I guess the question is.... at the start of the C0VID con, how many nations knew this was a depop program?
It seems to me that right now, a number of places are dialing down the depop, which suggests to me they might not have been fully aware what what going on.
Interesting that the Five Eyes nations-- US, UK, Canada, AU and NZ-- are all still fully vested in k*lling as many legal citizens-- preferably white -- as they can.
Even I am not yet sure if this was a depop or a grab for money. I am very open and tend towards the depop theory (although I emotionally hope it is just a grab for money), however I feel that the evidence is still coming in. I report on it as I get it.
No doubt, not all of those countries were in on the con -- these are the ones to bail out first
Igor, if it was simply a grab for money, why were people forced to get injected? The check cleared, Pharma's bank accounts swelled, why force anyone to get "vaccinated?" Governments, especially in the "free" West subjected their citizens to abuse and discrimination. That makes no sense to me, if this were merely another cash grab.
Likewise, if it was to accustom people to a form of digital ID, why not use a cheap, attenuated virus vaccine? No, injecting people with mRNA is key to whatever is coming our way.
We live in perhaps the most interesting time in human history. Yes, in the Chinese Proverb sense...
You have great arguments for the depop theory. They are pieces of evidence.
I would like other evidence too. I am not saying the depop theory is wrong -- I SUSPECT it is likely to be right and I report on depop news such as mortality and birth rates -- but the case is not YET sealed and shut.
I keep an open mind and will truthfully report to my readers, whatever I find.
This is what makes life and my substack research interesting.
Let's see what birth rates and excess mortality will do in the coming 6 months.
And again, I personally hope that the depop theory is wrong as the alternative is extremely depressing and upsetting. But whatever is the truth, count on me to report everything honestly to the best of my abillity.
I will never lie to you just to get clicks and subscribers, although I may dramatize occasionally :-)
I also thought that force-vaccination of young people was criminal. Let's see what happens in the future -- there is not much we can change now that people basically stopped vaccinating. If old people keep going for vaccines, it affects them, but not the future of nations where they live. The young people are key to our future.
Covid also is a nasty disease and it is not getting an better and keeps reinfecting people, even unvaccinated ones. (I only had Covid once)
I also hope to retire one day and just live a modest but comfortable life and become a grandfather. Depopulation and net zero carbon destruction will make it utterly impossible so I hope that neither will happen.
So, all my emotional and personal interests are centered around not wanting depopulation to happen -- but if I see any signs of it I will report here.
"there is not much we can change now that people basically stopped vaccinating. If old people keep going for vaccines, it affects them, but not the future of nations where they live. The young people are key to our future."
Are you overlooking self spreading and self amplifying vaccines?
Which have been long in the works?
That we now have weaponized mosquito "vaccine" tech?
Are you forgetting that there is evidence that the spike has reverse transcribed into the human genome?
Lots to "unpack" here! (unpack: what a silly metaphor!)
—SARS-CoV-2 is clearly designed to be a bioweapon . . . only an idiot could deny that.
—Fauci knew from the beginning that Remdesivir was a killer and ineffective against Ebola, and then flunked against SARS-CoV-2 . . . he sponsored and funded the Ebola trial. BUT he got paid for pushing it!
—Midazolam and morphine should never be combined (and certainly not with the high doses of morphine they were using) because they are synergistic . . UNLESS you are using them for euthanasia, as they were in Britain to purge elderly care facility residents who were financial burdens on the British Health system.
—They had to suppress ALL real therapies because Emergency Use Authorizations are ONLY issued when NO TREATMENT EXISTS. So to get EUA's for the experimental shots, they HAD to stamp out all competition, or their multi-billion dollar depopulation scam would have been DOA.
—Choosing the spikes for the antigen was really stupid because it was already known from earlier research that Coronavirus spikes are damaging. However, they could play dumb (and innocent), because it is possible that they weren't aware of that research, and the surface spikes would have been a logical choice just because they would have been so accessible and readily encountered by components of the immune system (both macrophages and antibodies). BUT, since they are the toxic part of SARS-CoV-2, they were a terrible choice. And very possibly (very probably) deliberate, since SO MUCH genetic manipulation went into deliberately making them dangerous in a whole raft of different ways.
Bottom line? If someone believes all this was an accident, I know where they can get a really good deal on a certain bridge . . .
Bioweapon all right: "The injection does not stimulate any immunity.
[Instead], it is the instructions to make a scheduled pathogen. And the scheduled pathogen is defined under three different parts of the code, but it specifically includes genetic sequences derived from—are you ready for this—SARS coronavirus. That’s actually a scheduled, known toxin on the scheduled list of biological weapons in the United States code.” https://www.oom2.com/t79067-dr-david-martins-lawsuit-against-biden-the-covid-injection-is-a-bioweapon
Right! Then there's the fact that even members of Congress have their hands in the pockets of big pharma and Gates financed much of this...and openly said this was an end game for depopulation? Why would he even be on t.v. regarding anything medical since I don't believe he even graduated college? He certainly isn't a doctor! They also talk openly about Agenda 2030 now. There is no question in my mind, but I also saw through the jab pushing, too.
I have a close, reliable person who talks of this being the agenda (from the beginning of it all)...who is in government...who said the water supply and emp are next.
On a recent video with Malone and JJ Couey sponsored by CHD , Malone said that it all started with DOD wanting to keep facilities stocked in the event of an actual pandemic. You can also see it now on Couey Twitch channel.
Hah-- the Big Pharma ghouls put the Wuhan spike in your new bivalent biowarfare "booster," now why the hell'd they do that when the ancestral pathogen has already mutated out of existence, it's not around anymore, the horse left the barn,
and everyone in the REAL scientific world agrees that the original SARS-CoCoV-2 spike IS a TOXIN??
We, and most of the world, are victims, but not from the money grab. I actually don't care how many billions they make. It is the death and illness they leave behind, the destruction of humanity.
I live in the Idaho Panhandle and most of my relatives live in Canada. ( I vote in Canada) BC is the worst draconian province, thanks to Henry, who I believe had shares in Moderna. All of Canada suffered under Trudeau who doesnt give a damn about people, only $$$. I saw that the Federal Gov't is 100% for building the new vaccine research facility in Vancouver. Trudeau thinks he is Canada’s God and if it doesn't go his way, he will implement the Emergencies Act again to force control of the peons.
It's been a tough 3 yrs for me not being able to cross the border, except when they thought Mom was dying, and the Federal Gov't gave me an exemption to visit. Luckily she is still alive and I've been to BC twice.
Luckily the Yakk substace is fighting hard for Alberta.
Thanks for everything you write. Knowledge is power.
The pharmaceutical companies, medical supply companies, hospitals, etc., are making money from our governments who will then turn around and start taxing us to the hilt just to pay for all they have spent in trying to kill us. And don't think that the politicians who are sitting on their hands with their mouths shut haven't been investing in those moneymaking schemes as well!
Oh, I forgot about big media. Some of the money made by Pfizer, et al, is channeled to them as well; and this is OUR tax money! Sounds like a big money laundering scheme to me! Eventually the taxpayer/property owner will end up with nothing!
If you got the jab in Alberta, you could have had $100. Many donuts later. If you were to risk them killing you, maybe Google the Province or State that pays the most. Just kidding. No more jabs for you.
the money they paid you came out of taxes!! The money paid to the corporations came out of taxes!! The people paid themselves and also billions to big pharma!! Many doses wasted but they dont care as they already pocketed the cash!
To play devil's advocate, even if the death rates come down and the birth rates go up next year, that does not necessarily negate the depop theory because the intent to cause a large depop event was still there, but that they failed in their objective.
I'm very concerned that they will still reach their objective and that the reason we are seeing them backing off some now is that they have already set in motion a "mass extinction event" with the bioweapon shots. There is no way of telling, without very sophisticated testing, who is still manufacturing spike proteins in their cells from the very long-lasting artificial viral RNA. That viral spike attack is causing insidious damage that may take months or years to make itself known: autoimmune issues, VAIDS and suppressed immunity, cancers, reactivating infections, new infections, and the really scary one— the spike-caused assembly of amyloid proteins into those long whitish fibrous structures blocking people's blood vessels. Any one of these disruptions to normal health and physiology can be a "ticking time bomb" that can end in death. People just don't know what is going on inside of them. Will most people survive this attack? Or will four or five billion people die within two or three or four years?
Naomi Wolf did an interview on the subject that appears on rumble, I think it was. I think it was also on VSRF weekly Zoom meeting. You can find that on rumble too.
Why haven't these jabs been pulled from the market? Past "vaccines" have been scrapped for doing far less damage, for negatively impacting far less people.
Regarding what the birth rates will do---don't forget that there may be many couples who might be reluctant right now to bring any children into this world. I know I would be, not knowing what kind of future may be in store for them.
I am well past child-bearing years, 70 years old, in fact, and I have not takin any "covid" shots and have never gotten "covid". But I'm pretty sure if I were young, I would be thinking a lot about whether I would want to bring an innocent child into this crazy world, at least not until things settle down.
1. Depopulation is hitting us all in the face and MDs don't even see it because you're too educated in some special long and narrow silo. Go visit Steve Kirsch. Look at all the statistics listed there that he's compiled.
2. COVID is hardly a nasty disease any more. I know tons of ppl who've had it recently. Unless you're talking about COVID in The Triple, Quadruple and Quintuple Vaxxed. It's killing them. Stoopids.
What's likely most important is, as you say - to "keep an open mind".
I lean toward "their" goal being ALL THE ABOVE, but time will tell.
The casualties are still being counted, so to speak - and damage still being evaluated. Sadly. I mean, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE? Time will tell, but not looking good at all.
Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
Yes. I see from your bio that you live in Canada. Would you have ever, in a million years, thought you'd see the tyranny that Trudeau forced on your nation? And all for a slightly-worse-than-average respiratory virus. Makes no sense. Something very, very bad is underway.
I doubt it was a 'slightly worse than average respiratory virus'
They simply rebranded the flu and then created the illusion of pandemic by murdering the frail elderly with ventilators, toxic antivirals and the denial of other life extending treatments.
Wasn't the fusing of lung cells a significant difference?
I'm not saying there wasn't or isn't still serious malfeasance on the part of medical authorities. But as I'm sure most of us know, the best lies contain an element of truth.
Bingo! There have been tons of vaccines in the past, including attempts at vaccinating into supposed "pandemics" that were or would have been very profitable, but this insane government-mandated crap was a "first" and very coordinated and intentional.
Guess what? I looked up that "Chinese" saying (or "curse" as it is usually characterized), and it ISN'T CHINESE! It first turned up in published sources/references in the U.S. during the last century. Not Chinese. Not ancient. But STILL VERY CLEVER!!! Lol!
We have two choices here: take things too seriously and start freaking out about what's going on in the world, OR stay detached, observe, learn, experience, and take it as the craziest but most entertaining time in history to be witnessing. We didn't come into this world to be bored. And, oh boy! is this some ride! Yeee Haaa!!! Let's just hope the "good guys" win!
If they wanted a depop, they would want to get rid of the skeptics like us and keep the most compliant people. But instead they will be keeping the non-compliant anti-vaxxers. Also, who is going to pay for the massive debt when everyone dies off?
I think it is a money grab and predictable psychological biases are at play. For example, groupthink which made all governments think alike, and escalation of commitment, so that when their policies failed, they doubled down instead of admitting fault.
You can print currency, in fact according to MMT *all* currency is *created* by currency-issuing governments, and that's not a problem.
What a currency issuing government can't "print" is the value produced by the "real" economy, the goods and services people need. When the ratio between the value produced by the real economy and the value represented by circulating currency get out of balance, you have either inflation or disinflation, depending on which way the imbalance goes.
Oh, and this isn't "Commies," because they don't even *pretend* to favor the proletariat, they're all about concentrating wealth among the already-wealthy.
Doc Holliday comes thru again. Last saw ye in Guttermouth comments!
FWIW I own a home in Leadville, live / work in Lordsburg NM, and very recently had a wild time in nearby Tombstone.
Yep like Igor I fear you are right. But I’m preparing for the very worst, and when it appears I hope to be able to look it in the eye, and point out that I’m its huckleberry.
There are a lot of people in the "grab for money" camp. However.... thousands of people have died, and they're still injecting people. They will never stop. Why? Why are they allowing their friends, their relatives and their loved ones to die? How many people here would let people die just for money? Other nations have curtailed this. The Five Eyes nations have not. Once again... why?
Also... Yuval Harari, the #2 guy at the WEF is all over the web saying we need to get rid of the useless eaters ASAP because they're not needed. Plus... Pedo Joe is all in on The Great Reset, and part of that seems to be depop.
I believe the lower in the pecking order, second tier and below to elites,
will be done away with as useless in the end. They are doing their jobs pushing all this garbage Mrna, defunding police, chaos, no jail time, etc. Eventually their usefulness will be no more and they , too, will be done away with!
Hi Igor, as I have pointed out before, if the goal was money, they could have made a saline "vaccine" with some vitamins in it. It would have been unbelievably cheap and probably more effective. They could have charged the same price for it and made 10x their money.
No one denies (well almost no one...) denies those camps existed. But "profitable?" There are some curious gaps in the narrative. For example, consider this. Using evil logic, it makes sense to work your prisoners for what labor you can wrest from them, before killing them. Late in the war, the Nazis were diverting resources towards the deportation and prison programs when their own military was critically short of supplies and when civilians were freezing and starving. Does that make sense? Yes, it's well documented that in many of the camps the prisoners too were starving or dying of disease. But that begs the question: Why did the Nazis not kill of those prisoners that were long past their sell by date? Why devote critically short resources, to try and keep alive, however marginally, the very captives you intended to kill?
Seems like a lot of different motivations were at work there. Jews in extermination and work camps were subject to selections and experimentation.
The Nazi may have seen the proverbial writing on the wall with the war coming to and end and didn't want to be prosecuted for starving people in prisoner of war camps. Also the deeply ensconced almost religious ideology of cleansing the Aryan race. Dora, where V2 rockets were made, used slave labor. The Von Brauns, who were imported here under Project Paperclip, with the Vatican providing rat lines to get nazis out, worked at Dora. The Allies wouldn't bomb the train lines to extermination camps as they wanted Hitler's armies' energies focused on killing jews. Complicated forces and psychologies. Probably the same now.
This is how those people think, if they think at all, which I consider a real reason for all this harm and deaths.
Why is nobody bringing this possibility up? They are stupid as hell from hell. There cannot be much good functioning shit being situated in their heads!
I am very mad about information I just read about people being proud of having 'vaxxed' thousands of people so please excuse me for being harsh musseled worded please... I am actually a peaceful loving person when not confronted with criminals;-)
No - and those countries relying on U.S. or NATO or WEF information and help to protect their populations will only have them swoop in and help kill them off, like they have done with the polio vaxxes in Africa. Gates and cronies are about depopulation, no doubt about it. It has come out of their mouths!! How much more convincing do you need other than a confession to hundreds of people at a meeting?? Does he have to stand in front of you and enunciate? Just curious - this is sort of like people falling for the vax agenda. Don't do it.
No medicine or shot should enter a pregnant woman’s body without testing it first. This leads me to believe it was a depopulation effort. This is not just an ooopsie lab leak while testing bioweapons to be “ prepared “ someday .
My daughter was nursing her daughter and was pressured (despite my pleas not to) into getting the shot so she could "pass the antibodies on to her child." NO testing was done about this! I'm glad to say she stopped at 2. Also her daughter (now 26 months) is completely vax free and extremely bright and healthy!
Another check in the depop box was the fact that by the time they were recommending it for pregnant women, they KNEW that the disease did not really impact women of child bearing age.
Or children. Yet they are now vaxxing children who are not at risk at all.
I would say that the zombies..if that's the effect... who are controllable are just a bonus. I still think it is about making people infirmed and dependent...more controllable and eventually they die off.
Really enjoy each and every one of your posts Igor .. thought provoking and stimulates the depths of my “still sane brain”
I think you may be right in saying that not all countries were in on the con for sure .. which is what makes Finland desperately applying for NATO status very interesting - they were invaded by Hitlers troops in the war and if what l hear is right, didn’t put up too much resistance!
Keep the posts coming Igor!! Great stuff! I am learning so much.
I don’t believe there is much space for “speculation” here - lt is my opinion that smaller countries with less “poke” in the larger game are truly frightened in a similar way that many people were frightened into taking the vaccination .. behind closed doors in panelled rooms Orders are given and Threats are made .. Finland does export but heavily relies on its imports for the country to survive .. now .. whilst looking at this, they have President Putin on one side offering them inordinately good “deals” and you have the “might” of an unquantifiably PURE TOXIC NATO on the other .. not a good position to find yourself in as a country such as Finland - their borders too neighbouring both .. l wouldn’t need to consider this one .. President Putin would be my natural choice .. One day, and l do believe, because l MUST believe to stay sane, those who are guilty of the mass genocide and eugenics currently being undertaken by the West will be called “to answer” for the obliteration of the masses, their wildlife, their food sources, their sea life .. If you can carve out a few moments to read a “real” book then pick up a copy of “On the Beach” by Neville Shute .. it’s a modern classic now and somewhat uneasy reading BUT opens up to the current scenario we attempt to live within and survive within .. constantly mooting various “end game” scenarios!
In December, 2020, a doctor friend told me he would take the vax in order to travel freely. The shot was likely to cause infertility, but being in his sixties he did not care. He had been told about the infertility aspect by a Freemason, so from the "poison death shot" label he was not aware of the "death" bit. So (some?) Freemasons knew at least about the "innocuous" depop part; as for other damage incl. fatal, that is open to conjecture.
I can confirm this. A friend of mine met a Freemason in a bar a few years ago in the City of London. They stayed in touch and my friend gets the occasional clue/warning. In mid-2019 my friend told me this person had just said "we are about to make our move" but didn't know any more than that cryptic statement. Interesting.
Yes, very good. Due to its length, I watched it in half-hour segments. Everyone should because it is time well spent. This rot must go the way Knights Templar. To reciprocate: Are you familiar with Dr. Pierre Gilbert´s lecture (ca 1994)? Known as "We can make them into zombies." Should be on Bitchute.
Now why wouldn't it be BOTH? C'mon, "just one reason, only..."? Really? Ya think? SERIOUSLY? You gotta think like a psychopath: "If I could kill a buncha "useless eaters" for 43 billion dollars a year...."
I'm not saying it can't be both, it clearly is. I'm saying the notion that it is "only" about money is ridiculous at this point. Why wouldn't Pharma just make a "vaccine" that is just about 100% safe and just make some ultra-cheap product as a scam (not saying this isn't all a scam either....)? Why kill off all your best customers?
Because 1. NO ONE can make a vaccine against a respiratory virus, it simply can't be done, and 2. your philanthropathic billionare bosses thinks there are too many people and never enough stuff/wide open spaces/money/energy/you-name-it for themselves: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/149-understanding-hot-lots#details. As Catherine Austin Fitts noted, we have become a liability on their balance sheet. This absolutely is a depopulation deal and only a child couldn't see that.
Excellent. Dane Wigington at geoengineeringwatch.org has been noticing this convergence of the various narratives, intended to appear separate, but aren't, for years as well.
Depopulation and money grabbing. Why not. The same people with the same lack of conscience can ‘kill’ two birds with one stone. Personally, I think the big money spinner is the ongoing health problems these poor people are going to have. A lot will be incurable and require ongoing ‘medications’. Also, the west have unfunded liabilities. They cannot afford to pay their pensions, welfare, Medicare. Hence getting rid of the elderly first. Look up Martin Armstrong Economics and listen to his interviews. He explains it very well. The authorities know that people are dying from the injections. They have the numbers at their disposal. If they didn’t want people to die then they would have stopped the campaign by now. They haven’t. It’s that simple and its that obvious.
The money part is pretty clear. I'm still watching for the depop part, and as time goes by it looks more and more possible. Maybe whether or not the shots kill a lot of people may be a collateral damage aspect they simply do not care about.
Dear CMCM, luv, look up excess mortality of the countries who’ve had a large proportion of the country jabbed. Spain for example is currently 192 people per day dying above the year on year average. I live in Australia, on the Central Coast of NSW, not on the hospital run, and I hear on average 6-7 ambulances per day. Some days its up to around 20. I hardly ever heard sirens pre covid injections. The local hospital is crowded. It’s a fairly big hospital and its full. 22,000 nurses won’t go back to work because of injection mandates. We walk onto the street and see many people. We go to the shopping centres and see lots of people. We go to the cafe and its crowded. So we think all is normal, but its not. The full picture is hidden. Go to the hospital and its full of vaccine injured. There’s genocide going on alright, in broad daylight.
It’s the perfect crime. Perfectly planned and perfectly implemented.
My best guess is that both depop and money are factors, but that both are secondary to the end game of digitizing everything and everyone. (And, yes... the MOTB.) The jabs were/are a means to that end, which requires compliance on a massive scale to succeed.
Biblically, we're told "even the elect" will be deceived. I don't think conscious loyalty (to the beast) can even factor in if people are deceived to the point of an inability to discern between good and evil. And we are pretty much already there.
The chaff is being removed from the grain. Only demonic possession scuppers the innate ability of man´s discernment between good and evil, for we were created in His image.
I think the motives were mixed as were the players....in essence though, it doesen't really matter because the carnage was so large , so devastating, so irrepairable, that it really was a crime against humanity on an unimaginable scale and the fallout will continue for generations. Whether they intended to murder people or were party to the murder of people for financial gain is of equal consequence to me and I want them to be judged accordingly....🙏
Agreed, it's entirely possible many of these countries didn't really know the truth of it all.
But... show us your reasoning for the rest of your nastiness, is what I say.
I agree, too, about the 5 Eyes... run by the ACTUAL Nasties, I believe... the "City of London," aka The Venetians, aka The "Black Nobility" aka... the same little group of maniacal, genocidal, would-be-gods of Earth who are inbred, psychotic families in control of most of the HELL human beings have experienced for thousands of years... I say let's aim our laser-focus on THEM.
At some point, they'll want to put my husband and me in a *special* FEMA camp for C0VID questioners. Not just the normal ones for C0VID denyers. The *special* ones for people who ask too many questions.
Isn't that Finnish PM one of the young global leaders selected by WEF?
We have a MP here who is also one of the young global leaders. He was infected with HIV as a child by contaminated blood products. He was grilling the rep from the ministry of health in a Diet session over the Pfizer doc indicating unsafe products.
There seems to be so many layers in the scheme and like any other big orgs, maybe things are handled on the need to know basis? Someone was saying Freemasons are the same. Some lodges not involved in some plots.
A need to know basis would make sense. There's probably a group of serious troublemakers that would direct everything. A very small group, my guess. Maybe even just 1, 2 or 3 people, even. Then those directives are taken to a larger group, and an even larger group, and it filters down from there.
I guess some places could 'opt in' or 'opt out' as they choose (or if they're allowed to), or it could all just be a smokescreen to keep us on our toes, and while we're guessing all the time, thinking one country or politician here or there is coming to its senses, they bring out another Big One to flatten us all...!! :-D
Whoever (or whatever) is behind all this is not normal in any sense of the word. THAT I do know!!!
I actually over hear about a group that dictates those serious trouble makers on the top layer from behind. One further above if you like. (It's a way controversial topic so I will just put it as speculative )
In any case, it's a well calculated scheme by someone with high IQ (not emotional IQ, as you say not normal in any sense of the word) otherwise they wouldn't have been able to mobilise so many people in this manner.
Sometimes I also wonder if this has been a test; to see just how far their clout goes. With such positive results for them, I wonder what they may try next? Perhaps we should watch for another tabletop game like their 'Event 201' scenario. It's not like these people hide in the dark. They put everything out there for us to see. But most people are too busy scurrying about in their lives to pay attention.
I do think, though, that their main weak point has been their clean-up at the end. It's a bit messy. AND they are STILL taking people's stupidity for granted - although to be fair, people's stupidity IS common knowledge these days! At least for us.
I, too, think the person/people behind it all (and I think it comes down to one person, actually) DOES have a high IQ (but not astronomically high), definitely that low EQ (!), they're probably Asperger's with some 'gender' issues and had a lot of misery in their childhood. Probably bullied, doesn't understand emotional interpersonal relationships properly; all that jazz. Good with business/financial decisions which means probably cold and calculating. Much easier to be this way if you're filthy rich, Aspie - and hidden.
Now that person is inflicting their crazy mind on us all, so we can suffer as that person has. I think that person is a he - but with feminine edges. And I think that person also has an Asian background.
I do not foresee they will come forward straight away. I think that could potentially destabilise the whole society even more. Unless they are introduced as something different being in disguise of.
I don't think this person will ever come forward. I think they like hanging in the background, causing strange destruction. As I wrote, this person is NOT normal! Anyway, there are plenty of Ego Go-Getters in their entourage who would be happy in the limelight (good or bad).
This has been my observation. The WEF, whom I believe to be the Fourth Reich, had to hide behind green and woke and normal, yet clueless, people to give themselves the veneer of being humanitarians.
Possibly people high up knew what was going on, but the general workers (ie the lower level pollies & administrative govt workers) had no clue. They just went over the cliff with the rest of the political lemmings, for fear of losing their job/world standing, or fear of losing *something*, anyway.
Countries like Australia are just the dogs for other countries, so of course they'd go along with it. Back in the '60s, books like 'The Lucky Country' were written. People back then even realised how dimwitted our policies and ability to survive were!!! 60 years later it seems we are even MORE stupid than before! I know. I've spent over 43 years living in my silly country! It's gone downhill BIG TIME.
I think at least SOME of TPTB knew exactly what they were doing, and this has been a systematic rollout to make everyone suffer, and many die. There is the small possibility that some filthy rich psychopaths were just SOOOO keen to make money that they bypassed all the rules and perhaps were surprised by the excessive uptake (but I doubt this because we KNOW we're a 'social' species and there will be social pressure to do anything, especially when it's mandated! Hard to see that the mandates just 'got out of hand' - it is more likely that it was designed this way).
So I think what this all tells us is that most humans DO NOT THINK and just play Follow The Leader...even if they don't like their leader (whoever their Leader may be), even if they didn't vote for their leader and even if they think their leader might be wrong. All the hallmarks of stupidity - and also long-term abuse.
And this is not just for us plebs, but our 'leaders' as well. Don't forget that leaders have Leaders...because who teaches the Teachers...?!
I honestly believe that a lot of nations did not know the shots would be this dangerous. That being said, it seems that certain countries were aware and are still fully aware yet continue to push the shots on everyone including children. These just happen to be the most powerful western countries in the world--U.S., U.K., Australia.
You know, when Covid first "appeared" in March 2020, ALL THE GOVT's seemed to have the SAME response.
Then I think about Event 201, RIGHT BEFORE a big "outbreak" of a "virus"--- Weeeellll, how could you be in a position of high authority, like a PM or a President, and not wonder what the heck was going on? It just seems sooooo.... hmmm.
Not true, Canada preferably vaccinated native Canadians, even to the point of sending military to the reserves and tracking them down in the bush. Also, Asian Canadians take the jabs most uncritically and obediently. White Canadians are probably the least vaccinated.
The UK have only rolled out winter boosters for the over 50s and vulnerable. They are doing the same as Denmark and others, but are just doing it in a more cowardly manner. The cowards need to brought to justice.
I copied that quote a few weeks past and sent it to my pastor along with a link to a substack about how medicine is no longer being practiced in a way that truly helps people. I got a thank you in reply, then I sent the link to The Real Anthony Fauci the movie in reply to her reply. Didn't hear anything back. Wonder if she even viewed it...
I read in an earlier substack I don’t remember where, that EVERY government knew what was going on. Really makes one stop and think even more about this holocaust!
How else could they be acting in tandem with each other, as if they'd been warned in advance???
They all had the protocol down, they all had the same responses... Seems that only Africa were left out of the prep... Remember the one guy, head of state, I can't remember any names to save my life, who said he'd tested a MANGO, a goat, and some other things... tested positive! And he was dead very shortly thereafter. smdh
I remember those tests. Had no use for PCR tests accuracy after listening to its inventor and Nobel prize winner Kery Mullis. See if you can find his video.( Spelling might be inaccurate.) African countries didn’t accept the vaccines and good leaders were found dead! Lost a lot with my “radical” views-NO masking, no jabs , no 6 feet, and not believing the narrative.
Ah, yes, Kerry Mullis was on my mind waaaay back... I snapped to this stuff in late March, early April 2020... don't remember exactly, but early on. And I figured Mullis was offed by the Bad Guys-- he was very vocally critical of Fauxxi... They took him out.
I was like you, early on, NO, NO, NO, NO, and NO. Still am, and now I'm waaaay over in left field with viruses have NEVER been isolated, and so, until I hear actual proof they exist, to me they are exosomes, Terrain Theory, and the idea of heavy metals and EMF's make a helluva lot more sense to me...
Good to hear someone else believing Mullis was offed! I believe I heard once in the very beginning he died of pneumonia a few days before COvid was exposed!!! Could be. I started in March of 2020and never stopped researching since! Nothing made sense. No masks, thrown out of places. Still fight in eye dr. office! Virus NEVER isolated was a big one for me! EMFs play a big part. Know nothing of Terrain Theory. Will check it out. Heavy metals for sure. Environmental pollutants, garbage in food, use of micro waves. The list is endless. And now chemical and soy laden impossible meat! Trying to get my granddaughter away from it!
RFK Jr. spotlighted Mullis, including videotaped footage of him speaking his mind clearly and forthrightly about Anthony FauxXi's virology research skill set in his CHD movie titled after his book, The Real Anthony Fauci. Mullis said the PCR test was never intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. I'm hoping some good person will do a book on Mullis as well as Luc Montagnier, another virologist who died unexpectedly during COVID. BTW: IFf there's no such thing as viruses, why do we have people who study them and can explain their structure, biochemistry, behavior, etc.? Psyops maneuver sucking in the gullible.
That's my thought, too. I mean, heart attacks are the most favored means of taking people out, by spooks and horrible people who think nobody would "guess." We know better. Have you ever seen the movie "Michael Clayton"? The way they kill the sort of "rogue" attorney that had all the evidence against the Big Company (surely the model was Monsanto, or some entity like that)--- the way he was "taken out" --- I remember thinking, "This is how the CIA does this shit." And then I thought about how, if a mortician or a coroner ever sees this, they will always now check for needle holes between the toes...
I'd read on the internet years ago, probably Jeff Rense, Above Top Secret and other early warning sites that the elites-controlled think tanks were telling the governments that every country had to come up with a plan to reduce its population. This was way back in the 90s. Problem is that no one really knew how that was going to play out. Pandemic seemed perfect, and "they" usually give a preview of what's coming via popular culture, such as novels and movies (The Andromeda Strain, Outbreak, etc.) Catherine Austin Fitts wrote about how the big money and big finance bigwigs figured it out in her post titled "What I Believe about the Swine Flu," from around 2009, on her solari.com website. But that's not enough, oh no-- now we have geoengineered weather warfare burning, roasting, flooding and droughting us all out, targeting our food supply, so starvation's on the table, and we're soon to be served...
Thx for letting me know how to reach Catherine Austin Fitts! Such a genius.
HAARP has been manipulating the weather for I don’t know how long.Soylent Zgreen is another movie, Matrix, etc. starvation and freezing, even 5ho we have enuf oil reserves to refill our reserves, serve us and save Europe. Now Magoo is forbidding coal mining!
Really hope this world wide sting operation will come to fruition soon. Or, am I dreaming?!?
The spraying in the skies started in the 60s over the poles, the stratosphere in these areas is only about 23,000 ft., then it progressively moved further south as "global warming worsened," but we know that the sprays are also used for over-the-radar communications, ionizing the atmosphere so as to be able to change the position of the jet stream, commit all kinds of weather warfare (pour torrential rain down on Woodstock because you hate the Hippies), steal our eastern Pacific moisture to drought California, a major agricultural (food supply) area, so kill our food supply, then dump it east of the Rockies in a massive toxic cool-down including flooding and "snowpocalypse" events so as not to frighten the rest of America into believing it's getting hotter, but the irony is that the spraying is really accelerating the heating as it traps the heat in and it can't get out because the heating's also releasing a lot of methane formerly frozen in the ice and under the sea (Bermuda Triangle phenomena is caused by methane clathrate release, the methane causes ships to lose buoyancy and down they go, "disappeared" in the Gulf and Caribbean area which is rich with petroleum, including methane) and it sits over the planet like a layer of glass.. HAARP is relatively new-- we heard about it's roll-out some time late in the 80s, then it got deployed some time in the 90s. A massive microwave relay tower was built on the top of San Pedro Mountain in east San Rafael, CA near where I live. The thing has 4 massive corner "ears," like a mule with 4 ears. No one knew what it did. We were told vaguely that it was for "telecommunications" when in reality it's a relay tower for changing the weather, coordinated with HAARP. This is all available free for the reading at geoengineeringwatch.org.
No, it just takes time for the wave to fricken build up. The crash will be when everybody starts being SERIOUSLY messed with... Otherwise, they "just can't believe it!" It IS pretty fucking hideous! Whoda thunk it?
The UK have only rolled out winter boosters for the over 50s and vulnerable. They are doing the same as Denmark and others, but are just doing it in a more cowardly manner. The cowards need to brought to justice.
Genocide is the targeting of specific racial or genetic groups.
I consider all of this murder, from lockdowns to Midazolam to Remdesivir to the injections. Unless it's all been just an omnishambles and none of their actions were deliberate. Which is a stretch at this point.
Why kill the whites? I have my thoughts on the matter but I wonder what others might think about that. Because I too noticed who was being targeted with propaganda.
White Christians built modern civilization. They're smart, they're ambitious and they like living in the first world. They are also... non conformist free thinkers who don't always do as they're told.
Non-whites in the third world are more compliant, are used to bad living conditions and it seems to take more to get them to rebel. To me, they're not quite the threat to the authorities that whites, especially white Christian men, can be.
Who would you rather have as a slave: smart non-compliant white person or less smart compliant non-white person?
/apologies to all the smart, non-complaint non-whites out there.
I guess the question is.... at the start of the C0VID con, how many nations knew this was a depop program?
It seems to me that right now, a number of places are dialing down the depop, which suggests to me they might not have been fully aware what what going on.
Interesting that the Five Eyes nations-- US, UK, Canada, AU and NZ-- are all still fully vested in k*lling as many legal citizens-- preferably white -- as they can.
Even I am not yet sure if this was a depop or a grab for money. I am very open and tend towards the depop theory (although I emotionally hope it is just a grab for money), however I feel that the evidence is still coming in. I report on it as I get it.
No doubt, not all of those countries were in on the con -- these are the ones to bail out first
Igor, if it was simply a grab for money, why were people forced to get injected? The check cleared, Pharma's bank accounts swelled, why force anyone to get "vaccinated?" Governments, especially in the "free" West subjected their citizens to abuse and discrimination. That makes no sense to me, if this were merely another cash grab.
Likewise, if it was to accustom people to a form of digital ID, why not use a cheap, attenuated virus vaccine? No, injecting people with mRNA is key to whatever is coming our way.
We live in perhaps the most interesting time in human history. Yes, in the Chinese Proverb sense...
You have great arguments for the depop theory. They are pieces of evidence.
I would like other evidence too. I am not saying the depop theory is wrong -- I SUSPECT it is likely to be right and I report on depop news such as mortality and birth rates -- but the case is not YET sealed and shut.
I keep an open mind and will truthfully report to my readers, whatever I find.
This is what makes life and my substack research interesting.
Let's see what birth rates and excess mortality will do in the coming 6 months.
And again, I personally hope that the depop theory is wrong as the alternative is extremely depressing and upsetting. But whatever is the truth, count on me to report everything honestly to the best of my abillity.
I will never lie to you just to get clicks and subscribers, although I may dramatize occasionally :-)
Why did they all make the injections using spike protein?
Why did they push people away from treatments?
Why did they put people on Vents and Remdesivir?
Why did the UK blow through three years of Midazolam and morphine in one year?
"Let's see what birth rates and excess mortality will do in the coming 6 months."
Now this is clocking a separate metric: How well did they complete their intended mission?
Do you see?
If I try to kill someone and fail, does that mean that I didn't try and kill them?
This also reminds me of my feud in here with Vino. "These are not bioweapons, because they are not designed to be bioweapons!'
Well, a chair is for sitting, but if I hit you over the head with it, it's a weapon.
Good thoughts.
I also thought that force-vaccination of young people was criminal. Let's see what happens in the future -- there is not much we can change now that people basically stopped vaccinating. If old people keep going for vaccines, it affects them, but not the future of nations where they live. The young people are key to our future.
Covid also is a nasty disease and it is not getting an better and keeps reinfecting people, even unvaccinated ones. (I only had Covid once)
I also hope to retire one day and just live a modest but comfortable life and become a grandfather. Depopulation and net zero carbon destruction will make it utterly impossible so I hope that neither will happen.
So, all my emotional and personal interests are centered around not wanting depopulation to happen -- but if I see any signs of it I will report here.
"there is not much we can change now that people basically stopped vaccinating. If old people keep going for vaccines, it affects them, but not the future of nations where they live. The young people are key to our future."
Are you overlooking self spreading and self amplifying vaccines?
Which have been long in the works?
That we now have weaponized mosquito "vaccine" tech?
Are you forgetting that there is evidence that the spike has reverse transcribed into the human genome?
Nobody exactly WANTS to live in a world where a small number of people want to kill you and your family.
Humanity is quite cruel and sinister at times.
Lots to "unpack" here! (unpack: what a silly metaphor!)
—SARS-CoV-2 is clearly designed to be a bioweapon . . . only an idiot could deny that.
—Fauci knew from the beginning that Remdesivir was a killer and ineffective against Ebola, and then flunked against SARS-CoV-2 . . . he sponsored and funded the Ebola trial. BUT he got paid for pushing it!
—Midazolam and morphine should never be combined (and certainly not with the high doses of morphine they were using) because they are synergistic . . UNLESS you are using them for euthanasia, as they were in Britain to purge elderly care facility residents who were financial burdens on the British Health system.
—They had to suppress ALL real therapies because Emergency Use Authorizations are ONLY issued when NO TREATMENT EXISTS. So to get EUA's for the experimental shots, they HAD to stamp out all competition, or their multi-billion dollar depopulation scam would have been DOA.
—Choosing the spikes for the antigen was really stupid because it was already known from earlier research that Coronavirus spikes are damaging. However, they could play dumb (and innocent), because it is possible that they weren't aware of that research, and the surface spikes would have been a logical choice just because they would have been so accessible and readily encountered by components of the immune system (both macrophages and antibodies). BUT, since they are the toxic part of SARS-CoV-2, they were a terrible choice. And very possibly (very probably) deliberate, since SO MUCH genetic manipulation went into deliberately making them dangerous in a whole raft of different ways.
Bottom line? If someone believes all this was an accident, I know where they can get a really good deal on a certain bridge . . .
Bioweapon all right: "The injection does not stimulate any immunity.
[Instead], it is the instructions to make a scheduled pathogen. And the scheduled pathogen is defined under three different parts of the code, but it specifically includes genetic sequences derived from—are you ready for this—SARS coronavirus. That’s actually a scheduled, known toxin on the scheduled list of biological weapons in the United States code.” https://www.oom2.com/t79067-dr-david-martins-lawsuit-against-biden-the-covid-injection-is-a-bioweapon
Right! Then there's the fact that even members of Congress have their hands in the pockets of big pharma and Gates financed much of this...and openly said this was an end game for depopulation? Why would he even be on t.v. regarding anything medical since I don't believe he even graduated college? He certainly isn't a doctor! They also talk openly about Agenda 2030 now. There is no question in my mind, but I also saw through the jab pushing, too.
I have a close, reliable person who talks of this being the agenda (from the beginning of it all)...who is in government...who said the water supply and emp are next.
On a recent video with Malone and JJ Couey sponsored by CHD , Malone said that it all started with DOD wanting to keep facilities stocked in the event of an actual pandemic. You can also see it now on Couey Twitch channel.
Do you find this credible?
Hah-- the Big Pharma ghouls put the Wuhan spike in your new bivalent biowarfare "booster," now why the hell'd they do that when the ancestral pathogen has already mutated out of existence, it's not around anymore, the horse left the barn,
and everyone in the REAL scientific world agrees that the original SARS-CoCoV-2 spike IS a TOXIN??
⬆️⬆️⬆️Lotta truth there
I very deeply appreciate your measured take on this, Igor. You pick up every stone to see what's underneath.
I know from reading other stacks that you are agnostic, but God bless you, Igor, for your work. May He keep you and your family safe.
thank you
"You pick up every stone..."
YES -- well said, and what I, too, so appreciate about Igor's work and approach!
I like to shoot a hole in your money making grab idea.
Why would our province, Alberta, pay $100 to get you to vaccinate if it is a money grab? Makes no sense to me.
It was a money grab by Bill Gates, Pfizer, Moderna, Google, Facebook etc.
Alberta was a victim of the con that they pulled
We, and most of the world, are victims, but not from the money grab. I actually don't care how many billions they make. It is the death and illness they leave behind, the destruction of humanity.
I live in the Idaho Panhandle and most of my relatives live in Canada. ( I vote in Canada) BC is the worst draconian province, thanks to Henry, who I believe had shares in Moderna. All of Canada suffered under Trudeau who doesnt give a damn about people, only $$$. I saw that the Federal Gov't is 100% for building the new vaccine research facility in Vancouver. Trudeau thinks he is Canada’s God and if it doesn't go his way, he will implement the Emergencies Act again to force control of the peons.
It's been a tough 3 yrs for me not being able to cross the border, except when they thought Mom was dying, and the Federal Gov't gave me an exemption to visit. Luckily she is still alive and I've been to BC twice.
Luckily the Yakk substace is fighting hard for Alberta.
Thanks for everything you write. Knowledge is power.
The pharmaceutical companies, medical supply companies, hospitals, etc., are making money from our governments who will then turn around and start taxing us to the hilt just to pay for all they have spent in trying to kill us. And don't think that the politicians who are sitting on their hands with their mouths shut haven't been investing in those moneymaking schemes as well!
Oh, I forgot about big media. Some of the money made by Pfizer, et al, is channeled to them as well; and this is OUR tax money! Sounds like a big money laundering scheme to me! Eventually the taxpayer/property owner will end up with nothing!
My Grandson bought beer and fast food. He was 18.
Bribery should be illegal. My Grandkids -3-got 1 shot for $100. My Grandson in BC didn't get any, didn't fall for a bribe.
BigPharma made billions. What's $100.
Damn, I only was offered a donut
If you got the jab in Alberta, you could have had $100. Many donuts later. If you were to risk them killing you, maybe Google the Province or State that pays the most. Just kidding. No more jabs for you.
the money they paid you came out of taxes!! The money paid to the corporations came out of taxes!! The people paid themselves and also billions to big pharma!! Many doses wasted but they dont care as they already pocketed the cash!
I skipped the $100. My health and life is more worth than that to me.
To play devil's advocate, even if the death rates come down and the birth rates go up next year, that does not necessarily negate the depop theory because the intent to cause a large depop event was still there, but that they failed in their objective.
I'm very concerned that they will still reach their objective and that the reason we are seeing them backing off some now is that they have already set in motion a "mass extinction event" with the bioweapon shots. There is no way of telling, without very sophisticated testing, who is still manufacturing spike proteins in their cells from the very long-lasting artificial viral RNA. That viral spike attack is causing insidious damage that may take months or years to make itself known: autoimmune issues, VAIDS and suppressed immunity, cancers, reactivating infections, new infections, and the really scary one— the spike-caused assembly of amyloid proteins into those long whitish fibrous structures blocking people's blood vessels. Any one of these disruptions to normal health and physiology can be a "ticking time bomb" that can end in death. People just don't know what is going on inside of them. Will most people survive this attack? Or will four or five billion people die within two or three or four years?
Faith, you cheered me up😎😎😎
Seriously, a good, haunting post
They got a lot of other plans... Famine, war, maybe a real plague...
I say, piss on them😎😎😎
I just made the same obvious point.
These are little logical tells that a person does not want to go there. IMO.
Miscarriages up 25+% in highly vaxxed nations since the rollout of the shots... It's just a coincidence, of course...
do you have a link, if you do please email to
Naomi Wolf did an interview on the subject that appears on rumble, I think it was. I think it was also on VSRF weekly Zoom meeting. You can find that on rumble too.
maybe you can get your dog to talk to this doctor ;)
More evidence. 94+ examples of forces pushing a depopulation agenda. https://wordsalad.info/tag-depopulation.html
Decide for yourself.
Why haven't these jabs been pulled from the market? Past "vaccines" have been scrapped for doing far less damage, for negatively impacting far less people.
Not these though...
Well, everyone's been asking that.
This is why I follow you, your integrity!
Regarding what the birth rates will do---don't forget that there may be many couples who might be reluctant right now to bring any children into this world. I know I would be, not knowing what kind of future may be in store for them.
Yes, but when did you start feeling this? 9 months after you or the potential mother got the shots
I am well past child-bearing years, 70 years old, in fact, and I have not takin any "covid" shots and have never gotten "covid". But I'm pretty sure if I were young, I would be thinking a lot about whether I would want to bring an innocent child into this crazy world, at least not until things settle down.
1. Depopulation is hitting us all in the face and MDs don't even see it because you're too educated in some special long and narrow silo. Go visit Steve Kirsch. Look at all the statistics listed there that he's compiled.
2. COVID is hardly a nasty disease any more. I know tons of ppl who've had it recently. Unless you're talking about COVID in The Triple, Quadruple and Quintuple Vaxxed. It's killing them. Stoopids.
What's likely most important is, as you say - to "keep an open mind".
I lean toward "their" goal being ALL THE ABOVE, but time will tell.
The casualties are still being counted, so to speak - and damage still being evaluated. Sadly. I mean, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE? Time will tell, but not looking good at all.
Hear Hear !
Your comment makes the most sense in these interesting times.
Depop all the way.
I love whatever Igor writes but in this case he is being kind in his evaluation.
I do not believe for one moment that ANY govt. was in the dark right from the get go.
Either they were threatened or bribed.
Why were the three African countries Leaders who wanted to abstain mysteriously 'disappeared' ...
Yes. I see from your bio that you live in Canada. Would you have ever, in a million years, thought you'd see the tyranny that Trudeau forced on your nation? And all for a slightly-worse-than-average respiratory virus. Makes no sense. Something very, very bad is underway.
I doubt it was a 'slightly worse than average respiratory virus'
They simply rebranded the flu and then created the illusion of pandemic by murdering the frail elderly with ventilators, toxic antivirals and the denial of other life extending treatments.
Wasn't the fusing of lung cells a significant difference?
I'm not saying there wasn't or isn't still serious malfeasance on the part of medical authorities. But as I'm sure most of us know, the best lies contain an element of truth.
I hadn't heard that. Disturbing if true. Is there a news source you can link to?
Bingo! There have been tons of vaccines in the past, including attempts at vaccinating into supposed "pandemics" that were or would have been very profitable, but this insane government-mandated crap was a "first" and very coordinated and intentional.
Oh wow! I never thought of that...
Watch “The Real Anthony Fauci” based on Robert Kennedy’s book. You will have part of the puzzle
Add in infertility angle.
Georgia Guidestones aint science... But it's there.
Guess what? I looked up that "Chinese" saying (or "curse" as it is usually characterized), and it ISN'T CHINESE! It first turned up in published sources/references in the U.S. during the last century. Not Chinese. Not ancient. But STILL VERY CLEVER!!! Lol!
We have two choices here: take things too seriously and start freaking out about what's going on in the world, OR stay detached, observe, learn, experience, and take it as the craziest but most entertaining time in history to be witnessing. We didn't come into this world to be bored. And, oh boy! is this some ride! Yeee Haaa!!! Let's just hope the "good guys" win!
If they wanted a depop, they would want to get rid of the skeptics like us and keep the most compliant people. But instead they will be keeping the non-compliant anti-vaxxers. Also, who is going to pay for the massive debt when everyone dies off?
I think it is a money grab and predictable psychological biases are at play. For example, groupthink which made all governments think alike, and escalation of commitment, so that when their policies failed, they doubled down instead of admitting fault.
They already have our printing presses for $$.
Commies said they'd conquer workd, they infiltrate and deceive. And biy, can they do the wet work
You can print currency, in fact according to MMT *all* currency is *created* by currency-issuing governments, and that's not a problem.
What a currency issuing government can't "print" is the value produced by the "real" economy, the goods and services people need. When the ratio between the value produced by the real economy and the value represented by circulating currency get out of balance, you have either inflation or disinflation, depending on which way the imbalance goes.
Oh, and this isn't "Commies," because they don't even *pretend* to favor the proletariat, they're all about concentrating wealth among the already-wealthy.
The ones printing the money aren't our friends.
You trust stated "friendly" aims of Commies.
I'm a Catholic.. I know what they can do. They have put 6 false popes in Vatican.
Bet you had no idea... Nearest Catholic Church is 3 hours away... I live in Austin tx, #11 city
Doc Holliday comes thru again. Last saw ye in Guttermouth comments!
FWIW I own a home in Leadville, live / work in Lordsburg NM, and very recently had a wild time in nearby Tombstone.
Yep like Igor I fear you are right. But I’m preparing for the very worst, and when it appears I hope to be able to look it in the eye, and point out that I’m its huckleberry.
Hang in there, Jack. If you haven't yet, take advantage of your 2nd Amendment rights.
Guns n ammo are the least o’ my worries Doc. Thank you!
There are a lot of people in the "grab for money" camp. However.... thousands of people have died, and they're still injecting people. They will never stop. Why? Why are they allowing their friends, their relatives and their loved ones to die? How many people here would let people die just for money? Other nations have curtailed this. The Five Eyes nations have not. Once again... why?
Also... Yuval Harari, the #2 guy at the WEF is all over the web saying we need to get rid of the useless eaters ASAP because they're not needed. Plus... Pedo Joe is all in on The Great Reset, and part of that seems to be depop.
Can't it be both a grab for money and depop?
Grab-for-money-who-cares-about-the-consequences gets my vote.
For past examples, DuPont comes to mind.
Nestle’s baby formula as well.
I believe the lower in the pecking order, second tier and below to elites,
will be done away with as useless in the end. They are doing their jobs pushing all this garbage Mrna, defunding police, chaos, no jail time, etc. Eventually their usefulness will be no more and they , too, will be done away with!
He keeps erroneously claiminb his son died in Iraq. He can make up a heroic tale about all the jab deaths too.
Yesssss shibumi
Hi Igor, as I have pointed out before, if the goal was money, they could have made a saline "vaccine" with some vitamins in it. It would have been unbelievably cheap and probably more effective. They could have charged the same price for it and made 10x their money.
Something far more insidious is going on.
Saline with vitamins IS a vaccine!
These jabs? NOT vaccines.
How is "saline with vitamins" a vaccine?
It isn't.
But it sure is more safe and effective than the garbage currently being injected.
OK, no argument there.
Thanks baboon
100% agree
Good point
It could be a money grab AND a depop...
You know...kill two birds with one stone mentality.
It was important to the Nazis that the death camps were run profitably.
No one denies (well almost no one...) denies those camps existed. But "profitable?" There are some curious gaps in the narrative. For example, consider this. Using evil logic, it makes sense to work your prisoners for what labor you can wrest from them, before killing them. Late in the war, the Nazis were diverting resources towards the deportation and prison programs when their own military was critically short of supplies and when civilians were freezing and starving. Does that make sense? Yes, it's well documented that in many of the camps the prisoners too were starving or dying of disease. But that begs the question: Why did the Nazis not kill of those prisoners that were long past their sell by date? Why devote critically short resources, to try and keep alive, however marginally, the very captives you intended to kill?
It just doesn't make sense.
There were important chemical plants at Auschwitz.
Seems like a lot of different motivations were at work there. Jews in extermination and work camps were subject to selections and experimentation.
The Nazi may have seen the proverbial writing on the wall with the war coming to and end and didn't want to be prosecuted for starving people in prisoner of war camps. Also the deeply ensconced almost religious ideology of cleansing the Aryan race. Dora, where V2 rockets were made, used slave labor. The Von Brauns, who were imported here under Project Paperclip, with the Vatican providing rat lines to get nazis out, worked at Dora. The Allies wouldn't bomb the train lines to extermination camps as they wanted Hitler's armies' energies focused on killing jews. Complicated forces and psychologies. Probably the same now.
Criminal mentality. That’s why all the puzzle pieces.
if they don't find the depop to be as successful as they intended they have the money anyway.
This is how those people think, if they think at all, which I consider a real reason for all this harm and deaths.
Why is nobody bringing this possibility up? They are stupid as hell from hell. There cannot be much good functioning shit being situated in their heads!
I am very mad about information I just read about people being proud of having 'vaxxed' thousands of people so please excuse me for being harsh musseled worded please... I am actually a peaceful loving person when not confronted with criminals;-)
No - and those countries relying on U.S. or NATO or WEF information and help to protect their populations will only have them swoop in and help kill them off, like they have done with the polio vaxxes in Africa. Gates and cronies are about depopulation, no doubt about it. It has come out of their mouths!! How much more convincing do you need other than a confession to hundreds of people at a meeting?? Does he have to stand in front of you and enunciate? Just curious - this is sort of like people falling for the vax agenda. Don't do it.
No medicine or shot should enter a pregnant woman’s body without testing it first. This leads me to believe it was a depopulation effort. This is not just an ooopsie lab leak while testing bioweapons to be “ prepared “ someday .
My daughter was nursing her daughter and was pressured (despite my pleas not to) into getting the shot so she could "pass the antibodies on to her child." NO testing was done about this! I'm glad to say she stopped at 2. Also her daughter (now 26 months) is completely vax free and extremely bright and healthy!
These ARE the human trials.
And money grab too to silence the right people.
Another check in the depop box was the fact that by the time they were recommending it for pregnant women, they KNEW that the disease did not really impact women of child bearing age.
Or children. Yet they are now vaxxing children who are not at risk at all.
Stop making sense!
Let's not get stuck in the prison of two ideas...
So, what I hear you saying is "it's no just for depop and money, it's also to turn people into 5G zombies who are easily controlled."
Sweet. We get our Zombie Apocalypse.
Transhumanist zombies?
You want superman.
You'll settle for transhumanist zombies.
You'll get this: https://vigilantlinks.com/2022/11/summed-up-pretty-accurate/
Then there is the making of drug use legal...nothing to see here, folks...
That really nails it!
I would say that the zombies..if that's the effect... who are controllable are just a bonus. I still think it is about making people infirmed and dependent...more controllable and eventually they die off.
Really enjoy each and every one of your posts Igor .. thought provoking and stimulates the depths of my “still sane brain”
I think you may be right in saying that not all countries were in on the con for sure .. which is what makes Finland desperately applying for NATO status very interesting - they were invaded by Hitlers troops in the war and if what l hear is right, didn’t put up too much resistance!
Keep the posts coming Igor!! Great stuff! I am learning so much.
Makes you wonder if they are at the beginning of their "buy out" by those who consider themselves elitists?
I don’t believe there is much space for “speculation” here - lt is my opinion that smaller countries with less “poke” in the larger game are truly frightened in a similar way that many people were frightened into taking the vaccination .. behind closed doors in panelled rooms Orders are given and Threats are made .. Finland does export but heavily relies on its imports for the country to survive .. now .. whilst looking at this, they have President Putin on one side offering them inordinately good “deals” and you have the “might” of an unquantifiably PURE TOXIC NATO on the other .. not a good position to find yourself in as a country such as Finland - their borders too neighbouring both .. l wouldn’t need to consider this one .. President Putin would be my natural choice .. One day, and l do believe, because l MUST believe to stay sane, those who are guilty of the mass genocide and eugenics currently being undertaken by the West will be called “to answer” for the obliteration of the masses, their wildlife, their food sources, their sea life .. If you can carve out a few moments to read a “real” book then pick up a copy of “On the Beach” by Neville Shute .. it’s a modern classic now and somewhat uneasy reading BUT opens up to the current scenario we attempt to live within and survive within .. constantly mooting various “end game” scenarios!
Depop and power.
With infinite currency printing, it's not about the cash.
In December, 2020, a doctor friend told me he would take the vax in order to travel freely. The shot was likely to cause infertility, but being in his sixties he did not care. He had been told about the infertility aspect by a Freemason, so from the "poison death shot" label he was not aware of the "death" bit. So (some?) Freemasons knew at least about the "innocuous" depop part; as for other damage incl. fatal, that is open to conjecture.
I can confirm this. A friend of mine met a Freemason in a bar a few years ago in the City of London. They stayed in touch and my friend gets the occasional clue/warning. In mid-2019 my friend told me this person had just said "we are about to make our move" but didn't know any more than that cryptic statement. Interesting.
Wow. Freemasons. Are either of you familiar with this:
Freemasons supposedly practice The Old Religion.
Thanks, will give it a gander.
Yes, very good. Due to its length, I watched it in half-hour segments. Everyone should because it is time well spent. This rot must go the way Knights Templar. To reciprocate: Are you familiar with Dr. Pierre Gilbert´s lecture (ca 1994)? Known as "We can make them into zombies." Should be on Bitchute.
It originally came out at the beginning of the pandemic. We watched it an hour at a time. It's long but VERY worthwhile. Even though it is long.
Looking for Dr. Pierre Gilbert; it might be related to this:
BTW... the guy who runs the above site is rumored to be ex intelligence.
Now why wouldn't it be BOTH? C'mon, "just one reason, only..."? Really? Ya think? SERIOUSLY? You gotta think like a psychopath: "If I could kill a buncha "useless eaters" for 43 billion dollars a year...."
I'm not saying it can't be both, it clearly is. I'm saying the notion that it is "only" about money is ridiculous at this point. Why wouldn't Pharma just make a "vaccine" that is just about 100% safe and just make some ultra-cheap product as a scam (not saying this isn't all a scam either....)? Why kill off all your best customers?
Because 1. NO ONE can make a vaccine against a respiratory virus, it simply can't be done, and 2. your philanthropathic billionare bosses thinks there are too many people and never enough stuff/wide open spaces/money/energy/you-name-it for themselves: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/149-understanding-hot-lots#details. As Catherine Austin Fitts noted, we have become a liability on their balance sheet. This absolutely is a depopulation deal and only a child couldn't see that.
"1. NO ONE can make a vaccine against a respiratory virus"
"2. YOUR philanthropathic billionare bosses"
OK mate, you do you, you have no idea about me and what I have done over the last two decades, let alone the last three years.
Perhaps you should hunt the internal troll before going for others.
And to your useless eaters comment I add this:
Depop to for currency control.
Excellent. Dane Wigington at geoengineeringwatch.org has been noticing this convergence of the various narratives, intended to appear separate, but aren't, for years as well.
He's good...wake up before it's too late, right?
Gotta lotta sleepwalkers out there...
Depopulation and money grabbing. Why not. The same people with the same lack of conscience can ‘kill’ two birds with one stone. Personally, I think the big money spinner is the ongoing health problems these poor people are going to have. A lot will be incurable and require ongoing ‘medications’. Also, the west have unfunded liabilities. They cannot afford to pay their pensions, welfare, Medicare. Hence getting rid of the elderly first. Look up Martin Armstrong Economics and listen to his interviews. He explains it very well. The authorities know that people are dying from the injections. They have the numbers at their disposal. If they didn’t want people to die then they would have stopped the campaign by now. They haven’t. It’s that simple and its that obvious.
And how flucked up is that idea...
it could have been about depop for some (that creepy wef scientist guy, money for some (bourla, fauci), and depop and money for others (gates)
The money part is pretty clear. I'm still watching for the depop part, and as time goes by it looks more and more possible. Maybe whether or not the shots kill a lot of people may be a collateral damage aspect they simply do not care about.
Or the depop aspect is to be achieved over a few years as a result of several mRNA vaccines being injected into people over time.
Killing too many too quickly might spook then sheeple.
Dear CMCM, luv, look up excess mortality of the countries who’ve had a large proportion of the country jabbed. Spain for example is currently 192 people per day dying above the year on year average. I live in Australia, on the Central Coast of NSW, not on the hospital run, and I hear on average 6-7 ambulances per day. Some days its up to around 20. I hardly ever heard sirens pre covid injections. The local hospital is crowded. It’s a fairly big hospital and its full. 22,000 nurses won’t go back to work because of injection mandates. We walk onto the street and see many people. We go to the shopping centres and see lots of people. We go to the cafe and its crowded. So we think all is normal, but its not. The full picture is hidden. Go to the hospital and its full of vaccine injured. There’s genocide going on alright, in broad daylight.
It’s the perfect crime. Perfectly planned and perfectly implemented.
'It’s the perfect crime. Perfectly planned and perfectly implemented.'
They have weaponised the credulous against themselves and us.
Go and listen to Sucharit Bhakdi and what he had to say about these injectable gene therapies last fall. He calls it "the perfect bioweapon..."
That's right...care being the operative word. When we have 6-year-olds choking on their own blood...truly evil.
My best guess is that both depop and money are factors, but that both are secondary to the end game of digitizing everything and everyone. (And, yes... the MOTB.) The jabs were/are a means to that end, which requires compliance on a massive scale to succeed.
The ultimate control
As I understand it, the MOTB has a loyalty aspect to it as well. Not sure if we're quite there. Yet.
Biblically, we're told "even the elect" will be deceived. I don't think conscious loyalty (to the beast) can even factor in if people are deceived to the point of an inability to discern between good and evil. And we are pretty much already there.
The chaff is being removed from the grain. Only demonic possession scuppers the innate ability of man´s discernment between good and evil, for we were created in His image.
I think the motives were mixed as were the players....in essence though, it doesen't really matter because the carnage was so large , so devastating, so irrepairable, that it really was a crime against humanity on an unimaginable scale and the fallout will continue for generations. Whether they intended to murder people or were party to the murder of people for financial gain is of equal consequence to me and I want them to be judged accordingly....🙏
Amen to that!!! The IS NO AMNESTY with this agenda. They need to be held accountable! If we see it all, THEY certainly did. No excuses.
Agreed, it's entirely possible many of these countries didn't really know the truth of it all.
But... show us your reasoning for the rest of your nastiness, is what I say.
I agree, too, about the 5 Eyes... run by the ACTUAL Nasties, I believe... the "City of London," aka The Venetians, aka The "Black Nobility" aka... the same little group of maniacal, genocidal, would-be-gods of Earth who are inbred, psychotic families in control of most of the HELL human beings have experienced for thousands of years... I say let's aim our laser-focus on THEM.
Stop noticing things...
At some point, they'll want to put my husband and me in a *special* FEMA camp for C0VID questioners. Not just the normal ones for C0VID denyers. The *special* ones for people who ask too many questions.
Spoiler: we're not going.
You will be in the very best company - daily l await “the knock” ..
No worries -- just open the door and sweetly say it's time for ~Amnesty
Me as well on both counts.
You too huh?!
Agreed on all levels!
Isn't that Finnish PM one of the young global leaders selected by WEF?
We have a MP here who is also one of the young global leaders. He was infected with HIV as a child by contaminated blood products. He was grilling the rep from the ministry of health in a Diet session over the Pfizer doc indicating unsafe products.
There seems to be so many layers in the scheme and like any other big orgs, maybe things are handled on the need to know basis? Someone was saying Freemasons are the same. Some lodges not involved in some plots.
A need to know basis would make sense. There's probably a group of serious troublemakers that would direct everything. A very small group, my guess. Maybe even just 1, 2 or 3 people, even. Then those directives are taken to a larger group, and an even larger group, and it filters down from there.
I guess some places could 'opt in' or 'opt out' as they choose (or if they're allowed to), or it could all just be a smokescreen to keep us on our toes, and while we're guessing all the time, thinking one country or politician here or there is coming to its senses, they bring out another Big One to flatten us all...!! :-D
Whoever (or whatever) is behind all this is not normal in any sense of the word. THAT I do know!!!
I actually over hear about a group that dictates those serious trouble makers on the top layer from behind. One further above if you like. (It's a way controversial topic so I will just put it as speculative )
In any case, it's a well calculated scheme by someone with high IQ (not emotional IQ, as you say not normal in any sense of the word) otherwise they wouldn't have been able to mobilise so many people in this manner.
Sometimes I also wonder if this has been a test; to see just how far their clout goes. With such positive results for them, I wonder what they may try next? Perhaps we should watch for another tabletop game like their 'Event 201' scenario. It's not like these people hide in the dark. They put everything out there for us to see. But most people are too busy scurrying about in their lives to pay attention.
I do think, though, that their main weak point has been their clean-up at the end. It's a bit messy. AND they are STILL taking people's stupidity for granted - although to be fair, people's stupidity IS common knowledge these days! At least for us.
I, too, think the person/people behind it all (and I think it comes down to one person, actually) DOES have a high IQ (but not astronomically high), definitely that low EQ (!), they're probably Asperger's with some 'gender' issues and had a lot of misery in their childhood. Probably bullied, doesn't understand emotional interpersonal relationships properly; all that jazz. Good with business/financial decisions which means probably cold and calculating. Much easier to be this way if you're filthy rich, Aspie - and hidden.
Now that person is inflicting their crazy mind on us all, so we can suffer as that person has. I think that person is a he - but with feminine edges. And I think that person also has an Asian background.
Well, that's my 2 cents worth, anyway!
I do not foresee they will come forward straight away. I think that could potentially destabilise the whole society even more. Unless they are introduced as something different being in disguise of.
I don't think this person will ever come forward. I think they like hanging in the background, causing strange destruction. As I wrote, this person is NOT normal! Anyway, there are plenty of Ego Go-Getters in their entourage who would be happy in the limelight (good or bad).
This has been my observation. The WEF, whom I believe to be the Fourth Reich, had to hide behind green and woke and normal, yet clueless, people to give themselves the veneer of being humanitarians.
Possibly people high up knew what was going on, but the general workers (ie the lower level pollies & administrative govt workers) had no clue. They just went over the cliff with the rest of the political lemmings, for fear of losing their job/world standing, or fear of losing *something*, anyway.
Countries like Australia are just the dogs for other countries, so of course they'd go along with it. Back in the '60s, books like 'The Lucky Country' were written. People back then even realised how dimwitted our policies and ability to survive were!!! 60 years later it seems we are even MORE stupid than before! I know. I've spent over 43 years living in my silly country! It's gone downhill BIG TIME.
I think at least SOME of TPTB knew exactly what they were doing, and this has been a systematic rollout to make everyone suffer, and many die. There is the small possibility that some filthy rich psychopaths were just SOOOO keen to make money that they bypassed all the rules and perhaps were surprised by the excessive uptake (but I doubt this because we KNOW we're a 'social' species and there will be social pressure to do anything, especially when it's mandated! Hard to see that the mandates just 'got out of hand' - it is more likely that it was designed this way).
So I think what this all tells us is that most humans DO NOT THINK and just play Follow The Leader...even if they don't like their leader (whoever their Leader may be), even if they didn't vote for their leader and even if they think their leader might be wrong. All the hallmarks of stupidity - and also long-term abuse.
And this is not just for us plebs, but our 'leaders' as well. Don't forget that leaders have Leaders...because who teaches the Teachers...?!
At 78, I can’t believe this is where I grew up.
Agree with your post. Can’t be long winded now due to time .
Stay well and keep sending strong!
I honestly believe that a lot of nations did not know the shots would be this dangerous. That being said, it seems that certain countries were aware and are still fully aware yet continue to push the shots on everyone including children. These just happen to be the most powerful western countries in the world--U.S., U.K., Australia.
Makes ya wonder.
You know, when Covid first "appeared" in March 2020, ALL THE GOVT's seemed to have the SAME response.
Then I think about Event 201, RIGHT BEFORE a big "outbreak" of a "virus"--- Weeeellll, how could you be in a position of high authority, like a PM or a President, and not wonder what the heck was going on? It just seems sooooo.... hmmm.
Not true, Canada preferably vaccinated native Canadians, even to the point of sending military to the reserves and tracking them down in the bush. Also, Asian Canadians take the jabs most uncritically and obediently. White Canadians are probably the least vaccinated.
Same as the Aborigines.
They get anyone they can - they are clearly not racists. Just exterminators.
It's that fk'n Royal, Vlad The Injector.
Read "Rockefeller 2010 Operation Lockstep." A vitual BLUEPRINT for this PLANDEMIC.
Yep. Everything that wasn't part of Event 201 was in Lockstep.
The UK have only rolled out winter boosters for the over 50s and vulnerable. They are doing the same as Denmark and others, but are just doing it in a more cowardly manner. The cowards need to brought to justice.
Hah!! Back to killing off the old folks first!
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
I copied that quote a few weeks past and sent it to my pastor along with a link to a substack about how medicine is no longer being practiced in a way that truly helps people. I got a thank you in reply, then I sent the link to The Real Anthony Fauci the movie in reply to her reply. Didn't hear anything back. Wonder if she even viewed it...
I read in an earlier substack I don’t remember where, that EVERY government knew what was going on. Really makes one stop and think even more about this holocaust!
How else could they be acting in tandem with each other, as if they'd been warned in advance???
They all had the protocol down, they all had the same responses... Seems that only Africa were left out of the prep... Remember the one guy, head of state, I can't remember any names to save my life, who said he'd tested a MANGO, a goat, and some other things... tested positive! And he was dead very shortly thereafter. smdh
I remember those tests. Had no use for PCR tests accuracy after listening to its inventor and Nobel prize winner Kery Mullis. See if you can find his video.( Spelling might be inaccurate.) African countries didn’t accept the vaccines and good leaders were found dead! Lost a lot with my “radical” views-NO masking, no jabs , no 6 feet, and not believing the narrative.
Ah, yes, Kerry Mullis was on my mind waaaay back... I snapped to this stuff in late March, early April 2020... don't remember exactly, but early on. And I figured Mullis was offed by the Bad Guys-- he was very vocally critical of Fauxxi... They took him out.
I was like you, early on, NO, NO, NO, NO, and NO. Still am, and now I'm waaaay over in left field with viruses have NEVER been isolated, and so, until I hear actual proof they exist, to me they are exosomes, Terrain Theory, and the idea of heavy metals and EMF's make a helluva lot more sense to me...
Good to hear someone else believing Mullis was offed! I believe I heard once in the very beginning he died of pneumonia a few days before COvid was exposed!!! Could be. I started in March of 2020and never stopped researching since! Nothing made sense. No masks, thrown out of places. Still fight in eye dr. office! Virus NEVER isolated was a big one for me! EMFs play a big part. Know nothing of Terrain Theory. Will check it out. Heavy metals for sure. Environmental pollutants, garbage in food, use of micro waves. The list is endless. And now chemical and soy laden impossible meat! Trying to get my granddaughter away from it!
Stay well.
Yes, I've looked into it as well. It is POSSIBLE that he died of natural causes, but I'm not so sure...
RFK Jr. spotlighted Mullis, including videotaped footage of him speaking his mind clearly and forthrightly about Anthony FauxXi's virology research skill set in his CHD movie titled after his book, The Real Anthony Fauci. Mullis said the PCR test was never intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. I'm hoping some good person will do a book on Mullis as well as Luc Montagnier, another virologist who died unexpectedly during COVID. BTW: IFf there's no such thing as viruses, why do we have people who study them and can explain their structure, biochemistry, behavior, etc.? Psyops maneuver sucking in the gullible.
I thought Mullis was offed by the bad boys. Thought so very early on, Mar orvApril,2020.
Thought I read but can’t find that he died very shortly before the Plandemic was announced. He would have never allowed his PCR to be used as it was.
That's my thought, too. I mean, heart attacks are the most favored means of taking people out, by spooks and horrible people who think nobody would "guess." We know better. Have you ever seen the movie "Michael Clayton"? The way they kill the sort of "rogue" attorney that had all the evidence against the Big Company (surely the model was Monsanto, or some entity like that)--- the way he was "taken out" --- I remember thinking, "This is how the CIA does this shit." And then I thought about how, if a mortician or a coroner ever sees this, they will always now check for needle holes between the toes...
The spelling is Kary Mullis ;-)
Perhaps Event 201 was the rehearsal? The clips I've seen did seem to be prepping a wide range of people in the way to handle things.
Coincidentally(?) this happens at the end of Bill's "Decade of Vaccination"
Of course! They’ll let us know what’s next, too!
I'd read on the internet years ago, probably Jeff Rense, Above Top Secret and other early warning sites that the elites-controlled think tanks were telling the governments that every country had to come up with a plan to reduce its population. This was way back in the 90s. Problem is that no one really knew how that was going to play out. Pandemic seemed perfect, and "they" usually give a preview of what's coming via popular culture, such as novels and movies (The Andromeda Strain, Outbreak, etc.) Catherine Austin Fitts wrote about how the big money and big finance bigwigs figured it out in her post titled "What I Believe about the Swine Flu," from around 2009, on her solari.com website. But that's not enough, oh no-- now we have geoengineered weather warfare burning, roasting, flooding and droughting us all out, targeting our food supply, so starvation's on the table, and we're soon to be served...
I so agree. I will say this, tho... The chem trails/geoengineering has been going on since the 70's.
All this has been in the plans, highly proactively, since WWII, and well before, in less obvious ways..
Thx for letting me know how to reach Catherine Austin Fitts! Such a genius.
HAARP has been manipulating the weather for I don’t know how long.Soylent Zgreen is another movie, Matrix, etc. starvation and freezing, even 5ho we have enuf oil reserves to refill our reserves, serve us and save Europe. Now Magoo is forbidding coal mining!
Really hope this world wide sting operation will come to fruition soon. Or, am I dreaming?!?
The spraying in the skies started in the 60s over the poles, the stratosphere in these areas is only about 23,000 ft., then it progressively moved further south as "global warming worsened," but we know that the sprays are also used for over-the-radar communications, ionizing the atmosphere so as to be able to change the position of the jet stream, commit all kinds of weather warfare (pour torrential rain down on Woodstock because you hate the Hippies), steal our eastern Pacific moisture to drought California, a major agricultural (food supply) area, so kill our food supply, then dump it east of the Rockies in a massive toxic cool-down including flooding and "snowpocalypse" events so as not to frighten the rest of America into believing it's getting hotter, but the irony is that the spraying is really accelerating the heating as it traps the heat in and it can't get out because the heating's also releasing a lot of methane formerly frozen in the ice and under the sea (Bermuda Triangle phenomena is caused by methane clathrate release, the methane causes ships to lose buoyancy and down they go, "disappeared" in the Gulf and Caribbean area which is rich with petroleum, including methane) and it sits over the planet like a layer of glass.. HAARP is relatively new-- we heard about it's roll-out some time late in the 80s, then it got deployed some time in the 90s. A massive microwave relay tower was built on the top of San Pedro Mountain in east San Rafael, CA near where I live. The thing has 4 massive corner "ears," like a mule with 4 ears. No one knew what it did. We were told vaguely that it was for "telecommunications" when in reality it's a relay tower for changing the weather, coordinated with HAARP. This is all available free for the reading at geoengineeringwatch.org.
Great answer. Thx. Will check out your recommended site!
No, it just takes time for the wave to fricken build up. The crash will be when everybody starts being SERIOUSLY messed with... Otherwise, they "just can't believe it!" It IS pretty fucking hideous! Whoda thunk it?
The UK have only rolled out winter boosters for the over 50s and vulnerable. They are doing the same as Denmark and others, but are just doing it in a more cowardly manner. The cowards need to brought to justice.
Rather than "depop" can we say the greatest mass murder in history?
There is probably a technical difference between mass murder and depopulation.
Can we find a compromise, like "genocide?"
Democide. Mass murder by government.
Genocide is the targeting of specific racial or genetic groups.
I consider all of this murder, from lockdowns to Midazolam to Remdesivir to the injections. Unless it's all been just an omnishambles and none of their actions were deliberate. Which is a stretch at this point.
Why kill the whites? I have my thoughts on the matter but I wonder what others might think about that. Because I too noticed who was being targeted with propaganda.
Hmm, I wonder (((who))) would want the whites gone?
Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
Ever heard of the Kalergi Plan?
White Christians built modern civilization. They're smart, they're ambitious and they like living in the first world. They are also... non conformist free thinkers who don't always do as they're told.
Non-whites in the third world are more compliant, are used to bad living conditions and it seems to take more to get them to rebel. To me, they're not quite the threat to the authorities that whites, especially white Christian men, can be.
Who would you rather have as a slave: smart non-compliant white person or less smart compliant non-white person?
/apologies to all the smart, non-complaint non-whites out there.