Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

A single Wiki article could stop all discussions - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_age

Please see charts, especially this one - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ice_Age_Temperature.png

Obviously it is all a cycle and the next move is to the Ice Age (Europe is under a mile of ice).

Humans do not affect weather, but Sun and galaxy streams do.

The only possibility why TPTB may want to cool down the planet is the following hypothetical pattern: long 100ky ice age moves into a short 10ky warm period (and we at the end of it), it becomes warmer and warmer and, at some point, this warming triggers the next ice age somehow. May be TPTB want to delay this scenario via cooling (but based on their other actions - not likely the case).

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Anyone who thinks boiling is real, needs to go outside near Saskatoon and glue their feet to the road in January.

Or check the weather in vostock Antarctica

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Two comments:

1) Climate change models all incorporate the idea of back radiation to the earth from the infrared radiate radiated by the earth into space but absorbed by CO2. Since atmospheric temperatures decline with altitude and the and the Second Law of Thermodynamics way that thermal energy can only be transmitted in only one direction, from thermally more energetic masses to less thermally energic masses. the current Climate Change models all violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Climate Change models are therefore all FRAUD. The climate change narrative is driven by the global cabal desire to scare people and get people to accept being locked up in 15 minute cities where they can be controlled and the useless eaters eliminated. CO2 is essential for all plant life so reducing CO2 and solar energy at the earth's surface will reduce agricultural productivity, meaning less food, increase food scarcity so we will all eat bugs and therefore is part of the depopulation agenda of the WEF. For the most part, the ozone depletion climate change hypothesis has been actively censored from the geologic literature and meeting presentations.

2) Two other causes of climate change are stratospheric ozone depletion and changes in solar activity.

b) The atmospheric production of beryllium 1 0 is inversely related to solar activity. Beryllium-10 is formed in the Earth's atmosphere mainly by cosmic ray spallation of nitrogen and oxygen it has a half-life of 1.39 × 10⁶ years. It's production increases when the solar magnetic field is weak which results in less deflection of cosmic rays out of the solar system and decreases when the solar magnetic field is strong. Stratigraphy of beryllium-10 concentrations show that the Little Ice Age correlates with a period of weaker solar activity and therefore less solar radiation reaching the earth. The current warming of the earth, in part, reflects the fact that the earth's climate is recovering from the Little Ice Age, due to increased solar activity. This correlation is discussed on Wikipedia and on the website: https://wattsupwiththat.com/

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"Over 1,600 Scientists Sign Declaration – “There is No Climate Emergency.”

“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.” World Climate Declaration."


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Oct 14, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023

i have the technology to handle climate change on earth for a long time....if i don't have the technology, i doubt people would survive on mars for very long if and when they get there.

btw, i believe when the Sun turns into a giant red star.... there won't be any water left on its surface.

so there is no saving things that are on the surface.

in the meantime, everything else can evolve like it has been doing before.

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Thank you for your comment which is a materialist point of view, totally void of spirituality. Materialism will not save this world. It is a trap that takes hold of many people unfortunately. The reality of man is that he is a spiritual being and his eternal existence after physical death is a spiritual life in spiritual worlds which we in this world cannot imagine. This world is where we must learn those skills which are needed in the next world. If one neglects to learn the appropriate skills in this world, then they will have great difficulty in the next world. How one progresses is entirely their decision (free will). Denying God and one's spiritual reality will perturb your progress both in this world and the next world. For one's own sake, abandon this dependency on materialism and build the spiritual skills that will help one in both this world and the next. God's Manifestations are Educators; learn from Them. Don't be ignorant of their teachings; deliberately being ignorant of their teachings is no excuse when one is held to account for what they have failed to do in this world.

Loving Baha'i greetings


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I know you brainwashed brainiacs can look at a photo and discern what it it you are observing.

EARTH IS NOT A BALL. Look at ANY reflection from ANY large body of water...


EXACT DUPLICATE IMAGE IS REFLECTED, ALWAYS. If Earth's surface had any curvature whatsoever, the images reflected from the surface would be distorted, having a funhouse mirror effect. We never observe or document this. WHY? IT'S NOT A BALL. PERIOD.

Earth is EXACTLY as the Bible says.

The FIRMAMENT exists 73 miles above, and nobody has ever been outside of it.

Watch these rockets stay VERTICLE, reach speeds of Mach 6.5, and come to a complete stop...INSTANTLY. Every single time.

It NEVER doesn't do this. No damage from Impacting The FIRMAMENT....EVER.


101 VIDEOS that blow your whole wig back.


God loves us.

Jesus is Who He claims to be... IN God.

I am lifting ALL WHO SEE THIS post, UP to Our Father, that He open as many eyes as He wills.

Deliver Yeshua Father, to all the lost souls.

Asking in Jesus name...So Be It.

Thank You Lord.

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You write this article with an emphasis on humility and not knowing the answer. It's THE scientific approach that we've forgotten. It's a breath of fresh air in these dogmatic times.

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Ever heard of Dunning Krueger. I can't help but be reminded. You took the bait:. Temperature. They didn't even have to do anything. You already accepted the central premise. From here on out they can filibuster you for the next 3 generations with the same lie. DO ANY OF YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT TEMPERATIRE IS? Its NOTHING. An index value. A bookeeping shorthand for HEAT. It's not "Global Temperature Increasing" is fucking Global Warming. And warming refers to an increase in HEAT and that has very little to do with temperature. Two things can be at the same temperature and have vastly different amounts of heat. A bathtub full of life!ewarm water has far more heat than a nail heated to red hot with a torch. A 95 degree day with 95% humidity is vastly warmer than a 95 degree day with 50% humidity. So comparing temperatures over time and geographies is as useless as your non functioning brain. PV=nRT. You learned this in 10th grade then forgot it watching TV. It's the ideal gas law and you should see clearly that temperature is always the product of multiple variables. In any of your charts do you know they controlled these variables? Did you have the intelligence to ask or consider that? Or did you chase them straight down their temperature rabbit hole like a good public school product? Anyone that fell for this, or who goes around giving people the "truth" about the temperature data, spoiler alert...you are actually too dumb to even know the things you don't know...but a 10th grader does. STOP CONSUMING MEDIA. There are no white hats or truthers or good guys. The very thing itself just dumbifies you in whatever form you consume it. It's made you dumber than you were in 10th grade. None of this nonsense bullshit is real or matters. All of your favorite pols are lying to you or equally stupid about it. Stop trying to win the game and leave the field. You cannot win and victory would be more awful than defeat. Take every second you ever planned to spend thinking about temperature data and use it to be amazing in real life to real people instead. Climate Change is a hamster wheel for stupid people.

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Understand the bigger picture!

O Oppressors on Earth!

Withdraw your hands from tyranny, for I have pledged Myself not to forgive any man’s injustice. This is My covenant which I have irrevocably decreed in the preserved tablet and sealed with My seal of glory.

Bahá’u’lláh, Hidden Words, Persian, 64

The world is in turmoil. The old-world order is collapsing. Unforeseen calamities occur daily. Societies are under great stress. Deceit is common. Humanity has never been more divided, and every day new divisions appear. Many people are becoming wicked and evil, wishing evil and death on those who do not agree with them. War is perpetual and nuclear war inevitable.

Most people refuse to think about the world’s problems. Although the problems may appear to be political, they are only an outward manifestation of the root causes which are spiritual in nature. Some think that a change in political leadership would make a difference, but that does not resolve the root causes.

Why is mankind going through all this suffering? Truth be told, mankind is failing in its duty towards God. Mankind is being tormented for what mankind has done and what mankind continues to fail to do. A solution was revealed 180 years ago, but mankind either rejected it or is ignoring it. God is testing every human being as to their obedience to His Greater Covenant. How one responds will determine whether they achieve “all good” in the sight of God or have “gone astray”.

The future of mankind is very great, but subject to mankind’s obedience to God’s Greater Covenant. But mankind is stubborn, refusing to cast off their delusions, superstitions, and traditions, and refusing to turn to Bahá’u’lláh; thus, by turning away, they also turn away from the Messengers of the past and show pride towards God. Until mankind turns to God and obeys His Greater Covenant, the torment will continue and worsen.

For a full explanation, please read my paper in its entirety, (1) Mankind is being Tormented - by David Ramer (substack.com)

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Several questions.. First, when in this planets history has the climate not been changing??

Second, what is the ideal "global" (if there is such a thing) temperature?? It has been both much warmer, and much cooler. Also realize that the start of the industrial revolution that is so often mentioned as a base line, was also the end of the "little ice age"--the coldest period of time during the past 10,000 years. Read the history of those times, and be glade we have warmed up a bit.

Third, what is the proper CO2 content of the atmosphere??? Considering it has varied greatly over the years (from about 180ppm which is dangerously close to the life extinction level, to over 4000ppm during periods of time life was thriving on the planet.)

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It's not clear the earth is warming.

Even if the earth is warming, it's not clear that human activity contributes to the warming.

Even if the earth is warming and human activity contributes to the warming, it's not clear warming is a bad thing.

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My wife asked me to put on the gas heater because she felt it was cold and so I did. I went sitting back at the kitchen table and within minutes commented that the heater was really working as I could feel the heat on my back, so quickly. Her response: I just put the wall oven on, and it is right behind you, and that is where you feel the heat from. So, yes, better check what really is causing the heat!

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Global warming, climate change, what have you, is a story told by the Club of Rome, a group of Rockefeller minions that came to the conclusion that fear was the way to corral the masses into their global government scheme where the elites will own everything and you will own nothing, and be happy, by the way. The megalomania of these goof balls takes your breath away.

To say that mankind understands what makes the climate tick is like asking a five year old how the transmission in your car works. Yeah, they present a bunch of numbers and charts and claim to know what they are looking at, but, in the end these guys are clueless. The war on c02, a relatively minor atmospheric gas that may or may not do what they think it does, turns out to be a war on life, as life is here carbon based.

I'm appalled at the number of people who parrot the climate change meme as if they know anything about it. Even scientists from other disciplines point to stuff changing in their field of study and carelessly throw the blanket of hysteria over their observations and proudly proclaim, "CLIMATE CHANGE did it!" Maybe yes, maybe no, but, seriously, what are you going to do about it? Tax it? Does anyone really believe that man is so powerful that he can stop a natural process? Has our hubris finally reached the pinnacle of absurdity where we fancy ourselves masters of the universe?

No, this is about fear, fear, fear, and that is something you CAN do something about. Just stop being afraid of every boogy man these clowns come up with and just say no to their global aspirations for complete control. After all, their goal to rule the world really is quite insane.

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Same four step program as with Covid

1. Create a panic

2. Eliminate any "natural" explanations and solutions (sometimes do nothing is best) e.g. herd immunity, planting trees etc.

3. Offer advanced technical soutions only very few big companies can provide (e.g. vaccines, weather engeneering) as the only solution

4. Get stinking rich and transfer more wealth from the people (taxes) to the billionaires

Full story: https://markusmutscheller.substack.com/p/did-bill-just-gave-greta-the-boot

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I'm more concerned about the effect we're having on the earth's oceans than any we might be having on the climate, which even if true seems more of a distraction than anything else. Consider the amount of agricultural runoff, sewage and industrial waste that eventually reaches the sea, and the effect that has on marine life. Add over-fishing to that concern and we might even summon the ghost of Jacques Cousteau.

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