We don't think it. We know it. ;)

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HA! "The end of money, cold hard cash" has been a rumor for decades.

IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) MONEY is going into the bunkers with

THE EVIL ONES. The U.S. Government wants us Americans OUT of cash.

They want us to use credit (giving them a paper trail) , buy silver and gold

(that they keep track of), or invest in guns (that they also keep tabs on.)

In short, they want to end up owning everything! Outwit THEM by spending

cash in brick & mortars (keeping the brain viable) and don't invest your funds

in banks that can be GONE BABY GONE in a NYC second! Invest in your

mattress instead! lol Yahshua the Messiah said TRUE TREASURE will be "laid up

for you in Heaven!" Matthew 6:20 I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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This bullshit proposal sounds an awful lot like Canada's 'UNDRIP' program. Helped along by the UN focusing on so called "rights" and reparations for aboriginals as well, and yet it doesn't really specify a plan to respect the rights they claim to advocate. It's another wolf in sheep's clothing designed solely to give more power to govt lackies who think they're the only ones smart enough to rule, to save us from ourselves and our stupidity. We are after all, useless eaters who cant make pur own health and safety choices. The document has pretty words and ideas that get the woke libs on board, bc hey, they're doing their part and showing what good people they are by supporting native rights. They're good people and they are desperate to show it, so they climb on board the train without actually reading the document, particularly in between the lines. They fail to look around them and ask questions, the naive trusting idiots who never question motive or look for the details in these great govt plans. They are the truly useful idiots who stood by and nodded as aboriginals were rounded up, people lost their jobs and homes under threat of jab, and an entire group of human beings were declared lesser Yes yes, it's for their own good they tell themselves, and to keep us safe. I truly hope karma comes around for them, and that more people continue to wake up so we can stand up in numbers and end this tyrannical slough of bullshit.

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Funny how billionaires hide their money in offshore tax free accounts yet there’s no chasing their tax theft or crimes down.

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Since all the 'theories' are actually reports of true events, perhaps they should drop the terminology altogether and just admit that they've been caught out over and over .... because we ARE more intelligent than they give us credit for? These lame circular explanations certainly don't do much for the perception of their intelligence.

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Forced injected drugs, censorship, frozen bank accounts, cashless society controlled by bureaucratic quants, and of course, no guns except for the anointed

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David Hundsness works for a special group of people called the CIAnons. They think they have special access to intelligence and thus truth.

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I am aussie and there is clearly a push to remove cash. Some cafes and shops starting refusing cash during the “pandemic” and then never changed the policy. some new ones opening up now never had a plan to handle cash ever and have signs up everywhere that they only take cash (and the menu is a QR code)....

I simply refuse to shop at these places!

i’ve left a whole cart full of products and walked out when they looked at me and my dirty cash and said “ummm no we don’t accept THAT!”

all but one bank has closed their branches in the town i work in and there is only 2 ATMs now... the town I work in has only 2 bank branches now and 2 ATMs... the bank my partner banked with closed almost all their branches and ATMs and declared they will not hold any cash on site.... so he changed banks but had to travel 3 towns away and give 48 hours notice to collect the cash from his account (it wasn’t THAT much, not even enough to have a proper overseas holiday....)

Anyone who can’t see a clear effort to remove cash (and citizens freedom) is being driven is living in fantasy land!

We have a right not to have a database of our spending/shopping/lifestyle habits being created about us and sold to global companies and also a right to privacy and intrusion.

I still remember a time when we were told NOT to merge all our ID documents etc for PRIVACY... now we are being TOLD to merge our drivers license to bank account to medical records to google docs etc making it very easy for not only the government to monitor us but other potentially nefarious players.....

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There's a gluten free bakery up the top of Little Collins St in Melbourne that went cashless about a week ago. I suspect government subsidies of these shit businesses.


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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The only thing I know that is true is God, the rest is always open to doubt.

But I watch, listen & read & I remember & I damn well know enough history to know that man & his governments are easily controlled & corrupted by ruthless & powerful men.

I know lies when I hear them, especially when they’re spoken by known liars.

Like most people, I know some things that are true.

But unlike most people, I love the truth enough to take me to some very painful, uncomfortable & frankly depressing places.

Like someone who finds out their partner is being unfaithful, I’d rather know, but I was happier when I didn’t…

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

All the conspiracy theorists are telling the truth, all the 'expert's have become expert liars.

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Yes, always follow the money, but to figure out why the world is as backwards as it is, we should follow the “incentives.”


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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

You wanna know why they are trying to inject every single person with Rat Juice?

Here's why https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=3808

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness....Isiah 5:23ff

The new epistemological method is simply this:

Whatever the far Left leaners assert, assume it is false and then begin your search from that assumption. If they assert vaccines are safe and effective, you can be certain they ate not. If they gaslight those who claim vaccine injury or death are false claims, then you can be certain of the opposite. If fact checkers claim that any claim contrary to the vaccine narrative is counterfactual, you know they are lying. If the same ilk claims something is a conspiracy theory, than you can know it's not. As Romans says of the wicked, they "suppress the truth in unrighteousness. It's not that they just get it wrong every time, their spiritual condition makes them incapable of knowing truth or acknowledging it. They just naturally grasp and repeat the lies of the father of lies which makes our skepticism of them reliable. The conspiracy theory claims are a perfect example because all rhe claims withstanding especially since Covid, have turned out to be true everytime despite the best efforts of those with a certain political disposition to sustain the lie. It's a spiritual issue of spiritual light and darkness. For those with spiritual discernment, they can see right through the lies just as the skeptics of globalism can see not only its Marxist underpinnings, but also its complete irration, elitist, moral supremacist, absurd, dangerous, false absurdity. That's why they always try to cancel them, because truth and God are their biggest threats.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

IF the WEF ever decided to open WEF Hotels/Clubs around the world, Australia would have one built fastest.

Federal Australian politicians had a hand in the UN Charter post-war and have UN centric ethos in local, state, and federal civil service. Post-war era appears to be a peak of freemason networking in the services. Maybe some were fabian too. Many have firsthand anecdotes regards career or Party promotion. And non-transparency or shadow-levers are a feature, not a bug, for NWO utopians, whether government, commercial, sectarian or Godfather III level blended.

I live in Canberra, a shrunken copy-paste of D.C. designed by an American (every dept incl our military hq is here but on a toy scale by comparison).

Does D.C. have open-to-public DNC nameplated owned-operated commercial Bar-Restaurant-Social Club-Dance-Wedding Reception type centers in two locations... in D.C.? Canberra does.

Now you know.

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Hi Mara. I do not have enough information to evaluate the situation with the 3 vs. 2 sequences, and I am not motivated to look into it. Thanks for your explanation. I agree with you in general regarding "most times just walk away from discussion with anyone who is fixed in their views." At the same time, in the case of virus or no virus, the deceit must be confronted. I have revised my response and here is my current position:

UPDATED 8_13_23

“There is no virus” is a psyop, which seems intended to confuse, to “muddy the waters”, to divide, conquer, and discredit those who challenge the official narrative. The virus is real and infectious, and is not an influenza virus. Please note that the evidence I provide here does not indicate that a pandemic occurred (there was no pandemic that justified “Operation Warp Speed” and lockdowns). The evidence does not indicate that it was any more lethal than the flu (it is not). These issues are not the subject of this post.

PHYLOGENETIC TREES ARE PROOF POSITIVE OF THE EXISTENCE OF SARS-COV-2 VIRUS: The evidence presented here indicates only that SARS-CoV-2 does exist and my own personal experience is that the infection in some individuals is quite serious. It damn near killed me, did apparent permanent damage, severely sickened my daughter until I found her a doctor that prescribed ivermectin (she recovered in hours), severely sickened and damaged some friends. This is not “sniffles” as some have said. Easiest way to prove the virus—do an internet search for "phylogenetic tree of SARS-CoV-2". You will find that many independent research groups from many nations around the world have sequenced and analyzed full viral nucleotide sequences of variants from tissues of patients and deceased, deposited these sequences in public data bases, and published analyses in peer reviewed journals. These are independent research groups using standard methodology and this cannot be faked (not on this global scale). I am a professional molecular phylogenecist and I have generated and published many such analyses over the years and taught this methodology to graduate students. For the most part, people who promote this "no virus" trick have never done this kind of work, which includes intense educational background, many years at the lab bench including PCR and nucleic acid sequencing, data analysis, and publication. Their misguided followers have never done this either. Those who say proof of virus is not a valid question have zero real world experience or comprehension in molecular phylogenetics, or any related science for that matter, and spread disinformation. Without comprehensive real-world, productive experience they cannot and will not knowledgeably address my point about proof of the virus using phylogenetic analysis. I will be glad to debate those with extensive expertise, but I cannot imagine that there is such a person, as anyone who fully understands what I am saying will agree with me. If you wish to challenge my comment, please begin with a valid refutation of my phylogenetic method of proof so as not to waste time and space advising me to read articles or visit a website, etc.

ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF SARS-COV-2 VIRUS: PCR primers isolate the viral genetic material. DNA sequencing identifies the isolated PCR product. Just as PCR and sequencing isolate and identify the viral genetic material, the same methodology is used in crime labs in every state, fed government, and around the world to isolate and identify genetic material from a contaminated crime scene to either exonerate or convict an accused suspect. In forensics, both direct nucleotide sequence and short tandem repeat (STR) analysis are used. STR analysis provides the number of tandem repeats at each locus, from which the nucleotide sequence is inferred. The validity of this methodology is established and accepted by the entire global scientific and legal system. If PCR and sequencing is reliable enough to isolate nucleic acid in order to identify a criminal perpetrator, the same method is also reliable enough to isolate and identify virus genetic material. If a critic does not accept this reality, then by default they do not accept forensic analysis. There are many convicts in prisons around the world that must be released if forensic methodology is flawed. If forensic methodology is not flawed, then virus genetic analysis must be accepted. It is the same methodology. One cannot have it both ways.

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