With all the "men" getting pregnant... You'd think that the numbers would be going up... Perhaps that's artificially buoyed that statistic... What would the numbers be at, without them? Down twice as much???
The elites using multi-pronged forced insanity to crush critical thinking. Actually, just "normal" thinking is eliminated via shame and fear vis-a-vis the not too innocent Political Correctness--helped by their useful idiots.
To be fair, since everything is stretchy now anyway I barely wore any maternity clothes with my baby born in December. It could be a factor. But we know births are unfortunately trending down.
The previous CEO of LuluLemon was purged (before I knew the term "Cancelled") for noting that the women I tastelessly describe as "LuluGrapefruit" should probably not wear those garments.
In a previous century there was a sign at the gym- "Spandex is a Privilege, Not a Right."
I’m pregnant with #3 right now and I don’t think I’ve bought any maternity clothes this go around. I hate them! I’d rather just wear looser style clothing
I agree. A lot of maternity clothes (eh, if I'm being honest a lot of clothing in general I see in the stores) make(s) me ask myself- who thought this was a good idea?
The toughest thing is I am hearing many other people flat out saying they dont want to be parents. The world has enough people. They do not want to bring a child into this world.
What would it look like if adjusted for the percentage of the US population that was NOT jabbed. The drop in fertility for the jabbed would be much higher. The 15% drop is being diluted by the unjabbed.
Maybe they don’t want to bring kids into a crappy world or neutralized by gender changing hormones. Apparently, a lot of young men find porn more attractive than woke women.
Or those computer games to create a virtual woman of your desire. You can change and creat a new woman every day. Size, hair and eye colour, clothing, anything you like! They won't be as mouthful as woke women :-P
Oh no Asian men do. I see a lot of advert of that kind here on the internet. Yes sick. Their faces look like a teenager's but with huge boobs..... Gross (to me).
It also seems as if the younger generation, especially women, are choosing one of the varieties of LGBTQ, so they don't have to actually live as their natural gender.
Yeah, and they get metal in their faces, tattoos on their neck, have multi colored hair, dress like lesbian hippies and make themselves even less attractive than they were back when the boys all rejected them. lol And I haven't seen a Hot Marxist possibly Lesbian since Sasha on Rocky & Bullwinkle. These days you can throw a rock and hit three fat ugly ones !!
That's a tricky area. No they don't necessarily follow their biological gender but come to think of it, from my experience of LGBTQ, some of them can be kind hearted and friendly. And at the same time, I've come across so many heterosexuals who are mean and aggressive. I suppose it depends on where you place your value.
They have put out the 2021 numbers. It just takes them forever. These show a 1% increase in births. I think this is mostly explained by people who delayed having a baby in 2020. Even with a lower fertility level, if more people are actively trying to conceive then more babies will probably result. Since the birth rate went down by 4% in 2020, the 2021 numbers are still 3% lower than in 2019. We'll get the provisional 2022 numbers in May. It used to be that the final numbers were out by August, but that can take longer now. It's frustrating. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr72/nvsr72-01.pdf
Wrong assumption. The sad reality is that a substantial number of men are men in name only. Absolute p#@$ies and they should have turned in their man cards before they reached 18. Japan is one messed up place.
Can I add a small group to that category? I've known a few females who had no partners and were not pregnant and yet they would buy baby clothing and look into maternity wear, bc they were desperately wanting to have children. They would def look up on the internet and search those items to fulfill their fantasy and desire.
I wonder if people are not only physically unable to conceive but also if they are losing sexual libido too bc of the jabs.
Australian parents seemed to have got into it during the lockdown, or maybe they were just bored at home, searching (no - births actually did go up), but the decline in 2022 is ferocious!
I was using an indicator of infant vaccine adverse events reported to the TGA as a decline in parental trust in vaccines, but it may well indicate decline in births.
I got the google search numbers for Australia. The decline in Australia is in the 30% zone (quarter on quarter), but even comparing the most recent 12 weeks of data with that a of year ago (when omicron went wild and 3rd shots were underway) the decline is a further 18%. A few factors involved, of course, but that's really big.
Here in Scotland they felt obliged to conduct an investigation into the rise in stillbirths. They eliminated covid, then decided they couldn't find any reasons. They declined to ask the mothers if they were 'vaccinated' because that would apparently have been upsetting. That's after insisting on asking people if they were 'vaccinated' to go to a concert. You couldn't make it up.
Sex was banned in the UK during lockdown for non-cohabitating couples. Of course it didn’t apply to government ministers or Imperial College professors
How clever! It works for the men, so why not use the same sauce for the goose? If a woman does poorly at women's sports, then identifying as a man, and entering men's sports will umm, oh wait, I guess that doesn't work after all.
It would work because the men would be so upset that their terrain had been trespassed by a female; men are used to being the top dogs, but what is the point of being the top dog when there is no status in beating out the other dog. Imagine the fan's anger when a 300 lb male football player tackles a 100 lb transexual quarterback, they will let her/him score. Nope, women really do control the roost. All those psychopathic male vaccinators still have to deal with women maybe that is why there is currently divorce among the billionaires.
Would a more direct measure of US live births be the consumption of diapers?
I suspect this statistic is available. Seasonality of sales would likely correlate to the spring baby boom as well, so an estimate of the rate of new births could be made each year.
I worry more that we are actually facing a kind of STD where vax that is in the gonads can be sexually transmitted to a partner or a child. If it is, then contamination will reach 100%. Sexual transmission of this sort in addition to vax could account for the persistently lowered birth rates.
(Edit - when I say ‘child’ above I mean ‘child resulting from sex between partners’
You would have to limit your data to the consumption of newborn and/or size 1 diapers. Diapers as an entire category can span years worth of children. NB and size 1 will keep the numbers to those who are under 14 pounds.
Hi I'm a data analyst, among other things, and I make reports for company execs and many others in the company. I work with company data. Most companies will only track sales by category (diapers, shirts, pants, baby shoes vs child shoes) not size of diapers or anything else. Executives only want a high-level view of the data to make high-level decisions. And if they had the data they wouldn't share it anyway as they don't want their competitors to get their hands on it. It is so competitive and secretive that we actually have contracts that say we cannot even say who our customers are, and we just print signs for them.
We even have one customer who provides an item for the US military where we print an instruction booklet for an item that's not even a weapon. But they don't want any technical data getting out at all. That's probably part of our customer's federal contract.
Oh! Another great way to depopulate and perhaps why the overlords were so gungho EVERYONE has to get it? Because they weren't aware / sure it would spread the other way?
Well, at least they didn’t have pictures of pregnant men on the google search!!! 🫃🫃🫃
Yeah what a relief
With all the "men" getting pregnant... You'd think that the numbers would be going up... Perhaps that's artificially buoyed that statistic... What would the numbers be at, without them? Down twice as much???
The elites using multi-pronged forced insanity to crush critical thinking. Actually, just "normal" thinking is eliminated via shame and fear vis-a-vis the not too innocent Political Correctness--helped by their useful idiots.
How can we tell how these birthing people identify, as they didn't provide pronouns ...?
I find it easier to just identify as non-bidenary.
I’m guessing that was an egregious oversight
Well, that makes things even worse now, if we take in account the "birthing men" :P...
I’ve seen lots of guys who look pregnant. But believe the Food Pyramid and beer are the the real “impregnators”.
Yes, thanks for that without this insanity 😂
What about all the "theys" who identify as pregnant???
F-them along with the men freezing tomato paste and then shoving it up their bums to simulate a period. Sick f-ing idiots!
Indeed, it's the little things which we need to relish in. lol
That was my first reaction as well.
To be fair, since everything is stretchy now anyway I barely wore any maternity clothes with my baby born in December. It could be a factor. But we know births are unfortunately trending down.
Yes Andrea ,I spent a half hour in Walmart the other day and I literally saw 100lbs of potatoes stuffed into a 5 lb bag!...if you know what I mean.
The previous CEO of LuluLemon was purged (before I knew the term "Cancelled") for noting that the women I tastelessly describe as "LuluGrapefruit" should probably not wear those garments.
In a previous century there was a sign at the gym- "Spandex is a Privilege, Not a Right."
She harvested the grapefruits of wrath?
Lol 😆
When I had my kids in the 90's, I just wore some baggy clothes and one big massive sundress.
Yes I’m all in on the boho style dresses right now
I’m pregnant with #3 right now and I don’t think I’ve bought any maternity clothes this go around. I hate them! I’d rather just wear looser style clothing
I agree. A lot of maternity clothes (eh, if I'm being honest a lot of clothing in general I see in the stores) make(s) me ask myself- who thought this was a good idea?
The toughest thing is I am hearing many other people flat out saying they dont want to be parents. The world has enough people. They do not want to bring a child into this world.
But BIRTHING PEOPLE clothing is selling like hotcakes!
What would it look like if adjusted for the percentage of the US population that was NOT jabbed. The drop in fertility for the jabbed would be much higher. The 15% drop is being diluted by the unjabbed.
good point
Maybe they don’t want to bring kids into a crappy world or neutralized by gender changing hormones. Apparently, a lot of young men find porn more attractive than woke women.
Heck, I find getting a cavity drilled more attractive than woke women.
How selfish and toxic. :)
Yes, I know. And yet I remain sane. Go figure.
Let's not forget the woke men. They're not attractive either. And it does take two to tango.
Sadly, not just woke women.
Sadly, I think you’re right.
Or those computer games to create a virtual woman of your desire. You can change and creat a new woman every day. Size, hair and eye colour, clothing, anything you like! They won't be as mouthful as woke women :-P
(That's what younger generations are doing)
Probably Children - sick
Oh no Asian men do. I see a lot of advert of that kind here on the internet. Yes sick. Their faces look like a teenager's but with huge boobs..... Gross (to me).
You seem very knowledgeable on this topic, ..... just saying. lol
Yup - pizza gate was real - it was just made ridiculous by the media to discredit it as per John Podestas and Hillary’s emails. Thanks Assange
It also seems as if the younger generation, especially women, are choosing one of the varieties of LGBTQ, so they don't have to actually live as their natural gender.
Yeah, and they get metal in their faces, tattoos on their neck, have multi colored hair, dress like lesbian hippies and make themselves even less attractive than they were back when the boys all rejected them. lol And I haven't seen a Hot Marxist possibly Lesbian since Sasha on Rocky & Bullwinkle. These days you can throw a rock and hit three fat ugly ones !!
R+B--now that was a show!
Homo hominis may be benefitted by the failure-to-reproduce of these sorts.
That's a tricky area. No they don't necessarily follow their biological gender but come to think of it, from my experience of LGBTQ, some of them can be kind hearted and friendly. And at the same time, I've come across so many heterosexuals who are mean and aggressive. I suppose it depends on where you place your value.
I simply meant that if they're non-heterosexual, they are not reproducing.
Unless, of course, they are purchasing babies, viz David and David Janet Rubin, Pete and Chasten Buttagieg
Thats right and the species dies out!?
Oh well I wish we were like anemone fish and can change sex in accordance with the environment. Then things will be different.
Bitter old queens are real - lol
The exact same thing can be said in the opposite. I suppose it depends on where you place your focus.
That's exactly how our consciousness expands (if you like) ;-)
Climate change and gas stoves for certain, I know for a fact the gas stoves are in use for the record setting gaslighting for the pas three years.
CDC hasn't reported birth rates since 2020. Not suspicious at all.
So, the CDC is not reporting birth rates to protect Pfi$er and Moderna? Is that it? Does Big Pharma own EVERY government agency?
They have put out the 2021 numbers. It just takes them forever. These show a 1% increase in births. I think this is mostly explained by people who delayed having a baby in 2020. Even with a lower fertility level, if more people are actively trying to conceive then more babies will probably result. Since the birth rate went down by 4% in 2020, the 2021 numbers are still 3% lower than in 2019. We'll get the provisional 2022 numbers in May. It used to be that the final numbers were out by August, but that can take longer now. It's frustrating. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr72/nvsr72-01.pdf
Importing rice farmers from other *gasp* Asian nations.
Japan is worried about their low birth rate (a record low). Also, the death rate is a record high.
I don't think Japan is quite worried enough to say "it's the vaxx." Unfortunately.
Hmm, that is the place that sells bras for men and it is a popular item. Not kidding. No wonder the Japanese women would rather run for the hills.
I assume the male requirement for bras is because they have gynaecomastia due to obesity or as a side effect of drugs rather than cross dressing.
Wrong assumption. The sad reality is that a substantial number of men are men in name only. Absolute p#@$ies and they should have turned in their man cards before they reached 18. Japan is one messed up place.
I’m afraid that they are not men to my way of thinking and so the whole news item is worthless as a point of information
Bwahahaha, Google, the masters of obfuscation, data hiding and cancelling, yet again forget about the Law of Unintended Consequences:
That their Trends Search can be used to uncover what they go to great lengths to cover.
Now you have published this, will you go back to see if these same results can be obtained? i.e. will Google fudge the results to hide the results?
It is worth doing a trends search on all the side effects. Eg Graves’ disease. Jumps significantly.
Can I add a small group to that category? I've known a few females who had no partners and were not pregnant and yet they would buy baby clothing and look into maternity wear, bc they were desperately wanting to have children. They would def look up on the internet and search those items to fulfill their fantasy and desire.
I wonder if people are not only physically unable to conceive but also if they are losing sexual libido too bc of the jabs.
Yes, this is a very good question.
That is a verrrry interesting question. Or are they losing the energy to pursue the desire?
Wow! Great indictor Igor!
Australian parents seemed to have got into it during the lockdown, or maybe they were just bored at home, searching (no - births actually did go up), but the decline in 2022 is ferocious!
I was using an indicator of infant vaccine adverse events reported to the TGA as a decline in parental trust in vaccines, but it may well indicate decline in births.
Yes, definitely two separate possibilities. I watched this trend for a year before writing about it, did not want to jump the gun
I got the google search numbers for Australia. The decline in Australia is in the 30% zone (quarter on quarter), but even comparing the most recent 12 weeks of data with that a of year ago (when omicron went wild and 3rd shots were underway) the decline is a further 18%. A few factors involved, of course, but that's really big.
"Pregnant" is a good word to use, if you screen out Rhianna turning up at the Superbowl.
It's great that you raised this topic, it's a pity of course that the media do not do this.
Here in Scotland they felt obliged to conduct an investigation into the rise in stillbirths. They eliminated covid, then decided they couldn't find any reasons. They declined to ask the mothers if they were 'vaccinated' because that would apparently have been upsetting. That's after insisting on asking people if they were 'vaccinated' to go to a concert. You couldn't make it up.
Considering today's young woke generation, it would be infants born to the infantile. Not an appealing prospect.
Sex was banned in the UK during lockdown for non-cohabitating couples. Of course it didn’t apply to government ministers or Imperial College professors
Uh, that it is so stupid and absurd that I have no words for it. What in the world happened to the UK?
Indeed, the modern-day Pharisees like Hatt Mancock and Neil "Professor Pantsdown" Ferguson sure did a lot of "social mistressing".
The women are having their uterus removed and they’re taking testosterone so they can compete in men’s sports
How clever! It works for the men, so why not use the same sauce for the goose? If a woman does poorly at women's sports, then identifying as a man, and entering men's sports will umm, oh wait, I guess that doesn't work after all.
It would work because the men would be so upset that their terrain had been trespassed by a female; men are used to being the top dogs, but what is the point of being the top dog when there is no status in beating out the other dog. Imagine the fan's anger when a 300 lb male football player tackles a 100 lb transexual quarterback, they will let her/him score. Nope, women really do control the roost. All those psychopathic male vaccinators still have to deal with women maybe that is why there is currently divorce among the billionaires.
Well at least they aren't taking titles, scholarships, and money from men, like the cross-dressing penises do to females in women's sports.
Women actually are smarter than men so they don't need to take anything, their blood stays in their brains, if you know what I mean.
Would a more direct measure of US live births be the consumption of diapers?
I suspect this statistic is available. Seasonality of sales would likely correlate to the spring baby boom as well, so an estimate of the rate of new births could be made each year.
I worry more that we are actually facing a kind of STD where vax that is in the gonads can be sexually transmitted to a partner or a child. If it is, then contamination will reach 100%. Sexual transmission of this sort in addition to vax could account for the persistently lowered birth rates.
(Edit - when I say ‘child’ above I mean ‘child resulting from sex between partners’
You would have to limit your data to the consumption of newborn and/or size 1 diapers. Diapers as an entire category can span years worth of children. NB and size 1 will keep the numbers to those who are under 14 pounds.
Do you know how to find such data?
Hi I'm a data analyst, among other things, and I make reports for company execs and many others in the company. I work with company data. Most companies will only track sales by category (diapers, shirts, pants, baby shoes vs child shoes) not size of diapers or anything else. Executives only want a high-level view of the data to make high-level decisions. And if they had the data they wouldn't share it anyway as they don't want their competitors to get their hands on it. It is so competitive and secretive that we actually have contracts that say we cannot even say who our customers are, and we just print signs for them.
We even have one customer who provides an item for the US military where we print an instruction booklet for an item that's not even a weapon. But they don't want any technical data getting out at all. That's probably part of our customer's federal contract.
No, unfortunately. I just know how many sizes of diapers there are and how long some kids wear them.
> I worry more that we are actually facing a kind of STD where vax that is in the gonads can be sexually transmitted to a partner
Yes. There's a study on this. I think it was just one couple though. They pass on the spike protein to the partner.
Oh! Another great way to depopulate and perhaps why the overlords were so gungho EVERYONE has to get it? Because they weren't aware / sure it would spread the other way?
We'll just market the excess maternity clothing to the obese. --Amazon