I agree with everything you said in your beautifully written piece except for one, which is unfortunately the last paragraph. I generally have a pretty good finger on the pulse of financial markets and bought with both fists during the initial descent in 2020. It ultimately worked out well. However, I woefully underestimated the panic-generating machine, still stunned at what they’ve been able to accomplish. Unfortunately, I think many people are permanently broken, which sets the stage for the psychopaths to have their way with the willing. Monkey Pox or no Monkey Pox, discernment has left the building. I don’t know how humanity survives this. 😔
Yes, The Bible says that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. So, always follow the money trail. Bob Dylan, the 60's great once said, "Money does not talk. . .It SCREAMS!"
No need to apologise. NO ONE deserves to die in these horrific ways from the jabs. This government is making it just as bad and possibly worse for Americans than what those Jewish victims
suffered in those death camps. Maybe this whole COVID-19 calamity should now be called "The American Holocaust."
I made the mistake of clicking on the link about “using rodents.” From high school until now, 40, I managed to believe that was an urban legend high schoolers like to mess with each other’s heads spreading. I need to go puke. Poor little rodent.
If you read the first few sections of the article fully, it does say that studies were done and nobody was able to find a first-hand report of anyone actually doing it. So, basically it IS an urban legend.
No. Revelation 13:18 In Greek (Original Greek Diaglott, Free onThe Web) the #666 translates to Isous Christos A.K.A. "Jesus Christ" with a cross, X as in Xmas.
Two major concerns with regard to our humanity and those who accepted the vaccines and went forward wanting to be "positive", "trusting the science"; the heart health has been badly effected by the clot shots, also the reproductive systems. Both are vital to our humanity and showing strength in adversity and not shrinking in fear.
There is something called Terror Management Theory. The gist of it seems to be that continually reminding people they are going to die makes them crazy, and they will do anything to make that reminder go away. That might also explain the resistance of the vaxxed to face the issues with the vaxxines-- it would return them to the place where they have to consider their own mortality.
Many of the Dems and GOP people are good time Charlies, they avoid pain and suffering like the plague. A very small part of the population have intact critical thinking faculties or integrity, which is doing the right thing regardless of the cost. Many have been compromised over the years with affairs and relationships or have highly problematic financial situations. Most everyone I know has adopted a results based decision making process.
My biggest concern is the number of people who comment they personally know someone, multiple people, who "die suddenly" or having cancer out of the blue. These anecdotes include many healthy and young adults. The Ethical Skeptic has also shown excessive number of deaths that is an 8-sigma event. I hope they are wrong but many 'conspiracies' have been proven to be true in the past 2 years. I am afraid they may be right again.
Swanson Vitamins NAC 600 mg. capsules may be the best one to prevent all Coronavirus' including all COVIDS. It's about $10.00 a bottle Child/1/Day Adult 2/Day It has for me since 2009.
What is artemesia annua? I rfecently bought a plant named artemesia (perennial). It;s a pretty one with silver feathery leaves.
I am "very vulnerable chronic" and avoided all vaccines, always. This time too. I am convinced by the other argument: that if I want to avoid covid I absolutely MUST avoid any jabs. Worked so far. I credit Glutatione, Zinc, Vits D & C. Fit as a fiddle... almost.
You know the PCR tests can be dialed up to detect pretty much anything it's looking for with enough amplifications. Like, say, 35-40 cycles like they've done with CV. Remember, it's a test that's really good at detecting dinosaur DNA in fossils, not real, live dinosaurs. And you know that we live in a sea of microbiology. Like when you take a bottle of seawater and look at the microorganisms you can visually see much, even more under a microscope. The air we live and breathe in is no different. Bottle up some air and put it under a powerful enough microscope and you'll find all kinds of microbiology teeming in it. And when you put it under PCR magnification you'll even find bacteria, phage and virus, staph, strep, mushrooms, all types of tiny little stuff we suck in and out of our lungs all the time. That last breathe you took might have even had some black plague in it, polio, lots and lots of things that PCR tests can detect. Not infection or infectious, just presence of DNA. Now, if you're following where I'm going with this you'll understand that if the media and our health officials want to turn it into a monkeypox plague that's about us all they have to do is spin the tests up to detect it and, Voila! we have a monkeypox plague!! Even without hospitalizations or deaths, just presence of dead, inactivated viral fragments that float about us. Easy-peasy. That's actually how they did CV. Don't think they couldn't do it again. Unless we make sure everyone is in on the scam this time around and don't get fooled again. The more you learn...and teach...the more free we'll be. You know, that educated populace being necessary to preserve freedom and all that Jefferson said.
Sorry, the reality is even worse. It's not Pfizer but Jynneos and it was developed in 2015. Why? Nobody but a few poor Africans had monkey pox in 2015. No money in it. But now, they will sell hundreds of millions of doses. What Luck! What foresight!
I'm not surprised one bit. Satire and the Babylon Bee have become reality. I'm convinced the clown world going on around us is a prelude to admitting aliens or lizard people really do exist.
If it's not a pangolin, or a bat, or bird, it usually comes back to the monkey....they will start naming pandemics alphabetically by animal the way they name hurricanes, pretty soon....also, don't forget....Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room.
The WHO has a new plan where they will essentially take over any free nation when there is a pandemic or a suspicion of one. The US is all for it, and that will usher in the One World Government favored by the WEF. BTW... this is being put in as part of an older treaty, so in the US, it doesn't have to be approved by congress. FYI, they're voting on it in a few days.
So yeah, Pandemic4Evah with the WHO/WEF in charge of every nation in the world.
Monkeypox may not be endemic to human beings, but there's a good chance those apeshit psychopaths have been monkeying around with the pathogen in their gain-of-function games.
Could be they plan to unleash it on humanity and let the chimps fall where they may.
Indeed - they are doing everything possible to distract people from the increasingly obvious rate of health issues afflicting those having undergone the gene therapy for spike protein production.
I do see signs of the facade crumbling, though, as our national (ie Australian government) broadcaster actually presented a story of someone dying from their reaction to a gene therapy spike protein vaccine. They did do their best to whitewash the death by presenting a case with the least favoured of the gene therapies (AstraZeneca) and getting the children of the deceased to still promote the meme of the "protection" afforded by the "vaccines" outweighing the possible dangers.
My suspicion is that this is an attempt to frontrun the signal with a token admission so that the public is less suspicious as rising attributable deaths (and other serious AEs) mount, just as a recent Shingles vaccination campaign down here is only explicable in this context.
I too believe that the population is about to shrink drastically. I also believe (not my favorite word to use but) in God. I’m highly intuitive and have had a vivid dream prior to covid hype. The dream makes more and more sense every day.
The bottom line is none of us meant to live forever. Everything comes to an end. It’s your lesson to appreciate the life itself, to reconsider your values, to find beauty and appropriate human connection regardless of what’s to come. These who are able to shift the perspectives will find peace within
If it was to not notice disbanding the Ministry of Truth, think it didn’t work. Maybe to scare people out of theatres? To not notice any particular Rocket Slinger’s party affiliation change? When’s the next pfizer doc drop?
I agree with everything you said in your beautifully written piece except for one, which is unfortunately the last paragraph. I generally have a pretty good finger on the pulse of financial markets and bought with both fists during the initial descent in 2020. It ultimately worked out well. However, I woefully underestimated the panic-generating machine, still stunned at what they’ve been able to accomplish. Unfortunately, I think many people are permanently broken, which sets the stage for the psychopaths to have their way with the willing. Monkey Pox or no Monkey Pox, discernment has left the building. I don’t know how humanity survives this. 😔
We will survive, as a species
Ya but do we deserve it?
Some do.
Yes, The Bible says that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. So, always follow the money trail. Bob Dylan, the 60's great once said, "Money does not talk. . .It SCREAMS!"
For whom? I believed that we still have free speech and press here in America.
No need to apologise. NO ONE deserves to die in these horrific ways from the jabs. This government is making it just as bad and possibly worse for Americans than what those Jewish victims
suffered in those death camps. Maybe this whole COVID-19 calamity should now be called "The American Holocaust."
I made the mistake of clicking on the link about “using rodents.” From high school until now, 40, I managed to believe that was an urban legend high schoolers like to mess with each other’s heads spreading. I need to go puke. Poor little rodent.
If you read the first few sections of the article fully, it does say that studies were done and nobody was able to find a first-hand report of anyone actually doing it. So, basically it IS an urban legend.
The Covid-19 pandemic is not mentioned in the book of Daniel or Revelations.
The human race will survive. For awhile. Not so sure after Trans-Humanism takes its lot of converts.
T.H. will be The "Mark".
We are the terminal generation. Born after 1948.
No. Revelation 13:18 In Greek (Original Greek Diaglott, Free onThe Web) the #666 translates to Isous Christos A.K.A. "Jesus Christ" with a cross, X as in Xmas.
I post publicly on MeWe.
True. Only iIndividuals in the human species choose to be saved.
I am a fan of the English language and it is what I only use.
Then you should have written: “ Only iIndividuals in the human species choose to save themselves.” ❤️
Yeah. There are "mankind" and "manmean." The latter is in control of COVID-19.
Well said and well asked!!
"many people are permanently broken, which sets the stage for the psychopaths to have their way with the willing."
Comment of the day.
Or they, their families, friends and others are very angry with what has been foisted on them and will do whatever they need to do to effect justice.
Two major concerns with regard to our humanity and those who accepted the vaccines and went forward wanting to be "positive", "trusting the science"; the heart health has been badly effected by the clot shots, also the reproductive systems. Both are vital to our humanity and showing strength in adversity and not shrinking in fear.
There is something called Terror Management Theory. The gist of it seems to be that continually reminding people they are going to die makes them crazy, and they will do anything to make that reminder go away. That might also explain the resistance of the vaxxed to face the issues with the vaxxines-- it would return them to the place where they have to consider their own mortality.
Spoiler: no one here gets out alive.
Many of the Dems and GOP people are good time Charlies, they avoid pain and suffering like the plague. A very small part of the population have intact critical thinking faculties or integrity, which is doing the right thing regardless of the cost. Many have been compromised over the years with affairs and relationships or have highly problematic financial situations. Most everyone I know has adopted a results based decision making process.
Very sadly so
Sadly, they may not need to. The already jabbed may be doing that deadly work for them!
My biggest concern is the number of people who comment they personally know someone, multiple people, who "die suddenly" or having cancer out of the blue. These anecdotes include many healthy and young adults. The Ethical Skeptic has also shown excessive number of deaths that is an 8-sigma event. I hope they are wrong but many 'conspiracies' have been proven to be true in the past 2 years. I am afraid they may be right again.
This is a valid and very important concern.
get your immune system screened. Start taking zinc, niacin w/ melatonin (before bed) and artemesia annua
Swanson Vitamins NAC 600 mg. capsules may be the best one to prevent all Coronavirus' including all COVIDS. It's about $10.00 a bottle Child/1/Day Adult 2/Day It has for me since 2009.
What is artemesia annua? I rfecently bought a plant named artemesia (perennial). It;s a pretty one with silver feathery leaves.
My link bank of covid research - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-NoxLNYz5vfh19YROG2pQ3uRQySgzbSqG4QvU7cq-a8/edit
Artemisia annua is sweet wormwood , it’s the herbal source of ivermectin and chloroquine
Thank You for the info. I know a little about wormwood. I did not know the silver artemisia plant I bought is it. It is a very pretty plant!
And that ivermectin and chloroquine come from it. WOW!
Don't forget the really active ingredient against toxins —Zinc
Yeah. I have been taking Garden of Life's Vitamin Code Raw Zinc 30 mg. capsules. They come in a glass bottle. Great!
Similar family experience
not jabbed and i haven't even had a sniffle for more than 2 years
I am "very vulnerable chronic" and avoided all vaccines, always. This time too. I am convinced by the other argument: that if I want to avoid covid I absolutely MUST avoid any jabs. Worked so far. I credit Glutatione, Zinc, Vits D & C. Fit as a fiddle... almost.
You know the PCR tests can be dialed up to detect pretty much anything it's looking for with enough amplifications. Like, say, 35-40 cycles like they've done with CV. Remember, it's a test that's really good at detecting dinosaur DNA in fossils, not real, live dinosaurs. And you know that we live in a sea of microbiology. Like when you take a bottle of seawater and look at the microorganisms you can visually see much, even more under a microscope. The air we live and breathe in is no different. Bottle up some air and put it under a powerful enough microscope and you'll find all kinds of microbiology teeming in it. And when you put it under PCR magnification you'll even find bacteria, phage and virus, staph, strep, mushrooms, all types of tiny little stuff we suck in and out of our lungs all the time. That last breathe you took might have even had some black plague in it, polio, lots and lots of things that PCR tests can detect. Not infection or infectious, just presence of DNA. Now, if you're following where I'm going with this you'll understand that if the media and our health officials want to turn it into a monkeypox plague that's about us all they have to do is spin the tests up to detect it and, Voila! we have a monkeypox plague!! Even without hospitalizations or deaths, just presence of dead, inactivated viral fragments that float about us. Easy-peasy. That's actually how they did CV. Don't think they couldn't do it again. Unless we make sure everyone is in on the scam this time around and don't get fooled again. The more you learn...and teach...the more free we'll be. You know, that educated populace being necessary to preserve freedom and all that Jefferson said.
Breaking news! Pfizer releases new Monkeypox vaccine. Biden administration calls it "safe and effective" and mandates for all Americans.
Sorry, the reality is even worse. It's not Pfizer but Jynneos and it was developed in 2015. Why? Nobody but a few poor Africans had monkey pox in 2015. No money in it. But now, they will sell hundreds of millions of doses. What Luck! What foresight!
I'm not surprised one bit. Satire and the Babylon Bee have become reality. I'm convinced the clown world going on around us is a prelude to admitting aliens or lizard people really do exist.
If it's not a pangolin, or a bat, or bird, it usually comes back to the monkey....they will start naming pandemics alphabetically by animal the way they name hurricanes, pretty soon....also, don't forget....Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room.
Winston Churchill
I was reading today the next pandemic would be H5N1, and that vaccines are currently being stockpiled....in advance. Sound familiar?
They're also stockpiling smallpox vaxxines in the US.
You're right, and there may be other diseases coming which we're not even aware of yet.
You would think with all the “vaccines” being advertised that longevity would be increasing…
…and fear decreasing
This is Fauci’s HIV all over again.....NOT
I concur. I thought the same thing when I read about it and I’ve been waiting for the next “disease to keep us all distracted” for a while now.
... and the Ukraine OMG is over. So - what's next? Monkeys, of course ...
Exactly. It’s never going to be “over”. There will be a pandemic or it’s equivalent forevermore. It’s a bad timeline.
The WHO has a new plan where they will essentially take over any free nation when there is a pandemic or a suspicion of one. The US is all for it, and that will usher in the One World Government favored by the WEF. BTW... this is being put in as part of an older treaty, so in the US, it doesn't have to be approved by congress. FYI, they're voting on it in a few days.
So yeah, Pandemic4Evah with the WHO/WEF in charge of every nation in the world.
Monkeypox may not be endemic to human beings, but there's a good chance those apeshit psychopaths have been monkeying around with the pathogen in their gain-of-function games.
Could be they plan to unleash it on humanity and let the chimps fall where they may.
(Sorry, I'm just so over this crap.)
I did not say it in my article, but this is what I had in mind.
So I guess I'm not just a creepo. Couldn't help thinking of it. :(
I recognized it😬
😂😂😂omg..i totally get it now. Monkeying around? Or Mousing around?
Back in the 90's a very experienced immunologist told me that AIDS may have jumped into humans due to the practice you mention.
Indeed - they are doing everything possible to distract people from the increasingly obvious rate of health issues afflicting those having undergone the gene therapy for spike protein production.
I do see signs of the facade crumbling, though, as our national (ie Australian government) broadcaster actually presented a story of someone dying from their reaction to a gene therapy spike protein vaccine. They did do their best to whitewash the death by presenting a case with the least favoured of the gene therapies (AstraZeneca) and getting the children of the deceased to still promote the meme of the "protection" afforded by the "vaccines" outweighing the possible dangers.
My suspicion is that this is an attempt to frontrun the signal with a token admission so that the public is less suspicious as rising attributable deaths (and other serious AEs) mount, just as a recent Shingles vaccination campaign down here is only explicable in this context.
I was thinking it might be a manifestation of VAIDS... are the victims fully injected?
They probably are, but also they are in a specific sexual orientation community, so it is not just the boosters.
Homosexuals are all either 3 or 4 shots in. Given what Fauci did to gays in the 90’s it’s a shock they aren’t more questioning
Intense fear of death on the part of gay men. At least in the case of the ones I know.
Those once marginalized are now fully coopted by the fake woke government. That stops any kind of protest by the elites from occurring.
Didn’t the redoubtable Mr W Gates suggest that something like Smallpox would be the next one?
Yes he did.
Pandemic treaty aka one world government is coming and they need a new pandemic scare to make sheep support it.
Brace yourself for whatever is coming.
I too believe that the population is about to shrink drastically. I also believe (not my favorite word to use but) in God. I’m highly intuitive and have had a vivid dream prior to covid hype. The dream makes more and more sense every day.
The bottom line is none of us meant to live forever. Everything comes to an end. It’s your lesson to appreciate the life itself, to reconsider your values, to find beauty and appropriate human connection regardless of what’s to come. These who are able to shift the perspectives will find peace within
If it was to not notice disbanding the Ministry of Truth, think it didn’t work. Maybe to scare people out of theatres? To not notice any particular Rocket Slinger’s party affiliation change? When’s the next pfizer doc drop?
Phizzer drops around the 1st of next month.