My opinion since I learned of ADE was that the Chinese vaxx was most likely to cause it.
But, my mind is open. Ron Unz of specifically said that the Coof could be a US bioweapon aimed at the Chinese and released during the Military Games in Wuhan in late October 2019. I am open to the LAV theory. It could also be the case that the US released a bioweapon at the military games then the WIV made a LAV that went disastrously wrong and caused a deadly epidemic in Wuhan unrelated to the Coof, this could also have gone to Italy and Iran and caused a much higher CFR than standard Covid.
My concern with all of this is that we are now in an age where nukes are yesterday's news. There is no reason why there couldn't be all kinds of asymmetrical bio-warfare going on from all sides. I am absolutely of the opinion that Omicron is not natural and is clearly not related to Delta. For some reason GVB and others don't want to look at this, but the fact is that Omicron was either released to end the pseudo-pandemic or, as I predicted in March 2021, kill the vaccinated (given the people pushing the obvious poison and their predilection for depopulation).
How can 40% of deer in the US have "Covid antibodies"? Even if you had Covid, I'm pretty certain that a deer would never get that close to a human and would be long gone before it got infected. I have read many first hand accounts of military planes spraying near concerts and other public gatherings at maybe a few thousand feet. Strangely, anyone underneath this spraying gets Covid immediately afterwards.
Why did China go from "lol, we are Covid free, top kek" after "inspiring" the West to embrace its nonsensical policies to "Ho Lee Fuk!" (sorry for the meme) as the West abandons those policies?
None of it makes any sense. I sense a psyop here, I just can't put my finger on what is going on.
Thank you Igor for all you do. A simple explanation could be to sustain panic levels.
Another answer is a diversion (from what though?).
Yet another answer is to further destroy global supply chains (shutting down the busiest ports in the world will do that) in favour of the WEF/UN 2030 Agenda. When you are dirt poor and are a serf, I'm sure you vill eat ze bugs, own nothing and be happy.
After all, these people "seem" to need plausible deniability to transfix the masses.
And yes, I do believe the WEF has captured every major government on Earth, from the US, UK, France, Canada and even Russia and Ukraine. Oh and China.
A "weaponized narrative" is an attack that seeks to undermine an opponent’s civilization, identity, and will. By generating confusion, complexity, and political and social schisms, it confounds response on the part of the defender.
I mean, could be, but something smells of to me. I live i n the countryside and have had on two occasions a herd of deer run straight past me as I've been waling up a chemin (a "footpath" in France, covered by trees).
The US is a gigantic continent, something about this just seems off. Most of the deer probably don't live anywhere near human habitats. More data on where they were caught and tested is needed.
The deer like the suburbs. My spouse hit one with their car once. They eat the lawns and shrubs. In the suburbs there is no hunting and no predators and they like it. We see them all the time. Some call them "rats with antlers".
Or if one wants to pull all the strands together into a possible story, it could be that as per ethical skeptic, covid (or rather an ancestral virus) has been around since 2018 and the US then tricked China into developing a bioweapon (with the help of Baric) against the Chinese that was ostensibly supposed to be a a live attenuated vaccine against this 2018-ancestral coronavirus. The US then uses the World Military Games as a cover to leak/seed the bioweapon from the lab (or their own virions of it that they brought with them to make it seem like it was leaked from the lab) and then leak it into Iran as a side-mission.
Baric, Fauci, etc might well all have been useful idiots who really believed they were simply researching viruses to develop vaccines against "future viruses", which in turn might explain why they circled the wagons around their Chinese colleagues when the idea of a lab leak first came about (after all, if you weren't in the know on the fact that this was a bioweapon and that it might have been brought to China and made to look like a leak as a fallback cover story for what really happened, then you will fight tooth and nail against the idea).
In a sense, if that is what really happened then the Deep State operation was somewhat successful as it had two cover stories protecting such an operation:
1. Zoonotic spillover (which would be the story defended to the last by the unwitting scientists)
2. Lab Leak (which would be the story that eventually comes to make the most sense and fit the (planted) evidence, after being initially dismissed as conspiracy theorist quackery).
Meanwhile the real truth - deliberately released bioweapon - will only be considered as true lunacy of even the most fringe of conspiracy theorists.
I like your out of the box thinking. I do not think, yet that there is enough evidence to prove what you said, however there is no evidence to DISprove it.
The fact that ethnic Chinese people seem to have higher severity is a very important reason to consider plausibility that sars-cov2 was intended as an anti-Chinese bioweapon. However, IT IS NOT AT ALL A DEFINITIVE PROOF.
Also, that China panicked IMMEDIATELY after Covid infected them, suggests that they knew what it was (and hid from us).
This is complicated.
What's the point of a bioweapon that kills 5% of Chinese people and 1% of Western people? It makes no sense either.
However covid may be much worse that CFR rates suggest, for example if repeated Covids will take us to our graves, then first case CFR does not matter. Or if Covid is a part of the vax scam/depop play.
I love thinking about it however I try to distinguish between facts and speculation.
I do not ignore them, I just did not see them, I usually stop reading old discussions as I try to keep up with new discussions. You can email me directly
The Chinese believe that the first SARS was seeded into their country by the US. They've been keeping a tight grip on the DNA data of their population, which is why they refused to give up certain data upon WHO's COVID-19 inspection. Although there are so many Chinese overseas, I don't really see the point of being sensitive about genetic data.
Also, considering there were multiple cases of foreknowledge of the virus (including the US setting up COVID-19 astroturfs on social media in October and US intel warning allies in November), it's pretty much a guarantee that the virus was seeded.
I mean..the Anglo-Saxon Mission (2010) pretty much outlines and gives a reason for the entire sequence of events we're witnessing now.
ace and arb inhibitors work best on white European dissent
Asians, blacks and eskimo low response rate.
so Chinese might assume that this c-19 would always affect wasp. and maybe thats why they were ok with taking the dumb Americans money and doing the research. covid is way more complex than ace2, ie one example poor diabetics with bad diet. =covid death
rich in shape people play outside tennis/golf and great diet almost no covid.
This is almost it with the exception that there is no evidence that SARS-CoV 2 was spreading in China in 2018. If they have pre-immunity it's from the original SARS.
Apart from the odd Ethical Skeptic narrative you've hit the nail on the head.
Not SARS-CoV-2 though. Note I suggested it might be an ancestral (sorta)(ie different) virus. As different (or more different) from SARS-2 as the Omicron twins are from wild type (wt), Alpha, Beta and Delta variants of SARS-2. But this time a natural virus rather than the lab-babies that are SARS-2 and Omicron.
To differentiate we could call this SARS-1.5 lol. It may not have been circulating AS widely as Ethical Skeptic believes but then we don't need a virus to be spreading to many people for the Chinese government to take drastic (and draconian) action as we have seen... which in this case could include China being as silly as to accept an offer from the United States to help develop an artificial virus to serve as a template for either a live attenuated vaccine or for vaccine development for vaccine against both this artificial virus AND the "SARS-1.5" (which would be the real target) possibly with the promise that if successful this might also allow the vaccines to be effective against SARS-1 and MERS viruses and possibly any other SARS-related coronaviruses.
This might also explain why both China and the US had:
1. vaccine candidates ready so early
2. No proper vaccine candidates to date for Omicron (too different; the bio-weapon attackers whether Deep State or rogue agents likely were expecting this SARS-2 to be confined to China and if not for their wonderful wizards...I mean scientists to be able to produce the vaccine fast enough to dent the impact in the West - this might also account for the differences in vaccine types where China has gone for traditional vaccines which are slower to produce while the West went all in on mRNA shots.... almost like the America was better prepared for a "newly discovered virus" in China than the viruses unfortunate Chinese discoverers were. Subsequently (the) Omicron(s) either naturally arose or was (were) cooked up in a lab by accident or design and now America and its Deep State (or Deep State rogue agents) were caught flat-footed as they never expected the rise of variants different enough to reinfect the previously infected and to even preferentially infect the vaccinated - unless we draw on Mathew Crawford's Omicron Hypothesis here and suggest maybe that IS what they were expecting all along because the mRNA vaccines were intended to light up the vaccinated as targets for Omicron in preference to SARS-2 wt through Delta and any other similar variants. In which case the mRNA vaccines are to help as a helper virus to the intended REAL live attenuated viral vaccine that is (the) Omicron(s)).
It might also even explain why China seemed to back Russia in a full on invasion of Ukraine in 2022 when a similar occurrence might well have been avoided in 2014 when it more logically should have occurred (as it would have been far easier for Russia with a much greater disparity between the armed forces or Ukraine and Russia and a legitimate Ukrainian President to restore to power to boot!) due to China expressing concerns over how destabilising such a move would be and that it might not fully back Russia through the sanctions fall-out that would occur. Now though China seems to be fully on board with pushing NATO back; having the US refocus on Europe (to the detriment of building up capacity in Asia which might thwart China's eventual operation to retake Taiwan); and gunning for breaking the US Dollar system as the world reserve currency (which would weaken America's long term ability to fund military build-ups in Europe AND Asia; though certainly not destroy such an ability) as outlined by both Just A Guy at his substack (go take a read!) And Renaissanceman at his site (which is obviously geared towards promoting gold but he did pick up on the Russian play to reprice gold with that fixed price of 5,000 rubles per gram of gold - just yesterday I think even zerohedge was showing a chart where the price of gold in terms of rubles was heading down towards that 5,000 ruble mark and helping the ruble to appreciate). This would also make sense of Russia's efforts in recent years to establish friendly relations or remove points of tension and establish modus vivendi with countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and Pakistan. Getting as many countries as possibly out of the US ledger and it not into the Russo-Chinese ledger then at least into a firmly neutral ledger. Russia could easily have wreaked Total havoc on Western currencies and their reserves by doing a more extreme version of their strategy - they could have priced gold even lower in rubles (saw 1,000 rubles for gold) and demanded ONLY payment in gold for their oil from "unfriendly" countries. Those Western States that refused would suddenly see their gold reserves drained towards Russia anyway as third countries and companies from them would have had MASSIVE arbitrage opportunities and incentives to buy gold from them to buy Russian oil to then sell back to these same countries at world prices..... all while world oil prices could easily head higher or lower (to kill off shale oil potential), whilst Western currencies fell in value relative to the ruble and possibly even the Yuan if China fully joined that game, whilst Western nations remained over a barrel in their need for Russian oil and Chinese manufacturing. Most of the West might well have become Latin Americanised (in terms of Latin America's relationship to the US) overnight. But that would likely occur hand in hand with economic upheaval that would make 1929 look mild.
I don't believe Ethical Skeptic's question that the 47:1 immunity difference w.r.t to SCV2 infection is a real fact that needs to be explained. Rather I think it appears that way because the west purposely over hyped the danger of the virus to them with high cycle PCR threshold to make it appear as if "we're all in this together" and obscure the ethnic targeting towards Chinese.
Therefore his whole early spread hypothesis requiring the existence of intermediate viruses either close to SCV2 or a SCV 1.5 are not necessitated, and more to the point there is no evidence for their existence. I maintain any immunity to SCV2 that existed in China was due to naturally present SARS-like viruses, just as people in the middle east have MERS antibodies without being able to find anyone near that number infected with MERS.
I agree with some of the political angle you proposed but this is how I would describe it:
The reason China engaged in that dual use research with the US is because they want to catch up in virology in order to protect themselves, an arms race if you will. They also want to understand what truly happened with SARS 1 (Ralph Baric's work). There is no evidence that research of this kind was ever completed in China.
The geopolitics of it all is kind of obvious to anyone who has been following things for the last 10 years. Capitalism leads to colonialism leads to great game politics like geographic pivot of history, the tendency of the rate of profit to fall requires off-shoring production to the colonies (Asia), master-slave dialectic takes place and Thucydides trap develops over time, mercantilist strategies from Asia like one belt one road not too different from an early America separating itself from British rule, all buttressed by the Malthusian inevitability of global capitalism under the decline of imperialism.
Great Reset is a dual strategy. A) recolonize Asia without direct military conflict (impossible) as growth allows for challenge to domination, e.g. "Japan can say no." followed by the financial neutering of Japan in late 80s early 90s. B) Reduced population in west to avoid or make eventual revolution more manageable.
China's OBOR allows for everyone to dissent so Russia is on board. All of this, everything that has happened in this century from prior to 2008 and leading up to 2008 which brought it all to the fore - and following 2008 up to today is caused by this:
CCP policy to raise wages in China is what caused the breakdown of the deal with Kissinger in the 70s. Neither China nor Russia are party to the great reset. For China, that much should be obvious - social credit system in China is massively misrepresented. For Russia their central bank is headed by a foreign agent and many of their property owning class act as a fifth column. To some extent Putin is allowing them to make mistakes to get consent to remove them from his constituents.
Eric Schmidt came up with the Great Reset by the way. Google proposed the PREDICT plan to UC DAVIS and USAID, Schmidt teamed up with Kissinger to carry it out and get WEF and the Bilderberg cutouts on board. The only reason this plan can go ahead is because David Rockefeller is dead (2018). See Schmidt's presentation to the NSC on "legacy systems", it's a glimpse into the future.
Hmmm....obscuring the targeting of the Chinese by having a high cycle count so that it seems like its an equal opportunity virus does make sense. Plus it would also square with what Igor and others have observed regarding the near vertical rise in covid death counts in Hong Kong....
And that reasoning (and what you suggest besides) does remove the need for an ancestral (but different) virus as the thing that spurred China to cooperate with America and unwittingly leave itself wide open as a target for a bioweapon.
If old EVALI samples from the US test positive then there will be proof that the virus is targeted since it went completely undetected amongst North American populations.
It also shows where it came from and proves lab leak without a doubt.
People don't realize but part of the reason it looks like NPI's didn't work is because of early spread. Most of the west had covid before China alerted them to it and before they attempted lockdown, border closure and covid mitigation strategies. Since PCR was run at high cycles the data purporting to show whether lockdowns do or don't work actually doesn't exist.
More evidence that China took covid seriously is that they used hydroxychloroquine from the start and their lockdowns were short and sharp. From a public health perspective they more or less did what you would do to mitigate a bioweapons attack.
Which is why it's so important to double and triple down on those secret bio labs around the world and demand independent access. The data about research going on there including using birds and mosquitoes to spread pathogens and creating genetic bio weapons is extremely concerning
Search the Anglo-Saxon Mission posted on youtube in 2010 to get a sense of what's going on. Having the virus start in China and spread to the rest of the world was all a part of the plan.
The Chinese suspected the US of spreading diseases through drones a few years back. Each new contagious strain was probably inserted into the population. Making money off of vaccines is one obvious incentive, especially with the media, politicians and online astroturfs trying to shut down and discredit the use of hydrochloroquine, ivermectin and TCM (whether they were effective or not, there was an obvious push to shut down its use).
Not sure where to put this paranoid comment, but maybe it fits in here somewhere. The other day as I was wondering about Putin's reasons for choosing war, I wondered if some of his military or intelligence advisors might not have been captured or influenced by ccp money or blackmail to either encourage his adventures or provide other misinformation leading him to the choice he made.
I'm also wondering about this... I've considered the same elements you have and came to the conclusion they know more than they're letting the rest of us know. From reading the sirotkin work, I think it is wise to remain a little cautious even though that marks you out as over anxious in laissez faire nations that have dropped all restrictions.
After much thought I came to the conclusion I am more scared of the creeping totalitarianism than the virus.... I can take my own precautions to protect my family and big govt has done a truly lousy job of limiting or containing the virus thus far. I still feel that widespread early treatment would have prevented deaths and squashed the surge but it seems many nations took measures that actively keep it going. In a short time, covid has developed into a sector of the economy.
I remember watching a virologist on planet lockdown early on who advocated to protect the elderly and vulnerable and let everyone else live normally... This was pre great Barrington declaration. He had tears in his eyes when he stated if we'd done that it would have passed completely within a few months. What a mess it has been instead and still not done!
I couldn't agree more! I've passed through China many times we stayed in a hotel in Hong Kong 15 years ago in a room the size of a parking space. I'd never want to live there but Hong Kong relative to the rest of China was warm and appeared pretty unpolluted from the airplane window: dark blue Hawaii-esque waters and very few cars. Landing in Beijing or Shanghai one was treated to a grey, cold, noxiously polluted view. There may be a greater genetic susceptibility in Asians for some variants, or the useless jabs are creating ADE. But looking at videos like the one shown it looks like every control machanism put in place would make the pandemic worse, not better, by forcing people into tight packed quarters for routine testing and welding them into tiny spaces together smaller than a jail cell in solitary confinement. Oddly Hong Kong in the face of mass carnage is actually easing restrictions. This is the dark dystopian future of the world we can all look forward to: I can't comprehend how all this is being done for public health or even just for Xi to save face...
For what it's worth... Clif High says the Chinese are more susceptible to Covid not due to any genetic difference, but rather cultural factors. Diets low in vitamin D, and averse to sunlight.
He also says the Chinese government is much weaker than it appears, and they are desperate to retain control over their population in the face of economic insecurity, endemic and pervasive corruption, and crumbling infrastructure.
I believe this (not just as a confused fan) as this has long been the situation in China. They have long had enormous problems which require, or engender, drastic and vast reactions. I was there for some months in 1984 before the expansion. Minutes from central Peking the landscape and situation was pretty much that of the Middle Ages. Once the population senses a crack in the strength of the structure and has a grievance then the whole thing can and will explode.
China always overreacts, is paranoid about losing their grip on power and “People in China smoke a lot, live in crowded conditions, and many cities have terrible environmental conditions. China is not Hong Kong and, therefore, even more people could die due to worse health care.” 65% of all air pollution in California comes from China. Many have been exposed to hepatitis for what it’s worth.
I have heard the opposite before, that China was doing well with Covid because of preexisting immunity to other coronaviruses. So maybe it's the vaccine, and that may or may not be a genetic thing.
As for the SF deaths, I don't think 16 people is enough to judge whether it's a genetic thing. I read a lot of it was in one building, in Chinatown, and perhaps it was elderly frail people. All minorities in the US have been more affected because of economic factors.
I'm half Chinese (first generation) and have lived in China, it can be fun, it's friendly, safe, great people. You can go where you want, no one cares, I traveled alone a lot even in the 1980s, and in the 2000s as well.
If you are a Chinese citizen in trouble with the government, then it's hell on earth of course (my family there suffered plenty in the Cultural Revolution and after).
The goings-on now are highly disturbing and reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution. But these videos aren't so different than what we see coming out of Europe, NZ, Australia, Canada. That kind of crowding in China is pretty normal.
"The disruption to China’s economy from tens of millions of workers locked out, or locked in, is so huge that it threatens the grandeur and global aspirations of the Chinese state. We need to search beyond political motives." But the disruption to the west, particularly America, so dependent upon China, might be even more severe, pushing us over an economic tipping point and helping to lead us to the reality Melissa Ciummei and Catherine Austin Fitts speak of. In other words, perhaps it is precisely in "political motives" where the answers will be found.
Chinese Government knows more about Covid than the rest of the world - because it had a hand in creating it - and fears unspecified long term consequences of Covid
UK Government data would agree with above
Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia-Ukraine, the UK Government quietly published data confirming the Triple Vaccinated are just weeks away from developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Covid-19 is a fiction Igor- it is a way in which to control populations it is not a viral event.
That said all of the "medical" and political responses to this fiction will create and perpetuate sickness so you get an perpetual system of control.
There is no "virus" that is a lie. Not until you get off that train entirely will you see it for what it is.
As an aside in 2019 there were massive, rolling protests in China (Wuhan had the largest) over air pollution which kills around 1.5 million in China yearly. Those were stomped out by the appearance of "Covid."
There's certainly a virus, or viruses. Whether it's really SARS-CoV-2 or not, who knows, but I tested negative on lateral flow tests repeatedly over the last six months (mandatory testing at work), except for one week where I had a respiratory illness (four positive tests over that time). Lateral flow tests detect the nucleocapsid. I had a positive PCR as well during that time. So two different forms of testing both picked up something during a time I was symptomatic. S-antibodies came back as undetected six weeks after the infection.
I live in LA County and Asians were only slightly more at risk from dying of the disease than Caucasians. I’d have to check the numbers, but I think 2/3 of the deaths were Latino. That’s why I laugh at our stupid Public Health director talking about working on health equity, and that she made lockdown decisions with that in mind.
Covid is uniquely deadly to the Chinese ethnicity due to certain interactions with genetics of the Chinese people, or due to ADE from China’s inactivated virus vaccine.
Dr. Bhakdi would agree, with above
Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine.
Dr. Bhakdi explains how and why the gene-based COVID-“vaccines” trigger the breakdown of immunological defenses against infectious agents that lie dormant (“sleeping”) in our bodies. These include many viruses such as Herpes zoster (shingles), Epstein-Barr-Virus (infectious mononucleosis), Cytomegaloviruses, bacteria – particularly tuberculosis – and parasites.
They stole the Patented ModeRNA furin cleave site samples from a lab in Canada…
As I previously suggested, ALL along they were looking for WORSE COVID spikes to use as PATENTED targeted medication delivery systems…if they use the Omicron spike I predict an Extermination event…
They already produced airborne cancers (lymphocytopenia?, leukemia, AIDS) as the COVID-19 spike has both HIV and cancer insertions…
It appears that COVID-19 spike protein was an early mRNA cancer therapy…they added the HIV p130 to invade T-cells, hoping that would stimulate T-Cell Immune response, not being elicited by the early mRNA delivery system models…
That's an interesting reminder about the Canadian lab fiasco. I found this article while searching for more info; the researchers were clearly serving two masters:
There were several American institutions that kicked out Chinese nationals at the same time. And Dr Lieber. It is a huge angle that as far as I know has remained off the radar for the past 2 years. A lot of stuff happened that went down the memory hole. I'm sure the best chronology is to be had on the KF Wuhan thread and archives of Zero Hedge in that time.
My opinion since I learned of ADE was that the Chinese vaxx was most likely to cause it.
But, my mind is open. Ron Unz of specifically said that the Coof could be a US bioweapon aimed at the Chinese and released during the Military Games in Wuhan in late October 2019. I am open to the LAV theory. It could also be the case that the US released a bioweapon at the military games then the WIV made a LAV that went disastrously wrong and caused a deadly epidemic in Wuhan unrelated to the Coof, this could also have gone to Italy and Iran and caused a much higher CFR than standard Covid.
My concern with all of this is that we are now in an age where nukes are yesterday's news. There is no reason why there couldn't be all kinds of asymmetrical bio-warfare going on from all sides. I am absolutely of the opinion that Omicron is not natural and is clearly not related to Delta. For some reason GVB and others don't want to look at this, but the fact is that Omicron was either released to end the pseudo-pandemic or, as I predicted in March 2021, kill the vaccinated (given the people pushing the obvious poison and their predilection for depopulation).
How can 40% of deer in the US have "Covid antibodies"? Even if you had Covid, I'm pretty certain that a deer would never get that close to a human and would be long gone before it got infected. I have read many first hand accounts of military planes spraying near concerts and other public gatherings at maybe a few thousand feet. Strangely, anyone underneath this spraying gets Covid immediately afterwards.
Why did China go from "lol, we are Covid free, top kek" after "inspiring" the West to embrace its nonsensical policies to "Ho Lee Fuk!" (sorry for the meme) as the West abandons those policies?
None of it makes any sense. I sense a psyop here, I just can't put my finger on what is going on.
We need to stay open minded and ask more questions than provide ironclad answers, you are asking good questions
Thank you Igor for all you do. A simple explanation could be to sustain panic levels.
Another answer is a diversion (from what though?).
Yet another answer is to further destroy global supply chains (shutting down the busiest ports in the world will do that) in favour of the WEF/UN 2030 Agenda. When you are dirt poor and are a serf, I'm sure you vill eat ze bugs, own nothing and be happy.
After all, these people "seem" to need plausible deniability to transfix the masses.
And yes, I do believe the WEF has captured every major government on Earth, from the US, UK, France, Canada and even Russia and Ukraine. Oh and China.
The number of crises happening in perfect succession is just too well timed to be coincidental.
A "weaponized narrative" is an attack that seeks to undermine an opponent’s civilization, identity, and will. By generating confusion, complexity, and political and social schisms, it confounds response on the part of the defender.
Much food for thought in your post today, Igor. Essential reading for intellectually curious people.
On the deer with Covid antibodies, the virus is migrating into this population via sewer, manure, fertilizer, etc.
I mean, could be, but something smells of to me. I live i n the countryside and have had on two occasions a herd of deer run straight past me as I've been waling up a chemin (a "footpath" in France, covered by trees).
The US is a gigantic continent, something about this just seems off. Most of the deer probably don't live anywhere near human habitats. More data on where they were caught and tested is needed.
The theory is that Covid19 has been in circulation since 2018. US map shows the spread of bio-solids spraying areas that align with Covid hot zones.
The deer like the suburbs. My spouse hit one with their car once. They eat the lawns and shrubs. In the suburbs there is no hunting and no predators and they like it. We see them all the time. Some call them "rats with antlers".
Deer do live very near ppl. There are many wooded areas in various regions where both are close to each other.
And rodents! They are everywhere.
or, whatever we are testing for, was here forever, we just never tested for it.
Or if one wants to pull all the strands together into a possible story, it could be that as per ethical skeptic, covid (or rather an ancestral virus) has been around since 2018 and the US then tricked China into developing a bioweapon (with the help of Baric) against the Chinese that was ostensibly supposed to be a a live attenuated vaccine against this 2018-ancestral coronavirus. The US then uses the World Military Games as a cover to leak/seed the bioweapon from the lab (or their own virions of it that they brought with them to make it seem like it was leaked from the lab) and then leak it into Iran as a side-mission.
Baric, Fauci, etc might well all have been useful idiots who really believed they were simply researching viruses to develop vaccines against "future viruses", which in turn might explain why they circled the wagons around their Chinese colleagues when the idea of a lab leak first came about (after all, if you weren't in the know on the fact that this was a bioweapon and that it might have been brought to China and made to look like a leak as a fallback cover story for what really happened, then you will fight tooth and nail against the idea).
In a sense, if that is what really happened then the Deep State operation was somewhat successful as it had two cover stories protecting such an operation:
1. Zoonotic spillover (which would be the story defended to the last by the unwitting scientists)
2. Lab Leak (which would be the story that eventually comes to make the most sense and fit the (planted) evidence, after being initially dismissed as conspiracy theorist quackery).
Meanwhile the real truth - deliberately released bioweapon - will only be considered as true lunacy of even the most fringe of conspiracy theorists.
I like your out of the box thinking. I do not think, yet that there is enough evidence to prove what you said, however there is no evidence to DISprove it.
The fact that ethnic Chinese people seem to have higher severity is a very important reason to consider plausibility that sars-cov2 was intended as an anti-Chinese bioweapon. However, IT IS NOT AT ALL A DEFINITIVE PROOF.
Also, that China panicked IMMEDIATELY after Covid infected them, suggests that they knew what it was (and hid from us).
This is complicated.
What's the point of a bioweapon that kills 5% of Chinese people and 1% of Western people? It makes no sense either.
However covid may be much worse that CFR rates suggest, for example if repeated Covids will take us to our graves, then first case CFR does not matter. Or if Covid is a part of the vax scam/depop play.
I love thinking about it however I try to distinguish between facts and speculation.
We meed to keep our eyes and minds open.
Why do you ignore my posts? I alerted you (and Jikky) to this months ago. Did you ever watch the Anglo-Saxon mission report by Project Camelot?
I do not ignore them, I just did not see them, I usually stop reading old discussions as I try to keep up with new discussions. You can email me directly
i c h u d o v
The Chinese believe that the first SARS was seeded into their country by the US. They've been keeping a tight grip on the DNA data of their population, which is why they refused to give up certain data upon WHO's COVID-19 inspection. Although there are so many Chinese overseas, I don't really see the point of being sensitive about genetic data.
China's not fully vaccinated btw.
Also, considering there were multiple cases of foreknowledge of the virus (including the US setting up COVID-19 astroturfs on social media in October and US intel warning allies in November), it's pretty much a guarantee that the virus was seeded.
I mean..the Anglo-Saxon Mission (2010) pretty much outlines and gives a reason for the entire sequence of events we're witnessing now.
Yes and yes, why people ignore project Camelot I have no idea.
They literally describe everything.
note i am not a Ph.D.. but
on paper c-19 is all about ace2 receptor
ace and arb inhibitors work best on white European dissent
Asians, blacks and eskimo low response rate.
so Chinese might assume that this c-19 would always affect wasp. and maybe thats why they were ok with taking the dumb Americans money and doing the research. covid is way more complex than ace2, ie one example poor diabetics with bad diet. =covid death
rich in shape people play outside tennis/golf and great diet almost no covid.
100 other issues esp. the de-attenuation thing.
how about this
five diff. people were trying to play
3d chess with a bioweapon
and a homeless guy thru a cigarette under the board and shit just blew up
and we are watching the chess players clean up shit with one hand'
and stuff money in pocket with other hand
This is almost it with the exception that there is no evidence that SARS-CoV 2 was spreading in China in 2018. If they have pre-immunity it's from the original SARS.
Apart from the odd Ethical Skeptic narrative you've hit the nail on the head.
Not SARS-CoV-2 though. Note I suggested it might be an ancestral (sorta)(ie different) virus. As different (or more different) from SARS-2 as the Omicron twins are from wild type (wt), Alpha, Beta and Delta variants of SARS-2. But this time a natural virus rather than the lab-babies that are SARS-2 and Omicron.
To differentiate we could call this SARS-1.5 lol. It may not have been circulating AS widely as Ethical Skeptic believes but then we don't need a virus to be spreading to many people for the Chinese government to take drastic (and draconian) action as we have seen... which in this case could include China being as silly as to accept an offer from the United States to help develop an artificial virus to serve as a template for either a live attenuated vaccine or for vaccine development for vaccine against both this artificial virus AND the "SARS-1.5" (which would be the real target) possibly with the promise that if successful this might also allow the vaccines to be effective against SARS-1 and MERS viruses and possibly any other SARS-related coronaviruses.
This might also explain why both China and the US had:
1. vaccine candidates ready so early
2. No proper vaccine candidates to date for Omicron (too different; the bio-weapon attackers whether Deep State or rogue agents likely were expecting this SARS-2 to be confined to China and if not for their wonderful wizards...I mean scientists to be able to produce the vaccine fast enough to dent the impact in the West - this might also account for the differences in vaccine types where China has gone for traditional vaccines which are slower to produce while the West went all in on mRNA shots.... almost like the America was better prepared for a "newly discovered virus" in China than the viruses unfortunate Chinese discoverers were. Subsequently (the) Omicron(s) either naturally arose or was (were) cooked up in a lab by accident or design and now America and its Deep State (or Deep State rogue agents) were caught flat-footed as they never expected the rise of variants different enough to reinfect the previously infected and to even preferentially infect the vaccinated - unless we draw on Mathew Crawford's Omicron Hypothesis here and suggest maybe that IS what they were expecting all along because the mRNA vaccines were intended to light up the vaccinated as targets for Omicron in preference to SARS-2 wt through Delta and any other similar variants. In which case the mRNA vaccines are to help as a helper virus to the intended REAL live attenuated viral vaccine that is (the) Omicron(s)).
It might also even explain why China seemed to back Russia in a full on invasion of Ukraine in 2022 when a similar occurrence might well have been avoided in 2014 when it more logically should have occurred (as it would have been far easier for Russia with a much greater disparity between the armed forces or Ukraine and Russia and a legitimate Ukrainian President to restore to power to boot!) due to China expressing concerns over how destabilising such a move would be and that it might not fully back Russia through the sanctions fall-out that would occur. Now though China seems to be fully on board with pushing NATO back; having the US refocus on Europe (to the detriment of building up capacity in Asia which might thwart China's eventual operation to retake Taiwan); and gunning for breaking the US Dollar system as the world reserve currency (which would weaken America's long term ability to fund military build-ups in Europe AND Asia; though certainly not destroy such an ability) as outlined by both Just A Guy at his substack (go take a read!) And Renaissanceman at his site (which is obviously geared towards promoting gold but he did pick up on the Russian play to reprice gold with that fixed price of 5,000 rubles per gram of gold - just yesterday I think even zerohedge was showing a chart where the price of gold in terms of rubles was heading down towards that 5,000 ruble mark and helping the ruble to appreciate). This would also make sense of Russia's efforts in recent years to establish friendly relations or remove points of tension and establish modus vivendi with countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and Pakistan. Getting as many countries as possibly out of the US ledger and it not into the Russo-Chinese ledger then at least into a firmly neutral ledger. Russia could easily have wreaked Total havoc on Western currencies and their reserves by doing a more extreme version of their strategy - they could have priced gold even lower in rubles (saw 1,000 rubles for gold) and demanded ONLY payment in gold for their oil from "unfriendly" countries. Those Western States that refused would suddenly see their gold reserves drained towards Russia anyway as third countries and companies from them would have had MASSIVE arbitrage opportunities and incentives to buy gold from them to buy Russian oil to then sell back to these same countries at world prices..... all while world oil prices could easily head higher or lower (to kill off shale oil potential), whilst Western currencies fell in value relative to the ruble and possibly even the Yuan if China fully joined that game, whilst Western nations remained over a barrel in their need for Russian oil and Chinese manufacturing. Most of the West might well have become Latin Americanised (in terms of Latin America's relationship to the US) overnight. But that would likely occur hand in hand with economic upheaval that would make 1929 look mild.
I don't believe Ethical Skeptic's question that the 47:1 immunity difference w.r.t to SCV2 infection is a real fact that needs to be explained. Rather I think it appears that way because the west purposely over hyped the danger of the virus to them with high cycle PCR threshold to make it appear as if "we're all in this together" and obscure the ethnic targeting towards Chinese.
Therefore his whole early spread hypothesis requiring the existence of intermediate viruses either close to SCV2 or a SCV 1.5 are not necessitated, and more to the point there is no evidence for their existence. I maintain any immunity to SCV2 that existed in China was due to naturally present SARS-like viruses, just as people in the middle east have MERS antibodies without being able to find anyone near that number infected with MERS.
I agree with some of the political angle you proposed but this is how I would describe it:
The reason China engaged in that dual use research with the US is because they want to catch up in virology in order to protect themselves, an arms race if you will. They also want to understand what truly happened with SARS 1 (Ralph Baric's work). There is no evidence that research of this kind was ever completed in China.
The geopolitics of it all is kind of obvious to anyone who has been following things for the last 10 years. Capitalism leads to colonialism leads to great game politics like geographic pivot of history, the tendency of the rate of profit to fall requires off-shoring production to the colonies (Asia), master-slave dialectic takes place and Thucydides trap develops over time, mercantilist strategies from Asia like one belt one road not too different from an early America separating itself from British rule, all buttressed by the Malthusian inevitability of global capitalism under the decline of imperialism.
Great Reset is a dual strategy. A) recolonize Asia without direct military conflict (impossible) as growth allows for challenge to domination, e.g. "Japan can say no." followed by the financial neutering of Japan in late 80s early 90s. B) Reduced population in west to avoid or make eventual revolution more manageable.
China's OBOR allows for everyone to dissent so Russia is on board. All of this, everything that has happened in this century from prior to 2008 and leading up to 2008 which brought it all to the fore - and following 2008 up to today is caused by this:
CCP policy to raise wages in China is what caused the breakdown of the deal with Kissinger in the 70s. Neither China nor Russia are party to the great reset. For China, that much should be obvious - social credit system in China is massively misrepresented. For Russia their central bank is headed by a foreign agent and many of their property owning class act as a fifth column. To some extent Putin is allowing them to make mistakes to get consent to remove them from his constituents.
Eric Schmidt came up with the Great Reset by the way. Google proposed the PREDICT plan to UC DAVIS and USAID, Schmidt teamed up with Kissinger to carry it out and get WEF and the Bilderberg cutouts on board. The only reason this plan can go ahead is because David Rockefeller is dead (2018). See Schmidt's presentation to the NSC on "legacy systems", it's a glimpse into the future.
Hmmm....obscuring the targeting of the Chinese by having a high cycle count so that it seems like its an equal opportunity virus does make sense. Plus it would also square with what Igor and others have observed regarding the near vertical rise in covid death counts in Hong Kong....
And that reasoning (and what you suggest besides) does remove the need for an ancestral (but different) virus as the thing that spurred China to cooperate with America and unwittingly leave itself wide open as a target for a bioweapon.
If old EVALI samples from the US test positive then there will be proof that the virus is targeted since it went completely undetected amongst North American populations.
It also shows where it came from and proves lab leak without a doubt.
People don't realize but part of the reason it looks like NPI's didn't work is because of early spread. Most of the west had covid before China alerted them to it and before they attempted lockdown, border closure and covid mitigation strategies. Since PCR was run at high cycles the data purporting to show whether lockdowns do or don't work actually doesn't exist.
More evidence that China took covid seriously is that they used hydroxychloroquine from the start and their lockdowns were short and sharp. From a public health perspective they more or less did what you would do to mitigate a bioweapons attack.
There were videos circulating of massive truck convoys spraying stuff into the air in Wuhan, early 2020.
Disinfectants purportedly.
I believe it was just water vapor. They supposedly did the same inside buildings.
Which is why it's so important to double and triple down on those secret bio labs around the world and demand independent access. The data about research going on there including using birds and mosquitoes to spread pathogens and creating genetic bio weapons is extremely concerning
Search the Anglo-Saxon Mission posted on youtube in 2010 to get a sense of what's going on. Having the virus start in China and spread to the rest of the world was all a part of the plan.
The Chinese suspected the US of spreading diseases through drones a few years back. Each new contagious strain was probably inserted into the population. Making money off of vaccines is one obvious incentive, especially with the media, politicians and online astroturfs trying to shut down and discredit the use of hydrochloroquine, ivermectin and TCM (whether they were effective or not, there was an obvious push to shut down its use).
Here in suburban USA there are deer everywhere. We don't get close enough to pet but they eat lawns and shrubs at people's houses.
I eat venison provided by friends who hunt and haven't yet seen any creepy blood clots. Fwiw.
Not sure where to put this paranoid comment, but maybe it fits in here somewhere. The other day as I was wondering about Putin's reasons for choosing war, I wondered if some of his military or intelligence advisors might not have been captured or influenced by ccp money or blackmail to either encourage his adventures or provide other misinformation leading him to the choice he made.
You'd be surprised how much close contact humans have with deer. And deer aren't the only other species to become repositories of the virus.
Throw South Korea into this equation too, Igor! You are onto something big here!
Thanks! Honestly South Korea could be a big story by itself
What's with South Korea?
well they managed to flatten the curve ... unfortunately along the y-axis
I'm also wondering about this... I've considered the same elements you have and came to the conclusion they know more than they're letting the rest of us know. From reading the sirotkin work, I think it is wise to remain a little cautious even though that marks you out as over anxious in laissez faire nations that have dropped all restrictions.
After much thought I came to the conclusion I am more scared of the creeping totalitarianism than the virus.... I can take my own precautions to protect my family and big govt has done a truly lousy job of limiting or containing the virus thus far. I still feel that widespread early treatment would have prevented deaths and squashed the surge but it seems many nations took measures that actively keep it going. In a short time, covid has developed into a sector of the economy.
I remember watching a virologist on planet lockdown early on who advocated to protect the elderly and vulnerable and let everyone else live normally... This was pre great Barrington declaration. He had tears in his eyes when he stated if we'd done that it would have passed completely within a few months. What a mess it has been instead and still not done!
I couldn't agree more! I've passed through China many times we stayed in a hotel in Hong Kong 15 years ago in a room the size of a parking space. I'd never want to live there but Hong Kong relative to the rest of China was warm and appeared pretty unpolluted from the airplane window: dark blue Hawaii-esque waters and very few cars. Landing in Beijing or Shanghai one was treated to a grey, cold, noxiously polluted view. There may be a greater genetic susceptibility in Asians for some variants, or the useless jabs are creating ADE. But looking at videos like the one shown it looks like every control machanism put in place would make the pandemic worse, not better, by forcing people into tight packed quarters for routine testing and welding them into tiny spaces together smaller than a jail cell in solitary confinement. Oddly Hong Kong in the face of mass carnage is actually easing restrictions. This is the dark dystopian future of the world we can all look forward to: I can't comprehend how all this is being done for public health or even just for Xi to save face...
Hard not to view the white-suited anonymous thugs as insects as they herd the Chinese citizens toward the swabs.
Video is looking a bit like Soylent Green, which happened to be set in 2022.
Speaking of soylent green:
For what it's worth... Clif High says the Chinese are more susceptible to Covid not due to any genetic difference, but rather cultural factors. Diets low in vitamin D, and averse to sunlight.
He also says the Chinese government is much weaker than it appears, and they are desperate to retain control over their population in the face of economic insecurity, endemic and pervasive corruption, and crumbling infrastructure.
could be
I believe this (not just as a confused fan) as this has long been the situation in China. They have long had enormous problems which require, or engender, drastic and vast reactions. I was there for some months in 1984 before the expansion. Minutes from central Peking the landscape and situation was pretty much that of the Middle Ages. Once the population senses a crack in the strength of the structure and has a grievance then the whole thing can and will explode.
Yeah, some of those crowds didn't exactly look docile...
Fu K the chinese leadership. May they all burn in hell.
Vietnam is also a curious case. They started the booster campaign on Jan. 29, 2022:
The cases immediately went through the roof. Deaths - no so much, or not at all, as far as their stats are to be believed. Something doesn't add up...
China always overreacts, is paranoid about losing their grip on power and “People in China smoke a lot, live in crowded conditions, and many cities have terrible environmental conditions. China is not Hong Kong and, therefore, even more people could die due to worse health care.” 65% of all air pollution in California comes from China. Many have been exposed to hepatitis for what it’s worth.
All Asian countries, not just China
They singled out China and India as the worst offenders.
I have heard the opposite before, that China was doing well with Covid because of preexisting immunity to other coronaviruses. So maybe it's the vaccine, and that may or may not be a genetic thing.
As for the SF deaths, I don't think 16 people is enough to judge whether it's a genetic thing. I read a lot of it was in one building, in Chinatown, and perhaps it was elderly frail people. All minorities in the US have been more affected because of economic factors.
I'm half Chinese (first generation) and have lived in China, it can be fun, it's friendly, safe, great people. You can go where you want, no one cares, I traveled alone a lot even in the 1980s, and in the 2000s as well.
If you are a Chinese citizen in trouble with the government, then it's hell on earth of course (my family there suffered plenty in the Cultural Revolution and after).
The goings-on now are highly disturbing and reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution. But these videos aren't so different than what we see coming out of Europe, NZ, Australia, Canada. That kind of crowding in China is pretty normal.
"The disruption to China’s economy from tens of millions of workers locked out, or locked in, is so huge that it threatens the grandeur and global aspirations of the Chinese state. We need to search beyond political motives." But the disruption to the west, particularly America, so dependent upon China, might be even more severe, pushing us over an economic tipping point and helping to lead us to the reality Melissa Ciummei and Catherine Austin Fitts speak of. In other words, perhaps it is precisely in "political motives" where the answers will be found.
Agree, this is all political, you just have to step back to see the scale of it.
"War is the continuation of politics by other means." -- Clausewitz
Chinese Government knows more about Covid than the rest of the world - because it had a hand in creating it - and fears unspecified long term consequences of Covid
UK Government data would agree with above
Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia-Ukraine, the UK Government quietly published data confirming the Triple Vaccinated are just weeks away from developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Covid-19 is a fiction Igor- it is a way in which to control populations it is not a viral event.
That said all of the "medical" and political responses to this fiction will create and perpetuate sickness so you get an perpetual system of control.
There is no "virus" that is a lie. Not until you get off that train entirely will you see it for what it is.
As an aside in 2019 there were massive, rolling protests in China (Wuhan had the largest) over air pollution which kills around 1.5 million in China yearly. Those were stomped out by the appearance of "Covid."
Sound familiar?
There's certainly a virus, or viruses. Whether it's really SARS-CoV-2 or not, who knows, but I tested negative on lateral flow tests repeatedly over the last six months (mandatory testing at work), except for one week where I had a respiratory illness (four positive tests over that time). Lateral flow tests detect the nucleocapsid. I had a positive PCR as well during that time. So two different forms of testing both picked up something during a time I was symptomatic. S-antibodies came back as undetected six weeks after the infection.
Sometimes doctors write ILI on charts which is Influenza Like Illness.
Air pollution does not kill in one fell swoop. What about:
Wuhan + 5G = Sudden Death in the Street Syndrome
I live in LA County and Asians were only slightly more at risk from dying of the disease than Caucasians. I’d have to check the numbers, but I think 2/3 of the deaths were Latino. That’s why I laugh at our stupid Public Health director talking about working on health equity, and that she made lockdown decisions with that in mind.
Covid is uniquely deadly to the Chinese ethnicity due to certain interactions with genetics of the Chinese people, or due to ADE from China’s inactivated virus vaccine.
Dr. Bhakdi would agree, with above
Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine.
Dr. Bhakdi explains how and why the gene-based COVID-“vaccines” trigger the breakdown of immunological defenses against infectious agents that lie dormant (“sleeping”) in our bodies. These include many viruses such as Herpes zoster (shingles), Epstein-Barr-Virus (infectious mononucleosis), Cytomegaloviruses, bacteria – particularly tuberculosis – and parasites.
They stole the Patented ModeRNA furin cleave site samples from a lab in Canada…
As I previously suggested, ALL along they were looking for WORSE COVID spikes to use as PATENTED targeted medication delivery systems…if they use the Omicron spike I predict an Extermination event…
They already produced airborne cancers (lymphocytopenia?, leukemia, AIDS) as the COVID-19 spike has both HIV and cancer insertions…
It appears that COVID-19 spike protein was an early mRNA cancer therapy…they added the HIV p130 to invade T-cells, hoping that would stimulate T-Cell Immune response, not being elicited by the early mRNA delivery system models…
That's an interesting reminder about the Canadian lab fiasco. I found this article while searching for more info; the researchers were clearly serving two masters:
There were several American institutions that kicked out Chinese nationals at the same time. And Dr Lieber. It is a huge angle that as far as I know has remained off the radar for the past 2 years. A lot of stuff happened that went down the memory hole. I'm sure the best chronology is to be had on the KF Wuhan thread and archives of Zero Hedge in that time.