Great ongoing documentation, Igor; thank you! As a NorCal public high school teacher, I sent this documentation to my teacher colleagues to explain, document, and prove the lies and prima facie-crimes associated with "Covid" "health" "orders": https://carlbherman.blogspot.com/2021/09/essay-to-100-teacher-colleagues-for-red.html

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I grew up in San Jose, where my parents & sibling still live -- they are brainwashed out of their minds and we have had a difficult relationship since Trump was elected. I was no particular fan of his (he'd been a public figure for decades), I just could not believe all the obvious, preposterous lies being told about him, and shared with gusto by my relatives, and it hasn't stopped -- they believe every Big Lie coming down the pike. As Glenn Greenwald (a solidly left-wing journalist at the time), put it when he was asked by friends & colleagues why he wrote so obsessively about Trump and Russia (hoax): "It's an assault on reason."

I am super impressed that you tried to stand against the tsunami of stupid. Congratulations for surviving it! (Best wishes!)

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Same thing and also San Jose haha

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Hahaa-- I'm London-based now & it amuses me to see people's reaction to the name of the city. If they don't know San Jose, they are enthusiastic. If the DO know it, they have a pitying look on their faces.

I am not snobbish about it or anything, it's just that the Bay Area's general level of militant zombification -- for all the high-education & pretence of worldliness -- is off the charts.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

Also SF Bay Area: I was shocked by the vehemence of anti-Russia hate and pro Russia war coming out of my leftist-Democrat co-workers at work (one is aLGBTQ+ she, go figure), they assumed I would be just another zombie in the bubble. I had to quietly tell them that I am anti-Russia war and not a Dem, and we sort of dont talk politics much after that. Fortunately my co-workers are older and more resonable, than the ones at my former employers. Typically they would not have stopped, especially the younger ones. They would scream at the World after reading something sitting at their desks.

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Thanks for this Amy. It is good to know that others have observed the relationship between rabid anti-Trump mania and the covid true believers. I see it in my own family as well.

Since 2019 I've always wondered why, when there was so much about Trump that deserved legitimate criticism, the media had to make things up about him. These same people have been equally brainwashed by the media about covid, and they all think they are smarter than everyone else.

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Then there's the waxinated mrna zombie vs the ukraine warmonger correlation.

90% for some kind of anti russia war, 2/3 wax boosters, one Canada survey reported. A nice info pic of it was around on social media.

Meanwhile the unwaxed, were 60% uncertain and 20-30% against war in Ukraine. No sending munitions or no fly zones.

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More media manipulation. Some people are very gullible.

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The survey data suggests this is not due to media manipulation but that there is a causation factor evidence. Mrna nanomachines and metals allows radiation to directly affect the CNS and blood brain barrier. Essentially, there are elements in the mrna body that can be affected (WEF says hacked) by electronic signals directly.

So this is what the dystopians call total mind control, totalitarian control, and not merely the old form of media manipulation.

https://ymarsakar.substack.com/p/disclosure-of-the-covid-2020-and More details here and at Karen Kingston's substack

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Interesting correlations there.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

Underlying factor is trust in gov. One's support for a drastic government action is directly proportional to one's trust in government

Waging war is the most drastic government action possible, mass vaccination with EUA vaxx is a close second.

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But many of these people at instapundit in 2022 were so called libertarians and co servative writers. Like john ringo, sarah hoyt glenn reynolds etc. They claim not to trust gov or the wef. But they keep obeying the fear mind killer.

This is evidence of the mrna and transfection problem being more than just one s political view.

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Yes, there is a strong spiritual aspect to it. Igor here is a spiritual person, it shows in his writings.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Time and again when I would read something outrageous about Trump, I would investigate and invariably discover that the media had completely distorted the incident. It was pathetic and very transparent. Not just Trump, " respected" magazines like the New Yorker also felt compelled to dump on Meliana -- for completely trivial stuff. Anyone with a brain would realize they were being manipulated.

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Well said Amy!

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

There is a direct connection between the Trump hysteria and COVID and COVID Vaxx hysteria. One seamlessly segued into the other. Perhaps the same people and psyops mechanisms were involved.

The anti-Trump hysteria primed the psyche of its sufferers to "catch" the COVID hysteria with a side bonus of Biden's election victory, leading to mandates to ram the vaxx down the other's gullets.

Open the lab rat trap wide, then wider still and then slam it shut.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

It was deliberate. The fear porn about Trump starting in 2015 was a deliberate attempt to change the mindset of all the people who would have been in the front lines of opposing lockdowns, mandates and censorship. The people who in their youth said question authority were transformed into people who now said blindly trust authority and mocked suppressed and penalized those who didn't blindly obey. The people who were in favor of free speech were now in favor of total censorship and repression.

The psyop was brilliant but I think it's all going to fall apart as the consequences mount.

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You wrote that September 2021. I remember what things were like then. That was at the peak of insanity, before boosters and when the "horse dewormer" lies were being pushed, as well as vaccine passports. Delta had just taken off and boosters hadn't happened yet; neither had Omicron.

I'm not saying it's better now. But that was an outrageous time, for sure. How many did you redpill with your essay?

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My conclusion after 46 years' engagement in our "Great Awakening" is that our role is limited as "Messengers" without power to openly change policies. This conclusion was/is strongly confirmed in my 2 years' challenges of Hayward USD's "health" "orders" to discover the facts were insufficient to attract even one of ~100 teachers or administrators at my school to stand with me (I had 1 other teacher from a different school, and ~12 other district staff members interested to receive information, and almost all my classroom students saw for themselves HUSD was/is LYING). The end result was my being placed on paid administrative leave so the district could "investigate" how and why I was asking questions from Jan. 2022 to the end of that school year (rather than answering), then my choice of retirement at age 62 rather than face likely escalated harassment (HUSD likely would have changed my school assignment to the furthest from my home because I was a "disruptive presence" with new curricula to develop).

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So sad. (BUt not entirely unpredictable). Our situation is a slo-mo train wreck that only some of us are able to see. Good choice to retire. I wish I had a magic wand to create a parallel school/university in order to hire all the people in education whose BEST CREDENTIAL is that a corrupt and anti-critical thought system spat them out and understood they were its enemies.

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An Alternative school system is already being built, although mostly for psychic children and what are known as starseeds.

They are still small and in the preparation stages still, but the blueprints are already being constructed. In the West, people likely have not heard of them since the West is expensive and dominating. In the East and in other areas, it has been easier to construct such schools. And less expensive to maintain, such as orphanages in Thailand.

There is a big paradigm challenge since many of these schools use the starseed paradigm, which is not quite a religion but it will feel just as strange as one for Western materialists. And ofcourse, as with everything human, there will be con artists and scam shenanigans, which people have to be ware of and discern.

The prerequisite to a New Earth is the destruction of the old institutions and systems. ANd to do that, first I have to convince the world's population to no longer put their power in such institutions. I have done a fast/good job so far I assess.

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Well done Carl. Nothing is worth selling your soul for........and I'm a crumbling atheist.

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Ooh. I like that. "a crumbling atheist."

May you break apart completely. 😊

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Especially if you recognize having a soul. He lives!

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A valiant effort. Hayward lost a remarkable educator.

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It is up to humanity or what is left of it to free themselves. We cannot change the policies of the matrix even though some of us have the power and authority to do so. It would be in violation of the will of earth and the heavens however.

The reason is simple. This growth period requires people to make a choice. Victim consciousness ala jung paradigm of victim vs victimizer vs savior complex or the self responsible timeline.

The matrix control going insane pushes people to choose. They can no longer sit on a fence and watch game of thrones. They r in it

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Oh wait, now I read you were forced into retirement!

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I think what you have done is most appreciable. I see you are apt at writing out 'claims of injustices', or crimes most directly. That is the first step in an idea for a 3-step process that a voluntary organization can carry out, accumulating all the people who would wish to join in supporting these statements. It has "claims, campaigns, and redresses", and a quick intro here. https://markgmeyers.substack.com/p/introduction-to-a-democratic-approach

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Thank you for your thinking in this area, Mark. Something close to your approach should be implemented.

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Thank you for saying so, Carl. My next post is going to include how to start up. Fyi, I think a network could be initiated.

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I’m surprised you are still employed in a CA school! Saying this as a fellow Californian...

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Depending on what district you are in and how carefully you follow their "rules".

Remember, it's all about the paperwork!

Resistance is necessary!

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Have you considered posting your blogs on Substack? This link was great and I clicked through to some of your other articles. Good stuff!

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Thank you for the compliment. I've already had ~50 million page views since 2009, and feel I've done my part leading to the victory to come (we're one breakthrough away).

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I enjoy the idea of investing ourselves into building a greater community with confirmed good knowledge of these injustices. I also think an organization could be invested in, either with strong leaders, a network of good people, or as a pilot project in a local district. Here's an intro for that idea.. https://markgmeyers.substack.com/p/introduction-to-a-democratic-approach

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The Medical professional who willingly sold their souls to keep their jobs while knowingly poisoning their patients will OVER populate the pits of HELL. This over population of hell is also due to the endless list of politicians and enablers flowing in who pushed the world wide genocide for a few $$$.


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There is no place in Heaven for them. There will never be. Just like there won't be for the journalists who sold their souls for money.

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As someone once said "The fact that there is a stairway to Heaven, but a highway to hell tells you a lot about the anticipated traffic."

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Love it. Never looked at the words that way.

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I have read that before, well stated, it's on my twitter profile @IesousDisciple.

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If you opened two theme parks for families: one 'The Gates Of Heaven' and the other 'The Gates of Hell' most inquisitive children would choose the latter. More fun!

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Or, if you believe the current (anti-)Pope, there is no such place as Hell.

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I do not believe the current pope

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Nor do I. His waffling teachings on abortion, homosexuality, covid shots, and even the Latin Mass, among other critical issues, are in direct conflict with Catholic tradition and doctrine.

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And he reporteldy swears like a trooper, although that that bothers me. And he has no problem with Biden and Pelosi receiving communion. What new level of degeneracy will he allow or turn a blind eye to next in positively sanctioning the church's flight from tradition? Women priests? Pedo priests? Oh wait ...

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If you really want to go down the so-called rabbit hole, look up Ann Barnhardt. She makes a compelling case that Benedict never actually resigned and was the true Pope. So... in her trad Catholic world, there is no current Pope.

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I love that theory. Evict Francis. Deport him back to Argentina.

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As weird as it sounds, there are a whole bunch of trad Catholics that ascribe to this theory. Basically they see Francis as the anti-pope. It makes as much sense as anything in our current world.

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Schrödinger's cat

Ratzinger's cat

Two cats, both living, or maybe not: a fascinating dilemma!

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Oh the Latin Mass!

Gosh, this delves deep!

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, if there was a Mass then it should really be in Jewish, not Latin!

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Sure...if that were the TRADITION and practice for over 1,000 years.

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It was a tradition and practice for 1,000 years or more to burn witches: this did not make it right.

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Paid off early - minted a coin with kids getting jabbed. The only authority I trust these days is my heart.

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And if it is a good heart, that's all you need.

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Thank u both Igor and Taylor. Kathleen for speaking the truth ...

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Unfortunately, I do not believe in Hell either: though I wish it existed: some people deserve it!

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For many devout Catholics, it is a deterrent to keep them on the straight and narrow path and a source of comfort to know that unrepentent, evil people will get what they deserve.

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Yes. Much like saying that if people don't get jabbed, they will die a horrid death, right?

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Not to worry. Believing in Hell won't cause anyone to to die a painful death. But they may die at peace having lived a good life.

It's a mindset you'd have to be immersed in from birth to understand.

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I don't either. He has gone to the dark side.

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Faux-Pope Rainbow swastika waving Bergoglio conferred his imprimatur on the 2030 Transformational agenda in Sept 2015, when he opened the 70th UN General Assembly that launched it. He was as obvious then as he is now.

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And... he's a Jesuit.

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For that Roman Pontiff [i will NOT call him "Pope" for that means Spiritual Father and there is only one and His name is Jesus] to even claim there is no Hell and thus no Lake of Fire when Jesus warned of Hell and the Lake of Fire quite a bit in the New Covenant, is incomprehensible and ineffable utmost blasphemy abomination unto God/Jesus which could only come from them who are spiritual children of that ole dragon.... that ole serpent, that ole liar cheater and murderer from the beginning, the Devil, the Antichrist. The Lake of Fire was created for the Devil and the minority of evil angels that rebelled and the man of sin seeks to take as many as he can to the Fire-lake because he knows his conclusion, and thus unfathomable misery desires unimaginable company..

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He’s a man ...T. K .... no man can get you where you would like to go when you die .

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Yes, so true.

But Francis is a man who is doing everything possible to lead ASTRAY millions of faithful Catholics worldwide. He is an illegitimate pope, as dangerous as our illegitimate president.

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My crazy theory is that Francis made a deal with the WEF that once the One World Government comes along, that Francis will be the head of the One World Religion, a combination of Christianity and Islam. "Chrislam."

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I think it was Webster Tarpley who mentioned that angle over a decade ago. He said that a deal had been struck after Francis ascended to the throne. He goes along and the Church of Rome becomes the one religion to go with the one world government. How they plan on getting all Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and all the others to agree/convert is anyone's guess.

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the rate that people are abandoning any form of organised faith or belief at present, there will be almost no churches or religions left in 100 years. Probably a good thing, as long as we don't replace it with something less palatable, such as Scientism.

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It's not that crazy, Shibumi. I can imagine the WEF saying whatever necessary to trick this 'pope' into cooperation. The crazy part would be that Francis would be naive and flattered enough to believe them.

The WEF would raid the Church's treasures and Francis will find himself in a special Hell of his own forevermore.

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How much temptation would it really take to convince a 'devout' socialist to cooperate with the W E F 's little plans?

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He's a bit too old for that. But I have African friends who call themselves 'Chrislims' - its a reasonable synthesis.

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I keep coming across people whose relationship with religion has been sparked into real meaning by that very idea: that the colossal evil being done all around us simply cannot go unacknowledged.

That in itself is fascinating.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Maybe it's time to get on the Ark, symbolically Jesus, meaning to take the road of Matthew 7:13-29 and John 3:1-21 to board the Ark, for tomorrow is not promised and eternity is a mighty long time to be wrong by avoiding to board the Ark.

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Exactly... see Matthew 7:13-29, especially verse 13, 21-23.

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Given how many cult crazed jab junkies inhabit the medical profession they've done themselves in. I don't wish vile health on others as it's just bad karma but I don't feel sorry for them at all. They did the "Amber Heard" in the bed and now they can sleep in it.

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Don't do drugs, kids. Look what happens.

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Are you claiming Communists are children of God?

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smh....that 'god' is satan.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Without more data on the actual cause of death, it is premature to suggest that it is due to transmissible diseases. There is excess disability and deaths in the 18-64 working age groups according to insurance data. There is nothing to suggest they are dying due to transmissible diseases. The deaths are often unknown or sudden causes in the younger age group. If it were due to respiratory diseases, the excess would be more in older cohorts. There seems to higher excess deaths (in percentage) in the younger cohorts. Also, there seems to be more cardiovascular deaths. More data is needed.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023Author

They may be suddenly dropping dead after catching Covid -- and the vaxed people catch MORE Covid and drop dead suddenly more often after having an infection

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I know of several highly jabbed people who are now having health issues.... they did not appear to, at first, so I was feeling some hope. That hope is diminishing. I'm hearing about women who did not immediately have reproductive effects, but now have very heavy periods/bleeding -- this includes young women as well as post-menopausal women. I'm hearing about surprise cancer diagnoses. Could be related, or not. I'm hearing of complaints of neurological symptoms including eyesight, hearing, numbness in fingers. I can't say if any of these are related to the shots or not -- but a lot of people are talking about their health issues in the past several months, and none of them are attributing it to the jabs. But all of them are worried.

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Maybe I’m imagining things, but boosted people who know I’m completely unjabbed still seem distant. They used to avoid me out of fear I’d infect them. But when that lie was exposed it seems like they now avoid me because they know I know what they’ve done to themselves. Friendly, but don’t want to discuss the pachyderm in the parlor.

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I’m experiencing the same thing. It’s cognitive dissonance.

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People don't like those who prove them wrong. I think in many cases it's resentment.

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The ego is so strong that it prevents these people from admitting they got suckered in and actually harmed their health. They invested themselves passionately due to the propaganda that was imbedded in them by 24/7 media to scorn the anti-jabbers who posed a great risk to their health. Now that all those lies have been debunked, those who fastidiously cling to the propaganda are embarrassed to look us in the eye, a few because they cling to the Democratic machine that they have worshipped during their adult lifetimes and others because the ego binds them to their decisions and the need to be right.

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Similar to those who warmongered for ujraine. They bought into ghost of kiev lies for 12 months

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Serious question - if none of them attribute their health issues to the shots why are they worried?

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In my world, they are worried about COVID. They feel it is fatal without boosters, although they know uninjected people who had COVID and survived.

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Many people started noticing this right away,-- "I just got jabbed and NOW I HAVE COVID!" and remarking on it as if it were the most ironic coincidence Then I believe the medical Establishment had to come out and acknowledge it (to pacify people with the "this-is-normal" mantra). And of course the liars-with-statistics used this to add deaths to the "unvaccinated" column, by simply saying you weren't "vaccinated" until you'd have two shots at least. So any illness and death from a single vaxx was attributed to "non-vaxxed" status. Quite diabolical.

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Thanks for that reminder about how people with two shots and 14 days afterwards would still be counted as unvaccinated. One of the craziest things I'd ever heard.

Another crazy thing was after the "bivalent" booster had been introduced, or was it after the initial two boosters......? anyhow, what they said was basically this: we cannot give you the booster if you have not received the "initial series" so if you are still unvaccinated, you need to go get those shots first (for long-gone variants) and THEN get yer booster....

all of this just sounds like (diabolical) mad scientists, doesn't it? How come so many people were fooled by this absolute nonsense?

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I can explain why you're considered "unvaxxinated" for X days even though you have 1, 2 or more shots.

As I understand it, most of the deaths from the shots come within two weeks of getting them. So, to keep the numbers of vaxxed deaths down (keep the Big Pharma gravy train going) and to make it look like the unvaxxed are dying, they rigged the way they counted "vaxxed" and "unvaxxed."

If you get your second shot and die 10 days after, that's technically an unvaxxed death. An unvaxxed death that can be reported on tv and in the statistics.

See how that works?

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Yes, Shibumi. This is EXACTLY what they did. And precisely the ulterior motivation behind pretending deaths within days of receiving covid shots were among the "unvaccinated."

The government and medical authorities smile and tell us bold-faced lies. Worst of all, so many people are still willing to go along with the nonsense.

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Excellent points, Dani.

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My sister got her booster and immediately afterwards caught Covid - happens a lot.

Me, I am clean skin, and always will be.

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Don't forget about climate change ;-)

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Yes, the climate changed quite a bit in December.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Dropping dead from covid makes sense since it is probably a bio weapon designed to cause vascular damage. So I can see your point- the vax-induced spikes kill some directly, plus the increased incidence of the jabbed/boosted getting covid and its spikes kills others. All need to detox from this garbage in our bodies!

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Then there is the issue of possibly a binary toxin being used; activation, or the lack of it and/or its intensity, would explain the ebb and flow of excess deaths quite nicely.

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It was reported the wax produces a mac address. Meaning a nano digital plagu3 can trigger it with wifi

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The kill switch was not supposed to be active in the beginning. They messed up the manufacturing as this nanotech is exotic new tech

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That seems to be an unusual new behavior for the virus. We did not observe that pre vaccination of even older people dropping dead after infection. What is the mechanism? If they caught covid and died, it would be covid deaths. The vaccinated usually also test more and they would know they were infected unless they had no symptoms?

We need to untangle infection, booster campaigns, systemic medium term effects of vax etc.

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There is an excellent Tedx Talk by Dr. Christine Stabell Benn you might be interested in. It is about the study done in Africa showing more children died who got the DTP shot than those that didn't, but not from D, T or P - just some other illness.


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Read Turtles all the way down vaccine book...it will explain a lot about childhood vaccines!

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Already there.

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So scary. I don't have kids. I feel for parents. I watched the documentary Trust Me...and they had a part on tetanus. It was heart wrenching. And in the end, the parents are provax. They haven't read Turtles All the Way Down!

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Good question. Why would covid cause more post-infection sudden deaths now as opposed to 2020? A more deadly variant? Jab-induced reaction? Post-cull population? Like you said, it needs more research.

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My only reservation would be if it were due to vax making people more susceptible to deaths due to lowered resistance to new variants, then we would expect higher excess deaths in older people because they tend to be more vaxxed and also more susceptible to respiratory diseases. We are not observing that in excess deaths. We are seeing higher percentage increases of excess deaths in younger cohorts post vaccination.

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It's the YOUNGER not the older individuals who have the youthful energy and strength to push themselves to the point where their heart gives out as a result of prior spike protein damage from the covid shots.

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don't forget the possibility of lowered resistance to a myriad of other pathogens

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A higher percentage of excess deaths in younger people can be much less significant than a smaller percentage among elderly. For example, if 10 young ones were expected to die, and excess deaths are 20%, that's 2 dead people. If 200 80-somethings were expected to die and excess deaths are half the rate, 10%, thats 20 dead people.

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The point is, why is it increasing snd why in the younger population. Covid primarily hit the elderly.

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The mrna causes the immune system to kill u. Elderlt have less powerful immune systems.

The heat and adrenaline fromnexercise is also done by more young peeps

Covid did not kill the elderly so much as death hospitals did

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Its a theory: but the age difference shows it as false.

Young people do not die of Covid, but they do die of the Vaxx.

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And old people died due to death doctora and concentration hospitals.

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The official narrative is twisted in the other way around.

"The virus aggravates existing illnesses. " (So let's get jabbed more and more to protect you from the virus.)

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In some death by Covid/flu/name your virus, made possible by the shot. It does make sense.

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Yes, I noticed the higher percentage jump between the younger cohorts, too. Maybe because those younger generations have been jabbed to the hilt, whereas those aged 40 and above: not so much. The younger people's systems might be more susceptible. Every little jab counts...

Possibly people having boosters is pushing them over the edge, too.

But you're right, we need more data.

Maybe we should be looking at when spikes of actual 'vaccinations' have happened across countries (do we have that data?) and then, allowing for an average of the peak of 4 months when death MIGHT happen post-injection (I believe Steve Kirsch explained that one?), correlate it against that time. We might find more death spikes at certain times - as well as a reduction in deaths when less jabs have happened.

In Australia, mandates happened in October 2021 - and we had loads of deaths in Jan 2022 & Feb 2022:


Then of course we've also got to consider the yearly waves of death (more in winter, less in summer etc).

I think this is multi-factorial, and since underlying issues play a huge part here, a person could 'feel' well enough but still drop dead soon - which has been evidenced by all those 'SADS' deaths of seemingly healthy enough (usually younger) people. Many, if not all, were NOT so healthy after all, and then a jab or two on top of it was enough to pop them off.

As the jabs aren't pushed so hard, we could be seeing lesser deaths. But if people's systems have been weakened by the jabs they've already taken, it might also not take too much of anything else (bird flu jab? influenza jab?) to pop them off. So my guess is, unless people miraculously change their lifestyle choices (ie stop seeing the medical doctor!), it's only going to be a temporary reprieve of excess deaths. They'll pop back up again. Because we all know, there's always another pandemic round the corner. Big Pharma wants to make $$MONEY$$ so they have to push SOMETHING. And those somethings will be more poison for more people, many of whom now have underlying health issues due to said past poisonings!

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

Apparently those SADS just appear to be sudden. In actuality, the heart has been damaged by the lipid nano particles (hydrogels) or the spike proteins (it's not quite clear depending on who's write-up you read) and then an adrenaline rush causes their death. That's why so many athletes are seen passing out or dying on the field. I asked the question on another substack, then way are so many dying in their sleep (unfortunately, our 62 yr old neighbor did)? A doctor responded saying that during the hours of 3am & 9am there could be an adrenaline rush in the body that causes the already damaged heart to expire. Who knew?

Also, I've read that the more shots people have had over their lifetime the more susceptible they are to being severely injured if the lot they received was a toxic one (that's another question - how many different lots with how many different levels of toxins. howbadismybatch.com but a friend of ours got a "bad" batch and so far is fine. However, he's also on an Ace inhibitor drug which is helping his body stop the spike proteins from adhering to the ace2 receptor, I believe from my research.). My guess is that with each shot people are getting more toxic heavy metals and other adjuvants and poisons. Overtime, their body's can't take all of the toxins without detoxing them.

Also, there is the fact that these shots keep depleting the neutralizing antibodies in those who have gotten the toxic shots reducing their ability to truly recover from an illness. Apparently, they don't recover fully so they get sick again and again or the illness just lingers. There's also ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement). "ADE – In this scenario, the antibodies that the vaccine generated actually help the virus infect greater numbers of cells than it would have on its own. In this situation, the antibodies bind to the virus and help it more easily get into cells than it would on its own. The result is often more severe illness than if the person had been unvaccinated."

The very unfortunate part of all of this is that even though many people now know the danger of these shots either because they've had some adverse event from it or they know of someone that did, they still won't detox. If people who have gotten the shots do not detox the substances (toxins) out of their body safely, they are most likely in danger. I have begged people to detox and very few have tried. It's pathetic.

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Debra - How does one detox from the jabs specifically, do you know?

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The FLCCC.net protocols seem to be having success. Dr. Robert Malone said a week or so back that he was seeing improvement in his own problems since starting the protocols.

You need to read what they advise but ivermectin, nattokinase and autophagy seem to be vital along with zinc, magnesium, vitamins D and C. Autophagy seems key now. DYOR as I am not a doctor.

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Sorry for any typos in advance. It's just coming off the top of my head. Wishing you well.

There are many options that seem to be helping people. I've suggested zeolite powder to people and it's been helpful to those that have tried it. One person had joint pain, fatigue, and some other issues and she said that within 2 weeks she felt normal again. Her sister was getting nightmares from the shots and she took the zeolite powder and the nightmares went away. I met someone who's daughter was having seizures and the woman was having nightmares. Her nightmares went away and the daughter was getting better.

1) Zeolite powder (there is a liquid version of zeolite which I've read that it's helped some people with other health issues but then I was told that it's not possible that it can work well since you can't break down zeolite into the small nano particles since it's a cage like structure) is a cage like negatively charged substance that when ingested binds to positively charged substances. From what I've learned through research and listening to Dr. Ryan Cole and reading from Karen Kingston, the lipid nano particles (hydrogels) are positively charged chemicals so they can enter the negatively charged cells in the body. Since, zeolite it negatively charged it would bind to the lipid nano particles and remove them from the body. The spike proteins (glycoproteins) are also positively charged so they can attach to cells. The graphene oxide most likely is positively charged. Heavy metals are generally positively charged. Mold, flouride, radioactive materials, etc. are positively charged. We've been taking the maximum amount of zeolite to protect us from any shedding.

You have to take the correct dosage of the powder or you can end up not getting rid of the toxins properly which can make things feel worse. This website by Dr. Howard Peiper, a retired naturopath, shows how much to take zeolitedosing.com. Also, he has a 40 or so page book on it that you can get on amazon for $7. You most probably need to take the maximum dosage which is 5gram 3 times per day. The zeolite takes 6 - 8 hours to go through your system. That's why you take it 3 times a day. Also, you don't want to breath in the powder since it is a cage like structure. If you're on medication such as lithium you need to not take it together because lithium is a positively charged element and the zeolite would bind to it. The only other medication to be concerned with would be insulin because apparently zeolite helps to reduce glucose levels basically improving the issue so one has to monitor themselves which diabetics do anyway. It's best to speak to someone at the company you purchase the product from.

2) Humic Acid is another product that is helping people. Dr Howard Peiper has a book on that to on amazon. Humic Acid according to Dr. Ana Mihalcea has said it neutralizes graphene oxide. Humic acid has been used to heal cells due to it's many trace minerals. It also helps one fight viruses because it basically envelopes the viruses and stops it from attacking cells.

3) Nattokinases which is a systemic enzyme. Systemic enzymes help the body heal and is not to be used to break down food so one has to take it a couple of hours away from eating. One thing it does is break down fibrins. Apparently it also helps to stop spike proteins. Just be careful if you're taking a blood thinner.

4) Black seed oil (it's very expensive and the better quality and strength is very potent and not easy to swallow) is a very versatile healing supplement. I believe it's on the FLCCC.net protocol for stopping spike proteins and helping the heart. Apparently, it's great for asthma.

5) Some have done a 3 day water fast but you really have to know what you're doing. Fasting causes autophagy which is very beneficial. Autophagy is when damaged cells are broken down in the body. You can do intermittent fasting but I don't know if that's as good as a 3 day water fast. That's something to look into. Dr. Henry Ealy uses it in his protocol but he doesn't say his entire protocol because he feels one should work with a professional for safety reasons.

6) NAC is a precusor to glutathione. Glutathione is one of the most important antioxidants in the body. You need to produce glutathione so that you can fight off many health issues. It's better not to take glutathione but rather the precusor because 1) it's better for your liver to produce it and 2) often oral glutathione isn't well absorbed by the body. If you choose to take glutathione, take the liposomal form. Liposomal forms of supplements tend to be better absorbed.

7) Pine needle tea is very high in Vitamin C and is supposed to stop the spike proteins from doing damage. You can research how to make it but most pine trees that have five needles are safe to use. Always double check safety. We just take some pine needles off the tree, boil water, cut the needles to 1/4" pieces (about a tablespoon per 12oz of water) and let it soak for 10 - 15 minutes. It's actually very mild in taste and it's free.

8) Dr. Ana Mihalcea also suggests EDTA chelation cream (do your research on this one) (chelation is when a substance binds to a mineral and takes it out of the body) https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/edta-detoxification-for-metals-graphene

9) Look up Dr. Henry Ealy too. He's having a lot of success with people.

10) I think peptides are helping people as well since they help to heal cells. Something to investigate.

11) This is a weird one and I haven't investigated it to know how it works but Dr. Edward Group talks about urine therapy. You can look that up too.

Some side notes: it's helpful to work with someone most likely a holistic health practitioner who understands what the shots have in them and how those substances effect/damage cells AND what health issues are specific to YOUR body. An individual really needs to have their own protocol for their own body issues. For instance, if you take zinc just be careful how much. Zinc will offset the copper in the body if one takes too much for their own body. This gets complicated. So, when people are saying take zinc, the question is how much for that individual. If you take more than 15mg per day you might be taking too much for your body. I was once told to take over 120mg by a holistic health practitioner. Luckily I've been researching alternative health for 10+ years and know my health issues so I refused. That amount would have weakened me or worse. I'm just saying to titrate (slowly increase dosage) up on most supplements except for the zeolite. As I mentioned, zeolite needs to be taken at a higher dosage so that it can do the work of scavenging for the toxins and remove them safely and gently from the body.

If you take something and you don't feel right, it's best to stop taking it. Detoxing is a very tricky thing. If you don't detox properly you can make your health issues much worse because if you "loosen" up the toxins, they can get into the blood or they won't leave the body but get into other tissues of the body.

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That's a lot of info, thank you for taking the time to type that all out! I've read a lot about nattokinase and would really like to take it but I'm already on blood thinners due to a stroke in 2019. It was a mystery stroke as I was in my early 40's I have always been super healthy and no obvious risk factors.

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I'm so sorry you went through that. How horrible that must have been. See my next comment regarding risk factors and how most of us aren't as healthy as we think unfortunately due to several factors. It's just that we aren't exposed to the proper health care and knowledge.

As you know, since you are on blood thinners, double check that all these are safe for you to ingest or use.

I remembered some healing teas.

Organic dandelion leaf is supposed to help neutralize or stop spike proteins as well. I drink organic dandelion root and leaf and organic burdock root tea. I get the dried roots and leaf and put them in 8 cups of boiling water which when cooled I proportion into used 32oz juice jars and keep in the frig for 4 days so I can easily reheat on the stove. It's a very strong (like coffee but much safer) tea that is healing from spike proteins but also for detoxification of the liver which will help the body heal itself because your body makes glutathione in the liver.

Also, Organic Rooibos tea helps the body make more glutathione ( https://draxe.com/nutrition/rooibos-tea/ & https://blog.sistersteacompany.com/why-you-should-drink-rooibos-everyday-and-a-note-on-who-shouldnt/ )

Also, caster oil packs help the liver to detox which helps the liver do it's jobs more efficiently and one of those jobs is to make glutathione. You can make the caster oil pack yourself or purchase a premade one ( https://www.shopqueenofthethrones.com/collections/castor-oil-kits-made-just-for-you/products/castor-oil-pelvic-pack-kit-with-organic-castor-oil sells premade oils with the oil so it's a good place to someone to start). The oil must be organic and hexane free in amber glass jars and the fabric that's used must be organic cotton. Caster oil penetrate very easily into the body and into anything so it will leach the plastic if it comes in a plastic bottle. Or, if one uses non organic cotton, it will leach out the chemicals and put them into you. I've made my own and I've purchased the premade one. They're both messy (caster oil is sticky and stains everything) but the premade one is safer and easier to use.

I hope something helps you. Btw: writing all this out helps me put together the info for anyone who might need it. So, thanks.

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You're very welcome. As I mentioned, I'm been researching holistic/alternative/general health for 10+ years for our dog and myself so I've learned a bit. Unfortunately, it's not easy these days due to so much censorship of alternative health to find information. Do your best to try and don't settle for just one answer especially if it comes from a government org, medical facility (mayo clinic, etc), medical university. Try to quadruple check the answers you get from multiple sources who are not related or taking (copying) info from one another (I've seen that so often).

I would suggest working with a holistic health practitioner who truly understands your situation CLEARLY (I've emphasized clearly because I've gone through 20+ of them who did not get it at all and some actually harmed me). Medical doctors unless they are integrative (and even so don't understand the root causes often) are not very helpful for getting to the root cause of health issues. I've have health issues (hormonal imbalances - which most people actually have but due to genetics and epigentics it makes it worse for me) so I've researched to learn about the issues to help myself. However, the body is so complex and convoluted (yes, it's take's a lot to make what appears to be the most basic functions in the body happen). Most things in the body, in my opinion are not mysterious or don't heal miraculously (I've heard that so many times). It's only mysterious or miraculous because again doctors don't understand many basic principals about genetics, epigentics and the need for minerals in the body. They also don't always do the correct functional testing to truly find out the problems. On top of all that, they believe that toxins are removed by the body through the detoxification organs (liver, kidneys, skin, etc) so you can't have toxins in your body. That's just laughable.

So, for instance, low potassium levels can lead to strokes. You can't always test the blood for low levels of minerals. The blood has to be in homostasis (balance) or you're in big trouble generally. Toxins are taken out of the blood and minerals are taken out of tissues to be put into the blood. The body wants to stay alive and it works very hard at it. Instead, hair is tested for minerals or urine sometimes. When you look at the hair, which is a tissue, it shows what is going on in the tissues of the body. So, for instance, very low potassium from what I found doing a quick search (https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-importance-of-potassium - yes, I know it's a elitist medical institution but I did the search very fast and I do know that low potassium is very dangerous.), can cause a stroke. Low levels of potassium are linked to copper toxicity which is highly tied to estrogen dominance (which causes PMS and all the other "lovely" period symptoms.) That's just one example. So, you have to start tying together any and all health issues you have and you'll see they are often related and there is a root cause or 2 root causes in most cases.

I have a friend who has so many health issues, it's hard for me to keep track of them all but I keep finding (as I research for myself) that her issues stem from mineral imbalances and many, many toxins that have weakened her body.

Minerals are at the base of so many health issues because you need minerals to live and do hundreds (if not thousands) of functions in the body. And, you can't just throw minerals at a patients and say take more potassium or more magnesium. You need to understand where that person is out of balance and carefully fine tune the protocol for that person. The reason being is that one mineral will offset another. Like zinc and copper (as I mentioned in the first comment). Once you throw something off balance you might end up with a health issue. I know people who have been told by their doctor (who know very little about vitamins and minerals and how they interact) to take high doses of Vitamin D or B12. Well, you need zinc for B12 to work properly in the body and zinc needs to be in the correct ratio to copper for the body to function properly (see it gets complex). And, without K2, "over-supplementation of vitamin D3 ... leads to problems of excess calcium." [ https://dralexrinehart.com/articles/the-vitamin-d-and-vitamin-k2-connection-understanding-the-mechanisms-what-to-test-and-how-much-d3-and-k2-to-take/ ] This friend of mine has taken mega doses of synthetic vitamin D (which is actually a hormone NOT a vitamin that you can get from the sun or a vitamin D lamp) without taking vitamin K2 because her doctor didn't know enough. So her doctor was harming her since the doctor didn't do their due diligence (hmm... sounds very familiar).

Wishing you the best. It's not easy but there's always something to help the body heal.

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People under 40 have had more childhood vaxxines than those over 40, which means things like more allergies, and perhaps even things like autoimmune diseases. I don't know about the latter; can't find that stats of that.

Basically, our healthcare system is making people sick and it might be that those under 40 or 50 might have more health issues than those over 40 or 50. Crazy, I know.

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While mrna can cause diseases to erupt, these heart explosioms do not seem to be related to the wqxxines kids got.

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You may be interested in Kakistani data regarding timing of deaths and vaccination. Coincidence? It’s not excess deaths but the timing is “interesting”. Resemblance to any data from a country you and I are familiar with is purely coincidental.


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An interesting view of it al! Thankyou for the link.

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What i read was that 100% animals died after corona wqxxines. Did not know they were mrna bio weaps in 2020 early feb. Due to wild strain causing cytotoxicnstorm in immune system. U r killed by ur own immune system ala aids

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There is evidence sars and mers were eqrly test runs. Human immunity was too strong so they found a way to weaken us first

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm afraid that Dr.Geert V.B. will turn out to be right again. He said that the only way his prediction might fail is if enough people got covid before getting the vaccines. Unfortunately, that doesn't seems to be the case, at least here in Canada. The only people that I know getting covid before the mass vaccination was my family and two of my friends. None of my extended family got covid before that, or anyone that I knew. Once mass vaccination started, literally everyone that I know personally, my extended and close family included, got covid after taking the shots. There were so many of them, that it was very surprising to me. A few days ago a discovered a chart about covid infections in Canada. That chart was a big surprise: all 2020, there were barely any covid cases in Canada. Once the mass vaccination started, the covid cases go through the roof. They never reached the bottom of 2020 after that. The covid cases look stable for now. Maybe because there isn't much testing and reporting anymore. Who knows? What I do know is that if you end up in a Montreal hospital with covid symptoms, the first question they ask you if you have been vaccinated and how many times?

Once they know you got the covid shots, they will refuze to test you against covid, even if you insist. They can't risk doing that: it won't look well for their statistics. Anyone noticed how they stopped reporting vaccine status for covid infections once the vaccinated ones were getting infected in much higher numbers? And nobody holds them accountable. Because the "journalists" won't do their jobs anymore. If there will be a Nuremberg trial one day, many journalists will be held accountable. If you are a journalist reading my post think about it. Without your full cooperation, this nightmare would have not been possible. We all wonder how can you guys sleep at night, knowing how badly you betrayed us all? After everything you've done, I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive you. And I'm not the only one who feels this way: there are millions of us, an army if you wish.

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The mrna shots is the covid weapon delivered past the body immune system.

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On the other hand, the Rona has been around since late summer of 2019, so who knows how many people really got it. Then the question would be, is there still sufficient immunity if someone was infected 3 to 3.5 years ago with a variant that is completely out of date by now.

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Exposure to infected individuals gives our natural immunity a boost and probably a bit of an update each time. You don't need to be symptomatically ill for this to occur, if I recall statements by Dr. Peter McCullough correctly.

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Sure, but is that also true for the quaxxinated? I don't think so, at least not to the same extent because the bioweapon injection sidelines the innate immune system and causes antibody dependent enhancement of infection, so the boosting of natural immunity doesn't work very well even if someone had been exposed to the virus before quaxxination.

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The quaxxinated keep getting (really) sick. I am currently witnessing this. They are on their 2nd - 4th round of the Rona and keep ending up in bed severely ill and off work for a week or more.

And I, unvaxxed, remain healthy. My partner, who had corona and subsequently took 2 Novavax shots to be able to travel to Canada, is also continuously healthy. I figure that for him it's the combo of having natural immunity and then only taking non-mRNA shots which don't persist in the body for months (longer?). Plus he went on a vax-injured supplement protocol for a year, preventatively, at my insistence.

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The happy valley:

Just in time for the poisonous antidote to the poisonous jab.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I can give you my anecdote. My relatives got the shots. Only one had a long term adverse reaction afterward, with circulation in the leg, with stiffening, neurological issues. Others reported no other. Then last winter they all got COVID-19 and one quite older vaxxed relative got reinfected multiple times over a couple months (Note both I and my mom are unvaxxed, already were infected and did fine last winter even when after visiting them). Things got very bad, two came down with pneumonia and one who had no seeming side effect from the shots for a while then got very bad pneumonia with low oxygen followed by a massive stroke, now permanently disabled. So it seems as you hypothesized

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I am sorry to hear this, hopefully they get better and I appreciate supporting data points here

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Declines in extra deaths (rather than excess mortality) compared to a base line (adjusted for net migration and births) of, say 2015-2019 is definitely an unequivocal positive. Maybe there has been a culling of the elderly and inform that is not being repeated - or maybe, as I suspect, excess mortality is down because demand for injections has collapsed.

My guesstimates for the US are a little extreme but are consistent with a rule of thumb of one death per thousand doses - with around 200 adverse events per thousand doses (15 "severe" - life altering and 6 "serious" - life threatening - "events per thousand).

for the US, there have been around 500,000 extra deaths for each of 2020, 2021 and 2022.

I guesstimate that just 10% of 2020 extra deaths were C19, the rest were iatrogenic (like Remdesivir or deprivation of food and water or psychological stress that removed the "will to live") or from the withholding of treatments (like anti-biotics or IVM/HCQ) - for 2021 around 60% of extra deaths (300,000) were from injections culling the elderly and infirm. (especially those infirm with obesity/diabetes as part of the 2-6 con-morbidities associated with C19 and injection deaths).

Much of the same for 2021 goes for 2022.

I believe what we are seeing with fewer extra deaths is the collapse in vaxx demand and the inexorable return to higher numbers as the impact on the immune systems of society at large manifest with new infections.

I think Geert has it right. The C19 infection is dormant and waiting to manifest in other variants. We can hope these new variants are as benign as Omicron, but it is a coin toss.

(I like the analogy of a reduction of immune system capability of 25% per dose. Each dose induces the equivalent of a reduction in age. You can live with a shot or negative immune system, but you are vulnerable - like AIDS.

My point? No vaxx, no immediate extra deaths - BUT - increases in extra deaths from an already culled/harvested/"dry tindered" population. Fertility rates bear watching as do rates of birth defects and fertility in children of the vaxxed/infected.

Great to read your work as it greatly assists understanding. Onwards!

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The immune system has a limited number of soldiers ,all of them working full time. When some are drawn into new unnecessary duties ( covid rna vacc spike protein related ) their place on the line becomes undefended ' with consequent excess mortality from un /or late /detected cancers, infections ; and unballenced immune reactions e.g. allergy ,immune storm, and autoimmune diseases

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The cancer gene is also turned off with the jab. Don’t know the mechanism. Dr. should be able to explain it!

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Cancer is just cell mutation that the body can no longer clean up

It comes from radiation and bad signals. Like dna changes. Emotional trauma also is a form of energy or radiation

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I think BOTH have to be correct: while much of the excess mortality is seen in "waves" corresponding to COVID surges, the mRNA vaccines also DIRECTLY kill. The "gold standard" of evidence randomized clinical trials from Pfizer and Moderna BOTH had a 15-17% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo.

Pfizer: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf – Table S4

Moderna: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf – Table S26

Layman's summary of clinical trial results here: https://dailysceptic.org/2022/04/09/covid-vaccines-increase-risk-of-heart-related-deaths-by-up-to-50-lancet-analysis-of-trial-data-finds/

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Dr Tenpenny has written about the 40 - rad them, FORTY - mechanisms of death associated with the jab, the so called vaccine.

there is not only one thing that kills but 40 of them, ALL of them jab related but clearly operating over different time spans.

to claim that covid itself is more deadly than thought you would have to rule out the differing time lines of these forty mechanism

so i am not convinced.

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There is no diff between covid the b weapon and the mrna b weapons.

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I think there is a difference in that an unjabbed person can use their natural immune system to get rid of the spike proteins from the infection and then have immunity.

I don't think the natural immune system can clear the spike proteins from the jabs quiet as easily (or ever, IDK), and the jabs don't confer immunity

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Well the spike proteins have to penetrate the skin and nostrils, which is part of the immune system filtering stuff out. That is why injections bypass the immune system's defenses. The mrna causes the cells themselves (all of them apparently even past the blood brain) to produce the spike proteins. So the immune system begins attacking the entire body as the cause of the infection.

This was likely unintended as the disclosure video I linked to, highlights. It was supposed to be a slow kill and gateway drug for nanotech cyborg hacking of the human body. Having it kill people and sterilize them by passing into the heart, brain, and reproduction organs, was not intended. Not yet at least.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Do the weakened immune systems from the boosters also account for the increase in fungus cases- like c.auris being reported on the upswing in the US? Will there be also an increase in deaths possibly for other types of illnesses- even during low periods of respiratory illnesses?

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maybe airborne fungus included in chemtrails… no one seems to be interested in what they are spraying on us

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I'd like to see a deep dive into how Bulgaria (and Romania) have escaped the norm, and more than just looking at vax rates but also societal reaction, governmental policy, lifestyle

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In general, and as a guess: Retention of common sense and healthy instincts in the more rural countries? Also, Romania has a substantial population of Gypsies, and they are streetwise even to the point of recognizing the Judas goats nudging them towards the poison death shot.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Interesting data. You may be on to something. The wave data may signal some interactions between the jabbed and covid or any Coronavirus for that matter. Infection on top of being jabbed may set off a host of immunologic dysfunction leading to waves of increased ACM. we'll need to follow this out longer.

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If there is a binary toxin at play, there will be interaction.

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"The future is hard to predict"

Especially when reliable statistics are almost impossible to obtain.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, have you read Ethical Skeptic’s latest thread showing steady increases in non-covid mortality?

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Not the latest but I do look at him, I wish I could reproduce his calculations

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

When Dr. Peter Aaby's group found excess mortality from DTP shots in Africa, the deaths were due to illnesses other than diphtheria, pertussis or tetanus. Seems similar to now.

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Wow! I’m gonna look this up. Always Africa, no wonder they didn’t want the shot. They knew.

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