Yeah I believe that humanity is doomed! There's a lot of truth in this article! When I was little and growing up I remembered my mother always bad mouthing and putting down "the younger generations" or "this younger generation" this and that! 🙄 I got soo sick of hearing that! I was like well "maybe if you old ass MF'ERS stop putting us younger folks down then we might be interested in what you have to say!" "So with y'all continuously putting us down and complaining about "our ways" then why in TF should we (younger generations/this younger generation)be the least bit interested in what your old ass has to say?"🤷‍♀️So if older generations of people would start looking for the positive things in younger people instead of always "expecting" something "negative" or "negative behaviors" from younger people then would be a nice start! It's the job of the previous older generations to pass down their knowledge, traditions and ways to the younger generations of people! I've experienced this feeling myself with my own mother trying to tell me things! I was like "ok you just got off the phone talking trash about me to your sister or whoever about "this younger generation doing this or that or not doing what we(the older generations)were made to do!" "So why in TF should I be interested in anything that you've got to say after you've bad mouthed me and talked sh*t about me to whoever you were talking too on the phone!" "So I'm not interested in what you have to say, sorry!" So to me that's a completely normal way to feel after overhearing somebody talking trash about a person to another person! So to me it's like "I just overheard you trashing me and speaking disrespectfully about me to somebody so why in TF should I show you any respect right now or be interested in what you have to say, because I'm not!" Just saying! That kind of behavior from the "older generations" really does make a difference because you are gonna get back in return whatever you send out! So if older generations of people are speaking negatively all the time about the younger generations of people then what can these older generations of people expect back in return!

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History goes through cycles -- smaller ones of 80 years or so, and longer ones of 240 years or so. The bottom of each cycle has been nasty each time.

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"Kids these days!!!"

(Said with shaken fist in Grandpa Simpson Voice.)

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Brilliant. I have observed the same thing, but I never went to the effort to validate it across a millennia.

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Great post Igor, thanks.

Hope you had a nice holiday.

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There was one exception, those born 1955-1965. Just a freaking awesome generation, every age if their lives

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It's called 'evolution' - every 'innovation' brings change and change is the only constant.

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Feb 23Liked by Igor Chudov

The quotes are actually of some comfort, @ least to me: just when I (boomer) think the generations following mine are lazy, worthless, entitled & stupid (as the generations before me undoubtedly thought of my own generation - with some validity!), I realize there truly is nothing new under the sun & civilization has survived, despite us

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Feb 22Liked by Igor Chudov

Read Juvenal. You can replace his biting satire about Rome with any modern city.

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Feb 22Liked by Igor Chudov

Civilizing the next generation is an ongoing struggle. What's new in this time is the stream of discivilizational voices in the ears of the young through phones/music/media/social media/school. This has been growing for a couple of generations now, from a whisper to a constant roar in just the past 10 years. It remains to be seen whether the consequences to overall western civilization will be permanently fatal.

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Feb 22Liked by Igor Chudov

The problem today is, the technocrats can use modern technology to exploit weaknesses in younger generations in ways never possible in the past. We really are in trouble at this point in history due to that fact.

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If that quote from Horace was written about 20 BC, it would have been near the end of about 20 years of civil war following Julius Caesar's assassination. Certainly a good time to be pessimistic, yes?

I had heard that quote before but didn't know the time period, other than it was sometime in ancient Rome. The Roman republic is said to have been reaching the end of its life due to corruption. (I can relate to that!) And Romans supposedly were slowly going crazy due to lead poisoning due to lead water pipes, dishes and makeup, although that's disputed.

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Hell yes we're doomed! We've been doomed since before Aristotle was bitchin' about it. But Doom kinda enjoys its very long-lived fame and notoriety, so he's not flipped the switch just yet.

In all seriousness Igor, check this hypothesis out. I think you'll really enjoy it.

Looking down on the whole history of humanity, and its ever-increasing Dark Tetrad (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/dark-tetrad) dementia, surely there is some fundamental reason why this is happening, repeating over and over again?

I find that this hypothesis pulls myriad pieces of the puzzle together from many diverse disciplines, and has a very strong ring of truth to it:




and/or this video:


Here is the book:


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Feb 22Liked by Igor Chudov

Generations you say?

Many of those born today won't have a chance to speak to their grandparents, much less their great-grandparents. Heck, in urban areas there's a growing demographic of children who don't even know who their father is.

Maybe the biggest failing of the coming Young Generations is that their only knowledge of the past, beyond a few decades perhaps, will come from Wikipedia and state approved history lessons.

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Feb 22Liked by Igor Chudov

My great grandchildren will never know the hardship of struggling through ten feet of shag carpet to change the TV channel.

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Feb 22Liked by Igor Chudov

Youth is wasted on the young is another quote I've heard before. The Buddha had many good ones such as: 1) Intoxicated with youth, health and life. 2) The mountain of old age and death closes in on all sides incrementally...

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