Dear commenters: since my article brings up a very couterintuitive claim, it deserves highest degree of skepticism. Let's see if we can critically review it and find flaws in my reasoning.
Happy to critically review it but I've studied this issue in detail for thirteen years since my son was seriously harmed. It's not counter-intuitive at all. Counter pharma's narrative yes, but not counter-intuitive.
We've all seen how Pharma has behaved with the Covid shots, and before that statins, Vioxx, ERT, SSRI's, ad nauseum. Why would the childhood vax schedule be any different?
many pregnant women are forced to get lots of vax before and during pregnancy. we have no idea how bad this issue is because we do not track and publish the numbers. just ask any parent, was your childs adverse rxn reported for certain, 90% are dismissed you are one of those anti-vax religious nuts do not worry go home and let the medical professionals take care of things, you are just a bad parent that knows nothing and took terrible care of your child, just be happy i do not report you for being a negligent parent.
There IS one such study, where kids with no vaccines in America were compared to those with the normal schedule at the time. On every measure, the unvaxxed kids were healthier. You give us a lot of value, so let me search for you... Here:
The study mentions 600 subjects; Dr. Paul Thomas (and James Lyons-Weiler, I believe) did a study on 10,000 child patients, finding the unvaxed healthier. In due course, the effort was rewarded:
"After publishing the most significant real-world, peer-reviewed study* showing data, over time, that children receiving fewer vaccines were healthier than those following the CDC vaccine schedule, the Oregon Medical Board (OMB), emergently and without filing charges, took his license."
That’s a link to Dr Paul’s website. He used to have his study posted there but may have been pressured to take it down. I take my child there and Dr Paul cannot see well child visits bc the OMB believes he doesn’t offer children vaccines (he does but allows parents to make choices on their children’s health care).
problem is "they" knew this for over 20 years and the small numbers of studies have been suppressed beyond belief. there are a few small countries that use little vax and kids are great but they also have little medical infrastructure so its easy to dismiss because data is not kept.
the big money that collects this data just avoids all the areas that will not provide the data they want, and when all else fail they goto to small city in africa do what they want, and if bad results just ignore,
look at bill gates in africa, there are towns that would arrest him on sight with hundreds of disfigured kids and adults.
My father was a pediatrician, and while I started out as a pre-med, I ended up with a PhD in Physics. If you had told me in 2020 that within two years I would regard RFK Jr. as a great American hero, I would have laughed in your face.
Live and learn, I guess. Maybe you should read his book, The Real Anthony Fauci. No wait, you might learn something that would conflict with your stale, limited worldview. Best just pull that mask up nice and tight, and get another injection of heart attack.
I mean I guess it's counterintuitive to some, but I work and live in a neighborhood with many immigrants from the Carribean and in the last few years peoples' views on vaccination in general is something that's come up.
For whatever reason, I get the sense that people from the Carribean seem to have more "vaccine hesitancy", even before covid, than what I'd expect from other Canadian demographics. Honestly it was a blessing to get to know many of these families - while I was getting shunned and excluded from regular society for my vax status, it seemed that to many of these immigrants (even the ones that took the shots), the idea of judging someone for not taking a pharma shot is just absurd. Comiserating together with them was such a relief, visiting large families of multiple generations without a single person having taken the shots (this at a time when the propaganda and coercion was peaking here in Quebec) absolutely solidified my resolve.
Anyways the point I'm trying to make is that to many people (and even entire communities?) around the world it isn't counterintuitive at all that childhood vaccines present risk and aren't necessarily worth taking. "Anti vaxxers" existed before covid, and IME they aren't just crazy idiots like pharma PR would have us think. They have reasons for taking that position, and that many hold to it despite intense pressure, social ostracization and bullying should tell us something.
Frankly I've found the way many dissidents who take umbridge with the mRNA jabs or mandates often seem to qualify their remarks with "I'm not an anti vaxxer tho!! I take ALL other vaccines so don't lump me in with those wackos!" to be very unfair. The way I see it, the "anti vaxxers" have been vindicated in spectacular fashion these last few years - they believed that particular industry to be corrupt, to be driven by politics and they deduced that public health agencies and pharma are prone to exagerrating the benefits while hiding the risks.
They were clearly correct. Their instinctive, cultural or experience based (whatever it is) distrust of the medical establishment when it comes to vaccines is and was well founded.
Wasn't there a study in Oregon in 2021 that suggested a correlation between chronic illness in children and the volume of vaccines they'd taken? I remember seeing an interview with the doctors behind it on activist post in 2021.
AJ Nock, I was one of those "I'm not an anti vaxxer tho!! I take ALL other vaccines so don't lump me in with those wackos!" people -- until relatively recently.
A thought occurred to me in the fall, if the "other vaccines" are safe and effective, why are past promoters of these other vaccines are now saying obvious lies and engage in warfare against skeptics? Is that really their first time lying and obfuscating?
My second question was, why are promoters of "other vaccines" push "flu vaccine", which is an obvious scam?
🤔The first product of "excellence" that requires force and failed repetition--rather than satisfied customers--as its foundational advertising strategy.
Total deaths from 2018 to 2021 (regular annual increase of +- 1 200)*:
68 811 67 617 74 550 69 600
I'm not a statistician but, the official datas do not match at all!
The whole province (91% 1 dose, 81% 2 doses or more) has been confined, masked and the non-compliant citizen ostracized for +- 7 000 deaths (89% of them were >75 years old living in CHSLD). For the general population, this equals to the same normal yearly ratio of deaths...
For me, it means that the datas simply did not justify the govt. Covid measures! So far, nobody has studied these discrepancies yet.
If our rotten provincial Health Care System could not handle 60 ECU patients a day, how, then, would a war or a real pandemic with thousands of people dying every day be managed? The perspective is dire...
* Source : Official deaths all causes in Québec Province:
It's not counterintuitive in the least. The worst infant mortality in the developed nations has always been tied to the highest infant vaccination rates.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, too. The establishment imprimatur now acts as a repellant, in my book. (The past decade has taught: run from whatever the CDC pushes; distrust anything bearing robust FDA endorsement; assume iatrogenicity for all commercially marketed agents.)
Aspirin is all that remains safe from "may cause suicidal ideation...may contribute to cancerous issues, leading to death".
We should be especially cautious of the prescribers. MDs have prescribed a lot of of dangerous meds and withheld a lot of beneficial meds. They've become very unreliable. It will take time for them to regain public confidence, and their own self respect.
I seriously doubt the health care industry will ever recover the public trust. There was complicity at every level of service delivery...and still is. The true practitioners were largely winnowed out for conscientious regard for their oath; what remains belong carving meat in retail back rooms...if safe to be around even there.
I can't agree there. "Most" were on board. As with alternative media and citizen journalism replacing a corrupted legacy media, and home-schooling supplanting a toxic educational machinery, a different kind of medical "practice" will evolve from this breach of disciplinary trust. Those seeking medical consultation are typically hoping to be healed and taught health, not abandoned, profiteered from, unlawfully induced, poisoned, nor euthanized.
I doubt that, David Watson, as 'money' offered has power.
1 Timothy 6:9, 10 "But those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and harmful desires that plunge men into destruction and ruin. 10 For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains." -
Humanity, indeed! It ceased being "genocidal" and became "democidal" when they made it an Equal Opportunity, "all-cause mortality" initiative. Its "efficacy" spans all races, ages/genders, socio-economic strata, religions, geography, and political ideologies. "Leave no living behind."
Seriously, though, seeing as Florida didn't go full retard all things Covid with Gesudheitpass and other silliness, maybe a comparison with us here in Sweden might have some value, despite us not having alligators, only crocs?
So I looked at the registry for infant mortality. It's defined as death for no known external source such as injury and so on, and no known disease or such. Just the poor kid dying before age one basically.
And we have a smallish uptick during 2020 compared to 2019. )Figures from 2021 are not public yet.) 2019 saw 2.1 per 1 000 live births, and 2020 saw 2.4 per 1 000 live births.
On the other hand, infant mortality is thnakfully very low, so even small increases looks like big change. During 2020, 113 077 children were born, and of those 268 died during their first year.
For a comparison, the year 2006 it was 2.8/1 000. Also, there are regional differences within the nation ranging from 1.2/1 000 to 3.2/1 000, based on rolling five year average.
To further complicate the issue, there are significantly higher death rate among non-european migrants, and this is then further compounded (to no-ones surprise) with higher rates corresponding to low education and low income (or no income).
For a final comparison, 1950, the infant mortality rate for Sweden was about 20/1 000. That's before mass vaccinations for measles, smallpox, polio, and TB. (We still don't vaccinate children even half as much as you seem to do in the USA.) And the global average according to the UN dropped from 65/1 000 for 1990, to 28/1 000 for 2019.
Don't know if this points out any flaws in your reasoning, but it may provide further context for comparisons.
'For a final comparison, 1950, the infant mortality rate for Sweden was about 20/1 000. That's before mass vaccinations for measles, smallpox, polio, and TB.'
I recommend reading - Dissolving Illusions by Dr Suzan Humphries to learn that the massive improvements in health and reductions in child mortality etc came as a result of improvement in sanitation, housing, nourishment and not as a result of vaccines/anti biotics etc.
This is easily proven as the vaccines were rolled out after the improvements in health and mortality had already been achieved.
Pharma likes to lie and pretend their wonder products saved humanity but it simply isn't true.
Oh, there is no doubt about that here among doctors and researchers. I'd go so far as to say there's virtually no one debating that the drop in infant mortality from 1850 to 1950 to today is due a combination of several factors. It's simply something everyone with a passing knowledge of modern history knows.
I think claiming (or even implying) that vaccines and medications was the sole reason for the very steep drop during 1850-1950 and onwards, is a purly american thing, really.
I'd even go so far as to state that the "either/or"-thinking process that causes so many problems in the western world, and has done so since about 1985, is the due to the cultural dominance of US thinking, it being very manichean and binary in its nature as compared to the more esoteric french or the pragmatic german and classist-powered british schools of thought. But that's a different topic, so I'll close with that for me as an outsider, it looks like the US needs to look back to the 1950s, the now much derided Norman Rockwell-ideal so to speak.
I don't know. As a long time vaccine sceptic, my experience is that most folks in the UK believe that vaccinations saved humanity and now that I live in Portugal, that belief seems to be pretty prevalent here too. I agree that we are very much influenced by America but not convinced that dualistic thinking is their doing. After all, the Buddha was teaching about the danger of this way of being over two thousand years ago.
Thank you for your very interesting reading of the data.
As Tim Fallon says in reply to your comment, it is interesting to note how other factors ("sanitation, housing, nourishment") seem to have reduced infant mortality before mass vaccination.
It is also interesting to note that if vaccines increase infant mortality, then the increase is very low compared to historical figures.
Along the lines of thinking in this thread, do we know if there was an increase in wealth among Florida parents during the pandemic, since it seems that reduction in poverty leads to reduction in infant mortality? Some peoples income went up, sometimes considerably, during the pandemic. Also, though, are people with higher income more, or less likely to be vaccine hesitant? That would have to be considered as well.
hard headed independent right wing type. we have thousands worth 1-5 million. and yes many of them said no vax. and put kids in private or catholic school. i have 3 neighbors within 100 yards of me had vax reactions doctors dismissed them, they said go fU@k yourself and pulled kids from public school and into private in one week flat.
1950 in Europe seems like a lot of mothers and societies would still be recovering from the poverty and famine of WWII. I knew Spanish men in the 1990s whose granddaughters towered over them. The disparity in height between the men and girls (strange to see) was due to better nutrition and overall standard of living.
Basically, children (or rather the parents) are offered shots for measles, rubella (called "Red Dog" in swedish for some reason), whooping cough, diphtheria, polio, tetanus, Hep B, mumps, rotavirus and HPV, the latter two being recent additions.
Do note that all of these are /on offer/, not required for any participation in society, and that parents decide which ones in consultation with a physician. For example, parents from nations such as Somalia might opt for all of the above and more due to wanting to visit their home country with the children, while other might opt for just the most dangerous such as measles and polio. TB vaccine is available but are generally only given when there are known cases in the child's family, again most common among migrants.
And I stress that while the child physician allotted to you will have opinions as to what vaccines should be given, it remains their professional opinion. Informed consent is part of swedish constitutional law, and so is a law forbidding coercive medical treatment, the only exceptions are if and when the patient has been declared non compos mentis, is comatose, or is undergoing psychiatric care (and in that case there's usually a decades long file on the person, out-patient care being the norm since around 1990).
Your basic public health insurance is not tied in any way to your vaccination status.
Caveat: I do not work in health care so I might have gotten some details wrong, but I did check the relevant homepage at least (NYT level journalism, that?).
i live here in south fl. as a retail Rph. talking to patients and my neighbors autism chased many away from vax and covid made the right wing people dig in and so no vax and pull kids to private school. DeSantis has helped shut the left wing down so that intelligent people can talk and share info. sids dropped 50% 6 month 2020 b/c no vax all md closed. people in fl. see this and a great awaking has started. also robert kennedy. info.
vax are a big problem and has been suppressed over 20 years. when you expand and look at all vax 1-18 yo it gets worse, yes food and electronic toys are issue but vax (imo) is 1/3 of health problem.
igor you just opened a huge can of worms, once you see it you can not ignore it. VAX IS A HUGE PROBLEM. i would say if you have kids FULL STOP ON ALL VAX.
PLUS OLDER VAX CAN DEATTENUATE. they never even addressed this in school. we were taught once a vax is safe and 20 year old you never have to think about it again.
never once did they explain a vax can reverse and become stronger and more deadly. the Phd in some subjects learn this but i do not know any doctors or pharmacist or anyone below a Phd that was aware of diattenuation.
part of my profession is vax and past 2 years i had to take a deeper look at vax and american food supply and they are both killing us, esp. 1/3 of the younger generation that did not have smart, healthy, pro-active parents. we all 90% just accepted the dogma we have been feed.
i took classes in salk hall and did not know the 1st 2 years of polio vax they gave polio to 100,000 kids b/c defective vax. they covered it up so well i went to pharmacy school in the blvd. named after the greatest researcher of polio and did not know they screwed up polio and the vax for 2 years and still forced kids to get it just like they screwed up covid vax right now and still force people to get it. people are dying right now from covid-vax and it is being covered up aggressively by any means necessary. england has terrible numbers for all cause death 8-16. it is happening all over but info. is suppressed and not published
I am curious as to whether parents were able to spend more time with their children. In some sense the contemporary world, where childcare is outsourced to strangers, must interrupt the traditional focused, intense love, care and closeness of mothers, fathers, grandparents etc. I wonder if more time with children have allowed for a better sense of wellbeing and safety that allowed children to flourish.
The data correlation you have shown is striking - I am open to this being directly a unaccounted for harm of the traditional vaccines, but parents having more time with children is another factor not accounted for which (I hope) has contributed to children's wellbeing.
A very valid point! As demonstrated in reverse by infant studies where those denied contact were ill-affected, it stands to reason that children of all ages thrive correlative to loving attention.
yes another factor is parents said stop the vax and got great resistance from doctors and the schools. so they said f-everybody and kept kids home because it can take time to place kids in private school. so yes kids were home because of covid but then a bunch of them were home even longer b/c parents said no vax.
and many stayed home and are home school now because after what parents saw with schools,doctors, and vax BS they just said NO. so fl. has a lot more change than other states.
Good point. It is also true that for many, the financial stress of this pandemic has been huge. I've seen lots of lovely pictures of middle class parents embracing time with their kids and posting videos of baking and other sorts of creativity. Nothing much from those stuck in a high rise flat with three kids, without fifty pence to put in the meter. On balance, I suspect the numbers of people that have struggled is likely higher than for those that didn't, but I haven't fact checked that. I worked in my local food bank (over 2000 in the UK now) and many of the users were in full employment. So my guesstimate is based on that experience, though that's not to say I'm sure I'm right. Anyway, all of which is to say I think it's a really valid point and I also think that it's quite possible that my point balances out yours.
I would like to provide a link to a study, by a pro-vax researcher who discovered some disturbing things about a DTP vaccine program in Africa. All cause mortality among vaccinated infants increased astronomically after the DTP vaccine, even though the cases of diphtheria tetanus and pertussis were prevented! Here's the link:
Thank you for researching this phenomenon and writing about it! I read another article last year, it showed the data from 2020, and how infant mortality decreased during lockdowns. Not sure if you are aware, but Candace Owens is doing a series about vaccines on Parler called, “A Shot in the Dark”. It is excellent. You two should get together to talk.
I would like to know what you make of the increases in other age groups except those over 85!
I am sorry I cannot be skeptical of this information, as I already have come to the conclusion based on massive amounts of evidence that infant vaccines cause SIDS and other very serious adverse events. I recommend the book by David Denton Davis called Dancing Cats and Silent Canaries:
The same concerned parents who avoided any vaccination for their child were more present for them at home (maybe preventing accidents?). It would be wise to compare the previous years causes of death among FLA children and check if your findings correlates to any increase/decrease per cause.
What about all the football players dropping dead on the pitch? Is that because they're traveling and are not at home where their loved ones can prevent them having accidents?
No surprise to me. If you follow the CDC schedule your child will receive over 50 vaccine doses by the time they start kindergarten. Fifty! See the schedule for yourself, it's shocking.
Many have multiple vaccine doses combined into one shot (e.g. MMR, DTaP). At a typical "well toddler" visit it's routine for your child to receive *seven* or more vaccine doses in a single visit.
Most parents have no idea that the vaccine schedule has tripled since 1980, most of us didn't have anywhere near this many vaccine doses as kids. We merrily went along with what the pediatrician told us was "required" (a damnable lie) until our son suffered a serious adverse reaction at age four. Turned out he had been given eight does at once. We learned our lesson the hard way and unfortunately our son paid the price. Then they denied the vax was the cause.
Never again.
If you have kids do your research before you let them pump them full of this shit. Many shots on the schedule are not required for school (check your state requirements). Also, you can spread them out and delay them, there is absolutely no requirement to follow the "schedule". Don't let a doctor pressure you into it, seriously, tell them to go F themselves.
Last off, think long and hard before taking your child to a pediatrician, find and old style family doctor or a holistic physician instead. Pediatricians are the worst pharma-pushers in the medical industry, far worse than just about any other specialty.
Yes you are right, particularly if you count the multi-dose shots as individual vaccine doses. It is absolutely insane.
Growing up in the 60's/early 70's we got MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), and polio. That was it! Compare that to what's on the schedule now in the link I posted above.
Once the Nat'l Vaccine Injury Protection Act of 1986 was passed, Pharma got liability immunity if the vaccine was placed on the CDC childhood schedule. Unsurprisingly the schedule exploded and a revolving door emerged between the CDC and Pharma.
The corruption goes back decades and is not new for the Covid shots. They just never had the brazenness to try and force it on everyone before. Lots of eyes are being opened but it's been at a terrible price.
And many states allow religious exemptions from the kids' least for now. You usually don't have to prove anything, just sign a piece of paper that says you have a religious exemption.
No longer the case in California. Only grandfathered students may be exempt until their next required shots for the grade they are entering (7th grade, for example).
Thanks for your post, Jeff. It is truly insane what they are giving kids today... Also remember that there are antigens for multiple strains of a each disease—one polio shot vaccinates against 3-4 strains, so the immune system is stimulated to make a response to each one. So that’s 4 vaccines in a single polio dose...
It's not just shocking, it's criminal! They don't care about us or our children--only $$. And the vaccine schedule, now with Covid included, is a whopping 72! My children are brainwashed and nothing I tell them has changed their minds. My grandchildren are being poisoned. When I found out they gave my 5 year-old grandson the jab, I wept. I saw his records. I don't know about his 3 year-old sister, but if they gave it to her, they very likely rendered her infertile.
Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't have grandchildren yet, but I've watched my sister triple-vax my niece and nephew, and I pray every day for their health and fertility. It must be so difficult to see your grands being given these horrific shots. We can only hope that some of our brilliant and caring docs, like McCullough and Kory, will be working to find treatments and cures for those stricken by this poison.
I said no to the fly vaccine two or three times. I should have looked into it more, my unconsciousness was telling me that they were shit. I agree with you, all vaccines are harmful, these ones just happen to be a little more harmful than normal.
My biggest regret in life has been vaccinating my kids at all. They never got the Cov-19 shots but I was strongly persuaded against my better judgement to give them the rest of the junk. Makes me sick.
It's not just your article, it's from everything else I have learned about all vaccinations since the 90s. Much of it is experimental and perhaps deliberately tainted with ingredients they know cause harm. Most of these are useless as well, and all are for "diseases" that also had a 99%+ recovery rate. Dreadful, scary stories were propaganda in the 50s and 60s like it is now. In any case, it now seems ridiculous to inject perfectly healthy babies with anything for diseases that no longer exist--polio, measles, mumps. Just nonsense.
I am with you. If I could go back in time and not give any vaccines to my kids, I would. I should have trusted my gut back then…it just never felt right but I trusted my pediatrician. So gross. Now that I’ve done my research, I am mortified. And we wonder why autoimmune diseases in children have risen exponentially since the 90’s. Well, so has the vaccine schedule for children. Makes me sad and so mad! I definitely went with my gut on covid though! That poison was not coming near my children or me!
Totally agree. If I knew then what I know now I would never have vaxxed my kids. They were sick with high fever after every one they got. Something I find completely bizarre are my friends that never vaxxed their kids but then let them get the covid vaccine! Of all the ones to get - really? My 18 year old son had a heart attack last november and now has perimyocarditis. He was one of the lucky ones that survived. I had to get a letter of exemption for his school and begged him not to get the booster cause he still doesn't really believe the vaccine caused his heart issues. Doctors were vague about it, never came out and said the vax was the cause but did (shockingly!) say they've been seeing an uptick in myocarditis since the vaccine. I just had to bite my tongue.
My daughter and I both had covid in december and she still cannot wait to get her booster, doesn't trust natural immunity. I am the only one in my entire family that's unvaxxed so If I bring up anything about adverse reactions they completely shut me down. I don't know how my kids became such vax zealots or how to get thru to them, but I am forever grateful for my unvaxxed friends that I can vent to so I don't completely lose my mind.
Yeah tell me about it. It's a very lonely existence being the odd man out. I am a liberal democrat ex new yorker of 40 years now being accused of being a conspiracy theorist by my own family. I'm constantly asking myself these days what will it take to convince people, not just in my family but those spewing the vax propaganda everywhere? I have seen numerous adverse reactions in my own circle of family and friends so I have to believe that there are many people in government, journalists etc also seeing it that refuse to speak out about it? Do they just explain it away or not put 2 and 2 together? Hailey Bieber had a stroke for gods sake - that is not normal! But of course there's zero mention of adverse vax reaction in the main stream news. Boggles the mind.
From everything I've read live attenuated vaccines lower all cause mortality while the others add to it. But not a single study has ever been done of the cumulative childhood vaccine schedule, which appears to be a net negative...
From what you've read and learned, do you think it is possible that vaccines against existing and dangerous conditions do reduce all cause mortality, whereas vaccines against diseases that have disappeared or are mild would increase all cause mortality ?
The reasoning behing my question is : maybe vaccines tune the immune system, sometimes in the right direction, sometimes in the wrong direction.
I understand there is no specific study to answer my question, just wanted to have your opinion on this since you seem to have done some research.
There are ZERO effective or safe vaccines. ZERO. The germ theory is a lie --marketing propaganda invented by Big Pharma who sells all the poison disguised as 'cures.' Deception is Satan's greatest tool...
Maybe germs do exist, and can be transmitted from living being to living being, and in that respect germ theory wouldn't be a lie, but maybe germs are not the root cause of sickness, and in that respect germ theory is wrong.
As always, our materialistic civilisation tends to think the root cause of anything is made of matter. Other points of view think the root cause of anything is energy, or consciousness, and matter is only a consequence of it.
I don't think that the Chinese would agree with you. But the point is that they're all harmful. Edward Jenner should be remembered as a charlatan and a war criminal (a war criminal who experimented on his gardener's son who was a year older than Jenner's own son).
Steve Kirsch mentions something in a post he wrote about RFK Jr, "how he became anti vaxxer" or something, a few months back, about a CDC study "massaged" supposedly several times over to make the effect (link with autism) disappear and look natural - I don't know how they'd know that one oft cited studie to "debunk" the link was manipulated.
But also mentioned are 22 or so studies mea while that apparently show the mercury in many shots does not just "disappear" like the CDC claims - it only disappears from wherfe they measured, the blood, but accumulates in the brain.
I was fortunate, AL, in that the first time my twin babies were vaxxed at the ped's office (4 shots simultaneously in their tiny limbs), they both screamed bloody murder, and so did I! I raced home and started researching. They never had another vax after, and for that matter, neither have I.
I’m just aghast at the campaigning and psyop around normalizing this crazy agenda. We’ve been convinced for decades that injecting kids with deadly chemicals is not only necessary, it’s good! That’s powerful marketing. Good for you for following your instincts.
...And then along came the covid plandemic, where everyone was already brainwashed to accept vaccines.... There was a massive increase in children's vaccines in the last few decades, setting the stage for vaccine compliance.
Absolutely true. Thank you for saying this. No way any of this could have happened the way it has if we hadn't been primed for decades to accept shot after shot after shot as essential health care for children. It seems absurd now that we bought into it without question.
Dear commenters: since my article brings up a very couterintuitive claim, it deserves highest degree of skepticism. Let's see if we can critically review it and find flaws in my reasoning.
Happy to critically review it but I've studied this issue in detail for thirteen years since my son was seriously harmed. It's not counter-intuitive at all. Counter pharma's narrative yes, but not counter-intuitive.
We've all seen how Pharma has behaved with the Covid shots, and before that statins, Vioxx, ERT, SSRI's, ad nauseum. Why would the childhood vax schedule be any different?
I’m sure many babies are born premature because pregnant women are working when they shouldn’t.
many pregnant women are forced to get lots of vax before and during pregnancy. we have no idea how bad this issue is because we do not track and publish the numbers. just ask any parent, was your childs adverse rxn reported for certain, 90% are dismissed you are one of those anti-vax religious nuts do not worry go home and let the medical professionals take care of things, you are just a bad parent that knows nothing and took terrible care of your child, just be happy i do not report you for being a negligent parent.
There IS one such study, where kids with no vaccines in America were compared to those with the normal schedule at the time. On every measure, the unvaxxed kids were healthier. You give us a lot of value, so let me search for you... Here:
The study mentions 600 subjects; Dr. Paul Thomas (and James Lyons-Weiler, I believe) did a study on 10,000 child patients, finding the unvaxed healthier. In due course, the effort was rewarded:
"After publishing the most significant real-world, peer-reviewed study* showing data, over time, that children receiving fewer vaccines were healthier than those following the CDC vaccine schedule, the Oregon Medical Board (OMB), emergently and without filing charges, took his license."
do you have a link to the study
Jeremy R. Hammond wrote a book on what happened to Dr. Thomas:
And note the journal retraction!
That’s a link to Dr Paul’s website. He used to have his study posted there but may have been pressured to take it down. I take my child there and Dr Paul cannot see well child visits bc the OMB believes he doesn’t offer children vaccines (he does but allows parents to make choices on their children’s health care).
problem is "they" knew this for over 20 years and the small numbers of studies have been suppressed beyond belief. there are a few small countries that use little vax and kids are great but they also have little medical infrastructure so its easy to dismiss because data is not kept.
the big money that collects this data just avoids all the areas that will not provide the data they want, and when all else fail they goto to small city in africa do what they want, and if bad results just ignore,
look at bill gates in africa, there are towns that would arrest him on sight with hundreds of disfigured kids and adults.
that website is run by the antivaxer Robert Kennedy Jr., the coke addict, and is not a scientific study
Which drug company are you run by?
My father was a pediatrician, and while I started out as a pre-med, I ended up with a PhD in Physics. If you had told me in 2020 that within two years I would regard RFK Jr. as a great American hero, I would have laughed in your face.
Live and learn, I guess. Maybe you should read his book, The Real Anthony Fauci. No wait, you might learn something that would conflict with your stale, limited worldview. Best just pull that mask up nice and tight, and get another injection of heart attack.
Please make sure to get all the boosters for yourself and family you dmfk
The best ad hominem you came up with works for Obama, too? Clever! A bi-partisan troll.
I mean I guess it's counterintuitive to some, but I work and live in a neighborhood with many immigrants from the Carribean and in the last few years peoples' views on vaccination in general is something that's come up.
For whatever reason, I get the sense that people from the Carribean seem to have more "vaccine hesitancy", even before covid, than what I'd expect from other Canadian demographics. Honestly it was a blessing to get to know many of these families - while I was getting shunned and excluded from regular society for my vax status, it seemed that to many of these immigrants (even the ones that took the shots), the idea of judging someone for not taking a pharma shot is just absurd. Comiserating together with them was such a relief, visiting large families of multiple generations without a single person having taken the shots (this at a time when the propaganda and coercion was peaking here in Quebec) absolutely solidified my resolve.
Anyways the point I'm trying to make is that to many people (and even entire communities?) around the world it isn't counterintuitive at all that childhood vaccines present risk and aren't necessarily worth taking. "Anti vaxxers" existed before covid, and IME they aren't just crazy idiots like pharma PR would have us think. They have reasons for taking that position, and that many hold to it despite intense pressure, social ostracization and bullying should tell us something.
Frankly I've found the way many dissidents who take umbridge with the mRNA jabs or mandates often seem to qualify their remarks with "I'm not an anti vaxxer tho!! I take ALL other vaccines so don't lump me in with those wackos!" to be very unfair. The way I see it, the "anti vaxxers" have been vindicated in spectacular fashion these last few years - they believed that particular industry to be corrupt, to be driven by politics and they deduced that public health agencies and pharma are prone to exagerrating the benefits while hiding the risks.
They were clearly correct. Their instinctive, cultural or experience based (whatever it is) distrust of the medical establishment when it comes to vaccines is and was well founded.
Wasn't there a study in Oregon in 2021 that suggested a correlation between chronic illness in children and the volume of vaccines they'd taken? I remember seeing an interview with the doctors behind it on activist post in 2021.
AJ Nock, I was one of those "I'm not an anti vaxxer tho!! I take ALL other vaccines so don't lump me in with those wackos!" people -- until relatively recently.
A thought occurred to me in the fall, if the "other vaccines" are safe and effective, why are past promoters of these other vaccines are now saying obvious lies and engage in warfare against skeptics? Is that really their first time lying and obfuscating?
My second question was, why are promoters of "other vaccines" push "flu vaccine", which is an obvious scam?
And I started looking deeper.
it's not like Merck is in a lawsuit for falsifying the efficacy data of the MMR or anything right
🤔The first product of "excellence" that requires force and failed repetition--rather than satisfied customers--as its foundational advertising strategy.
i was not anti-vax, only the 10-20 bad ones flu-vax anthax etc. many tropical vax.
now i am 90% anti-vax
full stop on all vax until we get the hidden info.
yes a few are needed and safe, but the no. is looking small.
Which liability free pharmaceutical product is not “unavoidably unsafe”?
This was me as well.
Dr. Paul Thomas in Oregon.
His videos with guests are worth watching, and eye-opening.
Dr Tom Cowan in Oregon also highly recommended. 👍👍👍
AJ Nock - Thank you for sharing this personal anecdote. I really appreciated it.
Official Covid deaths since 2020, Québec Province ( 14 212
Total deaths from 2018 to 2021 (regular annual increase of +- 1 200)*:
68 811 67 617 74 550 69 600
I'm not a statistician but, the official datas do not match at all!
The whole province (91% 1 dose, 81% 2 doses or more) has been confined, masked and the non-compliant citizen ostracized for +- 7 000 deaths (89% of them were >75 years old living in CHSLD). For the general population, this equals to the same normal yearly ratio of deaths...
For me, it means that the datas simply did not justify the govt. Covid measures! So far, nobody has studied these discrepancies yet.
If our rotten provincial Health Care System could not handle 60 ECU patients a day, how, then, would a war or a real pandemic with thousands of people dying every day be managed? The perspective is dire...
* Source : Official deaths all causes in Québec Province:
It's not counterintuitive in the least. The worst infant mortality in the developed nations has always been tied to the highest infant vaccination rates.
Not counterintuitive. At all. Judy Mikovits has been beating this drum for decades.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, too. The establishment imprimatur now acts as a repellant, in my book. (The past decade has taught: run from whatever the CDC pushes; distrust anything bearing robust FDA endorsement; assume iatrogenicity for all commercially marketed agents.)
Aspirin is all that remains safe from "may cause suicidal ideation...may contribute to cancerous issues, leading to death".
We should be especially cautious of the prescribers. MDs have prescribed a lot of of dangerous meds and withheld a lot of beneficial meds. They've become very unreliable. It will take time for them to regain public confidence, and their own self respect.
I seriously doubt the health care industry will ever recover the public trust. There was complicity at every level of service delivery...and still is. The true practitioners were largely winnowed out for conscientious regard for their oath; what remains belong carving meat in retail back rooms...if safe to be around even there.
It will recover because we need them. Not all of them will be redeemed. Most will
I can't agree there. "Most" were on board. As with alternative media and citizen journalism replacing a corrupted legacy media, and home-schooling supplanting a toxic educational machinery, a different kind of medical "practice" will evolve from this breach of disciplinary trust. Those seeking medical consultation are typically hoping to be healed and taught health, not abandoned, profiteered from, unlawfully induced, poisoned, nor euthanized.
I doubt that, David Watson, as 'money' offered has power.
1 Timothy 6:9, 10 "But those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and harmful desires that plunge men into destruction and ruin. 10 For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains." -
Vaccines are part of the war industry.
The war on humanity by the genocidal psychopaths!
Humanity, indeed! It ceased being "genocidal" and became "democidal" when they made it an Equal Opportunity, "all-cause mortality" initiative. Its "efficacy" spans all races, ages/genders, socio-economic strata, religions, geography, and political ideologies. "Leave no living behind."
Well before that.
Skepticism tin-foil chewing gum activated!
Seriously, though, seeing as Florida didn't go full retard all things Covid with Gesudheitpass and other silliness, maybe a comparison with us here in Sweden might have some value, despite us not having alligators, only crocs?
So I looked at the registry for infant mortality. It's defined as death for no known external source such as injury and so on, and no known disease or such. Just the poor kid dying before age one basically.
And we have a smallish uptick during 2020 compared to 2019. )Figures from 2021 are not public yet.) 2019 saw 2.1 per 1 000 live births, and 2020 saw 2.4 per 1 000 live births.
On the other hand, infant mortality is thnakfully very low, so even small increases looks like big change. During 2020, 113 077 children were born, and of those 268 died during their first year.
For a comparison, the year 2006 it was 2.8/1 000. Also, there are regional differences within the nation ranging from 1.2/1 000 to 3.2/1 000, based on rolling five year average.
To further complicate the issue, there are significantly higher death rate among non-european migrants, and this is then further compounded (to no-ones surprise) with higher rates corresponding to low education and low income (or no income).
For a final comparison, 1950, the infant mortality rate for Sweden was about 20/1 000. That's before mass vaccinations for measles, smallpox, polio, and TB. (We still don't vaccinate children even half as much as you seem to do in the USA.) And the global average according to the UN dropped from 65/1 000 for 1990, to 28/1 000 for 2019.
Don't know if this points out any flaws in your reasoning, but it may provide further context for comparisons.
'For a final comparison, 1950, the infant mortality rate for Sweden was about 20/1 000. That's before mass vaccinations for measles, smallpox, polio, and TB.'
I recommend reading - Dissolving Illusions by Dr Suzan Humphries to learn that the massive improvements in health and reductions in child mortality etc came as a result of improvement in sanitation, housing, nourishment and not as a result of vaccines/anti biotics etc.
This is easily proven as the vaccines were rolled out after the improvements in health and mortality had already been achieved.
Pharma likes to lie and pretend their wonder products saved humanity but it simply isn't true.
Oh, there is no doubt about that here among doctors and researchers. I'd go so far as to say there's virtually no one debating that the drop in infant mortality from 1850 to 1950 to today is due a combination of several factors. It's simply something everyone with a passing knowledge of modern history knows.
I think claiming (or even implying) that vaccines and medications was the sole reason for the very steep drop during 1850-1950 and onwards, is a purly american thing, really.
I'd even go so far as to state that the "either/or"-thinking process that causes so many problems in the western world, and has done so since about 1985, is the due to the cultural dominance of US thinking, it being very manichean and binary in its nature as compared to the more esoteric french or the pragmatic german and classist-powered british schools of thought. But that's a different topic, so I'll close with that for me as an outsider, it looks like the US needs to look back to the 1950s, the now much derided Norman Rockwell-ideal so to speak.
I don't know. As a long time vaccine sceptic, my experience is that most folks in the UK believe that vaccinations saved humanity and now that I live in Portugal, that belief seems to be pretty prevalent here too. I agree that we are very much influenced by America but not convinced that dualistic thinking is their doing. After all, the Buddha was teaching about the danger of this way of being over two thousand years ago.
Thank you for your very interesting reading of the data.
As Tim Fallon says in reply to your comment, it is interesting to note how other factors ("sanitation, housing, nourishment") seem to have reduced infant mortality before mass vaccination.
It is also interesting to note that if vaccines increase infant mortality, then the increase is very low compared to historical figures.
Along the lines of thinking in this thread, do we know if there was an increase in wealth among Florida parents during the pandemic, since it seems that reduction in poverty leads to reduction in infant mortality? Some peoples income went up, sometimes considerably, during the pandemic. Also, though, are people with higher income more, or less likely to be vaccine hesitant? That would have to be considered as well.
i live here and we have alot of wealthy RED NECKS
hard headed independent right wing type. we have thousands worth 1-5 million. and yes many of them said no vax. and put kids in private or catholic school. i have 3 neighbors within 100 yards of me had vax reactions doctors dismissed them, they said go fU@k yourself and pulled kids from public school and into private in one week flat.
it is a very common issue where i am.
1950 in Europe seems like a lot of mothers and societies would still be recovering from the poverty and famine of WWII. I knew Spanish men in the 1990s whose granddaughters towered over them. The disparity in height between the men and girls (strange to see) was due to better nutrition and overall standard of living.
Is Sweden's child vax schedule the same as ours? I thought we have one of the highest vaccine rates in the world.
Basically, children (or rather the parents) are offered shots for measles, rubella (called "Red Dog" in swedish for some reason), whooping cough, diphtheria, polio, tetanus, Hep B, mumps, rotavirus and HPV, the latter two being recent additions.
Do note that all of these are /on offer/, not required for any participation in society, and that parents decide which ones in consultation with a physician. For example, parents from nations such as Somalia might opt for all of the above and more due to wanting to visit their home country with the children, while other might opt for just the most dangerous such as measles and polio. TB vaccine is available but are generally only given when there are known cases in the child's family, again most common among migrants.
And I stress that while the child physician allotted to you will have opinions as to what vaccines should be given, it remains their professional opinion. Informed consent is part of swedish constitutional law, and so is a law forbidding coercive medical treatment, the only exceptions are if and when the patient has been declared non compos mentis, is comatose, or is undergoing psychiatric care (and in that case there's usually a decades long file on the person, out-patient care being the norm since around 1990).
Your basic public health insurance is not tied in any way to your vaccination status.
Caveat: I do not work in health care so I might have gotten some details wrong, but I did check the relevant homepage at least (NYT level journalism, that?).
are they also giving kids in Sweden the chickenpox (varicella) vaccine now?
Not counterintuitive! Absolutely not. Do you know what’s contained in childhood vaccines??
Please see my comment with further evidence for vaccine-induced death in babies.
Where's your other comment?
i live here in south fl. as a retail Rph. talking to patients and my neighbors autism chased many away from vax and covid made the right wing people dig in and so no vax and pull kids to private school. DeSantis has helped shut the left wing down so that intelligent people can talk and share info. sids dropped 50% 6 month 2020 b/c no vax all md closed. people in fl. see this and a great awaking has started. also robert kennedy. info.
vax are a big problem and has been suppressed over 20 years. when you expand and look at all vax 1-18 yo it gets worse, yes food and electronic toys are issue but vax (imo) is 1/3 of health problem.
igor you just opened a huge can of worms, once you see it you can not ignore it. VAX IS A HUGE PROBLEM. i would say if you have kids FULL STOP ON ALL VAX.
PLUS OLDER VAX CAN DEATTENUATE. they never even addressed this in school. we were taught once a vax is safe and 20 year old you never have to think about it again.
never once did they explain a vax can reverse and become stronger and more deadly. the Phd in some subjects learn this but i do not know any doctors or pharmacist or anyone below a Phd that was aware of diattenuation.
part of my profession is vax and past 2 years i had to take a deeper look at vax and american food supply and they are both killing us, esp. 1/3 of the younger generation that did not have smart, healthy, pro-active parents. we all 90% just accepted the dogma we have been feed.
i took classes in salk hall and did not know the 1st 2 years of polio vax they gave polio to 100,000 kids b/c defective vax. they covered it up so well i went to pharmacy school in the blvd. named after the greatest researcher of polio and did not know they screwed up polio and the vax for 2 years and still forced kids to get it just like they screwed up covid vax right now and still force people to get it. people are dying right now from covid-vax and it is being covered up aggressively by any means necessary. england has terrible numbers for all cause death 8-16. it is happening all over but info. is suppressed and not published
Great news re Florida. Might have to get you guys to run the planet for a few years.
I am curious as to whether parents were able to spend more time with their children. In some sense the contemporary world, where childcare is outsourced to strangers, must interrupt the traditional focused, intense love, care and closeness of mothers, fathers, grandparents etc. I wonder if more time with children have allowed for a better sense of wellbeing and safety that allowed children to flourish.
The data correlation you have shown is striking - I am open to this being directly a unaccounted for harm of the traditional vaccines, but parents having more time with children is another factor not accounted for which (I hope) has contributed to children's wellbeing.
A very valid point! As demonstrated in reverse by infant studies where those denied contact were ill-affected, it stands to reason that children of all ages thrive correlative to loving attention.
yes another factor is parents said stop the vax and got great resistance from doctors and the schools. so they said f-everybody and kept kids home because it can take time to place kids in private school. so yes kids were home because of covid but then a bunch of them were home even longer b/c parents said no vax.
and many stayed home and are home school now because after what parents saw with schools,doctors, and vax BS they just said NO. so fl. has a lot more change than other states.
Good point. It is also true that for many, the financial stress of this pandemic has been huge. I've seen lots of lovely pictures of middle class parents embracing time with their kids and posting videos of baking and other sorts of creativity. Nothing much from those stuck in a high rise flat with three kids, without fifty pence to put in the meter. On balance, I suspect the numbers of people that have struggled is likely higher than for those that didn't, but I haven't fact checked that. I worked in my local food bank (over 2000 in the UK now) and many of the users were in full employment. So my guesstimate is based on that experience, though that's not to say I'm sure I'm right. Anyway, all of which is to say I think it's a really valid point and I also think that it's quite possible that my point balances out yours.
Children are less likely to stop breathing in their sleep if they are nudged every so often, I have always believed.
I would like to provide a link to a study, by a pro-vax researcher who discovered some disturbing things about a DTP vaccine program in Africa. All cause mortality among vaccinated infants increased astronomically after the DTP vaccine, even though the cases of diphtheria tetanus and pertussis were prevented! Here's the link:
Wow, admitted by NIH! That’s truly shocking.
Thank you for researching this phenomenon and writing about it! I read another article last year, it showed the data from 2020, and how infant mortality decreased during lockdowns. Not sure if you are aware, but Candace Owens is doing a series about vaccines on Parler called, “A Shot in the Dark”. It is excellent. You two should get together to talk.
I would like to know what you make of the increases in other age groups except those over 85!
I am sorry I cannot be skeptical of this information, as I already have come to the conclusion based on massive amounts of evidence that infant vaccines cause SIDS and other very serious adverse events. I recommend the book by David Denton Davis called Dancing Cats and Silent Canaries:
Love this!! A silver lining, finally.
The same concerned parents who avoided any vaccination for their child were more present for them at home (maybe preventing accidents?). It would be wise to compare the previous years causes of death among FLA children and check if your findings correlates to any increase/decrease per cause.
What about all the football players dropping dead on the pitch? Is that because they're traveling and are not at home where their loved ones can prevent them having accidents?
No surprise to me. If you follow the CDC schedule your child will receive over 50 vaccine doses by the time they start kindergarten. Fifty! See the schedule for yourself, it's shocking.
Many have multiple vaccine doses combined into one shot (e.g. MMR, DTaP). At a typical "well toddler" visit it's routine for your child to receive *seven* or more vaccine doses in a single visit.
Most parents have no idea that the vaccine schedule has tripled since 1980, most of us didn't have anywhere near this many vaccine doses as kids. We merrily went along with what the pediatrician told us was "required" (a damnable lie) until our son suffered a serious adverse reaction at age four. Turned out he had been given eight does at once. We learned our lesson the hard way and unfortunately our son paid the price. Then they denied the vax was the cause.
Never again.
If you have kids do your research before you let them pump them full of this shit. Many shots on the schedule are not required for school (check your state requirements). Also, you can spread them out and delay them, there is absolutely no requirement to follow the "schedule". Don't let a doctor pressure you into it, seriously, tell them to go F themselves.
Last off, think long and hard before taking your child to a pediatrician, find and old style family doctor or a holistic physician instead. Pediatricians are the worst pharma-pushers in the medical industry, far worse than just about any other specialty.
Closer to 70 vaccines, and that's if you don't count yearly flu shots. :-(
Yes you are right, particularly if you count the multi-dose shots as individual vaccine doses. It is absolutely insane.
Growing up in the 60's/early 70's we got MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), and polio. That was it! Compare that to what's on the schedule now in the link I posted above.
Once the Nat'l Vaccine Injury Protection Act of 1986 was passed, Pharma got liability immunity if the vaccine was placed on the CDC childhood schedule. Unsurprisingly the schedule exploded and a revolving door emerged between the CDC and Pharma.
The corruption goes back decades and is not new for the Covid shots. They just never had the brazenness to try and force it on everyone before. Lots of eyes are being opened but it's been at a terrible price.
Devastating for so many.
70 on recommended schedule up to age 18. 50 on recommended schedule from birth to kindergarten.
Absolutely insane. A death wish.
And many states allow religious exemptions from the kids' least for now. You usually don't have to prove anything, just sign a piece of paper that says you have a religious exemption.
No longer the case in California. Only grandfathered students may be exempt until their next required shots for the grade they are entering (7th grade, for example).
According to "Jabbed," vaccines are a major source of pediatricians' income.
It’s all peds too. The well visits are for shots. Any questions you have don’t get addressed. They say I’ll refer you to a specialist.
JUST SAY NO to ALL barbaric injections! Zero vaccines are proven safe or effective. ZERO!!
Thanks for your post, Jeff. It is truly insane what they are giving kids today... Also remember that there are antigens for multiple strains of a each disease—one polio shot vaccinates against 3-4 strains, so the immune system is stimulated to make a response to each one. So that’s 4 vaccines in a single polio dose...
i would agree
parents hold your ground.
walk out if needed.
you can always do shots different tomorrow
you can skip
spread it out
deny unneeded
but once they put 8 shots in your kid in 10 seconds, you can not take it out.
It's not just shocking, it's criminal! They don't care about us or our children--only $$. And the vaccine schedule, now with Covid included, is a whopping 72! My children are brainwashed and nothing I tell them has changed their minds. My grandchildren are being poisoned. When I found out they gave my 5 year-old grandson the jab, I wept. I saw his records. I don't know about his 3 year-old sister, but if they gave it to her, they very likely rendered her infertile.
Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't have grandchildren yet, but I've watched my sister triple-vax my niece and nephew, and I pray every day for their health and fertility. It must be so difficult to see your grands being given these horrific shots. We can only hope that some of our brilliant and caring docs, like McCullough and Kory, will be working to find treatments and cures for those stricken by this poison.
Guess who took over the NIAH around that time…
Which are ok and which are not ok in your view?
I tried to “like” your comment - it wouldn’t take :).
I couldn’t agree more! - for pets as well as kids - avoid all shots.
I said no to the fly vaccine two or three times. I should have looked into it more, my unconsciousness was telling me that they were shit. I agree with you, all vaccines are harmful, these ones just happen to be a little more harmful than normal.
My biggest regret in life has been vaccinating my kids at all. They never got the Cov-19 shots but I was strongly persuaded against my better judgement to give them the rest of the junk. Makes me sick.
Yes, I am beginning to wonder about it also. But it is also possible that there is a fault in my article
It's not just your article, it's from everything else I have learned about all vaccinations since the 90s. Much of it is experimental and perhaps deliberately tainted with ingredients they know cause harm. Most of these are useless as well, and all are for "diseases" that also had a 99%+ recovery rate. Dreadful, scary stories were propaganda in the 50s and 60s like it is now. In any case, it now seems ridiculous to inject perfectly healthy babies with anything for diseases that no longer exist--polio, measles, mumps. Just nonsense.
I am with you. If I could go back in time and not give any vaccines to my kids, I would. I should have trusted my gut back then…it just never felt right but I trusted my pediatrician. So gross. Now that I’ve done my research, I am mortified. And we wonder why autoimmune diseases in children have risen exponentially since the 90’s. Well, so has the vaccine schedule for children. Makes me sad and so mad! I definitely went with my gut on covid though! That poison was not coming near my children or me!
Totally agree. If I knew then what I know now I would never have vaxxed my kids. They were sick with high fever after every one they got. Something I find completely bizarre are my friends that never vaxxed their kids but then let them get the covid vaccine! Of all the ones to get - really? My 18 year old son had a heart attack last november and now has perimyocarditis. He was one of the lucky ones that survived. I had to get a letter of exemption for his school and begged him not to get the booster cause he still doesn't really believe the vaccine caused his heart issues. Doctors were vague about it, never came out and said the vax was the cause but did (shockingly!) say they've been seeing an uptick in myocarditis since the vaccine. I just had to bite my tongue.
My daughter and I both had covid in december and she still cannot wait to get her booster, doesn't trust natural immunity. I am the only one in my entire family that's unvaxxed so If I bring up anything about adverse reactions they completely shut me down. I don't know how my kids became such vax zealots or how to get thru to them, but I am forever grateful for my unvaxxed friends that I can vent to so I don't completely lose my mind.
I am very sad about what you said, the kids, the damage, the purposeful ignorance, shutting down etc
Yeah tell me about it. It's a very lonely existence being the odd man out. I am a liberal democrat ex new yorker of 40 years now being accused of being a conspiracy theorist by my own family. I'm constantly asking myself these days what will it take to convince people, not just in my family but those spewing the vax propaganda everywhere? I have seen numerous adverse reactions in my own circle of family and friends so I have to believe that there are many people in government, journalists etc also seeing it that refuse to speak out about it? Do they just explain it away or not put 2 and 2 together? Hailey Bieber had a stroke for gods sake - that is not normal! But of course there's zero mention of adverse vax reaction in the main stream news. Boggles the mind.
From everything I've read live attenuated vaccines lower all cause mortality while the others add to it. But not a single study has ever been done of the cumulative childhood vaccine schedule, which appears to be a net negative...
From what you've read and learned, do you think it is possible that vaccines against existing and dangerous conditions do reduce all cause mortality, whereas vaccines against diseases that have disappeared or are mild would increase all cause mortality ?
The reasoning behing my question is : maybe vaccines tune the immune system, sometimes in the right direction, sometimes in the wrong direction.
I understand there is no specific study to answer my question, just wanted to have your opinion on this since you seem to have done some research.
There are ZERO effective or safe vaccines. ZERO. The germ theory is a lie --marketing propaganda invented by Big Pharma who sells all the poison disguised as 'cures.' Deception is Satan's greatest tool...
Maybe germs do exist, and can be transmitted from living being to living being, and in that respect germ theory wouldn't be a lie, but maybe germs are not the root cause of sickness, and in that respect germ theory is wrong.
As always, our materialistic civilisation tends to think the root cause of anything is made of matter. Other points of view think the root cause of anything is energy, or consciousness, and matter is only a consequence of it.
I don't think that the Chinese would agree with you. But the point is that they're all harmful. Edward Jenner should be remembered as a charlatan and a war criminal (a war criminal who experimented on his gardener's son who was a year older than Jenner's own son).
Steve Kirsch mentions something in a post he wrote about RFK Jr, "how he became anti vaxxer" or something, a few months back, about a CDC study "massaged" supposedly several times over to make the effect (link with autism) disappear and look natural - I don't know how they'd know that one oft cited studie to "debunk" the link was manipulated.
But also mentioned are 22 or so studies mea while that apparently show the mercury in many shots does not just "disappear" like the CDC claims - it only disappears from wherfe they measured, the blood, but accumulates in the brain.
I haven't looked at that in detail.
I was fortunate, AL, in that the first time my twin babies were vaxxed at the ped's office (4 shots simultaneously in their tiny limbs), they both screamed bloody murder, and so did I! I raced home and started researching. They never had another vax after, and for that matter, neither have I.
I’m just aghast at the campaigning and psyop around normalizing this crazy agenda. We’ve been convinced for decades that injecting kids with deadly chemicals is not only necessary, it’s good! That’s powerful marketing. Good for you for following your instincts.
...And then along came the covid plandemic, where everyone was already brainwashed to accept vaccines.... There was a massive increase in children's vaccines in the last few decades, setting the stage for vaccine compliance.
Absolutely true. Thank you for saying this. No way any of this could have happened the way it has if we hadn't been primed for decades to accept shot after shot after shot as essential health care for children. It seems absurd now that we bought into it without question.
And on the other hand, pushing it too far with the "covid vaccine" leads some people to question all other vaccines.
And questioning vaccines might lead to questioning medicine. And more.
That's definitely what happened to me and many people I know--so that's good!
Yup--and even "anti-covid-vaxxers" are still pro "regular" vaccines. It's very hard to get that out of your head.