On tonight’s The Highwire, this year’s Davos was described as a funeral. We had to wait three years, but perhaps things are changing. JCVI UK announced covid jabs end Feb 12th. They may reintroduce them in the autumn. Are Gavin Newsom’s days in office coming to an end? Justin Trudeau? Australia now warning medical practitioners that they are at risk, if they do not inform their patients of all the possible adverse events they might experience post vaxx, when previously those same practitioners were warned by the same overlords to not spread misinformation about the covid jabs. Much of this change is due to the brave work of our covid warriors. Thank you Igor Chudhov for being one of our warriors💕
Yes, but i didn't publicly to the entire world outed my name, profession and dwelling place like the warrior heros did! Like Igor and the like. They deserve to get wealthy from it now as much as possible. I rejoice so much in their personal rise! We have to incentivize integrity and moral behaviour and set up examples for the future. Some are grifters now for sure. But i think we've developed now over the past three years a quite sensitive BS detector, i would argue.
May you all be well, and rejoice in the turning of the tide. I knew it would eventually happen.
Yet here in Oz, they are still pushing the boosters big time. There is a "new wave" ongoing, in the middle of summer, with Victoria being hit harder than the rest of states. To be honest, I would love to see what the informed consent discussion would be like these days. How does one go from "The vaccine will protect you and your loved, no worries! Just make sure you get a booster when needed." to "This booster, just like the vaccine that you had before, yeah, I kind of have to warn you that it can cause death, heart attacks, strokes and cornucopia of permanent cardio-vascular and neural conditions, but NO WORRIES!". The sad part is that there will still be takers!
To quote Yogi Berra; "It ain't over till it's over". I think this only the end of round 1. Be prepared for a "new and improved" pandemic onslaught in round 2.
I am not sure of that. Pandemics are a mess. They resolve too quickly when everybody gets the thing and this shows that it wasn't that bad. Better to stick with things that take decades and are much vaguer, like global warming. You know, if it is hot, it's global warming. If it's cool, it is climate change.
At the request of HHS Secretary Nagel, ASPR convened a series of meetings among senior leadership of the federal health agencies to address policy and program changes being implemented as a result of a departmental review of the response to the SPARS pandemic. Among the issues considered were the implications of growing negative public opinion regarding Corovax and the government’s perceived indifference to victims of the public health response to SPARS. One senior health official argued that time and a robust medical monitoring program for vaccine recipients — the components of which were already in place — should be sufficient to determine whether public concern about longterm effects was, in fact, warranted: “We have to wait for the data. People need to understand that fact.” One prominent attendee at these meetings was Dr. Ann Flynn, the director of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Staff from the administration’s Disaster Technical Assistance Center had recently briefed Dr. Flynn on usage data for the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline over the past year, and summary reports indicated that a significant number of helpline users said that their principal worry was associated with the SPARS pandemic and, more recently, uncertainty about potential longterm effects of Corovax. Considering this new knowledge, Dr. Flynn countered the earlier claim that the public simply needed to wait until the science was clear: “Communities around the country went through what some felt was a harrowing public health emergency, only later to confront the possibility, however slim, that the medicine we promised would help them may in fact be hurting them.” The senior leaders in attendance concluded, after much prompting by Dr. Flynn, that no top political or public health figurehead had publicly recognized the collective sense of vulnerability that the pandemic had elicited or the strength that the public exhibited under threat of grave danger. Moreover, no national leader had publicly acknowledged the public’s broad willingness to accept a prescribed countermeasure that promised to end the pandemic, but whose long were not fully understood at the time. Following the meeting, ASPR recommended to HHS Secretary Nagel that SAMHSA collaborate with stakeholders and devise behavioral health guidance for the states, tribes, and territories on how to strengthen the public’s coping skills, provide support for grieving individuals, encourage a forward direction, and meet other SPARS recovery needs. It was further recommended that Secretary Nagel consult with President Archer about the possibility of acknowledging the emotional toll of SPARS during a future public appearance. The primary message would be one of gratitude to the American people for remaining strong during the pandemic. Another key message would convey appreciation for adhering to public health recommendations, including vaccination, to hasten the end of the pandemic in the face of considerable uncertainty. President Archer agreed to address the country’s resolve and recovery in the face of SPARS. Top risk communication advisors from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and SAMHSA conferred as a group about how best to frame the President’s remarks. The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice."
The tide is turning slowly but although the JCVI have just advised ending boosters for the under 50's the jab programme for children 5+ is still very much pushing on with schools distributing letters from the NHS advising parents to act on their offer to jab their children with at least two doses and for the vulnerable ones to get a booster too whilst still claiming the jabs stop infection and spread. They provide a link to a booking system to make the appointments.
Coming via the schools, this recommendation is more likely to be taken up by parents unaware of the dangers and the absence of any benefits. The horror show continues.
Gavin Newsom may well be the next POTUS. Remember, democrats have perfected cheating in all the battleground states and the corrupt corporate media will control the narrative and the sheep will follow. That is how we got an Alzheimers patient in there now. I agree, Igor has made a tremendous difference, but this is far from over.
You are right to be pleased that the arguments you put forth ended up winning over the judge (though not specifically penned by you). I share that pleasure, and hope that the same arguments will cause the law to be struck down before the injunction ends.
Blocking it on a "technicality" however, is not the answer. This abomination HAS to be struck down on its violation of free speech and interference with the doctor-patient relationship, AND the recognition that medical knowledge is constantly advancing and is never "settled" or cast in stone, and that what's "misinformation" today may very well be the cutting edge of medicine tomorrow, and that neither politicians nor the courts have any business passing judgment on either scientific OR medical issues!!!!!!
It is more like the stethoscope is their identity and how they believe it makes them look "official" or genuine. I suspect that it is just childish "herd mentality" enculturation that is behind it, and also a little of the leftover "God complex" they have from a bygone era when doctors were venerated and patients were treated condescendingly like ignorant children.
It's like when Fauci was in The White House press conference with Trump, wearing a white coat when he's never treated a single covid patient in his life! They're just drug pushers - in a white coat - and people fell for it.
Good Job Igor. There is an advantage that you have. The politicians might all be jabbed, but the judges are not necessarily jabbed. The lawyer lackeys' that work for the government are probably jabbed so they have spike proteins clogging their brains. This gives you an unfair advantage, but what the hell, take advantage of it at every step. If I am right, you will always win
Yet pompous ass Governor Gavin Newsom happily signed that Bill into law and promoted its appropriateness. He expects to become President on the strength of his political wisdom. They are not going to stop.
He is a pompous idiot who believes he is much better than us "commoners". He is also a Communist Chinese asset and part of the Pelosi Crime Family. If he has the nerve to run, he would be easy to beat except for how good the Demonrats are at stealing elections now.
He will be president unless people wake up and play the same game as the demoncrats. I finally heard a candidate to the RNC chair saying what was bleeding obvious for a decade - ensure that all republican votes are collected AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE and use all legal means to do so (as in ballot harvesting where it is allowed). Do not wait until election day when they are just waiting to figure out how many "just found a few more votes" are needed to win.
So true. I have always been a "vote on election day" voter. Not during the last election. The Demoncrats have rigged the rules to favor the results in their favor. We have to play by the new rules. I voted in South Carolina during the two week early voting window. We won overall by twelve points
Be careful about thinking that either US political party (or probably any party anywhere) is your friend. Whatever they used to do in the past, these days they are there to funnel money to media consultants. The more they can churn the public with outrage at side issues, the more money they can rake in.
So true. I have always been a "vote on election day" voter. Not during the last election. The Demoncrats have rigged the rules to favor the results in their favor. We must play by the new rules. I voted in South Carolina during the two-week early voting window. We won overall by twelve points.
They will not stop. Demon NY gov 'Ho just got bitch slapped by the courts in striking down her shot mandate edict for health care workers. She refuses to rehire lepers because she says the bioweapon shots stop transmission of the bioweapon virus.
All right! I know that Jacobsen vs Mass ostensibly sanctions vaccine requirements imposed by the government. Alan Dershowitz is deeply in love with medical authorities and accepts “scientific consensus” as a hammer (we’re the nails). What he is missing is informed consent and lethality of a medical interventions such as this one. Since the vaccines indeed kill people and there is NO informed consent ... the vaccine inserts have been blank til recently and only now mention myocarditis ... the ability of government to kill its citizens either intentionally of by malfeasance cannot be interpreted as a power granted by the Constitution. This would contradict the principle of inalienable rights. So, the government has no more power to mandate a known lethal vaccine than did Jim Jones to mandate the cyanide laced Kool Aid. I hope this argument will transcend discussion about scientific concensus.
There are numerous reasons it can be argued that the 1905 (!) Jacobsen ruling does not control. Among them, for example, Jacobsen did not find it Constitutional for the government to mandate inoculation, only whether it could issue a relatively modest fine for refusing.
Absolutely. There are brains in the higher echelon of this diabolical herd of so-called humans. But most of the minions like this guy are total dullards.
I'm genuinely curious as to whether people like this Pan guy are really so delusional that they believe the garbage they sponsor, or they are psycho/sociopaths who don't care, or they enjoy knowing they are causing harm.
On tonight’s The Highwire, this year’s Davos was described as a funeral. We had to wait three years, but perhaps things are changing. JCVI UK announced covid jabs end Feb 12th. They may reintroduce them in the autumn. Are Gavin Newsom’s days in office coming to an end? Justin Trudeau? Australia now warning medical practitioners that they are at risk, if they do not inform their patients of all the possible adverse events they might experience post vaxx, when previously those same practitioners were warned by the same overlords to not spread misinformation about the covid jabs. Much of this change is due to the brave work of our covid warriors. Thank you Igor Chudhov for being one of our warriors💕
I agree. I would also add we are all warriors in whatever capacity we are able.
Yes, but i didn't publicly to the entire world outed my name, profession and dwelling place like the warrior heros did! Like Igor and the like. They deserve to get wealthy from it now as much as possible. I rejoice so much in their personal rise! We have to incentivize integrity and moral behaviour and set up examples for the future. Some are grifters now for sure. But i think we've developed now over the past three years a quite sensitive BS detector, i would argue.
May you all be well, and rejoice in the turning of the tide. I knew it would eventually happen.
I'm sure Igor is not after wealth but the satisfaction of doing something to counter insanity and government misinformation.
I know he isn’t. I never intended to imply that. I admire him greatly.
Yet here in Oz, they are still pushing the boosters big time. There is a "new wave" ongoing, in the middle of summer, with Victoria being hit harder than the rest of states. To be honest, I would love to see what the informed consent discussion would be like these days. How does one go from "The vaccine will protect you and your loved, no worries! Just make sure you get a booster when needed." to "This booster, just like the vaccine that you had before, yeah, I kind of have to warn you that it can cause death, heart attacks, strokes and cornucopia of permanent cardio-vascular and neural conditions, but NO WORRIES!". The sad part is that there will still be takers!
My dad, who is normally very intelligent, would be first in line to get that booster.
Unfortunately, your dad trusts the establishment and their institutions. Sadly this confidence is drilled into us from a young age.
So sorry to hear that.
To quote Yogi Berra; "It ain't over till it's over". I think this only the end of round 1. Be prepared for a "new and improved" pandemic onslaught in round 2.
I agree something this way comes!
I am not sure of that. Pandemics are a mess. They resolve too quickly when everybody gets the thing and this shows that it wasn't that bad. Better to stick with things that take decades and are much vaguer, like global warming. You know, if it is hot, it's global warming. If it's cool, it is climate change.
They tried, and it didn't work out very well.
Record on loop:
The unvaccinated anti maskers dunnit to those who are injured or died from the vaxx!
Flip record:
The victims of Vax injuries/death are hero's worthy of honor for their sacrifice to save all of us.
From the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028
At the request of HHS Secretary Nagel, ASPR convened a series of meetings among senior leadership of the federal health agencies to address policy and program changes being implemented as a result of a departmental review of the response to the SPARS pandemic. Among the issues considered were the implications of growing negative public opinion regarding Corovax and the government’s perceived indifference to victims of the public health response to SPARS. One senior health official argued that time and a robust medical monitoring program for vaccine recipients — the components of which were already in place — should be sufficient to determine whether public concern about longterm effects was, in fact, warranted: “We have to wait for the data. People need to understand that fact.” One prominent attendee at these meetings was Dr. Ann Flynn, the director of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Staff from the administration’s Disaster Technical Assistance Center had recently briefed Dr. Flynn on usage data for the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline over the past year, and summary reports indicated that a significant number of helpline users said that their principal worry was associated with the SPARS pandemic and, more recently, uncertainty about potential longterm effects of Corovax. Considering this new knowledge, Dr. Flynn countered the earlier claim that the public simply needed to wait until the science was clear: “Communities around the country went through what some felt was a harrowing public health emergency, only later to confront the possibility, however slim, that the medicine we promised would help them may in fact be hurting them.” The senior leaders in attendance concluded, after much prompting by Dr. Flynn, that no top political or public health figurehead had publicly recognized the collective sense of vulnerability that the pandemic had elicited or the strength that the public exhibited under threat of grave danger. Moreover, no national leader had publicly acknowledged the public’s broad willingness to accept a prescribed countermeasure that promised to end the pandemic, but whose long were not fully understood at the time. Following the meeting, ASPR recommended to HHS Secretary Nagel that SAMHSA collaborate with stakeholders and devise behavioral health guidance for the states, tribes, and territories on how to strengthen the public’s coping skills, provide support for grieving individuals, encourage a forward direction, and meet other SPARS recovery needs. It was further recommended that Secretary Nagel consult with President Archer about the possibility of acknowledging the emotional toll of SPARS during a future public appearance. The primary message would be one of gratitude to the American people for remaining strong during the pandemic. Another key message would convey appreciation for adhering to public health recommendations, including vaccination, to hasten the end of the pandemic in the face of considerable uncertainty. President Archer agreed to address the country’s resolve and recovery in the face of SPARS. Top risk communication advisors from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and SAMHSA conferred as a group about how best to frame the President’s remarks. The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice."
All of it is vile. Showcasing all the worse of humanity - indeed to guarantee cruelty would become the point.
It is an abomination.
The tide is turning slowly but although the JCVI have just advised ending boosters for the under 50's the jab programme for children 5+ is still very much pushing on with schools distributing letters from the NHS advising parents to act on their offer to jab their children with at least two doses and for the vulnerable ones to get a booster too whilst still claiming the jabs stop infection and spread. They provide a link to a booking system to make the appointments.
Coming via the schools, this recommendation is more likely to be taken up by parents unaware of the dangers and the absence of any benefits. The horror show continues.
Gavin Newsom may well be the next POTUS. Remember, democrats have perfected cheating in all the battleground states and the corrupt corporate media will control the narrative and the sheep will follow. That is how we got an Alzheimers patient in there now. I agree, Igor has made a tremendous difference, but this is far from over.
This info is useful even though I’m late catching this news. Thanks
Very well said Mary Ann Dowrick!!
You are right to be pleased that the arguments you put forth ended up winning over the judge (though not specifically penned by you). I share that pleasure, and hope that the same arguments will cause the law to be struck down before the injunction ends.
and that this madman looses his licence instead
Blocking it on a "technicality" however, is not the answer. This abomination HAS to be struck down on its violation of free speech and interference with the doctor-patient relationship, AND the recognition that medical knowledge is constantly advancing and is never "settled" or cast in stone, and that what's "misinformation" today may very well be the cutting edge of medicine tomorrow, and that neither politicians nor the courts have any business passing judgment on either scientific OR medical issues!!!!!!
Absolutely. 🎯
There's a good chance we can identify a quack healthcare worker or doctor with a straightforward test.
In their promotional image, if they wear a stethoscope around their neck, they are more than likely a fraud.
It is more like the stethoscope is their identity and how they believe it makes them look "official" or genuine. I suspect that it is just childish "herd mentality" enculturation that is behind it, and also a little of the leftover "God complex" they have from a bygone era when doctors were venerated and patients were treated condescendingly like ignorant children.
It's like when Fauci was in The White House press conference with Trump, wearing a white coat when he's never treated a single covid patient in his life! They're just drug pushers - in a white coat - and people fell for it.
Not anymore!!!
Thank you for being laudable, active, courageous citizens: Tracy Beth Hoeg, Aaron Kheriaty, Children’s Health Defense, and Igor.
Nice to see Tracy Beth is on the DeSantis Ladapo advisory committee that feed into the current Florida Grand Jury Criminal investigation
Now this is something to celebrate!
Good Job Igor. There is an advantage that you have. The politicians might all be jabbed, but the judges are not necessarily jabbed. The lawyer lackeys' that work for the government are probably jabbed so they have spike proteins clogging their brains. This gives you an unfair advantage, but what the hell, take advantage of it at every step. If I am right, you will always win
Yet pompous ass Governor Gavin Newsom happily signed that Bill into law and promoted its appropriateness. He expects to become President on the strength of his political wisdom. They are not going to stop.
He possibly will become president, to my great dismay.
I hope he will not become the president but, concerned also. I think he has learned the art of stealing the votes. Aunt Nancy, taught him well.
He has presided over the utter decline of California. Jerry Brown was at least a human being and had a mind.
God I hope you’re wrong. Newsom is strange. Can’t put my finger on it, but something is not right there IMHO
He is a pompous idiot who believes he is much better than us "commoners". He is also a Communist Chinese asset and part of the Pelosi Crime Family. If he has the nerve to run, he would be easy to beat except for how good the Demonrats are at stealing elections now.
I pray not so Igor ...
He will be president unless people wake up and play the same game as the demoncrats. I finally heard a candidate to the RNC chair saying what was bleeding obvious for a decade - ensure that all republican votes are collected AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE and use all legal means to do so (as in ballot harvesting where it is allowed). Do not wait until election day when they are just waiting to figure out how many "just found a few more votes" are needed to win.
So true. I have always been a "vote on election day" voter. Not during the last election. The Demoncrats have rigged the rules to favor the results in their favor. We have to play by the new rules. I voted in South Carolina during the two week early voting window. We won overall by twelve points
Along with Whitmer
Be careful about thinking that either US political party (or probably any party anywhere) is your friend. Whatever they used to do in the past, these days they are there to funnel money to media consultants. The more they can churn the public with outrage at side issues, the more money they can rake in.
The UniParty. To put it another way, the Left and the Right are just wings on the same bird.
So true. I have always been a "vote on election day" voter. Not during the last election. The Demoncrats have rigged the rules to favor the results in their favor. We must play by the new rules. I voted in South Carolina during the two-week early voting window. We won overall by twelve points.
More like a pompous DUMBASS, like our current president. But I'm sure he figures if Grifter Joe can do it, "why not me"?
They will not stop. Demon NY gov 'Ho just got bitch slapped by the courts in striking down her shot mandate edict for health care workers. She refuses to rehire lepers because she says the bioweapon shots stop transmission of the bioweapon virus.
Love it! I’m sure someone read your article and did say. Hey this guy is spot on!!
Let’s hope this truly get squashed but I have a feeling it will just go in circles til some judge signs off on it.
I am secretly hoping for same, but realistically any good lawyer would realize the same things I did!
Yeah, but there aren’t that many good lawyers. Some, but not many. You, however, Igor Chudov, rock the house with your big brain. Thank you!
Do not underestimate the power of your voice or what you are doing.
Amen! I’ve seen Igor’s work discussed and shared on multiple other stacks.
Amen! I’ve seen Igor’s work discussed and shared on multiple other stacks.
Do not underestimate the power of your voice or what you are doing.
All right! I know that Jacobsen vs Mass ostensibly sanctions vaccine requirements imposed by the government. Alan Dershowitz is deeply in love with medical authorities and accepts “scientific consensus” as a hammer (we’re the nails). What he is missing is informed consent and lethality of a medical interventions such as this one. Since the vaccines indeed kill people and there is NO informed consent ... the vaccine inserts have been blank til recently and only now mention myocarditis ... the ability of government to kill its citizens either intentionally of by malfeasance cannot be interpreted as a power granted by the Constitution. This would contradict the principle of inalienable rights. So, the government has no more power to mandate a known lethal vaccine than did Jim Jones to mandate the cyanide laced Kool Aid. I hope this argument will transcend discussion about scientific concensus.
There are numerous reasons it can be argued that the 1905 (!) Jacobsen ruling does not control. Among them, for example, Jacobsen did not find it Constitutional for the government to mandate inoculation, only whether it could issue a relatively modest fine for refusing.
Jacobsen did not force GIVING vaccines! Only allowed a fine to be imposed for not taking it!
these people are sociopaths, criminals!!
And dumb as rock
Absolutely. There are brains in the higher echelon of this diabolical herd of so-called humans. But most of the minions like this guy are total dullards.
🤣 agreee
That is massive understatement. Psychopaths and mass murders I think is more appropriate.
Best news today!!! Thank you Igor for all you do, it has so much value for us all!!!
Well Worth a celebration!
Thank you for your good work!!!
But Im afraid there's a long way ahead...
We've seen trails to DARPA, DOD,
etc, Event 201 +++
There is a hell of a fight Ahead!
Humble as ever...
Guess it is just a coincidence this ruling is dubbed the Igor Chudov Law.
I'm genuinely curious as to whether people like this Pan guy are really so delusional that they believe the garbage they sponsor, or they are psycho/sociopaths who don't care, or they enjoy knowing they are causing harm.
He may be so delusional, he thought there was a consensus, a fatal mistake
he gets a lot of campaign cash from big pharma. he also believes what they tell him.
And he physically FLEES from constituents with questions.
He's retired now. Since retiring, he is super fast to block you on Twitter! Before retiring, he simply hid unfavorable replies.
OMG, that is hilarious. Yet also kind of disturbing.
Igor, I admire how you said, "I told you so" without saying, "I told you so". LOL