The Executive Branch is now run exclusively by liars.
It is impossible to get an honest answer from any office controlled by the Biden Administration.
I’ve never seen anything like it in this country.
The answer to all questions is based on politics..... if it makes democrats look bad, it will be lied about.
Biden, Komma-la, and the entire cabinet should be impeached, convicted, removed from office, and thrown in prison for the damage they have done to this country.......
Yes, this reminds me of the fall of the western Roman Empire.
But the western Roman Empire almost fell several times before it actually fell for good (the Eastern Roman Empire survived another 1000 years).
Bad and weak Emperors would push the Empire to the brink of collapse, and then good (or at least better) Emperors would replace them and repair the damage.... sometimes even leaving the Empire stronger than before.
Then of course came more bad and weak Emperors.....
If we can survive the current weak and corrupt leadership, then a strong, effective, and reform minded leader can emerge to repair the damage and give the country a new lease on life.
What astounds me and probably the whole Kennedy family too, is how that family, and after all they have done for the people, have been betrayed, especially Bobby Kennedy Jr. How soon they forgot.Not that I have ever been enamored but that family, like many have. Idealization, ha!
People forget easily and over time have tended to idealize the Kennedy family.
There was PLENTY of bad to go along with the good.
I could make a substantial list of the bad, but here are just a few:
Joseph Kennedy was a borderline fascist who hated Great Britain and expected Hitler to win the war.
Teddy Kennedy, a sitting United States Senator, secretly proposed a plan to the Soviet Union which would help the USSR, help his 1988 presidential ambitions, and damage President Reagan and US foreign policy. He asked the Soviets to intervene in the 1984 Presidential election. If the plan had been exposed at the time, it would have destroyed Kennedy’s career and legacy.
There is a lot more, but you get the idea. The Kennedy family has not always lived up to their propaganda.
There are many books about the family that have been written by their acolytes, but there are also books written by unbiased authors that will shock people who have only heard the myths about Camelot.
I couldn’t agree more. I told a doctor recently that I did not want pills. I’ll take responsibility for my life. If I die, so be it. Everyone dies. They haven’t changed that yet, gave they? Only kidding.
Bat shit is a compliment!! These wackjobs are at the bottom of the pile for their excuses, so why not pull out any reason for what they have to explain. This is beyond corruption. We ,people looking for truth, need to change the dictionary (or Wikipedia) definition for 'Expert'. New definition: EXPERT. ie noun, ' One who is paid exorbitant sums of funds of capital and/or is given (not earned) enormous amounts of prestige, to follow a prescribed narration to confuse people who do not think for themselves.' Also see LIAR.
I think it is much worse than bat shit in many cases. They know better. Ever notice the contraindications listed in TV pharmaceutical commercials? "Don't take $%%^ if you have diabetes;" "get tested for TB before taking *(&% ." Except that we are all supposedly exactly the same in every respect when it comes to COVID injections. The truth will come out. Eventually we will know what it is about the jabs that have triggered these tragedies.
The one size fits all, zero exceptions approach told me all that I needed to know. And somehow none of the lunatics in my anti vaxx circle have had any serious issues. What a coincidence.
Name calling, profanity and other abusive rhetoric just widens the divisions and does nothing to further productive debate and must be called out and moderators should delete such comments for cause.
It is also because our foods are being poisoned. Soy, seed oils, lecithins are in EVERTYHING. They are the new smoking. The easiest way to see this is to go into the autoimmune disease community and see how many people are curing themselves with CARNIVORE DIET. Like thousands of people with a near 100% success rate. The FDA should be ashamed and fired.
The problem is the kike fake "money". If enough of us refuse to recognise it as a tool for exchange of goods and energy and start using barter, part exchange or even issuing our own money in like minded communities, their "fiat money" will lose its magic, become worthless and they will lose all their power.
But the likelihood of such thing to happen is very low, faint and slim, for people would rather lose their health, freedom, children and culture than their beloved notes with promises no bank in the world can keep.
A true tragedy, and completely unnecessary. With effective early treatment (that was rabidly censored) no one should have died from COVID, and no one should have taken the untested, radical, fake vaccine experimental genetic modification drugs! They are fraudulent all the way— they were mislabeled as "vaccines" to avoid the normal proceedure for genetic drug approval. All lies. All fraud. All CRIMINAL! ALL DEADLY!
Is there any dot connecting going on? If it were my family...the answer would be an emphatic no. The narrative is far more important that health or life. The narrative is their new life. My condolences. My turn is coming as most are jabbed and active disciples.
My sisters roommate from college, her sister died yesterday. Heather and Robin remained friends all these yrs. My older sister said she died from a heart attack, have no information on her vax status.
So sorry for those kids, and for you. Lost my mom at 10, same age as your sister, but from heart attack. 61 yrs ago. It is terrible to not have a mother when growing up, or when adult, to answer and discuss all questions of life with, to look in the mirror with to see where you come from. Hugs to you xoxo
And that same misinformation has murdered more than a half million Americans! Anyone who is told the truth about the genetic shots that destroy the immune system, cause body-wide inflammation and trigger autoimmunity, cause both bleeding and clotting pathologies; enter the brain and cause inflammation, clots, and other damage; stimulate cancers and reactivation of viruses, etc., would absolutely refuse to be guinea pigs for them! But no! All the public heard was "safe and effective" ad nauseum while they lied through their teeth about the shots and about the wonder drug Ivermectin and other effective early treatments.
One year ago was already Omicron, so you guys lucked out. I got it in Summer 2020 when it was a lot worse. But I had done my "homework", had my Ivermectin, had gotten my vitamin D level super high, lots of vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, etc. So even though I'm old and with comorbidities, I got through it with no clotting problem, no reduction in oxygen saturation, and no visit to a doctor. But I was still just about as sick as I had ever been in my life for three days. COVID back then was no joke. But by day five I was already up and about and going out to pick up lunch! Amazing what good uncensored information can do!
The Misinformation Media and the lying government hacks all belong in prison for mass murder!
You said it. The level of self destructive behavior associated with trusting these diabolical people is beyond anything any cult has succeeded in accomplishing.
Well stated yourself. Hence why we are witnessing the diabolisation of society [the rise of more and more people becoming demonically afflicted then possessed.]
That’s so horrible. I’m sorry for your loss. I’m just waiting for that news from my sisters camp. Same story. She refuses to discuss with me because her opinions are “based on science”. She is literally a science teacher. All I can do is pray at this point. I don’t know if I’ll be able to forgive her if she ends up murdering one of those sweet little children of hers.
Unfortunately, almost everything about our Big Pharma-run medical system (note: it is NOT "healthcare"— no "health" anywhere in it!) is lies. Most drugs don't work as advertised. People are deliberately kept sick so the parasitic industry can continue to feed on them.
It's BIG PHARMA, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, THE MSM ALL UNDER THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME, ITALY in charge! Drug meds may heal symptoms but NOT cure disease. STAY WELL NATURALLY! A helpful healing site is
I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS!
It does not get any more real than this loss. This loss was not meant to be. So many thought that they were doing the right thing. Believing our government should not equate to death.
In a twisted way he is correct. The misinformation (The vaccine is 100% safe and effective, for example) HAS caused an uptick in deaths. People believed this lie and are now dying because of allowing poison to be injected into their bodies. Some companies MANDATED this death jab. How dangerous are those who demand you get jabbed with an unknown concoction while telling you it is100% safe and effective?
The Supreme Court overturn of Biden’s lunacy saved me in the nick od time. I absolutely would have left my job. My woke ass company was “following CDC guidelines” despite half the company seeing the truth.
Boeing did not. They stood up to Biden. One of the biggest companies and comprised of very smart people. It was companies like Boeing that caused Biden to drop that mandate. There, take that Biden! LOL 😂
That's because the agency is funded by big pharma. The crooks used the AIDS crisis in the 80's to change a "totally" publicly funded organization into one That’s "half" funded by drug companies.
I would add , use the Harvard Pilgrim study that showed the REAL injury rate that should be itn VAERS , that caused the CDC to ghost them instead of embracing their findings.
Mr. Califf deserves the death penalty. He helped corrupt the agency, and he has had every opportunity to look into the key data. Everyone should be against extra-legal (i.e., illegitimate revolutionary) action being taken against him. But there must be a way to bring a set of criminal negligence -like charges that put him at risk of capital punishment in a fair trial.
I don't even know how to respond to such Wokeism (read Lunacy) other than to offer up the following... "WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH"
Advertising is designed to change behavior. This moron is advertising the propaganda of a death cult. I call it the Cult of Moloch as it targets babies and reproduction.
Return of the Gods. By Jonathan Cahn. Pretty much explains the dangers we are in and the destruction of the Western countries happening at a fast clip now. Fascinating and enlightening. Also horrifying. New book.
This is actually worth worrying about and not just rolling our eyes 👀 (as I’m inclined).
FTC and FDA being able to control the narrative totally (and don’t say it couldn’t happen - we saw it get damn close during “covid”) would be incredibly dangerous for rights - and incredibly helpful for NWO and the Great Reset folks...
This is what the new Plandemic treaty the WHO is pushing for is all about: One World Tyrrany forced on all of us under the guise of "protecting us", because the Sheeple Fools will trade away all their freedom for the false security of more lockdowns, closed businesses, and death shots "to protect us"!
No it isn't. Climate Change is real, because the climate is ALWAYS changing! The misinformation is that carbon dioxide can heat up the Earth and is the driver of climate: all totally false!!! We NEED MORE CO2, MUCH MORE! The Earth is starved for CO2! That's why the death cult Globalists are trying to reduce it! They don't want the Earth to green up and plants and animals to prosper. They want to kill everything!
These people are bat shit.
The Executive Branch is now run exclusively by liars.
It is impossible to get an honest answer from any office controlled by the Biden Administration.
I’ve never seen anything like it in this country.
The answer to all questions is based on politics..... if it makes democrats look bad, it will be lied about.
Biden, Komma-la, and the entire cabinet should be impeached, convicted, removed from office, and thrown in prison for the damage they have done to this country.......
A crime syndacate with a craven justice pawn to protect their misdeeds.
Power corrupts the weak and those without God as the moral anchor. We are Rome i no longer have any doubts.
Caligula of the mind.
The degradation of a society as my father put it. Wonder where he got that now.
I’m going to be a little optimistic.
Yes, this reminds me of the fall of the western Roman Empire.
But the western Roman Empire almost fell several times before it actually fell for good (the Eastern Roman Empire survived another 1000 years).
Bad and weak Emperors would push the Empire to the brink of collapse, and then good (or at least better) Emperors would replace them and repair the damage.... sometimes even leaving the Empire stronger than before.
Then of course came more bad and weak Emperors.....
If we can survive the current weak and corrupt leadership, then a strong, effective, and reform minded leader can emerge to repair the damage and give the country a new lease on life.
But we have to survive Brandon first......
What astounds me and probably the whole Kennedy family too, is how that family, and after all they have done for the people, have been betrayed, especially Bobby Kennedy Jr. How soon they forgot.Not that I have ever been enamored but that family, like many have. Idealization, ha!
People forget easily and over time have tended to idealize the Kennedy family.
There was PLENTY of bad to go along with the good.
I could make a substantial list of the bad, but here are just a few:
Joseph Kennedy was a borderline fascist who hated Great Britain and expected Hitler to win the war.
Teddy Kennedy, a sitting United States Senator, secretly proposed a plan to the Soviet Union which would help the USSR, help his 1988 presidential ambitions, and damage President Reagan and US foreign policy. He asked the Soviets to intervene in the 1984 Presidential election. If the plan had been exposed at the time, it would have destroyed Kennedy’s career and legacy.
And I haven’t even mentioned Chappaquiddick.
There is a lot more, but you get the idea. The Kennedy family has not always lived up to their propaganda.
There are many books about the family that have been written by their acolytes, but there are also books written by unbiased authors that will shock people who have only heard the myths about Camelot.
They excrete sophistry based rhetoric inversion, solipsistic BS.
And let me add that my life expectancy is none of their business. In fact, they're more likely to negatively affect it..
I couldn’t agree more. I told a doctor recently that I did not want pills. I’ll take responsibility for my life. If I die, so be it. Everyone dies. They haven’t changed that yet, gave they? Only kidding.
Bat shit is a compliment!! These wackjobs are at the bottom of the pile for their excuses, so why not pull out any reason for what they have to explain. This is beyond corruption. We ,people looking for truth, need to change the dictionary (or Wikipedia) definition for 'Expert'. New definition: EXPERT. ie noun, ' One who is paid exorbitant sums of funds of capital and/or is given (not earned) enormous amounts of prestige, to follow a prescribed narration to confuse people who do not think for themselves.' Also see LIAR.
Mass lunacy continues to rise.
Not lunacy among decision-makers. They are bought and sometimes ideologically committed. The underlings are hypnotized by marketing masters.
I do not disagree.
Masquerading their BS ...🦇
I think it is much worse than bat shit in many cases. They know better. Ever notice the contraindications listed in TV pharmaceutical commercials? "Don't take $%%^ if you have diabetes;" "get tested for TB before taking *(&% ." Except that we are all supposedly exactly the same in every respect when it comes to COVID injections. The truth will come out. Eventually we will know what it is about the jabs that have triggered these tragedies.
The one size fits all, zero exceptions approach told me all that I needed to know. And somehow none of the lunatics in my anti vaxx circle have had any serious issues. What a coincidence.
Jennifer ,I hope the truth comes out BEFORE we are all dead .
You are correct:
When they all exempted themselves - that was my clue.
But unfortunately & infuriatingly, in charge
You didn’t need bat.
Name calling, profanity and other abusive rhetoric just widens the divisions and does nothing to further productive debate and must be called out and moderators should delete such comments for cause.
It is also because our foods are being poisoned. Soy, seed oils, lecithins are in EVERTYHING. They are the new smoking. The easiest way to see this is to go into the autoimmune disease community and see how many people are curing themselves with CARNIVORE DIET. Like thousands of people with a near 100% success rate. The FDA should be ashamed and fired.
Auto immune meaning neurological disorders?
Yes, cholesterol and saturated animal fats are protective of your neurons and mucosa.
Autoimmune like all autoimmune except type 1 diabetes, and any one where the thyroid is dead.
All others are reversible with carnivore diet. The evidence is overwhelming now:
Lecithin? Isn't that what's in every chocolate bar (I forget now, but if I remember correctly, that's what I always see in the ingredients list)?
Nope, they are 100% aware of what they are doing.
They just got paid very well.
The problem is the kike fake "money". If enough of us refuse to recognise it as a tool for exchange of goods and energy and start using barter, part exchange or even issuing our own money in like minded communities, their "fiat money" will lose its magic, become worthless and they will lose all their power.
But the likelihood of such thing to happen is very low, faint and slim, for people would rather lose their health, freedom, children and culture than their beloved notes with promises no bank in the world can keep.
they are actually paid assassins, murder for hire. There is no place in hell hot enough for these ghouls.
I recommend Dr. Toby Rogers' Substack from today:
No, no, no, that's where covid came from!
No, they are evil players in the grand conspiracy of the TCC. They go along.
My sister, an RN, vaccinated to her eyeballs, died suddenly in her sleep.
It’s was the FDA’s misinformation, that murdered her.
So sorry for your loss...
I’m more angry now. I feel terrible for her children, she has a 17yr old son and a 14yo daughter. I cant even imagine losing my mom at 14.
A true tragedy, and completely unnecessary. With effective early treatment (that was rabidly censored) no one should have died from COVID, and no one should have taken the untested, radical, fake vaccine experimental genetic modification drugs! They are fraudulent all the way— they were mislabeled as "vaccines" to avoid the normal proceedure for genetic drug approval. All lies. All fraud. All CRIMINAL! ALL DEADLY!
with Fauci's Ouchies!
Yes. Rage is vital. I’m so sorry. Beautiful human lives.
Heartbreaking. I am so sorry for your family’s loss.
Is there any dot connecting going on? If it were my family...the answer would be an emphatic no. The narrative is far more important that health or life. The narrative is their new life. My condolences. My turn is coming as most are jabbed and active disciples.
It’s a cult
They’re all brainwashed
My heartfelt condolences for your loss & for her husband and kids as well. Utterly tragic.
So sorry 😔. Heartbreaking.
So sorry for your loss and her family. 😢🙏🏻
These are simple words and sometimes seem trite. However, I am so sorry. My heart hurts for all if you
Those I've known who died from these were acquaintances. I can barely imagine the personal loss.
My sisters roommate from college, her sister died yesterday. Heather and Robin remained friends all these yrs. My older sister said she died from a heart attack, have no information on her vax status.
My wife just found out her cousin died after booster. It becomes more and more personal.
I did and I am so sorry. It was very hard. They may pull away but it is just the pain of such a loss. Don't let go.
So sorry for those kids, and for you. Lost my mom at 10, same age as your sister, but from heart attack. 61 yrs ago. It is terrible to not have a mother when growing up, or when adult, to answer and discuss all questions of life with, to look in the mirror with to see where you come from. Hugs to you xoxo
I am so very sorry. And yes you are right
And that same misinformation has murdered more than a half million Americans! Anyone who is told the truth about the genetic shots that destroy the immune system, cause body-wide inflammation and trigger autoimmunity, cause both bleeding and clotting pathologies; enter the brain and cause inflammation, clots, and other damage; stimulate cancers and reactivation of viruses, etc., would absolutely refuse to be guinea pigs for them! But no! All the public heard was "safe and effective" ad nauseum while they lied through their teeth about the shots and about the wonder drug Ivermectin and other effective early treatments.
One year ago was already Omicron, so you guys lucked out. I got it in Summer 2020 when it was a lot worse. But I had done my "homework", had my Ivermectin, had gotten my vitamin D level super high, lots of vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, etc. So even though I'm old and with comorbidities, I got through it with no clotting problem, no reduction in oxygen saturation, and no visit to a doctor. But I was still just about as sick as I had ever been in my life for three days. COVID back then was no joke. But by day five I was already up and about and going out to pick up lunch! Amazing what good uncensored information can do!
The Misinformation Media and the lying government hacks all belong in prison for mass murder!
My most sincere condolences, this insanity is so increasingly hard to witness and experience.
You said it. The level of self destructive behavior associated with trusting these diabolical people is beyond anything any cult has succeeded in accomplishing.
Well stated yourself. Hence why we are witnessing the diabolisation of society [the rise of more and more people becoming demonically afflicted then possessed.]
I'm so sorry Andrea. 😭🙏⚘
That’s so horrible. I’m sorry for your loss. I’m just waiting for that news from my sisters camp. Same story. She refuses to discuss with me because her opinions are “based on science”. She is literally a science teacher. All I can do is pray at this point. I don’t know if I’ll be able to forgive her if she ends up murdering one of those sweet little children of hers.
Very sorry about that. What possesses these people to deliberately push these injections to people who believe they are credible.
Unfortunately, almost everything about our Big Pharma-run medical system (note: it is NOT "healthcare"— no "health" anywhere in it!) is lies. Most drugs don't work as advertised. People are deliberately kept sick so the parasitic industry can continue to feed on them.
It's BIG PHARMA, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, THE MSM ALL UNDER THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME, ITALY in charge! Drug meds may heal symptoms but NOT cure disease. STAY WELL NATURALLY! A helpful healing site is
I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS!
I’m sorry for the loss of your sister and for the cause it came from.
So tragic Andrea! God be with her children and you to comfort and to see justice.
Make sure to collect all possible evidence & contact a lawyer involved in these things. You sister was murdered.
You're absolutely right. These people have been contributing to the premature deaths of individuals as far back as I can remember.
I'm so sorry for your loss. A former colleague, also vaccinated for work, just died in his sleep. Left behind 5 young children.
SO VERY SAD FOR YOUR (AND HER) LOSS! With her knowledge even
she was deceived ~ and so young!
It does not get any more real than this loss. This loss was not meant to be. So many thought that they were doing the right thing. Believing our government should not equate to death.
In a twisted way he is correct. The misinformation (The vaccine is 100% safe and effective, for example) HAS caused an uptick in deaths. People believed this lie and are now dying because of allowing poison to be injected into their bodies. Some companies MANDATED this death jab. How dangerous are those who demand you get jabbed with an unknown concoction while telling you it is100% safe and effective?
The Supreme Court overturn of Biden’s lunacy saved me in the nick od time. I absolutely would have left my job. My woke ass company was “following CDC guidelines” despite half the company seeing the truth.
Thank goodness Boeing stood up to thaw evil and said NO! As healthy as a two year old striving to gain interdependence and autonomy.
Boeing did not. They stood up to Biden. One of the biggest companies and comprised of very smart people. It was companies like Boeing that caused Biden to drop that mandate. There, take that Biden! LOL 😂
I guess, if misinformation decreases your life expectancy than censorship causes strokes.😁
Bottom line: The FDA reduces life expectancy and causes excess mortality.
Exactly, hence;
F - acilitating/fostering
D - eath/disease
A - lways/as much as possible.
That's because the agency is funded by big pharma. The crooks used the AIDS crisis in the 80's to change a "totally" publicly funded organization into one That’s "half" funded by drug companies.
Good points.
He's dead, Jim.
Dark Ages Medicine!
The FDA is now garbage.
Another agency that could be defunded.
Totally defunded, as in SHUT DOWN!
I would add , use the Harvard Pilgrim study that showed the REAL injury rate that should be itn VAERS , that caused the CDC to ghost them instead of embracing their findings.
Do not insult garbage please.
Garbage let’s you know that it belongs in the trash. It doesn’t wag its finger at you and call you a moron
Spot on!
good point. garbage can be recycled.
Mr. Califf deserves the death penalty. He helped corrupt the agency, and he has had every opportunity to look into the key data. Everyone should be against extra-legal (i.e., illegitimate revolutionary) action being taken against him. But there must be a way to bring a set of criminal negligence -like charges that put him at risk of capital punishment in a fair trial.
He is correct. The misinformation that the shots are safe and effective are definitely affecting people’s health.
There are truths in lies, that is why the Big Lie lasts.
I wonder if he realizes this and giggles to himself over his nightcap Cognac?
I don't even know how to respond to such Wokeism (read Lunacy) other than to offer up the following... "WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH"
Advertising is designed to change behavior. This moron is advertising the propaganda of a death cult. I call it the Cult of Moloch as it targets babies and reproduction.
Exactly ancient eugenic elitist fetish death cult.
Obviously just a depopulation cult since not one healthy child has died from COVID. But they sure are from the sacrificial injections!
Return of the Gods. By Jonathan Cahn. Pretty much explains the dangers we are in and the destruction of the Western countries happening at a fast clip now. Fascinating and enlightening. Also horrifying. New book.
This is actually worth worrying about and not just rolling our eyes 👀 (as I’m inclined).
FTC and FDA being able to control the narrative totally (and don’t say it couldn’t happen - we saw it get damn close during “covid”) would be incredibly dangerous for rights - and incredibly helpful for NWO and the Great Reset folks...
Umm, they have already done that and no one has been held accountable.
Now, that is the visible elephant in the room! seen by the Substack community with the resultant frustrations, and seen but ignored by the globalists.
Last sentence -
"created and encouraged by the globalists."
This is what the new Plandemic treaty the WHO is pushing for is all about: One World Tyrrany forced on all of us under the guise of "protecting us", because the Sheeple Fools will trade away all their freedom for the false security of more lockdowns, closed businesses, and death shots "to protect us"!
My head hurts from this stupidity and I’m beyond angry that they shove this crap down our throats assuming that we all believe them. The arrogance!!!
80% of people took the vax, so somebody *is* believing the stupidity
Milgram experiment percentages seemed to hold pretty true. Probably a 60/40 split with the coercion breaking down the less resolute.
What about Pareto's Rule of Sparcicity?
This 1000%. Very, very sad but true.
Misinformation is the new Climate Change.
Climate Change is misinformation.
No it isn't. Climate Change is real, because the climate is ALWAYS changing! The misinformation is that carbon dioxide can heat up the Earth and is the driver of climate: all totally false!!! We NEED MORE CO2, MUCH MORE! The Earth is starved for CO2! That's why the death cult Globalists are trying to reduce it! They don't want the Earth to green up and plants and animals to prosper. They want to kill everything!