If any country does, it certainly won't be Canada first. Our PM just stated today, after a finding on his invocation of the Emergency Act to clear protesters as justified, that the mandates people were protesting (vaccines) last year, were implemented to keep Canadians safe.
Sigh...it is a sad day for Canadians who are awake...
I've found that the truckers protest is a good example in terms of why CBDCs are a bad, bad idea. "If they can freeze bank accounts in Canada, how would we survive if they froze your bank account here and there was no cash?"
Catherine Austin Fitts is an amazing person. She was in government and when she started asking questions they didn't want answered, they bankrupted her and made her life miserable. She fought back and is doing quite well now. VERY very smart woman who is ahead of the curve on many things.
Good interview with her here for those who can open it:
"especially if at some point you can tie it to ESG."
You can imagine my horror at discovering that my 401K fund managers had maximized my exposure to Black Rock and Vanguard's wholesale theft of my life's savings. They funded their extremist agendas with close to a decade of my retirement contributions before I realized my fund depletion was not owing to poor performance of the index funds that had provided modest but secure growth over many years.
To all of the cautions I share with youngsters, I've now added "manage your own portfolio."
Have you touched Bezmenov's Subversion? Some already think that it what all this hysteria of Cultural Ideology, Finance issues, Covid-Mania, and 'accidents' are all about. Big picture stuff. Can you see the why?
It's hard to argue with that - but how do you pay your bills? How do you pay your taxes? Where do you put your money that it is easily transferred back to a form accepted by these entities?
Unless you have millions on deposit it should not be to hard to take money out in stages though the I.T.M. machine until little is left in the account .
use cash for all expenses .When paying taxes put just enough money in the bank to cover the tax .Putting that money in should be at the same time you pay the tax .
Good Day Igor, whilst the Dr Death that Covid-19 inoculations from the Death Camps that the pharmaceutical industry are, I believe that the next step of digital control on all matters to do with our monies will be an irrevocable point.
I am sensitive to what is happening financially as I was involved in 1984 in the automation of the world's first on line bank in the UK as well as the world's first actual interactive Internet, in the same year.
Consequently, I have known of the BIS and Central Banks desire to eliminate High Street Banks and introduce digital money to control the human race.
Clearly, this is the final stage to bring in control that we need to make our public stand or we will not likely to extract ourselves from the modern Serfdom that will be the only human experience.
I dont see a point in writing about cbdc,reason is very simple,it cant be stopped cause people want it,its so easy to pay with cards or phone,no coins,no paper,no wallet. 80-90 % of people will be happy to get rid of paper money including me.
I live on Balcans,this year we accepted Euro as our new currency,more damn coins in my wallet,there is even 1 cent..and if you have 200 euros,many stores will not except that bill cause its the one mostly faked in eu. Not to mention 500 euros,god knows how that one looks cause nobody has seen it in years.
Also of course everybody used this change to pump their prices and cheat public again for a few euros..when government is not cheating you the its your fucking neighbours. One currency we all have and what will be used in future together with digital money is barter/exchange,will it be manual work,changing food,doing favours etc.
3 most important things to barter when crisis/war starts is food,alcohol and cigarettes.
Alcohol is a good curency,it can be used for medicine purpose and mental,cigarettes also,better to be stoked with moonshine and cigarettes,also canned food,it can stay for years in a basement or some cold dry place.
Some good vault/safe or a hidden place is crucial,cause when shit hit the fan people will first go to malls and stores to pick food and toilette paper,lol.
Very interesting. I agree. I think the problem is globalization and conflict of interest, lobbying along with allowing people who are not voted in to make the rules/laws.
Its like we are on a train,our brakes are weak and the train is speeding up,is there rails in front of us and for how long..where this rails will led us..god knows.
There is a great book about collapse of societies by Jared Diamond,when society becomes too complex they collapse,i see this patterns around.
Here is one very mundane example,before,as a teacher you wanted to take your class outside,to go in a park,to teach class in the open,or go to visit a factory etc..it was very simple,you just took them and go,or say one day in advance,after they put their impression on the paper and read.
Today,first you have to call parents week in advance so they can give their signature and permission,school district authorities also have to be contacted,also all the kids have to be insured,then you must call local authorities so they can provide if necessary police escort if children will be using main roads,then you have to put all that into the computer,mailing all the time and of course its never simple,or you don't get your information back in time,or somebody is on leave/absent and then again try to find who is replacing that person and so on and so on that after all that mailing back and fourth you just lose your will to go anywhere.
The other thing what i find disturbing is connection about sacrifice between some old societies and this new medical establishment that wants to medicate everyone for the higher good,for the well being of the world,not just vaccination but using drugs for everything,like being sad or unhappy is a thing to be medicated.
Specially this vaxx campaigns we witnessed,do it for your neighbour,do it for your grandma,for sausages,for mayor De Blassio,for your workplace colleagues,bla,bla.
Aztecs for example did those massive sacrifices of hundreds of people for the greater good,for cosmology,for a good harvest,for empire control of young generations,to put fear in people,etc.
We will see how all of this will unravel,our best shot is a miracle,hope it happens. ;)
ABSOLUTELY!!! - I just laid out Cdn $550.94 for a course on how to avoid CBDC's (https://livefree.academy/sp/cbdcexitplan/): The more any of us can learn about this, and how to stop it, the better!
... I'm just praying I'll get my money's worth... 🤔
What about a disabled person on gtube formula that's thousands/mo plus requiring medical, sleep dentistry provided by a regional center for disabled, accepting gov assistance and medical care?
What about when a person cashes in their social security from a life of working but by then they are forced to get injections or not receive what they paid in? How do we protect people from mandates when they cannot go off grid or survive without gov assistance and going to hospitals?
What about when veterans are forced to take a jab or refused help?
Are these people casualties of the war against gov? People want to save only the strong. How is this different from genocide? It seems like the people pushing most for independence from the gov, against abortion and medical assisted suicide are alternately anti-disabled and weak person, like the killing nurses
There will be no reckoning in Canada. From the the highest judges to the average sheep on the street, the Corona Virus cult has won. This country is broken irreparably. The truckers did all they could and were squashed for their efforts.
My suggestion? Truckers and farmers should cut off the cities full of "karens" that enable this mess. Like Ottawa. Not talking civil war. Just quit offering services to the supporters of Judas Trudeau. This is as much their fault as anyone's. Let them ask the government for help when not enough food comes in.
They'll lose their farms. How many can run free of government subsidies? How many can actually pay their debts/mortgages? How many can even withstand a small decrease in sales?
I shudder to think of how much worse for the world it would have been if Trudeau was German or Austrian and had lived during the Nazi era and had been a member of the NSDP and had challenged Hitler for the leadership and had won. Hitler's personality disorder was OCPD, bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features subtype. Trudeau's personality disorder is the exact same, as is Fauci's and Walensky's, but, in my opinion, Trudeau 's disorder is more severe than Hitler's. Imagine trying to have a disagreement with Hitler. Imagine disagreeing with Trudeau, like the truckers did. The world is lucky that Trudeau has been unable to acquire weapons of mass destruction and is flanked by a more powerful neighbor. However, his personality disorder, shared by Hitler, Fauci, Walensky and countless numbers of public health bureaucrats around the world has already resulted in untold numbers of jab deaths and injuries.
Gee.. I followed that protest literally minute by minute from my California.. My phone is still packed with footages I screen recorder from the live broadcasting from over there. This WAS a major historical event.
Sigh, I know. And my blood boils when I think of it. But as a Russian I also know that sometimes after a major historical event you have to wait for years or even decades to get somewhere..
Truckers have some connections with lots of protests in Canada. I remember there was some old growth forest that was being protected and you could often here the horn of the trucks as they went past. They have a radio so can hook up lifts for protesters so I think it is not so much that protesters are truckers but often hitch hikers.. Course in this case there were certainly trucks there but I think it is this ties that have been long established in Canada with the protesters that catches the imagination of the world.
Canadian truckers paid a high price for their protests and deserve recompense (and respect from the world- they were first!) from their government. Canada deserves a better prime minister than the WEF puppet Trudeau - he must GO!
I have a huge amount of respect for the Canadian truckers and one cannot thank them enough for their efforts. The advantage that they had was that they had alternative media from the US getting seriously involved which brought the protest to the world. The Oz truckers tried to have a go in October 2021 but the filth in charge of the Oz media enforced a media blackout that meant they did not get any coverage. I have a work acquittance in Sydney and that is how I know about it - he was himself surprised at how effective the Oz media was in blocking all information about the Oz truckers.
Please, do. More people need to find out about it. The best person that can help you with this topic is Erik Townsend from Macro Voices. In my opinion he may be the best expert in Canada in this matter. If you have a hard time getting in touch with him I would be glad to help you out. He would be excellent to interview. Mr. Townsend also has amazing interviewing skills better than many journalists. You will have a great time talking to him.
Well in Australia the frogs are boiling slower than in Canada, but, it appears destined to be the same end result.
Given Canada, one of the coldest countries on the planet, was at the forefront of the dire need to 'stop the planet warming' psychosis, it has been no surprise so many Canadians hopped right on board the Covidiot train (wreck).
Hard to see what it will take to snap enough people out of their stupor. My guess is something quite dreadful. Given the past 3 years didn't meet that level, we can only imagine just how bad things need to get.
There's plenty of evidence that temperatures are rising and that problems will ensue. What's a *lot* less clear is that reducing CO2 emissions will save us. The ecosystems that do all kinds of unpaid work for us humans all the time are being cut up for the profit of global finance capitalism. The story that all we have to do is drive electric cars is utter BS.
It's not even a big club, and you and I are *definitely* not in it.
It's no coincidence that modern Greens parties emerged in Germany after the fall of WWII. The Nazis were a radical environmentalist party. Savitri Devi, who is buried next to George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, and who was both an original Nazi who served prison time in Germany for Nazi activism and one of the main founders of modern neo-Nazism, and who believed Hitler was Kalki, an avatar of Vishnu (i.e., God Incarnate) was a deep green ecologist. She had a couple of PhDs and wrote many books on animal liberation and green ecology. A factor analysis of European Greens' responses to an ideology scale showed that they are actually Conservatives, but closer to Nazism than to mainstream conservatism.
That's pretty cryptic. "Elevated on factors" means what? Greens are anti-hedonist and Nazis were also? And mainstream conservatives are dope-smoking, braless hippies?
There were thousands of scientific papers published on climate change last year. This means that the science is not settled. It is complex and so far poorly understood. By contrast, very few physics papers were published recently trying to explain the concept of gravity. Even if you believe the mainstream climate narrative, it's important to understand that communism is not the answer to any of these problems. If we are in ecological overshoot (which I personally believe we are) then Mother Nature will let us know. We don't need Klayus Schwab to tell me how to live.
Well, according to evolutionary biologist, species adaptation capability specialist, retired Emeritus Professor of Natural Resources at the University of Arizona and near term extinction theorist Prof Guy McPherson, the clathrate gun was fired in 2009 and human extinction within the decade is approaching. As with a bullet fired from a gun that can't be put back in the barrel, the large scale release from the Arctic of methane, caused by rising CO2 and associated with all prior extinction events, is unstoppable. The only thing currently saving us is pollution in the upper atmosphere. He contends that the UN, governments and other AGW theorists are all extreme climate change deniers peddling hopium. Switching off your aircon or driving electric cars will do nothing. The tipping point was passed long ago. Millions will soon begin to die within a single day on the Indian subcontinent and the rest if the world will follow. It's the wet bulb temperatures that will kill us. It's impossible to adapt. McPherson has retrained as a grief counsellor. Urgent action to stop climate change is bullshit. We're already fucked. Death is approaching rapidly. The only thing left to do is to party.
Oh for God's sake, they have been peddling this BS for decades and here we still are. Human Beings thrive in the cold areas of the world like Alaska and in the hot areas in the middle east. We are pretty damn adaptable
There are some humidity levels it is impossible to adapt to unless you are in aircon 24/7. The first signs of extinction were predicted to occur in Arizona, Nevada and in California in Death Valley. Apparently they've already concerned. In parts of Australia, entire species of flying fox (bats) have been reduced to a fraction of their numbers after dropping from the sky dead, unable to tolerate the heat. The first mass deaths are predicted to occur on the Indian subcontinent, right about now. McPherson believes the process will be accelerated if industrial civilisation Collapses, and has been hastened by lockdowns which saw air traffic restricted, reducing the amounts of lifesaving pollution being pumped into the atmosphere by plane travel and economic activity. He believes that pollution is a good thing, but will only forestall extinction temporarily.
Could I respectfully suggest you ignore all the other doomsday prophecy and go straight to the party. Whether it's right, or wrong, you'll be better off ignoring it.
That's probably a good suggestion. I met a follower of "climate science" who followed McPherson and who told me "When the time comes I won't let my wife suffer." (I got in touch with his doctor and told him what he had said.) I wonder if McPherson is snapping up real estate at rock bottom prices from those who think they are not going to need it because the end of the world is nigh. A lot of climate scientists bought beach front property at bargain prices after warning of rising sea levels.
Good points. We are in ecological overshoot most likely. It's also useful to note that McPHerson's dire predictions from 12 years ago have not materialized. He and others in his genre did a disservice to anyone who listened and stopped enjoying life and living the way they wanted. The peak oilers (myself included) were predicting an oil crisis too early. I think it's still coming but I now understand that it won't happen in 2012.
Given that two boys, aged 9 and 7, are listed by the TGA, (Australia) as having died after CoVid vaccination, with a causal relationship typed into their report, you’d think there’s be a show-down, but no. There will be no release of this information to the public, despite a Freedom of Information allowing it to be released to persistent inquiry, as it is deemed as not in the interest of the public. Senator Gerard Rennick, one of a few Australian politicians working for the truth to be revealed, has published this on his Facebook and Instagram pages. He frequently raises CoVid injuries and deaths in Parliament, but it seems most politicians don’t care enough about human life to investigate them. Shame on them.
The mother of a young woman who died after her CoVid vaccination, said she wrote about her daughter’s shocking treatment and her death to the Premier of Victoria, but didn’t receive a response. Silence appears to be our politicians’ response. Silence is golden? No, silence can be rotten to the core.
Our elite/political class will only ever let go of the madness once they realize the rest of the world thinks they're fools. They obviously don't care at all about Canada or regular Canadians - but if it becomes unfashionable to be a vax clown at the globalist NGO events then maybe they'll do a 180 (and pretend like they were never really that pro-vax in the first place).
Truly, the "upper crust" here in Canada is a repulsive, moronic, debased and delusional breed of people. I struggle to stave off a seething hatred towards them.
"Health Canada approved the booster as safe and effective for use in children and teens under 17 based on data from clinical trials of Moderna's original Spikevax vaccine."
Trudeau is not the issue, those to who he's taking from order are. It's a system issue, not a person one. He's just an actor as most of the leaders of the "free world" are now.
It wouldn't matter who he is taking orders from if there wasn't doctors and nurses prepared to inject an unknown substance into people. It is like Andrew Kaufman says about people learning about health so they are not going to fall for this sort of nonsense. An extraordinary claim was made and people went along with it. Even supposed opposition like Del Bigtree was spreading virus propaganda having accepted these extraordinary claims. https://odysee.com/@HereAndNow:a/Andrew-Kaufman-at-Anarchapulco-2022:6
And how many people don't get the fact that a liberal judge exonerated a Liberal Prime minister and his cabinet? When they finally wake up god help us all as this could easilt morph into a nasty civil war. Thank you Mr. Trudeau for your caring and humble actions.
Canadians who are awake hate their Prime Minister and the goverent and it's corrupt judiciary and were never under the illusion that the right thing will ever be done by the filthy murderous government.
Sounds about right. It is infuriating some days, and surreal others. Many of our friends and family just can't entertain the idea that government doesn't have their best interests at heart. They are happily planning trips and weddings, without a clue that their naive passivity is going to take us all down. Sigh...
As some of you know, I have a very liberal friend that manages clinical trials for Pfi$er. We cannot talk about the vaxxes and maintain a relationship.
However, she called yesterday and we started talking about the weirdness of the world, and, to some extent-- and much to my surprise-- I was able to red pill her on The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab and CBDCs.
She did mention something stunning. She said:
"I have jacket and a baseball cap from Pfi$er with their logo on it. We got a memo yesterday that told employees not to wear anything with Pfi$er on it in public because people are getting death threats."
Yep. Death threats.
Curious, I asked "Why?"
"People are angry because they have to get multiple boosters."
Ummm... no, but that's something I can't talk to her about. Interesting info though isn't it?
The hard part of it is the fact that my friend isn't a bad person. To be honest, I have thought about ending the relationship, but decided against it. She has just really lost her way and may, at some point, need someone normal and grounded to help her back on the straight and narrow as they say.
If this person is still working for Pfizer, there is no hope and there are no excuses. It is the same as with someone working for the SS in Germany. There is no amount of money that would make me ever consider working for these psychos.
It’s a dilemma, isn’t it? By staying friends with her, for one thing, you have discovered some interesting information, and secondly, you say she isn’t a bad person, so there is the possibility she’ll see sense. A lot of people, including doctors, have changed their minds about CoVid vaccines over time, with more information. Because she shared this knowledge with you, she’s not trying to hide it, so she might be a relatively open-minded person who is taking longer than most because she works for Pfizer. I agree with your point about her needing someone grounded and normal. Good luck!
Praying your friend wakes up even more and that you can convince her to become a whistle blower in order to help humanity and bring justice to the perpetrators
Peter Hotez on Rogan talking about how the antivax evildoers "own the Internet." I had to contemplate that for a while. A company with $100 billion in annual revenue complaining about that. It's just too absurd, positing some hugely powerful formation of antivaxxers that have outplayed them so definitively. I mean it couldn't be that the facts are against Hotez and his Pharma overlords, of course not.
Jebus, couldn't they just *buy* the Internet with the couple trillion dollars the Pharma industry has?
I think the problem is that people resisted the poison death jab. How many? We don't really know. They have made it seem like a minority, but maybe not. We just don't know.
That being said, I think their plan for the jabs was 100% compliance. Now that there is a control group-- the unjabbed-- they are screwed. The jab can see that the unjabbed aren't sick. That's why Big Pharma are scared of the people who can think for themselves.
They can't *buy* free thinking people. That's their problem.
Yep. And he doesn't realize that the bedrock of his opposition go way back. Longer than 20 years. Like a snowball down a mountain turning into an avalanche, at the core is one pebble, one voice.
I know in my own life I have gone from scepticism to assurance over several conspiracy theories: Chemtrails, UN one world crap, AIDs and emerging diseases.
It is stunning to see so many people getting it now. My only prayer is
Read the Geoengineering patents. Listen to the conferences on weather modification. And realize the military has had plans to "own the weather" for decades.
Finally watch RFKJR interview Dane Wingenton (sp) on CHD TV.
What....some average Pfizer employee? Give your head a wobble mate, you’re no better than the lunatics who wished a long and horrible death upon ordinary people who didn’t take the vaccine. Be better, save your anger for those in positions of power and understanding who directed the company
There are a lot of people out there who don't see it. Most of my friends and relatives are on the vaxx train and won't get off. Nothing can be done for them. They're too afraid.
But... you CAN talk to them about other things. Sometimes. It's all hit and miss.
Yes, but I find the Elephant in the room always comes up in some manner. It is absolutely impossible, at least for me, to be around anyone where Covid isn't mentioned. It has become ingrained in people, it has changed the world. I really don't want to spend time w/people where I have to watch what I say, it feels so restraining. It is far more enjoyable to be around those that "get it". I do agree it is hit and miss, I am not going to not do things to limit myself from social relationships but it can be a challenge.
There's this rather out there guy by the name of Clif High who does what he calls predictive linguistics. The stuff he did was about 25 years ago, and made no sense. It's starting to manifest now. For what it's worth he calls this period of secrets being revealed the big ugly. Says the next two years will be rough. Once again, for what that's worth.
One of what he calls temporal markers are people literally going after the perpetrators of this evil in terms of being harassed on the street and literally hunted down.
I watched a recent video where he "predicted" the rising release tension of the "balloon" to the day. For my money, he has absolutely the very best grip on where this all goes. Climate change hysteria is just that, horseshit, and Klause's reset fails. Now (these next few painful years) is when we regular humans overthrow the yokes of the oppressors and begin to live our first real freedom.
I have ETERNAL HOPE Igor - otherwise l simply wouldn’t get out of bed .. my optimism this week:
Bought two puppies (lost my last dogs 3/4 years ago)
Bought a new Nikon camera
Booked a holiday in the Scottish Highlands
Planted wild flower seeds in my garden
Bought a new four poster bed
Bought a stack of books l have been meaning to buy for a long while
Learned to play some complicated Prokofiev on my piano
Baked up a storm for my freezer
Had like minded friends around to eat
Having some fellow musicians to stay for the weekend
Practiced and improved my Ayurvedic Yoga
So .. we may all be “going to hell in a handcart” but l am doing it in style while fully awake and aware - just adding in the essential positivity to fire me on!
It’s great to see you around Igor, l hope that you are well! Your contributions are amazing and get my brain cells zinging! A HUGE THANK YOU 🙏🏻
That is Fantastic! (Especially the puppies:). I too continue to plan trips, prep my garden- on paper at lest for now, and enjoy all my grandkids, practice yoga with a group, walk miles along my river and am tentatively reaching out for new friends, having lost many to the black hole of wokeism . Not hopeless. Just getting a crick in my neck while looking up in the sky for that particular shooting star.
My family adopted two beautiful border collie puppies two years ago now- they are what have kept me sane and joyful throughout the lockdown and beyond.
I don't share your hope, but fare somewhat similarly nonetheless.
I look at it more like "let's do what I like as much as possible, so I can still live a little, until everything turns to total(itarian) shit & misery".
Seems e.g. my voice is recovering from the _bacterial_* throat infection from 3 months ago and it's coming back, I can sing again, so I'm pursuing that, now that I also found an adequate room for practise and my neighbors won't be outright enemies anymore when things turn bad, lol.
Can't say the same about "likeminded friends around to eat", but oh well. Can't have it all ^^
* viruses... they seem to leave me alone so far, lol. I'm telling you, bacteria, they are really mean!
Wanted to add: I missed the Prokofiev part. Neat stuff! A more rare random find, someone into that region of music.
For anyone who can stand reading youtube auto-gen subtitled translation - there is a German language channel "Whatsoperadoc" who recently put out a 30min short documentary "Hauptsache GEIMPFT" (approx. "vaccinated is all that counts"), about Opera / classical music business in Austria, some people who refused the jab speak out there, their reasons, and about how they were treated.
Hate to rain on your parade, but that's not optimism, that's a manic or hypomanic episode. I've got bipolar 2 (where the highs are hypomanic) myself, so I'm not looking down on you.
You've done some great things. Things that speak of a LOT of energy, and a LOT of desire to start things. I had undiagnosed bipolar for 30 years and never had a week like that. Those highs feel good, and they can be good for you, if you stay away from big mistakes...
You've also made several major purchases, and you may regret some of them. Keep your receipts. And find a psychiatrist if you haven't got one already. Again, I've got bipolar so I'm not talking down, I've been there myself.
Wow. My mom developed that after taking cortisone shots for hip pain. It was horrible! Less horrible for her than those around her, but she alienated and lost pretty much all her friends. And good points on the credit card purchases. Talk about damage. Yikes.
I hope you're wrong about Skye's post, but now I can't unsee it in this light.
It will happen when they let some Trusted Leftist on CNN to say "the vaxxes are killing people" and the host accepts what the Trusted Leftist is saying.
Outside of that, or perhaps a screaming headline on the NYT that reads something like "COVID Vaxxes Are Killing People," I'm not sure when it will fully turn.
What would be a 'trusted leftist' by CNN's standards? Your premise answers the question-- the ethical and established people that I have always identified with the left are completely ignored and not allowed on, or a step further in that they are smeared relentlessly (RFK Jr.) because they really really know their shit and no one can take them on in a fair exchange. In other words, when a CNN version of, let's say an 'important' leftist says this and is agreed with it will be well after the fact that major lawsuits will already have succeeded or some such event. That's if CNN remains around that long (one can dream).
Here's a really unpleasant story of two Boomers over 70:
Their 38 year old son died 5 days after Pfi$er jab in the summer 21. They blame his prior drug use, which was undoubtedly a factor, but not the sole cause. Fast forward to the fall of '21. Husband gets his booster and gets shingles. It doesn't go away for months and months and months. As in "9 months later." He is told he is vaxxed injured and now has neuropathy. His wife accepts that he is vaxx injured. I asked his wife if she is going to get another booster. She says she will if her doctor tells her she needs one.
This is a woman who has a masters degree. She is NOT stupid. She just somehow got broken by all of this, just like many of the others out there. She seems to believe if she is not vaxxed she will die of COVID.
So no, even if their kids die, it will be from "long COVID" or something else, and they will continue to take their shots like good brainwashed sheeple.
Yup. My sister has people deathly ill all around her. She has seen the jab fail repeatedly. And she keeps mumbling “at least I know my family and I are safe”. Don’t stop believing sis. She’s a decorated science teacher.
Sorry, how are these people not stupid? Being educated does not mean one is intelligent. Rational analysis is a prerequisite for intelligence and let's face it, anyone can get a Master's these days, especially in the soft 'social' sciences. ( How many MAs in 'Women's Studies' MAs does the world need, anyway?) We got here because of them, and not in spite of them. The intelligencia are the problem.
I read recently that those with Bachelors , Masters and professional degrees are the most likely to be unquestioningly pro vax. The least likely are those with PhDs and high school level education. Makes perfect sense; we’ve told those with liberal arts degrees and with JDs and MDs for so long how terribly intelligent and superior they are, they actually believe it. Those who actually spend their lives questioning everything, including the authority vested in the “elites”, were bound to fair better in this tragic experiment .
( Before anyone jumps down my throat, I write this as a DMD and include my colleagues among the “superiori”)
there's a huge difference between intelligence and life survival skills. very different and prob in a specific part of the brain (not the amygdala which is the fear centre this is the anti fear centre)-instinct for survival. you can test it in crowds for instance your plane gets cancelled 100s line up to talk to someone 'what do we dooo???' whereas the ones with life survival skills get plans B-Z moving and get out of the line. In a sudden street emergency the ones with low survival instint start running...anywhere runnity run. The survivalists stand dead still in a tiny corner.
It is when we reach "critical mass" of awareness. In "76, it was estimated to be between 4 and 8%.of the population that were actually involved in the rebellion. Some (and I) think we are at about 3 1/2 % now. Getting the rest of the way, tragically, will be precipitated by the increasing death count.
The number I have most confidence in is about a million and a half now in the US. The Author hopes for a reduction in the "trend". Again, sadly, that's not likely to happen. We're probably looking at as much as forty million (not accounting for the infertility factors). "23 is going to continue to be a really hard year.
One of the most frightening elements of this calamity is the remarkably high percentage of people who've proven to be dreadfully gullible, hence easy to manipulate. For the sake of humanity let's hope most of them wake up and develop some wisdom. Absent credulous masses baseless fear mongering can't be used to expand central power.
I have seen an uptick in mask wearing, especially people alone in their car. For a while that had stopped except a rare one, now it is almost common again. Drives me nuts.
For me that has completely backfired. I look at the gullible fools wearing masks and recognize these are walking bio labs. They took the jabs and boosters and have still caught covid. They are walking around shedding covid spikes, mRNA filled lipid particles, and covid variants. If they took Merck's molnupiravir, they are now a biolab creating and testing covid mutants.
Untouchables would be a better term for them. They don't want to be touched, and I don't want to touch them.
Then they didn't do their homework. According to the CDC's infection fatality rate data, which is heavily skewed, a reasonably healthy 60 year old only has a 3 in 10,000 chance of dying from COVID, which is an immaterial risk. For comparison the average American has a 1 in 107 chance of dying in a car accident in their lifetime. Plus the actual chance of dying from COVID is much smaller than that since most of the "COVID deaths" accounted by the CDC were people who died after a positive PCR test primarily or entirely due to some other ailment, or even an accident.
The stats people throw out on risk of dying from covid drive me nuts. Usually I can't ask the thrower my main question because the stat is buried in a msm article and no way to get the clarification i want and that the public should be asking for.
But this time I can, since you are a real person in a somewhat interactive comment section! So here's my question: if the risk of dying of covid is 3 in 10k, is that for all population, including those that will never catch covid? Or is it 3 in 10k of covid catchers? Because if it's the latter, every individual walking the planet has an incredibly lower risk of dying than 3 in 10k; as not everyone will even contract covid in the first place. And those two stats will be vastly different.
3 in 10,000 is just a number I recall off the top of my head having looked at CDC data very early on (back in 2020). And it is for a 60 year old who was infected and in reasonably good health. Elderly people had a substantially higher risk, as I recall, yet still much lower than people seem to perceive. Healthy children have zero risk. Seriously unhealthy people, especially if they were elderly, had a much higher risk. Note, I later found infection fatality data from studies which counted only those who actually died of COVID and worked to make an accurate estimate of the percentage of the population which had become infected and recovered by testing blood samples for antibodies (most people never reported their illness). Those IFR estimates were a small fraction of the CDC's already minuscule estimates. This disease never posed any material danger of mortality to the vast majority of people. The hysteria was due to deception and manipulation by politically motivated entities, including the media, and medical "professionals" who were either mind numbingly obtuse or too fearful to be honest.
If any country does, it certainly won't be Canada first. Our PM just stated today, after a finding on his invocation of the Emergency Act to clear protesters as justified, that the mandates people were protesting (vaccines) last year, were implemented to keep Canadians safe.
Sigh...it is a sad day for Canadians who are awake...
Canada was the FIRST with the truckers' protest!!!!
Canada truckers' protest affected the whole world. Just remember that.
In the damn freezing cold also
I've found that the truckers protest is a good example in terms of why CBDCs are a bad, bad idea. "If they can freeze bank accounts in Canada, how would we survive if they froze your bank account here and there was no cash?"
100%. Should I write about CBDC?
Yes please!
Yes. I think it would help, especially if at some point you can tie it to ESG.
What each of us can do:
Excellent link. Thank you!
This is an important link; thank you!
Catherine Austin Fitts is an amazing person. She was in government and when she started asking questions they didn't want answered, they bankrupted her and made her life miserable. She fought back and is doing quite well now. VERY very smart woman who is ahead of the curve on many things.
Good interview with her here for those who can open it:
"especially if at some point you can tie it to ESG."
You can imagine my horror at discovering that my 401K fund managers had maximized my exposure to Black Rock and Vanguard's wholesale theft of my life's savings. They funded their extremist agendas with close to a decade of my retirement contributions before I realized my fund depletion was not owing to poor performance of the index funds that had provided modest but secure growth over many years.
To all of the cautions I share with youngsters, I've now added "manage your own portfolio."
Yes. Most of your readers no how bad they are but there millions who don't. Education and encouraging healthy skepticism are key.
Danny Huckabee
CBCDs is a huge topic --along with all the fraudulent elections in the US.
omg YES!!! Especially anything you can think of to make sure it never happens - or at least if implemented, other forms of money are made inviolable.
Have you touched Bezmenov's Subversion? Some already think that it what all this hysteria of Cultural Ideology, Finance issues, Covid-Mania, and 'accidents' are all about. Big picture stuff. Can you see the why?
I never leave money in the bank .Only a few bucks to keep the account open .If you keep money in a bank you trust our enemies ,a bad idea
It's hard to argue with that - but how do you pay your bills? How do you pay your taxes? Where do you put your money that it is easily transferred back to a form accepted by these entities?
Unless you have millions on deposit it should not be to hard to take money out in stages though the I.T.M. machine until little is left in the account .
use cash for all expenses .When paying taxes put just enough money in the bank to cover the tax .Putting that money in should be at the same time you pay the tax .
Good Day Igor, whilst the Dr Death that Covid-19 inoculations from the Death Camps that the pharmaceutical industry are, I believe that the next step of digital control on all matters to do with our monies will be an irrevocable point.
I am sensitive to what is happening financially as I was involved in 1984 in the automation of the world's first on line bank in the UK as well as the world's first actual interactive Internet, in the same year.
Consequently, I have known of the BIS and Central Banks desire to eliminate High Street Banks and introduce digital money to control the human race.
Clearly, this is the final stage to bring in control that we need to make our public stand or we will not likely to extract ourselves from the modern Serfdom that will be the only human experience.
It will be slavery with Eugenics as the norm'....
I dont see a point in writing about cbdc,reason is very simple,it cant be stopped cause people want it,its so easy to pay with cards or phone,no coins,no paper,no wallet. 80-90 % of people will be happy to get rid of paper money including me.
I live on Balcans,this year we accepted Euro as our new currency,more damn coins in my wallet,there is even 1 cent..and if you have 200 euros,many stores will not except that bill cause its the one mostly faked in eu. Not to mention 500 euros,god knows how that one looks cause nobody has seen it in years.
Also of course everybody used this change to pump their prices and cheat public again for a few euros..when government is not cheating you the its your fucking neighbours. One currency we all have and what will be used in future together with digital money is barter/exchange,will it be manual work,changing food,doing favours etc.
Peoplecan pay with cards and phone apps already, no need for government CBDC to do that.
A CBDC is totally different from credit cards and phone apps.
I think Tim, you're missing the point... 🤔
Barter, tell me more? What exactly do you barter? What for what? Getting ready for cbdc!
3 most important things to barter when crisis/war starts is food,alcohol and cigarettes.
Alcohol is a good curency,it can be used for medicine purpose and mental,cigarettes also,better to be stoked with moonshine and cigarettes,also canned food,it can stay for years in a basement or some cold dry place.
Some good vault/safe or a hidden place is crucial,cause when shit hit the fan people will first go to malls and stores to pick food and toilette paper,lol.
Very interesting. I agree. I think the problem is globalization and conflict of interest, lobbying along with allowing people who are not voted in to make the rules/laws.
Its like we are on a train,our brakes are weak and the train is speeding up,is there rails in front of us and for how long..where this rails will led us..god knows.
There is a great book about collapse of societies by Jared Diamond,when society becomes too complex they collapse,i see this patterns around.
Here is one very mundane example,before,as a teacher you wanted to take your class outside,to go in a park,to teach class in the open,or go to visit a factory etc..it was very simple,you just took them and go,or say one day in advance,after they put their impression on the paper and read.
Today,first you have to call parents week in advance so they can give their signature and permission,school district authorities also have to be contacted,also all the kids have to be insured,then you must call local authorities so they can provide if necessary police escort if children will be using main roads,then you have to put all that into the computer,mailing all the time and of course its never simple,or you don't get your information back in time,or somebody is on leave/absent and then again try to find who is replacing that person and so on and so on that after all that mailing back and fourth you just lose your will to go anywhere.
The other thing what i find disturbing is connection about sacrifice between some old societies and this new medical establishment that wants to medicate everyone for the higher good,for the well being of the world,not just vaccination but using drugs for everything,like being sad or unhappy is a thing to be medicated.
Specially this vaxx campaigns we witnessed,do it for your neighbour,do it for your grandma,for sausages,for mayor De Blassio,for your workplace colleagues,bla,bla.
Aztecs for example did those massive sacrifices of hundreds of people for the greater good,for cosmology,for a good harvest,for empire control of young generations,to put fear in people,etc.
We will see how all of this will unravel,our best shot is a miracle,hope it happens. ;)
ABSOLUTELY!!! - I just laid out Cdn $550.94 for a course on how to avoid CBDC's (https://livefree.academy/sp/cbdcexitplan/): The more any of us can learn about this, and how to stop it, the better!
... I'm just praying I'll get my money's worth... 🤔
What about a disabled person on gtube formula that's thousands/mo plus requiring medical, sleep dentistry provided by a regional center for disabled, accepting gov assistance and medical care?
What about when a person cashes in their social security from a life of working but by then they are forced to get injections or not receive what they paid in? How do we protect people from mandates when they cannot go off grid or survive without gov assistance and going to hospitals?
What about when veterans are forced to take a jab or refused help?
Are these people casualties of the war against gov? People want to save only the strong. How is this different from genocide? It seems like the people pushing most for independence from the gov, against abortion and medical assisted suicide are alternately anti-disabled and weak person, like the killing nurses
I think the difference is - there are those who were born weak (physical disability), those who become weak thru the normal life cycle of aging.
But these are NOT the same people who are weak in the prime of their lives, mostly because they're lazy or afraid.
At least that's how I would see it.
Let us know what you think when you're done!
Yes. It's another critical aspect of the covid scam/plan.
Absolutely!! If implemented, this will be the trap from which there is no escape!
Yes please, do.
Yes please Sir.
CBCDs will be the final nail in the coffin---enslavement awaits---or civil war.
Sorry, your allowed purchasable number for item "9mm parabellum" is "0". Would you like to buy item "nerf bolt" instead?
"Sorry, we've also determined the 'Nerf Bolt' can put someone's eye out, we can only offer a cricket smoothie"
Also... another point to add is "what are you going to do when there is a blackout or a long term power outage? You couldn't even buy food."
And finally... "what about minorities? Many don't have bank accounts. It's not right to force them to do this if they don't want to. It's racist."
LOL. "It's racist" can work in our favor once and a while.
They'll make an exception so that minorities -- and only minorities -- can still use cash. Or maybe they won't have to pay at all!
It did wake up a lot of people that way. It got Trudeau in trouble with the globalists he serves too.
That's why trucker convoy funding should have been set up by bitcoin.
There will be no reckoning in Canada. From the the highest judges to the average sheep on the street, the Corona Virus cult has won. This country is broken irreparably. The truckers did all they could and were squashed for their efforts.
My suggestion? Truckers and farmers should cut off the cities full of "karens" that enable this mess. Like Ottawa. Not talking civil war. Just quit offering services to the supporters of Judas Trudeau. This is as much their fault as anyone's. Let them ask the government for help when not enough food comes in.
Yes there are so many ways good men can exert their economic might.
They'll lose their farms. How many can run free of government subsidies? How many can actually pay their debts/mortgages? How many can even withstand a small decrease in sales?
haha u need to come see the men in vancouver…begging for their boosters and voting for trudeau! i know quite a few here 😖
That'll work.
I shudder to think of how much worse for the world it would have been if Trudeau was German or Austrian and had lived during the Nazi era and had been a member of the NSDP and had challenged Hitler for the leadership and had won. Hitler's personality disorder was OCPD, bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features subtype. Trudeau's personality disorder is the exact same, as is Fauci's and Walensky's, but, in my opinion, Trudeau 's disorder is more severe than Hitler's. Imagine trying to have a disagreement with Hitler. Imagine disagreeing with Trudeau, like the truckers did. The world is lucky that Trudeau has been unable to acquire weapons of mass destruction and is flanked by a more powerful neighbor. However, his personality disorder, shared by Hitler, Fauci, Walensky and countless numbers of public health bureaucrats around the world has already resulted in untold numbers of jab deaths and injuries.
NSDAP. You left out the workers (Arbeiter).
Thanks for that.
Don't give up. Fight! They want you to quit. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but as things collapse, more will come to our side.
Danny Huckabee
Gee.. I followed that protest literally minute by minute from my California.. My phone is still packed with footages I screen recorder from the live broadcasting from over there. This WAS a major historical event.
But it got us nowhere
Sigh, I know. And my blood boils when I think of it. But as a Russian I also know that sometimes after a major historical event you have to wait for years or even decades to get somewhere..
Truckers have some connections with lots of protests in Canada. I remember there was some old growth forest that was being protected and you could often here the horn of the trucks as they went past. They have a radio so can hook up lifts for protesters so I think it is not so much that protesters are truckers but often hitch hikers.. Course in this case there were certainly trucks there but I think it is this ties that have been long established in Canada with the protesters that catches the imagination of the world.
It is kind of like the rainbow gatherings in the middle of the city. Quite a contrast and spectacle.
I pray you are right, comrade 💖
Nowhere so far.
Canadian truckers paid a high price for their protests and deserve recompense (and respect from the world- they were first!) from their government. Canada deserves a better prime minister than the WEF puppet Trudeau - he must GO!
I have a huge amount of respect for the Canadian truckers and one cannot thank them enough for their efforts. The advantage that they had was that they had alternative media from the US getting seriously involved which brought the protest to the world. The Oz truckers tried to have a go in October 2021 but the filth in charge of the Oz media enforced a media blackout that meant they did not get any coverage. I have a work acquittance in Sydney and that is how I know about it - he was himself surprised at how effective the Oz media was in blocking all information about the Oz truckers.
I always wondered why we chose Feb rather than Aug. 😂
bc trudeau had just mandated vaccines for cross-border commercial freight
idk if u were jk or not just thought i would answer
Mustn't forget the freezing cold. Even many Canadians don't realize JUST how cold it was
They’re my heroes, even if GoFundMe and Justin Trudeau confiscated the money I sent them.
Yep. Agree 100%
I'm pretty impressed by the Dutch farmers as well.
Please, do. More people need to find out about it. The best person that can help you with this topic is Erik Townsend from Macro Voices. In my opinion he may be the best expert in Canada in this matter. If you have a hard time getting in touch with him I would be glad to help you out. He would be excellent to interview. Mr. Townsend also has amazing interviewing skills better than many journalists. You will have a great time talking to him.
Well in Australia the frogs are boiling slower than in Canada, but, it appears destined to be the same end result.
Given Canada, one of the coldest countries on the planet, was at the forefront of the dire need to 'stop the planet warming' psychosis, it has been no surprise so many Canadians hopped right on board the Covidiot train (wreck).
Hard to see what it will take to snap enough people out of their stupor. My guess is something quite dreadful. Given the past 3 years didn't meet that level, we can only imagine just how bad things need to get.
There's plenty of evidence that temperatures are rising and that problems will ensue. What's a *lot* less clear is that reducing CO2 emissions will save us. The ecosystems that do all kinds of unpaid work for us humans all the time are being cut up for the profit of global finance capitalism. The story that all we have to do is drive electric cars is utter BS.
It's not even a big club, and you and I are *definitely* not in it.
Open the top drawer next to your bed, perhaps there's another red pill in there.
Seriously though, check out Tony Heller on Rumble (or YouTube). You'll discover just how big the CAGW lie is.
It's no coincidence that modern Greens parties emerged in Germany after the fall of WWII. The Nazis were a radical environmentalist party. Savitri Devi, who is buried next to George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, and who was both an original Nazi who served prison time in Germany for Nazi activism and one of the main founders of modern neo-Nazism, and who believed Hitler was Kalki, an avatar of Vishnu (i.e., God Incarnate) was a deep green ecologist. She had a couple of PhDs and wrote many books on animal liberation and green ecology. A factor analysis of European Greens' responses to an ideology scale showed that they are actually Conservatives, but closer to Nazism than to mainstream conservatism.
"closer to Nazism" in what way(s), specifically?
Elevated on factors of "anti-hedonism" and "religionism/puritanism."
That's pretty cryptic. "Elevated on factors" means what? Greens are anti-hedonist and Nazis were also? And mainstream conservatives are dope-smoking, braless hippies?
But the German Greens have dropped the Nazis' nationalism.
There were thousands of scientific papers published on climate change last year. This means that the science is not settled. It is complex and so far poorly understood. By contrast, very few physics papers were published recently trying to explain the concept of gravity. Even if you believe the mainstream climate narrative, it's important to understand that communism is not the answer to any of these problems. If we are in ecological overshoot (which I personally believe we are) then Mother Nature will let us know. We don't need Klayus Schwab to tell me how to live.
Well, according to evolutionary biologist, species adaptation capability specialist, retired Emeritus Professor of Natural Resources at the University of Arizona and near term extinction theorist Prof Guy McPherson, the clathrate gun was fired in 2009 and human extinction within the decade is approaching. As with a bullet fired from a gun that can't be put back in the barrel, the large scale release from the Arctic of methane, caused by rising CO2 and associated with all prior extinction events, is unstoppable. The only thing currently saving us is pollution in the upper atmosphere. He contends that the UN, governments and other AGW theorists are all extreme climate change deniers peddling hopium. Switching off your aircon or driving electric cars will do nothing. The tipping point was passed long ago. Millions will soon begin to die within a single day on the Indian subcontinent and the rest if the world will follow. It's the wet bulb temperatures that will kill us. It's impossible to adapt. McPherson has retrained as a grief counsellor. Urgent action to stop climate change is bullshit. We're already fucked. Death is approaching rapidly. The only thing left to do is to party.
Oh for God's sake, they have been peddling this BS for decades and here we still are. Human Beings thrive in the cold areas of the world like Alaska and in the hot areas in the middle east. We are pretty damn adaptable
There are some humidity levels it is impossible to adapt to unless you are in aircon 24/7. The first signs of extinction were predicted to occur in Arizona, Nevada and in California in Death Valley. Apparently they've already concerned. In parts of Australia, entire species of flying fox (bats) have been reduced to a fraction of their numbers after dropping from the sky dead, unable to tolerate the heat. The first mass deaths are predicted to occur on the Indian subcontinent, right about now. McPherson believes the process will be accelerated if industrial civilisation Collapses, and has been hastened by lockdowns which saw air traffic restricted, reducing the amounts of lifesaving pollution being pumped into the atmosphere by plane travel and economic activity. He believes that pollution is a good thing, but will only forestall extinction temporarily.
Could I respectfully suggest you ignore all the other doomsday prophecy and go straight to the party. Whether it's right, or wrong, you'll be better off ignoring it.
That's probably a good suggestion. I met a follower of "climate science" who followed McPherson and who told me "When the time comes I won't let my wife suffer." (I got in touch with his doctor and told him what he had said.) I wonder if McPherson is snapping up real estate at rock bottom prices from those who think they are not going to need it because the end of the world is nigh. A lot of climate scientists bought beach front property at bargain prices after warning of rising sea levels.
"A lot of climate scientists bought beach front property at bargain prices after warning of rising sea levels."
Prove that. ( and I am not a supporter of AWG/CC claptrap).
Good points. We are in ecological overshoot most likely. It's also useful to note that McPHerson's dire predictions from 12 years ago have not materialized. He and others in his genre did a disservice to anyone who listened and stopped enjoying life and living the way they wanted. The peak oilers (myself included) were predicting an oil crisis too early. I think it's still coming but I now understand that it won't happen in 2012.
Given that two boys, aged 9 and 7, are listed by the TGA, (Australia) as having died after CoVid vaccination, with a causal relationship typed into their report, you’d think there’s be a show-down, but no. There will be no release of this information to the public, despite a Freedom of Information allowing it to be released to persistent inquiry, as it is deemed as not in the interest of the public. Senator Gerard Rennick, one of a few Australian politicians working for the truth to be revealed, has published this on his Facebook and Instagram pages. He frequently raises CoVid injuries and deaths in Parliament, but it seems most politicians don’t care enough about human life to investigate them. Shame on them.
The mother of a young woman who died after her CoVid vaccination, said she wrote about her daughter’s shocking treatment and her death to the Premier of Victoria, but didn’t receive a response. Silence appears to be our politicians’ response. Silence is golden? No, silence can be rotten to the core.
That is a sobering thought
Most Canadians are quite happy being the dumbasses they are.
Jaysus, you'd want to be looking at us Irish. Jesus wept.
Sadly: true dat.
#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠
And many Americans as well. Ok you weren’t sure at first but if you aren’t woke after 3 years you’re just ignorant.
Staunchly ignorant - by preference.
And the insouciant Americans as well.
Seriously, that really depresses me?
Our elite/political class will only ever let go of the madness once they realize the rest of the world thinks they're fools. They obviously don't care at all about Canada or regular Canadians - but if it becomes unfashionable to be a vax clown at the globalist NGO events then maybe they'll do a 180 (and pretend like they were never really that pro-vax in the first place).
Truly, the "upper crust" here in Canada is a repulsive, moronic, debased and delusional breed of people. I struggle to stave off a seething hatred towards them.
And I just came across this (dated yesterday):
"Health Canada approved the booster as safe and effective for use in children and teens under 17 based on data from clinical trials of Moderna's original Spikevax vaccine."
Like the FDA, H.C.'s regulatory arm is primarily pharma-funded. Most Canadians don't know this..
And even with Trudouches lawyer literally keeling over in court trying to defend the mandates
Since there are no longer fair and free elections---Tip Toes WEF Trudeau will never be out of power--again.
More likely he'll be mysteriously removed and replaced by someone worse. Like the PM of New Zealand.
"I am the new Number 2!"
Well, there is a way. But I hesitate to say it out loud.
Trudeau is not the issue, those to who he's taking from order are. It's a system issue, not a person one. He's just an actor as most of the leaders of the "free world" are now.
It wouldn't matter who he is taking orders from if there wasn't doctors and nurses prepared to inject an unknown substance into people. It is like Andrew Kaufman says about people learning about health so they are not going to fall for this sort of nonsense. An extraordinary claim was made and people went along with it. Even supposed opposition like Del Bigtree was spreading virus propaganda having accepted these extraordinary claims. https://odysee.com/@HereAndNow:a/Andrew-Kaufman-at-Anarchapulco-2022:6
And how many people don't get the fact that a liberal judge exonerated a Liberal Prime minister and his cabinet? When they finally wake up god help us all as this could easilt morph into a nasty civil war. Thank you Mr. Trudeau for your caring and humble actions.
Canadians who are awake hate their Prime Minister and the goverent and it's corrupt judiciary and were never under the illusion that the right thing will ever be done by the filthy murderous government.
Sounds about right. It is infuriating some days, and surreal others. Many of our friends and family just can't entertain the idea that government doesn't have their best interests at heart. They are happily planning trips and weddings, without a clue that their naive passivity is going to take us all down. Sigh...
As some of you know, I have a very liberal friend that manages clinical trials for Pfi$er. We cannot talk about the vaxxes and maintain a relationship.
However, she called yesterday and we started talking about the weirdness of the world, and, to some extent-- and much to my surprise-- I was able to red pill her on The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab and CBDCs.
She did mention something stunning. She said:
"I have jacket and a baseball cap from Pfi$er with their logo on it. We got a memo yesterday that told employees not to wear anything with Pfi$er on it in public because people are getting death threats."
Yep. Death threats.
Curious, I asked "Why?"
"People are angry because they have to get multiple boosters."
Ummm... no, but that's something I can't talk to her about. Interesting info though isn't it?
Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up posted!
Hard to get someone to recognize reality when they’re paid not to, but nice work on the baby steps.
The hard part of it is the fact that my friend isn't a bad person. To be honest, I have thought about ending the relationship, but decided against it. She has just really lost her way and may, at some point, need someone normal and grounded to help her back on the straight and narrow as they say.
If this person is still working for Pfizer, there is no hope and there are no excuses. It is the same as with someone working for the SS in Germany. There is no amount of money that would make me ever consider working for these psychos.
It’s a dilemma, isn’t it? By staying friends with her, for one thing, you have discovered some interesting information, and secondly, you say she isn’t a bad person, so there is the possibility she’ll see sense. A lot of people, including doctors, have changed their minds about CoVid vaccines over time, with more information. Because she shared this knowledge with you, she’s not trying to hide it, so she might be a relatively open-minded person who is taking longer than most because she works for Pfizer. I agree with your point about her needing someone grounded and normal. Good luck!
Praying your friend wakes up even more and that you can convince her to become a whistle blower in order to help humanity and bring justice to the perpetrators
Sometimes, a little gift could help along; say, a book: http://whale.to/a/mullinsbk_m.html
Peter Hotez on Rogan talking about how the antivax evildoers "own the Internet." I had to contemplate that for a while. A company with $100 billion in annual revenue complaining about that. It's just too absurd, positing some hugely powerful formation of antivaxxers that have outplayed them so definitively. I mean it couldn't be that the facts are against Hotez and his Pharma overlords, of course not.
Jebus, couldn't they just *buy* the Internet with the couple trillion dollars the Pharma industry has?
I think the problem is that people resisted the poison death jab. How many? We don't really know. They have made it seem like a minority, but maybe not. We just don't know.
That being said, I think their plan for the jabs was 100% compliance. Now that there is a control group-- the unjabbed-- they are screwed. The jab can see that the unjabbed aren't sick. That's why Big Pharma are scared of the people who can think for themselves.
They can't *buy* free thinking people. That's their problem.
I think he means the only place he doesn't own is the internet.
Yep. And he doesn't realize that the bedrock of his opposition go way back. Longer than 20 years. Like a snowball down a mountain turning into an avalanche, at the core is one pebble, one voice.
I know in my own life I have gone from scepticism to assurance over several conspiracy theories: Chemtrails, UN one world crap, AIDs and emerging diseases.
It is stunning to see so many people getting it now. My only prayer is
'Critical Mass".
I'm praying the same prayer with you baker Charlie! Greetings from Michigan!
Back atcha from Puget Sound, Cascadia!
Let's not lose it here buddy...
Read the Geoengineering patents. Listen to the conferences on weather modification. And realize the military has had plans to "own the weather" for decades.
Finally watch RFKJR interview Dane Wingenton (sp) on CHD TV.
The case is pretty strong after all.
Those are just clouds dude
Maybe truth is ultimately more powerful than even well funded lies
especially when the lies kill you with suddenlies
Is that Peter Hotez of the Shire. hahahaha!!
Hobbits are way more likable, and they don't shill for toxic substances.
If God is God and God is Truth then the Truth will be known.
He is and He is and it's happening. An immutable Truth is The Truth Will Out.
Peter Hote said it falls to local health departments and hospital personel" to lead the defence against this corona virus vaccine".
These people need some violence brought down on them.
What....some average Pfizer employee? Give your head a wobble mate, you’re no better than the lunatics who wished a long and horrible death upon ordinary people who didn’t take the vaccine. Be better, save your anger for those in positions of power and understanding who directed the company
They're no better than the METOO retards.
"We were just following orders" doesn't cut it.
Same goes for CON-gress and any other gubmint scum.
I wish harm to anyone who knows what’s going on, and I pity the absolute idiots who don’t see it
There are a lot of people out there who don't see it. Most of my friends and relatives are on the vaxx train and won't get off. Nothing can be done for them. They're too afraid.
But... you CAN talk to them about other things. Sometimes. It's all hit and miss.
Yes, but I find the Elephant in the room always comes up in some manner. It is absolutely impossible, at least for me, to be around anyone where Covid isn't mentioned. It has become ingrained in people, it has changed the world. I really don't want to spend time w/people where I have to watch what I say, it feels so restraining. It is far more enjoyable to be around those that "get it". I do agree it is hit and miss, I am not going to not do things to limit myself from social relationships but it can be a challenge.
I agree. It is challenging. I have found it easier on my mood to sever ties with a local “best friend”.
I’m thankful that my husband and I are on the same page. I cannot image how it would feel if we weren’t.
" have to"? Where does anyone have to get a booster?
If you worked in a medical setting, boosters were required in the US at one point.
That's terrible
"People are angry because they have to get multiple boosters."
"Oh no they don't"
Slowly, slowly catchee small mammal of your desiring....
Soooo....keep giving death threats to Pfizer employees?
Well, it does seem to be making an impact on the Pfi$er management.
That is remarkable
There's this rather out there guy by the name of Clif High who does what he calls predictive linguistics. The stuff he did was about 25 years ago, and made no sense. It's starting to manifest now. For what it's worth he calls this period of secrets being revealed the big ugly. Says the next two years will be rough. Once again, for what that's worth.
One of what he calls temporal markers are people literally going after the perpetrators of this evil in terms of being harassed on the street and literally hunted down.
They should be hunted down and they should live in fear. I thoroughly enjoyed Rebel News swarming the evil-doers at Davos.
I watched a recent video where he "predicted" the rising release tension of the "balloon" to the day. For my money, he has absolutely the very best grip on where this all goes. Climate change hysteria is just that, horseshit, and Klause's reset fails. Now (these next few painful years) is when we regular humans overthrow the yokes of the oppressors and begin to live our first real freedom.
I ran across Clif in the late 90's when he started doing his ALTA/ Webbot reports. He was always wrong.
Now he has a pretty good track record IMHO, and it's terrifying.
Jessica Schab predicted that the cabal would be removed from the planet and we would have the opportunity to create heaven on earth.
Thanks I just looked him up.
Where is the tipping point? I’m beginning to wonder if one even exists.
We may be past the tipping point already
I have ETERNAL HOPE Igor - otherwise l simply wouldn’t get out of bed .. my optimism this week:
Bought two puppies (lost my last dogs 3/4 years ago)
Bought a new Nikon camera
Booked a holiday in the Scottish Highlands
Planted wild flower seeds in my garden
Bought a new four poster bed
Bought a stack of books l have been meaning to buy for a long while
Learned to play some complicated Prokofiev on my piano
Baked up a storm for my freezer
Had like minded friends around to eat
Having some fellow musicians to stay for the weekend
Practiced and improved my Ayurvedic Yoga
So .. we may all be “going to hell in a handcart” but l am doing it in style while fully awake and aware - just adding in the essential positivity to fire me on!
It’s great to see you around Igor, l hope that you are well! Your contributions are amazing and get my brain cells zinging! A HUGE THANK YOU 🙏🏻
Sounds like you are having a GREAT TIME!
That is Fantastic! (Especially the puppies:). I too continue to plan trips, prep my garden- on paper at lest for now, and enjoy all my grandkids, practice yoga with a group, walk miles along my river and am tentatively reaching out for new friends, having lost many to the black hole of wokeism . Not hopeless. Just getting a crick in my neck while looking up in the sky for that particular shooting star.
I am preparing for a musical program: Ella, Frank, and Me. Sometimes I wonder why. But music saves my Soul.
Skye, it all sounds so lovely and I love your optimism.
My family adopted two beautiful border collie puppies two years ago now- they are what have kept me sane and joyful throughout the lockdown and beyond.
What Prokofiev? I used to play some - I may just drag out and dust off the violin...thanks for this list.
I don't share your hope, but fare somewhat similarly nonetheless.
I look at it more like "let's do what I like as much as possible, so I can still live a little, until everything turns to total(itarian) shit & misery".
Seems e.g. my voice is recovering from the _bacterial_* throat infection from 3 months ago and it's coming back, I can sing again, so I'm pursuing that, now that I also found an adequate room for practise and my neighbors won't be outright enemies anymore when things turn bad, lol.
Can't say the same about "likeminded friends around to eat", but oh well. Can't have it all ^^
* viruses... they seem to leave me alone so far, lol. I'm telling you, bacteria, they are really mean!
did they restrict # of allowed edits now...?
Wanted to add: I missed the Prokofiev part. Neat stuff! A more rare random find, someone into that region of music.
For anyone who can stand reading youtube auto-gen subtitled translation - there is a German language channel "Whatsoperadoc" who recently put out a 30min short documentary "Hauptsache GEIMPFT" (approx. "vaccinated is all that counts"), about Opera / classical music business in Austria, some people who refused the jab speak out there, their reasons, and about how they were treated.
Great recipe. Got a spare room?
Hate to rain on your parade, but that's not optimism, that's a manic or hypomanic episode. I've got bipolar 2 (where the highs are hypomanic) myself, so I'm not looking down on you.
You've done some great things. Things that speak of a LOT of energy, and a LOT of desire to start things. I had undiagnosed bipolar for 30 years and never had a week like that. Those highs feel good, and they can be good for you, if you stay away from big mistakes...
You've also made several major purchases, and you may regret some of them. Keep your receipts. And find a psychiatrist if you haven't got one already. Again, I've got bipolar so I'm not talking down, I've been there myself.
Wow. My mom developed that after taking cortisone shots for hip pain. It was horrible! Less horrible for her than those around her, but she alienated and lost pretty much all her friends. And good points on the credit card purchases. Talk about damage. Yikes.
I hope you're wrong about Skye's post, but now I can't unsee it in this light.
We can hope.
That is indeed an optimistic thought. Please let it be true.
I thought it would come when people starting dropping dead. I was wrong. I hope it comes soon.
It will happen when they let some Trusted Leftist on CNN to say "the vaxxes are killing people" and the host accepts what the Trusted Leftist is saying.
Outside of that, or perhaps a screaming headline on the NYT that reads something like "COVID Vaxxes Are Killing People," I'm not sure when it will fully turn.
What would be a 'trusted leftist' by CNN's standards? Your premise answers the question-- the ethical and established people that I have always identified with the left are completely ignored and not allowed on, or a step further in that they are smeared relentlessly (RFK Jr.) because they really really know their shit and no one can take them on in a fair exchange. In other words, when a CNN version of, let's say an 'important' leftist says this and is agreed with it will be well after the fact that major lawsuits will already have succeeded or some such event. That's if CNN remains around that long (one can dream).
Matt Taibbi or Bari Weiss. best we have.
If the Springer paper Die Welt can do it, I guess there's always hope.
I thought it would happen when children started dropping dead.
Here's a really unpleasant story of two Boomers over 70:
Their 38 year old son died 5 days after Pfi$er jab in the summer 21. They blame his prior drug use, which was undoubtedly a factor, but not the sole cause. Fast forward to the fall of '21. Husband gets his booster and gets shingles. It doesn't go away for months and months and months. As in "9 months later." He is told he is vaxxed injured and now has neuropathy. His wife accepts that he is vaxx injured. I asked his wife if she is going to get another booster. She says she will if her doctor tells her she needs one.
This is a woman who has a masters degree. She is NOT stupid. She just somehow got broken by all of this, just like many of the others out there. She seems to believe if she is not vaxxed she will die of COVID.
So no, even if their kids die, it will be from "long COVID" or something else, and they will continue to take their shots like good brainwashed sheeple.
Yup. My sister has people deathly ill all around her. She has seen the jab fail repeatedly. And she keeps mumbling “at least I know my family and I are safe”. Don’t stop believing sis. She’s a decorated science teacher.
People are brainwashed and broken. It's sad.
Sorry, how are these people not stupid? Being educated does not mean one is intelligent. Rational analysis is a prerequisite for intelligence and let's face it, anyone can get a Master's these days, especially in the soft 'social' sciences. ( How many MAs in 'Women's Studies' MAs does the world need, anyway?) We got here because of them, and not in spite of them. The intelligencia are the problem.
Totally agree. The “educated” are the folks who refuse to discuss anything and play the science denier card.
I read recently that those with Bachelors , Masters and professional degrees are the most likely to be unquestioningly pro vax. The least likely are those with PhDs and high school level education. Makes perfect sense; we’ve told those with liberal arts degrees and with JDs and MDs for so long how terribly intelligent and superior they are, they actually believe it. Those who actually spend their lives questioning everything, including the authority vested in the “elites”, were bound to fair better in this tragic experiment .
( Before anyone jumps down my throat, I write this as a DMD and include my colleagues among the “superiori”)
there's a huge difference between intelligence and life survival skills. very different and prob in a specific part of the brain (not the amygdala which is the fear centre this is the anti fear centre)-instinct for survival. you can test it in crowds for instance your plane gets cancelled 100s line up to talk to someone 'what do we dooo???' whereas the ones with life survival skills get plans B-Z moving and get out of the line. In a sudden street emergency the ones with low survival instint start running...anywhere runnity run. The survivalists stand dead still in a tiny corner.
That might be the saddest story I’ve heard all dsy
The problem is that jab induced death is mild and self correcting. Fraudci told me and he would never lie.
It is when we reach "critical mass" of awareness. In "76, it was estimated to be between 4 and 8%.of the population that were actually involved in the rebellion. Some (and I) think we are at about 3 1/2 % now. Getting the rest of the way, tragically, will be precipitated by the increasing death count.
The number I have most confidence in is about a million and a half now in the US. The Author hopes for a reduction in the "trend". Again, sadly, that's not likely to happen. We're probably looking at as much as forty million (not accounting for the infertility factors). "23 is going to continue to be a really hard year.
Do you mean the dam burst of information coming forth?
One of the most frightening elements of this calamity is the remarkably high percentage of people who've proven to be dreadfully gullible, hence easy to manipulate. For the sake of humanity let's hope most of them wake up and develop some wisdom. Absent credulous masses baseless fear mongering can't be used to expand central power.
If they're over 50... fear of death. Their own and that of their elderly parents. I've seen it over and over again.
Disagree. I see just as many woke young adults still wearing masks and older folks going about their business.
I have seen an uptick in mask wearing, especially people alone in their car. For a while that had stopped except a rare one, now it is almost common again. Drives me nuts.
About 80% of people on out town are wearing masks in our town. They are wearing them A L L T H E T I M E!
Perhaps it's because they know how stupid they are, and can't stand looking at themselves in the rear view mirror?
I think a lot of it is to show that they're not "deplorables".
For me that has completely backfired. I look at the gullible fools wearing masks and recognize these are walking bio labs. They took the jabs and boosters and have still caught covid. They are walking around shedding covid spikes, mRNA filled lipid particles, and covid variants. If they took Merck's molnupiravir, they are now a biolab creating and testing covid mutants.
Untouchables would be a better term for them. They don't want to be touched, and I don't want to touch them.
Not sure they are that smart to figure that out.
I am SURE that they are not that smart to figure it out.
Oh, I'm not saying it's ONLY those over 50. Those are just the ones I know personally. I see plenty of young people wearing masks.
Then they didn't do their homework. According to the CDC's infection fatality rate data, which is heavily skewed, a reasonably healthy 60 year old only has a 3 in 10,000 chance of dying from COVID, which is an immaterial risk. For comparison the average American has a 1 in 107 chance of dying in a car accident in their lifetime. Plus the actual chance of dying from COVID is much smaller than that since most of the "COVID deaths" accounted by the CDC were people who died after a positive PCR test primarily or entirely due to some other ailment, or even an accident.
The stats people throw out on risk of dying from covid drive me nuts. Usually I can't ask the thrower my main question because the stat is buried in a msm article and no way to get the clarification i want and that the public should be asking for.
But this time I can, since you are a real person in a somewhat interactive comment section! So here's my question: if the risk of dying of covid is 3 in 10k, is that for all population, including those that will never catch covid? Or is it 3 in 10k of covid catchers? Because if it's the latter, every individual walking the planet has an incredibly lower risk of dying than 3 in 10k; as not everyone will even contract covid in the first place. And those two stats will be vastly different.
3 in 10,000 is just a number I recall off the top of my head having looked at CDC data very early on (back in 2020). And it is for a 60 year old who was infected and in reasonably good health. Elderly people had a substantially higher risk, as I recall, yet still much lower than people seem to perceive. Healthy children have zero risk. Seriously unhealthy people, especially if they were elderly, had a much higher risk. Note, I later found infection fatality data from studies which counted only those who actually died of COVID and worked to make an accurate estimate of the percentage of the population which had become infected and recovered by testing blood samples for antibodies (most people never reported their illness). Those IFR estimates were a small fraction of the CDC's already minuscule estimates. This disease never posed any material danger of mortality to the vast majority of people. The hysteria was due to deception and manipulation by politically motivated entities, including the media, and medical "professionals" who were either mind numbingly obtuse or too fearful to be honest.