How are the numbers for 1 trimester compared to controls in group two. Why do they mix first and second trimester. Is that to blur the results? Could they provide these data seperately?

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I know what follows is not about a vaccine, but it shows how sensitive the foetus is in the various trimesters of pregnancy.

I lived through the Chernobyl event in Romania in 1986. There were several pregnant women in the institute where my father worked. Those who were pregnant in the first trimester when the radioactive cloud arrived, they all lost the baby, or gave birth to severely malformed babies, who would not live. Those in trimesters 2 and 3 of pregnancy were OK.

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It seems to me the solution for “our side” is to identify the point of greatest vulnerability of our “evil” adversary … and then marshall all of our resources to attack this point of weakness.

It also occurs to me that Mike Benz identified the “key to the operation” for our Shadow Rulers - suppressing dissent on the Internet. Achieving this goal was surprisingly easy and ensured that our adversaries would face no serious push-back as they seek to implement the other parts of their unfinished agendas.


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One group included stillbirths. You would always expect to see worse results in a group that has anything done in the first trimester vs later I pregnancy since the vast majority of stillbirths happen early on. If someone makes it to second or third trimester then they're far less likely to have a stillbirth. The better data comes from comparing only groups that resulted in full term pregnancies. I less, of course, you're comparing a control group with no injection to a group with early injection and a third group with an injection later in pregnancy

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There have never been any vaccines. With the covid scam, many have received magnetic nanoparticles such as graphene and NWO Nazis are already preparing for a new wave of terror. dr. Rashid Buttar was murdered for saying that 5G frequencies would trigger new false epidemics by activating these particles. They are also sprayed by chemtrail airplanes and the Sheep still wear poisoned masks for protection. As announced in NWO terrorist scenario plan named "Event 201", they are already turning off the internet, phones and electricity. The goal is to digitize money, documents and everything for total control and dictation over slaves. The self-defense connection between people should have happened yesterday locally and globally.

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Hi Igor

There was another research article in Jama by Mikael Norman at Karolinska institutet that was published two weeks ago that claims that children of the vaccinated mothers actually fare better than those of the unvaccinated mothers.

Could you please check it out and see what you think about it.

Thanks for all your hard and important work.

Best regards Erik

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Erik, this is very interesting (and I'm sure not only for Igor). However, could you provide a link?

EDIT: Is it this one?


If so, Igor has already reported on it.

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Hi thanks for your answer. Yes this is the one. In swedish news the scientists are perplexed about the "fact " that the jab is actually good for children.

Will look into what Igor has to say about it.

Have a great week and sit in the boat and hold your hat as we say in Sweden when we expect rocky waters

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Hey Rochelle...remember this?


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The neurological system is forming in 1st trimester, and the majority of it has formed by 12 weeks (ie 10 weeks of growth). The neurological system IS you. Screw with that and everything gets screwed up. Taking/having anything at that time that might affect the neurological development - and you don't always know what the unintended effects will be. That is why it is so important that a woman KNOWS she is trying to get pregnant, not finding out weeks later accidentally, because by the time she does, she might've been drunk plenty, still smoking, taking drugs etc.

The crazy thing is that almost all the women who were covid-jabbed whilst pregnant most likely KNEW that they were pregnant. And they still did this. And their ages weren't even in the 'high risk' category either (from dying from covid, which we know was a sham, too)! So it was all brainwashing.

A whole generation of kids born to brainwashed mothers. Yeah....let's see how that one turns out long-term... :-\

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Know this: There is NO SUCH THING as a safe vaccine.

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There is NO SUCH THING as any vaccine.

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I am a mom of five, my common sense informed me during these many pregnanies that the first trimester is the time to exercise extreme caution. I had only healthful foods doing this time and no alcohol caffeine or any kind of medication. I relaxed considerably in second trimester with otc and caffeine. Got third trimester I lived a normal healthful lifestyle with coffee and some alcohol etc still zero artificial chemical food dues or flavorings but that is a norm for me. Results were good, kids seem “fine” normal active healthy kids. I injected them with all kinds of garbage however (the common sense I possessed was partial), only catching on to that particular danger much later on

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Don't feel bad about your children's injections at this point. Your doctor did the injections, not you, and only because virtually everyone trusted them. We only know now that they lied to us and continue to lie despite all the evidence against them.

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Yes thank you! I was tricked along with 99% of everyone I know. Sadly, most are still going along with things. If I am honest, I had a bad feeling every time I saw vials being injected into my babies arms and legs … it did not “seem” right. On that level, I am GUILTY. I even have a close antivax friend who bothered to shar with me what she knew but I would not listen.

I pray retroactive protection over the children entrusted to me! My mother did the same to me and I have fibromyalgia which is a well known vax injury … honestly who knows. All of humanity wilts for lack of knowledge and I am only part of that. I live in forgiveness every day for all levels of awfulness and I suppose this is no different.

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Right there with you


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Thank you for your honesty Belle. I feel the same way you do. In this culture of lies everyone wakes up in their own time.

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I agree wholeheartedly.

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Of course you are right, the way to discover something. To be a good medicin it should also stay the same all the time, not vary between batches. So seems clear this is another post in the grand experiment, or at least a varied outcome then to be investigated more. Congratulations!

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This information (that vaccines are more dangerous in the first trimester than the third) has been known for at least a decade. I know this because in 2009, I vaccinated in my first trimester that ended in a miscarriage. 2009 was the year of Swine flu (H1N1). I was never told miscarriage was a higher risk for those vaccinated in the first trimester. It wasn’t until later that I discovered a study that was conducted in 09 claiming miscarriages increased 17%. (I saw another that said 35%). When I raised questions on social media, I was shunned and censored. I’ve actually wondered if I was a part of the study and never told (I am a military veteran). I tried to look for the study a few days ago and it disappeared from the internet. However, there are several propaganda pieces published by mainstream media outlets claiming the 2009 studies were wrong. (Look it up, the published news articles are there, but not the studies). It’s quite infuriating that we still have to argue this today. Many women just like me, aren’t being told the truth, and are being conned into thinking vaccines during pregnancy are safe. Our babies are the ultimate sacrifice 💔 I guarantee there will be more propaganda pieces written to cover up the mRNA vaccine consequences and more families will be gaslit. It seems to be a never ending tragic cycle.

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Julie, many are waking up even without honest studies … my suspicions were fully aroused during Covid and I am irretrievable now.

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I am very sorry for the loss of your baby, Julie.

Yes, one wonders where these ghouls derive their statistics from.

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I’m so angry 🤬, thanks Igor for making these facts known 👏🏻

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Hey BINYB, if you are a Bible reader, read psalm 37 which instructs readers to “not fret because it only causes harm” in the case of evil people apparently getting away with evil schemes. They are NOT getting away with anything! God is only waiting for the proper time to erase them from the face of the earth. I think it is that psalm or another that says they will be eliminated so quickly and thoroughly that we, the readers, will search for them in the places they last stood, something like that. It is such a strong messsge of hope to people like us in a dystopian place like this. Be strong and of good courage!

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Beware! In certain countries, like France, it will soon be absolutely forbidden to criticize or denigrate the vaxxixxs. It will even be forbidden to discourage people from taking them...

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Thus is such a move of obvious desperation to fine and jail those who speak truth! It is certainly a last move sort of step. Remain courageous , good people!

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Depopulation plan

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ACOG still pushing the jab narrative. Disgusting 🤮

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