"Let me suggest that it is not the child's age that causes the production of ineffective IgG4 antibodies."

A lot of modern childhood vaccines target ubiquitous microbes that everybody encounters all the time. I haven't looked into them much but I suspect they essentially just take credit for normal development of immune recognition of the microbiome. So when you give these products to kids after 5, they already have memory B cells for these proteins, now you are over-sensitizing those B Cells and creating tolerance. As an off-hand guess of what is happening.

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Love your idea!

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

On this note, I’d like to post here the original video on vimeo from Boston Children’s Group which my pediatric neurology group sent to me to encourage all parents with children between 2-11 to get vaccinated- no matter how vulnerable their health was (my youngest daughter has a seizure disorder). This was sent November 11, 2021. At around the 20 minute mark is when they start talking about how the vaccine leaves your body and leaves no trace, etc. It’s truly a time capsule into seeing what they were saying and re-iterating to all parents. I’m surprised they didn’t erase it yet so I’m hoping you find a way to make an archival copy.


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I am listening now - sad to think about all the parents who got misled

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It was so creepy to watch it again, I remember my blood boiling watching it the first time. Just so patronizing and honestly stating time and time again things that they couldn’t even possibly know because Pfizer never released any such data. It perfectly aligned with the misattributed child deaths from covid too.

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The childhood vaccine schedule is a massive scam.

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I was mentioning this to some folks over lunch yesterday --- 1 in 40 or so kids have autism and this all started with the deluge of vaccines that are given to kids in the 80's

They looked at me like I was nuts. I imagine they also believe we've been through the Van Allen Belts and landed on the moon as well...

All of them fully Rat Juiced - of course!

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Purchase them all a copy of Turtles All The Way Down for your next lunch and hand them out.

Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine... https://www.amazon.com/dp/9655981460?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

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I sent Turtles All The Way Down to my niece, to support her refusal to vaccinate her new born daughter. The hospital was going to give her baby a hepatitis shot AT BIRTH! She refused it and will refuse or delay other shots as time goes on and she learns more. Lucky she lives in TX.

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Great present. Thanks fir reminder!! It’s on my book list. Our first grandchild was born prematurely at 29/40. As vigilante G’ma I stayed near her, previous experience with infant development. She’s now a stunning unvaxxed 6 year old. At her planned discharge at only 36/40, not full term, paediatrician assumed she’d get the Hepatitis shot and told mother the babies sometimes ‘crash’ after the shot so they keep these babies on monitor for 24/7 post shot. Alert smart mother refused. No thanks to demonic dr.

This protocol alerted us to the scandal of the childhood schedule so I read up massively. By the time this plandemic was rolled out it was an all to obvious overt plan to inject the world. $$$$ plus a dimension of power and control now evident via US ( global) DOD involvement. I am forever thankful to our dear granddaughter for the alarm bells.

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I got the book (Kindle) and it is a eye opener. People think that we are so advanced today and have pity for those benighted doctors 50 years ago that knew comparatively nothing. People also rely on authority and cannot be bothered to research anything I'm depth. MSM has relied on people not reading articles and only reading the headline. I've seen several studies where the conclusion was completely different than what the article expressed. The fake research studies on HCQ and IVM have several news articles where it is very apparent that the writer either deliberately "got it wrong" or never read the article. But 'turtles all the way down " exposes more than that. Those little tablets of small print often present in drug packaging talk of "placebos" used in control groups that are absolutely NOT "placebos" but instead active biological agents to cover up adverse events by comparing the "placebo" number of adverse events with the number of adverse events in the drug being tested. It's not a apple to apple comparison, and I'm amazed more people (like doctors) are unaware of this "gaming" of the clinical trials.

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Yes! I read that early in the jab program. They actually endangered their control group as well. Then vaxxed the control ”for their own safety “. Hell is going to need plenty of space for its soon burgeoning population. Until the cleansing forever fire that is.

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They throw it in the trash

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It's closer to 1 one in 35 by now. Before we know it (a decade or two from now,) if the skyrocketing trend continues, at least 1/2 of all children will be autistic, if we don't stop this madness entirely. Full blown autism is the most extreme manifestation of vaccine injury, with the exception of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Everyone who is vaxed is harmed, whether or not they're aware of the fact.

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A friend's daughter just had her first baby, and I was shocked to learn that doctors are now telling new mothers not to use blankets of any kind for sleeping infants in their cribs. Sleepers only, because blankets cause SIDS.

It's child abuse from day 1, withholding soft comfort and the enveloping warmth of soft materials. It's cold here in Winter, and even an overheated room can't give that feeling of embrace. Maternal /parental instinct is being trashed.

My friend rolled her eyes and said "Apparently I don't know anything anymore."

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I believe you! Some bad effects from them manifest later in life.

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No, I believe the damage from childhood vaccines manifests early in life, soon after receiving the injections, but because for most people the damage is not extreme enough to be noticed by the child's parents (or they DO notice, but they don't realize the change in their child is due to having been vaxed) we're intellectually unaware of the fact that we're vax-damaged. The damage is cumulative: each successive vaccination increases the damage that's previously been inflicted. It's not only neurological damage: our immune systems are damaged; vaccinated people are prone to allergies and autoimmune diseases, as well as many other illnesses, including cancer.

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I meant that bad effects can also manifest later in life, especially if we also have genetic damage. I was vaxed a lot in grade school and also have a family history of allergies. However, I treat them with natural healing. NO DRUGS!

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Eventually it would be a world of zombies! Ha

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Kind of is already!

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Yeah. I know someone believing that man has travelled through the Van Allen Belts and to the moon. He also believes in quackinations with Fauci's Ouchies! It is reported that director Stanley Kubrick under gov duress filmed the Moon Landing in 1969. He filmed clues about this in his movie, "The Shining."

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I have been wondering whether Vivian K. would say anything about it. Last time I saw her she was on Infowars, with Sean Stone, pointedly thanking Alex Jones for having saved millions from covidianism.

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Would be good to know.

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If you watched this -- there is tech from Space Odyssey used in faking the landings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

There are several clues that reference the Apollo program in The Shining: The "eagle landing" and American flag that move back and forth on the hotel manager's desk during the interview, the Tang in the hotel's storeroom, and the hexagonal carpet pattern and Apollo 11 sweater worn by Danny outside of Room 237, which some have interpreted as the "Moon Room"

I have looked into each of these symbols and discovered that they have different purposes - their moon landing significance was used by Kubrick to hide what he was really on about in The Shining, which was planting clues that Wendy was her son's primary abuser, not Jack.

The eagle statue is Ullman's office overlaps with his head. Kubrick uses bird imagery in The Shining much like Hitchcock did in The Birds - to symbolize feminine anger and emotional dysfunction. The yellow birds around Danny's room in the Boulder apartment are additional elements in that motif.

The Hexagons on the carpet are part of a 666 symbolism that Kubrick developed over multiple films, beginning with Lolita. You can see a hexagon next to General Ripper in Dr. Styrangelove, several associated with HAL in 2001 (including the three hex shaped engines of The Discovery - 666), and in the final scene of Full Metal Jacket, there's a hexagonal doorway in the sniper room that serves the same purpose.

Kubrick didn't fake the moon landings, but he was clever enough to use the fact that people think he did to hide some really interesting symbolism.

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Really? Do you REALLY believe that the US went to the Moon ever?

I heard that Kubrick died at 70 on the very day of some anniversary pertinent to this story.

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Yes. There are reflectors sitting on the Moon at the landing sites. Astronomers can bounce a laser off them, and by measuring the amount of time it takes for the pulse to return, very accurately measure the distance the light traveled.

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Anyone think this contraption held together by tape -- landed on the moon and made it back to Earth? If so you are mentally ill


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Stanley Kubrick's Confession: ALL the moon landings were faked and I was the one who filmed it all".


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They got the sound of the voice fairly close, but that guy looks nothing like Kubrick. A hoax to "prove" a hoax, lol. Nice!

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We know for 99.9% certainty JFK was not shot by LHO and 9/11 was a setup -- but "the moon landings were fake" story is absolute bs, probably put out by poison pill operators to discredit legit widespread suspicions about real conspiracies.

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I urge you to watch this ... the come back and we can discuss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY

I was you - then I watched that. I would bet my life that we have not been to the moon - it is simply impossible.

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Some time back,there were a few news items about all the computers, etc., all support material for the moon landing having been discarded. Seemed strange, for such a historic event-- why wouldn't at least some of it be in the Smithsonian, or another public institution? Then some videos appeared questioning the science-- the flag waving in a non-existing wind, for eg... Not something I think about much, but all Official Stories are now suspect.

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American Moon - they interview 6 top photographers and all of them ask how they got both back and front lighting on the photos when NASA admits they did not carry the reflectors required to do this.

Answer - cuz it was all done in a studio on Earth

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Yes that is detailed in American Moon - they interview a NASA manager and he explains that there was a lot of stuff and it was taking up expensive storage space so they carted it all to the dump.

Hahaha.. ya don't think museums around the world might have taken it. Duh

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Unless you elaborate on "absolute bs.", your claim will remain just an opinion. Mazzucco in his American Moon effectively provides evidence, at length.

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Generally people who believe we have been to the moon ... will refuse to watch American Moon.

There is an avalanche of evidence that proves we have never been past low orbit ... including a clip where they show the astronauts being given instructions from a director ... and which shows them faking lunar orbit. This clip was apparently leaked by someone in NASA.

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Yep, landing was safe & effective. A month ago, I had a topical exchange with SmithFS re: Van Allen belts (https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/after-tucker-carlsons-bombshell-report/comments). You might enjoy the video - 20 seconds will do:

"So is this NASA Orion guy blabbering away?"


@ 3.00 - 3.45: ... dangerous radiation ... can harm guidance systems, etc. ... shielding will be put to the test ... radiation levels for scientists to study ... before we send people through this region of space.

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Maybe it's time for YOU to "Wakey Wakey!"


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Absolutely, it's called the the 'smear with feces' technique. I'm afraid Fast E is trying to pull a fast one. Always return to physical evidence -- plane parts in the wreckage (except at Pentagon), visible remnants of Apollo missions on the moon.

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What is visible to whom and how are they seeing it?

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NASA engineer admits they can’t get passed the Van Allen Belts


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Where are the engines at the Pentagon? Why is their video of a cruise missile like object striking the building.


NASA has begun drafting guidelines to protect the Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 landing sites, listing them as off-limits, and including ground-travel buffers and no-fly zones to avoid spraying rocket exhaust or dust onto aging, but historic, equipment.


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It used to be something like 1 in 30 000 and narrowed down all the way to 1 in 30.

The authorities - like Fauci - can't explain it.

But what we do see is a patient that coincides with the expansion of the vaccine schedule. This needs to be looked at. Actually, I think they already did a study and know the truth. They're just not telling the public.

Just like Tony knows the 'vaccines' are junk and masks are ineffective.

As to why. Sure, there's money involved But there may indeed be a bigger game in play.

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'The authorities - like Fauci - can't explain it.'

They'll probably blame climate change.

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it just occurred to me -- this must be due to climate change...

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I detect that The big game is an external construction imposed onto this possibly naive and certainly dysfunctional ‘public health/vaccination’ industry.

I think know many wise drs know and are uncomfortable about the increasing and diverse use of sophisticated’ ‘adjuvants’ in their sacred vaccines. The Pharma industry use adjuvants overtly to increase effect but covertly to increase profits. Having not ‘read up’ or ‘kept up’ with the science or as they are often unrealistically expected and obligated to do, medical drs obsequiously defer to ‘Authority’ and the summaries in their precious medical Journals, which, unbeknownst to many, were hi jacked long ago by big Pharma, as was the Cochrane Collaboration. So from the allopathic medicine position, it’s possible that it’s as simple as, being used indiscriminately for other purposes and profits. But some know the signals are all there, both in the childhood schedule and this latest demonic enterprise. The ones that spoke up were quickly removed.

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Yeah. Like MASSIVE DEATHS in spades! This is very typical of Nazi-style

programs initiated by The Christian Vatican in Rome. They also orchestrated

the Nazi Holocaust. THEIR AIM since The Third Century A.D.? Force Christianity

on the whole world! The Bible calls it "The Mark of the Beast," Revelation 13:18.

I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS!

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Imagine, all these beautiful children, without the scheduled Rat-Juice, and now this pseudouridine base as an add on for them to ‘battle with’..Market forces would turn these allopathic medical shrinks into herbalists overnight. Their covert belief in elite humans, eugenics, their own intellectual superiority and the ‘gene’ obsession thing would be exposed for what it is, or might simply be, or described to be, acids, alkalinity, energy etc. etc

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I've been hearing close to 50% of all boys these days have autism. But with this CV vaccine autism is probably the least of one's worries. There were also plenty of autistic kids before 1980's. There was just no notice of behavioral, learning or neurological problems in kids back then. Just like they ignored the tremendous amounts of lead poisoned kids too.

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First, I would not describe IgG4 synthesis as tolerance. It is just a different (desensitized) allergic state.

Injection of ANY antigen will cause IgE synthesis. Think of a failed hookworm entry attempt. Your body is exposed to injected hookworm protein and is making IgE that recognizes that protein. Ongoing exposure to the antigen will cause IgG4 synthesis.

IgE dominant mode is to aggressively prevent parasite infection. Upon contact with a parasite, IgE on mast cells cross-link, mast cells degranulate, releasing histamine. Resulting itch, scratching, physically prevents parasite entry. Once infected, IgE response is too aggressive and can damage the body (with anaphylaxis). So the immune system switches to less aggressive, ongoing IgG4/eosinophil mediated defense against the parasite (so not tolerance, but chronic low-grade battle).

"Individuals who had detectable levels of IgE but not IgG4 to rABA-1A (11%) had lower average levels of infection compared with individuals who produced anti-rABA-1A IgG4 (40%) and sero-negative individuals (49%) (P = 0.008). The ratio of IgG4/IgE in rABA-1A responders positively correlated with intensity of infection (P < 0.025)"


When we inject proteins, we are training the immune system to recognize those proteins as parasite antigens.


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I added a link to your article

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Vinu, are you aware that the investigative journalist, George Webb, who had the J and J jab and two bouts of COVID, was just diagnosed, unbeknownst to him, with myocarditis on a new. third generation EKG. I sent your Before EUA article, that includes eosinophilic myocarditis, to The Duke Report to be given to him. The Real George Webb 1 is on Twitter.


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I do not know what came over him (well, a spell perhaps?) to have lost his precious marbles and let himself be needle-poisoned. Plus, his son is a doctor, if I remember well. Due to his pioneering, investigative utube series ca 2016-20, GW was a candidate for elimination just as things stood. He is now on Substack, too, more or less rehashing the splendid material he produced in those crucial four years.

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Thank you, Castigator, Igor, and Vinu for your kindness and wisdom.

What is the portent of a new, third generation EKG? Painful Nuremberg revelations??

Please, please, please, Igor and Vinu, follow this story.

Prayers for George Webb. Prayers for all of us.

Thank you!

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Can you point to some papers/data showing IgE production after getting the covid juice?

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Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

makes total sense. wonder if this is it - in terms of casualties, or the vaxxed and probably shedding have more to go ...

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I believe the cycle will continue to a greater and lesser degree and effect individuals accordingly. Vaxxed are the super spreaders on so many levels as their body accepts and processes continually the products of the "shot"

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And of course when they get infected with Covid they become Mutation Factories...

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yes, just as Dr Geert Vanden Bossche predicted.

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Great thinking.

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The root problem causing most of our other problems is that our main operating system (government/schools/media) have been corrupted.

If you tell us the kind of systems that govern over you, we can accurately predict your quality of life. If those systems are corrupted then so are you (and your families).

It is time to organize with other like minded individuals and fix them.

We know the solutions. Decentralize everything. Demand transparency in systems. And most efficiently, weaponize the tyranny of the masses back onto the people corrupting our systems to end this Global Agenda.

Please, give this some thought: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/weaponized-direct-democracy-the-kryptonite?r=7oa9d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Thanks Igor.

My bivalent boosted (in early November) coworker and her husband tested positive on Friday.

More coworkers are testing positive now, but I don't know if they got the bivalent booster.

My PCR came back negative.

Pandemic of the Vaccinated, here we come!

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Congrats and stay healthy -- at this point the writing is on the wall for everyone - so it is up to them to decide

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Except it’s not as so many people don’t see excellent, on-the-money posts like these or refuse to believe them when you explain it to them or won’t look at the studies. Including members of my own family, now onto their fifth jab. I will keep chiselling away, but it’s a slow business - not unlike tunnelling that escape route in The Shawshank Redemption. And I do worry that redemption will not happen.

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Yes, it is up to them. They have access to the same information as you do. They have an advantage you didn't, someone like you to point them in the right direction. Yes, it's all on them. The only innocent victims are children and those coerced.

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Yes and it's often a mistake to trust governments and their apparatchiks. Or at least trust but verify.

Governments are not "there for you" and neither are it's minions.

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It must be so hard Gill. I just stopped trying to tell friends. It was weakening our relationship. These sure are the weirdest times to be alive. Take care.

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Everyone I know who took the covid jab has been sick.

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Most that took the jabs that I know of, have had major health troubles (heart attacks, strokes, cancer) but they still went for more. Total idiots.

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It's like they have a death wish.

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Yep, but then again, Covid IS a death cult.

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I've been watching this gal for the past day or so.


Bivalent boosted, heart attack, mystery vax injury, total pain and hospitalization, but the blue-pill has taken over her brain.

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It's sad to people most likely damaged for life...and then in such denial.

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The alphabet soup and Ukraine flags alone tell you exactly how that story will go. Human brains are amazing... at deluding themselves. “Long covid” lol.

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Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023

Yikes. That's just staggering. Can you imagine the rage she'll feel if it turns out this didn't just "happen" to her? That there was an avoidable cause? What if all these injured people figure it out at once?

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I genuinely feel bad for this gal, as much as she blamed us anti-vaxxers for everything.

I hope she can recover, but I suppose I am not optimistic.

Update: it's the voodoo dolls.

DivaDeadpool parody 😷💋🌊🎤🎭✡️🏳️‍🌈




Final update for now. I'm home. Was told there wasn't anything more that could be done in the hospital. I've been given lots more heart meds @ higher doses. Have to follow up with my cardiologist when he gets back from vacation. /1

DivaDeadpool parody 😷💋🌊🎤🎭✡️🏳️‍🌈




I'll also try to follow up outpatient w/a Gastro but for now, the doctors don't want me to stop taking blood thinners in order to get an endoscopy to find out if there is a gi issue... /2

DivaDeadpool parody 😷💋🌊🎤🎭✡️🏳️‍🌈




bc, I could have a heart attack or stroke out & die since I just had 4 stents in the summer.

I've asked what to do if I have a major heart pain episode again, and they said to come to the er. 😵‍💫🤯😰 /End

DivaDeadpool parody 😷💋🌊🎤🎭✡️🏳️‍🌈




If anyone has a voodoo doll of me, I kindly ask you to stop poking it. What'd I do to you?

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Sheesh... she may as well just take another booster and end the suffering

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I can't bear to watch.

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I think it's an Insecurity Cult. Insecure people fearing death and turning themselves over to the authorities for salvation. Then fearing to face reality as the consequences of their decisions become apparent, and then the final fear of accepting their self-imposed fate.

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Sorry but I do not buy that. People have been insecure in the past but they did not do fundamentally stupid things (like getting another jab when clearly the first one caused massive problems) and accept clearly absurd stuff from the media or the "experts". Natural immunity not as good as the jab? Super-immunity as a result of getting jabbed after having Covid? Seriously? These statements alone should have made people wake up and toss these sick, evil scumbags and their media acolytes onto the rubbish tip. Sorry but this is a Death and Total Stupidity cult.

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Fear is powerful motivator. They knew that which is why all of the ‘leaked’ chinese videos before the pandemic became the law—Who benefits? Connect the dots.

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Popularity, virtue signaling, and a bona fide (for them) scapegoat of unvaccinated people are also major traits. They don't seem to be very self aware, or maybe that's because few people ever correct them, or they can discount the people who do because of their perceived politics. Like Trumpers don't take these "vaccines"

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I think that is spot on! The most covidian patients of mine all are in in anxiety meds.

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You have hit the nail on the head. Early in the pandemics I remember thinking "there's all this insanity because these people were under some delusion they were going to live forever."

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"Correlation does not imply causation," they love to say.

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No, correlation implies causation, but it doesn't prove it.

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Because others say the same thing and people LOVE cliches. Saves them thinking

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They can't believe so many institutions they trust are full of people who want us all dead.

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What they might be able to believe, and what I believe is that there are incompetent people all up the chain. We keep expecting to find a "Great and Powerful Oz" but behind that is just a man behind the curtain.

Bill Gates, I always thought of him as an also-ran thief. Steve Jobs was also a thief..or stole the idea for the GUI, but bill Gates made the theft so obvious. Instead of a menu bar on top..a task bar on the bottoms...instead of trash can on the right...a recycle bin on the left.

There is something pathological about bill Gates, and in a similar fashion, Jobs had some of that pathology as well. But these people could be just as wrong as the rest of us, the only difference is Gates has a lot of money to throw at how wrong he is.

Yes, that man behind the curtain may want us all dead, but that man can also be horribly incompetent, and may...like those under him, not know what it is they are doing.

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Some of that is true, but it's hard to believed that the highly educated and experienced researchers in the fields of immunology and virology missed all this. If they did, then what have they been doing since grad school?

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Great comment, Jimmy. You have nailed some fundamental truths there. Gates is probably no different to other fringe activists with extreme ideologies who want to change the world - the difference being that he has had enormous power bestowed on him by virtue of the mega-billions that he has extracted as rent from the digital economy using the ideas and inventions of other people. James Corbett (on ‘The Corbett Report’) produced an incisive analysis of Gates and his family background. Gates’ father had close connections with the Eugenics Movement that are very disturbing.

An analysis video by the Children’s Health Defense organisation exposed equally disturbing activities with Gates-sponsored Tetanus vaccination ‘aid’ programs in Africa that were rendering large numbers of young women and girls permanently infertile. This program had little medical benefit and was only brought to a halt due to the protests of the Catholic bishops in East Africa once they got wind of what was happening.

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We’ve seen the gross incompetence but the

koolaid drinkers

can more easily

see all the

conflicts of

interest. We need to

post things like Fauci’s wife is in charge of overseeing Fauci, etc

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I think they are scared to death (!) that they are wong. So scared they can't face the possibility bc that might mean they could die.

(I was reading a list of SADs to a good friend last week, and she stopped me saying, "I don't want to hear any more bc it makes me afraid I might have a heart attack." She took 2 before she stopped.)

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they trusted their government. And 'public health'. This is (another) result of the indoctrination that the government schools "teach". Something around 200 MILLION people were KILLED by their governments between 1900 and 2000. Demicide is what it is called.

People think people in government are there to serve you, and are benign. Government is like other groups. There are powerful people who want to stay in power, they are NOT there for you.

Thats why people SHOULD want the smallest government that can do what needs doing, and there aren't all that many things that really need doing. National defense, a currency, post office, etc. The rest of the government powers are SUPPOSED to be returned to the states.

But, because of these powerful government people, government has expanded past all recognition. Just a few years after 9/11, it had DOUBLED.

Government could easily pare down 50% and still do what it's doing now. Every financial shut down (spending limits that happens every year), when it actually happens and is not just a threat, shows us the important stuff still gets done.

Governments KILL freedom.

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One of the reasons why 9/11 had to happen...to extend government overreach.

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This is my concern now. I think the era of Covid may soon be over (but I could be proven wrong).

I think we're entering the era of Unexplained Excess Deaths.

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We have been in that era for at least 6 months. It took that long for the mass of bodies to grow to the point where the scum from the media has to say something about it.

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Agreed. I think most of 2022..

I've seen more death and strange, unexpected or unexplained diseases in the last year than I have in the prior 20!

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Look, Fauci says to take it, the CDC says to take it, others are taking it. So why not take it?

They can't see the connection since there's mostly a time-gap between vax and the serious event. Super smart uncle who regularily read medical studies, distrusted the dentistry industry as bad medicine, dies in hospital. Neice finds vax receipt in his wallet and discovers booster vax was two weeks prior to heart attack. Doctors said it couldn't possibly be from the vax. I clued her in.

With all media clamped down not reporting adverse events, most don't believe there is any problem.

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Very sorry to hear about your uncle. However, just because lots of people say "Do it", I would not do so unless I was 100% sure it was beneficial. I was under amazing pressure to smoke as a teenager but I refused point blank to do it because I could not see anything good from it. The jabs had major issues from the start (no proper testing) and the fact that no one allowed any questions made it clear to me that this was propaganda not science. I am a scientist by training and I question everything. If the bug was so deadly and the jabs were so good, one would not need a massive, 24/7 carpet bombing campaign on the population to get the damn jab - the people would be getting them without any problem. The fact that they ended up mandating the jabs only proved that the jabs were indeed toxic and that the scum behind the scamdemic were desperate to get all the people jabbed before the truth come out.

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Sorry to hear about your Uncle. Older people were preyed upon the most. So sad.

The only people I see questioning at all are the ones with an illness or disease that doesn't make sense. Still even some of these people clearly want to keep their head in the sand!

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sounds like you believe it is a 'chain of system failure' that hides the perpetrator. is that what you are saying?

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Yes and likely several perpetrators in the chain.

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They trusted the system which seems to be part of the strategy. The perps clearly depended on this real tight circle of scientific authority. And in some ways this unbreakable circular system seems like it was built for a crisis.

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For me, not most but many. Now have a list of 21 personal contacts of vaxxed individuals now dead or injured during the last year and a half. Includes nine serious cancers, whereof four are acute leukemias/lymphoma. The rest mainly cardiovascular and thromboses.

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Another one I know was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer -- starts chemo this week.

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Oh, i got covid last year (May) too.

But this current wave seems to be taking out freshly bivalent jabbed folks ahead of others.

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The people I know who took multiple jabs, have not only been sick, but a few have developed some very serious health problems.

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I believe I have covid twice, and let's face it, with the high PCR rate of the original tests...people could have tested positive falsely to it. The difference being is I don't know for sure that I don't know for sure if it was a false positive or not.

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False positives are virtually guaranteed when the PCR test is run for too many cycles. In fact, the test was never intended to be used for diagnostic purposes in the first place:


. . . and it was the anchor for the entire criminal operation: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_fd8c5c55a5f5_61b6f7dbd885_f04b4cab9cec6a4a075e0932c73f4c3d538b2fa7418a

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I tried to click on the links provided but got nowhere even after signing up with workflow...but maybe that was your intention all along.

Regardless, I agree with you about the PCR tests, I have seen the receipts on them and know about the high cycle threshold rates.

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Not my intention at all. Accidentally included internal vs. public links. Will fix them now.

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I am not surprised. I was saying at the beginning of the response as to why the "flu disappeared" during Covid was that they weren't testing for the flu but were testing for Covid, turns out I was half right, and that it all comes down to the same.

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Everyone I know who took a test, tested positive, whether they were sick or not.

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It was said that the diagnostic test was never meant to even be a diagnostic test. And we knew early and often in the pandemic that any "covid like symptom" was seen as Covid.

When i was swabbed twice in 2021 because it was required for entry into the hospital, once in October and again in November, I tested negative.

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Note to self...please proofread your comments multiple times.

Most people we know have been vaccinated, so this isn't a revelation. The question is, is it happening with greater frequency? It has been shown that at least since the vaccine roll out, there has been more athletes collapsing than anytime before. I would also say that we have placed far more importance on getting sick than pre-pandemic. Did people announce their flu symptoms? Did they record audio of themselves sick? I don't think so.

There is excess death though. Is there also excess hospitalization? Are more people out of work? I know many vaccinated as well who have been sick, who have also suffered weird pains and fluctuations in blood pressure, but is this because it is happening more...or are we more sensitized to it?

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Good question! One worth exploring.

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Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023



terrific researchers and statisticians have researched it and the

issue is REAL. Look back at IGOR’S post titles. I think he has done a



really solid ones.

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It’s happening very much

more and there are excellent stats to prove it. I read this stuff might & day, and have done so since Day 1. I’ve weeded out the “meh” researchers and poor researchers. All the big hubs have solid data saying basically, the more you’re vaxxed, the more likely

heart attacks,

blood clots etc happen. Far



deaths in countries

w/higher vs x rates. No excess

deaths in countries who said Onto vax. On twitter, find @ethicalskeptic, @stkirsch, find openvaers.com, realnotRare.com,


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Like you, I have been reading this stuff since day one, I am just being very cautious at making assertions because this is how we got here. I have seen the excess death statistics, and I have talked to people on twitter who have suffered adverse reactions from the vaccine. I've also seen the information on the decline in birth rates.

My arguments for not taking the vaccine are many. The first one being why do we all need to vaccinate for a disease with a .09% death rate overall...more specifically, why especially for kids with a .0003% death rate?

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Good reasons! My reason for

not getting was a friend’s toddler, very bright, excellent vocabulary, precious personality is shown on video headed to pediatrician for “well visit”, aka “shots day!” She was baking due to an out of the country summer, so she had several

at once. the video of her clapping & singing, asking intelligent questions, was the last. On her way home, she was videoed either wailing, stiffening, loaning or passed out like a rag doll. Over the

next several days, she was taken to the

ER where only ONE of many nurses and doctors told her is was def a vaccine injury. The rest basically laughed them

off. “We don’t know what it WAS/IS, but we KNOW it couldn’t have been the vax!”

She stopped eating anything but 1-2 things, stopped making eye contact, stopped singing/speaking, stopped pooping, banged her head and screamed the “DTaP scream” for hours on end. She rarely slept more than 2-5 of hours a

day. She was miserable every moment. The lost her about 2 weeks after her vaccine visit. It was


to VAERS. Injecting toxins including polisorbate 80 into

our children and ourselves — which passes theblood brain barrier does not give us health. The “tried true” shots are

horrible for us. No way was a rushed job shot going to do us good.

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My reason for no jab was its experimental classification. I believe I got the covid flu mid-Dec. I was really sick, I'm 79. Just wondering why so many Chinese are dying according to the media.

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First of all, I guess it goes without saying that we should not trust the Chinese media. The whole CCP aspect of this was the first indicator we should have done the opposite.

I chose not to take the vaccine for a variety of reasons...the first one being that for most of us, we're not going to die from it. Besides, I had already gotten Covid in February of 2020. The experimental aspect of it played a part. I told others around me that I was going to wait at least three years, that was what I told others...they thought I was being unreasonable then.

If you are 79 years old, you are also vulnerable to a lot of other things as well. I have some vulnerabilities myself such as being overweight and diabetic. I chose to not get the vaccine because of the reasons listed, but also think that sickness is what it is...it's a part of life. Yes, dying from sickness is "needless" but very few people die in ways that are "warranted." Like dying a glorious warrior's death. Dying while saving someone else from drowning, rescuing them from a fire, jumping out of an airplane with a parachute for the guy who mistakenly jumped without one.

Our immune systems weaken as we get older. My dad died in 2007 from complications due to rheumatoid arthritis. In 2020 if he had died, no doubt it would have somehow been ruled Covid related.

If there are a lot of chinese dying, it is for a variety of reasons. One could be suicide due to locking down for so long. Another reason is I believe most of the Chinese have been vaccinated. Third, they might be reporting excess deaths in China to send the Chinese back into isolation. There are a variety of reasons for excess Chinese possibly dying, none of them are good.

An encouraging thing that has arisen out of all this, is the massive protests in China show that there are more important things in life to health and safety.

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All the time......with all sorts of flus and RSV viruses and colds and COVID and weeks long cough and throat aches....it's beyond mind boggling......it's Monty Python. Mad world......wear your 😷 s!!!

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What's Monty Pythonesque about it is the absurdity of wearing something that doesn't work. There was a reason we weren't wearing masks before for RSV, the Flu, Colds, all up to Covid, and that is they don't work.

Wearing a mask for a virus is like thinking a screen door on submarine will keep the water out. If it makes you feel good, then by all means do it, but your mask is as effective at stopping a virus as my hat is.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

That's a joke, right? About wearing a 😷?

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All the jabs have been the same since 2020.

But yeah, the more you jab, the more your chances go up for something BAD to happen.

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yes, stay healthy

eat properly and hydrate, also do not get over tired.

Vitamin C.

my 99 yo daddy (fully vaxxed) and I picked up some virus my sister picked up. She is always carrying some virus around with her as she is also fully fully to the tippy top vaxxed

Anyway, that virus lingered for two weeks. I just functioned in "low gear" and "sleep loaded" and lots of juice and drinking

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And lose some weight.

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My vaxxed and triple boosted neighbor and her husband just got the covee for the 3rd time and were extremely sick for 3 weeks. Makes me think they might not survive if they get it again.

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Seeing that more and more.

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Me too. Makes me so angry.

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> My PCR came back negative.

If you are still deluded enough to be still taking PCR 'tests for covid' you are a big part of the problem.

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Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

fauci is a little squarrel ... this explain why no journalist asked any real questions to fauci ever.

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Yes he is an actor -- playing a role

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If it didn't before, it certainly does now.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I really wish I could have prevented my loved ones from taking these. But they wouldn't listen. They still won't!

I live alone on disability. Sometimes I spend half a day in tears.

Why? Why?

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There is nothing you can do. They are free to make their choices.

Try to live your life and treasure the time you have with them.

FYI, almost all of my friends and relatives are jabbed, boosted and continue to do. We don't talk about it. It is their choice, and there is nothing I can do to stop them. So we avoid the topic and try to enjoy our relationship.

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Sadly, if as unvaccinated folks we open our lives and homes to the vaccinated we need to

be aware of the spike protein spread .. It is a truly heartbreaking experience .. l have removed myself from my loved ones who succumbed in order that my work as an activist can continue ..

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One word: shedding

Keep you distance from them.

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Yes, but it's getting to be beyond just that - they are now susceptible to everything they encounter. You may not be as susceptible, but they walk around like petri dishes - in addition to the shedding.

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I am so very sorry. Your life sounds so difficult. Are you in the US - l am in Britain. They have taken away my health .. and l am not vaccinated. I live surrounded by EMR from many many cell towers and street lights 5. g enabled. Anyway .. reaching out to you across that puddle if you are indeed in the US 🙏🏻 Try not to fret my friend, you cannot be responsible for the actions of others, however much you may love them ..

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Not sure if it's a good idea or bad, but I've shielded where I sleep. I've read the damage is worse when you sleep. The reason I'm not sure if this is good is because of the "earthing" craze of connecting yourself to the earth. That sounds like a great idea since that's how we were designed to live - but how can you do that in a shielded environment? Plus, what about lightning storms? So I'm kind of compromising by sleeping in a faraday cage. Don't judge :)

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I knew there was a faraday pouch for our phones but had no idea there was a cage!??! Details, pls?

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

My husband is an electrical engineer, but more than that, he humors me and my skepticism. We are both unjabbed. Me, because the whole thing stunk and him, because he humors me - and doesn't like needles.

We built a cage of simple 1 x 2s and then stapled copper mesh ( it comes in big rolls) on all sides, floor and ceiling and stuck our bed inside. We clamp a door on with with pressure clamps and make sure there are no slits created at any seams. There is zero signal inside - at least the wavelengths picked up by the meters I have. I assume it's also effective against 5G because the phones don't pick it up. I do have a concern about ultra low frequency but haven't pursued it. Oh - and the cage is grounded.

If I lived in a place without cell phone towers (if there is a place like that) I would "earth" the bed without the faraday cage.

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Lower frequency=longer wavelength so less and to pass through mesh. It's why microwave mesh doors can be looked through and not cook your eyeballs

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I don't really understand. Microwaves are not low frequency, are they? The reason I'm curious about ultra low frequency is because decades ago, they were being beamed into Medford, OR and were discovered because of a spike in suicides.

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Aside from my aunt, literally everyone I know got the shots, including my mother and half-sister. It’s an incredibly lonely feeling. We all have to find the strength to deal with what might come in the near future. I’ll be praying for you. And for all of us.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

Dear Sir or Madam, you are most assuredly NOT alone, please be convinced of that. Many many many people from very different starting positions are completely with you, and more and more people are having their eyes open (just like me from about 12 months ago) . Take heart, "Keep the faith" and watch Neil Oliver/GB News once a week for a dose of sense and sensibility. Take care.

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@R NIchols ~ Many of us are living in similar situations. Half of my family has been masked and vaxxed ~ the other half are living with eyes wide open.

Here are some resources on "Making Sense of the Madness". Hope they might be helpful:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/2a81f7963345

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Who bells the cat before the hungry beast eats us all? WHO and WEF are running nations and corporations. The dotards of the declining civilization see no evil. The ones who do are not Samson.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It comes down to three options:-

1 They know what they're doing but they care more about money than safe & effective products.

2 They've no idea what they are doing, basically monkeys playing with a bag of spanners.

3 They're trying to do us harm, probably to reduce the population or kill off pensioners.

Whichever is the right answer, the resulting action is the same. Don't use their products.

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The implementors like politicos and Big Pharma fall under #1, the ignorant masses who support this fall under #2, and the Elites and their agents running it all fall under #3.

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4. They have been blackmailed by the CCP who have initiated the entire operation. I cannot fathom why people are trying afix blame to DoD players when we have a real enemy with clear plans to take down the USA.

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@ArnoldF ~ Have you followed the work of Sasha Latypova? She makes a compelling case for the DOD/NWO connection:


> This entire video is well worth watching. However, the most directly relevant discussion begins at 37:10

For others who may be interested, you can learn more here about the DOD connection:


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I have listened to her and I got to say I am questioning it. I struggle with anyone who directly blames DoD. A theory like this posits the US Military (or segments within it) as a bad actor...not only a bad actor but an institution that deserves no allegiance to. Lets be theoretical, wouldnt it follow a reasonable pathway of a nefarious plot of wanting to demoralize those in the truth community that the United States military is to blame for the entire covxx agenda? I would think that would come from someone who wants to deflect. Sorry to raise red flags, but how do we know she is actually telling the truth? How do we know the documents she shows are real or a counterfeit? What is truth and what is smoke and mirrors? Are elements within our military compromised by enemies within it? And if so we need to ask questions like this before we move forward with a thesis of this magnitude. We look at Substack as if everything we read on this is somehow protected from deception. We need to keep our discernment up.

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No worries about the red flags, Arnold! That's why most of us are here. In fact, many of us now questioning everything, and I don't blame you for not wanting to assume there are bad actors in the US military. Most of us don't *want* to believe this.

I'm simply trying to be open to learning more about all of this in an attempt to make sense of the madness ~ and I put all of Sasha's comments within the larger context of:

> Eisenhower's historical warning about the dangers of the military industrial complex

> Big Pharma's historical legacy of criminality and fraud

> The US government historical legacy of egregious overreach, and

> the almost unbelievable uniformity of the global COVID response.

Of course, we may not (at this point) be able prove the legitimacy of Sasha's documentation, but I know there are others who have managed to obtain copies of some of these confidential contracts, and it should eventually be possible to determine if much of what she is saying is true.

Plus, Sasha is not alone in connecting these dots. See Katherine Watt's Balliwick News for example ~ and the work of David Martin in revealing the virus and vaccine patents:

> https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/archive?sort=new

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_8289088bcebd_ee26928af0bc_79381c33

Of course your advice on discernment is essential and well received. At the same time, in light of all that has happened in the past 3 years, and all that the WHO and the WEF have in store for us in the years ahead, I believe it is equally important for us to be open to whatever theories provide the most plausible explanation for the rampant madness within which we currently find ourselves.

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hallelujah. thanks Metta. I have found that faith in God and in Jesus will alone carry us in this time of 'rampant madness' as you say we are living thru. We are witnessing an ubiquotous blanket of evil in the world. Many Christians believe we are witnessing the precursor and massive deception as we approach the end of the age before the Lord's return. So, we must hold fast.

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Try this: https://rumble.com/v24fbri-64.-dmed-and-mathew-crawford.html

No matter how bad you think things are, they are worse.

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my oh my--that is eye opening. thank you for sharing!

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I don't think it is likely that the Chinese are behind this. The West has been destroying itself for decades:- leaving the gold standard, wasting resources on pointless wars, off-shoring manufacturing, "Net Zero", mass immigration, "woke" ideologies, destruction of the family etc. In other words, we were well on the way to "defeat" before COVID. So, why would the Chinese risk everything with a desperate gambit like unleashing a worldwide pandemic and make it appear to start right in the middle of their own country so they can easily be blamed?

Chinese policy is patient, incremental and cautious. This is the kind of thing done by people who know they are losing and decide to just "try something" because they don't know what else to do. Fauci was funding the gain of function work at Wuhan and he who pays the piper calls the tune (of course, Fauci is just a puppet for Gates, WEF etc). Is it even likely that the Chinese leadership knew what was going on in that lab? China is meant to be the patsy.

I also don't blame the US DoD. It is the Globalist/WEF element who are most likely to be behind this and their interests are not necessarily aligned with the US or with China. They have just been using the US military as an enforcement arm and would likely hope to use China and/or Russia the same way when US strength is spent. However, China and Russia clearly have a different vision of the future and are rapidly building a multi-polar, anti-Globalist system, hence the desperation and need to make such a bold move to advance their agenda before it is too late.

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DD, the chinese are brilliant tacticians. They have the capacity to think on this level of dimensionality of a long-term global warfare where they come out on top. The West is not overtly brutal but everything about this 'war' against humanity shows a level of cunning brutality that dwarfs anything seen. Globalists are cunning but are in some senses, cowards, that know how to work through the rule of law that short-circuits national sovereignity. I dont think the west or US has this level of brutality, and neither does it have the capacity for this kind of dimensional planning that would utilize the authoritarian capacities of the pharma-academic-media-medical-governmental industrial complex to become complicit in the maiming or murder of hundreds of millions of peoples lives. My hope and prayer to the Lord is that the truth comes forward and unmasks the co-vaxx perpetrator.

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It’s simple my friend - they are carrying out mass genocide and eugenics in many different ways .. my home smells like the local swimming pool - chlorinated to hell .. chlorine is poison and was used in Auschwitz and other camps - wipes you out!

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The medical community ruined its reputation beyond repair in just 18 months. What was done was intentional, not a mistake, and to make things worse, they used our money to pay for the toxic jabs, the propaganda and the criminal measures deployed to force the jabs on the population. The medicos will never get the trust back - certainly not this current lot. Who knows, maybe in a half a century when most of the current people are no longer around to tell the story of this disaster that was aided and abetted by the medicos. If some justice is to be done, all nurses who kept injecting people after a couple of weeks need to be arrested and put in jail for life - they are mass murders. The same for the doctors who blindly recommended the jabs or administered the jabs.

I do not think that the victims can be compensated. How do you compensate someone who suffered a stroke, has myocarditis or pericarditis, has blood clots or neural degenerative conditions? You cannot. However, what can be done is for everything that the big Harma, regulatory bodies & medical boards have in terms of assets and money to be confiscated and used for a compensation fund. Finally, all the big Harma, regulatory bodies and medical boards personnel get to join the nurses and medicos in jail.

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Although not a representative sample, may I recommend you watch Neil Oliver/GB News from Saturday14th Jan; he interviews retired GP John Lloyd who returned to service when "CV19" struck. His defence of the vaccines began as "safe" and " we have the data to support that". NO had set up this interview with a devastating monologue of inconvenient facts that scupper the narrative; this apology of a GP continually ramped up his personal description of vaccine "safe and effectiveness" so that by the end of the interview - and this GP refused to entertain that excess deaths could be at east partly due to vaccine damage despite a tide of evidence - his descriptor had morphed to "super fantastic".

Who is this GP trying to kid? If the "vaccine" works, it doesn't become "super fantastic" over the course of a 7-10 minute interview with the "kings new clothes" chief advertiser using ever more flowery, inexact and unscientific descriptions?

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov


This world is evil on steroids.

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I am thankful for being able to see how much evil there is around - the scamdemic revealed a ton more than I think was planned.

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I’ve never been one to believe in a literal Heaven and Hell, but over the past couple of years, it does seem like Underworld demons have taken over. I’ve tried and failed to come up with an alternate explanation.

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Look into it a bit more. I didn't believe either.

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Well described!

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Look at the data coming out of Japan! Their Covid deaths & hospitalizations are much higher than the peaks in 20/21/22. Highly jabbed and masked and numbers spiking. Or Australia, who should be in their viral offseason given it is summer there now. Covid hospitalizatioms and deaths also spiking and they are 90% jabbed.

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I find this shocking .. the Australian people have always been incredibly vocal .. yet they fall so easily .. has this got to do with “Island status” and are the figures representative? I doubt it! I know several Australians who say that what their MSM is pumping out is totally untrue .. 🤔

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The official numbers are BS - there was a Substack article that outlined the manipulation from the officials to make the figures look better for the vaccinated but it did not work. It is so bad now that they have stopped providing detailed information. In my opinion that means that the numbers are so bad, they will try to hide whatever they can. The sad reality is that the compliance has been the results of a combination of abysmal education for decades (public schooling is now just indoctrination into the latest eco garbage and WEF s%^t) and the use of Fascist/Bolshevik terror to silence those who tried to speak out. I never thought I would see protesters against the home detention measures being shot with rubber bullets and beaten like animals but that is what happened.

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New Way Fascist/Bolshevik Terror rebranded "Democracy"

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@Skye ~ I heard someone from down under explain that the "tall poppy" syndrome is a strong cultural influence in OZ, and it keeps people from standing up and speaking out:

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tall_poppy_syndrome

@Art Vandelay ~ We knew this pandemic of the vaccinated was a reality in OZ last summer when Australian government health officials reported that people were getting reinfected with C-19 at a rate of every 28 days:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/38f56ec14ac3

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No so much 'tall poppy' but 'gigantic poppycock' from most politicians, media and academics. You had to be here to see what happened... helicopters flying overhead in some suburbs to make sure people stayed locked in their houses, as well as police firing rubber bullets at citizens whilst they rolled out the vaccines; weapons-grade propaganda where many people, even today in 40-degree summer heat (104 Farenheit) are wearing bloody masks - parents, children, elders. And let's not forget the thousands, if not millions of people (never believe the data from government ever again) who were terminated from their jobs due to the vaccine mandates.

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Australian Public Service is vaccinated (as far as I know 99%)

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Federal Government employees are not mandated, State Gov are however. Not sure about the % though. My ex-gf is employed by Fed gov, so not forced to vaxx.

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Japan Launches Official Investigation Into Millions of COVID Vaccine Deaths


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Take a gander at Joel Smalley's video of JHU data from around the world - as a non scientist it is impossible for me not to conclude his conclusion of conclusive evidence of vaccine damage - elephant in the room.

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To play devil's advocate, Canada is highly vaccinated and or covid deaths have gone down to 60 per day from 21 and 20s 140 and 150 per day over the winter year to day.

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Should be but isn’t. There is no off season in Australia, pretty much just follows the same pattern as the rest of the world and has done so all the through from what I can tell.

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That info has been discussed fairly widely - BUT - it can NOT be discussed ENOUGH !

Think, ppl, THINK !

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Many have mentioned this quote from C.S. Lewis, but it is indeed a propos...

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; ***but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience***. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals."

-- C.S. Lewis, God In The Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics (1948)

There are doubtless many reasons for what happened, but I believe that the quote above captures a part of human nature that is in play. Everyone likes money, but people like Fauci already had plenty of that. Even other top-level bureaucrats at CDC and FDA, having come from Big Pharma, were more likely to be driven to feel like they were "fixing" humanity.

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