Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My 17 month old granddaughter was hospitalized for rsv. Also has been hospitalized many times with bronchitis etc and has been told she probably has asthma. Mom got the shot while breastfeeding her as an infant and I can’t help but wonder if that is why my little girl is sick so often.

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I am so sorry. I hop all of this goes away somehow. Wishing your granddaughter great health!

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I am encouraged you are courageous enough to ASK THE QUESTION.

I'd encourage us all who knew the shots were a bad idea and therefore didn't submit, I'd encourage us all to consider the mindset of folks NOT in that boat. Folks that sadly, wrongly, drank the kool-aid, took the jab, and now suffer for it or see their kids suffering for it.... I am confident some number of folks in the latter boat are absolutely THINKING about it, "did the jab hurt my baby", but I cannot imagine how hard it must be to have the conversation.... walking mentally down a path that means, "I did this to my child." The potential guilt that ensues may very well be great enough to kick in a subliminal BLOCKADE to this line of thought.... I cannot feel guilty about hurting my kid if I never think the jabs could hurt my kids. It seems a sick twisted self protection mental mechanism - but - rings quite plausible to me.... God bless all with eyes to see and ears to hear. I look forward to our days together as spiritual beings in His kingdom. These days of toil and sorrow will pass and souls will be refined for it.

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Needs to be framed as "they did this to your child". You were lied to. Then we might get somewhere.

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What I'd like to see is a parent go back to the paediatrician who insisted injecting their infant was a good idea... and did the deed. First make a Rumble video explaining what happened to the kid... Of course bring a hatchet to the appointment and bring someone along to film that too.

Now that would open some eyes!

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And veins.

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Society would be better if people who allowed others to do this to their child ALSO took some responsibility for it!!!

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Honestly my son was injured by the normal baby vaccines and I really didn’t make the connection until 2021 when the Covid ones rolled out and I started to research them. I trusted my pediatrician and his years of knowledge and experience. My son changed literally overnight (asbergers) after his 18 month shots and then epilepsy right after his booster when he was about 9 years old. And I honestly feel like I failed him as a mom. I feel even dumber that it took another 8 years for me to figure out it was the vaccines. Understand, we feel very much responsible for letting this happen to our kids. The only positive is that now I know and am educating my kids to not just blindly trust and research everything. Oh yeah and no vaccines for any of their future kids. I truly think if and when this all comes out it’s going to obliterate the medical community.

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Same. My little one got rsv and asthma following his traditional vaccines. It’s for life. Mother fuckers.

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Are you sure it’s for life? Mine got rsv at 4 weeks and then continually over next 2 years. Hospitalised 3 years in a row. He pulled all his hair out after his 1 year jabs (I refused to make connection at time even though a friend pointed it out) and at year 2 I decided to be proactive rather than reactive. I have been working on him having a healthy gut, good vita d levels and I use high dose vita c. And no more jabs since year 1. And… this year (he is just 4) we are 2 months into flu season and he hasn’t even had a runny nose. And he has been next to very sick children- slept in same bedroom as coughing ill children etc. No brown or blue inhaler. Nothing but probiotics, d, multi vit and HUGE amounts of C. This is extraordinary for a child that used to get everything… I am hopeful we can heal much of the damage.

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I am guessing that there are a lot of us who have now gone back and been able to trace various health issues to vaccination both in our children and ourselves. There is too much of a coincidence in timing to ignore. My son had tics for a couple years as a child. We worried that he had developed tourette's. The pediatrician remarked it wasn't uncommon and usually was outgrown. Looking back, I am convinced the onset timed to his pre-K vaccinations. Fortunately, he did outgrow it but feel for all those others who had more lasting effects.

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Yes some fare worse than others. My sons asthma at 18 mos came in overnight and was life-threatening. 7 times rushed to ER they first year. Doctors perplexed as to why, suggesting genetics (nope) or cockroaches (fuck you) as if I had something to do with it. Stupid, stupid doctors. They believe all the pharma nonsense.

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And I am GLAD you have woken up!!! :-)

My worry is where are we going to be as a species when most people wake up - especially if your story is commonplace?

How much damage will have gone on before we destroy the medical community...and what will our genetic legacy be...? :-\

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Meggy! My heart goes out to you. The same happened with my daughter, who is now 18 years old. I had to accept it was the vaccines after her pediatrician told me after her shots around 16 months of age. It still took me months to accept it. She had eczema, asthma, multiple food allergies just suddenly appear. She’s also been diagnosed with Aspergers. She hasn’t had another vaccine since before 2 years of age. She has improved greatly with homeopathic remedies and NAET treatment for her allergies. No more asthma, many allergies are gone, and her eczema improved greatly after her homeopathic remedies. But I feel for you and want you to know I feel your pain, but you must learn to forgive yourself. ❤️

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Any fool can learn from their own mistakes. You are also wrong to think "it’s going to obliterate the medical community". You don't seem to be learning from any of this. You blindly - that is the correct word- "trusted my pediatrician and his years of knowledge and experience." Sheep.

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What do you mean by "allowed" ?

As far as I remember some people just coerced, forced, all others to do that to their children.

It's criminal

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

I mean that people have always had a choice. They COULD have said no. They COULD have stayed at home instead of taking their children to be jabbed. They COULD have refused to take them to daycare or school. They could have stopped everything by their refusal to adhere to madness.

Instead, the Society we live in stopped nothing and agreed to everything.

It's not like the children had jobs. But some schools mandated it. If people had just pulled all their children out of school then the schools would have had to close down - and that would've been a huge hurdle for most economies to deal with.

Anyway, as we all now know from the past 3 years, most people are highly social creatures and will do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to keep on with Society (even if it kills them or their kids!).

Whether we use the words "allowed" or "coerced" or "forced" or "mandated" or "criminal" or even "choice" makes no difference. People are weak and wish to blame everyone else except themselves. If everyone looks deep down, they do actually have free will - to at least some degree, anyway! And certainly enough of a degree to not have these experimental jabs for themselves OR their children. But they didn't invoke free will. They didn't think of it, even. They & their genetics have been slowly brainwashed by society over multiple generations and now with covid, to the Nth degree; they're already lost.

Yes, it's criminal what went on, but I'm trying to point out that people have FAILED to even stand up for themselves in the slightest here. For the most part, the handful of people who were going to stand up for themselves were going to do this 10 years ago. The vast majority who just complied (including handing over their kids) were going to roll over anyway. Look at all the people you know who jabbed themselves and their kids. Go back 10 years. They were still the same people, with the same weak wills and the same adherence to their governments. Handing yourself and/or your kids over to a bunch of lying megalomaniacs (for any reason!) can only end in one thing: disaster.

NO-ONE could force me or my kids to be jabbed unless they held us down and physically overpowered us. And then when they let us go, I would make it my life's mission to hunt them down and kill them.

But hey, I was already in that 'no way!' category to begin with. What I'm trying to say, Coolguy 007, is that I've made it a choice on my part, it's just way more of a conscious choice than most people (ie the ones who rolled over), who, for the most part, aren't even aware that they are so deeply compliant to this madness.

Society is RUINED. When we start sacrificing our children (even due to stupidity & weak-willedness) it's the beginning of the end, my friend.

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The end of society began with the normalization of abortion, proceeding to the sale and use of the poor dead babies' body parts for pharmaceutical purposes. It's called eating your young. It's cannibalism, and any society that does that is doomed.

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I'm sorry that's wrong. You could not coerce me to stab my kids with this poison dagger. You'd have to kill me first and I do mean that.

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Unfortunately we have to play with their psychology sufficient to make them see past the finger we are using to point. I think their child is punishment enough and certainly motivation. We need angry momma bears on our side, not committing suicide.

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I know. It's so sad! But I'd still like to see the 'self-responsibility' thing pushed at some point. Society has failed because people are not self-responsible. Finger-pointing all the time solves nothing in the end.

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People have become dependent on Big Daddy Gubmint.

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Exactly. In other comment sections that are more "pro-jab," I tell them to, "Remember WHO did this to you when you seek retribution."

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Exactly !

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My wife was on the phone with a multi vaxxed friend last night -- he's been suffering from severe headaches and various other ailments - the latest is some sort of gastric infection .. he's only in his early 30's and was in good shape until recently.

I asked her if it made sense to tell him this is likely due to the vax... and she said she will definitely not raise that because he will think these are not passing health issues and he may have wrecked himself --- also she understands that he will not take more boosters (he was in a mandated industry that is no longer mandated)... so what is done is done.

No sense in causing him more stress.

And the suffering continues... his headaches come in waves... I suspect micro-clotting.

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But what about offering post vax protocols as an option...that might help him...if you don't ask, how would he know?

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I would suggest to him some post vax protocols, just call them something else. If his headaches stop he can just call it a headache remedy.

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Very tricky. I know someone with vax damage who now surprisingly acknowledges the cause was the poison death shot. Yet he would not consider taking remedies even in the light of his late-to-come awareness.

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I wonder about lawsuits against companies that mandated the shots.. i guess that would be a good reason for then to strongly deny the connection.

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I know someone who has HIV who is multi-vaxxed and keeps getting COVID. His friend (vaxxed/boosted) had no idea why. I gently mentioned that the vaxxes have harmed some peoples immune system. He was clueless.

Today I heard about someone who suddenly got bone cancer in their shin. From what I understand, that's a rare place for cancer. Vaxxed/boosted. Of course.

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Check for brain tumor, I would.

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NAC and chlorine dioxide.

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

But what about remedial or mitigation treatments? One needs to know to start on them and as soon as possible.

I am sorry to say, you are unable to overcome your fear of stress. But you have to overcome it for the best outcome. There are no short cuts to truth and knowing in such serious matters, unless it is something terminal - for instance, my aunt never knew she had terminal cancer, her children never told her. In fact that is why we are all in this place to begin with, our elites messed with the truth and took reckless shortcuts.

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we can try. but I expect this will morph into "round up those unvaxed and vax 'em". these parents will want a scalp--and the unvaxed are the perfect target.

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I don’t like the sound of your highly plausible comment Jim, for those of us hanging on by the skin of our teeth.

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The unjabbed run the risk of being accused of knowing something about this shot that the jabbed didn't know.

And it's not a small risk.

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I thought the truth is only revealed in long-term double blind research. It is illegitimate to draw conclusions based upon observation and conjecture. That's what the Covidians always say about any form of early or natural treatment. 

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We gotta all be in this together! Or some bs like that. I too expect that part soon.

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You nailed it with the subliminal blockade. 💔

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

There at least are two subliminal blockades in action.

The first: People have been led to believe vaccines are sacred and that they are infallible life savers and life preservers and that vaccine scientists are angels of life and health. This is why some people including docs just do not even include vaccines in the list of potential "culprits" when they are looking for causes for illness/deaths.

The second is this, people dont want to even contemplate they killed or seriously injured themselves or their loved ones with their direct actions and decisions

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This is why we have some many doctors in so many instances just "baffled".

Like dropping sperm count in our youth. 1% annually. Doctors baffled.

Then one knows exactly where the culprit is.

Did anybody research and compare outcomes in vaxxed and non-vaxxed ?

No? Why not? Because everyone has been vaxxed, about 70 times by the age

of 15. It's very obvious why there is no tolerance for control group.

It would become too obvious in short time.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

And that is the reason, the elites went to such lenghts to even change the meaning of "vaccines" to include this experimental gene therapy.

The idea is that a mere change in definition and word meanings will be enough to imbibe the "life saving vaccine like quality" to the jabs in the minds of people who have internalized the idea that vaccines as sacred life savers. And all this comes from psych research.

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I am sorry.

All of these doctors know what's going on.

Your telling me they cannot read ?

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Doctors don't want to know the truth. As they saying goes, "they can't handle the truth."

At one point, I read that doctors are suffering from dissociative disorder.

"I'm a doctor, I save lives, but my patients are dying, it can't be my fault, I save people." Brain. Shuts. Down.

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Except for the ones that were silenced or worse, doctors can't be trusted anymore.

Imagine spending all the college money just to be a glorified AMA WedMD robot. Pathetic.

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I think it's VERY difficult to discern what is going on in anybody's mind.

Dr. Thorp's explains the doctors' behavior by pointing out that it was the doctors as a group who were the first to be jabbed; psychologically, they're all on board with this.

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"It's easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled." - Mark Twain

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Agreed. Its a hardest reality to face IMO

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Absolutely right. Reinforcing the divide between the pure bloods and the vaxxed.

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This is what the mental program in the vaxxed mother's or child responses will be;

"My child was infected and injured and in the hospital because your unvaxxed and asymptomatic child infected my child".

"Shame on you anti-vaccination criminals" !

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This isnt a fair assessment. Over 1M ppl died from covid, it was imperative to attempt to prevent spread. It's not about jumping "on the boat".

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But even though they INSISTED the vaxxed could not get covid - here are some clips https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=397

They now say the vaccines were never purposed to stop the spread DUH.

Oh and 1M did not die from covid - most died with Covid - the average age was 80+ with multiple co-morbidities...

And a great number of them died because they were given Remdeathisnear + Midazolam... ie. they were murdered to drive up deaths - generate fear... and coerce the mob into injecting this toxic garbage

Get your shit straight or I will continue to straighten your shit out for you

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Also, they died “with” covid because of the completely unreliable PCR test. False positives galore. And remember how the flu “disappeared”?

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I didnt watch the videos, and I dont need to. If they claim that anyone in NIH, or CDC claimed immunity on an individual basis for the vaxxed its lies. From the very start 70-75% of the population needed to be vaxxed to reach herd immunity. That number went up with subsequent variants. If your chosen information source said anything different than that, you might consider changing sources. I watched what was happening with covid before it even reached the U.S., like a hawk. Once here, I got more, and better info from individuals...infectious disease scientists, epidemiologists etc., than from media.

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Except that we have 100 yrs of science informing us on exactly how we do not prevent spread and yes "They" knew this. Child IFR was as close to ZERO as possible and you still can't figure it out. If it was imperative to attempt to prevent the spread, why did we burn all the HCL and demonize every possible intervention until the golden calf arrived? Christ, this is so back to square one it's not worth going any further. The boat is called the Titanic, we threw the postcards out a long time ago.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

One ought not attempt to stop the spread by killing or maiming people. Thats counterproductive and thats exactly what we have here. If others, perhaps yourself included, choose not to see that such was the (horrifically wrong) path chosen by "leaders" and then touted by rubber stamp doctors That Is Your Choice. Freewill. The deaths from BLOCKING early treatment, the Lord knows the spilled blood there. The deaths from the BLATANTLY Not Reafy for PrimeTime mRNA shots, the Lord knows of that blood. AND the people who chose to mock, censor, fire, upend the lives of folks like me, who said "Crikey, this is bad" way back in summer of 2020 because they were too ignorant, blind, or stupid to see what we saw, so they jumped into the fray against us, the Lord is waiting on their atonement too.

I'm sure this read harsh, the reality is harsh. YOU CANNOT STOP A PANDEMIC WITH VACCINES in the midst of the pandemic. That didn't really work for smallpox so plz don't try that argument. An actively RAPIDLY spreading virus isn't stopped by pop injection. ALSO, for folks that do still think as you do, that WELL, WE HAD TO DO SOMETHING, that mentality is scarier to me than the perpetrators, because you'll go along with whatever they say because of fear. Do not be afraid. Learn to control the fear, please, less you'll utterly succumb to their next folly.

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Better response than the one they had: "We will take care of the child when anyone dies suddenly."

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The ignorance about this is tragic and heartbreaking.

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I am sorry...My own daughter took so called expert advice from different specialists while pregnant and she too, took the shot. She abstained from alcohol but thought an EUA drug would be fine🤦‍♂️....the brainwashing was 5 star, the intellectual rigor in thinking for one's self completely erased, and the consequences are all around us. I hope good doctors, science and God will give us a way out of this mess.....lets hope more are waking up....🙏

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My mother took DES during the 1950s to prevent miscarriage.

Now 60+ years later, I still worry about my increased risk for cancer.

...stuff never goes away.

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I’m sorry to hear this. It’s horrifying how they continue to play with the sanctity of the human reproductive system.

I once believed they signed the Hippocratic oath, but I didn’t hear correctly, it was a Hypocrite Oath.

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That is why it is so disturbing to hear of doctors recommending the covid death shot for pregnant women.


They have learned nothing.

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The term ‘good doctor’ sadly, is an oxymoronic term right now. And if God does deliver them, or let them return to their jobs it is already too late for many.

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Mea culpa .. Big news

A good doctor delivers


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By their silence they are complicit.

Since the late 1980’s onward medical professional’s obsequious acquiescence to ‘protocols’ influenced by economic, pharmaceutical and management interests, has been quite simply bewildering. ‘Good’ doctors would object to any attempts at interference in a professional relationship and obligation they owe the patient. Therein lies the conflict. Their widely enjoyed social status gives them a powerful individual and collective public voice. This could easily have stopped this planned attack on global human rights. Yes, Some clearly have spoken, and to their peril, but few.

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So very sorry. I hope you can convince your children to stop with the vax in future.

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The thing is ...

We are dealing with profound stupidity ... they won't know why their kids are getting so sick... they'll assume or be told that it's the bogeyman ... Covid....

And they will respond by boosting the poor child.

The PR Team is clever... and diabolical

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Agreed. They created RSV, then tested the failed vax for it. Then covid, then tested the failed vax on the world. Now somehow RSV is roaring back, and they will have vaxes ready soon. And if you learn about rsv vax, they want to vax for RSV *VERY* very young. And multiple doses, something like 6. Horrendous.

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Actually Fizer has a vacks ready to go for pregnant women. This winter. 😡

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In my age group (over 50's, up through to mid-80's) all of these ailments are put down to "aging." Yep. Population is aging rapidly.

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Before these were being given to children but adults were on shot 2 or 3, our newborn department was full of unseasonal RSV cases that had to stay hospitalized. It made its way through all of the hospitals for the staff too with long-lasting cases.

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It's been proven there was indeed vaccine shedding... so I have to wonder could this be why?

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Good thinking. I'd be curious to see RSV data by age between 2021 and 2022, because newborns in 2021 might have been the canary in the coalmine due to getting everything from breast milk, which the older children at that point wouldn't have gotten.

In addition to milk, if the baby was being held by someone who recently got it, shedding could be a contributor - this article for example shows that researchers have known for decades that adeno-based carriers shed:

2003 Wang F. et al.: Development of an adenovirus-shedding assay for the detection of adenoviral vector-based vaccine and gene therapy products in clinical specimens. doi: 10.1089/10430340360464688.

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I'm so sorry. And I would certainly lean to the Covid shot being the problem. Or, at the very least, one of the many baby shots. My dear friend's granddaughter miscarried almost immediately after the shot, it tore the family to pieces.

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If the mother is open, maybe try to see if this would work in supervision of a open minded or hollistic minded doctor: https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/

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Jen - Keep asking questions. There must be solutions -

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Oh my Goodness, this is awful. At least you are questioning and looking for answers that MSM will not provide for you. Hopefully the mom is asking questions as well.

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My oldest who was born a few years before covid started had asthma issues whenever she was sick. We had to go to the hospital a few times for it. It stopped after she had her tonsils and adenoids removed. A lot of kids also outgrow asthma (they also don’t call it asthma most of the time before they are 3 since so many kids grow out of it.) It may be related to the shot but these things did happen anyway.

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It is just as likely it may have been caused by one of the many childhood vaccines too.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

At church the other week we were asked to pray for two young babies that are in ICU w/RSV. I haven't heard the outcome. I just wanted to stand up and scream "Were they vaxx'd?"

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Or the mom / breastfeeding w vax. So sad.

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My friend's daughter's doctor told her it would pass antibodies to her baby! I tried to say this was never tested on pregnant women or nursing mothers. She said, "Oh so you know more than my doctor?" It is the medical professionals that are exhibiting criminal behavior (along with the "health" agencies) and MUST be held accountable!

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I get this ALL the time from my young adult kid. I just pray that too much damage has not already been done. No, I'm not a doctor. And yes, I made the mistake in believing that children's vax schedule was OK. But by god I am awake now.

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I always struggle with this, “so you know more than my doctor” type response. It’s the typical response for so many people. I always want to say, will you ask you doctor their thoughts on the _____ (fill in the blank, LNP distribution, spike being produced for 60 days or longer, etc etc) but they never would.

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Well yeah, we know more than their doctors. You don't need to have fancy medical degrees to read and research. Some docs are in denial, some don't want to be fired, and some just trust what they are being told, never thinking to question the process.

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And some get lots of 💰💵!

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And there it is, the real motivator.

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Yup! We do know more than the doctors. They choose to be uninformed. "Duh,we were just following orders!" Lazy assholes!

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Totally agree. Stand up to them. Ask them questions. Dr. X, have you been reading or watching the news lately on the deaths due to the shots? Just come up with a list of questions for your doctor the next time to go. As far as I can see, the doctors offices and clinics and labs are the ONLY places where I am required to wear a mask. AWFUL. The "experts" are the last to know? Pathetic. Make noise people!!

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THAT is so very true.

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I think the simplest thing is to say - Yes, I do. I'm not sick and you are.

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"If your doctor told you to jump off a cliff, would you?"

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If he/she goes first.

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Yep. Get this response too from a husband whines a doctor and knows nothing about the dangers of the mRNA shots

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

Any conscientious individual, even one of limited intellect, could most certainly give a better answer on a medical issue than a doctor would, if for no other reason than he or she would not think of speaking outside of his or her area of expertise.

A less-conscientious doctor could easily say too much on a subject on which he or she lacks proper training, and the effects could be calamitous.

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:D sometimes I do know more than my doctor, fortunately, she loves new information.

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I agree! I was chatting with a vaxxed friend and trying to gently introduce a few counter facts to the one she’s been indoctrinated with. She countered that her good friend who is a doctor assured her that there was no link between the vaccine and injuries. Claimed “no proven link” among any of the doctors in his practice here in Canada. It made me sad that either he was so deceived, afraid, or calloused that he would convince my dear friend that the jobs are safe!

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I gave up. They are committing child sacrifice 2022 style and will deserve the whirlwind they reap. No research on injecting unknowns into their childrens bodies but make sure the car seat is safety tested. Mercy? They can discuss that with God someday. Right now I’m too angry.

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Dear Janet,

These murderers and conspirators are being taken note of continually by unseen recording angels which are commissioned by God Himself. NOT for purposes relating to aid Him in His Judgement, but rather for the Redeemed s who might not fully understand, and therefore ask the Lord why such horrendous punishment is being meted out to so and so professionals, when they were just doing their jobs. It will then be disclosed to the investigator the thoughts, intents of the heart, and the willingness to violate their own conscience, and commit medical murder in exchange for their security. And what I have learned also, which may tend to help placate your fury, and mine too, is that not a single one of the guilty, slated for destruction, will be allowed to breach the Truth, spew their lying excuses, and shirk responsibility. And their punishment will perfectly match their crimes. God will see to that. You might ask, what about the babies that were killed? How about those innocents? Many will be resurrected and handed lovingly to their once bereaved mothers on that Great Day!

What a wonderful scenario, and an Amazing, Just and loving God we do have!

Trust in this, and I will do the same, Janet. It'll help to know that Justice WILL be dished out in its supreme perfection that only God can devise. Stay close to God through prayer. He will not forsake us!

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"no proven link" it is so convenient that is now the standard. used to be these untoward events were called "safety signals" and it didn't taken many to halt use of a drug. now, a drug needs to cause decimation apparently before the "professionals" stop advocating it. AND, the burden of proof used to run the other way--prove it safe before it is used.

If Rod Serling came back from the dead, he would kick himself for not writing this movie we are in.

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Wow! Isn't THAT the truth! Old Rod would surely do that! LOL

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This WAS already written. Rod Serling ...Gene Roddenberry (star trek) is the freemasonic occult. Everything in media, including technology itself, is used for sorcery and witchcraft to cast spells apon the whole world

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I'd bet the come-line on that myself. And we'll probably be shown even more things which we never realized even possible pre-"enlightenment" when God's saved will have access to all this recorded history after the Resurrection of the Saved. Prof. Walter J. Veith has done excellent documentaries/lectures on (behind the scenes) subjects such as Occult-Freemason-Jesuit-Catholic connections. But there's no doubt MORE.

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I've talked about the C0VID related illnesses to a few people and they seem to be aware of them. But... it's like talking about children starving in Africa. Doesn't relate to them at all. "Yes, those things happen, but I'm fine."

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I wonder how her doctor would be able to say there is no link between the vaccine and injuries if he read all of these peer reviewed papers of cov19 vaccine injuries? They are very serious injuries that are debilitating. Your friend needs to show this to her doctor.


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Adults have broad cellular immunity to coronaviruses due to recognition of early expressed, functionally constrained, non-structural viral proteins shared across al these viruses. Any apparent jab effectiveness comes on a foundation of previous coronavirus infection. The jabs do nothing for the infection part. The secondary issue appears to be a post-infection allergic response to a version of the spike protein in some individuals (not necessarily with a comorbidity). This can be treated with steroids and antihistamines, for example. All the jabs doe is force your body to make that allergen. It might initially mute your potential allergic response in the beginning but repeated boosters are not a smart idea...I bet you most doctors know nothing about the immune response to a respiratory virus.

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If you see her again remind her how the original RSV vaccine from years ago was taken off the market after think it was 5 years because it disabled so many children and killed a few. They took it off the market to rework it just like the Lymerick vaccine taken off the market after it caused people to get Lyme disease instead of fighting it. And ironically they have just introduced a "new" RSV vaccine to market right when we have an outbreak. How convenient.

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Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't have been just as financially profitable for the vacc makers to have just CLAIMED to make a vaccine, but distribute only saline. They could then point to a healthy population and take credit, the public being duped and growing in size and trust. But.........that does not comply with the Elite's agenda to reduce population, which has been the obvious course of action taken so that their god, the earth, can be sustained. It's a planned ruse by Satan himself, and it will finally come to be exposed, even to his loyal followers, but it will be way too late at that point. God will have to "do His act....His strange act".

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This is an interesting conundrum. There is no doubt that a person needs to be extremely disciplined, motivated, and also have a fairly high IQ to succeed in medical school (although I suspect there is some massive grade inflation that has been going on since they opened the floodgates to such large numbers of qualified applicants in the past decade). However, having a really high IQ can be a double edged sword if you are fully indoctrinated into a narrow specialized worldview. The combination of strong indoctrination plus high IQ results in a person who can easily rationalize to himself anything they already believe. The power of their intellect can literally blind them to their own senses and allow them to twist conflicting information so that it fits neatly into their pre-existing paradigm. To draw an analogy, consider the highly intelligent scholars of the Catholic Church who looked into Galileo's telescope and denied that they were seeing what was right before their eyes. 

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022

And to add to your comment, anyone entering the current allopathic medical field has already accepted the idea that our current medical system is helping people with their health by primarily prescribing tests, surgery and prescription medications. Anyone who doesn’t believe that particular model (which pharmaceutical companies have laid out) leads to good health is not going to go into the allopathic medicinal system so there’s a sort of filtering system set into place to begin with. This produces a strong group think situation, which we can see today. Almost all of the naturopathic doctors have been censored out of view so there seems to be this magical “scientific consensus” but it’s an illusion.

ie- I am very interested in good health and I would never even consider going into the current allopathic medical system because I believe that most of the system is geared towards using dangerous medications and ineffective, invasive surgeries to merely treat symptoms. I know that there are amazing aspects to our allopathic medical system but overall, people are less healthy than they’ve ever been, suffering from high rates of chronic disease earlier and earlier in life than ever before in history. Doctors know a lot but they do not seem to know some very basic principles that can be easily discovered with a skeptical mind and some uncomfortable research. How does the saying go? ‘It’s difficult to convince someone of something that their income depends upon them not knowing.’

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It ain't just doctors neither.. people with college degrees vote in large numbers for warmongering covid vaxxing demoncrats... made little sense till now.

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I'm happy YOU'RE enlightened now, but as for me? I'm still very much in the dark on that one! 'Seems so backward!

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Great post Anomaloid!

Or how about the FLOOD of apostate Protestant Churches from whose podiums pastors preach lies and distortions, of every type, making a mockery of the Bible! As the pew-warmers' fears and concerns about the plain Truth get placated.

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"Don't argue with idiots. They'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Worked for me.

I no longer have any friends who are morons.

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Yep. I tried that too. Don't have too many friends left now! :-D

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Yeah, there might be a few reasons for that.

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My reply to those types of responses is this: yes, actually I do because most practicing doctors don't have, or aren't taking, the time to study up and read all the medical studies and everything else they can get their hands on about this disease and shot, they are just doing whatever the CDC sends in email blasts. I am taking hours and hours, days and nights, to study and have been since about February 2020. So, yes, I do know more than most doctors. Test your doctor: ask him/her if he knows if scientists have ever tried to create any type of coronavirus vaccine before and what the results have been. Then ask if he knows how many adverse event reports and deaths are in VAERS.

You'd be surprised at how many don't know. I know. And I'm not a doctor.

Edit: no I absolutely don't think I know more than my doctors in general, but I do about this particular disease, treatment and shot. Happy to say our PCPs are now following FLCCC protocols but my husband's pulmonary doctor replied to me "IVM works well on horses" 🙄

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Absolutely. I know docs who originally believed but have come to realize it is a sham. Same docs say that they USED to trust the CDC completely. No more. And the re-learning has begun ... which gives me some hope.

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Me too and am so very thankful!!

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Yes, you indeed know more than her doctor. Gaslighting is the most obnoxious behavior. I hope she will regret it.

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I know someone who managed some of the Pfi$er C0VID clinical trials. The purpose of giving it to pregnant mothers was to pass along antibodies to the baby. That was their end goal. Babies being born filled with spike proteins.

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They seemed to have all these unproven and idealistic theories which they were all perfectly fine testing on unsuspecting people. Criminal, and they may have hoped for the ideal outcome but at the same time, didn't really care about bad outcomes.

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Shibumi but the end result of the trials was most were miscarried. Correct?

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Honestly, I don't know if she personally handled any trials with pregnant women; I just knew about their goals. That being said, I can't ask her about it. She is vaxxed and boosted numerous times, her son has long C0VID and she knows my husband and I are purebloods. It's one of those situations where you decide for your friendship NOT to talk about certain things.

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If we do HOLD ALL OF THEM responsible with criminal penalties (loss of license to practice medicine), exactly where do we get our future healthcare from ??

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I don't advocate holding them ALL responsible. The ones in charge yes, absolutely. The alphabet soup CDC, FDA, WHO, etc. yes. But not the ones who believed they were doing the right thing. And not the ones who thought something was wrong but were afraid to step up out loud because they have a family to feed.

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*Anyone* who is still pushing these poisons, needs to face a Nuremberg Tribunal.

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I struggle with that response, in part because I'm still sort of surprised about it myself.

I think what's going on is that the type of person who would not give these shots to pregnant women stays out of medical school. They see what they will have to do as part of the medical establishment and want no part of it. So it seems impressive when so many doctors push the shots, but really it's a subset of the population that has a very different view of healing and life.

But I know from experience that making this argument doesn't dissuade people from getting the shots.

PS Ironically, there's a moderate chance these people overrule their doctors when it comes to nutrition and are doing keto/Paleo or something like that. In those cases, they do know more than their doctors.

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The chemicals in the shot pass through shedding, and body fluids. We pure bloods need to avoid concern contact. The Red Cross uses blood from vaccinated people and a baby died form the blood.. if you need surgery donate your own ahead of time.

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My daughter was just saying she knows of several kids in her large circle of friends hospitalized. Her own (unvaxxed) have fevers right now but it’s under control thank God.

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You needed to scream.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well, the Pfizer/Moderna trials did show a 4x rate of RSV in the test group vs the control group.

The fake media fact checks that by saying the total number of kids affected by RSV is small so it doesn't matter. Of course, they ignore the fact the same argument could be used to show the COVID19 vaccines didn't make a significant difference, either, because such a small number of participants caught COVID (the relative vs absolute efficacy argument).



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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This is getting more crazy and more concerning by the day.

Dangerous times we’re living in.

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It will probably get worse as people whose immune systems have been destroyed, have no defense against the hundreds of viruses and bacterial infections floating around.

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Yes, it will. This phase will be rough and im prayerful relatively short lived

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It will be hard on the sick, but it will also be mentally hard on the survivors to watch so many pass on if that is what the future holds. There are no winners in this. Some of us still living are already devastated by lost love ones from the vaccine and nursing home lock down and the virus itself.

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I think we are seeing this in the suicide numbers increasing exponentially Ange. Yesterday l saw mass crematoria .. currently being used as a “cheap alternative” to a full Cremation Service - these “people” will “pick up the body of the deceased” and “without any fuss” or indeed need for the bereaved to attend, take care of the cremation! Are they delivering a “soft Auschwitz” to us? 🤔 Or are they simply warming up the crematoria for the inevitable mass disposal?

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What is it called in Soylent Green, Going home?

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Just the other day, I wondered about that, Skye. 'Wondered about the logic behind the Nazi crematoriums. Doesn't it require a very hot flame, and about an hour or more each? Handling so many train-car loads of people, it would seem to me that they'd dig a long trench with a bulldozer instead. I think they did that, but later in the war. Anyway, that's really not connected in anyway to your questions. 'Just a thought. Gruesome stuff.

I think the ABS coffins we learned about last decade fit into the thing.

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Indeed it will - part of the Agenda .. Our natural immune system is extremely complex and sophisticated, it will protect everyone naturally, so destroying this is tragically “the name of the game” my heart breaks for these “little innocents” those who suffered in vitro too. Our children by the very fact if their age have no ability to make any informed choices .. the “adults” do that for them - unwittingly sending many to their deaths. We, as a human race MUST start CALLING OUT those responsible, and l mean everyone, from the Scientists to the Doctors to the nurses and healthcare workers who administered DEATH which, make no mistake, is what it is .. l am beyond horrified when l anticipate what we have yet to see ..

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I’m afraid so.

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The end of times l fear .. and FOR WHAT? There is no Plan B

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The destruction of children—the clear abomination of child sacrifice—will be what reaps God’s whirlwind upon them.

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Probably Plan C. Plan B is levonorgestrel.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

RSV "escaped from a lab"? Fool me once.....

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Yes, this! There are 4 trials for RSV vax in the works. Funny that. A previous trial was stopped when it caused ADE and 2 babies died.

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Here we go again, a vaccine caused the RSV, so we will create a new vaccine to solve the RSV. Honestly, when will people wake up? You CANNOT BEAT NATURAL IMMUNITY💕

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I would try healthy doses of Vitamin D3 and I have heard of promising things about IVM.

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I have been taking megadoses of Vitamin D since early 2020. No respiratory infections, not even colds. (At the same time, it has cured my Type 2 diabetes).

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Congrats! Continue on with your successful regiment.

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See the FLCCC protocol and note there are differences between covid and rsv protocol.

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Classic pharmaceutical industry induced spiral of death. I decided in my early 20s that I would never take any pharmaceutical for an extended period of time. In the past 40 years, I have taken antibiotics about 10 times – almost all for dental issues and otherwise an occasional over-the-counter strength ibuprofen but no other prescription drugs.

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Next up? Combo flu/covid/shingles/ mmr/ genital herpes/RSV/ ebola/ pneumonia mRNA shot for your newborn! Plus... updates for you every two months, to keep your job!

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There was a vaccine for RSV years ago. It was taken off the market because it disabled many kids and killed a few. It was taken off the market to be reworked. This new vaccine is that 're-working'. Probably they targeted better as to how to maim people. My guess it will be a sterilizing agent like HPV vax.

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Two deaths? We’ll have that before lunch.

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Yes. Amazing just how far the death bar was 'raised' (?!!) for the current bioweapons.

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I predict Igor's next substack is going to be a reup of the rising year on year mortality rate.

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Ethical Skeptic has lots of stats. Horrible!

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'Shows it's working as planned; effectively so!

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“Escaped from a lab” is beyond the comprehension of anyone who has been in a level 4 Lab .. a few years ago l visited Porton Down in the course of my work. I can assure you ABSOLUTELY that nothing could “escape” unless it was RELEASED! It’s sickening to hear this time and again along with all the other lies .. and .. be expected to believe then and act accordingly - The Antichrist has surely shown his face .. if you have a chance .. and you don’t have to be affiliated to any “religion” read “REVELATIONS” from the King James Bible .. Pick up a copy of Neville Shutes “On the Beach” a modern classic now .. and Bayern the two you have the picture my friends ..

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I apologise for my typos folks l am partially sighted. That’s another story!

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I was just thinking of that book. So chilling. If the elites think they can hide from this coming conflagration—

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No, there will be nowhere to hide for the wicked on Christ's Return, when He "shakes terribly the earth." It will be tremendous day of reckoning for them. They will be consumed "by the brightness of his coming," only to be resurrected for their punishment described in Rev. (and elsewhere), meted out at the "Second Death" a thousand years later. After that, they will be as though they never were. Gone for ever.

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022

Never read the book, but the movie is indeed chilling. And now, unfortunately, it is once again timely.

Just the past week, I rewatched "Fail-Safe".

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Yes, Janet it was an excellent if somewhat chilling read l agree .. read it in the 70’s and again a few months ago .. l see myself planning a new bathroom, or maybe a house move, thinking about the garden next year .. yet, thank God, realise these plans may not come to fruition and are merely “survival techniques of the subliminal” .. l admit to allowing my mind to stray, to not thinking about the unthinkable .. at the same time as knowing this is an illusion, perhaps a “safety or stalling technique” to prevent an early suicide .. 🤔

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A suicide would be but another statistic among the many. A point for them. You MUST remain above ground, among the living, to at least prepare spiritually for what will inevitably become an amazingly sublime future on a REMADE earth with Jesus Christ as the world's TRUSTED Beloved King, and Savior, or become "as though you never were." We might be killed beforehand, but so what? We won't be the first to die for a worthy cause! Let's be brave and face the evil darts.

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Revelation is a book full of symbolism, but most certainly can be understood. And it is imperative that it is understood, as Rev.1:3 purports for those who desire the Blessing from God. But be warned: The apostate Protestant Churches have failed their duty to bring the Truth of the Gospel to the world as their commission from God dictated. These have denied the Creator of His rightful title as such, (through evolutionary teaching) and have trampled on His Commandments, paying tribute to the Pagan "day of the Sun" rather than the true Day of Worship on which the Creator rested. 'Seems like a "non-issue" at the present, I know, but rest assured it is not, and will be turned into a dire matter of eternal consequence by the RC Church. After the One World Govt. is formed a "One World Religion" will become the issue, to resolve the wars that they started. It's all planned out already by the "master of deception".

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well, the outlandish theory that we are being attacked by a cabal of satanic pedophiles intent on destroying mankind is gathering more evidence as time goes by, it seems...

If presented with a choice to wager between the cabal and well-intentioned, bumbling public health officials/governments, my chips are going to the cabal side of the table.

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If you haven't already read the book Dr. Mary's Monkey you should. They been designing vaccines to cause death for ages starting with the one they worked on to try to kill Castro. Then they discovered the childhood vaccines actually caused cancer because of a bad cell line, but they decided to keep on going with it instead of admitting their mistake. Then they killed the scientist who made it and knew.

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I recommend that book too!

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Sounds like a great fictional plot, but I bet it's real!

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Thanks. Looks interesting.

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FWIW, here's why I say this is really Satanic.

To save themselves from certain death (in their minds) people are taking injections that are killing them. They are committing suicide to keep from dying.

Everyone who has not take the injections has worn themselves out trying to talk people out of death by injection and no one will listen. So the uninjected have to stand by and helplessly watch those they love die of the injections.

Everyone suffers, one way or another.

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I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right.

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False dichotomy my friend. All those roads lead to hell.

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Superb John! Too scientifically and socio-economically sophisticated to ever be mistaken for the unfortunate result of bumbling idiocy and incompetence!

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Yes, everyone, everywhere made the same cataclysmic mistakes? No way. This has to be intentional. Tyrannical government response lead me to conclude that something very, very evil is afoot.

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We're ALL facing the same dilemma. Either choice seems so crazily far-fetched to anyone who is new to the dark machinations of Freemasonry, Satanism, Paganism, Roman Catholicism, and all the secret societies she has under her control. But a review of these will bring a clear picture into focus. They have their creeds, manifestos, rites, and dogmas which have all the evidence one needs to have in order to discover their "end-game". And the defectors, who can testify of the truth behind the scenes, kept from public view. That should seal any doubts.

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The Roman Catholic Church has always been fiercely opposed to Freemasonry.

The RCC under Francis? Well, that's a different story.

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One of your best ever connect-the-dots articles Igor. You are a truth-seeking treasure!

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Ah thank you, it is somewhat speculative but not too speculative

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Once again Igor, l look forward to sitting down at my desk following supper to digest and contemplate yet another superb stimulating and thought provoking missive from a true truth seeker attempting to unravel the threads of a cats cradle of deception and mass subterfuge, complex and deadly. Thank you for “keeping the vigilance awake and the (remaining) brain cells activated” You are indeed a treasure Igor!

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

IMO, RSV is related to the jab, so is the large increase in septis. For every action, there is a reaction. We need to stop the shot. This madness is never going to end.

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sepsis. And multi organ failure!

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A good friend suffered sepsis after her third covid jab. She has a long history of immunosuppression due to RA. She said she nearly died, and yet she took another two injections. I am afraid, the brainwashing has been too successful

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It's insane just how many are having problems after the vaccine. I was actually reading an article on Gateway Pundit about the guy who ran over police cadets in Calif and in the comments section of that article instead people start commenting on how different people they knew died or got sudden illnesses after the jab. People are literally talking about it everywhere yet the govt is mute. I did hear a mainstream tv news segment how it was causing heart problems though. Amazed they spoke up!

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People dropping like flies with heart attacks - 4 in my village today alone - l watched with great interest at all the de-fibrillators, being fitted along town and village streets - which people looked upon with horror .. as far back as 2005 .. increased activity when “someone”

pressed the GO COVID button!

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My sister had RA for years then a rare cancer probably caused by the RA meds. . Her immune system was totally shot for 30 years. She died in a matter of 4 days before her appt for the 2nd shot that spring of the roll out.

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More than brainwashing l believe Mary, it is generational conditioning leading to the “real” inability to take that quantum leap into a state of awareness which will reveal to them that these “pillars of society” Scientists, Doctors, Nurses, Politicians have not only lied to them but have embarked upon a premeditated programme of mass genocide and destruction of not only the human race but of all life on planet Earth.

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Questions moral people would have asked.

Psychopaths, not so much?

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My ex husband was an RAF Fighter Pilot - considered to be “the cream of the crop” when in actuality he can only have been a psychopath and a nihilist, it would have been impossible for him to have undertaken this occupation if he didn’t fall into these categories - AI and chipping now throws a different light upon this .. l am noticing a slow but increasing “change” in human behaviour - a colder, more callous and detached, unfeeling and uncompromising horror show as “humans” are indeed and without question “responding to their chips”. It is becoming so stark with some people that a natural repugnance and distancing is felt - a “human” response to a threat in “the other” the Great Divide is now in action - and with it will come the destruction of not only human life but all that lives on our planet ..

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That's it. Living under pathocracy, as we increasingly are, leads to the psychopath's "values" being imposed on everyone. Lack of empathy (an aberration of 1-2% in normal society) becomes the norm when we fall under the rule of this pathological minority. Then they engage in killing the good and noble people. Let's spread awareness while we can!

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

if you can't kill children with a covid shot, maybe you can fool the parents into giving them a mrna rsv shot. moderna's working on one. i hear it will be ready in a few hours. safe and effective.

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A few hours? Why so long?

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Waiting for a delivery of mice to arrive I guess.

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Might even use nine this time to make sure we know they are taking this seriously

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That's the speed of science

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"Stupid science is as Stupid science does "......Forrest Gump

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Amazing isn't it: Murderna never had a product anywhere near being approved for market before their little chat with Fauci led to their death shot just a few months later. Now, literally months later again, they also have an RSV shot ready to go. What could possibly go wrong...

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Yeah. What could possibly go wrong in Turdeau's Kanada that hasn't already gone wrong?


#NoAmnesty 💔

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

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Murderna that’s awesome. Gotta steal that.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Fauci owns Murderna or is now a huge investor of it. Probably even tied in with the FTX company since it was just revealed they helped fund fake studies to say hcq and ivm were ineffective. Follow the money trail.

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Ha ha! Wouldn't it be Karma if Fauci has lost big coin in FTX after all his efforts to hide his stash. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

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Oh, and there's more - they are jabbing the pregnant mothers so the babies are already vaxxed BEFORE they are even born!!!

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

With the American Red Cross tweeting they do not distinguish between un and Vac-Ed blood donations as” the covid vax does not enter the bloodstream” ( horrifying lie) how would anyone needing a transfusion to restore these hematopoietic cells or even hemoglobin for that matter have a safe option??

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They do not distinguish yet they ask vax / covid status. Sure they don't distinguish. For the plebs maybe.

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How do tranquilizer darts work? Every child has seen nature documentaries where some animal gets hit with a dart and then gets sleepy a few minutes later.

And in spy movies it is about three seconds.

So the average person believes that tranquilizer darts are super effective, and simultaneously believes the substances injected via a needle stay in the shoulder.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I struggle with the logic of “your kid didn’t get Covid shots” so they’re contributing/responsible for my kid being in the hospital for RSV.

I’m pretty blah right now. People just don’t want to see. I’m middle aged and I know it’s just antidotal!!! at least that’s what I’m constantly told when I try and broach discussing maybe there a negative things to the Covid shots… in my personal life it’s shocking that in the last year 2 ppl my age have died suddenly, one of my parents with no family history of heart issues developed heart issues after 2 shots, a fatal lung disease diagnosis again with no family history of it or prior disease, a number of ppl saying “my arthritis has never been this bad in my entire life” - to the point where they can’t even walk etc etc etc the shingles shortly after shot two - etc but *nothing to see here folks**

I basically have accepted that the people I love (minus my minor children whom I was able to protect) have ultimately shortened their life spans.

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Yes. I think we have all had to accept this reality. We have all tried to stop the madness. But, we aren’t in control. I too am thankful to have several friends and family members unvaxxed.

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But but but their quackery doesn’t work unless you partake in their quackery too

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"I struggle with the logic of “your kid didn’t get Covid shots” so they’re contributing/responsible for my kid being in the hospital for RSV."

I had years of this with flu shot fans. They'd claim the flu jab is perfectly effective and they got the flu because it's "a different strain" than their injection and also scream that those who dont get jabbed are responsible for the jabbed getting sick. I asked why it is that I'm not getting sick, if the jabs are so effective then I should have twice the risk they have both in transmission and severity, and they'd even coughed their "different" strain in my face and I was fine. They'd tell me its because I'm selfishly benefiting from the herd immunity they bravely and selflessly created by taking the jabs that I dont get sick from the virus they werent vaxxed for.

Herd immunity. I do not think that means what they think that means. Because I'm pretty sure I can't achieve herd immunity for a strain of disease literally no one was vaxxed for. But they insisted that somehow I am getting herd immunity from flu strain B because they got immunized against flu strain A. So "the science" according to them is you get an injection for a virus to protect other people from getting an entirely different variant of that virus for which you will continue to have no protection unless they also get injected with that same vax.

Massive cognitive dissonance. Or pseudoscientific voodoo.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Just wondering if it’s accepted or common knowledge by the medical community or world that is was lab released? They seem to find ways to deny the truth so am wondering?

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No, it is not common knowledge. As with anything vax related, that is shoved into the realm of "conspiracy theory". Which basically means, "I worship at the altar of the Great Vaxxine and all who oppose it are conspiracy sinners!"

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022

I was having a chat with a believer buddy of mine and he immediately assumed that I was Qanon since I didn’t drink the kool aid. That’s what most of these folks think. Facts and data mean nothing.

I told him that I could show him the late night emails where Fraudci tamed everyone who was speaking out. He had no interest.

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Find buddies who are more open minded with the critical thinker gene intact?

Worked for me. I no longer send links to, or argue with (former) friends.

The old adage "Never argue with idiots. They'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" is applicable.

I'm 100% done with friends who "have no interest".

Ain't nobody got time for that...

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Assumed Qanon-yes! When I first tried to talk openly about it to family, a sister said, "Oh is this gonna be about aliens again?" I have never in my life brought up aliens. I do not care a whit about aliens. It's very strange to me that Qanon and aliens come to their minds when we (if I may) say that this enthusiastically and forcefully promoted experiment may not be as terrific as some would like to believe.

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The brainwashing is beyond imagination!!! They have no clue they are being lied to in so many ways. Yet, they want to look at me as the one who is mentally off!!!

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The injected have no interest because of the ramifications.

The Miracle Vaxxine was the golden ticket out of Immediate Death by Covid.

If you tell them their Miracle Vaxxine doesn't work, they have to deal with... Immediate Death by Covid.

Even if Immediate Death by Covid isn't real, they THINK it's real and they will do anything to avoid it.

/do you think they know no one here gets out alive?

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Tell him the jabs were TRUMP Warp Speed Science Juice.

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It appears to me the US paid China to finalize the virus as a depopulation plan to get rid of elderly. But the lab leaked early before they had tweaked it to kill only a targeted part of population. The vaccines were all based on a sample of the spike protein that China sent to the manufacturers. So China controlled this. So that means they could have sent the protein that they wanted to be replicated over and over in the vaccine receiver so certain ones would again be targeted.

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No. It is not even at all mentioned. Of course most of them probably think the current virus came from a bat. So.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Scientists plus vaccines plus human immune system seems to work out about as well as monkeys plus bag of spanners plus F1 car, i.e. everything is messed up and nothing works right anymore. Do any of these lunatics have any clue what they're doing or are they just winging it?

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I think the word for this is "hubris".

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"hubris".. That rhymes with "debris".

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The repeated jab causes Immunosuppression which causes one to be immunocompromised...these kids don’t have a chance... next there is no immune surveillance for malignancies, again these kids don’t have a chance.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Spoke to two of my sisters who both mentioned the RSV overflow in hospitals. One sister is an RN, so you might think she knows better. The other never attended medical or nursing school but thinks she knows better than all of us when it comes to these pesky post covid vaxx adverse events and deaths. When I mentioned it was probably related to these kiddies either being injected with the covid jabs, or being in the womb of a mother injected with the covid jabs. There was a stunned silence. Not in a million years would either sister ever admit that the covid injections could possibly harm anyone. Hmmmm

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But did they start thinking?

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