I'm an RN - I was terminated and now I'm allowed back to work.

I work in a clinic that has a patient population averaging 48 patients with a chronic health condition that come to us 3 days a week for treatment - so we are closely involved with our patients.

I've worked there for 6 years (7 years if you include the year I was not allowed to be there). During that time, yep, people die - couldn't give you the stats because the death rate was NOT noteworthy. The patient population was pretty static.

When I went back to work it was notable how many long term patients were no longer there - they had died in my absence.

What I can tell you specifically is that from October 2022 to right now, 13 patients have died in just 6 months (that's 27% of our patient population dead). There are another 5 sitting precariously close to the cliff edge. On top of that, new patients are streaming in to fill their spots. This rate of death has not happened in my prior years there.

3 staff members have also had their parents die and 1 has a parent who won't be far off. This likewise has occurred in a short window of time.

The patients are starting to comment on the massive death rate they are observing around them.

I don't have the heart to tell them that it is highly likely due to the crap injection that they themselves have taken.

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An amazing (but very upsetting) observation, pinning

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I've got a friend who works in a dialysis clinic in Germany, and it's a similar picture. I have to tease it out of her, since she's half awake. She took two shots to be able to work and still seems to have done damage to her immune system getting repeated corona quite badly. The clinic is continuing to try to enforce masking even though the requirement has been federally abolished. And most of the patients are still so freaked out about the virus that they wear FFP2s voluntarily. The head doctor is the worst. He still wears his mask shopping and out on the street.

But I did go to my GP the other day. Only one receptionist and two patients were wearing masks (one talked to me and pulled it down under her chin to do so LOL), and everything else was back to normal.

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Masks mandates no longer exist in Australia but our clinic still insists that we wear masks. The patients in general are quite weary of it and take them off or have them on their chin. Only a couple are fearful and double mask - yet still take them off to eat! Priorities!!

I don't see the clinic mask requirement dropping any time soon though as it looks like the lurgy is starting the rounds again. I'm interested to see how I fare compared to everyone.

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Good news that you are now allowed back at work! As an Aussie (Qld) I find that quite heartening, considering how hardline all the vax mandates have been here. Even though the rest of your info is a bit depressing... but thanks for sharing.

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rarely see anyone masked in my area.... those who do which as i said was rare are obviously retarded

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It would do no good to tell them and you can't because the fascist and Stasi-like self-important thought police at AHPRA prohibit whatever does not fit the narrative pushed by the incompetent and malfeasant bureaucrats at the TGA and ATAGI. AHPRA needs to be disbanded and replaced by the old system of state based regulation. The bureaucrats at AHPRA, the TGA and ATAGI all need to be investigated and prosecuted.

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AHPRA is a disgrace. Most doctors are slightly fearful of them and won't stand up to them. We need to keep reminding everyone that the TGA, Australia's regulatory body that regulates the pharmaceutical industry, is 95% funded by the pharmaceutical companies. It's a travesty. It needs to be disbanded completely. They're criminals.

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I couldn't agree more!

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This denial without explanation and arrogance are what angers me the most... The lack of scientific rigor and the "Just move on." No, we must not just move on. We must figure out why they are dying if because of the vaccines, their families should be compensated and there needs to be public apologies and trials.

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It amazes me how most people were happy to have two years of their lives completely disrupted by the COVID scam and the "high" number of people dying from it (age adjusted equivalent to 2008 in the UK). Yet they are happy to completely ignore the similar levels of excess deaths now that they have willingly taken the experimental mRNA shots, that turned out to be next to useless.

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In one case the media breathlessly reported on death counts with great fervor in order to panic the public.. In the other case, media won't mention the issue or report on the phenomenon of excess deaths...in order not to panic the public.

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There is some justification for not panicking the public.

Jane and John Doe will not be pleased to find out that not only can they get C0VID endlessly, but that they have destroyed their immune system and potentially shortened their lifespan.

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Self preservation LOL. I keep telling people that there are about 230 million Americans who took the shots. If 1% are violence prone that is 2.3 million which is about 2+ for every doctor in the country.

It all comes down to who the injected victims and their family hold responsible. The medical "professionals" who whored themselves for a paycheck would be my guess because that is who the relied on and were lied to by.

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Well at least they didn't get called a conspiracy theorist.

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A huge amount of people had their lives disrupted in a rather nice way for 2 years. The middle classes got paid to "work" from their spare bedroom or garden office, they baked banana bread with ingredients delivered to their doorstep by upmarket supermarkets, they didn't even have to talk to the lowly delivery driver. They quickly got their cleaners and nannys back when they realised it wasn't really that lethal. They took their jabs to enable them to feel good about saving the poor souls in third world countries with no access to jabs and to "protect the oldies". And to enable them to go on holiday. Their lives are still mostly about getting paid to "work" from home whilst saving money by not commuting and having time to potter in the garden and walk the dog. Nice sort of pandemic for some! (That's not to say that they weren't rabid Covidians and Jabbers because that's been the popular narrative hasn't it?)

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It sickened me to see the life those people led vs the life most were forced to sue to stupid Covid policies. Now we must ignore the reality of what the jab did? No! People must get angry because nothing else will wake the rest up.

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Anger, unchanneled, is useless.

Lock and Load.

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Patti I'm with you on that. I'm surrounded by woke in WA and told I'm a conspiracy theorist for bringing up these issues. I see Madame says anger is useless lock and load. I know someone who thinks exactly that way. I don't like that option but I don't like the overwhelming unconsciousness that has gripped so many in this country. How do we unify?

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I wont lie, the lock downs weren't tough on me either, and I loved and continue to love working from home, though I have no garden or "help" and mostly shipped for my own groceries,made my own takeout runs, and only delivered what I couldn't get locally.

But I can't comprehend these people who became even more insufferable to the point of abuse toward that "servant" class. Maybe its a different sort of privilege,in that even though I make great money (starting wage no less) working from home, I've also cleaned my share of toilets/offices and served my share of food and stocked my share of shelves and rang my share of purchases and through it all taken my share of entitled abuse.

Of course,so did some of them. maybe its just psychological. They see themselves as having paid their dues and now its their turn to crap on the servants they used to work with, perhaps in an effort to forget they we're ever like that, while I never forget where I came from and never assume I'm too good to end up there again, so I keeps solid respect and empathy for those doing "grunt" jobs (which despite the popular opinion require a loot more skill than most are willing toadmit.)

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so well said. this contrasts with past events such as Pitman, NJ and Love Canal chemical dump hysterics and studies for find often small increases in cancer. or Three Mile Island. but when we see massive increases in ACM, crickets. I guess the chemical companies just didn't have the political heft to bury the story. good news.....today I saw a meat provider offering mRNA free products. this is coming at us fast. I haven't checked closely but worth a look https://www.goodranchers.com/

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Totally agree. But it is slowly changing -- very slowly. I've just visited Sydney where EVERY old friend here (who I tried to convince to not take the jabs but they all did) brought up the topic and said that they won't get anymore. For most it is just a 'feeling' that it isn't needed and probably isn't as safe as they said. And one friend is terribly worried now and is Very remorseful about jabbing her children. She asked me "have you seen the videos on 'sudden deaths' and seen the data?". Her husband works in finance and I think Ed Dowd is getting through to that entire industry now. Many of them watch a thing called 'London Real' for finance news and he was interviewed on that recently along with some other finance podcasts. The insurance industry is now aware of it So things are changing . . . . albeit slowly . . . but this has a been a big breakthrough. My worried friend is telling lots of others what she now knows.

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It wasn’t entirely useless to some we see now.

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Governments have no money. All they can do is steal from some people to give to others.

Any compensation people received would be coming from themselves.

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Impound every penny of Bill & Melinda Gates, every business, property, every trust and so-called foundation and those of their kids. That would be a start.

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Then Soros, then Rockefellers then Rothschilds.

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So everyone gets like 40 dollars a piece.

Wealth simply does not work like that.

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You are thinking in a material or capitalistic sense. I am thinking in terms of justice. It would be a start.

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As we old people love to say, "I am the victim, here". Finally, after decades of lies and stealing my money, the government (LOL) will be required to give me reparations. Long overdue. And then, they can start determining which of us had ancestors that fought to free the slaves. We certainly deserve payment for THAT.

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You're right Alex. If you were to break up Amazon and make Jeff Bezos into a poor bum, stealing all his $125.6B dollars of wealth and divided it between all 330M Americans, you get $381 per person. Meanwhile, you'd lose access to next-day goods, all the Amazon prime tv series would be cancelled and Amazon Prime TV would disappear. Along with Amazon music, Audible, Amazon Web Services, Amazon Machine Learning suite, etc (which powers 60% of the internet, so 60% of all websites would go offline), etc and most people would spend that $381 dollars in the first week but their lives would be worse for the next 60 years, arguably.

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Exactly THIS!

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The frustrating part is that $126B if you taxed it with an 80% inheritance tax is ~100B which compared to the 37.6T US debt would take you from 37.6T to 37.5T. We are basically a full "300 Amazons" in debt. So if you imagine the 300x entire-amazon warehouses, 300x the entire staff, 300x all the trucks, all the servers, all the robots, all the film crews, all the content licenses, 175x all the websites servers that host the entire the internet. etc etc....that's what you'd have to sell to pay the debt off haha. The economy is so fake/fucked its not even real.

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Monetary rewards to the public ... 40 dollars a piece.

Putting genocidal monsters out of business by taking away all their money ... priceless.

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and give them a nice suite with bars as a bonus!

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The the governments of the world could give every single person who got the vaxx a few bottles of Nattokinese, which seems to help stop the spike proteins.

Plus $$$$$ of course.

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If people are interested, is there anything stopping them from buying nattokinase to treat themselves?

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Of course people can buy it. However, the vast majority-- at least in my corner of the US-- have no idea they have been potentially damaged because they don't have any side effects yet. Key word being "yet."

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its part of the game, the war, the world genocide....

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Elizabeth, I don't think there is enough money in the world to compensate every individual or family whose health or lives were destroyed by modern medicine. Thousands of people may have been helped along through the use of conventional medicine. However and at the end of the day. As many or more people have been harmed or died premature deaths thanks to modern medicine as have ever been helped. Looks to me like the risks of modern medicine usually outweighs the benefits.

Furthermore, I don't waste my time arguing with people who are intent on believing in fairytale medicine. Having lost both parents, 11 uncles, both sets of grandparents, 4 aunts and a 39 year old male cousin before the age of 35 gave me valid reasons to distrust the medical establishment and to look elsewhere for good health and healing. I came to this conclusion before the 1990's.

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Friend of a friend 32 yr old dad has had 31 surgeries for blood clots in past 12 months.

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Holy crap! I hope that person is doing more than just surgery (FLCCC protocol).

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not surprising since the politicians, health "authorities" and most of the medical "professionals" were complicit in this mass murder, whether by gross negligence or by malfeasance. we are witnessing their cover up of their crimes. never forget that they KNOW what they did, even if they profess otherwise. They know they are guilty and they are now trying to avoid justice. this is plain and evident to anyone with eyes to see. just think of how any murderer would act when trying to evade being caught and convicted. then it's pretty clear why they are acting the way they are.

as for the general population still asleep at the wheel, it's a sorry sight to see.

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Please follow THE science.... but not THAT science.

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Not one "apology" will be accepted. No trials are necessary. We know who they are. Ten million of them.

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Scientists and doctors in mass EVERYWHERE are making a mess!

How did science and medicine get so politicized and how can we ever survive that?

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The great majority of medical "professionals" have destroyed their once substantial credibility.

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And their own immune systems.

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This is true. Staffing shortages will only get worse as more people get sick. The anecdotal signals are out there. Medical professionals are becoming too sick to work.

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Very true and now the many so called Freedom Fighting doctors and scientists are so busy getting themselves and others chasing down rabbit holes and/or profiteering from presenting evidence of all the BIOTERRORISM theatre…ALL so incredibly shameful!

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I understand their desire to end this by legal means, but they should be training others and spending more time on an alternative system. Forget state certification. That's meaningless now. Call them health coaches and home care assistants instead of doctors and nurses. Much of it will have to be underground.

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what should they be doing instead?

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You tell me! When will the information be actionable? Do we need scientists and doctors playing politics? Or do we need them to provide us with actionable information and lead people how to act on that information?

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I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

P.S. Good luck pondering!

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It turns out that 99% of scientists and medicos have their price. In the case of medicos, a lower price than I expected which makes matters worse. Can we survive long term? I hope so but it will be difficult. The psychos that lead most of the world are playing with technology that they have no proper understanding and they are willing to use it in their obsession for total control, even if it means destroying themselves.

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It looks to me like their prices keep getting lower and lower...

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Yep, the people are cheaper than lab mice.

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The pharma company reps spent a fortune on my boss, a pharmacist. Ski trips, gourmet lunches for all six of us, dinners with him (the single, pretty blonde ones), etc. The hospital reined them in but they still have or had great pens. The kind of pens that would have cost us a lot more than $10 in a stationery store. I think they still do great pens. Be sure to get some - they're usually quite generous with them (the company name and drug du jour are on the pens).

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They will spend a ton on lobbying and nothing if possible on the product. After all, what's a few people injured or worse? It is all statistics for them but I get the feeling that they prefer injured as that is a life long customer.

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Yes, we got great pens from the Seroquel rep, back when I worked in a psychiatric clinic... along with smoked salmon & avocado baguettes when they came to give their presentations, and fancy dinners (and more, including free samples) for the consultants. Our clinic was known in the region as Seroquel country, and we had one of the highest rates of prescribing it in the country. That was just a tiny glimpse of it that I happened to see (and enjoy, I have to admit - they were very nice pens!)

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Regular people (those from non-teaching hospitals) were kind of envious of those pens. They had great notepads, too. That was MANY years ago but every once in awhile I run across one of those pens.

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Probably because they don't grasp the full harm they are doing others. Lower prices for less guilty.

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Well, the medicos are supposed to be the brighter ones when compared with the hoi polloi so they should have been able to work out: (1) just how bad the jabs are and (2) that the Covid bug is nowhere near as deadly and infectious as it was claimed by the media. My theory is that the majority of the medicos lack a working conscience and are greedier and more hungry for power than most people. Only that explains how they went along with the horror inflicted on the world (Fraudci is certainly a greedy, power mad, soulless creature).

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But many of them took the jab. Greed must have played a role. But they deceived themselves as much as others. Maybe it's like those Nigerian prince scams otherwise smart people fall for.

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In spite of what most people think, medicos do not actually get any training in scientific thinking (unless they specifically go & seek it out, usually involving another research year added to their already long degree). They have to imbibe information, and process it as taught by the medical establishment. Anyone who finds that unpalatable gets spat out of the system at an early stage.

Not that that excuses them - just that my impression is that most doctors don't really understand they have been scammed.

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Many thanks Igor for all your work. The problem we’re having is that all written text is in dog-Latin which is fraudulent.



Language of Babylon


A must watch for all.

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It’s all about the Benjamin’s! Grant money for example. Twisted and corrupt!

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I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

P.S. Good luck pondering!

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That is what I keep asking. I think that the answer lies in open-source, decentralized scientific inquiry and dissemination. As to how to handle hands-on medical needs, however, that is where I am baffled. There may be a really, really nasty transition period before the old monolith finally crumbles in totality and something far better has room to take its place.

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There was a post on the Market Ticker a few weeks ago about taking control of your own health. A suggestion was a wearable fitness tracker like a garmin, fitbit or apple watch. That's one positive way you can at least track some of your own health stats, since at this point, all Big Med wants is for you to die.

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Hmm ... Okay, "taking control of your own health" is something I can 100% get behind, but -- FFS, does that need to involve sending your biometric data straight to the Borg database? That's exactly what they want!

If you want to track your heart rate (which is a very good idea; everyone should know his or her baseline vitals, because they are different for every person and it's important to know if you have a change) -- just take your own pulse. People ... Do know how to take a Human pulse, right? [insert "cringe" emoji]

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Not all of these devices require you to go through your phone or your computer, and not all of them have bluetooth. That could mean that they're stand alone devices.

As for sending them your biometric data, well, many people have sent their DNA to Ancestory.com, so it's not like they don't already know everything they need to know about you. Plus... everyone uses credit cards for their grocery/ restaurant purchases, as well as their leisure activities, so once again, the Borg has that info as well.

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Yes, but ... Why give it to them voluntarily? I sure as hell haven't sent in my DNA. They almost certainly have my DNA mapped and on file -- I've had to have blood drawn enough times -- but I did not grant them PERMISSION to do so. (I still do not, for the 'Borg record. You do not have permission to DNA test me.)

That's the key here: Permission. Have you ever heard the "myth" that a Vampire cannot enter one's home without being invited in? ... Same concept.

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oh how naive you are... giving them all the data they need to speed up your demise

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genocide... George Soro's willing executioners.... I think poison doctors always have been such

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I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

P.S. Good luck pondering!

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Billionaire class use their power money to remold society rules to continue to benefit their survival. The financial system is a fraud pyramid scheme.i think power money resource inequities allowed this schemes to be conducted by these Uber rich.

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If you are really awake and ready for real solutions, volunteer at NorthAmericanLawCenter@gmail.com

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Truth Matters: I would posit Vannevar Bush and the Flexner Report respectively. Why people, esp. "scientists", acceded to it is a better question. Gravy train and didn't want to get nuked, so preferred to nuke the other guys first? Why did medical people go hog-wild with vaccinations and worthless drugs and surgeries? How about teaching the correct meaning of Exodus 23:2? (Hint, it ain't "decide by majority vote of the Sanhedrin".)

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I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

P.S. Good luck pondering!

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Many thanks Igor for all your work. The problem we’re having is that all written text is in dog-Latin which is fraudulent.



Language of Babylon


A must watch for all.

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In a sane world this would be the talk of the town.

It would be on the news and have significant speculation, discussion and investigation.

But today, it seems it is only really spoken of in the darkest recesses of the internet.

Never publicly addressed.

Not fit for wide discussion or dissemination.

Therefore, we can conclude we no longer live in a sane world.

But a clown world.

Utterly insane.

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We have been in clown world for a few years now, but covid has really accelerated it. Pushing transgenderism on children is the other utterly insane thing that most people seem oblivious to.

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This push is terrifying. My only grandkid is trapped in this evil.

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Glad I don't have kids. I do worry about nephews and nieces, and friends kids on their behalf. They are quite happily jabbing away their 3 year old without question.

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That is what happens when 85% of media is owned by a handful of individuals. Same for most other companies that run America. No longer is small business the driver. THAT is a major problem!

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If the backbone of the economy is small business.

Then our economy is spineless.

No wonder it's all gone to jelly

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The "gold standard" of evidence says mRNA vaccines cause excess deaths. The separate Pfizer and Moderna gold standard randomized clinical trials BOTH had a 15-17% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo.

Pfizer: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf – Table S4

Moderna: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf – Table S26

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For Pfizer, analysis by CCCA here, calculated 20 deaths in the control v 14 in the placebo.

see page 12 for an extra 5 deaths following unblinding


the 11 deaths in the control and 11 deaths on Table S4 excludes these 5 deaths in the control group after unblinding. (Pfizer said they had to unblind for ethical reasons!)

people like dr. robert fleming state that neither number is statistically significant out of 21,900 in each arm of the trial. we can only estimate the number of deaths post roll-out using URF estimates, that vary from the historical (Lazarus report) of 100 all the way down to zero, claimed by the CDC/FDA

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/the-giant-injection-in-the-room-estimates of the dead

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Well, the cop-out of "it's not statistically significant" is obviously absurd. To reach a "statistically significant" death increase in this healthy RCT population with naturally low deaths, the vaccine would have to essentially DOUBLE the risk of death, which is biologically implausible (that would mean half of all deaths in vaccinated people are caused by the vaccine!). In other words, before the RCTs were even done it was virtually guaranteed that there would never be a “statistically significant” death increase, EVEN IF the vaccine increased deaths by as much as 25% or even 50%.

The fact is, the 16% non-COVID death increase in the Pfizer and Moderna RCTs translates to approximately 1 out of every 7 (!!!) non-COVID deaths among the vaccinated being attributable to the vaccine, which is about as bad as it could REALISTICALLY get. And perhaps most importantly, these RCT mortality results clearly show that mRNA vaccines are equally or more likely to cause death rather than prevent death (even when studied under prime conditions by the companies themselves).

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(Pfizer said they had to unblind for ethical reasons!)

Yeah. Ethics were: they accidentally exposed the placebo group to the vax by way of a third party! Which also, by the way, exposed Pfizer's vaccine shedding being PROVED during their clinical trial. Wow!

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Only ten people got severe Covid out of the 40,000, Dr. Shetty wrote in his Substack today.

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Interesting. So out of 77 C19 cases in the control and 850 in the placebo - just 10 / 43,800 with severe covid? impossible to square with 34 deaths (with C19 present.)

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Not sure why that’s impossible to square with C19 “present;” people who tested positive have died from car accidents snd gunshot wounds and were counted as Covid deaths. The takeaway is that it’s too small a number to draw conclusions about vaccine efficacy.

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Aren’t we playing with the relative reduction rate again then and not the absolute reduction which is what matters? How the 95% safe and effective baloney changed the world? Like statins. But I’m no statistician nor scientist. (Although I played one in order to stay unvaxxed).

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Actually the COVID deaths in the Pfizer trial are even more eye-opening: 1 in vaccine group vs. 2 in placebo group. Very similar in the Moderna trial also. So while those COVID death numbers are extremely small and leave considerable uncertainty, the fact is when you divide by cases per group, the CASE-FATALITY rates were actually HIGHER, not lower, with vaccine than placebo- completely contrary to the only remaining selling point for the last 1.5 years. And even these small numbers ARE sufficient to tell us that any major reduction in case-fatality rate by the vaccine is very unlikely (in other words, "the vaccine reduces your chances of dying AFTER you get COVID" is a lie).


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Did anyone see the John Campbell video on Arne Burkhardt’s data last night? There are 2 things that could explain this:

1) the mysterious protein in the blood of the vaccinated that causes the post mortem white clots to form. What is it? Nobody seems to know. What does it do? Unknown.

2) the increasing evidence (which has been hypothesised for a while now) that the spike protein causes endothelial damage from where it is produced from cells within the endothelium, causing inflammation that the body then tries to heal through plaque formation and atherosclerosis forming. Thus accelerating cardiac death.

I’m in the UK, and was at dinner with a good friend who is an air ambulance pilot this weekend. As always I asked him what he was seeing. “Lots of cardiac death...lots and lots of cardiac death in younger people”.

I think we have:

- myocarditis leading to death suddenly, from catecholamine surges in exercise or during waking, primarily in younger fitter people

- accelerated atherosclerotic death by mechanism as above

- increasing death from immune suppression (infection or accelerated cancers), which are more likely in the multi mRNA boosted with 4+ mRNA jabs

- still to come - depositions of this mysterious protein in the brain causing dementia. Probably see this in the next 5-10 years. Avoid blood transfusions if you possibly can. Nobody knows what this stuff is. Serious investigation needed.

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The dementia increase is already happening in the elderly. A short time after my godfather got the poison death jab, his short term memory started going. A good friend had the same thing happen with her mother, however the effect was much more pronounced with her. Could be due to the specific manufacturer and the batch.

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@sophocles "Avoid blood transfusions if you possibly can. Nobody knows what this stuff is. Serious investigation needed."

Yes we do know what it is, very few of us though. If you are interested read my long post: I am copying this to Notes.

It's the reaction to the electronic-magnetic graphene (quantum dot graphene sheets, etc.) and hydrogel (a polymer causes possibly rubbery effect of white closts*)using components surreptiously introduced into the ingredients of the Pfizer/Moderna/Johnson & J/Astra-Zeneca and all other vaccines (flu, boosters) and ALL other injections eg antibiotics ... you name it, and nasal spray vaccines coming on market. These components are self-assembling nano-particles (cannot be seen with the eye —you need a microscope).

(*see videos by funeral directors and embalmers.)

Look at work by Karen Kingston on Kingston Report substack and for more information and Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea's substack for info plus spectography images to blow your mind.

Original discovery by Dr Pablo Campra Madrid, University of Almeria, who was the first to identify CONCLUSIVELY that there is graphene oxide in the 4 vaccines above. See his report on LA QUINTA COLUMNA DOT INFO OR DOT TV OR DOT NEWS or my Gab account @salialioli.

Look at these images:

Assembled Nano Particles Removed From The Body After Using Antinano devices:


see my note on substack for specific label from Kingston's

Graphene and Radiation CAUSE COVID-19 *and* Injection poisoning. This news is SO IMPORTANT I want everyone to 'understand' the implications and share as widely as you can. Thank you.

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Pretty sure blood transfusions should be last on almost everyone’s list of things to do today.

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Given who compiles and handles the data, I am not sure that there was a pause in the excess mortality. In Oz there has been a clear attempt to delay and hide the injuries and excess mortality but even the "adjusted" figures cannot hide the fact that excess deaths are the worst since WW2. Since the country is not involved in any wars and it has, supposedly, a better health care system than most of the world, everyone (with few exceptions) pretends to be "baffled" at the numbers. Can the authorities cover up the excess deaths? Yep, the majority of those that took at least 2 jabs simply refuse to admit that they have been duped and bullied into doing something that will affect their health in the coming decade. Instead of asking questions and demanding answers, they would rather direct their anger at those who refused the jabs. The propaganda arm of the authorities A.K.A legacy media is all-in with the scam so no hope there. As long as the great majority of the population refuses to accept that they made a mistake, this will go on and my bet is that the next scamdemic will hit just in time for the 2024 elections. As I said over and over - without accountability, the psychos who did this with Covid, will do it again because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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I had high hopes it was trending back towards baseline, to be honest.

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same here, very disappointed at how high it is - despite the fact that "most vulnerable people" already died. Now more people are becoming "most vulnerable" - all at excess rates.

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Every time I hear of a once healthy child that died or is suffering serious medical issues subsequent to injection it makes me cringe. Also makes me wonder how their parents could have remained so clueless when the wellbeing of their children was at stake. They injected them with a radical technology that had never been used as a vaccine, even in livestock, which had no medium or long term track record or testing. Plus if they had bothered to look at the IFR data they would have known COVID posed zero danger to their healthy child.

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I don't think most people are aware that it's a novel technology, never before approved for human use. They just hear it's a "vaccine" and assume it's like all the previous ones. I don't think most people know that even conventional vaccines take an average of ten years to develop. Much of that being testing them. Try and tell them this and you are an antivaxxer conspiracy theorist.

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I agree, there are very few people out there willing or able to investigate or research things. They just take what they are given by doctors, media etc. Everyone in our family got vaccinated except my family. I kept getting are you vaccinated yet and I said no. Early in 2020 it was already known that the spike protein is toxic and caused cell fusions. Paul Ehrlich Institute published a paper on it then. The thought of my body producing toxic substances did not appeal to me. If you said anything at all you got "what do you know, are you a doctor?"

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Well that is just ignorance or willful blindness. No excuses!

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They heard "safe and effective" over and over and over again from the tv, radio, newspaper and most importantly, THEIR DOCTORS.

Should they have done research? Yes. It was easy to find out ALL the side effects before the vaxx was even on the market.

Scared and lazy has hurt them and their children.

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Yes, SHAME on doctors for failing to do a little homework thereby protecting everyone. Or perhaps they knew but were too cowardly to protect people.

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This Proverb has never been more true "He who is slack in his work is brother to he who destroys"

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My gut feeling, and I pray I am wrong, is that because the damage is in most cases, slow and cumulative, this will be ongoing for decades. The ones that are gone, were more susceptible to the jabs. The rest are still being slowly affected by the jabs which makes one wonder if this was by design.

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I am now concerned, or rather, despairing that people already are forgetting that the deaths and disabilities are not merely "normal" bad luck.

I see more and more clearly how even non-jab-related poor health has been normalized over the decades: our elderly folks dwindling in body and mind because "that's part of getting old." And I'm not referring to the slight slowing down of our parents and grandparents but to the neurological dysfunction, the metabolic dysfunction, and more that just gets attributed to "normal" old age. Our elders didn't used to age and die this way. I certainly don't want to age and die this way. Children with their quirks physically and socially and such. The number of kids who are easily sensorily overloaded, who have learning problems..., kids with multiple food allergies, and the kids with autism. It didn't used to be this way!

We have forgotten what a healthy society looks like, and it is sickening. It is enough to make me think I should consider taking up life with the Amish, away from modern tech, pollutants, and such. Although even they cannot escape geo-engineering, water contamination, and the like.

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If only it were possible. The problem is that even if you want to live in peace and be left alone, the psychos in power will not leave you alone. They cannot stand the idea of NOT having absolute control and they are relentless in their pursuit of absolute misery for the world.

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Yes, sadly, you are correct. And I know from your prior comments that you’ve experienced it. So.

I just wish they would leave us all the $/@@; alone. What drives men to completely subject others to their ways. It has got to be coming from the devil himself whose character has infested and infected the heart of every man. Only God can drive it out.

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And can you imagine that now they are planning to introduce the MRNA into our food…starting next month…they have to identify it on the label of ingredients….so closely check your food labels before purchase! Their planning to get us one way or another!😵‍💫

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