The not-so-hidden subtext of the very first statement regarding the awfulness dangerousness of free speech seems pretty obvious to me. “…..they were still largely controlled by the elites.” He’s jonesing for a return to the good ‘ol days, since it was so much better; when the peons did not have a way to get their thoughts and opinions out en masse, and without inference, to the public square.
Well, women are a threat to democracy now aren't they? After all, we like playing sports and competing against other women, and we like women's scholarships to be given to women. We like power lifting and doing jiu jitsu, and doing those things with orher women. And that's just not fair to the men who cant compete against other men and want to compete against women instead. We women make ludicrous claims like "men are built physically different than women" and "men have a genetic physical advantage over women in terms of strength and speed", and "women could be injured by competing in contact sports against men". Even more crazy is our claim that there are 2 genders/sexes, male and female. All of this crazy talk is just hate speech and threatens the safety and fairness to REAL women, you know, the ones originally born as males who know EXACTLY what it's like to be a woman and face all the difficulties that women have historically faced. Jp sears says it best in his videos, it's just so unfair and undemocratic to try and stop men from competing w women in women's sports.
Some Americans still understand what "inalienable" means. The Ruling Class suspended our Constitution on wholly fraudulent grounds and with that the rule of law. (Need I list the ways?) Note that they have yet to be restored. We, the Masses, now owe you Elites nothing but contempt; consent of the governed can be withdrawn.
The Ruling Class has pushed us Masses back upon our remaining founding document, The Declaration of Independence, which reads, in relevant part:
"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Willful suspension of rights given by God evinces a design to reduce us under absolute despotism. Mr. Martin is undoubtedly right in perceiving that we, the Masses, are a threat to his "democracy."
This last half-century-plus has been an interesting time to be alive and watch communication infrastructure evolve, Igor.
Of particular interest has been the ways and means of restricting distribution, or "reach" as its now referred to.
If we consider the cost of dissemination, those of a certain vintage will recall mimeograph machines and scraping together the cost of paper. They will also recall standing on corners, handing out mimeographed broadsheets and watching the majority of the handouts thrown in the trash or simply dropped on the sidewalk, adding to the windblown litter in the gutters.
As dissidents formed groups and accumulated funding, mimeographed broadsheets were replaced by more readable newsletters printed on presses. The economics were not just a matter of obtaining funds, they were also the result of the way offset printing came down in cost because of economies of scale.
Still, it came down to the fundamental economics of "everything costs and everyone pays." When you followed the money, it was a very simple matter to discover who was paying for the paper and press time (and sometimes, radio spots, assuming one could get the station owners to accept the ad.)
It's a lot more complex now, but the same basic principles apply. Follow the money.
Pundits advocating now for restrictions on nonviolent speech are singing the same song as the censors of yesteryear. Back then, it was the "right," today it's the "left." Same fight to control the thought processes of citizens, different label for the tyrants. Every stricture imposed by government is enforced by means of violence.
Beneath the labels, skulks the same aspiration; gaining and holding the power to control the lives and livelihoods of others. Some aspects of human behavior never change.
This is scary. If we had real free speech and a real skeptical free press, the Covid vaccines might not have been so popular .... because so many more people would have understood that the flu "vaccines" were a scam.
In my opinion, until the Covid Vaccine, the Flu Vaccine qualified as the greatest Big Pharma/Public Health Scam of our lifetimes.
It's hard to believe, but the globeandmail was a decent paper at one time. I was a subscriber for over 2 decades. When I finally pulled the plug last year on my subscription, the poor agent asked why I was cancelling. I said, I had grown so disgusted with the content since the start of the pandemic, I simply couldn't stomach it any more. She was hoping to give me discount and her response showed her disappointment and shock.
The owners of the globeandmail -- Bell Media -- has been heavily subsidized by the government for years now. What a sad state of affairs.
Yep Yuval Harari or No wings Ferrari I call him. 'Free' implies no collusion, corruption self agrandising and definitely no using your brain as God intended, (Im sorry I forgot to use grammarly) did I mention not being controlled or manipulated by implants hacking of the mind all of which will replace the image of man made in his rightful reflection God - according to 'no wings'. Thats the true basis of freedom, un fettered, not made in another image say a idolic mix of quantum computers and Ai...controlled fettered and captured in a data driven cage- no choice, no morals , no ethics no value of a human ...just zeros and ones, zeros and ones, zzz's and nones, Im asleep already! No imagination Yuval...oops I forgot Ai doesnt allow any.
Happily uninformed by the corporate media and government here thanks. I only become aware of some current events via a few Substacks and the odd internet video. Watching wildlife such as birds do their thing is far preferable, and wisdom producing.
For 'excessive free speech' there is 'excessive censorship'. Well, 'they' can try but people will find ways to communicate come what may. 'They' are scared of 'people power', scared especially of unity in people power, so they want to foment division as well as censor. Us speaking freely is depicted as a 'threat to democracy', a statement so 'excessive', so patently the rage of tyranny that it stands like a totem for resistance. Free speech is the people's citadel and must never be breached.
I remember when the Guardian found out that the readership actually had opinions of their own, and did not hesitate to express them. That was the end of "comment is free." Haha.
Allowing the neighborhood wildlife to take notice of you by your raised tail, which signals to them that you are not "hunting" at the moment, anyway, seeing that the truth has been made plain and any hope for a successful "hunt" (for the truth?) has evaporated.
The not-so-hidden subtext of the very first statement regarding the awfulness dangerousness of free speech seems pretty obvious to me. “…..they were still largely controlled by the elites.” He’s jonesing for a return to the good ‘ol days, since it was so much better; when the peons did not have a way to get their thoughts and opinions out en masse, and without inference, to the public square.
Globalist shill.
Cancelled my subscriptions to G&M,Wash-Post,NYT, Guardian about 4 years ago.Free agent now.
Well, women are a threat to democracy now aren't they? After all, we like playing sports and competing against other women, and we like women's scholarships to be given to women. We like power lifting and doing jiu jitsu, and doing those things with orher women. And that's just not fair to the men who cant compete against other men and want to compete against women instead. We women make ludicrous claims like "men are built physically different than women" and "men have a genetic physical advantage over women in terms of strength and speed", and "women could be injured by competing in contact sports against men". Even more crazy is our claim that there are 2 genders/sexes, male and female. All of this crazy talk is just hate speech and threatens the safety and fairness to REAL women, you know, the ones originally born as males who know EXACTLY what it's like to be a woman and face all the difficulties that women have historically faced. Jp sears says it best in his videos, it's just so unfair and undemocratic to try and stop men from competing w women in women's sports.
Bet the next post will be on the bridge disappearing in Baltimore...
The LIghter Sider of Covid - my list of the different names and flavors of Covid - by Covid Category ...
Some Americans still understand what "inalienable" means. The Ruling Class suspended our Constitution on wholly fraudulent grounds and with that the rule of law. (Need I list the ways?) Note that they have yet to be restored. We, the Masses, now owe you Elites nothing but contempt; consent of the governed can be withdrawn.
The Ruling Class has pushed us Masses back upon our remaining founding document, The Declaration of Independence, which reads, in relevant part:
"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Willful suspension of rights given by God evinces a design to reduce us under absolute despotism. Mr. Martin is undoubtedly right in perceiving that we, the Masses, are a threat to his "democracy."
This last half-century-plus has been an interesting time to be alive and watch communication infrastructure evolve, Igor.
Of particular interest has been the ways and means of restricting distribution, or "reach" as its now referred to.
If we consider the cost of dissemination, those of a certain vintage will recall mimeograph machines and scraping together the cost of paper. They will also recall standing on corners, handing out mimeographed broadsheets and watching the majority of the handouts thrown in the trash or simply dropped on the sidewalk, adding to the windblown litter in the gutters.
As dissidents formed groups and accumulated funding, mimeographed broadsheets were replaced by more readable newsletters printed on presses. The economics were not just a matter of obtaining funds, they were also the result of the way offset printing came down in cost because of economies of scale.
Still, it came down to the fundamental economics of "everything costs and everyone pays." When you followed the money, it was a very simple matter to discover who was paying for the paper and press time (and sometimes, radio spots, assuming one could get the station owners to accept the ad.)
It's a lot more complex now, but the same basic principles apply. Follow the money.
Pundits advocating now for restrictions on nonviolent speech are singing the same song as the censors of yesteryear. Back then, it was the "right," today it's the "left." Same fight to control the thought processes of citizens, different label for the tyrants. Every stricture imposed by government is enforced by means of violence.
Beneath the labels, skulks the same aspiration; gaining and holding the power to control the lives and livelihoods of others. Some aspects of human behavior never change.
Whenever you disagree with a Liberal, their mask of tolerance falls to reveal the tyrant lurking behind.
Remember your own neighbors and even relatives wanted you dead or locked up during Covid for not complying.
This is scary. If we had real free speech and a real skeptical free press, the Covid vaccines might not have been so popular .... because so many more people would have understood that the flu "vaccines" were a scam.
In my opinion, until the Covid Vaccine, the Flu Vaccine qualified as the greatest Big Pharma/Public Health Scam of our lifetimes.
I wonder joos behind all the censorship...ask Candace Owens she might have an idea
It's hard to believe, but the globeandmail was a decent paper at one time. I was a subscriber for over 2 decades. When I finally pulled the plug last year on my subscription, the poor agent asked why I was cancelling. I said, I had grown so disgusted with the content since the start of the pandemic, I simply couldn't stomach it any more. She was hoping to give me discount and her response showed her disappointment and shock.
The owners of the globeandmail -- Bell Media -- has been heavily subsidized by the government for years now. What a sad state of affairs.
This is COOL!
Yep Yuval Harari or No wings Ferrari I call him. 'Free' implies no collusion, corruption self agrandising and definitely no using your brain as God intended, (Im sorry I forgot to use grammarly) did I mention not being controlled or manipulated by implants hacking of the mind all of which will replace the image of man made in his rightful reflection God - according to 'no wings'. Thats the true basis of freedom, un fettered, not made in another image say a idolic mix of quantum computers and Ai...controlled fettered and captured in a data driven cage- no choice, no morals , no ethics no value of a human ...just zeros and ones, zeros and ones, zzz's and nones, Im asleep already! No imagination Yuval...oops I forgot Ai doesnt allow any.
Happily uninformed by the corporate media and government here thanks. I only become aware of some current events via a few Substacks and the odd internet video. Watching wildlife such as birds do their thing is far preferable, and wisdom producing.
There is much wisdom in your lifestyle!
For 'excessive free speech' there is 'excessive censorship'. Well, 'they' can try but people will find ways to communicate come what may. 'They' are scared of 'people power', scared especially of unity in people power, so they want to foment division as well as censor. Us speaking freely is depicted as a 'threat to democracy', a statement so 'excessive', so patently the rage of tyranny that it stands like a totem for resistance. Free speech is the people's citadel and must never be breached.
I remember when the Guardian found out that the readership actually had opinions of their own, and did not hesitate to express them. That was the end of "comment is free." Haha.
I used to be curious about "experts."
Now I just high tail it away when the claim is made...
Allowing the neighborhood wildlife to take notice of you by your raised tail, which signals to them that you are not "hunting" at the moment, anyway, seeing that the truth has been made plain and any hope for a successful "hunt" (for the truth?) has evaporated.