They mistook sarcasm for humor, on the account of wonting in both.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I would make a joke about this, but those nutcases writing this are too soul-less to get it. Of course, the leftist Jimmy Kimmels, et al will be excluded. Their (not so funny) humour will be allowed.. Humans are the only animals that laugh (ok, well I guess laughing hyenas do), and even Jesus used humour (e.g., when he called James and John "sons of thunder).

The fasco-Marxists hate EVERYTHING that is human: humour, children and childhood, the male/female distinction, natural foods and medicine human biology (hence their emphasis on transhumanism), they hate God, Christians, free speech (where is leftist icon of the 1960s, free speech advocate Mario Savio, when we need him) Trump, the Constitution, freedom, and ultimately, they hate you,gentle reader. That is why I say not one of us who thinks they can sit this battle out, can do so. The end result of "sitting this one out" will be the same as it was for those "good Germans' who didn't want to get involved with Hitler's ascendancy... which end result is here in one simple picture 0 search for "Dresden, 1945" and look at the pix

And if you are STILL using Google/Chrome, and not something like Brave and it engine, or engines Yandex, or Tusk browser and its search engine, or engines Freespoke, Presearch or Swisscows, may i humbly submit you are just feeding the crocodile that plans to eat you for its next meal.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Where is lefist icon from the 1960s Mario Savio on the student union steps of UC Berkeley when we need him. What is most funny is the arzehole scared of humour descend from their fellow leftist Mario Savio. Funny how the fasco-Marxist left went from free speech to the campus speech and thought police. But of course, they are too intellectually dishonest - or is that they are just idiots - to note this. Which French writer said that it was never very long before oppressed people, once they gain power, to put on the robes of their former oppressors.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Even funnier Jordy & Kurty, nearly 4million Aussies didn't even "vote" in the divisive "referendum". It would have been an even bigger flogging for you funsters. Anyway here's the right of reply, happy chaps.

This paper pokes fun @ left wing hand wringers who have all the personality of a dead plant(s). This will be achieved by an critical examination of the worlds smallest book; Far left wing jokes. We explore this book in record time, from cover to cover, as there are no pages. As an aside this book can be found @ ALL good Salvation Army, Red Cross second stores in the comedy section next to the Bruce Springsteen's new album for lefties, "Music to cut your wrists by". All the best you dreary dropkicks.

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Thank God for humor and especially self-deprecating humor. It helps to ground us and entertain us and take the sharp edges off of many issues. The left has lost its sense of humor if it ever had it to begin with. If not for humor, life would be dull and more miserable than it already has become because of these blowhards on the left. These self-inflated bags of wind authorities on every topic and their constant effort to paint everything with a racist brush is enough to gag a maggot. That, in itself, is laughable. There is nothing more obnoxious than a know nothing know it all with no sense of humor what-so-ever. They could put you into a coma so deep that when you woke up your cloths would be out of style. Igor, keep up the humor. Never lose it. It is our life preserver in these turbulent waters today.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I think it would be funny to make fun of Jordan McSwiney and Kurt Sengul on Gab. They'll rip them a new ass over there.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

George Orwell is rolling in his grave and we crossed the 1984 threshold a long time ago

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Another proud moment for the vital academic principle of "peer review."

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Hopefully they go after the laughter of children next. It cuts like a knife, and you know they dont understand or spend every minute discussing THE NARRATIVE. With a little work, we can expunge all joy from human existence!!

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"banning babies and the color blue", like the crazed god in Terry Pratchett's story.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

When they say humor will destroy our “democracy”, they really mean humor will help people realize how totalitarian government has become, and they don’t want you to know this. The left calls you far right extremist when it is they who behave like extremists. They call you Nazi fascist when it is they who are behaving like Nazi fascists. They also accuse MAGA of being extremists and a threat to democracy. MAGA is a threat, but not to democracy, rather the left’s totalitarian globalist ideology. You see how this works now? The left counts on people being too stupid to realize their sight of hand and react emotionally. Sadly, so many do.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

This is Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy!!!


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I was alluding to that

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They really need to come up with some new material. 🤣

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The Establishment is scared out of their wits by memes!

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They are hell bent on controlling the narrative. It is their number 1 priority. The whole mis dis mal information war is the first priority

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Humor is a danger in both directions. Have you seen Steven Colbert and his vaccination campaign disguised as night show sponsored by Pfizer?

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I'm totally down for that... the ridiculousness of it was fantastic. I shared it far and wide. I think a few people on the edge chose not to poison inject after seeing it

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I can’t even believe this report is for real - it is so galactically beyond absurd.

Noting South Park was particularly rich, as it just happens to one of the most successful and long running shows on TV around the world, Because It’s Funny!

And their attempt at glossing it up in “big sounding words” is downright embarrassing it is so over the top!

“ Through our thematic analysis and multimodal discourse analysis”… are you kidding me?

The whole thing reads like a farce comedy skit, irony of ironies- hahaha!

Oops, laughter!

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What are you laughing at? These are the "experts". Who are you mere mortal to question the gods?

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

These woke fuque ups cannot take the same behaviour 'pie-in-he-faced' back at them!

Come back at them with with well investigated, well informed and undeniable ad hominems (narcissist, barbarian, bigot, ant-human etc.) and watch them crumble or attempt the 'knock-the-block-off my shoulder' cope... then document it!

If political, spread it;

if gender or racist, call them out;

if environmental, tell them that the production of E-Vs have a higher ecological footprint than the established ICE set, even before the "where is the electricity going to come from" question is asked.

Four years of "shit eaters". I have had MORE than enough.

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Academics were much better staying in their own circles slapping each others’ backs. When they started taking themselves seriously, and really believed their own crap, real life unraveled. I think they should just stay in the library. 🤣

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There are real academics, you know. Real scholars. Real scholarship grounded in the perennial concerns of philosophic inquiry. But it's frauds like these who rule the roost. The public doesn't understand: by 2010 at the latest, 95% of our higher ed institutions had become too corrupt to Reform. They must be abandoned entire, and new ones established. Anytime anyone speaks well of a college or university without looking into it first, or sends their kids there, they are contributing to the problem. Sincerely, a PhD who works today as an elementary and secondary substitute teacher.

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Agreed. Thanks for the comment - I left the field of addiction for the same reason. When the “miracle drug” came out in 2002 to “cure” opiate addiction, the same corrupted scholars basically changed the direction of cash flow to pharma and their own pockets. I couldn’t ethically stay. I now do pro bono help for those who want a better sobriety. I’m glad those youngsters have you.

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