I have an acquaintance who told me her periods are extraordinarily heavy since the jabs. She would have taken them last year, probably early summer then late summer. They have not improved, and she

says she has friends who report the same.

So not necessarily short term damage there.

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have a colleague who experiences heavy bleeding whenever she is intimate with her jabbed husband. She is post-menopause.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have heard similar from multiple women, and myself experienced a minor cycle disruption right after my husband was jabbed.

There is a compelling morality-play narrative out there that this is some kind of moral test: that dumb people get jabbed and suffer, but we "purebloods" (ugh) will be spared all the effects because we made the smart/moral/right choice.

I'm deeply concerned that's a false binary. I've now seen way too many reports from un-vaxd people reporting negative effects from exposure to vaxd people. I think this means that not only does remaining unjabbed *not* confer magical protection from the ill effects of the jab, but also that we may never be able to prove the negative effects were even *from* the jab, because we'll be seeing them even in people who received no shots.

We think the people who foisted this on the world may be headed for *the special hell*.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That is probably because of ‘shedding’ of spike. I believe Dr. Malone was talking quite a bit on the topic, regarding the vaxxed shedding spike to the unvaxxed. Spike is toxic, period!

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One of my daughters who took the shots and maybe boosters, she has not shared that with me, is having massive blood clots during her cycle.

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So sad. I fear for my jabbed loved ones. I'm so sorry she was duped.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022

Regular courses of Ivermectin may help bind with the spikes and neutralize them. But some people have mentioned that maybe Ivermectin is not very effective against Omicron . . . Do any of you out there have any information on that?

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I cannot even speak to her about Ivermectin or anything not mainstream. I will have to wait until she reaches out to me. FLCCC now has a protocol for the vax injured.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

Everyone has the right to make their own choices/follow their own life path. We can show other people that they have other options (I maintain that in ANY circumstance, we always have a choice---even if our only choice left seems to be to "check back out" of this physical time-space experience/reality). We can be examples, inspiration, etc., but we can't force or take away their right to choose for themselves. "Bad" choices just teach people to try some other option next time (which could mean next lifetime!), because some options just work better than others. If they "get it right", great! If they "screw up", they learn a lesson: great! From the bigger perspective, it all has value, and ultimately everything is "okay".

So, you can only do so much. We can't live other people's lives for them. We have to realize that it is going to be okay, anyway. Sounds a little "woo woo" or "New Agey"? Sorry. From my experience that's just the way things work.

By the way, if a toddler didn't fall down repeatedly, he/she would never learn how NOT to do it, any they wouldn't learn to walk

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I encourage you to check the latest from Japan where the authorities openly claim ivermectin is way better than vaccines.

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022

It is highly unlikely that the "vaxxed" are passing on the genetic material from the shots because the nanoparticles supposedly latch on to and enter cells relatively quickly from the bloodstream.

So, theoretically it is only the spikes themselves that are circulating and being shed via all bodily fluids, including sweat. I did hear one brief mention that maybe the spikes can replicate, and I certainly hope not! But the drug companies have done a lot of work on self-replicating "vaccines" that vaccinate other animals around them. We just don't know enough yet.

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There definitely seems to be an effect on the unvaxed by the vaxed. I know someone vaccine free who was a cop and around women who were jabbed. Her cycle was like clock work down to the time of day every 28 days. Once the colleagues jabbed her cycle was thrown off. I guess over time we'll see. However, the severe reactions are pretty much among the jabbed.

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This happened to me. I was every 28 days on the dot, 3 days, very light, and within 3 days of being in close contact with someone recently vaccinated, my period was 11 days early, 10 days long, and beyond heavy. It’s taken over a year to regulate. I tried to discuss it online but they tried to shut me down as an anti-vaxxer and that it was probably the ‘stress’ of covid. Ridiculous. Official UK government statistics on menstrual problems quietened them down.

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OMG! After this long it may not help, but some spikes stick around for a year. (Maybe more —nobody really knows) but ANYBODY with spike exposure and damage should take periodic doses of Ivermectin to neutralize whatever spikes get in their body! Maybe EVERYBODY should be doing it, as a precaution, because you never know when you will get exposed. The prescription pills have gotten quite expensive because of the price gouging, but millions (probably hundreds of millions) of people all over the Third World use the veterinary grade. It is the same molecule, maybe not so quality controlled. Hasn't hurt those of us who used it! If the paste form is all that's available, it works well to rub it on the skin: absorbs just like a "patch". Good luck!

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

Yes . . . at least the unvaxxed aren't manufacturing billions/trillions of their own spikes!

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I hope that’s a Firefly reference at the end there!

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I agree with your theory about apportioning blame to the 'Cure'! The only way, is to have a whistle blower from within Big Pharma with credible information, spill the beans, in my opinion!

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Right and I'm sure her doc will ignore her complaints. Post menopausal women should not be bleeding.

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She got excellent care from someone I recommended to her. They gave her a pelvic ultrasound and she’s very happy with this female GYN/ Surgeon.

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Her doctor will candidly or privately assume she's being an overly hysterical hypochondriac due to her change of life and that is causing her bleeding. It's all in her head. I've seen so many women testify to that very thing as an explanation for the adverse reaction esp when it's neurological. What else, after all, could it possibly be.

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Not at all! I guided her towards a lovely and conscientious female MD/Surgeon I also recommended to my eldest daughter.

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deletedJul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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I've read a few reports of women's entire uterus just sloughing out of them after the jabs...

Take enough jabs - avoid the hysterectomy

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The entire uterus doesn't "slough", just the endometrial (lining) layer separating and being expelled as an intact "cast". It can happen naturally, but I've heard it is very rare.

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It's decidual cast shedding. It happened to a friend of mine. She had J&J shot. Her ob/gyn said it was from the shot. He also said he's seen an increase in miscarriages.


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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And thus would further contribute to the infertility issue.

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Big money in all the unnecessary hysterectomies!

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Whoa! But she wasn't "vaccinated"? If just the husband was, this sounds bad. I'm trying to figure out what the mechanism could be. His sperm may be too damaged to do much, but maybe he could still be shedding large numbers of spike proteins in his seminal fluid, depending on how many of the mRNA or the DNA lipid nanoparticles migrated to his testes.

More questions than answers!

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i've heard this from several people

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That is an absolutely brilliant hypotheses. I think you may be onto something.

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She was not vaccinated, correct.

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"The plot thickens". And thickens!

If humanity survives this demonic attack, the historians will be dissecting, and writing about, this COVID debacle for decades.

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I like you constantly think how later generations will study and comment on this terrible time. I pray the truth will be available to them and they will come to the conclusion that the whole disaster is the result of the civilisation turning against God and totally forgetting and rejecting his laws and teachings. That’s my conclusion.

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And you are right on…Moira! The Lord is coming soon before there is no flesh left! Matt. 24.

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Heavyrock bleeding. She must be checked for cancer.

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Was she checked for fibroids behind the uterus?

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She was thoroughly checked out by pelvic ultrasound, by a GYN who is also a surgeon. I did not ask her the details. She felt she was in excellent hands and trusts the female GYN I recommended. Not sure if you were addressing me!

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deletedJul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Talked to an old friend yesterday. We are both unvaxxed. Her best friend from high school is dead in her mid 40's, in her sleep, from a heart attack. An old boyfriend is too. Another friend is dead of multiple myloma in his late 30's and another person she knows has this same cancer that was once relatively rare.

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From a wholistic point of view menstruation is an extra route of detoxification (in addition to colon, kidneys, skin and lungs), some people believe it's the reason why women's lifespan is overall longer than men's. Remember? Our grandmothers used to call it the monthly 'cleaning' - a notion that modern medicine is completely dismissing.

In this light it makes perfect sense (biologically) that women receiving an extra load of toxins from these products would have very heavy bleeding with clots. It's the body's desperate way to get rid of it. However, it's dangerous for obvious reasons.

What's the solution? As an MD who also has a training in trad chin medicine I have seen many cases (pre-covid) of heavy bleeding that would respond very well and fast to changes in diet (NO sugar, low carb, no junk, heavy on veggies and moderate on good quality animal protein - think of an anti-candida diet, wouldn't recommend keto for long term), and, if needed, herbs like tea or tincture from lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) and sheperd's burse (Capsella bursa pastoris) during 10 days prior to the bleeding. If during bleeding one feels like loosing control over it, tincture from sheperd's burse is the only herbal I know of that can within a few hours get a handle on it. Any naturopath will know about this if more help is needed. In addition, coffee enemas as a major detox tool would be a huge help (probably for all spike-related symptomes but particularly for menstruation issues because they target the liver and menstruation is liver territory).

Hope this helps some.

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Thank you! She does already eat very well—no junk food all organic but I will pass this on.

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I love that you are an MD and have also trained in TCM!

Gluten, dairy and sugar free has helped my clients with just about any ailment. For me, these were game changers when I still had my cycle.

Great post!

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What about women -not vax related- that have stopped menstruating? Any herbs to help bring it back?

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Thank you for sharing this information. Do you treat people long distance through telemed?

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No, I don't, but don't worry, any naturopathic doctor who is knowledgable about herbs can help here. It's no rocket science. I'm sure there must be some around the area where you live. And even if you don't find that kind of help, try the herbs I suggested, you can't do any harm. Also inform yourself on coffee enemas, and start with very weak ones, they are the most powerful detoxification tool I know of (don't overdo them, though, 1-2 per day only).

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Thanks so much for the sincere and helpful advice. Take care.

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a lot of people were reporting this in April 2021 and onward — unjabbed, just being AROUND jabbed people brought this on. same with miscarriages. as Igor discussed a recent study in another post… shedding is happening and causing this too.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yup, have heard the same from friends.

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https://www.bmj.com/content/374/bmj.n2211 is a letter to the BMJ by a specialist in menstruation and the immune system. She is keen to say the the vaccines do not affect fertility, but in Sept 21 it is way to soon to say. Her evidence is the trials, but the fact that women got pregnant after the jab at the same rate as the unjabbed in those does not tell us that they carried to term.

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This is a letter with little data

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She is not giving the whole story, whatsoever, imho. She lost me at vaccine hesitancy.

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Sure, but we have to be able to logically counter her arguments. What are your objections to those specifically?

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That they don’t cause infertility which is not true. That they are short term effects, which is too soon to tell…Steve Kirsch had a friend whose daughter miscarried after taking the shots and the OBG said they had never seen such a horrific miscarriage. I think the baby’s brain imploded. Horrifying!

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I remember Steve mentioning that and that the doctor probably never did or never will put 2 and 2 together because the vaccines are safe and effective like hypnosis.

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Most people shouldn't have children anyway, theyy often can't even stay married and are of low genetic worth. Cf. Dutton & Woodley's work.

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Not staying married is often unavoidable. Common sense rules, not someone's work!

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deletedJul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

For everyone that is having problems because of being vaxxed, this might help:


and of course:


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I do not believe in unvaxxing

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Agreed - the people who put this toxic shit together --- will not have included a get out of jail free option.

It's messing directly with the building blocks of the body ... altering them in a malevolent way.

There are plenty of often well-intentioned promoting detoxing meds ... there is zero evidence supporting their claims.

This will be a nightmare for those who caved in to the propaganda campaign and injected.

I am hearing more and more reports of severe flu cases in Queenstown - again yesterday someone was remarking about how many people they know who are suffering from this extreme flu. I doubt this is any different than any other flu but it is extreme and severe for those with VAIDS... and the vast majority are suffering from some degree of VAIDS because most people in Queenstown are at least double injected.

Wait till these variants that get into the lungs start to rip into these people with damaged immune systems. All hell will break lose.

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Multiple reasons why 1918 flu killed so many: including overdosing patients with the new miracle drug Aspirin, bacterial pneumonia breeding in the cotton masks, AND so many were suffering from poor nutrition or malnutrition right after WWI=weakened immune systems.

Fast forward 103 years: COVID shots=weakened immune systems!

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Just watched, so it's fresh in my mind -- Dr. David Martin said the mRNA injections will "change what it means to be human." It will forever change DNA and the "experts" have no idea how it will all pan out. A global experiment with intentional consequences.

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Many people have spoken of this mass poisoning of humanity with a bioweapon-generating gene transfer shot as an "experiment", but I don't see it as an experiment. That would imply that it was some kind of research for the purpose of gaining knowledge. Obviously it isn't.

Let's give it a somewhat more appropriate title, such as "project" or "program" or "game plan".

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Do you believe that one who is unvaxxed can be affected by the "shedding" of the vaxxed around them? I think I might be experiencing some of the symptoms of the spike protein. Would you take Ivermectin and do the the above protocols for these symptoms or attempt to do testing first? In my case, my sense of smell has changed whereby I experience an imaginary chemical smell and have hissing in my ears. Sounds neurological... Thank you.

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

It would seem that *some* are affected by shedding, but not all. I really don't know.

You know, it would be great if we had something like a "scientific community" that studied things like this. But I guess all science is mRNA from now on.

I think I would research the symptoms of "covid;" if you have the majority, it might be good to start on a course of ivermectin. Just a suggestion, not medical advice. There are so many weird things that people have had happen to them because of "covid," I'm not ruling anything out.

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Thank you for your great common sense response and suggestion regarding Covid symptoms and Ivermectin. It is such a safe drug that it would probably be wise to take a course of it.

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I'd say eat plenty of fruit with seeds in them. Make Jewelry out of the seeds and give it to men to wear.

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Yes, there a little anecdotal evidence of this, but I have not found a study for this yet. Try this link: http://wordsalad.info/tag-viralshedding.html

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Thank you for these links to read about shedding.

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deletedJul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My acquaintance is not of pre menopausal age. She says that in her periods she has to get up three times in the night to change pads. Not at all normal.

Some accounts on the internet - and videos - are horrifying.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I hope she can get help, and not just gaslighting! That will make you anemic very, very fast, and tends to lead to emergency hysterectomy if it's not dealt with in a timely manner.

Getting a depo shot to shut things down for a while can buy you some time to research your options (I know how ugly that sounds-- know a few people who've been through it). Just-- in that situation it's really easy to get badgered into having your uterus and ovaries removed because "it's an emergency!" (and maybe it is!), but it doesn't always have to happen right now, without properly informed consent. Most women go into a hysterectomy with *no idea* what the long-term risks of that are, physically (organ prolapse, loss of sexual function) or hormonally (loss of libido, loss of maternal feeling, needing exogenous hormones).

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My family and I came to the United States from Havana in 1961. My mother already had 4 children and my father died when she was pregnant with me. In her late 30s or early 40s, a GYN tried to convince her that she needed a hysterectomy. She refused and never had issues with her reproductive system until she passed at age 94. I’m sure this was part of the population control agenda so that she wouldn’t have any more children. 

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Offering hysterectomies to healthy pre-menopausal women used to be very, very common in the US. I think for my grandparents' generation it was the most common method of birth control for married people.

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Oh lovely!

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The only problem with using Depo in this manner is that many women bleed and/or spot after receiving Depo, especially when starting it. That could be a *real* problem in the setting of bleeding caused by or exacerbated by spike protein (whether the source is post-Covid infection or jab)

The shut down of bleeding may take as long as 1 year, receiving continuous doses of Depo, on time, every 11-13 weeks. Many women love the no period feature of Depo, but it isn't an instant side effect (this is almost never the case).

The FLCCC now has a protocol to help people recover post-jab, and a list of docs who treat long-covid. While I haven't heard of many gynos specifically treating gyn issues caused by the jab or post-covid, I think just treating long-Covid or post-jab issues in general may also help women with gyn issues specifically because the treatments are systemic, and all our systems are connected, so helping one system will likely have beneficial downstream or secondary effects.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Oh, absolutely, I would never recommend using that to cover up spike exposure symptoms. Only that if you're being pressured into a right-now hysterectomy, it's better than getting rushed into a life-altering medical decision you may have serious regrets about.

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Of course, but as a strategy to buy time to find alternatives, Depo may backfire since it can take so long for Depo-related bleeding to stop it may exacerbate bleeding from covid-related issues.

The real issue is so many who get the jab are going to docs who will gas-light them into thinking there is no relationship with the "coincidence" once they start connecting the dots and timeline. So even if they might now be willing to consider a non-mainstream / narrative treatment, getting non-conventional information will be a challenge if they do not have any friends who made different choices. The last two years have been so polarizing I think many people's network of friends have become echo-chambers.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That is scary.

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Two variables: age and day of menstrual cycle

Observations from VAERS: by day of onset, highest reports within 24 hours of shot - normalized frequency data looks like: 1.0 for day 0, 0.5 for day 1, 0.25 for day 2, followed by extended reports

Candidates: Spike protein, LNP, innate immune response, or other???

see: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-1508835/v1

For immediate onset symptoms lasting on two cycles, the innate immune response is the most likely candidate because the same pattern occurs for other high reactogenicity vaccines at 15-fold lower rate

Spike and LNP are prime candidates for symptoms lasting more than 2 months - see reports on LNP biodistribution to ovaries etc plus expression of Spike for 60 days plus

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022

Jackie Maybin, an English gyno, who is pro vaccine of course, listed three possible causes for period disturbances post jab in 2021.

Effects on brain controlling reproductive hormones.

effects on ovaries, eg inflammation in reaction to Covid or the jabs, which would be temporary. But this could, though she didn't say so, cover damage to eggs, though it's hard to see how that effect would link to heavy periods.

Direct effects on the womb lining. I wonder how these would work. Would the body shed the womb lining especially thoroughly if it contained some risk to future implanted eggs? We're out of known science with that speculation. If so you'd expect the problems to be temporary so long as a woman stops the shots. Elsewhere the shots cause clots, so has any informed scientist who is sceptical suggested a mechanism?

It's not PEG to blame because AZ causes it too.

My guess is that it is miscarriages and stillbirths causing the drop, since in the Pfizer trial a roughly equal number got pregnant in both groups, so possible temporary. But the partners of men in that trial probably weren't monitored - anyone know? A reduction due to a drop in sperm quality probably wasn't examined, and would add to any miscarriage effect, and could be a permanent change. If so, there will be months of lower birth rates, then a recovery, but never back to pre jab levels.

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deletedJul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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It’s obviously global warming

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Or Russia.

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Clarence Thomas

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I forgot about justice thomas. He’s a bad man. A very bad man.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Right! Isn't Thomas also the cause of global warming and Russian aggression?

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Clarence Thomas causes heart attacks in vaccinated liberals watching MSNBC

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Not Liberals, leftists, Igor, leftists

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And strokes in those watching CNN!

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Doesn't he also eat Radical Leftists for lunch?

😳😜 🤪

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Just to extend your view on a "conspiracy theory" somehow Hungarian government kicked out all private fertility clinics starting from 1st of July 2022. So now to have a kid through IVF or any other assisted form is only possible through the government.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That’s odd... The Hungarian government is very pro-family...

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You can be pro family and also very against certain aspects if IVF. Those views are not contradictory.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That’s true. Excellent point I hadn’t thought of. I am against certain aspects of IVF, and still didn’t think of that. My first thought seems to default to helping a married man and woman are having trouble conceiving on their own.

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Hungarian government is many things only in words. Nothing what they say should be believed. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the moral aspect what Yarrow bring up.

Actually they said they want to kick out private clinics to make IVF more available and to have more kids faster.

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Well, if any of: the egg donor, the sperm donor, or the recipient are "vaccinated", good luck!

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Exactly! Clearly Putin is to blame - why can't anyone just state the obvious?! : )

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well you're all wrong. It was clearly the "orange man bad"

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Yeah, but Putin "made him" do it!

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Orange man gave the world “Warp Speed Injections”

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Could he have done otherwise, without being eviscerated by everyone and their little dog?

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I supported Trump and applauded his accomplishments....but his decisions regarding the pandemic and public health were disastrous and virtually negated all the good that did... and then some. He apparently remains out of touch with the millions of adverse events...leading me to believe that he's onboard for the depop program. If I had to choose between him and Biden, well..... there's little question there

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I’d throw racism in there too

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hungary vs Roma yup

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It’s my fault, I do enjoy the races, that makes me a racist.

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I myself was a bicycle racist for many years, but now I go slower

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Anthropogenic Global Dying.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Transphobia, clearly.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

No such thing

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You say that, but it was raining yesterday and it was warm and sunny today.

Explain that one.


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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There is now!

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

More like a global megadeth genocide!

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Or gardening

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Or stress from utility bills

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I believe it'll be a permanent decline. The short-term impact of the vaccines has been devastating, and it's very possible that the long-term impact will be as bad...or even worse.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Plus children, and now babies, are being vaccinated. We have NO idea whether being vaccinated at such a young age with these experimental mRNA shots affects fertility.

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I believe the reason behind vaccinating children is that it will provide Pfizer with protection from liability. If I understand this correctly, once the vaccine is authorized for use on children then there is no liability issues for Pfizer. Anyone out there have any more information on this?

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Liability protection means nothing if there are angry crowds of infertile vax injured people ready to drag these bastards out of their chateaus and put their heads on pikes.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I will buy tickets and bring popcorn.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm sorry, but I don't see that happening. The parents will NOT accept that the vaxx killed their child.

Our nephew (38) was starting to have heart issues. He was required to take the vaxx for work. No one told him it would be dangerous for him. Five days later he was dead.

To his day, his parents (vaxxed and boosted) do not believe the vaxx has anything to do with his death. It will be the same when children start dying. Everyone will just deny the link.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

i'm so sorry about your nephew and even sorrier that his parents can't/won't see the link

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you for your kind words. It's my husband's sister and her husband. Her husband is on week 11 or so of shingles, and will be getting a shingles vaxx, because his doctor said to do so right after his shingles clear up. And... she is having some random weird issues that may or may not have anything to do with the poison death shot. I have no doubt they will get jabbed again when their doctor tells them to, as well as his other sister and her husband, even though they have had covid several times. It's insane.

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Not everyone. Perhaps most. Surely some will stand up.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Crowds of weeping parents.

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I walked the silent streets of a suburban neighbourhood...

There were no sounds of children playing ....

For the children were all dead.....

And their parents bodies were hanging from the lamp posts....

Swaying gently... and twisting in the wind....

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

where are they then? i would have expected protests in the streets long before now. i know they have been happening in other countries and just not covered by MSM but the USA has been oddly compliant. sad

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That would almost make the last 30 months almost worth it!

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Can we get it on pay-per-view?

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

that's correct. the 1986 law established a federal court for compensation funded by a small fee added to every shot given.


the current covid vaccines have liability protection from the PREP Act but if they can get the vaccines put on the childhood schedule, that protection will become permanent.

this is why the administration keeps extending the state of emergency even though there is clearly no emergency and the push to vaccinate 6 month through 5 year olds before that state of emergency is withdrawn.

it's also why Pfizer's Comirnaty was approved but not available in the US- once it was approved. it would have lost EUA protection. the Biontech version that was available was not approved but still had EUA protection. the FDA approval papers make it very clear that the two products are "functionally identical but legally distinct" which should have raised all sorts of alarms.

i don't think you can mandate an EUA product but pfizer sure didn't want to lose those EUA protections- hence a little legal legerdemain.

people didn't question, assuming they were getting an approved vaccine. once they get those vaccines on the childhood schedule, you'll suddenly see vials that say Comirnaty

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Liability protection is dissolved once FRAUD is proven.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

In theory. But it would require the FDA to be honest. I think that recent 21-0 decision to approve for under-5 kids states loud and clear that every single ranking official in that institution has been purchased.

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022

And have been for a long time. The FDA (and employees thereof who get royalties from vaccine, and other, patents) gets more than half of its operating expenses from Big Pharma. They PAY millions to have the FDA look the other way and streamline the approval process. Then more than half of approved drugs later get pulled from the market because they don't work or because they are too dangerous.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Meme, But then look at what the left ALWAYS gets away with. Otherwise, the f’ing Clintons, Bidens, Nobummers, Comey & all the rest would be getting the treatment the Jan 6 “insurrectionists” have had

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

At that point would it even matter? A hypothetical settlement from a class action lawsuit involving billions of people might get you a stick of gum.

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Not by the time it makes it through the courts. . . most of the recipients, and many of their families, will already be dead!

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

While the thesis about the schedule is correct, I suspect as these data arrive suggesting harm, wiser heads will prevail. Our officials will, of course, never admit error in policy but behind the scenes they must know. But we shall see given the money and corruption involved.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I honestly do not think they care.

Until they are tied to that stake with a burning torch about to absolve them of sin.

THEN they'll care.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Wiser heads? I've seen no evidence there are any wiser heads anywhere in the government hierarchy, especially since Jan 20, 2021. It will take a new and good administration to have a prayer at any wisdom.

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You may be right. Still, I have hope that the public is becoming much more aware of harm.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The mRNA vaxxes have to go onto the regular schedule of children's vaxxines. I do NOT believe that has happened yet.

But... as soon as it does, yeah, no liability.

FYI: as I understand it, they're going to add a new formulation for BA4/5 to the fall flu vaxx, along with the formulation for the original strain which is no longer out there. The FDA has decided that this combo vaxx is fine, and because it's similar to what's been done in the past, there do not need to be additional clinical trials.

Let that sink in.

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

implantable medical devices (knees, hips, etc) are approved in this manner. the company claims that it's the same as a previous device that had prior approval except with a few modifications. there are devices that are 20 iterations removed from the original approval. it's a disaster!

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Same story with the Boeing 737 Max, for the same reasons. Regulatory capture, big money.

I once assisted at an operation to put a carbon fibre ligament in a knee (1985.) They went out of fashion almost as quickly as the metal-on-metal hips, and some of the uterine slings and silicone fake breasts.

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More criminal behavior!

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Once it is on the child vaccine schedule, then the protections kick in. The American taxpayer gets saddled with damages.

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If they get added to the official childhood vaccine list required for schoolchildren, then they have liability protection across the board that also extends to All adults taking them! BUT when fraud or malfeasance is involved, bye bye that protection! There is tremendous evidence against Pfizer and Moderna for fraud. IF courts do their job, it's only a matter of time before "Pfizer and friends" get nailed! ❤

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They lose all legal protection if they committed fraud.

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But their rationale for going after the 6 month olds to four must be pure evil and depopulation.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Or how it affects every aspect of normal development 😔

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Or longevity! We don't know if jabbed kids will ever sexually mature.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The “trans” agenda is working to get as many kids as they can on puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones to this end...

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

you have a point. they can't reproduce anyway

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Right! Without normal hormones (too damaged by the spikes) kids can't enter puberty. They will have to put them on hormone replacement therapy (MORE money for Big Pharma!). What a perfect opportunity for the schools to brainwash the screwed up kids into going Transgender!

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They said it does. It can even affect the eggs of a baby in utero whose mother gets vaccinated. Absolutely diabolical.

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Might. We don't know yet. Could be 30 years before that is clear.

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In animal experiments on experimental birth control vaccines, it wore off over time in the adults, but in the prepubescent ones, sterility was permanent.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

With the vax so heavily concentrated in the ovaries for females, I can't believe much of the effects won't be permanent especially if the covid vax becomes a yearly or 2x/year schedule. I have to wonder about ovarian cancer skyrocketing, too. When the population implodes, who will be left to fly all those jets to Davos?

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Good point! Maybe they forbid their private jets' pilots from getting vaxxed. They don't want THEIR pilot to have a heart attack over the middle of the Atlantic!

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deletedJul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Vaxxed-mother babies are already being born with skeletal, heart, and neurological abnormalities.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Here's the thing: they've made people into vaxx junkies.

We're now essentially asking if the equivalent of an illegal drug user will be ok IF they stop using.

Here's the thing: the illegal drug user won't. And most covid vaxx users will NOT stop. They equate covid with death, and don't want to die. There are some that have changed their mind, but only ONE out of all the people I know over 50 has decided to stop vaxxing and boosting.

So... "will this be permanent or not," is a hard one. If people stop using, maybe they can be helped. But most WON'T stop using. And, of course, IF there is a time that Big Pharma addresses vaxx issues, I'm sure it will be by recommending more mRNA vaxxes to fix the problems from these mRNA vaxxes.

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

As far as I am concerned, each person should do whatever they want to themselves... but mandating this garbage, especially when it cannot even prevent transmission is insane.

Everything revolves around the question "can the governments mandate medical procedures"?

The answer is F... NO!

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yeah... government mandating medical procedures. They got around that during covid, part I.

All they have to do is convince the school districts, individual schools or teachers unions to require it an voila! Your kid needs to be vaxxed to go to school.

The government can't mandate vaxxes, but according to SCOTUS, your employer can.

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SCOTUS blew that one!

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Just wait until the nukes will start flying.... this is just a flesh wound...


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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There is an episode of Stargate SG-1, where an alien human race offered humanity a vaccine to give them longer life.

It turned out that the jab sterilized 98% of the human race instead, with the aliens intending to revert the Earth into nothing more than serf's in fields - our cities set to become long abandoned by a population now too few to occupy them.

The story has always stuck with me.

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Ye gads. I just watched the clip at the link (thanks, Igor).

"Truth is stranger than fiction" indeed. It's one thing if extraterrestrial aliens seek to sterilize the human race, but quite another when members of the human race seek to sterilize the human race.

Though, I guess it's possible the globalists are actually alien lizard people after all. ("Conspiracy theorist" David Icke has been right about a lot of other things, so ...)

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This is actually close to the CovCON ... they even mention use PCR tests to drive up infection numbers and frighten the masses into taking the vaccine -- which sterilizes all but the chose few https://archive.org/details/bensutopia

I do not believe such a plan is viable -- because it would collapse civilization -- and we require a fully operational civilization to feed 8B people -- so we'd all starve...

But if it were feasible -- I would support this 100%. We are in massive overshoot -- we are paving over the planet --- this would be a way to bring down our billions to a more manageable level --- with minimal suffering .. and no culling.

It is not feasible.

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OMG…. They had the playbook

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predictive programming, not a ‘story’... obnoxious.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, episode 2001. So prescient.

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You should look up the writers of that episode and see if they are on the record publicly pro or anti vax. That seems like a prescient plot.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The episode was probably written by one of the WEFs Young Global Leaders

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My brother will listen to some of my "conspiracy theories" and mentioned the episode you are referring to. I meant to watch it but totally forgot about it. I'll have to do that!

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Was the alien about 5 feet tall with a thick NY accent?

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Bill Gates and Fauci are aliens!

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This is interesting but looks like it declined for a while. Not to dismiss it outright but it is not enough for an article.

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Now that Roe Vs Wade has been overturned, just take the clot shot! Meanwhile, my wife is 8 months pregnant and fit as a fiddle. I wonder how we were able to so easily have another child???

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Don't count your babies until they hatch.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Congratulations! Will you give your newborn the clot shot as well?

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If anyone try’s to put that poison into my children, I’ll be handing out double doses of .357 with a booster or two. Don’t worry, my shots are safe and effective with no long term side effects. The science says so.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Just a reminder to you and your wife to avoid the Hep B and Vit K shot typically given on day of birth in hospitals. Easiest solution is a home birth midwife. And may congratulations.

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Yes! Avoid anything they offer you. Don’t let them wash the vernix off the baby, don’t let them cut the umbilical cord until the blood has stopped pulsing and don’t let them take your baby away from you to do anything to them. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They can threaten and cajole, but they can't legally give that stuff to your kid without your consent. We had it in writing, at the hospital, and successfully avoided. I noted that I had supplemented vitK throughout pregnancy and was concerned about overdoing it, and that we were virtually zero HepB risk, so we'd opt out on that one as well. Nobody gave us a hard time on it. Ditto the antibiotic eyedrops.

I think when it comes to the hepB, the hospital staff actually understands this, but are not allowed to say it. It's a good and necessary intervention, for babies born to moms *who are likely to have been infected with hepB-- i.e. prostitutes, addicts, multiple sex partners, and recent immigrants from countries where the disease is endemic. Doctors and nurses know this, and they know that most normal people are at near-zero risk, in the US. But if they say that out loud someone will call them racist.

The magic words are: "We understand the risks, and we refuse anyway."

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I so wish I had been researching all this before I had kids. They are now 14 and 11. If I knew then what I know now, I would have done things much differently.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That's the world we live in: we're limited creatures, constantly making life-altering decisions on incomplete information, because there's no way to know everything.

There's a lot of stuff I figured out in my third pregnancy that I desperately wish I had known for the first two.

Pray, make the best decisions you can, and trust the rest to God. Don't beat yourself up about it. We're all human.

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I’m sure you did the best you could with what you knew. Don’t be hard on yourself and teach them what you know 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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They can 'mistakenly' inject it ... then there is this https://tnc.news/2022/05/27/doctor-gave-covid-19-shot-to-hundreds-of-kids-as-young-as-six-months-old/

And do you think he's been stood down? Nope. Nothing

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Yeah, it is important to have a supportive spouse and/or doula at the hospital with you, who knows what to watch out for, and never, ever let the baby leave the presence of you or your spouse (assuming no life-threatening emergencies). If you're not there to enforce it, your birth plan is just a piece of paper.

As for that doc: I saw that. He apparently did it at the request of parents. I can't even.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I completely agree.

But what happens when your kids are the only ones at school who aren't vaxxed, and are teased by their friends? Shamed by their teachers? Excluded from sports or events?

And when you child decides all on their own to get the vaxx, I don't doubt that a school nurse or random person at CVS will give it to them. You know, so they're "safe."

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We live in Texas. It’s the exact opposite of that here lol.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm in Ohio. It's not happening here... yet. But I see that scenario playing out in deep blue states.

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Yeah, agree and unfortunately a lot of people in those states drank the Koolaid. My sister in NY is a true believer and vaccinated my nephews as soon as she could. At this point anyone with half a brain can see the vaccine doesn’t do shit.

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Remember that no school at all is better for one's children than Government School, and most private schools, too. But it's so easy to educate children without the state that one's children will be educated fine without any school if parents care at all about their kids.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Irony alert.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My husband's neice is also happily pg. Both she and her hubs would be vaxxed. She must be almost due, actually..

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Not exactly a great world to be bringing new children into...

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I want to ignore my intuition that is telling me it will get worse, much worse.

But that same intuition has been spot on since early March 2020 and IF I had listened to that small

still voice of guidance I would be much better off financially. Now living in Mexico from November-June and PNW from July-October I am astounded how weak the US dollar has fallen. Just like grandparents that see their grandchildren seldom can see the drastic changes, I fear that most Americans aren't comprehending how very far we have fallen, at least half are blind or delusional.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

On a different tangent, but this loss of value in the US dollar is EXACTLY why I expect the Federal Reserve to keep raising interest rates, a Recession (Depression) be damned. If they lose the dollar, they lose ALL their power, and they're NOT having that.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Destroying the dollar [all fiat actually] is the goal so they can implement CBDCs

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Government actions don't suggest they are concerned about cratering the dollar. Nor do they suggest they are concerned about making the U.S. weak and subservient to China.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Oh, watch Sticky Fingered Fed Fanatic Omarova - the Wrong Kind of Bank Boss


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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I understand your comments about "the government". But the government is not really the Fed. I'm not sure THEY want to be subservient.

While I think they've done a LOUSY job over the past few decades, I think they always assumed they could afford to placate politicians. I'm less sure of that today.

Of course, I could be all wet - and they'll go back to QE Infinity shortly, but it just feels different to me this time. Time will tell shortly, I think.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Me too, I could've done what many politicians did before the Wuhan spill, invested heavily in Blackrock!

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Agree. I think we are just now starting to see the impacts of the vaccine -- VAIDS is kicking in ....

The final phase is likely when we get a highly contagious + extremely lethal mutation (not sure if Bossche would be ok with calling it the Bossche Mutation ... as he's predicted it)...

Then the serious dying begins. Supply chains will implode -- global Holodomor will follow

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I guess the seed oils and glyphosates weren't working fast enough? This, coupled with remdesivir and other antiviral protocols will have a permanent long lasting effect that is sure to lower population. That is, if you can even trust the official stats.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think they softened up the herd. Covid attacks inflamed and high glyphosate tissue

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's excruciating to watch how the most devastating tragedy in our history is unfolding in real-time and there is nothing we can do about the jab consequences...

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We CAN do something about "the at least 35% jabbed infecting all of us with maladies like blood clots through the air they breathe and touching their skin ." Forced-Released Pfizer document

Taking food enhancements (natural capsule supplements) CAN save our immunity!

Swanson Vitamin's NAC (Cisteine) 600 mg. capsules to prevent all Coronavirus'. About $10.00 a bottle Child: 1/Daily Adult: 2/Daily Also Doctor's Best Nattokinase (natural Japanese med) that prevents and heals "blood clots." It has been proven to me that these two brands REALLY WORK.

I post publicly on MeWe. STAY WELL NATURALLY!


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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes proteolitic enzymes to destroy toxic spyke prot. Add dandelion blocks ACE/spyke; pine tea,

Cisteine best for dismantle graphene. Vit A,C,D, zinc Be aware 4/5G, (if antenna frontal to windows): Cheaps emf meters BR9A Ginkgo rosmarinus keep blood flowing

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I unplugged my router and only plug it in when I need to use my printer. I live in a high-rise so I have Internet connection all the time even if my Internet is not connected, unfortunately. I do put my phone on airplane mode at night.

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If you have wired Ethernet network, you can have a switch that is on all the time, plugged into the internet router that you can turn off when desired. Your home network (like the printer) should still work

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Thank you, Igor.

I do not have wired ethernet, but I may resort to that, if I don't end up moving to the country. I am surrounded by high-rises and surely EMF'd to the gills!

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank You!

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Long term downstream effects are impossible to guess but everything we have seen so far suggests the bad news will continue to accumulate and there is no happy outcome possible.

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A happy outcome is always possible but by thinking it isn't, you're right. This is the true nature of our thoughts and speech - we create the reality. If people who see the scam got together, we could produce alternatives.

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Too many years of experience with a medically involved family and toxic politics to go full Pollyanna and say a happy outcome is always possible as if it's a function of mindset but positive thinking cannot be undervalued.

My best view is that we have the possibility the bad event will lead to some wonderful thing that would not be possible without the terrible trigger happening to begin with. During our hospital years we coined this "good-bad luck"where we were saved at step two by what was learned from disaster at step one.

I've been actively engaged fighting the Gates Biotech Brigade since 1997 it's a long process with mountains of relentless individual efforts for every inch of ground won but there's an organic geometric progression to the growth and once folks see simple truths webs of lies lose their power forever.. very binary process we are on our way to winning at last.. we've got this!

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You're leaving everything to chance so you're reducing your probabilities. Yes of course there are other "forces" that seem to take us from one disaster to another but we need to address why we get ourselves into these disasters in the first place. A whole new perspective can change the motives of anyone. And once a "buzz" is sparked, it has the potential of exponential growth. The way we view life is all skewed because we only have a cock-eyed perspective - patriarchy. A balanced perspective of male/female in roughly equal ratios is the equation we need to adopt. Doing nothing when it is us who caused the messes, is absolution of reparation. We all are responsible and if we continue to exchange their money, and live by their systems, we continue to keep us all enslaved. But it is a choice. The best way is to consider disasters but keep in mind what we want to see happen. This is a bit of an exercise that takes a while to get the knack of.

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I'm a retired Canadian MD with a Masters in Microbiology and Immunology. (I studied molecular genetics and protein biochemistry). Just by the mechanism of inflammation and tissue damage caused by the spike proteins, which are known to concentrate in the ovaries and testes to a lesser extent, it is highly likely that permanent damage/scarring in these organs will affect ovum production as well as sperm production. This doesn't even look at possible auto-immune conditions triggered by the nano-lipid particles that the mRNA is encapsulated in. Each individual is different of course, but overall I would predict a permanent decline in fertility rates for vaccinated populations.

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I've got two mates - one early 30's (semi pro hockey player) - one late 40's (fit runner) who have received heart damage from Pfizer...

Both have had the usual tests including MRIs... there is no physical damage to their hearts.

The younger guy is unable to work - and after 8 months of barely being able to walk 50m can now walk about 1km. The other guy is about 14 months in ... he has been able to function day to day but until now he cannot exercise and exert without chest pain and immediate exhaustion.

Given the heart appears to be ok -- I am wondering if their issues are caused by general inflammation of the circulatory system - and possibly permanent scarring.

If so this is clearly bad news as they are very likely not going to make full recoveries.

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MRIs can detect myocarditis (heart inflammation), but they don’t have the resolution to detect the smaller-scale permanent heart damage that causes the temporary inflammation (myocarditis is caused by exploding heart cells. The inflammation goes away eventually, but the dead cells don’t, because heart cells can’t divide). Both your friends have permanent heart damage, which actually happens in nearly everyone. Unfortunately, it seems they have a significant amount, as many professional athletes have also discovered.

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Myocarditis is measured by measuring inflammation of the heart. This inflammation does decrease over time. However, the problem for those who don’t die from it is that the cause of myocarditis is exploding heart cells! When they explode, they release cell-signaling molecules and harmful chemicals which cause inflammation in the surrounding area (almost identically to how a muscle strain causes pain).


Heart cells don’t divide, so any damage to the heart which caused the myocarditis is permanent. Much of this damage is from T-cell-mediated apoptosis, which is why the chance for myocarditis is mostly in people who have already had Covid problems are getting their 2nd or 3rd shots.



Now, similar effects happen in the brain and the lungs as well, since the LNP penetrates into these areas.


And that doesn’t even begin to deal with the cytotoxic and cancer-causing spike protein and it’s associated microRNAs which cause organ damage in all these places after the initial damage caused by T-cell-mediated arterial laceration. From what I’ve seen, the spike protein mass-production persists for about 4 months, after which what damage can heal begins to. However, damage to the heart is permanent. Similarly, some of the damage to the lungs is also permanent. Moreover, he could have nerve damage which contributes to his condition, though it sounds more likely that he may have had more lung damage and heart damage than his doctors suspect.

If you want more information, feel free to watch my videos on the topic:



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Thanks will have a look.

I cannot pass any of this along without causing distress.

I know a number of double vaxxed who will not boost - I am always careful to mention that the terrible immune system issues etc... 'are affecting the boosted' when the vaccine topic comes up.

It reminds me of the way overweight people speak about each other --- I've put on a few pounds but have you seen ____... he's morbidly obese

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Yes this is what I suspect - I spoke with one of them the other day and he's been able to consult with two top heart specialists in the UK. He mentioned that the consensus was that is ectotopic heart irregularity was not severe enough to justify surgery -- he'd previously been told that his condition might require the removal of damaged heart tissue.... his recovery seems to have plateaued. He is fully functional in terms of work and getting around but cannot exert himself without problems - his days of running in the hills are likely over.

I assume this is myocarditis?

Not sure what's happening with my other mate - he is a semi pro athlete and only mid 30's... the cardio did not diagnose myocarditis but it does appear to be some sort of general circulatory inflammation that is after 8+ months barely improving... he is trying to walk and do other minimal activity but his heart rate races above 160 very quickly and he is exhausted afterwards. At some point mental health becomes a serious issue -- the best I am able to offer is that the spike garbage seems to be taking longer to clear so just need to be patient - in a few months the recovery curve will be more rapid.... the problem is he was expected the recovery curve to accelerate after 5 or 6 months...

This is a horrifying situation for those going through it.... I can see why the tripled up injected would recoil into a world of 'it's not the vax - those are safe and effective' .... to acknowledge the death and destruction might visit them and their injected families would be too stressful.

I suspect that they mentally need to commit to more boosters otherwise they capitulate and accept they've screwed up. The boosters reinforce the mass psychosis that the shots are safe and effective.

BTW - had lunch with small group of people yesterday - 30+ year old guy who is in our hockey league... he says he's not felt right for months... not really full on sick but just low grade mild flu like symptoms.... I have heard this from a number of people - they will all be at least double jabbed. VAIDS?

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There's also been some research evidence that indicates that the spike protein affects mitochondrial function in the cells. These are the little organelles that produce ATP, the energy used by cells at the molecular level. It would be like having terrible chronic fatigue.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hmmm. Will the statistical decline 1. Continue 2. Stabilize 3. Return to normal seems moot when what is causing the decline is a synthetic pseudouridine that is not a true mRNA molecule (cf. Dr. Robert Malone) and has entered various cells throughout the body from brains to ovaries/testes and is messing with the DNA. Decline in births is just one of many Adverse Events that are showing up along with the new syndrome SADS—Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. As a pastor and parish priest who has a scientific bent, I have tried to warn my local county Health Director and my own Bishop who is pushing this toxin onto a unsuspecting citizenry. I talked with our local funeral home and they are seeing a 15-20% jump in deaths ACM. I invite all to pray, this is just the beginning.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Silly Igor. This is because when one becomes vaccinated, it increases their IQ, which gives them the intelligence to stop having babies to prevent global warming. Science!

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Because they "beleeeeve in science"

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I performed correlation test with the data from your map, both Pearson and Spearman correlation shown significant negative correlation between vaccine rate and the drop of birth rate. The p-value of Pearson correlation is 0.021 and Spearman is 0.0427. Pearson correlation coefficient is -0.51 and Spearman is -0.45. So your finding is statistically approved! I also checked the plot , there is no outlier detected, that means the conclusion is not skewed by random outliers.

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A significant revision to my article about birth rate drop in Hungary due to mandated, experimental treatments.

I added a section with a LINEAR REGRESSION.

Slope = -1.12

P = 0.032 and that shows that the above association is STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT.

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The P-values are incredible! Would you care to write a small one-page explanation of your data analysis?

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Very simple. Use R as analytical tool. Input the data to a csv file. Then using the following command:

> library(data.table)

> vac=fread(file="vac and birth rate.csv")

> vac

vacc change

1: 51.7 1.8

2: 50.3 -10.1

3: 53.3 -18.6

4: 55.1 -6.5

5: 51.5 -10.5

6: 54.9 -8.0

7: 54.4 -13.4

8: 55.4 -18.3

9: 57.8 -6.5

10: 56.1 -16.8

11: 54.6 -0.8

12: 58.6 -15.1

13: 61.3 -22.2

14: 52.9 -16.7

15: 54.2 2.8

16: 49.6 -3.5

17: 49.2 -1.0

18: 56.5 -19.1

19: 57.8 -13.1

20: 56.3 -9.0

> cor.test(vac$vacc,vac$change)

Pearson's product-moment correlation

data: vac$vacc and vac$change

t = -2.5198, df = 18, p-value = 0.02141

alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0

95 percent confidence interval:

-0.77748319 -0.08802493

sample estimates:



> cor.test(vac$vacc,vac$change,method="spearman")

Spearman's rank correlation rho

data: vac$vacc and vac$change

S = 1938, p-value = 0.04274

alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0

sample estimates:



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Analysis with R is of course very good and easy to do :)

For Laypeople who want to get an understanding about the formulas and want to play around a bit, I can recommend this online Calculator for the Pearson Correlation: https://www.socscistatistics.com/tests/pearson/default2.aspx

There is also a link to the p-test for this correlation on that page: https://www.socscistatistics.com/pvalues/pearsondistribution.aspx

And the p-test page links to Spearman's Roh:


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A significant revision to my article about birth rate drop in Hungary due to mandated, experimental treatments.

I added a section with a LINEAR REGRESSION.

Slope = -1.12

P = 0.032 and that shows that the above association is STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT.

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Of course it is the vaccines! Permanent and planned. Probably irreversible. Major changes.

very worrying when part of larger trend. Also, our latest vital statistics in the Philippines shows a 33% drop in births since 2019 for January 2022. https://supersally.substack.com/p/philippines-what-will-happen-when?r=l1r7e&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct

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It will be irresponsible to assume anything less than the worst. I kept hoping to be wrong , but the only smart money is to assume the worst, and it is likely worse than that, this evil.

And the fucking narrative is beyond evil Sir.

When the guy won't stop attacking you have to defend oneself although the attacker may claim to be benevolent

...and ...lawfare is democratic you know.

Good article and the last my comments button wasn't working for weeks

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