I always wonder about these Dr. Evil types like Gates.

He doesn't need money. He could never spend the money he already has.

To what end? Why does he do this stuff? Is it just using a magnifying glass on ants at this point? Just the sick pleasure of moving chess pieces around?

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He’s a megalomaniacal eugenicist who thinks he’s saving the world from the vermin while acquiring godlike powers in the process.

This documentary is a good place to start if you want to understand more:


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Probably that, or simply the distorted mind after decades of sunshine getting blown up his skirt, believing his own hype and thinking he really is the best at everything, and he can save the world. Not realiJng there are hurdles for a reason, usually to spare us from narcissists like him.

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When these kinds of people present themselves in my life, creating clouds of confusion, I always step back and remind myself that I need not understand them. For to understand is to enter into their insanity with them.

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I think it's the same thing that happened to Howard Hughes: rich, untouchable, and surrounded by people who earn their pay by saying "Yes, what a great idea, only you could have thought of that!".

Trouble is, Gates doesn't get ideas like starting a war on Cuba or building a honking huge airplane, or living with Bubbles in Neverland or thinking JarJar Binks is a great idea.

He's simply so detached that he can't realise that what he is doing is evil. It's for the Greater Good, so any sacrifice - meaning he thinks it a sacrifice when in reality it is murder and oppression - will be worth it in the end, and if people would only listen and comply, my what a wonderful world we would have.

Stalin was less dangerous, because he was a realist pragmatic, not an idealist, and Gates et consortes may very well end up having orchestrated far more deaths than Stalin, or even Mao. I know Hitler gets top billing, but compared to those two he was a rank amateur: however, he as Gates was driven by a vision and a mission.

And few things are as dangerous as visionaries, because they no longer see people as humans, just people as a collective to be hand led, hand held or handled.

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Nailed it.

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Thank you. If only he could have gone the path of ancient rulers when they went whackadoodle in the head.

Like declaring war on the ocean or something like that.

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I've repeatedly asked that same question, Sage Hana. None of it makes sense to me, either 🤷‍♀️.

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I guess they just run out of stuff to do, get bored, and start thinking, "Hmmm...wonder if we could kill a bunch of people with an aerosolized vaccine spray of death? Let's try it!"

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Like other addictions, they make no sense to those not driven to the same. Their brains are “broken” in pretty much the same ways. Not mocking or being derisive. Just seems that way to me.

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It's more looking like the depopulation thing is at least part of this plan. I didn't believe there could be enough support to make it happen. A handful of psychopaths might want to, but can they actually pull it off? Mass formation explains that ... Monica Hughes wrote a good, long, article about all this - https://themariachiyears.substack.com/p/covid-vaccines-as-the-aschen-agenda?s=r / also, psychopaths - https://reportingforbeauty.substack.com/p/ourpsychopathproblem?s=r And, narcissists, often the flying monkeys and the media and academic "experts" who enable the horrors - https://maggierusso.substack.com/ :(

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Any history of dousing puppies? ⛽️ 🔥

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his parents must have told him to reduce the human population, that's what he is doing.

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His father's life's work—a bona fide eugenicist.

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Sorry, but you clearly don't understand Bill's motivation. It is, and always was about depopulation. He made that clear many years ago in various dropped hints. Do some research!!

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😡🔎🐜 Depravity. https://youtu.be/ztVhHgbNGxQ

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Watch the movie — trading places. If you throw in faux Xi into the mix, then consider ‘eyes wide shut’. The answers lie in the beginning of both movies.

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Nature has a way of regulating population size. When there is equilibrium, mortality equals birth rate and population remains constant. Other animals have a complex interaction with nature where predation and food availability regulates population size. Humans have learned to outsmart nature, reaping the benefits of fossil fuels to power their survival, causing sheer infinite population growth. Thus, exclusively for the too smart social species, nature provides another mechanism to limit population growth in the form of organized satanism. It is using our brains against us. Gates is nature's proxy for controlling the human population, propelling him to god like status. Can you imagine the rush of satanic power one would feel in the act of decimating the human population? It sure beats anything else money can buy including sex.

Does that answer your question?

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Technically, the population is supposed to stop growing by the end of the century:


This report was from before the “intervention,” however, so it has already started dropping rapidly and will likely continue doing so in the coming years. Of course, this is all according to plan as the elites didn’t want the resources to be depleted by the excess plebes, and now they have more for their greedy selves.

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You mean there have never been any wars ever until recently?

The intervention started in prehistoric times. Satanism has been providing us with:

- phtalates in our environment that already reduced sperm count with 60%

- GMO corn, reducing fertility.

- Junk food and toxins in our food chain causing cancers and a myrad of other disease.

- Wars

- Famine (developing world)

- Economic destruction.

- Child sacrifice (just read the bible on that one)

- Organized sexual confusion and destruction of family values.

- Numbing the masses with an endless stream of junk on a screen.

- Corrupting healthcare with drugs and treatments that may help for one thing but often causing other health issues.

- Opioid and other addictions.

- etc.

They have been at it for thousands of years, probably since the dawn of mankind. What is different now, they have let it slide a bit for a few centuries in order to develop the technology to step it up big today. Supposedly, in the future decimated world, conventional wars would end and population will be regulated with vaccines, enforced with the help of A.I., 5G and crypto.

Satanism is the art of war, by any means necessary and wars are depopulation games. Wars are not just fought with things that explode.

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Fair enough, but as far as I know, this is the first time in history a bioweapon has been deployed indiscriminately in a globally orchestrated democide campaign in which the majority of the population voluntarily participated (“voluntarily” being debatable given the coercion factor).

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There was the Spanish flu pandemic that occurred just after mass vaccination against meningitis. It was perpetrated by Dr Gates and the Rockefeller Institute. Really I kid you not. Then we were told pandemics would repeat roughly every 100 years and so it did.


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Gates is not "nature's proxy for controlling human population". He was never tasked with decisions that belong to God alone. In his own demonic mind, perhaps, but not beyond it.

Biblical prophecy is playing out(all of which issues from God), not vagaries of the inscrutable sum of elements fondly referred to as "nature".

The Bible books of Daniel and Revelation address events with startling specificity.

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First thing I thought when I read the 1st paragraph was, "This is to fix the HIV from the c-19 jabs." --- Did anyone else think something like that?

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To be honest, I also thought that there could be a relationship, but it seemed to be totally speculative and unfounded, so I decided not to confuse people. But it is definitely something to look into in search of evidence.

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I was heading down the parallel route, "Ahh, so this is why they used the HIV particle to bind the COVID 'vaccine'".

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Nothing would surprise me at this point

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Absolutely 👊

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Yep, first thing to come to mind indeed. Maybe even engineer a gene editing mRNA that removes/attenuates the DNA modification triggered by HIV or the covid vaccines.

They created the problem and will now kindly suggest a solution.

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I did, yes.

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"The study excludes people with history of myocarditis. Why? I thought that mRNA injections are safe and effective? Why the need to focus on myocarditis?"

How else are they going to tell if the injection successfully induces myocarditis if they don't screen out the pre-existing cases?

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the names pharma cartels are giving for their new mRNA concoctions seem to be related to the encoded length of the protein, for example ModE-RNA mod mRNA-1273 for the Spike code at:


The HIV gp160 cleaved into gp120+gp41 has only 856 residues in total:


thus it is not clear what else on earth are they attaching there.. Just wished to know their final goal in terms of the 'final humanOID genome'...

If I could ever meet Gates face to face, the only sentence he would hear would be: Burn in hell.

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Another "preventive" measure like Gardasil the biggest cash cow PR fraud before COVID jabs. It targets a few HPV strains that don't become carcinogenic and was developed for cervical cancer but now it's sold as cancer protection for boys too. Check out the clinical trial numbers for an idea where the safe and effective bar is set. Fun deja vu side story of Texas Gov Rick Perry 2007 mandating Gardasil jabs for public schools.. grrrr so much evil by so many. :~(

Toxic Trial Numbers


Houston News of Perry mandate


Five Eyes Roll Out - Mandate proposals by state from 2007



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Yup, the Rick Perry thing was pure corruption at it's finest. IIRC Perry's former chief of staff had financial connections to Merck and he pushed Perry to add Gardasil to the Texas required shots for school list. Perry being corrupt and/or an empty suit dupe (not sure which myself) tried to add it by executive action. The legislature threw a fit.

Pharma's tentacles are deep unfortunately. Articles like this one are really helpful in understanding what's coming and what they have planned for us. People are waking up, but the fact that 2/3's of Americans took the Covid jab shows how much work needs to be done. The good news is that 1/3 didn't despite nearly constant propaganda and punitive measures.

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Bravo, very few know or remember, nice recall! :~)

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Thanks. The reason the whole thing stunk so bad was not only the executive action but that Gardasil allegedly protects against something that isn't spread by casual contact. The entire justification for school shot mandates is to prevent the spread of communicable diseases in a crowded setting. Gardasil could be the greatest vaccine ever made (it's actually awful), but unless it protects against the casual spread of severe disease, school mandates cannot be justified under any circumstances. It's up to the parents.

I liked Perry before this debacle but he really showed his true colors on this one. Texas has a long history of medical corruption, look into the Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP) for some really eye-opening stuff.

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Unfortunately when we see a politician who seems decent it's because we haven't learned where their profit priorities are yet!

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At the primary debate later, Rick said he regretted his decision and should have worked with the legislature. Yeah only because he was being roasted by potential voters.


On the plus side, Michele Bachman on the same clip says "To have innocent little 12 year old girls be forced to have a government injection through an executive order is just flat out wrong. That should never be done. That's a violation of a liberty interest."

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fab find tyvm! :~)

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If the mRNA vaccine being tested produces antibodies to the virus, and current HIV tests screen for antibodies, then will there be a need for a new test? Otherwise, test subjects will show up as HIV positive. Do I have that right? I guess it's fortunate that they will probably only produce vaccine-induced antibodies for a short duration. Otherwise the treatment group would test positive repeatedly.

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You do have that right, one Australian covid vaccine triggered positive HIV tests and had to be abandoned.

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There are already other methods of testing for "HIV+"

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My uninformed opinion/speculation:

They’re gonna use this in response to VAIDS. Either to cover its existence entirely (think Obi Wan waving his hand Jedi style), or to treat the jab-injured (surely they’ll call it an unknown effect of COVID that takes years to manifest - but it’ll be like 90+% correlated to the jabbed).

**this is how rumors get started**

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Great article Igor, as always, well written, researched, concise up to the point. Everytime you write its like real thinking has come back to "News"

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Ah thank you so much

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Well said. I love reading intelligent texts too.

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Hard pass.

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Nope. This will be in the vax passport. Hiv jab or no job.

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HIV is almost certainly not the cause of AIDS, at least not the sole cause. Montagnier and Gallo themselves have both admitted this. Robert Kennedy's recent book on Fauci, which I've finally managed to get hold of, gives a good discussion of the origins of the HIV/AIDS fraud which has Fauci's name all over it. I expect this vaccine will be used to depopulate Africa, whose people are perhaps more afraid of "AIDS" than they were of catching a cold so take up of the shots will be higher. It will "work", but not in the way advertised.

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I have been thinking about it last night writing this article.

I am sorry, I am a slow thinker.

I realized, writing it and thinking about HIV and how it works, that yes, it is possible that an HIV infection needs a "trigger" to overcome resistance of our immune system and anti-HIV neutralizing antibodies.

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Interestingly though, RFK Jr. states that he, himself, does think that HIV figures in the cause of AIDS. But he doesn't give him reasons for thinking that.

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Yes, I thought that seemed to fly in the face of most of the rest of the information he presented. Perhaps it was to avoid being stuck with the "denier" label? He's got enough to cope with being one of the world's foremost "anti-vaxxers"...

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I agree. He made a strong case for the Duesberg thesis, and then said "but I don't agree" without one single reason of support for that statement. Probably political. I started Duesberg's book once and I have it in CD form as well. I haven't gotten around to reading or listening to it yet but knowing that Gallo and Fauci profited the most from that disease and what Fauci has done since makes me question everything stated about AIDS. Nancy Turner Banks wrote "AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire" which really anticipated so much of what is happening now. She subscribed to the Duesberg view as well of AIDS. Her case was a strong one for the African version, in my opinion, but I have a tough time reconciling that syndrome picture in developed countries with just life style choices as causing the compromised immune system. Maybe there is another cause that has been entirely overlooked, in part because HIV was erroneously settled on as a cause?

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Could be a number of things and not necessarily the same cause in all cases. Fauci shutting down the debate is the root of problem. The scientific process was curtailed prematurely and NIH sent everyone off in one direction to the exclusion of all others. He's got a lot to answer for that guy.

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Whatever happened to the doomsday predictions in the late 1980's (the start of AIDS) that everyone including young heterosexuals will die of this?? Nada, Fear-mongering # 101; Covid #102.

As stated by others, there are serious doubts as to HIV=AIDS, see Professor Peter Duesberg"s work.

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'Nevertheless, with a pandemic of an airborne, highly contagious, widespread respiratory virus like Covid-19'

Why do you think the above statements are true?

Virologists never isolate any virus particles from an infected host they only ever 'isolate' their claimed virus from a cell culture, where in reality the claimed virus particles are indistinguishable from cell debris that occurs as the cells in the cell culture die and break down.

Virologists have never been able to properly isolate (as in separate from all other things) those particles they claim as being disease causing viruses and use them to cause the same disease when passed to a previously unifected host.

It appears to me that virology is a highly lucrative science but not a science that is in any way grounded in reality.

Exploring The Fallacious Foundation Of Virology w/ Drs. Cowan, Kaufman & Lanka (Virology On Trial)


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Cue the headlines: "Children test positive with HIV", and "Child dies of AIDS!", followed by a chorus of, "Why won't FDA approve HIV vaccine for children?"

Viruses/diseases like HIV/AIDS and SARS/COVID can not be safely vaccinated against, and this is not a limitation of vaccine technology; it's a limitation of our understanding of immunobiology. Not only do these new technologies not address the underlying immunobiological problems, nor do they pretend to, they introduce new problems. In addition to the known unknowns of traditional vaccine development, they add a long list of unknown unknowns. It's practice completely in the absence of sound theory, and completely antithetical to sound theory.

Two must-watch clips of Fauci, before he actively started trying to kill everyone -

“That alone, if it works perfectly, is going to take a decade.” - Anthony Fauci, 2019


Fauci describes vaccine failure - 20 March 2020


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Oh great. Now they will give this to babies that are hours ok'd like they do with the hepatitis shot in the hospital. Can't these psychos find a different way to make money.

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Eugenics is the word. No babies, no one needs any of these shots.

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Another great article! Thank you Igor, will share it with my subscribers. These demons are working on multiple fronts. The have developed a PCR test for Marburg in 2018 and also a vax platform : “ Single-vial vaccine platform demonstrates high antibody levels against three lethal viruses”.


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“the primary investigator William Schief“. Lol! I encourage all to look up the translation of this last name from German. Isn’t that a portending coincidence or what?

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