Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm sorry to say this, but someone *must* remind you.

Math is racist and therefore must not be mentioned.


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Maybe I should just apologize for the use of math in this post, will I be forgiven?

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Yeah... I'm pretty sure there will have to be "reparations" to the "math deficient."


The dark side of Substack: reparations to the offended....

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First I pay climate reparations

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We owe reparations for existing too.

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OMG. I love substack. And all of you people. I just snort laughed.

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It’s getting to the point where the only thing left to us is “morgue humor”! The comments on this post are hilariously clever. At least we can laugh at the absurdity of these villains and their lapdog Covidians !

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Laughing AT them can be a powerful weapon.

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So true! It’s called the Court of Public Opinion and that’s why substacks like this are so important!

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YOU just made ME snort laugh!🫢🐷🙊

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Well the problem with your logic of course is that dead people don’t report to VSF so the ones who stroked out and died of course didn’t log on to v-safe and report it. Problem solved! No deaths. Since they have no reports of death it never happened. They’re not lying per se they are just not reporting all the facts because they don’t have to because they don’t look for them.

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Exactly. V-safe was designed to not track deaths. Just ouchie arms.

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Excellent logic!

Of course, as happened with "vaccine", "efficacy", and "herd immunity", they may have also redefined "died" while we weren't looking.

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V-Safe and VSD are two different systems. V-Safe is the self-reporting system and is not the one the CDC is referencing.

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So funny, but so obvious!, dead people can't report their own death (duh!).

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Struggle sessions for you Igor.

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I’m sure you meant to say “snuggle” sessions!

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Oh dear. I think I may have trouble getting to sleep tonight. I think extra time in prayer may be necessary. I have taken to answering any race question on any form that I am a member of the Human Race. Just asking the question is racist.

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What do you write down if you're asked your gender? I don't even think it's legal anymore... (LOL!). I'm afraid if I identify as a white woman I'm racist or "genderphobic"? If I identify in the middle as a grey non-binary gender am I out of the woods????

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They can count to 5 million for reparations in CA.

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Then, they can turn around and compensate the hundreds of thousands of Union soldiers families that died freeing slaves.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov


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That's because by attempting to analyze data, solve equations and come up with answers you're ruining the diversity of numbers.

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Hahahahaha! Shibumi YOU get the prize this morning. Every morning, after tending our chickens and other animals and sending DS off to work, I sit at our kitchen bar with a steaming cup of coffee and read a little Substack prior to working on my editing assignments.

Invariably almost EVERY morning either a SS writer or commenter makes me laugh so hard, I spit my coffee -- sometimes on my clean blouse!

It was SO unexpected as the first comment, especially on Igor’s post! Ah thank you for that -- the laughter truly is like medicine.

And Igor 💗

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Glad to be of service Samantha. :)

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"CDC Issues Alert Over Pfizer Shot Safety Signal, LAUNCHES Probe into Stroke Connection"

1/16/23 Facts matter with Roman Balnakov


CDC Statement: https://ept.ms/3XA0yxP

Pentagon Memo: https://ept.ms/3XdM1be

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Pfizer's new Comirnaty slogan:

"Without the vaxx, your stroke will be so much worse!"

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Shoot I know two people who died of strokes after their mRNA clot shots. Both were completely healthy before the shot. One was a 32-year-old male and one was a 62-year-old male. Both within a few days of their shot. Deader than door nails. Tragic. In fact I know way more people who have died from these injections then I know who died from covid itself. And personally I feel like the vast majority of covid deaths were from improper Hospital protocols and not the virus itself. I'm glad you're bringing up the 130 Strokes which sounds like a lot of BS to me anyway. A lot more than that have happened if I know two people who died from this. We simply can't trust anything we read about anything surrounding covid. It's so tragic, complete meltdown of the truth and complete death of curiosity and skepticism

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The CDC, like all involved in this scam, lie all the time. How can anybody believe anything these 3letter agencies say?

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I suspect that more people would still be alive and healthy if they hadn't listened to people in the disease business. Been this way for decades.

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Agreed! So sad and anger provoking!

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My jab loving buddy remarked “I can’t believe how many people are having strokes after Covid”. Umm, after Covid or the jab dude? He is so lost. A woketard Christian. Quite a rare breed

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Stop biting your tongue.

If you can write it? You can say it.

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Doesn't seem to me that the MSM can broadcast enough FAKE healing stories to catch up to all of the death and disease stories I've seen and heard of since last year alone

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Mostly peaceful strokes

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Just exclude the dead from the sampling!

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This is it right here. They did this in the pregnancy Mayo clinic study. Excluded any births that were not live, excluded birth defects, excluded first trimester which is when many women miscarried after the jabs. Their 2 end points were ludicrous. They only included preterm and low birth weight as factors. This revealed nothing of safety during pregnancy.

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That is exactly what I believe they did. The 130 are the only ones that survived. Just do not look at the rest of the sample.

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I don't remember the reference, but in one hospital they were counting children who dies days after birth as miscarriages so they didn't have to autopsy or count them.

So it's hard to believe the stats in any of these trials. The results are 'cooked'.

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I know that in certain countries this has always been the case (Sweden comes to mind). The US infant mortality rate appears comparatively higher, in part, because of this. However, since the Covid shots rolled out, there is no longer any consistency in the methods of counting. It is all propaganda now.

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That's what anyone should assume. The problem is far broader, such as in clinical trials. There are so many potential (not to say always active, though) conflicts of interest: Pharma pays for nearly everything, it costs millions if not billions of dollars, supposedly impartial investigators know that future income or promotion depend upon finding certain outcomes, etc. Pharma usually controls the data. Unfavorable data is hidden. Sometimes outright fraud occurs. To some degree, one can tease out the truth from the published results. They will "admit" to unexpected or negative results at times, in twisted awkward terms, which is often humorous in its own way, like when a trial reports how successful the new drug is in reducing symptoms X and Y but makes no mention of the deaths in treatment vs. control group.

Kendrick cites this as a humorous example: A meta-analysis of the risks of cardiovascular disease found that high blood pressure and cholesterol were NOT factors, then explains it away by conjecturing that the subjects were receiving treatment with the appropriate drugs. [In fairness, upon a 2nd look, I think that could be the case, since the subjects in the trials apparently were patients with prior known "heart" issues.] Even so, it remains a good instance of the tortured logic that report-writers must use.


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Data was obtained by phone survey.

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Milly will call you collect.

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🤣 Won the internet today!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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but if you died from the stroke how can you pick up the phone??? LOL!!!

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Good question to ask the VSAFE developers 😉

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I thought that was it. The rest of the list is in the garage with the corvette.

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Of course that is exactly what they did. It is a CIA operation going as planed. It will a be over soon.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It was many more than 130.

The ones they're NOT telling us about are where the deaths are.

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You hit the nail on the head

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They “ loose “ the data regularly! Unknown is their favorite word.

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I'm sure they were excluded from the study because they "died of COVID before the booster had time to take effect".

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The 2 week time frame scam!

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These are criminally insane liars. Nobody in the Biden government has a conscience. It is time to get the Substack army to Washington for a march for justice.

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Just be sure and leave your phone at home or in one of those pouch things where they can’t track you and figure out who you are bc if your name isn’t EPPS and you break so

much as a pencil, you’re off to jail.

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I watched Bill Clinton tell the truth in a live news conference once. It was fine, it was exactly the right take. Unfortunately he immediately became uncomfortable and started mealy-mouthing and softening his statement. Like he had done something terrible by telling the truth.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Easy. Those who died of vaccine induced stroke were never reported. Thus no deaths.

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My mom had a droopy eye and shaking hands. Small stroke. I asked her if the dr reported it. She said don’t be ridiculous,it’s because I’m old . She was the healthiest 80 years old I know. & she wanted a booster. Her dr didn’t recommend it. Today she called me to brag about getting a shingle shot! All I can do is pray for her , she refuses to listen.

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My aunt Pauline is 81, healthy, funny, very slim (I wish that gene had integrated into my genetics!), running everywhere. After she was pushed into 2 shots by her grandchildren, she developed very bad varicose veins - she needs medical socks now-, shingles, rashes on her legs and cervical pre-cancerous cells. She realized her mistake. The doctor says it's because of ther age, but then her legs were the same age a few weeks before... c'mon.

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The only good thing is she realizes what really happened. So criminal! The elderly are being gaslit so badly & they remember actual doctors who followed the Hippocratic oath

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That's why the Rasmussen numbers (although around my house we think math is white and snow is white supremacist, the only woke doctrines we ascribe to lol) had so few old people thinking the vaccines were a problem. Transient ischemic attacks such as you describe become sort of routine to them at a certain point in biological senescence, which can be at any age. I also think they lived most of their lives during times when many doctors were actually doctors and actually practiced medicine, made house calls, learned something besides memorizing pharma and maybe some anatomy. Must be really hard for you with your mom, sorry you are going through that.

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Thanks. Thankful for my supportive husband, he helps me stay calm. My mom is a good m k ultra example. Long story there!

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I have a mother just like this. Four covid shots. She is healthy as a horse though and just felt ill and had a sore arm. My dad (also very healthy) was having blackouts and Parkinson like symptoms. They were visiting us in Florida for three weeks and we managed to get my dad back on track with daily whey protein. Their closest friends (a couple, also late 70s early 80s) both had strokes and aren’t the same anymore. Still proud to get a flu shot. Very smart people normally and not your run of the mill rule followers. I’m working on it.

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023

Oh dear... Thank you for the link...

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Yes, pretty scary. In 2021, I went for my doctor's appt. at the VA. I was told I was due for the shingles shot. Showed the doc the news release from the FDA with the warning. Too many seconds passed before she spoke. She either didn't know or she was surprised I had too many brain cells to be aware of the danger.

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Glad you told her.

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Yeah, I told her, but what bothers me to this day, did she warn other patients of the danger?

I think not.

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Guillain-Barre Syndrome is an autoimmune disease. It can also cause partial or complete paralysis.

Complete paralysis like you end up in a nursing home eating mashed up food, wearing a diaper, and wishing for death to release you from your misery.

I will take my chances getting shingles...there is an anti-viral to treat it...

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My uncle got it & died after the legion airs scare in the 70’s . He ran marathons and was paralyzed stuck in a hospital bed for months.

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And if they died within 14 days after the inoculation they were not even counted as vaccinated. So sorry for them. They should’ve focused on climate issues.

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Oh my gosh... Oh yes! you're right!!!

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Great logic, Igor! I'm glad you ask the questions that the mainstream media doesn't.

Now, some might counter that it could be that the strokes caused by the vax are just uniformly "light" and nonfatal strokes.

But no, that wouldn't explain it. Here's why.

The normal rate for strokes in the US is about 70 per 100,000 per year, and is higher in the older population more likely to get the bivalent booster. So let's estimate say 200 instead of 70 in the older population. The CDC study cited in the article looked at 550,000 people who got the booster, so you'd expect roughly 5.5x200=1100 strokes in a year in that boosted population. 3 weeks that the CDC study covered is only about 1/20th of a year, so divide that 1100 by 20, and you get 55 expected strokes in a random 3-week period. Since 130 strokes actually happened, that means roughly an extra of 75 caused by the vax. If 55 were a selection of normally caused strokes, roughly 20% of those, as you say, should have been fatal. That would have been roughly 11 deaths. That means it's still nearly impossible that there would be zero, even if the vax-caused strokes are all non-fatal.

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This is a GREAT POINT!!!

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That's really good.

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

"Did we witness a ONE OUT OF TRILLION RANDOM COINCIDENCE, or is the CDC lying about 'nobody dying' from stroke?"

Given the vast number of 'one out of a trillion random coincidences' of late, I'm beginning to think they're not that rare...

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Just like the $7 trillion we printed last year. They didn’t cause inflation either. Coincidence.

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In fairness, there's only a one in seven trillion chance printing a dollar will create runaway inflation. Wait. Whoops!

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This reminds me of the weather updates I receive. I have done a meta analysis: It rains 100% of the time when there is a 10% chance of rain.

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My weather updates are more frank with me. They just say "we can't really tell you with precision what the weather's going to be 7 days from now, but, if you want to know precisely what it's going to be in 100 years, tune in".

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It’s often 60% or 40% which is so close to 50% which basically means maybe it will rain or maybe it won’t. Where do I sign up for this forecasting job?

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I don't know where you sign up, but when you find out, be sure to tell them you're 100% right 20% of the time. You'll be up for a promotion in no time.

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One of the very few things I recall from my "philosophy of science" class is this:

The statement "There is a 40% chance it will rain today." is always "true." Or stated another way, it cannot be falsified (proven untrue). Contrast with the statement "It is raining outside." Obviously, it's either true or false.

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Well, I think with highly accurate skills like that, we could better utilize your talents at the federal reserve, don’t you think?

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It is better to think of those as indicating 10% rain coverage in your area. In other words, there is guaranteed to be some rain, and it will probably be over you, probably briefly, whereas 100% means the entire sky in your area is covered with rain and you will have very few non-rainy moments today.

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Remember, it’s always sunny about 6 miles from where you live. Straight up above your head, of course is what I mean.

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There are some clouds above the tropopause. But pretty much.

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Depends on your definition of rare....

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Gupta is to doctoring what I am to runway modeling

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Some "doctor."

Sanjay pushed the covid death shots on kids during an episode of Sesame Street.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm sure the strokes were documented as "generally well tolerated". No need to get into specifics, all good.

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“Stroke-letts”—- kind of like that “mild” myocarditis Rochelle Walensky is always talking abt.

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If you have a TIA (Transitory Ischaemic Attack/'mini-stroke'), as my late mother had many years ago, you are very likely to have a proper stroke within 2-3 years (she got 3 years).

I'm surprised they're not telling us that a mild stroke or mild myocarditis is just a sign that the 'vaccine' is working.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It’s all simply coincidental

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidence

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Of course it's caused by climate change :-P

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Are the CDC’s lips 👄 moving?

Then they are lying! 🤥

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Perfectly believable. Strokes of luck.

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My goodness, isn't the answer obvious, Mr. Chudov? Unless a person dies of COVID - or even with COVID - he may be expected to be immortal! Please don't be so anti-science... ;)

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Given their track record, the default assumption should be that CDC is lying until it's proven otherwise. Not just with this case but with everything they say.

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