Happy New Year! How Did Past Year's Predictions Work Out?
Make your NEW Predictions for 2024 - winners will be announced!
Happy New Year, dear readers! Be healthy and happy in 2024. I hope you will continue to be interested in the things that keep us together.
I want to thank each of you - all paid and unpaid subscribers - for your amazing company. My online posts add meaning to my life - but only because of you, and I am immensely grateful for that. In addition, we owe gratitude to our paid subscribers, whose money allows me to purchase paid scientific articles, Rasmussen polls, and other things. So, let’s say THANK YOU to them.
Last year, I asked everyone to make a PREDICTION for 2023.
There were 810 comments. I just scrolled through all of them. A few stood out:
Most other predictions involved extreme doom and gloom; fortunately, that did not happen in 2023. While births remained depressed and mortality was elevated, nothing worse than 2022 transpired. No Covid criminals were arrested, and no big lawsuits are yet close to succeeding.
If I missed anything, let me know!
Make Your New Predictions
What do you think will happen next year, in 2024?
Please comment and leave your predictions for us to review in a year! They will NOT be forgotten and will be looked at a year from now.
Happy New Year!
Seems to me the best 2024 predictions would reference:
1) so-called exercises and exhortations of the globohomo khazarian money mafia and their NGOs/orgs. WEF/Blackrock/UScorps/BillMelindaGatesFOundation events, ie "disease X", "cyber attack" and "warmest year ever" [climate change is real due to the SUN/GALAXY not due to burgers and hybrids], "DEI" (DIE, whitey!), the UN 2030 ghouls, WHO global dissident jailing treaty, and so on.
2) the major "events" and vocabulary of 2023 and prior years (the 3 bankster landgrabs: maui DEW "wildfires" to kick native people off the land, gaza genocide for dubai2 yizraeli edition + suez canal 2 + more natural gas (search "genie" energy company), and that other genocide in one of the central asian 'stans; the ongoing covid charade military depop & draconian social control operation; transNATO keeps expanding into Russia's sphere; more sports-as-religion excitement across every sport; more DIE[DEI] propaganda brainwashing movies; old people kept dying to "save" social security, pensions, and retirement accounts so the banksters who created these ponzi schemes can avoid all responsibility for not keeping their end of the bargain; more famous people die; more "crazy weather" and geological events- iceland volcano, big quakes)
3) "protocols of the elders of zion"; the illuminati board game cards; simpsons, 1984/brave new world, bible:revelation, alexjones/davidicke controlled opposition mouthpieces, etc. (If jones is the "most banned man in the world" why is his site on cloudflare?)
4) search for Jason Christoff to learn more about mind control - the kind we've experienced for the past 200 years: https://courses.jchristoff.com/blog/top-supplements-to-detox-the-jab
5) check out https://moneycircus.substack.com/ - GREAT investigative journalist w/ global holistic view
2024 Overview:
More of the same garbage globally: daily, weekly, monthly distractions of fake reality tv & news, fake "meat" made from bugs, plastics, veg/seed oils and plants, fake boobs, fake crises, wars, disruptions, tensions, more poison & pharma fraud.
Mostly, more inversion and Clown World. (good is evil and evil is good: trans-baphomet=God, fake food=real food, fake medicine=real medicine, fake news, fake politicians, fake governments...)
ALL the above intended to poison bodies/minds/spirits/souls and cause FEAR and COMPLIANCE in the 99%, and distract us from the 1%'s dastardly deeds (covid democide, ongoing genocide(s), eating people's savings via private central bank inflation, passing more anti-human laws, increasing anti-human technology and social structuring)
2024 Specifics with [[SOLUTIONS INCLUDED]]
- brics stronger, "white" nations intentionally weakened thru no borders, garbage "education", trash tv/music/movies (although some new "trad" material is being created lately to keep people addicted to bread-and-circus, and to not think amongst ourselves, and organize against the 1% or moreso FOR OURSELVES) - all led by zionist NGOs and zionist Pedowood [[open a GAB account to discuss]]
- more awareness of who runs the world (satan, zionists & fellow frens) [[see: GAB]]
- more poison-as-medicine for all: shots, GMOs, fake food [[GROW+COOK YOUR OWN FOOD, AVOID people with fancy titles in white butcher coats unless you have a broken leg or bullet wound, USE herbal & chinese/ayurvedic remedies, BUY FARMLAND]]
- more died suddenly, more disabled, more VAIDS (from the GMO jabs) - watch steve kirsch, malone, stand up for health freedom, FLCCC, etc for the word [[visit www.StopTheWho.com ]]
- "cyber polygon" cyber pentagon cyber kabbalah kube - continued banking/commercial consolidation thru staged market crashes / digital money to track/control us, marketed as "convenient" such as credit/debit cards [[USE CASH, BUY REAL ASSETS like land/bullets/seeds/real estate/businesses, NOT FAKE CRYPTO ASSETS or so-called iraqi dinar "worth a trillion doll hairs"]]
- more DIE/DEI (open season on "white" European-Americans, traditional FAMILIES as a source of power, knowledge, safety- at least those families w/o toxic internal abuse, "Christian nationalism", and wholesomeness) [[watch out for your tribe]]
- in America, another summer of "mostly peaceful protest" riots and destruction paid for by globohomos Blakrok, Soros & DNC/RINO & Co. - problem/solution
- more war to support the War Industrial Complex- problem/solution [[turn off TV]]
- more poison to support the Medical Industrial Complex- problem/solution [[turn off TV]]
- continued/increased general awareness and fewer covid NPC zombies - but still way too many [[speak truth]]
- more clampdowns on Free Speech in the name of "hate" speech and "antisemitism" [[use substack, gab, bitchute, rumble, paper newsletters, bumper stickers, huge signs on freeways, comedy, derision, MOCK THE 1%, etc]]
- deRothschild-bankster ordained covid/DIE/climate campaigns causing more fear (doors falling off Alaska Airlines plane mid-flight, clot shot pilots, subway & elevator shutdowns in summertime, more drugfull "homeless") via diversity hires, covid shot injuries, fentanyl imports and opioid prescriptions, weather weirding
- Mel Gibon distributes his movie about the Rothschilds without dying! Occupy Rothschild, the 0.00001%! (the one private banking family behind every major central bank in the world, funding every war since 1800, funded both nazi/bolshevik parties in ww2, founded 1948 israel, behind blackrawk/ vanguard/ statestreet - ie, DEI, they think they are God)... RS are basically "SPECTRE" of Bond fame, co-founders and proponents of freemasonry/satanism/mammon/lucifer/illuminati... ALL THE SHIT.
- Trump/Uniparty wins or NewsomBama/Uniparty "wins" - the Uniparty wins! (brought to you by pfizer, 666, rothschits)
- More red & pink color aurora borealis at lower latitudes as the planet's magnetic shield continues weakening (due to sun/galactic forcing which is causing climate change on ALL NINE planets not just ours. keep driving your gas car buddy!)
Basically, pick any year 2021-2023, BUT WORSE EACH YEAR from here on out. (at least for the US and other "Anglo" or formerly 1st World countries)
1960s-70s America seemed humanity's best material standard of living and more importantly maximum FREEDOM in many ways. The totalitarian state hadn't fully developed here yet like in USSR/China/etc. But the bones were certainly there after 1913.
If you watch standup comedy on netflix in different countries, you'll notice the overall energy of the audience is VASTLY different.
Rahul Talks to People - India based comedy show. That nation's economy continues growing massively due to tech jobs & high emphasis on education. The comedian and audience are very upbeat, happy, naive, young, book educated. A billion people raised from the poverty and basic life in the mud. Still fairly traditional - for now. Just wait until Pedowood has its way in Bombay.
Various US comedians - the nation's economy has been dwindling for 40+ years. Outsourcing the industrial blue-collar job base. Shrinking wage purchasing power. Increasing social ills all around. Most of the comdey shows are a bit dim, jaded, the energy is sad and tired.
I haven't seen any european or chinese or african comedy so not sure what the general feel is, but i'm pretty sure europe is sucking wind, chinese are vaguely happy as a country compared to US/CAN/LATAM/EU, and Africa is mostly peaches and cream, aside from major power/international finance interference.
That predictions made by Douglas Vogt, from the Diehold Foundation will come true. View the website or watch on you tube
Here is a taster.
I’ve been searching for a reason for the madness, I think this is it