And Ivermectin to cure and make you infertile afterwards!

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Thank you so much. Very sweet comments. God bless.

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Oh horror stories

how I miss your quaint imaginations of monsters

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I find this interesting, and haven't seen it pointed out by anyone.

The IRS answers questions about a self employment tax credit here:


In the answer to Q108, one type of eligible self-employed individual is one who could not work, due to caring for "an individual who is recovering from any injury, disability, illness, or condition related to the immunization." -- So it appears the IRS is being pretty honest about the situation in this case!

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Scary stuff. Wondering if this IgG4 issue is happening in people with tickborne infections and making them more susceptible to cancer. Concerning since my kids and I all have chronic infections…..anyone know?

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Not that I know - good question - I searched Google scholar and did not find much

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As of Fall 2022 Section 13 [13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility] in the FACT SHEETS for Pfizer and Moderna, the bivalent boosters, and for Fall 2023 ONLY the kids is missing Section 13. Usually, they say it was never tested for cancer, leaving it out means they can't say whether or not they know if it causes cancer.

Is SV40, which may cause cancer, in the Covid vax as it was in the polio vax years ago it as per Dr. Paul Offit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIvmBQ5NFz0

All Current Fact Sheets here:


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Thank you for the excellent analysis. I have watched three wonderful family men in their early 50's be diagnosed with turbo cancers since this nightmare began. One had esophageal cancer and died 6 months after diagnosis. The second (stomach cancer) had aggressive treatment and went into remission twice in one year. So far, he is cancer free after one year but has sworn off any further jabs as the cancer onset happened so quickly after a booster he was convinced it was a "bad shot". The third had Stage One prostate cancer and was a scientist so was watching his numbers very closely. He was opposed to the jab but took it so he could see his ill father in the hospital. Two months later he was Stage 4 and terminal. He died two months ago. He was absolutely positive his progression was due to the jab. I get so angry I could scream at the tragedy of all of this and no one being held accountable, at least on this earth. God will prevail.

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I am so very sorry for your losses. It breaks my heart that so many good people trusted big pharma and wanted to do what they thought was right. God bless you and yours.

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I had stage 4 squamous cell throat cancer while all this was being rolled out, Thank the Lord my oncologist absolutely refused to play along with these f'in monsters, and told me under no circumstances was he going to let me take the clot shot. Whilst other doctors at the Cancer Center were pushing it on their patients. I told him, he, that's great, but I wasn't taking it anyways, regardless of the rules and regs. He laughed and said, good for you, dont trust these SOB's, and those were his exact words, He had been an oncologist for 20 years, he knows BS science when he sees it! I'm now 1 1/2 out from treatment, and im cancer free, and gaining weight, and on the mend. I thank God for putting this doctor as my guy. Otherwise I would be dead right now! Others whom i met during my 35 treatments, did not make it, and they were the ones who took at least 2 shots of that poison. That makes me so damn mad!

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Wow! Wishing you good health!

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Thanks so much! When I went for my initial appointment, they told me I was going to probably die. 90 per cent chance of not making it.

I told him, we will f'in see about that! You dont know me my friend, Im stubborn and let nothing bother me.

Half of it is mental too. I never let it get me down, I just kept thinking, lets get this over with and move on. Seems to have worked. God may have had something to do with it too!

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"I hope and pray that the number of people affected by ‘hyperprogressive disease’ will be low - and I hope that my readers will agree with this statement.

Yep, we all have love ones that bent the knee to the The Science.

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If it affects 1 in 1,000 individuals I suppose that's "low" by Russian roulette standards, and the media will no doubt call it "extremely rare". But for any 'normal' vaccine or other theraputic, 1 in 1,000 would be considered alarmingly high and the substance would never be brought to market.

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Valuable information. Is there any evidence that igG4 shows up in plasma-produced IVig infusions?

Many individuals receive these products for immunity conditions.

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Hopefully, there are more of us who realise the damage and fatalities these depopulating Covid injections cause.

Cancer is just one of a myriad of injuries and DISEASES the useless Covid Jab activates.

Most of us now seem to know the whole Covid & DEADLY VAX scams were introduced by design after several years of Planning!

It seems there are more diseases and illnesses caused by the DEADLY COVID JAB. The crap does nothing to stop or reduce the man-made virus. The jab, they pretend is a 'Vaccine', seems to reduce our natural resistance to every known illness. The jab also stimulates long-forgotten illnesses we might have historically recovered from AND seems to introduce new diseases and CANCERS along with many other DEADLY complications. But still, the murderous vax-makers deny all LIABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY for health issues and DEATHS their injections so obviously cause.

HEADS MUST ROLL (literally) for the pre-meditated mass murders the vax makers planned with their co-conspirators at the CDC & FDA.

We cannot simply let these insane criminals apologise and expect to continue a normal life, while millions have died due to their greed or insane beliefs which we've all had to endure.

Hopefully, there are some honest and fair leaders who have the will to rid us of the tyrants who wanted us dead or injured for their profit. If we don't exterminate these vermin they will try again!

NEVER AGAIN is my motto - even though I baulked at many of the ridiculous Rules and restrictions that effectively destroyed every nation's economy through insane restrictions that we will never recover from.

Destroying our National economies with ridiculous Lockdowns and segregation was probably one of the WEF's New World Order intentions to justify the urgent introduction of digital currencies and the banning of CASH MONEY!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight dirty!

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Wait! The statement "No evidence to date suggests that IgG4 antibodies cause cancer - the evidence only points to them enhancing and speeding up existing cancers." may be misleading. My understanding is that the body constantly produces cancer cells ("inadvertently") but the immune system is constantly identifying and attacking these cells such that in a healthy person it doesn't result in a "cancer" diagnosis. So since IgG4 inhibits immune system reaction, I suspect that this indirectly causes cancer, does it not?

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Yes but that is a bit too much of a stretch for me to say

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Ok I understand. But in terms of what really matters... the result, it has the same result as things that "cause" cancer, so maybe it's better to actually say it leads to cancer (indirectly?). (Igor you don't have to deal further with this if you'd rather not. And I do appreciate your great article. Thanks for replying.)

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Interestingly, StatsCan just reported that life expectancy in Canada has declined steadily over the period of 2019-22. Apparently, close to 42% of the deaths in 2022 involved heart disease and cancer, with COVID making up 6%. It has also been reported that close to 20,000 Canadians died of COVID last year alone, the highest number since the pandemic was declared. This surprises me, as StatsCan also reported that nearly 90% of those 12 and over were vaccinated by the end of 2021. I have also read that all cause excess mortality in Canada (and many other industrialized countries) is above normal this year again. COVID is typically blamed for the excess mortality and shortening of life expectancy in the media. I'd like to see a deeper dive on the details. Cancer deaths did not rise from 2021 to 2022 according to StatsCan but heart disease killed about 2,000 more in 2022 than 2021 (a doubling of the previous rate of increase from 2019 onward). It remains to be proven but perhaps there is an interplay between COVID and the mRNA vaccines, where those with elevated igG4 may be more susceptible to damage from the virus? Multiple peer reviewed publications have now shown that those exposed to the virus before mRNA vaccination were less prone to igG4 than those who were mRNA vaccinated before exposure to the virus. Perhaps this could explain, in part, why Sweden is such an outlier in the excess deaths category. They are highly vaccinated but they also arguably allowed the virus to proliferate more freely in 2020, causing the population to acquire more viral immunity before commencing the vaccination campaign. Just a thought. Not so sure about the issue of cancer. I just haven't seen that signal in the data.

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"Unfortunately, a 2020 study published in the British Medical Journal’s Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer suggests that having more IgG4 antibodies — of ANY kind - enhances cancer progression. "

Maybe interesting, but it's a single study in a field that is plagued by a reproducibility problem. The funny thing with many vaccine skeptics is that they (rightfully) point out that a lot of medical research is shoddy. Researchers are often in conflict of interest, corrupt, or incompetent. However, when a study appears that is useful for their purposes it is suddenly trustworthy.

The truth is that most research in this field is crap. It's too easy to manipulate the data to find a result with statistical significance. Until the result is reproduced I would be cautious.

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There are myriad reasons for this increase in cancers, and especially in more aggressive cancers. Some recent Op-eds addressed these different reasons, including the class-switching (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/immune-tolerance-and-the-covid-19-vaccines-27e6426a; https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/is-the-covid-19-vaccine-a-bioweapon-c778c1d4; https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/cancer-events-listed-in-vaers-update-058fd38c).

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