So this guy faked data to make a certain group of people out to be VICTIMS??

Why am i NOT surprised?

However I expect the cohorts of "woke" will refuse to accept that these articles may have been retracted for good reason, for their conspiracy theory must live on

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Have you seen my philosophical dive into wokism? Personally, I think that the woke ideology is a creation of the alphabets, designed to keep is divided, weak and forever-confused.


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Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Anyone who says "It’s the Jews (blacks, Hispanics, etc.)" instantly destroys their own credibility. As Ayn Rand said "Racism is the most primitive form of tribalism."

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, come on man!!!


"...evil lurking in the hearts of regular white or cisgender people."

Just because someone can't figure out what kind of panties they want to get into a bunch because they are confused doesn't mean they get to change the definition of me. Don't fall into their trap, letting THEM redefine YOU.

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For reasons best understood by the academic, he wanted to precipitate affirmative action in the form of black lynchings of whites.

The payoff for him, as I see it, is that every such lynching would validate his belief in his own superiority inasmuch as he is successfully playing god. To do so means he is at least a demigod; which is every academics and scientists wet dream.

It has been my experience that a great many academics and scientists think this way, thus exposing their essential sociopathy and, dare I say it, stupidity. "Academia is the new stupid", upon which topic I have written in more detail elsewhere.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Knew it.

Every time you read that crap you know some Lefty Libtard made up that sh..t to push the crap agenda.

Just like Jessy Smollet and the fake Soros DA women Kim? who let him off.

There is a hilarious recent video where the two African goons he hired to help him pull off the fake narrative that cost decent citizens a fortune in legal processes turn around and make fun of POS Jesse faking everything. Sorry don't have the link. 🫣

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What is racism? Is there positive racism?

In the UK, certain ethnic and religious groups choose to congregate in certain towns and cities - Bedford and Cardiff have large Italian contingents. In Bedford, one in five of the town's residents have Italian descent. Twenty Five percent of the population of Bradford are of Pakistani origin. Famously multi-culti London has high ethnic concentrations in some areas. Does this make the population of these places racist? If some people choose to live amongst their own, to live among people with shared stories, shared histories, shared traditions, shared religions, shared connections - is that evil? Or should it be accepted as just how people are?

Do we believe in freedom - freedom to associate with whoever we choose, for any reason we like - or are we condemning those who don't embrace the Globo-homo-multi-cultural mantras? If humans are tribal animals, why must we abhor this facet of our nature? Does it really all come down to Hitler?

There's a lot of double standards going on. I might even venture to say anti-white racism. Often it seems that when white people want to "live amongst their own" or form groups to look after their own interests it's proof of their racism. However when any other group wishes to do likewise it seems perfectly acceptable. Consider the National Black Police Association. Perfectly acceptable. How about a White Police Association, would that be considered OK?

Personally, as a contented misanthrope, I have a fairly low opinion of humanity as a whole, irrespective of genetic origins, religion, or any other characteristic, but I tend towards letting people live as they want to, and associate with whoever they want to, without judgement.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I used to the think I was prejudice against foreigners, then I realized it is because of my hearing and the frustration of trying to understand their accents. It isn't them, it is me.

Basic civility, be a good person and I will try to be the same. The Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments. I admit it can be hard sometimes.

It is called The Agenda. People get paid big bucks to sit around and come up w/this stuff. Some of it may have some truth, but most of it is a lie. Sad part it is effective, divides people, makes people miserable, and it kills people. Sometimes I feel bad for Black people because they are being so used for the Agenda it is disgusting. I wish they would revolt. Have you ever tried to sit through an episode of Finding Your Roots? The Gates guy is a piece of work. I LOVE it when someone knocks him down a few notches. It is a shame because I find the premise of the show interesting, but regardless of your DNA he makes sure there is a slave connection. It pains him greatly when there isn't one. How much money has he made off pushing that Agenda?

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

“ faking data to support conclusions desired by the authors”... where have I seen that before?

I live in a small, antipodean, regional centre.

I was schooled and grew up in a community of people from many backgrounds. Race wasn’t even on the radar. It wasn’t a consideration. There was people, friendships and community. Racial agendas were later created by politicians and disseminated by the media at the expense of community.

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A teacher friend warned me this would happen in 2003 due to a change in teaching methods. I started noticing in 2014 among adults.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Understanding the woke/BLM lies is the gateway to understanding the entire (mis)information environment we’re living in. The whole narrative is based on the premise that disparate group outcomes = systemic racism. But all one needs to understand to see through this lie is the basic fact that different groups commit violent crime at different rates, which completely explains the disparate outcomes in the criminal justice system. Once you see how the obvious BLM/woke lies are propagated throughout the MSM/Hollywood/Democrat/Deep State/academia ecosystems, you understand how the sausage gets made. Then you can see the same techniques being deployed in far more complex subjects, like Covid and the war in Ukraine.

Criminology and other sociological fields are full of this sort of nonsense. The amount of human and financial resources our society spends on paying social science “experts” to manufacture a woke reality is staggering.

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Of course racism exists.

But it is a small minority and it exists on all sides of the race divide. Not just in one direction.

I think, they need racism to exist.

I think, they need sexism, ageism, religious persecution, homophobia and division.

Because without those ideas they have less tools to work with. Less boogie men to point at. Less fear and division to exploit.

Problem - reaction - solution.

If there is no problem.

There are no predetermined solutions either.

And those solutions are solid investments.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Academics are rarely able to think outside their own priors and prejudices. They're incentivised to conformity and pettiness. Much of what they see as, e.g. racism, is just rough banter. One can see quite a bit of that in the skilled trades. For all the jibes, there's a real solidarity and appreciation for skills, regardless of ethnicity or creed. As Igor says, most people are decent. They harbour no hate.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It all boils down to the fact of the human condition. Human beings are in actuality, very religious by instinct, nature; some would determine...BY GOD.

When human beings REFUSE God as so many of the west now do; it's only logical for evil and hatred to inhabit a space inside, both individually and en mass, where only God really fits and for the evil and hatred to then become the religion. WOKE is a 'Totalitarian/Authoritarian Hybrid' CULT...A total atheistic phenomenon. THE WOKE HAVE MADE HATRED AND EVIL OF SATAN THEIR GOD...THE DEVIL. As time has progressed, really is seeming to be that simple.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Racism / prejudice exists in every category, coupled with stereo typing and over generalisation.

Fundamentally we have the sense and memories of persecution and experience of unfair treatments to various degrees.

Also, human beings are visually oriented and tend to pay more attention to appearances in the first place.

In effect the victims can easily and equally become the perpetrators.

Empowering one particular group in an exclusive manner and neglecting the rest causes an imbalance in society as a whole. It doesn't work.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

There is systemic racism of course. Here in Canada the first nations were treated horribly for a hundred years which is a big psychic scar that takes time to heal if the conditions are right. They aren't quite right. Diabetes is out of control among the population as is alcoholism too. The fanatics say that it's the native's fault and why aren't they more like us? It's only been a few decades since the residential school system was dismantled where native kids were taken to be de-cultured. Many died. Most are scarred. To not take some responsibility for what went on is avoidance which is common really on the right where responsibility is sometimes raised to the status of virtue,

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