This is timely. Just yesterday I heard of three former colleagues. Two had cancer a few years ago, but it was successfully treated. In one case, she is now terminal. With the other, it is back. A third was just dx with cancer. All 50s. All (no doubt) vaxxed as where we worked it was required, unless willing to test 3x per week. Yet another just lost her husband to cancer. Three of the four in the same office (staff of about 40). This seems excessive.
Meanwhile, our tenant who had seizures/strokes 2 and 4 weeks past his first dose last year, was finally back to work. After a month or so, he developed swelling of his lower limbs, a rash and what looked like (to my non-medical eyes) necrotic tissue. He then couldn't stand. He was in hospital and had surgery for an intestinal infection (part of his stomach was removed). He didn't improve and was airlifted to a larger hospital. He is now in organ failure and on a vent. The doctors don't know what is wrong. He is 50s.
I know as we get older we know more people with health issues, but the past 1 1/2 years seems excessive to me. The above are on top of:
Stroke/brain aneurism approx. 5-6 weeks post 2nd dose - 50s
Heart attack day 8 (pain started day 3-4) after shot 1 - early 60s
Tachycardia - two cases, both requiring hospitalization, both double jabbed - 70s
One of above required heart surgery last month - 70s
Heart attack/other abdominal surgery - approx. one month post shot 1 - 70s
Abdominal aneurism - 10 months post shot 2 (possible booster in between) - 60s
Swollen lower limbs/arm - etiology unknown - post booster by a few days - 60s
One unexpected deaths in our extended circle of friends fall 2021 - no cause given or vaxx status known, but on balance of probabilities, vaxxed - late 50s
One sudden death in extended family - age 29 - no cause or vaxx status known
Other lesser symptoms noted:
70s - vertigo/headaches - she never had them before - 4 shots
60s - migraines - hadn't had one in years - 2 shots for sure, maybe 3
60s - tinnitus and rash - after shot one - resolved months later - abstained from further shots
Am I just noticing more now? I honestly don't know.
While at the hardware store this week buying a grill we noticed the salesman's leg--one was twice the size of the other. I asked about it and he told me it materialized three weeks post vax. Lymphedema and autoimmune attack on his kidneys losing 3/4 of their function. Insurance company and doctor slow to realize the cause and connection. He was a such a sweet man, he had done the vaccine to protect a vulnerable family member. They all ended up getting COVID anyway. He was bitter. The consequences are all around us. Sometimes it is worth asking, the salesman was grateful to tell his story and to receive support from understanding others.
I feel the same. Every day I'm hearing about a "illness/weakness" in the body (cancer, joints, ALS etc) that has rapidly got much worse. And of course if they need treatment in hospital, they have to get boosted and up to date with their vaccines before going in - ugh!
I just hope there's a point it stops as almost all of my family and friends are vaxxed. And I don't know why people aren't at least questioning the timing of increased all-cause mortality and vaccines...(maybe we could do something to help prevent further illnesses & deaths?)....
I know of a perfectly healthy 54 year old nurse, and mother of two, that dropped dead of a brain aneurism while cooking dinner. The various ways in which the vaccines kill is scary and very, very real!
I met Ken and his wife at a fruit and veg store recently.
They are tripled-jabbed and masked in the store. So are their three children - 23, 20, teen. They took two each.
We chatted whilst his wife went to do her things.
Ken is your typical media-informed majority.
I contradicted everything he said with reasons and facts, causing him to pause and think since he could feel that I was well-informed. No, he did not ask me to share my information or sources.
Me: What is this, all masked up? You have vaccinated?
Wife: For double protection.
Me: ???
Ken: I am taking the vaccines in order to protect my mother, who is 85 yo.
Me: 85? Let her go!
Ken was appalled!
Ken: I don't want her to go.
Me: She will go one day anyway.
Ken was appalled with my blase attitude again!
Ken: I want her to go naturally.
After getting slammed by me with facts and reasons too often, Ken cut to the chase:
Ken: If I passed it to her and killed her, I would feel uncomfortable for the rest of my life.
Me: If you are so concerned about infecting her, don't visit her! She will understand.
Me: What if something had happened to you because of the vaccine?
*****Ken: That was my decision. I would live with that.*****
Me: How would she feel knowing you took it to protect her?
Ken was silent.
Me: You are a parent yourself. How would you feel if your children took something risky in order to protect you?
Ken was silent again!
Ken: Ok. The vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission. [As you can see, he contradicted himself. Proving he lied to me about his reason or he hid his true reasons from me.] But, they reduce the severity,
Me: Can you prove that claim?
Ken: There was some study....
Me: Did you know that pfizer, moderna and AZ never claimed their vaccines reduce severity? Since the makers did not make such a claim, why would any one else make it? That lie about 95% was about prevention.
Ken was silent again!
Me: Why would they need to force people to take something if they can prove it is safe, effective, and necessary?
Ken was silent again!
Ken: How about you?
Me: If they say take the vaccine or take a bullet; I would say "give me a bullet!". (I said it three times to ensure he understood me!)
Me: Have the covid deaths been verified? Most covid deaths were deaths "with" covid; not "by" covid.
Ken was silent!
Me: Did you know that the average age of covid death is higher than the average life expectancy?
Ken was silent!
Ken: Have you personally seen anyone die from the vaccines?
Me: My sister attended three funerals: 52; 72; 69 year olds.
Ken: But, have you personally seen anyone die from the vaccines?
Me: Have you personally seen anyone die from covid?
> Ken: If I passed it to her and killed her, I would feel uncomfortable for the rest of my life.
So Ken is only selfishly (primarily) concerned with his own emotions, he doesn't really care what his mother really wants.
EDIT: Thanks everyone. But I often write what I think. I was wondering out loud if anyone thought about how selfish Ken really was. It seems that many people did. That gives me hope for humanity. :)
"Save Grandma" was a cornerstone of an intentionally crafted psyop. It all began at Yale with a study that was so manipulative, they had to get a waiver from the ethics committee:
Yes. It should be the opposite! The grannies should be the first ones to defend the young; not the reverse. They've had their turns. What can a 80 yo contribute to society compared to a 8 month, 8,18,28, 38, 48, 58 yo?
My mum is 85 and contributes a lot, lucky she did not fall for the narratives and remains pure blood. All her friends did and have numerous health issues. My mum is a leader and remains strong, eats lots of fruit to keep her healthy.
Those people virtue-signaled against the obvious, what have they done re how the elderly have been and are being treated? Have they gotten on their high horses and said something?
By "contribute" I meant working, careers, having and raising kids, etc - those whose lives are still ahead of them; not behind them.
I remember immigrants and pioneers who sacrificed much in order for their CHILDREN to have better futures. Now they reversed that role and people fell for it.
There is a classic cartoon by Bob Moran which neatly captures this theme: an old man with a walking carrying a child in his front vest with the words "Stab vest" written on it.
Of course, no rational person advocates for the untimely departure of any one. However, if a choice has to be made, a rational person would choose a 18 over a 81 yo!
I am about your age and if a choice must be made between an 18 yo and me, I know what my answer would be!
Yeah I get it, but we should not have to choose. There are many older people still doing a lot of good work to make the world a better place. We need to unite and stop talking ages, gender, and whatever, we are one.
I don't know any people over 75 yrs old so the odds of me knowing someone who died from covid is pretty much zero.
I don't know anyone who has died from the flu either -- which has a similar death rate to covid - and it's very rare for a younger person to die from flu.
I also do not know anyone who has won the lottery jackpot
Similar to how many young people die from Covid ... I think 400 or so have died from/with covid ... of course all of them were already gravely ill (cancer... morbidly obese etc)
Yes, really (that the young dying of flu is very rare.) Now we may not agree on what "rare" means, but let's look at some statistics and perhaps, get some absolute as well as relative numbers.
Using US figures: In a normal year, about 3 million die of all causes. In a bad year, perhaps 50,000 are by influenza. Being generous (round up) that is 1.7% of all deaths.
Preliminary observation: Unless your social circle is very odd (elderly sick people) it is infrequent in any given year that anyone would even die, and if they did, only a 1/59 chance it was by flu.
I found this source of info breaking down flu deaths by age:
"Spoken like an ignoramus. Allow me to demolish your claim"
your snarky intro, so the readers may see why i will be butchering you in the following.
you are but an arrogant asshole, an ignoramus par excellence,
with your pea sized brain it hasn't occurred to you that your interpretation of " the young dying is very rare" might not be quite what it actually should be?
even if 99.999 % percent of all influenza deaths are in the age group of the over 65 of age that does not say anything about an influenza death being very rare in the young.
i will leave you to figure that one out .
and after you did you can come back to apologise, or more likely keep your big mouth shut and disappear from here.
From my experience in talking to people, including strangers, they have a set of beliefs and won't budge. The fact that they took something that was dangerous and useless only reinforces their embarrassment.
I spoke to two people - one had three and one had two - who said they won't take any more. I asked what would happen if his employer required another one. He said employees will have a talk. I, then, wondered why didn't those employees have a talk from the start. He had no answer.
I sensed people felt embarrassment and shame. People don't want to be proven wrong or look foolish over trivial things. And this matter is a yuge one!
I also sensed a wall dropped between us whenever they discovered I was a refusenik. Sad.
I woke up after I got two shots. Regret is a hard pill to swallow. I’ve given up trying to wake others. The mass psychosis is real. I have two brothers that are in so deep. One has an IQ of 149. The other has his name on numerous patents. I fear if they were to ever wake up, the guilt would destroy them. So there is a huge part of me that hopes they don’t. I’d rather continue to be estranged from them.
I get why they do it from a psychological perspective, but the hallmark of wisdom is learning from one's mistakes. We used to equate wisdom with old age, people built on a lifetime of experience and learned from that.
Now it seems like the older folks are the more likely they are to be in denial. Pride and arrogance override any sense of wisdom, they don't learn from their mistakes as doing so would require them to admit they made a mistake in the first place. Their ego will not allow them to do that.
Seems to me this is a unique phenomena to the elderly that specifically stems from the Boomer generation (and I say that as one on the cusp of being a Boomer). They were raised as borderline narcissists and abandoned any sense of humility. Without humility they are condemned to repeating the same foolish mistakes over an over. Hell of a way to live.
Hm. Well, elderly (Boomers?) folks were terrorized from Day One that this virus would strike them first and kill them. First groups 'allowed' to receive the poison poke were 75 y/o and up ONLY. No one else. No other age. Once they had managed to inj/fect hundreds of thousands of older folks, it was game on.
It is misguided to pronounce that those people were narcissists or that they abandoned any sense of humility.
I feel I am qualified to make these remarks as I work at our town's Council on Aging and I was (literally) in the frontlines from the beginning. Of the hundreds of people we counseled through the process, there was fear and worry. If you had been on a phone call with one of these people- you would understand what I am saying.
In the state of Massachusetts, where I live and work, lockdowns were almost immediate; families were prevented from entering nursing homes, retirement homes, and hospitals.
According to state leaders and the media- without the 'shot', much suffering would occur.
It wasn't until much further into the whole mess that we (some of us) recognized something wasn't quite right. By then it was too late and hundreds of seniors were catastrophically injured or died, especially those in group settings.
I'm please to hear you are on the 'cusp'. I hope you enjoy those years.
Hi Dani (I hope you are doing better since my last exchange with you). I got the shots because everyone I knew that had Covid lost their sense of taste and smell and didn’t get it back (some still haven’t). I struggled for many years with anosmia until I found an ENT that helped me. I was very depressed over my condition. I’m a foodie! I just couldn’t bear thinking that might happen to me. So I believed the bullshit that I wouldn’t get Covid. When my Pilates instructor - fully jabbed, 12 years younger and in much better shape than me got seriously ill with Covid pneumonia I said, something is not right. That began my search for the truth (this past October). It started with the FLCCC and that led to the many substack authors I follow. I read for around 4 hours every day. I still do.
I’ve had some weird symptoms but I’m gaslighting myself. I think it’s due to stress from the estrangement of my two brothers. I am seeing a doc at Sherri Tenpenny’s practice and am taking a bunch of supplements.
I wish you good health and happiness, Laura. I can only imagine it took a lot of strength to see this. I'm in New England and still doctors are refusing to admit they are wrong.
Oh, wow, Laura, I can totally understand. Early on, I was pretty sure this was a man-made "virus" (bioweapon) but I was fearful because while I know how to protect myself against a "normal" virus, I really wasn't sure about a man-manipulated one. I, too, was nervous about losing taste/smell. Because I didn't want to "catch" it, I super-isolated, which was very bad for my mental health. Now that people are acting much closer to normal, I'm feeling better (psychologically) at the moment.
I'm so glad that so much useful information has now been put out there, and I know knowledgeable people I can trust to help go through this with me, albeit online through substack and other platforms.
Thank you for sharing what caught your attention (your Pilates instructor) to begin the awakening process. The estrangement is so painful..... I think my one sister is never going to wake up, and she is the one who (well-meaningly) keeps getting our elderly parents jabbed (4x, now soon to be 5, and I fear this will do them in).
You are very fortunate to be connecting with Dr. Tenpenny's practice. If anyone can help, she can. I wish you good health and happy reading.
Look up Medical Medium (Anthony Williams), he has protocols to get you well. Borrow books from the library if you cannot afford to buy them. Plenty of free info of vids, podcasts and articles too.
Interesting that one of the early conversations with a female embalmer who saw what she admitted was the shots were causing these foot-long+ clots that would form as a rubbery material in the veins. She refused to talk to her daughter about it as the daughter was "pro-vax" and their relationship is already strained.
When you can't even tell your own daughter about something potentially life threatening (that you personally witnessed from your job), the psychosis is very thick.
Understandable if you realised you were had. There is NO shame in making any honest, ignorant, mistake. Don't accept any one who disses you for making that error.
It is patently clear that "volenti non fit injuria" applies to thy brothers. They might well have high IQ, but not what that matters: sperm counts!
Psychosis means a disconnect from reality. For some people this psychosis is a reaction from fear or dread. Sadly, they do not have the facilities to deal with reality.
There is also something called Terror Management Theory-- the gist seems to be that people can't psychologically handle be constantly reminded of their deaths. Which we did.... for almost two years.
I think a sense of shame is a good place to start. Even if the person won't openly admit that they were wrong about the vaccines, if they feel shame, that means that they can at least admit to themselves that they were wrong. That then makes it far more likely that they will be on our side in the future when we will once again need to fight the "experts" requiring more shots.
Hi Barry. At first I was going to agree with you, but then decided that "shame" is actually the better word here because vaccine mandates are immoral (and mostly illegal). Moreover, so many of the vaccinated people have shown no qualms about shaming those who remained unvaccinated, excluding them from social events, refusing medical treatments, etc. Those are all very shameful behaviors in my opinion. Now it is time for the vaccinated to feel the shame knowing that they have been fooled and moreover may have caused harm to themselves or those around them. If they have the trifecta of shame, embarrassment, and annoyance, that would be even more appropriate.
You mistranslated what I said. I referred to how one might feel after realising the error. I said nothing about how people's attitudes and conducts towards others.
Immoral refers to breaking the Commandments. Illegal means it is against the man-made law. Since it was approved by the govt, how could be illegal?
It is for each to decide whether deliberately poisons into one's body breaks a Commandment.
I completely agree with you regarding the vaccines.
But "85? Let her go!" is absolutely disgusting. That kind of disgusting comment perfectly resembles "their side" rather than "our side"- you literally admitted that you support "death panels" at least in principle. Plus, that comment completely undermines all of the excellent, accurate information you have regarding the vaccines. I'm having trouble believing you even said such a disgusting thing.
The reason why Ken should avoid the vaccines is because they are worse than useless (dangerous, kill more people than they save, etc.), NOT because his mother's life is useless at 85. Come on.
Although it gets off topic, this is a good illustration of the utopian hope that death can be delayed as long as possible. These are the people that would expend all possible resources to save the very old, the handicapped and so on, without regard to cost or resources.
None of the above is to argue that eugenics, "death panels," euthanasia etc. are morally "right." As with many difficult issues, the initial reaction is utter denial (didn't we just mention that above? Yes we did!) Alas, denying a problem exists won't make it go away. The awful truth about such "unthinkable" philosophies as Eugenics are not that they are wholly evil, but that they embody certain uncomfortable, inescapable truths.
It IS to argue that the real world imposes constraints, and all the wishful thinking in the world won't change that. There are always tradeoffs. To cite a common analogy, you are captain of the lifeboat. There is only room for ten people. But a hundred people want aboard. You have some tough choices ahead. You cannot please everyone. You will be condemned by one group or another no matter what choice you make. But there (almost always) is an optimal decision to such a problem.
It was harsh but it had to be said. Ken should be thinking, has he sacrificed the lives and health of his children in order to protect his 85 year old mom? They have their whole lives ahead of them.
My mum is 85 and never took anything. Never gets any vax. She is not ready to die, is still looking after herself and her home, enjoying life. Still drives to visit me and around town. Don't put old people in boxes and labels, they are all different. She made up her own mind about not taking any poison, she had to put up with everyone telling her she was wrong but stuck to her guns, so glad she did, joined us pure bloods.
Good for your mom, my parents who are much younger but still "senior citizens" are also unvaccinated (but they do wear masks in high-risk indoor settings, much better than getting unlucky and having to going to the death-trap hospitals)
I discussed a general concept, whereas you focused on one individual. As you know, NOT all vaccinated have been injured or died. So, don't put the covid vaccines in boxes and labels?
So, are you happy with "them" using your mon's age in vain?
Are you aware that policies, whether by govts or companies, are NOT about one or a few individuals? (In fact, it is unethical or discriminatory, to do so; except for the rare criminal cases.)
If people who were terrified of dying of COVID accept that the vaxxes are bad, that means they will have to face the fact that could die of COVID. They do not accept that they have a very low chance of that, and that there are alternative therapies that work. They would rather choose "dying of the vaxx" as opposed to "dying of COVID."
Case in point: my BIL is vaxx injured-- shingles that turned into neuropathy. HIs wife has told me that she will get the next booster if her doctors tells her to. Her rationalization: "I haven't gotten sick from it yet, so I won't get sick from it in the future. Plus, my friend died of COVID." Her friend was extremely ill, and was probably killed in the hospital. But she won't accept that either.
Yes so true and I cannot get my own family to even consider it. They only want to put faith in shots. Nothing I say or show them matters. They block out anything different from the narrative. It's very upsetting to see them so brainwashed.
I haven't convinced anyone not to take the initial jabs either. I AM hopeful I will have more success with Omicron injection. I say that since- all these injected people eventually got Covid ( at least once) and I was the only person to "show up" with answers as to what they could do, i.e., FLCCC protocols, checking in on them daily. Suddenly, they realized I knew more about Covid than anyone else they knew. We shall see.
Setting aside the origin question for SARS2, viruses are a part of nature so dying from a virus would constitute a natural death. On the other hand, vaccines are man-made and therefore those deaths are also man-made.
That is an excellent point that most people have not mentioned!
Flu takes plenty of people every year without people making a fuss. In fact when it started most people compared it to the flu until they were overwhelmed with the scaremongering and measures.
Wow! He listened to you, didn't get into a huff and start yelling "people dying" from "covid", move away from you to protect himself and accuse you of being an anti-vaxxer and killing people? I can't even get my daughter to do that.
Back in late 2021 when we were let out after the faccination milestones were reached, one uneducated vaccinated guy dissed me by saying I could die from crossing the road right then, in reference to my concerns of the risk. I countered him by saying he could also die from crossing right then as well. He shut his mouth and moved on, annoyed.
I would simply demand that they prove any accusation or claim they make against me. They would shut their mouths quick-smart! If they won't, I would demand that they pay me $10m that they owed me! That would guarantee, 100% effective, not 95%!, to work every time. I have used it online.
He, like all the others I spoke with, KNEW the score but for whatever reason won't or don't relent.
I slammed him over his masking. He said if he removed it and caught it and passed it to her, he would be coming for me! Yet 90% of the people in the store were not masked. I did not have the chance to counter him with "Are you saying those unmasked people care less about their health and the health of their loved ones?" "Are you claiming to know more about masking then studies and other doctors who risked their careers to tell people the truth?"
Herpes zoster - shingles. Many elderly are coerced into taking the shingles shot and, more often than not...guess what happens? It's possible your Dad got that 'vaxxine' and thought it was the Coovie.
as the ethical skeptic said, if it was due to delayed cancer screenings, we would see similar increases across ALL cancers. but we don't. some are exploding while others are not. in addition, as dr. malone and others (incl the ethical skeptic) have pointed out, we are seeing increases in what were once very rare types of cancers
Plus. They keep making statements like ‘at this time we do not know the cause of death. We do know the vaccine had nothing to do with it.’ Ummm you either know or you don’t know. They’re so sure it is because of lack of cancer screening. Really? Have you studied this? And I’m seeing and hearing of people having two and three types of different cancers at the same time. I’ve NEVER heard this ever before.
Yep, I love the "definitely it was not the jab!" statement. It has become like the Covid creed "I got COVID but I am grateful for the protection from the jab." What protection is that, if you got the bug? It would be funny if it were not so sad. I know of at least 3 people that were healthy and after the jabs they got aggressive cancers. All just a coincidence I am sure. Most likely the result of the climate emergency....
My ex husband died from several aggressive stave 4 undiagnosable cancers . 6 months after 2 Mode. Serums. No history and just had a complete physical 6 months prior. Within 3 weeks of diagnosis he died. My grown children still are dealing with how this could be!
I am very sorry for your loss. No one will ever know the true number of lost lives from this horror. The people behind this need to be held accountable to make sure that this never happens again.
Funny thing is, he had heart surgery 6 months prior to serums! He had to have many tests prior. Not one sign of cancer in his heart, lungs, spine! So how is it possible to be diagnosed with stage 4 cancer upon admission to hospital for breathing problems? Diagnosis to death, literally 3 weeks!!!
The Welcome to the Gilead article Igor attached was showing that some genetic carriers of certain predispositions to cancer might make them even more predisposed with the jabs. I'm so sorry for you and your children. Ethical Skeptic was also following cancer of the appendix- which is a very rare cancer but has exploded since the jab roll out. The appendix apparently helps make IgGA antibodies and helps create white blood cells so it really does look like those even with a weakened immune system are at risk.
Yes, I am. Unfortunately, the system here in Oz is vastly different when compared with the US. However, I do hope that folks in US get active in this matter via such initiatives because what has happened must never be repeated again.
Yes, such as Alberta. They really are claiming "unknown" as a leading cause of death. Check news stories for yourself. That's what I did several days ago. Their claims are very suspicious as what they claim as leading causes of death are VERY different from the norm in USA or Canada. Either something very odd is transpiring in Alberta, they are incompetent, or they are lying.
This is timely. Just yesterday I heard of three former colleagues. Two had cancer a few years ago, but it was successfully treated. In one case, she is now terminal. With the other, it is back. A third was just dx with cancer. All 50s. All (no doubt) vaxxed as where we worked it was required, unless willing to test 3x per week. Yet another just lost her husband to cancer. Three of the four in the same office (staff of about 40). This seems excessive.
Meanwhile, our tenant who had seizures/strokes 2 and 4 weeks past his first dose last year, was finally back to work. After a month or so, he developed swelling of his lower limbs, a rash and what looked like (to my non-medical eyes) necrotic tissue. He then couldn't stand. He was in hospital and had surgery for an intestinal infection (part of his stomach was removed). He didn't improve and was airlifted to a larger hospital. He is now in organ failure and on a vent. The doctors don't know what is wrong. He is 50s.
I know as we get older we know more people with health issues, but the past 1 1/2 years seems excessive to me. The above are on top of:
Stroke/brain aneurism approx. 5-6 weeks post 2nd dose - 50s
Heart attack day 8 (pain started day 3-4) after shot 1 - early 60s
Tachycardia - two cases, both requiring hospitalization, both double jabbed - 70s
One of above required heart surgery last month - 70s
Heart attack/other abdominal surgery - approx. one month post shot 1 - 70s
Abdominal aneurism - 10 months post shot 2 (possible booster in between) - 60s
Swollen lower limbs/arm - etiology unknown - post booster by a few days - 60s
One unexpected deaths in our extended circle of friends fall 2021 - no cause given or vaxx status known, but on balance of probabilities, vaxxed - late 50s
One sudden death in extended family - age 29 - no cause or vaxx status known
Other lesser symptoms noted:
70s - vertigo/headaches - she never had them before - 4 shots
60s - migraines - hadn't had one in years - 2 shots for sure, maybe 3
60s - tinnitus and rash - after shot one - resolved months later - abstained from further shots
Am I just noticing more now? I honestly don't know.
While at the hardware store this week buying a grill we noticed the salesman's leg--one was twice the size of the other. I asked about it and he told me it materialized three weeks post vax. Lymphedema and autoimmune attack on his kidneys losing 3/4 of their function. Insurance company and doctor slow to realize the cause and connection. He was a such a sweet man, he had done the vaccine to protect a vulnerable family member. They all ended up getting COVID anyway. He was bitter. The consequences are all around us. Sometimes it is worth asking, the salesman was grateful to tell his story and to receive support from understanding others.
I feel the same. Every day I'm hearing about a "illness/weakness" in the body (cancer, joints, ALS etc) that has rapidly got much worse. And of course if they need treatment in hospital, they have to get boosted and up to date with their vaccines before going in - ugh!
I just hope there's a point it stops as almost all of my family and friends are vaxxed. And I don't know why people aren't at least questioning the timing of increased all-cause mortality and vaccines...(maybe we could do something to help prevent further illnesses & deaths?)....
DETOX asap.
Thank you!
I know of a perfectly healthy 54 year old nurse, and mother of two, that dropped dead of a brain aneurism while cooking dinner. The various ways in which the vaccines kill is scary and very, very real!
"People are Dying and Nobody Cares"
This is a deep philosophical question.
I met Ken and his wife at a fruit and veg store recently.
They are tripled-jabbed and masked in the store. So are their three children - 23, 20, teen. They took two each.
We chatted whilst his wife went to do her things.
Ken is your typical media-informed majority.
I contradicted everything he said with reasons and facts, causing him to pause and think since he could feel that I was well-informed. No, he did not ask me to share my information or sources.
Me: What is this, all masked up? You have vaccinated?
Wife: For double protection.
Me: ???
Ken: I am taking the vaccines in order to protect my mother, who is 85 yo.
Me: 85? Let her go!
Ken was appalled!
Ken: I don't want her to go.
Me: She will go one day anyway.
Ken was appalled with my blase attitude again!
Ken: I want her to go naturally.
After getting slammed by me with facts and reasons too often, Ken cut to the chase:
Ken: If I passed it to her and killed her, I would feel uncomfortable for the rest of my life.
Me: If you are so concerned about infecting her, don't visit her! She will understand.
Me: What if something had happened to you because of the vaccine?
*****Ken: That was my decision. I would live with that.*****
Me: How would she feel knowing you took it to protect her?
Ken was silent.
Me: You are a parent yourself. How would you feel if your children took something risky in order to protect you?
Ken was silent again!
Ken: Ok. The vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission. [As you can see, he contradicted himself. Proving he lied to me about his reason or he hid his true reasons from me.] But, they reduce the severity,
Me: Can you prove that claim?
Ken: There was some study....
Me: Did you know that pfizer, moderna and AZ never claimed their vaccines reduce severity? Since the makers did not make such a claim, why would any one else make it? That lie about 95% was about prevention.
Ken was silent again!
Me: Why would they need to force people to take something if they can prove it is safe, effective, and necessary?
Ken was silent again!
Ken: How about you?
Me: If they say take the vaccine or take a bullet; I would say "give me a bullet!". (I said it three times to ensure he understood me!)
Me: Have the covid deaths been verified? Most covid deaths were deaths "with" covid; not "by" covid.
Ken was silent!
Me: Did you know that the average age of covid death is higher than the average life expectancy?
Ken was silent!
Ken: Have you personally seen anyone die from the vaccines?
Me: My sister attended three funerals: 52; 72; 69 year olds.
Ken: But, have you personally seen anyone die from the vaccines?
Me: Have you personally seen anyone die from covid?
Ken was stunned into silence!
And then Ken pulled out a knife and stabbed you - right?
We know each other very casually. I would not have started our chats with a question like that if I did not know him.
Great job, Barry!
My man!
This could me any day! Specially the “let her go”
If it was online, I’d attach that little midget with a guitar. “Leeeet heeeer go
And you let her go!”
Be at peace and go in peace when it is your time. DON'T artificially attempt to prolong your brief sojourn on Earth. A better place awaits you.
I do my best, but god told me he doesn’t collect trash
Are you related to The Big Man - Mike Caracciolo? I was a Huge fan!
Never heard of the guy. We are Boston he is NY. Apparently his people stuck around when they got off the boat. My people knew better. 😉
> Ken: If I passed it to her and killed her, I would feel uncomfortable for the rest of my life.
So Ken is only selfishly (primarily) concerned with his own emotions, he doesn't really care what his mother really wants.
EDIT: Thanks everyone. But I often write what I think. I was wondering out loud if anyone thought about how selfish Ken really was. It seems that many people did. That gives me hope for humanity. :)
Be at peace and embrace the love, not the hate.
I think this is true in so many personal relationships. We are most interested in avoiding our own pain, but cannot admit it.
He doesn't realize The risk his lack of imagination puts on his children for an experimental product
Read further down where I pointed out that he is a parent himself.
People really fell hard for the "Save grandma" narrative.
Jabbing strong and healthy YOUNG people to save OLD people and doing NEITHER.
"Save Grandma" was a cornerstone of an intentionally crafted psyop. It all began at Yale with a study that was so manipulative, they had to get a waiver from the ethics committee:
Learn more:
Yes. It should be the opposite! The grannies should be the first ones to defend the young; not the reverse. They've had their turns. What can a 80 yo contribute to society compared to a 8 month, 8,18,28, 38, 48, 58 yo?
My mum is 85 and contributes a lot, lucky she did not fall for the narratives and remains pure blood. All her friends did and have numerous health issues. My mum is a leader and remains strong, eats lots of fruit to keep her healthy.
Those people virtue-signaled against the obvious, what have they done re how the elderly have been and are being treated? Have they gotten on their high horses and said something?
By "contribute" I meant working, careers, having and raising kids, etc - those whose lives are still ahead of them; not behind them.
I remember immigrants and pioneers who sacrificed much in order for their CHILDREN to have better futures. Now they reversed that role and people fell for it.
There is a classic cartoon by Bob Moran which neatly captures this theme: an old man with a walking carrying a child in his front vest with the words "Stab vest" written on it.
Of course, no rational person advocates for the untimely departure of any one. However, if a choice has to be made, a rational person would choose a 18 over a 81 yo!
I am about your age and if a choice must be made between an 18 yo and me, I know what my answer would be!
Yeah I get it, but we should not have to choose. There are many older people still doing a lot of good work to make the world a better place. We need to unite and stop talking ages, gender, and whatever, we are one.
Should this, should that - however, we need to face reality.
How many of those older people doing things that the younger ones could not do?
Why do you think most people retire at 65 to 70? Here in Australia, judges must retire by 70, 72 depending on which courts they serve'
Sportspeople retire - even those which don't involve much physical activity, like chess.
Brilliant discussion ! Bravo 👏
He was thoughtful; but did not thank me for giving him those infor.
We knew each other.
I had a shorter discussion with two tech guys who came to sort out my broadband problems.
I asked one guy how many funerals had he attended. He lied by saying "I don't know"! ???
I don't know any people over 75 yrs old so the odds of me knowing someone who died from covid is pretty much zero.
I don't know anyone who has died from the flu either -- which has a similar death rate to covid - and it's very rare for a younger person to die from flu.
I also do not know anyone who has won the lottery jackpot
Nobody dies ALONE AT HOME of the ebil birus.
Now if you go to the hospital, all bets are off, because they WILL TRY TO KILL YOU.
Exactly. I kept waiting for my awful neighbors to kick the bucket from the cold but they never did. The pandemic let me down big time
"David H. Gray, 59, (...) died unexpectedly due to Covid-19 on Friday October 8, 2021, in his home."
He was unvaccinated; I had helped him with his application for a vaccine exemption.
You can find plenty more examples by looking for "died at home" "of covid"
My dad is 90. Had 2 clotshots then the booster. THEN he got covid. Then he got pancreatic cancer. Go figure.
A 94 yo woman in good health living with her son caught it from him a few months back. She just had some sniffles; whereas he was flattened!
@AussieManDust ~ So very sorry to hear this. Sending good vibes for your dad and you.
A lot of pancreas problems.
Two questions must answered:
1. Why did you take them?
2. What research did you do?
he was lucky he had the shots and the booster!
if he hadn't it would have been much worse....
Yes! Instead of embalmers fluid we'll be using Pfizer...coz ya can't get past St Peter unless ya had the fourth shot!
Nice bait!
'Much worse'...what could be much worse than pancreatic cancer at 90?
It's telling when this 'much worse' qualifier is brought up...and it is often.
Some people, especially frail elderly have suffered horribly from COVID. I suspect the only thing much worse than that is death!
" it's very rare for a younger person to die from flu."
you might want to get your numbers right....
Similar to how many young people die from Covid ... I think 400 or so have died from/with covid ... of course all of them were already gravely ill (cancer... morbidly obese etc)
400 out of 340 million? ... That's rare
you still don't get ....
this is not about death being rare but about the specific cause of death being rare.
deaths of younger persons are quite rare.
but if half those deaths are caused by one disease that cause is not rare.
[Edited to remove snarky intro.]
Yes, really (that the young dying of flu is very rare.) Now we may not agree on what "rare" means, but let's look at some statistics and perhaps, get some absolute as well as relative numbers.
Using US figures: In a normal year, about 3 million die of all causes. In a bad year, perhaps 50,000 are by influenza. Being generous (round up) that is 1.7% of all deaths.
Preliminary observation: Unless your social circle is very odd (elderly sick people) it is infrequent in any given year that anyone would even die, and if they did, only a 1/59 chance it was by flu.
I found this source of info breaking down flu deaths by age:
If I did my maths right, that is 486 deaths (18 and under) out of 20342, or about 2.4% of flu deaths. Flu deaths claim disproportionately the old.
"Spoken like an ignoramus. Allow me to demolish your claim"
your snarky intro, so the readers may see why i will be butchering you in the following.
you are but an arrogant asshole, an ignoramus par excellence,
with your pea sized brain it hasn't occurred to you that your interpretation of " the young dying is very rare" might not be quite what it actually should be?
even if 99.999 % percent of all influenza deaths are in the age group of the over 65 of age that does not say anything about an influenza death being very rare in the young.
i will leave you to figure that one out .
and after you did you can come back to apologise, or more likely keep your big mouth shut and disappear from here.
Jonathan couey, appropriately dubbed it, “Skilled TV watchers” STW is my acronym
Ken is ready to be de hypnotised.
Reach out to Ken again...
From my experience in talking to people, including strangers, they have a set of beliefs and won't budge. The fact that they took something that was dangerous and useless only reinforces their embarrassment.
I spoke to two people - one had three and one had two - who said they won't take any more. I asked what would happen if his employer required another one. He said employees will have a talk. I, then, wondered why didn't those employees have a talk from the start. He had no answer.
I sensed people felt embarrassment and shame. People don't want to be proven wrong or look foolish over trivial things. And this matter is a yuge one!
I also sensed a wall dropped between us whenever they discovered I was a refusenik. Sad.
I woke up after I got two shots. Regret is a hard pill to swallow. I’ve given up trying to wake others. The mass psychosis is real. I have two brothers that are in so deep. One has an IQ of 149. The other has his name on numerous patents. I fear if they were to ever wake up, the guilt would destroy them. So there is a huge part of me that hopes they don’t. I’d rather continue to be estranged from them.
All my husband's and my family and friends all took the jab.(All college degrees) We only know 5 people who did not (no college degrees). Go figure ??
"Intellect is not Wisdom."
- Thomas Sowell, Is Reality Optional? and Other Essays
And so very many in today's world are totally lacking in wisdom.
Defense mechanisms my dear. They are called defense mechanisms.
I get why they do it from a psychological perspective, but the hallmark of wisdom is learning from one's mistakes. We used to equate wisdom with old age, people built on a lifetime of experience and learned from that.
Now it seems like the older folks are the more likely they are to be in denial. Pride and arrogance override any sense of wisdom, they don't learn from their mistakes as doing so would require them to admit they made a mistake in the first place. Their ego will not allow them to do that.
Seems to me this is a unique phenomena to the elderly that specifically stems from the Boomer generation (and I say that as one on the cusp of being a Boomer). They were raised as borderline narcissists and abandoned any sense of humility. Without humility they are condemned to repeating the same foolish mistakes over an over. Hell of a way to live.
Hm. Well, elderly (Boomers?) folks were terrorized from Day One that this virus would strike them first and kill them. First groups 'allowed' to receive the poison poke were 75 y/o and up ONLY. No one else. No other age. Once they had managed to inj/fect hundreds of thousands of older folks, it was game on.
It is misguided to pronounce that those people were narcissists or that they abandoned any sense of humility.
I feel I am qualified to make these remarks as I work at our town's Council on Aging and I was (literally) in the frontlines from the beginning. Of the hundreds of people we counseled through the process, there was fear and worry. If you had been on a phone call with one of these people- you would understand what I am saying.
In the state of Massachusetts, where I live and work, lockdowns were almost immediate; families were prevented from entering nursing homes, retirement homes, and hospitals.
According to state leaders and the media- without the 'shot', much suffering would occur.
It wasn't until much further into the whole mess that we (some of us) recognized something wasn't quite right. By then it was too late and hundreds of seniors were catastrophically injured or died, especially those in group settings.
I'm please to hear you are on the 'cusp'. I hope you enjoy those years.
How did you wake up, Laura, f I may ask? Did someone help you wake up, did you come across information, did you (I hope not) have an adverse reaction?
And what led you to take the first two shots?
This is important data for how we can all help to push back against the brainwashing.
I hope you will be all right.
Hi Dani (I hope you are doing better since my last exchange with you). I got the shots because everyone I knew that had Covid lost their sense of taste and smell and didn’t get it back (some still haven’t). I struggled for many years with anosmia until I found an ENT that helped me. I was very depressed over my condition. I’m a foodie! I just couldn’t bear thinking that might happen to me. So I believed the bullshit that I wouldn’t get Covid. When my Pilates instructor - fully jabbed, 12 years younger and in much better shape than me got seriously ill with Covid pneumonia I said, something is not right. That began my search for the truth (this past October). It started with the FLCCC and that led to the many substack authors I follow. I read for around 4 hours every day. I still do.
I’ve had some weird symptoms but I’m gaslighting myself. I think it’s due to stress from the estrangement of my two brothers. I am seeing a doc at Sherri Tenpenny’s practice and am taking a bunch of supplements.
I wish you good health and happiness, Laura. I can only imagine it took a lot of strength to see this. I'm in New England and still doctors are refusing to admit they are wrong.
Oh, wow, Laura, I can totally understand. Early on, I was pretty sure this was a man-made "virus" (bioweapon) but I was fearful because while I know how to protect myself against a "normal" virus, I really wasn't sure about a man-manipulated one. I, too, was nervous about losing taste/smell. Because I didn't want to "catch" it, I super-isolated, which was very bad for my mental health. Now that people are acting much closer to normal, I'm feeling better (psychologically) at the moment.
I'm so glad that so much useful information has now been put out there, and I know knowledgeable people I can trust to help go through this with me, albeit online through substack and other platforms.
Thank you for sharing what caught your attention (your Pilates instructor) to begin the awakening process. The estrangement is so painful..... I think my one sister is never going to wake up, and she is the one who (well-meaningly) keeps getting our elderly parents jabbed (4x, now soon to be 5, and I fear this will do them in).
You are very fortunate to be connecting with Dr. Tenpenny's practice. If anyone can help, she can. I wish you good health and happy reading.
Look up Medical Medium (Anthony Williams), he has protocols to get you well. Borrow books from the library if you cannot afford to buy them. Plenty of free info of vids, podcasts and articles too.
Did those you knew who had touched c19 been treated properly? With proper treatments, people with C19 either recover or they die.
Interesting that one of the early conversations with a female embalmer who saw what she admitted was the shots were causing these foot-long+ clots that would form as a rubbery material in the veins. She refused to talk to her daughter about it as the daughter was "pro-vax" and their relationship is already strained.
When you can't even tell your own daughter about something potentially life threatening (that you personally witnessed from your job), the psychosis is very thick.
Understandable if you realised you were had. There is NO shame in making any honest, ignorant, mistake. Don't accept any one who disses you for making that error.
It is patently clear that "volenti non fit injuria" applies to thy brothers. They might well have high IQ, but not what that matters: sperm counts!
> From my experience in talking to people, including strangers, they have a set of beliefs and won't budge.
Mass psychosis? You may want to watch "Mass Psychosis — How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill".
Psychosis means a disconnect from reality. For some people this psychosis is a reaction from fear or dread. Sadly, they do not have the facilities to deal with reality.
There is also something called Terror Management Theory-- the gist seems to be that people can't psychologically handle be constantly reminded of their deaths. Which we did.... for almost two years.
I think a sense of shame is a good place to start. Even if the person won't openly admit that they were wrong about the vaccines, if they feel shame, that means that they can at least admit to themselves that they were wrong. That then makes it far more likely that they will be on our side in the future when we will once again need to fight the "experts" requiring more shots.
"Shame" implies immoral or illegal conduct. Embarrassment and annoyance are more apt adjectives. Every one felt them after getting their exam results!
Hi Barry. At first I was going to agree with you, but then decided that "shame" is actually the better word here because vaccine mandates are immoral (and mostly illegal). Moreover, so many of the vaccinated people have shown no qualms about shaming those who remained unvaccinated, excluding them from social events, refusing medical treatments, etc. Those are all very shameful behaviors in my opinion. Now it is time for the vaccinated to feel the shame knowing that they have been fooled and moreover may have caused harm to themselves or those around them. If they have the trifecta of shame, embarrassment, and annoyance, that would be even more appropriate.
You mistranslated what I said. I referred to how one might feel after realising the error. I said nothing about how people's attitudes and conducts towards others.
Immoral refers to breaking the Commandments. Illegal means it is against the man-made law. Since it was approved by the govt, how could be illegal?
It is for each to decide whether deliberately poisons into one's body breaks a Commandment.
I completely agree with you regarding the vaccines.
But "85? Let her go!" is absolutely disgusting. That kind of disgusting comment perfectly resembles "their side" rather than "our side"- you literally admitted that you support "death panels" at least in principle. Plus, that comment completely undermines all of the excellent, accurate information you have regarding the vaccines. I'm having trouble believing you even said such a disgusting thing.
The reason why Ken should avoid the vaccines is because they are worse than useless (dangerous, kill more people than they save, etc.), NOT because his mother's life is useless at 85. Come on.
Although it gets off topic, this is a good illustration of the utopian hope that death can be delayed as long as possible. These are the people that would expend all possible resources to save the very old, the handicapped and so on, without regard to cost or resources.
None of the above is to argue that eugenics, "death panels," euthanasia etc. are morally "right." As with many difficult issues, the initial reaction is utter denial (didn't we just mention that above? Yes we did!) Alas, denying a problem exists won't make it go away. The awful truth about such "unthinkable" philosophies as Eugenics are not that they are wholly evil, but that they embody certain uncomfortable, inescapable truths.
It IS to argue that the real world imposes constraints, and all the wishful thinking in the world won't change that. There are always tradeoffs. To cite a common analogy, you are captain of the lifeboat. There is only room for ten people. But a hundred people want aboard. You have some tough choices ahead. You cannot please everyone. You will be condemned by one group or another no matter what choice you make. But there (almost always) is an optimal decision to such a problem.
Well said. Pardon the expression, but reality is a biotch!
It was harsh but it had to be said. Ken should be thinking, has he sacrificed the lives and health of his children in order to protect his 85 year old mom? They have their whole lives ahead of them.
My mum is 85 and never took anything. Never gets any vax. She is not ready to die, is still looking after herself and her home, enjoying life. Still drives to visit me and around town. Don't put old people in boxes and labels, they are all different. She made up her own mind about not taking any poison, she had to put up with everyone telling her she was wrong but stuck to her guns, so glad she did, joined us pure bloods.
Good for your mom, my parents who are much younger but still "senior citizens" are also unvaccinated (but they do wear masks in high-risk indoor settings, much better than getting unlucky and having to going to the death-trap hospitals)
I discussed a general concept, whereas you focused on one individual. As you know, NOT all vaccinated have been injured or died. So, don't put the covid vaccines in boxes and labels?
So, are you happy with "them" using your mon's age in vain?
Are you aware that policies, whether by govts or companies, are NOT about one or a few individuals? (In fact, it is unethical or discriminatory, to do so; except for the rare criminal cases.)
Shock is the only thing that could wake people up. Poor Ken and his family are already jab pincushions which sucks for them.
1. How often did you vote for bidenxi in 2020?
2. What did you loot from the Capitol on that J6?
3. How are you liking the higher prices?
I enjoyed your post, but the problem for Ken is that it’s really too late for him and his family. Believing you will only make him feel miserable.
I’ve not converted anyone against the vaccines, but I’ve persuaded at least two not to get any ‘boosters.’
As the old saying has it, "If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is to stop digging."
If people who were terrified of dying of COVID accept that the vaxxes are bad, that means they will have to face the fact that could die of COVID. They do not accept that they have a very low chance of that, and that there are alternative therapies that work. They would rather choose "dying of the vaxx" as opposed to "dying of COVID."
Case in point: my BIL is vaxx injured-- shingles that turned into neuropathy. HIs wife has told me that she will get the next booster if her doctors tells her to. Her rationalization: "I haven't gotten sick from it yet, so I won't get sick from it in the future. Plus, my friend died of COVID." Her friend was extremely ill, and was probably killed in the hospital. But she won't accept that either.
Yep, homeopathic remedies and preventatives for covid and everything else are available, and are very very safe (and cheap).
Yes so true and I cannot get my own family to even consider it. They only want to put faith in shots. Nothing I say or show them matters. They block out anything different from the narrative. It's very upsetting to see them so brainwashed.
I haven't convinced anyone not to take the initial jabs either. I AM hopeful I will have more success with Omicron injection. I say that since- all these injected people eventually got Covid ( at least once) and I was the only person to "show up" with answers as to what they could do, i.e., FLCCC protocols, checking in on them daily. Suddenly, they realized I knew more about Covid than anyone else they knew. We shall see.
risk of [more] exposure to mrna infused cell making spike protein far exceeded any unproved gain!
and the blast is 'safe' in mice!
Setting aside the origin question for SARS2, viruses are a part of nature so dying from a virus would constitute a natural death. On the other hand, vaccines are man-made and therefore those deaths are also man-made.
That is an excellent point that most people have not mentioned!
Flu takes plenty of people every year without people making a fuss. In fact when it started most people compared it to the flu until they were overwhelmed with the scaremongering and measures.
Viruses are manmade too. Look up some of Jon Rappoport's articles.
Wow! He listened to you, didn't get into a huff and start yelling "people dying" from "covid", move away from you to protect himself and accuse you of being an anti-vaxxer and killing people? I can't even get my daughter to do that.
He is a mature, loving son, dad, and husband.
Back in late 2021 when we were let out after the faccination milestones were reached, one uneducated vaccinated guy dissed me by saying I could die from crossing the road right then, in reference to my concerns of the risk. I countered him by saying he could also die from crossing right then as well. He shut his mouth and moved on, annoyed.
I would simply demand that they prove any accusation or claim they make against me. They would shut their mouths quick-smart! If they won't, I would demand that they pay me $10m that they owed me! That would guarantee, 100% effective, not 95%!, to work every time. I have used it online.
Beautiful Socratic you think you were able to pierce the mass formation?
He, like all the others I spoke with, KNEW the score but for whatever reason won't or don't relent.
I slammed him over his masking. He said if he removed it and caught it and passed it to her, he would be coming for me! Yet 90% of the people in the store were not masked. I did not have the chance to counter him with "Are you saying those unmasked people care less about their health and the health of their loved ones?" "Are you claiming to know more about masking then studies and other doctors who risked their careers to tell people the truth?"
Defense mechanisms my dear. These responses are called defense mechanisms.
It would of course been worse if not for the 4 injections.
And you can prove this because..........
CNN said so. that's proof!
Herpes zoster - shingles. Many elderly are coerced into taking the shingles shot and, more often than not...guess what happens? It's possible your Dad got that 'vaxxine' and thought it was the Coovie.
So is he blind? Both eyes?
Keep up the amazing work Igor, you are a shining light in a dark, dark world
as the ethical skeptic said, if it was due to delayed cancer screenings, we would see similar increases across ALL cancers. but we don't. some are exploding while others are not. in addition, as dr. malone and others (incl the ethical skeptic) have pointed out, we are seeing increases in what were once very rare types of cancers
Plus. They keep making statements like ‘at this time we do not know the cause of death. We do know the vaccine had nothing to do with it.’ Ummm you either know or you don’t know. They’re so sure it is because of lack of cancer screening. Really? Have you studied this? And I’m seeing and hearing of people having two and three types of different cancers at the same time. I’ve NEVER heard this ever before.
Yep, I love the "definitely it was not the jab!" statement. It has become like the Covid creed "I got COVID but I am grateful for the protection from the jab." What protection is that, if you got the bug? It would be funny if it were not so sad. I know of at least 3 people that were healthy and after the jabs they got aggressive cancers. All just a coincidence I am sure. Most likely the result of the climate emergency....
My ex husband died from several aggressive stave 4 undiagnosable cancers . 6 months after 2 Mode. Serums. No history and just had a complete physical 6 months prior. Within 3 weeks of diagnosis he died. My grown children still are dealing with how this could be!
I am very sorry for your loss. No one will ever know the true number of lost lives from this horror. The people behind this need to be held accountable to make sure that this never happens again.
Funny thing is, he had heart surgery 6 months prior to serums! He had to have many tests prior. Not one sign of cancer in his heart, lungs, spine! So how is it possible to be diagnosed with stage 4 cancer upon admission to hospital for breathing problems? Diagnosis to death, literally 3 weeks!!!
The Welcome to the Gilead article Igor attached was showing that some genetic carriers of certain predispositions to cancer might make them even more predisposed with the jabs. I'm so sorry for you and your children. Ethical Skeptic was also following cancer of the appendix- which is a very rare cancer but has exploded since the jab roll out. The appendix apparently helps make IgGA antibodies and helps create white blood cells so it really does look like those even with a weakened immune system are at risk.
What a shock for you. All the best and I hope you and your children achieve some peace.
So very sorry to hear this. That's why they call this "turbo cancer"
Learn more:
Are you familiar with
Yes, I am. Unfortunately, the system here in Oz is vastly different when compared with the US. However, I do hope that folks in US get active in this matter via such initiatives because what has happened must never be repeated again.
Yes. I have done this numerous times to no Avail. Will print, sent ceritfied now!!
Yes, such as Alberta. They really are claiming "unknown" as a leading cause of death. Check news stories for yourself. That's what I did several days ago. Their claims are very suspicious as what they claim as leading causes of death are VERY different from the norm in USA or Canada. Either something very odd is transpiring in Alberta, they are incompetent, or they are lying.