Dear Readers: I wrote this article with the intent to appeal to vaccinated people who are NOT vaccine skeptics.

I am using this post to try to find "common ground", which we have, because we all want to be healthy and happy.

So please share it with your vaccinated friends, if you have such, and see what they think.

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Forest vs trees... Igor, I feel that your work in general is outstanding, so I hope this critique is not generalized... only for this specific article. Of course I could be wrong or astray in my feedback, so let me know if so.

I surmise that your main goal here is to propose solutions to covid (and future pandemics), and secondly to engage vaccinated people as well, who mostly don't read your substack. In both cases, it is crucial to step back and see the big picture, before diving into the details.

Regarding the proposed solutions, I largely agree with them. The problem is that none of them will ever occur in the environment we currently have, whereby the people who decide what happens... the authorities, are not interested in solutions that we are... health. They are interested in other things, which have been mentioned by several commenters. Actually you also have mentioned this point... eg "CDC is nothing but an ad agency for Pfizer and Moderna." But this corruption can happen only with the support of the government in general. Hence Edwin makes a good summary here... https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/health-authorities-are-the-biggest/comment/6023062 .

Regarding vaccinated people, I doubt that many vaccinated people will care about this article, unfortunately. The main problem with the vaccinated people is not so much that they erred in their analysis of data. It's more because they mistakenly thought they can trust the authorities. So as long as they still trust authorities, which most of them do, no amount of data and analysis will change their minds because "what do you know?"

So these two points are what we have to solve, which is much harder than the details.

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I have very little illusion regarding the people leading our "health response". Their actions go far beyond mere negligence and recklessness. But they need to go first and THEN we can investigate them.

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I fully expect that should Senate control change, Sen Johnson will compel testimony. I suspect that some officials will chose resignation about that time.

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And then get hired by pharmaceutical companies with high salaries. 🙄

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Resignation is really not good enough - much much more needs to be taken into account. Ankle bracelets for the time being will suffice until trial time

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Not likely, but understand the sentiment.

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In my personal experience with shotted people, they literally have no reason for getting the clot shot. They weren't duped by media or fauci or their doctor, they did it for no reason. I have asked them over and over why they got the shot and I get a blank stare or a shrug.

It's human nature to do things for no reason I guess. Critical thinking has always been rare in the human species.

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They probably give you a blank stare because they just can't understand why anyone would not want to have the "life saving wonder prophylactic" injected into their bodies. These people are very heavily invested in this "wonder" because they already have it in their bodies and most won't ever want to know about the reality of what they have done. Igor has an uphill battle here, but I'm not saying he shouldn't try.

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How does one make the emperor know he has no clothes without insult. No effectiveness l say like taking a,2 year old flu shot it is expired.

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I used religiously to take the annual flu shots because I trusted the authorities.

Covid vaccines were different because at first the authorities pushed them with only an emergency use authorization. That difference made me hesitate until the vaccines got final approval. That difference made me pay a lot more attention to news about these new so-called vaccines. By the time they got final approval, it was apparent that the process had been short-term circuited, and news had started to appear about injuries from the new vaccines. So I still declined the covid vaccines.

And in the process I lost all faith in the authorities. So this year I have not taken the flu vaccine, and I never will in the future.

So people who have had faith in the authorities can be persuaded not to have it.

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Good for you! Flu vaccine is a total scam and it does not even work.

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As a biochemist I too was skeptical of the rapid implementation. I took heat from relatives and some neighbors. Today I am not sure what these people believe about their Vac choice and afraid to ask them. my 2 adult kids took the shots without asking my opinion but they did it before I learned about all the injuries. I cry thinking about the infants, kids and innocents who are or will have repercussions.

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They got it because they were scared to death ! They would never think our government would hurt them. Their doctors told them to get it . That's as far as their thinking went- they questioned nothing. Myself and my BFF are only 2 out of 100 of our friends who would not get jabbed, we questioned and we read and thought this out and yes , the government scared me/us to death with all of their propaganda. We are old and high risk, I'm glad we held out, but we also know that we have taken a risk.

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Teresa, if it smells off, chances are it is.

You may be one of the last survivors amongst your family and freinds, thats just the ugly truth.

Years of conditioning by govts and medical mafia have made people never suspect a bait and switch for normal vaccine for a whole of body internal DNA-based "hand grenade" going off inside them.

Stupidity is self limiting, in that the stupid will die off first and in great numbers. I'm all for personal choice, but this gene therapy shot ( which has near identical symptoms to snake venom poisoning, coz it likely is... see Dr Brian Ardis analysis on naturalnews.com ) is a form of hari kiri without a rope or gun. Sad but true. I too copped a huge amount of heat, al lot from my liberal younger sister as well, but held out. Glad I did. Never could shake the "this dont smell right" vibe.

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Am with you on that - 2 out of 7 siblings - my brother and self in our 60’s - sisters all older - all afraid - watched news constantly - me once when I saw gross advertisement on kids visiting grandparents and then they end up in hospital with COVId - tubes of blood dripping - I thought what the hell was the purpose of that AD except to scare everyone - sponsored also by our 🇨🇦 government - last time I watched news and TV and said they are nuts

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My husband and I are the only ones out of our family and friends who did not get the shot. It’s a strange feeling.

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Chances are you may be the sole survivors, get ready for that grim reality.

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You nailed it-- " As long as they still trust authorities, no amount of data & analysis will change their minds. What do you know?" Until they see the corruption that spawned this, govt agencies, leaders, etc.. I don't think their minds will change. Not in my family it won't. They've been conditioned over the past 25-30 yrs to trust their Drs, get their yearly flu/pneumonia shots, & trust the FDA, CDC guidelines. Nothing I've shown them has registered. If anything, it made them run out last week & get their 4th shot..😪

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Apr 17, 2022
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Exactly , day in and day out the ugliness is in our faces so I chose to turn away from it and focus on what I can have a positive impact on - make your choice and live with it, do no research to form a choice is also a choice, people need to be responsible for their own choices at this stage of the game. Focus on helping others, giving, laughing and compassion - am done with greed

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Apr 13, 2022
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I disagree… vac’d and unwanted and not happy. Many of us here. I’m aware! Many are

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Apr 17, 2022
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Do we actually believe most are vax’d? Can we even believe that? Corruption has over taken every single aspect of life and whether vaxed or not - we need a mass removal of every single person at the head of every media corporation, health organization ( WHO) and political position involved with DAVOS/Schaub and Harari - these “things” are not humane

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There unfortunately cannot be common ground with people who gleefully inject experimental garbage into their bodies. They cannot be reasoned with.

Sharing this article with them will only cause them to lash out in anger.

The video of 40% increases in cardiac emergencies will result in them screaming 'conspiracy theory - conspiracy theory - f789 off anti-vaxxer!!!!'

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and their children’s bodies...

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I think SiDS was probably associated with increased infant vax schedule in the US.

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I’m assuming every childhood medical situation is caused by vaccines!

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Thanks, Igor - good post. I am also currently actively seeking to find common ground on these issues. I think there is a chance to do so, as some of the vaccinated must now realise that the vaccination programme has failed in its primary goal (prevention of infection). I doubt they are aware of any of the other failures (with one possible exception - growing awareness of adverse events, through AEs in family, friends and acquaintances).

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My whole family is vaccinated except me. I got Covid in October (or whatever it was) it last three days, I follow the protocol, D, C, zinc, tonic water, and got over it in about nine days. Last week I got something same protocol As above, four days gone. So there’s a cold going around to obviously. They’ve all gotten it 3 or 4 times…bad.

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Great Igor, I really like it for that reason. It outlines things we can agree on. 👍🏽

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I reluctantly got my shot because of work regulations in September 2021. I was very hesitant to get it. I still have regrets of doing it and I would not recommend anyone else to do it. All of my family and friends are shot. And have no interest in listening to what I have to say about it. They’re brainwashed. Even with side effects after first shots. It’s sad. Try as I might. Push back is harsh.

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So, the National health systems very effectively marginalized the network of internists who actually practice medicine as the art- science we've been taught for high cost lab cooked stuff and is destroying the medical profession. My urologist admitted as much stating that the top dogs who run the medical associations are basically in league with pharma- government governance. Lesson? Take control of your own health, especially your immune system, which is where the rubber meets the road. The good internist know this and were effectively excommunicated.

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Most of the vaxx cult are plagued by fear. A logical approach will fail to reach them.

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It is almost imposible to have vaccinated friends when previously you tried to help them, they do not want to listen anything that suggests that these vaccines can NOT generate herd immunity, which is the only way to get this goal of ending this pandemic. They do not want to listen and , instead, they attack aggressively when this matter is approached.

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I have a good friend who is vaxxed, is down to earth and seriously ticked that having done the "right thing" , but hes now left out to dry by the gumint as they have dropped all the draconian vacciantion requirements.

I tried to explain to him whats going on, leaving out the possible "death by vaccine" bit - that the vaccines havent worked, and its primarily a control mechanism.

The people who bring up the "conspiracy theory" angle , I usually just say to them that (near) mandatory vaccination and vaccine passports were touted by those of us who were informed ( but ridiculed as "conspiracy theories" ) many months before. Seems to shut them up as it cant be disputed.

I just think many people refuse to think critically, but in the end it will kill them. Sad but true.

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I have maintained cordial relations with 95% of my vaccinated friends. I recognised from the beginning that treating them (and their decision) with respect was important. Also, broaching the subject of vaccination should be approached with delicacy, and by mutual agreement only. A skill I had to learn, but I did so quickly.

The views of psychologist Matthias Desmet on mass formation were very helpful to me in working out how to interact with the "hypnotised" on matters Covid. As a generalisation, direct approaches fail, but more subtle indirect methods bring modest success.

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"Oh look, the conspiracy theorist is going off again."

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And now that they see that the injections do not stop them from getting Covid (oh - but I thought they were tested - we were told get the jabs and you won't get Covid)... they fall back on 'hospitalizations and deaths are way down'... only but they are not down if you look at high jab countries including Israel Denmark Canada etc...

But they won't look at that data.

Is it hopeless. If you want to be helpful offer to drive them to the popup injection centre when the next booster is on offer and they are too ill (and blaming long covid) to drive themselves.

It's what you'd do for your dog if he had VAIDS and was suffering

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Apr 13, 2022
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I mostly agree with you, however I do believe that it is most important to find out what is the exact origin of Covid. We'd be stuck if we did not know this.

I also added a sentence saying that if we cannot find an extremely well tested and extensively proven vaccine, we'd be better with none -- which I hope most of us will agree with.

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Agreed, we need a deeper understanding to effectively fight. Otherwise we are shooting in the dark.

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It's a brilliant appeal to common ground, great sensitivity to skipping belief distractions & simply stating fact of better battles to fight together. Well done!

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Why is the origin so important? Here’s what we do know. This entire thing was planned way in advance, and it’s killed a bunch of people. I could tell the world exactly who is behind this, and why they are doing it, but nobody cares, so I’ll sum it all up in 1 word: Jesuits

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Finding the origin is important because the designers may have a better understanding of the vulnerabilities of their creation which they are hesitant to come out with because of a desire to not acknowledge their role in this disaster

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The designers, are complicit, in a eugenics program. So, no they’re not gonna tell you. Look at the video posted above. Now the doctors are thinking it’s snake venom. And if you listen to the video you will see that there is quite a compelling argument on this probability. At this point everybody knows, this is basically treason. The best you can get for cooperating, is 30 years.

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I don't expect them to give this information up voluntarily, we would need to dig into it without their cooperation.

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Which is what most people are currently doing doctors and specialists and scientists, the real bunch. I was listening to an Vander steel with Charlie Ward last night and she brought up a few compelling arguments that make the snake venom thing a little iffy. I trust God that’s extremely solid‼️

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Really !!, by now the world knows this has all been intentional , they 💯 k ow what it is and the vaccine is the virus - there is nothing else out there except influenza which is mutating because of these vaccines - stay away from them period

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Well… Now it’s in the water and its snake venom…fooled all of us I guess.

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Yah so nuts all of it

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Way back when in 2020 I could not understand why we didn't kill all the bats. Supposedly this plague jumped from bats to humans but we let the bats continue to live to keep spreading it to us.

Makes no sense does it? I knew right then it was human created in a lab. The origin of this hell is needed to be broadcast far and wide or else nothing will change in the next pandemic go-around.

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If all the bats were killed, the world would be overrun with insects—bats are an important part of the ecosystem. Instead, scientists should be banned from harvesting bat corona viruses and conducting experiments to make them transmissible to humans.

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In China under Mao, they killed all the sparrows (2 billion I believe) because Mao thought they were making his centrally-planned agriculture fail. Of course, there was a massive famine because the sparrows had been eating all the bugs and, as reported, tens of millions of Chinese starved to death.

Assume if the government is doing it, it is either stupid or evil...and often both. The consequences are generally inimical to the populace. Why people stand still for it all has always amazed me. I suppose there is no cure for stupid.

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Yeah, what did the bats do!

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Or even creating genetically engineered mosquitos now!!! Wow what a world

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P Harma will need a piece of the pie unfortunately

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💯 agree

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We would have been better off if Health Authorities and Governments did exactly nothing.

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Yes, they could have just let doctors be doctors and implement early treatments, protect the elderly and other vulnerable, and allow others to keep the the world going.

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Right, "Don't do something, just stand there!" would've been the best response.

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In the age of the internet I think this is almost always true for every centralized control structure. Sensible people self organizing and crowd sourcing outperforms centralized bureaucratic "solutions". But it is less profitable. So we can't have nice things unless...

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This woman is Health Minister in the state I live in (QLD, Australia). She is a politician, a former lawyer, has absolutely no health background - this is the caliber of idiot we have running our health response over here. Yet somehow we have to trust that she has our best interests in mind when she mandates vaccines for hospital/health workers and school teachers.

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She is definitely an idiot, and should immediately lose her post, but even people with public health background are also doing very badly.

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Yes, that is very true. The sheer arrogance of these people just make me so mad. Thanks for all your hard work on this, Igor

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Yep, I live in Brissy too. She’s nothing moar than a govt shill. I have no confidence in our State Govt at this point.

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The minds capable of working for the health of the world are rather quickly snapped up to make bioweapons instead. They will make these bioweapons under the guise of making "vaccines", self spreading or self amplifying, and they may believe when they don the white coat and go to work that they are providing the world a service.

Much like the idealistic young tech grads were crestfallen to find that Facebook is not "bringing the world together" and Google is evil.

The health authorities, like the world itself, are now at the mercy of a very few select batch of rich sociopathic oligarchs. Those scientists who try to do the right thing find their funding disappeared.

The real dilemma, the roots, is the full capture of the Global Economic System by a few.

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"The health authorities, like the world itself, are now at the mercy of a very few select batch of rich sociopathic oligarchs"

I could never say it as well as you did.

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I humbly stand in your shadows, Brother Igor. Blessings. Thank you for all you do here. I knew about you long before I started writing my own Substack.

I became aware of you watching The Last American Vagabond last year when he would show your UK data.

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Sadly, the idealistic tech grads are quickly assimilated once Facebook and Google support BLM and Ukraine. They are completely vulnerable to this form of do gooder peer pressure and social pressure. And once you suspend critical thinking for the narrative it's all over.

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Igor, I disagree with your suggestion that "we need to have a safe and effective vaccine..."

It was known from the beginning that most people weren't at risk of Covid-19, despite wherever SARS-CoV-2 might have originated from.

So why was there a 'vaccine solution'? Who made this decision?

This is what must be tracked back now, on what basis was a plan to 'vaccinate' the entire global population set in train?

Seems to me 'the virus' was used as a means to implement controls that have been in the works for some time, e.g. blessed 'vaccinations'; testing, testing, testing; masks/muzzling; social distancing/social control; QR code surveillance and vaccine passports, setting us up for a social credit system. I suggest they've tried this on previously, e.g. Swine flu in 2009, plus the Zika and Ebola scares. But this time they decided to go over the top.

But 'the SARS-CoV-2 virus' does not justify this over the top response...

So...who is responsible for getting the 'vaccine solution' off the ground?

I suggest the UK was instrumental in initiating the 'vaccine solution', with development of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine already underway in January 2020, according to this report in Nature: 'I've never worked harder': the race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03139-x

What was the evaluation process undertaken to justify a vaccine response to a virus it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?

I don't think there was an evaluation process, they just ran with it...

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Elizabeth, my take on this is that doing nothing was possibly the right answer in the beginning. Now we have vaccinated population spawning endless variants and being reinfected often. We are facing a mass population decline and we have limited time to respond, hopefully years.

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Igor, we have to challenge what went on at the beginning of this fiasco...because they're planning to do it again, see for example: Bill Gates sells TED audience on $1-billion solution for preventing pandemics: https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/bill-gates-solution-prevent-pandemics

It's because of Bill Gates that we're in this diabolical situation, Gates led 'the race for a coronavirus vaccine' in 2020, why was a software billionaire given free rein to dominate this area, see for example: GatesNotes: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine, 30 April 2020: https://www.gatesnotes.com/health/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-covid-19-vaccine Also see: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets Bill Gates to discuss Covid-19 vaccine, 12 November 2020: https://www.wionews.com/world/uk-prime-minister-boris-johnson-meets-bill-gates-to-discuss-covid-19-vaccine-342652

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We both know our views on this stuff. But I wanted to write a "lowest common denominator" article, calling for removal of "health authorities". That will pave way to investigations, trials, and all the things that are necessary to ensure that this will never happens again. But the first task is to get them removed, which is the point of my article.

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Igor, we need to track this back now, how did this happen? Because it must never happen again...

Consider for example my email to Andrew Pollard, the Chief Investigator on the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine trials: Who initiated the plan to vaccinate the entire global population against SARS-CoV-2? 30 June 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/who-initiated-the-plan-to-vaccinate-the-entire-global-population-against-sars-cov-2.pdf

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Yes Gates is/was driving the ""only vaccines"" solutions from the get-go. Now IMO he is playing Rope-A-Dope saying, "Omicron worked out to be a good vaccine! We'll need to do better in the future".

Gates-BMG-Gavi funded research by almost every organizations wold wide, his finger prints are on every aspect of this planned agenda to cull the world's population.

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Yes Stan, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is exercising extraordinary power, it's been influential over international vaccination policy for more than 20 years.

This report provides some background: Philanthropic power and development - Who shapes the agenda? https://archive.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/270-general/52829-philanthropic-power-and-development-who-shapes-the-agenda.html

According to this WHO Contributors information, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the second highest contributor to the WHO, second behind Germany, with the BMFG founded Gavi Alliance fifth place, behind the US and European Commission: https://open.who.int/2020-21/contributors/contributor

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The original name of "The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" was "The Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control". Really. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrxNZ7AkOss

I think this explains it all.

Distrust the government. Avoid mass media. Fight the lies.

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You are 100% right, but unfortunately the vaxed will not have immunity and will be having endless covids, leading to their decline.

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I think that might be hyperbole. Some people were damaged by the vaccine, perhaps not all. As you note, we are in the discovery phase.

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And most of those who were damaged can't have had their immune systems completely wrecked, or they would all be dead. There are potentially deadly pathogens around us all the time.

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So be it. The die was cast, and we are left with the never-to-be-resolved dichotomy: Free will or predetermination?

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It seems to me that the vaxxed now are fixated and I don't think a new vax will fix that, especially at the rate the virus is mutating towards the vaxxed. El Gato Malo has some great work on this, and I don't know that there is a way to "retrain" the immune systems of those whose immune systems are now stuck. It's a trainwreck.

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The vision of Bill Gates: Windows on every desktop and a quackcine in every arm.

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And millions of tons of chalk nanoparticles darkening the sky

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The original name of "The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" was "The Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control". Really. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrxNZ7AkOss

I think this explains it all.

Distrust the government. Avoid mass media. Fight the lies.

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This is true but I want to emphasize that I'm not excited about taking a new vaccine to fix the old vaccine that someone else took. I plan to stay immunologically naive and rely on antivirals and whatever treatments are proposed. Why on earth would I eat a spider to catch a fly, when the people selling the spiders are obviously corrupt and cannot be trusted? And they also obviously don't understand what they are doing.

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Apr 13, 2022
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The suggestion from those who know more than I , is it appears the vaxes are causing accumulation of spike proteins in the liver, and so the body attacks the spike proteins as an autoimmune response.

This may explain why there is no Hep virus involved, but liver damage occurs.

The background is that the spike proteins were only supposed to stay in the injection site, but now appear to travel around the body and accumulate in many different organs, including the liver. Since the body keeps churning out these spike proteins, its possible the autoimmune response will also ramp up?

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It is currently not possible to make a safe and effective vaccine for a coronavirus


And in any event the Covid 'vaccines' were never about protecting people from Covid.

They were from day one about exterminating people.

If they were keen on protecting people they would have followed this https://gbdeclaration.org/focused-protection/

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I am afraid we are is as "dire a need" to disassemble the Health Care Agencies/Industries, both public and private, as we are in need to disassemble the Government Intel/Justice Agencies as well as Big Tech, the Federal Reserve, ATF/DEA, and well, you know, practically everything.

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“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” - R. Buckminster Fuller

We already have new models of health care and currency. Decentralization seems to be a theme. It is a matter of when humanity will adopt these new models on a scale that will make the agencies you mention irrelevant. We have to withdraw from the system they have created and it will fade away. Easier said than done, especially in terms of health. We have decades of damage done to human health by various causes to overcome.

Some of this correction may take shifts in human consciousness which are triggered by crisis. We are on the edge of something, it is not clear to me what that is.

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There are therapeutics available that work, at least for now, their use has been suppressed by Pharma. Absolutely more research for other more effective therapies should be done. A vaccine development is a money black hole.

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maybe we should make ‘saline’ injections available to all... sometimes you just need a teddy bear (sorry... not meant to offend)

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Even better.. vitamin d

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LOVE vitamin D... my vita vegimin

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Works so far fort me!

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Now there are even patented early treatment options which are carefully tested in early treatment contexts! And are recognized that they need to be administered early!

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So refreshing to read your articles! It is so energising to read something which validates one's views, insights, value system. So BIG BIG BIG thank you for looking at things from angles that you do and for going deep enough to that "most common denominator" from which "things" evolve.

Without hesitation I agree.I was thinking thoughts along the same lines you expressed in your article for the last couple of months. The phenomena you described is omnipresent...every main stream media ALWAYS chooses to interview a health "expert" professor or Doctor of some sort that pretty much says the same thing as Queensland Health Minister. Of so many doctors they always find the ones that have the SAME VIEWS as official narative. Coincidence really?

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Great minds think alike :-)

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