Thank you so much for this helpful information. I also quit Facebook in 2021. I told my friends I was outraged about their censorship, but, as far as I know, none of them quit as I did. Reading your post made me feel less alone. Again, thank you.

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I feel like NOT being on Facebook was a big net positive for me personally. Glad for you also.

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I can actually give one example of how Facebook helped me with Covid research. Back before the company went full-Orwellian, I used Facebook to query my followers with this question: "Please contact me if you think you might have had an early case of Covid."

I got about 40 replies and about 120 names of people who think they did or might. These people provided good and revealing details and anecdotes. I was off and running with my "early spread" research.

Of course, I couldn't do that today. My point is that Facebook, used correctly, can be a great and important tool. The fact it can no longer be used for such purposes is also a travesty. Zuckerberg could have been a hero. Instead he chose to to align with Big Brother and become one of our society's great villains.

I'm with everyone else now. He needs to be exposed, prosecuted and the company punished severely. But this won't happen because his "allies" in government and at other corporations will back him up ... Sigh.

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Zuckerberg is a Young Global Leader graduate of Schwab's school of WEF Globalist Puppets. There won't be a redeeming arc in Mark's story.

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I heard it was always a Big Brother operation!

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Maybe it was ... but Facebook did not employ at least 15,000 "content moderators" until Covid response ramped up. That's when they went hard-core Orwellian. If they fought the government's efforts to get this to do this, they didn't fight that hard.

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Yes, I quit FB all the way back in 2012! Haven't missed it at all!! :-D

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I quit 1 month into the Plandamic. I’d like to say it was the best thing I did that year but the best thing I did was realize the government was full of Scheisse!

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Same here! 💯

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I only use Facebook now for free marketing. I use programs that send out info for me so I rarely login. Don't miss it one bit.

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They shadow banned me. I quit.

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good for you

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They were even spying on messenger!

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Damned STRAIGHT they were.

I was unable to link family to certain articles and videos, due to blatant Messenger censorship.

A little yellow triangle would pop up: "⚠️Warning", unable to send.

Had to send via email.

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Not ONE key stroke you make in the www is SAFE!

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The spider in the web hears all, sees all, knows all.

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In a sense, agree.

But... On other hand I've been begging Harrari, gates, Klaus to come vax me. And bring 300 Un soldiers.

I just don't care.

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Good to see ya Leslie!

Those bastards.

Come and vax me Harrari you obscenity

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I never liked to wirte my opinion on KGB door.

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Same here! I was put in Facebook jail a few times, my posts were flagged and I could no longer bear the lack of critical thinking, the Ukrainian flags, masks, I got my C-19 vaccine frames on profile photos.

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I also quit Fb for the very same reasons, told people and as far as I know, no-one followed. People started to ask me where I was, they were worried. I logged in to see what was going on: message was there, no reactions, no likes whatsoever. So I used an professional account to check my personal profile: the message was not visible. Unless Elon Musk buys FB (as a matter of speaking) I will never return. Banned all SM (there is a reason this abbreviation also stands for Sadomasochism).

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The most incredible thing is they wouldn’t even read an opposing idea or articles that refuted what they were being told by MSM and the government.

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I was suspended in 2021 November, for reasons unknown. Probably posted something "mean" but I was never on there anywya.

I do not miss it. Nope

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It seems it was designed to create more division!

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Complain and keep using seems to be how society functions now.

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I never wanted everyone in America to have access to what plans I had for my day, night, weekend, vacation, so I was smart enough to never join.

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Im w/ you, Bandit. Seemed like most people did was brag about their every vacation, meal, fart. Trout-pouty selfies, yuck 🤢🤮

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Then there was FB stealing all your info.

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I agree completely, Bandit. I did join, for a short while, but I left when I figured out that they changed their security and rules so often that it became impossible to protect our privacy. I don't particularly worry about that, but I'm old enough to know where that *could* lead.

My sister and her family LOVE FB and continually post "information" and photos about family members and friends, where they are, where (and when) they're traveling and what they're doing. So, in a fairly evil way, I'm still "on" FB whether I like it or not.

Some folks either don't get it (the spying and data collection), or they "share" private stuff intentionally, or they simply don't care.

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I request to not be in any photos or postings and quietly move out of the shot. If they insist, I cite my privacy. It gets strange looks at times; no matter. I will not participate.

Such vanity in FB.

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I do same.

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IMO, lots of people don't even give a thought to what they're sharing.

Another thing about FB is you can "delete" your profile, or whatever they call it, but from what I've read, it is never really deleted.

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They don’t get it!

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My family is irritated I left FB. I told them we could use phone calls/texts/e mails/letters to keep in touch.

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How bout stoppin by fir a cuppa.

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Ugh, no kidding, plenty of other ways to communicate! Can’t tell you how many times some relative texts or emails to say they something my boys had done on FB. I’m like, “o that’s nice” 🙄

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I didn’t have a clue what it was about when I joined, in 2010 I believe. When I found out, I was appalled!

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I did not join, which I think was a no brainer; whether I was "smart"......not so certain

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Me too.

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Nor did I - and am very glad.

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🙌 Amen!

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I want a law passed banning anybody or entity from ever storing any data from any user without their express written consent that is separate from their operating agreement. Penalty is 1 billion per day per insistence that occurs. Facebook is searching my phone for contacts and then sending me notifications about adding them as a friend on Facebook this needs to be so illegal that violation destroys their business

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I did NOT want to get / make a FB account, and resisted it for years, but one was made for me one day by an acquaintance I had made in undergrad -- she thought it would be an easy way to stay in touch after graduation. Then, in grad school, we ALL used it constantly ... If you are wondering why so many doctors <45 years old seem to be so inept, it's because of a little stupid app called FarmVille.

... Anyway ...

I noticed YEARS ago that it would suggest people as friends that it had ZERO reason to connect me to, from the standpoint of those permissions that I had granted it. I never ONCE used FB itself on my phone, so it wasn't that ... I believe that it was my old Yahoomail account, which is the one that I used for FB notifications of messages, but I certainly never gave it permission to data-mine Yahoomail. Nevertheless, it must have done so, pretty much illegally, at that point.

At the time, nobody believed me when I pointed this out. Now, it's just accepted.

... Heck, I *still* accept crap like this, though. F***ing Instagram, which I use on my phone, gives me ads for stuff that I was looking at on my computer moments before. There "should" be ZERO connection between them -- except, again, for that same old s*itty Yahoomail account, which is on both devices.

As to *why* I keep that stupid ancient Yahoomail account -- despite it being an obvious Borg "in" to my various accounts -- sadly, it's because it works. I've tried multiple other (including expensive PAID) email providers, and they all suck. Yahoomail sucks, too, BIG TIME, and obviously has tendrils in every device that I put it onto -- but at least it's f***ing reliable.

A few years ago, I started using the term "meta-paranoia" to describe the state of apathy in which we *know* that they are monitoring us, no matter how much effort we put into avoiding it, so we may as well just go about using those technologies anyway -- *with* that heightened understanding firmly in place. This is how I now operate ... The only alternative that I can see is to shut it *ALL* off, and cease to use computers for basically anything. I do predict that I'll get there some day, possibly sooner than later, but until that time, I simply go about my business with an awareness that it is all being monitored.

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Amerikan Werewolf - interesting observations and comments. Google is even worse than FB & Yahoo. Before I learned to turn my phone off when traveling (a hassle), I would receive ads related to the stores that I simply drove past. If I stopped for gas near a store, or even worse, shopped inside a store, I would get numerous "related" ads for weeks afterwards.

The solution does appear [edit to add: "to be"] to turn off and never ever again use a computer, smart phone, smart TV ... or credit card. Collectively, all those devices and "conveniences" track our physical locations, every item we buy, contact lists w/ names/phone numbers/e'mail addresses..., and some even listen to our conversations without our knowledge. Disconnecting ourselves from all that will be nigh-on impossible.

Can anyone fail to [sorry, another edit to strike "miss" and insert "understand"] -miss- *understand* the "gotcha" grip when the Number of the Beast (Revelation 13) is required for all buying/selling, travel, etc.?? --- It won't be easy to avoid, but the consequences for taking it and vowing to "worship" The Anti Christ will be eternal.

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I am afraid I cannot agree with your last sentence (specifically, the implications of the word "eternal"), but I *do* agree that what's happening now is indeed a physical manifestation of that which was explained/predicted in Revelation (a document that has now been so obfuscated by translation errors and deliberate distortion that it is nigh unto impossible to unravel in any direct sense). Furthermore, I also do agree that the consequences of The (*BIG*) Choice, once it finally arrives (I do not believe that it has done so yet; the initial Choice was a primer, I believe) will have implications that will extend FAR beyond this realm of space and time. By Mortal Human standards, yes; I agree that these implications may *seem* eternal, and of course, since no action can be undone, in a sense, they will be. It is not, however, so simple as, "Oops, you lose; go directly to Hell," much as the vindictive Monkey Mind that this planet is cursed to live under may wish it so.

It's interesting; I was recently involved in a very similar discussion / debate about this on a spirituality forum. My hypothesis is that the rollout of CBDC, with the concomitant introduction of a Social Credit Score, will be the turning point after which The Choice truly becomes spiritually unavoidable. (Not that every choice isn't that, but this will, I think, lead to the Big One.) For now, I do not believe that the simple participation in the fiat monetary system ("Borg System," to my terminology; "Beast System" to others) represents any sort of choice to deny ones own inner spiritual knowledge, though of course, one would do best to distance oneself from it as much as possible. Once the Social Credit Score is rolled out, however, all bets are off.

As to the original topic of discussion -- yes, Google is abhorrent. To that end, one quick workaround that I recently committed to, with no regrets WHATSOEVER, is to obtain and use a "de-Googled" phone. Now, I do not of course know for a fact that Graphene OS doesn't also share tracking info with the Borg, but I do know that it doesn't have ads everywhere, and, since a lot of crummy 3rd party apps don't work (and I don't miss them!), I have to believe that it is at least obfuscating the Borg's attempts.

(Also ... I cannot even use a digital device without running adblockers, and have never been able to do so, which cuts down on a lot of irritation on my part. It doesn't stop the tracking, but it does stop the effects thereof, to some degree.)

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Werewolf, we agree far more than we disagree and, beyond that, I have no desire to argue. Some points are extremely intricate and complex like a huge jigsaw puzzle with teeny tiny pieces! I do believe that some decisions will have eternal consequences.

We definitely agree that The Mark of the Beast has NOT yet arrived. The "presumed" vax jab is NOT the mark, nor are credit cards or anything yet, but I am convinced that these things are being used to prepare the population's mindset to eagerly take many of the remaining steps without much thought. Those who are scripturally versed and are awake (not the silly woke garbage) will recognize most of those steps.

We also agree that no one will be "tricked" into taking the final mark when it comes out. To take that mark and to make it work, one must swear allegiance to a person or an authority of some sort. I believe some will acquiesce readily and blindly, but others will reject it (out of wisdom and insight ... or simply out of a strong and rigid spine that will not "bow" to any person, place, or thing) and take the consequences.

As we've both said, I think "events" are lining up to prepare us for that eventual inevitability and, personally, I think the only protection from that is to be sure you've believed and accepted our Lord and Savior.

I very much appreciate folks who can disagree agreeably and discuss things without excessive rancor! Thank you, and, if you don't mind my saying this: Peace and God bless you. -- Let's all resist the "Borg" and their assimilation!! :)

Oh, btw, I wish I knew how to decouple everything from Google. It's omnipresent, extremely resilient and very, very sneaky! I tip my hat to you on that!

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I wish to elaborate tomorrow, but may not get to it, so ...

tl;dr version: You and I also differ on the concept of an *external* savior; however, we see far more overlap than many others.

Peace and God be with you as well. And f*** the Borg.

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Fair enough! (with a chuckle). Brevity is usually best, but it's not easy to cover "all the bases."

Enjoyed "meeting" you here - and I agree with your last sentence! :)

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I agree, Reality Speaks.

Storing NO data, without express written consent, should be the DEFAULT condition. Putting it in the tiny print near the bottom of the 38th page of a TOC should never be allowed.

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If you can get some class action lawyers involved- then we might actually stop some of this. Because many of them only care about the money.

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Money is pretty much the only thing we can get from a corporation, we cannot put Facebook in jail.

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We should not even WANT their money, just turn our backs on them and QUIT in quantities, in HUGE quantities, by the billions.

Problem is we care but do not care enough.

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Exactly right. We care, but the majority of people could not care less. They don't care about the poison they injected. They don't care about the origins of the so-called virus. They don't care about anything until it effects them, and then most still don't care. Too lazy to care, unfortunately.

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We have a complacent, dumbed down society. That’s how we got to where we are today.

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Exactly! You can thank our excellent education system, college, wokeism, and democrats for embracing it all. And the dumbass public is oblivious to it! We're losing this country fast!

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I think this is on both sides and across the board. People have been distracted to what has been creeping in to society by the “entertainment” industry, social media, excessive partying, professional sports, alcohol and too much TV. That’s my take.

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... which takes us, me at least, to the sad conclusion that there is NO solution for this our pernicious state of affairs.

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Try Mewe

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I think any money should be used for the V-injured.

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Again, if you let them pay (like we made the Germans pay after WWII) they'll think they've come off even. Done no injustice, all clear now etc. Money has this treacherous logic ingrained.

Funding for the V-injured should preferably come from elsewhere.

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Well that makes sense!

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Too bad; maybe we can annihilate it

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A society that needs a lawyer at every step and corner is doomed anyway.

When honesty, fairness etc. are no longer matters of course it is the end of a civilization. The last stage of mankind, according to the Greek Hesiod (700 BCE) was the Iron Race, amongst whom justice went for nothing and laws were laughable. He found himself to be living amongst just such men.

Our generation seems to be the last rusty remnant of Hesiod's Iron Race.

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But the "fearless" trial lawyers know who NOT to sue ... or what cases they can't bring. They've got a good and lucrative deal going ... as long as they play ball. And 99 percent of them get that. In other words, I'm not expecting any big Covid class-action lawsuits in my lifetime. I'd love to be wrong, though.

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A high profile suspect just never makes it into the court room.

That's what Martin Armstrong has said many a time.

Too many high-up people involved there, too much damage all around.

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I also deleted my FB account in early 2021 due to their censorship.

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now, if only the other 4 billion users would do the same, we could put those b*stards out of business.

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Thanks for this. I, too, left in 2021. As the facilitator for a Plant Based wellness community group and FB page, I was posting articles on ways to boost the immune system and articles from Dr. David Katz (who seems to have "gone missing" into the vax vortex after signing The Great Barrington Declaration.) He had a great tool for calculating one's risk and was recommending ultra healthy diet/lifestyle, and suggested we protect the fragile and elderly while allowing the rest of society to continue. I also posted The GBD itself after signing in Fall of 2020. Most or all these posts went unseen by the community. It was hard to tell at first because I wasn't running into people in person and our meet-up potlucks were discontinued. After all the shade thrown at common sense I began to get some thinly veiled scorn/hate for my "question authority" views, and decided "I don't need this". I do miss the contact I had with distant friends and relatives. A support group or two. But it's not worth the shaming and pigeonholing. No thanks FB. And No Way in Hell, Meta.

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Prisiontime needed for Mark Zuckerberg

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Death Penalty

He ALSO participated in election fraud $$$ in 2020.

Both connected.


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I knew we were in trouble when any paper on Ivermectin or nutraceuticals I tried to open via Google didn't exist... or had a "warning dangerous content has been detected". I watched a Joe Rogan podcast where he stated, if you wanted to find any real info you should use Duck Duck Go (which I had never heard of). Needless to say, suddenly all of the links worked, and there was all of the information I needed to make my informed decision. I shared links with friends and family, but to no avail... It's one thing to send a scientific paper, it's quite another to pre-empt it with, you'll need to use a different search engine... I felt like that necessity made everyone discount the information I was trying to send... Google definitely is responsible for our current state of affairs. I would almost say moreso than the obvious perpetrators. If people could have accessed the information they would have been able to make informed decisions, but many never contemplated that Google could be and was manipulated...

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Sadly, no compensation will ever begin to make up for all the crimes and harms committed.

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I too am pleased that I got off Facebook in January 2021. Two years now! Then I went a step further and got rid of all my TVs (5) in July 2022🎉👊💪 No more propaganda.

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No, both their heads on a stick would be fair. I knew it was happening, we all did. Those fucking liars, condescending assholes. I belonged to a wonderful group that was made up of health care professionals in MN helping and supporting each other as the mandates came online. There were many good resources for writing exemptions and job leads for RN’s that refused the jab. I belonged because my daughter quit her job as an RN. She was pregnant at the time, having tried for 4 years, my first grandchild, and her SOB director of nursing told her that she should be vaxed because the OB’s came out and said it was ok. I damm near ended up in jail over that. We momma bears protect our kids, even if they are in their 20’s. I was shadow banned so many times on FB. I was never kicked off, but got plenty of warnings. Some days I think I can forgive a bit, then I read an email like this and I explode. Off with their heads!!!!

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Of course we should demand accountability for the actions taken by corrupt public officials colluding with amoral Corporations to delude, manipulate and mislead Americans!

These actions have led to a 40% increase in all cause mortality, shocking levels of disability, stunning sets of harms via lockdowns, fear propaganda, and bad medical advice to our youth and children, as well as the greatest theft of private financial assets from individual Americans by the hands of the Corporate maw, with 1/3 of the take from the crimes they have committed together going into the hands of the States and Federal Government via capital gains taxes!

Yes, we need to be filing lawsuits, shaking awake all the comatose in mainstream media, yelling at law enforcement, and lighting fires underneath the asses of our Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches of Government!

We have been tortured, kidnapped, incarcerated, force injected, gaslighted, genetically raped, and impoverished by this criminal Cabal.

If we just lie down for it you can be assured this behavior will continue and grow, until there are only masters and slaves left on Earth, and the slaves will more resemble the Borg than us, IMHO!

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There's a line in Casablanca I think of often. Victor Laszlo tells Rick (paraphrasing): "If we stop fighting our enemies, they will win."

Rick, ever cynical, comes back with some line about "What of it? we'll be put out of our misery."

But Victor tells Rick, "You sound like a man who doesn't believe what's he's saying" ... which was true. Even Rick ends up joining Victor's fight against evil.

Says Victor at the end of the movie: "Welcome back to the fight. This time I know our side will win."

... And this script was written in 1942 - when the Bad Guys were winning WWII.

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Any true content that was suppressed and could have saved a life, should be treated as an act of MURDER...nothing less. Those who ordered the censoring, performed the censoring, covered up the censoring, etc. must ALL face justice for these crimes against humanity.

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I understand why many people say the "heck with Facebook" and leave for good. The counter-argument is that if we are going to "change the narrative," we'd need to fish where the masses hang out. And the every-day Joes and Janes - the cross-section of the country - is on Facebook. Like it or not, it is the closest thing we have to a Town Square.

That is, I don't know how we can change "mainstream" thinking without using Facebook. But I'm not using it. I'm banned again. More people discovering Substack is a great sign, but we need many more people to discover Substack. Even if Igor got back on Facebook and I was un-banned, Facebook isn't going to allow any Substack Covid articles to go viral. The founders and owners of Substack ought to sue Facebook.

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The fact that we have to ponder what to do when it is so clear how wrong and collusive they have been speaks to the depth of corruption of our system and the difficulty we are having in gaining justice.

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People died because of this campaign to censor the truth. There needs to be murder charges. Manslaughter changers (multiple) in the least.

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