They’re rubbing our noses in it. Testing something on 8 mice is absurd. They’re past the point of even pretending. ‘Why did you stop at 8 mice?’ ‘All the mice died. Therefore we knew it was working as we intended.’
Precisely. This is clearly an action designed to show that they do not care what anyone thinks and that they will do whatever it pleases them and the big Harma.
Oh it's a crime, but since it is being committed by the class not subject to the laws, it is a moot point whether or not it is a crime. This is not new, check out this song from 1978:
(Tonio K.)
Come on everybody
get on your feet
get with the beat
there's a brand new dance craze sweeping the nation
and it's called the funky western civilization
Well there's a riot in the courthouse, there's a fire in the street
there's a sinner bein' trampled by a thousand pious feet
there's a baby every minute bein' born without a chance
now don't that make you want to jump right up and start to dance?
Let's do the funky
the funky western civilization
it's really spunky, it's just like summertime vacation
you just grab your partner by the hair , throw her down and leave her there
They put Jesus on a cross, they put a hole in j.f.k.
they put Hitler in the driver's seat and looked the other way
now they've got poison in the water and the whole world in a trance
but just because we're hypnotized, that don't mean we can't dance
We've got the funky
the funky western civilization
it's really spunky it's just like summertime vacation
you just drag your partner through the dirt
leave him in a world of hurt
You get down
get funky
get western
(own up to it boys and girls)
and if you try real hard maybe you can even get,
you know, kinda ... civilized
(Mesdames et messieurs, bon soir. this is joan of arc. tonio has asked me to personally deliver a rather special message.
he say he just cannot get enough of my 15th-century wisdom. he say he loves it when i talk goofy like this.
and after many a saturday night of doing ze funky western civilization together, i know for a fact he agrees with me when i say [in french]:
you can bullshit the baker and get the buns , you can back out of every deal except one)
Oh, it's a funky
a funky western civilization
it's oh, so very spunky
it's just like summertime vacation
all's you gotta do is find some little kid somewhere and throw him way up in the air
As a marketing arm of big pHARMa, this is exactly what I expect from the FDA. They are making it more and more obvious that they are not there to improve health, but rather to improve cash flow of big pHARMa. Quackcines are an absolute cash cow (with a captive buyer and no legal liability). At some point it will become so obvious that people will not listen to them anymore. As obvious as it is to many of us, how long will it take for the general public to see this?
Robert Kennedy Jr: "Reagan actually said to the companies, 'Why don't you just make the vaccines safe?' And Wyeth (which subsequently merged with Pfizer) said, 'Because vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,' and that phrase, 'unavoidably unsafe,' is in the preamble to the Vaccine Injury Act." of 1986.
I used to think so too! These last couple years had me researching way back! They really never have been on our side! Example, medicine, prescriptions!
Believe it or not, God provided you with layers of natural protective means to prevent and worse case fight infection. Thoroughly clean the breach and if you want to really ensure quick healing apply raw honey. Little to no scar. You’re welcome.
I would prefer research that looks into what causes the thymus to fail to make these peptides if they are lacking. Or even better, supplying all the nutrients people need to maintain health. That leaves too much up to the individual though and leads us right back to where we are. Until the majority of people know what really causes illness and takes action, we will continue to get the same result of poor choices.
persons gestated during a year of highest sunspots have the lowest lifespans, on average; those during lowest have the longest lives. Possibly due to effects of radiation on mutagenic changes to the genome
Here is an opportunity for research. Find the oldest, healthiest people and take a look at their thyroid. Does it shrink in every person? If yes, then that is life. If no, then what factors maintain it?
I apologize to you for not decaying despite my advanced age. I was evaluated in a comprehensive analysis with slightly more than a hundred markers against published data expected. Pegged me in a late 28 to 31 year old expected for a Caucasian male. I have been on this earth over twice this span. So there’s maybe a tendency but definitely not a certainty for decay.
Yes, please do. If it won't make them money, why would they be interested? This is one of the problems we face. If stronger immunity were possible through thymic peptides, then Bill Gates should be all over it. Why is he not? He wants us all to be healthy, right?
If Bill Gates and the rest of the 'officials' were interested in stronger immunity, they would be working on things like clean water, efficient sanitation and nutritious food. Those things cost money, take time and produce no profit in monetary terms. At the very least they could have invested more into researching IVM and HCQ, but instead they outlawed them and made them unavailable.
Quackcines make money and non medical personnel can administer them so they can roll them out quickly. As a bonus for those who subscribe to the eugenics angle, they harm, sterilize and/or kill some of the recipients, if not in this round, then in the next round of quackcines for the next scariant or virus du jour.
There is also a view that states that disease starts with nutritional deficiency, upon which immune strength rests. This, combined with a fully functioning eliminative system to deal with toxins and healthy microbiome is enough to maintain health. No preventive/protective injections are required.
Yes, there are people who do all the right things and still fall ill. There are psychological factors that can override all other factors.
If thymus peptides cannot be absorbed via digestion, then injections are still better than the meds they might otherwise take. As people age, their digestion tends to become weaker so the need for injection may rise. Although my preference is to avoid injection, if that is what works, that is an option worth considering.
Heidi wrote, "Old medical books are the key. They found the cures to many diseases ..."
Yes indeed ... old medical books ... and old off-patent drugs (like HCQ and IVM).
If a drug showed promise to cure some serious illness ... big Harma would cease all research on that drug as soon as the patent expires ... that's how evil the situation is.
There are drugs out there already approved for some specific disease ... which drug may also succesfully treat other disease(s) ... but we may never know ... because Big Harma refuses to continue research on other new potential uses of a drug after the drug patent expires.
I always said the Homo numbers would drop as we made better drugs and cleaned up the hormonal pollutants, chemicals, and such. But we can be sure that isn't happening now.
Not to mention all the stuff in our food supply lowering mens testosterone rendering them effeminate and sterile. Like the frogs, in atrazine polluted environments…turns male frogs into female.
I doubt that everybody would be on the same page about anything then either. But we can all be on the same sick and diseased page if we keep being fear-mongered, and tricked into believing that chemicals will prevent and cure diseases.
Three are now living in a gay bar kitchen. Two went on to other studies in which they died. And three were last seen limping around with Mouslaine- Barre Syndrome. They were all paid a pound of cheese to not talk about Pfizer.
Good idea! Inject 100 mice. Kill them all. Wait 24 hours and test for COVID. Then report none died from the vax, (they were all strangled) and none contracted COVID after.
Actually the experiment on 8 mice kind of failed. I just realized it. I will write about it soon. It will be a short post since it is based on one slide from Pfizer, this is all data that we have but it shows failure
Actually, if it were not for covid, they could very well have been happy uninjected lab mice traversing various mazes in search of cheese. So I’d argue they died of covid.
At this point , if people line up for that booster, it will be very hard to feel sorry for their outcome. I believe the people who keep wearing masks and lining up for shots are the ones who keep this whole charade going. I feel resentment towards them. When I see a masked person I truly want to shout at them Wake up!!! I always shake my head and just give them a look. I honestly don’t think we can get out of this as long as there are so many people supporting the madness! The worst are the MSM and their so called journalists. Next I blame the Hollywood stars who are all in on this. Then there is the musicians and athletes. So many people who have a voice and choose to be supportive of the mandates and vaccines and control by government! The true hero’s are the. sub stack writers!!! And also the very few athletes and rock stars who stood up. There is only a handful of them. We should really start giving them credit on sub stack so people know who they are!
Yep. I watched that one. He was vocal from the start and got hammered by MSM and all their followers. Love this guy!! We should do a tribute to all the people like him who stood up!!
We have to turn it around and laugh at them for thinking they can just throw any quackcine, medical product or procedure at us and we will take it without thinking.
My mom’s addicted to them. Was very healthy 80 years old. Blaming shaky hands and droopy eye on getting omnicron, even though it started after the second shot. Her relatives lived well in to their 90’s and I sadly doubt she will. Her eyes glaze over when I try to warn her.
My mom has cognitive dissonance. Always been a problem for me but it works for her. Early childhood trauma my guess . It would be progress if it was survivor guilt. She believes the news and trusts the government.
There's money to be made and people to maim, sterilize and kill by big pharma at least until we drag them into the streets for a quick trial and slow hanging.
We knew thiere was a plan by the FDA to circumvent the trials and results on modifications to “vaccine” at the last VRBPAC meeting, so instead of it being discussed they just made a statement that if you want it by Fall, we don’t have time to do the studies. No one objected to that statement.
Of course there was no objection ... to the monetary "gift" from the big Harma that would be awarded by the "scientifically sound" decision taken by the FDA.
Well if people want to voluntarily take a prototype drug with no safety data more power to them. I respect their decisions. Why won't they respect my decision to decline such idiotic madness?
Because they are not just morons, they are the special type of militant moron that cannot accept that someone else might have a different opinion. You can see it with climate scam as well.
In a record-breaking turn, U.S. life expectancy just surpassed its sharpest two-year decline in 100 years. In 2019 the average American could expect to live about 79 years; that number has plunged to just 76 in 2022.
You know I'm a b8t encouraged. Howie Carr onwrko inb9ston notonly talked about it but talked about all these young people just dying..not f4om drug od not from drinking or being fat....
They’re rubbing our noses in it. Testing something on 8 mice is absurd. They’re past the point of even pretending. ‘Why did you stop at 8 mice?’ ‘All the mice died. Therefore we knew it was working as we intended.’
Precisely. This is clearly an action designed to show that they do not care what anyone thinks and that they will do whatever it pleases them and the big Harma.
Ok, better plan: You all pay me $20 per dose on something I mixed up yesterday
and gave to ~~9~~ mice.
Or all the other mice heard of the overwhelming rates of myocarditis, blood clots, infertility, neurological problems otherwise they would’ve come.
I am a 10 mice person myself-nothing less
For that I will need to confiscate your medical license.
“You have to get the shot to find out what’s in it.”
We just have to inject the kids, to see what happens! Anyone watch that particular meeting?
Yep, horrible. How is that not a crime?
Just like the Nazis. What's a crime is what those in power define as a crime. With a corrupted government, it always turns out like this.
Oh it's a crime, but since it is being committed by the class not subject to the laws, it is a moot point whether or not it is a crime. This is not new, check out this song from 1978:
(Tonio K.)
Come on everybody
get on your feet
get with the beat
there's a brand new dance craze sweeping the nation
and it's called the funky western civilization
Well there's a riot in the courthouse, there's a fire in the street
there's a sinner bein' trampled by a thousand pious feet
there's a baby every minute bein' born without a chance
now don't that make you want to jump right up and start to dance?
Let's do the funky
the funky western civilization
it's really spunky, it's just like summertime vacation
you just grab your partner by the hair , throw her down and leave her there
They put Jesus on a cross, they put a hole in j.f.k.
they put Hitler in the driver's seat and looked the other way
now they've got poison in the water and the whole world in a trance
but just because we're hypnotized, that don't mean we can't dance
We've got the funky
the funky western civilization
it's really spunky it's just like summertime vacation
you just drag your partner through the dirt
leave him in a world of hurt
You get down
get funky
get western
(own up to it boys and girls)
and if you try real hard maybe you can even get,
you know, kinda ... civilized
(Mesdames et messieurs, bon soir. this is joan of arc. tonio has asked me to personally deliver a rather special message.
he say he just cannot get enough of my 15th-century wisdom. he say he loves it when i talk goofy like this.
and after many a saturday night of doing ze funky western civilization together, i know for a fact he agrees with me when i say [in french]:
you can bullshit the baker and get the buns , you can back out of every deal except one)
Oh, it's a funky
a funky western civilization
it's oh, so very spunky
it's just like summertime vacation
all's you gotta do is find some little kid somewhere and throw him way up in the air
(never mind the parents)
That should be on every billboard in America.
Yeah, like we'll have to pass the healthcare legislation to know what's in it.
Torture it out of them...
Separate locations. If their stories don't mesh, do it some more
Shouldn’t be surprised but I’m speechless once again.
Why what do you expect from satans Santa’s helpers?
Sigh. Good point
On phone idk which one lol ?
I ve been a machine gun smart ass today
That’s exactly my take-away
"Did you expect anything better from the FDA?"
As a marketing arm of big pHARMa, this is exactly what I expect from the FDA. They are making it more and more obvious that they are not there to improve health, but rather to improve cash flow of big pHARMa. Quackcines are an absolute cash cow (with a captive buyer and no legal liability). At some point it will become so obvious that people will not listen to them anymore. As obvious as it is to many of us, how long will it take for the general public to see this?
Robert Kennedy Jr: "Reagan actually said to the companies, 'Why don't you just make the vaccines safe?' And Wyeth (which subsequently merged with Pfizer) said, 'Because vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,' and that phrase, 'unavoidably unsafe,' is in the preamble to the Vaccine Injury Act." of 1986.
They used to have credibility long gone
If you do enough research, you find they never really deserved it.
Thank Rockefeller, John D.
They destroyed natural remedies, inexcusable.
! Exactly!
I used to think so too! These last couple years had me researching way back! They really never have been on our side! Example, medicine, prescriptions!
Well I was a drug rep from 1989 to 2006
And it used to be the fda was not in bed
With big pharma. However my premise is
Most Rx ama medicine is based on a false
Premise. But that’s a very long story.
Consider over 100,000 people die every
Year from pharma drugs.
Fda cdc ama nih who all need a thorough
Spanking and diaper change
There are places for safe effective drugs
Adequate studies but money seems to
Have corrupted science medicine and
Those who are the players.
Do no harm … right?
Hypocratic oath
Is hypocritical
Homeopathy has an interesting approach
Ask any md to build up your immune system?
Or ask about fasting prayer energetic
Work they lack the imagination and capacity to think outside this box.
Approve drug for indication
Indication for disease
Disease is a J code
Md dx disease
Rx for specific disease
Take life long
This ain’t healings
, thank you!
No needles please. Humans have protective tissue for a reason. Nothing natural about a syringe.
All these facts... I admit, I didn't take shot because I'm an adult ( age wise) and ain't taking needle
But the protective tissue gets breached. It's how you get an infection.
Believe it or not, God provided you with layers of natural protective means to prevent and worse case fight infection. Thoroughly clean the breach and if you want to really ensure quick healing apply raw honey. Little to no scar. You’re welcome.
I would prefer research that looks into what causes the thymus to fail to make these peptides if they are lacking. Or even better, supplying all the nutrients people need to maintain health. That leaves too much up to the individual though and leads us right back to where we are. Until the majority of people know what really causes illness and takes action, we will continue to get the same result of poor choices.
persons gestated during a year of highest sunspots have the lowest lifespans, on average; those during lowest have the longest lives. Possibly due to effects of radiation on mutagenic changes to the genome
Here is an opportunity for research. Find the oldest, healthiest people and take a look at their thyroid. Does it shrink in every person? If yes, then that is life. If no, then what factors maintain it?
I apologize to you for not decaying despite my advanced age. I was evaluated in a comprehensive analysis with slightly more than a hundred markers against published data expected. Pegged me in a late 28 to 31 year old expected for a Caucasian male. I have been on this earth over twice this span. So there’s maybe a tendency but definitely not a certainty for decay.
Yes, please do. If it won't make them money, why would they be interested? This is one of the problems we face. If stronger immunity were possible through thymic peptides, then Bill Gates should be all over it. Why is he not? He wants us all to be healthy, right?
If Bill Gates and the rest of the 'officials' were interested in stronger immunity, they would be working on things like clean water, efficient sanitation and nutritious food. Those things cost money, take time and produce no profit in monetary terms. At the very least they could have invested more into researching IVM and HCQ, but instead they outlawed them and made them unavailable.
Quackcines make money and non medical personnel can administer them so they can roll them out quickly. As a bonus for those who subscribe to the eugenics angle, they harm, sterilize and/or kill some of the recipients, if not in this round, then in the next round of quackcines for the next scariant or virus du jour.
Clean water already solved. Clint Michigan, 8 mice got something to drink, they killed the mice after, nobody was thirsty.
"Sorry I fell off the bed and woke up on the floor this morning". My first laugh attack for today :) :) :) :)
There is also a view that states that disease starts with nutritional deficiency, upon which immune strength rests. This, combined with a fully functioning eliminative system to deal with toxins and healthy microbiome is enough to maintain health. No preventive/protective injections are required.
Yes, there are people who do all the right things and still fall ill. There are psychological factors that can override all other factors.
If thymus peptides cannot be absorbed via digestion, then injections are still better than the meds they might otherwise take. As people age, their digestion tends to become weaker so the need for injection may rise. Although my preference is to avoid injection, if that is what works, that is an option worth considering.
Heidi wrote, "Old medical books are the key. They found the cures to many diseases ..."
Yes indeed ... old medical books ... and old off-patent drugs (like HCQ and IVM).
If a drug showed promise to cure some serious illness ... big Harma would cease all research on that drug as soon as the patent expires ... that's how evil the situation is.
There are drugs out there already approved for some specific disease ... which drug may also succesfully treat other disease(s) ... but we may never know ... because Big Harma refuses to continue research on other new potential uses of a drug after the drug patent expires.
Yes. You do. Please.
Please do, sweetheart.
How are the mice doing?
They probably all became sterile and transsexual, and in their excitement, the FDA just screamed "APPROVED!"
A vaccine that makes you transgender would be a boon to these people.
They would see it as innoculating against heteronormativity.
They have already figured it out to cause homosexuality.
This must be the most suppressed info out there.
I always said the Homo numbers would drop as we made better drugs and cleaned up the hormonal pollutants, chemicals, and such. But we can be sure that isn't happening now.
Not to mention all the stuff in our food supply lowering mens testosterone rendering them effeminate and sterile. Like the frogs, in atrazine polluted environments…turns male frogs into female.
It all has made me extremely virile
Thank you. Didn't know this. Horrifying.
I doubt that everybody would be on the same page about anything then either. But we can all be on the same sick and diseased page if we keep being fear-mongered, and tricked into believing that chemicals will prevent and cure diseases.
Thank you, Sir.
Likely put down, within seconds, to hide any side effects
‘Uhoh. That one is wobbly. Quick! Kill it! Yup, nothing to see here.’
Three are now living in a gay bar kitchen. Two went on to other studies in which they died. And three were last seen limping around with Mouslaine- Barre Syndrome. They were all paid a pound of cheese to not talk about Pfizer.
Don't they have to kill the mice in order to see how well they were doing?
That’s only in humans.
It was a smashing success. None of the carcasses contracted covid.
Good idea! Inject 100 mice. Kill them all. Wait 24 hours and test for COVID. Then report none died from the vax, (they were all strangled) and none contracted COVID after.
Rumor has it, they were seen at the U.N. protesting climate change.
Didn't live long enough to find out..
They survived long enough to have their blood drawn. After that, who knows?
AFAIK they were killed off to investigate the "effectivity" of quakcines.
Those that survived were fed to Fauci
He just drank their blood. He doesn’t actually eat.
All 8 mice are now dead. None of the mice died from COVID. So it was effective.
Actually the experiment on 8 mice kind of failed. I just realized it. I will write about it soon. It will be a short post since it is based on one slide from Pfizer, this is all data that we have but it shows failure
I wrote an article -- you are not going to believe what happened to these 8 mice!
They were pissed human tests had not been done before they had to take it.
PETA involved now.
Without the boosted kill shot, their collective deaths would have been much worse...
Actually, if it were not for covid, they could very well have been happy uninjected lab mice traversing various mazes in search of cheese. So I’d argue they died of covid.
At this point , if people line up for that booster, it will be very hard to feel sorry for their outcome. I believe the people who keep wearing masks and lining up for shots are the ones who keep this whole charade going. I feel resentment towards them. When I see a masked person I truly want to shout at them Wake up!!! I always shake my head and just give them a look. I honestly don’t think we can get out of this as long as there are so many people supporting the madness! The worst are the MSM and their so called journalists. Next I blame the Hollywood stars who are all in on this. Then there is the musicians and athletes. So many people who have a voice and choose to be supportive of the mandates and vaccines and control by government! The true hero’s are the. sub stack writers!!! And also the very few athletes and rock stars who stood up. There is only a handful of them. We should really start giving them credit on sub stack so people know who they are!
Let the dead bury the dead
Aaron Rogers is one that didn’t play the game. Just on Rogan’s podcast. I recommend!
Yep. I watched that one. He was vocal from the start and got hammered by MSM and all their followers. Love this guy!! We should do a tribute to all the people like him who stood up!!
Two NFL teams called me, need wide receivers.
They must be desperate... I'm 62...
Soccer teams calling too...
Beasley on the Buffalo bills was also very vocal!!
The Cult separated early, by bullshit work at home to stop the spread...
So I don't know who they are.... But thank you to all co workers who said NO, NO, NO... FIRE ME .. 🔥 ME..
MY Agency relented and I kept my job.
Piss on the Cult and those who joined them
Saw a friend masked again today, outside. I’ve had it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just laugh to myself now, as they look so silly!
I turn away... disgusting
The FDA is 100% rotten. We would all be better off if it were dissolved.
Many will hang in fda. If they don't, we know we don't have our country back
Medicine as done by Larry, Moe and Curly. Only the laugh's on us.
We have to turn it around and laugh at them for thinking they can just throw any quackcine, medical product or procedure at us and we will take it without thinking.
- Inject 8 mice.
- Wait ten seconds
- Shout out: "They are ok! you see? Safe!!"
- Kill them all
- Send to FDA
- Get approval
- Celebrate
See? There is no evidence that these are unsuitable for pregnant women and newborns.
- make mucho dinero cha-ching!
Someone Make a meme of this. It's good.
I'm 62, I can do 2 things: get phone on. Get banned for musings.
I never made one, except put Goering and Zuck side by side on fb screen shot
Okay now I've got a crush...
It's been too long Duchess! How the hell are you!
I am well..lots going on the summer has flown by...but it is so nice to "see" you again
This sucks.
My parents are going to take this garbage now.
And all of those little kids are going to get f#cked by their moronic Covidian parents.
My mom’s addicted to them. Was very healthy 80 years old. Blaming shaky hands and droopy eye on getting omnicron, even though it started after the second shot. Her relatives lived well in to their 90’s and I sadly doubt she will. Her eyes glaze over when I try to warn her.
Survivors guilt.
All my nice relatives took it.
I'm extremely mean and very cynical
Come over here and sit by me
My mom has cognitive dissonance. Always been a problem for me but it works for her. Early childhood trauma my guess . It would be progress if it was survivor guilt. She believes the news and trusts the government.
There's money to be made and people to maim, sterilize and kill by big pharma at least until we drag them into the streets for a quick trial and slow hanging.
We knew thiere was a plan by the FDA to circumvent the trials and results on modifications to “vaccine” at the last VRBPAC meeting, so instead of it being discussed they just made a statement that if you want it by Fall, we don’t have time to do the studies. No one objected to that statement.
Of course there was no objection ... to the monetary "gift" from the big Harma that would be awarded by the "scientifically sound" decision taken by the FDA.
A reprise of the EIGHT mice. I love it!
The mice lobby must be working well in DC. They managed to get the humans to be the test subjects.
Well if people want to voluntarily take a prototype drug with no safety data more power to them. I respect their decisions. Why won't they respect my decision to decline such idiotic madness?
Because they are not just morons, they are the special type of militant moron that cannot accept that someone else might have a different opinion. You can see it with climate scam as well.
In a record-breaking turn, U.S. life expectancy just surpassed its sharpest two-year decline in 100 years. In 2019 the average American could expect to live about 79 years; that number has plunged to just 76 in 2022.
You know I'm a b8t encouraged. Howie Carr onwrko inb9ston notonly talked about it but talked about all these young people just dying..not f4om drug od not from drinking or being fat....
For the non-believers, this is darwinism at work. For believers, this is a chastisement.
For the planners, this is as expected.
"The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)
“The Peace of the Graveyard” - Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)