Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov


You, like everyone else, rarely mentions looming vaccine induced auto-immune disease, still unknown.

There’re already bad signs, also predictions by smart folks, that say it’s likely to happen.

My husband, a professor emeritus of medicine for 35 years, refuses to get near the mRNA vaccines. When asked his opinion, he says the mRNA technology is unconventional, new, no long-term testing. He specifically highlights auto-immune disease, which he says is 2-5 years before it’s evident, currently unknown.

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If your husband wants to write an article, I can provide a platform on this substack and give ALL credit to him. The article will likely get 6-20,000 views based on my past articles.

It has to be written in a manner understandable by intelligent, but non-medical people and contain only statements that are truthful in the mind of the writer.

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Not possible right now, he’s flying out on an EL-AL international flight with our son on the 18th, is swamped.

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov


The Israeli High Court ruled that the government cannot force Israeli citizens to vaccinate In order to fly in, or out of, Israel.


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Nov 17, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

This was my "guess" as well when I learned about the vaccines technology. Force your cells to produce a foreign protein so that your immune system attacks them seems like a likely candidate to develop autoimmune disease for your muscles.

Was not surprised when I started hearing about myocarditis, although it seems that the mechanism for that is different, in that the mRNA gets into the blood stream and gets into the heart, making your body to attack the heart.

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Expect to start seeing more articles like this:


Because the geometric series of medicine is to mop up the nasty effects of one intervention with another, and so on and so forth, stuffing one's pockets all the way. (I am not maligning individual physicians, I am criticizing that our system rewards eliminating symptoms, a profitable endeavor, over creating true health-- for which there is a strong financial disincentive.) It's like the old-school method of relieving the pain of a scorpion's sting by holding a hot iron to the skin nearby. You forget about the sting, sure, but it avoids the real issue by creating another.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

exactly what Billy Goats meant with “We need a new way of doing the vaccines."

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A quicker way to kill people..

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My first reaction to this headline was OH NO! THAT'S TERRIBLE! Then I had a good laugh while reading the piece and then I had hope that this might all end up all right if the shit really hits the fan sooner than later. I gotta say, Dr. Yeadon's quote that everything makes sense if we assume they are trying to kill us seems more and more plausible. But once that becomes obvious to more people we can actually do something about it!

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I would be most upset and terrified if a crazy suspicion that the global billionaires are out to kill us, turned out to be true. The consolation though is that I will remain alive, but it is a small consolation.

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Me too with pure blood forever!

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Will we remain alive though? I just don't know what to think anymore. I can process a lot of the data you are graciously presenting for us, but I am just not that great at independently guessing what's next. All I know is that there is very little I can do to prepare. We are already slaves to this system and while I am adamant about refusing to give up my body, really what recourse do I have if shit really hits the fan? If we are dragged out of our homes and vaxxed against our will as they are purportedly doing in Australia? If I am banned from the supermarket like Lithuania? If I can't work or collect unemployment without a vax like in Italy? What if covid mutates thanks to vaccines and it does end up killing the rest of us? What if all the vaxxies die and there is no one left to pick up the garbage? What if Billy's small pox threats are next? Would I take a vaccine for that shit? I'm dooming hard here, but it's because I am not sure what to do and waiting to cross bridges as we come to them doesn't seem like a great plan right now. Let's hope people wake up in time. But let's brainstorm survival strategies too.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

no booster.

gibraltar, the prudential rock, is 100% full vaxxed, 40% boostered, raging spike, locking down and cancelling Chiristmas!

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This pandemic was, frankly, a global psychological test to findout how STUPID people can get if bombarded with nonsense on TV. So far the global test is not over and every day, new depths of stupidity are reached daily.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

the co-conspiring media has built potemkin villages and throw disdain on anyone who looks past the facade.... i guess that is a form of explaining gaslighting.

one point i see often: "even though the vaxxed spread it the vaxxed don't get it o bad..."

don't look at the breakthrough cases among the frail bc they are dying!

but the facade don't care for data that trips the ballast.

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You see, the good news is, once someone stops believing this nonsense ONCE, they stop believing it forever. If an article that I write makes ONE person change their mind, then I did not waste a day writing it.

But the point is to spread these ideas and show them to people who do NOT yet share them.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

thanks, i see the media and the established religion of climate and covid are potemkin villages, once you try to walk through a door and see the empty you are saved.,

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I do think your writing provides lasting imunity however, I'm sure your time is not wasted!

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It’s now the vaxxed that are dying in greater numbers (from the latest weekly data that’s been coming in from the UK elsewhere).

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

may be the virus is doing something different and the vaxx is now not applicable to the variants.....

just say no.

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"This is like a “singularity point” where matter (or boosters) gets compressed infinitely and the time stops and the clock stops ticking."

I suspect time will stop and the clock stop ticking for people who take repeated boosters.

WRT to a theory for the geometric failure...I believe this was a known failure of the mRNA technology. Originally, they used this technology to correct genetic conditions in which a person didn't produce a need protein. They found that less and less protein was produced with each injection.

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This is very interesting! Do you have any links?

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I can't remember where I heard this. I will try to track it down.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

At some point you would think their would be immune fatigue from boosters.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov


Pfizer vaccine incrementally destroys immune system with each shot, so that Israelis are not capable of maintaining antibody levels as well as after the second shot

Somehow human organisms actually learn better to REJECT the vaccine and destroy the foreign generated antibodies

OR — Please suggest your own mechanism


OAS (original antigenic sin).

Maybe (devastating/deadly) ADE now on its way?


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Could be! But we need some proof

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Here's an interesting anomaly I just learned, "one can see a decrease in fertility the more a country vaccinates... only Israel continues to enjoy relatively high fertility despite the high percentage of vaccinated women"


I haven't seen fertility looked at much, of course the data would just be coming in now.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

I have read the opposite about Israel, that there has been declining male fertility for quite a while.

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How long? Since when?

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When I have time I will look for the Israeli articles that summarize this.

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Triple-dosing seems effective at jacking up circulatory antibodies (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2786096) which then probably spill over into the mucosa until overall levels drop. So, even if the plausible long term effect is promoting tolerance there is probably a buffer against infection. Probably with the same one-dimensional nature and same duration as the first course; 3 or 4 months. As other commenters said, the bigger impact might be on autoimmunity than on susceptibility to infection.

The Israel airport data probably isn’t good. Screening an asymptomatic population amid low overall transmission gets you into base rate fallacy territory and generates equal false positive results on both sides.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Coming soon: Daily booster doses in easy-to-digest gelcaps! No more inconvenient trips to the clinic and pesky needles! Order your CoronaVit™ subscription today. Now in convenient family packs.

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comes with needles and syringes

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Dec 1, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Nope. Skin patch as a substitute for natural immunity. As long as you are obedient, you will get your daily patch.

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Meh...I propose a booster pack with port for continuous flow of the vaxx.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

The gods of Big Pharma have created their own wheel of Samsara!

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

a booster outcome possibility is the high zone tolerance response of immune systems.

«high and low zone tolerance i.e. immune effectors do not attack antigens

whose number is too high or too low» (https://arxiv.org/pdf/0801.0849.pdf)

«the well-known result that excessive antigen dosage leads to tolerance» (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9781483227276500099)

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Of most concern is that governments simply must know all this. They must know Gibraltar is 100% vaxxed and 40% dose 3, and yet surging with infections. They must know the booster problem highlighted here by Igor. And yet, they triple-down on the requirement for "third jabs" and threaten reluctant citizens. Yes, we approach the singularity.

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The article did say 'mRNA shots are toxic' but discussed issued with the nanoparticles, stating that they 'can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years'.

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So, I don’t know, is a booster IV drip that you lug around for the rest of your life such a bad thing? I mean, they’re safe and effective and all; would that be such a big ask to protect Granny?

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