosphere is not great, the biggest offenders are not being penalized for it (Greta, kindly see China). Instead, it has been monetized into a carbon credit ponzi scheme that only shuffles the credits around to bigger companies who can afford it. A perfect example of this was the interview with Bill Gates who stated that many people will soon simply not be able to fly on airplanes as often as they would like. Then the interviewer asked how Bill reconciled that with his private plane and his worldwide jaunts at any whim. Bill was adamant that he was exempt because he offsets with carbon credits and besides, he’s a philanthropist (lol).

The overall balance of carbon dioxide production has to also be balanced against several different factors, including but not limited to: comparing the levels produced by volcanoes and other natural disasters, the methane released by the US bombing the Nordstream 2 and other such man made disasters, mining causing emissions and other harmful substances being released from mining for lithium and other chemicals needed for EV’s, the carbon dioxide created by all of the solar panel parts being primarily made in China requiring transportation, etc...

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Good thinking!

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Don't forget the regular soaking of vast amounts of farmland and lawn/park acreage in roundup and the like, as well as insect killing pesticides, etc.

There are many things we as a species could improve, and very quickly by simply banning the manufacture and use of all said crap... Instead, we blame the dying bees on co2 and climate change.

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Along those lines, I am sick and tired of the consumer being blamed for al the woes of the world (although a case can be made over consuming). Give us choices. I am capable of making responsible choices . . . . mostly : )

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Choices ALWAYS leads to the most efficient use of resources. Having one power source is inefficient, costly and stupid. Having a choice of multiple power sources is efficient, less costly and smart. Gas, oil, propane, wood, solar, water, electricity, nuclear, hydrogen, etc. ALL of it should be used on this earth. It's all here for a reason.

NYS just banned gas furnaces in new houses. The only new houses that will be built in this state are mcmansions with geothermal heat pumps. The siphoning of people leaving this state will only increase - as it should.

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Wow! NYS residents will freeze. Heat pumps will barely heat us in the relatively mild climate in western Washington.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

My husband and I foolishly purchased a home (in Michigan) with open loop geothermal using heat extracted from (in winter) and dispensed into (in summer) our water well. The system is not quite two decades old, and this is a ridiculously inefficient system in winter. Our electricity bill is averaged to 12 mos X $492 each month. That does include a hot water heater, which we replaced over a year ago with a hybrid electric heat pump water heater. That's the NEW cost. The old cost before the water heater replacement was higher. And we have a newer, airtight home with great insulation.

Geothermal is a joke for heating in colder zones. Works ok for cooling, though, in colder zones. It's a matter of the differential between the temp of the ground water (or closed loop substance if you have that) and the ambient air temperature you're trying to heat (effected by proper sealing of the structure and amount of insulation, obviously). It's NOT efficient at all for heating, when the ground temp in winter is as cold as it is in Michigan.

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Of that total 0.4% C02 in the atmosphere, it's worth emphasizing that some 96% of that 0.4% is from natural processes, including volcanoes and decomposition, not from human activities, which constitute 0.0016%.

Can anyone seriously believe this infinitesimal amount of a trace gas is the main driver of the climate?

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I recall it being 0.04 to 0.06%.

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I’ve heard that “they” intend for only business ppl to be able to fly in five years and nobody but them in ten. Of course I know nothing but what I hear but I wouldn’t put it past them.

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We live in the middle of farm country and recently have seen fields and fields of acres being given up to solar panels. We stopped our gas guzzling F150 to stop and check out the fields of panels. For as far as we could see nothing but solar panels standing on what was very fertile land where food was grown. All we could say was “how stupid is this?”.

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I don't think he's ignoring it, but the rapidly increasing levels of CO2 obviously indicate that plants cannot incorporate excess CO2 as fast as humans are producing it. The greatest store of carbon is not living plants themselves, but dead plants which decay anaerobicly and are then locked deep below the soil. Bogs, swamps, and the deep ocean bottom are such places. Jungles and most rain forests are CO2/O2 neutral.

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"...the rapidly increasing levels of CO2 obviously indicate that plants cannot incorporate excess CO2 as fast as humans are producing it. "

Nonsense. All evidence indicates that plants love the increase in CO2, and as I state in my comment above/below, we're still WAY below what plants had for must of the earth's history.

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Plants can love the increase in CO2 and still not keep up with the rate at which it's being produced.

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That's the real problem. There is lots of land we have destroyed with bad practices. We can push back deserts and sequester carbon around the world if we wanted to. We can implement many regenerative techniques and restore the land and recapture all that carbon in the ground while building ecosystems. The BLM in the US owns millions of acres in the west that can be restored, but its better for politicians to spend trillions into technologies that make things worse for everyone. You don't get paid off and re-elected when you solve problems.

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Global warming driven by man-made CO2 is a hoax that powers a scam. That’s all there is. How do we know? 1) The supporting evidence is missing or contradicted. 2) The proponents must commit data crimes to make their case. 3) The proponents behave hypocritically, i.e., they own expensive beach houses, multiple large homes, fly in private jets, etc. 4) Most of the lead proponents are failed politicians that turned to this as a way to make money. 5) The solutions are not economically viable. Things that might be solutions that are economically viable (i.e., nuclear) are off the table. The proponents aren’t able to make money off that. 6) The solutions require gov’t regulation and subsidies. 7) There’s a lot of money to be made, but almost no progress. Yet the proponents keep getting rich.

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5) Things that might be solutions that are economically viable are off the table. The proponents aren’t able to make money off that.

Sound vaguely familiar? Same scam used via EUA to force vaccines on us rather than use repurposed drugs (Ivermectin).

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Correct but the politicians & bureaucrats getting rich off the climate scam are just minions of the true globalist powers. The peak of the pyramid of power doesn’t give a shit about money because the own virtually everything on earth already & fiat currency created from fractional reserve banks is a fake construct designed by the very same globalist psychos! The climate scam which is part of UN Agenda 21 is not about money, it’s far more nefarious than that. It’s about drastically reducing the global population & tightly controlling that reduced population in SMART cities etc.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Plants needs CO2. Without it, just like human without oxygen , they will die.

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Yes I learned this is SECOND GRADE!

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Useful information is no longer taught

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It a beautiful relationship

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They are cutting those plants as Biomass to power their "green" electric plants.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

This is the first sensible thing I have read in a long time. Really, if electricity is the sole technology for powering our home and our cars, we will soon be living in a third world country. And the absurd Net Zero program only ensures that result.

I planned to keep my gas car until it died. I expect that to be awhile because it is a fine German car.

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I hope that you will be able to find gas to buy - and agree with what you wrote

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There will be plenty of gas stations but unfortunately they will be privately owned for the sole use of the tyrants who are attempting to hijack our way of life.

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Good point

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I'm with you, Susan. Still driving an excellent condition 2006 Toyota Camry.

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Me too! I have a German car I love, I was planning on keeping it for ever.

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Marco morano is also saying interesting things.

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On the question of Carbon Dioxide... Not convinced of the 'danger'.

Rushed off to Dr Google, which told me that "Concentrations of CO 2 in the atmosphere were as high as 4,000 ppm during the Cambrian period about 500 million years ago, when the concentration was 20 times greater than today, and as low as 180 ppm during the Quaternary glaciation of the last two million years."

The current level is about 418ppm.

I'm not at all sure about the atmospheric theories of gross temperature change. After slowing down over a long period the earth has just begun to accelerate again. @EthicalSkeptic on twitter asked the question about what is more likely to be warming oceans - the atmosphere above or fluxes of heat from the earth below.

Jury is still out.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023Author

I am also "not convinced". But I also want this to be properly investigated, which I understand is very unlikely to happen

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Yes. It's sufficient for the control-exerting players to have a global quorum locked into climate-is-an-emergency.

Why would they encourage the major institutions to produce information that could disrupt what they've gained?

I went to see where the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is up to. It's a huge mind-numbing bureaucracy. Disconcertingly, the latest reports aren't dated, though blazoned with '2023' on the website. Their temperature data is up to 2020, and disaster is befalling us all, in the language we are all well familiar with ;) unaware that the temperatures have been steady since if not decreasing since.

I went to check wheat and rice production and stock levels. Stocks have never been higher and production is excelling. If a regional disaster befalls, like a 20 year drought in the time of the Pharoahs, no worries - we have communication and huge ships. Food is no issue, as even Klaus' offsider Yuval Harrari sheepishly acknowledged though it went against the full-form disaster sheet. He was only concerned with how to entertain people as they are held in their digital cubicles.

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Yes, thank you!

BTW it's common knowledge that greenhouse growers artificially increase the atmospheric CO2 level, just to boost plant growth. Especially basic veggies.

More than a decade ago, Science (the real kind) determined that "800–1,000 ppm is recommended for raising seedlings (tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers) as well as for lettuce production."

Let that sink in. The "ideal" is more than DOUBLE today's CO2 levels.

Last year Reuters tried to debunk this fact with a 'fact-check', because climate-change skeptics were circulating it. After a long ramble, the best they could do was this conclusion:

"Misleading. Carbon dioxide does boost plant growth, but this alone does not mean increased CO2 concentration in Earth’s atmosphere is good for the environment."

The 'experts' pointed out that plants must also have sufficient fertilizer, sunlight and water... and without citing any evidence, they insisted that increased CO2 in earth's atmosphere will somehow sabotage those essentials by making the air warmer.

You know -- that dreadful boogieman ironically called the GREENHOUSE EFFECT, because greenhouse growers also keep the temps a lot higher than ambient air.

IMO people fall for this fabricated crisis because they are so out of touch with nature.

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CO2 is plant food. the solution is more plants to convert the CO2 into oxygen.

and more ‘closed circle’ systems, like hemp biodiesel - the crop cleans earth and air which balances out the exhaust from the fuel.

more plants.

the geoengineering should also stop. it has never had a safety study done in the 100 years of being deployed in our environment.

i think it’s worse than covid science.

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How dare you! Reality is undefeated. ESG is a demoralized social credit system that must be stopped: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-raise-your-esg-score

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Musk says the 'S' in ESG means SATANIC

R we really to believe that the satanist zog is pulling up their carpet's and moving off world to find a new race to feed on? Really???

Normally they have to be asked to go forcefully, historically.

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They may be being forced. Imho we have been in WWIII for sometime now. The power struggle has burned our food manufacturing plants, derailed multiple chemical carrying trains and wrecked trucks. “Agent Orange” anyone? The supply chain, the faked and controlled weather, killing off ALL the chickens if ONE gets the flu that has NEVER jumped to humans, etc etc etc. The list goes on and on. These things aren’t normal by any means and it’s awfully convenient they’re all happening at the same time. I fully believe it’s possible we just might be winning.

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Cautiously Optimistic we are winning. It could be worse! We could have all taken the vaxxines.

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You know that’s right. My neighbor is on her third cancer since her first shot. And she told me not to tell her anything about it because her Jehovah’s Witness friends NEW things us Christians would never understand and they KNEW it was “safe and effective”. Apparently not.

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Not Safe not effective.

As a Christian I kept God in the equation. Science is a religion used for an agenda.

Sorry for people who are now suffering tho. Climate crisis is like the fake pandemic selling fear and some profit from the people who believe safe effective and reduce carbon. We are the carbon they want to reduce.

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How can she claim she is JW , having agreed to getting the vaccines in the first place???? They allow that?

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I was astounded to find out that my Christian Science friend got the injections, because her pastor told her to....

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I don’t know the tenets of CS but…

That’s sad.

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Meanwhile Elon has satan's symbolism on his chest with that Devil Knight suit.

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Musk is a south-african deBeers by birth right a billionaire

He's also of the Rhodes family

His UK lineage is the highest levels of House of Rothschild

Yes, Musk is one of them, but he's being groomed for a role we are yet too see

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My research has shown me these type of things also, but i have yet to see definitive evidence of the DeBeers connection, and of the Rhodes family, and the highest levels of Rothschild, if you can share hard verified evidence of this i would be much grateful. I do agree he is one of them nonetheless and groomed for a role we are yet to see, i think i have an idea of it.

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Why its IMPORTANT to shit on RHODES is that RHODES is the FATHER of ZOG, that which ass FUCKS us 24/7 on earth

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I know Rhodes has to do with ZOG ... this is a strawman reply you gave me. Sigh.. being so quick to be crude, rude, crass, use profanity shows an inability to be spiritually mature and honourable, thereby showing to be impulsive, incontinent, vain/proud, unwise. All i asked for was for you to put substance to your claims, since *you* made the claim of connection and it is only just and righteous to supply the substance for the claim amicably, like i have been doing for twenty-two plus years since i awakened to the NWO agenda. Yet you provide no solid verified reliable links to which if you are truly a truth seeker and teller and want people to wake up to the significant role the ZOG plays in the NWO, you will have no problem at all giving some links since claims are two parts, the claim and the substance. Sigh... i have no problems doing it when people ask me for proof if i have not already left a link or few to what i think it quite reliable verified evidence, so it should not be hard for you if you really care for your fellow man to wake up to the significant role the ZOG plays in seeking to turn the world into a Noahide world order.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

deBeers, Musk, Emerald, Rhodes its all the same fucking ANGLO ZIONIST people

[Read Carrol Quigley, "How Anglo took over the world and created CIA"]

Anglo people came from Europe and became wealthy from the theft of the gold and diamonds in Southern Africa. Pass laws. Cecil Rhodes founded DeBeers diamond cartel. Rhodes went to south Africa from Britain when he was 18 years sold–he took over the diamond mines at Kimberley south Africa and others in the area.

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"deBeers, Musk, Emerald, Rhodes its all the same fucking white people"

Sigh...here you are railing against ZOG, while using the very successful so damn dishonest stratagem used by ZOG to divide us by illusory divisions, what am i referring to? NO ONE IS WHITE OR BLACK! we *ARE* all shades of brown, *STOP* being part of the very famous successful lies used against us by the NWO kings and rulers / MONEY LENDERS AND THEIR ASSOCIATES OF NON ZOG POSITION to divide us over phantom divisions = divide and conquer is how the rulers control populations since ancient times. "White" is an severe insult, i am of European stock [which all goes back to the Middle East like the rest of mankind] and if you call yourself 'white' or others 'white' you are basically showing how utterly deeply enchanted/mind-controlled you are by the same very ZOG you convince yourself you are truly exposing in utmost fidelity, to divide call yourself and others something you and them are **NOT!** I'm of Italian heritage, i'm *NOT* white, again, we're actually all shades of brown and i utterly abhor detest hate and loathe this slur against us Europeans so popularised in recent history by the ZOG which has been adopted by all them who either have not one iota of an idea who coined the word 'racism' [or who it is attributed to] or they do know [like many faux modern day Israelites] and use it as a high appellation of insult. By choosing to refer to yourself or others as white or black when *NO ONE IS*, you are proving how deeply entrenched the successful mind-control is by the NWO kings and rulers, part of which are ZOG, to refer to yourself by a colour you really are *NOT* and to refer to yourself by a colour which is tribal, instead of referring to yourself by your character or ethnicity. *STOP being a useful tool of the NWO kings/rulers by refraining to remain in such deep mind-control by those spiritually children of satan who rule over us, which people will do if they truly seek Godly truth and wisdom.*

"...White people came from Europe and became wealthy from the theft of the gold and diamonds in Southern Africa."

smh...sigh....not intelligent at all, blame a whole culture for supposedly crimes done a certain clan sigh..smh. Go do some competent, critical, deep-digging, honest, rigorous, quality indagation, not your supra lukewarm-middle of the road [craven] lucently selective revisionist history to see DeBeers, Rhodes etc was started not by Europeans, but by a certain world-wide clan, so that way you lessen the how conspicuous your quite self-deceived, woefully erroneous, prejudicial, self-convinced quality investigation is into such things.

"Pass laws. Cecil Rhodes founded DeBeers diamond cartel."

And it's so hard for you to provide a verified reliable link or few for that eh to show a real honourable character is backing up your claims.


Last time i checked, there was a song by a Jew'ish group where the title is "I'm not white, I'm Jew'ish".... but according to you, they are 'white'. This is why folks as yourself should not be allowed to start a substack, start your site website, sure... but substack shouldn't allow such historically, linguistically, epistimologically, empirically, cognitively, intellectionally inept researchers to start a substack because of how peppered such people are with such deep mind-control tribal ideological positions based on the Leftist infused colour of skin / identity politics rather than do time-consuming authentic quality investigation to make sure they are as accurate/correct as possible through much time-consuming competent truthful study weighing out different sides of the story before they choose to give their views on what they publicise so that way they can make sure they do not exposes themselves as faux cognoscenti in such things.

" Rhodes went to south Africa from Britain when he was 18 years sold–he took over the diamond mines at Kimberley south Africa and others in the area."

And you still don't seem to grasp all you have to do is provide some verified links to substantiate what you are stating, it's not hard to do, you do not seem the comprehend the basic concept that providing some substantiating evidence is not hard these days with how the internet has made the acquiring of such information tremendously so much easier. Jesus taught [Luke 12:26, 16:10 etc] that if we are unable to even get simple things correct, why attempt greater things which will only be even far more incorrect to fatal levels?

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Suck a bag of dicks


› home › elon musk addresses emerald mines and apartheid claims

Elon Musk addressed the recent social storm when claims related his family’s emerald mines in apartheid-South Africa resurfaced online. The billionaire, who was born in South Africa, took...

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"Suck a bad of dicks"

sigh...smh...the putrid pernicious plentiful pride-full reply expected from a Cretin and Philistine fool who convinces themselves they are a knowledge + self-convinced alto-acumen powerhouse and who demonstrates their estranged relationship with spiritual maturity, honour, amiable, considerateness, and genuine keen and sound intellect.

Thanks for finally one link, like pulling teeth. I know about his emerald background, not news to me but at least you finally came through by attempting to actually back up at least one of your general claims

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Suck a dick, MUSK is deBeers SA, and RHODES

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"Suck a dick, MUSK is deBeers SA, and RHODES"

Sigh...smh, more of that abhorrent, disgusting, deplorable Cretinism and Philistinism reprobate overt dishonourable character who is inferentially revealing their putrescent pornographic morally decaying and degenerate carnal mind affixation with fellatio via their parapraxis. Makes sense why it is so hard for you to reply in a decent/honourable, spiritually mature manner. So once again the serious claim by "Bilbo's Bitch" that Musk is of DeBeers oligarchy and Rhodes, has no quality documented verified substance, just claims for now. They fatally think that if they repeat it more and different ways and use profanity and contumely, that somehow it means they are even more right. Sigh...

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Heaven's sakes, that was literally a Halloween outfit!

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You obviously are tyro in such matters and thus know nothing of Elon's factual background, who is family knows, what his father did, who that father did business with, who his grandfather was, how that relates to the NWO Technocracy agenda etc...

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Reality is truly bigger bitch than me!

Seems that unicorns, fairy-tales and faggots are going down big-time in SV

Substack looks to go way of SVB that didn't last long;

Substack beg's 'writers' to cover their VC loss, it seems that ALL the easy CHINESE/CIA money in san-fran has dried up, no more unicorns, ...


Who Knew?

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The same issues that are seeing within the medical field (where cheap and effective therapies are capped off the market to protect the monopoly for ineffective but lucrative therapies) also exists and other sectors particularly energy.

There are energy technologies I know of, such as thorium nuclear reactors which easily and cleanly provide the energy that is needed to run society, and there are ways to store that energy (e.g. converting water to hydrogen and oxygen and then burning it as needed) which would achieve all the policy goals being described. The problem with that approach is that it would destroy the existing energy sector, and, it would no longer make energy be a limited life essential resource whose scarcity can be used to easily control the population.

In the years that I have watched the climate change and energy debate, I have consistently observed that the focus has been on coming up with justifications for more control (all cars being electrical significantly reduces your ability to be independent from the system) and shooting for nebulous targets which can never be reached to justify those policies (e.g. stopping climate change or having a fusion breakthrough in the far distant future).

As a long time environmentalist, this is very frustrating because I watch the anti-carbon dioxide movement hijack the environmental movement so that it no longer focused on legitimate sources of pollution, AND instead had everybody fixate on the demon of carbon dioxide. The recent disaster in East Palestine is an excellent example: in previous eras, environmentalists would have been incensed over it, but nowadays almost none of them care.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Solid. I disagree with something here. It's not virtue signaling for California and NY to mandate switching to electrical. It's just plain old corruption wrapped in pretend concern for the environment.

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Yup. Me-too freakoutism from tweens sitting at the cool kids lunch table (aka State governments).

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

What do I think? I think everyone is brainwashed into the illusion of never ending growth, and that the brainwashed have the hubris tho think their shit don't smell.

I just read the book, Climate Chaos, and though the authors, two anthropologists assert: "The science is settled" on anthropogenic climate change, they mostly show how cultures have survived, or failed to survive severe climate change in the last 30,000 years. Their analysis is that societies that imposed top down solutions did not survive, and that those that implemented local solutions and relied upon clan, family, village level solutions did, or simply moved.

So I still think electric cars are a bunch of hype providing a hog trough by the feds for those who don't need it.

As for CO2 in the atmosphere, I think plastics are going to frack us (and every other living creature on the planet) up way before warming, or the next ice age, drive us toward extinction.

Thanks for the article!

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Anthropology was the college course everyone took for the easy A.

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I thought it was to be able to go on a dig with the cute professor......

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Anthro profs not so cute in the 80s still thought they were in there 60s

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In fact my anthropology professor let me write my own grade. A+ thank you

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My daughter lives on the North Side of Chicago is getting an Electric Car. I used these arguments to try to dissuade her, but she was adamant and is getting it. she will have to learn on her own.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

"The believer is happy. The doubter is wise."- Edgar Allan Poe

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Great quote. I'm Saving this one.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

All "green" technologies are scams. The great science fiction writer, Michael Crichton, pointed this out years ago and explained why. And not only are these people who support green products thieves and liars, as the late great Vaclav Havel pointed, the environmentalists are the new communists because the whole point is to destroy western societies through destruction of the energy system. These people don't even believe in their own rules and propaganda. Obama had installed last fall at his estate on Martha's Vineyard two propane tanks with a capacity of 25,000 lbs. Why didn't he put up a windmill or a large # of panels? Because he knows they don't work and generate very little usable energy and it can't be saved to when it's needed. But hydrocarbons can.

Danny Huckabee

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