Do we know what their "placebo" was? Often, especially in covid and vaccine studies, the placebo used is not an insert compound like sugar or saline, but another irritant to allow companies to claim their product is "no worse than placebo." If it was LNPs without the mRNA payload, this could account for the "unvaccinated" control reinfection, as this game was played in some adult studies.
Vaccines are always tested against another vaccine, not a real placebo.
Big pharmaceutical knows that all cause mortality against a double blind placebo would end all vaccines. The Danish did such a study in Africa. Usually they test a new vax against a relatively harmful old vax, often flu vax. This makes it look like baseline harms are much higher than they are. RFKjr continually request testing against a real placebo. Big pharmaceutical often answers carefully that the vaccines are TESTED. Yes, but not against a double blind true placebo. Just saying ‘tested’ is enough to satisfy most sheeple. Rachel Maddow repeated that, and also loudly stated “It’s a VACCINE!”
He's a true scientist and a true generalist/systems thinker so I admire him a great deal too. Good to hear you on the Highwire getting some exposure Igor.
Just as Great Barrington Declaration , dangers of lockdowns , every thing predicted by long draconian lockdowns , unfolding here , Australia . I am sadly part of deluge in my injured body pre Covid , pain , severe depression , and I am angry 😡 . Alone in pain , city Melbourne , Worlds most locked down city , i though have help from government , a team of support . If not I would have ended my life as how ludicrous in lockdowns to not pay attention to ALL health ! The connection to others is vital to humans wellbeing . I am ballet tough but lockdowns are like torture chambers when alone in pain , claustrophobia too
Me as well! You would love to read some of Schopenhauer's work....his advice on being with others. He was quite a pessimist, but a lot of what he observed and wrote about resonates with me. 3.2.3 Our relationship with others
In his advice on how to deal with other people in our lives, Schopenhauer’s pessimism and personal experiences take a lead. Schopenhauer thinks being together with other people is in most cases a terrible ordeal. His view of people in general is very bleak. People are dumb, selfish, out to harm you and can therefore never be trusted. Being around with others is dangerous, so one has to be careful und cunning to avoid being hurt.Footnote 2
His recommendations for dealing with other people fall into two categories. The first fosters acceptance of imperfection, the second is plainly pessimistic about the possibility of having satisfying relationships. A few examples:
People are essentially only interested in themselves. Therefore, they are both easily offended and flattered. People’s opinions and judgements are usually corrupt and easily bought.
Being friendly and kind to other people will make them arrogant and intolerable. Never let yourself become dependent on someone. Always behave with a little disregard.
Friendship is usually concealed self-interest.
True friendship is extremely rare. Maybe it does not exist at all.
Exhibiting intelligence and discernment makes you very unpopular because it confronts other people with their intellectual inferiority.
Trust is often a sign of laziness, selfishness and vanity.
Extraordinary people find ordinary people very annoying and will prefer solitude. :-)
This negative attitude about other people is softened by his advice that deals with acceptance. Schopenhauer tells his readers to accept people for what they are. They cannot change themselves and neither can you. Accepting the fact that there are many fools in the world will save you a lot of conflict.
I am qualified to write a thesis on it as I truly began to go somewhat crazy . No car , apartment block , in evenings I would yell alone here , ‘ someone get me out of here ‘
Social media played a huge part in at least connection. to humans but I
Am heading to nature for a week or more to calm nervous system , inflammation . I did learn so much on YouTube , smart tv 📺. Around subjects . We were locked up for months and months !
Thanks as I have craved being in the country part of Victoria . Also , have you heard of EARTHING ? Also light spectrum , the leaves on trees produce infra red , great MD speaks of nature , immunity . Light spectrum , Vit D too . Will find !
Seems that many of us in “the resistance” are introverted. Maybe that’s one reason we didn’t fall for the mass hysteria/group think? I was able to watch it all from my lone perch and not get swept up.
Agreed. I worry our being introverted (as I am) may have lead to our numbers and inner strength being underestimated. I also think the small percentage of really “forced vaxxers” are loud, extroverted, and poorly informed. Many who were vaccinated were coerced, or wanted to, but were fine with free choice. That is why in Iowa, over 70 percent now have doubts about all vaccines. Before mRNA gene injections, less than ten percent of the people there did(from the Jaxxen report, Del Bigtree podcast). A sea change, really.
We don't care about the opinions of others (often we disregard our own opinion) and we are able to live without interacting with others and we are, probably, pretty high in neuroticism (we worry about the future a lot)
The most vicious vaxers (the one I really despise) are the "agreeable" people that "agreed" with the people in power. Not because they believe but because they cannot stand for themselves.
The worst are the ones arguing "Because I did it (and risked my life), you MUST do it too"
Agreed. Those are super insecure, uninformed people. If they see you are not getting shot up, or refusing a booster, they are so unsure of their position, which they learned from watching american network news, that they become afraid. If they can force us to get shot up too, then misery loves company, and it makes them a touch less nervous. Now millions of heavily vaccinated people are very nervous. How many can believe the MSM excuses for excess deaths? Too much coffee? Warm weather? Touching soil?
I'm in Chicago. If we had lockdowns, I never noticed. I've lived in isolation for years. So for me it's a dream come true world. I'm chronically ill and in pain all the time, being around others would only add to my pain and suffering. I have empathy for those who can't thrive in that type of environment though.
Another pain person who I really empathise and in Australia , the opiate crisis has gone too far , under medicated . I joke but serous say ‘ you can get a Covid booster anywhere anyone plus a donut 🍩 , yet don’t ask for oxycodone I if in acute pain ! Immoral medicine with these vaccines . I send my best wishes as I have had battles with health , anxiety but PAIN isolates me , makes me crazy !
Being a Vet and a member of the VA community, it is heart breaking to see the suffering of those in chronic pain. The VA is the organization that got them hooked than refused to prescribe them. I get it to a certain extent but . . . Sometimes they are needed. My doc had to go through multiple hoops for chlorophenamine (old fashion allergy med that actually works)
Interesting . I have always as a dancer known , get pain level down , then you can start slowly reconditioning body . My pain has created more pain as I hyperventilate , dysautonomia means faulty fight flight so pumpkin put cortisol which then creates more Inflammation
I was given Suboxone Chemical I can’t spell , Buporenphrine ? sublingual tablets that made me feel drunk . Almost fainted from postural hypotension. .
It's a combination of naloxone and buprenorphine. Usually used for narcotic addiction control and tapering, the naloxone is used to prevent injection or overdosing, which precipitates withdrawal. The buprenorphine is a mixed opioid agonist/antagonist with a long enough half-life that it doesn't give a great high or severe (quick) withdrawal.
It took me 4 hours to get through that 2 hour interview today. I'm always hitting pause to do something else. Now I'm watching Brett's interview last week with Dr Malone on Spotify and it will probably take me all night to get through that for the same reason. But YouTube won't allow it to be posted there, so you know it's a must-watch.
I'm aware of a very sage substacker who has been known to make very clean GVB clips in the past, but it is selfish to expect others to do all the work.
I will watch later when i have more time, and perhaps extricate a few salient clips.
I subscribe and watch John Campbell everyday. He finally saw through and gave up on vaccines at least a year ago. But this link I posted has nothing to do with John Campbell.
He also refuses to raise the question whether herd immunity is possible in highly vaccinated countries. Despite mount of evidence to the contrary, he keeps saying that
He is still worth tuning into occasionally. He seems to have become somewhat redpilled these days, it's worth it just to see that. And he has a huge reach.
Lol I figured I could find you on here somewhere. Had to look up John Campbell. I thought he was coming around (Duck & Cover)'re a tyrant Sage lol. Obviously no need to send you the link.
Yeah, i enjoy those, and in fact one of those introduced me to Malone and Kirsch, but in this case, I would like a bunch of clips.
I'll watch it all later.
I am hoping for a clear, succinct explanation of how the jab increases likelihood of increased virulence in variants combined with inability of a jabbed immune system to fight it.
You will enjoy this discussion then. It was pretty comprehensive. My B cells are essentially non-functional, so I always take extra interest in topics of immunity.
Please see the video of Geert Van den Bossche (an eminent, highly qualified and very experienced vaccine development and research scientist) which was posted in about April 2021. Geert Van den Bossche gives a good explanation about how the roll-out of the novel experimental, so-called "vaccines ' in the midst of a pandemic causes the Covid 19 virus to mutate in the body and create variants of the Covid-19 virus.
I do have to wonder about that. I changed nothing during the lockdowns, except for a joke mask that I wore so that I could shop at Whole Foods or keep some of the Covid Karens' off of me. I was around literally thousands of people during that 2 year period due to the nature of my various forms of employment. Many of those people turned out, at one point or another, to "have Covid." I never got it. Never even submitted to one of those stupid, invasive "Covid tests." But, as far as the healthy people I knew that "tested positive," their illnesses were exactly like a run of the mill cold or flu. Older and/or comorbid people I knew that "tested positive" generally ended up in the hospital and were immediately treated to the obviously lethal "Covid hospital protocols," which led to their demise "from Covid" about 80% of the time. I just rejected the entire Covid user interface. (Except when I needed food or protection from the Covid Karen hordes.) Then, it was just a game. Because whatever happens is between me and God, and not between me and Leviathan.
Yup. Isn't it true, Candis, that the PCR tests were debunked long ago as useless as a diagnostic tool? One could PCR a ham sandwich, set the cycles at 40, and come up with a (false) positive C19 test 97% of the time. How do physicians, or test centers, or pharmacists know that anyone has Covid? Could it just be the flu? Or something else? I am talking about for those who exhibit symptoms like high temperatures, respiratory distress, poor O2 saturation, etc. What is becoming clear is that many, many of the "vaccinated" (nope, sorry not a real vaccine) are falling by the wayside, struck down by the miraculous injections that were lie-foisted upon them to save them from something like the common cold.
I overheard friends this weekend talking about another person they know suffering from "long covid". I am 99% sure they will be vaccinated, working in science, so complete faith in the narrative, for fear of looking stupid if they reject it. These people will not question the vaccine.
Agreed, so what difference does it make if it's isolated or not. What does proving isolation actually accomplish 🤔? We still have to figure out ways to survive it . Too many people are getting hung up on "isolated " IMO. I THINK WE AGREE THE WAY OUR GOVERNMENT IS HANDLING THIS IS 100% BULLSHIT. AND THEY'RE STILL TRYING TO KILL US!
Are we getting closer to the accountability stage? People in high places heads ought to be rolling. #waiting
Igor, I had the two Pfizer vaccinations do we know what the ingredients are yet? What am I staring down the barrel at in terms of future medical complications?
Hi Sair, good thing you did not get three or four doses. Congratulations on that. There is not much scientific data, but just try to stay as healthy as you can be, get some safe amount of sun tan etc. We will somehow pull through this as a society.
check out and find your lot #. you can find out how many AE's are associated with each lot #, as well as now (new development) a list of which lots are presumed to be "biologically active" vs placebo. good luck.
I suspect that there will be no accountability stage.
But there will be lots of splashy theater and gavel pounding hearings which will appease the gullible Red Pill masses.
You have to look at the behavior once the puppet show is over and clock whether the *Ally* is actually making a ruckus as if people were actually dying. Which they are.
There will be no accountability because this was initiated at the very highest levels of power (the folks who control the world - and own the Fed)... and every leader on the planet is helping execute the plan.
We are being exterminated. There won't be anyone left to be held accountable
Contrary to popular opinion the people who are behind this are actually doing us a favour - the global economy was being strangled because we've burned up all the cheap energy and what's left goes down the throat of BAU like a sharpened fish bone...
Total collapse was imminent -- if we are not exterminate 8B are on the streets in the dark with no food -- that = murder rape disease cannibalism... on a global scale
This becomes very much like having a discussion with a CovIDIOT... you know how that goes... you show them facts and logic and they get angry and call you a conspiracy theorist or a moron (btw - MOREON is the correct term)
You can elicit a similar reaction if you ask a Green Groopie why Leo and Al Gore fly around in private jets when we need to urgently cut back our burn.
Same happens if you ask a Green Groopie what creates the electricity to charge their Tesla... or even better what happens at night when the sun doesn't shine on the solar farm. Anger ... insults.
If an American elected official (Paul) were say, grilling a 40-year Swamp Creature (Fauci) who working with DARPA built bioweapons and who was in cahoots with others building "self spreading and amplifying vaccines" and yet strangely nothing ever came from these splashy Reality TV style sessions...
And another American elected official (Ron Johnson) was holding hearings about the fraudulence of the Injections and the various cover ups....
And yet the FDA and the CDC just plowed ahead and approved the toxic drugs for infants?
Would I be correct to be suspicious that I have been watching a controlled opposition charade?
A Placebo Nothing Burger designed to make me think that "something was happening"?
I do feel that Rand Paul and Ron Johnson are sincere. You would think congressman and senators would have power. But they don’t have power like WHO/PHARMA does. I’m hoping we will prevail in the courts here in the U.S. It will just take time. Thank goodness we do have very brave people.
I’m sorry that I’ve upset you. Of course you should support them, as do I, they just can’t do it by themselves. We must all stay strong and fight And hope
Brett and Geert covered this this week too. All Geert's predictions a year ago, about mass vaccinating during a pandemic, have sadly come to fruition.
I admire Geert
Do we know what their "placebo" was? Often, especially in covid and vaccine studies, the placebo used is not an insert compound like sugar or saline, but another irritant to allow companies to claim their product is "no worse than placebo." If it was LNPs without the mRNA payload, this could account for the "unvaccinated" control reinfection, as this game was played in some adult studies.
Vaccines are always tested against another vaccine, not a real placebo.
Big pharmaceutical knows that all cause mortality against a double blind placebo would end all vaccines. The Danish did such a study in Africa. Usually they test a new vax against a relatively harmful old vax, often flu vax. This makes it look like baseline harms are much higher than they are. RFKjr continually request testing against a real placebo. Big pharmaceutical often answers carefully that the vaccines are TESTED. Yes, but not against a double blind true placebo. Just saying ‘tested’ is enough to satisfy most sheeple. Rachel Maddow repeated that, and also loudly stated “It’s a VACCINE!”
Wrong, they are gene therapy.
He's a true scientist and a true generalist/systems thinker so I admire him a great deal too. Good to hear you on the Highwire getting some exposure Igor.
Just as Great Barrington Declaration , dangers of lockdowns , every thing predicted by long draconian lockdowns , unfolding here , Australia . I am sadly part of deluge in my injured body pre Covid , pain , severe depression , and I am angry 😡 . Alone in pain , city Melbourne , Worlds most locked down city , i though have help from government , a team of support . If not I would have ended my life as how ludicrous in lockdowns to not pay attention to ALL health ! The connection to others is vital to humans wellbeing . I am ballet tough but lockdowns are like torture chambers when alone in pain , claustrophobia too
I am with you even though I am an introvert
Me too. What “they” call an extroverted introvert
Exactly! Love being with people, but prefer alone most times.
Ditto :)
Me as well! You would love to read some of Schopenhauer's work....his advice on being with others. He was quite a pessimist, but a lot of what he observed and wrote about resonates with me. 3.2.3 Our relationship with others
In his advice on how to deal with other people in our lives, Schopenhauer’s pessimism and personal experiences take a lead. Schopenhauer thinks being together with other people is in most cases a terrible ordeal. His view of people in general is very bleak. People are dumb, selfish, out to harm you and can therefore never be trusted. Being around with others is dangerous, so one has to be careful und cunning to avoid being hurt.Footnote 2
His recommendations for dealing with other people fall into two categories. The first fosters acceptance of imperfection, the second is plainly pessimistic about the possibility of having satisfying relationships. A few examples:
People are essentially only interested in themselves. Therefore, they are both easily offended and flattered. People’s opinions and judgements are usually corrupt and easily bought.
Being friendly and kind to other people will make them arrogant and intolerable. Never let yourself become dependent on someone. Always behave with a little disregard.
Friendship is usually concealed self-interest.
True friendship is extremely rare. Maybe it does not exist at all.
Exhibiting intelligence and discernment makes you very unpopular because it confronts other people with their intellectual inferiority.
Trust is often a sign of laziness, selfishness and vanity.
Extraordinary people find ordinary people very annoying and will prefer solitude. :-)
This negative attitude about other people is softened by his advice that deals with acceptance. Schopenhauer tells his readers to accept people for what they are. They cannot change themselves and neither can you. Accepting the fact that there are many fools in the world will save you a lot of conflict.
Obviously, a brilliant man. >semi-snark<
You have all heard teen. ‘ CABIN FEVER 🥵
I am qualified to write a thesis on it as I truly began to go somewhat crazy . No car , apartment block , in evenings I would yell alone here , ‘ someone get me out of here ‘
Social media played a huge part in at least connection. to humans but I
Am heading to nature for a week or more to calm nervous system , inflammation . I did learn so much on YouTube , smart tv 📺. Around subjects . We were locked up for months and months !
Have a great time and adventure
Thanks as I have craved being in the country part of Victoria . Also , have you heard of EARTHING ? Also light spectrum , the leaves on trees produce infra red , great MD speaks of nature , immunity . Light spectrum , Vit D too . Will find !
Yep, me too!
Seems that many of us in “the resistance” are introverted. Maybe that’s one reason we didn’t fall for the mass hysteria/group think? I was able to watch it all from my lone perch and not get swept up.
Agreed. I worry our being introverted (as I am) may have lead to our numbers and inner strength being underestimated. I also think the small percentage of really “forced vaxxers” are loud, extroverted, and poorly informed. Many who were vaccinated were coerced, or wanted to, but were fine with free choice. That is why in Iowa, over 70 percent now have doubts about all vaccines. Before mRNA gene injections, less than ten percent of the people there did(from the Jaxxen report, Del Bigtree podcast). A sea change, really.
We are introverts and disagreeable people.
We don't care about the opinions of others (often we disregard our own opinion) and we are able to live without interacting with others and we are, probably, pretty high in neuroticism (we worry about the future a lot)
The most vicious vaxers (the one I really despise) are the "agreeable" people that "agreed" with the people in power. Not because they believe but because they cannot stand for themselves.
The worst are the ones arguing "Because I did it (and risked my life), you MUST do it too"
Agreed. Those are super insecure, uninformed people. If they see you are not getting shot up, or refusing a booster, they are so unsure of their position, which they learned from watching american network news, that they become afraid. If they can force us to get shot up too, then misery loves company, and it makes them a touch less nervous. Now millions of heavily vaccinated people are very nervous. How many can believe the MSM excuses for excess deaths? Too much coffee? Warm weather? Touching soil?
Just laughable.
I'm in Chicago. If we had lockdowns, I never noticed. I've lived in isolation for years. So for me it's a dream come true world. I'm chronically ill and in pain all the time, being around others would only add to my pain and suffering. I have empathy for those who can't thrive in that type of environment though.
Another pain person who I really empathise and in Australia , the opiate crisis has gone too far , under medicated . I joke but serous say ‘ you can get a Covid booster anywhere anyone plus a donut 🍩 , yet don’t ask for oxycodone I if in acute pain ! Immoral medicine with these vaccines . I send my best wishes as I have had battles with health , anxiety but PAIN isolates me , makes me crazy !
Being a Vet and a member of the VA community, it is heart breaking to see the suffering of those in chronic pain. The VA is the organization that got them hooked than refused to prescribe them. I get it to a certain extent but . . . Sometimes they are needed. My doc had to go through multiple hoops for chlorophenamine (old fashion allergy med that actually works)
Interesting . I have always as a dancer known , get pain level down , then you can start slowly reconditioning body . My pain has created more pain as I hyperventilate , dysautonomia means faulty fight flight so pumpkin put cortisol which then creates more Inflammation
I was given Suboxone Chemical I can’t spell , Buporenphrine ? sublingual tablets that made me feel drunk . Almost fainted from postural hypotension. .
Wow! Who did “they” test that on? Linebackers?
It's a combination of naloxone and buprenorphine. Usually used for narcotic addiction control and tapering, the naloxone is used to prevent injection or overdosing, which precipitates withdrawal. The buprenorphine is a mixed opioid agonist/antagonist with a long enough half-life that it doesn't give a great high or severe (quick) withdrawal.
For chlorpheniramine? You can buy 100 4 mg tabs at Walmart for $3!
Well, my PCP had to jump hoops to do it. I figured just VA BS.
Hang in there. Know that "energetically", you are not alone. 😔
It would be very nice if some sage person could break a few clips out of that two hour video.
I might watch two hours, and i am a fan of both of them, but i'd like clips to share.
Perhaps i should do it myself...
I agree, I cannot watch anything for 2 hours
It took me 4 hours to get through that 2 hour interview today. I'm always hitting pause to do something else. Now I'm watching Brett's interview last week with Dr Malone on Spotify and it will probably take me all night to get through that for the same reason. But YouTube won't allow it to be posted there, so you know it's a must-watch.
Thanks . That means it is true .
I'm aware of a very sage substacker who has been known to make very clean GVB clips in the past, but it is selfish to expect others to do all the work.
I will watch later when i have more time, and perhaps extricate a few salient clips.
I am ADHD and 90
minutes if really interested . Science whilst I am
Keen , I need a break if long , to clear my brain !
I don't do John Campbell, sorry. He annoys me no end.
He lost me about the time that he admonished Americans for not getting the injections due to "politics" and told us we need to grow up.
Fuck off, Campbell with your bullshit.
I may take a stab at Bret Weinstein and Geert's latest though.
I also no longer watch John Campbell for this reason.
However he possibly saved my A@@ in Nov 2020 because I listened to him explaining benefits of Vitamin D3. I had no IVM or HCQ then.
exactly the same experience.
I subscribe and watch John Campbell everyday. He finally saw through and gave up on vaccines at least a year ago. But this link I posted has nothing to do with John Campbell.
Yeah. Dr. Campbell is almost taking the red pill
Maybe so ,but he's pretty slow to the finish line.
He also refuses to raise the question whether herd immunity is possible in highly vaccinated countries. Despite mount of evidence to the contrary, he keeps saying that
"reinfections will increase immunity".
One of my heuristics: Does he roll up millions of views on YT? Heavily promoted?
Right there. RIGHT. There. I see a signal.
I didn't know he was heavily promoted. By YT? I encountered him by pure chance.
He does decent job presenting studies, but he should either
just present the facts (and no opinions and commentaries) or he should
start confronting the elephant in the room.
Tbh, he is so useless to me that I can't even work up a good rant.
People want to watch him, fine. If he does some good on the normie end weaning themselves off CNN, fine.
I hear you Sage, I've watched a few of his videos and grew tired of his bullshit too! When he told us to grow up, that was it for me! Pompous Ass!
He is still worth tuning into occasionally. He seems to have become somewhat redpilled these days, it's worth it just to see that. And he has a huge reach.
He has a huge reach because he navigates and abides by the YouTube Narrative rules.
That he is heavily promoted and pushed should raise alarm bells if you are at all discerning.
I'm getting a nice chuckle out of this lololol
Lol I figured I could find you on here somewhere. Had to look up John Campbell. I thought he was coming around (Duck & Cover)'re a tyrant Sage lol. Obviously no need to send you the link.
Take the stab, Sage, but please....not the JAB!
Check the DarkHorse Clips channel on YouTube. They may have already done that. Sometimes it takes them a day or 3.
Yeah, i enjoy those, and in fact one of those introduced me to Malone and Kirsch, but in this case, I would like a bunch of clips.
I'll watch it all later.
I am hoping for a clear, succinct explanation of how the jab increases likelihood of increased virulence in variants combined with inability of a jabbed immune system to fight it.
You will enjoy this discussion then. It was pretty comprehensive. My B cells are essentially non-functional, so I always take extra interest in topics of immunity.
Thanks for bringing the video to our attention.
I had missed it somehow, and i spend way more time than i have available trying to stay on top of this.
Please see the video of Geert Van den Bossche (an eminent, highly qualified and very experienced vaccine development and research scientist) which was posted in about April 2021. Geert Van den Bossche gives a good explanation about how the roll-out of the novel experimental, so-called "vaccines ' in the midst of a pandemic causes the Covid 19 virus to mutate in the body and create variants of the Covid-19 virus.
This is the new one.
Thank you very much Nikki for posting this recent video of Geert Van den Bossche.
It is not much about mutations (the virus mutates so fast already) as much as selective pressure.
Here's a link to Geert Van den Bossche's video.....
Geert’s a moron. There is no Covid.
I do have to wonder about that. I changed nothing during the lockdowns, except for a joke mask that I wore so that I could shop at Whole Foods or keep some of the Covid Karens' off of me. I was around literally thousands of people during that 2 year period due to the nature of my various forms of employment. Many of those people turned out, at one point or another, to "have Covid." I never got it. Never even submitted to one of those stupid, invasive "Covid tests." But, as far as the healthy people I knew that "tested positive," their illnesses were exactly like a run of the mill cold or flu. Older and/or comorbid people I knew that "tested positive" generally ended up in the hospital and were immediately treated to the obviously lethal "Covid hospital protocols," which led to their demise "from Covid" about 80% of the time. I just rejected the entire Covid user interface. (Except when I needed food or protection from the Covid Karen hordes.) Then, it was just a game. Because whatever happens is between me and God, and not between me and Leviathan.
Yup. Isn't it true, Candis, that the PCR tests were debunked long ago as useless as a diagnostic tool? One could PCR a ham sandwich, set the cycles at 40, and come up with a (false) positive C19 test 97% of the time. How do physicians, or test centers, or pharmacists know that anyone has Covid? Could it just be the flu? Or something else? I am talking about for those who exhibit symptoms like high temperatures, respiratory distress, poor O2 saturation, etc. What is becoming clear is that many, many of the "vaccinated" (nope, sorry not a real vaccine) are falling by the wayside, struck down by the miraculous injections that were lie-foisted upon them to save them from something like the common cold.
I overheard friends this weekend talking about another person they know suffering from "long covid". I am 99% sure they will be vaccinated, working in science, so complete faith in the narrative, for fear of looking stupid if they reject it. These people will not question the vaccine.
I have no direct experience that Covid exists. If "experts" did not tell me about Covid I would not have known about its existence.
Well, Richard, that's a relief.
Yeah, what a moron.😒
$1000 to anyone that can prove the fake virus has been isolated and purified. Never paid it out in two years.
What exactly do they do in those GAIN OF FUNCTION LABS, infertility research 🤔?
Also. They are military bio labs. What does anyone know.
They follow JUNK science virology and create VAXX Bio Weapons.
Agreed, so what difference does it make if it's isolated or not. What does proving isolation actually accomplish 🤔? We still have to figure out ways to survive it . Too many people are getting hung up on "isolated " IMO. I THINK WE AGREE THE WAY OUR GOVERNMENT IS HANDLING THIS IS 100% BULLSHIT. AND THEY'RE STILL TRYING TO KILL US!
This is real medicine related to multiple vaccines and well versed in his field
Thank you for the link!!
Are we getting closer to the accountability stage? People in high places heads ought to be rolling. #waiting
Igor, I had the two Pfizer vaccinations do we know what the ingredients are yet? What am I staring down the barrel at in terms of future medical complications?
Keep digging Igor, your newsletter is gold! 👊
Hi Sair, good thing you did not get three or four doses. Congratulations on that. There is not much scientific data, but just try to stay as healthy as you can be, get some safe amount of sun tan etc. We will somehow pull through this as a society.
>70 and healthy. i was duped!
nov 2020 i enrolled in azn trial, unblinded found i got the vax 4 weeks apart.
made mistake and endured the moderna vax in spring 2021, again 4 weeks apart.
used zelenko protocol bc fear vax shot my immune system.
positive home test 12 jun, fever cleared by 15 jun. doing well.
i hope my early mistakes did not shoot my immune system!
I wish you the best of health, stay as healthy as you can, get expose to sunlight within reason etc. be well!
The docs at FLCCC recently came out with a protocol to detox from mRNA shots.
Ironically, I have not had COVID that I am aware of. Will do Igor. 😎
You too stay safe and well. 🤗
One of my sons got 2 doses too. I hope greatly that he will be well.
Wishing him well !
Maybe that is the blessing. Two doses of spike not three.
Hoping you are right and really hoping I was given the blanks too. 🤦
And Vit C, D, zinc, quercitin, NAC
This is an updated vaxed person treatment protocol from Front Line COVID-19 Critical Alliance - Pierre Korry is involved with this group.
Bonus tip: NAC can also be used to counteract a Tylenol (Acetaminophen) overdose.
I would stock up on ivermectin and hydrogen peroxide nasal spray/mouth wash.
check out and find your lot #. you can find out how many AE's are associated with each lot #, as well as now (new development) a list of which lots are presumed to be "biologically active" vs placebo. good luck.
The docs at FLCCC recently came out with a protocol to detox from mRNA shots.
+ dandelion(ACE), proteolitic enzymes for spyke
I suspect that there will be no accountability stage.
But there will be lots of splashy theater and gavel pounding hearings which will appease the gullible Red Pill masses.
You have to look at the behavior once the puppet show is over and clock whether the *Ally* is actually making a ruckus as if people were actually dying. Which they are.
We never get accountability, do we?
There will be no accountability because this was initiated at the very highest levels of power (the folks who control the world - and own the Fed)... and every leader on the planet is helping execute the plan.
We are being exterminated. There won't be anyone left to be held accountable
Contrary to popular opinion the people who are behind this are actually doing us a favour - the global economy was being strangled because we've burned up all the cheap energy and what's left goes down the throat of BAU like a sharpened fish bone...
Total collapse was imminent -- if we are not exterminate 8B are on the streets in the dark with no food -- that = murder rape disease cannibalism... on a global scale
I've got a short summary of the Big Picture here
You're a moron.
Notice how I liked your comment!
This becomes very much like having a discussion with a CovIDIOT... you know how that goes... you show them facts and logic and they get angry and call you a conspiracy theorist or a moron (btw - MOREON is the correct term)
You can elicit a similar reaction if you ask a Green Groopie why Leo and Al Gore fly around in private jets when we need to urgently cut back our burn.
Same happens if you ask a Green Groopie what creates the electricity to charge their Tesla... or even better what happens at night when the sun doesn't shine on the solar farm. Anger ... insults.
Thanks for your time. Enjoy your mass psychosis.
And a sicko.
there is a line in an ancient movie where the pirate Long John Silver says "thems that die'll be the lucky ones"
Sorry, I won't say "thank you" to the elites going in for the "mercy" kill.
If they fail and you are about to be murdered / raped / cooked in a pot...
You may reconsider.
"They" will come and get you first, Eddy, probably using a catchpole to get you up out of your mud bunker.
I don't have a bunker... my only goal is to survive to see the end game... and to not suffer.
I shall go very quietly into the night...
🤣🤣🤣🤣 good one!
Oh. Yes. Indeed, Plague.
And further...
If an American elected official (Paul) were say, grilling a 40-year Swamp Creature (Fauci) who working with DARPA built bioweapons and who was in cahoots with others building "self spreading and amplifying vaccines" and yet strangely nothing ever came from these splashy Reality TV style sessions...
And another American elected official (Ron Johnson) was holding hearings about the fraudulence of the Injections and the various cover ups....
And yet the FDA and the CDC just plowed ahead and approved the toxic drugs for infants?
Would I be correct to be suspicious that I have been watching a controlled opposition charade?
A Placebo Nothing Burger designed to make me think that "something was happening"?
I do feel that Rand Paul and Ron Johnson are sincere. You would think congressman and senators would have power. But they don’t have power like WHO/PHARMA does. I’m hoping we will prevail in the courts here in the U.S. It will just take time. Thank goodness we do have very brave people.
Since they don't have power, YOU JUST SAID IT.
You don't need to send them $$ or campaign for them, right?
What's the point? They don't have power!
Jesus Christ...I give up.
Okay, Paulette.
I’m sorry that I’ve upset you. Of course you should support them, as do I, they just can’t do it by themselves. We must all stay strong and fight And hope
"I’m hoping we will prevail in the courts here in the U.S. It will just take time"...What do you drink or smoke Paulette?
There’s nothing wrong with hope