Gert V B said as much. Vaccines would cause variants

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Is "cause" the right word? These synthetic mRNA replicating products would impose selective pressure on COV-19 variants that have altered spike protein sufficient to evade neutralizing antibodies to the spike protein of the original strain. Yes, "cause" in lay terms, but it makes it so easy for bad-faith authoritarian types to "debunk" the use of the word. Sounds pedantic, but I'm tired of the implication that only MD epidemiologists and PhD "experts" can possibly understand these things.

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"Cause" is not entirely inappropriate, as the impact of selective pressure on evolution is something Darwin noted in Origin of Species.

However, "facilitate" may be a better term to describe the selective pressures presented by "leaky" vaccines.

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Yes, "facilitate" fits well. And I see the point as to "cause." Certainly the products cause the particular variants to become more prevalent.

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Neutralising antibodies could not have done much in the 1st place, as they have no previous data to have the correct shape of their antigen binding sites... to ident and grab the new antigens. That is except for the Natural Killer cells, that need no previous ident input to their membrane,, for attachment to virus/cancer cells. The process of this attachment is still unknown, so it appears that the Natural Killer cells were also fooled by the newly ' lab-made' spike protein. (Human Physiology. Vander et al)

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Ok. Not going to argue the point. I’m not in the medical field.

Just repeating Geert.

I hear your point though ☮️

Are spike proteins only found in labs?

It’s not a natural growing thing is it?

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US lawyer Dr Francis Boyle, who has drafted Bio-Warfare Regs. has documentary evidence that Harvard U Chem. Dept. Head Dr. Charles Lieber, (already charged with these crimes !!), and & Oz. Health Dept., aided Wuhan Labs in the project to create the bio-weapon spike protein, in which, HIV codes are embedded.. this part discovered by an Indian scientist.. effect shown here.. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Autopsies Prove Vax BioWeapon Caused Autoimmune Attacks And Death. (Based on 70 autopsies done by Germany's top pathologist, Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt).

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Same - not in medical field. As I understand it, the version of spike found in Covid-19 is consistent with spike in HIV. That would open up another debate as to whether it is "natural." A virus "grows" only in the sense that it hijacks the host's cells to replicate. But the version of spike in mRNA products is not the same because pseudouridine is substituted for uridine, which is the reason for the "synthetic spike" reference. From reading the comments on this thread, I know there are a lot of smart people following Igor's work, so I may need to be corrected.

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And Aids was a Fauci thing.

From what I’ve read, Aids was caused by over use of antibiotics, drug abuse, gut health was zero. Which broke down the immune system.

AZT apparently is what killed. Not what Fauci called AIDs. It was treatable with probiotics, cleaning up, healthy foods.

Fauci murdered 300K w AZT

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Apr 8, 2022
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Is it natural? Or are the virus’s lab made?

Do you believe viruses are organic?

I’m starting to believe the majority of illnesses are man manipulated.

Bacteria is organic, is a virus?

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Apr 8, 2022
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Hi thank you for your reply.

Organic meaning, not man made/ lab made.

Made in nature

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Apr 8, 2022
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While certainly we know that RNA is quite unstable and variants are also certain, most of the variants are of no consequence and do little. The variants created by vaccine evasion are of much greater concern in that they are successful. Whether the natural variant evolution sans vaccines would be of more consequence is unknown but the typical trajectory suggests reduced mortality. Not sure that tendency applies to vaccine escaped variants particularly in immune compromised (by the vaccine) people. It's possible that as the compromised are removed from the pool, the associated variants will also decline.

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Apr 8, 2022Edited
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There would be fewer variants produced, because unvaccinated people get better and stay better, longer, Ie they produce neutralizing immunity.. .The more infections you get, as the vaccinated do, the more variants you will produce, and the more likely there will be selective pressure to become immune the the single spike antibody induced by the original vaccine.

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Apr 8, 2022
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If we take the viewpoint that every replication can produce (create) a variant then perhaps there might be no way to distinguish a vaccinated escape one from an unvaccinated one. OTOH, it ought to be a dynamic process. Replication may not be the same in the two cases. To continue the infection in a vaccinated person, the virus has adapted better so following replications ought to have more success in that environment. If as the data suggest Omicron prefers those who have been vaccinated to those who have not that suggests adaptation and the worst fears of GVB.

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Apr 9, 2022
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AS there's no virus, how can injection loaded with graphene, AIDS, hep, cancer, parasites and nanoboits cause variants, eh, Dr.Prof?

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There is a virus, I've had flu and colds etc, when I got the infection, it was something I've never experienced before. I knew it was attacking my nerves. 2 days down only, gene therapy free. Back to normal. The injected suffer much much worse, and constant reinfection. I also noticed the injected post surgery are not healing wounds?

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Not healing wounds post surgery? The immune system is involved in healing. No immune system? Or compromised immune system due to vaxx?

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And there is a spike protein...

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It’s a bio weapon. We had it. It attacks where you are the weakest in your body.






2 foot blood clot

Hair loss



No we did not have the shot.

I thought the same as you. Until it hit us.

Not a virus a weapon

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I had it - it was a mild flu - wife as well.

But then we have extreme lifestyles - we grow much of our food organically - drink very little - do not smoke - almost never eat junk food - never drink soda... and we exercise intensely 5 or 6 days/week.

So that may have mitigated the effects

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How do you know you didn't have a mild flu, (obviously not on 3gms of C and 8000iu D3, eh)? IF you had tested + with PCR, you would have some strands of hep and flu..

The REAL spike protein has serious.. often lifelong neurological, muscular, organ damage.. and kills.. unless you get on Iverm, Chlo. Zn etc quickly.

DNADr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test stated that his test only idents strands of DNA from Hep. and various Flus, and that the test was NEVER intended to be used as a diagnostic tool.

US Dr. Elisabeth Eads studies noted that the PCR test gives 97% false positives. The quick antigen test gives a 40% false negative! (Danish Manufacturer). 3 rapid test kits have Sodium azide, a chemical is found in herbicides and, pest control agents,

NOTE!! The WHO on Jan. 20, 2021 in their Directive #202005 stated that the PCR test is of NO VALUE.. this superseding their Jan.20.2020 advice to do PCR test.

FDA, CDC halt PCR “test”emergency use authorization on December 31, 2021 after admitting it cannot distinguish between COVID and flu.

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I like your posts! I have read that PCR tests are mainly false positives and LFT are like tossing a coin etc. I think I agree with much of what you say. I have also come across people whom I greatly admire who also say there is no such thing as a virus and cast doubt on the whole science of virology. But I don't know enough about it to form my own opinion - yet.

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No idea - the 'covid RAT test' showed + ... although I cannot recall the last time I was sick in the summer.. and there are huge staffing shortages in Queenstown due to + 'covid tests'...

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I'm fat and lazy and mainly eat crap, I experienced a nasty cold during the covid period, was it covid was it inluenza rebranded, who knows for sure?

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Spoke to sister in law earlier - she is double vaxxed but wont boost...

She recently had it -- splitting headaches - brutal bone and joint aches -- really sick...

She is taking daily hydroxy for rheumatoid arthritis so no doubt this would have been a lot worse without that...


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WHY vaxxed at all. Gun to her head?

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If it were COVID, you may not be chatting.

Search Dr Roger Seheult Vit.D3 and COVID. Several vids. He suggests up to 10K/iu daily. .. To save $$$ on Vit. D3 testing, (most Docs have no idea of optimum health), start high take 10K iu/d, and watch for side effects of overdose. If you get sudden onset dizziness and nausea, during any exercise.. Stop D3 for several days and try 8K/d. Repeat drop if needed. My optimum highest dose is 6000iu/d. Wt. 135lbs. age 85.

Vit C. According to Dr H R Clark.. using PRECISE bio-resonance testing found 3gms/d fully revs up the CD4, CD8 and CD14 ;lymphocystes, your KILLER white blood cells. Animal studies show you need up to 5X that when sick! Use the cheap C powder and add 10% magnesium carbonate to prevent gut discomfort.

No more colds

BTW, this amount of Vit.C neutralizes ALL gut tumor triggers, ie nitrosamines, pyrroles etc. (Cancer Tutor).

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Do you do vitamin K2 along with your D3?

My understanding is that K2 is very important to make sure frred up calcium doesn't end up being deposited in the wrong place in your body.

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Depending on how long ago you had it, you should be able to tell if you had covid, IIRC.

And apparently, there also was no influenza during covid, it's well known viral 'displacement' (although I have no doubt rates were affected for political reasons)

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Not forgetting Phyza admitted it is also passed on from the vaxxed via skin and breath.. but that is mainly graphene and spikes.

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This is exactly why I knew something was weird about the illness. The first week was flu-like, the second week was the horrible congestion and tiredness, but the third and fourth week, the damn thing systematically 'tapped' me all over to find my weakness. For a few days I had heart racing and palpitations. Then these little pains in my lower back and kidneys (I have had an infection that required surgery before), arthritis like joint pain and so on. One at a time, like it was trying to find a way in.

Yeah I think it is a bioweapon designed to exploit any weakness in a person's body.

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I’ve had Lyme and babesia and it’s very freaky … neurological stuff lie paresthesias and zapping, night sweats, pain, flulike feeling, cloudy vision, feelings of water dripping down my legs, traveling itch, rash (not bullseye in my case), air hunger (not gasping), nystagmus, there can be myocarditis and other cardiac stuff, and but I didn’t get that. No lung stuff. The feeling of doors slamming in my body, intense fatigue, zapping pain, chemical sensitivities, longterm symptoms. Lyme may be a bioweapon too but it’s rarely fatal. Extremely common and easy to get, everything should take precautions. The CDC and IDSA just make things worse, like with Covid.

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Ticks were used as a bio weapon in Cuba.

I believe Lyme is a bio weapon.

Gawd knows what’s in the Gates mosquitos being released in California and Florida

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I think it's a bioweapon too

This article/video by Dr Chetty is a great explanation of how this illness progresses



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Thank you

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Yes! Absolutely. Like marines invading the body. Like you said looking for a weak spot in.

Took us 1 month to feel like we were getting better.

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Sorry. Which version/variant did you have? Did you treat it?

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Me? We had in August, which Designed Bio Weapon du jour ? Delta?

We treated with everything you’ve heard of. Before, during, after.

Used an inhaler, nebulizer w organic food grade peroxide.

Aspirin, Turmeric, to thin the blood. Apparently that’s why people aren’t getting enough oxygen. Not pneumonia, the blood isn’t carrying the oxygen.

I definitely can attest to that.

Our lungs were clear, but we were low oxygen.

Scary as F.

I still can’t taste or smell like I could. Being a Chef, retired… I cook by instinct now.

My lungs are just starting to feel better .

Since August, I’ve had long haul bio weapon crap.

My bro in law was murdered in the hospital w Remdesivir and Ventilator. Same w my best friend.

We weren’t going. Never hear anyone dying at home w Covid

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Sorry for your loss. Same thing happened to my brother-in-law. He was a very unhealthy fellow but only 40. We begged him not to go to the hospital but he went. Then we begged him not to let them put him on the ventilator but he followed their advice. He was dead the next day. Murder.

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Yes! Murdered. I’m sorry for your loss also.

The fact are getting away with serial killing is mind blowing

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Thanks—yes I meant you. That sounds horrible. Sorry about your brother-in-law and best friend. I also mostly avoid hospitals and doctors.

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Thank you

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Good post Igor. One thing you didn't touch on is why these particular vaccines don't promote herd immunity. Theoretically, a whole, live (but attenuated) virus vaccine should work and it has for other diseases (though not very well for corona viruses). The problem with these vaccines is that the behave similar to a subunit vaccine in that they produce an immune response targeted against a very specific section of the virus only (the spike protein). The spike is something like 13% of the total virus make-up, and mutates easily.

Unlike natural immunity, these mRNA vaccines induce a one-dimensional immune response. This drives spike mutation in the virus as it sees the same immune response over and over in the population. With NI's multi-pronged immune response it is very less likely that the virus can easily mutate to escape immune system detection. Of course once the spike mutates the mRNA vax is useless, and in fact can even have negative protection as the misprogrammed antibodies aid virus infiltration. That's not the case for NI as the body still has developed an immune response against the rest of the virus (the non spike portion).

Not trying to split hairs here but there is pretty good evidence some attenuated or killed whole virus vaccines do induce herd immunity (e.g. small pox). The problem is that subunit-type vaccines just don't work very well for the reasons stated above. On top of that there's all the genetic therapy issues with the mRNA vaccines but that's a whole different issue.

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How do the misprogrammed antibodies aid virus infiltration? Thank you.

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Yup, he did. It only makes sense. Large numbers "vaccinated" (they changed the definition, removing entirely "immune" & replaced with "helps") with NON STERILIZING "vaccine", inevitably create variants. The only good thing that could happen at this point would be total rebuke of these "authorities" and the loss of their ability to make this happen again. Too many (millions) died unnecessarily, in order to create wealth for "vaccine" makers and minions of such.

And the re-establishment of Nurenberg code-no mandatory medical procedures, PERIOD. Even private organizations like businesses should absolutely be kept from advising/"persuading" any medical procedure. These organizations must be ruthlessly suppressed from doing this again, the same way they ruthlessly suppressed effective cheap drugs useful to curing covid.

Read "The REAL Anthony Fauci" by RFK Jr. to get the full picture (although Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the prey" by Breggin is another eye opening book, which shows exactly how well planned this entire 'pandemic' was.

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Yes Geert has made this point too.. Speaking of that here is his latest assessments (End of March 2022). Pretty grim. The short version is if you're Vax'd, you're screwed. Better start large-scale prophylaxis. : https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/616004c52e87ed08692f5692/6244c3b09ad5701f3ec17765_GVB_s%2Banalysis%2Bof%2BC-19%2Bevolutionary%2Bdynamics.pdf

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Dr. Zelenko On Endless Boosters And Warnings About Vaccine-Induced AIDS

By Promoted Post

Published January 24, 2022, at 2:00pm

Official Government data shows the Triple Vaccinated have suffered 80% Immune System Degradation as Vaccine Effectiveness falls to MINUS-391%; suggesting they are developing a new form of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

By The Exposé on April 5, 2022

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Thank you for posting this link! Was looking for it and found it hard to find.

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I do think our western country experience will be different to countries that didn't vaccinate much as we will be surrounded by injected people and their altered immune systems while according to geert van den bossche, the virus will keep getting more transmissible and maybe more pathogenic. Inevitably it will also likely infect the uninjected too.. Maybe not as often. This was also predicted by Geert. I honestly don't know what lies ahead. It seems western governments are very keen to ignore covid and stop any useful data collection so we won't know it's bad till its too late.

Did you see the UK news about hepatitis in children under age 10? They haven't disclosed vaccine status but coincidentally vaccines for age 5 to 11 started a week or so ago. It could be from repeated covid infections from school. In a parent group, I'm hearing of kids on their 4th and 5th infections and there's several anecdotal reports of appendectomies in young children on the rise in uk... Again no info on vaccine or infection status.

I don't see an end to this. 2 years on we are still socialising outdoors and avoiding indoor spaces. It has been a third of my sons life... At his age I didn't even know what a virus was. He does though. We continue to homeschool as there are zero mitigations in school and we go out most days to meet people. We try to make the best of a crappy situation but this is not how we pictured life going. I am regarded as though paranoid by some friends for shielding my family and still being cautious about indoors but from what I'm reading on brain damage, I'm okay with that.

The first 2 years of flattening the curve are always the hardest 🙄

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It’s bad now….and we know it!

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The vast majority of people I know in the US are liberals, and they have no idea that anything is wrong. They believe the injections are safe, and when their doctor tells them to get the latest booster, they go, because they trust their doctor. C0VID, IMHO was a giant psy-op, and a huge portion of the US population has fallen for it. Notice how many people went from "Death to the unvaxxed" to "death to Russians." Its. Not. Normal.

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Agree... There's been a few good cartoons showing this phenomenon and one where a superhero punches a person saying something about covid, replying 'it's pray for Ukraine this week.' I've noticed camp's in those who refused the vaccines... Very few like myself who still think the virus is serious, but a lot who don't believe it exists and therefore take no precautions at all. It's interesting to watch. All I know is I've never had headaches, numbness and temperature spikes after a cold or flu. I believe it is real and serious.

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You had the bio weapon?

It’s not a virus or it’s a bio virus, but than a great book; dissolving Illusions. Roman Bystrianyk, Suzanne Humphries

All about lab viruses we’ve been sold on and the deaths shots to fix em.

Even polio, found that connection to industrial Revolution of Chemicals, said they were safe, kids played in the orchards, ate the produce, got the Summer Plague….

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Herd immunity was never the goal.......JUST IN: U.S. Court Reinstates Biden’s Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate for All Federal Employees https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/just-u-s-court-reinstates-bidens-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-federal-employees/ How is this possible? Not about health, that's how..... :(

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Are you kidding? Someone wake me up from this nightmare.

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And everyone in DC keeps getting reinfected but oh of course it would be worse without all the injections.

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What I find amusing is that many federal workers are people of color, who have a low injection acceptance rate. It will be interesting to see what happens when those people of color are fired.

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It's scary here. All of the fields such as medical, firefighters, public workers etc here are understaffed and scrambling for people because about a third of their workforce just quit over this. Not only are these important areas understaffed, many of the ones who are left are the incompetent, incurious type that you really don't want dealing with your issue.

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It is so upsetting. I hope fed employees quit en masse

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Maybe that's the goal....have an organization with only compliant workers.....

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Hi Igor. I like your credit card analogy. But an even better one may be that vaccination is like borrowing from a loan shark!

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Or taking out markers on a losing gambling streak.

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Yes, classic gambler's mentality, just one more jab will make up for all losses

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Funny my two closest friends who are tripled love gambling

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Gambling can be fun and rewarding and it can ruin one's life. Casinos and lotteries exist because the odds are in their favor.

Depending on modern medicine to manage a problem that they cannot or at the very least refuse to fix is a disaster as many observers and statistics are making abundantly clear.

Even if early treatments were allowed and encouraged, any sense of relief would only be an illusion as the problems are deeper and require much more than a few doses of an off-label med.

The health issues that are the result of a misunderstanding or ignorance of what it takes to be healthy combined with the immoral steamroller of the medical industrial complex have created a problem that will require enormous effort to fix, both on an individual and societal level.

Humanity has been gambling on quackcines for decades. It is time to realize it is a losing proposition to inject poison and expect better health as an outcome.

There is no big score that some thought the mRNA gene therapy might offer. From everything I have seen to date, the odds are against us.

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I personally despise gambling. The blank look in peoples eyes in casinos, the whole atmosphere is an addition.

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“Was” being the appropriate word. No longer possible due to failing inoculations. Too many compromised immune systems. What is more disturbing is that the powers in charge keep pushing these shots and the narrative that “ it would be much worse if I hadn’t got the vaccine/ 3rd shot/ booster/ “ and so on.

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Correct!!! I wish you and I were wrong

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Do you think wealthier areas received the saline?

I have many friends who live near SF. They are all dosed and boosted. Zero problems, so they look at me like a foil head.

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That's the tune of all progressive ideas, ideals and governements: "If we hadn't done it, it would be even worse".

Seen it in micro-format at work, when principals buy ART-courses, or other unscientific mumbo-jumbo to combat bullying (or mobbing as we call it, quite fitting re: Covid-measures), harassment and so on. "Our anti-bullying program didn't achieve 100% efficiency, but it had been much worse if we hadn't paid the equivalent of two teachers' annual salaries for the course!"

Yeah right, pull the other one it gots bells on.

Epidemic dieases are fought by santitation, nutrition, ventilation, sunshine and isolating the infected and the vulnerable, as has been known for some 2000 years. Even Mosaic law mentions how to handle leprosy, and other disease for crying out loud.

Bullying is fought by on first offence warning the bully and parents that repeated offences will (will, not may, will) mean placement in a segregated class away from other students, perhaps even at ther location, at the parents expense. If that stops the bully, good. If it doesn't we're still rid of the bully and he/she can enjoy spending time with peers in shop school learning manual labour 40h/week.

As for herd immunity, it was the swedish strategy all along it turns out. It was just hushed up because it polled badly (yes, really). It took about 16 000 lives, 80%+ elderly over age 70 with known comorbidities, the majority of which were living in state/council retirement homes (commonly nicknamed 'Death's waiting room', 'the death bed', and other names which should give you an inkling of how poor elderly without family or wealth are treated in a socialist democratic constitutional monarchy).

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Good piece. Fauci, Collins, et al knew they were interfering with an (unstoppable) evolutionary event and what that could mean. These are crimes against humanity. PS…palestine is not a country

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There is no replacement for a healthy life-style. No treatment, no vaccination, and no government policy can give our body the power to shield itself against infections like a healthy life-style does.

Ive been untested, unvaccinated, and unscared the whole time, and Ive never been healthier than during this "pandemic", even though Im in close contact with people, often sick ones, usually without masks every single day. I am over 60.

1. Exercise regularly, preferably outdoors in the sun

2. Eat less but well, most importantly *no sugar*

3. Train your immune system by exposure

4. Never listen to journalists or politicians or to people who trust journalists and politicans! They have no clue of anything and they dont have your best interest in mind.

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It's always better to show death count instead of cases , they always respond with cases don't matter.

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But they also still claim the “vaccines” stop spread…

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That is how the term "vaccine" was understood before the Animal Farm rewrite definition, and that is a concept that is loaded with symbolism, borderline religious or cult-like.

By "they" I assume that you mean the captured public health agencies and the captured media, and yes, they cannot, WILL not change their map of the world on this, and thus they will keep traveling in the wrong direction, saying, "This is fine!"

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It's impossible to have herd immunity from an engineered spike protein designed to harm, even having an HIV spike.

The Identity of the Virus: Health/ Science Institutions Worldwide “Have No Record” of SARS-COV-2 Isolation/Purification. Dr. Christine Massey, Dec. 2021.

US lawyer Dr Francis Boyle, who has drafted Bio-Warfare Regs. has evidence that Harvard U Chem. Dept. Dr. Charles Lieber & Oz. Health Dept aided Wuhan Labs in the project to create the bio-weapon spike protein, in which, cancer, hap. and HIV codes are embedded.

A fake test was used to create a Scare-scam-demic.

Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test stated that his test only idents strands of DNA from Hep. and various Flus, and that the test was NEVER intended to be used as a diagnostic tool.

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You have a point. In fact I was reluctant to post my article for this reason. Eventually I realized that the situation in low-vax countries speaks for itself.

Will this virus turn for the worse or even massively reinfect us, unvaccinated recovered people? It is possible that it will happen.

And yes, it is a designed lab virus, engineered for an unknown reason.

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My guess is it was engineered for population reduction, as well as population control of the survivors, aka infertility.

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Find below the scamdemic blueprint published in 2010 by Rockfeller Foundation.


There is no way you can prevent the people behind this to insert another gene into the original SARS-Cov-2 next week to create a new variant.

Find below the 50 patents that Charles Lieber used to add nano-tech to these quackcines:


You can even retrieve the MAC Address of your quackcinated neighbour using the Bluetooth scanner app as shown here:


Also, if the DOD is spending $137million for SARS-Cov-2 tests plant to be operational only in 2024, it means that herd immunity is a dream. This is a lab made stuff and their experiment is not going to stop anytime soon.

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What actually concerns me, and the reason I actually think a every 3 to 4 week Ivermectin Dose is a good idea, is that as soon as we get a variant that evades "natural immunity" to a significant degree, it will be weaponized and nature will have already done the hard work for the biowarfare scientists. They will just add GP120 and whatever other "mods" they desire.

Who knows how many "captive" populations have already been used to this "gain of function" end, just like Dr. Baric passed the virus through many generations of lab animals. Didn't he even admit that this was "stupid dangerous."

Like I said before, China is potentially the only place such "human populations" exist to any medical end, except for isolated African villages the Ebola virus (and others) may have been tested on, and we know how "leaky" these villages are.

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This is true we should be taking ivermectin as soon as we get a sign of flu. It is just basic commonsense as well as daily doses of vit. D , C, mag, melatonin and zinc. This should be done by everyone and available to everyone.

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I agree...we take ivermectin. My son & boyfriend unfortunately got jabbed to keep their jobs and have had headaches, brain fog, higher blood pressure, & breathing issues ever since. I am not jabbed and i started getting the same just being around them. The only thing that has made it stop is a weekly ivermectin dose.

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Ivermectin does help with mitigating damage from spike protein exposure, certainly for some period of time you were exposed to spike protein shed by those close to you. There are other regimens available that will also minimize this damage as well.

They include multi-vitamins, Vit C, Zinc, Selenium, Pine Needle Tea, NAC, St John's Wort, Magnesium, Turmeric, Vit D, Quercetin, as well as the Ivermectin.

Here is a guide, although it appears down right now(!??!!)


Also: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/

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Three things:

- the Spanish flu is, in fact, still with us.

- if “cases” means a positive pcr test without symptoms, then it is meaningless to even look at them. Who knows what other viruses people used to catch and not exhibit symptoms, and how often. We simply don’t know.

- herd immunity to a mutating virus is, in fact, impossible. Case in point: the flu. There are flu epidemics at regular intervals.

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That’s if you believe in viruses in the first place. People have been groomed for Covid by the flu shots. Never had a flu shot in 30 years and never had the flu.Had the alpha Covid in Feb 2020. No shot and never had it again. My remedy is Vit D; quercetin, zinc, black cumin and Bushmills whiskey.

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I had flus when I was younger. No more flus. My last flu was in one year when I was bamboozled into taking a flu shot.

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Did you live in Russia then?

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Mostly, yes but I had flus in the United States also

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I almost always refuse them accept decided to take one when a “study” showed it might help for COVID. Won’t take them again.

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Viruses are not something you believe in. This is not a religion.

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It is a good point. But "flu" is not one virus, it is a number of respiratory viruses that somehow all carry the same name.

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And the clinical phrase "influenza like illness (ILI)" gets used as well.

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Of all that the whiskey sounds the best!

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"Future variants may be able to blow through natural immunity en masse. This is, by necessity, a speculative statement about the future, which is unpredictable."

That is not speculative. Omicron BA. 1 did that, BA. 2 has the necessary differences to do that too, and newer, recombinant variants will do that. But as you yourself out it, and also I did for almost 2 years, vaccinated countries will suffer much more from this.

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An engineered spike protein becoming a variable virus, eh Dr Prof?

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Find below the proof that quackcines are nuclear time bombs.

Disclaimer of Liability ™

Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.

We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).

We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Lord Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world).

By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented mRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).

Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.

Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.

We care,

CEOs Murderna & Schizer.


Fact Checker: We make sh$t!





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Wish the entire language being used would be tossed into the dustbin.

No you do not "need" to catch "Covid" (which is a fiction BTW) and no we no not ever need any such thing as "herd immunity."

All that is necessary is a healthy populace living in excellent conditions with healthy diets, exercise and meaningful lives.

There is also no pandemic it is all manufactured lies.

You will never get out of the trap if you keep using the language of your oppressor.

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My conclusion, I continue to be grateful for not taking these experimental biologicals.

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"Unfortunately, after the majority of people were vaccinated, herd immunity is no longer possible at all."

Because they weren't vaccinated, they were injected with an exp. pharmaceutical that failed on the heretofore "vaccine" definition on virtually every metric.


Dr. Jessica Rose: "These aren't vaccines."

Dr. Mike Yeadon: "If you need more than two doses, these are not vaccines."

I can go kick my bare feet into the wall and break all my toes, and say I vaccinated my feet, but I didn't. I just broke all my toes.

Ridiculous example? Sure. But it just goes to illustrate that using new made up definitions for words gives away half the game of logical resolution.

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