Every time I think their crazy, nefarious, and destructive ideas couldn't get worse, they outdo themselves.

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They are real life Bond villains.

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Oh it will get worse.

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Nasty hey. All assets deployed. Securing all targets and playing the great game. Of course dogs... That would stop them. Napoleon wise. LOL. What if the enemy knows that and mitigates it. I wonder how?

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I wish what you are saying about "ideas" is true...that is that those things of theirs you are referring to are indeed ...just "ideas". What I am seeing in some countries makes me, with respect, disagree with you. They have project plants, they have teams on ground implementing their objectives. The time of "ideas" has passed.

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They definitely have horrifying projects that they're already executing on, no question. And yet they still keep coming up with new schemes.

If you ever want to give yourself nightmares, watch Klaus Schwab's sidekick Yuval Noah share his dystopian worldview, knowing the WEF might well have enough money and power to make it happen.

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I think Klaus and Noah are lovers....yivk puke grossvomit

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That is why we (the truly informed) continue to fight, continue to put out information anywhere we can. Also, above all else we pray every day. We pray that God opens the ears of the deaf to hear, the blind to see and the heart to open to God's grace and discernment. We don't give up and we don't back down.

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They can only make it happen if you let them.

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Considering that these people seem to have taken over governments, it seems time to form some sort of peoples army to fight back.

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Reminds me of "ice-nine" in Vonnegut's dark comedy sci-fi Cat's Cradle.

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Jul 6, 2022
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Nobody is safe (the way I understand Walter's and Igor's views on Covid as Airborn AIDS/Dementia etc. Unvaccinated are equally exposed through the air we breathe. Yes, much less than vaxxced but still...repeated exposure is still an exposure. Ofcourse, some people will remain healthy regardless of exposure.

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Jul 6, 2022
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If I get Covid after meeting a person who has Covid... is it contagious?

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If you have a heart attack after meeting someone who had a heart attack is it contagious?

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Anything attached to that spike protein is toxic. Universal toxin. You said it first you said it best. If something similar to the Baric silicon models exists, as suggested, with its implications, we would be facing Utopia, Children of Men scenario. However it would be reasonable to speculate that if that was the objective a final gain of function/transfer step had to be achieved. Thus the Jabs and variants. It's a probabilistic matter, what variants create bigger and widespread pools of spreaders-shedders. It seems that the folding of the protein matters too. Eventually the systematic abuse of the toxin will take its toll and the weak will get sick and die. Power comes always from the inversion of natural law but the sacrifice is balanced through strict observance of said laws. New substitute old I mean. If we could just stop eating our own maybe we would have a chance. What is really at stake here? A very big prize obviously...

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Le berger please look around on substack and Twitter. Choose what you will accept or reject as evidence. That is all i can say. All the best.

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I didn't know until very recently that there were people who didn't believe in a replicating pathogenic microsphere.

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Look at the numbers folks. Atmospheric CO2 has only increased by about one part in 10,000 since humans began burning fossil fuels (a trace amount) and the earth has been in a warming trend for thousands of years. There is every reason to suspect the manipulative political narrative being pushed with regard to climate change (which it absolutely does all by itself) is nothing more than that.

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They want a crisis. In 1970s, we were gonna freeze to death

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And when the temperature does drop, as eventually it will, the climate nuts will claim their idiocies made it happen and convince their sheep they now know how to warm things up again.

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How many wars did illuminati start? Some wouldn't have occurred without our secret societies....

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Illuminati, is another made up ridiculous thing to blame just like the Khazarian mafia and the Freemasons. Why not go to the real culprits, that are right out in the open. WEF, Sorors, Gates, Banking syndicates, etc

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Secret societies have been around since 1700s or earlier...

I think you are illiterate on this subject.

I certainly blame those also.

We don't have an org chart. You appear to have zero historical background on this.

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How many did the Inquisition killed? You talk too much. I'm still waiting for your reply on Fritz substack.

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Not sure. There's a BBC video on it... the gist is Spanish Inquisition was much more lenient than other countries.

I'm Catholic, and I don't know a lot about Inquisition.... and most don't.

Catholic Church is in eclipse so there isn't a strong explanation of Inquisition.

I've heard absolutely incredible numbers on this.

You don't like me talking? Scan the names and skip points of view you want to shut out

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Secret societies have been around for a very long time, but I think it's easy to blame them instead of the real culprits. That was my point. Also I think they are used as code words to blame a certain segment of society .

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We don't have an org chart. Those you mentioned I repeatedly blame. Freemasons and commies are the overarching umbrella.

Freemasons took out Catholic monarchies. They both have stated goals of destabilizing society... they both attacked traditional family, morals, legitimate authority, especially the father of the house. They kicked Catholic Church to the curb, and had false popes.

They pit groups against each other

They are definitely part of this.

I assume you didn't bother to read Permanent Instructions of Alta Vendita?

Shows an unbelievable diabolical genius and patience ... and they pulled it off

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Really? Everything read Permanent Instructions of Alta Vendita?

Freemasons and commies were joyous at Vatican II aftermath. I bet you have zero understanding of this

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Well we are in a cooling cycle...despite what you hear.

Minimum sunspots...cooling

mximum sunspots, ...warming.

ITS THE SUN, Stupids (not you guys, the zombies we have to deal with every effing day..)

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The maximum started either last year or this year. It runs for 11 years.

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Solar cycle 25 is the current solar cycle, the 25th since 1755, when extensive recording of solar sunspot activity began. It began in December 2019 with a smoothed minimum sunspot number of 1.8. It is expected to continue until about 2030

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But I can be quite stupid!

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There were days, it felt that way. I miss those days.

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O thank God for you. They've got so many people in mass fomation (PSCYHOTIC DELUSIONS..the MADNESS OF CROWDS) that think CO2 makes the climate change....IT IS NOT AT ALL DANGEROUS. And what humans beings have contributed to that one part in 10,000 is about

.004 percent, if that.

Tell it Brother. All over this land!!!

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My trees say Thank you every time I come in backyard to whip some vile carbon dioxide on them

I have 14 trees out there, avg yard.... HUGE. and 12 are home grown, free. I didn't plant

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Rise in CO2 follows warming, not the other way around.

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My wife and I have both benefitted from changing our diets from processed crap to natural organic, grass fed, free range, blah, blah, blah. Specifically, my wife had severe allergies and was on 2 prescribed medications and two over the counter meds, which she had to take all 4 per day, just to breathe, and not go into anaphylaxis. After changing our diets to real food, within 6 - 12 months she was off all meds and was not allergic anymore to 95% of the food she once was (she still has issues with nuts, peas, lentils, and some others) but has not been on a single medication for 13 years, much to the doctors' dismay. I look at this as yet another way to remove health from humans, so that we will get sick, require medication that makes us sicker, which will eventually lead to our untimely and unpleasant deaths. Which is exactly what Gates, Schwab and all their cronies / handlers want from all of us.

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And I'll bet money if she hadn't gotten any vaccines/shots, she would not be allergc to nuts, etc.

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Does anyone else feel like the lefts obsession with "climate change" is way, way deeper than we really know...? I mean, it borders on absolute folly how much they push this agenda. It's almost as if they are trying to set up our planet for some other species to inhabit it. A species that can't quite survive in our current atmosphere or something.... I know, crazy talk....

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They are megalomaniacs who believe the climate change narrative offers a path to more control, which is what they really crave. Note, megalomania is a mental disorder.

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Lest we not forget maniacal ideas like Gates' serious plan to boost micro dust into the earth’s upper atmosphere to, ahem, Block Out The Sun in order to cool our poor overheated planet. These people are seriously psychotic and unfortunately have the financial resources to act on their neuroses and at the same time amass huge followings of "believers". With the state of our advanced technological capabilities and the very recent creation of mega mega rich oligarchs who can fund the most obscenely expensive and dangerous experiments, we have our work cut out for us.

So, thanks Igor for giving us a break from worrying about the death jabs LOL 😂.

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Gates ignores the studies that say that dust insulates and prevents the planet from cooling when it rotates into the darkness of night, and would have radiated that heat into space. Instead, the dark side does not cool off before the next day's heating cycle arrives. Gates is supposedly the #1 funder of aerial spraying programs. Everything he touched turns to shite; the anti-Midas.

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Good point! Thank you!

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Jeff, yet these megalomaniacs literally have us all by the you know what's currently... They pretty much have total control over us all now and have more money than God. They do what they please. They likely have access to so many evil pleasures that it would make our skins crawl, but yet people like Gore and Kerry and really all of these crazies just keep pushing the climate change narrative year after year after year... It's mind boggling.

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A dismaying proportion of our population is dreadfully gullible and easy for leftists to manipulate. I'd like to believe they will wake up and come to understand the danger posed by self serving authoritarians who are consolidating more and more central power in our country but I for one am not at all optimistic in that regard.

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If they didn’t wake up through all the plandemic crap, they probably never will.

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I know. That is why I am afraid.

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As a leftist myself i find it hard to manipulate anyone.. maybe i'm not doing it right. Now the right is good at it though.. They've manipulated all kinds of people to believe there isn't environmental disasters awaiting us. Despite a plethora of evidence. But is think conservatives are a bit easy that way.

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Jul 6, 2022
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Were that were so! I see a lot of just basic denial going on and the desire to just stay the course with petro products and such.. but besides climate change which i think is not anywhere near our gravest threat, there is the erosion of topsoil, the drying of the aquifers, the dying of the oceans.. and to top it off the gravest existential threat of all... nuclear war... which sadly the right is pushing towards in our confrontation with China. The left just wants a nuclear confrontation with Russia. Not so bad. And what many on the right call the left i call the shitlibs. They are actually neo-liberal economically and neo-conservative militarily. Just like their counterparts on the right. Meanwhile they fight the culture wars that don't matter much at all. Something's gotta give!

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And that is why they have to be gotten rid of. Would you want your life ruled

by a psychotic schizoprhenic? Because that is what they are.

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Don't forget Sociopaths

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There are those times when I wonder, “If all these people were evil extraterrestrials disguised (badly) as humans, out to destroy all life on Earth so they can colonize it, what would they be doing differently?”

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They are humans who look for very simplistic solutions to complex problems, for their own profit. Global warming ? The sun is warm; try to block it. Food shortages? Reduce the population. Fewer people will eat less. Democracy is an obstacle to WEF hegemony? Install a puppet dictator- Joe Biden.

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Now that is something I had never considered.

You are brilliant.

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It does seem like terraforming at times, I agree.

Maybe after they upload their brains to the cloud, they think their new robot avatars can just run off of nuclear energy?

These people are properly bonkers and need to be stopped. Unfortunately, it seems they may meet their end by extremely primitive means (pitchforks, shovels and lampposts) since they won't listen to reason.

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let's create an exclusive elites-only cloud, and when they are all uploaded, convince them to suicide themselves for the ecological pollution savings. Then we unplug them.

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It's highly amusing that they try and terrify us with "muh Russian hackers" and yet think they can upload their memories to a server with no repercussions. Just unplug them and it's job done.

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Open the pod bay door, Hal...

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Now AJ, you are another brilliant mind.

Pleased to meet you!

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I don't have a problem with that...primitive means (Pitchforks, shovels and lamposts) because they certainly don't listen to reason....maybe we can infiltrate them as servants??

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I think it’s a convenient way for the left to assume control over all the resources. After the Soviet Union fell, that energy went into environmentalism, as I understand it.

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The elete don't care about your left/right feelings. Both sides of this are guilty of not doing enough for THE PEOPLE!

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Very true!

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After the Soviet Union fell the predatory capitalists invaded and took what wasn't nailed down and then along came Putin and put a stop to it.. and that's why they, the capitalists hate him so much.

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Careful there. Do you understand the old soviet regime. The last real one with some visibility and let's say, cough cough, patriotism, was said to be comrade Andropov. Since Stalin a deep state had grown from the intelligentsia, mostly military counter intelligence, nepotic and aristocratic based on a dialetic concept of natural laws and power. Systematically subverting the enemies, domestic and foreign, and stealing the country resources. The numbers are mind-boggling. Their main operation though the Ukrainian Communist party was pumping a cashflow that reach 50 billion a year when they got rid of Andropov. All the while entertaining you with perestroika and Afghanistan. Sounds familiar? This people invent the concept of hyper normalization. Modern Bolshevism constant state of affairs. Now when the party stooge Yeltsin played the clown and broke the old soviet we came to know that all assets were the property of the Communist party, which systematically used the satellite parties to conduct the stealing resource business linked to the Russian counterpart. Where did Yeltsin rose in the ranks. And Comrade Putin? Alas. When he killed the Soviet Union the party still owned it all. It had all the data. Controlled all the networks. It seems one very important Oceania oligarch was there to help pound the old soviets with debt while they reorganised their assets. Meaning Banksters and Bolsheviks. Do you really believe this people let go? You have to think about what is upsetting them now... They started cutting off the ties with their Oceania cousins. Khodorkovsky wise... What game changer could possible freak them out to pivot west. Maybe the business owners got scared. Bankruptcy, redundancy. That sort of thing... LOL

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Very, very interesting and thought provoking statement that warrants more looking into!! Thank you

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they’re terraforming it for Satan.

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Fauci, Gates, Macron Trudeau etc appear to be able to breathe in our environment just fine. 😀

I don't want to go full schizo but they do appear to be terraforming, the carbon sequesters they are building are legitimately terrifying.

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They are just looting, at this point. TPTB know we are due for a micronova or at least grid frying CME, and they think they will survive it with their bunkers, rockets, and yachts. But they enlist a lot of clueless true-believing tools happy to be kept busy LARPing these idiot ideas that are neither sane nor sustainable. Only going to get more ridiculous until we take back our power.

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Interesting you say micronova . The magnetosphere is already extremely weak (the sun is way more intense and silver coloured than it was years ago, but no-one notices this fact for some reason).

There is also the possibility of a 12,000 year cycle in relation to the above, but why you would democide people due to this? That makes no sense to me. Doesn't the cataclysmic event take care of the "overpopulation"?

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Can you provide info about "Micronovas? I have had no idea anyone was predicting this. Thanks in advance.

I really don't think these f_ckers are thinking about 12000 year cycles.

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I will read your links and will be glad to respond... My time is constrained and I'll have to get back to you.

Be at peace... YOU are the universe!

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You too mate. We are all learning together and we are ALL the universe. Substack let's us share information and hopefully without prejudice.

Take care friend. Speak soon.

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I think they are, but that's my personal opinion, nothing I've seen officially claimed anywhere.

More on solar forcing of climate/12k yr cycle (and shorter ones) here:


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Well, some scenarios predict a 'the living will envy the dead' type scene. Maybe they think they need to get rid of the bodies sooner than suffer their decomposition (lol--there's that fact of life again!) in real time...

Also, if you read that Chan Thomas book, messed up stuff happens to psychology w/severely weakened magnetic field.

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"'the living will envy the dead' "

Damn, that keeps popping into my head the last few days.

"Also, if you read that Chan Thomas book, messed up stuff happens to psychology w/severely weakened magnetic field."

I can imagine, and it's true. Again, I will say that most normies don't even see that the sun has changed. It's a fact. And the science for WHY it has changed is obvious.

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The government has been working hard to be sure that most of us are child like and preferably neurologically damaged for life. All assets were/are deployed. And I mean everything in any possible way you can think of. Where do you think they got the idea to target the female kind first? They are coming for the jugular. By the book literally. Total inversion stuff... If the flash doesn't come fast enough there will not be much to worry about when it finally comes... The question remains. Why does it flash with such regularity. Assuming it really does of course. Other implications besides the obvious cataclysmic ones for the ground dwellers would suggest that all this DC HIGH VOLTAGE could have time like implications instead of just frying the capacitor and its people... LOL

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No, No, No my friend! Do not think like that!

I know a lot about the sun and everything about 12000 year cycles is speculation.

The Sun (glorious thing it is) changes every day. When we look beyond the "12 YEAR" cycle for Sun spots and electro magnetic effects we really know very little.

That dream is not important.

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I don't quite understand your post. When I was a kid the sun was yellow and you could look at it during the day. You absolutely cannot do that anymore. It is clearly more silver and looking at it now would be suicide.

The sun has become much more UV intensive due to the weakened magnetosphere and you can verify this in all kinds of ways, including increased leaf burn that scientists are recording.

I trust "my lying eyes" and know this to be a fact. I have spent my entire life looking at the sky, during the day time and at night. The only thing that makes the sun look "normal" are chemtrails, which I only saw for the first time in 2007.

We had the definitive discussion on 4Chan on this topic a few weeks ago, the archive of which is here:


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Yes. I do. I have never ever seen anything like this. There are 7 major climate change theories (THEORIES, MIND YOU NOTHING PROVEN) and people think there is only one real climate changer. They will NOT listen to anything else. Its like talking to a wall.

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Climate change is real but not the kind they think about. Maybe think is not the correct verb. LOL. Climate can change because of atmosphere pollution, alteration of the soils, everything industrial and urban basically. Also, the industrial society promotes desertification, by constantly urbanising people and livestock. Basically too much of it in the same places. Not enough in the countryside. These changes are usually local and dependent on industrial output. However increasing desertification leads to decreased evaporation and change in rain and cloud formation patterns. Regionally stuff can literally change. Check Tunisia and its history since Roman times. Rome subsidised olive oil production and offered land besides its roads to farmers. They knew about this. Otherwise you can only fight it by fire. Not as effective and quite dangerous and polluting also. We were told to till the garden and take care of the flock, as we don't someone will... Some speculate that with some serious gigawatts you can ZAP the ionosphere harmonically and alter consistently specific high atmospheric fluxes. This would disrupt weather patterns in a continental scale but you would require a dedicated nuclear reactor or more... Try to tell the public that some foreign entity is doing that to your country... LOL

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Climate change has been gong on since the ice ages...and it could be the SUN, or our molten iron core and the stars. It certainly aint atmosphere pollution, (unless its deliberate geo engineering which our govt is engaged in) and alteration of the soils is environmental pollution...not the same thing.

Let's not overlap the destruction of our habitat due to roundup, etc. etc. with Climate Change. The Greenland ice cores prove that we osccilate in terms of climate on a very regular basis.

We can stop effing up the weather though, and take care of the earth.

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That's exactly my point. That's why I focused on the issue of desertification and insane urbanisation/industrialisation. We might have a role to play there. After all it can determine our destiny or absence of it. Nature will take care of it. If we do not increase its complexity, someone will. That old serpent is laughing with me now... LOL

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Wow! I've never thought of that. Thanks. I have to say tho... I don't think humans will inhabit other planets for the same reason other life will never come here. Sure we can go to Mars or the moon but consider trying to LIVE there for life!

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Terraforming Mars would be easy - nuke it a few times to trap particles in the atmosphere to increase the temperature, then plant loads of trees and other vegetation to capture CO2 which would then create oxygen.

Everything they tell you about "nuclear winter" and "global warming" is a lie. Unless it applies to Mars, obviously.

And no, I am not making this up:


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I have to wait to read the article. I don't expect to be impressed when I do.

It is becoming Important for all of us to become deeper thinkers and I think other planets will never be adequate for humanity. Here is just one thought to chew on... How many variables, that change constantly, do you have (that are known) in your body? How long should we study those effects on a different planet before we understand it as SAFE for colonization. Then all that understanding changes when you add more people.

I like elon but some of his ideas suck.

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I despise Elon and if ever there was someone who was going to be the Antichrist, it's him. He has spent his entire career being wrong about everything, sucking off the government teat and also doing horrendous things for the MIC.

I trust him about as far as I can throw the fat f***.



I personally think we can colonize Mars, but in a round-about way to what you said, the process will change humans who live there in way we have no way of predicting, good or bad. Probably bad.

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Oh Good. I think Elon is a schmuck too.

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Oh, you have provided another interesting thought...

If indeed we could, at some point, in the future, occupy Mars, much of our genetics would change (in an unknown way) and the more time that passes the more Unhuman those transplants would become!

I imagine we could then engage in intergalactic war? For some reason...

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People would definitely become "different" as you say - less gravity, less sunlight; these would either kill people or change their evolutionary path.

As colonists though, they would be in the Stone Age relatively speaking and would rely entirely on Earth for survival, it would take some kind of miracle for them to start a war with Earth.

Maybe after a few thousand years...

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Then let's send the entire lot to Mars...Gates can plant those things will

plastic indestrucible roots and play with terraforming all he wants...

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It's funny you say that, I keep having dreams where there is some kind of "Earth Police" and the genocidal scumbag idiots get sent to Mars to await trial.

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how about they keep the plastic plants and just give us our straws back?

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Good One!

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Just when I think the WEF is ready to depopulate the planet of people, they go and propose something making them look even more psychopathic, like they want to turn Earth into Mars, because evidently they hate life so much.

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Maybe Mars had its own WEF

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Maybe the martians moved here and control all the Institutions with three letters? I think the leadership of every institution in the West should be shipped to Venus. I would settle for them never to have any position of power anywhere on earth ever again.

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Nah all Mars belongs to the WEF. They produce that content since ever. They own it. Elon is just the new star director/actor. It is financed by boatloads of American taxpayer dollars but hey, they scheme everyone with their terms of trade. Wait that money is also theirs. Maybe some trickles down and uncle sam taxes it. Except for the dope money, wait, all those lawyers, accountants and bankers, they get taxed. Sure they do. That's why they have to scratch so much. We feed all the beasts. And what strange Zoo this one is. Maybe there is no MATRIX it is just PANDORUM.

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It galls me that my government continually favors one company/one industry over another. WTF? Thisis TOTALLY AGAINST the constitution.

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The constitution is Republican to the bone, maybe the government is not. Maybe we want it no to be Republican or at least most of the people. Liberty requires personal responsibility of ones free will. If you abdicate the last then you don't need the former... A brave new world!!! Look around. What do you see? In Europe said system is already rolling and many consider it to be the natural outcome of the Industrial society. At least in America there is still an open discussion and political struggle. Triumph of the will it will be... LOL. What does that mean. What kind of mammal lives in a collectivist society and abdicates family? Do you know any?

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I revere our Constitution, and the incredible intelligence of the men who created it. They tried to plan for every contingency...and I think they succeeded..IF ONLY WE HAD FOLLOWED the instructions. Let's start with Congress outsourcing the creation of money to a Federal Reserve...clear abdication of duty. One of the things we have done through our judicial system is not be strict constructionist....Because those guys were....if we could go back to what the words meant when they were written, we would all be better off. Examples: General Welfare. Natural born. General welfare did not mean the welfare of individual citizens. Natural born meant born to two parents who were citizens...has nothing to do with WHERE you were born, it had to do with NO other ALLEGIANCES. Okay I will shut up now.

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I hate to be the one who tells you, you eat your own. That's one of the meanings on "cast the first stone". The founders were obviously far more intelligent than the average. Adults. As the people by the time that understood the challenges and most notably natural law. Therefore at least teenagers. So to speak. These events occurred in a particular moment in history and obviously benefited from the absence of an industrial society and the existing competition against the empire of Oceania. Also the nation builders had special interests. See the Boston Brahmin and check on the fine folks from Rhode Island. Very revealing... LOL. Those challenges are gone. So are any notion of citizenship. I tend to focus on tribes and clans. It usually tells us more... Now there is no need to get emotional on this, it is an issue to be dealt with logics. Had you answered my question and you would know that such expectations are simply impossible. You want a nation of mammals but for that you need them adult... Now what mammal is able to dispense the clan? Is it possible to have tribes without clans? What about nations? How do you demolish a nation? Check the Genesis and focus on the incoherences... It's more or less all there. A broader picture requires some knowledge in specific matters though. The plan I mean. We are heading in a convergence of sorts because of the jabs. Who unleashed it? Who will prevail? What will it be? What hides behind the veil? Probably it will never be fully understood... Try to exert your free will the best you can and stick to natural laws. Be careful with any inceptions. Don't feed it. After all your biggest enemy is always in the dark. You are in the light... Do not allow ever any inversions... LOL

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Igor, you are a genius thinker.

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This gentleman very eloquently explains why and how the best thing for our soil is....cows.

Worth a read!


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Regenerative agriculture

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That's what cows do better than almost anything else.

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I love cows!

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The world needs cows, not synthetic root systems and carbon capture tax offset scams.

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I thought it was the absolute epitome of lack of self-awareness during the recent announcement of impending fertilizer shortages when the White House administration so sagely informed farmers that they would have to, wait for it… Consider using animal manure in place of chemical fertilizer. Wait – what!?! I thought that livestock and all their associated output of methane and carbon we’re bad for the planet and should be expunged. these fools live in a fantasy world where they are constantly changing the rules to fit the current crisis that they themselves have created. Another reason I long ago gave up network/cable TV. **sigh**. Sadly, that hasn’t really solve the problem, it’s only removed it from invading my living spaces.

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Yes. The most productive soil in the world is the product of eons of ruminants grazing the land.

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I planted my corn this year on top of the footprint of where the chicken tractor was last year. Seems to be working fine.

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I don't know what a chicken tractor is but what is it you are trying to say that is working fine? What problem do you think cows cause ?

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A chicken tractor is a mobile pen. The idea is that they shit over a concentrated area, then you move them. I'm finding it makes lovely garden space.

Cow rarely cause me problems either personally or in a cosmic sense. I miss when my landlady put the cows in the enclosure behind me. Now we have goats and I have to be careful because she keeps the fence electrified.

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Exactly but not in excess. There will be a carrying capacity limit that can be stretched through mitigation, rewilding, commerce and industry. Western agricultural incentives produced most of these problems. Britanny was agriculturally poor and De Gaulle promoted heavily in the PAC industrial live stock production subsidies and guaranteed price schemes. Now they produce industrial meat in excess and created a persistent toxic algae problem in the coast. Plus a lot of this meat is then price dumped in Africa, destroying local agricultural markets and creating dependence and accelerated urbanisation. Literally a modern WMD. I believe the objective is to rewild with wild species. More sustainable given the society we have now. After all if Abel was alive, he probably would die single and childless... Hypergamy has its consequences already by his epoch... LOL

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Not really. From what I have heard it might be due to volcanic activity like in Oregon or on flood planes where nutrients collect. Soil in the Amazon might be thin but alot of nutrients are held in the wood. This cycle is producing much more food, medicine than any cattle farm. For the people living in a rainforest they hardly make any impact there is so much food available.The cattle is labour saving. It is advantageous for land owners who have too much land to manage. If you had people living there you could have fruit trees and much more productivity. Not to say I think people should necessarily take over some savannah with tigers and lions living there. Far safer to live in a forest with healthy fruits to eat and less danger from wild animals. You would need some shade aswell so trees are more hospitable. Far from making rich soil goats have created deserts in many parts of the world. You can watch like green gold that shows how the land can be restored when goats are removed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBLZmwlPa8A

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Likewise, Allan Savory advocates for holistic land management. Fascinating stuff!


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And if that fails, rewilding. It's gonna be Nazi, in the Volk I mean. Kaczinsky kind of Nazi. LOL

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The best thing for soil is people. If you want to support smart citiies then cows are great coz they use up so much land and leave nothing for people to plant gardens. From a productivity point of view you can look at the dacha gardens in Russia to see how people can produce much more food than the commercial sector:

"The home gardening movement produces 54%

of total Russian food production. 43% is grown

by the big cooperatives with machinery and

10% is grown by independent farmers. More

impressively the gardeners produce their 54%

on 7% of the land in food production. The

independent farmers produce 6% of the food on

10% of the land and the mechanized

cooperatives produce 43% of the food on 83%

of the land. The cooperatives get the best

farmland and the land given to the dachniks

(people who have country houses and small bits

of land where they produce food on weekends

and after work, called dachaus) is generally

poor-quality land. On 7% of the agricultural

land footprint they are producing 54% of the food. "


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the left:



Also the left:



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Yeah, long on brains, they're not.

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Like every single other stupid idea coming from the elites, the premise is entirely wrong. Meat is healthy for humans, livestock (if raised properly) is GREAT for the environment, as those farms are actually a carbon sink and regenerate the soil. Conversely, monocroping is destroying our soil.

They are already trying to shut farms down in Europe.

Not even Stalin came for your cheeseburger.

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Stalin did come for the farmers - look up Holodomor...

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killed two birds with one stone. Got rid of the pesky independent middle class kulaks, and stole their food to distribute in the cities to hide the failure of the collective farms. Never met a problem he couldn't solve with more murder.

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Stalin "came for the farmers," but wanted the farms.

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Their goal is to lower the world population to 500 million - by any means necessary.

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Easy. Call it the Great Reset. They will get it eventually. Then just say that we needed to build back better. Bad culture leads to bad tech so to speak. Now try to mitigate some of the collateral. Resource constrained demographics are know to eat their own until they literally eat their own. Anyway that is just what the few folks left in Eater Island told us. However, in their case there was no more resources and commerce was extinct. Wait... LOL

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Isn't this why Gates has been buying up farm land? Didn't the government in Netherlands just force farmers to stop farming to reduce emissions or something ridiculous? I feel that is a testing ground and view of what is to come.

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He will make money wiping out pastures by planting "plastic plants" and collecting carbon credits? I hope you like fake meat

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A lot of the farmland he bought, it grows the ingredients that go into fake meat, one of the most processed frankenfoods on the planet.

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Are we going to have to start crowd funding now to scoop up land before Gates does?

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Excellent idea!

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I thought they hated fossil fuels. Instead they intend to build our whole food chain on it. Nuts! Good news is new bacteria in the oceans are actually evolving to eat plastics. So we need stealth bacteria seeders to get these bacteria into the soil( and hopefully they survive) and decompose those roots! Solutions to maniacs sometimes are also pretty crazy. Who knows where this ends up. Thanks for this news. I never would have believed they are this dumb.

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Do not fool yourself. The elites love all the resources. They detest competition and hate any government that might use it for the benefit of the nation and its myriad of competitors for said resources. It's about control now and in the future. Sometimes it is convenient to dig it out. Maybe it will be recycled, maybe it is just a pump and dump scheme. where they usually dwell this is not a problem. The issue is about energy not food. Shrinking food is mainly a problem for strong demographics with loads of young people and no capital... Like Sri Lanka. Africa is 50% imports also. Wait for Pakistan, India and China going berserk while the Afghan cousins steering up shit in the mountains... Maybe the clown circus as a purpose. Just maybe...

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Fake meat NO! Like liking silly - con breast...

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I was just about to type same re Billy boy. And wanted to mention-he’s scooping it up either to help wef with this crazy plan or the us govt with their edible plant-based vaccine research-national science foundation grant money (same nsf whose grant $ established Darwinian chemical systems which became Moderna!) is currently being used by UC Riverside to develop just that. Get your mRNA shot via eating spinach! Learned about this months ago via a Five Docs zoom that included Dr Madej. It’s all just maddening!

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Think logically. Because he believes, given is intelligence gathering, that it will be a great investment. In what terms? What are huge domains used for? What context? He is just a front to powerful Omaha based clans with corporate manhattan project links. There is nothing more deeper in the state than this. The Industrial-Military complex they call it. Do not think for a minute that such powers are not in control... On the food side he has been investing in vertical indoor gardening... The land is obviously not for food production. Maybe in certain clubs rewilding is well rewarded... Just sayin... It might have to do with the society and geopolitics this people are predicting or pursuing... Maybe they are being fooled. For sure the strategies are not linear... Triangulation is always the key for war it is said. Usually to destroy the weakest link. What if now they are playing winner takes it all... We are mere peons and should be careful about taking too many sides and limit compromise at all costs to avoid becoming puppets in their games... Most on screens are just puppets in a movie. Faustian deals have consequences. LOL

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Spot on. Netherlands is a WEF-sandbox.

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Gates is buying farmland in order to give the captives a place to work. Not Kidding.

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Igor, I don’t want to read about those motherfuckers and their crazy plans. The jab is enough sadness for me…

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Sorry, I hope that I did not disappoint you as such. I do have some good news that I am holding back for another 3 weeks.

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You cannot disappoint me. You, berenson, kirsch, McCullough, Malone, Jessica, etc… mean the world to me.

Looking forward to hearing the good news!!!

Thank you!

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is it that only leftists are "clotting out"

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no, much better

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I can't wait to hear what the good news is. Why do we have to wait three weeks for it though? Life feels unbearable right now. (Sorry if I sound like an impatient child.)

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Because I want to be sure of what I am saying, I drop a lot of ideas because I am not 100% certai they are true and based on correct facts

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Take your time. I always appreciate your work. (I was being silly and petulant. Ignore my impatience.)

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wow. thats good. i saw the new james bond a few days ago. we need these nanobots that they had but to target anyone who eats soy

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Hun, you can't avoid eating soy. It, like high fructose corn syrup, is in ev-er-ee-thing. More nanobots won't be helping us. Stop!

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don't eat anything that comes in manufactured packing, unless it is grass fed or pastured non-GMO

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maybe then if the nanobots recognise "I can't believe its not roast beef" or something else or plant based meat patties

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I definitely look forward to reading it.

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I hate you now, Igor! 😉 This will now be in my head, non-stop, for at least a week. Then, I'll forget all about it.

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We need to know. Eyes open and brain engaged. Then pray and speak truth to power.

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If WEF released this info, it's already in the works. Sure enough, quick search indicates research began in 1940s; easy to find publications in 2015.

An example of a group working on this is the Salk Institute which has some kind of 'Harnessing Plants Initiative' (HPI) which has two programs: "CRoPS (CO2 Removal on a Planetary Scale), which aims to develop crops called Salk Ideal Plants® that can store more carbon in the ground for longer; and CPR (Coastal Plant Restoration), which is working toward genetically informed restoration and preservation of the world’s wetlands, which act as significant carbon sinks."

Potential for the 'butterfly' effect on the ecosystem astounds.

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and they are figuring all sorts of ways to use plants to keep us stupid people healthy. In their view we are the cows. Let’s all be force fed our meds and vaxxes. Wait till they get it all together. They want to sell you the seed so you can grow your own vaccines. Add them to the plastic roots plants and it’s all over for biodiversity and our food chain.

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Nah. They respect much more the cows. I mean their cows. Now the matter and dimension of your redundancy is still up to you. Do not assume that the state will take care of you for a minute. They have their business to attend and it might be just the case that a smaller and more resilient demographics is of their best interests. Don't worry they will respect your free will. Sort of. Until they don't, or better said new rules are introduced. Remember the more crowded the place the more dependence and materialistic rewards. The more lonely the place the more independent but less materialistic rewards. Your skill set and disposition will determine it. You are still in time to make a difference and who knows change either way. It's up to you...

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Jul 5, 2022Edited
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Yes. The horrifying tetanus vaccine with sterilization hormones taught the people to be wary of their government’s. I’m so sorry they had this happen. But now it’s happening everywhere. We are all learning the hard way we need to protect the future generations from these madmen.

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And what are we to make of all the theories and evidence that "they" are implementing atmospheric geo-engineering schemes, aka "chemtrails"? I had been inclined to dismiss this as poorly anchored speculation, but now I'm not so sure.

If this "engineered crop" item is literally the very first article that Igor coincidentally encountered on the sprawling WEF website, who knows what other wonders are waiting for thoughtful readers to discover?

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Exactly. The mind boggles.

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Well we have been taking the carbon out of the ground for two centuries. Maybe it's cheaper to harvest it from the air... LOL Now imagine that you want the patents for this. You also want to be sure it is going to be a monopoly. Further you need it to be compartmentalised for obvious reasons. Now put all the younglings cracking their naive skulls with this. Throw money like mad and use emotional propaganda. You have a boatload of people working in this puzzle but only you have the big picture. In the meanwhile entertain the children the usual way with a mix of horror and magic. Constant trauma might limit harsher punishments. Misbehave... Here comes the nasty needle. Keep it going. The monopoly might just be yours if you can establish the narrative for the future like coal is bad. No more digging around for coal... Then you are left with gas, biodiesel and nuclear. Forget about the rest. Lithium included. The banksters appreciate the pump and dump scheme. How do you fully control the electricity production market and extended it to transportation? Oil has a lot of applications besides fuelling transportation. What kind of resource are they promoting. Can it be stored. Monopolies usually need to control stocks to flood the market out of any competitor. Look at De Beers...

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So, to recap....

The same people who are concerned about dumping plastic into the oceans want to dump plastic into the ground.

Because science?

Too much or too little but I'm guessing drugs were a major factor in that proposal.

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It is not EXACTLY plastic, but close, a polymer that does not want to decompose.

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Oh well that makes all the difference, doesn't it.

Who needs that silly old decomposition thing anyway? Seriously, what rot!

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Good one!! Pete.

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Without CO2, the earth is no better than a burned out cinder. These lunes are nothing short of incredible.

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I feel like VOMITING!

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Decarbonization = Depopulation

The WEF is terraforming this planet for some kind of alien program. Alien does not necessarily imply ET of UFOs.

The polymer roots will render the soil useless over time, strangling out the worms and then microbiome itself whereby nothing natural will ever grow in these poisoned GMO plots.

We are quite literally in a race against time to remove the WEF, UN, WHO et al. from the face of this planet or a horror-show dystopia awaits us all.

I write the above with zero hyperbole.

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So you say we are sort of the Carbon People. That's a powerful esoteric concept you have there. What does it mean? What does it tell about us as a culture and individuals. I think of us as the people of the Great Capacitor. Mammal like... Maybe the origin of fossil fuels might give some clues. If you were an alchemist maybe you would try to distil it. What gives? What takes? What populations dwell in the between. What other carbon folks feed from the decomposition such as us. Where does it lead... Maybe carbon is a worst movie than iron and steel. At least the air was cleaner by then and socialisation was more mammal like... LOL

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fuel does not derive from fossils. it's abiotic.

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Even if it is, totally or partially, it doesn't change the conundrum. We depend of it so like someone once put it. I am slowly turning into you. But what are we turning to?

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