People, sorry for not posting in the last several days: for a couple of days I was not available, and during other days I did not have anything notable to report. I spent money and a lot of time on dead-end scientific studies that did not reveal anything interesting, or other pieces that were not newsworthy.
Twitter is full of garbage and virtue-signaling and not enough interesting news.
So, there was nothing to write about that was worth sending to 55,000 people. I hope you understand.
Please Igor, no need to be sorry! You can always be counted on to find something worthwhile! Thank you so much for the investigation you do - you are heloing us EDUCATE ourselves and that is if more value to me than I can express. 🙏🩷💕
I began to get a vibe when abstracts were hiding something. Signs...
- When they present selective results compared to what they studied - such as reporting on only a couple of age groups, or full findings for some and not for others
- When there is a very qualifying conclusion (positive for the empire, obviously)
I wouldn't buy every fertility or birth study, in the same way that I wouldn't buy a covid vaccine 'efficacy-against-death' study. Re the death, I haven't yet read a study that controlled for 'intentionally unvaccinated due to proximity to death'. Our over 95 population was the least vaccinated of the older age groups, so there's little point to a study that finds 'the unvaccinated died more of all cause mortality' since that was the very reason they were unvaccinated. One really wants a study that controls for pre-vax life expectation, as well as age. It can work both ways - a lot of unvaxd people are so because they are robust and resourceful. Most births and fertility studies will be equally compromised.
I just came across another factor in commentary on a death study. They said the authors found that deaths in aged care homes were more likely in the unvaxd than the 3x vaxd, but the 3 vaccines strike me as a screening of all the oldest, sickest people - they need to allow for deaths that occurred through the vaccination process.
You are never obligated to send out items daily. I think I could safely say for everyone on your substack that we appreciate your *curated* posts. There are plenty of folks on substack sending multiple posts daily, which is tedious and which I sometimes don’t read due to time or interest. Your posts are a different matter, precisely because you are so discerning with your topics. They are always worth reading and no matter what, I make time to read your postings because I know the care you take!
I'm not surprised by your article. Data manipulation is the primary way that research scientists can lie in their publications with plausible deniability. This is why in research publications 1) The underlying data must always be made available, and 2) All processing and manipulation of the data must be revealed and mathematically justified. Unless you are a statistician or are versed in the design of experiments, you will probably miss these things. However, the best way to either prove or debunk research or just find honest errors, is to repeat the study and see if the results are consistent. A single study is not sufficient.
It's pretty common. And yet people still "trust the science". Scientists wear the mantle of "integrity" the way doctors wear the mantle of "caring". They mostly care about their careers and position in society over anything else.
Twitter is cesspool now (as far I am I am concerned anyway) - I deleted my account (again). Since I really don't do "news" on my SubStack, I only write when I have something to say and am inspired to say it. There is just a ton of absolute crap being written and in videos now about the vaccine and related issues. You just have turn it off. I get angry with the people trying to monetize this tragedy. Have we learned nothing?
Doesn't she work with RFK jr and CHD? I think they have done a lot of good highlighting issues but they have a blind spot by accepting the basic premise in the medical industry. Tinkering around the fringes of saying "some vaxx" are OK doesn't strike the root. But that doesn't make them evil. There can be useful tools that help work towards our cause, too.
She does indeed. I don't trust RFK he has surrounded himself with Scientologists, they are de facto mentally deranged. Answer me this, has the MFM achieved anything? Pregnant women and babies are still getting this mRNA horror. In three years of bleating what have we all achieved? No not all are evil, they may be brainwashed or bribed.
Maybe she does know then, she also appears giddy as a school girl when Mr Malone is around. Bad character actors. Ms Nass organised a zoom call with Mike Yeadon & Sasha Latipova, 650 spaces, only 130 turned up. Can substack be adjusted so only some of your 27,000 subscribers get the invite?
Rockerfellers, they. train the doctors then wind the key in their back and off they trot
I don't trust Sasha Latypova because she blocked me from commenting and unsubscribed me. And I haven't been obnoxious - only my normal wondering self. She didn't like me saying that I thought viruses were real on 'her blog', for example. She's either totalitarian herself or controlled opposition.
Perhaps it was only her trying to appeal/bring on board the 'terrain' believers... She took an intermediate path when she said she thought bacteria was real, but not viruses.
She was quite determined that I shouldn't say things like that on her substack.
I think that everyone comes here for the outstanding information that you provide and I, for one, am very grateful for the effort you put into your articles. It reminds of the old school research - quality not quantity. I think everyone is looking for the facts rather than propaganda and I hope that your Substack really becomes the go to source for anyone that is prepared to think rather than simply accept the official nonsense.
Sure thing, bro, no problema, at least you're back, great news! I spend zero money because I make zero money doing extensive research every day and posting shiiiit every day, just for the kicks, and of course for my 180 free Subtract subscribers, LOL!
First of all, funnily enough, they do not give a link to the paper they cite.
Secondly, from what I read on the article above, the methodology used does not appear very rigorous and scientific to me:
"The researchers identified infants with siblings in the California birth records, which allowed them to compare “treated” infants exposed to COVID-19 infection in utero with their “untreated” siblings who did not experience a COVID infection.
The researchers also took into consideration the zip code of the mother’s residence to compare areas that had low and high uptakes of vaccination against COVID-19."
And also:
"By January 2022, the impacts of COVID-19 on preterm births dropped to zero, but zip codes that had high vaccination rates saw the harmful effects disappear a year earlier than areas with a slower vaccination uptake."
Seriously?! Just by looking at zip code and overall vaccination rate in the area, they say that the reduction in preterm births is due to high vaccination rate. Have they ever heard of the sentence "correlation does not mean causation"? Have they isolated other factors which most likely are at play here?! Good grief!
I feel like I want to read more about VAIDS. I used to see a lot about it and now that I am seeing a lot of it in real life, I don't really hear about it any more.
Igor, why do you hate science so much? Why must you be curious and careful and critical in your analysis, and not just read the social media posts and headlines like everyone else?!
What amazes me is that what you describe is something that no researcher would do in good faith. And vaccine history show that similar behaviors are numerous.
I still believe that most people are honest but the the percentage of bad faith people in the population as a whole is much bigger than I previously thought.
Please Igor, no need to be sorry! You can always be counted on to find something worthwhile! Thank you so much for the investigation you do - you are heloing us EDUCATE ourselves and that is if more value to me than I can express. 🙏🩷💕
The stats are deliberately modified to make it look acceptable for pregnant women to accept the DEADLY INJECTION they call a 'vaccine'. The same goes for those trying to have a family' They end up with still-born casualties -then permanent infertility!
Here's another example of useless and dangerous Covid 'Vax' reality - Airline pilots who were forced by MANDATE to accept the EXPERIMENTAL Covid 'vax' are now far less healthy and susceptible to many more serious health complications that could (and WILL) occur during flights. Myocarditis is rife among Airline staff.
ALL DUE TO THE MANDATED 'SAFE & EFFECTIVE' COVID INJECTION, which is injuring and killing thousands worldwide. All this mayhem and excess death was caused by the DEADLY injections made by companies like Pfizer who dictate a NO LIABILITY CLAUSE if you want to buy their useless but deadly Covid 'cure'. It's simply depopulation.
Example of the inherent dangers we all now face if we choose to keep flying;
"There have been many tragedies this year. Phil Thomas, a young graduate of the Cadiz, Spain, flight training academy, fell ill and died suddenly in April. There were five pilot incapacitations in March including a British Airways pilot who collapsed and died in Cairo, Egypt not long before he was due to fly."
We can either take a rushed course on 'How to pilot a Boing 737' or hope they start to use a PILOT, a Co-Pilot and a SPARE pilot!
All gullible 'patients' that didn't think before participating in an EXPERIMENT, are now all GENETICALLY MODIFIED as was factually covered up by Pfizer and other unscrupulous deadly injection makers.
You should never have allowed them to experiment (Pfuck) with the human body and expect it to get better! It's simply inviting a shorter Life Expectancy or a sudden 'inexplicable' early death.
They play with (modify) stats to make it look acceptable for pregnant women to accept the DEADLY INJECTION they call a 'vaccine'. The same goes for those trying to have a family' They end up infertile - FOREVER!
Here's another example of useless and dangerous Covid 'Vax' reality - Airline pilots who were forced by MANDATE to accept the EXPERIMENTAL Covid 'vax' are now far less healthy and susceptible to many more serious health complications that could (and WILL) occur during flights. Myocarditis is rife among Airline staff.
ALL DUE TO THE MANDATED 'SAFE & EFFECTIVE' COVID INJECTION, which is injuring and killing thousands worldwide. All this mayhem and excess death was caused by the DEADLY injections made by companies like Pfizer who dictate a NO LIABILITY CLAUSE if you want to buy their useless but deadly Covid 'cure'. It's simply depopulation.
Example of the inherent dangers we all now face if we choose to keep flying;
"There have been many tragedies this year. Phil Thomas, a young graduate of the Cadiz, Spain, flight training academy, fell ill and died suddenly in April. There were five pilot incapacitations in March including a British Airways pilot who collapsed and died in Cairo, Egypt not long before he was due to fly."
We can either take a rushed course on 'How to pilot a Boing 737' or hope they start to use a PILOT, a Co-Pilot and a SPARE pilot!
All gullible 'patients' that didn't think before participating in an EXPERIMENT, are now all GENETICALLY MODIFIED as was factually covered up by Pfizer and other unscrupulous deadly injection makers.
You should never have allowed them to experiment (Pfuck) with the human body and expect it to get better! It's simply inviting a shorter Life Expectancy or a sudden 'inexplicable' early death.
An Op-ed that examined one aspect of identifying COVID-19 vaccine safety signals has been posted on Trial Site News ( The Op-ed identified the frequency of occurrence of VAERS symptoms for three major diseases: Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Neurological Disease, and computed the ratio of total symptom occurrences per COVID-19 vaccine dose. Since these symptoms occurred within ~2.5 years maximum following the COVID-19 shots, effects of latency on longer-term impacts are not known, and far more symptoms could occur when a full accounting of these adverse events over time has been done.
Talk about a rigged game, this is the worst kind of scam. Women everywhere should be outraged. If this doesn't lead to wholesale abandonment of childhood vaccines because of the mistrust in the industry as a whole......
But if they controlled for age it wouldn't really matter whether they took the additional women out or not, would it? Did they give some data controlling for age?
People, sorry for not posting in the last several days: for a couple of days I was not available, and during other days I did not have anything notable to report. I spent money and a lot of time on dead-end scientific studies that did not reveal anything interesting, or other pieces that were not newsworthy.
Twitter is full of garbage and virtue-signaling and not enough interesting news.
So, there was nothing to write about that was worth sending to 55,000 people. I hope you understand.
Please Igor, no need to be sorry! You can always be counted on to find something worthwhile! Thank you so much for the investigation you do - you are heloing us EDUCATE ourselves and that is if more value to me than I can express. 🙏🩷💕
I began to get a vibe when abstracts were hiding something. Signs...
- When they present selective results compared to what they studied - such as reporting on only a couple of age groups, or full findings for some and not for others
- When there is a very qualifying conclusion (positive for the empire, obviously)
I wouldn't buy every fertility or birth study, in the same way that I wouldn't buy a covid vaccine 'efficacy-against-death' study. Re the death, I haven't yet read a study that controlled for 'intentionally unvaccinated due to proximity to death'. Our over 95 population was the least vaccinated of the older age groups, so there's little point to a study that finds 'the unvaccinated died more of all cause mortality' since that was the very reason they were unvaccinated. One really wants a study that controls for pre-vax life expectation, as well as age. It can work both ways - a lot of unvaxd people are so because they are robust and resourceful. Most births and fertility studies will be equally compromised.
I just came across another factor in commentary on a death study. They said the authors found that deaths in aged care homes were more likely in the unvaxd than the 3x vaxd, but the 3 vaccines strike me as a screening of all the oldest, sickest people - they need to allow for deaths that occurred through the vaccination process.
Whenever. Don't care. One wow article a month is worth $5.
You are never obligated to send out items daily. I think I could safely say for everyone on your substack that we appreciate your *curated* posts. There are plenty of folks on substack sending multiple posts daily, which is tedious and which I sometimes don’t read due to time or interest. Your posts are a different matter, precisely because you are so discerning with your topics. They are always worth reading and no matter what, I make time to read your postings because I know the care you take!
Thank you very much
"Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a Trout in the milk" - Henry David Thoreau - (July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862)
I'm not surprised by your article. Data manipulation is the primary way that research scientists can lie in their publications with plausible deniability. This is why in research publications 1) The underlying data must always be made available, and 2) All processing and manipulation of the data must be revealed and mathematically justified. Unless you are a statistician or are versed in the design of experiments, you will probably miss these things. However, the best way to either prove or debunk research or just find honest errors, is to repeat the study and see if the results are consistent. A single study is not sufficient.
Meyer from 2004 reported a survey of scientists that said
- 15% knew of data that was falsified
- 27% knew of data altered to conform to a certain theory or to increase statistical significance
- 69% knew that contrary data was not reported
- 7% knew of an original study database that was immediately destroyed to prevent reconstruction of findings
Welcome to science!
It's pretty common. And yet people still "trust the science". Scientists wear the mantle of "integrity" the way doctors wear the mantle of "caring". They mostly care about their careers and position in society over anything else.
Don't apologize! I'd rather read 1 well thought out article per week than receive daily Stacks that say nothing!!
I'll take quality over quantity any day
Twitter is cesspool now (as far I am I am concerned anyway) - I deleted my account (again). Since I really don't do "news" on my SubStack, I only write when I have something to say and am inspired to say it. There is just a ton of absolute crap being written and in videos now about the vaccine and related issues. You just have turn it off. I get angry with the people trying to monetize this tragedy. Have we learned nothing?
I wish Meryl Nass would do the same. I only keep her around as I think she is being manipulated by the Bilderburg group and she doesn't know it.
Doesn't she work with RFK jr and CHD? I think they have done a lot of good highlighting issues but they have a blind spot by accepting the basic premise in the medical industry. Tinkering around the fringes of saying "some vaxx" are OK doesn't strike the root. But that doesn't make them evil. There can be useful tools that help work towards our cause, too.
She does indeed. I don't trust RFK he has surrounded himself with Scientologists, they are de facto mentally deranged. Answer me this, has the MFM achieved anything? Pregnant women and babies are still getting this mRNA horror. In three years of bleating what have we all achieved? No not all are evil, they may be brainwashed or bribed.
Kind of agree there with Meryl. I had to unsubscribe from dr Alexander. Just too much.
Nass is BFF w/Abby Rockefeller.
Maybe she does know then, she also appears giddy as a school girl when Mr Malone is around. Bad character actors. Ms Nass organised a zoom call with Mike Yeadon & Sasha Latipova, 650 spaces, only 130 turned up. Can substack be adjusted so only some of your 27,000 subscribers get the invite?
Rockerfellers, they. train the doctors then wind the key in their back and off they trot
I don't trust Sasha Latypova because she blocked me from commenting and unsubscribed me. And I haven't been obnoxious - only my normal wondering self. She didn't like me saying that I thought viruses were real on 'her blog', for example. She's either totalitarian herself or controlled opposition.
How odd, you both believe viruses are real and she blocked you?
She's decided that now?
Perhaps it was only her trying to appeal/bring on board the 'terrain' believers... She took an intermediate path when she said she thought bacteria was real, but not viruses.
She was quite determined that I shouldn't say things like that on her substack.
Well said. "Giddy as a school girl" was one of my first impressions as well. The game is on...
I think that everyone comes here for the outstanding information that you provide and I, for one, am very grateful for the effort you put into your articles. It reminds of the old school research - quality not quantity. I think everyone is looking for the facts rather than propaganda and I hope that your Substack really becomes the go to source for anyone that is prepared to think rather than simply accept the official nonsense.
Totally agree.
I agree
Sure thing, bro, no problema, at least you're back, great news! I spend zero money because I make zero money doing extensive research every day and posting shiiiit every day, just for the kicks, and of course for my 180 free Subtract subscribers, LOL!
I like your shiiiit x
Thank you for your Greek support, appreciated.
Igor did! And he did so with OUR money!
The corruption is EVERYWHERE! 😂
And the "fine print" is behind a paywall!!!
I saw this story today, if anyone has time to dissect it.
They have found another way on how to make COVID vaccines appear to be "safe for pregnancy".
Read this article:
First of all, funnily enough, they do not give a link to the paper they cite.
Secondly, from what I read on the article above, the methodology used does not appear very rigorous and scientific to me:
"The researchers identified infants with siblings in the California birth records, which allowed them to compare “treated” infants exposed to COVID-19 infection in utero with their “untreated” siblings who did not experience a COVID infection.
The researchers also took into consideration the zip code of the mother’s residence to compare areas that had low and high uptakes of vaccination against COVID-19."
And also:
"By January 2022, the impacts of COVID-19 on preterm births dropped to zero, but zip codes that had high vaccination rates saw the harmful effects disappear a year earlier than areas with a slower vaccination uptake."
Seriously?! Just by looking at zip code and overall vaccination rate in the area, they say that the reduction in preterm births is due to high vaccination rate. Have they ever heard of the sentence "correlation does not mean causation"? Have they isolated other factors which most likely are at play here?! Good grief!
"The authors “trimmed” only 0.1% of unvaccinated women, but removed a whopping 7.5% of vaccinated women, most likely to miscarry!"
Why did the authors of the study state that this data-trimming was undertaken?
Are there any instances when this would be considered valid when dealing with two sets of data being compared? If so, under what circumstances?
Thank you!
I feel like I want to read more about VAIDS. I used to see a lot about it and now that I am seeing a lot of it in real life, I don't really hear about it any more.
Igor, why do you hate science so much? Why must you be curious and careful and critical in your analysis, and not just read the social media posts and headlines like everyone else?!
I posted important new info on preventing Covid vax deaths from fibrous clots by Spencer Feldman at He said the vaxes appear to be extremely sophisticated bioweapons (thus not easy to remedy).
What amazes me is that what you describe is something that no researcher would do in good faith. And vaccine history show that similar behaviors are numerous.
I still believe that most people are honest but the the percentage of bad faith people in the population as a whole is much bigger than I previously thought.
The corruption is running wild...
Please Igor, no need to be sorry! You can always be counted on to find something worthwhile! Thank you so much for the investigation you do - you are heloing us EDUCATE ourselves and that is if more value to me than I can express. 🙏🩷💕
The stats are deliberately modified to make it look acceptable for pregnant women to accept the DEADLY INJECTION they call a 'vaccine'. The same goes for those trying to have a family' They end up with still-born casualties -then permanent infertility!
Here's another example of useless and dangerous Covid 'Vax' reality - Airline pilots who were forced by MANDATE to accept the EXPERIMENTAL Covid 'vax' are now far less healthy and susceptible to many more serious health complications that could (and WILL) occur during flights. Myocarditis is rife among Airline staff.
ALL DUE TO THE MANDATED 'SAFE & EFFECTIVE' COVID INJECTION, which is injuring and killing thousands worldwide. All this mayhem and excess death was caused by the DEADLY injections made by companies like Pfizer who dictate a NO LIABILITY CLAUSE if you want to buy their useless but deadly Covid 'cure'. It's simply depopulation.
Example of the inherent dangers we all now face if we choose to keep flying;
"There have been many tragedies this year. Phil Thomas, a young graduate of the Cadiz, Spain, flight training academy, fell ill and died suddenly in April. There were five pilot incapacitations in March including a British Airways pilot who collapsed and died in Cairo, Egypt not long before he was due to fly."
We can either take a rushed course on 'How to pilot a Boing 737' or hope they start to use a PILOT, a Co-Pilot and a SPARE pilot!
All gullible 'patients' that didn't think before participating in an EXPERIMENT, are now all GENETICALLY MODIFIED as was factually covered up by Pfizer and other unscrupulous deadly injection makers.
You should never have allowed them to experiment (Pfuck) with the human body and expect it to get better! It's simply inviting a shorter Life Expectancy or a sudden 'inexplicable' early death.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer
They play with (modify) stats to make it look acceptable for pregnant women to accept the DEADLY INJECTION they call a 'vaccine'. The same goes for those trying to have a family' They end up infertile - FOREVER!
Here's another example of useless and dangerous Covid 'Vax' reality - Airline pilots who were forced by MANDATE to accept the EXPERIMENTAL Covid 'vax' are now far less healthy and susceptible to many more serious health complications that could (and WILL) occur during flights. Myocarditis is rife among Airline staff.
ALL DUE TO THE MANDATED 'SAFE & EFFECTIVE' COVID INJECTION, which is injuring and killing thousands worldwide. All this mayhem and excess death was caused by the DEADLY injections made by companies like Pfizer who dictate a NO LIABILITY CLAUSE if you want to buy their useless but deadly Covid 'cure'. It's simply depopulation.
Example of the inherent dangers we all now face if we choose to keep flying;
"There have been many tragedies this year. Phil Thomas, a young graduate of the Cadiz, Spain, flight training academy, fell ill and died suddenly in April. There were five pilot incapacitations in March including a British Airways pilot who collapsed and died in Cairo, Egypt not long before he was due to fly."
We can either take a rushed course on 'How to pilot a Boing 737' or hope they start to use a PILOT, a Co-Pilot and a SPARE pilot!
All gullible 'patients' that didn't think before participating in an EXPERIMENT, are now all GENETICALLY MODIFIED as was factually covered up by Pfizer and other unscrupulous deadly injection makers.
You should never have allowed them to experiment (Pfuck) with the human body and expect it to get better! It's simply inviting a shorter Life Expectancy or a sudden 'inexplicable' early death.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer
An Op-ed that examined one aspect of identifying COVID-19 vaccine safety signals has been posted on Trial Site News ( The Op-ed identified the frequency of occurrence of VAERS symptoms for three major diseases: Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Neurological Disease, and computed the ratio of total symptom occurrences per COVID-19 vaccine dose. Since these symptoms occurred within ~2.5 years maximum following the COVID-19 shots, effects of latency on longer-term impacts are not known, and far more symptoms could occur when a full accounting of these adverse events over time has been done.
Talk about a rigged game, this is the worst kind of scam. Women everywhere should be outraged. If this doesn't lead to wholesale abandonment of childhood vaccines because of the mistrust in the industry as a whole......
An excellent example of why one should not rely on the abstract.
I have to ask this question. It isn't intended to be crass.
Who wants to bring a baby into this world?
Good question and many possible answers going both ways
But if they controlled for age it wouldn't really matter whether they took the additional women out or not, would it? Did they give some data controlling for age?