Do you understand what lawyers really are - who they work for? You can't get ahead by using their system, you're just spinning on the spot. All the while, these court cases drain life-years out of you. What needs to be done is get off their system, get off it in every way you can. Ultimately close bank accounts because that's why the brain kicks in and finds another way. While anyone has a bank account it doesn't matter what one does, they could be doing all the good in the world, The work will only be very temporary, not durable like when we get off the banker's money system. Think about how stupid it is anyway.
Altho there is an element of truth in what you say there is another aspect. Taking legal action (whether you win or not) can raise awareness of ppl.
Eg here Fukushima radiation related cases. Bc of them I have been weary of consuming products from Fukushima tho the govt makes relentless efforts to convince ppl that they are safe enough to consume them.
True. Many have been pressured, ostracized, reprimanded, coerced, and shamed for perfectly true and legitimate stances on these vaxxes. Jobs have been lost, families have been destroyed, etc. The carnage is immeasurable and entities such as the government, media, and tech companies all colluded to inflict this colossal damage upon the world.
Oh, I am well aware of that. Some used this scamdemic to get promoted by "showing initiative and compassion" during a crisis - nothing but demented, opportunistic scum. I also despise the virtual signaling dim bulbs that were boasting about their jab "compliance". For goodness sake, they had "Covid Vaccinated" insignia here in Oz and I had two of my colleagues wear them to show how compliant they were. The irony was that the insignia was yellow, yep, yellow with black writing - no one bat an eyelid when I pointed out the similarity to the yellow star. The idiocy of these people is boundless.
I hope you realize these people are all merely actors? And the whole story that you hear about on the news is fabricated. Seems real doesn't it? But there are no "countries", that is all made up. And there are no sides - that's all manufactured to make you pick one or the other. Everything we hear on the news, in schools. books, etc, are what they want us to believe. Do you really think you can know the whole story? Pointing the finger at them keeps the vibration dense. Why are you still using banker's money then? Why are you still paying taxes? Why are you still doing their bidding like a fully entrenched slave? That's why they do what they do. Using their system means you are still plugged into the system. Imagine tubes that keep you connected like in the movie "The Matrix". Getting off their system amasses the power in you instead of the matrix. They siphon your power while you're still plugged in. Example - how much time do you spend creating a better system, hey?
No countries? I don't know. I got off the plane in Istanbul and noticed the people around me really seemed to be speaking Turkish. Then I got back on the plane a few weeks later and in the "United States" people looked and talked more like me. I really think I left this country, visited another country, and then came back.
Denise, we probably agree on about 90% of what's going on out there, but in all honesty you sound like a lunatic.
I'm using banker's money because if I print my own no one will take it. I'm paying taxes because if I don't pay them men with guns will show up at my front door. I'm "doing their bidding" (to use your words) as working has allowed me to provide for my family, acquire a nice home, and have money in the bank. I spend zero time creating a better system because it's pointless and wasting time is foolish. Instead, I think for myself, study history so I can learn from it, and carefully evaluate my options before making decisions. It's worked out well.
Few are happy about what's going on in the world but pretending we can just disconnect is delusional. It's far more productive to teach people about how things really work so they can make informed decisions and prosper within this system.
Edit: Adding that I'm all for changing things and am tired of the constant lies. But telling people to not pay taxes or work for a living is foolish advice that will be (wisely) ignored by almost all.
Please don't attack the person that's really low bowling. I am the most sanest person you could imagine. So please don't accuse me of stuff you cannot substantiate. Let's just stick to the issue shall we? I'm using only cash - are you? That's one step in the right direction. If more people did it then they couldn't track us and we'd be stronger to go to another step. But everyone is still at kindergarten level. The trick is is to tiptoe like they do (eg: the totalitarian tiptoe) But how many use credit cards or debit cards? It's like you go to your abusers. Don't use their stuff. Talk about how to get off it at least. Nobody is even questioning how they can get off it. That's how addicted everyone is. And closed-minded. I had everything you have but I needed to get out of the money mind more than anything. Money makes us whores. Nobody has to lose anything. Don't you play chess? We can so checkmate them but not if everyone just keeps bending over to take it in the rear. If few are not happy why isn't anyone talking about alternatives? I've been waiting - there is no one for me to transact with practically. I hounded people to go to cash before covid. Now they're talking about only digital. You see - we are need to be proactive. We need to be coordinated. Right now, most people are just wanking. As for not paying taxes, why isn't anyone talking about how that can be done? Strategy. I know why - because everyone is in their own little silo. Everyone is addicted to the program they set which is based on competition. We need a new program and we are the programmers. This is what they know and what they hide. I want to talk about how we move forward, not how we stay the same. You shouldn't attack me for that. We have to be different than the government, and not ignore each other. I have much respect for you though Igor because you talk to the person. You don't just block. I just got blocked from a blogger who's blog is titled "Uncensored". She blocked me for 100 years. That's what it said. I have the transcript if anyone wants to see how pathetic it is when so called "aware" people talk about censorship as though it's bad from media etc, but not bad when we do it. LOL. Sorry - I digressed.
Like I said, we probably agree on 90% of what's going on out there. I didn't mean to seem like I was attacking you but in looking at my comment my words were a bit harsh. I do apologize for that.
I have two big concerns:
1) Unrealistic solutions are not persuasive and discredit the entire message.
2) There are people out there that will stop paying their taxes based on the musings of some random person on the internet. Eventually armed IRS agents will show up at their home. Same thing with not working. Eventually twenty years have passed and that person has nothing.
Both of these things are real problems. Systems change with rational and thoughtful approaches. The "burn it down" mentality rarely ends well.
I pay as little taxes as I can but I do it legally by knowing everything I can about how the system works and how I can avoid them. My finances are structured with that in mind. I have no intention of funding a corrupt federal government one nickel more than I'm required to. That's smart, keeps me out of jail, and is true to my principles.
I'm unvaxxed (as is my family) because I've studied Pharma's behavior and saw no reason to trust them. My own risk assessment showed me it didn't make sense. My work tried to mandate it but I was successfully granted a religious accommodation because I knew the law, knew the scriptures, followed the legal process, and made it clear I would sue them if it was denied. Again that was smart, certainly a lot smarter than throwing a fit and getting fired.
We win by keeping our emotions in check, knowing more than the other guy, knowing history, and using their own rules against them. It works, and it's a lot better approach than flying off half-cocked.
Denise, I am with you; I will not go to a business that is “no cash”! We must be well coordinated however and have BIG results “like” they do. How do you suppose we do that.
The China option is NOT AN OPTION IN THE USA. Only we the people, we the power, can make sure of that!
That's the right attitude. I think the only way we can do it as a large front is to keep talking to everyone you know about using cash. Wake up their awareness of it. Each of us now is like a transmitter of information to wake up the people around us who can't see what's going on. That' great that you won't give your patronage to businesses that don't use cash. That's another way to ensure cash remains vibrant. Businesses only understand loss of profit so that will drive it home to them.
I agree. We do live in an EXCEPTIONAL country. But, fragile. For, instance, who the hell keeps voting McConnell back in office?! Fragile indeed. The masses need to be re-educated. I understand they are no longer being taught what the Constitution is, or the Federalist Papers, or the Declaration of Independence or even how government is supposed to work. Why would they support something so foreign to them? It’s so easy to hate it. They don’t even have to have a reason!
Annette, the constitution is irrelevant to this day and age. It was written too long ago and has no bearing on the kind of world we live in today. And it's centralized. You didn't have a say in it nor did anyone else. As for McConnell being voted in, do you really believe the count? These people are perpetrating genocide, they're thieves, do you really think they would count the vote accurately? Government is designed to do exactly what it does - bully the slaves. Once one realizes we have been enslaved and still are, then they take steps to get out of the trap.
There have, however been many,many, many wins on our side re: COvid Jabs using that very real document- the Constitution in the past 18 months ; I.e., not cheating.
I am a lover of our constitution, but I have legs too and a critical mind.
It will be The Constitution that puts many of these people in prison, including many of the so called J6 committee participants. Have faith!
I know we've seen some pretty horrendous mandates but I see things differently. I think it's not those people who give the orders who are culpable. I could give orders but nobody obeys my orders. So why do people obey these people? Because they consider them to be above, they obey authority. This is the actual crime and until we recognize it no amount of people jailed will solve the problem. We have to identify a problem before we can solve a problem.
Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
I have health issues and wasn’t sure if I should get vaxxed. I searched google and all articles said it was safe for every issue They were wrong!!! Also Facebook banned many articles saying I should not get vaxxed!!!!
I relied on their information and it was all a lie!!! I am vax injured and it has ruined my life!!!! If I had known the truth I would not of got vaxxed!!!!
yeah to any and all who followed the vaccine rabbit hole beyond just Covid as allowed by Bobby peerless " the real Anthony Fauci" that shed blinding light on vaccines as an industry it permanently changed my worldview and while for now the most important conversation is these so-called vaccines it is unquestionable that the enterprise as a whole once we’ve gotten control of our elections and the narrative surrounding these so-called vaccines it has to be Investigated like nothing else has ever been investigated starting with making all vaccines optional and the mandating of any vaccine or medical treatment illegal even during times of emergency.
No parent in their right mind would make the choices they made had they been fully informed beer today we’re all the way back to 1984.
and the batter will be more difficult because the reality is for these products you can counter “anti-VAX “with a reality these products are not in fact vaccines when it comes to all of the other fraudulent or totally lacking vaccines this will be a much more difficult debate to have publicly as the slanderous label will have more clout hopefully after a overwhelming victory regarding these products that conversation will be that much easier to have.
If you and I can figure out that Big Tech was killing people with these lies, it also means these super smart Big Tech CEOs, employees knew they were killing people for profit. They belong in prison.
Are you subsidizing it though through taxes or buying their products or services? Prison is a very antiquated idea. The best prison for psychopaths is free speech. That is all we need to be safeguarded against armies or tyrants. Simple isn't it? Yet barely anyone upholds it.
Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
One approach is to file criminal charges against Google, Facebook, and Twitter for second degree murder — acting with at least recklessness — and conspiracy to commit first degree murder, based, at least in part, on documents released by Senators Hawley and Grassley showing Mayorkas agreeing with Twitter to censor critical information on vaccines and masks.
This assumes a brave prosecutor will step up.
Once a conviction results in any jurisdiction, civil liability for fraud, wrongful death, and other torts will be easier to establish.
And the blamegame would begin as Google, Facebook and Twitter would cite Govt orders and the scuffle to cover up and blameshifting between HHS, CDC, FDA and Press Secretaries, VP and POTUS would be EPIC!
Why not get people to leave those platforms instead of try to persecute the platforms? I mean people keep using it. What does that say about them? When they rail about how naughty google is and facebook? Better to get even rather than get mad. This is why they mock us. Because peeps continue to use their system so that essentially states your consent.
That is exactly what I have been arguing for over the past 3-4 years when the big tech cartel started to act as a separate state without accountability. There were means to keep in touch before Faceborg and the like. Go back to them because it leaves the social media broken. However, the big tech cartel must be held accountable for its role in the horror.
Accountable how? This is their system. The court system is their syndicate. It's was about AI all the time. What do you propose to do to them? Believe me it's almost funny that you want to do something to them. If you want to screw them you play chess not tiddlywinks.
Well I bet you're still paying taxes. What about your accountability for that? You want to penalize them but not yourself. This is the real matrix, the filter that we think what they do is not part of our responsibility. It's so easy to say what must be done to others. This is like mob rule. There is no reason or discussion. Nobody acts like their sovereign. You still think you had no part to play in it? That's just delusion and reconciliation is soon to come because in reality, taking accountability raises our frequency. We are still at caveman level, just because we've got shoes and cell phones, our density is still like mob rule back in the days of the Colosseum.
I take responsibility for myself. Saw Facebook and Twitter taking power from the people many, many years ago. Haven't been on either of them in more than five or seven years, possibly longer. Got off Netflix too several years back. I CAN live without this stuff. Contemplating the tax thing, but what with the AR15s and all - probably should, like I do every year :)
Well kudos to you! We need some kind of coordinated effort because yeah, we are not as powerful on our own. We need to start experimenting with a currency that makes sense. First and foremost we need to talk about this. That's all we must do at this point otherwise it ends up being the same thing again, where a group imposes its will upon the whole. The fact that you've started and you're contemplating going further is heading in the right direction and that's what we have to do really, that's all.
Pardon my fretfulness but you must understand that going to the courts will do nothing for anything except the bandits. This is what the courts are about darling. Please wise up.
Guilty of lying? People lie all the time. Surely it makes more sense to be culpable if you believed the lies? I stood around during covid, in total dismay that everyone was believing what was obviously a hoax. Others did also. What we should be asking is why did people believe such an obvious hoax.
I value your humor but must we always degrade to killing? What about if we just left that out, surely there are a few squillion other ways we could deal?
I may not share your political opinions in general . I'm talking about the collapsing narrative around COVID and vaccinations, and the ensuing recriminations. Maybe they'll destroy each other like the gingham dog and the calico cat.
That keeps us in a state of mob rule. Why did you listen to these people? I didn't. Can't you tell when you're being scammed? That is something everyone needs to learn. That is one of the most important lessons. I'm wondering if they brought the mask "mandates" in again, would you wear it if everybody else was? The idea that someone that you don't even know can care about you the way your mother can is totally fallacious. And this is where we have to grow up now. Nobody is responsible for what goes into your body except for yourself. If we all understood this thoroughly, most of the world's problems would dissolve.
So only the people who fell for the propaganda are the only victims? How about all the major networks who also took money from the various drug companies and promoted the drugs and gene therapies? All the times they shouted down truth tellers and took away (and encouraged everyone else to do the same) their ability to provide for their families, provide proper care for patients etc.
No there needs to be a massive reckoning. Top, middle and bottom feeders. Fling open the doors, let the sunshine in and let the guilty rightly burn from exposed truth of their own actions and inactions.
But it goes beyond even that - the universities, the school boards and parents being called terrorists by a federal law enforcement agency director who then lied about it, Chinese health pass cards everywhere - ALL PUT INTO PLACE BY UNELECTED AGENCY BUREAUCRATS! We can all go on and on. Who in God’s name do these people think they are?
When these hearings take place, and they must, they must be public - on camera - and we should push for the majority of them to be in the evening hours so all can watch and not continue to REMAIN in the dark. The world’s people, and especially those in the USA, must see why the spring cleaning is about to take place.
Most people don’t know about AZT. That, all by itself is a crime. We cannot let this happen again. The world must know all - like people learned about Naziism and Hitler in those days.
Actually people who deny the truth endanger all of us. They have taken us to the brink. They don't listen to their peers because they only listen to those "in authority" and that's actually the germ that needs pointing out.
Awesome work igor and simply presented so anyone can understand it with or without legal experience... Let's share on twi as there are pro freedom of choice lawyers on there :)
Agreed. I'm not sure on the compensation amount, but others have been compensated for $25,000 based on getting fired for their religious exemptions not getting accepted. These companies, as well as others, have censored and controlled the information and type of searching available. In addition to paying fines, which rich people can do easily, I say at a minimum, tack on community service. There are plenty of people that receive community service as a consequence. I would love to see the same for all people regardless of their status.
I am currently locked out of facebook, not because I have gone against their community guidelines, but because I have the ability to reach a lot of people. Those are the words from facebook and make no sense. I have never been put in facebook jail, but have been locked out for months. I do have many posts that talk about the shots and mandates. My posts are still viewable, but if I wanted to take down a post, or add to one, I cannot. I cannot access my own posts. Again, they are controlling the information available. I wrote to facebook asking why I am locked out, but have not received any answer.
I am a medical journalist for TrialSite News. We have over 2 million monthly readers and growing. We are independently funded and have no entity dictating what we publish regarding the truths about vaccine injuries.
In fact we are well connect to many worldwide groups that are trying to support vaccine injured victims and advocates for medical freedom.
We are also launching our own social page so that vax victims can continue discussing their stories and get access to information about how to detox the spike protein. These groups have been shut down on FB so we’re giving them a home.
We are also participating in legal action on a few fronts against the government and social platforms we’ve been censored on as well.
Here is my latest story: “AZ Covid-19 Vaccine Victim Receives Lump Payment After Clotting Led to Leg Amputation”
Maybe maybe maybe in the US this could work. In Europe all judges are in the pocket of the governments, so they will never rule in favour of something like this. In the US I am not sure of this.
It is an interesting idea and it would set an amazing precedent too. Considering the fact that censorship is only going to increase the coming years.
And what person, who previously denied their vaccine injuries, would not change their mind if they face a perspective of being COMPENSATED for such injuries?
Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
OMG! Yes! What a thought! Igor, you are brilliant. My inbox is flooded with Substack publications, and I can never read them all ~ but yours are irresistible gems. Thank you for all you are doing!! would help them to NOT have to stay silent about their injuries ! And once they were recognized in huge numbers, the bullying of them might end. I have no experience with this as I recognized the SCAM from day one ! However I have deep sympathy for those that fell for it as it was pervasive propaganda on a monumental scale. Thank you for putting forth this excellent idea...your heart is in the right place Igor.
Excellent idea. It is a way to bust the EUA liability shield. The mainstream media that gave out their version of misinformation should also be sued by the injured. The media that actively tried to suppress the truth and good doctors should have the highest judgements. These companies took billions to publish these false narratives.
I think it was Event 201 that gamed all of this out. The end game was "we are at war with COVID, vaxxes best weapon, mistakes, heroes, etc."
IIRC, they did NOT game out protecting anyone other than big pharma. So this is an interesting angle, especially including the MSM. I also wonder if individual employers can be held responsible as well.
In any case, I wonder if those in power can pull a legal slight of hand and say something like "they were acting in accordance with the government; since the government can't be sued, they can't be sued." I know that is not legal, but we're in banana republic territory now.
EUA shield is pierced when liability occurs because of an intentional act. It's not a difficult case to make that Moderna and Pfizer knew exactly what those vaccines were doing to people.
This is not analogous to tobacco. It would be if the government had coerced, mandated and passed laws to dupe people into smoking, while at the same time passed laws to prevent anyone from suing those who went along with the program.. Also, you talk about vaccine injuries and that Google and Facebook "defrauded" - as in past tense. This is still ongoing and looks like "they" are doubling down. I still see examples of people being deplatformed. I also saw an article that said new vaccines are due out soon - and any holdouts that haven't gotten the original injections will need to get them first to be eligible. This is getting so weird and creepy, the idea anybody could get compensation from these people is a fantasy. They are going for broke (and boy, do I hope they GO broke!) This is a battle, for sure.
Igor love the way your mind works! This is how change and accountability happens...hit em in the wallet $$$
Paging Steve Kirsch…
Morgan & Morgan
Now all you need is a good class action attorney.
Do you understand what lawyers really are - who they work for? You can't get ahead by using their system, you're just spinning on the spot. All the while, these court cases drain life-years out of you. What needs to be done is get off their system, get off it in every way you can. Ultimately close bank accounts because that's why the brain kicks in and finds another way. While anyone has a bank account it doesn't matter what one does, they could be doing all the good in the world, The work will only be very temporary, not durable like when we get off the banker's money system. Think about how stupid it is anyway.
In the case of class action attorneys who bear all the expense and would have one hell of a class here, you would see a different outcome.
You really need to watch this 16 min explanation of what law really is.
Altho there is an element of truth in what you say there is another aspect. Taking legal action (whether you win or not) can raise awareness of ppl.
Eg here Fukushima radiation related cases. Bc of them I have been weary of consuming products from Fukushima tho the govt makes relentless efforts to convince ppl that they are safe enough to consume them.
Right here!!
Great comment Former
We are all victims……injected or not!
If you want to kill the snake…cut off the head.
I decided against discussing that stuff in my post and kept it to ONE topic.
True. Many have been pressured, ostracized, reprimanded, coerced, and shamed for perfectly true and legitimate stances on these vaxxes. Jobs have been lost, families have been destroyed, etc. The carnage is immeasurable and entities such as the government, media, and tech companies all colluded to inflict this colossal damage upon the world.
The worst part is that it was done with taxpayer money and a lot of demented creatures got very rich from the carnage.
Money was the bait that was used to get many people to act like monsters.
Some just did it for free, though.
Oh, I am well aware of that. Some used this scamdemic to get promoted by "showing initiative and compassion" during a crisis - nothing but demented, opportunistic scum. I also despise the virtual signaling dim bulbs that were boasting about their jab "compliance". For goodness sake, they had "Covid Vaccinated" insignia here in Oz and I had two of my colleagues wear them to show how compliant they were. The irony was that the insignia was yellow, yep, yellow with black writing - no one bat an eyelid when I pointed out the similarity to the yellow star. The idiocy of these people is boundless.
And some just because the got off on it.
With glee
I hope you realize these people are all merely actors? And the whole story that you hear about on the news is fabricated. Seems real doesn't it? But there are no "countries", that is all made up. And there are no sides - that's all manufactured to make you pick one or the other. Everything we hear on the news, in schools. books, etc, are what they want us to believe. Do you really think you can know the whole story? Pointing the finger at them keeps the vibration dense. Why are you still using banker's money then? Why are you still paying taxes? Why are you still doing their bidding like a fully entrenched slave? That's why they do what they do. Using their system means you are still plugged into the system. Imagine tubes that keep you connected like in the movie "The Matrix". Getting off their system amasses the power in you instead of the matrix. They siphon your power while you're still plugged in. Example - how much time do you spend creating a better system, hey?
No countries? I don't know. I got off the plane in Istanbul and noticed the people around me really seemed to be speaking Turkish. Then I got back on the plane a few weeks later and in the "United States" people looked and talked more like me. I really think I left this country, visited another country, and then came back.
Kinda looks like you are one of us...hey!
Denise, we probably agree on about 90% of what's going on out there, but in all honesty you sound like a lunatic.
I'm using banker's money because if I print my own no one will take it. I'm paying taxes because if I don't pay them men with guns will show up at my front door. I'm "doing their bidding" (to use your words) as working has allowed me to provide for my family, acquire a nice home, and have money in the bank. I spend zero time creating a better system because it's pointless and wasting time is foolish. Instead, I think for myself, study history so I can learn from it, and carefully evaluate my options before making decisions. It's worked out well.
Few are happy about what's going on in the world but pretending we can just disconnect is delusional. It's far more productive to teach people about how things really work so they can make informed decisions and prosper within this system.
Edit: Adding that I'm all for changing things and am tired of the constant lies. But telling people to not pay taxes or work for a living is foolish advice that will be (wisely) ignored by almost all.
Please don't attack the person that's really low bowling. I am the most sanest person you could imagine. So please don't accuse me of stuff you cannot substantiate. Let's just stick to the issue shall we? I'm using only cash - are you? That's one step in the right direction. If more people did it then they couldn't track us and we'd be stronger to go to another step. But everyone is still at kindergarten level. The trick is is to tiptoe like they do (eg: the totalitarian tiptoe) But how many use credit cards or debit cards? It's like you go to your abusers. Don't use their stuff. Talk about how to get off it at least. Nobody is even questioning how they can get off it. That's how addicted everyone is. And closed-minded. I had everything you have but I needed to get out of the money mind more than anything. Money makes us whores. Nobody has to lose anything. Don't you play chess? We can so checkmate them but not if everyone just keeps bending over to take it in the rear. If few are not happy why isn't anyone talking about alternatives? I've been waiting - there is no one for me to transact with practically. I hounded people to go to cash before covid. Now they're talking about only digital. You see - we are need to be proactive. We need to be coordinated. Right now, most people are just wanking. As for not paying taxes, why isn't anyone talking about how that can be done? Strategy. I know why - because everyone is in their own little silo. Everyone is addicted to the program they set which is based on competition. We need a new program and we are the programmers. This is what they know and what they hide. I want to talk about how we move forward, not how we stay the same. You shouldn't attack me for that. We have to be different than the government, and not ignore each other. I have much respect for you though Igor because you talk to the person. You don't just block. I just got blocked from a blogger who's blog is titled "Uncensored". She blocked me for 100 years. That's what it said. I have the transcript if anyone wants to see how pathetic it is when so called "aware" people talk about censorship as though it's bad from media etc, but not bad when we do it. LOL. Sorry - I digressed.
Like I said, we probably agree on 90% of what's going on out there. I didn't mean to seem like I was attacking you but in looking at my comment my words were a bit harsh. I do apologize for that.
I have two big concerns:
1) Unrealistic solutions are not persuasive and discredit the entire message.
2) There are people out there that will stop paying their taxes based on the musings of some random person on the internet. Eventually armed IRS agents will show up at their home. Same thing with not working. Eventually twenty years have passed and that person has nothing.
Both of these things are real problems. Systems change with rational and thoughtful approaches. The "burn it down" mentality rarely ends well.
I pay as little taxes as I can but I do it legally by knowing everything I can about how the system works and how I can avoid them. My finances are structured with that in mind. I have no intention of funding a corrupt federal government one nickel more than I'm required to. That's smart, keeps me out of jail, and is true to my principles.
I'm unvaxxed (as is my family) because I've studied Pharma's behavior and saw no reason to trust them. My own risk assessment showed me it didn't make sense. My work tried to mandate it but I was successfully granted a religious accommodation because I knew the law, knew the scriptures, followed the legal process, and made it clear I would sue them if it was denied. Again that was smart, certainly a lot smarter than throwing a fit and getting fired.
We win by keeping our emotions in check, knowing more than the other guy, knowing history, and using their own rules against them. It works, and it's a lot better approach than flying off half-cocked.
Anyways, best wishes.
Denise, I am with you; I will not go to a business that is “no cash”! We must be well coordinated however and have BIG results “like” they do. How do you suppose we do that.
The China option is NOT AN OPTION IN THE USA. Only we the people, we the power, can make sure of that!
That's the right attitude. I think the only way we can do it as a large front is to keep talking to everyone you know about using cash. Wake up their awareness of it. Each of us now is like a transmitter of information to wake up the people around us who can't see what's going on. That' great that you won't give your patronage to businesses that don't use cash. That's another way to ensure cash remains vibrant. Businesses only understand loss of profit so that will drive it home to them.
We are an enslaved species
I agree. We do live in an EXCEPTIONAL country. But, fragile. For, instance, who the hell keeps voting McConnell back in office?! Fragile indeed. The masses need to be re-educated. I understand they are no longer being taught what the Constitution is, or the Federalist Papers, or the Declaration of Independence or even how government is supposed to work. Why would they support something so foreign to them? It’s so easy to hate it. They don’t even have to have a reason!
Annette, the constitution is irrelevant to this day and age. It was written too long ago and has no bearing on the kind of world we live in today. And it's centralized. You didn't have a say in it nor did anyone else. As for McConnell being voted in, do you really believe the count? These people are perpetrating genocide, they're thieves, do you really think they would count the vote accurately? Government is designed to do exactly what it does - bully the slaves. Once one realizes we have been enslaved and still are, then they take steps to get out of the trap.
There have, however been many,many, many wins on our side re: COvid Jabs using that very real document- the Constitution in the past 18 months ; I.e., not cheating.
I am a lover of our constitution, but I have legs too and a critical mind.
It will be The Constitution that puts many of these people in prison, including many of the so called J6 committee participants. Have faith!
In the old days - pamphlets were dropped from the sky. To communicate with masses. Maybe - just scatter in the wind.
I know we've seen some pretty horrendous mandates but I see things differently. I think it's not those people who give the orders who are culpable. I could give orders but nobody obeys my orders. So why do people obey these people? Because they consider them to be above, they obey authority. This is the actual crime and until we recognize it no amount of people jailed will solve the problem. We have to identify a problem before we can solve a problem.
I have health issues and wasn’t sure if I should get vaxxed. I searched google and all articles said it was safe for every issue They were wrong!!! Also Facebook banned many articles saying I should not get vaxxed!!!!
I relied on their information and it was all a lie!!! I am vax injured and it has ruined my life!!!! If I had known the truth I would not of got vaxxed!!!!
I sure learned lots the last 2 1/2 years!
I learned:
Elections are corrupt
Government lies to us
Corporations and China run the world
All vaccines have been a lie.
The media is a farce
Don't know if this will help, but I've gathered a number of resources related to vaccine injury recovery, in case they might be of interest:
Wishing you all the best ~ M.
Thanks! I’ll check it out.
FLCCC is now doing lots of work with vaccine injury recovery ~ they are superb.
They and many others are included in my library resources. Thanks! :-)
yeah to any and all who followed the vaccine rabbit hole beyond just Covid as allowed by Bobby peerless " the real Anthony Fauci" that shed blinding light on vaccines as an industry it permanently changed my worldview and while for now the most important conversation is these so-called vaccines it is unquestionable that the enterprise as a whole once we’ve gotten control of our elections and the narrative surrounding these so-called vaccines it has to be Investigated like nothing else has ever been investigated starting with making all vaccines optional and the mandating of any vaccine or medical treatment illegal even during times of emergency.
No parent in their right mind would make the choices they made had they been fully informed beer today we’re all the way back to 1984.
and the batter will be more difficult because the reality is for these products you can counter “anti-VAX “with a reality these products are not in fact vaccines when it comes to all of the other fraudulent or totally lacking vaccines this will be a much more difficult debate to have publicly as the slanderous label will have more clout hopefully after a overwhelming victory regarding these products that conversation will be that much easier to have.
I'm glad you realize that now so what do we do - continue as before?
Idk. Educate others ?
I’m glad my kids are now aware. I wish I had known when I was younger.
I trusted the system. I had no idea how bad and corrupt it was. I lived a lie?
Lol. Idk. It’s crazy how things are now.
Email me if you are up for it
"Google and Facebook undertook extensive censorship and search result manipulation on their own initiative."
They may have done that but they also colluded with the government.
If you and I can figure out that Big Tech was killing people with these lies, it also means these super smart Big Tech CEOs, employees knew they were killing people for profit. They belong in prison.
Are you subsidizing it though through taxes or buying their products or services? Prison is a very antiquated idea. The best prison for psychopaths is free speech. That is all we need to be safeguarded against armies or tyrants. Simple isn't it? Yet barely anyone upholds it.
And - what a coinkydink, all corporations have now 2030 "visions"... the equivalent of the 5 years plan in communist countries.
Funny that!
One approach is to file criminal charges against Google, Facebook, and Twitter for second degree murder — acting with at least recklessness — and conspiracy to commit first degree murder, based, at least in part, on documents released by Senators Hawley and Grassley showing Mayorkas agreeing with Twitter to censor critical information on vaccines and masks.
This assumes a brave prosecutor will step up.
Once a conviction results in any jurisdiction, civil liability for fraud, wrongful death, and other torts will be easier to establish.
I am all for making criminals face legal proceedings, but, in my opinion, the civil angle is very important to get the ball rolling.
Agreed. Need to attack on both fronts simultaneously.
And the blamegame would begin as Google, Facebook and Twitter would cite Govt orders and the scuffle to cover up and blameshifting between HHS, CDC, FDA and Press Secretaries, VP and POTUS would be EPIC!
Better now than later (if ever).
That would be a sight to behold, wouldn't it? 😂
Why not get people to leave those platforms instead of try to persecute the platforms? I mean people keep using it. What does that say about them? When they rail about how naughty google is and facebook? Better to get even rather than get mad. This is why they mock us. Because peeps continue to use their system so that essentially states your consent.
That is exactly what I have been arguing for over the past 3-4 years when the big tech cartel started to act as a separate state without accountability. There were means to keep in touch before Faceborg and the like. Go back to them because it leaves the social media broken. However, the big tech cartel must be held accountable for its role in the horror.
Accountable how? This is their system. The court system is their syndicate. It's was about AI all the time. What do you propose to do to them? Believe me it's almost funny that you want to do something to them. If you want to screw them you play chess not tiddlywinks.
No, they need to be held responsible. They should fade away by non-use too, as you say. But, we must hold them responsible.
Well I bet you're still paying taxes. What about your accountability for that? You want to penalize them but not yourself. This is the real matrix, the filter that we think what they do is not part of our responsibility. It's so easy to say what must be done to others. This is like mob rule. There is no reason or discussion. Nobody acts like their sovereign. You still think you had no part to play in it? That's just delusion and reconciliation is soon to come because in reality, taking accountability raises our frequency. We are still at caveman level, just because we've got shoes and cell phones, our density is still like mob rule back in the days of the Colosseum.
I take responsibility for myself. Saw Facebook and Twitter taking power from the people many, many years ago. Haven't been on either of them in more than five or seven years, possibly longer. Got off Netflix too several years back. I CAN live without this stuff. Contemplating the tax thing, but what with the AR15s and all - probably should, like I do every year :)
Well kudos to you! We need some kind of coordinated effort because yeah, we are not as powerful on our own. We need to start experimenting with a currency that makes sense. First and foremost we need to talk about this. That's all we must do at this point otherwise it ends up being the same thing again, where a group imposes its will upon the whole. The fact that you've started and you're contemplating going further is heading in the right direction and that's what we have to do really, that's all.
What Annette wrote. Plus taking this issue to court might help set a precedent for free speech in the market place.
Pardon my fretfulness but you must understand that going to the courts will do nothing for anything except the bandits. This is what the courts are about darling. Please wise up.
Because the platforms are guilty and people died because they lied!!!
Guilty of lying? People lie all the time. Surely it makes more sense to be culpable if you believed the lies? I stood around during covid, in total dismay that everyone was believing what was obviously a hoax. Others did also. What we should be asking is why did people believe such an obvious hoax.
Circular firing squads... Dare we whisper of a dream ... ?
You want the members of the squad to kill other members of the squad?
Please note: I do NOT mean THE squad. They need lined up, too.
I value your humor but must we always degrade to killing? What about if we just left that out, surely there are a few squillion other ways we could deal?
I may not share your political opinions in general . I'm talking about the collapsing narrative around COVID and vaccinations, and the ensuing recriminations. Maybe they'll destroy each other like the gingham dog and the calico cat.
That keeps us in a state of mob rule. Why did you listen to these people? I didn't. Can't you tell when you're being scammed? That is something everyone needs to learn. That is one of the most important lessons. I'm wondering if they brought the mask "mandates" in again, would you wear it if everybody else was? The idea that someone that you don't even know can care about you the way your mother can is totally fallacious. And this is where we have to grow up now. Nobody is responsible for what goes into your body except for yourself. If we all understood this thoroughly, most of the world's problems would dissolve.
Dr. Hill - What about doctors themselves?
So only the people who fell for the propaganda are the only victims? How about all the major networks who also took money from the various drug companies and promoted the drugs and gene therapies? All the times they shouted down truth tellers and took away (and encouraged everyone else to do the same) their ability to provide for their families, provide proper care for patients etc.
No there needs to be a massive reckoning. Top, middle and bottom feeders. Fling open the doors, let the sunshine in and let the guilty rightly burn from exposed truth of their own actions and inactions.
They should be a subject of a completely separate discussion, significantly involving first amendment issues, but your question is a GREAT one
But it goes beyond even that - the universities, the school boards and parents being called terrorists by a federal law enforcement agency director who then lied about it, Chinese health pass cards everywhere - ALL PUT INTO PLACE BY UNELECTED AGENCY BUREAUCRATS! We can all go on and on. Who in God’s name do these people think they are?
When these hearings take place, and they must, they must be public - on camera - and we should push for the majority of them to be in the evening hours so all can watch and not continue to REMAIN in the dark. The world’s people, and especially those in the USA, must see why the spring cleaning is about to take place.
Most people don’t know about AZT. That, all by itself is a crime. We cannot let this happen again. The world must know all - like people learned about Naziism and Hitler in those days.
YEP. Absolutely agree. There is pent up demand for justice.
Actually people who deny the truth endanger all of us. They have taken us to the brink. They don't listen to their peers because they only listen to those "in authority" and that's actually the germ that needs pointing out.
No arguments from me Denise.
Both and!
Awesome work igor and simply presented so anyone can understand it with or without legal experience... Let's share on twi as there are pro freedom of choice lawyers on there :)
You're welcome.. Always a pleasure to read your writing :)
Agreed. I'm not sure on the compensation amount, but others have been compensated for $25,000 based on getting fired for their religious exemptions not getting accepted. These companies, as well as others, have censored and controlled the information and type of searching available. In addition to paying fines, which rich people can do easily, I say at a minimum, tack on community service. There are plenty of people that receive community service as a consequence. I would love to see the same for all people regardless of their status.
I am currently locked out of facebook, not because I have gone against their community guidelines, but because I have the ability to reach a lot of people. Those are the words from facebook and make no sense. I have never been put in facebook jail, but have been locked out for months. I do have many posts that talk about the shots and mandates. My posts are still viewable, but if I wanted to take down a post, or add to one, I cannot. I cannot access my own posts. Again, they are controlling the information available. I wrote to facebook asking why I am locked out, but have not received any answer.
Sorry to hear about it. They silence YOU to hurt other people
It's very sad. These companies feel that people are only entitled to one opinion ... theirs.
community service! I Love it. I have this image of Fauci spearing trash on the side of the highway...
While people swerve trying to hit him. I would hope that he's spry for his age.
Edit: removed unneeded word.
I've also been locked out for months!
Sorry it's discrimination, plain and simple.
Hi Igor and readers:
I am a medical journalist for TrialSite News. We have over 2 million monthly readers and growing. We are independently funded and have no entity dictating what we publish regarding the truths about vaccine injuries.
In fact we are well connect to many worldwide groups that are trying to support vaccine injured victims and advocates for medical freedom.
We are also launching our own social page so that vax victims can continue discussing their stories and get access to information about how to detox the spike protein. These groups have been shut down on FB so we’re giving them a home.
We are also participating in legal action on a few fronts against the government and social platforms we’ve been censored on as well.
Here is my latest story: “AZ Covid-19 Vaccine Victim Receives Lump Payment After Clotting Led to Leg Amputation”
Anyone who wants to share their story can contact me :
Follow me on Twitter (though I am censored of course) @aliciacecc
Also Truth Social @aliciacecc ( just got on there this month, not much activity yet)
Maybe maybe maybe in the US this could work. In Europe all judges are in the pocket of the governments, so they will never rule in favour of something like this. In the US I am not sure of this.
It is an interesting idea and it would set an amazing precedent too. Considering the fact that censorship is only going to increase the coming years.
Excellent points. What attorney wouldn't want to get a slice of that pie?
And what person, who previously denied their vaccine injuries, would not change their mind if they face a perspective of being COMPENSATED for such injuries?
OMG! Yes! What a thought! Igor, you are brilliant. My inbox is flooded with Substack publications, and I can never read them all ~ but yours are irresistible gems. Thank you for all you are doing!!
Same here. I’ve redirected most of my sub stack newsletters to a folder but I keep his straight to my inbox. would help them to NOT have to stay silent about their injuries ! And once they were recognized in huge numbers, the bullying of them might end. I have no experience with this as I recognized the SCAM from day one ! However I have deep sympathy for those that fell for it as it was pervasive propaganda on a monumental scale. Thank you for putting forth this excellent idea...your heart is in the right place Igor.
Right, suddenly they would be as sensitive to possible vaxx injuries as they were to possible COVID symptoms!
I've been waiting for attorneys to smell blood in the water. All it takes is the first bite, then the frenzy starts.
That's an interesting angle. I wonder what Jeff @ Coffee&Covid would opine on it.
Forward this to him.
Excellent idea. It is a way to bust the EUA liability shield. The mainstream media that gave out their version of misinformation should also be sued by the injured. The media that actively tried to suppress the truth and good doctors should have the highest judgements. These companies took billions to publish these false narratives.
EUA shield applies to Pfizer and Moderna, not Google and Facebook!
I think it was Event 201 that gamed all of this out. The end game was "we are at war with COVID, vaxxes best weapon, mistakes, heroes, etc."
IIRC, they did NOT game out protecting anyone other than big pharma. So this is an interesting angle, especially including the MSM. I also wonder if individual employers can be held responsible as well.
In any case, I wonder if those in power can pull a legal slight of hand and say something like "they were acting in accordance with the government; since the government can't be sued, they can't be sued." I know that is not legal, but we're in banana republic territory now.
EUA shield is pierced when liability occurs because of an intentional act. It's not a difficult case to make that Moderna and Pfizer knew exactly what those vaccines were doing to people.
This is not analogous to tobacco. It would be if the government had coerced, mandated and passed laws to dupe people into smoking, while at the same time passed laws to prevent anyone from suing those who went along with the program.. Also, you talk about vaccine injuries and that Google and Facebook "defrauded" - as in past tense. This is still ongoing and looks like "they" are doubling down. I still see examples of people being deplatformed. I also saw an article that said new vaccines are due out soon - and any holdouts that haven't gotten the original injections will need to get them first to be eligible. This is getting so weird and creepy, the idea anybody could get compensation from these people is a fantasy. They are going for broke (and boy, do I hope they GO broke!) This is a battle, for sure.