Great article, Igor! And, as others have said, not boring at all. My only question concerns hospital capacity. If capacity is down because health care professionals are leaving their jobs to avoid taking the vaccine -- or for any other reason -- some of the new overcrowding may be due to fewer available beds.
I agree that blaming the sudden surge in ER visits and hospitalizations on sick people finally leaving lockdown to get help is absurd. People with chest pain and shortness of breath generally have no choice but to seek immediate medical attention, lockdown or no.
But again, this is why it is absolutely critical that enough of us remain unvaxxed, so that there can be a sizeable control group for comparison sake. I know I sound like a broken record on this, but there is no doubt in my mind that the primary goal of Fauci and Friends right now is to eliminate the control group. This is not their first rodeo with a dangerous vaccine. For them it is ALWAYS about eliminating the control group. People who are interested in this topic can learn more here:
Thanks. I have no doubt that you are spot on regarding "control group", and I did read that article of yours. Hospital administration is not something I do but I thought that it was mostly based off of "beds", not nurses.
This "clogging of hospitals by the vaccinated" started way before mass firings of nurses.
Yes, I am totally committed to being in the control group. I personally already had Covid and that makes me actually happy, as this pandemic remains only a concern for my loved ones and for the truth, but not for my own health.
I believe the number of beds available is often dictated by the number of nurses the hospital has to cover the beds. Many hospitals have shut down entire floors or wings due to a lack of business or a lack of available workers. But I understand what you're saying, that the clogging of hospitals started before the mass firings.
The number of nurses available dropped sharply at the beginning of the pandemic and has continued downward ever since. While the Covid mandates probably don't show up in this picture (yet), we were in trouble before they happened.
I have been very in tune with your thoughts on the control group elimination for obvious reasons. I know in many states in the US the workforce has been hit with mandates. Not sure if that is the case in Australia or not?
Nice article, you appear to confirm something I have heard elsewhere through the "underground railroad" -- that sites which generated spike proteins seem unable to repair their DNA and are headed for apoptosis and/or cancer.
While this is only in vitro, its more evidence to show that the long term AE are yet to be determined. liek you I am determined to be in the control group
So here's where it's going to get interesting. Governments were throwing money at hospitals for Covid dx but now you have more people sick without Covid dx, which means the cost for treatment just got transferred to the private sector. Yeah they made a lot of money last year but if there are more people sick than an average year, those profits dwindle quickly.
When do the big insurance companies (obviously speaking only of US) report they earnings?
Wonder how this is going to play out with next years premiums?
Any small business owner getting premium increase notices?
Related to that, all of the patients with massive deductibles, who are filling the wards, what's going to happen to them?
Are they going to use this to usher in socialized medicine in US? Except how will they address the NHS and other government health systems tipped into insolvency due the increased costs.
Could the increase in cancer be a result of the interuption of telomerase synthesis?
"In a recent study of COVID-19, a (statistical) relation was found between severity of COVID-19
illness and a decrease in length of peripheral blood lymphocyte telomeres"
Sanchez-Vazquez, R. et al. Shorter telomere lengths in patients with severe COVID-19 disease, Ageing 2021,
Now that study dealt with the in circulation covid-19 disease not the vaccines but the spike proteins you are exposed to is actually greater from the experimental gene therapy injections.
Full disclosure, I own some stock in the company, but the company Geron has a drug called Imetelstat, which is a telomerase inhibitor, and has two Phase 3 trials going currently. I think it is the only telomerase inhibitor in Phase 3 trials. Given what the article states, cancer cells tend to have elevated levels of telomerase activity.
If these vaccines are going to cause medical disasters, and if many people will lose their jobs, I don't see why people shouldn't try to make money by placing bets in areas which are likely to see increased demand as a result of the damage caused by these vaccines.
That's cold man, real cold. Funny as hell but cold LOL.
In August 2020 when Dr Borody (Australia) was interviewed about his Ivermectin, Doxycycline, Zinc triple play it was obvious that we HAVE a solution. Then the medical authorities not only didn't grant it EUA but restricted it further to "clinical trials only". At that point I knew the fix was in.
I was thinking of buying stock in the vaccine companies but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. My hatred of the system overcame my greed.
Fortunately I’m not forced to make a decision like that. I was already invested in them before the pandemic/vaccines.
Strangely enough another stock I owned before 2020 Rigel Pharmaceuticals was selected by Harvard/MIT researchers based on it already being approved, and its mechanism of action as a candidate for a phase 2 study in the treatment of COVID. All patients who died took the placebo. 4 people were on ventilators, 2 people in the placebo died, the two who took the drug survived and were off the ventilators in less than a week.
Based on the results the Department of Defense funded their ongoing phase 3 trial with $16.5 million, so it seems that the government has a vested interest in getting it approved. If the government hadn’t invested money, I’d say hell no there’s no chance.
It’s interesting that two stocks I owned before all of this treating once rare disorders (MF/MDS for $GERN and Thrombocytopenia for $RIGL) are likely to become significant concerns because of these vaccines in the future.
I’m either going to get really lucky here, or I should just stick to index funds.
I think you can remove the long and boring disclaimer at the beginning. This article is packed full of fascinating goodness and I read and reread it. Thank you for putting these pieces together. Given that a (young) friend recently told me about going to the doctor and asking "Could this health issue be a result of the jab?" and hearing in response, "Well, you know, we're seeing a lot of this lately, but it's probably unrelated," I am losing faith in the power of (actual) science or data to fight the pro-vaccine propaganda on this.
And anything that happens five months, let alone two years, post-vaccination-- well, we all know the propaganda on vaccine side effects being immediate and generally mild. Remember the party line: we are getting sick because we avoided medical care during COVID, and look what happens when people don't go to the doctor regularly! The answer is probably more medical care for all at the taxpayer's expense, certainly not a questioning of the medical establishment that is pushing this miraculous vaccine.
Everybody here is going to be incredulous (or maybe too jaded for that) when you hear this: she has near-constant pain radiating down her left arm and on the left side of her upper body from neck to waist. Same side as her shot, started after her second shot, but she is so trusting of the medical authority and we are living in bizarro-land so she has been subjected to multiple tests and is a "medical mystery." I am the conspiracist who should spend less time on the Internet for gently questioning this.
Keep up the great analyses-- I am quite certain your predictions about cancer are going to be correct. Already had one acquaintance under 40 die of colon cancer since the vax, which is an anecdote and could be coincidence, but this is definitely wreaking havoc with our body's innate intelligence.
Thanks. I literally hate thinking about cancers in the vaxed, because I have some vaxed relatives.
Normally a typical cancer takes years to develop and kill the host.
But that is when the cancer is opposed by a functional immune system, working CD8 cells and so on. If the cancer is unopposed, it is possible that it grows an order of magnitude faster. The medical term is "aggressive cancer".
That said, I am not a doctor or a biologist so I can only have a second hand opinion.
I am an atheist, but I literally pray that we avoid this cancer stufff and it only stays in my imagination.
I only know 4 vaxxed. Only 1 is normal (at least, last time I saw her). 1 is dead. 1 in a weird fog. And 1 recently finished concurrent chemo & radiation for 2 inoperable glioblastoma tumors.
She's mid-60s. I didn't ask details ..we had other things to discuss. Afaik, after vac. I seriously doubt someone would get vaxxed in middle of or after cancer treatment. Chemo & radiation wipe out your immune system. I've seen blood with white count of 0.1, critical RBCs & platelets post chemo.
My brotherinlaw, 63 lean, bachelor received his second dose in June. Within a couple days he developed a "headache" which he still had the last time I saw him at the end of September. He describes this "headache" as being the whole left side of his face. It "pains him to talk of it," he told me as he changed the subject.
He spoke with his doctor and even asked if it could be an adverse reaction. He said the doc dismissed this possibility. That was back in July. It was so bad he had to miss a yearly family reunion and numerous other things. He was not able to "tend bar" this summer.
He and most of that part of the family are very "leftist" to the point of being proud of the "red file" their father earned back in the 50s. They loath the possibility that his condition might be from the vaxx.
Amazing story. See if yuo can find a way to get him to talk about it without feeling like being forced to "admit mistake". Non-judgmental and supportive and active listening works
Yeah, I am now thinking of removing that sentence... But at the same time I wanted to warn reader that it is a long article. I was compiling these references and calculations for a while. Thank you and Diana for the comment.
Honestly, I have read some way longer pieces. I know in these times of fractured attention, shorter is generally better but still some people posts things that are too short and lack helpful details.
I agree. I do not want to create memes and write soundbites. I am not good at it. I am good at reading, understanding and occasionally connecting the dots together.
I keep waiting for the penny to drop and it just kills me that it might not. Incompetence or willfully planned, the people behind this shitshow should be made to pay and I am mad as hell thinking that they might not.
Another interesting case - and blessedly well documented - is Deborah Conrad, a whistleblower physician's assistant from a NY hospital who noticed that 90% of the patients in her hospital were vaccinated, when only 50% of the local community are vaccinated.
She discusses many topics, including the large number of vaccine side effects she and her colleagues have been seeing, and the suppression that is preventing them from speaking out.
It looks like our California Governor Newsom got GBS from a booster. Hasn't been seen in a couple of weeks and missed the big carbon-heavy climate party in Scotland.
Did you see the video today. He is out and about. But voice raspy, eyes bloodshot, and he looks a lot thinner to me. Didn't seem to move with much energy.
Are you aware they didn't test participants in both mRNA vaccine trials regularily for infection? Like every week? What they did, was test a participant if he reported COVID symptoms. That means if the antibodys created by the vaccine just surpressed symptoms and NOT infection and spread, they could have never noticed and by that created superspreaders. And we see in every country shortly after a vaccine campaign a spike in cases. Superspreaders with surpressed symptoms.
This is absolutely correct. It is also upsetting in very many ways. I actually wrote a separate Substack article titled "the vaccinated are superspreaders".
Not boring! I do want to point out that cd8 cells are actually part of our adaptive immune response. I keep seeing people discuss innate immunity putative disruption by the vax, but no mention of granulocytes or complement, etc (the actual cells involved with innate immunity).
I must be first to say that I am not a biologist, but I can read and learn. In any case, immunity is complicated and someone needs to study effects of Covid vax on immunity specifically, using modern labs, scientific methods and all.
What I do is more like investigative journalism, not writing of peer reviewed science articles.
One tonne (sorry I know metric) is maybe what a peasant in India is responsible for but most of us are probably over 20 tonnes. Most Green activists though are probably over 100 tonnes (all that flying).
Good stuff, although it's important to keep in mind the vaxxed could just be less healthy than unvaxxed from the start, they didn't necessarily become unhealthy because of the jab. Curious to hear why you either ruled that out or don't consider it likely
You made a very good point. It is a good objection in the sense that it is often raised, however I believe that this is not a valid objection in this specific instance.
The less-healthy people possibly are more likely to be vaxxed. I get it. It makes perfect sense and is true.
But why would vaccination somehow make hospitals more full? The less healthy people were less healthy in 2017. And hospital utilization was 65%. Now non-Covid utilization is 78%.
Great point! A good way to test our theory would be to compare to both data from last year (Coyvid but no jab) and baseline data from the previous years. I'd expect the best comparison to be between non-respiratory illnesses. Additionally, it would be interesting to compare total respiratory illness, both this year and last, to previous pandemic flu years. I don't have much in the way of data science skills so I was hoping you'd have an idea of how to find data on this :D
Also catch-up time. Couldn't get to hospital last year because of scare campaign. So heading there now. But that kind of hints that hospitals are bad for you anyway....
Given all the vaccination mandates, I would find that unlikely. One can also say, well, healthy are more likely to be a part of the workforce, and thus subject to vaccine mandates.
Your claims re Western Australia are way off-base. The cause is well-known to locals - decades of underfunding by both sides of the political spectrum.
Here's an article from 2016 with the Australian Medical Association decrying WA's shortage of hospital beds:
And another from Feb 18 2021, predating the vaccination rollout, where the Australian College of Emergency Medicine Western Australia Faculty Chair Dr Peter Alley argues the need for a new hospital:
Perth has experienced rapid population growth - around 25% since 2010 - yet our available hospital beds have DECREASED from 5492 to 4790 over that period. Marvellous.
So with that background of massive underfunding and critical shortage of hospital beds, how can we be absolutely sure that the current strain isn't due to vaccination?
Because it was happening prior to vaccination.
The vaccination campaign in Western Australia commenced on 22 February 2021 with very limited supplies (5000 doses per week; 2M population) to frontline workers. The public vaccination campaign didn't start until 28 April 2021.
So let's have a look at what was happening in the hospital system, as shown by ambulance ramping stats - the total wait time spent by ambulances outside ERs waiting for their patients to be admitted - prior to vaccination commencing. The Perth metro area ramping stats from 2017 through 2020 for adult emergency hospitals are below (excl. Perth Childrens and King Edward maternity hospital):
See the issue? Massive dropoff in Feb/March 2020 due to COVID fears, followed by consistent surging demand throughout 2020. BEFORE VACCINATION COMMENCED. Just month after month of increased ramping hours.
The 2021 data is far more variable - alternating peaks and troughs of demand - but a trendline through the data holds true to the 2020 surge. See below.
So why the surge in demand? It's really not - that's just the political spin to make it sound better. It's mainly a drop in capacity. As the article below notes, "Perth's hospitals are operating at 90 per cent maximum capacity due to staff, equipment and funding shortages preventing the opening of more than 400 beds".
That is 8.3% of our current capacity that's just out of the system. A major contributor to that is that as one of the world's most isolated cities, we rely heavily on international immigration to fill healthcare positions (particularly nursing). Immigration has been basically zero since early 2020 so anyone who leaves isn't getting replaced. Without staff, beds and wards have to close.
TL:DR Underfund and understaff a hospital system and it'll go badly. No correlation with vaccination.
So, your "ramped hours" trend shows increased demand, right? On both last images it shows the same thing.
Anyway, it seems that they cannot keep up with demand, as opposed to closing beds, so it sort of supports my story.
I agree that with better planning they could have increased the capacity, but the story is that of increased demand, greatly so in 2nd half of 2021, not in reductions in capacity.
Ramped hours shows apparent increased demand, but this can also mean a drop in supply (ie the 400+ beds that are currently not open, but once were). Politicians like to spin it as high demand because that doesn't reflect as poorly on them as drop in supply. The numbers don't lie though - we're 400+ beds down right now, with hospital capacity <2010 levels despite +25% population.
Were those beds open, there would be more room for the people currently stuck in ambulances waiting for admission to a bed. Ramping hours would drop.
Whatever the actual balance between reduced supply and increased demand is over that period though, it is inarguable that the effect commenced mid-2020 when we had (i) hardly any COVID cases and (ii) no vaccinations.
When that trend continues into 2021 (as it does), it's farcical to claim that it is suddenly due to vaccinations when the effect was already well established prior.
Right, so you're clinging to your claim of "increase in demand in the latter half of 2021" and ignoring 12 months of prior data with the same trend just because it suits your narrative?
Absolute bull. Peak ramping prior to 2020 was 2722 hours. End of 2020? 4094 hours (+50%) and rising. The effect was well in play already prior to vaccination commencing and will continue for so long as beds continue to be closed due to lack of staff.
Strange things are clearly happening in Australia. Our TGA advises that there have, as of 7th November, been over 78,880 adverse effects and 656 post vaxx deaths reported with just 9 deaths accepted to be vaxx related and the rest considered just a coincidence, which is far more adverse effects and deaths reports than a decade or two of all previous vaccines and age groups combined!
For me, these are not safe vaccines but that’s just me.
Also very interesting regarding Australia is that while all last year there were no vaccines available, from around the end of October 2020, deaths slowed to a crawl and the last death of 2020 was on December 29 making a total of 909 covid deaths for the year, a year with no vaccines and (so we were told), no effective treatments. The death drought persisted for around 7 months until July 10 this year when the deaths started up again but between Dec 31 last year and July 10 this year there was just 1 covid death. Maybe that is understandable based on the seasonal nature of most respiratory disease but as I write this there have been an additional 953 covid deaths and unlike last year, instead of dropping off at the end of October, the deaths are continuing through into November and that’s with the vaxx rollout that started end of Feb, the masks and extended lockdowns and recent vaxx or lose your job and other freedoms policy which resulted in over 80% (and rising) of the (16 and over) population currently doubled vaxxed!
The solution to all this (we are told) is more jabs of the same failing products, maybe more lockdowns and restrictions and blame the increasingly small minority of the unvaxxed. It’s genius!
Vaccines are not typically given to the adult population where mortality rate is considerable. Normally they're given to children as part of a standard vaccination schedule where there is minimal risk of natural death for many years thereafter, and where deaths that do occur have clearly definable causes (accident or disease).
COVID vaccinations are unusual in that they have been given to the entire population INCLUDING the aged where risk of natural death is considerable. Around 160k Australians die every year. If vaccination takes a year to reach 80% (rough numbers) then you could expect 80k 'post-vaccination' deaths due to natural causes.
Hence increased post-vaccination deaths reported to the TGA. The population being vaccinated is more susceptible to death of natural causes than most vaccines (due to age stratification) so of course the number of post-vaccination deaths is greater.
Delta didn't arrive until July. It is much more contagious than OG/Alpha SARS-CoV-2 and the control measures that worked in 2020 no longer did. Victoria's response was similar in the first and second waves, but there's a vast difference in the results achieved due to the differing contagiousness of Delta vs OG/Alpha.
BTW for clarity, Western Australia has had a grand total of 1112 COVID diagnoses since the pandemic started. The surge through 2020 wasn't COVID cases - we've been effectively COVID-free since May 2020.
Wow you all should be really proud of yourselves for hiding in your houses. Sounds like they didn't have much trouble getting you to stay put. All for a disease with a 100% survival rate with early treatment give or take some age and comorbidity factors. Cheers mate great job. I live in Florida where we walk around whenever we want without masks. I myself am not vax'd nor shall I ever stick an experimental cocktail in my arm. I will go out to the "pub" as you Aussies call it, tonight and we will all be drinking and dancing just like we did before all of this nonsense started. Maybe when we get a firm grasp of things over here we will come over there and save you from yourselves.
With exception of a total of about 4 weeks of tightened restrictions when there were local cases, we have had no masks, no local restrictions, kids at school, workplaces open as normal and no COVID deaths. Since April 2020.
Hi. I am perfectly fine with everything you post, including bad language, and in NO way mean to stifle your opinion with myself barging in as the substack's owner.
My private person's opinion is that at best, you postponed your pandemic at a considerable cost, and second, the cost is becoming apparent via "hospitals full" and economic ruin.
Covid deaths are difficult to count properly. But to me, a death of a cancer patient in a nursing home, who is destined for grave in a few months, is not in the same "weight category" as a death of a high schooler who has a heart attack.
Covid kills mostly people who are very old or very unhealthy. It is possible that some covid deaths are deaths with a unrelated positive PCR test, and thus overcounted. Covid vax kills everyone and vax deaths are purposely undercounted and hidden.
Plus, the vax is toxic with every application, and more and more frequent boosters should definitely be a part of the cost calculation.
I am very happy to be unvaxxed and having survived Covid and I would never exchange my Covid for their vaxx.
So why have there been gigantic protests in Melbourne and other places within the past 2 weeks? The videos are there. So you're telling us the army wasn't called out in Sydney to make sure people were following the lockdown mandate? Your posts certainly look like disinformation to me. (But thanks for posting: if forces us to check our facts - and more importantly, such "nothing to see here" posts are part of the overall phenomenon that some of us are trying to understand.)
BEST ARTICLE I HAVE READ PUTTING THESE OVERALL FACTS TOGETHER IN A SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND FORM. The powers that be KNOW ALL OF THIS. Dr. Robert Malone and scores of other MD's/PHD's have been pointing out ADE for months and months. THE VAXX DESTROYS NORMAL IMMUNITY. This is literally a war and depopulation effort. Plandemic from the beginning. It has multiple layers that allow the deep state who are running this entire operation to reach multiple evil/anti human goals. I have watched many videos SCREAMING FROM THE ROOF TOPS that the vaxx destroys the INNATE IMMUNE system and will cause literally over a BILLION deaths- all of whom have been vaxxed. This is not accidental or a mistake that was made. SATANIC EVIL RUNS THE PLANET. WE ARE AT WAR= USA. CCP invaded the USA with CV19 on purpose. Its been planned and developed for a DECADE by the likes of Bill and Melinda GATES
. Project 201 happens just coincidently 1 month before CV 19 breaks out in China?
I am not sure if it is ADE. ADE is Antibody Dependent enhancement, when antibodies help a specific virus replicate in the body. What we may be seeing is just the immune system not working.
Great article, Igor! And, as others have said, not boring at all. My only question concerns hospital capacity. If capacity is down because health care professionals are leaving their jobs to avoid taking the vaccine -- or for any other reason -- some of the new overcrowding may be due to fewer available beds.
I agree that blaming the sudden surge in ER visits and hospitalizations on sick people finally leaving lockdown to get help is absurd. People with chest pain and shortness of breath generally have no choice but to seek immediate medical attention, lockdown or no.
But again, this is why it is absolutely critical that enough of us remain unvaxxed, so that there can be a sizeable control group for comparison sake. I know I sound like a broken record on this, but there is no doubt in my mind that the primary goal of Fauci and Friends right now is to eliminate the control group. This is not their first rodeo with a dangerous vaccine. For them it is ALWAYS about eliminating the control group. People who are interested in this topic can learn more here:
Thanks. I have no doubt that you are spot on regarding "control group", and I did read that article of yours. Hospital administration is not something I do but I thought that it was mostly based off of "beds", not nurses.
This "clogging of hospitals by the vaccinated" started way before mass firings of nurses.
Yes, I am totally committed to being in the control group. I personally already had Covid and that makes me actually happy, as this pandemic remains only a concern for my loved ones and for the truth, but not for my own health.
I believe the number of beds available is often dictated by the number of nurses the hospital has to cover the beds. Many hospitals have shut down entire floors or wings due to a lack of business or a lack of available workers. But I understand what you're saying, that the clogging of hospitals started before the mass firings.
The number of nurses available dropped sharply at the beginning of the pandemic and has continued downward ever since. While the Covid mandates probably don't show up in this picture (yet), we were in trouble before they happened.
I have been very in tune with your thoughts on the control group elimination for obvious reasons. I know in many states in the US the workforce has been hit with mandates. Not sure if that is the case in Australia or not?
Nice article, you appear to confirm something I have heard elsewhere through the "underground railroad" -- that sites which generated spike proteins seem unable to repair their DNA and are headed for apoptosis and/or cancer.
Yeah, we need to look in that direction and see what has been happening with cancer lately.
SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro
While this is only in vitro, its more evidence to show that the long term AE are yet to be determined. liek you I am determined to be in the control group
I have really enjoyed your articles
cancer rate severity will most likely go up because so many people avoided and are still avoiding the hospital since Covid.
"sites which generated spike proteins seem unable to repair their DNA and are headed for apoptosis and/or cancer."
Do you have a reference or link for this? I hadn't heard that cancers might be localized to tissues that were co-opted to make vaxx spike.
I think there is some in vitro work suggesting that. Sorry I don't have a source to hand.
You may be referring to this article:
So here's where it's going to get interesting. Governments were throwing money at hospitals for Covid dx but now you have more people sick without Covid dx, which means the cost for treatment just got transferred to the private sector. Yeah they made a lot of money last year but if there are more people sick than an average year, those profits dwindle quickly.
When do the big insurance companies (obviously speaking only of US) report they earnings?
Wonder how this is going to play out with next years premiums?
Any small business owner getting premium increase notices?
Good point, someone gotta pay for it... Maybe ask Bill Gates to chip in? he had something to do with this after all...
Have you seen this interview?
Related to that, all of the patients with massive deductibles, who are filling the wards, what's going to happen to them?
Are they going to use this to usher in socialized medicine in US? Except how will they address the NHS and other government health systems tipped into insolvency due the increased costs.
Oh my.
We'll see if Jen Psaki makes it back to work tomorrow.
Could the increase in cancer be a result of the interuption of telomerase synthesis?
"In a recent study of COVID-19, a (statistical) relation was found between severity of COVID-19
illness and a decrease in length of peripheral blood lymphocyte telomeres"
Sanchez-Vazquez, R. et al. Shorter telomere lengths in patients with severe COVID-19 disease, Ageing 2021,
Now that study dealt with the in circulation covid-19 disease not the vaccines but the spike proteins you are exposed to is actually greater from the experimental gene therapy injections.
It is a good question. I was wondering about the same thing myself but this is not a judgment that I can make.
From the article: "Telomerase activity was found to be absent in most normal human somatic cells but present in over 90% of cancerous cells."
Full disclosure, I own some stock in the company, but the company Geron has a drug called Imetelstat, which is a telomerase inhibitor, and has two Phase 3 trials going currently. I think it is the only telomerase inhibitor in Phase 3 trials. Given what the article states, cancer cells tend to have elevated levels of telomerase activity.
If these vaccines are going to cause medical disasters, and if many people will lose their jobs, I don't see why people shouldn't try to make money by placing bets in areas which are likely to see increased demand as a result of the damage caused by these vaccines.
That's cold man, real cold. Funny as hell but cold LOL.
In August 2020 when Dr Borody (Australia) was interviewed about his Ivermectin, Doxycycline, Zinc triple play it was obvious that we HAVE a solution. Then the medical authorities not only didn't grant it EUA but restricted it further to "clinical trials only". At that point I knew the fix was in.
I was thinking of buying stock in the vaccine companies but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. My hatred of the system overcame my greed.
Fortunately I’m not forced to make a decision like that. I was already invested in them before the pandemic/vaccines.
Strangely enough another stock I owned before 2020 Rigel Pharmaceuticals was selected by Harvard/MIT researchers based on it already being approved, and its mechanism of action as a candidate for a phase 2 study in the treatment of COVID. All patients who died took the placebo. 4 people were on ventilators, 2 people in the placebo died, the two who took the drug survived and were off the ventilators in less than a week.
Based on the results the Department of Defense funded their ongoing phase 3 trial with $16.5 million, so it seems that the government has a vested interest in getting it approved. If the government hadn’t invested money, I’d say hell no there’s no chance.
It’s interesting that two stocks I owned before all of this treating once rare disorders (MF/MDS for $GERN and Thrombocytopenia for $RIGL) are likely to become significant concerns because of these vaccines in the future.
I’m either going to get really lucky here, or I should just stick to index funds.
Good luck to you. I think we're all going to need it.
I think you can remove the long and boring disclaimer at the beginning. This article is packed full of fascinating goodness and I read and reread it. Thank you for putting these pieces together. Given that a (young) friend recently told me about going to the doctor and asking "Could this health issue be a result of the jab?" and hearing in response, "Well, you know, we're seeing a lot of this lately, but it's probably unrelated," I am losing faith in the power of (actual) science or data to fight the pro-vaccine propaganda on this.
And anything that happens five months, let alone two years, post-vaccination-- well, we all know the propaganda on vaccine side effects being immediate and generally mild. Remember the party line: we are getting sick because we avoided medical care during COVID, and look what happens when people don't go to the doctor regularly! The answer is probably more medical care for all at the taxpayer's expense, certainly not a questioning of the medical establishment that is pushing this miraculous vaccine.
It will not be "medical care at taxpayer's expence", it will be "treatment of the vaccinated at the unvaccinated's expense".
What happened to your young friend? You are anonymous here.
Everybody here is going to be incredulous (or maybe too jaded for that) when you hear this: she has near-constant pain radiating down her left arm and on the left side of her upper body from neck to waist. Same side as her shot, started after her second shot, but she is so trusting of the medical authority and we are living in bizarro-land so she has been subjected to multiple tests and is a "medical mystery." I am the conspiracist who should spend less time on the Internet for gently questioning this.
Keep up the great analyses-- I am quite certain your predictions about cancer are going to be correct. Already had one acquaintance under 40 die of colon cancer since the vax, which is an anecdote and could be coincidence, but this is definitely wreaking havoc with our body's innate intelligence.
Thanks. I literally hate thinking about cancers in the vaxed, because I have some vaxed relatives.
Normally a typical cancer takes years to develop and kill the host.
But that is when the cancer is opposed by a functional immune system, working CD8 cells and so on. If the cancer is unopposed, it is possible that it grows an order of magnitude faster. The medical term is "aggressive cancer".
That said, I am not a doctor or a biologist so I can only have a second hand opinion.
I am an atheist, but I literally pray that we avoid this cancer stufff and it only stays in my imagination.
so 70 percent of the US adult population will be dead in a couple years. Good to know
I only know 4 vaxxed. Only 1 is normal (at least, last time I saw her). 1 is dead. 1 in a weird fog. And 1 recently finished concurrent chemo & radiation for 2 inoperable glioblastoma tumors.
Amazing and very scary. Were they older people?
When was the glioblastoma guy vaccinated? Did he have previous history of cancer or did it start after vaccination?
She's mid-60s. I didn't ask details ..we had other things to discuss. Afaik, after vac. I seriously doubt someone would get vaxxed in middle of or after cancer treatment. Chemo & radiation wipe out your immune system. I've seen blood with white count of 0.1, critical RBCs & platelets post chemo.
My brotherinlaw, 63 lean, bachelor received his second dose in June. Within a couple days he developed a "headache" which he still had the last time I saw him at the end of September. He describes this "headache" as being the whole left side of his face. It "pains him to talk of it," he told me as he changed the subject.
He spoke with his doctor and even asked if it could be an adverse reaction. He said the doc dismissed this possibility. That was back in July. It was so bad he had to miss a yearly family reunion and numerous other things. He was not able to "tend bar" this summer.
He and most of that part of the family are very "leftist" to the point of being proud of the "red file" their father earned back in the 50s. They loath the possibility that his condition might be from the vaxx.
Amazing story. See if yuo can find a way to get him to talk about it without feeling like being forced to "admit mistake". Non-judgmental and supportive and active listening works
They need to say cease rather than please to authority.
I agree! Nix the "long and boring"!
Yeah, I am now thinking of removing that sentence... But at the same time I wanted to warn reader that it is a long article. I was compiling these references and calculations for a while. Thank you and Diana for the comment.
Honestly, I have read some way longer pieces. I know in these times of fractured attention, shorter is generally better but still some people posts things that are too short and lack helpful details.
I agree. I do not want to create memes and write soundbites. I am not good at it. I am good at reading, understanding and occasionally connecting the dots together.
Absolutely - in fact, the more such cases, the better.
I keep waiting for the penny to drop and it just kills me that it might not. Incompetence or willfully planned, the people behind this shitshow should be made to pay and I am mad as hell thinking that they might not.
There will be a fall guy or scapegoat being set up somewhere as we speak, just in case.
I pick Fauci. Of course, the pols will start bleating, "Hey, we were tricked!"
Another interesting case - and blessedly well documented - is Deborah Conrad, a whistleblower physician's assistant from a NY hospital who noticed that 90% of the patients in her hospital were vaccinated, when only 50% of the local community are vaccinated.
There's an hour-long interview with her about it here:
The subsequent letter exchange between her lawyer and her hospital:
The unanswered letter to the CDC & FDA:
I will add a link to that video, I sw it before and THANK YOU for reminding.
Igor, this may be of interest to you. Here's a new hour-long interview with a 39-year veteran Registered Nurse from Queensland, Australia.
She discusses many topics, including the large number of vaccine side effects she and her colleagues have been seeing, and the suppression that is preventing them from speaking out.
It looks like our California Governor Newsom got GBS from a booster. Hasn't been seen in a couple of weeks and missed the big carbon-heavy climate party in Scotland.
Did you see the video today. He is out and about. But voice raspy, eyes bloodshot, and he looks a lot thinner to me. Didn't seem to move with much energy.
The whole video with him was very strange. His facial expression and mimics were kind of off. Good point about the weight.
The idiot never got the memo from Klaus. "Remember, WEF kinder, only ze plebs must take ze jebs!"
No, didn't see it. Thanks.
flat battery....
Are you aware they didn't test participants in both mRNA vaccine trials regularily for infection? Like every week? What they did, was test a participant if he reported COVID symptoms. That means if the antibodys created by the vaccine just surpressed symptoms and NOT infection and spread, they could have never noticed and by that created superspreaders. And we see in every country shortly after a vaccine campaign a spike in cases. Superspreaders with surpressed symptoms.
This is absolutely correct. It is also upsetting in very many ways. I actually wrote a separate Substack article titled "the vaccinated are superspreaders".
Not boring! I do want to point out that cd8 cells are actually part of our adaptive immune response. I keep seeing people discuss innate immunity putative disruption by the vax, but no mention of granulocytes or complement, etc (the actual cells involved with innate immunity).
I must be first to say that I am not a biologist, but I can read and learn. In any case, immunity is complicated and someone needs to study effects of Covid vax on immunity specifically, using modern labs, scientific methods and all.
What I do is more like investigative journalism, not writing of peer reviewed science articles.
the greens see a year of human life as a bit less than 1 ton of co2!
To them, we are disgusting parasites on the beautiful face of the earth. The more of us gets depopped, the better.
cdc excess deths remain above pre virus response mania.
from aug 2021 they are above same period, if trend goes north surge will be a little later and worse than past two winter/springs.
vaccines are science to the npr intellectual.
Now they get advice straight from Big Bird
One tonne (sorry I know metric) is maybe what a peasant in India is responsible for but most of us are probably over 20 tonnes. Most Green activists though are probably over 100 tonnes (all that flying).
Good stuff, although it's important to keep in mind the vaxxed could just be less healthy than unvaxxed from the start, they didn't necessarily become unhealthy because of the jab. Curious to hear why you either ruled that out or don't consider it likely
You made a very good point. It is a good objection in the sense that it is often raised, however I believe that this is not a valid objection in this specific instance.
The less-healthy people possibly are more likely to be vaxxed. I get it. It makes perfect sense and is true.
But why would vaccination somehow make hospitals more full? The less healthy people were less healthy in 2017. And hospital utilization was 65%. Now non-Covid utilization is 78%.
Great point! A good way to test our theory would be to compare to both data from last year (Coyvid but no jab) and baseline data from the previous years. I'd expect the best comparison to be between non-respiratory illnesses. Additionally, it would be interesting to compare total respiratory illness, both this year and last, to previous pandemic flu years. I don't have much in the way of data science skills so I was hoping you'd have an idea of how to find data on this :D
I would just love to read an article about it, want to write one?
Possibly the booster shot at work.
i.e. the first two give the initial jab to 'immunity' (aka good health) and the 3rd jab does the damage.
Also catch-up time. Couldn't get to hospital last year because of scare campaign. So heading there now. But that kind of hints that hospitals are bad for you anyway....
That doesn't apply to infectious diseases, only chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, worsening heart disease.
So if they are seeing a high number of pneumonias (which is just infectious agent affecting the lungs) than, there is a problem.
Yeah, you cannot delay a pneumonia visit too much, at most a week or two.
Given all the vaccination mandates, I would find that unlikely. One can also say, well, healthy are more likely to be a part of the workforce, and thus subject to vaccine mandates.
Your claims re Western Australia are way off-base. The cause is well-known to locals - decades of underfunding by both sides of the political spectrum.
Here's an article from 2016 with the Australian Medical Association decrying WA's shortage of hospital beds:
And another from Feb 18 2021, predating the vaccination rollout, where the Australian College of Emergency Medicine Western Australia Faculty Chair Dr Peter Alley argues the need for a new hospital:
Perth has experienced rapid population growth - around 25% since 2010 - yet our available hospital beds have DECREASED from 5492 to 4790 over that period. Marvellous.
2010 figures:
2021 figures:
So with that background of massive underfunding and critical shortage of hospital beds, how can we be absolutely sure that the current strain isn't due to vaccination?
Because it was happening prior to vaccination.
The vaccination campaign in Western Australia commenced on 22 February 2021 with very limited supplies (5000 doses per week; 2M population) to frontline workers. The public vaccination campaign didn't start until 28 April 2021.
So let's have a look at what was happening in the hospital system, as shown by ambulance ramping stats - the total wait time spent by ambulances outside ERs waiting for their patients to be admitted - prior to vaccination commencing. The Perth metro area ramping stats from 2017 through 2020 for adult emergency hospitals are below (excl. Perth Childrens and King Edward maternity hospital):
See the issue? Massive dropoff in Feb/March 2020 due to COVID fears, followed by consistent surging demand throughout 2020. BEFORE VACCINATION COMMENCED. Just month after month of increased ramping hours.
The 2021 data is far more variable - alternating peaks and troughs of demand - but a trendline through the data holds true to the 2020 surge. See below.
So why the surge in demand? It's really not - that's just the political spin to make it sound better. It's mainly a drop in capacity. As the article below notes, "Perth's hospitals are operating at 90 per cent maximum capacity due to staff, equipment and funding shortages preventing the opening of more than 400 beds".
That is 8.3% of our current capacity that's just out of the system. A major contributor to that is that as one of the world's most isolated cities, we rely heavily on international immigration to fill healthcare positions (particularly nursing). Immigration has been basically zero since early 2020 so anyone who leaves isn't getting replaced. Without staff, beds and wards have to close.
TL:DR Underfund and understaff a hospital system and it'll go badly. No correlation with vaccination.
/end rant
Thanks for a long and thoughtful answer.
So, your "ramped hours" trend shows increased demand, right? On both last images it shows the same thing.
Anyway, it seems that they cannot keep up with demand, as opposed to closing beds, so it sort of supports my story.
I agree that with better planning they could have increased the capacity, but the story is that of increased demand, greatly so in 2nd half of 2021, not in reductions in capacity.
Am I way off base?
Ramped hours shows apparent increased demand, but this can also mean a drop in supply (ie the 400+ beds that are currently not open, but once were). Politicians like to spin it as high demand because that doesn't reflect as poorly on them as drop in supply. The numbers don't lie though - we're 400+ beds down right now, with hospital capacity <2010 levels despite +25% population.
Were those beds open, there would be more room for the people currently stuck in ambulances waiting for admission to a bed. Ramping hours would drop.
Whatever the actual balance between reduced supply and increased demand is over that period though, it is inarguable that the effect commenced mid-2020 when we had (i) hardly any COVID cases and (ii) no vaccinations.
When that trend continues into 2021 (as it does), it's farcical to claim that it is suddenly due to vaccinations when the effect was already well established prior.
Surely, if they planned better, they would handle increased demand better. But the story is of increased demand inthe second half of 2021.
It is time to be concerned and disturbed. I believe that it is only a beginning of bad news.
Right, so you're clinging to your claim of "increase in demand in the latter half of 2021" and ignoring 12 months of prior data with the same trend just because it suits your narrative?
12 months of prior data show a sharp drop in "demand", until vaccination started. Completely confirms my point.
Drop in the beginning of 2020, then rise to the usual level to compensate for the drop, then jump to levels unseen before coinciding with vaccination.
Absolute bull. Peak ramping prior to 2020 was 2722 hours. End of 2020? 4094 hours (+50%) and rising. The effect was well in play already prior to vaccination commencing and will continue for so long as beds continue to be closed due to lack of staff.
Strange things are clearly happening in Australia. Our TGA advises that there have, as of 7th November, been over 78,880 adverse effects and 656 post vaxx deaths reported with just 9 deaths accepted to be vaxx related and the rest considered just a coincidence, which is far more adverse effects and deaths reports than a decade or two of all previous vaccines and age groups combined!
For me, these are not safe vaccines but that’s just me.
Also very interesting regarding Australia is that while all last year there were no vaccines available, from around the end of October 2020, deaths slowed to a crawl and the last death of 2020 was on December 29 making a total of 909 covid deaths for the year, a year with no vaccines and (so we were told), no effective treatments. The death drought persisted for around 7 months until July 10 this year when the deaths started up again but between Dec 31 last year and July 10 this year there was just 1 covid death. Maybe that is understandable based on the seasonal nature of most respiratory disease but as I write this there have been an additional 953 covid deaths and unlike last year, instead of dropping off at the end of October, the deaths are continuing through into November and that’s with the vaxx rollout that started end of Feb, the masks and extended lockdowns and recent vaxx or lose your job and other freedoms policy which resulted in over 80% (and rising) of the (16 and over) population currently doubled vaxxed!
The solution to all this (we are told) is more jabs of the same failing products, maybe more lockdowns and restrictions and blame the increasingly small minority of the unvaxxed. It’s genius!
Vaccines are not typically given to the adult population where mortality rate is considerable. Normally they're given to children as part of a standard vaccination schedule where there is minimal risk of natural death for many years thereafter, and where deaths that do occur have clearly definable causes (accident or disease).
COVID vaccinations are unusual in that they have been given to the entire population INCLUDING the aged where risk of natural death is considerable. Around 160k Australians die every year. If vaccination takes a year to reach 80% (rough numbers) then you could expect 80k 'post-vaccination' deaths due to natural causes.
Hence increased post-vaccination deaths reported to the TGA. The population being vaccinated is more susceptible to death of natural causes than most vaccines (due to age stratification) so of course the number of post-vaccination deaths is greater.
Delta didn't arrive until July. It is much more contagious than OG/Alpha SARS-CoV-2 and the control measures that worked in 2020 no longer did. Victoria's response was similar in the first and second waves, but there's a vast difference in the results achieved due to the differing contagiousness of Delta vs OG/Alpha.
BTW for clarity, Western Australia has had a grand total of 1112 COVID diagnoses since the pandemic started. The surge through 2020 wasn't COVID cases - we've been effectively COVID-free since May 2020.
Wow you all should be really proud of yourselves for hiding in your houses. Sounds like they didn't have much trouble getting you to stay put. All for a disease with a 100% survival rate with early treatment give or take some age and comorbidity factors. Cheers mate great job. I live in Florida where we walk around whenever we want without masks. I myself am not vax'd nor shall I ever stick an experimental cocktail in my arm. I will go out to the "pub" as you Aussies call it, tonight and we will all be drinking and dancing just like we did before all of this nonsense started. Maybe when we get a firm grasp of things over here we will come over there and save you from yourselves.
Hiding in our houses? ROFL.
With exception of a total of about 4 weeks of tightened restrictions when there were local cases, we have had no masks, no local restrictions, kids at school, workplaces open as normal and no COVID deaths. Since April 2020.
Meanwhile almost 61k Floridians have died.
Fuck off with your American exceptionalism.
Hi. I am perfectly fine with everything you post, including bad language, and in NO way mean to stifle your opinion with myself barging in as the substack's owner.
My private person's opinion is that at best, you postponed your pandemic at a considerable cost, and second, the cost is becoming apparent via "hospitals full" and economic ruin.
Covid deaths are difficult to count properly. But to me, a death of a cancer patient in a nursing home, who is destined for grave in a few months, is not in the same "weight category" as a death of a high schooler who has a heart attack.
Covid kills mostly people who are very old or very unhealthy. It is possible that some covid deaths are deaths with a unrelated positive PCR test, and thus overcounted. Covid vax kills everyone and vax deaths are purposely undercounted and hidden.
Plus, the vax is toxic with every application, and more and more frequent boosters should definitely be a part of the cost calculation.
I am very happy to be unvaxxed and having survived Covid and I would never exchange my Covid for their vaxx.
So why have there been gigantic protests in Melbourne and other places within the past 2 weeks? The videos are there. So you're telling us the army wasn't called out in Sydney to make sure people were following the lockdown mandate? Your posts certainly look like disinformation to me. (But thanks for posting: if forces us to check our facts - and more importantly, such "nothing to see here" posts are part of the overall phenomenon that some of us are trying to understand.)
Excellent, Igor. Thanks so much.
And thank you for the encouragement. This article was a PITA and took several days to write.
BEST ARTICLE I HAVE READ PUTTING THESE OVERALL FACTS TOGETHER IN A SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND FORM. The powers that be KNOW ALL OF THIS. Dr. Robert Malone and scores of other MD's/PHD's have been pointing out ADE for months and months. THE VAXX DESTROYS NORMAL IMMUNITY. This is literally a war and depopulation effort. Plandemic from the beginning. It has multiple layers that allow the deep state who are running this entire operation to reach multiple evil/anti human goals. I have watched many videos SCREAMING FROM THE ROOF TOPS that the vaxx destroys the INNATE IMMUNE system and will cause literally over a BILLION deaths- all of whom have been vaxxed. This is not accidental or a mistake that was made. SATANIC EVIL RUNS THE PLANET. WE ARE AT WAR= USA. CCP invaded the USA with CV19 on purpose. Its been planned and developed for a DECADE by the likes of Bill and Melinda GATES
. Project 201 happens just coincidently 1 month before CV 19 breaks out in China?
I am writing something long about it.
“colds that send them to hospitals, shortness of breath and pneumonia.”
Sounds like ADE
I am not sure if it is ADE. ADE is Antibody Dependent enhancement, when antibodies help a specific virus replicate in the body. What we may be seeing is just the immune system not working.
Or common cold virus is now experiencing ADE due to weak neutralizing cov2 spike titers