Nov 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We’re dealing with dangerous psychopaths who should be treated as such

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Igor, Congratulations. Paid subs just a few days and already a red check. Impressive and well deserved. Thanks for all you have done and do.

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How should one treat a psychopath?

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I’ve always been told through readings on psychopathy that one should stay as far away as possible from anyone with this condition. Permanently stay away. You will never win. Ever. So. As for when the state is run by psychopaths, I think the advice remains the same. We will have to form our own communities and help groups and friend groups and resist with all our might, their machinations. Stay clear of them in every conceivable possible way. Would be nice to be able to lock them away forever from society, but usually “snakes in suits” cultivate such cunning plausible deniability that the smart ones never pay for their crimes. Run, do not walk away from any psychopath you suspect you are dealing with.

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Unworkable. They won't leave us alone.

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But they are running society, and are doing so seemingly everywhere.

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You hit the nail on the head. CEO, lawyer and journalist are in the top 10 occupations preferred by psychopaths and all are overrepresented among politicians and parliamentarians. Psychopaths are easily bored. They also don't seem to fear death. Watching as 5 billion people die could be a dream come true, especially if done in furtherance of an idea such as population reduction to save the planet from climate change caused by too many useless eaters.

"We could live beside the ocean

Leave the fire behind

Swim out past the breakers

Watch the world die"

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Proverbs 4:14-19

Seems to fit what we know about those rightly called psychopaths.

14Do not enter the path of the wicked,

and do not walk in the way of the evil.

15Avoid it; do not go on it;

turn away from it and pass on.

16For they cannot sleep unless they have done wrong;

they are robbed of sleep unless they have made someone stumble.

17For they eat the bread of wickedness

and drink the wine of violence.

18But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn,

which shines brighter and brighter until full day.

19The way of the wicked is like deep darkness;

they do not know over what they stumble.

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I am easily bored.

I don't fear (the 1st) death.

I think not fearing God would be strike 3.

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society will soon break down. We should profit from that by being ready with multiple summary executions under natural law. Even psychopaths need air to breathe. When we are the law we can decide that they must stop doing that for 5 minutes, then afterward they can do what they want or can.

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easier said than done, but yes agreed.

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If your father was walking with you and a man pulled over in a car and grabbed you by the arm, what would your father do?

If you were camping and a bear came from behind a tree and grabbed your small child, what would you do? If some psychopath Nazi leaders said they were going to force inject the world and they said they want to kill all but 500 million of us, what would you do? Go in your home and shut the door? You see how absurd that sounds? There are billions of us and they want to KILL us. So, avoid them? REALLY?!?!?!? No. my dear! If ever there were a legitimate reason to go to war and kill an enemy THIS IS IT!

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the enemy in this case is the collabos. Come to think of it, it always has been. The ones who turned in their neighbors for taking a walk during lockdown. These people need to be humiliated and inconvenienced until it's actually easier for them to stop bothering us and quit their job working for fake money from the psychopaths than it will be for them to live with our wrath. We can humiliate them and inconvenience them without hurting them physically.

The police will be more difficult, because generally somebody who has become a police officer did so because they couldn't figure anything else to do or they need to order people around who are smarter than they are.

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Not completely true about police officers. I'm from a generation of them (now medically retired) that went into after the military, as so many others had following service, with the mindset of hoping to do good by making our communities a safe place to live and removing threats to that.

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and tell me what the people you are defending did when they saw corrupt colleagues? Or did they somehow manage to never see that?

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Agreed. Who turns in their own neighbors? Other sociopaths. Psychopath police and CIA/FBI, also the bane of our existence. They exist in a vacuum, an echo chamber of violence feeding violence, with zero humanity or compassion and zero checks and balances. The justices, all corrupted. They believe there is nothing wrong with them. They are abused, so they abuse. The refuse of a violent environment. They are the cancer for which sadly, there is no cure. Put them on another planet.

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it seems there are many CIA and FBI guys who believed the propaganda and thought that they'd be doing good. The problem with them is that they don't seem able to get anything other than following orders done on their own. To resist illegal orders, it seems that they put more weight in obeying the illegal orders than in refusing to carry them out.

They need to arrest their bosses, take them before a federal judge and make their complaint. If the federal judge also doesn't like the constitution, the agent(s) must take both of them to another judge.

If after a while, he's got all of the judges and his boss in tow and can't get any satisfaction he'll need to get creative.

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Right. You can't win. They're damaged, destructive monsters.

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the research over the years has come to understand them and various subtypes but is very lost as how to meaningfully treat in any specific way. Usually people have to want help or see the need for it in the first place.

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If they commit global iatrogenocide, like this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_executions

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Keeping it simple, cheap and quick; lamp posts and piano wire.

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Psychopaths can’t be changed? Oh yes they can….when they personally meet reality! And reality is coming for everyone….psychopaths included…when they stand before Almighty God….all of a sudden sanity will return! Psychopaths utilize wealth and power to do their dirty work…in this world with all the wealth and power at their disposal they can afford to be insane …but when they meet ultimate power…all that will change…suddenly sanity will return!!! Payday is coming!

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Well, you can wait for God, but I read God helps those that help themselves. So. God is with US, so. HELLO!

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That saying is from Aesop not the Bible. The Bible teaches that vengeance belongs to God.

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If the vax fatalities continue to rise then it's just a matter of time before these psychopaths meet their demise The irony hasn't been lost on us the mostly vaccine free. How many times have you read about a vaxed person proudly proclaiming in self-righteousness their moral supremacy in getting the lethal injecting only to die suddenly having trashed the rightful skeptics?

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they didn't execute and imprison the right people at Nuremberg. They "held" them in five star hotels nearby where they could get great food, alcohol and women delivered to them. The poor rich guys had to pay for their own 5 star hotel rooms out of the profits they made supplying the 3rd reich during the war. But they're not even the real criminals. Those were not even mentioned. That would be Ford, GM, Rockefeller.

They had the 3rd reich market locked up.

your grandparents who died in the war were likely killed by Ford, General Motors and the Rockefeller family. Other wonderful arseholes too. Please feel free to name them.

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I dig your Socratic method, Mauro.

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ExActLY! Take our troops (that already hate them, that are not yet dead from the vax) and arrest and execute them! This is NOT HARD! We need one good Captain/Admiral/Chief! Give our boys the command! How proud they would be to actually save the world from tyrants! Give them something to be proud of, at least! No one is killing the guys who want to kill EVERYONE. It's fantastically absurd to me!!!! We have fought how many wars? Killed innocent people? And these pricks all meet in one place at the same time, in their lear jets in Switzerland and NO ONE MAKES A MOVE???? WTF?!

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Nuremberg trial and if guilty, the penalty stated

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Only one way to cure a Psychopath because there is no cure.

This cure will protect society forever.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

stay away ...

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"covid" "vaccines" every ten minutes into the skull until they can break their unfortunate habit of gas exchange using their lungs.

Or if you want to keep them around, a fecal transplant into the skull.

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You ELIMINATE THEM. You cannot rehabilitate a psychopath. They are killers and cannot change. They are dangerous! They stated their plan! What are we waiting for?

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Ah. Ok. Maybe someone will begin to eliminate them somehow.

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They are indictable. The problem is the "justices" and "law" and intelligence agencies have all been corrupted, flooded with power hungry psychopaths and sociopaths. So, military is the only way. I believe, they have been engaged. Thank God.

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People pay them, buy their products and obey their dictates. Who's the most dangerous? The "dangerous psychopaths" would be nothing if people didn't do as they mandated.

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”Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.”

/Albert Einstein

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They have been fooled. Too many lies. Slightly different circumstances and we would be in the same position.

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”One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. The bamboozle has captured us. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

/Carl Sagan

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Exactly! Or pay for their "technologies". Anyone who buys into a digital passport IS the problem. They pull us all down into this dystopia like a drowning victim. Hold their head underwater. Sorry, not sorry. all the Greta Thunbergs, into the boat with a cement necklace! This is our last chance to get rid of every bit of it, smart cities and all the psychopathic technoTRASH. If they can't be converted, convert to soilant green.

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Or are most of the people we think of as perpetrators also mostly just unintelligent, frightened dupes and incompetents?

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I assume you are referring to eye-gore?

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The doctors are the ones who throw me for a loop. The overwhelming majority seem on board with the entire COVID-19 narrative, including the vaxx, but I can't imagine more than a tiny minority of them are psychopaths.

Is it willful ignorance? Doctors know they'll jeopardize their professional standing if they speak out, so they refuse even to look at the data? Is that it?

Most doctors have been vaxxed. That means they administer the vaxx in good conscience, doesn't it?

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Likely there are a few evil psychopaths at the top and lots of useful idiots at the bottom.

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This phenomenon needs to be examined. It's the same phenomenon through most of the "educated disciplines". It has something to do with hubris - a complete belief that they know everything there is to know about the subject - based on another belief that they would know since they are so well-trained. Thus their faith in institutional education, media and government causes them to completely relinquish clear thinking and succumb to whatever is spewed by these institutions. It is a pervasive peculiarity that should be thoroughly explored because it causes immense havoc. They are going to have massive "egg on their faces" when this is all up and done. And so they should.

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It means that they have to choose between believing that they've been getting very comfortable hurting people or continuing to believe that they've been getting very comfortable helping people. So, yes, the fact that they took the jab shows that they are "sincere" at a certain level. The modifier I would choose for their "sincerity"? Sincerely conflicted to the point of risking suicide to be able to continue to see themselves as "good people".

I think their better choice would have been to refuse to vaccinate themselves or any of their own patients and never ask a patient if he has been vaccinated unless it was necessary to decide how to treat him for a problem. Then he/she might need to decide what he would say if asked by a patient for his opinion on the vaccine.

Then I would hope he'd be honest.

But in what I've written I've ignored the likelihood that they would need to appear vaccinated to continue to work.

Now if it were me, I'd get fake papers saying that I was vaccinated, and that would make it a more difficult subject of conversation with the patient. Having done that, I'd have to refuse any conversation and I would tell the patient that each person must decide for himself without his advice.

But even that would likely bring him problems.

Speaking from personal experience, it's hard to go from a life where everywhere you go, people are handing you more money than most others have ever seen in their lives to a life where that's not the case. In my case, I did it, and I'm glad I did. It has made the most important difference in my life that any one decision I ever took has made.

But I can see why they'd have a hard time making that decision. They're mostly older than I was at that time, and the economy is being destroyed intentionally by the psychopaths that they themselves work for.

a rock and a hard place for sure.

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Combined with a big decrease in live births it’s certainly going to be hard for governments to hide this.

I saw something the other day showing the Australian live births

They went from the normal 25,000 in October 2021 down to about 19000 in November 2021 then down to around 6000 in December 2021.

Rather shocking!

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Yeah, I also saw that. I am hoping that the Australian births are partly down because December reporting was not complete. It is way out of line compared to other countries.

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There was also an Australian obstetrician who noticed similar miscarriage percentages in just his patients. I think he said miscarriages in his vaccinated patients was up around 70% but in his unvaccinated patients it was the normal background rate.

So it certainly will be interesting to see how this develops.

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As I recall the so-called authorities came down on him like a ton of bricks and a legion of fake fact checkers said what he said was untrue. I think they said he's retired now. Of course I could be thinking of a different obstetrician. There may be several such cases. The one I'm thinking of was in Brisbane.

As an aside, have you noticed that the push is on to blame anti-vaxxers for adverse reactions to the jabs? I expect that may increasingly include the "very rare" vaccine deaths.

Who is Raymond D Palmer? Author of paper in Biomedicine journal says post-vaccination adverse events are actually caused by anti-vax misinformation, not vaccines


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And it’s not satire? There is no limit to the nonsense they’ll spew, it seems! I think at this point people will start to notice they’ve jumped the shark--repeatedly.

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It's not satire. You are expected to believe that vaccinees are literally worrying themselves to death and/or experiencing anxiety-related physiological changes that are causing adverse cardiac reactions.

Thus, by extension, the cause of the excess deaths is not the noble jab pushers who touted their opinions about jab safety as if those opinions were facts and who pressured or coerced the decedents into being injected with an inadequately trialled and tested novel product that causes a pro-inflammatory response and other potentially dangerous reactions.

The cause of the excess deaths is thus Igor Chudov, Steve Kirsch, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Aseem Malhotra etc.

That's what is implied.

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The so-called journalists and self-styled intellectuals who write and publish this reprehensible nonsense have a lot to answer for--and they will, eventually, hopefully here on earth, but certainly at the final judgment. It takes a level of dishonesty and contempt for one's fellow man to collect filthy lucre for spewing such despicable hogwash!

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That’s nuts

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Yep, its all in your head they are insisting. They aren't even very good at gas lighting, are they?

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Like a four year old who hits his baby sister and says he didn't do it, even though the mother was watching him

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Naturally then...unjabbed should be dying at record levels due to incentivised stress. Odd how these idiots miss the obvious.

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It's almost as if they're wilfully blind. Now, as the real picture emerges several are saying "mistakes were made,", which also is the fault of the unvaccinated, and are DEMANDING an amnesty.

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Births are not actually down in AU data - right now. The data going around was incomplete, as far as I'm aware. Here's the AU birth data for 2021. It has popped back up:


HOWEVER, deaths are still increasing and there's plenty of (anecdotal) evidence that miscarriages are on the rise. I think the data from 2022 will be more telling - but we won't get all that in AU until the END of 2023!! :-(

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If you come across monthly figures for 2021 and further back including for 2022 then please post it here.

That’s what I’m interested in seeing.

I don’t know where the presentation I saw got their monthly data but they reckoned that the tga stopped reporting it

Whether that’s true I don’t know

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I get the NSW monthly figures emailed to me personally from NSW Births, Deaths & Marriages, because you can't get that data online. Nothing looks particularly awry so far, other than deaths are rising faster than births and more people are choosing homebirths now! But births are still ahead of deaths - so far.

BUT these state figures are 'registrations' not actual births/deaths, so I can't know the actual numbers of births or deaths per month in NSW - because they don't report that to the public. I'm pretty sure they'd have that data, but they don't give it out. I don't think any state gives out actual birth data by date. It's all registration dates. And sometimes people don't register births or deaths for months. I have certainly asked for the raw/actual date data. But I can't get it!

Honestly, I'm not sure what the true figures are anymore. The ABS federal figures haven't lined up with the state figures for years, but again, the states do 'registrations' and the ABS does stats by date of birth/death, not rego. So do the states give the feds the rego data - or the actual dates data? Or is a bit of mix 'n' match?! Of course they're not going to quite match up. But even data between ABS data pages don't add up!! So it's all pretty fishy.

I saw bugger all pregnant women when I was working in the multi-disciplinary health clinic I was at in 2020/2021, let alone walking down the street, but I have seen plenty of pregnant women around the last 6 months or so. But in 2020/2021 people stayed home a lot and you couldn't go out much, so how easy was it to spot pregnant women walking down the street, even just to eyeball the stats as such? Now, people feel like they can walk around again, so you can see who's preggers, but we're missing data here. That's what it seems like to me.

I don't think the ABS is reporting things correctly. I don't think the AU govt even knows exactly how many people live here TBH! But I guess if they're potentially making up statistics, or filling in the blanks, does it even matter to them?! And I've no way of telling if the states are reporting to the Feds properly (sometimes via birth/death registration dates or sometimes via the actual birth/death dates), then doesn't that makes for rather scrambled data...? Or is that the point? Or are people meant to report the same way to the govt but are too stupid and can't do their jobs properly?! I have a lot of Qs...!!!

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I’ve found this link with monthly birth figures for the state of Victoria. That doesn’t show anything alarming on first glance but yes the reliability of statistics is another thing


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Yes, I keep an eye on that one, too! But again, it's registered, not actual births per month.

VIC has been flat-lining with births for years, anyway, so there's nothing new to see there, but HOW reliable are they anyway...? If nothing else, these past 3 years should have everyone asking questions ALL the time! Instead, most people just continue on, sheepishly mumbling 'yessir'...

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How do you get the emailed data? That would be useful to back fill the missing figures. Victoria apparently publish their registrations monthly so that’s more than half the missing birth data available to get a better idea.

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To get monthly births/death/marriages data in NSW, try emailing the BDM-Research Unit:


I have Mark Nathan emailing me with the monthly data. He seems quite nice and emails me promptly each month.

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I don't think they go back and update this spreadsheet because the total numbers don't match ANY of the final yearly numbers compared to the previous link I posted. In fact, in 2014, the above link here has a total of 307,753.

In the Annual births for 2014 in the previous link I posted (here it is again for people to view: https://explore.data.abs.gov.au/vis?tm=births&pg=0&df[ds]=ABS_ABS_TOPICS&df[id]=BIRTHS_SUMMARY&df[ag]=ABS&df[vs]=1.0.0&hc[Measure]=Births&pd=1975%2C&dq=1.AUS.A&ly[cl]=TIME_PERIOD ) it's 299,697.

So what happened to those 8K people...?

I think someone had better write to the ABS again asking why these figures, after all these years, are STILL not up to date?!?!

How are we meant to know which one is right?! Or are they ALL wrong?!

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Thank you, you fave done an amazing job pointing out the inconsistency of all of this. It’s a good reminder that it’s too easy to jump off the deep-end.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

Senator Rennick is on the case. Explanation has been taken “on notice” by the Heath Department. So somewhere between now and never, we’ll get an answer.

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Indeed!! He seems to have a lot of his very good Qs taken 'on notice' and yet no-one ever seems to follow that up, do they? It's like the person being grilled thinks "If I answer SOME of the easier Qs, then I can say I'll take some of the more difficult Qs 'on notice' and then I don't have to answer them at all!"

Parliament is a joke, it really is. And Penny Wong just recently called Rennick a 'coward' and repeated it before retracting it.

I say put all the pollies in the schoolyard where they belong. Pick out 5 decent ones to do the job (that's about all there is on the federal level) and leave the rest to throw rocks at eachother.

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Nah, it was the lockdowns, rooting was banned as most people need to be within 1.5m to be successful.

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Ha ha ha. But seriously, people who practiced social distancing to that degree probably shouldn't breed anyway ;-)

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They were just doing their bit to "slow the spread"

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😂 that’s right there was the bonk ban spoken of in the media.

In nz they ended up allowing people to visit their partners/girlfriends/hookers during lockdown and allowed sex shops to continue to trade funnily enough. It was deemed essential lol

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Yeah but New Zealand is special, they have the fully woke tyrannical smiling assassin looking after them

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But they have sheep everywhere in NZ?

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Yeah but we keep them for the Australian tourists lol

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Are "partners/girlfriends/hookers" all the same thing or in your comment on NZ were you referring to three different groups of people?

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It’s multiple choice

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Everyone wants their girlfriend to be like a hooker!

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I have single friends on Tinder in Melbourne. Rooting may have been banned but it was seriously never buisier!

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Just don't tell Deadly Dan, he'll have the cops around in no time.

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Just like where I was living in the sticks had never been busier on the roads when we were supposedly in lockdown! No matter what time I arrived home, even past midnight, there were STILL others cars on the road when normally I'd be lucky to see a car between my place and work during the day!

Humans are funny beasts, aren't they?! They'll comply with some rules...even stupid and dangerous rules...but not others...

I'm not sure I'll ever truly 'get' humans...

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A whistleblower nurse was on last weeks highwire about baby deaths. Great episode and Del and his team along with Jeffrey Jaxen, he’s a fantastic investigative journalist. Great work Igor, the truth will be known but when. They’re working hard of covering their backsides.

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The official ABS report shows an actual increase in births 2020-2021 about in line with the trend.



The monthly data explorer figures (link below) don’t reconcile with their report (link above).

What going on?

There’s more to it than just lagged December 2021 figures. Looks like a tapering 6 month hole, perfect for backfilling to hide any monthly birth anomalies if required.

My guess is a big data fudge will happen on next release Oct 2023. The census was in 2021, which is convenient, they’ll smooth the June-December 2021 monthly figures and adjust the baseline population estimate/s using the latest census information.

Abracadabra, by statistical magic any monthly vax related adverse birth signals will just disappear.


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Yes, I noticed that the annual vs monthly births stats don't add up - for ANY year! Sometimes they're out by 8K births or more eg 2014. I posted on it above.

I don't think the ABS goes back and updates these pages; and who knows if the data is correct anyway (made up, rego month or actual birth month etc).

If the data looks bad for 2022, they'll wait until at least the 9th Dec (the usual release date) and then have some excuse. Or, maybe like they did with the annual 2020 data, they'll just sit on it for over a year, until at least March 2024, and then quietly release it...

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

Is that so? 2020 shows release about Dec 2021. Are they lying? Wouldn’t surprise me NSW Weekly COVID Surveillance Reports appear to be released weekly but they’re not. You can tell when they’re going to look bad by the length of the delay.

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The worrying thing is that so few of us are onto them!

But at least you CAN get monthly registration data (although who knows how correct it is?!). I have asked and asked for raw/actual birth by month data and they will NOT give it to me.

With NSW data, I sent them an email because they had not released the data for over 2 years. They asked if I'd like to receive monthly rego updates after that and then soon after that updated their data page to at least show more recent registrations.

I had this reply from Mark Nathan on 30th May this year when I asked about getting actual birth numbers:

"We don’t promote or publish the number of births occurring each month as the figure changes slightly due to late registrations. I can see if it’s possible but there will be a charge. Are you interested in the historical data? If so, how far back? We would need to run the historical data each time and this could be costly."

In other words, I CAN get the actual monthly data but I will have to PAY for it....!! Charming...

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Awesome. I might know someone who might be interested in paying for it.

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I expect that's the case as the data for December doesn't fit data even from countries with the worst declines in births such as Singapore. Seems that incomplete would be the most likely explanation. Wonder when they will release the 2022 data?

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Normal release schedule would put it about Oct. 2023. So I’m not holding by breath for bombshell data from the ABS anytime soon. I think the big fudge is also on for Deaths latest release Dec 2022 looks like “good” news but check out this note regarding the next release

“The Provisional Mortality report in its usual format will not be released in late January. Instead, a short article will be published, including only summary content “

Do they need more time to fudge the numbers?

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I would think the war, deep economic turmoil and calls for austerity will make data collection difficult going forward and provide convenient excuses for governments to stop doing it.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Incomplete data may explain Australia's extreme dip compared to other countries:

Update on "What's going on with births down under in Australia?"


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I read that as well - but this is nearly a year later and you would imagine that is enough time to work it out. No new data makes me suspicious. Data can flow anywhere in the world in milli-seconds - but after 11 months the data is still out of date? I personally don't believe that - nor whatever the 'adjusted' figure are.

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I hope there lots of really brilliant modelers out there because I just do not see how one extrapolates from lies of commission and of omission to correct conclusions about Covid injection caused excess deaths in any cohort

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Infertility clinics in the US are discussing amongst themselves that their success rates are drastically diminished since the shots. Fewer conceive, fewer go to term once they do conceive. They do not want to discourage

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Depends on the type of immuno contraceptive in the jab. HCG or PZP. I think it’s HCG. You’d think they test for antibodies for HCG.

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I believe they do test for human chorionic gonadotrophin, if for no other reason than to be sure the woman is not already pregnant before commencing intervention. I believe the mechanisms in the shots causing harm to fecundity and fertility are far more complex.

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Additionally, they do look at antibodies, searching for immune reactions as cause of rejecting conceptus, etc. However, given the secrecy surrounding the vax components, it may be impossible to know what to test for. (I am begging doctors to weigh in on how to test for presence of spike, for example, in vaxed people who ate still alive.)

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Makes you wonder how long it will take for Australia to "finish" 2021 and publish the 2022 data. Data lags may be typical or there may be a more nefarious explanation. Here in the U.S., I was only able to find birth data through June of 2022. 🤷‍♀️

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Yes. Never has it been easier to collect and analyse data - and yet the raw data seems to be getting less reliable/out of date/missing - leading to the more nefarious conclusion.

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Infertility clinic workers are noting dramatically worse success rates since the shots. Fewer conceive, and when they do, more miscarry. They do not admit this publicly because they do not want to discourage their patients. So, where does those numbers show up in the stats? They don’t.

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Australia is likely doing this, not reporting 2021 data yet, so they can " fix " this old data

so new data ( still births ) does not look so bad. So they delay the reporting. Just like the US Election data. They delay the reporting so they can fix it first. It does take some time to " fix " properly of course.

Remember the good old days when votes were hand counted with plenty of observers that evening and the next morning we knew who won.

The DOD was just caught Red Handed doing this by Whistle Blowers with all the pre and post screen shots of the mortality and pathology of the US Military. Blessings and protection to Thomas Renz who is leading this Law Suit against Brandon and Sec of Defense and any other evil conspirators.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Can't confirm this 100% but I read that the apparent large drop specifically in Australia which seems out of step with other countries is due to a "reporting error" and that many births weren't included in the birth rate figures. There's been a drop in births there but not from 25000 to only 6000

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I hope so but even the drop from October to November from 25000 to 19000 is a big drop

I’m Looking forward to seeing more come out on this

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

there will be plenty of corrections, but these mean nothing.

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I suspect the paid entertainers collapsing is an intentional distraction from the actual genocide, sterilisation of ~25% of the jabbed.

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How did the 19k from 2021 compare with the previous November figure (2020)? That would be a more accurate comparison in my opinion. Still, a drop of 6k is roughly 25% between the months which is horrible anyway. My understanding is that the Danes have data on the birth rates and that made them stop the jabs when they saw the results - the fact that they did not publicize them tells one all that is needed to know.

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The presentation I saw about it started by saying that live births are very reliable and predictable. They are always around 25,000 allegedly no matter what

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WOW! That is beyond horrific. This is panic stations stuff. Hopefully things got better otherwise, we are looking at a completely different world within two decades.

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Yes it will certainly be interesting to see how this develops.

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I was more shocked that Australia (one of the harshest governments in 2021 for pushing jabs) recently recommended to their citizens NOT to get the fifth jab.

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That is not what the message is as far as I can tell. In the West they are agitating again for people to "roll up your sleeve" for another jab.

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In America, home of Pfizer and Moderna, there’s clearly a new roll up your sleeve push. My amazement is that Australia was basically a Nazi state last year and now they’re actually changing their tune.

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They are not changing their tune. They only dropped the mandates for the time being because everyone that got jabbed got the virus as well.

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The govt can see what is happening with more boosters, people have no immunity and are constantly sick.

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I'm sure they can see... but they don't care. Sure, they care about not getting caught out, but this whole "safe and effective" thing has been pushed so hard & so relentlessly, that you have to suspect massive grift going on.

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But how much of that is the normal birth 'seasonality'? Isn't the birth rate higher in summer months?

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I vote to panic now. They aren't going to stop the mandates - they've just hit the pause button.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

it is still damn the torpedoes - full speed ahead ....

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Concerned, worried, panic? God, I feel like want to scream. I lost this week another dear friend, sudden death, 3 shots. And we told him to stay away from them, but he was tired of the tests, he is the second friend who died. My brother lost also 2 friends, same, sudden deaths. Please people, please, stop taking these poisons! It will never be an investigation, nobody will be responsible for these crimes.

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My condolences, Papillon.

I know a man who got the vaccine because he wanted to travel. He ended up traveling all the way to the next world.

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May they all finally rest in peace.

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Papillion: If you send me a link to your friend's obituary (or other online death notice) I'll write it up for MCM's In Memoriam project in his Substack newsletter News From Underground. (I'm part of the team working on it.) Email me: annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks.

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You are so very kind and thank you so much!🙏 He wasn't on social media, he had a FB account in the past, but he didn't use it from what he told me (he worked hard, in trasportation, happy he will retire in few years, but he died in his truck while parked) , I don't have FB. After the shots he looked worse and never felt right...

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I’m sorry, it seems some people have more than their fair share of trauma because of these vaccines. It will make you stronger. Wim Hof has some excellent breathing exercises that really help.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I know people who have passed out or had a seizure. What if this happened while they were driving or swimming? I feel like some accidental deaths are still the fault of the jabs.

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Yes. All cause death is great for this reason

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Oh yes they are, Google medical emergency and medical emergency bus driver and there are many.

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You think they will be able to prevent 80%+ ofnpeople from driving?

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The fact that so many of us know of multiple people that have either passed away or have problems after the jabs is proof of how horrific these failed shots are. A normal vaccine will have a negative impact on some people but the rate is so low that no one really knows of such a case.

To make matters worse, the medical community is prolonging this nightmare by pretending to have no idea as to why this is happening. Instead of telling the truth and trying to find ways to help those who took the jabs, they keep covering everything up. What they fail to grasp is that the body count will be impossible to hide even with the all out effort from the governments and the media. The truth will be known and, the longer it will take for the truth to be known the worst will be for the medicos and apparatchiks who made it all possible. In my opinion, the ones who took the shots will face the consequences at some point in time and we need solutions now before they are out of time. A relative of mine had Covid and was pushed into taking the jabs after that to "protect" her husband who is immuno-compromised. She now has cancer in spite of no family history of cancer - the time between the her taking the jabs and developing an aggressive form of cancer? Less than 8 months. The help is needed now not in a decade because I do not think that many who took the jabs have a decade to spare. To add insult to injury, in his last press conference, that psychotic Poison dwarf Fraudci kept going on about the unvaxxed and that everyone should get the boosters. The fact that that filth is getting ready to retire instead of paying for his unspeakable crimes is a sad indictment of how far the Western society has decayed. I wish we had a proper investigation right now but it will looks like that is not going to happen anytime soon. For goodness sake, they still push the toxic jabs in some places like the US and Oz.

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Failed? Depends on how you look at what the shot was for!

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Bingo. This was carefully planned. And I think satan possessed many, "inspired" others.

This is one of his finest hours... And God will turn it into a greater good.

But many are committing grave sins that could land them in hell.

Including risking your life for a freaken paycheck... Quite evil

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Great reply

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Two healthy men (one in his 40s and one in his 50s) died suddenly and unexpectedly earlier this year. They were members of our very small country parish. It was shocking and (obviously) devastating for their families. Thank you for all that you do, Igor.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There are two different plays in motion.

1. Clearly a senior citizen Eugenics strategy.

2. A depopulation of the 18-49 cohort.

The third leg of this 3 legged stool is the sterility of the future child bearing populations.

A Classic top to bottom squeeze leaving a younger population of the size required for societal control. Beholden to government for monthly medical care to remain alive.

Our citizenship must stand up quickly or all is lost. Has anyone seen the documentary Died Suddenly yet ?

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You suspect ova modified by ‘gene drive’ resulting in sterile 2nd generation? Or immunocontaceptive action on unborn foetus?

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With the excess mortality signal growing louder and clearer, the next critical question concerns fertility: what % of live births are born to unvaccinated mothers? If it is significantly greater than their share of the childbearing population, then we have a smoking gun for vaccine-induced sterility. Such a disparity in births could not be explained by economic or social factors (“nobody wants to have babies right now,” “fertility was already declining” etc.)

If the vaccines do impair fertility, as we have reason to believe they must, that will eventually become obvious to all, finally putting an end to the mRNA scam. It is one thing for a few soccer players and celebrity loudmouths to die of “climate change.” It is quite another for every woman who has taken a needle to lose her ability to have healthy children.

We can only hope the true impact on fertility is revealed sooner rather than later, while Pharma/gov will be hoping the opposite.

Therefore, we can expect that such data -- births by maternal vaccination status -- will be exceedingly hard to collect. But if anybody does collect it, please send it to Igor.

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I think by the time the whole fertility issue is figured out it will be too late. The damage will be done and who will be left to take the blame? I also think this is one reason the left is pushing so hard telling people not to have kids because of the whole "climate change" farce-if fewer people are trying to have kids, it will take that much longer to realize it is such a widespread problem. I am truly shocked at the number of young people 16-25ish who have stated they will never bring a child into such a horrible world, and how they are doing their part to help fight climate change by not having kids. (But then I hear from the good farming kids who want 8-10 kids, and breathe a small sigh of relief that at least the entire world hasn't gone completely nuts!)

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The real reason, as far as I can tell, is the elimination of Europeans and/or nation states. The elite are happy to use any excuse to encourage groups to reduce their birth rate. If you meet people who say they don’t want any because ‘reasons’ what’s the best way to snap them out of their delusion? Maybe agree with them that’s it’s best for the world if there are fewer gullible people.

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I think this would also apply to fathers too. We had 2 new arrivals in our family this year. One from my side of the family. Mother and father mid 20s. No family history of babies being born with disabilities or health issues. Both had covid December 2020. Mother not vaccinated but father 2 Pfizer vaccines. Baby born early by CS as heart beat was so sky high. Baby on beta blockers.

Our niece and nephew in Malta. Husbands side of the family. No history of disabilities or health issues In their children. They are early 30s. Have 4 healthy children already. Baby born by CS and had breathing difficulties. Seems ok now but long term of course isn’t known. Both mother and father vaccinated with Pfizer and both had covid.

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This is tragic! I am sorry to hear it. Was there any plausible explanation given for the babies’ illnesses? Was there any consideration that the vaccine may have been a factor?

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I think there is but how provable is it?

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I subscribe to 3 online obituary columns from former residence states. I am noticing numerous UNEXPECTED death notices of mostly MEN who are all much younger than me. On November 22nd, one of those obituary columns reported 14 deaths. 10 were men ages 48 to 68. The other 4 deaths were 3 women and 1 man ALL over 90. I have also noticed the very unusual reports of Both Husband And Wives dying a few days apart. That is a RARE EVENT from any Previous posted obituary columns from years past.

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Perhaps we should take a page from the bad guys' textbook and count every death of a vaccinated person as a vaccination death. After all that's what they did with COVID right? Anyone that tested positive and died, even if they stepped in front of a bus, was listed as a COVID death.

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Nice idea! They should call any death of a vaccinated person a death by vaccination UNLESS proved otherwise, then release all the data so the truth can come out. Hold on, did I say they might "release all the data" ... I must be losing it :-)

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When our metric for safety primarily focuses on death, this alone should draw some deep concern. Imagine the range of conditions that fall between healthy and death. In fact, you need not imagine it, people are reporting it. That people are dying at all in the placebo group or the experimental group, raises the question, what kind of trials are these, and how did we get to a point of allowing this on the general population? These are rhetorical questions, of course. We know the answers, but all must come to learn the answers. We must keep trying to inform everyone because once one walks into the light, there is no walking out of it.

I took a short break from writing, but here is my latest contribution to the aforementioned effort.

Three take-aways for the Georgia Senate Runoff: Herschel Walker's stand for health freedom contrasts Raphael Warnock's recent "not voting"


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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Excess death in the young will have a disproportionally large effect on population size for many decades to come. To illustrate. If an extra 85 year old dies then there will be one missing person for about 5 years. The effect of this extra death on population size will disappear after that time.

On the other hand if an extra 20 year old dies that will be a person missing from the population for perhaps 65 years. Eventually there will be a 13 fold greater number of missing person life years

Further more the effect is compounded by the children that the 20 year old never has.

If you wanted to reduced population size then this would be a good way to achieve it.

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Good logical thinking.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"Do you think that we will see an honest investigation any time soon?"


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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

No honest investigation. The agenda according to Deagel.com in 2019 was population reduction. Population of the US in 2017 was 327 million. The forecast for 2025, 100 million. Down 227 million in 8 years. Of course the site was garnering too much attention so the slides are no longer there. I kept screen shots. Several countries were predicted to have drastic reductions in population.

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Several, if I remember correctly it was the nations with the highest vaccine uptake. Or vaccine push

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It was before the V push in 2017 so in the planning???

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

20 pct of the uk population knows exactly what is going on and are openly talking about it . Their personal experiences confirm what they see in the press about young people dropping dead, turbo cancers , autoimmune issues …. This means that at some point everybody will know and we will only be left with 15-20pct vaxxadicts who will defend pharma till the grave.

We are also seeing unheard of delays in people getting emergency medical care. Ambulances are taking hours to arrive( days in extreme cases) and when at hospital beds are scarce and we are still not in the busiest time of year for nhs.

The authorities know this and they have prepared well . I believe long covid ( pre injections) laid the ground for the daily gaslighting being pumped out by msm i.e pretty much anything under the sun can cause heart attacks and cancer so don’t even dare blame the magic juice.

Their propaganda will fail , so we should expect these psychopaths to plan further distractions/diversions.

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Yeah, I have a feeling we are going to reach a tipping point fairly soon... and things may start to change rather rapidly.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

yes they know is coming.

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In my area Joe six packs are quicker to see it’s bad. It’s Joe BA and middle class softheaded women who will not see it.

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