I hope you recover quickly, Igor, but I am delighted to see you have such an attentive nurse in the meantime! 🐩

You have offered so much to this community without recompense, Igor, and you certainly deserve to be compensated for your exceptional contributions and high-quality content.

As for future topics—keep doing what you’re doing! And perhaps add in some concrete solutions as the opportunities arise. I would be happy to link to any articles along those lines in the Action Alerts section of my articles.

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Thank you!!!

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If the foot does not recover you will have a prosperous future playing Long John Silver in the Christmas Panto :)

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I wish I could pay you Igor as your articles are great. But it’s just not an option for me right now.

I do hope you don’t stop free-subscribers being able to comment as I enjoy taking part

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I will not!!! And I write for all of my readers

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

God bless you, Igor! Substack is my only source of news. The true news. Not working and living on a very small savings precludes buying my news. I respect you, the info you put out, and the fact you respect our needs, too. --- You have a precious baby there to help you heal. Treasure him always.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well it is pretty obvious that the whole Covid Plandemic power-grab scam has shifted to the Climate Change Fear Porn scam. And that means Energy. The consequence of that is they are foisting this nutty Ruinables wind/solar energy scam down our throats, which will precipitate the collapse of our industrial civilization. To add misery to madness they are using the CC Alarmism to seize land off of productive farmers, stifle agricultural production by restricting fertilizer usage. With billionaires, i.e. Bill Gates and giant multi-national Investment Firms, i.e. BlackRock, are in a frenzy buying up land & real estate. And the people orchestrating this crime are Club-of-Rome Malthusians who don't hide their intention to reduce World population to 1-2B. And so the bioweapon & deadly inoculation preface. An impoverished Dystopian future awaits us if we don't stop it.

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I like that and I have a lot of materials on this topic

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Hope your leg heals quickly. I love your substack. The person you are shines through.

Just the other day I was looking to support it, so I will be joining. Thanks! Digital dollar, doing away with cash and 24/7 surveillance.

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What percentage of US and Canadian farmland is actually owned by Gates, BlackRock, et al, right now versus pre-Covid? Is it even possible to find out? I have recently been sent letters from total strangers with signed, all cash offers for our farm, which is not on the market at all. I assume the signatories are fronting for someone or flippers, but they do not say so. I find it weird and disconcerting.

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What kind of farm? I don't want to buy, just interested in farming, esp. regenerative ag. Do you know anything about it?

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“Ruinables.” 🤣

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Small business economics and how they seem to be getting squeezed out. I thought they were the backbone of the economy but I wonder now whether that is the case and if they are seen as obsolete nuisances. Especially those related to food production, medicine and health, infrastructure maintenance etcetera.

Good on you Igor, you are definitely one of the most valuable writers in my eyes and fully agree with making a little money for your time.

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Than you for THIS opinion! I have a MBA business degree from U of Chicago and own a small business. I could write about economics and such. I was not sure if there would be enough interest.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm also a small business owner and would appreciate this topic. I read about 30-40 stacks and I can't support them all. I really appreciate yours being free because sometimes I feel guilty. I've thought about rotating paid subscriptions so everybody gets a little. So if become paid and then unsubscribe don't be offended please!

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Sounds like a good idea, subscribe to me for a couple of months, then to Joel Smalley etc

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Amen. Although Igor really does add a lot of value compared to some others and because he has an MBA (I myself don't, I have only read a few books) and owns a small business (I just help manage one) I figure he could do a fantastic job covering a topic like this and I wouldn't be surprised if a great number of his readers are either small business owners or are business managers themselves, thus finding the topic relevant and applicable.

It also ties into the greater economic war we see going on during this pathetic "Great reset"

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Hey! That would be muscling in on MY substack topic - uh, if I ever got around to writing it. OK, I'll volunteer as a credentialed critic on your substack.

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I love critics and friendly disagreement

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I'm pretty sure the business part we'd mostly agree on. However the economics part could get hairy.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, I used to be a small then medium size business owner, so it still interests me. Well,a little though if someone asks me to look at a balance sheet, or give business advice I roll my eyes

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I found that people often ask me for business advice, but they rarely listen. Right now my three biggest issues are, you guessed it, ... skilled labor, skilled labor, and skilled labor.

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We are having issues with the greater supply chain. I work for a painting and decorating company that does both residential and commercial projects.

During covid there were numerous issues getting certain products and materials. Big companies were able to stockpile these and undercut many of us smaller businesses. This was much worse for the builders. Their inability to get timber and materials stalled many jobs. Hard to prepare and paint walls that don't exist.

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My friends in the building industry tell me the same thing you have. I have a small polymer product manufacturing business and have had very little trouble getting supplies. However, my costs, mainly for raw materials and transport, have skyrocketed. I now buy some materials where the shipping cost is twice the cost base cost of the material. I have been shifting to local suppliers whenever possible.

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I'm not sure what our solution is beyond trying to stock up where we can and to be quite choosey with new contracts.

Unfortunately most of our paint products are imported and it's certain oil based primers that are hard to get hold of. And these are pretty much essential in certain circumstances otherwise the paint just falls off after a short while.

But I can't see how the residential market can be supplied by only large companies. They're often too rough/poor quality (often fine for commerical work) but not appropriate for high end residential or hotels. And they're to slow to act. Where as smaller businesses like ours are very responsive and focus on higher quality and the customers needs.

But if we can't get materials and we keep running into contract issues with other tradies like builders unable to complete projects, ultimately holding us up... Pass.

Plus the big companies can undercut us on materials and labor prices as they typically pay their staff peanuts. The only reason their prices are similar to ours is their admin overheads are much higher and they're greedy. But if they wanted to I'm sure they could probably undercut us by 10-15% and freeze us out of the market.

I am not interested in dropping wages or reducing quality etcetera to try be competitive. But if it keeps up this way I don't know how we can compete except to raise our prices. But then you lose a lot of potential customers. Catch 22.

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My husband and I have tiny businesses with no employees. Skilled labor is a problem. I have been burned by less than competent employees so many times, I find it is better for me to have no employees - we outsource some things to a CPA, but other than that, we each do whatever is needed for our own business, we each have our own business in separate fields. I can't do as much without employees, but I also have less overhead, and I am not paying other people to make mistakes and cost me money. I do as much work as I can, I pay myself, it does not lead to a large income, but it's actually better for me than having incompetent employees. Sad that is so difficult to get skilled labor or competent people who will make an effort. It's a problem with big businesses also. Look at Twitter - apparently Twitter was headed for bankruptcy, but they had thousands of employees who were doing very little work - he let them go, he has very few employeees now relative to what they did have, and Tiwtter is still running very well, better than ever, and many fewer employees.

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Sorry to hear about your foot Igor and hope it heals quickly. All your writings are terrific. You have incredible insight into details of the stats that you do ! Also I agree with 5 G comments ! I believe there is lots to this concept, both economically and in regards to control.

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So many small businesses had to close during Covid, and it was by design. I read about one lady hwo had a wedding business, but a large wedding got cancelled due to Covid restrictions - she lost the income from that but still had bills to pay - she spent her own money taking care of obligations and then the business closed.

In medicine, the small private practices get squeezed because the powers that be only want the corporate health care to succeed. My husband and I are both small businesss owners, each with our own business. I own my own medical pracitce, he has a business in a field unrelated to health care.

Yes, I would be interested in articles related to small business, and I am certain some of the current problems are due to WEF. It is clear with the situation of the Dutch farmers, those who own family farms are being forced out so that the Dutch government will own all the land - and will control who can eat and who will starve, but the Dutch farmers will not own their own farms and will not be farming. Someone in their government, an elected official, said this was coming from the WEF.

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My condolences.

Trying to start a small business as a print newsletter encouraging local farmers and other small businesses. Due to community support all our mom and pops survived lockdown.

We can "fight" simply by sticking together and not staying apart. And have a neighborhood watch. If someone is going to be dragged off to a FEMA camp get a hundred or more to show up and say, "We're in this together" and hold on to their intended victim while singing loudly.

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Maybe post some "solutions" oriented articles like they feature occasionally on the Corbett Report?

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It's all going to tie into WEF and the One Health mission anyway.

Go for it!

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I second Conway Judge's comment.

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Thank you Igor,

I’m always delighted when I see one of your posts and open it ahead of all others. You’re spot on about some who overwhelm our inboxes with posts intended primarily to be out front and most visible..... which I’m forced to unsubscribe from. I wish you speedy healing and realizations of unexpected benefits from your mishap.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Intelligence Agencies and The Council on Foreign Relations. They are a big part of what is going on. (for a primer see James Corbett at The Corbett Report and Whitney Webb at Unlimited Hangout).

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I just read Whitney Webb's new 2 volume book, "One Nation Under Blackmail." Worth a read for sure.

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The first two chapters were interesting. In those chapters, Whitney Webb reminded readers of how Meyer Lansky made a deal with the US government and enlisted organized crime figures to stop Nazi sabotage in NYC shipyards. She went on to say that, ever since, our government has been working hand-in-glove with mobsters to ship and distribute heroin around the world. She also wrote how many times Jeffrey Epstein brought women and girls to the Clinton White House.

After chapter two, the book was as interesting as reading a six-column bank ledger.

I can appreciate the fact that Webb has only been a journalist for six years and that she showed incredible chutzpa in pounding out this giant paperweight; but, unless you are the sort of person who gets excited at reading the names of banks repeated endlessly over 1,000 pages, this is not the book for you.

I pre-ordered this monstrosity. Fool me once, shame on you. I won't be fooled again.

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I like no bullshit reviews like this. Thanks, Charles.

(And I like WW a lot!)

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Yes, the kind of review that is self-authenticating. You can just tell it rings true. (And the podcasts about the book have had a similar quality as Charles describes).

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I am about 100 pages from end of v.2. Lots I did not know. Epstein was part of WEF and Trilateral Commission. Seeded “Young Global Leaders” group with some of his victims. Had a tiered hierarchy of girls and women, ranging from the ones Maxwell called “just trash “ to a neurosurgeon. I have a much deeper appreciation of just how monstrous these people are/were. I think the books are worth the nauseous read.

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The heroin topic helps explain Afghanistan. Her interviews and this book serve to shine a light on power structures in the US and how they use sexual blackmail to control powerful people, and on Jeffery Epstein’s immense financial crimes.

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Lots of BCCI 🧐.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you for your substack, its one of the best!

I'm not a paying customer yet but one of these days if my ship comes in that may change.

If you have time and there is enough interest from others, it would be great to have a topic about current legal efforts that people are pursuing in relation to the ongoing medical tyranny. People could just add updates in the comments, and when you have time you could remove anything not directly related.

Get well soon!

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Anything specific?

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Good question. I think there are a lot of efforts but those involved don't always seem to communicate, so it would be great to have one place where at least links to most of it could be found. I would certainly add links to it and hopefully others would as well. I can't think of all the efforts I've seen off the top of my head, Katherine Waitt, Bobbie Anne Cox, Tom Renz come to mind but I'm sure there are lots of others.

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Awesome! Would be nice if it were here because Igor's substack is so popular. To keep it manageable it probably would have to focus on major developments in major cases.

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Perhaps some type of OPEN THREAD, like James Corbett does each month. (Power of many.)

Igor could start the Topic and everyone adds links and articles as they find them.

Here is how James Corbett does his Open Thread.....


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Yes, that's right.

Maybe Igor could pin a post that could serve as an index.

If someone wants to add a new topic (like a new legal case), they could add it as a comment with some standard tag like "please add topic:..." with a short title and Igor or whoever owns the pinned post could add the title to the pinned post with a link to the comment. I assume Igor would want to own the pinned post, although it might take some of his time to manage that.

Igor, what do you think?

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Current legal efforts - Liberty Counsel is a non-profit legal firm that has been suing the Department of Defense over vaccine mandates, also suing government and employers over mandates. They have a newsletter in which they give updates about their cases. There is a lot. But the the physicians at the FLCCC at FLCCC.net are suing the FDA for suppressing alternative treatments, and I think Dr. McCullough has a lawsuit going - he has published more peer-reviewed papers compared to anyone else in his field, plus has written many articles on Covid - but he has been de-credentialed and in many ways canceled due to going against the government narrative. He has always believed in treating patients and teaching others to treat patients rather than just doing nothing and letting them die on ventilators, plus he has referred to the vax as a bioweapon, so obviously from that he should not be a med school professor or a journal editor. Anyway, the FLCCC covers some of these lawsuits, definitely the FDA one. The FDA should be sued, they are the reason it became almost impossible to get Ivermectin. It was an abuse of power since the FDA was authorized by Congress only to regulate what drugs can be approved for marketing in the US, and they have NO authority, NONE to regulate how physicians prescribe drugs that are legal on the market. Congress never gave them the authority to micromanage physicians treating their patients, but that is what they did, and the FDA deserves to be hauled into court on that. Anyway, I saw someone's list and links further below, so it looks like there are a lot of different efforts going on - would be difficult to find and keep up with all of them. But if anyone wants to follow, Liberty Counsel was sending out daily emails, I told them it was too much, they say they have one that is only once a week, and I get that one now, and I check in at FLCCC.net once in a while to see their news. Dr. Marik sued his hospital where he worked, because they told him he could not give patients any vitamins or any of his usual treatments (that were saving lives) only remdesivir and nothing else. His hospital said he did not HAVE a doctor-patient relationship with his patietns, they belong to the hospital and the hospital formulary committee can decide what meds are given for Covid. So, he sued, but the hospital lied hugely in court, the judge would not allow some parts of Marki's lawsuit to be considered and said he was not favorable to the rest of it - part was entirely disallowed, but the rest, he was saying he disagreed with Marik. So, Marik did drop it and moved on - to suing the FDA which will make a bigger impact than the other lawsuit. But it is creepy to think that a health system can say they own the patients and the doctor has NO doctor-patient relationship. We used to, but of course now they want it to be only corporate. Good luck to them when they weed out doctors who are not robots and then one day they get sick. They will reap what they have sown. They are trying to weed out doctors who can think and who will treat patietns and replace them with robots who will robotically do whatever corporate says. They get great kickbacks on remdesivir, I am sure. Or those government incentives if everyone will just use only remdesivir.

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Lots of good info. Dr. McCollough is awesome.

If you like the ifea about an open thread for legal news, please let Igor know. See https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/i-enabled-paid-option-on-my-substack/comment/10612397

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You are making great choices for your topics. Keep on going on what ever you get interested in.

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I agree- a passion for what you write = a great read.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Great work on the COVID stuff. Don't slow down. The elites certainly aren't slowing down on Bill Gate's and Klaus Schwab's wet dream of decimating humanity and enslaving those who remain

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sorry about your foot. 😔

Maybe also offer a "buy a coffee" link for a one time link when we are able to donate. Don't know where to find it.

Do appreciate all your information! WEF sounds like a great topic.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Just keep publishing posts that bring home the point that THE JABS KILL AND MAIM!

And take care of that foot!

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Thanks :-)

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The WEF as it relates to their youth infiltration of democratic branches of government. ie Trudeau, Macron, etc etc

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

WEF is a great one. People aren’t aware of this for the most part. China invading Taiwan which looks to happen in the coming months is another. This event would be catastrophic globally economically and likely start ww3. MSM Narrative is “they won’t do it” which is exactly why I believe they will. Every alternative i find says it’s coming soon. And sooner than most believe. Get that foot better. Love your stuff.

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Have you been to www.takedownthewef.com?

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I just went there. Not much beyond basic info and request for support. I'd like to take it down, but there's not any action (except a polite request to stop and desist) or request for ideas.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You've done a lot of the Russia situation and thank you for that. More please, we can't trust the mainstream narrative so I appreciate the work you do. I hope your foot heals well and with no complications.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sasha Latypova et al. have stated that no one knows exactly what the contents of the mRNA vaccines are as key substances are classified as proprietary trade secrets by the pharma giants. Some researchers who've examined and analyzed the substances in the vials claim there is ZERO mRNA in the death jabs, but only graphene oxide and other such strange substances.

Which is true? WHY can we not get any reliable information on this?

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

It could all be true...zero mRNA...graphene oxide...lack of graphene oxide...strange substances.

There are multiple companies manufacturing millions of doses in multiple production facilities. Some of these production facilities probably have crappy quality control, indifferent or lazy employees, employees with murderous intent, and sloppy practices.

There are not absolutes at this point.

Many varied factors produce varied results.

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See Hedley Rees for the mess that is Pharma, quality control, logistics, safety, shortcuts, lies. . .

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Simply the variation and density of the contents of the jabs is wide. Some are probably placebo.

My feeling is they did it in that way to confuse the public. So things are unfolding In a time released manner.

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I’d love to see you do more on the role of metals in disease and the consequences on the medical system and patient health of ignoring this nascent issue

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This is a huge and important issue affecting many. It’s a deep one too. And it’s one that doesn’t seem to have anyone reporting on it in an ongoing fashion. Aluminum in vaccines is a big problem. Mercury in multi-dose vials of flu vaccines as well. These are likely the primary cause of many health problems including the exploding Alzheimer’s Disease and Autism epidemic, Macrophagic Myofaciitis, ASIA Syndrome, ME/CFS, and others. 

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Yes. My Orthomolecular doctor had to send hair, blood and stool samples from Canada to the USA for proper testing as you could not get a correct reading for lead here.

I’m convinced everyone in Ontario has heavy lead problems. I did 32 EDTA by needle sitting for an hour 2X a week to lower it. There are other ways now to do heavy metal detox.

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Oh the EDTA also lowered my mercury and cadmium.

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Wow could you tell me what changes you saw in your health? Thanks

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I think there are easier ways to detox now. The best is at www.microbeformulas.com. , Dr.Nuzum, is also very good. You may still have o do some edta detox but I think the el lites are making it hard to gat. Microbeformulas has the best videos to explain protocols and why. I still get their mimosa pumice for parasites. The also have the order in which to do things. You don’t want heavy metals going into your thyroid for instance.

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Oh I was sure I was dying. No energy....high blood pressure, rashes that don’t seem to happen when I sweat anymore. Much clearer thinking.

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No Allopath will tell you to detox heavy metals.....but it’s the #1 problem causing inflammation.

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Toxicologists will.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yeah. But this is not as big story as it seems. They were just saying that "fear of the needle" should be addressed with calming meds and should not be a reason for exemptions.

I do not fear needles but Covid vaccination fills my heart with horror because of is IN the needle.

Overall it is evil but not quite enough for one article.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"slippery slope" as the whistleblower physician said... They're acclimating us to future (stronger) "suggestions",,, the slow boil of the toads...

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I agree with this, Mel.

It's always incremental.

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I thought it was over hyped somewhat. But maybe "fear of needles" is a kind of code among Canadian doctors for "vaccine resistance". Be interesting to hear from anyone in Canada who was offered counseling/medication for saying no to the shots.

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